#members .... or the crowd .... his giggles .... just ... and when everyone started chanting best leader i made sure to chant the loudest :((
chnsfairy · 5 years
just . chan w_____w
#not @ my crying on the bus as i type this#i have so many things i really dont know where to start ;; well i guess the beginning because im just so sad i hate myself#they came out and i thought i was dreaming my heart stopped :;;;; and there was chan just standing thereni started crying ajd screaming#hes so much more ???? beautiful and amazing and the most fucking perfect human ive ever met in real life :(( i couldnt take my eyes off him#everything he did was incredible and oh my god his voice :((( his laugh ..... my favorite sound in the world .... it made me frel like#im the happiest person alive rn ...... and oh my god his shirt like he woukd jump or spinnane JSKFMSKF CHIDDIES I SAW THE ALMIGHTY CHIDDIES#IN REALY LIFE IMSKDJSKDK I CANNOT BREATH I JUST ANDNSK AND HOLY SHIT HIS VOICE HIS VOICE HIS VOICE im never going to shup up about this#also 🥺💞 during get cool .... his voice was so high pitched it was adorable i wanted yo blow up rigjt where i was standing .... i love u#glittery just posted ogotos and i want to cry all over again i hate myself this is so stupid ;;; ur stupid .... u and ur dumb smile#please i cant with these photos i feel like i might be sick i miss him so fucking much i cant breath or just ........ yeah#i would do snything to go back and do it ahain .... to go back and see him just one more yime ..... please .... i was crying so much during#the hi touch i couldnt see properly and i just wish i didnt cry so fucking much ....... and when m.i.a. started u doing understand the#amount of emotions i went through within those minutes ... i cried and cried like a fucking babie ..... when chan is the real babie 🥺🥺#and him jumping over felix holy shit i just- ive seen it in videos but like ;_____; thats my man .... thats my babie ..... u kangaroo#also just 🥺 chan and felix kept fist bumping and giving each other hi fives i wanted to cry so much .... just his smile when looking at the#members .... or the crowd .... his giggles .... just ... and when everyone started chanting best leader i made sure to chant the loudest :((#he is :(( the best leader ever .... the bestest and i miss you so much already .... i hope you get plenty of rest tonight u deserve it .....#STEIFOSPOFKANFMS GLITTERY CHAN JUST POSTED ANFNKS A PHOTO OF HIM WITH GOOSEBUMPS ON HIS ARMS I WANT TO FK CRY THIS ISNT OK 🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 JDMCKC ME#THE ENTIRE SHOW I WAS JUST !!!!! U MAKE ME FEEL SUCH A WAY !!!! U AND SKZ ARE SO SPECIAL U KNOW THAT 😭😭😭😭#we go ...... 3racha .... that is so important i just .... on the ground .... whenever he sang the chorus i just ... the dance ....#i felt my insides twist and turn ..... he stuck his tongue out so much too like ..... holy jesus i want to lie in my bed forever#and dream about chan ...... but hi touch ... i thought i was floating ... floating and cry and just ... im not special at all i relized when#i walked out of the venue ...... which is so dumb .... why am i thinking abt that ;; hes so special ... the most special person i know so it#doesnt matter abt me or not ;; anyway !!!!!!!!!! i feel like crying every single time i think abt him !! i miss u wonder boy !! my special#special angel .... also not @ how PRECIOUS AND SMALL HE WAS AT HI TOUCH LIKE ????? UR JOKING IM CRYING ON THE FLOOR THIS ISNT FAIR IM SO#SO SO SAD ..... AND UR JUST EXISTING AND LIVING AND BREATHING AND FUCK YOU PROBABLY SMELL SO NICE I MISS U ..... I MISS U MORE THAN U THINK#hes beautiful ..... erethreal ..... everything .... u make my heart hurt and yearn like lets get married srry oke bye im absolutelu DUMB I#I UGKY CRIED IN FRONT OF HIM THIS ISNT OK YOU GUYS ??? I COULD FEEL MY HEART RACING BUT THEN THERE HE WAS .... and everythinh was calm ....#thank u ...... thank u for existing is was i told him .... his hand 🥺 was so nice i just want to treasure that memory ..... it must be nice#if u ever get the chance to hold his hand ... it must feel pretty nice ... okie .... running out of space .. i love u more than every star
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yoyo-person · 4 years
Past and Future
Gods of any kind help me! I don’t like posting my work, but my best friend @silvurarts says yall need to be blessed. So here’s a story about my swtor mando; Kynerr Idate (my icon). 
I’m open to feed back, I would love to know how my writing is really, and let me know if you want me to post more of my stories!
Disclaimer: i base my star wars writings off of legends. But really all of swtor is legends. 
”Mandalorians cherish family and shower affection upon those they love and care for. One day Kynerr, you will find someone whom you would conquer entire star systems for if it meant you could see them smile.”
