#melodie sevilla
hhxe · 1 year
música, pesadilla
[ música ]   -  ¿qué tipo de música te gusta? / ¿artista/banda favorito?
cuenta con una variedad amplia de placeres culposos, música contemporánea cae en esa categoría, pues para los mayores que le criaron, nada podría superar a tchaikovsky, rachmaninoff y brahms, ni debía hacerlo. con su independencia ganada ha desarrollado diferentes inclinaciones en lo musical. ' por sorprendente que parezca estoy tomándole gusto a la música progresiva o ¿tecno?, ¿edm?, quien lo diría. '
[ pesadilla ]   - ¿cuál es tu miedo más irracional?
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majestativa · 1 year
Her lute wounded by the plectrum caused me to shiver as if I had heard a melody played by swords on the neck tendons of the enemy.
King Al-Mu‘tamid of Sevilla, Poems of Arab Andalusia
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the bustling city of Nueva Sevilla, nestled in the heart of the Galactic Confederation, a unique festival was underway. The streets were alive with the sound of music, laughter, and the swish of elaborate dresses as dancers twirled to the rhythm of traditional melodies. The city's architecture was a harmonious blend of ancient Spanish influences and futuristic designs, creating an atmosphere both timeless and avant-garde.
Isabella, a renowned performer and cultural ambassador, stood at the center of it all. Her dark hair was elegantly styled, adorned with red roses, and she wore a stunning dress embellished with red and black floral patterns. Her presence commanded attention, not just because of her beauty and grace, but because of her reputation as a key figure in preserving the heritage of Old Earth.
As she danced, her movements told stories of passion, loss, and resilience, captivating the diverse audience of humans, androids, and alien species. Among the crowd, a figure watched intently, blending into the shadows. This was John of Ephesus, a historian and explorer who had traveled through time and space, recording the chronicles of lost civilizations and forgotten histories.
John was intrigued by Isabella, not only for her artistic prowess but for the ancient artifact she wore around her neck—a pendant rumored to hold the key to unlocking a forgotten era of Earth's past. Legends spoke of the pendant's connection to an ancient order known as the Keepers of the Flame, who safeguarded knowledge and artifacts from before the Great Exodus.
After the performance, John approached Isabella, his curiosity piqued. "Your dance was mesmerizing," he said, his voice carrying a hint of an accent from a long-dead language. "But I must admit, it is your pendant that has truly captured my attention."
Isabella eyed him warily but nodded, her fingers instinctively reaching for the pendant. "It has been in my family for generations," she replied. "They say it holds great power, but I have never understood its true significance."
John smiled gently. "Perhaps I can help you unravel its mystery. I am John of Ephesus, a chronicler of history. Together, we might uncover the secrets it holds."
Isabella agreed, her curiosity mirroring his own. They set off on a journey that would take them from the vibrant streets of Nueva Sevilla to the remote, desolate corners of the galaxy. Along the way, they encountered various challenges—hostile environments, political intrigue, and ancient guardians protecting their secrets.
Through their adventures, John and Isabella uncovered the pendant's true purpose. It was a key to a hidden archive on a distant planet, where the Keepers of the Flame had stored knowledge from Earth's golden age. This knowledge included advanced technologies and philosophical teachings that could reshape the galaxy.
As they delved deeper into the archive, they discovered records of Earth’s ancient civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and the migration of humanity to the stars. Among these records were writings by John of Ephesus himself, detailing his travels and encounters with lost cultures.
