windyatticart · 1 year
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“Goo’d Morning!” (human/dragon symbiote absorption safevore with cockgag)
found this old story from 2018 and spruced it up.
Edit: Story is now on AO3
 Something was wrong. This was what Shoutarou realized, as he shook off his slumber and came to consciousness. It was as dark as midnight around him, and he couldn't see anything. As he tried to wave a hand before his face, he found he couldn’t move. His arms stayed limply at his sides, overpowered by a force of some kind.
 “Oh, you’re finally up, huh?” Hisashi asked him then, but his smoky voice sounded strange, muffled somehow. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
 Shou tried to twist his head in response, searching for Hisashi in the blackness, but he could only get about an inch in either direction before his head was forced back to facing forward. He tried to move his arms again, but they likewise wouldn’t budge. He was wrapped up in something tight, he realized, but he couldn’t figure out what was pressing down on him all over his body. Why was it so dark? He couldn’t see anything.
 “Hisashi?” Daniel called out, his own voice sounding muffled to his ears. “Where are you?”
 “Around,” the dragon answered lightly.
 Shou was starting to feel uncomfortably wet, now that he was conscious. He put more force into his efforts, but he could barely move at all. Suddenly his arms started moving on their own, folding up into a cross-armed position, then stilled, but instead of feeling his arm hairs brush against each other there was still nothing but that same slick tightness pressing down around him.  Then something wet and fat started forming against his lips. He struggled harder, but he only managed to move any of his limbs an inch or two before they were snapped back to their original positions, his arms locked in a cross and his legs frozen solid. “Hisashi, where are you!?”
 “Around!” he answered again.
 Frustration set in for a moment, and then he realized Hisashi’s meaning. “Let me out!” Shoutarou demanded, his shout muffled by the rubbery flesh squeezing around his head, wet and red he remembered from seeing Hisashi's insides before, although it was still black as night around him now, without a light source. Slime smeared along Shou's face as he rattled his head inside Hisashi’s, trying helplessly to break free of the stomachlike flesh and muscles stretched taut around him.
 “Nah,” Hisashi answered breezily. He flexed his meaty biceps, and the oversized muscles squeezed against Shou's own measly arms with palpable smugness. Hisashi lifted a hand and flexed it with a flourish, and Shou felt his fingers tugged into curls, then released again as the hand fell back into position.
 Hisashi let his form relax somewhat, and his body pulsed and stretched around Shou, partially liquefying and providing some give but weighing him down further, while the heat around him intensified. Shou convulsed at the revolting sensation. “Let me out!” he shouted again more desperately.
 In reply, the wet and thick something only twitched at Shou's mouth, pressing insistently against him. Slick tendrils grew and yanked roughly at his lips, trying to pry them apart, and in reply Shou clamped his jaws shut. He didn't know what was forming against him, but being encased within Hisashi's sticky, stupidly strong body was already more than bad enough.
 Hisashi would not be deterred, and he sucked in a great breath and swelled his heavy muscles until they were bulging. He flexed his ample pecs, the hefty muscles curling inward in rippling striations, and the breath was squeezed out of Shou's chest as they bore down meatily on his ribs.
 Shou gasped and sucked in air, and then the fat thing was shoved past his teeth.
 Hisashi stretched out his thick limbs, his giant bodybuilder’s body arching catlike to one side, with his arms high above his head and a lazy, lascivious grin on his face. His brilliant teeth flashed in the morning light streaming in through the windows. Inside him, Shoutarou felt his limbs shoot out and his body arch sideways, tugged along for the ride and puppeted, unable to control his body in any way.
 The thing filling his mouth was thick and veined, and Shou suddenly instinctively knew what it was, from seeing the thing hanging like a cinderblock between Hisashi’s treelike legs whenever he would step out of the bathroom after showering without clothing himself first. This cockgag slid wetly through Shou's mouth and twitched excitedly against his throat’s entrance, happy to be lodged where it belonged.
 Shoutarou felt it drip some precum down his throat. He took a moment to steel his limbs, and then he thrashed about as hard as he could, but even with all his might Hisashi still gripped him firmly in place within his muscular form. His strength as a dragon spirit, even an unstable, symbiotic one, was overpowering.
 Hisashi continued stretching their bodies until he felt sufficiently limber, and then his solidified his form again, the flesh of his body turning from goo again to slick stiffness.
