#medical ghouls
bloodfin · 8 months
alright i can breathe on my own again so back into this thought. here's a few ways all the elements work in healing in my brain*
Quintessence healing does a lot with the electrical impulses of the body; most of their work is possible due to their unique abilities to alleviate pain: neurological pains, including migraines. bone setting. internal, external, and extensive injury. sleep, dream, and memory. autoimmune disease. surgery. seizure disorders. acute pain. dentistry. general medical practice
Water healing is the most versatile, as the majority of organic material is driven by water: dermatology. uncontrolled/high fever. hyperthermia. burns. blood and blood pressure. sinuses. cartilage and collagen disorders. fainting disorders. chronic pain. vision disorders. scarring/scar healing/prevention
Fire healing deals a lot with pressure and relaxation: wound cautery. viral and bacterial illness (will start a fever or keep one in check - out of control fevers visit water). hypothermia. heat therapy: massage, hot baths, etc. physical therapy. arthritic/joint disorders, chronic pain
Air healing focuses mostly on areas of the body where oxygen or air pockets are at play: lung and breathing disorders. sinuses. learning, speech and communication, hearing. muscle pains. anxiety. fatigue and chronic fatigue
Earth healing works in grounding, and is also very diverse: mental health. psychiatrics and emotions. reproductive health. labor and delivery. balance and some fainting disorders. occupational therapy. creation of pharmacy products: tinctures, salves, ointments, orals, drops, etc.; creation of splints, casts, and assistive devices
Multi ghouls are cool in that, if they feel the call towards healing, they can lean on any element and pick up skills quickly and easily, depending on their unique makeup. Most assist in general practice medicine, but often blend powers from other elements together to create unique solutions for their patients
*please note no one ever needs be 'fixed,' and having any type of disorder or disability does not make anyone less, especially in the eyes of the abbey. the ghouls of the infirmary seek to help improve quality of life by easing symptoms for those that request it. there is nothing but love and respect for all residents and visitors of the infirmary 🤍
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rogueshadeaux · 5 months
I don't feel like enough people are talking about the fact that the show answered the question, "What makes a ghoul go feral?"
Like, can we talk about that? Ghoulification isn't a life hack to immortality, it's a terminal illness with a fate worse than passing away. It's something that evidently affects them both mentally and physically while they deteriorate, and the only temporary relief is that medicine (was that an inhaled version of Radaway? Imagine the implications of them being dependent on that, holy shit).
We now know that every ghoul is on a timeline to losing their self, eternally victims of a zombie bite they can't hide away from in a radiated world. Anyone can become a ghoul. Anyone can die a ghoul. Anyone can lose their control, their psyche, as a ghoul. And they’re one vial away from it happening.
How do you deal with knowing there's a fate worse being raided or shot out there for you?
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daily-tf2-medic · 5 months
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Day 126
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bunsterkeaton · 4 months
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ghoultrifle · 9 months
transmasc aether finally getting top surgery after years of being unable to bind because of his back pain.
waking up to his entire pack, from omega to aurora, standing at his bedside, huge smiles plastered over their faces. and he knows, instantly, he made the right decision. any doubts he had melt away as he looks down to the mess of bandages and drains surrounding his swollen chest.
in the coming months he works with omega on fixing his posture, letting his shoulders roll back instead of forwards, jutting his chest out and finally allowing himself to breathe, to let his lungs fill fully with air that feels just that bit more fresh than before.
aether works on scar care with rain. despite working in the infirmary himself, he finds the water ghoul much more knowledgeable about exactly how to get the scars to fade. and it's not that he's ashamed of the thick, red scars adorning his torso; ribbons tied up around his ribs with the gift of a flat chest beneath. no. he wants them to heal so he can let cirrus tattoo even larger, more stylised, scars over the top.
because he's not afraid to be himself, to be a beacon of pride for all to see. and to show his trans siblings that things will always get better.
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syringesyrup · 1 year
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how come satan let u have TWO dewdrops?
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phantomsboyfriend · 1 month
I have a Med Ghouls Fic for yall. Aether/Rain.
“Good morning.” Aether chuckled, it was 8pm but that was their morning. “There’s no big news today, other than we’re expecting a trainee. The very lovely water ghoul in the back there, Rain, will be working with me today. Please be nice, and if you think you may have feedback or think he needs help, please let me know,"
Rains a new Nurse and Aether runs a tight ship in the ED. When you spend that much time together it can get to you.