In the end, Isabella and John realized that their meeting was not a mere coincidence but a convergence of destinies. With the knowledge they had uncovered, they returned to Nueva Sevilla, ready to share the wisdom of the past with the galaxy and ensure that the flames of history continued to burn brightly in the hearts of future generations.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 2 months
Encontrarme la revista EMINENTE del hotel FIESTA AMERICANA frente a la YA DESMONTADA ESTATUA DEL PUTO COLON en MEXICO DF..con REPORTAJE "LA VOZ DE UN DEMONIO, ASI DE SIMPLE: ¿Cual es la relacion entre que existe entre la Musica, el sonido, el silencio, la muerte y los terremotos? y saber que malogrado Pau Dones o JARABE DE PALO (=CASTIGO) escapo del TERREMOTO de MEXICO DF de 2017 por unas HORAS aunque le quedaban varios conciertos en el Teatro ESPERANZA IRIS y ademas no se hospedaron como siempre en la Colonia ROMA o la mas afectada porque al parecer no habia sitio.. Me hace REIR DE LO ESTUPIDAMENTE MALVADO o cartel de CINE bajo el que poso nIrVANa con SUICIDADO Kurt COBAIN (Marido de Courtney "LOVE"=AMOR de grupo HOLE=AGUJERO.. que se desnudaba por dinero y a la que dejaron ser cantante de FAITH NO MORE) leyendo el MELODY MAKER con FAITH NO MORE (Ultimo cd SOL INVICTUS y que provocaron al publico del estadio HELIOPOLIS=CIUDAD DEL SOL.. o del BETIS en Sevilla para que les tiraran cosas como teloneros de GUNS N ROSES mientras su dueño o el recien fallecido RUIZ DE LOPERA grababa un video como llamaba BANCOS para SALVAR EL BETIS ese 30-6-92 y que emitieron en una junta de socios de 2007..suspendiendo GUNS N ROSES+FAITH NO MORE +SOUNDGARDEN o grupo de malogrado Chris Cornell que tambien lo era de AUDIO-SLAVE y cuyo ultimo cd en solitario fue THE HIGHER TRUTH.. su siguiente concierto de 4 julio 1992 en Estadio del MANZANA+eRES por posible derrunbe por una enfermedad del cemento llamada ALUMINOSIS que tambien suspendio la gira WE CAN'T DANCE de GENESIS aunque a principios de Agosto ya habia futbol con trofeo VILLA DE MADRID entre AT MADRID VS SAO PAULO.. condecorando JESUS GIL, indultado por FRANCO tras el DERRUMBE de un restaurant en LOS ANGELES DE SAN RAFAEL muriendo casi 60 personas, a SUPER-LOPEZ y a SOLO-ZABAL con el que hable en disco CATS.. por ganar medalla de oro en BARCELONA'92)..al que prendio fuego asi como poso frente a otro cine con LOS HOMBRES NO OS DEFERAN MAS mientras pasaba un tipo echando una BOCANADA (=CD de malogrado CERATI con VERBO CARNE o PERDONAR ES DIVINO) de HUMO junto a una BOCA DE AGUA O DE BOMB-EROS
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231221 1338 mitarbeiter
ya, das wär auch folter für den adel, die würden dann ja pixel kriegen, wenn die welt nicht schon gut ist, sie sind eben dafür da & was ist die wahrheit, das von krieg beschützte? sagt der lumpenhochadel, weil er hat das militär & den staat genuket, aber sie hatten such schon vorher geordnete verhältnisse &/oder die übermacht?
was wird von der doppelten sprache geschützt, was ist der schutzbereich der geschlechtsverwirrtheit? wie viel recht & wie viel gute welt muss einer haben, der geschlechtsvermischt ist, keine überlieferung hat, aber folter wär's ja, wenn die welt nicht schon gerecht wäre & any-f/a zwischen any-spannungsnetz ausreichen würde,
nun, ya, das bild vom adel, von ok, von OA2, von ok j3j4, eurer geschichte des christentums (sieh, der hat auch nichts gesagt), eurer sonstigrn geschichte der überwindung des kriegs oder des triebs oder dem aufsatteln auf automatischen krieg, und die wüste kann weiterbrennen, und das licht geht an, und der schwanz kommt auf den tisch & schmiert die brote, where is my knife!? alle brauchen brotmesser & viele müssen gebrotmessert werden,
aber es ist nur das einfache, .... ach, was auch immer ....
wir wollten nur zu massenmedien & allen sängern & allen schauspielern, so sehen adlige aus, christen haben das geglaubt & nun aber umgekehrt, denn nicht ist die oberklasse sprachlos & im erstungeschaffenen raum, sondern christen können nicht sprechen, behaupteten aber, sie könnten das,
leider fehlen noch immer die technical terms für 2 schichten mehrheit, für die augen darüber, die runtergucken, und für .... jetzt hat's so lange gedauert, dass ich's vergessen habe ....
ach so, die vierfache serviette weiß ich gerade nur, das ding, das bei gedoppelter sprache entsteht, und warum erstgeborene mädchen dann von alleine anfangen zu sprechen "ich bin eine hinterhältige hure", "ich will nur spaß haben", ... aber mit abkürzungen wär's schneller und leichter,
aber die wifi pixel der framae blades, und die thousand kisses von einst, wo die schauspieler und musiker die gültigkeit jedes individuums als adelsmeinung darstellten, und die privatregenbogenpresse für alle christen, und das automatisch gefram'te zwischem smartphone & zigaretten, cellphone & internet, doppelsprache & 8yy, und versuch mal automatisch zu sagen, ohne auto zu sagen, aber mit carma geht's noch besser,
und der dick kommt auf's brot, und schmiert da das brot, wie die kinder, wie die feinde, aber nichts ist besser als der barbier von sevilla, ein grandioser film ohne viele schwule füllworte, über die weisheiten des adels: es gibt zwei geschlechter.
ob jetzt noch das wir wir wir wir wir & gehört-gehörthabend, und wo die fah wohnt, erwähnt werden muss?
aber pokemon framae blades bitterblackisle mix ist da, und porenta sieht so aus wie ein typischer MSI lehrer, der ausschließlich aus doppelssprache besteht, und dann ist da das kind, aber ich kann's doch nicht sagen, weil die beschreibung ist zu schwierig, und mein eigenes schicksal ist ja schon absolut & kyo könnte das alles ändern,
.... naya, schreib ich den text doch nicht weiter ....
