#teba x link
mario9501-ships · 2 years
Link  and Male Ritos.
I will die on this hill and nobody will stop me.
Revali x Link: Do I really need to say anything for this? I LOVE THIS SHIP YES PLEASE! Anyways love the dynamic of these two.
Fyson x Link: Has great untapped potential honestly and can honestly work well.
Harth x Link: Honestly a really underrated ship. They have an untapped chemistry that is similar to Revali x Link.
Kass x Link: Could work in an AU setting but can’t really see anything working other than a student/teacher type of relationship.
Teba x Link: This one could work a bit better. Depends on how it is executed honestly.
That’s all for now. Have a good rest of your day/night.
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rito-luvr · 11 months
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Hey! Haven’t uploaded in a while. I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry😭
But I’ve made some more of these style memes, just with Revali and Teba only!! Hope you enjoy them ^-^
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muchmossymess · 3 months
A Revali Fanfic Recommendation
I urge you all to put your life on hold for a moment and go read this brilliant fanfiction:
A hundred years after the fall of Hyrule to Calamity Ganon, and the hero Link has finally sealed the darkness and freed the Divine Beasts of their curse - and with it, their pilots are finally free. But not just as spirits. Awake once again, the four Champions of old have a second chance at life and must re-adjust to this future world with their decendants. Well - all except for one Champion, who doesn't have a decentant. Or even anyone left alive that knew him. Teba is happy to take in his revived ancient idol as one of his own, but sharing a living space with a hundred year old Champion with an ego the size of his divine beast and who might have some issues he's not willing to share can be a lot sometimes and they don't always see eye to eye. Revali thinks he should return to leading the new generation of Rito warriors. Teba thinks this actual child should never have been leading warriors or fighting a war in the first place. Tulin is just excited to have the infamous Rito Champion in his house.
Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, this baby can fit so much trauma and whump into the most gut-wrenching and heat-breakingly found family story you may ever read. 130,000 words, 36 chapters (and still regularly updating!), and a CRIMINALLY low number of kudos. If that doesn't sway you, here is some gushing under the cut <3
You think you've read a champions revival fic before? This will have you saying "how the FUCK have I not seen this before" and completely change the way you view everything (mild exaggeration. m i l d). We have all of your favourite revali tropes: being a dick and getting owned, being a dick and being right, getting own and never showing those feelings to the light of day, getting killed, getting unkilled and loved, showing emotions but being super weird and revali about it, bonding with tulin!!, bonding with teba and the rest of rito village, bonding with the champions, having panic attacks and trauma, vah medoh being the best ever, being a terrifying force of nature, being an idiot kid, and so much more!
Do you like grumpy dad teba? Do you like revali swallowing his pride? Do you like revali immediately spitting his pride back up and being a bitchy bird? Do you like mipha and revali as gossip buddies? Do you like the complete and utter fool revali makes of himself everytime he so much as hears the name link? Do you like people seeing right through his facade and calling him out on it?
AND NOT TO MENTION THE WORLD BUILDING??? this fic is so in depth of the political climates, racism, lore, changes in culture during times of war, colonisation, biology of the races and just fucking everything?? It adds so much life to the world of hyrule I am genuinely shocked at how much this person clearly loves these games (botw/totk/aoc) and they are able to incorporate all of this amazing information in a way that flows so naturally and just hhrnngngg I am fucking insane about it. THE SCIENCE, oh my god how did I forget all the wonderous thoughts surrounding the divine beasts and the sheikah tech, oh god and how they write the magic system? Guys I swear it's so good.
Characterisation is on point, everyone feels so full of life and that they are reacting exactly how you would expect them too, and they just seem so real, like they are right beside you as you're reading. The author does an IMMACULATE job of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story, all the while being just beautifully written?
Don't get me started on the attention to rito culture. I have never seen someone pour so much love into something before, genuinely on of the greatest things I've seen. I've always had a fascination over how the races of hyrule view each other, similarities and differences, how their cultures and histories intertwine, and conflicts that may arise. But oh. my. god. My jaw was on the floor every time, it's so rich and beautiful but not without the horrors (and oh god, they are Horrors tm) and again it's just so real!!!
Be warned, however, that there is gore and viscera and terror and hurt and war crimes and death (duh), but for each terrible thing to happen it is repaid tenfold in love and kindness somewhere down the line. (Unless you are into hurt no comfort, then sorry buddy!) It is a beautiful narrative and the exploration of trauma and self is mind boggling and just go read it!!! 😭 😭 😭 I just love this fic so much, it has instantly sky-rocketed to one of my top 3 favourite fics I've ever read, and I'm so grateful to have found it and now be along for the ride that if I could bring that to one more person then by god I will fucking do it
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Yo can I request something kinda like the post I had with the reader as the light dragon but for whoever you want to write for and their reaction? And their reaction when the reader turns back? I can just imagine so much fluffy stuff when they hold the reader in their arms again!
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This was the only way the only way to make sure everyone you cared for was safe.Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you swallowed the stone, the sword clutched tightly to your chest. A bright light engulfing your body you vaguely heard Zelda’s voice then nothing.
Your last thought of being the one you loved most.
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Couldn’t believe it at first, refused to believe it but seeing the tears watching what you went through. It made him sick.
He hated that he couldn’t have done something to protect you, He should have protected you because you should have never had to do something like that in the first place.
Link try’s to find comfort knowing you’re still alive, that you’re okay since it’s the only way he can move on.
He has too because it’s the only way he can fight to get you back.
Seeing you sleeping in the fields, it took a moment for him to realize that you were finally back, that you were back. He kept chanting in his head as he rushed to your side. He held you close, breathing in your scent praying that this was real. That it wasn’t some dream that he’d soon wake up from.
Your voice was soft as you held him, it finally hit him that he was crying in your arms.
“Thank you Link.”
But nothing mattered because you were back in his arms and he was never going to let you go again.
Pulling back for a moment you let your thumb brush his tears away, Link did his best to press his palm in your hand. He didn’t need to say anything, it just felt good to hold you again.
Leaning in he then placed his lips against yours keeping you tight against his chest. Returning the kiss you nearly melted in the man’s arms, you were finally home.
+ Zelda +
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She blamed herself, it should have been her! Why wasn’t it her. She couldn’t even look Link in the eyes, she felt so weak. She buries herself into research finding anyway to get you back. She keeps thinking that it should have been her, hates how people keep taking about you.
Zelda is determined to get you back, she will get you back!
Immediately tackles you in for a hug, it’s a little suffocating and you’re a little dazed and tired but you’re here and you’re back.
She’s scared to let you go so you just let her hold you, your fingers gently patting her back to reassure her.
“I’m sorry Zelda…I couldn’t.”
“It doesn’t matter! You’re here now y/n.” Zelda smiled softly, tear sliding down her cheeks as she rested her head against yours.
Laughing softly you cupped her cheeks drawing her in for a soft kiss. Breaking the kiss, Zelda let out a soft laugh she let herself relax in your arms. “I am so happy that you are okay.”
+ Sidon +
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Takes him much longer to find out, he heard rumors about you vanishing along with the Princess and Link and yet he refused to believe it. You couldn’t just vanish with out him knowing. Not when you both had a wedding to plan.
