cosmiicfairy · 2 years
the chokehold Gilded Lily by the Cults has on me rn man
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edubenart · 1 year
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First doodle of Tevali, my Baldur's Gate 3 OC <3
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anadorablekiwi · 1 year
So ive gotten miphas grace and tevali is next but not yet
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grounded-gryphon · 2 years
Vehan Masterlist
Eh, why not.
Vehan is my answer to Gor, because I love the idea of a bronze age kinky power fantasy, but want something that isn’t… well… shitty. Only a few fics so far, but figure it’ll grow.
Kink and whump are something of a strongly overlapping Venn diagram for me. Some of these lean more kink, some lean more whump, some are both. Fics with sexual stuff will be labeled. (I’m asexual, so lots of my kink doesn’t involve sex.)
Tevali’s Trouble
Henim’s Test
Henim’s Choice
Baahang’s Victory
Shoneng's Beginning
Kinktober 2022:
Pet Play
Vehan Adjacent:
Untitled 1
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moonrabbitisgay · 4 years
Alright so I’m writing a Teba x Link x Revali fic, and it was originally supposed to be a 1000-2000 word oneshot, but...well, let’s just say I’m at almost 3000 words now and only about 10% of the way through the plot, so. Yeah. 
Anyway, I’m impatient and want to share, but I don’t want to break this up into sub-2000 word chapters, so...I’m just posting a big ol’ chunk of it as, uh, a really long teaser, I guess! I hope y’all enjoy :)
Teba knows he’s fucked from the moment he meets Link.
He’s met a few Hylians before, but this one stands out. He’s more...colorful than any other Teba’s seen before, with his golden hair and electric blue eyes and the strange hoops adorning his pointed ears. Teba can’t help but think that he’s far prettier than a Hylian male has any right being, a thought which he immediately pushes out of his mind with an angry huff.
At first, it’s easy to ignore. They have business to attend to, and if he feels a twinge of worry every single time Link narrowly dodges one of Vah Medoh’s lasers, that’s just because he can’t live with another injured warrior on his conscience. The ache in his chest when he leaves him alone on the deck of the Divine Beast is just disappointment in himself, for being foolish enough to get himself injured, and for leaving what should be the business of the Rito to a Hylian stranger. 
(The genuine worry in Link’s eyes makes him feel a little better, though.)
When Vah Medoh perches directly above the village, there’s a flurry of panic. After a few minutes, as it seems content to simply sit there with its beak pointed toward the castle, the mood turns to conspiracy, which is only elevated when Harth and Mazli fly up to investigate and return with the unconscious bodies of Link and a Rito male that no one in the village recognizes. Teba misses all of it, laying on a small cot and staring dejectedly at the crossed wooden beams of the infirmary ceiling, and by the time Link and the stranger are brought in he has fallen asleep.
He awakens the next morning to see Link curled up on a cot a few feet away from him, clutching the blankets, a hole the size of his hand burned into his shirt on the left side of his stomach and charred flesh underneath. On the other side of the room, a mess of dark blue feathers lies crumpled in a hammock. 
Saki and Harth drift in and out of the room all morning, fussing over the three of them. Link wakes around noon, bringing a hand gingerly to his wound and wincing. Teba sits up and clucks disapprovingly, and Link’s gaze swivels around to him.
“How’s your leg?,” he signs, and Teba huffs.
“Better than your side. What the hell happened in there?”
Link laughs, a breathy little sound. “There was a monster, possessing Medoh. I managed to kill it, but it was a hard fight.”
Teba nods slowly. He finds it hard to believe that this tiny Hylian single-handedly calmed the beast that had shot so many of their finest warriors (including himself, he thinks with a grimace) out of the sky, but according to Saki, it had been completely still for the roughly 16 hours since it landed. And, on some instinctive level, he trusts that Link is telling the truth.
“So who’s this?,” he asks, gesturing at the hammock, and Link looks over. His eyes widen, and he starts to push himself up before falling back onto the cot with a small whimper. A flood of worry rushes through Teba, and before he has time to think about what he’s doing he’s on the floor next to Link, carefully placing a wing on his chest.
“Hey now.” He intends it to be soft, comforting, but it comes out gruff. He tries again. “They’re gonna be okay. Saki and Harth will make sure of that.” Link relaxes a little, and Teba nods approvingly. He stays there, watching carefully, until the silence stretches on for a little too long and he coughs awkwardly and shuffles back to his cot. “...So?”