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hypnoneghoul · 5 months
how does it feel to be evil also please please please tell me more about lying dewy ? <3 (no pressure of course but OUGHH i love that headcanon so much)
being evil is so cool actually i love havin power heh
and im glad you liked that hc! more rambles under the cut
cw for self inflicted injury
i mentioned dewdrop lying about small, irrelevant things just because he has to, because he can't help it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't lie about big things, too
he can fuck up bad if he just twists one word when a tech asks him something on tour
it brings him sort of sick satisfaction when that happens, he's disgusted by himself but he feels powerful in a way
it becomes sort of self-harm for him at some point. he can and will lie in a way that will hurt him, so the consequences will influence him. he thinks that if he must be a filthy liar that hurts his loved ones he deserves to hurt because of those lies too
think him telling the costume people that his balaclava's fabric is light and breathable enough and that his collar isn't too tight just so he can choke and barely be able to breathe during the rituals. small lie but it makes him hurt nonetheless and he revels in that ache in his chest and throat
his lies are also like thread being weaved together to create a shroud under which he can hide. he uses smaller and bigger lies together to create an image of himself that he feels like he has to be, but isn't
other people simply act differently, they just mask some of their truest colors to fit in or be more likable, but dewdrop takes it...too seriously, I'd say
most of the things don't matter but he aches with the need to lie about them, as if the ground will open up under him and swallow him if he lets a thing as simple as truth fall from his lips. he doesn't want to lie, but he has to, and he always realizes he's lied just seconds too late
one time he fucks up real bad. his lie makes rain hurt himself and dewdrop crumbles
"isn't the stage too slippery for your ghoul boots?" someone asked
"no." dewdrop told them, even though he slipped twice just walking across it. if he said yes the roadies had ways of making the surface bettter, but he didn't
and because of him rain slipped and hurt himself bad enough that they needed to cut the show short
even though its a disorder and all the ghouls do their best to be understanding, that time they snapped. especially swiss, he yelled at dew so much that the fire ghoul spent the night curled into a tiny ball shaking in a cabinet under the sink on the tour bus
the next morning dew emerged after all of his pack has already left. he didn't plan it but just when he was crawling out he saw a fresh pack of cigarettes laying on the counter
his throat was already feeling sore because of all his crying. his anxiety would help, chainsmoking a whole pack too. one more thing he could add...
he got an idea
he got out of the bus after downing a few shots of tequilla. alcohol dries out vocal chords. he smoked all the cigarettes one by one. then, he put his hands around his neck in the unsafest way he could come up with and squeezed
it hurt like hell but he was still making damn noise
he looked around and noticed the bus was parked far away from anything else. there was no one around so he could just scream. he still used a pillow for muting but he screamed and screamed and he started tasting blood but finally, finally, the noise just...cut off
he didn't know how long the vocal cord paralysis would last with him being a ghoul
but he hoped it'd stay
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moongoddess447 · 4 months
Merc's as Ghouls!! Ft. Miss Pauling
Scout somehow pissed off Merasmus and Merasamus happens to be friends with Papa Nihil, remembering that Nhil needed more Ghouls. Merasmus decided to make Scout into a ghoul and give him Ghoulritis. Guess what, Scout infects the merc's and Miss Pauling.
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Everyone had trouble trying to get used to their new features, their horns made sleeping awkward and doorways hard to get thru. Pyro's tail kept setting everything on fire and Engineer's sense of smell increased to the point he can smell certain metals and ores from underground. Sniper and Demoman had to get a pool for them to sleep in and rest. Everyone's tails made things much harder, they would somehow get tangled, stuck in places, get stepped on. Spy found it annoying since his long tail would be in the way or in sight. Scout found his wings fun, being able to get in the air for longer periods of time and made his double jumping even better!! Soldier's wings were ruined during the process so he can't fly. Ghoul instincts get to them at times, they act very chaotic. Sniper and Demoman are very slippery. Medic embraces his ghoul features, he thinks it prepares him for Hell. Medic definently experiments on everyone and himself.
Feel free to use these designs!! Just credit me
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bloodfin · 4 months
Phantom slides down the cold tile wall, forehead pressed into his palms. The scrub cap is barely holding in his unruly curls; a few flecks of blood stain his sleeves.
Rain pauses in front of him, clip board in hand, on his way to check a burn patient down the hall.
"You okay, bug?"