But when he sees a dragon flying over the Zora's Domain he couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity tugging at his heart strings but it wasn’t until Link and Zelda came he finally found out what happened.
He nearly broke down, his love changed to protect everyone. You were so close yet so far away, so out of reach from him. He was going to do anything in his power to get you back to him.
You were so tired, you didn’t remember much but it finally felt so good to be back in your lovers arms. Even though the man dwarfed you in height it did not stop him from lifting you off the ground to hold you as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I am so happy to have you home my love.”
Blinking back your own tears you smiled hiding your face into his neck. “I am happy to be home to.”
+ Teba +
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Teba couldn’t help but feel troubled hearing of your disappearance. He scolded himself for even letting you go along with the two. It made him feel worse knowing finding out what really happened to you but of course he would have to keep that information to himself.
He would often find himself flying next to you, it gave him some comfort even though you might not recognize him at least you were still here.
Easily caught you as soon as you started to fall, he chuckled at your flushing face. He did not realize how much he missed it. It felt good to hold you again and know matter how much you protested about being put down he knew that was not going to happen anytime soon.
He felt warm, he felt like home and it felt good to see him again. Sighing you shook her head pressing her face into the crook of his neck.
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Very dumb BOTW AU idea with Dad Teba.
Link wakes up early from the shrine of resurrection Zelda doesn’t notice as not expecting him to wake up for good few years, Link somehow ends up at Rito village with no memories and no idea what’s happening.
Teba finds him and is like ‘Whose feral child is this?welp guess mine now’
Link spends years in Rito village until when he was actually meant to wake up.
Zelda communicating with the shrine of resurrection only to find it empty 'you must save hyrule you..Link?...Link?...WHERE IS HE? ‘
Link eventually finds out about his mission and that he is the champion
Teba: No way you can’t go fight the divine beasts that would be insane!
Saki:Yes! Who would be stupid enough to do that
Link frees Vah Medoh and realises he has to defeat Gannon and doesn’t want his dad to get hurt again so he goes off alone…. Or he thinks alone Tulin snuck into his pack. He wanted to help.
He and Sidon have the my big sibling is the best competition, and the I’m Link biggest fan competition.  
Saki and Teba figure out their kids have gone off and so they go off after them.
Link is fighting another Divine beast
Link: Oh man I am dead
Saki in the distance: YOUNG MAN YOU ARE SO GROUNDED
Link:OH I am actually dead
Mad Mom is much angrier than divine beasts or any of the blights
Revalink Bonus: Link gets his memories back/remembers feelings for Revali (Now that he knows more Rito customs and a better understanding realises Revali was flirting/courting him)
Teba finds out and is now trying to figure out how to give a shovel talk to someone whose already dead?
Bonus: Revali comes back and doesn’t realise link knos all the rito customs and so starts doing courting stuff and doesn’t realise Link knows what he’s doing now
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thezoraprince · 11 months
BotW/TotK men as dads
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i have baby fever that won't go away
anyway, here's a... something
enjoy <3
oh it’s gonna be wild
most rambunctious child (including Rivan’s)
sweet and caring
but overall, CHAOTIC
will teach his child literally everything he knows
not many words are spoken, but there’s so much love
sign language is a big thing for sure
hugs galore
will defend his child as if his life depended on it
Sidon (i have so many for Sidon, so only adding a little bit here)
so confident
yet so scared
lots of learning
the love in the household is UNREAL
takes his kid everywhere Mipha took him
the fun is never ending
so much unlearning
scared he’s not giving his child enough attention
wants to spend all of his time with them
think’s he’s not good enough of a father
doesn’t know how to have deep; meaningful conversations
doesn’t want to be like his own father
loves and cares SO deeply
once he gets past all the heavy stuff, he’s the best dad a kid could have
already a dad, and a good one at that
literally so on top of his game
others cannot compare
takes his kid to work and shows them how cool everyone is
“Bazz is a little on edge because you’re here, but we won’t worry about that.”
the fun dad
Dunma babysits sometimes to give Rivan a break
but he ends up not going anywhere because he loves his little family THAT much
silly af
an actual dilf
perfect father
so gentle
so kind
will literally gift his kid rocks that look cool
teaches them everything Dento taught him
would probably ask Dento to babysit
has the most well behaved child out of anyone on this list
another apprentice in the making
would hand-make his child toys
asshole stepdad energy to start with
lots of unlearning
lots of re-learning
scared shitless
once he eventually realizes his actions have consequences, he’ll own up to his mistakes
ends up being a cool dad
“don’t talk to me or my son ever again” energy
takes his child to the flight range everyday
“You’re the best, and don’t forget it.”
already a dad, and a cool one
Tulin is such a good brother (but man is he a little shit sometimes)
the kids would go to the flight range and Teba would let them go by themselves
not like he has a village to run or anything…
a little more strict than the others on this list, but it’s out of love and safety
trusts Tulin to take care of his younger sibling
goes with both of them to the flight range once every two weeks to watch what they’ve been working on
wants the best for his kids
but doesn’t want to get in the way of their fun
a cool dad
also fun
would be the one to take his child to the skatepark
Goron City better watch out, because these two are fly af
funny dad jokes
would call his kid ‘kiddo’ unironically
“kiddo goro”
i cannot see this one as a dad
more like the distant uncle
but he’d be so sweet
and so caring
so afraid he’d fuck up
needs constant reassurance
gentle af
takes things too personally
THE cool dad
dilf energy for sure
would take his kid to research the Zonai ruins
and he’d probably end up losing them 30% of the time
don’t worry, they know where they are
uses his research and findings for teaching his child
these two would be the most knowledgable people in Hyrule 
the wise one
and SO chill
and helpful af
only takes part in chaos if it’s the fun kind
will shut down ANY ‘funny business’
defends his child with his life
together they pick flowers for Sonia
the love is unmatched
and the surprises are never ending 
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dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
I headcanon Revali being the type to keep a smile on his face just for you despite hurting from the midst of a battle. (Giving "As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face" song vibes). AND I'M LIVING FOR THAT AAHHH.
Just imagine the both of you are exhausted, probably covered in bruises and a little beated up; and he would constantly gives you small grins to let you know that he's fine and you both can get over this battle.
If the battle was too intense or violent and you end up getting a little emotional and tear up a bit, he'll definetely cover you up with his wings and gulf you into a warm hug. He'll probably stay silent cuz he's not used to comfort people and clueless, but definetely wants you to know that you can save those tears, because it'll be okay, you're here with him.
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sokkas-first-fangirl · 3 months
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Ganon growled and hissed, but he did not shout threats. His bright red fire sparked off her golden chains, and the chains stayed strong. 
Zelda could breathe, she could stand tall. Her legs did not shake, her lungs did not burn. Her vision did not swim and her mind stayed clear. 
Ganon stared at her. His eyes, made of golden fire, were as bright as ever. His body, made entirely of malice and blood-red fire, stank of rot.
“When your Hero arrives,” he finally hissed. “I will tear him apart. I will crush him. He will die screaming and I will make you watch every second. I will hurt you, foolish girl; I will make you regret every second you dared to imagine that you could contain me and my power.”
Beneath all that rage, he almost sounded human.
Safe within her dome of light, her heart and mind clear, Zelda boldly met Ganon’s gaze. Not for the first time, she smiled at him. It infuriated him. She couldn’t resist. 
