#mega ultra chicken
yami-no-kea · 9 months
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My last fanart of 2023 and the first I finished in 2024. Happy New Year everyone !!
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girl help my demons are playing a card that has a second ability i don't know about
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al-xks · 5 months
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Arise! Mega Ultra Chicken!... ARISE!!!
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ADBK: Winged Dragon of Ra
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Epithet: The Burning Overseer
Voice Actor: Dan Green
Tribe: The Legendary Ancient Ones
Biography: The last of the main triumvirate between Slifer and Obelisk, Winged Dragon of Ra is perhaps the most versatile compared to the other two. For one, he can transform into various shapes, most notably the Sphere and the Phoenix, one for full defense and the other being offense.
Sphere Mode in particular can also be used for throwing at the enemy before becoming the Phoenix and burning the likes of Seven-Armed Fiend to the ground! Together, the three can invoke and temporarily become the strongest version of themselves, a Fusion known as the Creator Holactie!
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enneadau · 2 years
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Hanaq (Yami Ishizu) and the Winged Dragon of Ra by the incredible @zakurarain . This piece looks so darn cool! I am incredibly pleased.
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archer3-13 · 2 years
fire emblem engage paid dlc trailer already? sure whynot
certainly a bold display of confidence though does raise a lot of questions to me. dlc characters are emblem tiki who turns people into divine dragons [nice, i love it quite a lot], and the three other lords of three houses all grouped into a single character [and in their academy phase designs of course]. which is hilarious when we have other games with individual lords... getting their own slots [celica, lyn, sigurd etc.]
other then that, items accessories and the SILVER CARD WHICH SUGGESTS ON MAP SHOPS MAYBE HOPEFULLY PLEASE, or more likley that the dlc will give you a way to buy items more cheaply.
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prototypelq · 8 months
During my foolish attempt (thankfully, successful, through a lot of time, trial and error) at DMC5 SoS difficulty run, the Vergil fights have caught my attention. Vergil's behaviour in both fights is very unusual, and I wanted to share some thoughts on this matter.
post sponsored by mutual @stashoflostsouls's suggestion to share this
I'll open up with the most obvious one, a rebuttal of a misconception, that I've seen a number of times in the fandom, and which baffles me to this day - M20, aka Son VS Idiot Dad fight, which is a complete joke.
Don't get me wrong, this was not the hardest difficulty, not am I the most skilled player, but I almost won this battle first try, and actually won it on second, while being extremely freakin rusty at Nero game, by which I mean halfway remembering the controls in the middle of the fight. Even if you learn the attack patterns and dodges, a proper challenging bossfight will not allow this kind of victory.
M20 Vergil tends to fall on his knee for a breather after laying a single finger on him, he is Much Slower than before, and he gets caught by the most obnoxious Devil Breaker animations to boot. M20 Vergil is exhausted, he does not have his proper strength for this fight, and so a newly-awakened Nero thrashes him easily. Literally. This fight is mechanically and challenge-wise equal to an interactive cutscene, same as the credits. This does NOT mean Nero is on par with the twins' power, it only means he stopped them in their final moments, running all of their last fumes into that rush, only to be stopped from ending it all.
Okay, now that weird thing out of the way - M19 the Twins Final Stand.
Vergil behaves Very Weird in this fight, to say the least. First of all - phase 1 and phase 3 attacks are...Heaven and Hell. On SoS you need to dodge three then five consecutive Judgement Cuts. If phase 1 Vergil can be parried, interrupted or juggled even, phase 3 Vergil is completely bonkers insane, the only thing you can do against him is pray and run away. again I am not too skilled at the game.
Which, you know, is unusual for him. Because Vergil is decidedly Not known for toying with his prey. Vergil is known for going all in and executing threats on sight. It is weird for him to hold back so obviously.
Even funnier, one of the defeat lines he says is 'You've disappointed me, Dante' as in 'player you fool, this is only my first easy phase of the fight, how will you even survive the DT transition'.
i heard this one a lot
But okay, this can be excused by DMC5 being, y'know, a game. And a good bossfight needs mechanics, phases and challenge escalation, otherwise, it will decidedly not be a good bossfight, I hear you say. Hold that thought.
Now for the Arguably Most Stupid Move In the Entirety of DMC - the Mega Ultra Super Freakin Charged Flying Lizord Freight Attack during the 2d to 3d fight phase transition.
