#me when i can go on art rambles forever and my art is mid as fuck
tizzypizza · 8 months
How are you so good at drawing?
Oughhh. Simple answer? Study EVERYONE’S art. Nobody is bad at art. Some people (even non-artists) have an affinity for certain features and are really good at them! For example some beginners have a very intact sense of values, colors, or maybe they’re just really good at drawing noses. Study them! Study Disney cartoons even if it’s totally out of your style. Study dinosaur illustrations even if you’ve never drawn nor do you intend to draw dinosaurs. Study a picture you took offhandedly of an alleyway even if you’re more into character illustration. Study everything, there’s always so much to learn from everyone and everything.
Real answer? Dog I’m sooooooo not LMFAOOOOOOO Believe me I stayed up until 8 am this morning painting a few things and I kept a physical tally of how many times I cried because of how ugly it was and confusing I’d made the process out to be 😭😭😭😭 BIGGER POINT BEING If you’re an artist and you’re asking this question you are already in a dangerous headspace… “getting good” feels impossible for a lot of people and setting such a vague and lofty goal is unproductive at best and discouraging/destructive at worst. Set goals for what you wanna be good at and DRILL THE HELL OUT OF THEM !!!!! This is what I’m trying to do. Tackle your weak points and BEAT THE FUCK OUT THEM I’m so fr.
One of my favorite art quotes is “YOU ARE GETTING TOO COMFORTABLE, TOO COMPLACENT” which I got off Knight Zhang, a digital freehanding legend and an idol of mine. Always push your comfort zone. If you go to draw something and it’s just super difficult (backgrounds, hands, perspective), you have no muscle built up there! TRAIN THAT SHIT CONSISTENTLY !!!!! If you WANT to get better, never let yourself wallow in complacency because you will feel so good after the days to weeks to months of torture that is practice.
…But also like. Don’t push yourself too hard lol Art isn’t really fun for me anymore ever since I tried my hand at improving at it so be moderate and find silly brushes to use and doodle your favorite fandom characters instead of just drilling croquis or plein airs or something
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ackermonie · 2 years
i think having a crush on geto suguru is a whole roller coaster.
the man is pretty, there are no lies there, even tho you try to convince yourself that he might be a little ugly just to humble your feelings, but you are fully aware that he might be the prettiest human being you have ever laid eyes on.
lazy kind eyes are narrower when he smiles. your hands ache to run through his hair, an undying urge to braid or put it in a bun forever nesting in your melting brain.
you stare from afar often, waiting for his attention whenever he decides to give it to you, watching the ups and downs and pitching in with comfort whenever he wants to confine in you.
It’s not impossible, ending up together, but you think its a long shot when you see just who he’s surrounded with, and the thought of why would he look at you when he has all those other people around him sneaks in and shadows all the hope you managed to find at the end of pandora’s box.
you try to push away the feelings as much as you can. mute his notifications, pouring all your focus on anything else, but one sleepless night where he decides to stay up with you puts all your work to shame.
conversations are always so fun with him. questions upon questions where it just flows where it wants to flow until your body begs you for sleep, but your heart and mind just refuse to let go, too high on the fast heartbeats and shivers running down your spine to be able to choose sleep other than this.
this. whatever this is. friendship, situationship, whatever it is, you can't help but think that it's either gonna be everything you wished for, or the thing that could be your final straw in this rotten life.
because at the end of the day, suguru is, and forever will be everything you've ever asked for, no matter how much you still try to fight back the feelings, even though you're sure you're down bad.
one day he rambles to you about a song he heard or a show he's binging, and you just think about how you can never have enough of that specific tone in his voice, or the way he angrily rambles when he saw something he didn't like or icked him off.
he must've caught you with the silly little smile on your face because he pauses mid-rant to ask. "the fuck are you smiling like that for?"
you feel the heat creep up your neck, but your smile involuntarily widens. "I love how when you just dislike something you dislike it profoundly," you tell him honestly. "you see something that doesn't fit your taste and you go 'i fucking hate this, let me tell you why. I'll be brief. (page 1/28747)."
suguru chuckles, raising his soda up to his lips. "nothing gets me more than the art I hate."
the conversation shifts, and you stare at the man thinking that he is either a smart man that can figure out easily that you like him from the way you treat him, or just the dumbest fucking human being you've ever met because oh my god aren't you obvious.
because maybe thinking about all the love you can give to him is just too poisonous for you to be able to think about anything else, yet the utter fucking fear of a confession gone wrong forever holds you back from the thing you have always prayed for.
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sleepiest-writing · 5 months
Hello✨✨ man I e been wanting to a mashup since forever so TYSM for this opportunity I genuinely greatly appreciate it✨
Ok so let’s see, I am 5’3 early 20s mex girlie (no real care for pronouns I’ll go by all and any) and non labeled sexuality (I’ll fall for anyone for any reason) possibly adhd or autistic but undiagnosed so no medical proof on that, I am a Scorpio, infp and year of the goat (idk I’ve seen those included in stuff) I love anything art related (arts n craft)? I draw a lot, and in turn also adore seeing peoples art journey, style and character designing. I also adore cooking and baking, but I am a beginner, learnings is so much fun anyways. I’ve been told that I can be energetic, kinda clingy, really forgetful and sweet. Which fair, my head is a constant mess that rarely runs on organized thoughts, most of it is impulsive,how fun. I get distracted easily, my attention span is pretty much nonexistent, and I forget a concerning amount of things throughout the day. I struggle to keep my areas clean but I’m getting better. My love/affection language would be physical touch, words of affirmation and gift giving, not even expensive things, for the most part it’s been homemade meals for my sisters, and small trinkets I find for my friends. I’m also a hopeless romantic, and I love all things horror :3 I also have little to no self preservation, and dares are always a go (I once ate a dandelion cuz me n my sisters thought it would be funny, and it was) oh yeah, I’m also an ambivert who loves to go outside, socializing is a nightmare but people are interesting and I wanna be more social, I’m just stupidly shy. I also have a lot of habits that others seem to like? My sisters have commented I��m very expressive via eyes, and on more than one occasion have caused them to fall laughing. A lot of my relatives have said I’m very loving and have way to much to give because I’m always hugging people I like and clinging to them (ex my favorite Tia), and friends have told me I need to stop being attached or wanting the attention of those who aren’t… All that good to me, I have a difficult time accepting things, change is hard and I can be irrational about things pertaining to my well being. And my last habit would be, that I’ve been called weak willed and dense as fuck, weak willed because it doesn’t take much to sway me, or get me to do something. And dense cuz social cues are difficult, like how am I supposed to know this person genuinely finds me enjoyable to be around, I call bs
Uh for the mashup I would like it romantic, and long If possible (idk if this is enough, sorry for the mess of info I hope it’s good enough :’3)
TYSM for granting this long time wish✨✨💕
Hello Hello! You sound absolutely wonderful, thank you for the matchup!
Also thank you for your patience because I know you've been sitting in my ask box for quite the while! Here's your lover boy ;D
I match you up with....
TANG ! [US!papyrus]
☁︎‎‎‧ This guy WILL make you shitty crafts about your most recent interest!
☁︎‎‎‧ He LOVES when you cling to him, lets you grab his arm in public, hell depending on who's around he'll let you climb him- he loves it.
☁︎‎‎‧ he's an extroverted introvert because of his brother, so he's chill with socialising and helps create segways that include you in the conversation without that weird awkwardness.
☁︎‎‎‧ However he is also absolutely horrendous when it comes to social cues, so he tends to fall back on his jokes as a backup.
☁︎‎‎‧ Adores how expressive your facial features are, catch this idiot looking at you and just melting - especially if you're mid-ramble.
☁︎‎‎‧ Again because of this brother, He's good at cleaning and organising- So tries to help whenever you let him, he'd never move your things around without asking. He would buy so many folders and binders for you for any art you may create.
☁︎‎‎‧ At first, he'd panic a bit about you being irrational about yourself. He'd have to ask questions to try and help, he's trying.
☁︎‎‎‧ Lastly, He'd not stand for anyone calling you weak-willed, he knows how to set healthy boundaries while also dealing with people who are used to walking all over others. Hopefully you pick up on how to put your foot down, but there's no rush for that, he understands it takes time and a lot of mental effort.
I hope you enjoyed this matchup! Once again I apologise for being so late with it but I hope your happy with it! I loved writing this :D
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spectorcsm · 1 year
Alright peeps I'm joining in this chaos and you should all fear me This post has no plan or path this is just a ramble analysis of things I notice in the new episode so :D
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Ok so like first off guys- maybe like- don't fire your glitch weapons in the middle of a crowded city?? This seems like a bad idea?? You guys are worse than the Avengers when it comes to collateral damage smh
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Ok but Chosen stopping mid-chase to save that civilian by destroying the debris really goes to show how he's improved as a character, this guy went from destroying Alan's PC, to rampaging various sites with Dark, and now to this. Glad to see him as a proper hero now :D
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I'm happy to see the ice powers coming back cuz after that one time he froze the Firefox I thought they just forgot about it lol
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Chosen is Zeus now Also he just like creates a glacier 2 seconds later cool
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Also quick shoutout to Alan's Desktop organization He has come a long way
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I find it funny how much everyone focused on this clip in the trailer especially, like "Oh no does Orange get mad at Alan again?? Is this related to Vic???" and the reality of it is "lol wanna fight me guys?" "Sure sounds fun :D" Alan you have bamboozled us again
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I find this moment rather interesting So after Alan pulls up the thingy and sends them all flying then crashing down, Red appears to be acting like they hurt their head and Yellow notices and crawls over to see if they're ok (Awwwijascsdhljw) but as soon as they do Red just punches em?? However then Yellow puts their hands up in a way almost to be like "whoa whoa it's just me" and then Red accepts the comfort. Idk I just find it interesting, like Red is still in fight-mode after the sparring match and doesn't quite register that it's Yellow touching them at first XD
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Chosen: "COME ON DO IT, DO THE EYE THING" Orange: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT IDK HOW TO DO THAT" Chosen: "YES YOU DO JUST DO IT, LIKE THIS:" Orange: "AAAAAAAAA" *Tries to do laser-eyes with every ounce of focus they have*
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Red: "uhhh are they ok-" Green: "Maybe you should stop them?" Blue: "yeahhh maybe-" Yellow: "Hmm, yes. Interesting"
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Chosen: "UGH FORGET IT YOU'RE COMING WITH ME" Sticknapping 101
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Aight but like where did this guy (Btw I'll call him Striker cuz that name was going around and it's cool) get this stuff? Has their group attacked a Desktop before and managed to steal enough UI to make this guy OP? Cuz he uses a lot of really crazy stuff during this fight and I can't help but wonder what poor animator woke up just to find the entire UI on their software missing lol
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I love how Chosen really just pulls the "Throw the kid in the pool to teach them how to swim" on Orange and his powers here lol Then to Chosen's surprise it does not work "Aw shoot the kid is drowning now I gotta save them smh"
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YEAHHHH ART POWERS Ok but actually though I find it interesting how differently the Pencil tool works outside a Desktop, like usually Orange like speed-draws the whole entire thing but out here it's like Ah yes, line scribble = E e l I mean it actually kinda makes sense, in the 3D world it'd be really difficult to draw anything really so the Pen just changes function a bit based on the environment
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Poor Green does not enjoy climbing it seems :(
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This guy can forever one-up everything "Ok but have you beat up a shark with your bare hands and won?