He wanted her to break. He wanted her to be consumed by terror.
She refused.
Zelda continues to hold Ganon at bay. With Nayru's aid, she can finally breathe easily for the first time in decades.
For the first time in so long, Zelda has Ganon well and truly trapped.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Age Of Calamity Masterlist
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sleeping with link - headcanons
being link's travel companion - headcanons
link cooking with his clumsy s/o - headcanons
zelda's s/o getting kidnapped - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and mipha - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and purah - headcanons
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proposing to mipha - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and mipha - headcanons
love at first fight - oneshot
you're the one that i want - oneshot
sparring with revali - oneshot
daruk with a hot headed s/o - headcanons
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fake dating sidon - headcanons
life or death (or confession) - oneshot
fake dating yunobo - headcanons
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dating impa - headcanons
purah dating her assistant - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and purah - headcanons
you're the only exception - oneshot
lovers to enemies with sooga - headcanons
astor confessing to you - headcanons
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tobitofunction · 2 years
Child of Mine
The children of one of the Champions look suspiciously like the Hero of Hyrule aka Harwin Strong and Rhaenyra from HOTD minus the death
TW: childbirth, pain of childbirth and blood
Also just for clarity:
Alec- oldest (your hair colour + blue eyes), Lenor- middle (blond + blue eyes but looks like you) 
Jace- youngest (looks like a mix between both you and Link)
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The sounds of a crying newborn filled the room which was previously filled with the sounds of screaming, crying and cursing from a certain Champion,” It’s a boy. Hylia bless the mother” a nurse said handing you the newborn, tears of joy began rolling down your sweaty cheeks,” Is he healthy?”,” Kicking like a horse, my lady” the nurse said with a smile, you giggled and pressed your lips against his small head, the baby snuggled into your embrace,” Lady y/n, the Queen wants to see the baby” a maid said, it was Zelda’s personal maid, you didn’t say anything but just pulled the blanket closer over your son before you slowly got up with the help of the nurses and maids,” I will take him myself than” you said closing your eyes as you felt a sting of pain flow through your body and blood flow down your legs,” You should remain in bed, my Lady. The Queen wouldn’t want you in any pain” the maid said trying to get you back down on the bed,” Get me dressed” you said ignoring what she said previously. You sighed in pain as they began dressing you, the baby in your arms seemed to have fallen asleep but it didn’t last long as you had to hand the baby over so you could be dressed probably, the second the baby left your arms, his cries began to fill the room again making your heart clench.
“How much do you wanna bet that the child was born with suspicious golden hair or brilliantly blue eyes?” Teba asked playing with his bow,” Shh” Yunbo said nervously looking around for either the Queen or her loyal knight,” Why? We can all see it, well all besides our Queen and that husband of hers” Teba continued,” Are you sure that Master Link is the father? Lady Y/N, the husband is a Sheikah, isn’t there a small possibility -”,” How does a white-haired man with red eyes and a woman with h/c and e/c make children with golden blond hair and brilliant blue eyes, Mmmh?” Teba cut the young Goron off,” You might be a Champion but your words still will be seen as treason,” Riju said making the Rito roll his eyes,” I am just being truthful”l,” Nature works in mysterious ways, my friend”, Sidon reasoned”,” I don’t care if Link is the father but I doubt the Sheikah’s would like someone being their chief with no blood connection to them” Teba shrugged, soon Zelda entered the room ending the questioning of your children parentage.” Did the maid bring the baby yet?” Zelda asked hopeful, just at this moment you walked in with the baby in your arms, and your husband Priven who was at your side helping you walk,” Y/N, why are you walking? You need to be in bed” Zelda gasped,” You wanted to see the baby” you said with a fake smile trying to mask the pain,” I didn’t expect you to bring the child, I should have come to you” she said with a sigh,” Here sit” she said helping you sit down,” He looks so cute” Zelda smiled peaking down at the child,” The two of you must be happy, he kind of looks like you Lord Priven” she said looking between you and your husband who smiled widely, you looked Priven up and down before giving a fake smile,” Can I hold him?” you nodded, Zelda smiled when you handed her the newborn, a small cry left the boy but he settled in quickly in the arms of the Queen,” Do you have a name?” she asked,” No-“,” Jace” your husband said cutting you off, you gave him an annoyed look,” An unusual name for a Sheikah?” Teba said gaining an elbow in the ribs from Riju,” How would you know? You aren’t Sheikah after all” she lifted a brow making the white Rite grumble” Did the birth go alright,” Riju then asked sitting down beside you,” I called the midwife a cunt, so all went well” you smiled,” If you're in much pain, I could try to heal you,” Sidon said,” I have been practising” he added, you gave him a smile,” I should be fine Sidon, he isn’t my first child, but thank you. Talking about children where are my other sons?”,”They’re with Link in their chambers” Zelda said cooing at the baby in her arms,” One day you might get a baby which will actually look like you?” Teba commented looking at the child and back at Priven, who nodded with a tight-lipped smile, you send the large bird a glare before looking at Zelda who didn’t seem to hear the comment,” We should see the children, they probably want to meet their baby brother” you said slowly getting up with the help of Riju and Sidon.
Link meanwhile watched the two boys playing with their toys with a fond smile,” Master Link, do you believe we get another brother?” the former youngest of your sons asked, his striking blue eyes staring into Link’s,” There is a possibility” he said ruffling his blond locks. The door swung open revelling you and your husband,” Mom, Dad look what we made for the baby” Alec your oldest said,” Purah helped us make it” Lenor said holding up the egg,” It’s a Sheikah egg” he added,” I let Lenor choose the design” Alec said making you ruffle his hair which was identical to yours,” That’s very sweet of you” you said sitting down in the couch,” How was the birth?” Link asked,” Painful like the others but it was worth it,” you said smiling down at the boy,” Have a name in place already?” you hummed,” My dear husband has,” you said looking up at the Sheikah male,” Jace” he smiled happily making Link nod,” Would it be alright for me to hold him?” Link said his eyes lingering on the sleeping baby in your arms,” Of course, come on boys. Let’s give some privacy to your mother and the baby. Sidon is still here if you’re fast enough you might still catch him” he said making the two boys faces light up with happiness and making them speed out the room. The Sheikah male turned to you and Link, he gave you a nod and a small smile before walking out of the room. Once they were gone you handed Link the baby,” He looks like a good mix from the both of us” you whispered, making Link blush and nod,” Hey, don’t sleep in front of Hyrule’s Knight Commander” Link said to sleep child making you chuckle, Link gently stroked the babies soft cheek with his thump,” It gets harder every time I see you guys, seeing the boys, how they carry some of my features but knowing that they never call me what they call your husband” he said looking down at Jace who was snoring softly. You sighed, you loved Link and he loves you back, but Link was the hero of Hyrule, his purpose was to protect the goddess descended and defeat the evil, this doesn’t leave much space for a wife and kids, doesn’t matter how much Link wants to, he doesn’t want his family to live in constant danger. So when Impa proposed a marriage between her grandchildren and one of the Champion it seemed like a gift, as the Priven who was the oldest of her Grandchildren, seemed to have little interest in you, so he agreed to the bargain of Link fathering the children and he just have to keep up the good husband and loving father front with you as his loyal wife, but another promise of never telling the children about their actual father was also put in place, something Link thought would be okay for him, as it was for their own safety but he never thought that it would hurt so much seeing his boys call someone else father,” Once the Sheikah elders find out it’s over for us...me” you said rubbing your now empty belly,” I hate to say it to you but the Sheikah’s are already talking” you bit your lip at Link’s words,” I know, so are our fellow Champion’s and your fellow knights, some are nicer than the others” you confessed,” Tell me who they are and I make sure they regret it” Link said with narrowed eyes,” Don’t, it will only bring more suspicion on you” you caressed his face gently,” I love you Link”,”I love you y/n” he said gently kissing you. 
