#me when i see bruno bucciarati
melomelomelone · 1 month
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jojo art dump, the first three are like a teensy bit older. rose is my little oc and that's me putting it normally ♡ my creatura homegrown and raised
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deusluxuria · 9 months
i feel like when abbacchio first saw buccellati it was like one of those cheesy teen drama scenes and it was like time slowed down with some ethereal song playing in the background because "oh no he's hot"
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 6 months
How the bucci gang sleep hcs
This has been in my drafts since January wtf
all over the place
there is not a single time where these two have woken up in the same position they fell asleep in
like they'll fall asleep spooning, then they'll wake up with half of Bruno's limbs zipped off and Abbacchio sprawled across the bed in a position that looks uncomfortable with her foot in Bruno's face
one of Bruno's legs is probably on the floor and Abbacchio is most likely cuddling one of his arms
they're just used to it at this point
"Leone can you pass me my leg?" "m'kay"
Narancia came in to wake them up one time and screamed because Bruno zipped his head off in his sleep
Mista and Trish teased him about it for weeks
anyway i bet on my life that Bruno and Abba bring out their stands in their sleep
just randomly while they're sleeping Sticky Fingers and Moody Blues pop out
they just look at each other, then down at their users, then back to each other
they end up cuddling too (SENTIENT STANDS SUPREMACY)
it's so cute when Bruno and Abba wake up and see that their stand are cuddling
also Bruno's hair may look perfect 24/7 but in the morning it's SO. FUCKING. MESSY.
he has to immediately brush his hair so no one sees it like that
except Abbacchio
when she wakes up her hair is also a mess
just slightly less messy
she has breakfast before she does anything else, then she immediately does her make-up
also don't be surprised if Bruno has Abbacchio's lipstick stains all over his body in the morning
it just means he sucked some girl dick last night
usually on those days Abbacchio wakes up with smudged make-up that she forgot to take off
also Abbacchio has frequent nightmares and often times wakes up in the middle of the night
she doesn't like telling anyone and calms herself down before going back to sleep
Bruno knows about it though
these guys are like the opposite of Bruno and Abba
they'll fall asleep cuddling and wake up in the exact same position
usually Fugo's the big spoon because he doesn't like being the little spoon
brings back bad memories y'know?
but anyway they sometimes also bring out their stands in their sleep
GER most of the time
it just likes to pop out to see what's happening
sometimes in the morning when Fugo wakes up, he'll roll over and see GER staring him dead in the eyes
he screams loud enough to wake everyone up
nara, mista and trish all tease him about it
"Did someone get scared~?" "SHUT UP NARANCIA! IT WAS JUST STARING ME DEAD IN THE EYES!" "Pussy lmao" "MISTA" "Nah the boys are right, you are kind of a pussy" "TRISH!"
sometimes purple haze comes out while Fugo's asleep
GER just pops out and hangs out with ph for a bit
anyway Fugo's hair is always a pain in the ass when he wakes up
as for Giorno... uh...
picture Dio's hair but longer
he looks like a younger version of shadow Dio too in the morning lmao
also Giorno bites shit in his sleep
and he's got some sharp canine teeth
the pros of being half-vampire
don't be surprised if when they wake up there's bite marks on Fugo's arms
or if Giorno's biting a pillow
if Giorno's had a stressful day he might move around in his sleep too
not much usually, but one time he ended up sleepwalking
Fugo woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Giorno wasn't there
he eventually found Giorno wandering around the garden and muttering to himself
it was really funny when Fugo snapped him out of it
then they went back to bed and Giorno bit Fugo's hand so hard it drew blood
true love at it's finest
sometimes Fugo has nightmares and Giorno has to wake him up
on more rare occasions Giorno has a nightmare and wakes up Fugo because he's trembling and shaking so much
that's about it
he'll sleep in any position there is possible and he'll be comfy in all of them
he's also the deepest sleeper in the team
this guy moves around a lot too
he'll fall asleep in fetal position against the wall, then he'll wake up halfway across the room with his blanket tangled in his legs
sleepovers with him are a nightmare because not only does he snore, but this man also sleeptalks
one time Narancia and Trish were sleeping in his room and they woke up to him mumbling about how far his ass is
they recorded it in case they ever needed to blackmail him
but yeah this guy is a mess
He sleeps naked too
Balls out and everything
Unless Trish and Narancia are sleeping over
In thy case he leaves his pants on
Also on hot nights he SWEATS
This guy naturally runs warm, he gets hot during the night
Bro sleeps like a baby
Nara just kinda sleeps wherever
He hardly even uses his own room unless someone carries him there
Honk mmimimimi honk mimimimimi
Also they sleep with their blanket wrapped around them like a cocoon
My guy is snug as a bug in a rug fr
This mf does not make ANY noise in their sleep
Completely silent
The amount of times people have thought they were dead because of this is quite a hefty amount
The missile is very sleepy
If they sleep next to someone they cling on for dear life
Also they're a blanket hog
They do not move at all either
She sleeps in a princess bed
Also a quiet sleeper
But she does move, unlike Narancia
Goes to sleep like she's in a casket at her funeral and wakes up face down on the opposite side of the bed
If she forgets to take her makeup off before bed she screams and tells Giorno to buy her self-care products
Live laugh love Trish
Sometimes she sleeps with Sheila E (I wish lesbians were real💔💔)
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anya-nya-nya · 6 months
Using their stand to stop you from running away.
Contains: Bruno, Leone, Fugo, Giorno
TW yandere behavior, abuse (both physical and mental), gaslighting, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con, please contact me if you think I missed something!
Why does no one talk about how you literally can't escape Bruno? Because even if you manage to break out of the bedroom he was locking you in, all he needs to do is use his stand to zip off your arms and legs and then watch with a smile how you try to crawl away on these four stumps. But don't you worry, that was such a warm and kind smile, not the cruel one, as your boyfriend is still a gentleman! He would carefully pick you up and bring you back to the room with a soft coo. And even if you would keep crying and cursing him for being such a monster, Bruno wouldn't get mad. You're just confused and overwhelmed, after all. It's okay, he can understand that you need some time to adjust to your new life..
..But he will definitely try to speed up this process with some uninvited kisses and strokes, actually believing he helps you get used to it. Oh! And the way you try to push him away with the remains of your arms is actually pretty cute BUT he will not give your limbs back if you keep being such a brat.
Also, this strange satisfaction of seeing you so vulnerable rises up in Bucciarati more and more with each new attempt to escape. It's all upon you if you will get your body in normal state anytime soon or will be all at his disposal like this and in need to be taken care of forever.
Leone is a more reticent person. He probably wouldn't tell you about his stand's ability just to have a trick up his sleeve. So when he starts to notice that your behavior suddenly changed - maybe you become too obedient after throwing tantrums almost every day or stop threatening him to run away and call the police - he would immediately understand you find a way to actually escape him.
He can be pretty sadistic and has already punished you many times but now it's time to actually teach you a lesson and fuck not with your body but with your brain. All he needs to do is just use his stand to imitate his appearance to make sure you understand that you're ALWAYS watched. Would love to see the terror on your face when you got scared by seeing him in the living room - didn't he just walk away to the kitchen?! How can he be so fast? Is he actually just teleporting everywhere you go?
The satisfied smirk on his face just makes it all worse. What's wrong, did Leona actually break your spirit that fast? Well, although it was sometimes quite amusing to see your attempts to fight back, it can be tiring and annoying. Leona's more a fan of you being quiet and obedient, too scared to say something when he pressed you against the wall again with his hands already under your shirt.
ohh the emotional swings from Fugo. He actually wants to be soft with you and pamper you like a porcelain doll, yet your whines about wanting to go home and these stupid attempts to run away are driving him insane. It's a miracle he still didn't kill you, you know? Both with his stand and his bare hands.
He's kissing bruises on your body with the most gentle apologizing whisper in one second, then making new ones the next. Most of the time it's just him himself, but sometimes, especially when he coughs you in the middle of another try to escape, wouldn't mind using his stand. More exactly would be too overwhelmed with rage to notice he used Purple Haze, but would quickly calm himself down TO NOT actually release some deadly virus.
So, as Fugo can't physically use his stand to stop you, he would just threaten you with it. He's smart enough to find good words to make guilt stuck in the back of your mind. YOU'RE the ungrateful brat here, throwing away all the hard work he did just for you. He's literally trying his best to be the ideal boyfriend, but instead of supporting him you just keep pushing him away, driving him insane! Sorry but he's loving you too much, so maybe he should actually use his ability and let you both die in embrace of each other and have a fresh state in another life?
And despite it all sounds ridiculous, the mad expression on his face makes you think that even if this man's bluffing there's still too much compulsivity in him that can make these threats become true.
Giorno is a straight up gaslighter tbh.
If he noticed you from behind then wouldn't even bother to notify you that you're caught in the act. All he will do is turn a doorknob into something you are afraid of - snakes, for example. Or maybe the window frame will suddenly become vines that will wrap around your wrist the second you climb up on the windowsill. And even if you would be brave enough to point it out he would just act like he didn't do anything.
If he walks in and faces you in the middle of breaking the lock, he's still pretty chill. Giorno doesn't care that you have a screwdriver in your hand, he will just softly talk with you and ask what are you doing here while slowly dragging you away from the door. There's a cake he bought to enjoy together after dinner and some free time from his work that he wants to spend with you on his laps.
Yet if you proceed to fight back then this is the time when he would use his stand to punch you. Not too strong, just enough to use his ability to literally 'push' your mind away from the body. And while you're standing here, full of sudden energy and power, you're still unable to do anything, only able to watch as Giorno carefully carries your body back to the bedroom while talking about having some nice cuddle session with you.
And by the time you will come to your senses, you will be already trapped in his grasp, feeling smooth kisses down your neck.
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coochellati · 8 months
Comfort From Your Capo
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Pairing: Bruno Bucciarati x gender-neutral reader
Summary: Bruno pauses a very important meeting to comfort you in your time of need.