ya, einfach zu großpixel machen, dann fotographieren mit der zigarettenkamera, six cigs sixxy, dann sniffen & niesen, husten & rauchen & kotzen, die kleinere pixelschicht drüber & dann mit den framae blades da rein,
aber man braucht halt nur die alte happy stalker melodie von kopemon fuckme xim, und dieses team, dieses xim, diese simkarte,
und wer dann am ende noch weiß, was ein adliger ist he he he ...
ya, pkw tornados sind nicht mehr bewilligt. nur-heidnische vernichtungsindustrie ist nicht mehr bewilligt. eure unit19s sind nicht mehr bewilligt. unter 30% kommt ihr nicht mehr davon, das ist bewilligt. und die bevölkerung lol welchen teil lol durch tanzen & trampeln zu formen, ist euch nicht mehr bewilligt. der zusammenhang eurer gesellschaften ist nicht mehr bewilligt. die framae vrp vrp vrp vrp zusammenführung ist euch nicht bewilligt. und eine überlieferung zu bekommen, aber ihr wisst, der ständer schmiert das brot, jeder braucht brotmesser, das licht in der wüste bleibt an
& alles nur-heidnisch & nur-simpelst, aber natürlich nicht isimple mesimple yousimple, warum wurde der tweet nicht gesendet? weil das war die erste version, vielleicht hab ich sie mehrfach geschrieben, aber die geheim behinderung, aber das lied geht auch gut mit freuarschhure,
oder so. hallelujah. aber nicht die versionen durcheinanderbringen,
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hylander9 · 9 months
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Candlelight: The Best of Frank Sinatra - "In the soft glow of candlelight, the symphony of melodies danced upon the night, weaving a tapestry of enchantment. As notes swirled and harmonies soared, souls were transported to a realm where time stood still, and the beauty of music embraced every heart. In that moment, the night became a canvas, painted with the ethereal brilliance of sound, and the concert whispered a lullaby to the stars." ☺️🕯️💛🎼🎺 … @tanyaacaiturri … "Frank Sinatra's music is a timeless symphony that dances through the hearts of generations, serenading us with its smooth melodies and captivating lyrics. His voice, like a velvet whisper, weaves tales of love, longing, and life's poignant moments, resonating with a profound beauty that transcends time.” @fever_us @candlelight.concerts 🕯️🎼 … #candlelightconcerts #candlelight #piano #newyorknewyork #feverup #candlelightconcert #candlelightconcertsbyfever #violin #chopin #like #concert #music #classicalmusic #smile #franksinatra #friends #cover #nyc #pavia #sevilla #musica #brooklyn #singer #harmonies #recording #happiness #musicduo #candleholder #candle 📜🖋️
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antowilly · 9 months
What is the dumbest way you've been hurt?
Which 3 songs remind you instantly of autumn and why? 
Regardless of skill, if you could bake anything right now (pie, cake, muffin, brownie etc.) what would you like to make? 
Hi. That’s a nice bunch of questions!
1.- Just tonight, I hit my nose against the wall because my silly ass forgot that this week I’m sleeping in another room of my house because I have Covid. So in the middle of the night, I stood up to go to the bathroom in the darkness and my face met an unexpected wall.
2.- obviously:
I can’t explain why this one reminds me of autumn, But I think it’s something melancholic in the melody, or maybe the film that it’s attached to.
Sorry to mention myself, but I composed this song in autumn and I tried to convey the sensations and the magic of the fall, my favorite season. So here’s the third one
3.- lemon pie, of course.
Thank you, Anon.!