Link frowns, glancing back over at Teba. “I could tell you, but you wouldn’t believe me.”
Teba raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t believe you when you said you could calm Vah Medoh, and yet here we are.” 
“I suppose.” He fiddles with the hem of his tunic, looking uncomfortable. Teba watches with a slowly growing sense of trepidation, wondering what could possibly make him so hesitant to answer such a simple question. Eventually, he spells out a name.
Link nods.
“As in—”
Link nods. Teba can feel the feathers on the back of his neck rising. “This stranger had the gall to claim to be Master Revali, one of the most celebrated Rito warriors in history, who lived one hundred years ago...and you believed him?!”
“He didn’t claim anything. He was barely conscious enough to land Vah Medoh. I...recognized him.”
Teba just...stares. He recognized him? What the hell does that mean? Link swallows and looks away, and Teba starts guiltily. 
“Sorry,” he mutters, and Link gives him a thin smile.
“I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just-” He shakes his head. “You recognized him? That doesn’t make any sense.”
Link shrugs. “I could explain that too, and then you’d really think that I’m off the deep end.”
“Try me.”
Link laughs again, louder this time (and Teba’s stupid heart flutters, just a little).
“If you insist,” he responds, and Teba nods. “One hundred years ago...I was the Princess of Hyrule’s appointed knight. I knew all of the Champions, including Revali.” He grimaces. “After we lost, I was...my body was taken to a shrine on the Great Plateau. It healed me, but took away my memories. I’m only just starting to get them back...”
“Link,” Teba says quietly, and he looks over. Teba hesitates for a moment— it feels cruel, somehow, to question what he says, as wildly unbelievable as it is. He forges ahead anyway. “Do you...do you have any proof of this? At all?”
Link gestures helplessly. “I know it sounds insane. Your Elder, he recognized my Sheikah Slate. He believes I’m a descendent of the Hylian champion, which I guess is a lot more believable.”
“I guess.”
They sit in silence. Link looks at the ceiling, then over at the hammock, then back at the ceiling. Teba thinks about his tunic, a shade of blue more vibrant than he thought possible to make fabric in, an unsettlingly similar blue to Vah Medoh’s lasers. And the eye on the back of the strange slate he carries, identical to the eyes of Vah Medoh’s cannons. 
Saki pokes her head in. “Oh, good. You’re awake. And you—” she points at Teba, “you should be lying down.”
“I’m not putting weight on it,” he counters, “and it’s healing quickly. It was a shallow wound.”
“Hm.” She doesn’t push, and he’s grateful for it. Instead, she walks over to the hammock, bending over to carefully examine the unconscious Rito. “I may have to ask Amali to make him another elixir. His external wounds seem to be mostly healed, but his breathing is still shallow.” She turns to Link. “How are you feeling?”
She dresses the wound on Link’s chest and worries over Teba’s leg before leaving, and a few minutes later Harth comes in with two plates of steamed salmon. Link insists that he can feed himself despite not being able to sit up, and it’s not until after he’s dropped three entire bites of salmon on the floor that Teba insists upon helping him. He apologizes profusely, but Teba waves it off. He’d done the same for Harth last week. Link goes back to sleep not long after eating, leaving Teba alone with his thoughts again. He watches for a few minutes, wondering at the strange sense of protectiveness he feels toward this strange Hylian he met only yesterday.
He doesn’t think Link is lying. Even to him, it’s clear as day that he believes every word he’s saying. Which means that either he actually did wake up in a strange shrine on the Great Plateau with his memory gone, or he’s horrifically delusional. Teba knows which one of those answers he prefers.
Then there was the strange tablet— a Sheikah Slate, he’d called it. On his hip, it appeared to be a plain stone slab, elaborately carved and painted but otherwise ordinary. Teba knew, though, that on the side facing inward it was not stone, but a strange, smooth surface that started off dark and lit up when touched. He hadn’t gotten a good look at it, but Link had mentioned that it let him fast-travel to any of the shrines he’d visited before.
At first, Teba had shrugged it off as some fancy adventurer’s technology, but now that he thought about it, it was...strange. He’d only ever seen two shrines, the one just outside the village and the one near the Flight Range, and they had both essentially just been elaborately carved hunks of rock for as long as he or anyone else could remember. They’d both flared up with mysterious orange light about a month ago, the same day that mysterious tower had risen in the east and Vah Medoh had appeared, circling ominously close to the village. Maybe he should ask Link what he knows about them...