Word Count: 963
Genre: Fluff
I’ve had a pretty rough week; I wrote this short one-shot to provide a bit of comfort. Honestly, it was pretty cathartic. If you’re in a similar position, I hope reading this can help you a little too 🩷
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Tap tap tap.
You abruptly lifted your face from your damp pillow, startled by the sudden presence of someone at your bedroom door.
A spark of annoyance rushed through your body, which lay sprawled across your bed. Great—someone else had heard your desperate sobs and had come to check on you. Mista had dropped by not even ten minutes ago. Were your walls really that thin? Sharing a house with Team Bucciarati already left you with limited privacy, but seriously? It seemed that not even your room was safe from nosy eavesdroppers.
“Is everything alright?” A muffled voice asked from behind your bedroom door. Wait, was that Bruno? Wasn’t he supposed to be in the middle of an important meeting with Giorno? You felt conflicted—on one hand, you were relieved that Bruno was the one who had come to check on you. On the other hand, you felt even more tense; you knew how crucial this meeting was. Bruno had been emphasizing the importance of it for the past week; he had made it very clear that he was not to be bothered.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be meeting with Giorno?” you choked out, hot tears streaming down your flushed face.
“I am,” he replied, “but one of the Sex Pistols requested that I come and check on you.”
“Well, things are fine,” you called out as you buried your face back into your pillow. Bruno didn’t need to hear your sobs.
“Your words don’t sound very reassuring,” Bruno replied, his voice laced with concern. “If you need space, I’ll leave you be.”
“No, it’s not—that’s not it,” you whimpered between gasps for air. “I don’t want to take you away from your work. You said that this meeting was super important, and I”—you gasped—“I don’t want to interrupt you.”
“Interrupting me—is that what you’re worried about?” Bruno asked. “I promise you aren’t disturbing me. Right now, your distress is a much more pressing concern.” His words melted your heart; the care in his voice made you cry even harder.
“Okay, you can come in,” you sniffled, shifting your body so that you were now sitting up. You grabbed a tissue on your nightstand to wipe away the snot pouring out of your nose—you didn’t want Bruno to see you in such a gross state. All of a sudden, you heard your doorknob jiggling.
“It’s locked,” he called out.
“Oh—sorry, I’ll get it.”
“No need,” he replied. You heard the low growl of a zipper as Bruno began crawling through the center of your door. The pull tabs on his suit jingled as he stepped into your bedroom and zipped your door shut. You stared at the floor, vision blurry with tears. You felt the bed shift as Bruno took a seat next to you.
A warm finger traced your jawline towards your chin as he turned your head towards him. Your lip quivered as you looked into his deep, sapphire eyes. The soft, tender expression he wore caused you to break down all over again. Bruno pulled a silk handkerchief from his pocket and softly dabbed the warm tears cascading down your face.
“Don’t feel any pressure to talk about what’s upsetting you. However, if you need someone to listen, I’m here for you,” he gently stated. “Everything is going to be okay.” You nodded your head as he leaned down and delicately kissed your forehead. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, engulfing you in his warmth. You buried your face into the space where his suit opened up for his chest, your skin pressed against his. The soothing scent of his expensive cologne flooded your nose. You focused on Bruno’s rhythmic breathing and found comfort as you rose and fell with his chest.
“Were you upset when you had to leave your meeting?” You asked, voice shaking.
“No, not at all,” Bruno reassured. “I’ll admit that I was a little irritated when Number 5 first appeared, but I calmed down as soon as it informed me of your distress. Mista must have been pretty concerned about you. I don’t think Number 5 was acting on Mista’s orders—I imagine it was reflecting his subconscious. I’m surprised he didn’t check on you himself.”
“He did; I told him to go away,” you sniffled and lightly chuckled.
”Ah, so that’s why Number 5 came and got me,” Bruno remarked, softly smiling. “I’m glad it did.“ His words sent a shiver of bliss running through your body.
“By the way, don’t worry about getting my suit wet; it’ll dry. Besides, even if you did leave a stain, I’m not worried—I’ve got the best dry cleaners in Italy,” he softly laughed.
“So that’s how you keep your suit so white,” you muttered, half-smiling.
”Mm-hm,” Bruno hummed. You noticed that your tears had finally stopped. A melancholic tranquility had replaced your sorrow.
“You seem like you’ve calmed down; are you feeling any better?” Bruno questioned. You looked up at him and nodded your head in response.
“Good,” He murmured as he began stroking your back. “I’ll stay with you a little while longer. As much as I don’t want to, I do have to get back to my meeting sometime soon. Don’t worry, I’ll come back once it’s over.”
“Thank you, Bruno,” you tiredly mumbled. A fuzzy warmth flooded your body as he pulled you even closer.
“I’ll always be here for you, my love,” Bruno consoled. You closed your eyes; a wave of exhaustion flooded your body as you allowed all of your muscles to relax. Your world no longer felt as if it was falling apart; it was as if Bruno had used his stand ability to reattach its pieces back together.
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yuugen-benni · 7 months
''What was the best thing someone ever said to you ?''
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'You're amazing.' ''That was the line, it seems so simple, right?…Y/n said that to me several times when we were stupid kids in love. They were afraid to say 'I love you' so, instead, saying 'You're amazing' was actually a way of saying 'I'm surprised at how much I love you'….How did I know it was that ? You cannot hide love, it is almost impossible, unfortunately. Our whole being say it for us.'' - Josuke Higashikata, Bruno Bucciarati, Oda Sakunosuke, Bram Stoker
'I knew you would come back.' ''At first I was like 'Am I so predictable? or do they just know me really well?', and then I realized it was a stupid statement; of course I would come back, I have no doubts, no reason to run away and I hope I never will…[Raise an eyebrow] If my insecurities went away after these thoughts ? Oh, Does it really matter? I'm fine....a lot better'' - Abbacchio, Rohan Kishibe, Jouno Saigiku, Ayatsuji Yukito,
''Why is this even on the questionnaire? [Sighs]… Someone once said 'You should smile more, you really make me feel carefree when you do', honestly if they had just said the first sentence I wouldn't feel a thing but they added their own feelings and it was not just a ''kindness'' you do to a random person...Who was the person ? I'm sure there's no such question on the paper'' - Jotaro, Pannacota Fugo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Lucy Montgomery
''You are recording? Oh, Okay...Y/n one day told me I looked like a character from a fantasy movie! It was oddly endearing, but I didn't question them, although I can assume they see something they admire in me…What exactly? That's a question for them'' - Young!Joseph, Noriaki Kakyoin, Giorno Giovanna, Atsushi Nakajima, Nikolai Gogol
'You're beautiful' "Yeah, yeah, I get it. People always say stuff like this, but you feel me ? It's the little things that can totally brighten someone's day and It seriously made my day! And, not gonna lie, I know I'm good looking, but hey, a little reminder never hurts, right ?" - Guido Mista, Jean P. Polnareff, Edogawa Ranpo, Osamu Dazai
''I remember one night when Y/n called me, out of the blue, saying they wanted me to wish them a 'good night' because my voice was 'the peace they could find to sleep in'. They seemed sad, tired, so I didn't refuse the request…and also why would I refuse ? They are sweet people...What ? If I cried ?...[Looks away with an embarrassed sigh] shut up...'' - Avdol, Koichi Hirose, Jonathan Joestar, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Chuuya Nakahara, Tetchou Suehiro
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rougepancake · 1 year
Take care.
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How they deal with you when you’re on your period (hcs)
Ft. Leonne Abbacchio and Bruno Bucciarati
WARNINGS: Fem!reader. Period cramps, mood swings. Fluffy stuff. These hcs are all over the place btw. There is no order whatsoever-
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Don’t doubt him, he’s done his research and then some
He knows exactly what to get you when you’re cramping badly, and treats you as if you’re the most fragile thing on earth
Prepares you the BEST herbal teas and plays with your hair while you drink them
Sadly, he doesn’t cave when you beg him for whatever you’re craving, giving you stuff that he knows will tone down your cramps
He definitely gives you massages if you’re tense
I feel like he’s said something along the lines of “we’re in this together” and immediately regretted it afterwards
He makes everything about you for sure
There’s a movie you’ve been wanting to watch? He just bought it on dvd and you’re watching it tonight
You’re hungry? Tell him what you want and he’ll cook it to the best of his abilities
Need a heating pad? If you want, he’ll lay on top of you while you cuddle. If you don’t, you bet your ass he’s got a heating pad on standby
Prepares you nice warm baths and showers and enjoys being able to take care of you like this
Has the fridge stocked with various different fruits and vegetables for you, hand picked to make sure that they’re to your liking
Also has a secret stash of dark chocolate that he bought specifically for when you’re on your period
(he has to move it every month to prevent you from finding it)
Is amazing at comforting you through your mood swings. He’s a real champ for sure
Like if you snap at him, he’ll sit there and take it, because he knows you’ll cave and apologize later. He knows that it’s not your fault that your moody, so therefore he has no need to return your sudden anger
At the start of your relationship, he was definitely much more antsy whenever it came to your cramps and such, but the longer you’re together the more comfortable he gets
He has done all the research he can, and has even gone as far as to ask some of the older women he knows for pointers and such
100% rants to Abbacchio in secret
“I just don’t know what to do! She won’t even let me hold her-“ Bucciarati rambles, his hands waving around madly as he speaks. It’s uncharacteristic for him to be so worked up over something that’s so easily solved.
“Just give her some space.” Abbacchio shrugs and rolls his eyes at his friend. It makes perfect sense, really. You wouldn’t let him touch you, and you seemed moodier than you usually were. You just wanted space. Duh.
“Oh… Yeah. That might work.”
