#medschool diaries
messyliferip · 1 year
i feel like such a fraud when professors or family say stuff like “all of you will be incredible doctors” or “you are the the next generation of GREAT doctors” and i’m just there like a mole like an imposter….
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sole-soul-sold · 2 years
March 13, 2023
Yesterday was weird.
Not the unfamiliar or new kind of weird I usually look forward to. No. Yesterday was the kind of weird I avoid. The angsty restlessness I felt yesterday was immensely uncomfortable.
I couldn't get work done, I couldn't enjoy fresh air, I couldn't bear to listen to any sort of music, I couldn't talk, I couldn't laugh and I couldn't eat. Eat well, that is. I gorged down some pretty questionable entities that I refuse to talk about. I couldn't cry either. And I tried. Shut bathroom doors, silent corners, sadly squatted down body, hair covering my face and everything, I tried. But no, tears refused to give way, mind refused to cease it's tumult and I tried to persist in the wretched wickedness of it all.
Now, here's the thing about bad days, or "weird" days as I'd like to say, I don't know I'm having one till someone tries and talks to me. It's the more than apparent energy level difference that tips me off eventually. It goes further downhill from there and there's no saying how long it'll last. Dips like these come and go. Moods change within minutes. I've failed to understand what triggers all of this though. It just happens. Fickle little shit, my mind is.
What irks me isn't the fact that I'm low or not as efficient as I should be, or that the frequency with which this keeps happening is probably putting med school life to shit, no. It's the people around who seem to think they need to mellow down to accommodate my self being an unfeeling, self absorbed, prickly asshole. I mean, I understand where they're coming from. They're my friends or well, almost friends and they care about me and they want me to feel nice and be happy and all the shazam, but it doesn't work like that. That'll only make me feel worse, and I'll spiral as I always do. And spirals don't end. Or as John Green so nicely puts it, "You don't understand! It's turtles all the way down!"
What I need you to do is force my ass out of bed, keep my phone out of my sight and tickle me to tears or take me out and make me do stuff that takes the zombie out of me. Don't make me talk about it. I never will. Make me forget about it. I'll be extremely grateful.
Now, I've lost sense of what I was trying to say, but I'm hoping you get it? I also don't know how to continue. Probably a good time to take your leave, huh? Until next time then,
Much love.
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medovli · 2 years
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aaaah i passed the exam and i rly cant believe it! it is said to be one of the worst courses of them all during med school at my uni, and i made it through without any re-exam
gonna remind myself of this when imposter syndrome hits hard and i feel like i wont make it
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madampayne · 2 months
with just one pretty song... or story
Hi there!
This is meant to be a little diary in my pursuit of finally giving publishing a shot after receiving so much encouragement on my fics from a number of people. And really, this is for all of you, who have faith in me and who have been a constant support and motivation through a difficult time when my health situation forced me to give up medschool.
I don't know whether I'll make it or not--but I will try, for you.
My current WIP is called "Magpie" and follows the story of Felicità, a mother, wife, and fortune teller, as she attends the funeral of her former "roommate" Audrey Turner with her husband and son. The visit to Turner Manour, however, unveils a shared past that holds the power to change her life forever.
updates will be tagged with #WIP:Magpie
I'll add a little list with people who have had a great impact on me here.
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foggyscholar · 3 months
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going through last years' public exam diaries
now that i've taken and passed two semesters of spanish and ancient greek, let me just say - they severely understated anatomy (and Many other medschool subjects) and overstated the languages bc of the european course credits system
neither of the language courses attempted to violate my human rights once which i found strange and unfamiliar. some of the sweetest profs i've ever had, genuinely
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positive-infinity · 5 years
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Day 138 of 366
Haven’t written anything in a while because the hospital life is hectic as usual. But tomorrow is my last day of Surgery rotation! It’s been a wild 2 months!
ig: studyingdoc
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Wanna-be-MBBS is officially on Kofi!
Check out my day to day life a medical student in India, featuring wacky professors, tons of books, and bad drawing!