How many years had it been since Kynerr had returned to his homeworld, his family, his roots? The mirialin looked at his homeworld as his ship made one last orbit before landing. Mandalore was a real sight to behold from space. The green forests and oceans made the planet shine, but Kynerr knew if they kept fighting each other their home would be in ruin. On the planet however, strong winds and harsh fauna made Mandalore a beautiful but deadly planet. He had left home when he was fourteen with others of his clan. He wanted to test himself. He wanted to be worthy of becoming his clan’s future leader. He was stupid and childish then. He disrespected his clan by disobeying rules and putting himself over his clan, he left his clan to take up bounty hunting at fifteen, only to return another year later after befriending an up and coming pirate who showed him family brought more to life than credits ever could. Since then, even though he was still dumber than a box of rocks, was fluent in four different languages and couldn’t speak any of them properly without slang or offensive vocabulary, he was determined to prove to his father that he was worth restoring his trust in him.  
Stepping off the ship and onto the familiar spaceport brought a wave of nostalgia over him. He and his father sold prime cuts of meat and bone from their hunts to vendors, arguing with merchants over blaster barrels, and other memories flooded him. Normally he would have contacted a clan member to shuttle him back to their stronghold, but Kynerr was not here on his clans’ behalf and more his own. He had come home to stand toe to toe with his father and show him the man he had become. His clans’ stronghold was a little ways outside the small town of Enceri; an agricultural/mining hotspot in the northern forests of Mandalore. Being unannounced as he was, he found the shuttle that would take him to Enceri. He sighed at the sight of merchants and other Mando’s packing into the small shuttle. He hurried to board, pushing past others to grab a window seat. He giggled to himself a little as he was promptly shoved into the wall of his seat. It was to be expected really. The cramped conditions of his short flight brought on memories of his past with his father.
The rain poured outside as the shuttle full of mando’s talking and laughing filled the cabin. Rain was constant in the northern part of the planet which brought perfect opportunities for young mando’s to train. 
Kynerr, barely nine years of age, was going on his first hunt with his father and a few others of their clan. Mandalorian children learn to hunt and track very young to prepare them for their bigger hunts and bounties when they turn thirteen. Kynerr was ecstatic to finally train with his father and be a part of the stories he and other clan mates always told him. As he watched the terrain outside zoom by his father sat down next to him. 
“Excited to get your hands dirty?”
“What are we gonna hunt?! A tuskbor? A sline? A rancor!?”
“HAHA one day Kynerr you’ll be able to hunt all those and more when you’re older. For now I’m going to teach you the basics and we’ll see what we hunt from there. Ok son?”
Kynerr pouted as he turned his attention back to the window. An older clan mate laughed loudly.
“Aye Sajaan, I remember you making that same face when your father told you the same thing! Like father like son aye!”
The shuttle landed and Kynerr waited till most of the people were off before exiting the shuttle himself. The rain had lightened up and the sun fought to peek through the clouds.  Enceri’s alien population had surely picked up since he lived here. His clan used to be the only source of any alien activity in this area. Pushing through the crowd he saw what he was looking for. A group of Mandalorians in his clans’ colors. As he approached them he was noticed by the oldest of the group.
“Well look at what the Dusk Cat drug in! If it ain’t Sajaan’s boy and all grown up!”
“Su cuy'gar! Think you can give me a ride to the stronghold?”
“Anything for you boy. Hey really diggin this short mohawk hair you got goin! Your pops know about this?”
Everyone was smiling and laughing. They were all so happy to see him. Sure they were some of the few that trained him when he was younger and he was their clan leaders son, but his father put him on a pedestal to be praised… at a cost that shouldn't have had to happen.
It had stormed the night before and, with no more rain in the forecast, made tracking a traitor easier to hunt. Kynerr had just turned thirteen and the first big mission his father had to send him on… was to bring in his own mother. It was found out she was having an affair with a member of another clan, was carrying his child, and was giving the other clan his father’s secrets. While his father’s main forces attacked the other clans stronghold, he ordered Kynerr to track and capture his mother who had fled into the woods. Kynerr was accompanied by six other clan members. They tracked her for a majority of the night. His mother was no push over. She led her husband’s forces to many victories and glories their clan was most noted for. If Kynerr was successful on this mission it would be him to take his mother’s place as his father’s second in command. After hours of tracking they found his mother covered in mud cowering under a fallen tree. 
When Kynerr and his group returned with his mother, he found out that his father was also successful in his attack on the other clans’ stronghold and he had killed the man his mother had laid with. When Kynerr marched into the main hall of their stronghold it erupted with cheers for him. At only thirteen he tracked and captured an expert hunter, to his clan, in record time. At first the glory went to his head, but reality sunk in hard seeing his mother's angry expression. Upon reaching his father, one of his clan mates forced his mother to kneel before his father. His mother looked to his father in disgust and anger.
“Sending a child to do your dirty work?”
“He is a child no more for bringing you to me, Riduur.” he said mockingly with malice. 
“I have no regrets for my actions. You’ve grown soft opting to use diplomacy rather than settle things like the warrior you were!”
“No. I am assuring my clan remains a formidable power not only in might, but in politics. If I must become a figure head for my clan then so be it. But OUR son will be our might, our strength, our future! It is a shame you won’t get to see it… Kynerr… kill her”
Kynerr looked to his father in shock. Kill his own mother? Before he could respond, his mother burst into laughter.
“Kynerr? Kill me? HA! Sajaan you were always a hoot. The boy can barely hit a target without a guilty conscience and you think he will kill me? He is a waste of a son and a disgrace to this clan!”