 As the rubbery flesh around Shou convulsed and constricted around him, cilia-like tendrils of his inner flesh squirmed their way across his body toward his crotch, and then wrapped around his dick, as the cockgag in his mouth swelled up and began thrusting in his mouth, in and out, out and in, swelling and swelling further in arousal against his roof and tongue with no room to spare.
 Outside, Hisashi yawned, and the muscles of his red mouth flexed against the inside of Shou's own mouth. The cockgag forced itself even deeper down his throat, and more precum shot out of it.
 Shoutarou was utterly trapped inside the pulsing, heavy flesh of his shapeshifter. The pale, lucent skin and white hair of Hisashi's exterior was only a mask for the morass of bubbling, amorphous flesh within him, a sticky goo that would puppet Shou's body easily with its superior strength. Hisashi’s enormous muscles were rolling and flexing continually around him, triceps and biceps and abs, curling pecs and the cobra hood of his lats, all contracting and constricting his chest and limbs in concert like the coils of a snake, filling his mind with a sensorial overload. He was at their mercy, all self-control torn away by him. All was slick and pressure around him. The cockgag swelled further, forming a knot, and it stretched his jaw to discomfort as it shoved in and out of his mouth in a steady rhythm. Shou bucked despondently, fruitlessly, as desperation and over-stimulation began to fog his mind. He was completely bound up, at the mercy of Hisashi’s cruel whims, and no amount of struggling was going to release him. His struggles became menial, unable fully to give up but knowing his efforts were utterly futile.
 “Ahhhh,” Hisashi sighed indolently, and smiled. He relished in the feeling of Daniel squirming inside him and vibrating his gooey insides so deliciously, so erotically. His entire body was an erogenous zone and he delighted in all forms of physical contact, the more the better. He had no plans to let his little Shou out before sundown, so they had many long, long hours to kill together, merged and coalesced into one being just as they ought to be. Hisashi slowed the cockcag's heady pace inside Shou's mouth, but only because he wasn't ready to release just yet. Instead he let his knot swell further, sealing up Shou's mouth to prevent any leakage once the time came. He'd come copious amounts. He decided against forming another cock of his flesh at Shou's rear entrance just yet; he had the rest of the day to plug him from both ends, and he was already overstimulated as it was, he could tell.
 Hisashi stroked a large hand along the rippling abs of his front, enjoying the silky-smooth texture of his skin. Gods, he was beautiful. he also enjoyed the feel of resistance from within as Shoutarou strained against his pervasive grip. Gods, it felt good to overpower that wimp. Hisashi let out another sigh, still grinning. “I think we’ll have some real fun today.”
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itsjakky · 1 year
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everyone's favorite meatily ill cat 
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alter-koker · 1 year
to the moths meatily slapping against my window- um i'm more of a hymenoptera bug person can u go do that somewhere else. perhaps david cronenberg's house?
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1eos · 1 year
Im sorry WHAT did you say in those tags? someone said what now????!!! Excuse me coming throooooough!!
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WHO TF complained about him wearing THE!!! SHIRT!!! again??? how’d I miss that important information??? (did I forget it just not know??) What??? I can’t believe someone fcking complaining about filling out THE SHIRT breastly meatily be it boobley…he wore THE SHIRT!! that we manifested him to wear while being meaty and someone complained I’m pissed …. WHO TF DO I HAVE TO 😶🔪 A plague on their house!!!
hi btw 🖤
ive watched this gif loop for 5 minutes. this man attacked HEAD FIRST and just hopped back up what? but literallyyyyyyy he breasted so boobily so bountifully like tiddie contour basically in your face and all u gotta say is 'damn dont u think leo wear this shirt enough' HE HAS BOOBS. BAZONGAS. ENOUGH BREAST TO FONDLE AND YOU'RE NOT APPRECIATING THAT HE'S SHOWING THEM? its just so ungrateful. @ leo i would never care abt how u show them pls let me motorboat i promise i will keep my hands to myself.....anyways but im p sure u sent me the tweet 3 whole months ago and just forgot 😭😭😭😭 any time i see a bad take i engrave it into my memory. i still remember getting an anon from 2020 saying leo's smile is weird like I DONT FORGIVE NOR DO I FORGET
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nevermindtheweights · 2 years
"Hhufh... haah... mmgh... f-food! Some... cookies I made...~ Heard Akatsuki-chan... hufh... h-had business with me so... maybe an a-appointment for... later?" 
