2aceofspades · 7 months
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A level of understanding...
Beginning | Previous | ...
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sualne · 10 months
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Mr 0 and Miss All Sunday investigate.
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ikkosu · 14 days
While rooked into a case he needs to solve, and aside from getting a new partner for, well, reasons — the enforcer is faced with a certain 'predicament' he needs tending.
reader is taller than prowl btw. like, a little bit taller. Or like super tall. I just like the height difference ok. ever since I saw this fanart I just went AWOOGA he's so ndjdjdn his waist damn. I need him submissive. posted this at one am too :D warnings : mild robot gore, and mentions of valve spike. all that stuff.
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UP at the south, Kaon's underground road network hasn't been fairing well these last few solar cyles. The tunnel, swarthed in ink, stretched across from both sides of the labyrinth with each end unseen, fading off into the deep chasm. The only light source now was Swindle's flashlight that lit a soft halo on the ceiling.
The tunnel was extremely obscure under radar. After several Deceptions attempted another revolutionary feat it was then banned of entry. You can barely trace any energon trails entering and leaving the tunnel. Small wonder it was chosen as a hideout — disregarding, of course, the daily patrols now that occured at fixed intervals.
Grimacing, he shifted on his pedes to avoid the murky puddle on his right. The shroud of sulfuric egg, rotten scum and the churn of garbage danced by, and Swindle wouldn't have chosen this place at all if it weren't for the pleasureable sum he's about to be gifted with.
This better be a good deal.
And, on cue, the silhouette of a mech emerged from the shadows, quelling any sense of irritation he had for the late timing. Chastise would be normally an appropriate response. But he figured there'd be no point about huffing now when he's sure this mech's not a force to be reckoned with — and is frame shouldn't be : optics a darkly blue, gold platings a pulsing radiance under the beam of light.
He's a physical embodiment of a shanix-jacked aristocrat. The ones those 'cons' would surely give a good beating to. Him, on the other hand? They're good customers. The best, if any.
"Traffic, eh Senator?" Swindle approaches, servos itching for a good deal. He's already skimming through the many treats he's got under his sleeve.
"Hardly." He grunts with a dismissive wave. "Just some mindless cogs trying to interfere with my work. I ought to establish some policy to prevent them from being this, ugh, trying."
"Believe me, those coppas are as persistent as sparkeaters leechin' off a snuffed mech." He mused.
The mech laughs, a deep rich rumble pricely enough to conjure gold bars. "It's a mystery to know when they'll emerge unannounced."
" Now, onto business. What do we have, here?"
Between them, a barrier, is a table. Producing a rectangular black box from his subspace, the mech sets it down on the surface. Inside, a clink of something can be heard like wind chimes fluttering against the breeze.
"All the crystals from the best of all cities and planets." He said. " Iacon, Vos, Teran, Xaraen — Camien delight, your favorite, is also a plus."
"Ohohoho!" Swindle unlatches the cover and beams at the myriad of vibrant gems. "You can't be giving me these beauties all for nothing, eh? What do I owe you the pleasure of?"
"Oh, nothing grand. I'd just like the usual."
Swindle, for a moment, visibly sags. " Sorry to disappoint but with all the bots cracking down on all of my sources. I don't got too many interesting Intel these days from hiding."
"Oh, no, no,no, no." He waved a servo to stop him." Not the surveillance. I don't need that. I've got enought. What I need, however. Or, rather — my boys on the air has been lacking in some...condiments for their next heist. See to it that they're sufficiently provided."
Now, that's a target he could aim.
"We-ell, why don't'cha just say so?" Swindle grins, interest piqued. "Y'got a benefactor to spare?"
"Quite. He's not very compliant at the moment and I'd rather he is. Could you, perhaps, 'alleviate' that stubbornness of that dear mech?"
Swindle chuckles and does a half-bow, servo on his chassis."Well, my good sir. Anythin' for the customer is a good go. It's in my policy to do so much more than just alleviate his stubbornness." He pinched his foredigit and thumb. Then, rubs it." For a small extra charge, of course."
He throws in several more shanix onto the table.
"I take it you'll be swift?"
"Quick as a turbofox in heat, I assure you."
Ivory white flashes as he grins. "Happy hunting."
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THE sun peered between the dark blue clouds of the smothered the sky. Iacon and it's stretching towers loomed above like jagged mountaintops, abstract and austere in all it's glory.
Prowl grips the railings tight. He leant over and rested his helm against the cool metal. Much too cool against the feverish temperature of his helm. Slow and steady he vents, attempting to cool down his heating frame.
