#me? a marvel gal
beefy natasha with a happy trail, send tweet.
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lizzstarkiller · 8 months
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Does the TVA have a little wardrobe of costumes for their agents to fit into the time period of their mission?
If so, I just have to believe that Loki spent an ungodly amount of time looking for a little green tie that coordinated with his aesthetic.
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crudetautology · 1 year
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adventuretolkienlover · 9 months
Why is a show about Lego Ninjas making me cry? This doesn't seem possible.🤣
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #31
Xenia Doukas - Gal Gadot
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Niobe Papadaki - Kiana Madeira
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Grigor Karakinos - Sam Claflin
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Thanos Ganas - Richard Armitage
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Melina Rosi - Felicity Kendal
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me, i've always been the queen
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cdragons · 7 months
...I made a gif
*Not Makkari and Kaet on their way back to the Domo after robbing Atlantis and accidentally sinking it*
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tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @jolixtreesunn, @aphroditesmoon,
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ohsnapitzmarvel · 1 year
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daydrcamings · 3 months
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"i need to get off of this damn planet!" gamora practically growled as she tossed some useless tech aside. she wasn't as skilled as rocket in finding what was needed to secure a ship. perhaps it was because she was distracted. she didn't blame peter for not believing she was alive. she struggled to believe it herself. "nothing on this planet makes any fucking sense!" gamora huffed, not quite realising she was using terra's curse words. she angrily kicked a piece of debris; sending it flying towards the other's head, narrowly missing them. "perhaps you shouldn't stand so close." she huffed.
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bloomingonionbitch · 1 year
(that was one of my favorite episodes of television, ever. everyone go watch Ep. 6 of "Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and report back).
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averagepumpkinking · 2 years
Another year around the sun and all I feel is sad.
Is it bad that I feel sad? Sad that my BF didnt stay for dinner, I know it’s selfish for me to want him to stay longer. I know he has stuff to do and it’s a long ways from home, but I just wanted him there with me. I can have these feelings , but it makes me feel selfish for wishing he was here. My feelings are valid but at the same time I feel like my feelings should be stored away and I should not have them. This is all so confusing and I felt the same guilt last year.
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cakeinthevoid · 1 year
guess who came up with new ocs and a whole new story 🫡🫡🫡
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Follow up idea to the person who suggested that lovely birthday doodle request,, Reader who can draw proficiently as a hobby and often sketches folks at the hotel in their sketch book. Alastor is a bit offended that no matter what it seems as though he’s no where in this book, when they retire for the night he brings it up almost as if he’s jealous and they laugh at him. He’s upset because now he feels as though they are making fun of him until they retrieve another book and turns out they draw him in privacy (he’s so special he has his own book) It’s so cute too theres little heart doodles and them holding hands everywhere
Darling, how can I say no to 1) you *handheart* and 2) to such a cute pürompt? Make way, guys, gals and non-binary pals, here comes the fluff-queen!
Pictures of You
“ME NEXT! ME NEXT!” You tugged your sketchbook out of Niffty's small but surprisingly strong fingers. The little demon giggled and almost fell from your shoulder, making you laugh.
“Niff, any more doodles of you and I'd have to pay you royalties. Also, Angel asked first.”
You grinned, turning another page of the thick binder to an empty canvas and twirled the coal pen in your hand. Husk had just involuntarily changed his sleeping position from 'face in hands' to 'face on counter', groaning at the impact, so you wanted to start anew. Niffty resumed to braid your hair – you often let her just do what she wanted, she had a knack for it anyways – and huffed. “You only want to draw him because he can do impossible poses.” “Well, he is flexible.”
“Comes with the job, sweet cheeks.” Angel, who had entered through the door, grinned at you, taking his pink heart-shaped sunglasses off while he walked behind you, leaning over your shoulder. “Aw, toots, you really are talented, Husky looks like a snack there. Can I have that when 'ya done?”
“Have what, my effeminate fellow?” Angel jumped as Alastor materialized behind him without warning, releasing a startled 'Jesus Christ on a cracker!' while his lower set of arms clung onto your tensed shoulders. The radio demon laughed heartily, bending over slightly to look past Angel's head. He craned his neck and reached with his cane, forcing you to lean sideways so he could examine what you were drawing.
You flinched at the contact with the strangely warm metal, but didn't look up from the page. You only gripped the black coal tighter, feeling it beginning to crack. Alastor hummed in what sounded almost fond praise, giving a brief tap to Husk's shape on the paper.
"Marvelous! What a talent you have." he proclaimed. "Although I have to ask again, my dear, how come you never draw me? Surely I could..."
You lifted a finger, face scrunched up in concentration and shook your head, eyes firmly on the almost finished sketch. Alastor clicked his tongue in a displeased way, clawed fingers impatiently tapping the microphone at the end of his cane.
"Really, dearest. I have a great interest for-"
"Hold on!"
"-a unique idea of the possibilities-"
As you finished, you stretched your cramped hand, setting down the charcoal on the armrest of the red plush sofa and rubbing your fingers to get rid of the black stains. You ripped the paper out of the sketchbook and handed it to Angel, carefully avoiding Alastors burning eyes and ignoring the angry static pops sizzling on your skin.
"There you go, Ange. You can lock it in with a little coat of hairspray, otherwise it will smudge easily."
You hastily stood up, letting Niffty tumble down your back onto the sofa with a wild giggle while you quickly assembled your things. You saw Alastor open his mouth and interrupted whatever speech he might've wanted to deliver you, your heart racing and mouth unusually dry.
"Oh, would you look at the time, I promised Charlie to get laundry done by the evening, I better get going. Maybe another time, yeah? Okay, bye!"
You were already through the door by the time he had registered you leaving, mouth half-open and ready to protest against whatever injustice he felt you had done him. His eyebrow twitched slightly at your retreating figure, eyes flickering between the corner you disappeared around and Angel Dust, the latter laughing mockingly at the deer.
"Aw shucks, failing again, deer daddy? What is it now, the fifth time she blew 'ya off?"
"The seventh.", Niffty corrects him, scratching on the black spot where you had set the charcoal in between your work. Alastor gave her a sour expression, while Angel leaned back, eyeing the sketch of his subject of interest with lovingly.