I cannot find the words to properly describe just how stupid this move is. It is flashy and powerful, which does suit Vergil at first glance, however, this is a fight against Dante. Batshit like this Would never work on Dante, Could never work on Dante, and never ever Will work on Dante. You wanna know how to dodge this attack? Double jump. That's it. Of course, you can get fancy and RoyalRevenge it right back, or Gunslinger-charge the IMMAH FIRE MAH LAZOR with the Double Kalinnas, or do another stylish move, but the easiest, cheapest, most obvious way to dodge this attack is double jump.
Do you see why this is stupid. For your notice, even the fried chicken Malphas' rampage attack has a larger hitbox than this!!!
Now, contrary to all the evidence presented above, there is One attack in the 1st phase which you must always take seriously - the teleporting Stab. It's the scenic attack which has Vergil shishkebab the player with Yamato and reminisce on 'the old times'. This attack is not hard to dodge, any moving will do it, however the Timing has to be very exact - too fast or too slow, and you can say bye-bye to your healthbar.
This attack is Vergil NOT messing around, this one is serious and dangerous, and you need to always keep it in mind. This attack is Vergil checking you, this is him testing how in control you are of this fight. If you are too excited, or tired, or your attention wandered and he does this - Easy Mode is Now Selectable TM. If I am not mistaken, this is the only attack which timing does not change between phases, meaning the dodge window in phase one and phase three is the same. Meaning this attack is Vergil Not holding back, unlike every other move in phase one, which is considerably faster the more the fight progresses.
So, what do we have in total:
Vergil responding in kind to Dante's provocation in the cutscene; then for some reason limiting himself during the start of the fight; except The Stab, which you can consider a provocation in of itself; doing a needlessly flashy and hopelessly useless freight train attack, which Vergil overly-telegraphs by flying around (parading) beforehand; and only after ALL THIS, does he start fighting in proper.
Tu-dunnn, advertising time! I am a firm believer and follower of the amazing mutual @stashoflostsouls' school of character analysis and thought, and for this particular post I will be referencing her analysis of Vergil's motivation, which you can guess from the title of this analysis - Vergil loves his brother and it’s the reason he falls, and her analysis on V(ergil) and how Dante ended up being the death omen of his own brother.
You should really treat yourself to reading the full versions of this, but a tldr for the post purposes: Vergil loves his brother so much, he could never kill him; Dante's determination to chase Vergil made him a death omen for his own older brother; after his rebirth in dmc5 Vergil feels rejected by Dante, has no reason to live, and he is ready to face death, which he has been running from his whole life, at the hands of his younger brother.
This analysis shines new light and makes sense of this erratic behaviour of Vergil's in M19. The entire fight is one big trap, a provocation, only the last phase of the fight is the actual last stand. The holding back at the beginning of the fight, and the frying freight lizord attacks are a big red flag Vergil keeps waving in front of Dante. To make him commit to this fight, to truly end this for once and for all, to bait his younger brother into thinking Vergil is serious and force his hand into killing Vergil, because that's the only way he would allow himself to go out.
thanks for reading, bonus discord quote about this from my dear mutual @stashoflostsouls
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p.s. my dear mutual @fluffypichu876 has also pretty much confirmed this in regards to highest-difficulty experience with the Vergil bossfights, much thanks and appreciation for that insight)
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neonpaperlanterns · 3 months
While I am content to wait for the initial story I requested. And grow more and more excited for it as time passes.
I wish to request a little comfort story of a sort.
Kickin chicken (after successfully leaving the factory) coming across a scared and lost child in the woods and comforting them while looking for their family whom were having a picnic somewhere nearby.
Ending with the parents begrudgingly accepting Kickin joining their picnic. Possibly ending with a little "Can we keep em?" From the rescued child
-Sunny Anon.
[A/n: I hope it is okay that I named the child after you. Also any of the bigger bodies are just cyrtid material. Imagine encountering one in the wild. Horrifying.]
Lost in the woods
Kickin hated to admit, like really really hated to admit it, like really super ultra mega hated to admit it but he was lost. 
Very, very lost. 
He had thought turning around and trying to retrace his steps would have helped but it just made it so much worse. Everything looked the same to him. He tried to remember landmarks or just things to identify where exactly he was but all he saw were trees and more trees. It was insanity! 
Huffing Kickin dropped rather unceremoniously onto a log. It wobbled from the force as he dropped his head into his hands.  
