meadowroseplushies · 3 years
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Malticorn beanie! Commissioned by anon!
This little one is made of Baby Blue and Mango minky Cuddle 3, and has 100% cotton yarn hair. They're made out of a custom pattern just for them, and are stuffed with polypropylene beanie pellets and fiber fill with machine embroidered details. Thank you again for commissioning me!! :D
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meadow-roses · 4 years
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🐾 💦 Sage the River Otter is done now!  🌅
Sage is a commission and is not for sale.  They are made out of my Baby Beanbag pattern, with Vanilla, Camel, Cappuccino, Brown, and Chocolate, and Black Minky Cuddle 3.  They have  appliqued and machine embroidered details, and are stuffed with fiber fill and polypropylene beanie pellets.  
This plush was such fun to put together!  Their little paw pads are soooo cute!!!  ;o;
Commission Info
facebook  ✭  waterfall  ✭  Patreon  ✭  twitter  ✭  instagram   ✭   deviantart
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echoheart0324 · 6 years
You-know-who, (Blaine) a2. XD
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✨🌒✨ You are made of stardust and galaxies and I love you. Send this to your ten favorite people on this website 💫🌔🌟.
Thank youuuu 😃✨💗
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aealzx · 5 years
Actually, I do have a question if you don't mind. ^^ Can you tell us what happens to Vanitas? Does he ever recover and get to go home? How would this change the family dynamics? How would Roxas take this? I know Sora would have no trouble, but could Roxas ever see him as a brother? Thank you so much! 😁
Yaaaas *snatches question * motivation to draaaaw /smacked
I don’t mind at all, ahah X’D
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Vanitas does get better 8′D But it takes a loooong time, and he’s not released until he’s like 40 or something |D It’s a really hard process, because recovering from trauma is a really long and hard process. But it is possible. He never moves into the home that the boys have at 15, because they’re all adults by the time he’s released. XDD but they all get along fairly well. There’s not that closeness that a childhood friend would have, but they’re adults, and they know how to get along much better than children and teenagers do.
Roxas is actually a big help in the beginning at least to helping Vanitas recover, as he’s a level headed stand in for Ventus at first. He.... hmmmmm, Roxas is the kind of person that has a really small close friend bubble, and I dunno if Vanitas ever gets in that bubble. But Roxas is alright with being like casual “yeah he’s my brother” when asked. But they’re never as close as he is with Sora.
As for Ventus..... there’s a lot of ifs that could happen that could sway him either way. |D Vanitas was a child, and not really to blame for it, but he was part of the cause of some of the trauma that Ventus got. If Ven is able to get through his own trauma then I think they’ll be good friends. But if not then Ventus will forever be uncomfortable around Vanitas until he does. It’s not a matter of holding a grudge against Vanitas, it’s just terrifying and triggers his flight response to be around him |D
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randomthunk · 8 years
Do you happen to be on DeviantArt?
Yes and no. I haven’t updated it in…a long time. September 2015 or something like that. It was kind of a pain to maintain after I was on here and on Instagram and getting much, much better reception from those platforms than I ever got from DA. It’s kind of a bummer because my account started in 2006 so it’s kind of an archive of myself from freshman year of high school through college and stuff.
I sound really depressing woops that wasn’t the idea. The tl;dr is that I found DA to be a dead end on the art side of things because of how social media has changed in the past 10 years. My username’s Kataoi if you wanted to look, though. :V
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masterfuldoodler · 5 years
Ho-okay! So! I’ve got a theory. It’s a fun theory. And I’m betting it’s not true, at least part of it, but I like it anyway. Also thanks to @meadowroseplushies and @pretzelsketch , ‘cause we all kicked this around together. The first part at least. But first before I begin let me say I have not played KH3 and so if there’s anything in the game that proves this wrong or supports it, I wouldn’t know. But I will be referencing the opening song “Face My Fears” we saw earlier before it’s release. There is a little bit of spoilers in here at the end when I dive down a bit and start jumping around into headcanons and such, but I’ll warn you ahead in case you don’t want to see that stuff.