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
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Aún ALUNIZO digo ALUZINO no solo q haya un CRUZE de calles con los Apellidos del juez Carlos "VALLE" "MUÑOZ_TORRERO" q envío a PRISION en los 80 a mi psikiatra de la Seguridad Social Paula Monmeneu Goicoetexea x ABORTOS ILEGALES en la CLINICA DATOR escribiendo "MAL BAJIO [=PRESAGIO]: ESCENAS DE UNA CARCEL DE MUJERES" y que ARCHIVO LA QUERELLA CRIMINAL q me puso MI PROPIO ABOGADO CONTRA MI José MARIA SERRA NOHALES al AMENAZARLE DE MUERTE [xq quería que pasara x un PSIQUIATRA AMIGO SUYO para que me hiciera un INFORME de DAÑOS PSICOLOGICOS y pedir una MILLONARIA INDEMNIZACION A LA EMPRESA DE MI PADRE y el NOTARIO GERARDO MUÑOZ DE DIOS archivando el actual MINISTRO DEL INTERIOR Fernando GRANDE_MARLASKA mi denuncia contra MI ABOGADO sobre este hecho siendo a continuación trasladado desde los juzgados de Plaza CASTILLA a la AUDIENCIA NAZIONAL a perseguir TERRORISTAS]..así como elevo al TRIBUNAL SUPREMO [causa Especial 3/95/2004] mi denuncia contra 3 "JUEZAS" [CARMEN VALCARCEL CODES, ELISA JIMENEZ SANZ , ARANZAZU IRUROZQUI VARGAS ] q tapo el FISCAL DEL SUPREMO Y POSTERIOR DIMITIDO FISCAL GENERAL DEL ESTADO el cinefilo Eduardo TORRES_DULCE LIFANTE q tras reunirse conmigo traslado su oficina desde la sede de la FISCALIA GENERAL DEL ESTADO a encima de los cines PAZ en el barrio de TRAFALGAR donde VIRGINIA MAESTRO actuó el 18_12_21 [con CERVECITA incluida en la ENTRADA] o dia ANTES de darse de BAJA en el CLUB TEMPO como invitada de THE MELODY MAKERS tras anunciar q iría YO aunque espero a último momento para ver si se encontraba mejor diciendo QUE SEAMOS AMABLES TODOS TENEMOS ALGO CON LO QUE LIDIAR]..Sino q por patearme SEVILLA lo encontrará.. PUTA ESPAÑA SATANICA APOSTOLICA DEL ANTICRISTO DE MIERDA
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aurorariversworld · 1 year
“Memories of Alhambra
Her favorite song.  She loved it while I played the melody on my guitar.  In that Williamsburg apartment with that clear view of the water and Manhattan, the vintage aesthetic of a brick wall, an electric fireplace under a mantel, the candlelight all around us.  The red wine had been poured and I looked at my muse while playing my guitar.  She had slowly walked, body bare of all clothing.  Black curls framed her face and fell over her shoulders.  Face, skin tone, brown eyes, and hair of a Moroccan woman who lived in Southern Spain.  Her presence made you feel Andalusia.  The ancestors of my own Cuban people.  People would see us and say that our hair and our skin tones were made to be married to each other, and make beautiful children.
The guitar was the common thread between her story and mine.  My guitar, and her flamenco dancing that was sweeping New York City into European dreams and visions of Sevilla.
My muse came towards me, toned body was naked and natural.  Her bare feet pristine over our floor and the Persian rugs.  She ended up kneeling lovingly in front of me…”
Excerpt From
New York City Confessions
Aurora Rivers
This material is copyrighted ©️
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almohibofficial · 2 years
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The Official Music Video here : https://youtu.be/F9D8W6kZ3dQ #guitar #matador #spain #spain🇪🇸 #andalucia #andalucia_photos #sevilla #matadores #flamenco #flamencoguitar #guitarflamenco #spanishguitar #rumba #officialmusicvideo #officialmusic #composition #composer #guitarplayer #guitarsolo #guitarist #fingerstyle #melody #song #songs #almohibofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CkG4B7LL3eB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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madamemadnessmusic · 4 years
“Crystal Tears” #music #composer #piano #spotify #bentleyrecords #spotifyplaylist #artist #intimate #nostalgic #classic #filmcomposer #filmscore #musicproducer #followme #melody #musicforfilm #soundtrack #cinematic #hollywood #sevilla #bentleygang #emotive #gamecomposer #compositor #madness #indiefilmaker https://www.instagram.com/p/CCImr6wKvqM/?igshid=9jjwgu88brr3
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Support Grace for the Cure: Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie
In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetics and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning - both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death. Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetic Alert Dog, a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows. We don't currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie's life-threatening highs and lows. You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation . Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news - Los Angeles - for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts, on her thigh, as he played. You can read about her here . Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM's) lessen the need for finger sticks. Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger sticks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods. The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie's mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the "non-essential" medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or "brain" is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common. DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can't imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals. A well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog. Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it's owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety. Gracie's dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family's gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we've decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives. Diabetic Alert Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our "Grace for the Cure" fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness. We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy. Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness. Grace for the Cure! Our Amazing Grace!
Address : 6142 Jennifer Lane, Riverside, Ca 92509
Phone : (951) 289-1710
Business Email : [email protected]
Website : http://GracieT1DSuperStar.org
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Kel and Aubrey going around interacting with people to learn about the different cultures everywhere as they travel, wearing cultural outfits, participating in cultural activities, just having an overall good time...
Would they be good at any cultural dances? Since they're traveling to Spain first, I can just imagine Aubrey in a flamenco dress with Kel as they just dance together and enjoy themselves (or maybe Kel wearing the dress- or maybe both of them wearing dresses-)
...I kinda wanna draw them dancing around together now.