He has done some research. Like just enough to know what’s healthy for you and what he should do
This guy has a wonderful poker face, because not once have you been able to pick up on the fact that he’s panicking inside
Listen, he loves you, and he’s seriously doing his best here, but damn-
He has to fight back the urge to argue with you for fear that he’ll only upset you further
Like he really, reallyyy wants to piss you off, but he knows better than to do that (plus Bucciarati would never let him hear the end of it-)
While he doesn’t know a whole lot about what to do, he tends to cuddle you until you sleep, or make you whatever you ask for
Sorry but he can’t cook to save his life
Expect slightly burnt food every time he hands you a plate (you love it anyways)
Like Bruno, he’s got a stash of dark chocolate for you, except it’s sitting out in the open and he eats it with you while you’re watching cringy rom coms
I wholeheartedly believe he lets you do his makeup (and vice versa)
Like if you’re feeling up to it, he’ll walk in with his makeup kit and let you go crazy with it
Typically leaves it on until you fall asleep
Whenever he does your makeup, he’s very careful to not upset or hurt you. It’s one of the few times you get to see him so gentle
Has water bottles and heating pads within reach at all times just in case your cramps get worse. He also carries a bottle of Midol in his pocket for extra caution
Refuses to tell you that, however
Had the mindset of “not my womb, not my problem” until he started dating you
The first time you brought it up he died inside. You were suffering and there wasn’t really anything he could do about it. It sucked
Because he has done very basic research, he has no idea what to feed you other than your cravings
I mean yeah he looked up what to give you, but forgot within an hour once he saw how much pain you were actually in
Strictly refuses to ask questions about it and does not want help from anyone.
He gets incredibly flustered when he has to go out and get you pads/tampons. His brain always seems to short circuit on him while he’s in the isle. “What size does she prefer?” “Does she bleed heavily or not?? Fuck I can’t remember-!”
Snaps at anyone who looks at him funny when he buys them
Let’s you do his hair for sure, but WILL NOT go out in public with whatever hairstyle you give him
Braids? Cute, but not in front of Bucciarati
Ponytail? Actually he’s kind of digging it, but he knows he’ll never hear the end of it from the others, so no
Pigtails? You sounded excited about them, but he’d literally rather die than have anyone seen him with his hair like that ❤️
“Can I do your hair?” You ask softly, looking up at him from your spot on the couch. “I think you’d look good with Dutch braids, and I’d like to try it out on you.”
“Fine.” He grabs the hair brush and sits with his back towards you, allowing you full access to his hair. “Just don’t rip it out or whatever.”
“Thanks Leone.” You smile and begin parting his hair. “You’re gonna look amazing when I’m done.”
“I’d better.”
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berylcups · 2 months
Could you do a LA Squadra x reader (separate or together) hcs or short fiction where reader is friends with Bruno's squad and actively hang out with them on their days off? I wanna know their reactions 😭 Thank you, I love your writing!!!
Thank you so much! That means so much to me! 🥹 I got your request coming right up!
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La Squadra x Reader who’s friends with team Bucciarati:
CW: suggestive content, possessive behavior
Notes: this is placed in an everyone lives!AU because if I placed it in canon you just know they would be trying to kill each other 😭 So in this ask they will begrudgingly coexist with each other 😅 some of it will be kinda OOC and crackish since I went a little too far with this ask. I had a little too much fun with their reactions. I hope this meets your expectations nonetheless! Enjoy!💜 Beryl
All of La Squadra: Unacceptable! *drags your ass back home*
It was dark in the base when you came back. “…hello? Anyone home?” You asked with unease.
You heard the click of a lamp being switched on and seeing a brooding Risotto looking quite displeased.
“Where were you all day?” He interrogated.
“Sigh…Ris I TOLD you this morning I was going to hang out with my friends.” You rubbed your forehead at his dramatics.
“You never mentioned it was Bucciarati and his underlings…”he grumbled.
“Why do I have to? YOU KNOW I don’t have any other friends! …in Italy that is.” You sighed.
“No more. I forbid it.” He folded his arms.
“You “forbid it”??? Are you serious right now?” You put your hands on your hips challenging him.
“You have plenty of friends here in La Squadra. You don’t need any others.” He said stubbornly.
“Too bad! It’s my day off—I do what I want. On my day off, you’re not my boss! So there!” You huffed.
“If you keep going there I will stop making you arancini and I KNOW you don’t know how to make it…and I won’t make-“
“Don’t you dare-“you threaten him knowing exactly what hes going to say.
“…lasagne. You’ll be doomed to eat frozen lasagne for all of eternity.” He smirked knowing he has the upper hand.
“Oh yeah??? Well if you do that and won’t let me see my friends, I won’t lay on top of you during bedtime anymore! You’ll have to sleep without any weight on you! And I KNOW you refuse to buy an expensive weighted blanket!”
“….please don’t. I seriously need sleep.”
“Let me see my friends and give me the Sicilian goods and you’ll get that good sleep.” You negotiated.
“…sigh. Ok. Fine. But you speak of this to NOBODY. I have a reputation to uphold.”
“I know. I was there.” He said while lounging on the couch.
“You WHAT???”
“I wanted to make sure none of them were gonna hit on you so I hitched a ride on ya and hung around for a while.” He explained like it was a normal thing to do.
“Why didn’t you just ask to come with me???” You asked dumbfounded.
“They aren’t my kind of crowd. That Mista guy is kinda cool though. I also wanted to see if you were going to cheat on me-good job by the way! I knew I could trust you!” He said giving you a thumbs up.
“That is a extreme invasion of privacy Maggio! What the hell!”
“ Hey I’m just being a concerned boyfriend. I care about your safety, you know.” He said defensively. “ it’s not like I stayed the whole time… the minute you and that Fugo started talking about sciency stuff I dipped out. That shit was BORING. He needs to get a hobby like collecting stamps, playing football…or SOMETHING. Good god.”
That made you snort. “He has plenty of hobbies. Probably too many which is why he has anger issues and hates his parents.” You snickered.
“Ah~ tiger parents… good thing my parents had such low expectations with me, yet I somehow managed to still disappoint them!” He joked.
“Now that you’re done hanging out with zeros come hang with a hero!” He said patting the couch cushion next to him. “We got football to watch!”
“Welcome back traitor!” Everytime you come back from hanging out with Bucciaratis gang.
He teases the shit outta you for hanging out with a bunch of nobodies. 😭 He’s totally not jealous that you didn’t hang out with him today.
“So spill- tell me what embarrassing things they tell you today? Did Giorno drink more piss? Did that drunkard abbacchio do anything stupid?” He snickered.
“Pfft no.. nothing weird happened today. Sorry to disappoint!” You said talking your shoes off.
“So… I planned on having dinner just the 2 of us tonight?”
Oh…shit. Bucciarati insisted on feeding you with the rest of the boys and you are really full. You had 2 orders of bruschetta and caprese salad.
“Oooh yeah… about that lulu…” you said awkwardly.
“Don’t tell me you ate HIS Food. How could you?” Illuso growled.
“He offered and it was rude to say no! I’m sorry!” You tried to de-Escalate the situation.
“But it’s not rude to not eat your boyfriend’s food???” He asked angrily with his voice cracking at the end.
“No lulu— that’s not what I mean. I will—“ you try to explain yourself until he emotionally cuts you off.
“If you’re not going to eat my Gorgonzola dippers…then I’m not eating your ass!” He stormed off to the bedroom crying.
Oh dear… what people don’t see that you see is that Illuso is actually a very sensitive man. 😢 you gotta a lot of emotional damage to patch up… even though none of this is your fault 🙄 oh well, this is to be expected when you’re dating a drama queen
“But…why..? How could you? 🥺” you hanging out with them broke this poor boys heart.
“Pesci Pesci Pesci baby please—it’s not what you think.” You were quick to do damage control.
“Is it because I’m not as attractive as Bucciarati and his goons???” He sniffled.
“Noooooooo Pesci they’re just my friends! You’re my one and only baby boy!” You said squeezing him hard. “I get to see you every day! I just hang out with them and get drunk like you do with the boys!”
“So it’s like your guy time?” He asked.
“Yeah!” You said excitedly. “That’s exactly what it is! Instead of drinking beer and watching football we just drink wine and gossip, do each others nails… fix each other hair… you know, feminine stuff!” You explained.
“Oh so you just need some friends for feminine time? Well I guess that’s ok… I really wish it wasn’t Bucciarati and his crew but it’s not like you can find some non mafiosos to hang out with.” He said feeling a little hesitant.
“Don’t worry, I’ll always have time for you Pesci! They’re my friends but the squad is my family! …my very fucked up dysfunctional family!”you said hugging him.
This helps him calm down. Everyone needs guy/girl time regardless of gender. Just make sure you go fishing with him every Sunday!
“What kind of mafioso associates with a team they don’t belong to?” He sneered. “You have no dignity Y/N. You should be ashamed of yourself. What would Risotto think knowing you're enjoying the company of troglodytes???” He scolded.
“Pros please. You’re taking this way outta hand. We all work for the boss, I don’t see the proble-“ you explained before you were rudely cut off.
“Don’t speak. The next time I’m talking to you is on Dr. Phil.” He put his hand near your face as he turned his back to you and walked off. He needed a smoke break after dealing with the fact you were hanging around Bucciarati.
He’s so disappointed in you. 😔 how dare you hang out with Bucciarati and his bootlickers. He’s giving you the silent treatment but it’s not going to last long.
He can’t go 10 minutes without you sitting in his lap while you 2 Netflix and chill. 😭
“Do you forgive me???” You asked nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“Fine. I forgive you. I suppose I was acting out of hand… I will allow you to hang out with your poor choice of friends but in exchange you must…*whisper whisper* for me, and no complaining.”
“Oh…” your face turned red. Well… he allows you to hang out with the gang but you better be ready to do whatever he asked! 😳
“…do you think you can get some of their blood samples?” He asks suspiciously.
“NO MEL. You’re not gonna sic BabyFace on my buddies.” You smacked him on the head.