So when we first saw the opening song things kinda got crazy because we just got this dropped on us?? (Aside from, other things that were exciting…)
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Xehanort has always had golden eyes, and now suddenly he’s got these greyish blue ones?!  Okay so is there a way to explain this? Well! First it seemed to be a thing that when Xehanort possessed people he gave them golden eyes and white hair. Which honestly made me so scared of Skuld. Her eyes look golden.. But if now we have seen a Xehanort without these golden eyes, what are we supposed to think? Now it could be that golden doesn’t mean Xehanort, but Darkness. Everyone we’ve seen with golden eyes is evil, or just a creature made of darkness, like Dream Eaters. Now! Look at this:
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I don’t know if this is a commonly held belief or not, but I like to believe that “Darkness” is an actual entity that is darkness. Not a being of darkness. The being of darkness. Like the head figure in charge of all darkness and rules over it in charge. But here is the catch. Here’s what I’m thinking, Darkness doesn’t have a real body with it’s own heart. It’s not a person. It’s more like a spirit/consciousness that can take on a form. But not a real one. Like in the picture above. Sure it looks like there’s something there, but there isn’t really anything… Now what I’m getting at is that the people we see that are “Norted” aren’t being controlled by Xehanort. It’s Darkness who has taken them over. *wiggles eyebrows* So then, what about Xehanort? Simple. He’s a vessel just like they are. Only, for much much longer. For most of his life or at least a great deal of it.
Okay so far we have a being of Darkness possessing people. And Xehanort isn’t actually an insane man seeking power and knowledge, but a poor man lost and used as a vessel. Got that? Quick reminder before we begin going into deeper things about character behavior, I have not played KH3 or Kh3D.  Okay here we go!
Now if Xehanort was actually possessed like other people we see, does he still act like himself? Well, yes and no. What we see is Darkness impressing itself in him and expressing itself through him. So yes it would be using traits from Xehanort, but all his actions are Darkness’s and he would be acting with Darkness’s traits as well. It’s kind of like Xemnas. (Xemnas) Terra wasn’t doing any of that, but it was done through him and seemingly by him. Okay, so now. Question? How did Xehanort get lost into Darkness? Was his thirst for knowledge too strong and did he poke around where he shouldn’t have? Very, very likely. Now here’s the thing, every “nort” I can think of had a reason, a desire, that was manipulated to fall into darkness. But a few. Terra, when he got possessed his heart and mind had to be kicked out before Darkness had full control. Terra did not want to be possessed and he fought. Riku, as soon as he knew it was wrong he fought and held Darkness back. How did they do this? With their inner light. So then we have two options here. Xehanort wanted darkness and was tricked into gaining it, and still wants it, or he didn’t want and was forced into it. Well for the first one we have a problem, because why would Xehanort still want to be possessed? He’s seen how dark and light clash, why would he still want to see more and in the end lead to the destruction of the worlds? So let’s move on to the next one. He didn’t want darkness, it was put upon him unwillingly. So then, question; how did he get possessed? Did Darkness just override him and he couldn’t fight? Judging by the fact he’s a guy that prefers darkness it might be that he doesn’t have a lot of light to fight with. But then again Terra and Riku have very dark hearts, and yet they could still fight. So why was Xehanort’s heart weaker? Well I propose to you that he does not lack the strength of heart to fight it, he has a strong heart, that’s why Darkness wants him, the stronger the more power. Now what he lacks is the light he needs to fight it. Yes I already covered him having little light, no that’s not what I’m suggesting. I’m suggesting he has no light.
Again. Back to his eyes. They’re greyish blue as we established earlier. Who else has that color eye? This eye color is very rare, we know very few people with the type of eye. So far just three. Xehanort being one, and Eraqus the other. *wiggles eyebrows* Eraqus and Xehanort seem to mirror each other, Eraqus believes that light is the best, Xehanort darkness, Eraqus believes time can be rewritten, Xehanort doesn’t. Kinda got a light dark thing going with his clothes. So here’s what I’m saying. Xehanort and Eraqus are like Vanitas and Ventus. A heart fractured into two. Light and Dark. So then the question is, who were they, before they were split? Well you could say they were just “Eraqus” but whole. Or! we know of a person who shared their eye color, the rare eye color that only these three people have.
