#mega man gamma
randomblognumberfuck · 10 months
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Dead Family Remembers
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it-seemo · 2 months
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Been a while since I did anything Mega Man-related
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
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lune-redd · 2 months
Mega Man World 4 is genuinely one of the best games in the Classic series and I'm SO fucking tired of it being sidelined because it reuses things from it's console counterparts like the previous entries and unlike World 5.
It genuinely has some of the best presentation I have ever seen in a Classic Mega Man game, those cinematic cutscenes are glorious for a game on the GameBoy. It also has some really great original content like Ballade and that cool as fuck Wily Golem (which was what Gamma's fight should've been tee-bee-aitch), and the stages it does reuse I consider to be better than their console counterparts (Mainly the Mega Man 5 stages, Napalm Man and Crystal Man come to mind). Music is really good also of course, Wily Station is peak.
So yeah, I stan Mega Man World 4
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pennzance · 3 months
The Mega Man Story (Classic - Legends)
I got the notion to describe, in silly detail, the story of the mainline Mega Man series.
Okay, buckle up.
Classic: 20XX, Dr. Light and Dr. Wily create advanced robots and because this is the Saturday morning cartoon of video games, they all have big eyes and are very colorful. In a fit of jealousy after being treated unwell by the scientific community, Wily steals Dr. Light's six 'Robot Masters' and uses them to try and take over the city/world. Rock, a lab assistant robot Dr. Light made because he has a thing for musical names, volunteers to become the heroic Mega Man, takes on the six robots and defeats them, using their weapons and abilities to also defeat Dr. Wily. Mega Man runs home at sunset and is greeted by his sister Roll who does nothing else for a very long time. That's MM1.
MM2 sees Dr. Wily, who escaped at the end of the last game, return with EIGHT new robot masters, mostly iterations or combinations of the original six designs. Mega Man sets out again and beats them all despite some truly BS level design decisions, fights a big dragon that is never mentioned again, also fights a big version of Guts Man that gets referenced later, and takes down Wily who is, shocker, an Alien! But not really. Wily surrenders and claims he is reformed, and Mega Man gets an oddly melancholy walk home as seasons change.
MM3 kicks off when the reformed Dr. Wily and Dr. Light work together to build Gamma, a giant peacekeeping robot that is surely a necessity because if Wily could threaten the world with robots, anyone could, right? To power Gamma, they send a new set of 8 robots out into the solar system to mine rare energy elements, but the robots go crazy and cause trouble. Mega Man is dispatched with his robot pup Rush who has a jet mode that will never be this good again to rectify this problem and gather the energy elements but runs into a problem on the way named Break Man, the series' first recurring mini boss. After recovering the energy elements and dealing with a somewhat unexplained threat called Doc Robot who was copying the abilities of the bosses from MM2 (weird coincidence, that), Break Man and Mega Man have a short fight before the former runs away and Mega Man finds out Wily took Gamma and ran off because of fucking course he did. Pursuing him to a new fortress and failing to question where he gets these things, Mega Man battles a new Yellow Devil and Wily, but as he wins the fortress begins to collapse, trapping both MM and Wily. A mysterious Break Man saves Mega, leaving Wily's fate unknown, and Dr. Light reveals that Break Man was really Racer X - I mean Blues, Rock's long lost big brother and the FIRST true Robot Master, hereafter known as Proto Man.
MM4 is our big Red Scare episode as a new threat named Dr. Cossack appears. His 8 robots try to take over the world, but Mega Man has a charged shot now, so this goes poorly for them. Upon assaulting Cossack's stereotypical Russian fortress, it is revealed that Cossack only did all this because Dr. Wily kidnapped his daughter, Kalinka, the 4th named human in the series who is consistently forgotten about from this point onward unless Roll requires a gal pal. Plot twist, though, as Proto Man has rescued Kalinka in a no doubt interesting yet unexplored side story and Mega Man goes to deal with Wily, which goes about how you would expect given the aforementioned charged shot and one of the last decent rosters of master weapons the series will see for some time. Dr. Wily escapes again.
MM5 starts with Dr. Light being kidnapped by, gasp, Proto Man? Who has 8 new robots he is attacking the city with? How could this be? Mega Man takes them all on with the added wrinkle of finding letters in each level that spell OUT MEGAMAN V to unlock best bird Beat, a helper robot built by Dr. Cossack who is absolutely busted in this game and will only ever get worse as time goes on. The charge shot is also bigger in this game and the master weapons sort of suck (looking at you, Power Stone), but once the 8 robots are done with Megaan goes to Proto Man's fortress which has one of the best level tunes in video games and a series of bosses called Sentinels which all seem to be variations of the same type of robot. Mega Man confronts Proto Man, who almost takes him down in one shot, but then Proto Man appears and reveals that the other Proto Man was really Racer X- I mean Dark Man, a combination of all the abilities from the Sentinel robots who does just a ridiculous amount of damage. Proto Man helps Mega Man recover but then peaces out like Patches at Radahn and Mega Man defeats Dark Man solo before, guess what, going after Dr. Wily because of course he was behind the whole thing have you learned nothing? In Wily's fortress with the ACTUAL best level music in the NES games (come at me if you think you're hard enough), Mega Man takes on Dr. Wily and we get the first appearance of the infamous 'Wily Capsule', a final boss fight vehicle that appears and disappears which has the best boss fight music in the Classic series (and you know I'm right). Wily loses and escapes again.
MM6, the final entry on the NES and one of its best games on a technical level, starts off with a tournament because we hadn't had one yet and they were in every Anime of the time. Mr. X, the tournament benefactor, reveals that he is evil and takes the top 8 competitors and uses them to try and conquer the world. Mega Man, who was inexplicably NOT included in the top 8, goes to stop him aided by Rush but because Light saw Gurren Lagaan at some point he now has adaptor abilities which combine Mega Man and Rush into either Jet Mega Man or Power Mega Man and provides a bit of gameplay variety. Mr. X is of course stopped and of course revealed to be Dr. Wily in an incredible thin disguise but still with a second fortress somehow. This time, Mega Man actually arrests him after the final battle for a nice change of pace.