-from a videogame-world traveling anon
nonnie.....nonnie wait....if you drew something we created together I would be SO EMO WAIT!!! No oh my god like my brain literally just exploded like art?? ART??? I wanna be able to draw so bad...but I can’t I just gotta continue on w my lil writing bits....here take some more writing bits nonnie
*Singing to myself* This got lonnng againnnn I’m putting itttt under a readdd moreeeee
Kel’s parents are....less than pleased to find out their son isn’t directly going to college like Hero did, and they make that known. 
They don’t approve of his choice to take at least one gap year. They don’t approve of him not continuing his education. They don’t approve of him throwing away his life for that bad girl that spent so many years terrorizing him. Even two years after changing her ways, Aubrey is still regarded as a nuisance among the town old timers. Kel’s parents tell him plainly that they don’t approve of Aubrey, and they won’t be changing their mind. 
Which leads to Kel having a minor breakdown and finally admitting what he’s known his whole life- that he will never be good enough to measure up to Hero, and he’s finally tired of trying to be someone he’s not. He isn’t Hero and he never will be, but for once he wants being Kel to be good enough. 
Seeing their bright positive middle child finally crack under the weight they’ve been unintentionally laying on him is...it’s painful. Kel’s parents never meant to make it a competition between their sons, they just wanted what was best for both of them. 
Having Kel sobbing at their dining room table at 3:00 am on the night of his high school graduation teaches them that they might not know what’s best for Kel after all. 
So...yeah the talk the morning after that is filled with a lot of awkward pausing. Kel isn’t used to sharing his true feelings, and he isn’t used to exposing anything other than cheerful hope. Ultimately they come to an agreement. Kel can go with Aubrey, follow her and his heart on their crazy plan, but he has to spend the year before they leave working and earning and not just hanging around the house
That was Kel’s plan anyway, so he’s ecstatic. He calls Aubrey immediately after, and she comes over so they can plan things out together
That year before they leave is definitely not easy. They’re working multiple retail and menial labor jobs, spending 12-15 hours a day on their feet in steamy kitchens, being screamed at by rude customers, and delivering so. many. pizzas. 
At some point in that year Aubrey and her mother have the inevitable fight that has been coming her whole life, and her mother kicks her out. Aubrey shows up in the middle of the night with her things next to her. Kel’s mother welcomes her inside and gets her a cup of tea. Kel wakes up and comes downstairs the next day to see his partner curled up asleep on the couch under a blanket his mother had just finished knitting
His mother doesn’t explain anything (”It’s her story dear not mine”) but after Aubrey comes to stay with them his parents warm to her quickly. Aubrey and Kel are allowed to share the room that Hero and he once shared, but they’re adamant that the beds stay on opposite sides
((He and Aubrey fit cramped but happy into his twin bed every night, but she always wakes up early to switch beds in order to be respectful to his parents wishes)) 
Soon enough its the afternoon before their journey is beginning (They decided to redeye to Sevilla). They have hostel confirmation numbers for a dozen different European countries, a thick binder of plans and itineraries, and a joint account that has a surprising amount of money in it. 
Turns out working 15 hours a day, taking only your eight paid vacation days, and having all of your dates be creative free dates in the five hours a week you both have off together means that you are able to acquire quite the nest egg. Kel’s parents sit them down at the dining room table, and his father is shocked to see how this year has shaped Kel. 
It’s a strange thing to see your son as an adult for the first time. It didn’t feel strange when it was Hero, he always expected it from Hero. Seeing it in Kel rocked him. 
They drive the two young adults (calling them kids now feels...wrong) to the airport and make them promise to call and write daily. 
There’s an undeniable energy and excitement as they board the plane. He and Aubrey breathe an audible sigh of relief. They shouldn’t, but they sleep on the plane. After a year of running, they’ve earned it
Aubrey planned for everything, so she planned that they would need at least two days to recover when they finally got to Spain. The first two days are spent in a combo of sleeping and eating fantastic food and finally being able to spend a full night in bed together instea of sneaking unsuccessfully around Kel’s parents. 
She splurged and got them a private room at their first hostel in Sevilla. It was more expensive, but ultimately so very very worth it. 
But day three is when they start to explore. They finally venture off of the block around their hostel and began to deep dive into the tiny back paths of the city. They meet a nice handful of locals who invite them to breakfast the next morning (Kel’s spanish speaking skills are undeniably useful to them in this moment) 
And that night...that night is the beginning of the wish fulfillment she’s waited for since she was five years old. A flamenco lesson that promises an authentic experience, real outfits, and a party for all involved at the end. Aubrey was frugal with accomodations, but she spared no expense when it came to the experiences. Especially this one. 
Flamenco is traditionally a single dance with one woman, but she asked and Kel is allowed to come if he likes. The instructor in charge recognizes Aubrey from her call, and drags Kel over to where another man sits with a guitar. He and the man begin to converse in Spanish, and Kel seems to be rapidly making plans. He’s fine with only watching for tonight, this is her dream
Aubrey is thrust into a room with a bunch of other tourists, even a few from her own state, and a gaggle of women who work at the studio. They show her a row of gorgeous traditional dresses, an overwhelming rainbow of frills and explosions of color. 