The door swung open revealing Zelda, the two of you jumped apart” Isn’t he the cutest?” Zelda asked Link plopping down beside him,” I don’t know how you do it y/n, 3 children. Maybe one day I can experience this as well” she said looking at the baby in her friend's arms blissfully unaware of the situation.” Zelda? Have you heard any rumours about my son’s parentage?” you asked as Link’s eyes widened,” Yes, but do not worry anyone who dares to spread those lies while punished” Zelda said firmly looking at you,” Thank you” you said trying to avoid her gaze.
“Lady Impa, news from the castle. Lady y/n gave birth to another boy” a messenger said,” Another boy, how wonderful” Impa said,” Those this message state a certain resemblance to the hero of Hyrule?” Robbie hummed making Impa shoot him a look,” Robbie please”, Robbie shrugged,” We all know it’s true. I love those kids but they aren’t Sheikah”,” Be careful my friend, these words can be seen as treason and the Queen won’t be kind on those who question the children’s parentage” Symin, Purah’s assistant said,” Not only that but blood doesn’t make family, love does and my grandson loves those boys to bits” Impa said,” Tell that to the other elder’s, they won’t see it as you do Impa” Robbie said making Impa sigh,” Your right but I am the Village main elder, so they will have to suck it up like the younglings say”.
Link walked outside the Castle, the boys were currently training with a fellow knight, a knight who doesn’t seem to like Link in the slightest,” Hello Commander” he said with a smirk,” Hello, how is the training going?” Link asked folding his arms over his chest,” Those boys are sloppy, which is surprising for having two- I mean one parent who is a Champion and another as Sheikah” he said making Link bit the inside of his cheek,” Well they are quite young, give them time” Link said,” Yeah, it’s just surprising, as you were besting soldier at their age and even pulled that fancy sword” he shrugged,” What do I have to do with it?”Link lifted a brow,” Oh nothing Commander, just because you put some much effort into their sword training and it’s not even showing progress” he said,” How I said they’re doing fine” Link said when suddenly Alec crashed to the ground, a small whimper leaving his mouth,” Alec, are you alright?” Link asked helping him up,” Yeah, I am fine Master Link,” he said dusting the dirt off his clothes, Link nodded and picked up the wooden sword he dropped,” Commander you need to stop babying them. If you want them to be like you, like father and-”,” Finish that sentence and you be done for” Link snapped,” Why? It was just a metaphor. It’s rare to see someone put so much effort into a child, usually, we see this kind of care only for family” he smirked. Link clenched his jaw, his fist tightening around the wooden sword. The Knight was about to say something when a familiar voice cut him off,” Link, may I speak to you?” Zelda said sternly, Link nodded and shoved the wooden sword into the knight's chest.
“Are you the father of y/n children? Tell me the truth” Zelda began as the two friends entered her chambers,” No-”,” Don’t lie to me, please, aren’t we friend?” she said softly. Linked hummed,” What gave it away?”,” Your reaction to the Knights' teasing. You usually don’t care about rumours, you brush them off like it’s nothing but all of a sudden this rumour made you nearly punch one of your knights”,” It’s a rumour about my honour, of course-”,” There were rumours about us being lovers, that you and Mipha were secretly married even though it was against her father wishes. These were rumours which could have damaged your honour as well but you didn’t care” Link sighed again,” I love her Zelda, and I love my boys. I don’t regret anything” he admitted,” Then why didn’t you say anything. I would have wedded the two of you in seconds” she sighed in frustration,” It’s not that. I’m the Hero of Hyrule, I have so many enemies. If they find out that y/n is my heart and that her boys were fathered by me, people will come after them. I couldn’t live with myself if they died or even got hurt because of me. Having Impa’s Grandson as a father to them is safe, no one would dare touch them, as in their eyes they can’t prove that I am the father of them. Blond hair isn’t evidenced enough when the father is white-haired” Link said making Zelda nod,” I understand, I won’t tell anyone but please, stop having kids. You two are walking a very fine line here” Zelda warned Link, nodded knowing she is right,” I thought I was going crazy, I know nature works in mysterious ways but when I see one of the boys they always reminded me of you somehow, either in personality or looks, but now I am glad that I am not crazy” she joked lightening the mood,” They got some of my features, yeah but they mostly take after their mother” Link nodded,” Thankfully, as a few similarities to you can be explained away but a child which looks like you exactly will be impossible-”,” I know” Link cut her off.
Zelda watched as your boys were saying their goodbyes to the other Champions, mostly to Sidon, who the boys adore and vice versa. Alec's blond looks glisten in the sun, identical to her knight,” You called for me?” your voice said from behind her,” I’m sorry for disturbing you, but I wanted to talk to you” Zelda said helping you sit down,” It’s fine the baby is sleeping” you smiled,” I know about you and Link” Zelda said directly making your smile drop,” I don’t-“,” Y/N, please don’t lie” you looked at your lap,” I’m so sorry” you whispered, Zelda sighed and grabbed your hand, giving them a squeeze,” It’s fine, I just feel so stupid that I didn’t see it from the beginning” she scoffed with a smile,” Maybe it’s a good thing?” you said softly making her nod,” Hopefully not many people will continue to see the resemblance” she gave your hand another squeeze,” I love your children very much, and I will do whatever is in my power to make sure they are safe” you placed your other hand on top of hers and gave a grateful smile,” Thank you”. The door suddenly swung open revealing Link,” The Yiga clan, they have attacked Lord Priven on his way to the Sheikah Village” Link said, you gasped and Zelda’s eyes widened,” Do the boys-”,” No, they aren’t aware of this, yet” Link answered you,” How is his condition?” Zelda asked,” Impa message said it was critical, they will try everything in their power to bring him back to health” Link said,” Why was he attacked? The Yiga never posted a problem to him... us” Link sighed,” I wish I knew, but until your husband recovered we will not know” Link said softly,” Link, make sure the Champion’s don’t leave and when they have sent a messenger for them to turn back. I have a feeling this attack has something bigger in mind” Zelda said getting up and folding her hands together, Link nodded, his gaze was fixed on you who was staring into the ground.”I leave the two of you” she said walking past Link, she patted his shoulder before leaving her room.