MM7 is the classic series’ first SNES entry. Wily has been in prison for a few months and his lack shitposts makes his lab wake up 4(!) Robots who wreak havoc and free their master. Rock, Roll and new ally Auto all get to have dialogue and an intro stage and we also get introduced to Bass and his own robot dog/wolf Treble. Bass presents himself as an ally to Mega Man and promptly disappears for a while as Mega Man deals with the 4 robots. Mega Man gets the Super Adaptor along the way which combines Jet and Power modes from the last game after watering them both down for 'game balance.’ After that, Wily raids the Robot Museum and steals Guts Man because he may have an unhealthy appreciation for Dat Ass and 4 more Robots show up to cause more issues. In Ghosts and Goblins Man’s level, Mega Man finds Bass injured after an apparent skill issue and sends him to Dr. Light to get fixed up, and duels Proto Man to win his shield which is never this good again. Mega Man also burns down a forest to rescue Beat, who now does nothing but pull him out of fatal pits. After the robots are defeated, Mega Man returns to the lab to find it in ruins and Dr. Light reveals that Bass was really Racer X- I mean working for Wily. Mega Man does battle with Bass in Wily's fortress who has his own Super Adaptor now because he stole it when he trashed the lab. (It is a commonly accepted fan theory that this is also when Wily obtained Light's plans for a super advanced robot with free will, but I’m sure that will never come up again) Mega Man trashes Bass and Wily, and kind of maybe depending on your version threatens to just kill Wily outright because he's ‘more than a robot’ but doesn't and Wily escapes with Bass.
Mega Man 8. It’s on the Playstation. Shit happens. Hey, Mega Man 9-
Okay, okay, fine. Two robots in space crash into each other until they both break and fall to Earth. Dr. Light, played in this installment by Elmer Fudd, tells Mega Man to check out the crash site, where he encounters Wily liberating some sort of energy and finds one (1) robot. What happened to the other one? No one cares and he's never seen again, moving on. Light repairs this space robot and he introduces himself as Duo after... just a lot of violence. Duo's purpose is to hunt down and eliminate 'evil energy', Wily's newest toy, and he and Mega Man team up to take on Wily in his underground tower thing that makes no goddamn sense. There are snowboarding sections and they jump jump the shark if you ask me. Mega Man beats Dr. Wily and nearly dies but Duo revives him because he is a champion of justice and then leaves to Space and never comes back in the story. Oh. There were also 8 robots Mega Man had to beat, but... I mean, come on, of course he did. And Rush can be a motorcycle in this one for... reasons.
Anyway, we actually have to go back to the SNES now because, for some reason, Capcom did. Mega Man and Bass is a side game where you can play either of them, but the story is the same. A robot named King is leading a robot rebellion, including some familiar faces. Proto Man gets CUT IN FUCKING HALF trying to stop him, but he gets better somehow. After King gets his ass kicked, it turns out Wily built him to rebel, but King rebels against Wily because of fucking course he did. Anyway, King dies and nothing else of note happens, this is one of the clunkiest games in the series from a gameplay standpoint, especially the GBA version.
Mega Man 9, we have entered the 'retro 8bit era.' Robots go crazy, and like sensible people the government arrests Racer X- I mean Dr. Light immediately because Dr. Wily released a deep fake video that shows Light trying to get Wily to join Light on a world takeover bid. Because no one has a brain in the Classic series at this point, Mega Man must stop the 8 rebelling robots and clear Light's name. It is discovered that the 8 robots in question, one of which is a lady this time, marking the arrival of the Classic series’ THIRD CANON FEMALE CHARACTER were going to be 'recycled' soon, which is news to pretty much everyone that robots apparently have expiration dates. It turns out Wily convinced them to rebel because that shit is kinda whack and it's kinda understandable why they might be a little upset. Anyway, no time for moral quandaries in the Saturday morning cartoon show of the Classic timeline, Mega Man goes to Wily's house and wrecks it and rescues Dr. Light from the fake robot police. The idea of expiration dates for robots is never discussed again. Fucking A.
Mega Man 10, everyone gets the flu, called Roboenza to explain why it affects Robots,  and goes nuts. One of them is a Sheep, and I am not fucking kidding about that. Mega Man stops them but gets the flu too. Roll sacrifices her dose of the limited supply antidote so Mega Man can go after Wily because of course it's his fault. Mega Man goes on to beat up a sneezing, coughing, miserable looking Wily who ALSO has the flu, and takes him to a hospital he escapes from, but not before piling ALL the antidote on his hospital bed in a weird sort of apology for getting everyone sick. You can play this game as Bass or Proto Man as well, but... meh? The DLC lets you fight the Mega Man killers from the I-am-not-doing-THAT-to-myself-right-now Gameboy games, which is pretty cool. All in all, a Mega Man game of all time.
Mega Man 11, flashback to Wily with a ponytail that is still somehow bat-wing shaped and an apparent ethical dilemma over installing both a turbo setting and a steroid setting into robots. This is apparently what caused the split between Light and Wily, and only now, 30 YEARS LATER, does Wily use that tech in 8 new robots to try and rule the world. Mega Man, also upgraded with turbo mode and steroid mode because Light is a fucking hypocrite, defeats them all and goes after Wily, who only has one fortress this time because the budget was cut to the bone by Capcom and who cares about Classic Mega Man in 2018, am I right? As a side note, Wily wailing "Why does he always win?" when he gets defeated gives me serious Saturday Morning Sonic Cartoon Robotnik vibes and I kinda feel bad for him.
There are also some arcade fighter games where it gets revealed Wily is working on his 'Masterpiece', a super robot called Zero who I am sure isn't gonna come up again.
Certainly. Ahem. 
X Series: 21XX, Dr. Cain, an archeologist, unearths a capsule and a journal from a man named Thomas Light. Inside the capsule is a super advanced robot named Mega Man X, who was undergoing ethical testing inside that capsule for an unknown length of time, all of which is described in detail in Light’s journal. As a result of Light’s brilliant engineering and life’s work of trial and error, X is intelligent and has free will. Dr. Cain, an archeologist, does not READ the journal goes all in on making robots with free will based on X's design called Reploids. This seems like a good idea to everyone involved, for some reason.