Aubrey has let her hair go back to it’s natural color by this point, and her long dark locks catch the eye of one of the instructors who pulls her over to a corner of the rack of dresses. The instructor winks at her and pulls out a dress. It’s perfect. 
Kel is also having a fantastic time. He and the guitar player who’s name is Raphael are discussing guitar playing. Raphael wants to teach Kel to play himself so “He can play for his lady when she wants to dance for him again” 
All conversation stops when Aubrey walks out. 
The others are dolled up as well, but Kel only has eyes for his girl. Her dress is black, hugging to her waist and her body. As the ruffles of the dress begin on her arms and her legs, the dress goes from black to a striking bright red. Around her wrists and on her neck is bright gold jewlery, gleaming against her skin. 
Aubrey’s dark hair is wrapped up in a bun with a series of pink to red carnations following the curve of her hair. Her lips are tinged with maroon lipstick. 
Kel is left speechless. Aubrey asks him something and Kel just has to nod and try to catch his breath. The rest of the group giggle at their antics, and Aubrey rolls her eyes at him. She presses a kiss to his cheek, maroon imprint left in its wake, and then she is over with the other girls in front of the instructor. 
Raphael begins to play at the instructors insistence
The dance lesson is fun. Even just watching Kel has fun. Aubrey normally has a hardness in her eyes, a tightness in her shoulders as if she’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Within minutes of the instructors careful praise and guidance Aubrey is loose and even giggling. Kel hasn’t heard a sound like that from her since they were children. 
At the end the group performs the dance all together to a raucuous applause form Kel, Raphael, and the instructor. Then they all go to the patio behind the studio which has been decked out in warm golden lanterns with a table of food prepared. 
Raphael begins to play again and the others mingle close to the food. Aubrey takes Kels hand and they go to a separate corner of the dance floor. They don’t dance in any particular way, just holding one another and rocking to the melody. Her hair has begun to come out of it’s tight bun, but her eyes are bright with happiness and she can’t manage to stop smiling
That night under the glow of the lanterns is the night they first say they love each other. It was a given, they already knew it, but those words are saccharine sweet against their lips as Kel holds Aubrey close to him and they spin while the music plays. 
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dansedan · 4 years
I wrote a christmas fic but it's ANGSTY and a little weird and I'm not sure if I did the pov too weird but I am TRYING TO CONVEY A THING that FEELS IMPORTANT TO ME AND THE CHARACTER so I do STUPID THINGS
Lupita au Angel Eyes childhood bullshit
Meat, and wine, and garlic cloves- and did they have brandy in the cellar somewhere? Fennel in the garden? The melody to the young woman's swift percussion on the pen and bedframe, the wrought iron dark and errant. 
The aunt, too pale, too pregnant, on the bed said "you're an angel."
And the young woman looked up from her list, down at those dark brown honest eyes, cow's eyes, cow's lashes, cow's bulk on her body like one couldn't bear to look at. Cattle-helpless on the bed. 
And the young woman looked down and asked efficiently to see the husband, to ask to buy the wine and brandy for her, for the stew that night. 
Here and there another little humor in the waiting, watching- a small sign of that distant, threatening supremacy of one's own haunted body, of theirs both. A fronte praecipitium. The ever-there awareness of the stockings and the silver cross and ribbon and of the rise-and-falling swelling underneath the young aunt's blanket- too young, too close, too real and too wholehearted.
And then one's exit, pursued by an interlude of pilfering tobacco.
One had hoped the air in Almería would've been a fraction clearer than LA- and outside it was somewhat better than home and all its instancy- but it no longer carried the freedom felt years ago, the quiet dark existing just for them, for one and one young, pale aunt only a moment older. For one pale aunt once tanned, and bright and brash and bold. And boyish.
As for small comforts: well, at least tobacco tastes the same. 
Tastes like one night till Christmas. One night before the young woman goes back to Sevilla, to the old family house and newly-arriving parents, a midnight mass and a morning dinner and all related niceties. One's yearly game of tablas reales with the old, sensible uncle and his inevitable answers and advice. Poor, overburdened sleep. 
For now though, there were groceries, tobacco and the dessert air around one. Touching the young woman's skin. The near-at-hand priority of fresh pain to push down, the biting cold almost kind enough to kiss, and the young woman so far from oneself that god knows who could save her.
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
Vaya, VIRGINIA MAESTRO, no has MEJORADO tras SUSPENDER ayer con NAT SIMONS en SEVILLA y aunque dices que has ESPERADO hasta ultimo momento supongo que es porque si estas en SEVILLA el viaje CUENTA sino podias haber apurado mas como cuando tampoco te presentaste en el Club TEMPO con The MELODY MAKERS al anunciarte por twitter que iria tras actuar dia antes en CINE "PAZ".. y dijiste el mismo dia que TODOS TENEMOS ALGO CON QUE LIDIAR, SEAMOS AMABLES (diciembre 2021)..
