#medical team dawg
cextra-loz · 4 months
The longer it takes for my doctors to prescribe me anything other than metoprolol the more powerful my rage and fury becomes.
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sesameowo · 1 year
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Sketches from The TF2 Voice Actors Live at "Meet The Mercs" by Shork!!
Please give it a watch! (or watch it like 10 times like i did)
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gadgetini · 1 year
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storyboards and sketches for a super silly music video in my head, not in order
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theveryodd · 1 year
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Well I'm glad you asked let me tell you
**a bigger deep breath**
Let me start off with some screenshots of my notes
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Most of their stories should be in the notes I'm still changing them around a little bit so this is not certain but I am mostly certain about the afterlife for them the afterlife is a black room which I want to call purgatory not certain on the name though and if you're wondering yes there's a heaven and hell in this universe but they are in a black room called purgatory are they always in purgatory they are not but if you're wondering what did they do for them to put in purgatory WELL... heavy assaulted someone when he was stole about $150 in stolen goods not as bad as medic BUT MEDIC... stole stuff from the hospital he was working in proper use of his medical license possibly first degree murder I'm still working on that one but anyways you're probably sad about their Dynamics yes don't worry I have something to fix GAY MEN KISSING
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Yes I made them kissing they needed it
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starjunkyard · 6 months
Love 2 imagine that i could be a character on house but girl can we be serious. Everyone on that show is fucking Crazy. Kutner electrocuted himself and set someone on fire trying to resuscitate his patients. House is house. His fellows are at the hospital pulling multiple consecutive all-nighters. Actual honest to god crimes are committed by the characters every other episode. Yes they are actually genuinely unhinged but in some way or another it is all related to their dedication to their craft n dawg I Dont think i could be that dedicated to anything ever LET ALONE A JOB ??????? A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also maybe its just me but i genuinely forget like every single person in house's corner is sooooooooooo smart. Like soooo fucking smart like horrifically smart. Like i forget that the standard for becoming one of house's fellows is actually so fucking high its in space Everyone Talks. about it. Its literally one of the most coveted positions anyone in the medical field could have. Like this shit is fucking SERIOUS everyone on house's team is in every sense of the word a genius. Even cuddy and wilson who don't work under house but instead with him are soooo fucking. Like. How do u think cuddy became the hospital head. Wilson is one of the best oncologists if not thee best oncologist in new jersey. People seek him out specifically for cancer treatment like he is one of the best in his field. Fellow peers recognise him as a trailblazer and respected superior. Girl i am Stupid. I would get fucked over by house so fast its not even funny he would berate me once and i would run away pissing crying sobbing resign from medicine and live out the rest of my remaining days as a farmer by the countrysides of illinois. He would yell at me once during a differential diagnosis session and it would affect my ability to form relationships for the rest of my adult life
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lexipoo · 1 month
Omg stop I love Aubrey! Post injury she was a fricken G. Definitely a 2nd round pick at max cause crazy if she’s drafted in the third round, I rebuke that behaviour lmao. Her defence and offence game is on, super underrated. I think Paige, Azzi and Aubrey will be starters as they have been in the past whether people like it or not. Possibly Paige, Azzi, Aubrey, Kaitlyn and Jana/Ice? Or even Paige, Azzi, Aubrey, Jana and Ice. Crazy amount of guards in the team and a nice sprinkle of size in there as well, would definitely try use a bit more size this season like South Carolina have which has strongly benefited them. Obviously not trying to compare the two but would be nice to have size like Jana and Ice or someone with hops like Aubrey for rebounds. But anything can happen and it’s so weird having a lot of options on the bench, almost overwhelming ngl😭😂 also wonder how Caroline is doing in regards to her injuries, she’s also another lovely player with a lovely shot. Hopefully Ms gaaal can play some games alongside Azzi cause literally just the 2 of them from their original cohort I believe. Ah but love the squad and the options on deck, God willing for major dubs to make up for the recent seasons of straight back to back injuries meyn😭😂
I don't think Aubrey is starting. plus i don't think she will be cleared until later in the season. can someone remind me if Aubrey was coming off the bench last season? Aubrey is so good defensively and can also make really good plays offensively.
I think Caroline should medically retire. Atp I doubt shes getting drafted and if she does its gonna be third round and most likely get waived. 🤷‍♀️ (prove me wrong carol)
I know Jana is gonna be a fucking dawg.
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hypmicdaydreams · 2 years
Could I ask for 29 with realizing their crush prompts for Jakurai?
always love doing these prompts since they're adorable! hope you love it anon 🤍
love epiphany prompts: being relieved from all worries and stress when they see their crush smiling
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jakurai’s life has always been hectic, never really able to catch a break. from his medical school and assassin days to his daily job at the hospital, he’s never truly had a day of rest i presume. and of course, the monthly division rap battle finals only added to the burden.
he shouldn’t be too worried—not that he was entirely. jakurai was confident in his abilities, having been in the famed dirty dawg group and now head of matenrou. jakurai knew that he was certainly a good rapper.
but, well, there was surely going to be that tiny seed of worry and doubt. he and his team had been the victors last round (as expected), and that was definitely going to be some sort of burden on him, especially as team leader. his team was strong, of course, but there’s still that expectation that they had to win again.
even someone as calm and collected as jakurai, usually, he still couldn’t shake off that uncomfortable feeling. he was confident, yes, had the deepest of faiths in his teammates; but he also couldn’t help but be a tad stressed.
“oh, jakurai!!” your voice definitely breaks him out of his thoughts, the beginning of his overthinking, and jakurai doesn’t expect to see his good friend here near the capitol.
“y/n,” he responds with an instant smile, on reflex. the sight of you alone makes his shoulders relax. “i didn’t expect to see you here at the capitol. are you watching the finals?” it was the only explanation.
“mm, and of course, i’m rooting for you and your team.” you’re wearing their colored ring, he notices, a sign of support. it’s definitely cute, and it definitely means a lot to him—he just doesn’t consciously pick up on it yet. “i have to root for my own division and friend, don’t i? i’ll be shouting from the top of my lungs, so you better listen, ok!”
jakurai can’t help but smile at your enthusiasm. you were always so excited whenever you were around him, he can’t help but notice. but it’s that enthusiasm that he finds endearing.
“i know that you don’t need this since you’re jakurai, but good luck!” you grin, and that’s when the chain reaction sets off. “go out there and show them that shinjuku is number one!”
it’s the first time he realizes it, but when you smile, jakurai feels himself go at ease. it’s strange how his heart flutters so quickly, how he can feel his gut twist and turn, yet jakurai is as calm as ever. it’s strange how with your simple smile, he felt all his current worries lift, how his own morale was boosted. your smile did something, you did something to him. but jakurai doesn’t seem to mind.
you believed in him, of course, that he’d win no matter what. and jakurai believed you too. you were his friend, and whatever you said was bound to be truth, so he’d definitely take your word for it.
“thank you y/n,” and the smile he gives is genuine, so free of worry unlike before. he’s more relaxed, more confident. “we’ll be sure to win and be shinjuku’s pride.”
jakurai wasn’t a fool, really. he figured he was in love after that simple, sweet smile; and as selfish as it sounded, he wanted to impress you this time around.
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ceciliarost · 3 years
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Another gaming  TDD Ramuda profile for my stream (yes I still play TF2)
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clayanddust · 3 years
Late Night Bites (Ethan + Clay)
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Participants: Ethan Bates (Human- D-Dawg), Clay Hale (Hunter - Tapir) 
Location: White Crest General Hospital
Summary: Ethan and Clay get to know each other as co-workers with a little late night bite wounds and trauma ward chat.  
Content Warnings: Medical blood tw
The lights of White Crest General Hospital shone through the eddies of snow spiraling down from a starless winter night. The bulky utilitarian building emerged in and out of Clay’s vision like a lighthouse in a storm, the glare of its sanitized interior vanishing in haze of snow and the blur of Clay’s darkening vision. The Slayer fought back the deep ache throbbing in  bite wounds on his neck and right calf, while each step sent fire through the raking cuts along his back and forearms. Every muscle screamed at him to just sink down on the concrete, to give up, to sleep.
But the rhythm of the heartbeats in the people leaning against Clay’s shoulders kept him going, each flattering thud an insistence that life and duty remained. Their breathes were spots of moistness and heat against Clay’s neck when all the rest of him seemed to be just a cold ache. They’d stumbled alongside Clay on the way from the cemetery, but after the second block the woman and two men had been learning heavily on Clay, by the fourth block Clay had been all but carrying them.
Clay didn’t know their names, their professions, or why they had ventured near enough to a graveyard at dusk to be dragged inside by ravenous corpses. But none of that mattered to the Slayer.
Blood tinged his footsteps, but Clay half walked, half dragged himself towards White Crest General Hospital until the light and snow were so blinding that Clay nearly fell when the hospital slid open. Warmth, shouted questions, and relief became a blur.
“Are you just going to sit on your ass all night, or are you gonna come help us?” Matilda shouted to Bates from nearby. “I need some gurneys over here!”
An irritated sigh escaped from between his lips. Matilda was always cranky this time of night, and after the previous night he spent at the Perfect Pint, her grading voice was as unwelcome as ever. “Don’t you have some old folkies to give some sponge baths…” He trailed off as he saw the strangers that had wandered in. Saw the states each of them were in on the floor. Bates tossed his magazine aside and rose from behind the ER front desk to hurry over and help.
Alongside the other nurses, he team lifted one of the men onto a gurney. He was the only one out of the four that was awake, though even that seemed too generous a description. A nurse squeezed past Bates to press bandages against the man’s bleeding neck and leg.
Bates pulled his pen light from his shirt pocket and flicked it on. He held the man’s head steady and quickly shined it back and forth across his eyes. “Sir, can you hear me?”
It took Clay a second to shake off the impression that he was on his back in a field of heather, the sun a brilliant high blaze passing overhead on a bright summer day.
Clay blinked until the blur of impressions congealed into a face beyond searing light. He recognized the face, and Clay took a moment of deep breathing to groggily shift his mind from the role of Slayer to pharmacist. He wasn’t a soldier. There weren’t any vampires. He was just a small-town pharmacist who liked hunting and making horny shitposts.
Clay the pharmacist gave his interlocutor a weary grin. “Hey Doctor Bates, I hear you,” he assured, though the thick rasp in his voice didn’t match the confidence of his expression. Clay tried to move his head in Bate’s grasp in an attempt to search the room. “What about the other folks I came with,” he asked haltingly.
Bates held the man’s head steady. “Worrying about other people while you’re very quickly bleeding to death sounds noble on paper, but is in fact, quite moronic in practice.” He turned to a nearby drawer and grabbed antibiotics and patches for the rest of the immediately visible wounds.
He took a moment to study the man’s face. He clearly didn’t read Bates’s nametag. Bates never wore one for anybody to even read. The man spoke with such a familiarity about him. Like they already met before. Bates chanced a look over his shoulder at the other people who stumbled through the doors. Nothing he saw in the nearby huddles looked promising. He doused the pad before gently applying it to another of the man’s open wounds.
Bates’ chiding caused Clay to suck in a frustrated breath that sent fire through his bruised ribs. But Clay had spent all the fight within him tonight. Staying awake at this point was a last act of pure stubbornness. When it became clear Bates wasn’t going to let him anyway, and that trying to get off this gurney would likely result in a humiliating lesson in gravity, Clay stopped resisting and tried to relax and have faith in the hospital staff. Those lives were in their hands now.
“Moron is my aesthetic,” insisted Clay with tired sullenness. “Did anyone else come in with weird bite wounds tonight?”
“Not unless you count the hickey on Matilda’s neck,” Bates said at a higher than average volume. He was too focused on wrapping the man’s wounds to check if she heard him or not. “Between you and me, I think she’s dating a vampire.”
The man’s question stuck with Bates, regardless of his answer. If there had been any strange injuries, Bates wouldn’t have known. He had only been down in the ER for the past hour, and things had been incredibly slow and uneventful during his night. But the answer didn’t matter. The question itself was the interesting part. “What happened out there?”
The joke caught Clay off-guard, the jocularity lost on  him in the haze of pain and exhaustion. “What does she..” But the sincere question of concern died when he saw a physician give Ethan a brief withering look before returning to her trauma work.
“Oh uh.”Clay’s belated attempt at a casual chuckle was about as raspy as it was unconvincing.
The Slayer shrugged his shoulders, before the mistake of that empty affectation sent a shiver of pain through his ribs. “I dunno,” Clay lied after a sharp intake of breath. “These people were being mugged and I tried to help,” he claimed. “I think maybe the attackers were high or something …cuz they bit us and shit.”
Bates pressed a finger to his chin and hummed. “Okay, how about this.” He tightened the bindings around a deep gash in the man’s arm before leaning over him. “I’ll ask again, but this time, try and remember the whole ‘you might be dying’ thing.”
Clay grunted and gritted his teeth as Bates drew the bandages tight around his wounded arm. It felt like there was an electric current streaming up from that gash through the bone and spearing straight to his skull. He looked up into Ethan’s dark eyes, the scalpel-like scrutiny in that gaze drove home the uncomfortable helplessness of Clay’s situation. Even if Clay could rely on his mutant regeneration to see him through, he was still at Bate’s mercy here.
Clay’s chest rose and fell in shallow breaths as he tried to fight through the dull thudding fog in his head.