Sometime later, a Reploid named Sigma who leads a law enforcement force called Maverick Hunters is called in to deal with a red Maverick who is just murdering everyone around him. It should be noted at this point that the X series is the edgy Adult Swim older brother of the Classic series. Mavericks are Reploids who have, through their free will, decided to do some murder. Sigma wins the fight against the red Maverick, but unbeknownst to everyone gets infected with a hyper advanced virus that makes him... Reploid Hitler, basically? Very, uh, Reploid supremacist. This takes some time though, and IN that time, X joins the Maverick Hunters and the Maverick Sigma beat is repaired and ALSO becomes a Maverick Hunter. His name is Zero, and he is Inafune's favorite, and I'm sure nothing bad will happen as a result of that.
MMX1, bad things happen! Sigma leads a rebellion against the humans and Mega Man X gets caught napping on a highway. He gets attacked by some Boba Fett looking motherfucker named Vile and Zero saves him, assuring X that he will someday get to wear the hero pants, but not today. Zero then disappears for most of the game and X has to fight 8 Mavericks who are all animals of some shape or description. During his travels, X encounters a strange capsule that has a holographic recording of Dr. Light that laments that there is always conflict and then kits X out for absolute war. X goes after Sigma's flying fortress and fights Vile again, who captured Zero. Vile wins again because he is driving a huge mech with punching fists and there are no walls to jump on, but Zero busts out and blows himself up to take out the mech and X mops the floor with Vile's face. Zero dies and X faces such terrifying fortress bosses as A Wall, a Spider, and Sigma's dog. And Sigma is also a wall? And he has a lightsaber. Also X gets to do Hadokens for some reason. Widely regarded as one of the best SNES games of all time.
MMX2, the most important thing you need to know here is that the green biker dude dies. An attack by Mavericks on some sort of factory prompts X to ride in like a badass and save the day, but shadowy figures known as X Hunters are out to get him.
Side note, it's a little weird that X who is the origin of ALL Reploids is just... out and about? Like, he has a job? What the actual- Anyway, never mind.
Agile, Violen, and Serges all attack X at various points throughout the game, using the disembodied pieces of Zero as bait. X rescues all of Zero's parts though and then beats up all the X Hunters, who it turns out are under the command of Sigma who came back somehow. X blows Sigma up real good and they lived happily ever after for about a week.
Side note 2 here, Serges is implied in some dialogue to know... WAY more about Zero and X than he ought to? Like he might be a Reploid version of someone from the past. It's weird and I doubt it'll come up again, but I thought I'd mention it.
MMX3, some Reploid named Doctor Doppler claims to have invented a cure for the Maverick Virus, the thing everyone blames for Reploids becoming Mavericks. The cure, however, turns out to be MORE MAVERICK VIRUS and X and Zero have to go do the FDA's job and shut that shit down. You get to play as Zero in this one, and if you do the right stuff he takes a giant insect mini boss to the face and gives X his lightsaber. Oh, Zero has a lightsaber now. Had. Anyway, X defeats the 8 Mavericks contracted to stand in his way and also Vile who came back somehow (no prizes for guessing how). X goes after Doppler who is, you may have guessed, been getting his strings pulled by Sigma. Plot twist, though, Sigma IS the Maverick Virus! A reformed Doppler hits him with an anti-virus and Sigma dies for good. I'm sure he's not gonna come up again.
MMX4, Because he is Inafune’s favorite, Zero's got a girlfriend and is having bad dreams about the man who built him and all of the relevant story in this game. X has some game busting awesome black armor called, fittingly, the Ultimate Armor. A bunch of Reploids belonging to something called the Repliforce decide they aren't appreciated very much after an attack that destroys a floating city is blamed on them, so they... rebel. And do... violence... because violence was blamed on them. Sigh. Anyway, Zero's girlfriend has a brother named Colonel who is.. a.. look, he's in the Repliforce, you figure it out. The General of the Repliforce leads his troops to be bad guys but for good reasons and X don't care because he is literally Nova Striking his way through the whole game and skipping everyone's dialogue. Zero fight Colonel and wins, and then has to fight his girlfriend and win but now she’s dead. X confronts Magma Dragoon, a former Maverick Hunter who was ACTUALLY the guy who destroyed that sky city and is now, gasp, a Maverick. Instead of Zero’s girlfriend, X fights a guy named Double who was a Maverick Hunter but also a double agent working for the real bad guy. X and the General fight even though they both know the REAL bad guy is Racer X- I mean Sigma because of fucking course he is, and Sigma tries to shoot Earth with a space laser. X Nova Stikes Sigma into oblivion and General sacrifices himself to stop the laser. Zero questions, infamously, what he is fighting for.
I need to stop for a second to point something out: why are the animal-themed Reploids so disposable, plot wise? Magma Dragoon has SOME impact on the story, mostly because he's a Ryu/Ken reference, but all the animal themes Reploids just... don't matter. The last time we saw any Maverick Hunters that had animal themes, they were already rebelling alongside Sigma. Are the Maverick Hunters racist? Or... species-ist? Hm. Questions for later.
MMX5, there is another problem in Space. The Eurasia colony is going to drop because Sigma saw Gundam and doesn’t have an original bone in his body, and the Maverick Hunters need to do things to prep a laser/rocket to stop it. X and Zero do things and fight a Reploid twink named Dynamo who has objectively awesome music. Also, Guns N Roses is here. Like, the actual band. Yeah, it’s nuts. The Maverick Hunters also have some sort of command structure in this one, so it isn't just X and Zero doing everything by themselves, but they do everything by themselves with Alia, an operator, yakking the whole way through. Eventually, Zero takes the rocket and flies into the colony to stop it, and the resulting crash site turns into some cyberspace interdimensional vortex thing for reasons I'm sure someone can explain, and X has to go find Zero. Along the way, he meets some familiar fortress bosses, and eventually finds Zero in a murderous mood. See, it turns out Dr. Wily built Zero(SHOCKER), and since X is a creation of Dr. Light they have to fight now. X vs Zero is basically the point of this whole game? Like, it's the only part anyone remembers that's any good here, and it has the BEST music of any boss fight in the X series. X and Zero both win by losing, and then Sigma shows up and he double loses. He's been hinting strongly at this point that he knows who made Zero and is somehow in contact with him which is funny cause Wily is SUPER dead by now, but whatever. I'm sure it won't come up again.