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Ok but this guy's style is just like tribal or primitive and it's honestly pretty cool I have no clue what to call them though so that's up to the rest of the fandom to decide ':D
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Also someone else on a different site suggested the name "Warnman" for this guy cuz he looks like the typical hazard sign guy who's always showing the dreadful things that will happen if you don't obey the sign and I think the name fits so Warnman is honestly my favorite of these guys just cuz of how wacky they are lol
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Also this guy has to be like Anime Stick or something I do not understand this dude at all but they're sick
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Let it be known that Warnman is canonically 2D
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Dude how much charge do those electro-bullets hold if that thing is STILL zapping Chosen This poor guy Also the way Striker fights throughout this whole scene is so cool
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I find it interesting and I think Alan pointed out in the reaction video (really funny btw you should go watch that too) That Striker is totally just messing with them before that, like sure he probably has to be close to the target to use the Pause attack but I like to think he was enjoying the fight before that and is only just doing it now cuz he's bored lol
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Aight so the Rocket Group is the one hunting Chosen I wanna know though- why Chosen specifically? Are they just after all Hollowheads with the powers or is it just Chosen they want? Maybe they're after all of them but Chosen is the only one with a super known presence? Also who are these guys?? They seem to be just some independent group but do they hold any sort of actual authority over Stick City? Man I have so many questions
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How do you pause fire-? Does it still burn? I assume not cuz I think it woulda burned the guys bringing him by now Man that's wacky but cool Also another question here is like, is that white box a containment unit or some sort of display case? I'm thinking more along the lines of containment but like he's already paused and they left the door open I think??
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Aight now we're getting to the theory-fuel Why are they studying all this UI? Where'd they get this UI? Why do all these sticks look exactly the same??? Like I get that it's just supposed to represent a large group of workers and stuff but they are all exactly the same shade-
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A h a A h a a a . . . VICTIM???? VIC MY GUY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?? LIKE I GET YOU'RE PROBABLY MAD AT ALAN LIKE KILLING YOU AND ALL BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH CHOSEN AND EVERYONE?? I have many questions Also I am wondering if all the UI decor in his office is just art or what, are they trophies maybe? They probably had to get the UI for Striker's setup somewhere, did they raid Desktops before? Are those trophies from animators he's beaten? Man Idk but this is so interesting My final take on the episode: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA LET'S GOOO AvA 6 HYPEEE :D
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darekasama · 1 month
Blog introduction and greetings
Here’s my blog!
This is me (hiiii I’m darekasama, mid-20s she/her Italiaaaan)
Some post made you curious
and you came to sightsee.
I’m writing a story,
slow burn, LGBTQ 
I’m having lots of fun… and I hope you will too.
I got a fantasy world
There is magic around
Also geese (actually dinosaurs) running around!
The main duo are dudes
Both can do wild stuff
Drama that makes you go “wooo”
That’s my jam!
Aaaaaaan CUT.
Now that I got your attention by singing...
(Updated as of August 2024)
My nickname is darekasama (mid-20s she/her Italian) and I'm a certain someone who mostly enjoys life. My interests include but are not limited to:
writing and storytelling
drawing and art of many kinds
small crafts and general fuckery
The genre doesn't usually matter if you can pull me in, but I do have a tendency for fantasy and romance. I also think animals are neat and you can always find out something wonderful about the world around you. Big fan of communication and positivity!
I am very passionate about what I do however don't be surprised if I disappear for weeks at a time. Sometimes I'm ruminating, sometimes I'm having a fistfight with life. Metaphorically. And I'd rather keep out the bad vibes from my happy corner.
Feel free to talk to me in any capacity! Dinosaurs may bite but I don't. Questions about characters? Worldbuilding? Plotting? Random pieces of information you never got to tell someone? Come at me!
What can you find on this blog, you ask?
Anything that is tangentially included in the points above and especially stuff about my current WIP. Could be my ramblings on the outline, random bouts of inspiration, some cool sentences and snippets and on very good days I may put up a drawing too because I can do art of my own characters! Very slowly and it takes me forever, but it might happen.
I’m still figuring out how to do tags on the tumblr, some main ones for now are:
reblog          Curious what I do in my free time? Go check it out.
my blog        What I make myself. On the tumblr. Do do do dooo
my words     For my replies to other posts and replies in the tags
my writing    Look at what I can do
my art          Self explanatory
project tl       All about it, and more
Try also:
What’s the WIP about?
After an unspecified amount of time, HERE will be a different post going more in detail about the entire project. Check back later and click on that or any mention of the project to jump to it. You may recognise this WIP from the now-muted NaNoWriMo forums. Yes it’s the same.
Below is a bite-sized appetizer.
I proudly present…
Project TL
The story that has monopolised my fantasies. It is currently divided into more parts, which I do have mapped out, but as of late I’m focusing on the start.
Book 1: Runaway Heir (working title)
The main protagonist LIAM is a young noble boy who due to his mentor's untimely departure from life, instead of studying martial arts, spends his summer completely unsupervised getting his nose into the local drama, adventuring, and treasure hunting. Someone please reign him in fast.
Meanwhile, the other protagonist and future love interest TERI is in his last year of apothecary apprenticeship and encounters mostly self inflicted troubles in everyday life that he solves by running away or shapeshifting into a dinosaur, whichever works. Unfortunately, it really doesn’t.
And this is an early spoiler… they become roommates.
Narrators who are older versions of the main couple! Good ending is certain!
Magic items and creative problem solving/making by using them.
Teenagers. Need I say more?
Fantasy human biology & society. Let me tell you, the family trees are fun to do when parthenogenesis is involved. (Parthenogenesis: in animals it means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell)
Mentions of transmigration BUT don't worry it's actually NOT the focus. It’s just for the vibes.
That’s all for now!
Go scamper around and most importantly… have fun!
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gideongrovel · 1 year
ramble ramble
ya know its kinda funny like the last time i was trying to get back into o.nepiece was in like 2016 ish? and i stopped around t.hrillerbark,,,, couldnt tell ya why,,, just lost steam to keep going,,, but i dont think me in 2016 would of shipped with B.rook,,,, so i like to think me in the present day sent out brainwaves telling me of 2016 to stop and wait till the right time,,,, 👁️👄👁️
Up until now current day, Z.oro was my main f/o from the anime,,,,,, and back in 2016 when i was getting into the series again I did make some art, sadly i didnt move it from my old laptop to my new one since i didnt think id care,,,, so its gone forever 😓 but its fine- not that serious,,,(/gen) since it was only like 2 pieces done over those d.eviantart bases, which is why i didnt save em to my new laptop 💀 although i do have selfship art with him from like 2010ish? in my old sketchbooks, and when i was a kid i also shipped with V.ivi tho i dont remember if i ever drew any art of us together or not 🤔 i just remember drawing her alot in general,,😅 but i KNOW i have at least regular fanart from when i was like ages 9 or 10 ish that i kept, and i can remember how goofy it looked 💀 its all in an old storage tub tho i would have to dig through it to find any of em,,,,, maybe some other day I will go through it cause ya boy doesnt have the spoons for that anytime soon since like that tub has like almost all my art from like ages 9-18 ish and i will get sidetracked 💀 also id get distracted from other selfship art I drew from around then,,, since i can remember of some just off the top of my head,,, and I dont wanna reminisce on characters i dont ship with anymore 😅
also unrelated to shipping but getting back into the o.nepiece has me feeling nostalgic overall and reminded me how i had a C.hopper messenger bag i used in mid/highschool for my backpack, which I would of never thought about again till now, I still have my other old merch around my room so i didnt forget that, but i havent seen that bag in years, so i forgor about it 😅
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koyoba · 2 years
Looking Back At 2022
At the end of the year as we move into 2023, I just wanted to reflect a bit on the past 12 months in my life, where I've been and where I'd like to go.
So, what did I do this year? What did I do this year? A lot of nothing, it feels like.
That's not true, haha, I did quite a bit, but I had a couple pretty big setbacks that really threw me off. I'd wanted to do a month by month retrospective, but frankly a lot of things were a blur, so I'll just mention the big ones.
Winter to Mid-Spring
I worked mostly! I don't know what on. It all kind of runs together after a bit. There were some light novels and some manga, more light novels. Same old, same old.
Late Spring
Oohhhh, this was a bad one. I suffered some pretty severe anxiety for a number of reasons, a handful of mild panic attacks and a lot of lost sleep. I didn't work much. Not the best of times :(
Finally things started looking up again! I had made plans to attend Anime Expo for the first time. I never had much interest in going, since we have a lot of other cons here in the DC area and LA is pretty far, but I was excited to attend for once because I was able to snag an industry badge! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to secure lodging because my plans were a bit last minute, so I ended up dropping that.
Looking at how AX ended up though... kind of glad I did not go xD
It was okay though! I still went to LA, but to visit with good friends instead. I enjoyed July 4 on the beach and got to meet some other cool folks. After that, I went to Vegas for the first time to visit with another good pal. Had some good food, slept on a very comfy couch, and got to visit Omegamart! A very solid vacation.
Summer to Fall
Oh boy. Oh boy. So, when I was in NV, I started getting some strange tooth pain one morning. I figured ok, I haven't been to the dentist in 5 years, this is probably a cavity or something.
It got worse. It got way worse. Even with two root canals it kept getting worse.
I'm going to go into it later because frankly I would like to make a proper post about it, but tl;dr it turns out I have a rare nerve disorder! One which I'm currently medicated for 3x daily. It took me a long, long while to claw my way out of that hole, but at least it's a climb I've been able to make.
Late Fall to Winter
And that brings us to now! As of this writing, I've been fully pain-free for almost 2 months. I don't know that it'll stay that way forever, but I'm enjoying my time while I can. I'm back to working normally and living as best I can, and I can only hope things keep getting better.
Through the Year
I've played lots of D&D this year! 3-4 diff campaigns, I can't get enough of it. I'll have to introduce everyone to my PCs later. I've picked up a new work project with some folks I've always wanted to work with, on a pretty fun series. There's been changes in the household, and wonderful news in the family. All I can say is that I'm grateful for what I have right now.