“I found these people in a crypt,” Clay answered truthfully. “They’d been dragged down in there by a group in ripped up clothes.” Grave clothes to be precise. “There was a fight and I got fucked up.” There’d been a crowd of the freshly turned in a cramped space with human hostages. It’d gotten really messy near the end there. “I tried to get these folks here fast as I could.”
Bates studied his face carefully. Ran his words on repeat. He may not have been telling the whole truth, but he wasn’t lying. “Crackheads in the cemetery, huh?” He reached over for a stethoscope and put it on. “Cool.” He lifted the man’s torn shirt and pressed the stethoscope against his chest. “Deep breaths.”
His eyes studied the man’s many scars raked across his defined features. This was far from his first hospital visit. Bates couldn’t shake the feeling he had seen the man somewhere, but he couldn’t pin down where exactly. Once he was done, he removed the ear pieces and leaned back. “You get attacked often by graveyard roaming drug users, or do you just throw yourself into wood chippers in your spare time?”
“Mhm,” Clay affirmed to the notion of graveyard crackheads. Sure, they were corpses with super powers that got off on life-essence, but the analogy was close enough.
Clay submitted to Ethan’s command and took long breaths as the cold metal pressed against his pectoral. While the juvenile impulse to comment on this circumstantial intimacy tickled the back of Clay’s foggy brain, there were far too many hours left tonight where Ethan could replace anesthetic with cyanide. Clay stowed the inner fifteen year old away and focused on inhale after exhale, chest rising and falling in deeper breaths as the soldier fought with his bruised ribs for oxygen.
Still, it felt good to feel something, to want something that came from inside himself, even if it’s asinine y’know?
Ethan’s woodchipper comment evoked a genuine cough of a laugh from Clay. Freakish mutant regeneration kept Clay going where a real human body would’ve given out long ago. But like MMA fighters that’ve been in the ring for a while, Clay had a scrapbook of his toughest fights whenever he got dressed near a mirror. “Shitting all over my modeling future? Fuck you Bates,” he shot back with weary smile through cracked and bleeding lips. “I’m too stupid to mind my own business,” he answered to the doctor’s comments. “Also I like extreme sports,” Clay added, both explanations having a teaspoon of the truth in them.
Clay pretended to size up his attending physician with an appraising raise of an eyebrow, though truthfully anemic dizziness blurred details in and out of his vision. “So you got any sexy scars doc? What’s the badass story you tell the girlfriend or boytoy or whatever when they’re ripping that white coat off you and get curious?” Apparently the inner fifteen year old couldn’t be suppressed for long.
His question stirred into Bates’s thoughts. Now he was picturing the man in a white coat, and everything finally clicked. This man was Clay Hale, the pharmacist right here in White Crest General. Bates nodded once as he began placing an IV drip into Clay’s arm. “I tell them I’m a fearless doctor who waits in clinics all day for idiot pharmacists to wander in half dead. You should see what they do when I tell them I save those guys too.”
He took the moment to check back over his shoulder once more. Matilda was moved down the line of victims to the only one left alive. Two sheet covered figures rested on gurneys beside them. Bates sighed and returned his gaze to Clay.
“Calling the authorities is always an option too, you know. Instead of running into a den of crazies.”
“Mhm that’s pretty damn fuckable sounding,” Clay affirmed with a boyish grin that shone through the livid hues of bruises when Ethan played along with his juvenile quip. “Maybe if onna those dumbass pill-rollers lives through it, they’ll buy you a drink one of these days,” the druggist suggested with soft coyness, breathing easier as the IV sent a chemical cocktail into him. “Least they could do after cutting into your savior boning time, shitheads,” the idiot pharmacist groused as pain began to retreat behind a red curtain at the edge of his vision.
“Would’ve been too late,” claimed Clay to Ethan’s suggestion.
Clay’s eyelids drooped.“Sometimes your just some rando’ fuck-up that suddenly has lives put on their line,” the Slayer said suddenly after a period of drowsy silence. “You didn’t do anything to earn that responsibility and there’s no reason a sane person would put that kinna trust in a motherufcker like you.“But do you have the right to turn away?” The mumblings had become more listless as the IV drift unmoored the Slayer from his aching body. “It’s a split second choice, no time to consider all the angles...someone’s gonna suffer no matter what you do or don’t do.”
Clay shifted groggily and seemed to find Ethan again, his smirk a playful curve of self-hatred. “I dunno...I just ...figured a doctor would understand y’know?” the soldier implored to the physician.  
“Oh please,” Bates spat. “Spare me the bullshit selfless act. You don’t care about saving lives, you care about skirting by danger and pumping up the adrenaline. Human beings are naturally selfish creatures, and everything we have done, will do, and currently do are all driven by that. You don’t give people presents because it'll make them happy, you give them presents because a gland in your brain releases happy chemicals when you do something that makes you feel good. Doctors save lives because it earns them a paycheck, and you did it because you like the rush.”
Bates took a breath and rubbed his palm over his mouth. “Do what you want. Risk yourself in the next crackhouse you find, stumble back in here. Don’t lie to me about why you did what you did.”
The scornful dismissal elicited a huffing hack of chuckle from Clay. Since Hartvlinder it’d been hard to feel like a person sometimes, even being told he was full of shit eased that uncertainty for a while. “Sure, I’m just an epinephrine slut with a hard-on for violence,” the Hunter answered back. “But the choices stay the same no matter what a Pavaolov’s dog I am,” he pointed out.
Clay shifted on the gurney, trying to face Ethan but not getting very far. “I’ll try not to lie about why next time,” the Hunter assured with a sleepy yet sly smile. “As long as you're still here running yourself ragged in ER piling up paychecks you’ll never have time to enjoy. Deal?”
Bates tightened his gaze. Normally when he strikes deep, people lash back. Clay just laughed him off. Was he just toying with Bates? Clay should have been unconscious based on how injured he was, yet here he was, awake and cracking wise in tune with Bates himself.
It irritated that itch in the back of his brain. Something about this man was different. Something didn’t fit. It reminded him of the woman in the firefighter’s gear who had stopped in a day or two earlier.
Bates nodded once. He didn’t know what else to say at this point, and instead remained silent. He studied the smile on Clay’s face as he lay still. A few moments passed between them before Matilda and two other nurses finally arrived beside him. They grabbed the sides of his gurney and began unlocking his wheels.
“Clay, we’re taking you to the ICU,” Matilda informed him. “Just hold on for a few more minutes.”
Clay nodded to Ethan….or was it Matila? Saul? They all blurred together until Clay just knew that someone wanted him to hold on, to say no to the darkness for just a little bit longer, for some reason.
Okay. If you say so.
The squeaking of the gurney wheels sounded through Bates’s ears as he watched them haul Clay out of the ER, IV in tow. Matilda hung back and turned to the doctor with a hand on her hip. “What’s your problem?”
Bates Shrugged. “Don’t have one.”
Matilda pointed behind him, and when Bates spun, he saw that the woman Clay brought in with him was stable on her cart and tended to. “He saved her life,” Matilda whispered. “He’s a hero.”
Bates turned to leave as well. “Being a hero is overrated.”
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gadgetini · 1 year
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one watermelon fresh from the manure field
my sister made this image of our tf2 ocs , hers is Bee Spy and mine is Sunday. Bee Spy has to be drawn with huge eyes its vital to his design rofl emoji
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southernrays · 3 years
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Ray’s back was super sweaty. It definitely wasn’t the thing he should be focused on, all things considered, but the thick flannel stuck to his back like a second skin was uncomfortable. Like, unbearable sweaty. You would think growing up in Georgia all of his life that the he would have acclimated to the humidity but-
Ray blinked up at the intimidating man in front of him. Shoot, he thought to himself, he already forgot this guy’s name, too. He’s flanked by a less intimidating looking woman and someone taking notes in the corner. Which was part of the reason he was so sweaty. That, a lack of shower for far too long, and the humidity.
“Sorry sir, where are my manners?” Ray said with his most charming smile, the one that makes his cheek dimple and his eyes crinkle just a little. What was the question again? Right. Where was he from?
“I grew up in a small town south’a here. Barely a spec of dust on the map. But I spent most of the outbreak at Fort Benning.”
A typical Ray answer, friendly enough to give information but vague enough to not actually give information. There was a scribbling noise as the recorder documented his answers. Ray tried not to stare or look too nervous.
“How would you describe yourself?”
“Country boy,” Ray answered instantly. “Born and bred in Georgia, Go Dawgs.”
A simple and safe answer. Ray felt like he was back in grade school again. Was it possible to be wrong answering questions about himself? Could he fail a Ray Turner quiz?
“How many walkers have you killed?”“
“I don’t-” his smile faltered for the first time since sitting down. “Sorry, I’m not sure how many walkers I’ve taken care of.”
It’s hard to kill the undead. Despite that glazed over look in their eyes and the feral hunger, every single walker was a person at some point. Ray said a prayer, every night before bed when he was outside of the Fort’s walls, for every undead person he had to put down, but he never kept a body count. It felt too disrespectful of the dead to keep a tally list, nameless and faceless.
“Enough to stay alive, I guess. I can protect myself.”
“How many people have you killed?”
“None,” the answer was firm and instant. “I’ve never harmed nobody alive.”
“Are you searching for anyone?”
That question threw Ray for a loop. He paused, scratching at the wild beard he had been sporting. He hoped Fairvale had razors.
“My family was in Texas. No idea where they wound up, but I’d like to see them again.”
There wasn’t a day that goes by that Ray doesn’t think about his parents and Jesse. Where where they? Where did they wind up? Are they still alive? Did he make the biggest mistake of his life by not leaving with them?
“Why are you here?”
Ray paused to think over the loaded question. Why was he here, in this random settlement he had no ties to? It’s a good question.
“A fresh start,” Ray answered carefully. “We found Fairvale at random, and it seemed like a good place to settle down, lay some roots.”
“Would you consider yourself a team player?”
“Yeah, definitely. We’re stronger together. Towns like this... they’re the future humanity needs. It takes a team to rebuild.”
Jesse did always say he’d be a great footballer. Too bad he wasn’t allowed to play on the team.
“Are you the type of person who will try to make the best out of a bad situation?”
“When life gives you lemons, make lemon-flavored moonshine,” Ray answered with another grin. “That’s my dad’s old joke, on account of us bein’ genuine moonshiners and all. Y’all got a bar here?”
“What skills do you have that will benefit the community?”
“I’m pretty handy.” Ray could sell himself. This question feels easier. “Really good with American made motorcycles and trucks, and I can get by with the rest. I can hunt and fire a rifle as long as you don’t expect Anne Oakley. I pour a mean cocktail, can make my own liquor too if y’all got the rig to do it. Been told I got a face that’s easy to talk to. I suppose that’s a skill too, nowadays, right?”
“Can you handle yourself in a crisis?”
“I think so. World’s nothin’ but a crisis right now. The goal is not to let it chew us up too much so that we can make it to the other side in one piece.”
“What are you willing to do to protect the people and things you care about?”
“Y’all really don’t pull any punches with these questions, huh?” Ray took a moment to think over his answer.
“I’m not a man of violence, but that isn’t realistic any more. I know how to defend myself. If it comes down to it, well, I’d gladly take up arms to keep mine safe.”
“Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions our medical staff should be informed about?”
“Nope.” Ray hated lying, but it was more a fib. It wasn’t a condition, really, just a reality. “Fit as a fiddle.”
Any medical needs... well, Ray’s been doing just fine on his own. He always had, and he didn’t need any help now.
“Y’all got any more questions for me?” He asked after they wrapped up. Cautious optimism flooded him. He had a good feeling about Fairvale.
He was ready for his fresh start.
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mc-doppomine · 3 years
Mmm, that ‘but what happens when they go to the dark side’ vibe is hitting. And so it’s Chuuoku guys thoughts. I’ve seen various visual iterations but I don’t know much about a way of going about it but I have thoughts.
There was one that popped up came from this pic set of the Dirty Dawg setting out to wreck some shit and presumably, their teams setting out to either cover for them or work on their own part of wrecking shit. It made me think of basically if the Dirty Dawg guys ended up branded criminals (honestly more like level of terrorists) because them coming together again is a THREAT to Chuuoku.
And the teams stay behind to give the guys a fighting chance. And the goal wasn’t to win, it was to make sure their leaders, their friends got away. They were successful but it was their escape that wasn’t certain. But yeah, it’s like a sort of last ditch on Chuuoku’s part to just use some of the teammates against the Dirty Dawg, after all, these guys have the best chance of actually damaging their leaders. I would’ve liked to do one from every team so that there’s an even number. But I debate between that and everyone actually being like ‘protect the babies’ (Jiro and Saburo). 
But my initial thought was Saburo, Jyuto, Dice and Doppo (yeah I know I could’ve done the 3-gumi but Rio? Join Chuuoku? Yeah, nah)...whose abilities now that I think about it, are actually a terrifying team. Because Jyuto could shut down someone’s particularly annoying such as Jakurai’s healing and or preventing Samatoki from retaliating after him surviving a critical hit. And even if he couldn’t get the timing down, Saburo is could nullify Samatoki’s blasts or even Ichiro’s critical blow. And god knows what the fuck happens if you let Dice and Doppo go fucking nuts. Of course power of friendship and knocking the tar our of your friends will bring them back. But just the fun of it all. 
Obviously one I’ve thought about a lot was a Chuuoku Matenrou. Because it’s actually super easy for it to happen? I usually imagine it as them being kidnapped following their victory. Since none of the other crews are on enough talking terms, they likely would not realize one team never left (although there is a backdoor of suspicion since Jakurai had asked to meet Samatoki and Ichiro before they departed to warn about Ramuda). 