2 a 0 en el TEMPO.. Porque el TIEMPO ESTA A MI FAVOR O LADO y no del de MIGUEL LARIOS segun su web jaja
Por cierto.. Puedes MANDAR a tu hermana ANGELA de EMISARIA.. Por eso de que dijo que JUNTAS ANTES Y DESPUES DEL FIN DEL MUNDO jaja
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January 15, 2020
  For Immediate Release:
Contact: Tommy Sevilla (951) 289-1710
Sevilla Local Media
  Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl – Gracie Sevilla; Department of Justice Complaint Filed
A Federal complaint was filed against the multi-national sports apparel and equipment company, Under Armour, and the Under the Lights Football Franchise that the sponsor; a Florida based company headed by ex-Arena Football League Quarterback, John Kaleo, and that which Riverside, California league is operated by Franchisee, Cory Wells.
The Complaint and precursor to a Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit, alleging willful and malicious discrimination against a person with a qualifying disability under The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12134, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794, is currently under review.
In May 2019, Gracie Sevilla, a 6 year old player on her father, Tommy Sevilla’s K-2 Under Armour Friday Night Lights – Riverside Steelers 7 on 7 Flag Football Team, was arrogantly and blatantly refused “reasonable accommodation” to play in the Steelers playoff game(s) by League Commissioner, Cory Wells, after such was requested by her coach and father, as well as her mother, Melodie Sevilla.
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  Gracie, as a Type 1 Diabetic, wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring device (“CGM”), affixed to her thigh, while playing sports and otherwise. The device that has a small filament that penetrates the skins fluid, just below the epidermis, reads her blood glucose level every 5 seconds and renders back a cumulative reading every 5 minutes, signaling alarms if the blood glucose level is dangerously high or low, which then allows the parent or caregiver, ample time to treat the high or low. A blood sugar level reading that is too high or low causes a multitude of ill symptoms and leads to coma then death when not treated in a timely manner. The medical device sends a reading to an IOS device that must be within 10 yards of Gracie at all times; device also sends sub readings to a maximum of 4 other devices via the Internet and Bluetooth. Gracie’s school nurse, teacher and school campus proctor are others who have the app downloaded on their personal cell phones for monitoring, alerts, treatment and emergency care.
Commissioner and League Owner, Cory Wells, after barring Gracie’s father from coaching the game due to a personal dispute over Well’s failure to properly address the misconduct of a rival coach that lead to a near riot on the football field with parents and coaches, and ensure the safety of his players and others, Gracie’s coach and Father, in an email, advised Wells that he was obligated under Federal law to have either Gracie’s mother or trained medical personnel on the field with the receiving device (within 10 yards of Gracie) to allow Gracie to play.
Commissioner/Owner Wells arrogantly refused the request by Gracie’s parents; dismissed the ADA provision and mandate for a “reasonable accommodation” and brashly welcomed the complaints and impending lawsuit(s). In an unprecedented email. Cory Wells, sent out a league-wide memo, emphatically stating that no unauthorized persons would be admitted on to the field (this included Melodie, Gracie’s mother) and that the gate would be locked and security tight.
Cory Wells, the league commissioner, was well aware of Gracie being a Type 1 Diabetic, as she is the youngest player in his league for the second season in a row, the only girl, and the only Type 1 Diabetic; one who has brought great positive publicity to his league, receiving local, regional, national and International media coverage associated with her being a young female athlete playing Football with Type 1 Diabetes, a chronic and incurable autoimmune disease whereby the Pancreas shuts down and no longer produces Insulin; Gracie, on average, receives on average, 7-10 needle injections per day, while at school and at home.
Statement from Under Armour Friday Night Lights Coach and Father to Luke and Gracie Sevilla:
“It is mind-boggling that a person in such a position as Corey Wells is in, purporting to operate a youth sports franchise for kids with a pure motive yet clearly, it’s all about money and he has no regard for the safety and welfare of the kids in his league both from a security and health standpoint. As a father himself he should no better and to scoff at Gracie’s condition and reasonable accommodation, he must have a dark, arrogant soul.
Yet, how shameful is it of Under Armour and Under the Lights to have responded as they have! John Kaleo, is an arrogant, cocky jerk and Eric Ogbogu, totally turned his back on the issue after handing it over to Kaleo, showing that Under Armour simply passed the buck and has no regard for Gracie.
We, as a family, rock Under Armour gear and have supported the Brand. For, according to John Kaleo, their “team of lawyers” to have assured him that this was not discriminatory, a civil rights violation and much less an ADA issue, is utterly shameful and insensitive; an example of corporate greed and human disconnect.