“But—How do I know they have honorable intentions??? What if they want to see your feet???”
“Melone! Only you would be the one be thinking about fucking feet!” You slapped him again. “Half of the guys are UNDER AGE and don’t even know where babies come from!” You hissed.
“Wait—really?” He asked dumbfounded.
“Fugo definitely knows but Narancia…he still thinks they come from the stork.” You sigh.
“That’s just…sad. The education system has failed him. Ok I’ll let you see your friends even though I don’t like them.”he said as he pulled out a camera. “But can I get pictures of your feet in exchange?”
“Unacceptable! You’re hanging out with THEM?! What about me?!” He hisses. Oh boy is he jealous.
“I don’t know how you can hang around Mista and his horrendous body odor! And don’t get me started on that Giorno! I swear to fuck I—“ he just won’t stop ranting… but as his S/O this is like white noise to you. You’re good at tuning him out 😅
“Are you listening to me?!” He barked.
“Huh?” You turned your head to be face to face with him staring at you angrily with intense eyes.
“Sniff sniff… you smell like cologne... You didn’t let any of them TOUCH you did you???” He interrogated you.
“Geez… calm down Ghia. No, Giorno just let me borrow his jacket because it was chilly outsi—“you said before you were cut off by Ghiaccio angrily ripping his jacket off and forcing it on you and rolling you around on the floor in it.
“Ghiaccio what the fuck are you doing??!” You whined getting dizzy.
“I’m rescenting you! I’m reclaiming what is MINE.” He said, trying to rub his scent into you.
“I’m dizzy! You’re gonna make me sick!” You whined. “Quit acting like a territorial feral cat!”
“ it’s either I do this or I hose the scent off you out in the backyard!” He growled possessively.
Ghiaccio is very territorial. 😬 he has his weird ways of expressing it too. Note to self-always bring your own jacket when visiting your friends.
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appleinyoureye · 1 year
JJBA │ Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Sweetest
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Summary: Your parents forbid you from seeing your boyfriend, but who are you if not a rule-breaker. So you sneak out to see him.
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Characters: Leone Abbacchio, Bruno Bucciarati, Pannacotta Fugo, Giorno Giovanna, Guido Mista, Ghirga Narancia
Word Count: 545
Type: headcanons
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Leone is very grateful. He may not show it the best but you’re a very important person in his life, a glimpse of normalcy in this crazy place Bucciarati’s gang become. He doesn’t question your decision to stay with him until the very last second of your illegal meeting. He then nervously whispers a short are you sure? as he hugs you, and after your affirmation, Abba doesn’t need any more words.
Bruno is really happy, but the fact that he will be able to see you is not the main factor. He feels joy because you decided to choose for yourself, to screw your parents’ commands, and to do what you feel your heart wants to do. He fully supports your decision, even though he understands where your parents come from. After all, their kid dates someone from the mafia. But it’s your life, not theirs, plus he really loves you, so he doesn’t even think about questioning it.
Heck yeah! Screw your parents! For the past week he has been angrier than usual, not being able to see you, waiting for a word from you after your parents locked you up in the house. It was ridiculous! All these pent up emotions makes him tear up a bit. Not a lot, and when he notices that you see the difference in how glossy his eyes become, he hugs you tightly, nose buried in the crook of your neck. You’re his oasis, and he has to calm himself now that you are right by him, not going anywhere.
I’m not sure why but I feel like Giorno would be the only one to question your decision from the start. I mean, yeah, he loves you, he wants to be with you, but because of this, he agrees with your parents. Someone like you shouldn’t be connected in any way with the mafia, in particular be in a relationship with the head of it. He wants everything and more for you, and when you tell him that you’ve made up your mind, and he hears the confidence, the firmness your voice holds, he shuts completely up, a voice that acts against his common sense, celebrating that he isn’t losing you. 
Of course he celebrates! Picks you up, twirls around and peppers whole face in kisses. He doesn’t like your parents just like he doesn’t like stupid people that they definitely are. Who do they think they are to tell you who to date or not??? Mista even suggests that you move in with him, because this way you wouldn’t have to worry about sneaking out. He pouts a bit when you decline, and even tries to jokingly bribe you with marriage, but he knows when to stop. He's just happy that you’re choosing to stay with him.
He feels that you’re pranking him. And after you try to reassure him that no, it is not a stupid joke, he thinks that it’s a trap that your parents set for him. Only after five minutes or so, he believes you. And when he does, oh boi, the scream he scrumpts. SCREW YOUR PARENTS! Hell yeah! He even suggests that he can pay them a little visit, and you need to calm him down if you don’t want to become parentless. 
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a/n: hey! first writing posted on this account lol. pls don't be too harsh as english is not my first language! also, forgive me if i made the bois not so in the character. it's been a year since i finished watching the 5th part
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
Bucci gang beach day
Pairings: Bucci gang x reader
Summary: Bucci gang and reader go to the beach!
Notes-let’s go to the beach beach let’s go get away!
First of all, it would be very negligent of me to mention this excursion only happened due to Narancia’s insessant begging.
For at least three months straight, all Bruno would hear is “c’mon Bucciarati! Please, please can we go to the beach! ‘S not like anything bad’s gonna happen plus we all could use a vacation!”
He got on his knees and palmed at Bruno’s trouser legs, he even went as far as to start doing extra tasks around the house so he could appease Bruno.
Once Mista got wind of there being a potential beach day, chaos insures.
Bruno gets pestered thrice as much than he did before, when it seemed as though Bruno would say no the two teenagers visibly deflated, it was almost as though you could see sad droopy puppy dog ears on their heads.
Their capo thinks long and hard on the matter, tongue in cheek, before sighs, he finally relenting over dinner saying, “all right, just this once we’ll go to the beach, I suppose we relax a little for the time being.”
Mista’s plate and cutlery jolt as Narancia jumps up, hands flat on the dining table, looking at Bruno with astonishment.
“Seriously!” He yells excitedly, holding Bruno’s gaze and when the latter man nods he kicks his chair outta the way, walking towards Mista. “Heck yeah!”
In all of their teenage-esque the two friends enthusiastically dap each other up, meanwhile, unexpectedly, Trish smiles in excitement; attempting to cover it up behind her hand. Giorno looks on in intrigue as does Fugo, whilst Abbacchio acknowledges the statement but chooses to remain uninterested.
“Bruno?” Trish hesitates, clearing her throat. The sapphire eyed male averted his attention to the pinkette, curious as to what she wanted to add. He hummed probing her to continue; “is it alright if I invite [name].”
“Please do.” Mista added as Trish side eyed him, although he couldn’t help if he was just so excited at the prospect of seeing you.
Bruno chuckled, “Well, I don’t see why not. Would you all be alright with that?” He looked at his team expectantly awaiting their answers.
“Do what you want, I’m not coming.” Abbacchio commented nonchalantly, although he wasn’t appalled at the prospect of seeing you again.
Bruno looked at the others in the room to see if there was any verbal objections and when he was met with none it was decided you’d come.
So after Trish invited you, it was unsurprising you’d gotten a text from Mista inviting you somewhere.
Guido Mista
“Mista” lemme take you out swimwear shopping (major wink).
He just wanted an excuse to spend one on one time with you although helping you choose out swimwear is a bonus.
When you try on your favourite piece in the changing room and show him, his jaw honestly drops.
“Do you think this one looks nice?” You asked him, looking at him through your lashes. He grinned, “course babe, let me buy it for you, yeah?”
Eyeroll, cue you fanning Mista away with your hands as the pair of you walk over to the cash register to pay.
The sale assistant makes a little comment on “what a cute couple the both of you are,” and “how nice your boyfriend is for doing this.” You were about to refute the claim but Mista answered first saying “thank you.” Before pulling you by your hand out of the shop.
When you and all of the others finally arrive at the beach, Mista was a hog.
He literally picked you up the second you stepped out of the car and carried you all the way to the salty sea water, chucking you in with a dramatic splash!
You groaned, frowning at him laughing, so in your opinion it was very justified when you swam underwater and pulled him too, making you giggle when he slipped on his butt.
Chaos ensured and a water fight broke out between the both of you, you screamed running away cackling as he tried (and succeeded) in grabbing and splashing you.
You hung out with Mista for a little while until you got tried leading you to go to the sand again…
Narancia Ghirga
As soon as you stepped foot on land, you were pulled aside by Narancia, who dragged you to a sandy spot just slightly away from the others on land.
“C’mon let’s make a sand castle,” he told you, positively beaming, “okay!!”
You gathered sand in your hands, moulding it into a cylindrical shape as Narancia carved intricate designs on the one that already stood.
After a couple minutes the pair of you had made a moderately sized, but beautiful (at least to you) sandcastle, which gave Narancia the idea to have a sandcastle building competition.
You instantly agreed clapping your hands, running to get some sea water to build a moat for your castle.
You’d been working on building your castle for ten minutes, narancia had just finished his and you were just about to finish too until a horrific incident took place!
Narancia sabotaged you and stepped on your castle!
You were absolutely gobsmacked, mouth parted in surprise as his castle stood tall and proud.
So you reacted (retaliated) as any normal person would, by destroying his!
This led to a minor sand fight (bad idea).
But quickly realising this, you called a truce and opted to give Narancia a mermaid tail in the sand.
Or at least that’s what he thought, and before he knew it he found himself up to his neck buried in sand. You stuck your tongue out at him, pinching his cheeks and went away to find Fugo, that’s what he deserved for ruining your castle!
Pannacotta Fugo
“Hey Fugo, I wanna decorate the castle I made with Narancia, wanna help me look for sea shells?” You asked him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
“Why not go with Narancia?”
You shrugged your shoulders, giving him a knowing smile.
Abruptly, you stopped and started digging in the sand, enthusiastically blabbering away to Fugo when you found a gorgeous cerulean shell.
He smiled at you, patting your head, then bent down next to you and started looking for some shells too.