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Am I suggesting they’re all the same? Yes I am. So my theory stands that Blaine gets split and becomes Xehanort and Eraqus. Why and how did this happen? Well, let’s say that Blaine is reading the Book of Prophecies like we see him do often and he reads something that leads him to believe that somehow in the future he’ll be taken over by darkness and destroy the worlds. He decides that he doesn’t want this to happen and goes to dispose of himself before he goes evil. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t kill him and shatters his heart into two—it splits instead. His light half keeps the original body, but his dark half has more the mind of Blaine. If you think about the way Eraqus acts, it makes sense if he has no darkness. How can he know how to handle darkness if he has none? Light is obviously superior it’s the only thing necessary, he doesn’t use or need darkness to balance him out and strengthen him. Every other person (okay most people because their are those seven pure of heart) has their own original darkness in their heart that they have to handle and control. But if Eraqus doesn’t, and thinks he does? Of course he’s going to tell is apprentices they shouldn’t have darkness. He would think that the way to handle it is destroy it. Look at the way he acts, he seems to be very wise and clever, but a lot of the stuff he does is not smart. He trusted Xehanort too much, and yes you can’t exactly blame him because he wanted to believe Xehanort had changed, but it still wasn’t very smart. He has Keyblade Master Xehanort, one he knows uses darkness, to watch Terra and Aqua’s Mark of Mastery and doesn’t notice Xehanort’s odd behavior or the fact that the balls of light were taken over with darkness? Wouldn’t it have been wise to watch the man he previously tried to kill because he had turned to darkness and gone evil? So saying all this we can conclude that Eraqus is not the smartest guy. But what if it was that he once had that intelligence and subconsciously can’t move on from the fact he’s not like that anymore. If he used to be as smart as Xehanort, and no longer is, he’s still functioning from a mindset of having that intelligence. So it’s not actually that he’s not smart. He’s just no longer a genius, but still tries to be.
Xehanort, on the other hand, is. Through the whole series we watch him as he manipulates, twists, and sets up for the downfall of many people, using them to gain his needs. He’s a genius, and it’s scary. In comparison to Eraqus, Erie is just an idiot. Uselessly lost to his lies, Eraqus falls for it every time. And who does this brilliant genius remind me of? Why, a certain person named “Brain”
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(Thanks @echoheart0324 for the screenshots!)
This is from the scene where Blaine info dumps Ephemer, Player and Ven about the data-worlds and the glitching. Like his true nerdy genius self he excitedly explained the mind boggling situation to them. “To put it simply,” he said.
If we had our big-boy pants on and could talk Blaine’s lingo with him on his level, how complicated would it have been? As you can see, he obviously has the kind of brilliant mind to earn the name “Brain”, and the kind of genius Xehanort has.
So then why hasn’t this been mentioned? Or at least heavily hinted or implied? Well I’m willing to say they gained amnesia from the trauma of being torn in two. Which, is something we see happen to people that get their hearts split. It makes a lot of sense. If your memories and your heart are connected so closely if someone came and quite literally tore your heart apart  I would think that would do at least something to your memory.
Some problems with all this so far.
#1 How did Blaine figure out his future?
#2 How did he get to the future?
#3 How does trying to kill yourself result in splitting your heart?
#4 How did he split his heart on accident and make another body??
#5 How did that not just kill him?
Well really I don’t have answers for this. This is where it falls through, because it doesn’t make sense. You can assume that Blaine is really good at reading between the lines in the prophecies, but I don’t have any explanation for the rest of it.
*Okay now we’re headed into spoilers.*
So now I’ve seen some stuff going around about Scala ad Caelum and Blaine. Apparently there’s some connection between the two? Or it’s just a theory. But I know that Xehanort has a connection to it. Does this mean anything? Probably not, but it’s interesting.
So now to take a bit of a turn, I like to think that their master is Luxu. (I dunno we probably find out more about their Master in KH3 but I wouldn’t know) Because of two things. One, we find out at the end of KH3 that Luxu is still alive, (yes I’m so naughty I haven’t played the game and yet I know.) which would then mean that he’s been living this whole time. So what was he doing? Well I guess you could say he was just watching. But! Luxu is the one with No Name, we only see three people with No Name: MoM, Luxu, and Xehanort. But Xehanort didn’t have No Name the whole time. But Xehanort’s Master did.