Year to Come
Obviously, I don't know what the future holds, but I can't wait to see. I plan to keep up more of the same, and work on improving my art and other crafts. And of course I'd like to keep posting here more! Gotta have some place that isn't birdsite, right? xD
Anyway, just having a ramble here while I'm waiting for dinner. Hope all of you have a wonderful new year <3
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crowmatic · 4 months
I'm gonna be real, I forgot I had this blog...? I literally just happened to stumble upon it a couple hours ago while browsing some tags LMFAO
(If any of my followers are still active, everything below the cut is just me rambling about a lot of personal stuff so ignore this post if ya want :) )
Apparently I've had this blog since September 2015, which is absolutely fucking crazy bonkers to think about. Like bro the fuck you mean I was 13 when I made this?? I wasn't even in high school yet and now I'm going into my third year of university this fall??
It's honestly pretty interesting to see how things have changed for me through the lens of my Tumblr blogs. I don't really have any of the same interests now as I did when I was active on this account (besides art), which I mean I suppose is to be expected when you go from 13 to (almost) 22, but still? Like bro I was posting about MHA, VLD, Homestuck, Yuri On Ice (RIP), Steven Universe, and even goddamn Gravity Falls towards the beginning. Wild
But on a more serious note, it's also very clear to me how absolutely fucking not-okay I was back then. I've found occasional vent posts about hating myself and wanting to die and it's honestly kind of heartbreaking to look back on. Like, I'm not perfect nowadays (there is a lot of room for improvement tbh), but I haven't wanted to die in a long time. I love being alive! It's great! Even when I'm feeling lonely, angry, and sad, I want nothing more than to fix the issues I have so I can live.
And oooohh my god, I made this blog during the time when I discovered I was trans. That's another cool thing. I thought I started identifying as not-cis in mid-2016, but I just discovered a post from December 2015 where I put in the tags that I use they/them pronouns!! So now I know that my gender journey started at least 6 months earlier than I thought!
I don't know dude, it's just really cool to me to find some more of my old stuff, ya know? I'm the sort of person who likes to save absolutely everything, so whenever I find my own ""lost media"" I get super excited, haha. I like seeing how I've grown and changed over the years. It's a nice reminder to myself that I'm not the same, quite frankly, asshole teenager I was back then, even when it sometimes feels like I've made zero progress on myself.
So, yeah. I probably made finding an old blog way deeper than it needs to be, but whateverrrr bro I am alive and I can do whatever I want forever. I'm not gonna use this blog anymore after this post, except to log in every once in a while. My current blog is trail-of-ice. I dunno if anyone's reading this except me, but if anyone is, I guess I just want to say, it does get better. :)
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 3 years
So basically the reader drops out of chilton in her senior year and rory yells at her but she didn't know the reader got into this big art school in new york
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You jump up when a school bag is roughly dropped on your table, your opened mouth freezing in mid-air as your hand gently holds onto your donut.
"You dropped out of Chilton?"
You slowly close your mouth when you hear Rory's voice, the aggressiveness in her tone making you put your donut back on your plate. "Hello to you too, Rory."
She gives out a groan as she plops down on a chair, her eyes glaring at you with frustration. "I've looked everywhere for you today, (Y/N)! I thought you were sick or something! But then you know what I learn? That you dropped out of school!"
"... sorry." You blink a few times, unsure of where she's going with this. "But I-"
"Did you lose your mind?" Rory doesn't seem to realize the loudness of her voice, Luke's other customers turning annoyed looks towards you two. "This is our senior year; our last year at Chilton... and you just drop out without even warning me?"
You give out a long sigh, letting your back hit the chair. "Rory..."
"There's no excuses, (Y/N)! Have you even think about the future?" You stay quiet as you watch her start one of her many frustrated rambles, the Gilmore girl unaware of the quirked eyebrow appearing on your face. "What about college? Harvard? We were supposed to go to Harvard together!"
"Rory, I didn't drop out."
"How did your parents let you do this! Are they as insane as you?-" Her words turn to silence as soon as she registers your words, confusion rapidly spreading into her eyes. "Wait, what?"
"I didn't drop out of Chilton." You cross your arms over your chest, your annoyance clearly visible on your face. "I'm transferring to Laguardia."
She blinks a few times, her eyes widening a few seconds later. "You're transferring to a top art school in New York?"
"You remember the charity auction at your mom's work? The one where we sold a few of my pieces?" She slowly nods in agreement, another sigh coming out of your lips. "Well, they saw them... and they contacted my parents to see if I could be transferred there. I'm gonna move in with my grandparents so I can start next week..."
"(Y/N), that's amazing!" Rory's lips stretch out onto her cheeks, a happy gleam appearing in her eyes as she feels the excitement rise inside her chest. "That's been your dream since forever! Why didn't you just tell me?"
"Well, I was scared you would..." You make a gesture towards her, an unsure look on your face. "... do what you just did, basically."
"Ugh, I'm sorry..." A blush of embarrassment graces Rory's cheeks, the Gilmore girl partially hiding her face behind her hands. "I just got so mad when I learned you left..."
"It's okay, Rory... I should have told you in the first place." You give out a genuine smile, a sadden look taking over your eyes. "You're my friend, after all."
She manages to give a smile back, her hands reaching across the table so she can squeeze yours. "I'm gonna miss you like crazy, though."
"I'll still come back here every weekend. You know, to see my parents and all." You give out a grin as you say those words, squeezing her hands back. "Think you can squeeze a little weekend time for me?"
She giggles, shaking her head. "I'd book all the time in the world for you."
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dollslayer · 3 years
Botanical Interest - In Bloom
Soft!Mob!Steve Rogers x florist!Reader
Summary: Steve comes home to you angry after a rough day at work. He made a promise to keep his work life separate but can he keep it?
W/C: 4,103
Warnings: Angst, mentions of past abuse, smut, swearing, alcohol consumption
A/N: Hi there! A part three for our soft mob Steve and his lovely florist. Thank you so much to everyone that has shown interest in my work so far, if you like it please reblog and comment!! You can also check out my other stuff if you haven't yet. Cheers!
Botanical Interest Masterlist I Main Masterlist
When Steve Rogers had asked you to be his girlfriend you knew there was a weight attached to it. A long talk over a stack of waffles and a couple of beers left Steve with a ‘yes’ and some ground rules.
After the incident in the alleyway you both agreed that he left his work at the door whenever you spent time together. Steve’s profession has made you uneasy since you met him and you two couldn’t avoid it forever.
A month later and you’ve managed to avoid conflict for the most part. Nothing as bold as that day in the alley, just small moments where he’d have to take a phone call, once when he had to cancel your plans for a ‘work incident’. But still he really was trying to keep his work and personal life separate and you appreciated it.
It had bothered you that he had to do those things but it’s not as though your work hadn’t impacted your time together either. Being a florist meant a lot of late nights when you worked events. Wedding season in full swing, every weekend was a busy one for you.
That’s why Monday’s have become almost sacred to you, your one day off a week. You and Steve always spent time together, sometimes you’d go out or stay home and just relax.
This Monday Steve had promised to come over and make you dinner. He’d only ever tried to cook for you once and it had ended with a lasagna burnt so badly you had to open every window in the apartment just to get the charred smell out. You couldn’t wait for him to redeem himself and take him to bed after you both came out of your food comas.
You were cleaning the kitchen when you heard your phone buzz. You had asked Steve if he wanted you to pick up any groceries since you had the day off. Expecting a list you were met with mild disappointment.
Running a little late, doll. 6:30 and not a minute later, I promise. Don’t worry about groceries. I'll get it all taken care of, just enjoy your day off.
You were kinda miffed but at least he gave you a heads up and he was going to get the groceries. You picked your sponge back up and scrubbed away at the counter.
Expecting to be let down, you were pleasantly surprised when 6:30 rolled around and your doorbell sounded. You buzzed him up and waited patiently for him at your door.
Steve appeared as he rounded the corner and he looked exhausted, irritated maybe. He carried a lot of tension in his shoulders and his suit jacket was long gone. His tie was undone and his sleeves were rolled up to where you could see well toned forearms. You bit your lip thinking of those arms holding you in place in bed.
Maybe we should just ditch the dinner and skip straight to dessert.
He approached you and you leaned up to give him a kiss.
“Hi, honey. How are you?” You greeted him as you shut the door behind you.
He set the groceries down onto the counter with some force and you winced. Okay so he did have a rough day. Do I ask him about it? I don’t wanna talk about his work but I don’t want him to feel like he can’t talk to me about his day.
He sighed and turned to face you, took his tie off completely and ran a hand through his hair.
“Don’t worry about it” he responded as he took a beer out of your fridge.
You were off-put by the abruptness of his answer. Maybe he was just short with you because he didn’t want to talk about work.
You stepped closer and tried to approach him again.
“I said don’t worry about it.” Steve snapped, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and swiped the screen, visibly annoyed. “I gotta take this”. He slammed the door to your bathroom shut behind him and left you stunned in the middle of your kitchen.
What just happened? You had never seen him so upset aside from when you caught him mid-punch a month ago with Mr. Andersen.
Realistically you knew it wasn’t you he was mad at but you’d never done well with people when they were mad at you. You were engaged years ago to a man that was abusive towards you. Things had started off well like they always do but he became manipulative and he was quick to anger. You were constantly questioned and criticized. He kept you from seeing your friends, even some of your family. It took your friends coming through for you to get you out of the situation safely. Through lots of therapy and flinging yourself headfirst into your business you’ve come a long way but sometimes you had difficult moments.
It couldn’t be helped as your heart began to quicken and you felt heat come to your face from the embarrassment of being snapped at. Unsure what to do you poured yourself a glass of wine and sat down at your small dining table facing away from the bathroom.
You were trying to get yourself to not shut down in response to his change in mood but it was hard. He’s upset and clearly irritated with me already, he probably just wants to go home. Maybe you should just reschedule. Don’t cry, if you cry you’re gonna make it a whole Thing. Don’t cry. He’s not mad at you specifically and it’s not your fault.
In the torrent of your thoughts you didn’t hear the bathroom door open. Steve hadn’t spared you a glance or a word as he started unloading the groceries. Angrily placing a jar of pasta sauce onto your counter with a thud and muttering under his breath. You watched him timidly and took another sip of your wine.
He turned to you and took another swig of his beer.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that? What did I do?” He challenged.
Not wanting him to be upset with you, you devolved into old ways of over-explaining so you could justify your actions. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the rational part was telling you it’s not your fault he’s angry and you don’t owe an explanation but you were too far gone.
“I, I just, you didn’t do anything you just, um, you just looked upset. I don’t want to make it worse, I’m sorry. I was just looking at you, I didn’t mean to-”
You were cut off in the midst of your nervous rambling by the shrill ring of Steve’s phone. A frustrated growl escaped his mouth.