A vibrant pile of pale colours began to build up next you.
Fugo was just about to quit when he saw a peculiar shell, his eyes widened, perhaps it was a pearl shell, that seemed like something you would like.
He reached down and grabbed it, trying to open up the shell only to be sharply nipped on his finger.
He yelped, throwing the shell halfway across the beach!
Having seen the whole scene you stifled your giggles.
“Are you okay?” You asked him laughing.
He glared at you, “yes. I’m fine.” He snapped due to his pain.
Unexpected to him, you picked up his hurt finger and lightly kissed it. “There all better.” You beamed at him.
A light pink blush splayed across his cheeks, “thank you.”
“We’ll continue later, I’m a bit tired I’m going to go and rest for a bit.”
Leone Abbacchio
Firstly, Abbacchio didn’t even know how he ended up at the beach, after he had outright said he wouldn’t be coming.
Honestly he’s not really a fan of the beach, actually he hates it.
Outright refuses to go in the water, he’s not getting his hair wet or any disgustingly salty water in his mouth.
He opts to sit on a beach towel under an umbrella, reading and sipping on a fruity drink.
So when you trail up to him and plop down next to him, he hopes your disturbance won’t be too major.
“What do you want?” He asked, eyes still on his book.
“Nothing,” you stretched your legs and wiggled your toes. “I’m just tired.”
He hummed, uninterested.
You yawned and decided to test his limits, resting your head on his legs.
“[name].” He warned curtly.
You waved your hand sleepily, “m just resting my head, promise.”
You were not. In fact, one minute later you fell asleep.
Leone groaned, slamming his book shut. He looked at your peaceful sleeping face, he stroked your face and shifted you into a more comfortable position.
Abbacchio doesn’t know why, must have been the pesky goodwill of his heart, but he put sunscreen on your face too as it got hotter in the day.
You shifted in your sleep, snuggling closer to him.
He wanted to roll his eyes but his body betrayed him and he smiled.
Not long after, he found himself overcome with sleep, and when he woke up he found you gone, frolicking away with Bruno.
Bruno Buccarrati
“Hello [name],” Bruno greeted, “are you hungry? I know you’ve been busy enjoying the day.”
“Sup Bruno, not yet, I’m actually kind of hot.” You responded, “and I kinda wanna test out the snorkels, do you want to take a dip with me?”
He shrugged off his shirt, showing off his muscular, chiselled form. “Sure, let’s go.” He told you, leading you towards the sea by the small of your back.
You held up a pale pink float, decorated with sprinkles, “Ooh, let’s drift away in this doughnut float!”
He sat in the doughnut float first, pulling a snorkel over his head so it rested on his forehead. “Alright bellisima.”
Cue you squealing excitedly, dropping yourself onto his lap as the float started digging away.
One of his hands rested on your waist as the other skimmed against the water, similarly to your toes.
“Are you alright?”
“Uh huh! Let’s hop in, I’m sure we’ll see some cool fish!”
You marvelled at the aquatic animals, turning to look at Bruno, enthused.
Finally after around an hour, he extended his hand out to you and pushed you on the float to the shore once more.
After all that you honestly felt rather famished.
Trish Una
“Trishie, wanna eat?”
Trish cringed at the use of that ghastly nickname, you’re honestly extremely lucky the pair of you had been friends for a while because if you were anyone else she would have cut you off.
She pulled up her designer shades to look at you in the eye, “fine.”
“Great!” You ran over to the picnic basket Bruno had packed and grabbed a few snacks and sandwiches.
She extended a manicured hand, picking up a carrot stick.
Her eyes darted towards you when you exclaimed in delight, “oh my gosh, this is so delicious, here Trish take a bite!” You extended your hand out towards her, putting your food in front of her.
Tentatively and skeptically, she took a bite. “Mmm.” She agreed licking her lips.
“I know right?” You took another bite, “we should bake our own snacks and have another picnic sometime soon.” You told her.
“Yeah.” She looked up at the setting sun, “sounds nice.”
You squeezed her hand happily, “Alright, then it’s arranged!”
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno wasn’t really bothered about coming to the beach, although he also didn’t not want to come.
For most of the day he’s been enjoying and ice cream and doing some light tanning until you’d come up to him and asked if he wanted to make bracelets with you.
He nodded and sat down next to you, his knee touching yours.
You instructed him to make you a bracelet and you’d make him one.
He opted for a green and blue colour palette, resembling that of the sea, whilst you made him a red and white one contrasting greatly with his.
Then he made a silly joke about how yours is the exact opposite to his and how “opposites attract.” Causing you to roll your eyes and omit the shell heart charm from his bracelet.
This caused the blonde to tease you (Brando genes popping out) and say how you had his heart (charm) so why can’t he have yours?
You groaned, relenting and tied it on his wrist, he laughed to himself as you walked away from him.
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passionesolja · 4 months
The way the fandom has “smol bean”-ified Bruno Bucciarati has never sat right with me. Just because he has a trauma response to drugs and a lil bit of a stronger sense of Justice than the average Passione member, doesn’t mean he’s some mommy figure. This man caught 2 bodies at the age of ten, stabbed mfs to death. Shawty, Polpo wouldn’t have given him his rank if he wasn’t cut like that. Bruno is a ruthless mf.
Plenty of street dudes take care of they city and also have a heart. People just don’t do their homework so when they see a mf like Bruno and because they’ve dehumanized criminals as these monstrous subhumans who just exist to cause harm, they think that Bruno is some mommy figure. He a regular street dude, not a serial killer. Yeah there are people in the criminal world who’re straight up evil but most ppl who get involved in that world are forced into it by circumstance or society fucking em over. I think that social commentary in Vento Aureo goes over a lot of mfs heads
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
omg hai ! i was waiting for u to have no pending hcs. can u write some hcs about bruno and giorno preparing to and then proposing to their s/o? :> love ur stuff btw ;3
Author's Note: I'm so sorry for making you wait. Thank you for this request and above all thank you for your appreciation. Seeing you in my notifications makes me happy. Hope you'll enjoy it! The GIFs are not mine and I thank the owners.
Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna x reader proposal headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
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- He will take care of everything alone, planning each detail. At least that's how it goes at first for only a little while because the others decide to join in, too happy that he finally decided to take this step. He will be pestered with crazy ideas from everyone.
- At first, he thinks about doing something big for you, after all, it's what you fully deserve. Something elegant, grand. But he starts thinking that it probably wouldn't be comfortable and heartfelt for you. He fell in love with how profound you are so something fancy and over the top wouldn't be as impressive to you as others think.
- After feelings of excitement and joy because he had reached this point in his life, comes nervousness. A heavy worry about what can go wrong. He's anxious and it's rare to see him like lose his cool like that, it's visible to everyone. However, Bucciarati will slowly calm down by replaying in his mind all the conversations you two had about the future so many times. He wants to make all the dreams you have about this moment come true.
- However, the strongest emotion of all, it's devotion. Devotion is a very powerful feeling that comes from a sense of commitment and loyalty. For Bucciarati, it also comes from a sense of admiration and respect that he has for you. He wants to show you all of these with this proposal.
- He decides to propose to you on a trip to the coast of Napoli. More precisely, his hometown. The last time he was there, his heart was torn apart, now he wants to create a new memory there, a loving one that is going to heal even the last thing in him that's broken. Some might say that it seems too self-centered but it's not. You asked him to take you there so many times after he opened up about his childhood and what happened.
- One late night, Abbachio will notice Bucciarati alone looking at the ring, lost in thought. He will understand right away that Bucciarati is asking himself if you'll say yes to him, after everything you know about him and everything you've been through because of him being a mafioso. Abbachio will sit down next to him sighing, before reassuring him that your wish to be with him will surpass anything, he just knows it.
- Of course, Bucciarati wrote down his confession and even memorized it but as he gets on one knee, his mind goes blank. He ends up talking from his heart.
"I know I was supposed to wait until the right time, but my heart can't stand without telling you. Everything feels right for me when I'm with you. I never thought I would be so lucky to find someone like you and not be taken away from my life. You fill the missing pieces of my heart. Will you marry me?"
Giorgio Giovanna
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- He too prefers getting everything done alone and that's why he doesn't tell anyone, knowing how the others will want to be involved with the preparations. However, everyone starts noticing how he's more distracted than usual but no one knows what's on his mind that's so important.
- He wants to do something intimate, different than those basic ideas he has seen, and away from any hassle. Giorno thinks that this moment is only yours. A profound moment between your bound hearts.
- Giorno chooses a sunny place, close to the sea. More exactly, on the Amalfi Coast, where the Bougainvillea flowers bloom (visual). Why? Because he knows how your face lights up when he uses his stand ability and flowers bloom around. His heart also skips a beat when he sees you around flowers, it makes it look like his paradise. And because it's a calm place not many know about.
- The emotion Giorno feels the most is longing. Longing, that sense of yearning for something or someone. Giorno yearned for you and now he yearns for a future with you. It took him some time to make this transition, but now it's so very intense.
- At first, for a long time after deciding it's time to propose to you, Giorno doesn't feel nervous about it because he knows that you two shared a dream for a profound commitment. But in time, as the moment approaches, there is one question that makes him overthink everything.
- Giorno sometimes will look at you from afar and clench his hand around the ring in his pocket. One time, it's noticeable. Mista stepped closer to him, sensing something wrong, but not saying a word yet. Without moving his gaze from you, Giorno asks himself in a quiet tone so that Mista can hear too, if he will be able to make you this happy forever. Mista nodded, understanding everything but not knowing how to reassure him. He tells Giorno that because he worries about your happiness, he is already halfway there.
- Giorno doesn't want to write down his confession, thinking that such a thing shouldn't be planned. He wants to speak from the bottom of his heart, holding your hands as he always did when he was alone with you. However, when he's on one knee, he starts wishing he had written down at least some phrases because he's lost. When he looks into your eyes, he knows, he is ready.