Tears welted into Kynerr’s eyes. His father gently pulled him next to him and knelt down to his level. 
“My son… she is your mother no more. She betrayed us, hurt us, and now she mocks you! Kill her and become mando… kill her… and bring honor to you and our clan.”
His father pulled out his blaster, handed it to him, and turned him to face his mother. His mother had a twisted face of anger and laughter. She was talking to him, but he couldn't hear her. The hall was full of chanting. All he could remember was feeling tears fall from his eyes and pulling the trigger. Then there was cheering. Then there was his father. 
“It had to be done…”
His aunt, his mother’s sister, suddenly pushed her way through the crowd and sobbed as she picked up her sister off the ground.
 “You’re a monster! Why not just let us go” 
His father looked at her then to his hall.
“Clan Idate your attention, It is with my great pleasure to tell you that my son, Kynerr, will begin his training along the outer rim starting later this week! I also wish to say that with the untimely demise of Clan Pyto we are now the largest clan in northern Manda’yaim! Today marks the death of who we were and the birth of our new future. Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it for Clan Idate”
The hall exploded with cheers, blaster being fired into the ceiling, songs rang across the room. Kynerr stared at his father in awe then turned to his aunt as she ran out of the room with his mother’s body. His mother taught him so much. In Mandalorian culture, girls and boys learn their earliest lessons from their mother. Cooking, mending wounds, combat, language, and their culture. A part of him mourned his mother, but he knew his mother messed up and betrayed their family. She was successful in raising him, but she wanted for nothing in the end and it cost her her life. 
The grand hall of his clans’ stronghold felt smaller than he remembered. He also was a child then and had since grown a few feet since. The room’s walls had his clans banners lining them. Vivid red and orange drapes hung the length of the hall from the ceiling leading to the throne and the end of the hall. The throne itself was meant to seat the family that led the clan. He remembered sitting in it with his father and mother when other clan heads came to visit. He was brought out of his thoughts when the adjacent door opened and his father and his guards walked through. Though time ages all, his father aged gracefully. Even though his green skin was lighter and his hair whiter, he was still in peak form and still had many more years to live. His father approached him stood in front of Kynerr. Kynerr bowed his head to him.
“Raise ad’ika, you never need to bow again”
“Buir, until I redeem myself to you-”
His father placed his hands on his shoulders and smiled at him. 
“You have gone above and beyond to prove yourself. You have nothing to prove!”
Kynerr smiled. He had waited so long to hear him say that to him. His father patted his shoulders before removing them and holding his hands behind his back. 
“Now what is the real reason you are here, hm? It must be very important to abandon two bounties to tell me.”
Kynerr looked to the floor. He was right that it was important, but he could not form the words to tell him. His father chuckled at him.
“You don’t have to say anything Kynerr. You always were easy to read, even in combat”
Kynerr scoffed. His father laughed as he placed a hand on Kynerr’s shoulder.
“Welcome home! Now tell me about this woman you are head over heels for?”
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carameloveskook · 5 years
pairing: idol!jungkook x idol!reader
warnings: 🌧 & 🌸
thousands of crowds, fans roaring both your names. people are willing to do anything to get ahead of the game, and breaking a heart for fame isn’t surprising in this industry.
everyone is using this gif but I love it so much!
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notes: should i do a part 2? also I need a name for y/n’s group suggestions anyone? :)))
The roaring crowds that cover the stadium fill you up with adrenaline and the tiny hairs in your arms start to rise as the audience chant your group’s name. The black risers beneath you begin to rise, Zora, your group leader grabs your hand. You met her during your audition after you left the room with a doubtful expression plastered on your face, she went up to you. Her kindness attracted you and her dancing skills were out of this world, the way she moved her body so freely landed her a spot for a potential group when they announced the callbacks. What surprised you the most however was how happy her face was when your name was called to join her group. You’ve always admired Zora, she was like a big sister for you. Whenever you had a problem she was the one you went to.
She must’ve seen you tense expression because she was rubbing her thumb on the back of your hand softly. You smile at the gesture, the warmth from your hand grows cold once Zora lets go to adjust her outfit. The screams become louder and the crowd starts to chant your group’s name once you all emerge from the ground. Chanri yelled into the mic and started to hype up the crowd. You two first met through Zora, they were talking to each other the day after your auditions. Chanri was beautiful and there was no doubt that she had a lot of admirers once your group had their very first debut. Admittedly, you were completely intimidated by her and her rapping skills. The way she held on to herself every time she rapped, fire seemed to be radiating off of her body and the crowd adored her. It was awkward at first for the two of you especially since she was the oldest out of all the girls. She would smirk every time you looked at her in awe and eventually she went up to you to smack your head. “Don’t look at me with your mouth open, I’m your unnie it’s disrespectful.” She gave you a playful smile and beckoned you to join the stage with her. The two of you became close since then. 