MMX6, it comes up again! Some Dr. Wily looking Reploid name Isoc has built some super Reploid named High Max and neither of them matter because this game's story is actually about Alia and her old friend/mentor/science buddy Gate and his looks-exactly-like-Zero Nightmare virus which is actually the Maverick Virus which is really Sigma. I cannot be bothered to care about this one really, but there's tentacle nightmare things and Reploids to save and just... I'm so tired, you guys. After Sigma dies again, Zero puts himself in a capsule to fix his Maverick-ness, and despite being Inafune’s favorite he's never seen again for the rest of the series.
MMX7, IN 3D! Whay? Why not! Meet Axl. Why? Why not! The Earth is a total wreck at this point and a new group of vigilantes called Red Alert have stepped in to 'help out'. Their help is not helpful, and Axl defects from Red Alert to the Maverick Hunters, teaming up with X to... what? Not playable? The FUCK YOU MEAN NOT PLAYABLE? ZERO?? INAFUNE YOU SONUVABITCH-
Ahem. So anyway, Axl and... Zero fight all the Mavericks and find out Sigma is behind it all yay woo hoo okay, moving on. Side Note, X DOES become playable, but there’s a lot of stuff you have to do first and… it’s… ugh, it’s so dumb. Honestly this should have been all the forewarning we needed that Mighty No. 9 was gonna be bad. It hurts, guys. It hurts so bad. Moving on-
MMX8 there's a space elevator and some Reploid named Lumine and Sigma is there and it turns out LUMINE is the bad guy, what? And Sigma is basically a zombie now and Zero and Axl are STILL. HERE. And I'll be honest I didn't play this one. The SNES style demake floating around the internet is pretty good though, even if it isn’t finished yet. Worth a look, please go support it.
So, the timeline gets wonky here. At some point Zero goes into stasis but we don't know if it's the SAME stasis as the one he wakes up from in 22XX and apparently a whole thing called the Elf Wars happens where X uses the power of some super software being called the Mother Elf to wipe out the Sigma Virus entirely and then builds a utopia called Neo Arcadia. Humans, of which there are not many left at this point because of all the colony dropping, live in Neo Arcadia in a totalitarian police state where the Reploids are kept in line with an iron fist and energy is scarce. TLDR, shit gets bad, and it gets worse when Inafune’s golden boy gets his OWN series called
Mega Man Zero. 22XX, a scientist and her friends are getting a genocide from some big old robots, and in their desperation awaken a red Reploid. Calling him Zero, the scientist, Ciel, implores him to protect her, so he scoops up a gun and starts blasting. Zero gets a lightsaber from a weird, disembodied voice and uses both gun and sword to cut down everything in his way. Ciel asks him to join the Resistance, a group opposing Neo Arcadia's treatment of Reploids and working to find a solution to the energy crises. Zero, who slept so long he's got no memories, agrees to help them take out Neo Arcadia's leader, X. Along the way, he does battle with the Four Sages, Reploids high up in the Neo Arcadia command structure who are based on X himself and who do not matter as characters really. Ciel reveals that X is really Racer X- I mean a Copy of the original X who is a ghost now, and Zero goes to Neo Arcadia to stop him. In a solid Zero vs X fight, The copy eventually goes down and Zero ends up facing an army of mooks in a Bolivian Army Ending, his ultimate fate unknown
MMZ2 until he comes strolling out of the desert like a fuckin' BOSS to some of the best opening stage music in the series. Seriously, the man was chopping up baddies in the wasteland for a YEAR straight, and only collapses from the weight of his own badassery. Some guy who doesn't matter picks him up and drops him off with the Resistance, who are still Resisting Neo Arcadia, despite Copy X's demise. Ciel is making a lot of progress on her new energy source, but it isn't UITE there yet, and some twink named Elpizo is agitating to just go burn Neo Arcadia to the ground because he is the not-so-secret bad guy of the game. Zero does some missions, the Resistance does Elpizo's thing and gets its ass kicked, and Zero has to clean up the mess with more missions. Elpizo goes a little nuts and decides to free the Mother Elf, which is actually the Dark Elf and is kept sealed in its jar by X's physical original body. Zero tries to stop him, but the twink gets his way and X's original body blows up real good, releasing the Dark Elf which proceeds to turn Elpizo into its puppet bitch. Zero takes out Elpizo and the Dark Elf flees, and ghost X basically shows up to say "Something wicked this way comes."
MMZ3. Meet the series; true antagonist, Dr. Weil. With a monster called Omega under his thumb, Weil has returned from exile to take over Neo Arcadia. Omega beats up a whole bunch of people who don't matter, but Zero forces it to retreat. Plot twist, Copy X is back and taking advice from Dr. Weil because that's obviously going to work out super well for everyone involved. Using Copy X as a puppet, Weil turns all of Neo Arcadia's forces to wiping out the Resistance, despite all the work Ciel is doing to alleviate the energy crises. Both sides are trying to locate the Dakr Elf, and Omega gets to it first after they rocket the hell out of a populated area. Zero and Copy X fight again, but Copy X triggers Weil's trap card when he tries to use all of his power and blows up. Zero and Omega go at it, and Omega loses so hard he reverts to his larval state, which is revealed to be Racer X- I mean the Original Body of Zero. Weil gloats about this and says that the heroic Zero is just a poor copy and that the original Zero, operating now as Wily probably intended, is a demon of destruction. Hero Zero says F that and dominates Omega in a fight that has a theme called Cannonball which is absolutely one of the best boss tracks in video games. After the battle, the Dark Elf is freed from its curse and resumes being the Mother Elf (look, don't ask, I have no idea), and ghost X appears to Zero in a dream and says he's retiring, disappearing for good. Ciel names her new energy system after herself.
MMZ4, oh snap, we forgot that Weil is still in control of Neo Arcadia and that place is a horror show now. People are trying to flee the city since the rest of the planet is now marginally habitable, but Weil is a poor sport and doesn't wanna let people have free will or grass. He has a plan called Operation Ragnarok, which basically calls for the nuking of everything on Earth that ISN'T Neo Arcadia so everyone HAS to watch his vacation slides. To that end, he tries to use a satellite cannon called... Ragnarok... to blow up everything not Neo Arcadia, but his chief minions turns on him and blows up everything ONLY Neo Arcadia. Weil -somehow- survives this because he is, gasp, a Reploid! But not just ANY Reploid, he is a human who was exiled and stuck in a Reploid body so he would have to suffer for all eternity. Why? Why not? Anyway, he takes over the Ragnarok satellite and Zero goes up there to stop him. They have a fight, Zero wins, and Weil fuses with the satellite because he is a very poor lover. Zero has only a few minutes to defeat Weil and make the satellite break up, and this leaves him no time to escape. Zero saves the world one last time, and Ciel cries on a hilltop over his death.