“Is it our fault? Did the Yiga clan find out about us? Is that their way of telling us?” you said, Link sat down beside you, grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles,” Don’t blame yourself, my love, Priven was the grandson of Impa, they might have targeted him for this” Link said, “ After 25 years? He never was attacked by a Yiga member, not even once. People have been whispering about our children for years, maybe it has been to a larger extent than we thought” Link didn't answer, knowing that you are probably right. He wrapped his arm around your body and pulled you closer to his,” Whatever will happen, I will protect you and the boys, even if it means dying” Link said cupping your chin and looking into your eyes, which had tears building in them,” I never felt so scared Link, if something happens to them-”,” I won’t let that happen. You and the boys are my worlds, and I rather see Hyrule burn down than see you or the boys hurt” you smiled sadly at him,” If Hyrule burned down we wouldn't have a place to live, so you better not let this burn down” you joked making Link chuckle, you kissed his lips,” You need to go, I will be fine. I’m just a little bit useless right now” you said,” You gave birth a few hours ago, you are allowed to be” he said getting up.
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ivymyers · 1 year
I'm curious who I should write about.
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linkscookbook · 4 months
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To celebrate the anniversary of Tears of the Kingdom's release, and to revisit Hyrule, we have put together a FREE 127-page cookbook zine for fans to enjoy. Link to downloadable PDF at the bottom.
About the Zine
The goal of this zine has been to imagine and capture snapshots of Link and Zelda’s internal and external journey between Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. One of the central mechanics in both games is cooking; you cook to stay alive, you cook to improve your abilities, and you cook to forge relationships with other characters through side quests. We wanted to centre this mechanism, so decided to frame the zine as Link and Zelda’s joint travel journal.
In these pages you will therefore find a collection of short stories, small illustrations, and numerous recipes. Our team has been hard at work, collaborating and developing ideas to flesh out Link and Zelda’s journey.
Each short story is written from either Link or Zelda’s perspective. They are part narrative, part journaled notes. You will find that they have been given each their font to represent their writings. Zelda’s is the more refined one, while Link’s is the more sprawling one. I’m sure you will see the difference.
You will also find small notes and letters from other characters – notably Tulin, Teba, Riju, and Kilton – as well as an excerpt from the Lucky Clover Gazette.
The recipes themselves have been fashioned as though they were written by Link and Zelda. This does mean their fonts have been used, but we hope any difficulty in reading it is forgiven on the basis that the overall conceit of the zine is preserved. Should there be a great demand, we may look into creating a second edition using friendlier fonts.
As for the illustrations, these have been created both with the goal of illustrating the dishes – and processes where necessary – and to imply that Link and Zelda also illustrate their journeys.
All our artists, short story writers, and recipe writers have come into this zine with different skills and abilities. There may therefore be subtle differences in styles, which we have chosen to retain to exhibit each contributor’s personal flair.
Finally, I want to thank those who have contributed their time and skills to the creation of this zine: Alex, Cenza, Deldon, Mina, Rose, Sam, Scarlet, Terek, and Mr Theodore. It’s been a pleasure working with you all on this project, and I look forward to the next time our paths cross.
Thank you.
Kalh, Editor, @vagueandominousvibes
Alex: No social media.
Cenza: Instagram (cenzadelladonna)
Deldon: Bluesky (deldon)
Mina: @zarvasace ; Ao3 (Zarvasace)
Rose: @jmserebii ; X (gravityroseK)
Sam: @lucky-clover-gazette ; Ao3 (Clicheusername5678)
Scarlet: @charascarlet , @hyrulescarlet ; Ao3 (CharaScarlet)
Terek: @valenthobbies
Mr Theodore: No social media.
PDF: Link's Cookbook PDF
Print Files: Print Files Folder (NOTE: Read Print Files Instructions below!)
Print Files Instructions
These files have been formatted for an A5 Linen Wrap individual print through Lulu.com. The current listed price is £24.23 | $30.34 (shipping not included).
To give the illustrations a chance to shine, we recommend printing with Premium Colour on paper 80# White. To get your print copy, follow these steps:
Create an account with Lulu.com. It's completely free. If you already have an account, simply log in.
Go to 'Create' in the top bar and select 'Print Book'.
Click 'Start my Print Book'.
Under 'Select a Goal', choose 'Print Your Book'. Follow the remaining instructions on the page and press 'Design Your Project'.
Under 'Interior File Upload', upload the interior files found in the downloadable Print Files Folder (see above). This should automatically fill in book size and page count.
Under 'Interior Color', choose 'Premium Color'. For a cheaper print, choose 'Standard Color'.
Under 'Paper Type', choose '80# White – Coated'. For a cheaper print, choose '60# White'.
Under 'Book Binding', choose 'Linen Wrap'. The cover has been designed specifically for this and is not compatible with any other binding option.
Select your choice of colour for linen and print. We recommend tan (linen) and gold (print). These are the colours that will be on the linen wrap, underneath the paper cover.
Under 'Cover Finish', select 'Glossy' or 'Matte' according to your preferences. This makes no difference price-wise. We recommend 'Matte'.
Under 'Book Cover Design', upload the cover file found in the downloadable Print Files Folder (see above).
You should now be able to see a preview under 'Book Preview'. Check that you are satisfied with the result and select 'Review Book'. This will take you to a page from which you can order your individual print copy. Due to the size of the file, Lulu may take a few minutes to process the files before you can place the order, but this should take no more than 10 minutes. Simply go have something to eat, then refresh the page when you return and you should be able to order your copy.
Happy cooking!
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hybryda · 8 months
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First are the past Champions... I still have to get Link's champion tunic so here he is, together with Zelda in some Royal garb. We have 2 for sure adults here, not so bad.
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Next is current Champions sort of? We have one confirmed adult, one child and I consider both Yunobo and Sidon young adults. So technically 3 adults! Getting better : D
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Time for past Sages, or wielders of Secret Stones + Link in Charged set to match them all.Could be 6 or 7 Adults. Like I'm not sure about Ruta, Zora Sage but the rest? Clearly Adults
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And lastly, current Sages. One granny and 2 adults and 3 young adults. Though I always think as Mineru being the main caretaker of the group X"D No wonder she left after X"D Teba was probably also glad he was replaced with Tulin. Too old for this X"D ___
So here You have it, promised high comparisons between races :>
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amiharana · 1 year
revalink flower shop x tattoo shop omgg... who runs which shop how do they meet are they competitive with their businesses do they give each other cute things from their shops 👁
god it would work either way, but ultimately i think link would own the tattoo shop and revali would own the flower shop. i only decided it because revali seems like the type to have to do multiple sessions for the tiniest tattoo because his pain tolerance is low for tattoos LMAO bro is sitting there like "it doesn't hurt i swear" meanwhile his face is red and he's sucking in his lips trying not to burst into tears ready to shit his pants, but the needle hasn't even touched his skin yet ✋😭
this au could go in a couple different ways: (1) link and revali hate each other and fight all the time about being the better store (boring!), (2) there's no rivalry and link and revali are mutually interested in each other (better, but a bit ooc i feel), or (3) link moves in and becomes more and more curious as he catches glimpses of his (((attractive))) store-neighbor while secretly hopeless romantic revali is grumpy and annoyed about how off-putting a tattoo shop will look next to his flower shop and there's a very mild one-sided rivalry mentality on his end, but as link tries to get to know revali better, revali thinks, perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. you already know what i'm about to write about rn lmfao.