He wished Hoppy was here or Bubba or DogDay. Just someone else who could take the lead and he wouldn’t be alone while lost in the woods.
Or alone in general. 
Kickin jumped at the sudden jab to the back of his arm. Pivoting forward he flailed as he tried to spin and stand at the same time. Tripping over his own feet he somersaulted forward and tumbled along the ground until he made contact with a tree. Tiny branches and leaves rained down on him as his world spun. 
When did everything get all upside down? 
He blinked owlishly as his legs hung over his head. Ah, he was upside down.
As he was trying to orient himself, high pitched giggling rang through the woods. Fumbling his way into the right position he whipped his head up to see a little kid with a rather pointy stick in hand just absolutely losing their mind with laughter. He doubted that they were much older than seven. Their little face was turning red as they fell back onto their butt. 
“You poked me!” The sound of his accusation caused all laughter to cease. The child’s expression became pinched as they stared at him with wide round eyes. He watched as their lower lip jutted out and began to quiver, how their shoulders started to shake. 
Oh no.
“Hey, hey no need to cry. See I’m just a rad silly chicken.” Kickin sang as he did a cartwheel.
“Tada!” Landing solidly on his feet he struck a pose. He saw their mouth twitch slightly but their eyes were still glossy so he wasn’t out of the danger zone just yet.
“Check it.” Wiggling his arms up and down he moon-walked backwards. Making beatboxing noises he tried to do the worm. Doing it on a forest floor was not his smartest idea but he could hear the beginning of tiny giggles so he kept going. 
His arms were starting to get sore as he pushed himself up into a handstand. He tried and failed to balance on one hand and tipped backwards.
“Oof.” The wind was knocked out of him as he lay sprawled out on the ground.
“Are you okay?” A gentle prod at his foot had him raising his head slightly. The kids shoulders were hunched and had the stick pointed at him. But they didn’t look on the verge of tears anymore, really they looked more sheepish than anything.
“Yeah.” Sitting up slowly he watched as they shuffled backwards.
“Oh I’m KickinChicken. What’s your name?” He asked as he situated himself into criss-cross applesauce. 
“I’m Sunny.” They blinked up at him. “Why are you a giant chicken?”
“Why are you a tiny child?” He shot back. The kid looked down at their hands like he just shook their entire world view. 
“Why am I a tiny child?” They whispered. 
“Where are your parents?” He inquired, attempting to redirect a potential existential crisis. They were too young for that.
“At the park.” They answered matter of factly. 
“Where’s the park?” He asked matter of factly.
“I don’t know.” Sunny shrugged. 
“So you don’t know where your parents are.” It wasn’t a question and it seemed saying this out loud clicked something for Sunny because suddenly big fat tears began to roll down their cheeks. 
Oh no.
Kickin panicked as the kid wailed. He didn’t think any amount of dancing or cartwheels would fix this.
“Hey no, it’s okay. We’ll find your parents. I promise.” He stood up and reached out to Sunny. “Come on, let's go. We’ll find them in no time.” They didn’t budge and continued to cry. Not really sure what to do, Kickin scooped them up. He wanted to ask which way they came from but he doubted he would get an answer so he just went forward. 
Bouncing Sunny in his arms he started sing talking. He sang about the trees, the sky, a bird he just saw, even the rock he stepped on. It sort of seemed to work, their sobs turned more into hiccups as they interjected about a bug. 
As he continued to walk and as the sky was getting darker he started to hear voices. 
Voices were good. Picking up the pace he spun on his heel and bound towards what he assumed were people. Getting closer he could just make out the muffled yells of someone calling Sunny’s name. He was running now as the trees began to thin and there was a peek of a grassy field.
“Sunny! Sunny, where are you?” The concerned voice of a woman had said child perking up.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Sunny chanted as Kickin broke the tree line. 
So Kickin forgot something very important as he watched Sunny’s parents run towards them. He forgot that he was a giant, probably monstrous looking, forever grinning chicken. 
And that terrified most people.
Sunny’s parents were not the exception.
Their gait became uneven and their expressions shifted and morphed into a mix of worry and fear. It made something sour settle in his stomach. 
“Mommy! Daddy!” Sunny squirmed in his arms as he let them down. He watched as they darted straight into their parents' waiting arms. Averting his gaze he kicked his foot along the ground as he listened to the happy reunion. 