 She added, giggling at Akatsuki's lovely expression and bashfulness... before belching herself, blushing just as red.
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The Admiral seemed so... so worn out! Had she tried to be QUICK in her coming here?! Oh no, that was not good if she was this stuffed! Not good at all. It would lead to her being quite... explosive as Akatsuki was from her own motions and not to mention tired. She tried to move but her heavy gut knocked empty wrappers and a folder to the floor, papers fluttering at the clumsy girl’s efforts.
She babbled in panic as her heavy gut meatily SLAPPED against her thighs as she tried to hold out a thick wobbly arm out to her large bench of a chair opposite her desk.
“Please come and GGGGGGUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPP.... uuuff... a-aha.... t-take a seat! Y-You seem... uuff.... ahhh... mgghh... so worn out, Admiral...!”
She was trying to be polite as possible though her body and the situation seemed fit to deny these efforts.
“MAYBE THEN WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS APPOINTMENT!” Akatsuki almost yelled out, unable to control her volume thanks to her nerves. It seemed much of her childish nature coming to light as she wobbled back to try and sit back down, legs weak and body starting to sweat from nerves and, admittedly, the effort and excitement she was under.
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ciitrinitas · 1 year
limbus: canto 4.
i liked it...but i feel bad that i don't like it more. projmoon's writing generally lands pretty damn well with me (lobcorp and ruina have utterly stunning finales to their stories that resonated deeply with me), but limbus is structured differently than either prior game, and i find it can be...a little more uneven. cantos 1 and 2 were good, but also would have benefited from an increased length and more time to linger and contemplate gregor and rodya's characters. canto 3 is still the peak for me, and i swear it isn't just my insane sinclair bias; its execution just worked and dug into sinclair meatily. canto 4 is...odd. my biggest gripe would be that i don't think it needs to be as long as it is. a lot of nodes end up with repetitive battles with very little story between them. the actual story content was intriguing, but...maybe i just missed things because i found it to be difficult to parse at points.
i'm going to reread it at some point because not having a bunch of similar-feeling fights between short scenes might help me piece it all together more coherently lmao. 🫠
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'Carnally' is such a great word because I'm sure the connection is 'of the flesh' or something but I just look at it and see 'meatily'
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interretialia · 2 years
Formatio Verborum Latinorum / Formation of Latin Words
carniverus -a -um “meatily true”   [caro “meat” + verus “true” + -us adjectival suffix]   [carn- + vero- + -o-] stems   [carni- + vero- + -o-] with Connecting Vowel i   [carnivero- + -o-] new stem and stem   [carniver- + -o-] o disappears before o   [carnivero-] new stem   [carniverus] nominative singular
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(Fons Imaginis.)
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gothprentiss · 2 years
blade runner is such a good movie and blade runner twenty forty who cares is so astoundingly soulless and dogshit. i think about sequels profaning their originals constantly. i get that we can’t all be aliens and hellraiser 2 but come On
the best part of blade runner twenty forty pbbbbbt is when robin wright’s character has been super murdered and you get, in this sea of slick One Perfect Shot caps and boring ornamental tech gesticulation, the sound of a human head thwacking meatily against a desk. it’s so visceral and so alive and like…. the movie’s like anyway ryan reynolds wants to fuck a sexy robot or whatever. it matters so much that he is this horny. it vindicates something. you care so much about this man’s jawline and so little about the spectacles of life and embodiment that flare out around him (serious and unironic)
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mrmceachin · 1 year
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Were you the person who had a post about "what if Rayla had died on the mission and Runaan had lived"? I was thinking about that... is there a possible scenario where Rayla had escaped with the egg and princes the same way as in canon, but Runaan and the other assassins had survived and now believed Rayla was dead and both somehow missed each other? The angst possibilities from Runaan's end, at least until he got back to Silvergrove, but even then he would angst over having 'abandoned' Rayla...
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You know, I don't remember making a post like that, but I can tell it's an angst I could get behind, so maybe I did?
Fam, I love a good honest misunderstanding, oh man, those are great! Very tasty stuff. So let's see here... oh gosh this really took off, huh? Yas.