Mega Man ZX: I am skipping this because it is an open world metroidvania Mega Man Power Rangers and, while cool, is something of a dead timeline with two games where the story was honestly JUST starting to get good and then they never made another one and I'm bitter.
Speaking of bitter, Mega Man Legends!
Mega Man is a digger, a person who delves into ruins and retrieves energy crystals called Refractors. He, like most Diggers, searches for the legendary Mother Lode, a treasure no one describes really well or seems to know where it is. Down on their luck, Mega Man Volnutt (his actual name) and his companion Roll Caskett (they are NOT dating, honest) travel in an airship called the Flutter with her grandpa Barrel and a little monkey named Data until one day they crash on an island called Kattelox.
So, about the island. Everything is islands. The world is covered in water, but we've been assured that this is the same timeline as Classic and X, just SUPER far in the future. Anyway, back to the plot, meet the Bonnes! They're pirates, and they are our Team Rocket-esque antagonists who CANNOT catch a break. Mega Man saves the town of Kattelox and gets to diggin' in the islands various ruins, finding keys to unlock something called the Main Gate. Convinced the Main Gate holds a great treasure, the Bonnes try everything they can to get into it, but Mega Man comes out on top, which pisses off and arouses Tron Bonne. Mega Man gets into the Main Gate only to find a robot called Mega Man Juno, who identifies him as Mega Man Trigger. A LOT of lore gets dumped here, but basically Mega Man Volnutt is an amnesiac part of something called the System which keeps the population if 'carbons' in check on the planet. If they get too populous, bam, the System does a genocide. Obviously not a fan of thus, Volnutt and Juno fight, and Volnutt wins. Juno gets the last laugh tho, using his knowledge of the system to back himself up and set the island's ‘reinitialization’ (genocide) in motion anyway. Mega Man stresses about this until Data comes in and saves the day by directing the System to wipe Juno's backup data and stop the genocide. Data reveals that, aside from being a literal save point, he's Volnutt's memory backup from his time as a Purifier unit. He never elaborates on this in a way that is helpful. They bid the island farewell and fly off into the sunset, the Bonnes trailing behind in a makeshift boat because all their stuff blew up when they came at the king.
MML2, Roll is looking for her dad when she finds her mom! Her mom is acting super weird though, calling herself Yuna when her name is actually Matilda and riding a robot dragon. Mega Man, now with a significantly higher pitch of voice, travels to the center of a vortex and finds a naked girl, Sera. Sera tells everyone that they can find the Mother Lode with 4 keys, and the hunt is on. Oh, also, the Bonnes find out about all this because they are masters of not being important enough to actually catch when they are sneaking around. They proceed to do very little of actual consequence for the rest of the game.
Mega Man is eventually confronted by Yuna/Matilda who tells him Sera is trying to use him to reactivate the 'Carbon Reinitialization Program', or as previously stated, the Genocide of the whole world. Not down with this, Mega Man goes after Sera, but gets badly damaged in the attempt and ends up remembering things Data SHOULD HAVE TOLS HIM BY NOW, like how he and the last true human, known as the Master, were close, and how the Master asked him, specifically, to destroy the System that does all the Genocides. Mega Man decides to do that, and goes Elysium, which is on the moon, to fight Sera. Yuna helps and Sera is defeated, and the day is saved, and then everything starts to go VERY poorly. Sera inhabits Yuna's original body, Yuna is still in Matilda's body, they AND Mega Man are both stuck on the Moon with no way to get home, and the Master System, in lieu of doing a genocide the way it wanted to, is instead waking up all manner of bad machines on the surface to do it the hard way. Roll and Tron decide to work together to build a rocket to go get their boyfriend back, and
That's it. That's the story. I'd say that it's the story 'so far', but...
Well, it's been 23 years since Mega Man Legends 2 was released, and there are people around here who still have nervous, shattering breakdowns whenever someone utters the words Legends and Three in the same sentence. We may get an X9 or a MM13 someday, but they aren't going to advance the story or the timeline.
So, until Capcom decides to get Mega Man off the moon, this is where we are.
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impact801 · 9 months
Been rereading Archie Mega Man recently, and got me thinking about how important Super Adventure Rockman's adaption was the overall story.
It sets Blue's Redemption arc by questioning the path he's going on after he shoots Roll.
Roll starts building a sense of frustration, not being to take on the burdens Rock goes through.
Light trusting Wily and building Gamma all make way more sense after all the Ra-Moon nonsense.
The MM2 and 3 Robot Masters get more time to shine, and stay in the series WAY LONGER than the games, so it makes their deaths and inclusion into the cast hit harder.
It set up the fucking the Star Droids(that we never got because it was canceled)
All these elements always really allowed MM3 to shine compared to the other 2 arcs. It's crazy to think this canonically doesn't happen between these 2 games. I bet if someone only read these comics and never played the games they wouldn't believe me.
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Don't know if you've been sent a picture of this sign before or not, I just know it's fitting
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please do not Mega Arm the Robot Masters
there's a reason why Hard Knuckle is only effective against Top Man and Quint
and Gamma, i guess, but there's a huge fist size disparity there and you will not win that comparison
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mergedau · 8 months
So does Eggman build Robot Masters? Is Omega a Robot master?
Did Eggman build an Egg Man!?
Funnily enough before parting ways, my friend considered some Robot Masters Eggman could make. Including some long joke about making an Egg Man.
Honestly I can see him dabbling in some Robot Master making. I mean Wily kind of takes Eggman's spot for Sonic 3(&Knuckles) so it seems fair that Eggman might take one of Wily's spots against Mega Man.
The problem is I haven't thought too hard about how. I did find the idea pitched of him making the Genesis Unit interesting, but I didn't commit to the idea.