He sighs and turns away, moving back to his cot and collapsing backwards, suddenly aware that he’s tired as well. He should get some more rest, hopefully be able to leave the infirmary by tomorrow and get back to training within the week. He’s not 100% convinced that Vah Medoh won’t start causing problems again, and if it does, he needs to be ready for it, with or without Link’s help.
It’s difficult to fall asleep— he’s not used to sleeping in the same room as other people, it feels weirdly invasive— but after a while of turning the same thoughts over and over in his head until they dissolve into mush, he manages.
He wakes up to dark skies and Saki holding a platter of meat skewers and three elixirs. She hands Teba and Link one each of the former and puts the platter down between them, before moving over to the hammock and carefully pouring the third into the unconscious Rito’s mouth. She briefly examines Teba’s leg as he eats and tells him that he should stay in the infirmary overnight. He nods.
“Thank you for everything,” Link signs as she re-bandages his wound. She nods in acknowledgment.
“Thank you for helping Teba,” she responds, “and our village. We are all very grateful.”
Link flushes, and Teba tries not to think about how cute it is.
He can sit up now, albeit with a bit of a pained expression. It fades as he eats, but he still collapses back into his pillow as soon as he’s done. “You guys have good food,” he signs, and Teba chuckles.
“Amali is a good cook.”
“How’s your leg?”
“Healing well.” He frowns. “You’re in much worse shape than I am, you shouldn’t worry about me.”
Link just shrugs.
“Well, I do,”
he responds, and Teba has nothing to say to that.
Fuckin uhhhh yeah
Keep your eyes peeled for the rest of this in like, three months or something IDK
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i-must-be-complete · 4 years
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The ritos have more details than I tought.
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markmaker36 · 4 years
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This user ships Tevali (Teba x Revali)
It’s been a while since I’ve made any userboxes, but I really wanted to make this one. If I ever choose to make more, I’ll post them here.
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lemonentity · 2 years
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A lovely floral commission of Tevali for the wonderfully sweet @cosmiicfairy 💛 thank you so much for commissioning me!
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karinzany · 3 years
Tagged by @silvadour (thank you for the mention and sorry for the late reply).
Why did you choose your url?: When I was in 9th grade, all of the guys in my class were playing League of Legends. So I caved in under peer pressure and installed it. I had to make up an original username, so I chose something that sounded whimsical but was still similar to my real name. Since it's so weird, I can use it everywhere, because no one has copied it. (Btw, I only played the tutorial, it was too boring for me)
Any side blogs? Nope, everything goes in this one. It's mostly One Piece or other anime, so it's cool.
How long have you been on tumblr? According to the archives, my first post was on August 15th 2015, but it feels like it's been less time, honestly.
Do you have a queue tag? No, I don't see the reason to do that. I just log in, reblog 20 posts in a row, and sign out.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? I've noticed tumblr is a great place to find fanart and fanfiction of my favorite series, so I started a blog just to archive the things I like all in one place. I don't usually post original content, but when I do, it's One Piece related.
Why did you choose your header? Cool group shot with the Strawhats looking badass. Never found out who the author was.
Why did you choose your icon? Because Jinbei became an official member of the crew and I love him, so I edited one of his pictures to match my header. My previous icon was also Jinbei.
What’s your post with the most notes? I Unfortunately, it's a collage I did in 2018 with the "The One Piece ships that aren’t canon yet". When I get notifications, I cringe internally, but it's a reminder that I've grown older and wiser.
How many followers do you have? Right now, 679. Not sure if they are all "real", but I'm not gonna check.
How many people do you follow? 3988, and counting. It's never enough.
Have you ever made a shitpost? Yes, mostly One Piece memes.
How often do you use Tumblr? Everyday I'm tumblin'
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? Nope. I have no idea who anyone his.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”? I fucking hate it. I actively avoid reblogging those. I came here to have a good time, not to be guilt tripped into reblogging something I don't even care that much about.
Do you like tag games? Do you like ask games? I like them, but it depends on the subject. I ignore the ones that make very personal questions. I prefer the ones about a particular fandom.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Probably none, let's be honest. I also don't know who the famous users are.
Do you have a crush on a mutual? As I said before, I don't really know who these people are. But I feel proud when my mutuals reblog my posts, I'm like "thank you for the validation, bestie".