Phantom glances up, takes in a shaky breath and lets it out slowly. His nod is barely noticeable.
"Where's Aether?"
Rain hums, glances at the clock ticking too loudly above the door.
"It's your first day in there, right?"
Another nod.
"My hands... they were... they were inside them and it -"
"It's intimate," Rain supplies helpfully.
Phantom blinks hard, looks at his carefully glamoured claws, and turns his gaze back to Rain.
"Does it get easier?"
He watches Rain worry at his bottom lip, looking for the right thing to say.
"In some ways."
It was Phantom's turn to chew his lip, nodding in agreement.
"Bug, if it doesn't feel right, we can -"
"No, " he interrupts, something that looks like determination flickering in his eyes. "I want to be here, be as good as Aether and Omega some day, but I'm scared."
Rain cocks his head, encouraging him to continue.
"I'm scared that one day it won't feel so intimate, and maybe that's the day I don't care so much. Maybe that's the day someone gets hurt."
Rain nods in understanding, drops to kneel in front of Phantom and places a cool, calming hand on his knee.
"You're afraid of the right things. Sometimes fear holds us back, other times it holds up."
Phantom sniffles.
Rain stands, offers him a smile, and carries on down the hall. His smile grows when he hears the swish of a heavy door, not having to look over his shoulder to know that Phantom chose to scrub back in.
He tugs on the purple and gold thread of the pack link.
"He'll be just fine."
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Dew, in the hospital filling out paperwork: "It says to write my full name... I'm pretty sure it's the same one as when I'm hungry, but I don't know." -writing- "Age... I certainly do... Sex, I have that sometimes... Allergies? No thank you I already have two... Do you know why you are here? That sounds like a pretty existential question to ask someone at a time like this..." Aether, filling out Dew's actual paperwork, writing: "Ate a Hexbug Nano toy-"
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he might have some power from a unknown sponser vampire. he’s jealous william is the motherfucking wisperer. why not just try see if you could. get some of that.
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bunsterkeaton · 12 days
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Patreon art is live, thank you rob for letting me dress up your freak. Right now scheduling has been rough for me so if you wanna support me patreon is a really good source, theres so much art on here to dig through too!
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Gofundme help
I try not to ask for money when I don’t have to. Unfortunately, I am struggling, and am asking for help.
I am a college student, and I have no mode of transportation. My current vehicle is out of commission due to a number of things and repairs will take about $2,000, which I do not have.
I also incurred medical debt of nearly $1,200. I was in a car crash in August of 2022, and I was informed of the debt October of 2023. I’m looking for a job currently, but I’m unable to pay it off with what I have. I’m trying to get by with paying $25 a month from my monthly allowance of $100; however, I have other costs to cover as well.
Links to the gofundme’s and a bit more information is under the cut.
There’s no guarantee that I’ll even get hired or make enough money to pay for the debt and my vehicle costs while trying to pay for other necessities and whatnot.
I’m trying my hardest to pay this off, but I’m struggling financially and I can’t do it on my own. My parents are unable to help because my mother is a teacher and is about to quit and find a lower paying job, and my dad is unemployed. By doing this, I’m hoping to get the financial stress off both their backs and mine. Sharing, donating, anything will help. Thank you.
I’m also aware that I am tagging this with so many things that aren’t relevant, but I genuinely need the help, and am trying to get this out wherever I can.
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Mountain's bush save me
Mountain's bush
Save me, moutain's bush
- 🗡
Ohhhh yall KNOW mountain is hairy as hell. He doesn’t shave, barely trims it just if it’s getting genuinely annoying. But otherwise? Thick hair covering his vulva and thighs. Think Swiss is fucking obsessed, more than anyone, about it. I don’t think mountain could keep Swiss’ mouth off of his cunt even if he tried
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skele-bunny · 2 months
pay for my therapy after that dew fic /j /silly
could we possibly get something abt him waking up after the coma? Like how it was for him & maybe how he felt toward missing out on not just that time with his pack, but with his Very Young Daughter? I mean a good few milestones got reached when he was comatose, surely? There's gotta be some feelings toward waking up after and realizing just how much he missed.
CW Light Medical Talk, Self Blame, and Medium Description of Suicidal Thoughts
Tags: Heavy Angst/Light Comfort, hospital setting, recovery talk
Characters: Dewdrop, Calida (Kit), Misc
Oh gosh when Dew is finally out of his coma? He's miserable. Everything hurts. He can't speak, it hurts to swallow, everything feels too loud, too bright, he can't even sit up.