“As I look at you now, I realize that the world is a better place with you in it. I cherish every second we have together, and I feel like I can breathe freely when you are beside me. I don't want a future without you. I, Giorno Giovanna, have another dream now. To make you happy. Will you let me try and will you marry me?”
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Bro, hear me out,
Bucci squad after unintentionally or intentionally saying something to piss off the reader and reacting to them saying "SORRY I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE EARTH SHATTERING PROSTATE ORGASM I JUST GAVE YOUR DAD"
I apologize profoundly for how long this took. I've been busy and i kind of forgot about this account
ok here's how i think they'll react
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You liked stylish things, that's one thing everybody knew. And you would go feral if somebody insulted that;
Therefore, Bucciarati knew exactly how to get on your nerves whenever you got on his;
"At least I have a sense of style. For someone who's obsessed with that topic, dress better" he said rolling his eyes and the moment you processed what he said, the glare in your eyes said everything;
After a few seconds, you came up with the best reply that would surely make him cry;
The other guys were also present at your...argument? and they immediately burst into laughter. Even Abbacchio was smiling;
Meanwhile, Bruno was flabbergasted. He never heard you say such things and he was so shocked that he started laughing. He couldn't bring himself to be offended;
"Excuse you?" he said, raising a brow. "You heard me, manwhore! I fucked your dad!" you continued and the rest of the room started laughing again. What was this, a comedy show?
"Is it fine if I call him to ask him?" Bruno smirked, taking his phone out.
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You and Abbacchio didn't argue often due to him not responding to your yelling, making you calm down and talk normally;
However...This time he was not in the mood to hear you complaining about him not doing the dishes, especially since he was talking with the guys;
"Stop ignoring me, shithead!" you yelled. "If you talked less or started saying things that could actually captivate my attention, I would." he said calmly and you felt your ears burn with rage;
"OH, I'M SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE EARTH SHATTERING PROSTATE ORGASM I JUST GAVE YOUR DAD" you screamed after a few seconds, and the whole room went silent;
Abbacchio's brows furrowed and everybody laughed at your reply, except Giorno, who stopped when Leone glared at him. "What are you laughing at?"
"Hey, shut the fuck up, you're agruing with me, not with Giorno!" you said, bringing his attention back to you;
"You are arguing with yourself, so shut up. I'll deal with you later."
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You and Narancia were in a relationship and also in a never-ending competition. Everything between you two was a competition. From who got the groceries first to who made the best cookies;
So, naturally, when you heard Narancia discussing about how he was better than you behind your back, you were fuming;
"You motherfucker, learn to wash your boxers then come at me!" you yelled while slamming the door open;
"Huh?" Narancia was taken aback by your yelling, as were the others. "You heard me fucker!"
"At least i wear lingerie so you can wash something." he replied almost instantly and you were beyond shock. The AUDACITY he had. Without thinking about what you were about to say, you yelled:
The guys burst out in laughter and Narancia was literally flabbergasted. He looked so shocked and, in a few moments, he jumped at your neck;
By the terrifying look in his eyes, while he was holding your jaw locked with his hand, you realized that you touched a soft spot;
"How dare you talk about that scumbag as if he could ever catch your eye."
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It was pretty easy to piss off Fugo, so you two argued every day. You loved annoying people, you found it so funny when they got all worked up over nothing, so you naturally annoyed him for fun. Simply because you found it entertaining;
One day, while the boys were over discussing who knows what, you innocently went to Fugo and asked him the most stupid and useless math question ever: How many angles does a triangle have?
The boys gave you a look and, before you could say something, Fugo snapped. "Are you kidding me? Are you this stupid? How dumb can you be? How is it possible for you to ask me that?" he yelled and you frowned.
"I'm genuinely curious! Why are you being so aggressive?!" you said, trying to be offened. What made your question even more stupid was that your major was mathematics;
"How did you even finish financial analysis?" oh no. He did not just say that! You were now offened and, without thinking, you screamed at him:
At that, everyone but Fugo laughed out loud, while you stared at him angrily. The boy had no reaction, except:
"Get out of here before I rip your neck off, we'll talk about that later."
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Unlike Fugo or Narancia, Giorno wasn't easy to annoy and he never saw you as a competition. You only argued once in your entire relationship;
You were in his lap while you and the boys were at a terrace, hanging out as usual;
Somehow, the discussion shifted to how the boys wanted their significant other to be and, after Fugo said he'd like his to be quiet, Giorno made a comment about how you were never quiet;
It wasn't a remark, he loved your loud side, but he honestly wished you weren't that loud, especially in public;
So, after the conversation moved on, he called your name a few times and you ignored him. "Cara, why aren't you talking to me?";
"OH, I'M SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE EARTH SHATTERING PROSTATE ORGASM I JUST GAVE YOUR DAD" you suddenly said a little louder and your table went quiet;
After a second, all of them, except Giorno, started laughing while the other people gave you looks;
"That was extremely unnecessary, tesoro."
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You two were the loudest, most annoying couple ever. You two were always bickering, always saying dumb jokes and always, but always laughing louder than you should;
It was a funny thing. If people saw you two arguing, throwing insults at each other, they would think you two were the biggest enemies;
You were over at his house, waiting for the others to come for dinner. You were placing the plates down, when Mista suddenly made fun of you:
"You can't even place some plates without looking stupid." he said, giggling softly at the annoyed glare you gave him. "No answer, hun? Cat got your tounge?" he kept going after you returned to placing the cutlery down on the table;
You kept ignoring him, but he continued to make fun of you and, after a few minutes, you were fuming, so you yelled at him:
"Is that so?" You weren't sure what was going to happen next, because in his eyes he had a mix of surprise, anger and...desire?
"I was not expecting to hear this when I entered, but hello to you too." Bruno said while he was standing in the door frame;
Mista went closer to your ear before all of the boys entered and whispered:
"Wait until they are over, you might have something to prove after."
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itjazzbicch · 2 years
Beautiful Liar
Pairing:  Bruno Bucciarati x Fem Reader 
Summary: Trying to deny her true feelings about Bucciarati, Bucciarati decides to call the reader on her bluff after she avoids everyone, especially him, after he becomes capo...
Warnings:  Swearing, SMUT (18+ ONLY! MINORS DNI! oral f receiving, unprotected sex)
First time writing for JoJo's and Bucciarati, as he is my favorite JoJo's character! I hope I did well and you all enjoy!
Word Count: 2.1k 
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I couldn’t stand getting all dolled up just to be somewhere I didn’t feel like being.
Of course, Bucciarati became Capo, our crew was celebrating and at least I had a nice view. Italy was such a beautiful place, night sky filled of stars, city lights in the distance from this rooftop bar.
Sitting alone at the bar, a glass of wine in hand, I let my mind wonder, gazing at the view till I heard a soft voice:
“What are you doing sitting all alone?”
“What? Am I bothering you?” Finding him in the corner of my eye, he was never a fan of my attitude, leaning against the bar:
“Can’t even have some fun, can you?”
It wasn’t that I didn’t like Bucciarati. It was because I liked him. I couldn’t open up and face my own feelings. Any word and tone towards him came out as envy. Thankfully, I did get some amusement from it.
“Can a ragazza just enjoy a glass of wine?” Taking a sip, it amazed me how he dealt with me, still being kind:
“Nothing wrong with that. I just don’t think it’s fair that everyone else is having fun and you’re all alone with that scowl on your face.”
“I am just fine,” I smiled sarcastically at him, but he was persistent that I get out of that seat:
“Don’t be like that. How about a dance?”
“I’m not a dancer,” I lied, turning my head, but still listening as he assumed:
“Let me guess, you’re in one of your moods because I’m officially capo.”
“Don’t make me laugh,” I snickered softly, still not looking at him, even when he said:
“It wouldn’t surprise me. You’ve always envied me and why, may I ask?”
“Envy you?” This time I made sure I locked eyes, his blue eyes glimmering with his smile:
“You heard me.”
“I could care less that you are capo, now,” I wasn’t letting him win this little argument, going to leave it at that, but seizing when I felt his arm wrap around my hip, getting close enough to whisper:
“Then what is it, amore?”
I was never the type to be left speechless, getting lost in a void, feeling his warmth against me, even stronger in his hand that was on my hip, his scent filling me with a lust I’ve never experienced.
“I see now,” He always took the opportunity to laugh at me when it was presented, knowing exactly how I was feeling, “You are the type to run away from the truth.”
“And just what is that truth, hm?” I couldn’t keep sitting there looking dumb, making the mistake of looking into those blue eyes that sent me deeper into that void:
“Isn’t it obvious? Besides, Mista have told me more times than I can count.”
“That damn asshole,” I growled silently under my breath, trying to contain composure, speaking up this time, “And you believe that childish man?”
“There you, go running from the truth again,” Laughing at me again, he started to test me himself, voice growing to a deep whisper into my ear, “It doesn’t matter anyways. I already know the truth, amore.”
The way he called me amore made my thighs squeeze together, the heat in my cheeks from my wine growing, naturally leaning into him.
He was almost hypnotic and it put me into a slight panic. Should I take the opportunity in this moment? Or do what exactly what he said, run from the truth?
“What do you know, Bucciarati?” I scoffed, something inside of me wouldn’t let him break me that easily, but I was pushed right to the edge.
“You are such a beautiful liar,” The tension just kept rising with every word he spoke, chills down my spine and that’s when something in me changed.
I was a mafioso! Some little crush wasn’t going to turn me into someone timid. Glancing to the guys, they were all distracted and so?
With a smack of my lips, I gulped down the rest of my wine, taking his hand and leaving my seat, guiding him to the elevator.
“Y/N?” Curious, but still following me, I let him know exactly what I was doing.
“You offered a dance. So,” I had the most confident smirk on my face that made his eyes light up while twirling into him inside of the elevator, making sure the door shut before I kissed, “Let’s dance.”