"Runaan, please," Rayla begged, planting herself between her mentor and her new allies the human princes, "this is a miracle, a chance for peace."
"No," came a smug, raspy voice from behind her, "it's not."
Rayla whirled in surprise. How had the dark mage gotten free of her manacle so quickly?
Claudia stood beside Callum, smirking confidently and holding the primal stone she'd just stolen back from him. But her smirk dropped at the sound of Runaan's bowstring. A green-fletched arrow whispered past Rayla's shoulder, headed for the dark mage's heart. Rayla's eyes widened as she realized she was about to watch her first human die.
"No!" Callum held his sketchbook in front of Claudia's chest. Runaan's arrow punched through it with a heavy thunk. Claudia, Callum, and Rayla stared at its poison-dipped broadhead in shock. The deadly metal fell just short of cutting through Claudia's tunic.
Rayla spun back to face the older assassin. "Runaan, wait-" But he was already loosing another arrow. Rayla cut it out of the air.
"Callum!" Ezran called plaintively. Bait, perched in his hair, croaked too.
"Get out of here," Rayla told the humans. "And keep that egg safe." She spared Claudia a single glare.
Runaan began striding closer, and he whipped another arrow from his quiver and nocked it. Rayla knew he'd loose that last arrow before he got close enough to use his swords instead. And that, she did not want to see at any distance. Not when so much else was at stake!
"That's far enough, elf," Claudia called threateningly. She held up the primal stone and began to chant in Ancient Draconic. The air started to crackle with lightning.
"Claudia, wait!" Callum shouted. He grabbed her wrist again, but this time, the primal stone wobbled and fell as they both scrabbled for control of it. Rayla gasped, watching it tumble. Neither of them were going to be able to catch it. She suddenly wasn't sure she wanted to, either. She shot Runaan a regretful, pleading look.
Runaan's arrow loosed. With everyone in motion, Rayla couldn't be sure if Callum would be in his line of fire when it arrived. She folded her swords and turned her back on her mentor, squeezed her eyes shut, and stepped into its path.
"Rayla!" Runaan's voice cracked the air like a whip.
"Rayla, look out!" Ezran shouted.
The primal stone hit the stone walkway and shattered.
The first massive gust of wind struck Rayla and tumbled her just as Runaan's arrow found its mark. With a cry of surprise, Rayla rolled across the high stone walkway, flanked by Claudia, Callum, and Ezran, who was somehow still holding onto the egg. Rayla thumped against the parapet and scrabbled for a grip against one of its crenellated edges, feeling her feet kicking in midair while a screeching gale scattered everyone and everything that had been on the castle roof a moment ago.
Runaan stood on the other side of the walkway, barely on his feet as he braced against the wind. His ponytail whipped like an angry snake, but his face was full of pain and alarm. "Rayla!" he shouted.
"Runaan..." Why was her voice so weak? Shouldn't she want his help?
Crumpled against the crenellated wall below Rayla's tenacious grip, Callum, Claudia, Ezran and Bait huddled together for dear life.
"Rayla, this isn't what I wanted!" Runaan shouted over the wind. He tried to stagger toward her through the strongest of the winds, but they only shoved him back against the far parapet.
"Claudia, help her!" Callum called.
But Claudia was distracted by the alarming amount of rainbow-hued magic that had begun crackling off the egg of the Dragon Prince. "What's happening?" she blurted.
"Help..." Rayla called.
"Fine, I'll help her, then!" Callum stood in the storm and reached for Rayla's hands.
Another arrow zipped past, whirling madly off target in the howling wind. Callum flinched back, then grasped Rayla's hands firmly. "I've got you!"
"And I've got him!" Claudia said. She pulled a glowing orange thing from her bag and started chanting, and she squished the orange shape until it oozed meatily between her fingers. Its gory remains caught fire, quickly swelling to a fervent blue heat that made the princes flinch away.
"No!" Rayla's grip slipped in shock, but Callum braced his feet hard and held on tight.
Then Claudia threw it, just as the storm grew an eye of calm.
Runaan was already leaping high with his swords in his hands. The fireball landed directly beneath him. Rayla's last sight of her mentor, as the blast struck Callum and forced her hands free of his, was of Runaan's tumbling, silent figure flying back over the outer wall of the castle and vanishing into the fury of the storm.