"Maybe she took 'ya by heart, Smiles. Don't 'ya always say 'ya got a face for radio only?"
Alastor was fuming.
Everyone was in that damn book, everyone. And yet, he was nowhere in it to be found.
In his opinion he was far superior in beauty of aesthetics then, for example, Angel Dust, or Vaggie. Hell, Husk had even made an entry, and all he did was lay around and drink himself into oblivion. Why would you take the time to sketch these nobodies in detail instead of him? Was he that unimportant to you, did you deem him that unworthy? Or was this your subtle way of making fun of his appearance, his laughable predicament of being a predator in a prey body?
He thought he'd have been generous enough not to reprimand you, or destroy that damned book all together after all this time. It was your luck that he had developed a strange fondness of you. Alastor only ever bothered himself with a few souls since his arrival in hell, and his encounter with you was a happy coincidence indeed. You were so much less annoying, so much more quiet and respectful than most of the demons around him, with your charcoal pen behind your ear and a keen eye for beautiful things that you turned into artworks like it was your second nature.
And even though you've always seemed to take a liking to him, his patient questions for a sketch, a portrait or just anything of him was met by you with dismissiveness, awkward excuses or outright evading, only ever drawing other sinners, even the cursed piglet Angel called a pet. But never, never him.
This couldn't go on any longer. He would talk to you about it, and either you would draw him willingly or you would draw nothing at all.
Your room was located only three corridors down his own suite, right across of a broken down door. Despite the late hour you had left the door cracked open, music faintly streaming through it along the orange light of your desk lamp. Which meant you were still awake. Still working. Still drawing.
The door made no sound when he pushed it open, carefully peeking his head inside. He was right, your back was hunched over your desk, completely lost in your work while your voice hummed along with the little melody from the radio.
The radio he had gifted you. He snapped his fingers and the music screeched loudly before coming to a stop, the radio dying instantly and making you jump in your seat.
"JESUS!" You whipped your head around, clutching your heart. He gave his best charming smile, red eyes narrowing in on you.
"No dear, it's just me." he smiled maliciously and closed the door behind him, it clicking ominously shut. Locked. You laughed awkwardly, brushing a loose strand of hair out of your face and hastily closed the thick, black sketchbook on the desk shut, a different one than the one from before. A new one. Another cursed one without him in it, surely.
"Haha, thank satan, I'm not dressed to meet the son of god." you quibbed, avoiding his gaze and twirling your pencil, something you always did when you were nervous.
He didn't join into your joke, instead he walked over to your dresser, where the filled sketchbook from before laid. Open, showing a detailed drawing of Keekee stretching in front of the fireplace. The blasted cat was the last straw.
"Why," Alastor spoke sharply, barely registering his antlers sprouting in angry cracks, "are there any and every sinners and creatures depicted in that... doggone, ridiculous thing?".
His words were spat with so much anger he missed your scared and confused look when you pushed your chair back, almost tripping and scrambling to get away. "What? Alastor, I..."
He hit the book once, almost tearing the thick parchment. "And not one mention of me? You have no idea how utterly vexing and insulting it is to feel ignored, or rather unnoted! What did I do, oh do tell, dear, that makes you think of me so below you that you just outright forget my existence?!"
Again, he hit the book, feeling it starting to rip from the amount of pent up frustration tightening his grip. But it did feel good, immensely so, to take it out on the damn thing he would have shredded weeks ago, if you didn't enjoy it so much.
"N-Nothing, you really don't... you don't understand...", you laughed nervously, eyes too pleading, too soft for his liking, as if you mocked him or worse: Pitied him. The thought alone fueled his anger further.
"Then I advise you to make me understand, my darling.", he growled, shoes scratching on the wooden floors with each step as he neared you, pressing you against the desk. "Because otherwise, I have no inhibitions to incinerate every single one of these god damn..."
"I draw you all the time. In your own book."
You grabbed the sketch book from the desk and thrust it in his face, spouting more nonsense with teary eyes that went deaf through his ears, only glaring at the cover and then opening it, ready for anything.
Nothing. Nothing but him.
There was no mention of anyone else.
There was nothing but him. His face. Portraits, stills, sketches, whole sceneries, doodles even.
Pages and pages full of his own features, his eyes looking back at him, so carefully captured in coal lines that his head reeled.
There he was, walking in long strides through the lobby, hair perfect and suit straight, the drawing so detailed it could've been a photography. On the other side was a picture of him, his eyes narrowed, showing no emotion as he stared down at the hotel papers in his hand. The next page, he was captured in a fight with that buffoon Sir Pentious, his is mouth cracked in an evil smile, claws stretched and ready to snap the snakes' airship in half.
And ever in between those artworks: Little doodles, as if drawn with an absent mind, of him and you. Holding hands. Embracing each other. Laughing together. Gazing into each others eyes. Silly hearts all around them.
Alastor almost dropped the book and the shakily uttered your name, for once truly at a loss for words.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Alastor...", he finally heard your muttering, voice trembling with tears. "I didn't know how... I was just... so... so embarrassed, and..."
Embarrassed. The absolute absurdity of it all.
Here he had been, worried you found him beneath the beauty you held in such esteem, wounded even so much as to bring out this unjustified anger. The fool he was. He was an idiot to have not considered the other possible explanations for your reticence.
Slowly, carefully, as if you'd spook and run should he move too fast, Alastor wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, still holding the book safely in his hand, pressing it into your back. At his will, his shadow lifted a hand and turned the radio on once again, a low hum resounding from the speakers as the soothing, quiet music continued.
"Mon cœur, the unnecessary pain you caused us both. And yet, I'm the one who has to apologize.", he said with an honesty he rarely spoke with. "We're both, evidently, quite hopeless. No use in keeping these feelings and words unsaid any longer then, hm? Can you forgive this old fool?"
You stared at him bewildered, at a loss for words yourself, before a relieved smile cracked your worried frown. Shiny tear streaks were running over your reddening cheeks, he wiped them off your face with a soft swipe of his thumb.