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Go check it out!
Trying to raise my USMLE step 1 fees through making art ✨
Do spread the word 😊🙏🏾💓
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Tutoring a 2nd year medschool kid for her sems, this kid is gonna make me proud & she also has Tony wrapped around her finger already. Also nostalgia is hitting me hard at this point. It's always such a joy to read medicine.
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medicsart · 3 years
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I really love summarizing the day with a collage
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eerdbeereemily · 3 years
one productive month - university diary
one / thirty-four days ‘till the exams
i’ve got more or less one month until my final exams of this semester in biochemistry and medical psychology. They will be on the same day because of corona. I kinda like that because i only have to go one time to the university and after that it is already done.
Sundays are normally my days to prepare for the next week. So i cleaned my flat and did my bullet journal for the next month. I am actually pretty proud of the monthly cover. Normally i don’t draw like sceneries or stuff but today it turned out really well.
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After that i reviewed my biochemistry lesson from the week which was about carbohydrates. I got way more done than i anticipated (about 85 % of the lecture) and that puts me a bit ahead of schedule. Normally I don’t do stuff for university on sundays (except of course the last two weeks before exams) but i didn’t do as much on my weekdays so it is kinda justified that i reviewed today. The notes turned out good, sadly my textbook didn’t say all that much about the topic - the lecture rather covered the basics from the last chemistry course in  the previous semester. But it was still helpful to really visualize some stuff we only skimmed over in the last semester.
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Tomorrow i’ll try to finish a little survey i have to do for my optional subject. The goal is to finish the whole project until the end of the week (afterwards my schedule gets kinda busy). The essay for the project is already done so it hopefully won’t take much longer. And hopefully it will be a good grade - i really don’t want to choose another subject in hopes of bettering the grade but i also don’t want to have a bad one.
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cinnamon-medical · 4 years
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March 17th, 2021
2+3/100 days of productivity
Yesterday, I had to visit doctor, so I missed classes (I wouldn’t miss them, if internet connection was better at the clinic). But it’s fine, I already caught up and watched recorded lessons. 
Today, I was so busy, had lessons the whole day, cooked.... But I had 2 cups of coffee, so I hope I’ll be able to stay up late and finish everything on my to do list :D
What I still have to do: 
- read 3 chapters of physical chemistry
-  bio+chem quiz
- look for some exercises to relieve back pain :(
I hope everyone’s doing well <3
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messyliferip · 1 year
is it weird that i’m always more excited for exam results and grades than actually finishing classes? it’s like yesss give me the special numbers that allow me to judge my worth 🤩🤩
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diary-of-a-medgirl · 4 years
Hey there! Cool to meet you.
I’m not going to reveal my name, simply because I wish to remain anonymous. I will be using this Tumblr mainly as a study motivation for myself and maybe some of you find it interesting enough to come back a couple of times. 
I’m 20 and a second-year medicine student. I used to be part of a creative writing club in Highschool and noticed how much I missed writing, so I decided to make a Tumblr. I have no idea how big the medical community on Tumblr is, but, as said earlier, maybe a few of you will stick around. 
Have an amazing day,
you medgirl 
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medovli · 2 years
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21.11.22 – sleep deprived and a day full of lectures
to do-list:
study questions
watch video lecture 1 and 2 
more study questions 
make flashcards from all lectures 
all due anki flashcards !!!! !
case 1 finished 
read article for case 2
get started on case 2
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greatmedjourney · 4 years
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Getting up at 3 am to see the sunrise - always worth it ❤ (also the only reason I'm willing to get up early)
Super productive day, managed to do some pharm and pathology 💪🏻 hopefully tomorrow will be similar 😇
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medrellastudy · 4 years
The Bullet Journal is meant “to help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future.”
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Bullet journals are really magical , it seriously helps you in unexpected ways. At first, I didn’t knew how to go about it, I was confused and also when I researched on the internet I was amused by the creativity and all the professional content and I was just a beginner (2 years back). I…
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