Gracie was supposed to just play without medical supervision, signal loss from her medical device whereby we have no idea what her blood glucose level was?! How hard was it to allow Melodie, Gracie’s mom on the field, in my place, with the receiver, to monitor her blood sugar level and treat her accordingly?!
The actions of Under the Lights, Under Armour and Cory Wells has been arrogant, proud and an absolute affront to children with disabilities; a complete and utter contradiction to what they claim their brands stand for and they owe, at minimum, a contrite and sincere apology to Gracie, and to all like her who without proper medical supervision and treatment, can die suddenly.
Unbelievable how it has come to this, how they have robbed this little girl and her loyal brother, who refused to play without his sister, Dad and coach on the field, all on account of Cory Wells’ deliberate indifference, sickening arrogance and blatant disregard for a young girl with a life threatening illness.
The Federal Complaint against Cory Wells, alleges that Wells retaliated against Gracie’s with foresight of malice, because he was angry with her father, the team’s Head Coach for the second year in a row, for him having complained about Wells’ unfair treatment and for him contacting Under Armour to complain against Wells, seeking their intervention.
When Under Armour was contacted about the situation, John Kaleo, the league’s owner, and effectively Under Armour represented by Eric Ogbogu, mocked or dismissed Gracie’s situation, the American with Disabilities Act, and have shown a deliberate indifference toward accommodating her, demonstrating a deliberate indifference toward a person with a qualifying disability; Gracie Sevilla, a 6-year old Type 1 Diabetic girl football player.
In attempt to appease Gracie’s father and coach, John Kaleo, extended an invitation to Tommy Sevilla, the Steelers coach, for them to compete in Under Armour’s National Championship Tournament, since Gracie, nor her brother, Luke Sevilla, the teams star quarterback and player, couldn’t compete in the league’s playoffs to qualify fairly for the tournament, based on Coach Tommy Sevilla’s argument of unfair treatment. However, this despite knowing that he would be unable to field a team due to the negative fallout surrounding the original near riot incident and Commissioner Wells’ steadfast refusal to share the leagues other coaches’ contact information, so as to allow Coach Sevilla to invite the league’s other players to join his National Championship team, thus making the invitation to compete of no value. Kaleo refused to intervene in Well’s retaliation and assist Sevilla in adding players to his team and it was learned that Wells, in fact, helped the opposing coach form a team by adding the league’s best players from other teams; the very thing requested by Sevilla.
Previous to this ADA violation, the previous Fall Season of the Riverside Under Armour League, Wells, and Hillcrest High School Football Coach and Athletic Director, scoffed at and refused to remedy a situation whereby, spectators to the Under Games were forced to park in the lower student parking lot and walk up a steep grade, several hundred yards to steep steps that lead to the football field. This unreasonable trek prevented elderly persons and persons with physical disabilities from accessing the field. Wells failed to address the issue of the gate, which lead to the upper parking lot and access ramps/stairs, being locked, which forced all spectators, including the disabled, to make the long, challenging trek up the steep grade.
There exists a long email thread substantiating the allegations against Under the Lights and Under Armour and upon exhaustion of administrative remedy, a Federal Civil Rights Complaint will be filed against Under Armour, Under the Lights and Cory Wells’ corporation that is associated the league, as well as specific persons in their individual capacities, for a deliberate indifference toward Gracie Sevilla, a person/athlete with a Federally recognized physical disability.
Gracie Sevilla has continued to play sports without such retaliation and discrimination since the incident, excelling as an infielder and pitcher with Jurupa Valley Little League, thriving as a Quarterback with the Corona Friday Night Lights league, and most recently in Gymnastics.
Brother Luke Sevilla, would subsequently, lead his Ohio State Buckeyes Team to the Corona Friday Night Lights – Sophomore Silver Division League Championship, with his father as Coach.
Gracie will be joining the 3G Wrestling Team out of La Verne, California, a team her brother, Luke, currently competes with, and also training as a Boxer with the Jurupa Valley Boxing Club, where her father sits on the Board of Directors. It is believed that she would become the only and youngest female wrestler and boxer with USA Boxing and USA Wrestling.
Gracie has been featured as a Type 1 Diabetic Athlete in International, National and Local news sources, both in print and on television.
Gracie has a website and You Tube channel in development; website currently points to her GoFundMe page created for Type 1 Diabetes Awareness and fundraising for a specially trained Diabetic Alert Dog: http://GraceForTheCure.org and http://GracieSevilla.com
  PRESS RELEASE: Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl – Gracie Sevilla; Department of Justice Complaint Filed January 15, 2020 For Immediate Release: Contact: Tommy Sevilla (951) 289-1710 Sevilla Local Media [email protected] Discrimination Alleged Against Under Armour and Riverside Under the Lights Flag Football, Specific to a 6-Year Old Type 1 Diabetic Flag Football Player Girl - Gracie Sevilla; Department of Justice Complaint Filed…
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