Chanri looks towards your direction and smiles at you before looking at Nayoung. Nayoung was the last member to be placed in your group but that doesn’t mean she any less special to you and the other girls. She was the shining sun in your group, whenever someone was having a terrible morning, Nayoung was there to brighten their day. Her flashing smile is always contagious, there was a time where you ran out of dance practice out of embarrassment and Nayoung hurried after you. She discovered you crying in a closet, it was difficult at first but she managed to get you to open about your insecurities and proceeded to comfort you. You both were the youngest in the group, because of that, you two would have disputes over silly things but none of them were ever serious. In fact, all those disputes made you closer than the other two girls. She was your ride or die until the end of time. 
Anyways, back to the present, you look around at the crowd before getting into the dancing position of your recent song. They begin to chant each of your names in order from oldest to youngest before chanting your group's name. Cameras were all focus on you while you sang your solo, looking towards the screen it shifted its attention from your group to a boy in the crowd. It was Jungkook, a member of the popular boy group, BTS. He was handsome, skilled and you had to admit it, you did have a crush on him. Who wouldn’t want him honestly, he’s rich, talented, kind and at the ripe age of 21. The two of you have had your fair exchange of conversations to the point where both of your fans ship you. It wasn’t extraordinary but every time you would communicate with him, your heart would beat fast and butterflies would flutter inside your stomach. His smile was more infectious then Nayoung’s especially when it’s towards your direction. The cameraman was able to catch his bunny-like grin during your performance making the crowd go wild, he wasn’t able to do so often because it becomes the #1 headline the next day. You smile at the screen, not noticing the cameras catching the whole thing. Finally, your song comes to an end and you flash a suggestive smirk before the lights dim. “That was the best performance yet!” Zora exclaims, she was sweating but she still looked like a goddess. Chanri nods in agreement, “Did you see Jungkook? He was practically beaming at you y/n.” The girls giggled, you blushed, “Guys he was looking at all of us, we were amazing! Sexy even, people were smiling everywhere and the camera just chose Jungkook.” Chanri rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.
You and your group were escorted to your seats in order to watch the other performances, they were mind-blowing and everyone left you astonished. The next day, as expected, the headlines were titled, “JUNGKOOK X Y/N, A NEW COUPLE ON THE RISE?” It showed a picture of you smiling at the screen of Jungkook smiling at you. You sighed and picked up the phone to call your manager. It took a few rings before he picked up and the first thing you hear from him was: “I have a plan.” It sounded so suspicious and you were worried about what your manager was gonna say next. “How do you feel about dating Jeon Jungkook?”
tag list:
@dimple-jungkook  @d-noona
if u would like to be added to the tag list, dm me.
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straykidsreactions · 7 years
Reaction To: You Being Shipped With Another Member
S T R A Y   K I D S   R E A C T I O N   T O:  You being shipped with another member of the group
(gifs not mine)
Set Up: You’re publicly good friends with all of the boys, and although you have a great relationship with all of them as well as the fans, you’re in a romantic relationship with (member’s name). The fans don’t know about your relationship, but they begin to speculate you’re dating one of the members. The only problem is- they start shipping you with the wrong member.
Genre: Fluff?? with a light smattering of angst whoops
Chan: When rumors started circulating on social media that you were in a relationship with Hyunjin, the cool and collected leader inside this young man would absolutely evaporate. It isn’t that he wouldn’t trust you, but I think he’d be wounded by the fact that the rest of the world didn’t see him as a worthy match for you. Despite the fact that he’s usually a pretty straight forward person, Chan would stay silent on the matter, laughing awkwardly if it was brought up and doing his best to casually make sure you never stood beside Hyunjin in any public outings or appearances in the future. He’d probably also start openingly flirting with you more, trying to show the fans that he could be a good pair with you as well- more so than his dongsaeng. He’d want the fans to ship the two of you avidly before coming out to the public about your relationship.
“Oppa/Hyung, what’s wrong?”
*sighing softly as he tried not to sound too agitated, debating whether or not to make a big deal about the situation*
“Oppa/Hyung’s fine, Jagi. And I love you a lot, you know that, right? I love you a lot…”
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Minho: Jisung would be the one to make a teasing remark towards Minho when he heard gossip floating around the fandom that you were in a relationship with him rather than your actual boyfriend. Minho would have to ask him to repeat what’d he’d said, and would be on his phone scanning through articles and blog posts immediately afterwards to confirm that what Jisung has said was true. It isn’t that Minho would feel threatened or insecure in your relationship, but there’s no doubt in my mind he’d be pissed. He wouldn’t go overboard, but he wouldn’t hesitate to make his feelings towards the gossip known. He wouldn’t feel much of a need to clear the rumors himself, he knew they’d disappear eventually and neither of you had planned on going public with your relationship yet- but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t ask that Jisung publicly deny the dating rumors between the two of you. Just because the fans didn’t know about your relationship, didn’t mean he wanted them assuming you were dating anyone else. 
*playful as you bat your eyelashes because you knew the rumors had bothered him*
“O-ppa/Hyung, what’s so bad about the fans thinking I’m dating Jisung-ah?”