"Of course... As long as I can continue drawing you." You chuckled and pushed your face into his chest, Alastor was more than certain to hide the flush of your cheeks. He chuckled, gripping the book in his hands tighter as he buried his nose in your hair. You smelled like paper, paint and charcoal. And underneath it all lingered the scent of something new, yet familiar. Something... very much like him.
"Draw the both of us like this to perfection, darling, and that would be a deal worth to agree on."
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definitelysel · 8 months
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pairing : neuvillette x fem!reader
summary: a baker gets framed for a crime she didn't commit. neuvilette comes to her aid as they embark on a crime solving journey full of banter, mysteries and connections.
contains : mention of poisoning, murder and death, usage of she/her pronouns, hurt/comfort if you squint, playful banter, a bit crack energy, neuvillette is such a softie, mentions of voicelines from neuvillette's chatacter quest (no major spoliers), more of a story than a romance based but it has its fluff moments, slight ooc, alot of dividers (sorry), may be incorrect in terms of court proceedings and laws overall because I am not a law student :')
a/n: this was based on @sxttoruu 's idea. thank you for inspiring me to write something. This isn't as romantic because I want to keep it realistic as people who are getting to know each other closely for the first time don't immediately fall in love. Enjoy!
p.s. italics are for flashbacks or events that have already taken place.
not proof read.
w/c: 4.5k words
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I heard they were enemies turned lovers."
“Rotten to the core!”
“You are the murderer!”
Neuvilette has beheld this sight yet again. His deep hues gently rested their gaze on the commotion before him. Despite upholding his position as the Ludex of the Fontaine Court – it seemed nothing more than a theatre segment. 
Recently, cases were mundane and yawn-evoking. Lady Furina had attained severe apathy towards all conflicts. 
However, one thing which had created the slightest amusement in his life was one bakery and perhaps the best bakery in the Court of Fontaine region. The owner was a kind soul with the brightest smile and the sweetest loaves of bread in her arsenal. That baker was Y/N.
Though Neuvillette never exchanged words with her, that smile was enough to brighten his day. The bakery was always bustling with not a single moment of solitude. Many asked the secret behind these one-of-a-kind baked goods, to which she would always reply with “Love.”
Yet things spiralled into turmoil on one faithful day.
It was the 50th anniversary of Fontaine’s most prosperous business company. Mr Cornielle was a reputed man with expertise in his niche. He had commissioned the baker as his caterer for the occasion, to which the baker complied.
The party was a grand set-up. Fontaine’s most influential people had been invited as the guests but would be deemed incomplete without the Ludex and the Archon herself.
The blissful environment with bubbling refreshments was a sight to behold. Neuvilette acquainted himself with few folks, yet his eyes drifted across the room, searching for something or perhaps someone.
Was it the baker he sought? He didn’t know himself. Neuvillette constantly had his head boggled with numerous unanswered questions that he kept to himself. Yet it was unequivocal that the baker piqued his interest. Neuvillette just couldn’t pinpoint the reason.
The laughter that surged through the hallways turned into chaos and screams of distress as the host. Mr Cornielle crashed to the floor, mid-conversation, seemingly foaming at his mouth. 
“Everyone, please remain quiet and step away from the victim,” Neuvillette spoke up, creating distance between the guests and the fallen man. “Such gal! To commit such a heinous crime that to in my presence. The perpetrator must not fear anything.” Lady Furina marvelled at the audacity of the offender while taking in the situation up-front.
Neuvillette brushed over her antics and turned to face the person conversing with the victim before the incident, his eyes searching for answers.
“He was talking about the company and its achievements while sipping on the wine before…this.” The person in question stammered out, shaken from the whole ordeal. 
“Anything else?” 
“Well, he was taste-testing the delicacies before the wine.”
Gasps erupted from the crowd as the heads turned towards the baker, who tended to the service trays. Y/N lifted her head, a sweet and proud smile dancing across her lips that soon disappeared after noticing all the eyes on her.
 “She did it! She killed Mr Cornielle.”
 “Arrest her!”
 “Lady Furina, do something!?”
“Seize her,” Furina spoke up, pointing at the baker, whose eyes had widened like saucers. “No, please! I didn’t do anything, I swear! Don’t take me away!” The baker's pleas received no sympathy as the guards dragged her away. She could hear the murmurs amongst the crowd.
“Such heinous act.”
“Wonder if all those years of goodwill were a mere facade?”
The baker’s head hung low from shame. “I have failed you, father.” she grieved and was taken away from the scene.
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The stage lights flashed open, highlighting the accused. Trials in Fontaine are like drama, is a saying that lived up to its name. 
“Charges have been pressed against the baker regarding murder through poisoning. All shreds of evidence are in opposition to the condemned. Would the accused like to speak up for themselves?” Neuvillette’s voice bellowed throughout the hall as all eyes narrowed at the person in the middle.
“I didn’t do it, I swear!” the baker pleaded.
“Nonsense! Who else would dare poison such an influential man?”
“I would like everyone to maintain the decorum of the court.” Neuvillette commented. “As all evidence seems to line up against Ms Y/N. I hereby declare her guilty until further investigation on this matter. Guards to escort her to the Fortress of Meropide. The court is adjourned.”
The rainfall after that trial was full of doubt, leaving a gloomy aftermath.
“Oh! hydrodragon, hydrodragon. Please don’t cry.”
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The Fortress of Meropide, in all its grandeur, was the last place the baker wanted to be in. She longed for the bright sun and brisk winds. The cold shackles clung to her hardworking palms as she sat behind bars. It was not long before footsteps echoed down the dark hallways. She could make out a faint outline of a familiar silhouette.
“Monsieur Neuvillette?” the baker croaked out. She could see the Ludex of Fontaine in all his glory right in front of her eyes. An aura of authority followed him. The baker found her words stuck in her throat.
“I want the truth.” He said, getting straight to the point.
“I didn’t do it. I made those dishes with my own two hands. I swear upon my father’s legacy that I lack the spine to commit such a felony.” The baker stated without a single falter. Neuvillette seemed pleased with the answer. He admired the baker’s willpower to stand up for herself. Humans were unpredictable.
“Answer this. If given a chance, would you do anything to prove your innocence?” He asked that question. Humans were peculiar in terms of communication. One word may sting them to their core, while the other may send them over the moon.