Kickin wasn't sure what to do now though but a tug at his arm halted any forming ideas as Sunny was suddenly dragging him closer to their parents.
They did not look pleased.
“This is Kickin. I found him.” Well they weren’t wrong, they did find them. “He does dances and cartwheels.” He wasn’t entirely sure where this was going and shared the confused look on the parents' faces.
“I see.” Sunny’s mother spoke softly as she tried to grab her child but Sunny wasn’t paying attention and started monkey climbing up Kickin’s leg.
“Sunny, honey come here, please.” Their father asked but his request went ignored.
“Why were you in the woods?” The child turned chimp asked and honestly he felt bad for the parents. They fidgeted and twitched forward as Sunny used him as a jungle gym.
“I was uh lost. Like you.” Sunny nodded sagely.
“Then we should bring you home.” They turned to their parents. “Right?” The kid tone brokered no argument. 
“Well that depends.” The dad coughed into his fist. “Uh Kickin where do you live?” The man looked ready to faint.
An awkward laugh left Kickin as he juggled Sunny. “Um, I don't live anywhere?” Sunny let out a rather dramatic gasp.
“What?!” They yelled as they kolaed around his arm. “You don’t have a home?” He shook his head at their question. Sunny turned a desperate look to their parents.
“He has to come home with us!” Once again said with the confidence that only a child could have. Their parents spluttered as Sunny was already climbing off of him and heading towards somewhere. One of his fingers wrapped firmly in their tiny little hand.
“You’ll like our house. It’s tall, like you. And you can stay in my room and we can build forts and you can meet my cat. And~” Sunny pitched their voice lower as if they were telling him a secret. “You can help me get the snacks high up.” It was sweet to listen to Sunny ramble about the snacks and how he was going to love all the toys they had and how they would be able to watch cartoons together. 
He wasn’t sure if things would work out exactly how the kid pictured or if their parents were actually going to go along with it. But he had wished to not be alone and he would give Sunny anything for answering it.
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yu-gi-poll · 11 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Exodia the Forbidden One is used by Yugi Mutou/Yami Yugi. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DARK
Level: 3
Effect Type: CONDITION
Effect (according to the anime): "When you have "Right Leg of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One" and "Left Arm of the Forbidden One" in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel."
ATK / DEF: 1000 / 1000
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EXODIAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE'S EVER BEEN ABLE TO CALL HIM BEFORE. *EXODIA......... OBLITERATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*.
Winged Dragon of Ra is used by Malik Ishtar ("Marik Ishtar" in the dub), Yami Malik Ishtar ("Yami Marik Ishtar in the dub), and Yugi Mutou/Yami Yugi. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: DIVINE
Level: 10
Description (according to the anime): "Ra shall take power from three Sacrifices. But even if the offering is to Ra's liking, the God shall only answer to the one who speaks the sacred words. When the means of resurrection are granted to it, Ra shall come forth from the earth and those who face the God in war shall be incinerated in flames. In an instant, Ra shall become a Phoenix, and the enemies of Ra shall return to the earth. He who chants the third litany may keep 1 Life Point and transfer the remainder unto Ra's Attack Points for one turn."
ATK / DEF: ? / ?
Mega Ultra Chicken Lord ftw.
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cynthiaandsamus · 10 months
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"Arise, Mega Ultra Chicken, Chicken Arise."
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
surviving march
well so. here we are. well into march. surviving.
i had no real symptoms of covid and i still don't, except that i'm just so tired. i could sleep ten hours a day. of course i can't sleep that long in bed, i still wake at my normal time without an alarm but with cat help, i just get out of bed and i'm just dizzy with exhaustion. (Usually metaphorically. today, literally.) but i wake up, i get myself together, i go about my business. and then, if i have a moment, at late morning, or early afternoon, or late afternoon, i will lie down for a moment, and if i don't do something to prevent it i will sleep two hours. and then come evening, an hour earlier than usual, i will go to bed, and i will sleep until my usual time. endlessly. normally i can get by on 6-7 hours in a night, with a good 8 hour lie in on weekends, but no more.
anyway. i don't have time for that, unless i give up everything but work. i have been leaving work slightly early, and not going in any earlier. i'm paid hourly, who gives a shit. i'm tired.
but, other than that, i do feel fine. the pokey mans has helped me remember to get up from my desk and walk around sometimes at least.
the pokey mans remains... mostly fun. i occasionally hit snags. i finally posted in frustration in the local Discord asking for tips on beating the one boss I just couldn't manage (Giovanni, if you're familiar), and the collective wisdom was, get better guys, which i was like i'm trying, and they were like no really, friend all of us, and whoever makes ultra with you first, we'll meet up at the weekly raid nite and we'll trade you a better guy, and I said i don't have anything cool to trade back? and three different people were like i don't need anything back i have extra guys, please take one. so that was actually a really nice interaction.