*looking over at you in agitation and speaking lowly, knowing you’re purposefully trying to get a reaction out of you*
“Yah, don’t say things like that, Jagiya. You’re with me…”
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Changbin: When Changbin saw a poll on on a fan’s Twitter page asking the fandom who they shipped you with the most, and the vote was overwhelmingly Seungmin, Changbin’s initial reaction was more laughter than anything else. The fact that the fan’s didn’t see the two of you as a perfect match wouldn’t really bother him or shake his confidence in the fact that you cared about him most. The members would find it pretty hilarious, and they’d probably tease him about how Seungmin might be swooping in to steal you- but Changbin would just let it roll of his back. He knew you were close with all the members and had a good friendship with Seungmin, so it was understandable that the fans would pick up on that and assume it meant something more. It’d honestly probably bother Seungmin that he was involved in the rumor more than it would Changbin- but nevertheless he’d reassure his dongsaeng that it was all in good fun and that he wasn’t bothered by it. If you brought it up to him the two of you would more than likely just laugh it off.
“Yah- didn’t you see, Binnie? According to Twitter I’m leaving you for Seungminnie.”
*laughing, he’d shake his head, shoving you playfully*
“Have fun with that Jagi, I doubt he could handle you.”
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Hyunjin: Seeing you shipped so consistently with the maknae of the group rather than him would be unsettling to Hyunjin to say the least. He wouldn’t exactly be pissed, but I think he’d get really irritated whenever it’d get brought up or joked about by the other members, especially if Jeonjin teased him about it. He’d worked so hard to get you to see him as more than a friend and agree to go out in the first place- the fact that everyone assumed you’d fallen for Jeonjin instead got on his nerves. I think he’d put in even more effort than usual to stand out to you and look his very best. If he saw you laughing or having a casual conversation with Jeonjin he wouldn’t hesitate to join the conversation until he could manage to pull you away. He’s not a confrontational person, and deep down he’d know they were just silly rumors that he should have expected when the two of you decided to keep your relationship private, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting in a foul mood if he saw something about the rumors online, or if one of the members teased him about it.
*lovingly, as you watch him get ready backstage before a big performance*
“Hyunjin don’t be mad, you shouldn’t go on stage mad, baby.”
*focusing on his cuffs as he replies sternly without looking at you*
“Focus on me when we perform, Y/N. When I see you in the crowd watching only me, I’ll stop being mad.”
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Jisung: Out of all the members, I think Jisung would be the most pissed by the fact that the fans saw you as more compatible with Felix than him. It especially wouldn’t sit well with him that out of all the members, the fans had picked Felix- as he’s particularly close to his dongseang of one day, and didn’t like the idea of you spending time with him now. Similar to Chan, It’s doubtful he’d bring it up since he wouldn’t like the idea of confrontation, or making either of you more uncomfortable than you already were- but nevertheless he’d get tensely silent and upset when the matter was joked about or mentioned at the dorm. Despite the fact that it agitated him, he wouldn’t be able to help himself when it came to scrolling through Twitter late at night, looking at edits and fan tweets supporting your rumored relationship with one of his closest friends. 
“Babe, is everything ok? You’ve been acting off lately.”
“I’m fine, Y/N…I don’t wanna talk about anything. Just…come here.”
*outstretching his arms and pulling you towards him protectively*
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Felix: His confident, bubbly and outgoing nature wouldn’t translate when you casually mentioned to him that you’d seen a few posts online about you supposedly being in a relationship with Woojin. He wouldn’t be angry so much as upset and butt-hurt by the fact that they saw you as more suited to date the oldest hyung, rather than a member of the maknae line. Felix would begin to feel more self conscious as the rumor continued to circulate, wondering if he maybe needed to act more mature or nurturing towards others- and worrying that maybe the fans didn’t see him as being good boyfriend potential. He wouldn’t bring it up unprecedented, but if you mentioned it to him or asked him how he felt about the situation, he’d be honest and tell you that he felt a bit insecure about the whole thing. You’d do your best to ease his mind that you only loved him, and that it didn’t matter who other people thought you should be with, but nevertheless he’d try to demonstrate a more mature side of himself on livestreams and in interviews in hopes of showing the fans that he could be a good boyfriend to you as well.
“You know you’re the one I love, Felix. I don’t want any other guy.”
*nodding quietly without really hearing what you’re saying*
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Seungmin: When an article splashed across kpop websites everywhere claiming that you and the leader of Stray Kids were allegedly in a secret relationship, Seungmin was the first to see them. While it was initially startling (and a little embarrassing needless to say) to the younger boy, he couldn’t help but sheepishly laugh about it when he showed the other members and you later that day. He wouldn’t necessarily be mad about it, but I think he’d feel a little insecure (similar to Felix). Unlike Felix, however, I think he’d address it pretty openly with everyone right away while showing you all the articles. The members would reassure him that you two were genuinely a great fit together, and Chan would more than likely pull him aside later to assure him privately that there’s no need to feel insecure about his relationship with you. After clearing the air with everyone he honestly wouldn’t let it bother him, and would be quick to let it go, unlike some of the other members.
*teasingly whiny*
“Nae sa-ranggg, you know I love you more than anyone, right?”