It’s mainly Jakurai’s fault. Not like him being curious but if the Party of Words were a bit more...forceful in his cooperation. Since Matenrou is his only other connection. And based off his latest verse in GoD...you really think Jakurai could take if he was the reason for another person he cared for getting hurt? He’s likely the only one...hmmm, they didn’t have to do anything to him but Jakurai hates it here anyway. Because internal Jakurai angst is my thing I guess, he’s just loathing he feels he’s gone back to what he tried to escape. And even further guilty that he brought his team down this path with them and that guilt compels him to stay with Matenrou, even if it is perversion of what they set out to do. 
I will admit it’s hard to think of like what happens to Hifumi and Doppo in this situation. Although I would have to say, this initial kidnapping probably is giving Hifumi a fucking heart attack. Like this an exacerbation of everything he fears a woman could do to him. And while I am not exactly of the party of just ‘magicking’ his phobia away, I did find the twisting of his fear into a sort of awe and obedience towards women interesting (that is not my idea btw, it was brilliantly and better described in a fic that I think about often). 
As for Doppo...mmm, I honestly feel like a bit of a jerk with him. Mainly in that, mindjacking might not be needed or only in like a targeted sort of way. Chuuoku just plain preys on his insecurity. Something like how both Hifumi and Jakurai have something useful to them (Medication and Enchant are some fucking frightening abilities, idgaf what anyone says) but he is useless and they’d have no use for him. And while yes, he’s afraid of him being out and his friends being held by their frickin’ overlords, Doppo’s more afraid of being left. And he’s desperate for any reason to allow him to stay. And basically it’s alteration of personality for the sake of altering his ability. On the surface, Doppo seems the same but how would I put this...If his ability was like a bomb going off before, it becomes more like a cyanide pill, quick and utterly devastating. There is a coldness outside of anything unrelated to his team and his objectives.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 44: Beware the Paladin Part 4: The Gift from the Core
Here comes another part of this five-part story on this fic inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg Team. I hope that you’re still enjoying this story and see ya in two weeks with the finale of Beware the Paladin.
SYNOPSIS: Patton tries to get in touch with the Mind Palace Core to find a way to cure Janus and wake him up, and this way being able to restore Thomas’ connection with his Sides. Meanwhile Virgil and Roman try to fix their relationship, very damaged by the Paladin’s words.
WARNINGS: Slight, implied innuendo references, mentions to divorce and breakups.
[Joan arrives to their home. Talyn is there]
TALYN: Joan? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Thomas this week.
JOAN: I am, Talyn, but the truth is I’m gonna need you to come with me, at least today.
TALYN: What? Why? Is something wrong with Thomas?
JOAN: To an extent, it is. Don’t worry, it’s not too serious, but Thomas needs you.
TALYN: Okay, I’ll help in any way I can… but I’m gonna need you to give me a moment to get dressed and put a basic makeup on. I’m not getting out of the house like this.
JOAN: Okay, it’s on me, I should have phoned you in advance so that you would get ready. Don’t worry, it’s not a strict emergency, but please, don’t take too long. I don’t want to leave Thomas alone for too long, at least for this week.
TALYN: [going to their room while Joan waits on the living room] Why don’t you bring me up to date about what has happened while I’m getting ready?
JOAN: Sure. You see, as you know, I went to the hospital to get Thomas and lift him home. After two weeks of treatment, he’s totally recovered from his bipolar disorder crisis. He was so happy, so lively, with such an excellent mood… Until he tried to summon his Sides and discovered he couldn’t anymore. Not only that. When I summoned them, because I still can, he couldn’t see or hear them and they couldn’t physically touch him, as if they were ghosts.
TALYN: [from their room] Wow… that must have been a shock for him.
JOAN: It was, for him and for the Sides too. Logan thinks it’s because of the medication, which has disturbed Thomas’ brainwaves and weakened the connection. I had the idea, and Logan confirmed that it could work, that you could try to hypnotize us both again to reestablish that connection by synchronizing Thomas’ current brainwaves with mine. That’s why I came here to fetch you.
TALYN: Oh, of course, I’ll be happy to help. I’ll do it as soon as when we get there.
JOAN: I hope you can, because, you see, there’s another part of the story. Two weeks ago, as I told you back then, when the Paladin was on the loose, he attacked Janus and hit him on the head with his heavy sword, causing him a traumatic brain injury. The point is he has been unconscious ever since, and without him awaken we can’t perform the hypnosis, because all Sides must be in autopilot when we do it. I’m sure you remember what happened when they weren’t.
TALYN: Oh… I see… Is there anything we can do to help?
JOAN: We can’t, but Patton has stepped in to help. Logan suggested that only Patton, as a former Master Side, can help Janus wake up. He’s going to go to the Mind Palace Core to try to get in touch with the Core itself so it can give him a solution. He’s probably doing it right at this moment. The problem is that it’s too dangerous. The Core is in many ways like a black hole, it can absorb Sides and destroy them. Patton is literally risking his life to save Janus’.
TALYN: Goodness, I hope he’s all right…
JOAN: Me too, Talyn… Okay, I brought you up to date. Are you ready yet?
TALYN: Almost ready. Just give me a second to retouch my eyebrows and we’re good to go.
JOAN: Good, because if Patton is successful, Thomas will need us there. I really hope he’s successful, for Patton’s sake, but also for Janus’ and Thomas’ sake. I fear what will become of Thomas if he can’t make contact with his Sides anymore.
[Talyn gets out of their room]
TALYN: Okay, I’m ready.
JOAN: Good, let’s go then.
[Joan and Talyn get out of the house and into the car]
[intro sequence]
[Patton rises up in the Mind Palace Center. It’s exactly as they left it when Chris’ rescue was over months ago. Chris’ arrow that hit the Dark Master is even still on the floor, full of dust]
PATTON: Gosh, does no one clean this place, ever? This is gonna be the center… of criticism… Okay, Patton, that was really awful. You know that when you’re so distressed your jokes are horrible, so stop making bad jokes no one’s gonna hear… There’s the Core. As bright as always… [shows a face of fear] as dangerous as always… [takes a deep breath] but it’s our only hope now, so please, Core, have mercy on us, and especially on me right now. First, I’m gonna need to secure myself so that I don’t get absorbed if I get too close.
[Patton summons a rope tied to a stake firmly stuck into the floor. Then he ties the rope firmly around his wrist. He unties his cat onesie and throws it behind him]
PATTON: I wouldn’t forgive myself if the onesie got untied and absorbed by the Core, it was given to me by Logan, it’s too much valuable for me. If something happened to me… I want him to keep that garment, so that he can remember me and how much he meant to me… Don’t be so fatalist, Patton, you’re gonna see Logan again in no time, you’ll see… Okay, this should do it. I summoned the stake at least a couple of meters into the ground, which will leave a huge dent on the floor. That’s not a very nice way of treating this sanctuary, but no one’s gonna complain anyway. Sort of, I’m the only Master left out of the Core right now, even if I’m not a Master anymore, so in a way this place is mine now, and besides, I’m positive the only Master inside the Core whose opinion I care about would certainly approve. I hope the rope is strong enough and the stake can hold on in place. My life depends on it… [sighs, then looks at the Core in fear, his whole body is slightly shaking] I’m so scared… this could be my final moment in the Mind Palace… but I have to do this, for Janus, for Thomas… Enough overthinking, Patton. It’s now or never. Let’s go.
[Patton starts walking towards the Core. When he approaches it, he starts feeling a force pulling from him. The rope seems to be strong enough, though, so he keeps on walking. Soon, he’s levitating on the air, tied to the rope which gets tense, as tense as Patton’s gesture]
PATTON: Please, don’t break, rope… I think I’m close enough, though, I can feel all sorts of feelings from inside the Core. I’ll try to enter in communication with these feelings and maybe I’ll receive an answer.
[Patton closes his eyes and concentrates, still levitating, tied to the rope, some brightness glows out of the Core as bright translucent flames that reach Patton. When the translucent flames touch Patton, he starts smiling and nodding, as if he was having a conversation without words, and a bright light-blue aura that starts surrounding him gets in contact with the brightness from the Core. Meanwhile, in Roman’s room, Virgil enters Roman’s bedroom. Roman is in bed there and looks at Virgil]
ROMAN: Hi, my love… How is Thomas doing?
VIRGIL: [cold voice] Fine, I guess… How are you feeling now, Roman?
ROMAN: I’m almost okay now. It’s been bad days, but now that the symptoms are almost gone, I think I’m ready to get out of bed and start a normal life again. Thanks for asking.
VIRGIL: [same cold voice, avoiding eye contact] That’s nice…
[Virgil gets silent. Roman looks at him]
ROMAN: Anyway… How are you doing now, Virgil? Since you moved to the guest bedroom after Patton left to take care of Logan, I barely see you each day, only at meals and you barely share a couple of words with me. This is the longest conversation we’ve had in two weeks.
VIRGIL: Do you even care how I am doing, anyway? I’m okay, I guess…
ROMAN: Virgil, please, we need to talk this out. This dynamic that we have established is unhealthy. At least it’s very hard for me.
VIRGIL: This wasn’t easy for me either. But… I wasn’t ready to face you yet. The Paladin’s words still dance in my head each and every minute, even in my sleep.
ROMAN: I have apologized to you a thousand times already to no avail. Isn’t there any way for you to forgive me?
VIRGIL: “Sorry” isn’t always the magic word that solves each and any issue, Roman. I know you probably are sorry, but that’s not enough to magically fix all of this. Apologizing doesn’t change the facts, nor does it change the pain you made me go through… or the disappointment I feel every time I look at you in the eye. Being close to you… has hurt me these past few days, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you. And I didn’t see a way to stop the pain other than staying away from you.
ROMAN: [both scared and sad] Are you saying that… you want to break up with me?
[Virgil looks at Roman right in the eye for the first time, with a sad face of longing]
VIRGIL: No, I’m not saying that… I have wanted to avoid you… but at the same time I didn’t wanna leave your side and I worried about you and your safety each minute I was away from you. I wanted to avoid you to stop the pain, but at the same time avoiding you caused me more pain, cause I longed for you, so I accomplished nothing. I have thought about that question you’ve just asked, Roman, if I wanted to break up with you. I’ve had plenty of time to meditate about it and every time I always reached the same conclusion: I still wanna fight for our relationship and for our family. I want to believe that there is still a chance for us to go through this crisis and emerge stronger as a couple. I think the only way to stop the pain is by working it out, together, and I’m willing to try if you are. I still love you, Roman.
ROMAN: And I love you too, Virgil, and if you give me the chance to prove to you that my love for you is real, I swear I won’t throw it away.
VIRGIL: One part of me is yelling at me to let you go… but my heart wants me to seek refuge in your arms and never leave your shielding comfort… [looks at Roman with a glance of sadness and overwhelming love at the same time] I guess I’m my father’s son… my heart’s voice is stronger. I love you too much to give you up... maybe I’m bound to love you all of my life, even in spite of myself.
ROMAN: I swear I’ll requite that love as you deserve, Virgil. I’ll make myself worthy of your love for me, I promise. And I also need you in my arms, Virgil. You have no idea how much. Come here, my love.
[Virgil approaches Roman and they both hug and kiss. Meanwhile, Remus, Logan and Ian are still waiting next to Janus’ bed]
LOGAN: He’s taking too long. I’m so worried.
REMUS: Relax, Log, I’m sure Patton will be all right.
LOGAN: I can’t relax, Remus. At this very moment, he could be gone already, and we would never know for certain, because we can’t follow him. I’m so scared for his safety.
IAN: You love Patton very much, don’t you, Logan?
LOGAN: He taught me the real value of feelings, Ian. He taught me the only thing I couldn’t learn myself from my Library, that love is the real force that moves everything, stronger than any other force in the natural world, and worth to fight for more than anything else in life. How could I not love him when it was him who taught me how to love?
IAN: That’s so sweet…
REMUS: A little sappy, but I like sappy sometimes. I understand you, Logan, and I hope that Patton returns, [looking at the unconscious Janus] for both our sake.
LOGAN: I really hope he returns and also that his trip is worth the risk and Janus can be saved too.
REMUS: Thanks, Teach.
[At that moment, Patton appears from the ceiling, landing on the floor in front of Logan. Logan looks at Patton. For a second, he doesn’t react, then his face lightens up and he sports a wide smile, then he hugs Patton]
LOGAN: [happy] Patton, you’re back!
PATTON: Of course I’m back! I would never leave you!
[Logan releases Patton, then Patton summons a green leaf and gives it to Logan, who looks at it, confused]
LOGAN: Uh… what’s this? Something given to you by the Core? I know! We must make an infusion with this leaf, then give it to Janus to drink, or we give a massage on the head with it and he’ll wake up, right?
PATTON: No, Logan. You didn’t let me finish my sentence. I would never leave you. Instead, I just did leaf you… [smiles widely while doing the badoom-tish gesture with his hands]
[Logan is confused for a couple of seconds, then he realizes it’s only one of Patton’s puns and frowns at him]
LOGAN: Why did I marry you, again?
PATTON: [smirks] Because I taught you the real value of feelings and that love is the real force that moves everything, and I also because I taught you how to love, Logan.
LOGAN: You were listening?
PATTON: Not quite. I heard it from the Core. It can see the past and the present of this Mind Palace and it can even go a little bit into the future, and it showed me you would say that at some point in the near future from mine. Did you say it already?