The chronometer beeped five thirty. He's outside. Outside in the barely risen morning, disturbed from a barely slept slumber and dragged out to barely risen city straight into a murder scene.
The scenery fleets by in a thin film of blue. Enforcers litter the region, half a mile at most, rousing nearby apartments and living spaces for questioning. Gradually, front porches open. Dawdling mechs and their slow blinking optics, half sleep-induced, are jostled awake at the sight of the officers.
A passing mech was jogging around the vicinity when he supposedly stumbled over a concrete slab. A quick double take proved it wasn't a slab but a dead mech sprawled out on the road, a mini crater indicating the weight of his fall.
And, looking up to the nearby building, where he supposedly fell, a smashed glass on the perfect teeth of windows indicated clear where the incident occured. Obviously, the mech is long gone : grey and parched of color; helm tilted to one side, optics black.
Prowl let's out another breath. It seethed through clenched dentas, hissing out as steam. His servos shook. Footsteps patter behind and Prowl grips it taut to reign it in.
"Sir? Are you—"
"I'm fine." He cuts off the mech. " Who is it?"
The junior officer blinks in surprise, a waver in his voice. "Uh— they, uh. It's someone. They...They claim to be your partner, sir." He trails off, unsure and also surprised at the prospect.
Partner? Prowl skims languidly across the ample litter of mechs bustling about. Only until his optics land on a familiar one, he nods stiffly. "They're with me. You can leave, now."
And not long after did his 'partner' emerged, lifting up the yellow tape, chatting with the passing enforcers amiably before sauntering towards where he stood.
"Not so bustling as I expected to be." You said. " Is it usually this quiet? Or, you could say — dead silent?"
The smaller Praxian had to take several steps back to regard you fully, an unimpressed look on his face. As usual, a loose smile eased at the gesture but you turned away to hide it.
"Enforcer." You bowed and held out a servo.
Instead, he eyes you with a cold reverie, nose raised high and haughty. "Doctor."
And that's what it only took to carve out the familiar, seething scowl. "It's Commander, doctor."
"Actually, it's medic." You mused, optics fleeting over his frame."New paint job?"
"Excuse me?"
Even when he's scowling, the confused puppy look and the flicker of a doorwing alleviated the intimidating factor.
"You look different." You said.
"I don't."
"You kind of do."
"Just—" He rubs his face. "Just what on Cybertron are you trying to insinuate?"
" Come on, now." You nudge him. "Can't a mech compliment a good polished frame?"
Prowl makes an exasperated sound when you gesture to his body. You can't help it when really is shinier than usual. The Ivory veneer plating is practically glowing under the soft rays of the sun. Prowl, however, rubs his face.
"I take it you're aware of your current position?" He eventually says after a moment.
You rubbed your helm thoughtfully, reminiscing the words of Ironhide this morning. All you remember from the debrief was: 'He's a stick down on tha mud'. And also, a stick up his aft? A stick in or stick out? You're not sure.
"Quite." You snort. "Takes a while to get used to it. Especially when Prime didn't inform the reason why. "
"You don't need to know the details behind the transfer."
"Oh, trust me." You said. " I dont think want to, Praxian."
He regards you for a moment before shaking his head, whirling around to inspect the nearby scathes and scratches. Meanwhile, you knelt next to the body and grimaced, sliding on protective gloves. From the corner of your optics, Prowl does as well and he does it with prim and precise movements. It's been a long time since you're out on the fields.
"Why do I have to do this, again?"
Prowl tilts his helm, observing the body at a different angle, the last digit slides inside the sleeve with a plap. "You're experienced with helmichular fracture. Or, working with Cybertronian helms, for that matter."
You scanned the dried energon smeared under the poor mech's helm. Primus, how in Unicron's two aft did he get here? You swivel up. Oh, right. Falling.
"I work with the inner parts. Nothing the same like Chromedome does. That's heinous work. Mine's more on the anatomy, actually."Plating fracture, check. Spinal strut loose and fragile — check. Stiff joints, check. " Couldn't you have figured this out on your own?"
You prod the neck cables, feeling it flaccid. Prowl was silent for a moment. If he was irritated, you could tell by the scowl deepening from the reflection of the puddle beside you.
" I could," he says eventually. "But I don't need your input. I simply.... require a presence to rectify my hypothesis."
Oh? "That's a statement I never thought I'd hear you say." You mutter.
Prowl knelt beside you. He angles himself in a way you would have to look over his shoulder to see the body. The soft scent of datapad and office paperwork wafts by.
"This mech, here, is Strongholt." He said. "He's a member of the High Council. Tasked with handling ammunitions. Obviously, on close inspection it appears as though this body is conformed to the fall."