Was he coming to save me, or to kill me? she wondered as she fell too, engulfed by the same winds that took him. She closed her eyes, expecting to meet her fate, but a fluffy and overstuffed cart of hay had other ideas and Rayla flopped safely down into the courtyard.
Her first instinct was to jump up and go find Runaan. But then she remembered: his side of the castle roof had a much farther drop. She'd finished climbing it herself not an hour ago. And with all those rocks dotting the river, she couldn't imagine how he'd survive such a fall.
"Oh no... Ethari, I'm so sorry," she murmured brokenly.
But the storm was only growing stronger, and the rainbow lightning up on the roof grew brighter and brighter. Rayla stared in awe and amazement. Was the egg... hatching?
A newborn dragonling would need more protection than an egg. She scrambled out of the hay and darted through the wind, trying to find her way back up. Before she could, though, the storm wore itself out, and she ran into Callum, Ezran, and Bait as they bolted down a curving flight of stairs.
Rayla whipped out her swords. "Where's the dark mage?" she demanded.
"She ran to find her dad," Ezran said.
"Yeah, , but after she got giant heart eyes and squeed over the baby dragon," Callum added, looking starry-eyed in a conflicted way.
"The wot?" Rayla asked.
"Look!" Ezran opened his coat and showed her a cuddly, fluffy dragonling nestled quietly against his chest.
Bait grumbled, but Rayla gasped in delight and held the dragon's little face. "Oh, he's just so cute! Why is he allowed to be so cute?" she demanded playfully.
"His name is Zym," Ezran said.
"Hello, Zym," Rayla said quietly, ruffling his soft fluff. The dragonling sniffed at her hand and licked it, and then he nipped at her binding ribbon, pulling it off. Rayla stared at it in shock, allowing Zym the opportunity to nibble off the other ribbon, too. "Huh," Rayla mused. "Guess these things were just decorative after all."
They ran to the bottom of the stairs and began to hurry toward the main gate. "But what about Dad?" Ezran asked, looking worriedly at the uneven towers.
"He'll be alright," Callum said. "He has the finest guards in the kingdom defending him."
"Yeah, of course!" Ezran piped up.
Without Runaan, the others won't stand much chance, Rayla thought angstily. They'll soon fall too, if they haven't already-
"Rayla, uh..." Callum gingerly touched something stuck in the back of Rayla's hoodie. "You've got something on your back. Ez, go hide for just a second, okay? I need to help Rayla with something."
"...Okay, but hurry," Ezran whispered, as he darted into a shadowy tunnel. "Bait, no glowing, he didn't mean that kind of hiding."
"It's an arrow," Callum murmured to her, once Ez was out of earshot. "Is it, um, does it hurt? I didn't want him to have to see any blood or anything..."
The arrow. Rayla straightened her shoulders to see if she'd actually been hit. "I think it just missed me," she said lightly, not wanting to think about what would've happened if it had pierced even one more layer of clothing and scratched her skin with its deadly poison.
Callum tugged it out of the cloth and awkwardly offered it to her. Rayla took it and stared for a moment. The arrow's shaft had broken when she fell, and it dangled like a felled bird in her grip.
Runaan. He'd fallen, too. Probably permanently. Rayla's shoulders slumped, and she added, "I... We need to hurry. They'll be comin' for us soon, and it's a long journey to Xadia."
"Rayla!" It was Callisto, perched overhead in full Moonshadow form. "Where's- It's done?" he blurted, interrupting himself. His eyes locked onto Rayla's wrists.
A clamor of guards ahead drew his attention, and he leaped toward them, staff at the ready. Rayla grabbed Callum by the arm and ran, snagging Ezran's sleeve a dozen steps later. "Don't look back," she hissed, shifting into full Moonshadow form mid-stride. They didn't need to know she was only talking to herself.
In a few minutes, they reached the forest. Its cool shadows swallowed them whole, and they ran all night. There was no reason to wait anymore.
Runaan woke to gentle hands pulling him from the water. He coughed himself awake and sat up slowly, holding his head. When his focus returned, he shot an alarmed glance at the sky and saw that the Moon had nearly set. "We must hurry-" he began, trying to stand.
Four sets of hands pressed him back onto the grass.
"Easy, Runaan," Callisto said. "It's done. It's over. We can go home."
With wide-eyed disbelief, Runaan checked Callisto's wrists, then Andromeda's. Then Ram's and Skor's, too. Their binding ribbons were indeed gone.