revali's flower shop "the meadow" has been open on tabantha street for a couple years now. he thinks of himself as a very good florist, probably the best in the entire city of hyrule, and he's actually won a couple floral design competitions??? revali inherited the shop from his parents after they passed and he gets fairly good business, especially because everyone who lives on this street are hopeless romantics who are always buying bouquets for dates or to bring home to their spouses. revali will roll his eyes and scoff lightheartedly to his customers about how mushy it all is (but inside, he wants the same for himself; to go home to someone he loves with a bouquet of flowers. revali wonders sometimes, when he watches customers leave with red roses in hand, if he was meant to ever find love. he looks over at the vase of forget-me-nots on the counter; perhaps, one day).
the retail space next to revali's shop has been empty for a couple years and revali is thinking about expanding into the space when suddenly, the space gets rented out and in moves some blond twink with a fully tatted up arm with his dumb little tattoo shop called "master ink zero" or some shit. revali comes in to work one day only for there to be construction going on in the empty space he's been eyeing for a while, and that cute blond twink is standing in front of it talking to one of the workers. what the fuck. all this construction noise is going to scare revali's soft-hearted hopeless romantic customers away! the blond notices him and holds a hand up to wave a little, but revali just glares and turns away to unlock the door to his shop. he could really let that kid have it, but he holds his tongue because he needs to open the store. (he is kind of cute though... stop it, bad revali!)
the day continues as smoothly as it can with construction noise muffled through one of the shop's walls giving revali a migraine. fortunately, his regulars still come but unfortunately, every single one of them comments on the construction.
"you're going to get a new neighbor!" amali says as revali rings up the regular bouquet for her husband kass. "how exciting! you won't be lonely anymore."
"what a curious mix," muses saki when she enters the shop. "a flower shop and a tattoo parlor next to each other. you know, my teba and i are quite the opposites ourselves and they say opposites attract, so—" and revali flushes, squawking and ushering her out. she only laughs at him and bids him well.
the moment his friend urbosa steps into the store to visit, revali knows that she knows and immediately regrets his entire life. "have you proposed marriage to him yet?" she asks, smirking and sits on the counter.
"get off of my counter, i just wiped that down," revali snipes at her, frowning. "whatever do you mean, propose?"
"to blondie next door," she says, cocking her head to the side towards the construction. revali rolls his eyes but she continues. "he's your type down to a T."
"and he's going to scare off my customers," he replies and returns to spraying his vase of forget-me-nots. "i could care less whether or not he's my type."
urbosa hums. "well he's cute and he seems like a nice kid." suddenly, her gaze shifts into something more serious and revali's shoulders tense. "revali... forgive me if i overstep, but i know you've been alone for a while. you've been running this shop for years, working nonstop. i don't think you've ever had a moment to yourself. it might be nice to take a leap of faith on this one, you know?"
revali reverts his attention back to the forget-me-nots and doesn't say anything else, touching the petals with gentle fingers. urbosa sighs. "just consider it, okay? i care about you and i want you to be happy."
"i know," he murmurs. "i know. i'll think about it. only because you asked me to, though. not because he's my type." urbosa smiles and punches his shoulder lightly, to which revali wrinkles his nose at her. he'll think about it.
somehow, the tattoo shop finishes construction in the next week (that bolson construction company sure is efficient...) and opens. revali should probably go over to congratulate his new neighbor with a bouquet of daffodils and white carnations, but he's already glared them down the first time he saw them. with an oddly uncomfortable feeling in his chest, he keeps to himself in his little flower shop, tending to his vase of forget-me-nots and all his other flowers.
(but just because revali doesn't want to visit doesn't mean that link won't 👁️)
the soft chime of a bell alerts revali that a customer has stepped into the store. "welcome to the meadow," he starts, looking up from his computer to the door, "what can i help you with—?" and the rest of his words are stuck in his throat. there, in the threshold of his store, is the blond twink with the fully tatted arm staring at revali with wide, bright blue eyes.
revali never actually got a good look at him when they saw each other the first time. the blond is wearing a loose green tank top, black leather jeans, and combat boots, and his tatted arm is fully on display, swirling with deliberate strokes of ink. he's quite toned and lean, now that revali has gotten a closer look. definitely not his type. he's not!
"hi," the blond says, his voice as soft as the doorbell. "i'm link. i'm the... owner of the tattoo shop next door." he's got freckles, revali thinks faintly before he can actually process any other words.
"really? i wouldn't have ever known with your entire arm covered in tattoos," he says instead. "perhaps you were actually a receptionist or a dog walker who stumbled upon my humble shop." revali cringes internally after the words leave his mouth; he didn't mean to come off that rude for their first proper interaction. he just wanted to be a little rude.
but link only smiles at him, small but genuine, and a feeling grows in revali's chest that he can't quite name. "i'm not sure i'd be very good at either of those things," he says and steps a little closer to the counter, hands in his pockets.
"and who's to say you're any good at tattooing either?" revali mutters, and he doesn't mean for link to actually hear it, but he does, much to revali's chagrin.
link cocks his head, still smiling. "you could come by and find out," he says, and revali blinks at him. they maintain each other's gaze for a couple moments, link's eyes bright and wide, until revali finally tears his gaze away back to his computer. he can't read a single word on the screen.
"revali," he says instead, still keeping his eyes on the screen. it's almost feels difficult to get the words out. "my name is revali."
"hi revali," link says, leaning against the counter now. "it's nice to meet you." then, he glances up at the clock mounted above revali's head. "i have to get back now, i just wanted to properly introduce myself to you now that we'll be working next door to each other. i hope to see you around." with that, link stands up, bows his head a little, and gives revali another smile before leaving.
(and if revali stared after him and the way those leather jeans hugged his figure quite nicely, no he didn't.)
and that's how it starts 😳 at first i considered having link also keep to his own shop at first, but i don't think that does his "character" justice in the game. if you consider us as players to be equivalent to botw link's character (i.e. how we maneuver link in-game, what dialogue options we choose, etc), then link has this natural curiosity about the world around him and wants to explore and talk to new people. so of COURSE if he sees that his neighbor is hot, he's going to want to come over and say hiiiii *twirls his hair*
revalink shenanigans ensue <3 in the beginning, link would randomly drop by during the week for a minute or two, to say hi and make small talk with revali and at first, revali wouldn't say much eyeing the blond. but his short responses and cold demeanor don't deter link; it seems to spur him on, the blond smiling brightly at him with every greeting and with every goodbye.
one day, link comes in and after he says hello, he starts walking around the store looking at the flowers like he's a customer. revali blinks and watches link walk around, dumbfounded.
"what are you doing?" revali says.
"looking at the flowers," link says. he gently touches the edges of the flowers' petals as he moves between the aisles, the same way that revali treats the flowers. "i want to put some on our reception desk. i think it would look really nice." he stops before a cluster of sunflowers and then looks at revali. "can i get some of these?"
revali faintly notes how well link resembles the bright flowers, before scoffing. "if you're going to get flowers to greet your customers, you might as well put some effort into it!" he snips, crossing his arms. "sunflowers are a good choice, but sunflowers only are bland. here, if you were to add some of these—"
he ends up walking link around the entire adding flowers to the ones in link's hand and talking about the different meanings and nuances of flowers, until the arrangement has become a bouquet of sunflowers, gladiolus flowers, jasmine flowers, and calendulas, surrounded by a bunch of little white chamomiles.