“I have to take this,” he muttered as he strode back to the bathroom. “I told you not to call me until you had it fixed” you heard him before the closing of the door muffled his anger.
He left you there to stew in your nervousness and self loathing. Five minutes had gone by and the rational part of your brain was slowly taking over. The rational part of your brain was angry. It’s okay for him to have a bad day and not want to talk about it but the way he’s spoken to you and responded to you isn’t warranted. You needed to confront him calmly and if he was still angry you needed to ask him to leave. You can talk to him another time but not while he’s angry. It won’t do anyone any good. Just like you’ve talked about in therapy.
You rehearsed the lines in your head and finished your glass. You heard the door open again and almost threw everything you had been going over in your head out the window. Just breathe. It’s fine, he calmed down so quickly after that time in the alley, he’ll understand.
Steve was angry. With Clint for getting the dates of Pierce’s arrival wrong, with Sam for failing to get the recon they needed to get the drop on him. Even angrier with Bucky for taking all of this out on him when it wasn’t even his fault. But most of all he was angry with himself for letting his work get in the way of your time together. He promised you undivided attention and you deserved it.
He knew how important your day off was to you and after the day he’d been having he couldn’t wait to just come back to you. He just wanted to make some decent spaghetti and melt the worries of his day off with your embrace. He craved the physical comfort he got from you after a long day. The feeling of endlessly sinking into your arms while you held him in bed allowed him to be the vulnerable one for once. He never felt comfortable enough with any of the other women he’d dated to even entertain the idea of being the little spoon.
He always suspected that who he was at work was almost the only reason any of the other women had even gone out with him. Who he was at work was almost a front for the art-loving, touch-starved, hopeless-romantic that he was when he let himself relax. They’d all just wanted this big burly man who was always in charge, a walking wall of muscle and testosterone that they had seen and heard of him to be when he was on the job. But when he was on his own time he just wanted to feel comfort more than anything.
He just wanted to melt into you.
That’s why he was eager to get to you today but the constant calls were cutting him to his last nerve. Bucky was out with Natasha and her parents so he specifically asked not to be called. Being the boss, Bucky was not to be bothered. Being second in command, Steve was.
When he hung up with Clint he exited the bathroom and walked straight past you without a word, knowing you didn’t want to hear about work and talking about it would just make him angrier. He started unloading the grocery bag with maybe a bit more vigor than was necessary.
Remembering he had opened a beer that was probably warm by now he turned to you and grabbed it off the table you were sat at. At this moment he looked up and you had this look on your face he couldn’t quite place. He wanted to know what was up so he asked but you just ended up stammering out a response that didn’t make much sense.
He was trying to listen to you, he really was but he just couldn’t work around this building anger, couldn’t let it go. So of course his phone rings again. And of course he takes it. Excusing himself and locking the bathroom door behind him again he was already forming how to lay into his men on the other line without raising his voice and alarming you too much.
“I told you not to call me unless you had it fixed” he seethed into the receiver. Steve pounded his fist against the porcelain of your sink in aggravation. “I’m not fucking coming down there tonight. I shouldn’t have to be taking fucking phone calls to solve this kinda shit when I’m with my girl. Lose their tail, re-track them, and we’ll deal with the rest in the morning. Don’t call me again unless someone fucking gets shot”, Steve hung up abruptly and took a deep breath.
He wasn’t even sure what he was going to say to you so he just waited a minute to collect himself. He took another deep breath and readied himself to go back to you.
You were sitting quietly at the table, silently digging your nails into your palm as you tensed your fist. Steve had exited the bathroom and taken a seat across from you. You decided to see if he’d speak first and waited.
A beat of silence and you sighed deeply, readying yourself to talk to him like you’d planned.
“Steve, I understand you’re having a bad day and it’s probably work related. That being said, just because you’re mad at someone else doesn’t mean you get to take it out on me” You blew out a shaky breath, wanting to finish before you lost your nerve and before he interjected. You didn’t dare make eye contact. Only stared at his hands on the table in front of you.
“If- if you’re mad don’t take it out on me, and if you feel like you can’t control that anger I don’t want you around me while you feel that way. If you want to talk through it or just work past it then I’m here. But if you’re going to snap at me again and just be mad then you need to leave. It’s not fair to me.”
I’m pretty sure Dr. Danforth would be fucking proud of me right now. Straight to the point but respectful, just like we talked about. And even if Steve’s mad, you’re in control. You’re doing great.
You braved a peek at his face at this point and he looked stunned himself. He’s probably never been spoken to like that in his life, being the second in command and all. You watched his brows bunch together in what you hoped was thought and not frustration for you and waited for him to speak.
Oh. Steve was a little struck by what you’d said. Have I been that bad? She’s shaking like a leaf, of course I must have been that bad. He’d had no idea that he even snapped at you, that’s how wrapped up in his own business and his head he was. He never meant to take it out on you, didn’t even realize he had. Sometimes it was like he was so deep into his work life he couldn’t take himself out of it. But he wanted to try, for you.
He remained silent while he pulled the chair across from you out and took a seat. He looked up to meet your gaze only to find you staring at your hands. You were digging your nails into your palms so he brought one large warm hand to cover yours and brought the other up to your face gently to get you to look at him. You flinched away from him and he felt another strike of surprise, but also maybe a hint of shame. Is she afraid of me? Normally Steve likes when people are afraid of him, makes his job easier, but he’d never want that from you.
“Sweetheart”, Steve’s voice was just above a whisper when you finally looked up at him.
“I’m… sorry, that’s really it I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I didn’t even realize I did.” He apologized.
You could feel your tears subsiding and finally brought yourself to look at him. He looked just as exhausted before, just a little bit more sad. You imagined it was probably easy for him to get swept up in who he was at work so it must be hard to separate himself from it since it requires so much from him. You don’t want him to feel bad for being upset, you just want him to be more aware of himself and to not take things out on you.
“Steve, I know we said you wouldn’t talk about work when we’re together but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me if you have a bad day. Maybe you can keep it vague but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t say anything or be yourself, unless of course you don’t want to, I don’t want to force you to talk about anything either. When you snapped at me I just sorta shut down” You explained.
Steve seemed to be processing your words and forming a response when he took your hand in his to stop your nails from ripping into your palms like they often do. He nodded and took a breath.
“You have no idea how much it means to hear that from you, thank you. Just for the record, I never feel like I can’t be myself with you, it’s opposite, really. When I’m with you I get to drop all that bullshit at the door. Girls in the past have just wanted me because I was scary but seeing the way you flinched just now, I don’t ever want you to feel scared of me.” Steve confessed.
Maybe it’s time to tell him about the engagement, let him know where you’re coming from. You blew out a shaky breath and looked away from him again.
“I, um, I’m not scared of you. Years ago I was engaged to a man and things were really bad, he was really bad. I’m not ready to talk about all of it but that’s why I shut down on you when you snapped. I’ve been through a lot of therapy and I’m still working on it, but I’m not afraid of you. Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, it’s… kind of a sore subject” you admitted.
Steve’s nostrils flared and his grip on your hand tightened a little but you could tell he was trying everything he could to school his features and reply to you.
“I… didn’t know that I’m sorry.” he said as he ran his thumb over your knuckles. “If you ever wanna talk about it more, I’m here. And if you don’t, I understand.”
You stood from your chair and came around behind him to throw your arms around his neck. You kissed his cheek and rested your head against his.
“Thank you for listening and apologizing. I forgive you. And if you wanna talk about your day then I’m here.” You assured him.
Steve turned his head to capture your lips in a soft kiss which you reciprocated. Steve stood to his full height without breaking the kiss and brought his hands up to frame your face. The warmth was comforting again to you. Your tongue slipped into his mouth and he elicited the softest of sighs before returning your passion.
He broke the kiss while his hands explored your curves. “I want to make it up to you, will you let me do that, sweetheart?” he asked.
You could only look up at him with eyes blown wide with lust and affection. You nodded and he kissed you swiftly before leading you to your bedroom. You were holding his hand when he let go and softly urged you backwards onto the bed. You obliged and soon he was on top of you laying feather-light kisses to the column of your neck.
Your hands mussed his hair and smoothed out the tension in his shoulders as you held onto him. He kissed his way lower and lifted up the hem of our shirt and kissed his way back up to your breasts. You sat up slightly and took off your top and unhooked your bra, letting it fall before throwing it to the side. Steve took turns taking your nipples between his teeth and teasing them, licking and kissing them. He knew it always made you squirm and would build the anticipation before you could even touch him.
“Steve, please.” You whined.
Wordlessly he kissed and bit his way lower and undid your shorts. You arched your back to help him remove them along with your panties. Steve wasted no time and administered the smallest of licks to your clit. You gasped slightly at the feeling when you felt two fingers prodding your entrance before going in. Your body was getting accustomed to the initial wave of pleasure brought on by Steve’s movement and slowly you ground your hips against his hand and cried out softly.
Normally Steve would never let that fly, he was always so controlling and dominant in bed but tonight was different. Tonight was soft and he was making it up to you, showing his love in a physical way. So he let you push him deeper and raise your hips just so to reach the perfect angle. You felt yourself tighten around him and this is the point he usually slows down just to drag things out but your loud cries only fueled him as he doubled his efforts. With a final cry you came around his fingers, white heat blinding your vision momentarily.
You caught your breath and looked down at Steve. His beard was absolutely drenched and he sucked his fingers clean. You could almost cum again just from the sight of it. He wiped his mouth on a tissue before returning to you to give you a kiss. You tasted yourself on him but you didn’t care, you just wanted his mouth on yours. You felt his erection pressing against your thighs and it had you squirming all over again. You reached to undo his belt when he stopped you.
“This night is supposed to be about you, doll. I’ll be fine” He protested.
You shook your head at him. “I want you, all of you. Please, Steve”, you begged.
He nodded and undid his belt. You helped undress and when he was finally naked you felt the rush of heat to your core all over again, an itch you couldn’t scratch. You laid back further on the bed and soon he was above you, face inches from yours and one arm at the side of your head.
His cock nudged against your core and entered slowly to stretch you out. You moaned deeply and when he was all the way in he kissed you passionately and began moving. It didn’t take much for him to pick up the pace as he started to fuck you. He swore under his breath at the feeling of you.
“You’re so, so, good sweetheart. So fuckin’ good.” He praised.
His words made you keen as you let the feeling of him making love to you take you over completely. His lips grazed yours in between grunts and he moved one hand to your clit while the other cradled the back of your head. You held onto his shoulders tightly and sobbed out pleas for him to keep going. His thrusts picked up speed and so did his hand. You were so close to the edge and you could feel he was too.
“I love you” he panted out before his hips lunged forward into you one last time before he came inside of you.
The shock of his confession and his work on your clit triggered your second orgasm. It was powerful and had you clawing his back and gasping in pleasure. He’d never said that before. Did he mean it? You looked to him for the answer but his lips caught yours as he gave a few last lazy thrusts. He finally collapsed to your side and was heaving to catch his breath.