With the way he worded it, you're sure he doesn't think that way.
"The spinal struts is smashed." You said, optics quick and scaning. "....and everything else is broken. It could be ruled out as suicide but with you here I don't think that's the case."
He lets out a sound you're not sure if it's a conceding one or something else entirely. But he juts out a digit and you look at where he points. Disregarding the scratched plating, some regions of the surface were unusually glossy and some were worn.
"He hasn't gotten his plating polished." Prowl says.
"A bit late for that now, don't you think so?"
"He rushed all the way here in the dead of the night. Why else would he do that?" Prowl rests a servo on his face, mumbling into it thoughtfully. " Senator Stronghold is have said to taken care of his plating with precise delicacy. But this time—" Slowly, he traces a digit along the platings. " —Observe the fringes. It seems indelicate along the seams. His arm is polished but the rest isn't."
"Oookay." You try to grasp the pieces together. Trying to fit in the missing cogs from the machine. "So, he didn't jump. Is that what you're saying?"
"Not suicide."
" Then, what could it be?"
"He brought himself to a place." He muttered. " To somewhere. Unless it's someone and if he complied then it's not a matter of force-handing, is it?"
"I'm assuming things aren't as what they seem to be, apparently."
Prowl taps his thigh in an irritated manner. Either he was talking to himself or to you, it was hard to tell. But with how he disregarded your questions and looks — it was obvious he's cooped up in his thoughts.
"Dragged up there." He continues the muttering to himself. You noticed he's a little restless with the mini-movements he makes. From the rock of his kneeplates and the subtle, but often, flick of his doorwings. " No, down here. He walks. Over there. Then, close to the pole. How many footprints?"
You snapped out of your thoughts with a jolt, scrambling for an answer at the sudden question. Lamely, you said. "Five?"
"No, it's three." He waves at you dismissively. "Foot prints indicate long exposure to standing. Disagreement ensues. Blunt force trauma to the helm. Dragged up—" On cue Prowl swivels up. "Then pushed. Guise of a murder. Two mechs. An accomplice, to be precise."
" A what— Wait— so, hold on." You tug him close, lowering your voice. " He orchestrated his own death?"
Prowl leans away.
"Were you even listening to what I said?" He gives you an incredulous look." If you have so much to lose, would you really do that?"
You groan. He's not helping one bit."You're being real cryptic right now and I'm trying my best."
"No, not orchestrated." He vents. " That'd be ridiculous. But miscalculations did occur during the 'composing' of the Orchestra. He's compliant all but for the money. Both a victim to his faults and thinking."
You turn over his words in your processor. The lingering feeling that this isn't some kind of suicide rules out clear and Prowl had, somehow, figured it beforehand.".... You dont need me here to help you figure out case, don't you?"
He gives you a look that basically confirms it : a smug, but begrudging tug of his lips.
"I need you to confirm a certain theory." He points to the helm. " Blunt force trauma — Zero point."
You move over to the chassis and unlatched the plating. As expected the spark chamber indicated clear signs of restrictive energy flow from the burnt out, damaged ports. This could only occur if—
"He had suffered heavy blunt force trauma." Prowl stands up, gripping the railings with a vent.
" So, this is murder." You follow him, pacing around, a bit reeling from the new turn of events. "Its— it's murder, right?"
" We can't prove it is yet. We..." He trails off, then shake his head. "Tommorow when the warrant comes we'll able to consult his company....and...."
"Prowl, mech. You good?" You turn to the Enforcer who's looking a little off to be well, right now. "Hey, you need a moment?"
Crime scenes aren't the most pleasing sight to behold. Especially, the brutality of it all. You just didn't expect Prowl to be affected this badly.
" I'll—" He clutches his chest, shudders and groans lowly, stumbling forward.
"Prowl!" You caught him before he could hit the ground and instantly limps against your body, venting hard.
His frame was warm. So warm that once you touched his shoulder every moisture on the tip of your digit sizzles into steam. He's shaking and Primus, he's burning!
"You're sick and you didn't tell me?!" You laid him against the railing, loosening his taut platings to let air inside. Steam practically chuffs out from the pistons, smoldering your face with vapor when you unlatched the clips.
"I'm not sick." Was his weak protest and he pawed your servos away, attempting to get up. "The warrant—"
"Don't even try." You push him down. "Your optics are glazed! Plating is burning even worse than a typical fan-clog fever!"
"I'll get through it." He grits out.
"I'm sending you back. Doctor's orders."