Every Wednesday is Raid Night, which is apparently universal-- from 6-7pm, wherever you are, there are simultaneous raids and mega raids and whatnot. Our local group is smaller than it once was, and so has condensed: one guy coordinates a "raid train" that goes down Hertel Ave, which is a dense urban street with a ton of gyms, and so he opens the remote lobbies of successive gyms at like. seven-minute intervals? somebody did the math at some point. And that's enough time to get from one to the next on foot for a fair distance, but it's also of course very easy for remote raiders to dial in.
It doesn't cost them anything if I tag along-- you can only send so many invites, but if you're in person you can just physically bop into the lobby. So there I was, with my tiny little guys, and a half-dozen level 45+ veterans with huge leveled-up mega pokemons dialed in, and I would gamely swing at the raid boss a couple of times and meanwhile the other half-dozen people would pummel the thing into the ground in a matter of seconds.
I've tagged along twice now, and I can manage like. Three gyms before I'm frozen. This time I brought Dude along, and he sat in a bar and drank a beer and ate some cheese sticks, and after about half an hour I came puffing back along the street and hopped onto the barstool next to him and got some chicken fingers and chattered about the great pokey mans I just caught. He's having a stressful time at work so it was good to get him out of the house.
I'm trying to find it all fun and funny, and mostly I'm succeeding, but I'm just so tired.
I did clear out a bunch of old drafts so my queue should be interesting for a bit.
I'm writing, it's just not getting finished. But I'm writing. I'll get there.
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para-imperium · 7 months
Terraforming Biodiversity
The seedships that arrived at Alpha Centauri had limited space on board for genetic samples, with parahuman and uplift DNA given the highest priority. The unfortunate result being that the vast majority of Old Terra's rich biodiversity died with that planet, leaving Secland and later terraformed worlds an extremely limited gene pool to work with. 
During the terraforming process scientists struggled to fill in the niches left open by a gene bank weighed heavily towards domesticated and laboratory test animals. The possibility of making "downlifted" versions of the uplifted species was proposed but almost universally rejected by the uplifts in question. Instead, the Bureau of Ecosystem Management offered jobs to uplifts filling the ecological roles of their progenitors. This strategy worked surprisingly well, especially with apex predators such as dolphins.
Another approach was to modify the animals they did have using the non-human genes that had been incorporated into parahuman genomes. For instance Secland "bats" are actually heavily modified mice while the procyon is a fox given hand-like paws and a ringed tail.
Late in the terraforming process scientists made a breakthrough that would simplify later efforts. Large complexes of genes that could be activated or deactivated with specific epigenetic triggers were added to the genomes of many species that could produce massive physiological changes in later generations. That way a single breeding colony of ultra-ferrets could give birth to 20-centimeter long mini-ferrets, semi-aquatic ferr-otters, or two-meter mega wolverines as the ecosystem needed.
List of source species:
Cat (Felis catus)
Cattle (Bos taurus)
Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
Ferret (Mustela furo)
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
House mouse (Mus musculus)
European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Sheep (Ovis aries)
Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Canary (Serinus canaria)
Chicken (Gallus domesticus)
Rock dove (Columba livia)
Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
Green anole (Anolis carolinensis)
Spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus)
Goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)
Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
House cricket (Acheta domesticus)
Yellow mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor)
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lettherebemonsters · 7 months
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" Fucking Lu....he turns into a fucking horse and everyone cheers. I turn into a giant mega ultra chicken and everyone screams and shits their pants.
How the fuck is THAT fair?"
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tomscottsredshirt · 1 year
can i please have a story where he’s sick and we snuggle and i feed him homemade soup. ultra super mega fluff please 🥰
tom scott x gn reader - sickness, cuddles & homemade soup
"how am i gonna film like this?"
"you've been coughing all day, your temperature is through the roof, you've used up so many tissues you could fill up the house with them. the answer is, you won't."
tom lets out a defeated sigh, which just makes him cough again. it sounds dry and painful. you can't help but caress his cheek lovingly, noticing how hot his skin is.