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Okay, who else is going to hang No Name on the wall to watch Eraqus and Xehanort play chess and talk in cool metaphors about the fate of the world?
So then, the next question is why? Why would Luxu take on this rebel against fate who’s time traveled to the future and torn himself up? Well he needs an apprentice to pass his keyblade on to see the future. If this kid, can do that much damage to his heart and still be alive, he sure seems to be some tough stuff and worth training.
But what if it was Luxu who stabilized them? How can he do that? I don’t know, but I really feel like I don’t have to answer that because he’s Luxu. He can do just about anything.
So okay, this seems to be a lot of work to get an apprentice. Does Blaine really have that much hidden potential to make it worth it? If Luxu is suppose to stay on the sidelines and not get involved or interfere, why would he break the rules to help him? Well, if you go along with the theory that Gula went in disguise as Blaine, and that’s who Blaine really is, (Here’s where I first saw the theory btw.) and you believe that Gula and Luxu care about each other and think of one another as brothers, then it might make sense. I personally don’t see how they couldn’t be close like brothers, unless something happened to actively stop them. And if his brother’s heart was just torn in two I’m pretty sure he’d go against the rules to help him. Unless some bad stuff happened to him and Luxu doesn’t even care anymore.
Gula was a genius. Or at least we can assume. He obviously was smart. Xehanort is a genius. Eraqus took it upon himself to stop Xehanort, put an end to him because he had gone evil. Maybe, because he had turned traitor to the keyblade wielders? Gula’s task was to find the traitor and dispose of him. Which also fits in with Blaine finding out he’ll turn evil. If Blaine was Gula, and really believed that in the future he’d become the traitor, then of course he’d try to dispose of himself.
Gula was failing at his task, and resorted to gaining lux to summon Kingdom Hearts. Xehanort has this obsessive desire to summon Kingdom Hearts. Now, Darkness would want to summon Kingdom Hearts, it would want it’s power. But what if also somewhere in there, subconsciously the fragment of Gula left wants to summon Kingdom Hearts, hoping, somehow feeling, that if he does things will be fixed. Someone will show up and fix everything.
Some problems with this though.
#1 Why is Blaine Gula? Do we have proof?
#2 How do we know Luxu is their Master?
#3 What about that Gula that showed up at the end of KH3??
Once again, I don’t have answers for these. These are the things that really would make this just a Hypothesis. We don’t know that Blaine is Gula, there’s some stuff there for it, but not enough to make real. We don’t have anything to really tell us Luxu was their Master, but it could explain things. And yes, if Gula shows up at the end, it doesn’t make sense to say Xehanort is a fragment of him. (Then again I don’t know everything that was going into bring him there. But I’m pretty sure he’s not a clone) So really we can say that Xehanort and Eraqus cannot be Gula. But it’s still fun to consider. And you can still consider they’re Blaine.
But please think of all the scenes with Xehanort in the context that he’s a fractured heart, under sway if a dark being, manipulated into bringing about the end of the worlds. And the being he used to be was the one person tasked with stopping such a person.
I know. I love laying guilt on him and being mean.
It’s a pastime of mine. I’m a sadist to characters I like.
Think of the interactions between Xigbar and Xehanort/Xemnas. It’s really funny if you think that Xigbar knows who Xehanort really is, and treats him like a friend he’s known for a while.
Just. This scene?? It’s so funny with this context.
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He’s so removed from being Gula at this point, but he still acts like him, and that shred is still there.
In all, this is a really crazy theory that’s long and complicated and full of problems, big and small. But it’s really interesting, and I’ve kind of headcanoned it, even though I know it’s probably not right.
Congratulations to everyone who made it this far, thank you for bearing with me as I rambled about my crazy theory. You get a sincere pat on the back and a cookie. Have a lovely day. ;)
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ethanjhake · 5 years
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Look what my siblings teamed up together to get me for my birthday!
Look at this!
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And this!
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And look at this guy,
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What a ham. I can't what to start reading!
Thank you @meadowroseplushies, @coffeeandsardines and @vwolfdog! This will be a blast to read through!
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doomed-era · 5 years
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@masterfuldoodler and @meadowroseplushies yelled at me and forced me to post this so fine
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linkythehero · 5 years
I’m just gonna say.  I do draw things.  I honestly do.  And I love drawing things.