"there," revali says, putting his hands on his hips and puffing up proudly. "now that is a bouquet worthy to greet customers."
"it's very beautiful," link comments. he gazes at the bouquet and touches the flowers with those ever so gentle fingers skirting the edges of the petals. "thank you for helping me put it together. how much does it cost?"
and that stops revali in his tracks, his hands dropping to his sides. he totally forgot that link wanted to get flowers for his own store and came here acting like a customer. "yes, the matter of payment," revali starts, blinking and brain scrambling, "well, then, just think of it as a welcoming gift."
"a welcoming gift?" link echoes, cocking his head at revali with those wide blue eyes.
"yes!" revali says, his face beginning to flush. "because your store is still brand new and i hadn't welcomed you properly either..." revali looks away, feeling his cheeks burn. "it's the least i can do..."
when he looks back at link, that familiar smile has returned to his face, eyes sparkling. "thank you, revali," link says, voice soft. "that's really nice of you." and revali's heart flutters.
"well, of course!" he stammers, willing his face not to burn brighter than it already is. "you're fortunate enough to be neighbors with me, the kindest, most benevolent, and gentlemanly florist in all of hyrule." link smiles brighter at him, holding the flowers to his chest and revali looks away, the pounding in his heart so intense he wonders if it will punch through his ribcage out onto the floor.
link starts coming in on mondays and wednesdays during his lunch break just to talk to revali, and gets him to talk more about the meanings of the flowers and the nuances of different colors, the best way to arrange flowers, etc., link happily listening along. it takes some time for revali to get used to, the sound of their voices filling the usually quiet shop for that sacred half hour but once it's set into place, revali looks forward to it every week (though he'll never admit it out loud).
"don't you eat during a lunch break?" revali comments once, after finishing a spiel about invasive flowers to never plant. link hums questioningly at him. "it's a lunch break. aren't you hungry?"
"oh," link says. "i guess?" and right on cue, a rumble comes from the blond's stomach and he looks up at revali with a sheepish smile. "ahah... i got so caught up talking to you i forgot i had to eat."
revali rolls his eyes, then sighs looking up at the clock. "we still have 20 minutes," he says. "come on, let's go to the cafe."
"cafe?" link repeats, as revali grabs his phone, wallet, and keys. "there's a cafe here?"
"had you paid much more attention to anywhere else but me, you'd have known," revali says, but link still stares at him with his head tilted, waiting for an answer. "one of my regulars, amali, runs the 'birdbath' cafe just down the street. she has an assortment of meals for you to choose from, you can just get one to-go."
they enter the cafe and amali starts greeting them until she realizes it's revali and then realizes it's revali with a guest and she's like IS THIS YOUR NEW NEIGHBOR??? and he's reservedly like Yeah... and now amali is fussing all over link and asking him about how he's settling in, is everything going okay, is revali nice to you, you can come in anytime you'd like! revali is like Pls....... we have 15 minutes until link has to go back to work just give him food girl
link is very excited about the entire menu because everything looks really good. "i'll have to come back here to try everything!" he tells amali and she's ecstatic. "i'm telling you, come back anytime! you're always welcome here," she says warmly.
and when link gets ready to pay, revali brushes him aside and offers his card to amali. amali gives revali a knowing look and accepts the card, but link looks up at him confused. "you don't have to..." he starts.
"i'll pay for you this time," revali mutters, averting his eyes. "i'm the one who dragged you out here after all." and link stares with those huge blue eyes.
"thank you," he says softly. "you're so kind, revali."
"that's our revali!" amali chuckles, handing revali his card back. "he might seem like all high and mighty, but he's really just a softie inside. why do you think he runs a flower shop?"
"amali!" revali gripes, flushing. "please just get link his food." he glances back at link, who's still gazing at him with an expression that revali doesn't know how to read. he looks at revali so softly, so tenderly, and... fond. revali swallows and adjusts his collar. is it hot in here or is it just him?
god this post is already so long but there is so much potential for so many revalink shenanigans in this au 🥺
link coming to get bouquets every week for his own store and learning how to make bouquets with revali
link showing revali his portfolio of tattoos and offering to give revali a tattoo for a discounted price only for revali to decline and link gets sad, until revali quickly says that he's scared of needles and link is like ohhh (but he's still kind of disappointed because he likes the idea of tattooing revali)
link secretly sketching and designing tattoos in his off-time that he think would look really beautiful and fit revali really well. and fantasizing about touching revali's biceps to tattoo him LOL
what if link had a tramp stamp. link with a tattoos on his ribcage and groin. tattoos behind his ear. he shows revali all of these irl in the shop and revali's face is so red he's just like Um. Yes Those Are All Very Nice. Yes. Please Put Your Clothes Back On.
link coming in to buy a bouquet of lilies for zelda and revali goes all tense and upset and is like. is that your gf. and link is like GOD NO that's my twin sister and lilies are her favorite flower and revali relaxes and is like oh. that's nice of you to get her some (but is secretly pleased that link doesn't have a significant other)
urbosa coming to visit the store at a time when link is there on his lunch break, and they get to introduce themselves to each other properly. revali is sitting there sweating the entire time and when link tells urbosa about how he comes here to spend his lunch breaks, urbosa smirks at revali, who's ready to shit himself
(urbosa texting revali later congratulating him on tapping that ass. revali screams at her that he has NOT done that. and she replies with "yet?". he threatens to block her)
everyone else on tabantha street realizing that link and revali are kind of having a Thing™ going on between them. and they all start planning to try to get them together. there's a reason why i have "i won't say i'm in love" from disney's hercules on my revalink playlist because everyone is getting in on Operation: Revalink trying to push revali into asking link out and he's like no nothing is going on between us i swear except he's spends all his breaks and off-time with link, taking him to cafes and paying for everything link orders, sitting in on tattoo sessions because link invites him over, teaching link how to make bouquets... ok so maybe they have something going on, leave me alone saki, i'm not going to ask him out
THIS WILL BE THE LAST SCENARIO I TALK ABOUT bc this post is so damn long now, but i imagine a scene where link asks revali about the vase of flowers on the counter and what kind of flowers they are. revali looks over at the forget-me-nots he's been carefully tending to and inhales, and tells link.
"those are forget-me-nots," revali says, in a voice that's uncharacteristically soft and vulnerable. it makes link sit up, becoming much more attentive to revali's demeanor. "they're perennial hardy flowers that die in the winter but regrow again during the spring. there's an old story about these little ones, where a knight and his lover were walking alongside a river. the knight reached down to pick the flowers that were growing near the river, but his armor was too heavy and he ended up falling in, only to be swept away by the river's current. if you ask me, it's a foolish way to go; why was he wearing such heavy armor anyway? but as he floated away, he threw the flowers he picked to his lover and shouted, 'forget me not!' and the flower was named as such."
revali reaches over to pull the vase closer and places it in between him and link. the flowers are small and delicate little things, a sweet shade of blue with a yellow center. both he and link touch the flowers as they do, with gentle fingers against the edges of the petals.
"these were the flowers that my father offered when he was courting my mother," revali says, gaze faraway. "as you can see, it worked out." he gestures to himself and link smiles. "they're supposed to represent everlasting love, a love so true and strong that it can't be forgotten." he pauses, rubbing a petal in between his fingers before continuing. "i've always wanted to offer a bouquet of these to someone that i love, in the same way my father did for my mother. as sentimental as it is, it's... romantic and meaningful."