“You are going to grant that baker a monitored bail?” Furina asked, baffled.
“Yes. I hope you don’t object to my actions, Lady Furina.” Neuvillette nodded, reinforcing his previous statement.
“But why? All the attestations are against her?”
“...” Neuvillette remained silent before getting up and leaving.
“HEY! NEUVILLETTE! Where are you going!?” He could hear the last of her words before exiting the room.
You will see much in the human world, from the delightful to the depressing. One day, when you have dwelled amongst humanity long enough, you will bring judgment as a spokesperson for Fontaine’s past.
Those words made Neuvillette question his emotions. He was in a battle between his sense of justice and morality. Part of him couldn’t accept the baker as the culprit. There had to be something that was missing. Something purposefully hidden from the public.
“I will. Anything to prove my innocence.” the baker affirmed his question. Neuvillette had to suppress the smile threatening to show itself. “Very well. Then, I shall grant you a monitored bail during the next hearing.” He spoke, maintaining the formality in his tone before turning around to leave.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Monseiur, who will monitor me?”
“Ah yes, That would be me.”
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"As per the law, a person without a lawyer has two choices. Either get a government-assigned lawyer to defend them or fight for their case themselves." The Court was crowded and bustling. It irked Neuvillette just a bit. To these people, trials were drama shows they could flock to. Neuvillette never liked trials being dramatic affairs in his time as the Chief Justice.
"How would the accused like to defend their stead?"
"I will fight my case myself." Y/N spoke up, slight uncertainty in her tone.
"Is that woman crazy?'
"No way. This case keeps getting interesting!"
The cacophony of mockery and laughter made her confidence plummet to the ground. It was hopeless. How could she possibly fight her case alone? She should go with the lawyer.
"Granted. You have two weeks to gather evidence to prove your innocence under a monitored bail. If you fail, life imprisonment for homicide will be your sentence.”
"You will be monitoring me, Monsieur?!"
"Yes. Any objections?" 
"No, just why?"
Neuvillette remained silent. He seemed to be threading his words carefully.
"....to find answers to certain questions. So far, morality is winning."
"Huh?" The baker tilted her in his cryptic response.
"Nothing. The hearing will begin at 8 a.m. sharp. Be punctual."
"The Court is adjourned."
Y/N stood in the now-empty courtroom before she spotted Neuvilette approach her. “Here, this should help you on this journey of fighting for your innocence.” He handed her the book and bid her farewell. Y/N brought the book closer to her face to analyse it better.
Y/N blinked in utter confusion before chuckling at his antics. 
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Additional: Familiarize yourself with the Chief Justice.
The clock was now ticking.
The investigation had kicked off. Y/N found herself more immersed in her thoughts. She was digging out potential clues and links. Delving deep into Mr. Cornielle’s past gave her an insight into the whole matter. Who was he meeting? What were his plans? Which people did he get into a disagreement with often? All questions seemed to answer themselves one by one.
Y/N sat in her room, deep in thought. She was under house arrest as of now. Neuvillette would accompany her around when she was outside. When busy, she would just hang out in his office. Y/N had developed a sense of truth when it came to Neuvillette. He had certainly earned it with his actions. He was a man clouded with mystery.
Though, he did seem to have a strange liking towards melusines and magic shows. She found that endearing about him. Neuvillette was a man, gentle and poise, gracing every place he went to. Though he was a dork when it came to said things.
He would mutter curses each time his hair or robe got stuck in one of the chairs. He tended to be a food critic. He may be polite about it, but he wasn't the best at hiding that he disliked dry food. If the food wasn't wet, he didn't want it. Both of them had grown to appreciate the other’s company.
"If my memory serves me right, Mr Cornielle in a political rivalry with Mr Etienne? They both clash heads. Their history is notorious among the locals. He can be a potential suspect."
"I have worked for that Etienne fellow. Before I started my business as an independent baker, I used to work for him to earn my daily meals. I knew that man is never up to any good. I have heard him threaten to kill Mister Corneille on multiple occasions."
"That is a big lead. You can work on that and visit the crime scene to scope the evidence."
"Wait. Are you helping me, Monsieur?" she mused- a smirk creeping onto her face.
"No. I am mere brainstorming. All the brains applied here are yours. I am simply giving my input."
"The investigators found a discarded poison vial. It had moisture on its exterior. From the taste of the water, it must've been transported here from Sumeru to Fontaine's port."
"I see. That can be a big clue if we find the receipt- wait, did you say– from the taste of the water??"
"Monsieur Neuvillette, are you implying that you licked the bottle and figured out it came from Sumeru? More importantly, how do you even know the difference between the waters of different nations?!"
"I think Lady Furina is calling me. Farewell."
"You aren’t denying that you licked the bottle! HEY! COME BACK! I NEED ANSWERS!"
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Additional: Getting jump scared and falling into a secret room only to get spooked again.
Y/N felt like she was an incarnation of Sherlock Holmes. She kept inspecting every surface for potential clues, scoping out corners in classic detective fashion. She couldn’t spot anything connected to the crime. That was until she entered the changing rooms. Something didn’t seem right to her. She didn’t put anything in the delicacies. It must’ve been one of the waiters who must’ve tinkered with the food.
The room was dimly lit and elegant. The lockers were neat and had mirrors on the end of the room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“You are supposed to inform me before wandering off by yourself. Might I remind you that you are still under monitored bail,” Neuvillette approached her from behind. Y/N, startled by his appearance, lost her footing and fell towards the mirror. To their shock, the mirror flipped open. She crashed into a dark, dusty room.
“Are you okay?” Neuvillette asked with worry before entering the room behind the mirror. It was hard to make out what was in there.
“I am okay.” She groaned before opening the flashlight. The room was empty. She walked a bit further, swaying the flashlight left-right to emit any corner hiding some clue. She spotted what seemed to be an identification sigil. 
“Monsieur, I found something.” 
“Hm? What is it?” Neuvillette approached her and inspected the sigil. “It is a Fatui sigil. One which operatives use.” She made a mental note of it and flashed her flashlight up ahead, only to meet a horrifying sight that made her shriek and cling to Neuvillette’s tall stature. He was startled as well. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Up ahead! It’s a man tied up.”