It became so clear how much tension the both of us had built up inside, shattering with the clash of our lips, every touch and move exceeding anything I ever fantasized about, pushing my chest against his, hand full of his suit jacket when his hand slid up my thigh, pulling our hips together to feel his hardening bulge.
Every time the elevator beeped, I grew more impatient, nearly dragging him out of the elevator when we finally got to the floor of my room.
I didn’t want to stop for a single second, tongues dancing all the way to the edge of my bed, ready to strip till he palmed my lower back, stroking my cheek:
“Slow down, amore. You’re so impatient.”
“Can you blame me?” I finally breathed in, breaking out in goosebumps at his fingertips sliding the strap of my dress off my shoulder:
“I understand, but there’s no need to move so quickly. Your capo just wants the time to adore you beauty.”
“Sí, capo,” I hummed softly at the kiss he left along my neck, unzipping my dress, eyes falling down to the floor with it, taking his good time to see me in just my heels and panties.
For a change, I followed his lead, moonlight peaking through the windows illuminating those gorgeous blue eyes when he took me by the chin, a kiss guiding me back onto the bed.
My heart was beating like normal, but so hard against my chest with his hand sliding down my neck and all over my breasts, nearly moaning already at his fingers rolling my nipple, licking along my ear:
“With all of this beauty, I’m taking my time.”
His words surely tamed my impatience. Just that alone prepared me to be in bed with him for some time.
Closing my eyes softly and submerging into a new world, letting out the soft moans that were building up as his kisses lead down my neck, finding my breasts and making sure to give each their fair share of attention, from soft bites to hard sucks on my nipples that made me squirm a little.
Every nerve was tingling more and more the further down he went, lace panties between his teeth and yanking them away, eyes locked on his physique as his suit jacket was thrown off, spreading my legs wide and upward, watching his tongue slide across his upper lip:
“I want to savor every single taste. Maybe this will take all that bad, sassy mood away.”
“B-Bruno,” One single, broad lick along my clit had me whining, swirling around it having my legs shake, throwing my head back into the pillows when he started sucking.
He formed a tighter grip on my thighs as I began to shake more, taking handfuls of the sheets at a swift lick downward, tongue pushing in and flicking at my walls, then taking me with a mouthful, the pressure at my clit making my legs fight his grip, starting to close his head in.
“R-Right there!” I let my body do as it wanted, beginning to grind against his face, arching at the groan that came from deep in his chest, whining as his strength pushed my legs back down to the mattress, keeping them pinned as he simply devoured me.
Needing no words, only staring throwing his bangs, knowing the blissful state I was in, making sure that I didn’t have even a second to catch a breath, instantly having me come undone, a smile visible even while buried between my legs, mouth wide open against me and licking up the slick from my orgasm.
“See all the good things you can get when your patient, hm?”
Of course, he had to take the time to poke at me, leaving a few kisses along my thighs, but my eyes were focused on what I couldn’t see, only seeing his hands go below his waist.
“Gonna make me wait more?” Not that I was even worried, taking deep breaths and silencing as he kneeled onto the bed, me being the one to admire his body.
Those sexy tattoos, abs so tone and defined, not to mention the impressiveness of his cock, all of the air I took in taken away from it.
“Why do you ask? Is there something else you want?”
I really wasn’t in the mood for the teasing now, especially with him between my legs, slapping his cock against my skin softly.
“You know exactly what I want,” My eyes shot off an intense glare, but I wasn’t getting what I wanted so easily.
“Oh, that?” He smirked, running his tip through my folds, slapping my clit and having my lip trapped between my teeth, “Is that what you want, amore?”
“Don’t be like that, Bruno,” I pouted, closing my eyes and taking in the pleasure that it did give off, hiding the moans from his tip circling my entrance, rubbing my folds softly.
“I Can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me,” I could feel his smile again as he placed kisses at my neck and cheek, finally giving him what he wanted, voice so sweet as I told him:
“I want you, Bruno. I want you inside of me already. Please.”
“Good girl,” Nibbling on my ear and easing his cock into me at the same time made me gasp so hard, his girth a lot to take, walls spasming around him already.
“Merda!” Biting my lip again, I looked to see that I haven’t even taken half of him, soft thrusts helping me adjust.
“Shh, I have you,” I loved that he knew how to tend to me so well, guiding my arms around his neck, a hand running through his hair, whispering to him:
“I just never had someone like you.”
“And you’ll never have someone like me again,” His confidence wasn’t just for show, hooking my legs over the button of his inner elbows, pushing forward and with a quick thrust, feeding me all of his cock.
I never moaned in such a filthy way, panting at the quick thrusts he gave, hearing our wet skin every other thrust as he bottomed me out.
Those moans only grew more filthy and loud, pushing forward so our foreheads could meet, nose nuzzling so I could hear his coo:
“Only your capo.”
“Only you, Bruno!” All the mental blocks I had built were broken down to crumbles, finally letting go of every thought I’ve ever had about him, “I only want you, capo!”
“I always knew,” He chuckled softly, lifting his head some and somehow, I knew to find his eyes, teary from the searing burn of pleasure, but held our gaze, “Gonna let me feel you cuming all over me, amore?”
“Y-Yess!” I cried out, head suddenly snapping back, walls pulling him even deeper any time he pulled back a little, a ram of his hips smacking right into my sweet spot, keeping pressure against my clit and cervix, “I’m cuming!”
His forehead fell to mine with a groan rumbling in his chest, thrusts not stopping, but a bit languid as we both felt the death grip I had on his cock, entire body squirming, nails scratching at his back as my hips jerked upward, feeling the squelch of slick making a mess all over our thighs.
“Brava, ragazza,” He mumbled with a soft smile, kissing along with rolls of his hips, “So tight and wet, all for me.”
“You’re just so damn good,” I huffed, hugging his head and moaning at the throbs of his cock, damning him, “Cazzo, Bruno.”
He could only chuckle at that, releasing my legs and pulling me into a warm embrace, “See what you could’ve had sooner if you weren’t such a liar?”
“The beautiful liar that you mentioned earlier?” I shot back, meeting his gaze to see a pure smile this time, shining my own confidence, “There will be no lying about how I feel. You’re mine, capo.”
His smile showed that he proud that I finally owned up to my feelings, being my confident self again, even if I still had some sass, kissing softly, “Now that’s my, ragazza.”  
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
drop every headcanon of the bucci gang NOW!
--- pookie bear bruno hcs first <3
they just kinda live together
bruabba holds a special place in my heart
bruno's probably stressed out 24/7
hes got soft features yk?
probably spends like 3 hours doing his hair in the morning
I like to think that he legally adopted Fugo after fugso bugso joined that gang
poor guy overworks himself WAY too often
he also has the most gorgeous eyelashes you'll ever see
and they're natural, too
he's tired af half the time, idk what you expected
he tries to help fugo control his anger (bc he's a loving mother) (giorno does it better tho)
i reckon bruno's pansexual tbh, he just seems like he wouldn't give a shit about his partner's gender
he likes going fishing
brought Abbacchio along one time
abba got seasick and threw up
he likes to accessorize his hair (hence the mitochondria hair clips)
sometimes he'll let the others accessorize his hair, too
trish makes it look really cute
abba makes it look stunning (bc it's his boyfriend)
narancia just puts random shit in his hair
Mista sings loudly (and badly) to be a little shit while he does Bruno's hair (it turns out surprisingly ok)
giorno deadass just puts a shit ton of stars in his hair
fugo gets mad and almost rips a chunk of Bruno's hair out
Bruno's guilty pleasure is midnight snacks
abbacchio caught him eating a whole ass tub of ice cream while watching il postino: the postman at like 2 in the morning
they watched it together and cuddled afterwards
hot goth
gay for bruno
he probably watches those make up youtube channels
if he didn't join passione he could be a make up artist
lets trish practice on him
he's full on protective of nara too
i like to give abbacchio sharper features when i draw him tbh
also a larger nose
and while we're at it, let's hook that bad boy (the nose)
he and bruno go on wine testing dates
he has very frequent and reoccurring nightmares
(its why he sleeps with bruno)
his parents cut contact when they found out he was a dirty cop :(
this man saw narancia on his first day in the gang and accepted his fate as a father LMAO
he's a gay man and you can't tell he's not. Never felt attraction towards women
he feels like time moves by too fast. Everything happens so quickly and he wishes he could go back and just relive certain parts of his life over and over again because he feels like everything happens so quickly now that he's older and it overwhelms him (this definitely isn't me projecting what're you talking about)
moody blues is sort of the representation of this
Moody blues is curvy and i won't accept anything else
make moody look goddamn feminine
not too feminine obviously but like
moody looks like a woman compared to abbacchio
tells people he can't dance but he definitely can
just play the right music and give him enough wine and he'll be dancing like he's never danced before (only in private tho)
and maybe euthanasia by will wood too
not even kidding, abbacchio has the same body type as a greek god
also the strongest guy in the team
the guy that has a dream
I love this weird ass fucking guy
gay for fugo. that's all I'm gonna say.
not abba or bruno tho (they're too old for his taste)
remember that one seen where he and mista are up against cioccolata (fuck him btw) and they do that gay ass pose?
prime example of giorno being a little shit
putting his hand down mista's pants was an accident by the way, he just said "fuck it" and went with it
he probably showed the gang the thing he could do with his ear
they had very mixed reactions
one day (before the gang) he woke up and saw his roots were blond and he just went like "sigh, guess I have to grow my hair out and become barbie
also bc his dad is dio I like to think that he sunburns easily
he can also see really well and the dark
"It's so dark in here, I can't see shit!" "I can, there's a light switch over there."
everyone was confused as hell bc it was pitch black in that room
this man is gay. he likes BOYS and BOYS ONLY
i like to think Giorno's a mischievous lil guy
he does something silly then giggles and runs away
it's to make up for the fact that he didn't have a proper childhood
his hair is gorgeous and luxurious AND SO FUCKING CURLY
he uses about 20 hair products every day (21 if he's going on a date)
he can calm fugo down so easily too
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU NARANCIA-" "Hi fugo!" "Oh, hey Giorno."
it's really scary (according to narancia and mista)
this man loves gardening
born to be a gardener, forced to be a gangstar
autistic (it runs in the family)
the stink
Mista is the type of guy who showers once or twice a week
he only washes his clothes when they get too dirty
I like to make this man a little wider honestly
he's muscular, but he's gotta have a little meat on there too
I like to think that Mista outright REFUSES to shave
the only place that he can grow barely any hair is his face
never shaved his face. He doesn't have much facial hair and he'll be damned if he ever has to get rid of the little that he has
bffs with trish btw
they make fun of each other all the time
in a friendly way
he honestly looks the least gay out of everyone
probably bi with a heavy preference towards girls (he had a boyfriend one time tho)
sometimes he shoves Narancia's face in his armpit for fun
I'm not even kidding Narancia probably threw up one time bc Mista stank so bad
older brother figure to EVERYONE
Giorno? that's his baby brother. Narancia? his favourite brother. Trish? his little sister. Fugo? that's his angry little brother.