"bloody hell. i have a flight next wednesday. i can't just cancel it."
he pulls the covers all the way up to his chin, trembling underneath. your expression turns soft, eyes full of worry for your boyfriend.
"i really wish i could make your cold go away, but i can't, tom. let's just hope you recover as fast as possible. i'll take good care of you."
"i know you will. thank you." his voice is hoarse and weak. he blows his nose for what feels like the millionth time.
"my head feels twice as heavy as it usually does. ugh."
your heart aches seeing him like this, but you know you're doing everything you can. cough medicine, ibuprofen, lots of tissues, hot tea and soup. still, you feel a little helpless. you look at his form underneath the covers, only his head peeking out, and you climb onto bed with him, lifting the sheets and wrapping your arms around his weak form.
"what are you doing? you'll get sick as well," he croaks.
"don't care. i want to hold you," you mutter with a smile, burying your face in the soft fabric of his grey hoodie. tom chuckles, gently wrapping an arm around you as you let your legs intertwine with his, wanting him as close as possible. you absentmindedly play with his hair, holding each other in comfortable silence. tom can hardly breathe through his blocked nose, though. you put the back of your hand against his forehead, a concerned look on your face as you feel his hot skin.
"gotta measure your temperature again," you mutter, mostly to yourself as you let go of tom's embrace to get the thermometer, gently placing it in his mouth. you sit next to him, rubbing his arm, trying to comfort him a little as you wait for the little beep. it reads 38.1, lower than it was this morning, which makes you feel just a little relieved. you press a kiss on the top of his head before making your way to the kitchen.
"where are you going?" tom asks with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
"i'll make you some soup. you just rest, okay?"
putting on some light music, you wash, chop and boil vegetables in hot water, adding salt and preparing the chicken and noodles for a good old traditional remedy for tom's cold. he scrolls on his phone and pulls out a book to read until then, coughing and blowing his nose what feels like every two minutes.
the pleasant smell of boiling chicken soup fills the air. once it's done, you turn off the stove, pouring a portion into a bowl.
walking over to tom, you gingerly give him the bowl of soup on a tray, careful not to spill it in his lap. he looks at you lovingly, even more tired than usual, yet you still can't help admiring that pretty face of his, even when he's sweaty and sick. you're head over heels for the man, damn it. a cold won't change that.
"thank you," he whispers. you sit down next to him, taking a spoonful and gently raising it to his mouth. he doesn't have the energy to argue against being spoonfed, so he just goes along with it. he only finishes half the plate, and you can't really blame him; you don't really have the biggest appetite when your body is doing its best to fight against whatever nasty germs are attacking your immune system. gently stroking tom's hair, you put the plate aside and bring him into your arms again, showering him with little kisses wherever you can reach; his cheeks, jaw, forehead, nose, neck. all he does is giggle softly, flustered by the sudden attention.
"you know, i might be feeling better already."
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trollverse · 2 years
TrollVerse (shitpost undertale multiverse)
TrollVerse is a magic world in what there are a lot of Troll Faces born from something Idk.
This is a shitpost! Don't take it seriously. Also you can join discord server on what I am making with others new characters for TrollVerse and you can see how the trolls looks and sneakpeaks for future parts.