The statement raised his guard as he took the flashlight and pointed it straight. It was a man tied up with ropes and a gag in his mouth. He seemed to be unconscious and only in his underwear. “I would like to propose a theory.” He started. “It would appear that the culprit caught his man and disguised themselves as a waiter to sneak into the party undetected.” 
“That can be a possibility. After all, I did suspect that one of the waiters messed with the food.”
“I will call the concerned authorities to get this man to a doctor. You can get off me now. I never knew you so easily frightened.” Neuvillette mused. He thought he had been amidst humans long enough to know about their behaviour. However, every time, a new antic would reveal itself.
“Scared? Me? Of course not! I was just making sure you weren’t scared!” She defensively retorted.
“By clinging on to me for dear life? How so?” Neuvillette mused at her.
“How about we save the man in bondage first?” She brushed over his question and changed the topic. Neuvillette chose not to pry further and left to call for assistance.
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Additional: Quality bonding time with the Ludex.
“I am not fighting a Fatui Operator. I am a baker! Do you expect me to fight someone with a baguette!?” Y/N gaped at him.
“If you fight with a baguette or any pastry for that matter, the Operator will first chuckle at your antics and then proceed to dispose of you,” Neuvillette stated the obvious and kept walking straight. Mont Esus East was a mountainous terrain. The walking made the baker’s leg feel like jellies.
“How much longer do we have to walk!” She whined and stopped walking. “A bit more. Don’t give up now. We can’t let this turn into a futile attempt.” Neuvillette ushered her to keep going. After traversing for what felt like an eternity, they spotted a small camp. 
“Okay. Monsieur, I am serious. How are we going to fight those tough guys.” Y/N patiently waited for him to explain his plan, but nothing came. “We go and engage in battle. It is a straightforward plan.” Neuvillette began approaching the camp. He didn’t strike her as someone who could fight off bad guys. She watched as Neuvillette made quick work of the Operators.
“Woah- you don’t come off as someone who can brawl!” Y/N marvelled, her eyes twinkling in admiration. 
“I don’t recall ever reading about a judge who can fight.” Neuvillette shrugged.
“You are right, Monsieur. The stereotype of all judges being oldies is quite common among people. No offence.”
“Offence taken.”
“What? HEY! We both know I was joking!” Y/N quickly replied. She didn’t want to anger him unintentionally.
“So was I.”
“Nevermind,” Neuvillette sighed. It appeared to him that he had to work on his people skills. The baker brushed over the awkward atmosphere and examined the records inside the camp. There were all sorts of legal documents. Old, damp or torn, you name it.
“Gosh, so hard to make out what exactly is written on these.” The baker rummaged through the piles of paper only to find a slightly torn document. It was from a small-scale herbal pharmacy in Sumeru. The document talked about a poison capable of killing someone in under a minute. What stood out the most was the signature at the bottom of the recipient.
“This is it. That is no doubt Etienne’s signature.” Neuvillette spoke, seeing the document himself. 
“Let’s go. We must show this to everyone.” 
“Not so fast. Night has caved in. We should stay here and leave tomorrow at sunrise.” He quickly shunned her advances.
“But Monsieur!”
“No buts.” He remained firm on his decision. Had it been just him, he would’ve departed despite the darkness, but now, with a person by his side, he felt responsible for their safety and chose prevention instead.
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Silence engulfed the camp before the baker spoke, “It's funny how quickly people change opinions. All this time, I have done nothing but feed people and bring smiles to their faces, yet I got accused of something I didn’t do. People can be so shallow.” Neuvillette’s gaze soften. He understood the feeling of becoming an outcast better than anyone. “I agree.”  
“Monsieur, why are you helping me?” 
“I apologise if it comes off as something I am doing for my gain, but I am doing this to help you. I can’t explain it, but some part of me kept telling me that there is more than what meets the eye and that I must delve deeper. As the Chief Justice, I can’t afford to be shallow and only go off based on what I see. There is always more to the truth than rumours and gossip.” Neuvillette voiced his reasoning. He could hear hiccups from the baker, an indication of tears.
His heart ached. This situation was Neuvillette’s flaw. He always seemed to get emotionally affected by the plight of people. “I am aware that I am not in a position to say this, but you are worth fighting for. Everyone is. Each individual deserves a chance.” He wasn’t the best when it came to comforting people. He could only try. 
“Y-you think so? I don’t know how I will rebound from this incident. My business will be in shambles. I won’t be able to fulfil my promise to my father.” she wiped her tears away. “I may not be the best at giving solutions, but if you trust my judgement, I’d like to quote, “When there is a will, there is a way.” That captures my advice for you.” Neuvillette mustered his best uplifting tone, a contrast to his usual authoritative one. 
“Thank you." The baker paused before continuing, "Oh! Look, it’s raining.” The baker pointed out. “Apologies, this is going to be an inconvenience tomorrow.” Neuvillette sighed. 
“Why are you sorry, Monsieur?” 
“No reason.”
The baker sighed. Neuvillette was a tough one to figure out.
“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry.” The baker muttered under her breath, which caught his attention. “You believe in that local legend as well? I don’t get why people think that the hydro dragon weeps. Perhaps he gets stirred by all the tears that fall on this land.” Neuvillette pondered about the legend in slight exasperation.
The baker chuckled at him. “Perhaps people think that the hydro dragon deserves comfort as well.” 
Monsoon had dawned upon Fontaine. 
"When is this rain going to stop?"
"My vacation plans are spoilt."
Neuvillette could hear them all. A solemn feeling engulfed him as the raindrops collided with the floor, creating pitter-patter Sorrows, grievances, questions, mysteries and conflicts, all get washed away with the flowing waters.
The human world was both delightful and depressing. Neuvillette had grown accustomed to his responsibilities, yet when the clear sunny skies shined above him, he was mindful of enjoying the warmth they brought, reminiscing the memories of his friends who wished him stress-free days. 
“Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don’t cry.” he heard a young boy yell that phrase amidst the rain.
“Archenoul! Honey, come inside. You will get wet!” his mother called out.