*slightly taken aback, blushing as he chuckles awkwardly, nodding*
“Aiishh, I know, Y/N. I love you too. More than anyone…”
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Jeongin: Jeongin would honestly probably find the entire thing hilarious. When all nine of the members and you were at the airport flying out to Hong Kong for MAMA’s, a few fan posters shipping you with Minho would catch Jeongin’s eye immediately, and he’d 100% make a big deal out of it in jest. It wouldn’t genuinely bother him, partially because he’d know you only had eyes for him, and partially because out of all the other members in the group you were probably the least close to Minho. He’d take your hand as you walked through the airport together, making fans shriek and cheer as they began to point and chant, making Jeongin giggle and blush as he gestured towards the posters. He’d probably smile and wave incessantly at the fans who had the posters shipping you with his hyung until they noticed the two of you together and lowered their signs. Slightly flustered and embarrassed, you’d bury your face in his chest as you walked hand in hand, the other members taking notice of your public display together and laughing to themselves.
*Giggling awkwardly as you push a stray strand of hair behind your ear*
“Bunnyyyy, you’re making me blush!”
*laughing happily as he admired how cute you were being about the whole thing*
“Jagi, they thought you were dating Minho hyung! I couldn’t help it!”
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tangerinewrites · 4 years
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wc: 1930
note: i lvoe this character so much... i love mina so much 
When given the tickets for the first time, Mna already had in mind who she was going to invite to the debut showcase. As soon as she was given the three tickets, she already thought of three people to give it to. The night of the day they were given these tickets, Mina had already had a discussion with her other two roommates on who she would give the tickets to.
“Are you guys going to gift your tickets to your significant others, too?” she asked.
“I don’t know if she’d be able to make it, considering she’s busy with promotions and just idol stuff,” Chungha replied, but she smiled with a nod. “But worth a shot giving it to her.”
“Same here,” Juyeon said with a little laugh. Her face drops into concern though. “But Mina, how are you going to give your tickets to your boyfriend without being found out by the managers?”
It was a good question that Mina wasn’t sure of how to answer at the time. A few seconds later, she came up with an answer. “Well, he’s technically a fan of me, right? I can just say that he’s a fan. If I have to think of another excuse, I can also say that he’s going in place of a family friend I gave the ticket to.”
That conversation came to mind as she gave Soobin his ticket. And he looks at her with a perplexed look on his face. “I don’t know why I have to explain such a long reason to the people there, but if you say so,” he says with a little shrug.
“Trust me! It’ll be for the best! And you and I won’t get into trouble with that reason.” Her smile is mostly confident when she responds with that.
In reality, Mina felt guilty for having to keep Soobin a secret from everyone besides her close friends and the other HEARTZ girls. Mainly because she was worried about the fact that he might think that she was embarrassed by their relationship, when she was definitely not. If anything, she’d tell the whole world about how much she loved her boyfriend.
But despite her concerns, he still shows patience with her and she appreciates it nonetheless. It makes her feel grateful to know that she had such an amazing boyfriend. After all, not many people are lucky to have a good, healthy relationship in their life. “Well, either way, I’m glad I get to see you debut! I know you and the rest of HEARTZ are going to do awesome!” When he smiles, she has to stop herself from wanting to pull on his cheeks because of how cute he was. “Thank you for inviting me… Miae.”
She smiles when he uses the name. “Of course I’d invite you, silly!” she says before playfully smacking him. “Besides my dad and brother, you’re like the only other person I care about that’s not from HEARTZ.” She pauses when she says that as she thinks about the other trainee friends she’s made in the past. “Actually, that’s a lie. I have some trainee friends, but you’re still my number one boy in mind.”
He giggles and she has to fight the urge to not squish his cheeks right now. GOD being bonkers over her boyfriend was so difficult, especially with the fact that she could be all lovey dovey with him in public without even knowing it. “Good! I’m glad to know that I’m my One Up girl’s One Up boy~” he says cutely.
She smiles before she gives him a quick peck on the lips. “I hope you know that I’m absolutely smitten by you, Choi Soobin,” she says with so much fondness in her voice. “You are my favorite boy in the universe. And I’m so glad you stuck with me for this long.”
“For this long?” he asks, sounding amused by her reply. “It’s only been a year.”
“Yeah! And I’m annoying as hell! So it’s a miracle you made it this far.”
"Hey! You are not annoying!” he says with a pout.
She sighs and shakes her head before she gives him yet another small kiss. She swears those lips make it so difficult to not smooch. “Never change, Soobie.”
“Daniel, this is for you and dad.”
She gives it to him the next time she sees him at the Sphere building. There’s a big smile on her face when she hands it to him and, though it takes him a few seconds to realize what she gave him, he smiles along with her.
“So, it’s finally happening, huh?” he asks with a smallsmile. “I have to start calling you sunbae now?”
“I’ll still call you oppa around everyone else, but yes. From this point on, you are now obliged to call me sunbae!” she says enthusiastically. “But yeah! I told Chungha and Sua that I was going to personally invite you, so if they gave you tickets before I did, just give them to someone else. After all, you are my family.”
“I’ll see if I can make it,” Daniel responds. “Wow… to think that my little sister is going to debut with a bunch of people I know from the MGAs. That’s so…”
“It’s cool, isn’t it?” she asks, laughing to herself as she is also in shock of the reality of it all. “Honestly, I can’t believe it either. Most of these girls, I used to practically idolize. So the fact that I’m actually going to be in a debut group with them is insane.” As she reminisces on her trainee days with some of them, she remembers the excitement she felt with each passing day upon meeting them. If she were to tell “trainee Mina” that she’d be able to debut with such kind, hardworking, and amazing girls such as the rest of HEARTZ, she probably would be in shock.