He lets out an exasperated sound. " You're stalling the process! I need to solve the case before some overcharged single brained processor messes it up. "
"And you'll smelt into alloy by then, little mech." You clicked on your comm. " I'll deal with the body and I'll deal with the paperwork. You, on the other hand, need ratchet. If you preach for efficiency — then be compliant to it. "
Prowl opens his intake but ozone burns his tongue and another shudder sears through his platings. He turns away from you, groaning lowly. Maybe it's better if he complied because, right now, all he feels, is like a mech doused in gasoline and set on flames.
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"Will you be fine?" Ratchet cocks a brow
Prowl grunts, swinging his legs off the medical berth. " I'll manage."
"Sure? Your internal processors are charged up than usual, Prowl." Ratchet grimaces at the datapads. Doesn't look much too good, if he had to be hoenst. " I wouldn't recommend you going about your tasks if you don't want your battle computer burning out out."
Prowl keeps quiet. He can feel the wanton heat pooling in his panel, itching, clawing to be spring free and abuse.
" Prowl?"
He sucks in a breath. "I need to go." And with that he turns on his heel and leaves.
He shouldn't have known it would be today. Especially, when the signs are clear enough these past few weeks : frequent mood swings, strange cravings at strange hours
He could've have pieced it all together and prevented the inevitable — but when he onlined this morning on his berth and felt the familiar trickle of lubricant coating his inner thighs, it was over.
He was too late.
Heat cycles.
Just the worse.
It was easy to know when it's coming just as easy to know it's going to get worse : the numbness on the tip of your digits, restless frame, unfocused and glazed optics. The desire to lodge a hole into every walk you find. All typical sign.
Some frames are more accustomed to such a cycle. Unlike the smaller frames, larger ones are able to disperse heat more efficiently. So, it was a tolerable task to wait it out during work and return home and take care of whatever problem they had with their conjux. Even better, take heat suppressants and the charge, while not entirely taken care of, is reduced.
But given his Praxian frame slim build, demure size and all, the heat isn't so well dispersed and the intake of suppressants just happens to make it worse. His tanks are sensitive to the chemicals; he took it once and it wasn't fun taking turns purging his tank and satisfying himself.
Prowl groans, squeezing his thighs together as the words blur out from his optics. The datapad in his servos dented from his grip and he discards it on the table, landing across with a tack. Blasted report. He keeps reading the same line over and over and his processors won't digest the damn thing.
He leans against the chair and his helm tips back until his optics met the ceiling. An experimental servo glides down his abdomen and he shudders as it clamps on his heated panel. He gives it a little stroke, venting when lubricant smear the seams. A low whine churned from his throat. Prowl flushes, chagrined.
Mhn. Hot. He feels hot. So, hot. So Restless. He needs to purge out this excess energy or driving him insane. He could head out into the sparring range and punt in a few dents jn the testing dummies but he's too restless for that. He needs something and that something has to be inside and pumping his valve until he's all but a writhing mess on the floor.
The panel slides and a throbbing spike springs out. Ivory in color, grey outline, it stands at attention and the tip weeps with transfluid. Prowl slides his digits inside the swollen valve. He groans as he feels his calipers pulsing around his digits, spreading the folds out.
He can't keep going on like this.
On cue, the door opens. Prowl jolts in his seat and swivels up at the intrusion, lodging his digits deeper inside in tandem of his fluster. It was you. You're by the doorway. Stiff and straight to the brim, optics wide. The datapad you were holding drops from your servos just as your jaw had flung open in surprise
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freach · 5 months
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Hi everypony :3
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sugarpasteltmnt · 16 days
I’ve never met you before in my life.
You appeared on my dash. Ominously, might I add. I clicked on your blog, suspicious of your intentions. I saw you wrote a Leo fic. An ANGSTY Leo fic, from what I understood.
And now.
I want you to understand
My point of view.
This seems really fking good. Like, REAAAALLY fuking good. And the fanart is GREAT.
But I’m allergic to angst.
And now you got me intrigued.
. . .
So now you got me thinking,
“Should I- click on this fic? Should I try?”