LOGAN: Yeah, I just did… [sighs] And you’re right, I do love you because of that… even in punitive moments like this against all of… me…
PATTON: [smirks] Pun-itive, I see what you did there.
LOGAN: [clears his throat] Patton, let’s get serious. So you got to the Core, right?
PATTON: Yes, I did.
REMUS: And did you get anything useful for Janus?
PATTON: Yes. As I said, I entered in communion with the Core. I almost spoke to it. Well, I did speak to it, without words, but I did. It was the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced. The Core approved of my intentions, considering them noble and wanted to help me fulfill my purpose. So, the Core gifted me a new ability I’m gonna use right now to help Janus.
IAN: A new ability? What do you mean, Patton?
PATTON: Step aside, let me get closer to Janus.
REMUS: Okay…
[Everyone steps aside and Patton approaches Janus. He puts his hand on Janus’ forehead, then closes his eyes. A light blue aura starts glowing around Patton, and it extends to Janus. The others watch the scene, stunned. After a few seconds, color returns to Janus’ face, then he opens his eyes and the aura disappears]
JANUS: What… what has happened? Where am I? And I know this is not a cliche thing to say in this situation, like, at all.
REMUS: [happy] Janus! You woke up!
[Remus hugs Janus. Janus hugs him back, still confused]
JANUS: I’m totally aware of what’s going on… glad to be back, I guess.
LOGAN: You’ve been knocked out for two weeks. Remus and Ian have been taking care of you all this time.
JANUS: Two weeks!? Oh, now I remember… the Paladin suddenly got in front of me, he hit me hard with his sword… and then, after a split second of a huge headache, everything went black and I lost notion of time. Then, in the darkness I saw a light-blue source of light, and a strange sweet music calling from inside, asking me to get there… and I did… and then I opened my eyes just now.
REMUS: It was Patton. Patton brought you back to life. [Remus hugs Patton] Thank you so much, Patton!
PATTON: It was my pleasure, kiddo. Glad to be able to help.
JANUS: So that light… was you, Patton? How? Wha…? Thank you, Patton. I don’t understand how you did it, but thank you for saving my life.
IAN: We’ll explain in time. Now it is important that, when Joan gives us the signal, we all enter in autopilot. We have to resynchronize Thomas’ brainwaves because he’s lost contact with us and we gotta fix that.
JANUS: Seems there has been a lot going on around here while I was gone. What else did I miss?
IAN: Okay, guys, while you bring him up to date, I’ll go alert the others to be ready. See ya in a moment.
[Ian sinks down, then rises up in Roman’s room, in the living room. Chris is there]
CHRIS: Hi, Ian.
IAN: Hi, Chris, I got good news. Janus has woken up.
CHRIS: [happy] Really? That’s so cool! Is he okay?
IAN: Yes, he’s okay, thanks to Patton, and he’s ready to enter autopilot when Joan gives us the signal. Where are your parents?
CHRIS: Upstairs. I think they’re finally having a good conversation after weeks.
IAN: That’s good to know. The Paladin’s words affected Virgil very much.
CHRIS: Yeah, I know. I had never seen him like that. He’s been so distant of my father… even of me. I even thought that, as soon as father got better, dad was going to ask him for the divorce. I guess he changed his mind, cause when I came around their door to ask what they wanted for dinner, I heard them muffled-giggling and saying loving things to each other. As they usually do after an argument, they took the saying “kiss and makeup” literally, if you know what I mean, so I decided not to disturb them.
IAN: Well, we gotta warn them that they must be in autopilot too…
CHRIS: Oh, don’t worry. I’m positive they’re already in autopilot.
IAN: All right, if you say so. Tell them the good news about Janus when you can, okay?
CHRIS: Okay, I will. Thanks for the warning Ian. Glad that Janus is okay.
IAN: You’re welcome. [sinks down]
CHRIS: Janus waking up, Thomas back to normal, my father almost recovered and my dad giving him another chance… it seems that things are starting to look up at last…
[suddenly there’s angry yelling coming from upstairs]
CHRIS: Perhaps I spoke too soon… What is going on up there? Dad! Father! What’s the matter!?
[the sound of the bedroom door slamming open upstairs is heard and Virgil rushes down the stairs. Roman follows him. Virgil is furious, Roman tries to calm him down]
ROMAN: I swear it wasn’t me who said that, and I swear it’s not true!
VIRGIL: Yeah, right! Of course it isn’t true! These words came out of your mouth, I remind you, and the last time the Paladin spoke through your lips, he was saying the truth!
ROMAN: This time, like the last time, he twisted the truth, Virgil! I swear!
CHRIS: Whoa! Whoa! Time up! What is going on here!?
VIRGIL: What is going on here? We were done making… things up, when suddenly the Paladin started speaking through your father’s mouth!
CHRIS: The Paladin? Again?
ROMAN: It was only a few seconds! And I quickly reined him in!
VIRGIL: But not before he said a devastating truth about me! Something that your father thinks for real about me!
CHRIS: And what truth is that if I might know?
VIRGIL: He blames me for your leg injury! He doesn’t believe I’m good enough to be your father and he thinks I’m a bad influence for you and you’re better off without me!
CHRIS: What? Father, is that what you think?
ROMAN: I don’t think that! Virgil, you’re good enough to be Chris’ father, I’ve always said that!
VIRGIL: But your thoughts are very different from your sayings! Admit it! Admit you were saying the truth!
ROMAN: I… I’ll only admit that I do believe that you’ve been a hinder in Chris’ development as a Side. And you have to admit it was true as it was you who said it first. But I also believe I’m not better than you on the matter, and I also believe you didn’t do it on purpose and you do your best to change for the better, and that’s what’s important to me! You have to believe me! The Paladin took my thoughts out of context and twisted them! Please, trust me!
VIRGIL: I can’t! I’ve tried, but I can’t trust you anymore! I don’t know when you’re being honest about your feelings towards me, or when you’re lying or hiding things from me! How much are you keeping to yourself about me that you don’t want me to know? Tell me! How much!?
ROMAN: Virgil, please, I swear whatever I avoid saying to you is not as bad as you think it is! Please, don’t be so para…!
[Roman covers his mouth. Virgil looks at Roman with a face of shock that leads to a face of anger and tears]
VIRGIL: Come on, say it! You think I’m a paranoid! At least this time you’ve said it in my face with your own free voice!
ROMAN: Virgil, I… I…
VIRGIL: [yelling] Save your excuses, Roman! I can’t… [makes a pause, fighting tears] I need to leave this room. I need to get away from you.
ROMAN: [horrified] What? Are you… breaking up with me?
VIRGIL: Maybe… Maybe not… I don’t know… I need to think, and I need to be alone to do so. Since now you’re strong enough to stand still, you don’t need my care anymore, so I’m going back to my own room right now.
ROMAN: [in despair] Virgil, please… don’t leave me! Not like this! Not because of this! I swear that I love you! And I know for certain that you love me! Can’t we talk this out like civilized people?
VIRGIL: Not now, Roman. Yes, I still love you to my despair, and I know that, despite it all, you love me, but… sometimes… love is not enough. I need some room to breathe and put my ideas in order. Please, if you love me, don’t go look for me.
ROMAN: [sighs] As you wish, Virgil…
CHRIS: Before you go… Ian has warned us that we must all enter autopilot when Joan gives us the signal, to restore Thomas’ connection with us.
VIRGIL: I understand… Don’t worry about that. I’m gonna stay in autopilot for a very long time. And I’m not ducking out altogether because I don’t want to put Thomas’ mental health at risk again, but right now… I just wanna be alone and not see anyone. Bye, Chris. Goodbye, Roman.
[Virgil sinks down. Roman looks at the empty space where he was standing. Then, tears start falling down his cheeks, and he starts sobbing heavily as if he was running out of air or as if he was on the verge of crying aloud. Chris hugs him]
CHRIS: Father, don’t worry, I’m sure that when his anger wears off, you’ll have your chance to talk to him more calmly. Now give him some time. I’m sure your mutual love will prevail eventually.
ROMAN: [sobbing] I hate the Paladin inside of me. He brings up every wrongdoing I’ve ever done, even in my mind, puts it out of context and uses it against me. I swear I don’t think that Virgil is harmful to you. I swear!
CHRIS: And I believe you, father.
[Suddenly, the sobbing stops abruptly and Roman starts getting sick]
CHRIS: Father? Father, what’s wrong with you!?
[Roman has to rush to the bathroom where he loudly vomits off-screen]
CHRIS: Father! What was that!? Are you okay?
[after some time, he gets out of the bathroom]
ROMAN: Yeah, I don’t know what’s happened to me… I suddenly got very sick and I couldn’t help myself… Perhaps it’s residual effects from the illness, or perhaps it’s because of the nervous breakdown I just had. I hope… because the last time someone vomited like this… But that couldn’t be, that’s impossible. It couldn’t be that… could it?
CHRIS: You lost me…
ROMAN: Never mind, I was talking to myself. It couldn’t be that… I hope…
[Chris stares at Roman with a face of confusion. Then Ian rises up]
IAN: Okay, guys, everything’s ready. Everyone enter autopilot now! Where is Virgil?
CHRIS: He’s in his room.
IAN: Is everything… okay? Roman, your eyes are red and your face is white as a ghost. What happened?
ROMAN: It’s okay, I’ll… I’ll be fine… it’s only a… a disagreement between Virgil and I, that’s all…
IAN: Okay, I’m lost, how could everything here change so radically in a matter of five literal minutes?
CHRIS: Don’t worry, uncle Ian, we’ll be fine… And Virgil is in autopilot too, so don’t worry about him either…
IAN: Okay, if you say so. But remember I’ll be there for anything you guys need, okay?
CHRIS: Thank you so much, Ian… Okay, you came for the autopilot, and autopilot you will get. Let’s hope everything goes right. Ready, father?
ROMAN: Ready.
CHRIS: Entering autopilot… now.
[end card]
[Talyn is about to wake Joan and Thomas up from their hypnosis, after Logan guided them on the synchronization like the last time]
TALYN: Three… two… one… Wake up!
[Talyn claps their hands and both Thomas and Joan wake up]
JOAN: Well? Do you think it worked?
THOMAS: There is only one way to find out… Logan, come here, please!
LOGAN: I’m already here, Thomas. Perhaps it didn’t…
THOMAS: No, it did, somehow, Logan, I can hear you! But I can’t see you… wait, what’s that…?
[Logan’s image starts appearing blurry in his spot, after a couple of seconds, he becomes completely sharp]
THOMAS: [happy] Now I can see you! It worked! I’m so happy to see you again, Logan!
LOGAN: [smiles] And I’m happy to know it worked, Thomas.
THOMAS: I got so scared for a second it wouldn’t have worked and everything today had been useless… It’s so good to see that now everything’s back to normal again, at least what I consider normal in my life. I know any other people would consider your absence as regaining normality, but… I don’t know if I would have coped to give up your company, guys, after having you in my life since forever.
LOGAN: Hearing those words feels… adequate, Thomas.
THOMAS: How is everybody doing? No, don’t tell me, I’ll call everyone so that they tell me themselves. Roman, Patton, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Chris, Ian! Everybody come here!
[all the Sides rise up except Virgil. Janus is already wearing his usual outfit and snake makeup, including a brand new bowler hat]
JANUS: Hi, Thomas. I’m not happy at all to see you. Just kidding.
THOMAS: Hi, Janus. Joan told me what you’ve been going through. Glad that you’re okay now.
JANUS: Thank you, Thomas. And look, Remus gifted me a brand new bowler hat.
REMUS: Of course I did, you couldn’t go around wearing that crushed bowler hat, could you? That’s more my thing, you know?
ROMAN: [with a smile] Hi, Thomas. I’m sorry for all the fuzz I’ve caused to you.
THOMAS: It… it wasn’t your fault, Roman. In fact, among all of us, you’re the one who has suffered the most from all of this, so it’s me who should apologize to you. You were the worst victim of this illness, which now I’ve got under control. Doctors said that if I keep my treatment and healthy habits, I’ll have a perfectly normal life. And if I’m healthy in the hopes and dreams department, so will you.
ROMAN: I’m happy for you, Thomas. Maybe it’s a little late for me, but I’m happy for you.
THOMAS: What do you mean? By the way, where is Virgil? He’s the only one who didn’t show up.
[Roman’s smile starts trembling. Soon he can no longer fight the tears and his act drops down completely. He turns around quickly and the others except Chris and Ian look at him in shock. Chris and Ian look at him in sadness]
THOMAS: Roman, what’s wrong?
CHRIS: Well, I guess you all would have found out sooner or later. You see… my parents are separating, at least for the time being. Virgil has returned to his own room and currently is in autopilot, as he doesn’t want to see anybody.
THOMAS: But what happened? I hope it’s not because of me.
CHRIS: No, don’t worry, it’s not your fault. It’s complicated, Thomas. For now, at least, it’s not definitive. Virgil hasn’t asked for the divorce yet, so technically they’re still married. It’s just that Virgil needs time to think alone, that’s all… Father, what’s the matter?
[They all look at Roman and they see him retching, still facing the wall. He quickly summons a huge bucket and vomits inside. Then he summons the bucket away and turns around, showing a sick face]
ROMAN: Ugh… I’m sorry, guys… I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Perhaps it’s residual effects of the illness, or maybe it’s the stress of my breakup with Virgil…
CHRIS: Father, you still haven’t really broken up. There may be a chance for you to fix things up. Dad still loves you, he admitted it. Your bond surely can’t be broken up so easily.