A strange sort of lightness flitted through Runaan's chest, heady, intoxicating, and refreshing, erasing his injuries--or his perception of them, at least. His reward for a job well done. The ribbons around his biceps loosened and turned red before drifting to the grass as softly as newly fallen leaves.
Runaan reached back for his shadowhawk arrow and found his quiver gone. No... Ethari's arrow! He scanned his squad's expressions hopefully.
"Sorry. We couldn't find it. But we did find your bowblade," Skor said, offering it.
Runaan took it gratefully, feeling a bit of calm returning along with the familiar weight in his hands.
"We did it. We actually did it," Andromeda said as she got to her feet. Her smile beamed like the Moon. "I can't wait to get home."
"Unless Runaan needs a moment first," Callisto said mildly.
"No, we should leave now, and we should hurry," Runaan said. "Without the shadowhawk, the Queen of the Dragons will be waiting on my personal word. I should not keep her, not in her condition." The rest of his team stood immediately, and he took the hand Callisto offered and stood with focused effort. "We only need to make one stop along the way."
But the rock he'd parked Rayla on was empty. And so were the next dozen rocks. "You're certain you saw her?" he said, clasping Calisto by the shoulders, turquoise gaze boring into his eyes.
"Aye, clear as moonlight," he replied. "But only for a moment. And..."
"The human with her pulled your... a-an arrow... from..." Callisto looked aside awkwardly.
"If she took even a scratch..." Andromeda breathed.
"Shh," Skor hushed her.
The assassins went quiet, waiting respectfully.
Runaan's eyes widened. He thought he'd struck true when Rayla stepped into the path of his arrow. Then he thought he'd missed, when she survived long enough to cling to the parapet and call his name. Then he thought the explosion had taken her. Then, hope again, only to have it ripped away one final time. He knew how terribly deadly his chosen poison was. His face froze in a mask of pain, and he shut his eyes. He felt like he was falling from the parapet again, except this time, there wouldn't be any merciful oblivion to put him out of his misery at the bottom. There'd never be a bottom to this fall from grace.
Ethari gave me one job. And I failed him. Does he know yet? Did he watch her flower sink?
Runaan gulped and gritted his teeth. Mourning would have to wait with all his other feelings. He still had a job to do.
He stood straight, gripping his bowblade, and met everyone's eyes, one by one. "We run for home. Ethari can make me a new arrow there. Move out."
They flowed into motion, and Runaan let them take the lead. It was only logical to track and follow the other elves, he reasoned, since he was having such trouble seeing the forest clearly through the tears in his eyes.
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winter-tospring · 2 years
"There are soul, he thought, whose umbilicus has never been cut. They never got weaned from the universe."
- The Dispossessed, Ursula K Le Guin
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rassilon-imprimatur · 3 years
Was revisiting some pre-NuWho gold eruption regeneration descriptions because of course I was…
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Jim Mortimore’s fakeout in Parasite is fascinating for revisiting the bizarre sequence in Planet of the Daleks when Pertwee literally frosts over, while the visualization of almost a film blur is striking, and the “golden spores” coming from his mouth is hilariously precognitive?
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Miles’ descriptions throughout Interference pushing The Tenth Planet’s light and fade into something meatily high concept (with just a touch of Muppet Christmas Carol’s Ghost of Christmas Past) is nifty especially with Sarah literally dragging the humming corpse through the dust?
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Here we have what, I must say, is the Worst Bugsnak in the game. I mean that affectionately! I am not saying that Buffalocust is a bad design or concept, far from it! But it IS a horrible, terrible creature.
If you have seen Buffalocust in action, you know what I’m talking about! Obviously, this is some chicken wings, and they are connected to a central chicken leg body. These wings are, indeed, used as wings! Buffalocust meatily, bonelessly flaps them around. Wretched! You may refer here to see it animated. If you want to. I won’t tell anyone you did.
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It brings Ribblepede to mind, being another purely meat-based Snak, but interestingly, they are kind of both upsetting for different reasons. Ribblepede is largely upsetting because of its bones. Buffalocust is largely upsetting because of its LACK of bones. Meat creatures just can’t win! Ribblepede at least has surprisingly cute eyes to offset it, but Buffalocust is angry. It is simply a very hostile presence overall.