(Aka me saying this looks great but I’m afraid for my LIFE)
don't worry :) everything is fine :) you can totally trust me let me in :)
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blep blah, here have some old ass backrooms doodle content when the topic of "the beach episode" concept came up bluhp blooh brain nyooming but art hand isn't arting
i think what is super cute in modern fandom expression that I've seen is that in terms of making OCs or AUs is that sound seems to have a bigger role now than from what I remember when I was young. which I'm thinking has a lot to do with being able to clip audio easily or being able to make multi-track playlists whenever. y'all out here with reels of your art with voice claims and some of the most thoughtfully and artfully crafted soundtracks-- not even playlists, some of that shit is a straight up soundtrack level be real
89% tempted to try one of those shady "free" video/audio editing programs to make a LoFi chill beats study girl visualizer playlist with my iteration's boys ...
anyway gonna contemplate music headcanons for my iteration under the cut
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From Turtle Tracks fan letter section, Archie run, #24
so real quick, my iteration is literally just them chilling, hanging out, being together in their mid 30s- early 40s, and then sometimes flashing back to their child/teen years in the 90s because tl;dr i have miiiiiinor beef my childhood turtles weren't quite as "90s" as they "could have been" (nvm I'm cackling at the milennial pop culture refs in Mutant Mayhem drop kicking me back into my adolescence)
but mehehehehe, keeping that they listened to Public Enemy and The Jungle Brothers
and aside from Top 40 musicians of the time... I feel like being outsiders themselves, having to sneak around to explore and learn about people and what's above the sewers had them eavesdropping into a lot of nighttime venues and getting into the underground and various niche subculture scenes that daytime Top 40 didn't play.
cannot tell me the lights, thumping and noise from bands playing hardcore or house or hosting cyphers or raves didn't attract these curious and funky little green dudes like moths to a flame
... Leo definitely fell in deep with the gregorian chant phase, soothing sounds of nature fads , a big fan of Orbital and he fell into that electronic, house, trance, eurodance rabbit hole right after. he also got into Celtic folk music but when his brothers caught his ass studying Michael Flatley to incorporate Riverdance footwork into his ninjutsu he got teased so mercilessly that he took great care to hide listening to it... which just made his stealth better so joke's on them heehoo
Not to mention they're from New York City, the underground music scene is always bangin' no matter the decade; feel like rap and punk got a lot of tracks on their mix tapes back in the day
Raph getting into the metal scene in his own exploring the city trips, and then progressed to music with that boom bap sound (cuz baby boy needs a way to come down off those high intensity moods idk ijs)
Donnie... just the amalgamation of his brothers, he needs that background noise while he's chewing on schematics and protoype development, he would definitely have been the mixtape maker/recording bootlegger (along with Mikey)
Mikey absolutely tagged along with his brothers sometimes whenever they went to their spots for music, though he himself backflipped into ska 'cuz Mikey is always for the people
my tmnt  iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt  iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
tmnt  iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
Keep reading
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rotttencandies · 4 months
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Lovers arcana MAX!
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nightdrawz · 6 months
Thank you everyone who joined!!! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
Im so glad people enjoyed the whiteboard and doodled their own drawings!
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i-ate-your-dog-srry · 6 months
here's a real question... Can I hug Howdy? If you ever drawn Howdy I want to give him a hug! The talk fluffy caterpillar needs a hug!
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Indeed, he does!!
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2aceofspades · 10 months
o(TヘTo) aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA Aceeeee how dare u hurt my soouulll ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Hi, my dear dear morse anon (: soorrwwyy 🙏🙏
.-.. .. - . .-. .- .-.. .-.. -.--/.- .-.. .-. . .- -.. -.--/... - .- .-. - . -../-.. .-. .- .-- .. -. --./-- --- .-. ./.- .-.. -- --- ... -/.-. .. --. .... -/.- ..-. - . .-./- .... .- -/.-.. .- ... -/..- .--. -.. .- - ./- . . .... . . -.-.--
-.. ---/.-- .. - ..../- .... .- -/.. -. ..-. --- .-. -- .- - .. --- -./.-- .... .- -/-.-- --- ..-/.-- .. .-.. .-.. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
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fetoscopy · 9 months
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lazyracconlol · 18 days
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I didn't post this here,huh..
anyway, a little bit of my au..or idea...idk,they're just stupid
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betterleitly · 1 month
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really love this shirt I got from my girlfriend's they/them mother
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Is the next chapter the BIG reveal…? Please help my little heart, it’s been aching for this moment and fluff since I started reading your fic since the early chapters. Your work is just-
✨chefs kisses✨
Btw love your work, and eat some food! 💜
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yuelaos-codex · 1 year
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voted most likely to run away with you
a/n: finally drew my babies together! just some sketches of their brief romantic moments. they're not the type to show pda, but if you look at them long enough you'll get to see the other side of their relationship~
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twiligh-squirrel · 3 months
Aaron has so much potential to be a villain
Literally the silly one that ended up being a traitor for the girl on the enemy’s side, and that denigrates the leader’s past as well as bullies his friend ( because she prefers the side of the leader’s past)
just delicious, give me more 🤭
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