“Honestly, it’s kind of… refreshing living with a bunch of girls,” she explains. “Like no offence to you with some offence to James, but it felt nice to have sisters for once. As understanding as you are, it’s like… a relief to be in a big family of my own. Even if I’m the youngest there, at least I do not have to be around so much testosterone.”
Daniel gives her a weird look. “I don’t know what to say to that?”
“You don’t have to say anything. I don’t really know why that left my mouth in the first place.”
He laughs and shakes his head. She knows he’s laughing at how peculiar he is, but she doesn’t take offense of it. If she took offense of it now, after years of living with each other, that’d be kind of humorous. “Well, I’m glad that they’re taking care of you! Now I don’t have to worry for you as much.”
“You don’t have to worry about me at all, Daniel! I’m a responsible person.”
He gives her a look. “No you’re not.”
She looks down at the ground, feeling ashamed over the fact that he was correct. “I am not.” She says it with playful defeat before she looks up at him again with a genuine smile. “But yeah! You better show up! And give dad the other ticket! Or else!”
“Of course we’ll be there,” he says with a smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Today was the day.
All of the girls were nervous and understandably so. Even Mina was quite anxious to see how everyone would see the whole entire group together after being exposed to them debuting in three separate subunits first. But all the girls gave each other support and comforting speeches before they made their way to the showcase. When Mina was told to speak, she went on about how she was glad to be apart of this team and how, though she wasn’t as religious as her family was, she’s thankful that God had decided to give her eleven older sisters. How, when she first was introduced to the HEARTZ project, it was all a blessing to her and how she was lucky to even get to be with all of them. After they all give each other a group hug and Sua, as their leader, gives them a good motivational speech, they go on their way to perform their songs for everyone to see.
The outcome of how many people attended was overwhelming, to say the least. Though she knows that a lot of people were anticipating their grand debut (as she was formerly one of said people), she was still very shocked to see the outcome. As they performed their b-sides first, Mina found herself giggling in the middle of “Perfect Love” from how loud the fan chants were. Thankfully, it matched with the feeling of the song, so it didn’t look too out of place.
After performing their two B-sides, all the girls were told to introduce themselves by order of who debuted first to the last. After Heejin finished her introduction, she passed the mic to Mina and the girl took it with a big smile on her face. “Hello everyone!” she says excitedly into the mic, gaining loud cheering in response. She laughs at the outcome of that before she calms herself down quickly to speak into the mic. “I am HEARTZ’s adorable maknae and eleventh girl Miae! It’s nice to meet you all! Please take care of me well!” After she finishes up, she turns to Yurim with the microphone and gives her a comforting smile. When the other girl takes it, she returns the smile before turning to the audience and giving her introduction.
Next came the short round of questions the MC was to ask the members. Thankfully, since Mina wasn’t considered the leader of any of her subunits, she used that time to scan the crowd and look for any familiar faces. She was able to spot Soobin easily and she smiles when she sees him, making her stomach feel the butterflies when he smiled back at her. She looks away quick enough before anyone else notices, though. She didn’t want to get into a scandal right after she officially debuted, after all.
As her eyes scan the crowd to look for her brother and father, her eyes widen when she sees not only two, but three familiar faces. The moment she sees her mother, she finds herself mentally thinking “WHAT THE FUCK”, but she tries not to make it obvious from her facial expressions. Before she could look away and act as if she never saw her, finding herself more than shocked just seeing her there, her father and brother wave at her enthusiastically with big smiles on their faces.
And who was she to deny her family while at her job, even if she thought she’d never have to face one of them ever again?
When she waves in that direction, a lot of fans cheer for her, but it didn’t distract Mina enough from seeing her mother smile softly at her. And perhaps that was when Mina found it the most difficult to stick to her “character” while onstage. Thankfully, she doesn’t have to think too much about her when the girls go on their way to perform their next song, And from that point on until they end their showcase with “Hi High”, Mina performs with a big, genuine smile.
And, of course, she cries about seeing her mom when giving her ending speech on how she felt about today.
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haiyuta · 8 years
A Win || Jeno
Group: Nct Member: Jeno Genre: Fluff, basketball!au Word count: 1.2K A/n: I’m so bad a endings what is wrong with me, this is my first jeno fic so I hope you enjoyed it, I love basketball player jeno.
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Getting dressed into your red and white cheerleading outfit in one of the stalls you were nervous and excited for the big game tonight.
“Y/n are you excited” a fellow cheerleader called from the outside. You smiled a bit “yeah I can’t wait I stayed up late perfecting. the routine” you told them.
One of your teammates giggled “make sure you cheer extra hard for Jeno” another girl added.
You paused your motion “why only Jeno ” you said nervously. To be honest you did cheer extra hard for your friend. It motivated him when you would yell Jeno and give him a cute fan chant. He would always glance at you with a wide smile.
“Because isn’t it obvious” another girl piped in. “Jeno has a thing for you” she said. Your mind reeled at the words “for me” you said confused.