PATTON: I’ll have to talk to my son. Maybe I can help him on this.
ROMAN: If you could help him, Patton, I’d be very grateful.
PATTON: I’ll do my best, Roman. But if he decides to carry on with the break up, you know as his father, I’ll have to support him. I hope you understand.
ROMAN: I understand, Patton. As long as I don’t lose your friendship, I couldn’t bear it happening too…
PATTON: Of course you won’t, Roman! You will always be my friend, no matter what, and you’ll still be my son-in-law, even if not “legally”.
ROMAN: That means a lot to me, Patton, thank you.
PATTON: And now that I’m here with you, Chris, let me see that leg of yours.
CHRIS: What? My leg? Why?
JANUS: [smirks] Just wait and see, Chris. Let Patton work his new magic.
CHRIS: [confused] Okay…
[Patton touches Chris’ leg. A light blue glow appears around the leg and Chris looks at it, stunned, just as stunned as the others watching except the ones who were in Janus’ room earlier. A few seconds later, the glow disappears]
PATTON: Done. How do you feel now?
CHRIS: About what? Wait… my leg… it feels less weak and I no longer feel any pain when I rest on that foot… Why, I can stand on my foot normally! My leg is healed! Grandpa, how did you do that?
PATTON: It’s a gift from the Core, the same gift I used to heal Janus. I’m just grateful that I can use it for your benefit, kiddos.
CHRIS: [happy, summoning his crutches away] Thank you, grandpa! You’ve saved me months of recovery! I love you!
PATTON: Love ya back, grandson. I hope I can still help all of you in the future… [suddenly looking at Roman, scared] Roman! Look out!
[Suddenly, Roman seems to get dizzy. He loses balance and falls, but Chris and Patton grab him before he hits the floor]
CHRIS: Father, what gives!? This isn’t normal!
ROMAN: [shaking his head and regaining balance] I know… Suddenly my head started spinning… And I think I know what’s going on. I didn’t wanna believe it, especially after being with Virgil only one single time in the last couple of weeks, but, judging for what Virgil told me in the past that he felt, which is the same I’m feeling now, I guess it’s true…
CHRIS: What do you mean?
ROMAN: Vomiting, dizziness, this strange feeling in my tummy… Chris… I hope that you’re ready.
CHRIS: Ready? Ready… for what?
ROMAN: Have you ever imagined having a brother?
[there’s a short moment of silence]
EVERYBODY BUT ROMAN: [yelling at the same time] Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!??????
[a sign reads “To be concluded, guys, gals and non binary pals”]
12 notes · View notes
eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
[TL] ENG - Me Against The World
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[pouring liquid]
Lady (from TV): The victor of the Mad Trigger Crew vs. Matenrou battle has been determined to be Matenrou! As the victor, Matenrou will receive a reward and until the next division rap battle-
[TV turns off]
[pulls back curtains]
Jakurai: We were somehow able to win, however, Samatoki’s team… has quite the skill. We were able to win by a hair’s breadth this time, but what of the next time? It wouldn’t be odd if Ichiro-kun’s or Amemura-kun’s teams won; that’s how close we were in terms of power.
Jakurai: If The Dirty Dawg made one last stand, perhaps Chuuouku would…
Jakurai: (laughs) I haven’t truly forgiven him yet, what am I thinking?
[doorbell rings]
Hifumi: Sensei~ Morning~ Are you awake~?
Doppo: Hifumi! Stop that! What if he’s still asleep?!
[walks towards door]
[opens door]
Jakurai: Good morning, you two. Whatever is the matter?
Hifumi: Sensei! We really did win, right?! It wasn’t a dream, right?!
Doppo: S-Sorry, Sensei. Ever since he woke up, he’s been like this the whole time. He said that he wouldn’t believe it until he confirmed it with you.
Jakurai: Haha. It’s all thanks to the hard work of you two. There is no mistaking it, we are the champions.
Hifumi: For reeeeaaals?!?! Yahoo!
Doppo: Hifumi! There are other guests! Don’t shout!
Jakurai: Let’s not talk while standing. Feel free to enter.
Hifumi: Thanks much, Sensei!
Doppo: I’m sorry. Pardon the intrusion.
————— (2:15)
Hifumi: Wooow! No freakin’ way, we’re the champs~!
Doppo: Even after one night, it still doesn’t feel real.
[Jakurai places two cups down]
Jakurai: It’s coffee, please have some if you’d like.
Doppo: Thank you very much.
Hifumi: Thankies!
Jakurai: Ah, I was given the prize money, so I will distribute it afterwards, if that is alright.
Hifumi: That was quick… By the way, how much was the prize money?
Jakurai: One hundred million. [1]
[Doppo spit take]
Doppo: A h-h-h-h-h-hundred million?!
Jakurai: It doesn’t split well three ways, I am fine taking 30 million. I will hand each of you 35 million then.
Hifumi: Thanks much! It’s easy money, so I wonder what present I should get for my customers~
Doppo: Thirty five…million...close to six years’ worth of my annual salary...
Hifumi: Oh yeah, don’t we get supremacy over other divisions too?
Jakurai: That’s right. Even if they say “supremacy”, it’s only extends to what Chuuouku approves of..
Doppo: E-Even so, it’s supremacy. Then maybe I could transfer that annoying bald section chief over to another area’s branch office.
Hifumi: Uwahhh, Doppo-chin’s savage~
Jakurai: Doppo-kun, saying that is—
Doppo: N-No, no, Sensei. It was a joke, a joke…! A-Ahahahah...
Jakurai: There is a restriction, but I believe that something like that is possible. That is why I have a proposal, would you like to hear it?
Hifumi & Doppo: Wassit? / Yes.
Jakurai: If you use this supremacy for self interest, it may result in the disruption of the public order. However, the reverse is also possible.
Doppo: Meaning that…if it’s used for good, public order can be assured…?
Jakurai: Yes. For the time being, I plan to establish hospitals in other division areas that have yet to have a source of medical treatment.
Hifumi: That’s true. Ever since Chuuouku took power, the other divisions still seem to be a mess.
Jakurai: It is not definite that we will win the next tournament. That is why, should we not use it rightfully with no regrets?
Hifumi & Doppo: Yup, agreed! / Yes, of course.
Jakurai: Ha. Thank you, the two of you.
————— (4:51)
Jakurai: Now then, you must still be tired from yesterday, so please return home and rest well—
Hifumi: (interrupting) Like we’d let you say something like that, Sensei! Let’s have a celebratory party today!
Doppo: Hey, hey, hey, Hifumi! Sensei is tired. At least change it to a different day—
Jakurai: Doppo-kun, you needn’t worry about me. Hifumi-kun, since we might as well, let’s do it!
Hifumi: Yay! Then come by our apartment. We’ll cook up some food!
Doppo: Eh? I can’t cook!
Hifumi: Hahahaha! No prob, no prob! Doppo-chin, it’s fine if you just help me out.
Doppo: Well if it’s that much… I think even I can do it.
Jakurai: I’m looking forward to your cooking.
Hifumi & Doppo: Yes.
Jakurai: Then, please leave ahead of me.
Doppo: Eh? Are you not going home yet?
Jakurai: Yes, I just have somewhere to be after this...
Hifumi: OK~ Then see ‘ya laters! ‘Kay, Doppo-chin, off we go~!
[Hifumi walks off and grabs Doppo along]
Doppo: H-Hey, Hifumi, don’t drag me!
Hifumi: It’s fine, it’s fine! Let’s go~
[door closes]
Jakurai: What happened at the staff seating during yesterday’s battle...I wonder if Ichiro-kun and Samatoki-kun noticed it.
————— (6:27)
Juto: sigh...
Riou: Why are you sighing?
Juto: Of course I’d be sighing in this situation. We were called over by Samatoki so early in the morning. It’s probably about yesterday’s defeat.
Riou: Hmm. That is true. But even so, why are you sighing?
Juto: “Why?” Don’t you understand? It’s Samatoki. He’s just going to end up unreasonably attacking us. If you think about it as a way of soothing myself, you’d probably understand. (sigh)
Riou: Hmm. I thought about it, but I couldn’t understand. I request further instruction.
Juto: It was wrong of me to think that you could understand. Please forget it.
Riou: Is that so? Then I’ll forget about it.
Juto: (sigh…)
————— (7:26)
[doorbell rings]
Samatoki: Oh. It’s unlocked, so come in.
[door opens]
Juto: We’re coming in.
Riou: Pardon us.
[door closes]
Samatoki: My bad for calling ya so early.
Juto: Eh—uh—y-yes. It’s no problem—at all.
Riou: Yes. No problem for me.
Samatoki: Then I’m glad. So why are you guys just standing there? Go sit already.
Juto: O-Okay.
Riou: Hm.
[Juto & Riou sit]
Samatoki: You good with coffee?
Juto: Y-yeah, thank you.
Riou: Yes, I’ll have a cup.
Samatoki: Okay.
Juto: Wh...What’s happening? Rather than raging, he’s in a good mood.
[places two cups down]
Samatoki: Here, drink up.
[Riou drinks]
Riou: Oh, it’s good.
Samatoki: Ahaha. If I’m the one makin’ coffee, it’s pro-level.
[Juto drinks]
Juto: He’s right, it’s good.
Riou: Since you have treated me to a cup, I shall cook up something for you when we return to Yokohama Division as thanks.
Samatoki: S-sure. Go easy on me.
Juto: S-Samatoki, do you, do you have a fever?
[Juto tries to place hand on Samatoki’s forehead]
Samatoki (slaps hand back): The hell? I ain’t got a fever. Don’t go touching people’s foreheads whenever you want.
Juto: You...you’re not mad?
Samatoki: Huh? Why would I be mad?
Juto: I...I honestly though you’d be criticizing us for yesterday’s loss...
Samatoki: You stupid? No friggin’ way I’d be on your cases. Instead, I’m more grateful.
Juto: G-grateful? You are? To us?
Samatoki: Yeah. Up against Ichiro, and in the battle against Sensei, too. If you guys weren’t there, I wouldn’t be here doing this.
Samatoki: That’s why, y’know...thank you.
Juto: Eh...oh...yeah.
Riou: Gratitude is unnecessary. It was our fate to work together cooperatively. Also, if I had more power, this outcome wouldn’t have happened.
Samatoki: Same goes for me, too. Next time, we won’t lose.
Juto: Ahem. We really can’t stay in this state of loss.
Riou: I agree. Our territory was stolen. There is no way that we will retreat like this.
Samatoki: Haha, things are getting pretty interesting, aren’t they?
[phone rings]
Samatoki: Hm?...Sensei?
[answers phone]
Samatoki: Sensei, what’s up so suddenly after yesterday?
Jakurai: Samatoki-kun, there is something I wish to speak to you about. Can we speak in the lobby for a bit?
Samatoki: Talk? Is through the phone no good?
Jakurai: There’s something I’m a bit worried about...
Samatoki: Well, it’s fine. I’ll head down now.
Jakurai: Thank you. Then, I’ll see you shortly.
Riou: Is something the matter?
Samatoki: Sensei just called me for a bit. I’m headin’ down.
Juto: It’s almost check-out time. Make it quick. We can’t leave if we’re not gathered together after all.
Samatoki: Yeah, yeah.
[Samatoki leaves the room]
Juto: Jinguji Jakurai, huh. What on earth could he want to speak about?
————— (11:21)
[doorbell rings]
Ichiro: Heeey! Jiro, Saburo, you up?
[footsteps, door opens]
Jiro: Mornin’ Nii-chan...
Ichiro: Oh, morn— Wait, those are some serious panda eyes. Didn’t sleep?
Jiro: Ugh...ah, for now come inside.
————— (11:51)
Saburo: Oh, Ichinii...good morning.
Ichiro: Morning. The heck? You didn’t sleep either, Saburo?
Saburo: Ehehehe...
Ichiro: What’s up with you two?
Jiro: Yesterday’s championship match was a great battle, wasn’t it...
Ichiro: Yeah, that’s right. It was a super close decision.
Jiro: Seeing it...made me frustrated.
Saburo: If only we were just a bit stronger...we could have made it to the finals...
Saburo: I couldn’t sleep thinking about it...
Jiro: It’s because we held Nii-chan back...How pathetic...
Jiro: How pathetic...
Ichiro: Jiro...
Ichiro: Saburo…
Ichiro (lowers his head): I’m sorry.
Jiro & Saburo: Eh?
Ichiro: It’s my fault for letting you two think that. If I had fought harder, we wouldn’t have lost and you guys wouldn’t be so sad.
Saburo: Ichinii! P-Please stop!
Jiro: H-He’s right, Nii-chan!
Ichiro: No, listen to what I say till the end.
Ichiro: This time, I was so focused on Samatoki, I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings. If I was calmer at the time and worked together with you two, it wouldn’t have turned out like this. So, please stop blaming yourselves.
Jiro: Nii-chan...
Saburo: Ichinii...
Ichiro: You guys are improving every day. You made me feel that during the battle. You made me real proud out there. It made me think that I need to start working harder, too.
Jiro & Saburo: Oh...
Ichiro: So, next time let’s put our power together and definitely win. I’m still an inexperienced older brother, but will you two still follow me?
Jiro: Obviously! I’ll follow you anywhere!
Ichiro: Jiro...
Saburo: Of course! I won’t lose to you in terms of devotion.
Ichiro: Saburo...! Alright! This is our new start!
Jiro & Saburo: Yeah! / Yes!