Omega actually might be considered a Robot Master due to his advance AI. Gamma is actually the more debatable one here since his AI was made to be a normal robot and accidentally gives himself more advance AI.
I actually haven't figured out their stories because despite enjoying the Adventure games stories I haven't thought about them too long. |D Like Omega exists because of Shadow dying so do I still have Shadow die? If not I have to figure out another reason for Omega. And as for Adventure 1 I'd have to figure out how Mega Man fits into it.
That's kind of the fun part I think though? Trying to see how to weave their stories together.
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is Metal Man described as having a design flaw that makes him vulnerable to Rock's buster when he only takes one damage from it (as opposed to Air Man, Quick Man, Flash Man, and Heat Man, who all take two)? shouldn't the issue be that he's horribly weak to his own weapon?
does Air Man take damage from the Leaf Shield because its leaves jam his fan, but deflects the Metal Blade entirely, when the saws are of a stronger material (ceratanium, apparently) and probably around the size to achieve the same effect?
is Air Man able to jump so high despite being so large, when Wood Man is just as large if not moreso, and can barely get off the ground; how is he propelling himself upwards? are there jets in his feet?
is Quick Man able to deflect the Metal Blade, but not the Shadow Blade?
does using the Time Stopper HEAL Flash Man? what the actual fuck sense does that make? also, why does the Item 3 reverse course when Flash Man uses the Time Stopper? shouldn't it just halt in place?
does the Quick Boomerang not do shit to Wood Man, despite being a cutting weapon just the same as the Metal Blade? is it too flimsy? it looks like it's made of energy, and would thus be hot, but is that not the case?
doesn't Mecha Dragon have any invulnerability to the Atomic Fire, and is in fact weak to it, despite using fire as a weapon?
does Snake Man take more damage from the Needle Cannon than the Shadow Blade, despite the Shadow Blade being the overall stronger weapon that serves the same purpose (sharp and stabby)?
is Needle Man invulnerable to the Hard Knuckle, but not Hard Man, when he is supposed to be the most durable robot of his line?
is Drill Man stated to be haphazard/計画性 and dislike doing calculations/computations/doing math when that is more than half the job of mining? measure twice cut once? especially when drilling around pre-existing construction? why would Mikhail make him like this?
does Ring Man dislike children when the man who created him quite notably has a child? is this not a conflict of interest?
is Dive Man prone to seasickness when he is meant to traverse the seas on a regular basis? why would Mikhail make him like this? also, he's much bigger and heftier, so why is Drill Man more durable than him?
is it that Uranus is defensively superior to the literal destruction god, Sunstar? and that Enker is more well defended than Uranus?
does Dr. Wily have such an infatuation with space and aliens? in Mega Man 2, he cosplays a space alien. in every Rock Man World game except 3, his fortresses are all space stations and space battleships (with 5 having him partner up with proper aliens). in Mega Man 3, he recovers Shadow Man, a robot of dubious extraterrestrial origin. he built Star Man, reprogrammed Astro Man AND Galaxy Man. in Mega Man 8, he somehow manages to harness alien matter (the evil energy) to power his robots. he once again partners up with another alien (Ra Moon) in Super Adventure Rock Man, and AGAIN in Rock Man Strategy with the constellation droids. he invented the Time Skimmer to warp through spacetime. his damn main mode of transport is based off of a stereotypical UFO. why? why space?
is Dr. Wily so obsessed with Guts Man? in Mega Man 1 (sadly redacted in MMPU), he has a hall of golden Guts Man models in his fortress. he built the Guts Tank. Gamma's design borrows elements from Guts Man. he built Stone Man (who befriended Guts Man, even), and the Power Musclers (I'd argue Search Man too, has the Gutsy look to him). in Mega Man 7, he built Guts Man S based off his husk in the Robot Museum. he's probably the reason Uranus has a bishie sparkle on his stage selected portrait, what is wrong with him.
is it so hotly demanded we have Roll as a playable character, on the front lines of defence, when she is overtly described as "cowardly/恐がり"? why would she ever want to do a thing like that?
are some against the idea of other humanoid robots besides Rock and Roll being of a childlike disposition, just because their intended ages aren't outright stated? even when voice casting would imply otherwise? (Cut Man, Ice Man, Clown Man, Aqua Man, Bounce Man, etc.) i'm not saying you can't say no. but why?
does Rush dislike "remodeling/reconstructions/改造手()術" when his entire Thing is to adapt into different utilities? is he just plain miserable every time he has to go through an update or undergo a shift in mode? why would Dr. Light make him like this?
is Bass distinguished from the Mega Man Killers in serial code when his purpose is ostensibly the same? were they not all designed with the express purpose of killing Mega Man? why does it matter that he was built with Bassnium?
is Bassnium lauded as this incredibly strong material when whatever Enker has going on with his armour is far harder to penetrate?
did Shadow Man not get revived with the rest of the 3rd line during the temple fight in Super Adventure Rock Man? did Ra Moon simply choose not to revive him? was the extraterrestrial material he was made up of somehow not accessible by this all-powerful god-mode supercomputer?
does the Mega Arm work? if it's true no Earth weapons can touch the Space Rulers, then what the hell is the Mega Arm actually made of? those power crystals the 3rd line were farming out in space to help power Gamma?
did anyone fall for the Mr. X trick in Mega Man 6?
does Dark Man 4 cosplay as Blues without having taken out the real Blues first, surely knowing that if he were allowed to live, it would throw a wrench in the "have the hero believe in you" plan?
isn't everyone in the known universe weak to the Black Hole, or Black Hole Bomb?
isn't Quick Man's rivalry with Rock given more spotlight? with how much preferential treatment Rock gave him in Super Adventure Rock Man (a favour returned, no less, the guy's just happy to spend time fighting with him "victory or defeat"), combined with the fact that Quick Man was willing to peacefully race with him in Battle & Chase, PLUS the juxtaposition of equipping his weapon during the spring season in the ending of Mega Man 2? why isn't he more important in Rock's narrative?
isn't Ballade the same way? for someone who resented his purpose so strongly that he paid the ultimate price, why does he just go back to fighting you in the Wily Star? how is that fair?
were there complaints about Oil Man when nobody complained about Ripot, or the later Metools for that matter.