But you bet your fucking ass his favorite quad is in that room the moment they find out he's awake. Zephyr, Aether, Mountain, and... That's not his daughter.
Sure, it's a small fire kit. But Calida was smaller. Calida wasn't chewing on her tail. Calida wasn't able to squeal "Daba!" Calida wasn't able to hold herself up and tilt her head with curiosity.
That is not his daughter.
They take Dewdrop's obvious discomforted look as post-awakening. But they still bring her around, just like the entire time he's been under.
See, the issue is when Dewdrop transitioned Calida was about to turn 6 months old. Calida was now 9 months. When it's calmly explained to him how long he's been under, the extent of his injuries, and what exactly happened the first noise that comes out of him is a distressed wail. He just cries, although nothing physical comes out as his eyes are trying to work again. He's inconsolable, not even able to hold a pen or sign desperately to just tell Special to fucking kill him. This isn't worth living anymore. He doesn't want to live like this.
When he's sedated because of the pain and wakes up again, it's visiting hours once more. His eyes slowly opening as these high pitch squeals are giving him such a bad headache on top of the one already existing. He's watching... "Calida". She's waddling after Zephyr who's walking with their crutches, trying to be quiet with xer laughter as she stumbles trying to catch their tail.
Once again, he's crying and the group notices.
That's not his daughter. There's just no way.
They can see him eyeing her, Aether carefully picking the kit up and bringing her close in a misunderstanding that Dew wants her. She just smiles and Dew can't do anything but stare back into those ruby red eyes he's confused belongs to him or not. Aether very carefully lowering her down onto his chest like he had been for so long and something in Dew just... Clicks.
Fighting with his own body to raise his right hand albeit shaking, resting on her back and her smell... Her scent is his. It finally processes that this really is Calida. He really was gone for 3 ½ months. His body can't take the mental distress and he promptly passes out again.
Through his recovery he's able to do more and more. Finally able to sit up in bed, NJ tube in his nose, and hold Calida with both his arms. She's just babbling and saying little sentences here and there, but she just looks at Dew while holding a picture book. It's two fishes in a pond, labeled as a mommy fish and a baby fish. She just smiles and points at Dew.
"Mana." Points back at the fish. "Mana."
He just nods, leaning down and snuggling against her hair.
What hurts the most is when Calida took a nap on him. She only truly recognized her mother from his semi-scent, so when she woke up still in a somewhat daze she had a moment—smelling her Mana faintly but not seeing him. Just screaming and reaching for Aether trying to figure out why she was cuddled with this stranger, unable to calm her cries. Dewdrop is now just as miserable.
"That's Mana, little banana! It's Mana, everything's okay."
"S' not mana! S' not mana!"
His heart being crushed doesn't even get close to how he feels. He just asks Aether to leave, point blank. He's left to himself and cries. It seems like that's all he can do now, all he's been doing. Calida is having issues recognizing him, he's missed her crawling, missed her first steps, her first word, everything. Fucking. Everything.
He rips everything out of him in a flash of rage. His tube, his two IVs, his heart monitor, he's throwing his blankets off and using his hands to push the equipment over. It's the first time Dew lights himself on fire, screaming at nurses and Phil that come rushing in as their screens showed him as a flatline. He's fighting with everything he has to get out of bed, to do just SOMETHING. He doesn't know what, but all his mind can think of is killing himself and when he held Calida for the first time.
His recovery isn't pretty... He's unable to cope with the fact he missed Calida's biggest milestones, wallowing in turmoil. He can't help but hate himself for not just rejecting the forced proposition, for not fighting harder. For not accepting the threat to return to the pit with her. He knows he's not being very logical but it's all him mind will allow him to think.
Calida still comes around and it takes her a really long time to get used to her Mana's new scent and appearance, but she does! She honestly, truly does. Aether and Mountain show their phone recordings of the milestones and that also somewhat helps, able to see it in just some form.
When he's released and able to go back to the den, he refuses for anyone to touch Calida. Go near her. Nobody. She's upset about it, wanting her Daba and Paba, but Dew simply won't let her.
He's constantly scenting over her, holding her while in shambles, and just doing anything he can to just... Make up for loss time.
No matter what Dew does, however, will never really fix it. What's done is done, and there's no going back. It takes him a while to process that he can go forward with her, still
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