You both laid there basking in the afterglow of the makeup sex for a few minutes. You turned on your side to look at him. He was so perfect like this, so at ease.
“Did you.. Mean it? What you said?” You questioned nervously. You really wanted him to mean it.
He turned slowly to look at you and he was blushing. “Yeah, I did. I know it’s kind of soon and you don’t have to say it back, but I couldn’t help it. I love you” he confided.
“I love you too, I’m not just saying it cause I feel like I have to, I love you Steve Rogers. All of you.” you assured him.
The softest of kisses was laid on your lips. This moment with him was perfect.
“I can’t believe you love me. I’m so sorry about earlier. I feel so comforted when I’m with you, the last thing I want is to lose you. I promise I will do everything I can to never be like your ex. Ever. If I’m being a dick I want you to tell me,” He apologized again.
You were about to respond when his stomach let out the loudest groan. You both laughed as you sat up.
“I did promise you dinner. Unburned this time!” Steve pledged as he helped you gather up your clothes.
“That’s a promise I’m going to hold you to, Rogers.”
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Request:  “Can you do 1 and 8 on the smut list for Fred or George?”
(”Bite me”/”You’re so sexy when you’re mad”)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 
Word count: 1.6k 
A/N: I didn't want to make it too smutty just because I didn’t think it fit too well with everything going on so its a little trash :/ I still love my boi Freddie 
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Upon proposition, both you and Harry had agreed to teach what he was calling ‘Dumbledore’s Army’ a series of spells and techniques that were deprived of them since Umbridge had arrived. You were a little hesitant at first, and not because of Umbridge, god how you hated that woman. Your worries lay with the responsibility that you and Harry had if entering this agreement, you didn’t want to put anyone in danger.
Of course, you and Harry had become almost experts in the field of Defence Against the Dark Arts, you especially due to your close relationship with Lupin. Remus had taught you pretty much all you needed to know in the comfort of your own home, whereas Harry kind of had to pick it up considering the various dangerous circumstances he seemed to land himself in year after year.
You couldn’t disappoint Harry, not when he needed you, he was like family after all.
“Today me and Y/N are going to be demonstrating a typical duel” Harry announced to the rather sheepish looking crowd “and more importantly, how to win one” you chimed in successfully gaining a laugh from the room.
After bowing your heads, you and Harry began to take your places from one end of the room to another with each other.
“Ready?” Harry asked for confirmation; however, you couldn’t help but get distracted last minute. In the corner of your eye you noticed one of your best friends, Fred, flirting with Angelina Johnson.
You, Fred and George had been friends ever since you joined the Quidditch team in your first year, but recently you had felt differently towards Fred. Getting older gave you feelings you didn’t necessarily understand and on the most part Fred just seemed to annoy you these days – especially when he flaunted around girls.
“Actually Harry, change of plans” you began, causing him to lower his wand in a state of bewilderment “I think it’s best if we use a student with less knowledge for the demonstration, you know, for uh, a better example of the power they’ll be up against” you tried to justify your decision.
“Right, right, yeah of course!” Harry agreed, just as you knew he would, that boy was too nice for his own good sometimes “who did you have in mind?”
“Fred” you said without hesitation or a second thought, getting his attention instantly.
Fred looked up and gave you an overly confident smile which just boiled your blood further “love to” was his only reply.
You smiled back sarcastically, gritting your teeth in the process.
Beginning to take your place once more, Harry was replaced by a much taller, attractive Fred. He proceeded to roll his sleeves, giving you a glimpse at the veins running throughout his arms.
Pay attention
“Ready Fred?” Harry initiated “Ready to win? Sure am mate” Fred replied, gaining a giggle from a lot of the girls, you just rolled your eyes.
“Bite me, Weasley” you replied, a little more frustrated than you were five minutes ago, causing Fred to smirk.
Harry nodded and you and Fred proceeded to walk towards each other for the initial bow. As you both reached the middle, Fred bent down slightly more so you could hear him.
“You’re so sexy when you’re mad” he said, causing you to instantly blush. You knew he was a flirty guy, but you didn’t think he had ever said anything as flirty as that to you before.
Turning around to walk to the end of the room gave you what felt like forever to think about what had just happened, getting slightly distracted from the matter.
“Wands to the ready” Harry announced, arm still mid-air.
You were now directly facing Fred and looking him in the eye seemed a little awkward considering your flustered state. In attempts to compose yourself you looked to the crowd gathered either side of you and caught glimpse of Angelina smiling at Fred.
Instantly you were reminded of your frustration which only engaged you in a deep focus against Fred, locking eyes with him confidently.
Harry swiftly dropped his arm, indicating the beginning of the duel.
“Aguamenti!” you pronounced clearly with a flick of your wand before Fred was even able to utter a single letter.
Suddenly Fred was flung to the back wall through the jet-like force of the water that hit him.
Fred lay on the floor, drenched from head to toe gaining a roaring laugh from those watching – especially George and Ron.
You smirked at Fred, heavily breathing at not just the thrill of winning the duel but the sight of Fred, clothes wet and him distressed.
What was wrong with you.
“Hmm, yeah, not really the spell I had in mind but good job Y/N” Harry commented as Ginny began to help Fred up, still laughing in his face.
“Yeah well, I thought I’d leave the rest up to you” you replied in a sort agitated tone which left a puzzled look on Harry’s face.
“Got to go Harry, you’ll be alright without me today won’t you?” you quietly spoke to him, who just nodded, completely understanding.
As you began walking towards the exit you were stopped in your tracks upon hearing a voice that had started to infuriate you a little too much recently.
“Y/N wait” you heard him get closer “I’ll come with you, gotta get changed out of these bloody wet clothes anyway” he explained, giving a genuine smile.
“great” you mumbled giving another sarcastic smile.
On the way to the common room you seemed to forget all about the incident that had wound you up, it was strange that Fred had the ability to make you do that – forget about your worries. Joking and laughing all the way up made you feel like a kid again, first year meeting the twins.
That was until you reached the common room, and Fred proceeded to take off his jumper of course. You were sitting in Fred’s empty dorm room, on his bed watching him find dry uniform to change into. The moment had never seemed weird until now – until you couldn’t stop staring at his bare chest through the now transparent shirt that clung to him.
You could feel your heart rate increase as you started to heavily breathe once more, transfixed on Fred. An overwhelming sensation began to consume your stomach.
Fred was rambling on about the upcoming Quidditch game, but you couldn’t help yourself any longer. You knew exactly what had been troubling you these past couple of months with Fred and you were about to prove it.
You stood up, growing closer to Fred who had his back turned to you as he still searched for dry clothes crouched over his trunk.
“Fred” you simply said, gaining his attention.
He turned to face you slowly standing, a little worried about what you were about to say from your posture and breathing.
“Shut up” you lifted your heels to reach Fred, locking your fingers between his auburn hair and crashing your lips against his.
Instantly he did as told, feeding both yours and his own hunger by kissing you passionately back. Fred wrapped his long arms around your waist and pulled you closer into him, allowing the water on his shirt to almost turn into steam.
The kiss was hard but soft at the same time, not allowing the opportunity for a breath between you. Fred’s hands suddenly reached further down your waist as he swiftly lifted you, holding you in his arms for a moment before placing you on his cabinet.
Having the freedom of his arms back he returned the favour of entangling his fingers between your hair, slightly tugging on it as his kiss grew more desperate, sending shivers down your spine.
Fred’s lips slowly moved away from your own as he lifted the hair between his fingers, trailing kisses from your jawline down to your neck, causing you to let out soft moans.
As he did you frantically began unbuttoning his shirt, peeling it from his still damp body. Each kiss he placed on you made the butterflies in your stomach flutter a little harder, pulling at his hair signalling for him to continue.
Fred assisted you in taking the rest of his shirt of, as he started to take your tie off all the while still kissing your neck which sent you crazy. You rolled your head back at the tingling sensation of Fred’s sucking of your neck paired with his warm breath growling in your ear.
“I lied earlier” Fred gave a breathily whisper in your ear “You’re so sexy all the time” he continued, giving you an intense feeling.
You fiercely grabbed Fred’s face once more continuing to impulsively engage in your heavy make-out session.
Before you knew it your shirt was being unbuttoned, revealing nothing but your bra and bare skin exposed… but you didn’t mind one bit, in fact it felt so right you couldn’t believe it had took this long for you and Fred to be half naked together.
“Nice to see you two getting along again” you jumped out of your skin, quickly attempting to cover whatever part of you was exposed as you looked up to see a very casual George sending a wink your way.
“Christ George!” you yelled which just caused him to burst out laughing “Well then! Turn around!” you exclaimed as Fred picked up your shirt for you to start putting back on.
“Don’t worry, I’m leaving… detention with Umbridge, have fun you two” George said giving you both another wink.
Your state of shock was eased by Fred who began to giggle, resting his forehead on yours.
“Seriously Y/N… you don’t understand how long I’ve wanted that to happen” Fred confessed, butterflies rising once again in your stomach.
“Me too” you grinned, pulling his head down for another kiss.
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weebswrites · 4 years
How would the demon bros react to an artist MC who secretly sketches them and they find MC’s sketchbook~?
The Demon Bros: Finding MC’s Sketchbook
He goes to your room to check on you and sees your sketchbook lying open on your bed
He doesn’t want to invade your privacy, but he can’t help but take a peek at what it is you’re working on
He’s seen you working hard on something for the past few days and has been curious
He steps towards your bed and looks down at the page
It’s him!
His eyes scan the page, taking in how handsomely you’ve portrayed him, sitting at his desk working
He smiles and flips the pages to see what else you’ve drawn
It’s all him ? Reading, cooking, talking, existing. You’ve captured him in every light
You walk back into your room
“Lucifer!” you gasp, rushing over and shutting the sketchbook, in denial that he saw the pages and pages of himself
“What did you see” you ask him, standing on your tiptoes to try to intimidate him
He debates whether or not to lie, but knows how strongly you value honesty and communication
“I saw a few, but, they’re all incredible, MC. You don’t have to hide them from me”
You blush, “I just didn’t know if you’d think it’s weird that I draw you so much”
He leans down and kisses you, gently, whispering “It’s not weird at all, it’s quite flattering actually” against your lips
You spend the next bit of time going through your sketchbook, showing him the sketches and explaining how he made your heart race
You two are chilling in your room on your bed, chatting about this and that
He reaches over to your nightstand and grabs the sketchbook, “Hey, human, what’re you always drawing in here anyways” he asks innocently
“Mammon no!” you try to grab the book from his hands but he’s already opened it
He goes silent, flipping through page after page of sketches and drawings of him, some colored, some not
“Mammon…I can explain…” you whisper, face red with embarrassment
He shakes his head no and continues flipping through each page, the silence in the room making you nervous
After he’s done looking he closes the book, “Mah human~” he says lovingly, and leans over and presses a kiss to your lips
“I shoulda known you were drawing The Great Mammon, what else would you draw?” he teased, kissing you again before returning the sketchbook to your nightstand
You giggle, “Exactly, what else would be so worthy of the pages than you?”