do certain bosses with a weakness to blunt force or fire weapons also have immunity to bombs? combustion with a wide range is two for the price of one, isn't it?
does Jupiter not have back talons? and why are his front ones so fat? is he not expected to grab onto or perch on anything with them?
has Capcom forgotten that there are other final boss fights that don't have to include the Wily Capsule?
aren't we informed of what happens to civil service robots that come under Dr. Wily's control through theft and forceful reprogramming? do we help them? are they stuck with Dr. Wily indefinitely?
is Monsteropolis/Megalopolis/Symphony City/Mega City so fucking stupid as to not enact capital punishment on the ONE source of ALL their problems once they had him jailed? the world would quite literally be a better and more peaceful place without Dr. Wily, and you can't just hand down a verdict to kill him?
does Dr. Wily bother with earning money honestly as a career criminal? why has he got Gyro Man out here collecting ticket fees at the Sky Gardens, or Crystal Man selling counterfeit crystals when he has enough muscle to just steal everything he needs forever? when no-one in government is strong enough to stop him?
are the armed forces/navy/marine corps/air force/literally god damned any military branch you can think of in this universe so anaemic and feckless? particularly America's. you've got 800+ different bases all over the world, nuclear arms, and yet this man's bullshit cannot be stopped?
is the world so overreliant on Rock to solve all their Wily-related problems? isn't this dangerous, to leave every arm of counterterrorism to one man?
is Rock's maturity so understated by the fandom? why isn't it acknowledged that, although not physically, living the way he has is affecting and changing him?
why is Shark Man so cute. i just want to squish his face he's such a little baby. look at him
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dreamcast-official · 8 months
also while im megasposting or whatever i legit do not see how make your choice could be sung by anyone other than gamma. the way proto man and mega man are established as characters in history repeating does not, TO ME, show them as characters who would be throwing lines like that back and forth. also "if you side with me" is a VERY villainous line for mega man to say. bitch thats gamma
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ekkusu1993 · 10 months
Do you imagine X being KILLED someone?
This happens in my aus
X being Killed By Alpha because manga adaptation do
X being Killed By Gamma because he wanted genocide humanity
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(^ Gamma is a boss from mega man 3)
Basically a spiritual parent of x read this wiki
X being killed by Zero because zero is psychotic parasite
And This Happens in My Aus^^
I tend to imagine him going through the horrors yes but I get too upset when I think of him dying lol
So nope, not usually
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rickyreeves1980 · 11 months
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Mega Man 3 is an action-platform video game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is the third game of the original Mega Man series and was originally released in Japan on September 28, 1990. The game was released in North America later in 1990 and in European regions by Nintendo in 1992. Taking place after the events of Mega Man 2, the plot follows the titular hero as he helps his creator, Dr. Light, and a supposedly former enemy, Dr. Wily, collect parts for a peace-keeping robot by defeating several Robot Masters that have gone haywire.
An action-platform game, Mega Man 3 follows the same format set forth by its two predecessors. The player, as Mega Man, must complete a series of stages in any order. Defeating a stage's boss will earn the player its special weapon, which can be selected and used at will throughout the rest of the game. Mega Man 3 introduces new gameplay elements such as Mega Man's canine sidekick Rush and the ability to slide along the ground. Unlike the first two installments of the series, artist and designer Keiji Inafune has considered the creation of Mega Man 3 to be very stressful due to time constraints and his own increased responsibilities during its development.
Following the success of Mega Man 2 released two years earlier, Mega Man 3 has sold 1.17 million copies and has been positively received in critical reviews. Its presentation and gameplay has been especially praised, although many sources found the game to be too difficult. Like other titles in the series, Mega Man 3 has been re-released several times on other gaming platforms, on mobile phones, and as part of various Mega Man franchise compilations.
Mega Man 3 takes place during an unspecified year during the 21st century (20XX). 2-3 months after Mega Man 2, the mad scientist Dr. Wily, having twice had plans for world domination dashed, claims to have reformed and begins work with Dr. Light on a project to build a peace-keeping robot named "Gamma". Robot Masters – Top Man, Shadow Man, Spark Man, Magnet Man, Hard Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, and Needle Man – in charge of a set of "mining worlds", however, go berserk and make off with Gamma's eight power crystals. Mega Man is called into action, this time with a canine companion named Rush, to retrieve the crystals from the sites. Throughout his mission, the protagonist continuously encounters and spars with Break Man, a masked foe who has abilities comparable to Mega Man's own. After Mega Man destroys the eight Robot Masters, he then revisits four of the mining sites to face off against eight "Doc Robots", who possess the abilities of the Robot Masters from Mega Man's previous mission. Once the crystals are retrieved, Wily reverts to his evil ways, steals Gamma, and retreats to his new fortress. To stop Wily's newest plan to conquer the world, Mega Man destroys Gamma and defeats Wily in a final confrontation. As the fortress begins to crumble, Break Man appears in enough time to save Mega Man, but is too late to save Wily, who is seen being crushed under the rubble. When Mega Man regains consciousness in Dr. Light's lab, his creator informs him that Break Man was actually his older brother Proto Man.
Mega Man 3 retains the platforming and action game elements established by the two Mega Man games released before it. The player controls the protagonist Mega Man as he traverses eight selectable stages. The player's primary blaster weapon is used to fend off the game's numerous enemies. Several power-ups can be picked up in each stage, including life energy, special weapon ammunition, extra lives, and "E-Tanks", which are stored and can be selected to completely refill the player's life energy. At the end of every stage the player must defeat a Robot Master boss: Magnet Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Shadow Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, or Needle Man. Each Robot Master features a unique weapon and stage related to the weapon's power. After defeating a boss, their signature weapon is added to Mega Man's arsenal. The Robot Masters are weak to the weapons of certain other Robot Masters, allowing the player to ease the boss battles by clearing some stages before others.
Mega Man 3 is the first Mega Man game to feature the slide maneuver, which lets the player slip under enemy attacks and low-level barriers. After completing certain stages, Mega Man can access new abilities in his robot dog companion Rush. Rush's transformations include the "Rush Coil" for jumping higher, the "Rush Jet" for flying around the screen, and the "Rush Marine" for traveling underwater. Throughout the various stages the player encounters Proto Man (as Break Man), a mini-boss who, once defeated, will open passageways for the player to advance. Mega Man 3 also expands upon the two preceding games by having additional stages set between the initial eight Robot Masters and the linear stages of Dr. Wily's fortress. A password system can be used to return to the game with most of the stages completed. The "Doc Robots" are fought after defeating all 8 Robot Masters. The Doc Robots are faced in the Spark Man stage, Needle Man stage, Gemini Man stage, and Shadow Man stage.