So if you have a zelda-related request, don’t be shy about sending it in.  I haven’t been drawing as much zelda content lately as I would like, mainly because I’m to mentally tired with work and busy to think up things and actually execute them.  So yeah.  Send me some requests.  ;;
OC’s, concepts, just general characters you would like to see in my style...??  
(If you’re unsure what that style is check out my main blog I guess. lol. XD @meadowroseplushies )
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chevs-and-spiders · 5 years
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u know @meadowroseplushies lover merms.
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meadowroseplushies · 3 years
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Blitz Razorwind is done now!! 
Blitz was a commission for the fabulous @nootaz and is not for sale.  He is made out of my Chibi (baby) Beanbag pattern and is stuffed with polypropylene beanie pellets and fiberfill. His mane and body have machine embroidered and appliqued details. He is made with Rose Quartz, Shell, Purple, Azure, and Turquoise Minky Cuddle 3. I looooove how his forelock turned out, I had so much fun plushing such a gorgeous oc design! :D 
Commission Info * DeviantArt * Instagram 
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meadow-roses · 4 years
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.✫*゚・゚。.☆ Moon Lily is done now!  🌹✫・゚🌙*゚☆.
This plush is a commission and is not for sale.  She is made out of my Baby Beanbag Pattern and Black, Azure, and Teal Shannon Minky Cuddle 3.  She is stuffed with fiber fill and polypropylene beanie pellets.  Her face and wings are machine embroidered, with hand sewing in her mane to help it hold it’s shape.  
Commission Info
✭ facebook ✭ waterfall ✭ Patreon ✭ twitter ✭ deviantart ✭ instagram ✭
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echoheart0324 · 6 years
Fandom ask thing: B, C, E, Z?? :)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
*clenches fist* I never considered shipping Rik*Nami, but a specific artist made me really like it, so I guess I’m on board!
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will
As much as I tried to get into RokuN*mi, I can’t bring myself to like it. It’s a fine ship and I respect the people who pour their shipping heart into it, but it’s not my cup of tea.
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Probably all my cursed shitposts! XD
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go
*slides in and slams hands on table* FINALLY I CAN TALK ABOUT TORNA THE G*LDEN COUNTRY. (I’ll add in a bit of KH rambling too.)
To get this out of the way first, I’M PUMPED FOR NEXT MONTH’S STORY UPDATE IN KHUX! It’s definitely gonna be interesting to see what the Union Leaders are up to after a full year of filler. I’m mostly looking forward to what type of sprite variety they’re gonna add and what sort of development they’re gonna tease us with. I might be stretching this a bit too far, but maybe some hints of Blaine’s past would be a nice touch too (cuz I’m literally dying at constant speculating here and it would be nice to have a little nudge in the right direction).
Anyways I’m gonna put a little cut here for Torna, cuz a lot of you guys probably aren’t interested and I’m gonna dive straight into spoilers, cuz I’m emotionally destroyed right now.
Holy shit, I’m just a sobbing mess on the floor right now. I already knew how the ending would play out since the start, cuz I spoiled myself with it on YouTube. I just didn’t expect it to hit so hard, but it did, especially since I grew attached to a lot of the characters while doing side quests.
Throughout the game, everyone’s hopeful and looking towards the future (Lora’s hitting the hardest. I had to pause the game for a moment cuz of it). Hugo’s demise wasn’t something I was prepared for either (especially since I grew attached to him the second I saw him in the first trailer). He tells the group that they’ll visit his home-Titan once the battle’s over and celebrate their victory…but that never happens since he perishes. (I mean I feel really bad for his older brother too, since he was probably expecting his younger brother to come home safely…) :’)
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april-musings · 5 years
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I'm always trying to forget you. it's a difficult thing to do.
I don't know if the day will ever come, when you don't live in my memory.
Decking @meadowroseplushies. u_u
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aealzx · 5 years
Hnnng, I just love your AU so much!! 😊 I don't really have a question I just wanted to let you know! I look forward to every new post you make!!
hhhhhhhhhhhh you’re super sweet X’DDD awww thank you, I’m happy to know people enjoy this. Thank you so much for letting me know!
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