“Coming! I was just comforting the hydro dragon!”
He couldn't stop his lips from curling up into a smile.
He had always questioned his existence. He tried to connect his past, answering questions that remained unanswered. Yet the sunny days and small moments like such burnt all those thoughts away with their radiance and brought light to his life.
“Comforting the hydro dragon? A silly idea. It is endearing.” Neuvillette spoke after breaking away from his thoughts.
“I know. Wonder who came up with it.” The baker chuckled. The rain slowly came to a halt as time progressed.
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“I would like to request Mr. Etienne to come up front.” The baker stood with confidence in front of all eyes.
“Very well. Why exactly do you require my presence?” Etienne stepped up. He was an equally influential businessman. His involvement only made this trial more interesting. “You are known to have a long history with Mr. Cornielle. Both of you were involved in a toxic rivalry.” 
“Are you implying that I killed him?” The man’s face showed hints of anger.
“I never said that.” The baker quickly replied and moved on. “There was a vial in one of the dustbins. It contained the poison that killed Mr.Cornielle. It originates from Sumeru.” 
“How can you prove that it is from Sumeru? That is unless you purchased that bottle yourself, Ms. Y/N.” The man turned the tables. It was now a game of volleyball. The only question that remained was, who’s court will the ball end up in by the end?
“You are right. I can’t prove the bottle’s origin, but this paper does.” The baker pulled out the torn sheets found earlier at the camp. “These are receipts of purchases. Multiple items were imported from Sumeru, including a vial. These documents happen to have your signature on them.”
“Let’s be real Mr.Etienne. Either you confess your crime, or I will narrate your ‘masterplan’ in front of everyone,” Y/N looked him dead in the eye. 
“Fine. I did kill that bastard with my own hands.” Gasps echoed in the hall. Lady Furina had an expression of shock on her face. “That stupid Cornielle. He always found a way to be an obstacle on my way to success. If he had kept his nose out of my business…”
Everyone could tell at that given moment that the man was a lunatic.
“I did sneak into the party that night. I disguised myself as a waiter and snuck the poison into his food. The Fatui were very helpful in the import of the goods without raising suspicions. Just as I had planned, all the blame was pinpointed at you, Ms.Y/N.” He started laughing sinisterly.
The atmosphere had turned eerie and cold. People could feel goosebumps on their arms. “My plan was perfect, but an anomaly snuck in.” The businessman gazed at Neuvillette, who sat in his chair, eyeing the entire scene.
There was a moment of brief silence.
“It seems that it is clear now. Mr Etienne killed Mr Cornielle out of sheer jealousy. He used his alliance with the Fatui to obtain the poison to kill him in cold blood. Then he skillfully made it appear as Ms Y/N’s fault who was sent to jail while Mr Etienne roamed free. Mr Etienne, you are declared guilty of homicide, framing the innocent, inflicting violence and importing illegal goods across national borders. You are sentenced to life imprisonment till your execution date.” Neuvillette stated and ordered the guards to take the businessman away.
“I know you were involved in this Ludex! I will make you pay!” the man screamed till taken away by the guards. Neuvillette sighed before continuing,
“I declare Ms Y/N not guilty and wish her a prosperous business from here on. The court is adjourned.” He finished as the Court slowly began to clear out. Y/N let out a breath of relief. It felt like a huge boulder was taken off her shoulders. She had proved herself innocent.
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Additional: towards the future with a new special someone.
It had been a few months since that fateful incident. Everyone's tongues had the same question. How did the baker do it? Neither the baker nor the Ludex reveals it. The bakery’s business was booming more than ever. People came, enjoyed their meals and left. Life was back to normal. 
The evening sun was making its descent. The shop was now empty and Y/N was busy cleaning the counters.
“Is the shop still open?” a familiar voice made her ears perk up. “Monsieur Neuvillette!” The baker turned around to see the familiar blue and white robe and tall stature. “Greetings I hope you haven’t faced any unpleasantries up till now.” the man asked as the baker tackled him into a hug. It caught the Chief Justice off guard, yet a warm feeling spread across his chest. 
“Oh- sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” the baker profusely apologized.
“I believe it is fine. We have spent time together long enough to be well acquainted.” Neuvillette waved his hand dismissively.
“Come! Sit down! I will get you something.” The baker offered, but Neuvillette shook his head and politely declined.
“Maybe next time. I was just passing by so, I thought I would pay a quick visit. My schedule is full till next month but I will be sure to come whenever time permits.”
“You better come! I will serve you all of my bestsellers!” the baker shot him a toothy grin.
“Is this perhaps a way for you to mug me off my money?” Neuvillette raised a brow at her. Will she get his attempt at humour this time?
“Mug you? No! It is called a business strategy.” The baker proudly chimed with her hands on her hips. She did take his joke this time.
Neuvillette was enjoying this small yet sweet conversation with the baker. It was lively, and lighthearted and felt nice after a long day. He could get used to the baker’s effervescent personality.
He feels a bit queasy. What are these feelings? Such unrestful emotions are similar to what humans feel when they enjoy someone’s company. Why is this happening all of a sudden?
"Neuvillette!" His thoughts are cut short by her gleaming smile. "Thank you." 
It had been a while since he heard those words. His statement from earlier had now become a concrete thought in his mind. The baker was worth choosing his morality over his judgment for.
A smile finally shined on his face.
"You're welcome."