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magicalpainterrebel · 11 months
New Mega Man OC!
Meet Lily the raptoroid!
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Name: Lily
gender: female
28 Feet (Normal size)
800 Feet (giantess form)
1,000 Metric Tons
Type: raptoroids
Quotes: my name is Lily, the purple of Maverick Hunter
She's her friend, X, Zero and Axl
She also defeated Maverick
She is her brother, Zero
She also growing and shrunk, to be fair that the size looks different, types that with her busters
He also her friend X and Zero, she also to save the people will protect in futures I will have my revenge on those who defeated me years ago.
Lily He is a high-ranking Maverick Hunter, she is her friend alongside with Gohan and piccolo
He stood that defeated perfect cell before she's still that gamma 1 and 2 what she looking at her to the giantess form, a form of the Android female, explain Lily with her friends, gamma 1 and 2, over that Gohan, explain that piccolo did it exactly was standing there to Shrink for that tiny repdroid female, after this turn to a giantess before she is now giant form of orange piccolo, he didn't mean that defeated perfect cell and she's still that broly, was she kicking it by broly, even this happened to frieza what she kicking it but she still, was defeated Goku black, before she kicking it but she still that sister, gamma 3, she is her sister, she is her two brother, gamma 1 and 2, she's still over look down to Goku, she is her friend which mean he's still that larger size of that Goku
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
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kichimiangra · 1 year
You know what makes me mad? Proximamon. He's a super special Digimon who doesn't exist, and his existence is only a theoretical possibility born from super calculations.
The three Digimon you need to make him are Arcturusmon, Siriusmon, and their buddy from the library, Ryudamon. The super calculator who would have come up with the possibility was Quantomon, and we never even got a single mention! Not even some ominous foreshadowing where Gulus gloated about obtaining ultimate power, or someone foretold of endings and beginnings (Proximamon's entire shtick is that it repeatedly destroys and then recreates the world, which are its actual two attacks that it is constantly using. I think it does this until it creates an idealized world that it wants and unfuses back to its component Digimon)
Not even a mention. I am so disappointed.
I have to agree! Proximamon is one of the things that have me holding out that the world of Ghost Game isn't over and that we are going to get a movie or a short second season that finishes up because there is too much leftover loose ends left untied up. Like, lesser ones are things like
-"What has Hokuto been doing in the digital world this whole time???"
-"How did he click up with assistant Terriermon?" (Until confirmed otherwise I'm going to pretend Terrier Assistant hatched from Bokomon's egg when he died and BlackTailmon Uver. took it.)
-"Espimon wanting to evolve is all well and good but was there any more important reason to go on a possible one-way trip to find Hiro just to Evolve?" Like... was it to be "Strong" to survive the chaos and infection Gulus left in the digital world? But then he goes to a mostly "Safe" Dimmension where that might not matter so....?
-"Can Fukatsu and Mei be reunited please?"
But then there's the IMPORTANT info like
-"Wait.... did you say ENDBRINGER????!!!!!" Like I know the GG writing team wanted to make something a little different (Example: No dead Leomon this series) but to go through all of that and almost end it on a joke that for the most part the thing motivating the "Big Bad" to do the big bad stuff is an almost NOT THREAT for the humans currently alive. Like it'll be a threat to FUTURE humans but like... 84 generations away from now.... That feels kinda like when a creator sets up a twist villain and the audience guesses correctly so they switch it to someone else entirely that had no set up or foreshadowing.... IE.... Bad writing....
-"Why no fight Gulus all the way to MEGA????" You HAVE a mega for him we never get to see in anime. You have a Mega AND a MEGA+ that we have ALL THE INGREDIENTS FOR and we never get him. Ryudamon could have been ANY kind of digimon but they chose one of the parts to make Proximamon.
-"Why not just kill off Gulus? Or not just let him be the big bad." I mean I don't WANT him killed off but killing him off and not bringing up some endbringer and just having Gulus be this Regulus Star Black Hole that wants to eat/destroy everything would at least tie off that loose end. Sure it is WAY more satisfying and on brand for Hiro and Gamma to love him into submission given that this series is basically "Lilo and Stitch the Series" but digimon! But the loose ends man....
The whole ending had this theme of "Creating a new world for both Digimon and Humans alike" and Proximamon is the man with the plan to be able to do it! And once again we have ALL THE PARTS and Quantumon! And why would you not want to try and sell cool villain merch?
Ghost game felt a lot like the first series of Magic Knight Rayearth; a whole series setting up to a second series that wraps things up and is the story they actually WANT to tell. But who knows...
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abstracttheorigin · 2 years
[Eden Gamma Game Development Update - 11/2/2022]
Hello Tumblr! Thanks for dropping by! My name is Abstract the Origin! I’m a Music Producer, Composer, Indie Game Developer & Founder of Abstract Red Studio! I am working on our first commercial video game set to be released for PC & Mac in the future!
Let me introduce you all to “Eden Gamma”! It’s a side scrolling action platformer akin to Mega Man (with some light RPG twists!) set in a cyberpunk world of my own imagining years into the future.
You take control of Maxim Williams, a disgraced ex-police detective turned Private eye investigating the disappearance of his close friend & former partner. Maxim dives head first into an ever widening conspiracy surrounding “NEW EDEN”, one of the biggest mega corporations to exist in the future United States; and he’ll need to keep his wits & reflexes sharp about him to survive long enough to save his friend, & possibly more at stake than he realizes!
If you wanna learn more about Eden Gamma & its planned features, head over to our Website for details! Also, if you like what you see and wanna join our community, feel free to come by our Discord server!
But, enough of that, what about the video?!
I share updates on development progress constantly, so look forward to them! In this update, I’ve finished some early programming on a sub machine gun, the MD6, as well as display some updates to ladder logic and the fixed coyote time mechanic. Let me know what y’all think!
If you like this, give me a follow!
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