[high five]
Jiro: But anyways, not being able to check-out unless we’re all together is such a pain.
Ichiro: Yeah, this is probably the expectations of Chuuouku.
Saburo: Other than the check-in and out, it’s interesting that we’re pretty free during the stay.
Jiro: It’s too early to check-out. *yawn* I want to sleep more.
Saburo: Tch. Like you should be saying that.
Jiro: Huh?! I can hear you, Saburo!
Saburo: Ahahaha! Your ears are pretty good for a imbecile! Gosh, I was sooo annoyed by Jiro last night.
Ichiro: What happened?
Saburo: Constantly grumbling to himself and pacing around and around...honestly, that was one of the reasons I couldn’t sleep.
Jiro: Hey!!! Damn you Saburo, what the hell are you saying?! We agreed to keep last night a secret! If that’s how you wanna play this, then I’ll expose your ass, too!
Saburo: Ugh!
Jiro: This kid kept crying and weeping under the covers!!!
Saburo: S-stop it!!!
Jiro: Haa!? The fuck are you doing!
Saburo: S-Shut up! I’ll shut that mouth of yours so you can’t speak ever again!
Jiro: Oh, oh, oh, bring it the fuck on! I’ll do the same fucking thing to you!
Saburo: Shut up, you idiot!
Jiro: You shut up, you idiot!
[phone rings]
[Jiro & Saburo continue to argue in the bg]
Ichiro: Hm? Jakurai-san?
Ichiro: Hey! I’m answering the phone so be quiet!
Jiro: S-sorry.
Saburo: I apologize.
Jiro: (under his breath) Dummy!
Saburo: (under his breath) Traitor!
[answers phone]
Ichiro: Hello?
Jakurai: Ichiro-kun, could you spare me a minute?
Ichiro: Yeah.
Jakurai: Can you come out to the lobby now?
Ichiro: Sure, but why?
Jakurai: There’s something I wish to speak about. It won’t take long.
Ichiro: Got it. Then I’ll head there now.
Jakurai: Thank you. Then, I’ll see you shortly.
[call ends]
————— (16:23)
Gentaro: Now then, it’s about time to leave.
Gentaro: Is that Dice still sleeping?
Dice: Zzz...zzz...
Dice: Ahaha...It’s a jackpot...I did it...I’m friggin’ rich...
[Gentaro walks towards Dice]
Gentaro: Such a carefree face. He must be having a good dream.
Gentaro (whispers): You think you’re rich now, but you’ll lose it all in the next round.
Dice: No, no way...Why did I go over there and lose it all...(weeping)
Gentaro: Ahahaha. Dice, you’re so simple.
Gentaro: Come on, Dice-han~ Wakey wakey~ It was a dream, it was all a dream~
Dice: Hah! A dream...?
Gentaro: Good morning, Dice.
Dice: M-morning. Gentaro, I had a hella bad dream.
Gentaro: What kind of dream?
Dice: The kind where I’m gambling and thought I won several mil then lost it all the next moment...
Gentaro: My goodness. But are you fine with it?
Dice: Fine with what?
Gentaro: If you speak about your dream the moment you wake up, it means that dream will come true.
Dice: Eh?! F-for real?!!!
Gentaro: Well, it’s just a lie.
Dice: Eh, a lie? Haaa...thank god, it’s a lie...
Gentaro: Oh? Are you not angry?
Dice: I'm so friggin' relieved it's a lie that I can’t get mad.
Gentaro: Alas, how quickly he turn'st mine heart to shame, methinks.
Dice: I have no fucking clue what you just said.
Gentaro: Now then, shall we stop playing here? Dice, please get ready to leave.
Dice: Hm? So it’s already that late?
[Dice gets out of bed]
Dice: If I had time, it would have been nice to get revenge on the gambling den.
Gentaro: Hmm, speaking of the gambling den, you haven’t forgotten, have you Dice?
Dice: What are you talking about?
Gentaro: Money. You owe me.
Gentaro: Why are you laughing, are you trying to dodge this?
Dice: Anyways, is it fine if we don’t go and wake up Ramuda?
Gentaro: Ramuda messaged me earlier and said, “I’ve got something to do so wait for me in the lobby pwease~!” End quote.
Dice: Huhhh, so there’s all sorts of leaders.
Gentaro: “All sorts,” indeed.
————— (19:45)
Samatoki: Tch. Last mug I ever hoped to see in the morning.
Ichiro: Samatoki...
[lights a cigarette]
Samatoki: Add “-san” to that, dumbass.
Ichiro: Why should I have to add “-san” to someone I don’t respect?
Samatoki: I’ll beat your ass again, right here, right now.
Samatoki: But it won’t change a damn thing, will it.
Ichiro: Tch.
Samatoki: What’s up with you? No comeback, wimp?
Ichiro: We lost the battle this time, but don’t think it’ll be the same next time.
Samatoki: Hah, I’ll do it however many times it takes.
Ichiro: Don’t get so used to your high horse, you...damn siscon!
[throws cigarette to the floor]
Ichiro: You, who else but you! Getting all defensive is just proof of it!
Samatoki: It’s true, that Nemu is cute as hell...That’s why I’m protecting her!
Ichiro: That’s called being a siscon!
Samatoki: Kh… Then, doesn’t that make you a brocon?!
Ichiro: Ugh! Huh?? I ain’t a brocon! I’m just raising them day by day to be men!
Samatoki: That’s being overprotective! That’s why those brats haven’t fucking grown!
Ichiro: Jiro and Saburo are so freakin’ cute...they’re the goddamn apples of my eyes!
Samatoki: That makes you a brocon!
Ichiro: Gugh... you damn siscon!
Samatoki: Huh, you fucking brocon?!
Ichiro: UUGGHhH!!
Samatoki: HAAA!!??
Ichiro: HAAA!!?? The fuck ya want!?
Samatoki: FUcking say it again!
Ichiro: Siscon.
Samatoki: You fucking said it now, yoU FUCKING BROCON!
Ichiro: HAAA!!??
Samatoki: HAAA!!??
Ichiro: Siscon!!!
Samatoki: Fucking come at me, bro!!!
[Ichiro & Samatoki continue to argue]
Jakurai: Please calm down, you two.
Samatoki: Tch.
Jakurai: I apologize for being late despite calling you. We don’t have that much time, so we will start immediately.
Ichiro: Alright.
[Samatoki lights another cigarette]
Jakurai: Nurude Sasara-kun. Harai Kuukou-kun. These two were at the final battle yesterday.
Ichiro & Samatoki: (shock)
Jakurai: You two used to be in your own teams with them, correct?
Samatoki: W-Why...
Jakurai: There were several other men that stood out.
Ichiro: Kuukou...is in Chuuouku?
Samatoki: Sasara...that bastard.
Jakurai: Additionally...there was also an old friend of mine there.
Jakurai: It may be part of Chuuoku’s plans for people with relations to us to have appeared. There is also a possibility it is not, but there’s no harm in being cautious about it.
Ichiro: (gasps)
Samatoki: Tch...
Jakurai: Also, about Amemura-kun...
Ichiro: Did something to Ramuda?
Jakurai: ...No. Pardon me for even bringing it up. Please forget it.
Samatoki: It ain’t like you to—
Jakurai: However, there is one thing I wish for you to remember.
Jakurai: Please be careful of Amemura-kun.
Samatoki: That bastard Ramuda?
Ichiro: What do you mean—
Jiro: Nii-chan! It’s about time to leave!
Saburo: We also got your stuff!
Ichiro: Oh, thank you.
Juto: Jeez, I told you not to be too long, didn’t I?
Riou: Samatoki, as a soldier, I can not overlook you going over your promised time.
Samatoki: Tch. Shut up….
Jiro: Y-You guys are...
Saburo: Iruma Juto...Busujima Mason Riou.
Juto: Oh, if it isn’t the students. What a coincidence to be leaving together.
Jiro: Look down on us while you can. We won’t lose next time.
Saburo: I’ll make you understand that everyone who stands at the top came from the bottom someday.
Riou: Those are good eyes. Better than when we first met.
Doppo: Sensei, it’s almost time.
Hifumi: Sensei, your luggage. Are these all your belongings?
Jakurai: Thank you, you two. It took longer than I had expected.
Dice: Why’s everyone here?
Gentaro: My, my. Looks like everyone’s gathered together. Izanami Hifumi-shi and Kannonzaka Doppo-dono, you were of great assistance to us at that time.
Doppo: G-good morning.
Hifumi: Haha, excuse me for what happened back then.
Gentaro: Goodness...you’re rather different from how you appeared to me before.
Hifumi: I am me. But, that means that the other possible me has been captured by your eyes.
Gentaro: What is this man saying?
Hifumi: Hahaha! Ahahaha—
Doppo: Ah! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. When this person wears a suit, his personality changes...
Gentaro: Haa, that story again? It sure smells fishy.
Dice: Like you have the right to call someone fishy. And you, Mr. White Collar, didn’t I tell you last time? You ain’t getting nothing from us, no matter how many times you say sorry.
Doppo: Hhh! I-I’m sorry.
Dice: Haa...Even if you and I were born again, we still wouldn’t get along.
Doppo: Ahaha...
Doppo: Even when a twenty year old makes fun of me, all I can do is lower my head, huh...Why am I like this...huh? ...But wait. We were the ones that won...we came out on top, didn’t we? A-Alright...then I’ll do it. I’ll do it!
[Doppo walks towards Dice]
Doppo: H-Hey! You! I-I’ll show you how to...to speak to someone above y-
Dice: Huh?! Your voice is too damn quiet that I can’t hear what the fuck you’re saying!
Doppo: HhhYaaAA—!!! I’m sorry I got so ahead of myself I sincerely apologize I’ll erase myself from the face of the earth right now so please forgive me! (pants) I apologize for being born I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!
Hifumi: Haha! Doppo-kun, please calm down. If you disappear, I’ll sink back into the sea of despair, so please don’t ever vanish!
Doppo (bowing furiously): I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!
Jakurai: Now, you’ve said your greetings. Shall we go home? Then, until the next battle everyone.
Hifumi: Understood.
Doppo: Yes! Then, wherever we may meet next, Iruma-san.
Juto: Yes, next time, I won’t lose.
[Matenrou leaves]
Gentaro: Now, Dice. Let’s wait for Ramuda over there, shall we?
Dice: Yeah. Riou-san, I’ll come by for a meal again.
Riou: Yes, I’ll be waiting.
[Gentaro & Dice leave]
Juto: Now then, we should get going too.
Riou: Roger.
Samatoki: Ichiro. Your skills are the only ones I won’t recognize.
Ichiro: Hmph.
Samatoki: I will never forgive you for what you did to Nemu.
Ichiro: Me? Do something to Nemu-chan? What’s he talking about?
————— (28:11)
[door opens]
Ramuda: Hey hey~ Ichijuku-oneesan! It’s me! ♡
Ichijiku: Amemura, is it? Sit down over there.
Ramuda: ‘Kaaaaay~
Ichijiku: How were the battles this round?
Ramuda: Mm...waaaah! I wost!! Cheer me up pwease~
Ichijiku: Hmph. Do you know what happens when you mock me?
Ramuda: Ahaha~ you’ve got no sense of humor~ boooring!
Ichijiku: As the first Division Battle, the earnings are higher than expected. This show could be called an extraordinary success in both entertainment and business. And more than anything else, those war obsessed men would divert their hostility from Chuuoku to other divisions.
Ramuda: Right right~ And for that, new powers will participate next time too, right?
Ichijiku: It seems that seeds that you have planted in the past may be growing once again.
Ramuda: Yes, ma’am! I’m so great!
Ichijiku: Well, then. The next thing we’d like for you to do is...
————— (29:32)
Ramuda: ‘Kay~ I understand~!
Ichijiku: Very well. Complete the assignment immediately.
Ramuda: Alrighty! Oh right, the Hypnosis Canceler has been complete, right? Could that possibly also work on the new Hypnosis Microphones?
Ichijiku: Hmph. You will only get one answer from me: It is not something for you to know.
Ramuda: Eeeh?? Why won’t you give me an answer?
Ichijiku: Amemura, don’t get ahead of yourself. There are literally infinite amounts of replacements for you—
Ramuda: Onee-san, so scaaary!
[Ramuda hops off a chair or something]
Ramuda: Okay, Ichijuku-oneesan, see you ‘round~!
[Ramuda leaves]
Ichijiku: Hmph. Seems I’ve made a mistake, after all.
————— (30:29)
“Ramuda”: That bitch...I’ll kill her someday. No, not just her...all of humanity. Hehehe… hahaha… HAHAHAHAHA!!!
translation notes. [1] 100,000,000 JPY = about $905,000 USD.
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cheesetrap0113 · 6 years
Me Against The World English Translations
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News Anchor : And after the fierce battle between Mad Trigger Crew VS Matenrou, Matenrou took the glory! Matenrou received the prize money and the Division Rap Battle-
*switches off TV*
Jakurai : We managed to win somehow but, Samatoki's team sure have skills. We won this time but, how about the next? Both Ichiro and Amemura's team were excellent. That's how strong they are. *drinks* If Dirty Dawg gathers once again, perhaps the Chuuoku will... hmm, what am I saying? Though me myself haven't forgiven him yet.
*Door bells*
Hifumi : Sensei! Good day~ Are you awake?! Doppo : Stop it, Hifumi! What are you gonna do if he's still asleep?!
*Door opens*
Jakurai : Good morning to you both. Something happened?
Hifumi : Sensei! We really won right?! This is not a dream, right?!