"it is," link agrees softly. "whoever you give these flowers to will be very lucky to have someone like you." and revali makes the mistake of looking up to meet link's gaze, because that's where everything about him changes.
when he looks at link, the sun is shining through the windows of the shop, casting a golden glow over the blond. he gazes at revali with those wide blue eyes, the ones that revali has become increasingly enamored with in the time they've spent together, the same color as the forget-me-nots. beautiful, revali thinks and this time he doesn't shy away from the thought because it's true.
then, he takes a flower from the vase and reaches over the counter to slip it behind link's ear, tucking his hair as he goes. link stills, his eyes growing wider and his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as revali's fingers touch his skin, gentle and featherlight, and for a moment in time, they're the closest they've ever been to each other since they've met. revali could probably count all of the freckles on spread across link's nose and cheeks. in this moment, revali wouldn't mind if they got closer than this. he'd like it a lot, actually.
but he pulls away and sits back down, admiring the way the flower sits prettily behind his ear, contrasting against link's golden hair and tan skin in the sunlight. link is still wide-eyed and pink-faced and it makes revali smile (just a little!). "yes, they'd be very lucky," he murmurs. "blue is definitely your color, by the way. you should wear it more often."
"th-thanks," link whispers, reaching up to touch the flower in his hair. "i'll keep that in mind."
yes, they could be closer than this. revali hopes that one day they could.
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ezlo-x · 1 year
hi...cmere if you want to hear my current thoughts of totk... (spoilers ahead ofc)
Hi :] so since everyone is taking a different path on playing this game this is what I have so far
Currently I have completed the tutorial section, have only Dragon Tears #1 and #2, and completed the Wind Temple
I wanted to write down my thoughts after I finished w the tutorial section but I was just so excited to play I just kept going until I finally decided to take a small break from playing the game for almost the entire day lol. ALSO I will include pics...in some parts
ANYWAYZ THE BEGINNING SECTION I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST CAUSE I WAS LOSING MY MIND ABT IT. So when Zelda explains how the "gloom" works I WAS JSUT "...that sounds like the Malice im my au HMMM NO WAY I PREDICTED THIS MY BRAIN HUGE" JNSDKJFNSD I liked that we get to see a little bit more of Zelda before she disappears but also! I liked how she is still prevalent in the story and aids Link at some point in the tutorial section. Also I just find it funny how she appears to people like ghosts knfgskng I know for sure that would be explained why later on.
Now to the tutorial, I had a lot of fun with the shrines better yet all the shrines in general have been super fun. None of them have been a drag to me I have a lot of fun especially that you have to use your arm abilities and that stuff never gets old to me. TBH THO there were a few moments when traveling around the island where my muscle memory is to press "x" to paraglide when I suddenly remembered I don't have the paraglider JFNGKDNF I was yearning for that paraglider.
Sorta of a side note I am really loving how npcs have more personality, like Purah and Robbie just radiate so much more as characters than in BotW. I am loving so far the new npcs it makes the world feel less empty.
Now...to the moment i've been waiting to talk abt. The Dragon tear memories
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My friends insisted to get the memories in order cause that would make me into an emotional wreck so I can't wait! <3
Now to Rito Village/Wind Temple. First of all, the Rito Theme when its in the blizzard got me a little emotional ngl. It might be cause Wind Waker was one for the first tloz games that i introduced myself to back when I was 14 and hearing it so desolate it almost got me. AND THEN SEEING THE KIDS ALL ON THEIR OWN OUGH (I want to know where's Kass tho...).
TULIN!!! Tulin is adorable idk I enjoyed his character how his stubbornness on doing things on his own was changed to teamwork makes the dream work arc idk it was cute. Teba not being present makes sense to me as he's the new Rito Elder and all. Glad the dude is not dead KJFNGKDJNF
Now the journey to the Wind Temple was so fun it was so fun like idk how to describe it. The ost was amazing especially when finally reaching the temple when you ascend high above the blizzard storm and then you glide down and UGH it was so amazing. The Wind Temple was just as fun it felt like your good old Zelda temple and I love that so much. THE BOSS AS WELL YOUR TYPICAL EVIL CRUSTACEAN WITH WINGS AND UGH!! I Love it I love it sm
NOW AT THE BEGINNING ENTERING THE WIND TEMPLE when the voice appeared, at first I thought it was Rauru. But then I took a second take and he sounded differently than Rauru and I said "oh is this the ancient champion?" AND I WAS RIGHT ITS THE WIND SAGE AND OH OH OH OK
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HONESTLY ok time to put my critical hat here. Im honestly not expecting anything crazy with Ganondorf like idk I am excited but at the same time I do have that worry in the back of my mind that he would be your typical evil villain. ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY HAVE SUCH A SOLID STORY WITH GOOD WORLD BUILD like I hope they don't blow it up. and ngl I kinda forgot abt Ganondor for a moment cause I've been so fixated over Sonia and Rauru KJNGDJKFNGKDFJ I CANT WAIT TO MEET THE FIRE SAGE THOUGH RAAHGHHGGHH AND THE ZONAI NEXT TO RAURU OUGH I FORGOT HER NAME BUT RAURU MENTIONS HER IN THE SECOND DRAGON TEAR MEMORY THATS HIS BIG SIS!!!!
One more thing I forgot to mention (theres so much stuff don't get me started to how much I love the depth) the soundtrack is phenomenal. When diving down from either the sky or to the depth it so pretty. And like I said the ost where thats building up when reaching the Wind Temple *chef's kiss* AND how the Wind Temple's theme mixes both Vah Medoh's theme (attacking and inside) and Rito Village. Reminding you what you're fighting for especially in Tulin's case
I am having a lot of fun with this game I am currently just wandering around in the Hebra region. ALSO NOW THAT I REMEMBER I WAS REALLY THROWN OFF BY THE SUBTLE CHANGES THE MAP HAS I STILL AM AND I GET IT for like ppl who played BotW make it feel completely different/new. Honestly its fun it feels like im exploring Hyrule for the first time again its nice <3
and that is all I have tbh I might disappear and come back w more ramblings. I want to say more but I don't want this post to be super long. The fact that I only got one Temple complete and two memories and I still have a lot more to do is so crazy to me
anywayz have some pitcures of Sonia and Rauru cause I love em very mucho <3
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hyrule-worlds · 1 year
I love LoZ and my favorites (which are the ones I played) are
Breath of wild, age of calamity, tears of the kingdom and spirit tracks
I love them
As for favorite characters are
Prince sidon
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Those are my favorite characters
As for ships
My favorites are
link x mipha
Link x zelda
This ship is one my liked ships
Sidon x yona
If you wondering about sidlink
To be honest is a neutral to me but I like the funny arts I see of them
I mostly seen them like brothers/best friends
I don’t mind people shipping them
But I won’t be ok if those fans just straight up hate yona since she is now the canon fiancée of sidon in the latest game, just be respectful to people who actually like the ship of sidona (sidon x yona)
But don’t worry for sidlink fans, I will reblog funny and cute sidlink arts here as long you guys are respectful to the other ships as well
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