The Jeno. The tall basketball play you always cheered for. “Yeah y/n it’s pretty obvious don’t you think it’s weird no boy has confessed to you” another added.
“No I mean I’m not special” you told them completing your change. You left the stall to see most of your team already ready.
One of the girls huffed “Boys are just afraid to ask you out because Jeno is always with you.”
You thought about it for a second reeling in your mind. Jeno and you were always together. Walking to practice together. Walking home and such. You would hang out with his basketball friends and such.
“No its because I’m a cheerleader and he just wants to be nice” you explained to them grabbing your pom poms. In your mind you told yourself Jeno didn’t have feelings for you. In reality that’s all you ever hoped for of him. Is maybe a little spark could ignite into a romance. You dismissed those thoughts.
“When will you learn” your team mate said shaking her head. You rolled your eyes, your captain coming out.
“Okay girls let’s take it from the top before the game” she said clapping.
You tried to focus on your routine but all you could think about Jeno.
While Jeno was in his locker room. His thin eyes stared at the floor just thinking.
“Ready for the game” Jisung said tying the laces to his sneakers. Jeno grinned “yeah just thinking about something” he told his friends.
Jeno smile weared down his mind racing. “Is it about a particular Cheerleader” Renjun asked. Jeno head snapped up “how did you guess” he admitted.
Jeno was thinking about you the game the pressure. You and him have been close friends for a whole. You being on the basketball team cheerleading squad made him rather happy.
He got to see you almost everyday. His cheeks flamed red when he watched you cheer in that small costume. He always was distracted at practice with your stretching and jumping around it was to adorable.
“Hm it’s so obvious” Haechan added. “You almost snapped at me for making a comment on her uniform” he said.
Jeno sighed closing his eyes he did remember that. His jealous side was flared at the problematic comment the Jeju boy said. He felt justified for giving his friend a warning.
“Don’t get to distracted today” Mark warned but with a kind manner. He was the best leader for the team. Always giving nice encouragement. Jeno nodded knowing what he was goig to do after the game. 
“Let’s go Nct, Let’s go” you yelled. It was a close match with Neo culture team only down a few points. Everyone was on edge waiting for the loud horn to start the last 5 minutes.
“Okay girls good job” your captain said. You all cheered and sat back on the bench to continue watching the game.
Your eyes never left the game and particularly Jeno. His long strong legs jumped to great heights.
His basketball uniform looked nice and clean. His black hair pinned up with a sweat band.
You looked behind you to see the older varsity team watching the younger ones. At least they seemed happy to watch the juniors.
You held your breath as Jeno passed the ball to Chenle. The short boy faked out the other players and throw it at Mark
The huge red clock hung as the numbers ran down. You looked at the players Mark was trapped between three others. As he dibbled the ball he kept it close but knew he couldn’t travel.
All could be heard was the crowd cheering and sneakers squeaking against the floor. You watched in interest, holding your pom pom close to your body.
“Jeno” Mark said tossing the ball to Jeno who was clear. The clock ran down as Jeno caught the ball and threw it to the hoop. It felt like everyone in the gym was quiet waiting to see. As Jeno closed his eyes then a loud blare of the game ending signal. 
We all held our breath seeing Nct scored more points, the last hoop was a three pointer. Which put them ahead of the other team. Then louf cheering filled your ears watching them win.
Jeno huffed and smiled at the clock. The sweat was glistening against his tan skin.
“Okay guys” your captain said, we got up doing out routine cheer, you lifted up the pom pom. A smiled attached to you feeling utter happiness for your team.
You watch junior Nct team all came together yelling in huddling together. This game was basically the most important win in our district.
Us cheerleader did our pom pom dance as we all watched in admiration at our basketball players. Feeling pride at this win.
Tears were brimming in there eye. Renjun was crying heavy “Renjun is so cute” one of your teammates gushed at the scene.
Suddenly you felt two large arms hold you. Spinning your around in the hold. “I did it Y/n” he said releasing you slightly. You blushed at the close proximity he was. His uniform smelled like a mix of sweat and cologne.
“Yeah you did” you said in awkward manner enjoying his embrace. Looking at your team they all have knowing smirks on there faces.
Jeno wiped the sweat from small his eyes with a small towel around his neck. “Um y/n” he asked. Jeno awkwardly looked at his team who was separately celebrating with there older basketball team.
“Would you like to grab something to eat” he said stepping back away from you. You already missed his arms around you. Your heart skipped another.
“I-I would love that” you spoke to him. Jeno broke out in a huge smile. His nose scrunched up, as he smiled. “Great I’ll see you after we collect our stuff” Jeno said.
Before he left he suddenly he swooped down to give you a small kiss on the forehead. “See you” he said a large smile lit his face, as he ran back to his team again.
Your hand touched the spot. Feeling the heat radiate from your face already. Your heart was racing and your legs weak at the small kiss.
“Oh my gosh y/n” your friends came around you, there eyes held complete shock but joy. You blushed and looked at them. “Oh my” you said broke out in a smile.
“I have a date with Jeno” you said breathless. Tonight you knew sparks would ignite. You glanced at Nct again to see them holding a huge trophy.
Tonight was going to be eventful you thought watching Jeno hug everyone on the court.
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