He teases you about it from time to time when he sees you sketching, but you know that seeing page upon page of himself in your sketchbook really struck a chord in his heart (sometimes he poses for you but tries to act like it’s just how he’s naturally sitting, but you both know that’s a lie) (and he looks at you with so much love in his eyes when he knows you’re drawing him, it fills your heart with such a warm feeling)
He’s on his fourth hour of playing through a new game
You normally play with him, but it’s not MPG, so you’re just watching him and refilling the snack bowl for the two of you when it gets empty
One trip back you stop by your room and get your sketchbook and favorite pencil
You drop the snacks beside him and sit on his bed, beginning to sketch the back of his head and body looking at the monitor
He doesn’t notice at first, but during a scene change when the screen goes black he sees you sketching, glancing up at him from time to time
“MC, what are you drawing?” he asks
“Uhh…nothing really” you stammer, hoping he didn’t catch on to your obvious lie
He does, of course, and pauses his game to come look
You try to hide your page, but don’t stop him when he sits next to you and lifts it from your arms
“Babe…” he whispers, admiring the work you’d done in such a short time, before flipping a page back and seeing another sketch of him
“I just…you’re my everything, Levi, and sometimes I see you and I just, have to capture the moment” you explain
“These are incredible, why haven’t you shown me sooner?” he asks, flipping through page after page of your work
“I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable, thinking I was always trying to draw you
“I appreciate that,” he says, stopping on a page to admire a drawing from a few weeks ago of him reading a manga, “You have so much talent”
He showers you in compliments and after a brief kiss, goes back to his game, resuming the same position he was in earlier so you could finish your drawing
You were in the library on the couch, he was rereading a favorite book and you were sketching
You sat on either end of the couch, facing each other with your legs intertwined
You’d been working on sketching your view of this for about an hour, and were proud of how well it was going
Suddenly, Satan closes his book at you and meets your eyes as they were studying his face
“Can I ask what you’re studying my face so intently for?” he asks bluntly, never holding back any punches
And you didn’t either, “I’m…drawing us. And I want to capture your face as accurately as possible” you explain
He holds his hand out for you to hand over the sketchbook, and you do after a quick glance down to look at your work
He studies your drawing before flipping to the beginning and looking through each page, admiring each one
You watched as his eyes took in every inch of every page
“Satan?” you ask, wanting to hear his thoughts
“MC, I had no idea you had so much talent” he whispered, taking minutes on each page, sincerely admiring the time and effort you’d put into each drawing
“I hope it’s okay I draw you a lot, you’re always on my mind and I want to capture every moment we have together”
“It’s perfectly, kitten” he reassures you, a light blush crossing his face as he reached the piece you were working on currently again, scanning it before handing you back your sketchbook
“Show me your work more often, it’s beautiful”
You smile, falling even more in love with him than you thought was humanly (or demonly) possible
“I will”
You’re a bit tipsy, whoops
“What are you always drawing in that sketchbook of yours, anyways” he teases, poking your shoulder
“Nothinggg” you defend yourself
“Then show me if it’s nothing” he smirks, getting off your bed and walking to your desk, flipping open your sketchbook to a random page
The random page happened to be a page with a drawing of him, sitting at his desk and applying a face cream
“Honey…is this a drawing of me?” he asks, voice soft
“Yeah” you say, getting up and walking over to him, wrapping an arm around his waist
“They’re all of you” you explain, scanning through the pages with your thumb
He takes a bit to flip through the pages slower, appreciating each drawing for a moment before moving to the next
After he’s done he closes the book and turns to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, pressing a passionate kiss to your lips
“Seeing myself from your eyes…it was amazing” he whispered, pulling away, “Your art is amazing”
“Thanks, Asmo” you say, smiling and kissing him again
He absolutely makes you draw him posing now, he’ll sit in any pose he can think of, in all sorts of cute or seductive outfits, letting you draw him for hours and hours
Sometimes he’ll wear an outfit, and well, the drawing doesn’t last long lol
He doesn’t want to pry at what you’re doing, but you can tell by the way his eyes linger whenever you’re drawing that he’s curious
After you get a good portion of the way done with your current drawing, you scoot next to him
(You’re in the kitchen, because duh)
“Beel, can I show you what I’ve been working on?”
“Of course, my love”
You turn the sketchbook from your chest to his eyes, handing it to him
He takes it, carefully admiring the most recent few pages
His heart is beating fast, the fact that you saw him and wanted to draw him made him so soft
“MC…” he whispers
“These are so good, your talent is undeniable” he praises you
“Thank you” you reply, heart warmed by his kind words
“You…always draw me. Why?” he asks
“You always stick out to me, love. You’re handsome and strong and the love of my life. Sometimes I get hit with a wave of appreciation for you and want to capture the moment” you explain
He smiles, blushing more before leaning in and kissing you
After a few kisses you two pull away, resting your foreheads together
“I love you, Beel”
“I love you too, MC”
You keep it Very on the down low when you’re drawing him
You know he doesn’t like attention on him, even when it’s from you, and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable
One day he catches you
The two of you are in his room, he’s reading something on his phone and you’re sketching
You always told him it was for your art class, which was sometimes true, at least
“MC, can I see what you’re working on” he asks
You hesitate for a moment, “Belphie, I’m…I’m drawing you” you confess, lowering your head a bit
He just looks at you, “Oh…”
“If it makes you uncomfortable I’ll stop, it’s just sometimes you look so peaceful I want to capture it forever” you ramble
“Hey, MC, it’s okay. I trust you” he says, holding out his hand for you to give him the sketchbook
You do so, and study his face intently as he flips through the pages
He stops at one, and you glance to see which one it is
It’s one from a few weeks ago, he was mid-nap, hair messy and face perfectly calm
“You’re so talented” he commented, “this one in particular, the level of detail is impressive”
“Thanks” you say, letting out a sigh of relief and laughing a bit
“You should show me more often, I’d love to see more of your work. Even if it’s just drawings of me” he teases lightly
You smile, nodding, “Yeah, I will”
A/N: wow I’m not doing too hot on posting every day am I lol, but I’ve gotten some really fun requests (like this one !! thank u anon I loved writing this so much) and they’re keeping me motivated
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ghastspidergwen · 3 years
I love @doctorsiren's dadskall au, and I thought I'd write a little fic about it. basically, the dadskall au is where xisuma and ex (alex)'s dad is doomguy, but some sort of accident/crazy magic/whatever made him and iskall share a body, go check out doctor siren for the whole story, she has great art, too!
disclaimers (you can completely ignore this section if you want): I have played about 15 minutes total of all the Doom games, read none of the books, seen none of the movies, but the ost is great, so this will probably be ooc for doomguy. xisuma and alex are more based on the featherweight au versions, not the real hermitcraft versions. this story is not part of the dadskall au nor any of dr siren's other aus, it's just a break for me to write some fluff. it takes place ~3-4 years after where fw currently is (s7 election era) but is not set in the fw au world. link to the post part of this is based on. ...and I think that's everything, onto the fic!
Xisuma took a deep breath, “I think dad’s alive.”
“You said you saw him die,” Alex, previously known as Evil Xisuma, said, turning to his brother, “They told me he died”
“He wasn’t exactly dead, it’s hard to explain. It’s more like...the horcruxes in Harry Potter. When dad died, I think there was some magic at play that made it so his ‘soul’ transferred into the nearest healthy, person. And I think I found them.”
“Uh-huh, and who might that be?”
“HALLO!” Iskall burst in, “What did you need me for?”
“Iskall? Seriously?”
“He was there that night and I have no reason to believe-”
“You really think Iskall-”
“It’s my best guess, everyone else was injured, and the magic had to choose the nearest healthy person, so it must be Iskall.”
“What must be Iskall?”
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same Iskall?”
“No, Iskall86,” Xisuma said, sarcastically, “Of course this Iskall, how many Iskalls do we know?”
“I still have no idea what we’re talking about, can -”
“No!” The void brothers turned to him and responded in sync. Xisuma pulled his brother into a side room, “Stay right there, thanks Iskall.”
Xisuma exhaled and closed the door behind them, “Phew, OK, I have reason to believe that 13 years ago, Iskall was present the night that dad-y’know-and since everyone else there was either corrupted or injured, as the only uninjured person, dad’s spirit ended up inhabiting his body, but’s been so weak that it was only using Iskall as a means of staying alive, not influencing him or trying to take control of his body at all. Do you get me?”
“A little.”
“And I think I know the spell that will separate them, and give dad his old body back,” They went back into the main room with Iskall, “Should I do it now?”
“Blast ‘im,” Alex backed out of the room, putting a protective wall between him and the magic.
A glowing green ball of energy swirled between Xisuma’s hands, and Iskall backed into the wall, “H-hey Xisuma, what are you doing?”
“This...shouldn’t hurt.”
Iskall held up a hand in a stop gesture, “SHOULDN’T?!”
Xisuma blasted him with the magic. Iskall glowed green, floated into the sir, then split into two people who fell down.
“I...think it...worked,” Xisuma muttered, collapsing to the floor.
Doomguy looked up, and noticed someone lying, unmoving, on the floor. His saving-people instincts kicked in, and he pulled himself over to the person. “C'mon, don’t be dead, don’t be dead,” he said, shaking them.
Someone was shaking Iskall. He sat up and opened his eyes, “Holy heck, it’s Doomguy!”
“You’re alive!” Doomguy said relieved, and pulled Iskall into a hug.
Absolutely starstruck, Iskall sat there, frozen. It’s Doomguy, I love Doom, Doomguy is right here, and he’s hugging me, it’s Doomguy! Iskall’s mind looped.
Pulling out of the hug, Iskall spotted Xisuma crumpled on the floor, “W-wait, I got-gotta check on my friend.”
Doomguy turned around, and spotted his son on the floor.
“Xisuma!” He stood up and stumbled toward him.
“Wait, you know Xisuma?”
“He’s my son. Well, your son, too. Our son.”
“Short answer, I am you. You are me. We’re the same person.”
Looking at his hands, one thought crossed Iskall’s mind, I’m Doomguy. It was closely followed by “I HAVE A SON?”
“Two sons.”
“TWO SONS? And one of them is dying!” Iskall sprinted across the room and cradled Xisuma’s head, “I don’t know what to do!”
“Health potion?” Doomguy suggested.
“Oh, yeah,” Pulling a potion of healing out of his inventory, Iskall splashed it onto Xisuma. He held his breath and waited to see if it would work.