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please do not copy, claim as your own or translate. plagiarism will not be tolerated.
thank you for your time <3
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
How would the marvel women react if reader (their gf) out of the blue smacked their ass 🤭🤭🤭
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i know that you like me
bro this is so adorable thank you butt smacking anon🩶❕
carol danvers
there's literally no denying that's carols ass looks good in her suit. like look at it. so when it's theres you just have to. and i feel like she'd actually jump. like off the ground and yelp. then she'd grab her cheeks as if she'd just been absolutely violated. she would stare at you then burst out laughing. then she'd suddenly stop laughing and tackle you. expect tickle and kiss attacks
sharon carter
she would turn around slowly and chuckle she'd try so hard to get you back and chase you around. when she catches you she throws you over her shoulder and smacks your ass hard as hell. she'll also like put you face down on the bed nd kiss your butt. and ngl she would get turned on cuz she's a horny fuck. but omg if you smack it while she's on a call she glare at you. you're in for a long night later on...
darcy lewis
you're literally the only person darcy wouldn't taser. but she'd be such a tease. she'd be eyeing your ass and smacking it all the damn time. and when you smack hers, he hands would go straight to the area and she'll holler "goodness hot stuff! take me on a date first" and she'll start cackling but then she'd chase you around the house squeezing any part of you she can get her hands on. then you'll lay on the couch for the rest of your day and she'll lightly smack your ass right as she goes to sleep mumbling a soft "payback" before drifting into slumber.
she'd freeze. how dare you? and if it wasn't you, you'd be dead in seconds. but when she glared at you, you'll b muttering out rushed apologizes. and nebula would say she liked it. she likes when you two do couple things. she'd then take it as a competition. you wanna smack her ass? bet. every chance she'd got she'd slap the shit out of your ass. and when hugging you or cuddling it, she'll squeeze it as if trying to reshape it. not in a way to want to hurt you. she'd just like to assert her dominance once again. cause you made her way too flustered for her liking.
maria hill
maria would say some horny ass shit. she let out a slow sexy laugh nd flirt. she'd honestly love it. she's never been so comfortable with someone. and god how can you resist. have you seen her ass in the uniform? and when she got used to the affection and the flirting she'd slap yours back. like when she'd see your ass she'd jokingly rub her hands and lick her lips. only out of work obviously. during work she'd lay her hand on your ass and pat it. as if she were petting a dog.
kate bishop
she'd get so flustered😭. she'd be outta breath and wouldn't be able to say coherent sentences. she'd the get into a fit of giggles and attempt to cover her blush. she wouldn't go out without a fight tho. she'd jump and hold you in place so you can't move, appearing as if you two were wrestling. and she's attack you with kisses while repeatedly tapping your butt. she'd get shy at first but then she realized how hot it was. and she's definitely and ass gal, but she'll stare a titties anytime.
a/n why do i have a butt if no pretty girl is smacking it😕 why squat if no smack
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arthenaa · 1 year
in your arms — sebastian sallow x fem reader
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plot summary: Sebastian, more often than not, annoys the fuck out of you to get your attention. Your friends think it's disgustingly adorable.
content tags: fluff, FUCK i love seb so bad, me just projecting my love on to this man, established relationship natty, poppy, imelda, ominis, you and seb hangout in the room of requirement, you're in your 7th year, kiss kiss mwa mwa, you makeout w ur bf while ur friends are in the room aw, you and seb third wheeling everyone in the room, ominis w a niffler simping for his face
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"So this is where you hide every afternoon." Imelda marvels at the spacious room from where she's sitting. You had invited Natty, Poppy, Imelda, Ominis and Sebastian for a cup of tea and relaxation in your base of operations; The Room of Requirement.
You had alerted Deek beforehand that you would be inviting a couple of friends over. The house elf had been generous enough to tidy up the place before promising to leave you alone during the allotted time. You take note to find something in Hogsmeade to give to Deek as a thank you.
In the center of the room of requirement, sits a lounging room facing towards the vivarium. Sat on one of the small chairs is Imelda and on the other is Natty who sips on her cup of tea. On one of the sofas is Ominis who has a niffler on him for some reason, gawking at his face like it's some sort of jewelry and on the other sofa is you and Sebastian. Poppy, on the other hand is inside the vivarium, basking in your beasts' company. Specifically your common friend, Highwing who she had not seen for weeks.
"Professor Weasley was kind enough to let me use this to catch up on my magic." You reply as you lean back against the couch. Imelda's eyebrows raise in surprise at the information.
"Talk about having favorites." Imelda leans over to Natty who laughs at her insinuation. You playfully glare at the Slytherin gal before feeling an arm around your shoulder. You glance at the boy beside you who only gives you a boyish grin before placing peck on your cheek. Imelda lets out a disgusting groan.
"How adorable." Natty scrunches her nose as she smiles. She then turns to Ominis who is busy patting the niffler on his lap. "I do wonder how you deal with this everyday though."
"Thank Merlin, I'm blind. I never would've otherwise." Ominis snorts. Sebastian reaches over to smack his knee in retort. The young Gaunt only glares at his direction before moving farther from where Sebastian is seated, bringing the niffler with him.
"It's not my fault you all suck with your game." Sebastian sighs as he settles down to lay on the couch causing you to be pushed all the way to the end. You send your boyfriend a glare as he rests his legs on your lap. He only smiles at you. "People tend to overshadow their jealousy with jokes."
"As if I'd be jealous of you, Sallow." Imelda scoffs. "The only way I'll say that is if I was under hostage by a Giant Purple Toad and it told me the only way to live is if I had to say the most vile disgusting thing I could think of which is you apparently."
"How long is she going to take in there?" Natty intercepts Imelda's bickering as she glances at the glass doors to the vivarium where a happy Poppy coos at Highwing's offspring. Caligo chirps behind Highwing, nudging his beak against hers.
"It's easy to get yourself lost in Y/N's vivarium. I don't really know how you were able to get this many beasts in here without Professor Black's knowledge." Ominis adds as he feels the niffler crawl up his arm and sit on his shoulder. "Is he staring at me? I don't have anything shiny on my face."
"I think its because the shiny thing IS your face." Imelda chuckles as she stares at niffler leaning against his cheek. You laugh at the situation before feeling a tug on your arm. You turn towards your lover who has his eyes trained on you.
"What?" You whisper softly as your hand gently caresses his leg. He shrugs, back leaning against the arm of the couch. You roll your eyes at him. You try to turn yourself back to the conversation before there's another tug on your arm. You turn to him with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Do I really have to pull it out of you?" You sigh as he smirks mischievously at you. Sebastian always had the knack of annoying you. He (according to him) enjoys seeing the numerous expressions on your face whenever you got mad at him for his silly little tries of getting your attention. It always makes him want to coo and baby you whenever you've reached your limit. Apparently now is the best time to do it to you.
"Maybe." He teases as he now nudges his leg against your stomach. You slap his leg, giving him a glare which only fuels his drive to annoy you more.