I have so many mista headcanons it's unreal
his hair is so fucking curly istg
and it's black too
very short tho. also super greasy
his love language is physical touch, but not in the usual physical touch way
he won't really hug people or hold hands or just do something normal, oh no
my guy likes to pick people up and throw them over his shoulder
it's definitely not to show off how strong he is
everything about him is so crusty
he literally gets along with anyone tho
you can't tell me this guy DOESN'T smoke weed
not very often but like
once every month or two he'll get high to relax
he stopped after Giorno took over as boss (bc yk, drugs are a no no)
he probably thinks France isn't real tbh (but as a joke to annoy fugo)
angry strawb (lots of angst in this one)
fugo is deeply in love with Giorno (FUGIO FOR LIFE)
a little bit of angst warning btw
bc of his past, fugo HATES physical touch
if someone touches him he will flinch
very uncomfortable in crowded places
Mista's love language is physical touch, but he refrains himself from touching Fugo
it's really sweet
"HEY FUGO! Lemme give you a high-five! Wait, no, you don't like that. Have this cool rock I found instead!"
he's trying
Fugo really appreciates it
after phf, he let Mista be one of the two people who can touch him (the other person is Giorno)
Fugo just randomly hugged him one day and that was that
he was really distraught when he found out Narancia, Bruno and abba died
especially Bruno
like I said before, Bruno adopted him after he joined the gang, so he genuinely saw Bruno as a father figure
definitely called Bruno "dad" in private
He genuinely cried when he realized he missed Bruno's funeral
when he's a bad mood, he listens to music with Abbacchio (his dad's cool boyfriend who he looks up to)
will correct any and all spelling or grammar mistakes
nerd supreme
i like to headcanon that Fugo's albino
he's really sensitive to sunlight because of it
his vision isn't that good, too
it's not bad enough to the point where he can't read and all that, but it definitely bothers him
since it wasn't too serious, he got some glasses that corrected his vision
he only really wears them when he's reading now, but he used to wear them all the time when he was younger
sometimes he wakes up and there's just a bouquet of flowers at the foot of his bed (I WONDER WHO THAT WAS HMMMM)
Narancia's like a little brother towards him
he doesn't care that nara's a year older than him, that's his brother
genuinely will forget to eat if he isn't reminded (me projecting)
i have more but i'm gonna have to end it here
I LOVE NARANCIA I HAVE A NARANCIA PLUSHIE (and a giorno one but that's less important)
he originally had really good eyesight, but after his eye got infected his eyesight just kinda went bad
his eyes expired
but seriously though (woah no way, silly little guy can be serious?), he's almost blind in the eye that got infected
doesn't wanna wear glasses bc "they'll ruin his reputation"
he's also really short compared to everyone else in the team
he's really insecure about it
can and will fight anyone who says something even remotely teases him for his height
low iron for sure (me too bud, me too)
Abbacchio just took on the role as his father and makes sure he eats all his food
"But it tastes badddd" "Eat it or I'll shove it down your throat. Also, it has good iron."
he ate it, but was very pouty about it the whole time
mista will point at things made of iron and say shit like "that's what you need" or "you should eat that to get your iron levels up"
skinny but he's really strong
my guy has a six pack but looks scrawny as hell
Mista's jealous of him lmao
"Why do YOU get a six pack?!" "because you're fat"
Mista then forced Narancia to smell his armpits (they were rank)
he does a lot of shit with Mista lmao
partners in crime
he got high with mista one time and never did it again
oddly flexible
he's probably dyslexic
the girlboss
live laugh love Trish
lesbian fr
she practices makeup on Abbacchio
another one that sees abba as a father figure
they point each other's nails and go shopping together
Mista's bff fr
they do karaoke together
yk that one tiktok sound that was that like "OH SHIT IT'S IN KOREAN" and then starts singing it perfectly anyway
that's her and Mista
Mista's the one that sings it lmao
i don't have that many headcanons for trish tbh
she likes to try out new hairstyles a lot
they're always short tho
she doesn't like growing out her hair
says it's too much of hassle
we love trish in the household
she has freckles (from doppio)
yk those weird ass dots diavolo has in his hair? she has those but they're less noticeable
talks shit about people with abbacchio
she likes ranting about stuff to giorno bc he's a good listener
big fan of scented candles
gave mista soap for his birthday
she has frequent headaches (something she got from doppio, bc i hc that he has frequent headaches)
do you wanna hear about my la squadra headcanons? Doppio and Diavolo??? PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY GOOD HEADCANONS JUST LET ME RANT-
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coochellati · 2 months
hi hi! Long time fan of your blog—and It’s really inspired me to write my own Bruno fic, any tips for a first time bruno writer?
HELLO!!! 💕
First of all, I just want to say thank you so much!!! Your kind words have made my day—no, my month. 😭🩷 AHHH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!
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Okay, so I have a big tip for writing Bruno, (or anyone, really,) and I learned it in Araki’s book, Manga in Theory and Practice. This is a technique he uses to make sure his characters are always acting “in-character.”
Every time Araki creates a new character, he fills out a character history sheet for them. It’s a basic sheet containing all sorts of important stuff such as their personality traits, dreams for the future, forming childhood experiences fears, etc., and he uses that sheet to figure out how his character would react to any given situation. In Manga in Theory and Practice, Araki includes a blank Character Sheet and an example of what a filled-out one may look like.
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(this isn’t actually the original Dio character history sheet—Araki lost the OG. This version was made from memory. I don’t know if the original was actually this blank.)
Since Araki hasn’t released one for Bruno, I decided to make my own.
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(This image is huge. HUGE. 6232 x 5519px!! Unfortunately, tumblr compressed it so you can’t read all the tiny writing :( can you tell I was an overachiever in school? Here’s a link to the uncompressed photo in Google Drive!!)
You are welcome to use this sheet if you’d like! (Anyone reading this is free to use it.) This sheet contains canon information as well as my assumptions/headcanons since Araki hasn’t given any kind of answer to some of these questions. You don’t have to agree with them. After all, everyone has their own interpretation of Bruno Bucciarati—this is just the way I see him.
Here’s how my process goes: whenever I put Bruno into a situation where I’m not sure how he’s going to react, I consult the character history chart.
For instance: what if Bruno is in a situation where he catches reader smoking weed?
This is something I haven’t always been sure as to what he’d do—I’ve changed my opinion on this multiple times. Weed is legal in many places, after all. However, after looking at my filled-out character sheet, I now have a more solid idea of how he could react.
Canon information: Bruno’s dad (his only immediate family) became injured because he witnessed a drug deal. (Which ultimately led to his death.) The way Bruno sees it, drugs killed his father. He also can get very worked up over matters that are personal to him, such as when Diavolo attempted to kill Trish, or when he caught Passione peddling drugs.
Using this information, I believe that Bruno is probably going to be very angry at reader, even if it is legal nowadays. It wasn’t very legal in 2001, and Passione likely trafficked weed on top of everything else. Sure, weed isn’t cocaine, but it was still a very stigmatized drug at the time.
(so yeah. Bruno would not be very thrilled about my love for Mary Jane… I’d quit for him. Also, this is just my assumption—it’s okay if you don’t agree with me. There are infinite ways to interpret a character, and your opinion is just as valid as mine.)
My advice to you is to fill out your own character sheet! Here’s a version that has no headcanons/assumptions if that helps :) (Unless you want to use mine, lol. But I know my word isn’t gospel, and you likely have differing opinions on him.) If you want to reword it entirely, here’s a full-res blank version!
Another reason I recommend this because you’ll really get to study his character. Being forced to think about his strengths/weaknesses, forming experiences, the relationships he has with others, or hell, even where he was born can really help form an idea of the character you’re writing. Through this exercise, I feel like I’ve gotten closer to Bruno. When it’s a character you love, filling this out feels like you’re spending time with them.
I’d also like to note that this character history chart is ever-evolving. As I continue studying Bruno's character, my opinions and mental images of him become clearer. It feels like I'm a sculptor carving a statue out of marble, gaining a more defined picture with each detail I learn. The sheet above reflects my view of him at this current moment in time, and it will likely change in the future.
Another tip I have for you relates to writing his dialogue. Bruno can be a little weird. For instance, he often speaks quite eloquently:
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He’s very self-assured:
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But then, there’s moments like this:
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I recommend studying his speech patterns. Hell, I’m always learning more about the way he speaks.
I’ll leave you with this: In the end, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to write Bruno. How you write him is up to you, and your interpretation is just as valid as anyone else’s. Don’t worry about what others may think about your version of him—just do what feels right for you. Write Bruno the way you see fit. :)
I hope this helps!!!! Don’t forget to have fun. 💕
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thanks for the ask!! <3
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