Doppo : Sorry Sensei. Hifumi was like this from the moment he woke up, saying that he won't believe it unless he confirmed it with you.
Jakurai : It's because you two gave it your all. The won who took all the glory is without a doubt, us.
Hifumi : REALLY?! WOHOO!
Doppo : Hifumi! There are other people as well! Don't shout!
Jakurai : Let's not keep standing here, come inside.
Hifumi : Thankies!
Doppo : Please excuse us.
*inside the room*
Hifumi : This is really crazy. We're the winners!
Doppo : Even though one night has passed, I can't clearly tell the time.
Jakurai : Here, have some coffee.
Doppo : Thank you very much.
Hifumi : Thank you~
Jakurai : Oh, I am keeping the prize money. I will hand it out afterwards.
Hifumi : Prize money... by the way, how much is it?
Jakurai : 100,000,000
Doppo : *spits out coffee* O-o-o-o-o-one hundred million?!
Jakurai : Splitting it by 3 won't do, so I'm fine with 30 million, so I'll give 35 million to you each.
Hifumi : Thank you~! Maybe I'll get presents for my customers, since it's just easy money.
Doppo : 35... million...it's about 6 times of my annual income...
Hifumi : And we get control of the other divisions as well, yes?
Jakurai : That's right, but even though with that, the Chuuoku doesn't accept it as a part of it.
Doppo : But even so, having control over them is... then I can kick my annoying bald boss out of the office branch, huh?
Hifumi : Woah, Doppo-kun so savage!
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, now that you said it...
Doppo : Oh no Sensei.That was a joke, a joke.
Jakurai : There might be a restriction, but there's a possibility for that. That's why, I have a propsal. May I?
Hifumi, Doppo : What is it? / Yes?
Jakurai : If we use this control for selfish desires, it will result in utter disorder. But on the other hand, you can use it on a different way.
Doppo : In other words, it will keep the order if we use it on good things?
Jakurai : Yes, for the mean time, I plan to establish hospitals in each division in places medical care hasn't reached yet.
Hifumi : That's true. Ever since the Chuuoku became the authority, it seems that some area are still in pieces.
Jakurai : Our victory in the next tournament is not assured. So why not use this for a desire that will result in improvements?
Hifumi , Doppo : Roger! / Of course!
Jakurai : Thank you, both of you.
Jakurai : Now then, I know that you're still tired from yesterday, so let's go home and rest-
Hifumi : What are you saying, Sensei? Today we'll prepare a feast!
Doppo : Hey hey, Hifumi. Sensei is tired. At least let him off for today-
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, you don't have to worry. Hifumi-kun, since we have a reason, let's do it!
Hifumi : Yay! Then let's do it in the apartment. Both of us will do the cooking!
Doppo : Eh? Hey, I can't cook!
Hifumi : Hahaha! No more arguing. It's fine if you'll just assist me.
Doppo : Well, if that's it, then even I, can do it.
Jakurai : I'm looking forward to your dishes.
Hifumi, Doppo : Okay!
Jakurai : Well then, you two can go ahead.
Doppo : Eh? You're not going home, Sensei?
Jakurai : Yes. There's somewhere I need to go to first.
Hifumi : Okay, Sensei, then later! Now then Doppo-chin, let's go~
Doppo : Oi, Hifumi, stop pulling me!
Hifumi : Let's go, let's go!
Doppo : I can walk
*door closes*
Jakurai : Yesterday at the staff seats, I wonder if Ichiro-kun and Samatoki-kun noticed it.
Juto : *sighs*
Riou : What's the meaning of that sigh?
Juto : Samatoki calling for us early in the morning, it just wanna make me sigh. For sure it's about us being defeated yesterday.
Riou : Hmm... that's for sure. But why are you sighing?
Juto : Why you ask? Don't you get it? It's "THE" Samatoki. For sure he'll be making a fuss out of the result. If you think about how to calm him down, for sure you'll understand what I'm saying. *Sigh*
Riou : Hmmm, I tried to think of it, but I don't get it. Tell me.
Juto : I'm wrong for thinking that you'll understand it. Please forget about it.
Riou : Is that so? Then let's forget about it.
*door bell rings*
Samatoki : Oh, the door's open, so come in.
*door opens*
Juto : We're going in.
Riou : Sorry for the trouble.
Samatoki : My bad for calling you early in the morning.
Juto : Eh..Ah... Yes, there's no problem at all.
Riou : Yeah, no problem with me, too.
Samatoki : Then that's good. Why the hell are you just standing there? Sit over there.
Juto : A-ah.
Riou : Yeah.
Samatoki : Coffee?
Juto : A-a-ah... Thank you.
Riou : Sure. Let's have it.
Samatoki : 'Kay.
Juto : What's happening? I thought he'll be rampaging but, he's in a good mood?
Samatoki : Here, drink up.
Riou : *sips coffee* Ooh, tasty.
Samatoki : Haha! Cause I'm a pro in coffee making.
Juto : *sips* It's true. This is delicious.
Riou : Since you treated me to a drink, I will prepare a feast when we get back to Yokohama Division.
Samatoki : O-o-oh. I'm counting on yah.
Juto : Samatoki.. you, are you sick? Do you have a fever?
Samatoki : What the hell? I don't have a fever. Stop touching my forehead so casually.
Juto : You... are you not mad?
Samatoki : Huh? Why do I have to be mad?
Juto : I-it's because we lost in yesterday's battle. We thought you're gonna lash on us...
Samatoki : Are you stupid? There's no way I'm gonna lash out on you. On the contrary, I'm grateful.
Juto : G-grateful, you say? You.. to us?
Samatoki : Yeah, just like my battle with that bastard Ichiro, I could have not make it up to here, to battle Sensei if you two are not with me. That's why... how should I say it... Well, thanks.
Juto : Eh?!-- Ah...
Riou : No need to be grateful. Because fate united us and we are a team. Besides, if I'm just more powerful, things won't turn out like this.
Samatoki : Don't say that to me as well. We won't lose next time.
Juto : Ahem, as expected, we can't just stay as losers, huh.
Riou : Ah, I sullied the name of the army. There's no way I'll back down now.
Samatoki : Haha! Now this is getting interesting.
*phone rings*
Samatoki : Sensei? Sensei, what's up?
Jakurai : Samatoki-kun, there's something I want to talk about. Can you spare a little time here in the lobby?
Samatoki : A talk? Is talking through phone not good?
Jakurai : There's something that piques my interetest...
Samatoki : Oh well, I think it's okay. If that's so I'm coming down.
Jakurai : Thank you. Then, later.
Riou : Something happened?
Samatoki : Sensei called for me so I'm going down for a bit.
Juto : We need to check out soon so make it short. We can't get out unless we are all complete.
Samatoki : I know.
Juto : From Jinguji Jakurai, huh? Just what is it he wants to talk about?
Ichiro : Oi, Jiro, Saburo! Are you awake?
*door opens*
Jiro : Good morning, Nii-chan...
Ichiro : Oh. Morning-- that's some eyebags you have there. You didn't sleep?
Jiro : E-eh. For now, let's come inside.
Saburo : Ichi-nii... good morning.
Ichiro : Good morning. What's this, you haven't slept as well, Saburo?
Saburo : Ehehe...
Ichiro : What's with you two?
Jiro : The result of yesterday's battle... that's one hell of a battle, huh?
Ichiro : Yeah, you're right. That was an amazing battle.
Jiro : Looking at that... it was really frustrating.
Saburo : If we are just stronger, we will advance to the finals. We can't sleep thinking about it...
Jiro : We are the ones who held you back... we're pathetic... so pathetic.
Ichiro : Jiro... Saburo. Sorry!
Jiro, Saburo : Eh?
Ichiro : It's my fault for making you guys feel like this. If I just got myself together more properly, we won't lose, and you guys won't be feeling sad like this.
Saburo : I-ichi-nii! Please stop it!
Jiro : He's right, Nii-chan!
Ichiro : No, please listen to the very end. This time, I got too obsessed with that bastard Samatoki, it blinded me from seeing what's around me. If I just managed to be composed at that time, and cooperated with you guys more, we won't have this results. So stop blaming yourselves.
Jiro : Nii-chan...
Saburo : Ichi-nii...
Ichiro : You guys are deepening the wounds. That's what we get to feel in this battle. That makes me happy cause, it made me realize that I really need to get myself together more.
Ichiro : That's why in the next battle, let's put all of our strength and win the battle! You two, although I'm an immature brother, will you come with me to the very end?
Jiro : Of course! I will follow to anywhere you go!
Ichiro : Jiro...
Saburo : Of course! I will devote myself so you don't have to lose anymore!
Ichiro : Saburo... Yosh! This is our great start!
Jiro, Saburo : YES!
*high five*
Jiro : But that being said, it's really a pain that we can't get out unless we're all together.
Ichiro : Ah, it's one thing we should expect from the Chuuoku's side.
Saburo : I wonder why we have freedom during our stay, but not during check in and check out.
Jiro : Checking out flies so fast. Ha... I want to sleep more.
Saburo : Tch. You're really saying that, huh?
Jiro : HUH?! I can fucking hear you Saburo!
Saburo : HAHAHA! For an imbecile, you sure do have good ears! Haaa, I came here when he shouted.
Ichiro : Why?
Saburo : Cause he's been murmuring to himself for a while now. In the end, that is one reason why he wasn't able to sleep.
Jiro : OH!! Saburo you bastard! We promised to keep it a secret! If that's what you're up to, I'll tell yours as well!
Saburo : Ack!
Jiro : This guy's been crying all night under his blanket!
Saburo : S-stop it!!
Jiro : What the hell are y ou doing?!
Saburo : SHUT UP! I'll shut that blabber mouth of yours forever!
Jiro : Oh, oh, oh! Bring it on! Show me your guts!
Saburo : Shut up, you idiot!
Jiro : Shut up, you're the idiot one!
Saburo :You're the idiot!
*continues to insult each other*
Ichiro : Huh? Jakurai-san? Hey, you two! I'm gonna make a call so keep it shut!
Jiro : S-sorry...
Saburo : I'm sorry...
Ichiro : Hello?
Jakurai : Ichiro-kun can you spare a minute?
Ichiro : Yeah.
Jakurai : Can you come here in the lobby?
Ichiro : It's okay, but what's up?
Jakurai : There's something I want to talk directly. It won't take too long.
Ichiro : Got it. Then I'll go down now.
Jakurai : Then, later.
Gentaro : Well then, we should be checking out soon, huh? That Dice... is he still asleep?
Dice : *snorks* I, I finally did it... the jackpot is mine...I'm rich...
Gentaro : What a leisurely face he's making. He's having a pleasant dream, huh? *whispers to Dice* Haaa.. when you thought about obtaining the price at last, you bet it all on the next game... and ended up losing.
Dice : Wha... uh... T-thats...w-why would I do something stupid like that...
Gentaro : Ahahaha! What a simpleton you are Dice! Dice-han~, time to wake up~ leave your dreamland already~ it's all just a dream~
Dice: Hmm... Ha, ha! A d-dream!
Gentaro : Good morning, Dice.
Dice : O-oh. Morning. G-gentaro. I just had an amazing dream.
Gentaro : Oh, what kind of dream?
Dice : When I thought that I finally won after a gamble, the next moment, I realized that it was just all a dream...
Gentaro : Now that's... but are you sure with this?
Dice: About what?
Gentaro : When you tell other people about your dream the moment you wake up, it will never happen.
Gentaro : Well, it's a lie.
Dice : Haaa, thank goodness it's just a lie.
Gentaro : Oh, you're not mad?
Dice: I'm so thankful that it's just a lie that I don't feel like getting mad.
Gentaro : *Oh well, you've been such a barking dog, that it makes me pissed.
Dice : Wow, this guy's saying something uncomprehendable.
Gentaro : Well, then playtime is over. Dice, get ready to leave.
Dice : Oh, it's time to leave now, huh. If I just have more time, I wanted to get revenge in the gambling den here.
Gentaro : Hmm. Speaking of gambling den, aren't you forgetting something, Dice?
Dice : What are you talking about?
Gentaro : Money. The one I lend you.
Gentaro : Why are you laughing trying to cover it up?
Dice : By the way, shouldn't we wake Ramuda?
Gentaro : Ah, a there's a message from Ramuda earlier. He said "I have something to take care off, so I'll be out for a moment! Wait for me at the lobby~!"
Dice : Heh... leaders have a lot to do, huh?
Gentaro : A lot, huh?
Samatoki : Tch, that's some smug I don't want to see early in this morning.
Ichiro : Tch. Samatoki
*lights up cigarette*
Samatoki : *blows smoke* it's "-san" in the end, you dimwit.
Ichiro : Why do I have to do that for someone I can't respect?
Samatoki : Shall I kill you again, right here, right now? Though the result's will be completely the same.
Ichiro : Tch.
Samatoki : What? Nothing to say back at me, you chicken bastard.
Ichiro : We may be lost for this round's battle, but don't think that the next will be the same.
Samatoki : Huh... nomatter how many times, I'll beat you up.
Ichiro : Huh, you only have this time to talk highly.. you... SISCON BASTARD!
Ichiro, Samatoki : HUH?! AH, YOU WANNA GO?!
Ichiro : SISCON
Ichiro, Samatoki : Huh?! SISCON! BROCON! COME HERE!
Jakurai : You two, please calm down.
Ichiro, Samatoki : Tch!
Jakurai : Sorry for making you wait when I'm the one who called you out here. There's no much time left, so I'll get to the point.