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Buffalocust is spicy and constantly on fire, though it loves ranch dressing and hot sauce so much that it will dive bomb into them, and then hop around on the ground a bit! It is very neat that these wings double as springy hopping legs, and, dare I say... Buffalocust is a bit cute when it’s hopping!
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You may be thinking that Buffalocust looks like a set of flapping legs connected to a pelvis, and don’t worry. They are well aware.
It may add to the displeasure that I honestly do not even like buffalo wings. I much prefer barbecue sauce over buffalo sauce, so I guess Ribblepede is my Upsetting Meat Creature Of Choice, but Buffalocust is certainly a lot of “fun” in its own right!
Finally, please please PLEASE listen to its voice clips, linked in the post’s title. This thing’s voice is wretched. I love it so much.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hii can u write a scenario or hc about brian’s s/o getting a tummy bulge from him while they’re fucking? - 👼🏻
Bulges, and Edges
[Hoodie X F!Reader]
[Warnings: NSFW, bulge, mentions of marking, fingering, if you are a minor, DNI]
A part of you feels like you can’t breathe the harder he grips your hips and makes you bed for more.
“C’mon baby, you’re close, aren’t you?” He nips in your ear, watching as tears well in your eyes from the sheer overpowering force of his fingers getting pushed deeper and deeper into your cunt.
You can barely get any words out, choking as he moves one of his large hands up to your throat, squeezing ever so slightly.
“I can’t fucking hear you,” he rasps, lightening his grip ever so slightly. The feeling of his fingers sliding shallowly into your cunt making you yearn for more.
“I-I please!” You cry out as a large grin crosses onto Brian’s lips.
He chuckles and grinds his hips against you. “You want this?” He hums, hand squeezing your throat just a little tighter. The tip of his cock is so close to penetrating you. He circles the tip around your clit, slowly pushing and driving you deeper and deeper into your hunger,
“Yes, yes I do,” you babble, eyes blearily looking at him with wanton lust.
Brian grins. “Good girl,” he coos before grabbing your calves, hiking your legs up so they rest on his shoulders. Your lower half is now tilted upwards, no longer touching the bed as he hazily looks down at you. His thick cock is just waiting to be buried inside of you.
You grip at the sheets, watching as his tip weeps precum. You’re mentally pleading and screaming for him to fuck you already.
Brian hums deeply, his thumb pressing your clit, watching as your cunt glistens. He then guides the tip of his cock into you, his head just barely sliding through your swollen, needy lips. Brian then cracks a smirk, his lips betraying his teasing nature before he roughly shoves in, not caring about how gentle he should be as he pushes you to your limit.
A large gasp and moan rips through your throat as your teary eyes roll back, the feeling of him pushing through your tight walls and spreading you impossibly spreading heat thickly over your system. Your legs tense as they rest on his shoulders, your cunt constricting like a boa as you feel him pulsing inside of you.
Brian hisses as he ruts his hips inside of you, his eyes squeezing shut in the pleasure.
You can feel his balls lightly smack against the curve of your ass as he finally bottoms out. The immense feeling of fullness takes over you. You bite your lip and slowly open your eyes and look to where the two of you are connected. You’re panting exceptionally hard and feel a heat rise to your cheeks when you see the bulge - is he really that deep inside of you?
Taking notice of where your eyes lie, he chuckles. “Look at that, wonder what happens if I…” Brian slowly drags his hips back, and with it, the bulge follows. He grins wickedly before thrusting into you, watching with a childish glee as it moves inside of you, twitching and showing just what kind of hold he has on you.
You grip the sheets tighter as Brian hunches over you, his hips snapping into you almost impossibly strongly. Moans and mewls pour from your mouth as he does so, his breath hot in your ear. You can feel him dragging in deeper and deeper. Your legs tense, your thighs feeling like rocks as you wrap around him tighter.
Brian nips at your neck, kissing and sucking in ways that are sure to leave marks. His hips smack into you meatily, tight balls smacking your ass and adding to your heightened, electrified pleasure. His tip can’t help but weep precum as your pussy sloppily eats him up, his hand rubbing your lower abdomen where his bulge moves inside of you.
He’s working you so close to the edge, you just need to follow his directions off of it.
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nevermindtheweights · 2 years
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Pulls belly out of her sweatpants and lets it just meatily THWAMP against her tree-truck thighs.
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