Discord link: https://discord.gg/FZ5rjp3w
Part 1 of TrollVerse lore: In the old old times, there was a old old world where a old old troll lived. After some time alternative versions of this troll born: Fell Troll, Outer Troll, Science Troll. These 3 are great friends with the classic troll. Then after some time, VHS and XTale Trolls born. They were causing havoc and destruction. Science wanted to do something about it. He was experimenting and creates Virus Troll. But Virus Troll was a bad experiment and started destroying everything too. Outer was walking in forest and seen that VHS tried to kill 1 troll that they didn't knew about yet: Mushroom Troll. He saved Mushroom Troll with his stars attack and killed VHS. VHS could revive tho. Trolls got a new Mushroom Troll to their Troll Squad. Science was trying to invent something that can stop havoc and invented Amalgamate Troll. He wasn't bad, neither he was good. He was just sitting in place and melting. Science gaved up on trying, but in next experiment he invented… Anti-Virus Troll! End of Part 1
Part 2: Science invented Anti-Virus Troll. This troll was ultra gud gud gud and wanted to help his sir. Virus then appeared in Science's lab ready to end his life, but Anti-Virus slapped him in face and then fired mega anti code beam on him. Virus dodged and fired virus code beam on Anti-Virus Troll. He dodged and slapped him again. Virus knew he won't survive so he escaped but anti-virus tried to get him. Anti-virus trapped him in mega code bubble and jailed in lab. 1 problem left. There was still 2 more trolls to catch and jail. Science was proud of his invention. He showed what happened to his friends - mushroom, outer, fell and classic. Then few days later they noticed there was no XTale or VHS. Few hours later they were chilling and Fell was eatin' ice-cream and Outer a chicken. Classic almost got heart attack because of very scary scream. It was someone they didn't knew yet - Horror Troll. He loved chickens and just came there to get one. Outer gaved him chicken only because Horror was very angry and had axe in his hand that had blood on it and then they realised what happened to XTale and VHS. Horror probably trapped 1 of them and killed. They knew it must be XTale because VHS can revive. Then VHS jumped on a tree and screamed: ''YOOO FAULTTTTTT!!!!!'' Outer and Fell started to attack him and anti-virus just came in. He used his anti-virus code beam and sent VHS to brazil. End of Part 2
This is a shitpost, so please don't take it seriously.
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nitroglycerin-sponge · 2 months
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Mysterious Emporium Part 7
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Bonus: answers from Master Myrzor
Yes, but I am a brown noser.
Not a chance in 5,000 years.
If there was a vote, they'd blindly vote yes.
Answering positively will only yield inaccuracy.
Definitely not.
Answers in the mirror are reversed: S E Y
No, but be careful.
Of course! Are you out of your mind?
Sure, if you are OUT OF YOUR MIND!
Yeah, sounds good.
Eh... probably.
It is a definite possibility
Unthinkably no.
Absolutely not.
Definitely possibly.
Do eeeeeet! Do eeeeeeeeeeeet!
Pfft. As if.
As Nancy Regan would say, 'no means NO!'
99.9% Yes
Inconclusive results. Try again.
Absolutely possibly!
I 'NO' the answer to this one.
Are you serious? That question is silly... I am not going to answer!
The correct answer is false.
All of your friends said no.
Heck no!
Probably likely to be no.
Ask me again later, I am on coffee break.
Undoubtedly this is true!
Why not? You only live once... yes.
51% Nah....... Most likely not.
Most Assuredly.
This is not a good time, please ask again later.
Your typing is hard to read. Please type more neatly and ask again.
Ask that question again in exactly 2 minutes and 34.5 seconds.
You have my consent. Yes.
Precisely Super Positive!
0% chance.
Why does everyone ask me this. NO!
The answer can be found in the middle of sNOw.
If you think the answer is yes then you are wrong.
It would be foolish of me to say no.
Why not?
I have conferred with the ancients. They said... sure.
Ultra mega super definitely!
If you already know the answer is yes why do you keep asking me?
Disappointingly no.
I have seen this before, and it is affirmative.
Not a chance.
51% Yes!
99.9% NO!
Nay (As in no, not as in how a horse sounds.)
The answer requires you to set aside your fears.
The answer is yes. But I am lying.
Snowball's chance in Xan's volcano
Yes, absolutely, positively... oh wait... no.
100% No
It is highly likely negative.
Precisely Super Positive!
Please re-type louder, I could not hear your question.
Your friend said you would ask this. The answer is yes.
I am sorry, what did you say?
The odds are one in a gazillion and two.
This answer involves math. Let's try.... N + O = ?
Do chicken cows bark? (Correct answer: Maybe.)
Do not tell anyone else, but the answer is no.
Thinking about this will only lead to more thinking.
To reject you would be silly. Absolutely!
It is mostly uncertain.
It is possible that it is true, but it is false.
Eternally no.
This is highly unlikely.
No. But I think your question was misleading.
How come everything you type is backwards when I see it? Ask again.
Perfect possibility.
Absopositively NOT!
The fates would forbid this.
The obvious answer is no.
Sure. But can you live with that answer?
Not if pigs could fly (more than they already do.)
You will not break me if I tell you the answer is no, right?
The future is too fuzzy to see. (use some window cleaner)
No way.
Indubitably correct!
The answer is yes. But it is opposite day.
This question is difficult, let me think about it and ask again later.
Outlook is freaking sweet.
Zzzzzzz.. *snort* wha? Oh, it's you. What did you want? Please ask again.
This fact is undeniable.
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