He rises slightly from his position to pinch your arm before dodging the incoming smack from you. "Sebastian!" You whisper-shout. He laughs softly before glancing at the three who seem more immersed in their conversation than chastising the two of you.
"C'mere." He mumbles as he opens his arms. You raise an eyebrow at him.
"No." You say firmly as you move farther to the other side of the couch. His resolve only strengthens.
"Come here." He tries again but you decline with a shake of your head. He drops his arms on his lap with a pout before staring at you.
You know from experience that whenever Sebastian pauses for a second that something bad is brewing in his head and so you look at him with cautiousness.
"Don't." You smile nervously as you turn your back against the arm of the couch. Sebastian only smiles at you as he begins to crawl over to your side. You glance at the three as they erupt into laughter, not noticing your cry for help. Before you could try and dodge Sebastian's attack, he had already pulled you in his arms, trapping you as he pulls you on his chest, laying the two of you down.
"Sebastian!" You squeal as you try to push your hands against his chest but his grip on you is unforgiving.
"I've got you, little dove." He smiles into your hair as you playfully groan. You could only wrap your arms around him in fear of falling off the couch. He turns the two of your carefully to your side, his back to the three still lost in their conversation.
"You're annoying." You mumble as you look up at him from your position. He smiles, diving down to place a kiss on your forehead.
"To be fair, you said it was only going to be us two hanging out and then suddenly a crowd's in here." He pouts playfully as he pinches your cheek. You pinch his side in return to which he yelps in response.
"Is it so bad that I want to hangout with my friends and my boyfriend? I missed them." You retort as you hug him closer. He hums against your hair, arm under your head and his other hand caressing your waist.
"I missed you. Why don't you give me a kiss, hm?."
"No way." You raise your eyebrows at him with a stern look. He only dismisses it as he tries to lean in but you cover his mouth with your hand.
"C'mon." He whines as he removes your hand from covering his mouth. "Just a little peck?"
"Last time I allowed you to do this, we almost got caught. I'd rather not add their horrified faces with Professor Garlick's wink in my memory. I've had enough trauma this year, thank you." You reminded him with a sigh. Ever the clingy lover that he is, after your Herbology class had asked you for some affection and attention which had escalated to something more intimate. You had positioned yourselves in a bad corner which allowed Professor Garlick to catch you red handed. With your reputation as a good student and a Hero of Hogwarts as well as having a good mentor-student relationship with her, the young professor had dismissed it and claimed that she had not seen anything. Only sending you a teasing wink before moving along. You were mortified.
"They won't mind." He smiles, brushing a stray hair away from your face. "Besides, they won't see you."
Sebastian had grown out to be a wondrous and handsome man after first meeting him in your fifth year. He had grown taller, fitter and broader as a 7th year and it doesn't help that he'd more often than not, use it to his advantage to fluster you. The man knows he's attractive.
You roll your eyes at him. "Just one."
"Just one." He repeats. You raise your chin at him as he dives to place a kiss on your lips. The hand on your waist pulls you close as he tenderly moves his lips against yours. It continues on for a few seconds before he suddenly pinches your waist, making you gasp and opening your mouth in the process. Sebastian uses this opportunity to slide his tongue in. Cheeky bastard.
You softly sigh at the contact of his tongue against yours, his free hand now on the side of your face, angling it to kiss you deeper. The kiss is soft and slow allowing you to just bask in his presence. It's not fast and aggressive enough to create a fire in the depths of your stomachs but passionate enough for you to feel the spark between the two of you.
He continues to kiss you in soft pecks as he gently opens his eyes, staring at your blissed out face as you take what he gives you. "Pretty."
You only hum, lost in his affections. You could've let yourself be babied right there and then if it weren't for someone clearing their throat.
"You could've waited for us to leave the room before you ate each other's face off." Imelda cringes in disgust as she stands up from her seat. "I'll be joining Poppy now. It's like watching my parents snog each other. I'm afraid that I'd do an unforgivable on myself if I stay any further."
Sebastian gives her his middle finger as he continues to kiss you. The Slytherin girl leaves with haste as she enters the vivarium. Poppy looks at her with confusion as Imelda talks animatedly, probably ranting about her issues with Sebastian Sallow. Natty rolls her eyes as she places down her teacup to join the two other girls.
"It's best to leave the room, Ominis. Just in case those two might do something.... inappropriate." Natty laughs as she enters the vivarium as well. You would've been embarrassed by the situation if it weren't for Sebastian's constant kisses on your face.
"Again, thank Merlin, I'm blind." Ominis sighs as he stands up as well. He stops for a moment before smirking. "Make sure to use protection!"
"Fuck you, Ominis. Leave!" Sebastian playfully yells to which the young Gaunt laughs before entering the vivarium as well. The Sallow boy turns to you with a flushed face.
"You need to learn some self control, young man." You tap his nose as you smile at him.
"Have you seen yourself?" He jokes as he rubs his nose against yours, basking in your laughter. He then feels your arms around his neck, forcing his face to be close to yours.
"Anyway, who said you could stop?" You whisper as your eyes glance at his lips. Sebastian only smirks at you before brushing his lips against yours.
"Yes ma'am."
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A/N: when i wrote that scene when sebastian crawled on the couch to grab u in his arms, yk that dog that creeps up on her owner before attacking her yea thats it. i think her name was coconut. kinda funny. anys another seb fluff for the people.
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melymigo · 29 days
Pic Crew Tag Game!✨
(SW/ Clone trooper edition for my moots 💖)
Kiss Maker by @elena-illustration !💖
Do your favourite character/you or OC.
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It's supposed to be Crosshair/Me...LMAO, I look like Hunter 😭😂
No pressure tags:
@skellymom @echos-gal @badbatcher @clonelovr @baddest-batchers @serinzatravel-blog @littlefeatherr @omglisalithium @badbatchlover @skywalkerrtno @marvel-starwarsfangirl @freesia-writes @apocalyp-tech-a @lightwise @crossbabe9904 @stdeeoftheknife @lulalovez @deewithani @jane8675 @eclec-tech + anyone else who wants to join! 💖
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