Tagging: @blueboltkatana @biscuithead20 @tevali @aster-ria @pancakeitaliano @useless-bi-otch @ii-luffy-i
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fairyvector · 3 years
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Tevali Cindergrove, son of Trent Cindergrove, the last of the Order of Flames 🔥
DND OC, he’s a wildfire druid, and I will die for him.
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meftunmuvahhide · 4 years
"Geçip şehr-i mübarek neş’e ve feyz-i ibadetle / Kulub-ı ehl-i iman oldu revnakyab-ı kudsiyet; / Gelip ıyd-ı mualla yümn ve ikbal ve saadetle / Lika-yı dehri eyler cennet-âsâ garka-yı behcet.
Hakikat, eyyam-ı mübarekenin böyle teakub ve tevali-yi meserret iştimali refahiyet-i hâl ve huzur-bal ile mazalle-nişin saye-yi rab-i mutaal olan bahtiyar-ı ahali için her an hayatı ıyd-ı ender ıyd add ettirecek bir vesile-i celile değil midir? Böyle evan-ı mübarekede elsine-i ubudiyet ediye-yi ömr ve iclal velinimet-i bi-minnet ile meşgul, edilen dualar ise dergah-ı icabet-penah-ı kibriyaya vusul ile rehin-i kabul ve husul olmak tabiidir.."
"Ömrümüz ramazan, akıbetimiz bayram olsun.." 🍃
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lighteppos · 4 years
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As James Humble, sales director at Tevalis, puts it: “The point of sale no longer serves its purpose as just a traditional sales-data entry any more. It has been developed over time to now become a comprehensive tool, which enhances a business in many ways. “With quick ordering functions, integrated payments and booking systems alongside bespoke functionalities and much more, hospitality teams can experience multiple benefits such as increased efficiency and customer satisfaction through faster speed of service. Alongside that, the back office on the point of sale has become so advanced that operators can control any aspect.
“With quick ordering functions, integrated payments and booking systems alongside bespoke functionalities and much more, hospitality teams can experience multiple benefits such as increased efficiency and customer satisfaction through faster speed of service. Alongside that, the back office on the point of sale has become so advanced that operators can control any aspect. “Combined with a seamless integration with business-intelligence tools, the point of sale in itself has very much become an essential part of any hospitality led business and will continue to do so.” There’s no doubt about it, EPOS Systems especially in Brighton needs to be constantly evolving to keep up with advances in technology and changes in consumer behaviour, so what are the key development areas for EPoS right now – and in the future?
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magusmacabre · 5 years
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Arkana, The Arcane Prodigy
The most powerful wizard in Tevali. She's studied magic for as long as she was able to read, and knows a spell for almost every situation. Many interested in the art of the arcane know her by name, since she has written quite a few books about her research in the subject. Arkana is great with magic, but is very cold and indifferent towards other people. She is almost never able to pick up any social cues and values knowledge over friendship, or even other people their lifes for that matter. In other words, an extraordinary wizard, but a questionable human being.
Arkana is an elf, which means she has no need for sleep.
Arkana is a powerful wizard, and knows an incredible amount of spells. There is no magic she can't learn, if given proper time to study it.
Arkana has practiced magic long enough to perform it without needing a staff or wand to help out. 
Please don’t use any of my content without explicit permission and consent.
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icannotconcentrate · 6 years
G, O and S
G: Good at.. procrastinating, I don’t wanna brag too much, but i do consider myself a bit of an expert. DM for any tips :P
O: One wish... for people to get along and live in harmony and to see super cool volcanoes and travel the world and have cool powers and...etc (I have too many wishes :’( )
S: Song last listened to... KOD by J. Cole. Not my favorite of his but still pretty good!!
 Thank you!!!!!! I love doing these!!
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maritahimmel18-blog · 6 years
Smoothies For Wellness Some Traits I have actually Know.