Xisuma opened his eyes. He sat up.
“Dad!” He jumped up, and buried his face in his dad’s chest plate, giving him a hug the same way he did when he was younger.
“I’m your dad, too,” Iskall said.
“You know?” Xisuma asked, breaking off the hug.
“Yeah, Doomguy told me. So give your poppa a hug,” Iskall uncrossed his arms and gave a very confused Xisuma a hug.
“Oh, OK,” Xisuma awkwardly pat Iskall’s back until he stepped away.
“Is Alex here?” Doomguy asked.
“He should be right outside, he didn’t want to be in the same room as an untested spell.”
“Wait, you didn’t test it? Then why did you cast it on me?” Iskall asked, panicked.
“How many people do we know that have another person living inside them?”
“Wels/Hels, I’m pretty sure Ren did for a while, a pregnant lady,” Iskall ticked off on his fingers.
“Different circumstances. Wels and Hels are one person, like two sides of a coin, Ren-I don’t know what happened with Grimdog or The Red King or whatever, but I definitely don’t want to mess with those, and did you just compare yourself to a pregnant woman?”
“You said Alex was just outside?”
“Yeah,” Xisuma pulled the door open, to reveal Alex sitting on a bench outside, drumming his fingers against the seat
“Did it work?”
“Yeah.” Stepping out of the doorway, Xisuma revealed their dad standing behind him.
“Hi, Alex.”
“It’s me,” Doomguy sat next to his other son.
“Dad!” Alex hugged him, and they pulled Xisuma into the hug after a second. They sat there before the hug was interrupted by another pair of arms joining in.
“Family, together again,” Iskall sighed.
“What’s up with him?” Alex asked, glancing at Iskall.
“I’m part of the family, call me Dadskall.”
“OK...Dadskall, can we have awhile alone with our dad?”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. See you later.” Iskall trudged out of the room.
“I haven’t seen you guys in forever! How long was I…”
“15 years.”
“So that would put you guys in your mid-30s, right?”
“Has anything big happened in the last 15 years?”
Alex pulled off his helmet, “Nothing too bad. I was imprisoned for a bit of it,” he glared at his brother.
Xisuma also removed his helmet, “I said I was sorry, how many times do you want me to apologize?”
“I wasn’t saying it’s your fault, I was just making the point that-”
“I get it! I was an idiot and I didn’t listen to you when you were clearly right.”
“Just like old times,” Doomguy chuckled, he examined his son’s faces, “You look so much older, like real adults. I’m so sorry I missed out on the last 15 years, I would’ve loved to see you grow up.”
“It’s not like you could do anything about it.”
“I know you would have been here if you could.”
“Also how did you guys get those scars?”
“Someone needed to keep slaying the demons after you left,” Alex shrugged.
“I angered some Watchers years ago.”
“You angered some Watchers?” Doomguy asked, standing up.
“I just realized someone was right, but it was too late to save them.”
“Darn right, I was.” Alex and Xisuma also stood up.
“I...forgot how tall you were,” Doomguy said looking, at up at Alex, who was only a few inches taller.
“Oh, yeah. Xisuma was jealous he never got this tall.”
“No, I’m not!”
“Sure,” Alex smirked.
“So, anything else new?” Their dad intervened.
“Daisy’s still alive.”
“Should’ve guessed,” he chuckled.
“Oh! You’re a grandpa!”
“Yeah! I adopted a guy named xB. I’ll call him over, so you can meet!”
<Xisuma> hey xb, can you come on down to my base, I’ve got something to show you
<xBcrafted> ?
<xBcrafted> yeah, be there shortly
“How did you meet this xB?”
“I was doing some exploring between seasons, looking for a good seed, when I found a small single player world. xB was alone in there. Poor kid was only 13, didn’t know where his parents were, said he had been handling himself for the last 2 or 3 years, so I took him back to Hermitcraft with me. He’s a great kid, you’ll love him.”
“Xisuma has practically adopted the entire server.”
“Server? You’re an admin?”
“We both are. I’m main admin of Hermitcraft, Alex is the backup admin.”
“I’m so sorry I missed out on all of this stuff. I really wish I could have been there for you two.”
Something thumped into the outside of the building they were in, and the door opened, “Freakin’ rockets, stupid friggin’ elytra,” xB mumbled. “Oh, hey Uncle Alex, hey, dad.”
Doomguy gasped, “I love him already!”
“xB, this is our dad, Doomguy.”
“Wait, I thought he was dead.”
“Wonky magic stuff.”
“OK then. I’m xBcrafted,” xB said, offering his hand for a handshake.
Doomguy scooped him up in a hug, “Hello, xB, you can call me Grandpa Flynn, or just Grandpa, or just Flynn, I don’t care. I have a grandson!”
“Nice-to-meet-you,” xB gasped.
“Dad, I don’t think he can breath.”
“Oh, right,” Flynn released his grandson, “sorry, got a little overexcited.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m glad you’re back.”
“Glad to be back.”
“Do you want to go meet the rest of the server? There’s just under 30 of us, total.”
“Oh, you’ll love all of them. There’s me, of course, but Hypno and Jevin and Wels and False are all set up near me, Stress and Gem are also pretty close, and Doc and Ren are just past them, and…” xB rambled as the other three grabbed their helmets.
“You ready?” Alex asked, pushing open the door.
“Let’s go, I want to meet the rest of your family.”
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koocycle · 4 years
if not forever | jk drabble
pairing. jungkook x reader
summary. “i wanted to be with you for a long time, if not forever. you ruined that. you ruined many things.”
wc. 1.6k
warnings. none
a/n. kinda messy post break up drabble. wrote this in one go and did not (!!) proof read nor edit ahaaa my sincere apologies if this is the worst thing u ever read
“what’s so funny?”
your voice comes out a little harsher than you had officially intended to and for some odd reason, you had hoped to throw him off guard with it. however, the same beautiful yet forced grin keeps its place on his face. the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes yet he makes no effort into erasing it, maintaining his gaze on the plates of seafood in front of him.
“i’m sorry, i don’t mean to laugh at you,” he speaks with his mouth still stuffed with the fried shrimps you ordered earlier, showing you he kept his old habits you always told him to get rid off. “but it’s kinda funny to me.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” you lie as you reposition yourself in your seat. he doesn’t need to see it, but he knows your fingers are nervously fumbling with the edge of the table cloth.
“you do, though.” the man in front of you places his chopsticks neatly back in place whilst speaking, still not making any eye contact.
“you don’t even like the dude. you’re making him look ridiculous sitting here.” he dares to state out loud, chewing on the last remains in his mouth.
the urge to roll your eyes at the man is getting stronger, and at first you decide to not give him the satisfaction of an answer. you have better things to do, you keep repeating to yourself. you don’t have time for such childish acts, you decide. that until he speaks up again.
“what even was that story about? dude keeps talking about his art galleries and shit. as if you could care less.” he snickers cockily into the warm air.
“drop it, jeongguk.”
“oh and don’t get me started on when he began to show off his paintings.” he huffs, “he was literally fishing for compliments. couldn’t be more obvious.” he continues on, taking another sip of his sparkly water. “he thinks he’s the shit because he owns a pair of designer shoes and a gucci bag.”
“excuse me, taehyung is a very fine man. thank you very much.” you snap at him, not taking his harsh words any longer.
“sure.” he holds his hands up in the air. “i’m just saying, he isn’t what you’re looking for.”
“and what am i looking for, jeongguk?” you ask almost immediately, fed up with his attitude and big ego. “since you know me so well, tell me everything about it.”
“i’m not trying to invade your life, since you decided i shouldn’t be a part of it any longer-”
you hold your finger up in the air, shushing him mid-sentence, “give me a minute to take notes, yeah?”
a beat of silence passes through the both of you, each of you way too stubborn to break the intense eye contact you are sharing. bubbles of laughter erupt on the tables beside yours, happy couples and families making the most out of their night, the tense atmosphere on the table next door going completely unnoticed by them.
and for the first time this night, you and jeongguk are actually, sincerely looking at each other. the previous hour before taehyung excused himself to the bathroom was filled with awkward small talk and tacky glances that didn’t last any longer than a second.
you didn’t plan to find your ex in this restaurant this exact night. fuck, you didn’t plan to see him ever again, you assured yourself it was better for your own mental health. and when your tinder date decided to meet up at his favorite restaurant? what would you do then? you’d go nonetheless. because what were the odds of seeing the one person you didn’t bet on seeing tonight? the chances were small, that for sure, but with your luck, you should’ve seen it coming.
and what would you do when your ex introduced himself to your new date as an old friend of yours? of course you’d sit down at his table. of course you would, because your prince charming for the night was a beautiful social butterfly. as talented as he is, as breathtaking as he looks, it wasn’t enough and he just had to be social enough to accompany this so called old friend on his table.
“i just don’t get how you can date him.” he sighs into the air, leaning back in his chair with a huff.
“he seems like a cool person to be around, whether or not he reaches your standards,” you say, slumping down your own seat now. “and we’re not dating.”
“you’re going on dates with him.” he corrects himself. “and you bring him to places i’ve been bringing you to the past three years?”
you hate the sharp edge to his tone. you hate the desperate search for answers which is evident in his voice. you hate it. you caused it, you’re aware. and the pang in your chest grows each second of taehyung’s absence.
“how could you throw us aside like that?”
his voice is booming loud and clear through your ears, and even though you had been expecting this question sooner or later tonight, you still hadn’t figured out a solid answer for him. you wish you had.
“did those three years mean nothing to you?” he has so many questions bottled up inside of him, so many questions he has collected over the past months, unable to form any solid answers himself - so now that you’re in front of him, he has to take his chances, no?
the sight of you not making any eye contact is irritating him, though. he doesn’t see, but he knows you’re staring at your fumbling fingers under the table, folding the edges of the napkin placed on your lap. your pretty lips are shut tight, the beautiful toothy smile he was once able to appear on your face, has disappeared. your silence is killing him.
“did they mean nothing to you?” he asks again, his voice slightly cracking halfway.
you feel his stare burning on your face, you hear the way he holds his breath for a few seconds. and it pains you. “they did. they still do.”
“then why did we stop? we were perfect together.” his voice lowers a few octaves, “we were perfect.”
“i planned to stay with you for a long time, if not forever.” he says, unable to keep his stares away from you. he hates how you’re able to stay so silent, proving all the assumptions that had been swerving in his mind to be right. he wants to yell at you for being so calm, he wants you to know how he’s been feeling the past couple of months. like total shit.
he loves you so much. he loves you so much that it hurts. he loves you so much that he wants you to go through the pain he’s been going through. he may know it’s selfish, but the way you’re sitting there, slumped onto your seat, giving him answers filled with silence - he doesn’t care no more. doesn’t want to care.