Ichiro : Osu.
Jakurai : Nurude Sasara-kun, Harai Kuukou-kun, these two were here yesterday.
Jakurai : You formed team with them before, right?
Samatoki : Why...?
Jakurai : There are other conspicuous men who stood out in the crowd as well.
Ichiro : Kuukou is... in Chuuoku...?
Samatoki : Sasara... that bastard...
Jakurai : Also, my old friend was here as well. Perhaps there is something here in chuuoku that's why those people, who are connected to us, appeared. It might not be the case, but there is nothing wrong in being vigilant, right?
Also, about Amemura-kun...
Ichiro : Is there something with Ramuda?
Jakurai : Hm... No... This is just my justification. Please forget about it.
Samatoki : For sensei to keep his mouth shut, that's quite rare.
Jakurai : But, just remember one thing.
Jakurai : Please be careful of Amemura-kun.
Samatoki : From Ramuda, that bastard...?
Ichiro : Just what do you mean...?
Jiro : Nii-chan, it's almost parting time!
Saburo : I brought your things!
Ichiro : Oh, thank you!
Juto : Geez, I told you not to be late, didn't I?
Riou : Samatoki, as a soldier I can't turn a blind eye on you for not keeping track of the time.
Samatoki : Tch. How annoying.
Jiro : You guys...
Saburo : Iruma Juto, Busujima Mason Riou.
Juto : Oh, the students are here. What a coincidence, being together at check-out.
Jiro : You can look down on me just this time. We won't lose next time.
Saburo : I'll let you know, that the ones on top, were once standing at the bottom.
Riou : That's a good look in your eyes. Much better from when me first met.
Doppo : Sensei, it's almost time.
Hifumi : Sensei, did I brought all of your things?
Jakurai : Thank you, you two. It took longer than I expected.
Dice : Why is everyone gathered here?
Gentarou : My, my, everyone is here. Izanami Hifumi, Kannonzaka Doppo, we've been in your care.
Doppo : G-good morning.
Hifumi : Fufu, same here as well. Please pardon us.
Gentarou : Well, I'm sensing a different aura.
Hifumi : I am me. But if that's how it looks to you, then maybe you can see right through me.
Gentarou : What the hell is this guy saying?
Doppo : AH! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He just turns into a different person when he wears this suit.
Gentarou : Well that's another shady story.
Dice : I can't believe you're saying that. Hey you salaryman. I told you before, that lowering your head holds no worth no matter how many times you do it.
Doppo : S-sorry!
Dice : Haaa.. it seems like I can never get along with you even if we got reincarnated.
Doppo : Haha... even though a guy in his 20's is making fun of me, is lowering my head the only thing I can do? I wonder why am I like this. But wait, we are the winners right? If you compare it to the ranking in a company, he's just a mere employee and I stand as the president, right? Meaning, if I act like I'll punish him, for sure it will take him down. Alright, I'll do it. I'm doing it!
H-hey, bashtards!I- i'll teach you how to speak to people higher than y-you...
Hifumi : Hahaha! Calm down, Doppo. If you were to be gone, it would bring me great despair, so please don't disappear!
Doppo : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Jakurai : You two, let's end the goodbyes here and let's go home. Well then, goodbye everyone. Until the next battle...
Hifumi : Very well.
Doppo : Yeah, well then. Iruma-san, until next time.
Juto : Yes. I won't lose next time.
Gentarou : Now then, Dice. Shall we wait for Ramuda over there?
Dice : A'ight. Riou-san, I'll come to eat again.
Riou : Okay. I'll be waiting.
Juto : Shall we go as well?
Riou : Yeah, let's.
Samatoki : Ichiro, you're skill is the only thing I'll acknowledge.
Ichiro : Hmph.
Samatoki : But, I'll never forgive you for what you did to Nemu.
Ichiro : What I did to Nemu-chan...? What the hell is he saying?
Ramuda : Ya, ya! Ichijiku onee-san, it's me!
Ichijiku : Amemura? Sit over there.
Ramuda : Okay~! *Ramuda sits*
Ichijiku : How's the battle this time?
Ramuda : *cries* I lost! Comfort me, please~?
Ichijiku : Hmph. You know what will happen when you try to ridicule me, don't you?
Ramuda : Ehe! You can't even take a joke. Boring~!
Ichijiku : The earnings of the first division battle exceeded the expected. You can say that this show is a great success, in terms of amusement and business, and above everything else, these foolish men are battling each and other divisions, and not with us, the Chuuoku.
Ramuda : Right? And for that, you'll let the new force participate in the next war, right?
Ichijiku : It seems that the seeds you scattered in the past, will bloom again.
Ramuda : Ahem, I'm so great!
Ichijiku : Then, here's the next thing I need you to do.
Ramuda : Okay~! I got it!
Ichijiku : There's no second chance, so you better succeed.
Ramuda : Okay~! Oh right, the Hypnosis Canceler, it's been completed right? Does it affect new Hypnosis Mics, perhaps?
Ichijiku : I'll have one thing to say to you. It's not something you need to know.
Ramuda : Eh~ why won't you answer me?
Ichijiku : Amemura... don't get ahead of yourself. We have a lot to replace you any time-
Ramuda : Onee-san is so scary~ *stands* See you again Ichijiku- oneesan~
Ichijiku : A failed creation, as expected.
Ramuda : That damn woman, I'll kill her someday. No... not just her, but them all humans...
*evil laughter*
*The thing Gentarou said is so deep, I can't even translate it in english. He said something like "You're so annoying recently I am annoyed as well."
Well.. I did my best :3
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in-the-dawg-house · 4 years
Who will be the next starting quarterback for the Dawgs?
By Iris Fambro Carter
When Jake Fromm announced that he would forgo his final year at Georgia and enter the NFL draft the Dawgs found themselves in a precarious position. As the Dawgs starting quarterback for three years, Fromm took them to the National Championship, won an SEC Championship, and won three SEC East Championships. Also, he orchestrated signature wins in the Rose Bowl against Oklahoma, Sugar Bowl against Baylor, two wins against Notre Dame, and is 3-0 in three years against Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia Tech, and 3-1 against Auburn. In three years at Georgia Fromm went 36-7, completing 622 passes, 983 pass attempts, passed for 8,236 yards, averaged 8.4 yards per completion, with 78 touchdowns, 18 interceptions, with a QB rating of 156.2. His record is impressive and production is commendable, so after Fromm declared for the NFL draft, Georgia quickly realized that they had two options to address his departure: (1) promote from within or, (2) get a quarterback from the transfer portal.
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Promote From Within
Stetson Bennett IV is a 5’11” 190 lb. junior who has had some success on the collegiate level. In 2017 he redshirted with the Dawgs and was the scout team quarterback. He was one of four winners of Offensive Scout Team Player of Year in 2017 during the Dawg’s post-season awards gala. In 2018 he transferred to Jones County Junior College in Ellisville, Mississippi his sophomore year where he led his team to a 10-2 record, won a Mississippi Bowl game, and the MACJC Conference championship game. In that year Bennett played 12 games, completed 145 passes for 1,840 yards, and had 16 touchdowns while rushing 148 yards for four touchdowns. In 2019 Bennett transferred back to Georgia where he was named the back-up quarterback to Fromm. He played in five games, completed 20 of 27 passes and had two touchdowns.
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D’Wan Mathis is a 6’5” 205 lb. redshirt freshman from Bellville, Michigan. Mathis was expected to be the backup quarterback last year until he underwent emergency surgery to remove a cranial cyst. On May 29, 2020, Mathis was cleared for game action. This means that he has no restrictions while practicing and during game time. It will be interesting to see if Georgia will be a little cautious with him. Because he was not medically cleared to play his freshman season, Mathis would enter the 2020 season as a redshirt freshman. Before Mathis’ medical scare he participated in 2019’s G-Day game where he went 15 for 28 passing for 113 yards. He wowed the crowd when he scored a touchdown on a trick play. Given the five sacks he incurred, there is room for him to improve his game.
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Carson Beck is a 6’ 4” 225 lb. four-star Mandarin High School quarterback from Jacksonville, Florida. While being recruited, Beck participated in summer camps at Georgia. In his senior year in high school, Beck posted a 7-4 record and logged 1,843 passing yards, 136 completions, 278 attempts, 49% completion rate, 20 touchdowns, and nine interceptions. and won Florida's Mr. Football award in 2019.
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The Transfer Portal
Jamie Newman is a 6’ 4” 230 lb. graduate transfer from Wake Forest. Although he did not play much in his freshman season, during his junior year for the Demon Deacons he had 220 completions from 361 attempts (60.9% completion rate), 2,868 passing yards, 26 touchdowns, and 11 interceptions. He had a 145.3 QB rating. Also, he rushed 180 times for 574 yards (3.2 average) and had 6 rushing touchdowns. In 2019 his Demon Deacons went 8-5. Although Newman’s numbers are impressive it was expressed that NFL scouts wanted to see him play in a pro-style offense, and Newman desires to be a first-round draft pick prompted him to enter the transfer portal. Dawg Nation is happy that he decided to continue his collegiate career and transfer to Georgia. Maybe Newman will be the first quarterback in 40 years that will take the Dawgs to the promised land.
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JT Daniels is a 6’ 3” sophomore transfer from the University of Southern California (USC). He was a highly touted high school recruit that was rated as the sixth-best prospect in the country, and the #3 quarterback in the 2018 class. Only Trevor Lawrence and Justin Fields were rated higher at the quarterback position. Daniels was a true freshman starter for the Trojans where he completed 216 attempts with 363 passes (59.5% completion percentage), passing for 2,672 yards, 14 touchdowns, and 10 interceptions. He had a 128.6 QB rating. During the first game of his sophomore year against Fresno State, he suffered an ACL tear ending his season. Because Kedon Slovis posted better numbers in 2019 than Daniels did the prior year, Daniels felt that he would have to fight to get the starting quarterback job back. Instead of committing to earning the starting quarterback role at USC Daniels decided to transfer to Georgia where he feels confident that he will be the starting quarterback in 2021, and possibly in 2020 if eligible to compete.
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Here is my take on the quarterback situation at Georgia
From statistics alone, the job appears to be either Newman’s or Daniel’s to win. Although Beck had a good high school career he does not have the college experience to lead the dawgs to the playoff. Although Mathis has been with the Georgia program for a year and showed some flashes of greatness in the 2019 G-Day game, his collegiate development was stymied when he underwent emergency surgery to remove a brain cyst. Bennett has solid college experience, but most of his success came at Jones County Junior College. Without a capable quarterback to lead the Dawgs, dreaming of a national championship would have to be put on hold for a year. With the need to have a skilled quarterback, securing Newman from the transfer portal seems to have solved the quarterback void. Newman took a Demon Deacons team, that historically wins less than 40% of their games, to an 8-5 record (62% win percentage). Newman was a one-man show at Wake Forest. Given the supporting cast at Georgia, even with tougher opponents, Newman is expected to be in Heisman consideration at the end of the season. I will be watching to see how Wake Forest fares this year without Newman.
So why did Georgia get Daniels from the transfer portal? Here is the deal, if Daniels has to sit a year he would more than likely be the starter for the 2021 season. This would provide the Dawgs with a seasoned signal caller giving Mathis, Beck, and Brock Vandagriff more time to develop. Although Bennett has experience he may not stay around to be benched. Honestly, I do not believe that all of these talented quarterbacks will stay on the team, especially with the acquisition of Daniels. If there becomes a battle for the starting quarterback position in 2020 could Daniels actually be named the starter over Newman? If the current quarterback stats were the determining factor for who would be the next quarterback at Georgia Newman would get the nod. However, when you consider the talent that Newman and Daniels played against, Daniels had more challenging opponents. Also, with the COVID-19 pandemic putting a damper on practices, the installation of Todd Monken’s offense has been put on hold. If Monken had been able to work with Newman starting in March I do not think there would have been much speculation about who the next signal-caller would be for the Dawgs. Although voluntary workouts began on June 8th, none of the players have been able to work with Monken. Georgia got word earlier this week that they would be able to participate in six-weeks of practices starting on July 15th. Will six weeks be enough to install Monken’s offense? It suffices to say that whoever adjusts to Monken's offense the fastest, including Beck, Mathis, Bennett, Neman, and Daniels, will be the initial starter. Also, going to the transfer portal to get two quarterbacks who are capable of leading the Dawgs in 2020 gives them the needed depth at quarterback. This was an area that was lacking in 2019. It appears that Kirby does not want to have another situation he had last year when Georgia only had one quarterback (Jake Fromm) that was capable of taking the team to the playoff. If Daniels is able to play in 2020 it will set up one of the more interesting stories in college football this year. And, whoever wins the starting job would have truly won it.
Ironically, this potential battle would not have been if Fromm had stayed at Georgia for his senior year. As it turned out, Fromm going to the NFL helped Kirby Smart and the Dawgs avoid a precarious situation. Given the current pulse of America with public and private sectors focused on eradicating anything with a racial tone, it is easy to speculate that Fromm would have been kicked off the team and possibly expelled from school given the racial tone of his text message asserting that “elite white people should be the only ones allowed to buy guns”. Also, Newman would have gone to another school because he was set on transferring in January. In this scenario, the news about Fromm’s text messages would come four months too late. Georgia would have taken Daniels and hoped that he would be eligible for the 2020 season. If not, this entire conversation about who would be the next starting quarterback for Georgia would center around Bennett, Mathis, and Beck.
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