Some of the spots in France concerning which nearly every person has been aware of behaves. All these locations are well-known metropolitan areas of California which are most famous for its personal taking in the sights, attractions, lodge, and various other areas. The President claimed the urban areas arise, live and also establish with the help of people. A smaller gallery still effectively worth a browse through if you possess the moment is that of San Lorenzo Maggiore, a complicated that really includes excavated damages of a Classical discussion forum below the congregation, artefacts of Classical and classical opportunities, resolves the 19th century and also charming frescoed rooms and also roofs. For example, considering that the disasters triggered by fighting the incorrect individuals, in the inappropriate location, at the incorrect time - in the course of America's sinful wars versus unsatisfactory, dark-skinned Third World nations including Vietnam, Libya, Panama, Granada, Lebanon, Somalia and also others, many observant women as well as guys have actually lost faith in our companies. Nonetheless, it appears that for this enigmatic nation a social mix is absolutely nothing brand-new and Chicken's best 5 historic places aid give our team a genuine understanding right into a country that possesses throughout background participated in host to a variety of different individuals and also beliefs. In 2016, the prevalent killed generally 175 people a day, coming from all profession. Modern Culture Preservation and also Management: A UNESCO Campaign. If you appreciate snowboarding, Tbilisi likewise uses fantastic ski resorts, or you can always go treking in the nation's national forests like the Mestia-Svaneti as well as Tevali-Gurjaani. Amble under large maples, wind your technique around breathtaking ponds as well as over bridges, climb up huge stones for womengreatbody.info a far better angle of the sky line and also meet on an early morning scenic tour with local fixture Robert DeCandido, Ph.D.-- also known as Birding Bob For a plain $10, DeCandido will certainly expose Central Playground as a wildlife refuge for greater than 250 varieties of beautiful, evasive winged creatures, from warblers to songbirds to flycatchers. The Olympic area of the 1972 Olympics were actually integrated in Munich's former flight terminal, Oberwiesenfeld, as well as a lovely trip is offered to the peak of Olympic Tower where stunning views of the area and also the Bavarian Mountain range may be seen on crystal clear times. A Concise Past of Modern Architecture in India. I saw our home numerous times after that as it continued to be open right up until the day of the draw. Lightning arrester: Wanting an improve, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill's historical high rise triggers a dispute about the conservation of Modern architecture. Our company typically fly in and out through Rome, hanging out prior to moving on to our last location, and also always there is actually something brand new our company bump into also in a short couple of times. Style and Concept, 1890-1939: An International Anthology of Authentic Contents. Many of the original buildings constructed for the 1893 Exposition were damaged for many years, as well as the enormous Palace of Fine Arts (now The Museum of Scientific Research and Industry) is actually the only continuing to be property from the White Urban area. The East as well as the West sections of the playground are actually separated through about one hr's trip, especially in the course of peak area traffic. Besides going swimming, site visitors to Jamaica Beach front delight in fishing and boating. Konservierung der Moderne?: Conservation of Modern Design?: Über den Umgang mit den Zeugnissen der Architekturgeschichte des twenty. Jahrhunderts, Congress Facility Leipzig, 31.10.-2.11.1996, 22-25.
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i-must-be-complete · 3 years
Bien, hagamos esto.
Hace unos días, me encontré con un reto interesante en wattpad. El autor presentó en este “libro” algunas de sus ideas sobre fanfics de distintos fandoms que por cuestiones de tiempo y demás no fue capaz de plasmar. Y para no dejar tales ideas en el vacío, resumió sus tramas y escenarios planeados con la intención de que, si alguien se interesaba, podría tomarlo dándole su debido crédito.
Conversé con él un poco y quedamos en que le avisaría si llegase animarme escribirlo. Y pues... la verdad es que estoy muy interesada en probar. 
Sin embargo, me preocupa un poco no dar la talla, porque la simple sinopsis se ofrece para un longfic en toda regla; él comentó que la extensión no importa pero aún así me sentiría mal reducirlo a un Oneshot con final abierto como pensé hacerlo al inicio.
Además, la pairing principal es Fox x Krystal. No es un problema en sí, más estoy muy fuera de práctica con esos dos y casi no he leído fics donde se involucran románticamente... agh, al carajo, me pondré a estudiar.
Y eso, quería externar mi frustración. Espero tomar una decisión concreta en el futuro.
En otras noticias. 
Tengo dos oneshot de mi serie Instinto Animal -Warp Side- en progreso: Un Fox x Fara y un Panther x Leon. Muy pronto los estaré compartiendo, todo dependerá de cuál complete la carrera primero, jaja.
Y también estoy por finalizar el Threeshot que forma parte de mi serie Ignoto. Una vez lo logre volverá a su ritmo normal. Tengo muchas ideas para mi adorado tevali.
Siento mucho no estar tan activa como quisiera en el fandom pero Helluva Boss me tiene encadenada en medio de un océano repleto de pecadores iracundos.
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