“don’t say stuff like that, guk. you don’t mean that.” you rub your temples in a tired manner. “we both know that wasn’t going to work with the way things were going between us.”
they way his name leaves your lips in such an unfamiliar manner makes his head spin.
“you thought it wasn’t going to work.” he snaps, and loudly so, making a few heads turn in your direction. “you thought so many things and you made a rashed decision that isn’t better for neither of us.”
he continues on, “i wanted to stay with you for forever. you ruined that - you ruined many things. you ruined the beautiful things we had.” he rambles, and you can feel your heart beat against your ribcage now. “i bet you didn’t even think twice about the break up. bet you just went up and left. probably for this guy too. you didn’t care - you don’t care about those years. you’re selfish.”
“you gotta stop it, guk.”
“i have to remind myself to not be sad when i go home to an empty house when i leave work.” he says, an accusing finger pointing your way. “i loved you and you didn’t give two shits. i have to wake up and go to bed with a shit feeling whilst your out here going on dates with guys you barely know?”
you catch your breath in your throat. you want him to know how much he meant to you - how much he still means to you. how you’re going through it as well. you’re not sure if he’d still believe you, considering the circumstances you were in.
“i’m going through it as well, jeongguk. i swear i am. just as much as you.” you reach for his hands resting on the table, needy for some contact.
he pulls himself away from you, though. so your hands fall on the wooden table in defeat. “this is as hard for me as it is for you. but i had to do this. what we had wasn’t healthy.”
he nods as if he understands you. he doesn’t. his lips purse and his glossed eyes are the last thing you see before he tears his gaze away and grabs his stuff on the chair next to him.
“you don’t understand.” he mumbles, right before he goes up and leaves.
you call out for him a couple more times, but he’s not listening, so you watch him from afar, just until you hear the heavy door of the restaurant go to a shut.
and you cry.
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grayfilmsandstuff · 3 years
Hey there friendo! Could I get a funky madcom matchup? I'm fine with whoever (๑¯∇¯๑) This is also gonna be hella disjointed, so I apologize in advance (╥w╥)
I'm 4'11 with super dark brown eyes and hair and a baby face; most people always think  I'm much younger than I actually am (I'm 20, but just look like a forever teen I guess) I've got dreadlocks that go a little past mid back, freckles, beauty marks and light patches all over my body (not sure if its vitiligo or not), and I wear prescription sports goggles instead of normal glasses since the straps make me less likely to lose them, and Im accidentally rough on stuff sometimes
Agender, aroace with leaning for gender neutral and neopronouns, but i dont really care much in the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've got a metric shit-ton of mental illness, so my mental state is Wack™, tho I'll point out my ADHD and Autism since those are my most prominent. Paradoxical is the best word to describe me cuz I can range from feral gremlin memelord to so-quiet-you-forget-Im-there (I accidentally scare people alot cuz of this). Relatively apathetic emotionally, and I can sometimes struggle with social cues, I'm also very childish, hyperactive and immature, and can be blunt and straight forward with my words. I have a trash sense of humor (I'll basically laugh at anything), tho I do enjoy dark, self-deprecating, and/or inappropriate jokes the most. Since most people see me as "ignorant baby", I like fucking with them by just saying the weirdest shit or casually cursing because I can. Honestly, the amount of memes, shitposts, and copypastas that I've memorized just for the sake of a joke, is amazing.
I'm academically smart to a degree, with a leaning towards the sciences, maths, and engineering. Mostly a big psychology and astronomy nerd and really big into art. I've gotta bunch of sketchbooks and folders full of drawings, (mostly character designs), from over the years and too many damn color pencils (that I will continue to add on too, because fuck yeah colors). I'm really into transformers, comics, anime, video games, and true crime. I like to lift weights and have questionable eating habits (forgetting to eat is a problem of mine so I always have snacks on me, and I tend to eat things I really shouldnt; Ex. Chalk) and basically eat like a famine survivor when it comes to food. I practically inhale my food and I tend to get aggressive if someone tries to interact with me while I'm eating or cooking. All and all tho, I'm mostly here to vibe and just live in the moment.
I have a lot of cat-like habits and tend to headbutt, rub up against, and bite and/or lick people who I like; walk on my toes alot; and prefer small spaces over wide open ones. I'm also really flexible, so it's not odd to causally find me weird ass positions. Gets the nyoomies randomly and struggles with volume control (not helped by me being slightly hard at hearing), so I'll usually pace around while talking and making random noises (echolocalia basically, and I'll mostly beep, meow, trill, make Kirby noises "poyo!", etc.,), and also hand flappy! I also like to sing to myself and have a really great range (mostly on the higher end of the spectrum), as well as decent voice acting capabilities! I mirror things alot, so if I interact with someone long enough, I'll subconsciously start mimicking them and their habits (mostly verbal quirks and accents, but physical quirks too sometimes). Very much prefer hot and humid weather and get real tried/hibernate when it gets colder. For that reason, I've got a huge nest of soft blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.
i.. . .this was so long.. . .. i love you thank you for sending in a request but note for people in the future please don't make your requests this long it makes it rough on me
this is a good example of the longest request i'll take and this is a good example of the shortest use this to your advantage
i match you wiiiiiith...
- Hank isn't sure where you came from but he returned to the bunker with you one day and after the shock factor was over, everyone accepted it and welcomed you in
- they really like your goggles, sometimes they'll point to their own and then point to you, saying that you were matching :}
- he's got a wack mental state too, so he understands a lot of what you're going through and helps you with social cues from the other three, and just is there in general to help out
- you also help them if they feel like they need to lean onto you for comfort or help
- he actually thinks your bluntness is helpful because he's the kind of person is mostly oblivious and doesn't understand what you're saying unless you say it directly and say exactly what you mean
- they love making you laugh at the silliest things. if makes them really happy knowing that they can make you smile or laugh no matter what the circumstances are
- a lot of the time when you say a meme or a copypasta in front of him he won't understand and will ask you what it means
- "one bad gloop and she do what i yoinky two big splurgs and a big gloopy three more yoinks, then i buy me a smoothie poured up a gloop, that's a gloop and a splurgy"
- "...i'm sorry what"
- they really look up to how smart you are and it fascinates them when you'll just ramble about a topic because they know that means you're really interested in it
- you love drawing and a lot of the time you give your assorted doodles to Hank. he loves and cherishes them because what the heck how are you so talented??
- they get onto you for eating things you shouldn't. they want you be happy and healthy, not just the former
- he also enjoys watching you cook whenever you do! he tries his best to help but the big guy has no idea how you do it
- they LOVE your cat-like habits. they love cats. period. any time you'll meow or rub up against them they just melt entirely
- the first time you picked up on something he said and started mimicking it, his initial reaction was :O but it grew more into a :D
thanks for the request! i tried to keep it short with all that you provided me, have a good day my friend
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rllymilerlly · 3 years
49 and 50 with whatever you want!
Writing prompts
“Im too sober for this”/ “Oh god, I need a drink”
I got a lil carried away with this and DIDNT know how to end it because I just wanted to keep going and still do so I’m sorry.
For some context this set in my lil college au that I use for most of my stuff with them u_u
Gaz would say she was used to Zim and Dibs quirks. After knowing Dib all her life and Zim for over half she has had to adapt to the wacky shit they put her through. And when Dib and Zim decided to get an apartment together in college, she knew she was going to have to always mentally prepare herself for whatever hellscape awaits her inside when she came over.
However, one day after an extremely long art critique in class, all she wanted was to come over to their place and complain about it. They’d comfort her in their own unique ways, make her feel like not a complete failure like her professor did. Maybe they’d even take her out for some pizza as compensation for her shitty day. She was so caught up in her own frustrations, she didn’t mentally prep for the sights she could possibly see. So, when she entered the apartment she wasn’t ready to witness her boyfriend in his high school prom dress doing some sort of weird shimmy with her brother in front of the TV with “Promiscuous” blasting from the speakers.
“I’m too sober for this,” was all she could say at the sight. The boys both turned at the sound of her voice.
“Oh, hey Gaz!” they said simultaneously, flashing a smile, before immediately turning their eyes back to the screen.
“What the hell are you guys even doing?” Gaz asked as she started heading to their kitchen. Honestly, she has walked in on crazier shit. This wouldn’t even come close to breaking the top 20 list. But after the long mid term week she’s had, she was just hoping for a semi-normal night. Though, she should’ve known that was going to be a lost cause with these two. Maybe she should have just called Zita or someone instead of coming here.
“-and then of course Zim took that as a personal challenge. And now we have been playing Just Dance for the past 3 hours.” Dib rambled on slightly out of breath, not realizing his sister wasn’t fully paying attention.
“Hey! Watch your arms, space bug!” He yelled as Zim slid in front him almost hitting his face.
“Wouldn’t have to if you were paying attention Dib-Shit” Zim mocked.
“Zim why are you in your old prom outfit?” Gaz asked before Dib could retaliate. Zim’s antennae perked up at her voice.
“I put it on to coordinate with the first simulation. But Dib refused to let me change again in an attempt to hinder my MAXIMUM performance,” he started to laugh, “A foolish move on his part. I’ve been kicking his ass in heels since he was a smeet.”
“Oh my God, no. That is not why. I just didn’t want to wait forever for you to change in between every song. Matching with the characters doesn’t ACTUALLY help improve your score, moron.”
“Psh of course you think that, human” Zim rolled his eyes as he dramatically paused. “WHAT?! Zim totally hit that move! See Dib your stupid box can’t recognize Zim’s body movements perfectly because my attire is not accurate! The scores are going to be all off!“
“Oh my God, I need a drink.” Dib sighed ignoring Zim’s theatrics. He glanced over at his sister, who was pouring herself a shot. “Hey Gaz think you can pour me one too?”
“You mean to tell me you’ve been dancing for 3 hours sober?” She questioned as she poured him a glass.
“Bleh I don’t see how humans can drink that filth,” Zim gagged.
“Says the alien that eats nothing but pure sugar” Dib replied as he walked away from the game.
“Hey! The songs not finished ye-“
“You win, space lizard, congrats” Dib interrupted.
“Well of course I did!” Zim gloated, satisfied with his victory. He joined the Membranes in their tiny semi-messy (thanks Gir) kitchen.
“Hello Gus,” Zim said as he gave her a swift peck on the cheek, following more of his typical “normal partner” welcoming routine now that he could give her his full attention. Gaz smiled slightly at the dumb nickname.
“Hi Zim” she replied. She handed Dib a shot. They clinked their glasses and downed them.
“I’m sorry you had to witness us dancing,” Dib said, wiping his mouth.
“I’m not! I’m a great dancer!” Zim said. He gloved up his hands to start tidying up the mess Gir left.
“Oh hey! How was your critique today?” Dib asked, ignoring his roommate.
Gaz sighed, “I’m going to need another drink first.”
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