bo-tan3 · 10 months
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はじめてのmeme動画、想像してた通り大変だったけど楽しかったから何かにぐっと集中したい時に作る。PSYCHOとFreakshowのmeme動画凄く好きだからいつか作ってみたいね。創作ちゃんたちでPink elephantとか。
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garzagatos · 3 months
"You need something? I'm busy!" - Zelda, probably
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gloriousfartcupcake · 3 months
Bonjour et bon matin à tous ☕️🎀🌸
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sayunegi · 1 year
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BATIM meme!
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rabidrodent · 19 days
In a surprise move of "huh?" and "now?" and "really?" and "why?", Cup Noodle just put out a new commercial based on El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron... the obscure PS3/360 game from nearly 15 years ago.
(A history below...)
At E3 2010, a peculiar game trailer dropped, free from either Sony or Microsoft's big stage shows. It featured vague narration from a snazzily-dressed deep-voiced man, and gladiator combat from a seemingly airheaded prettyboy protagonist. It was barely comprehensible, but I suppose that was also its appeal...
For reasons beyond my comprehension, this trailer absolutely took off in Japan's internet culture, becoming a huge meme on Nicovideo, spawning numerous parody and remix videos.
This one was an old fave of mine, mashing up the trailer with a famous Puyo Puyo song. Also it loops endlessly, so you never have to stop watching.
There was even a goofy no-budget live-action remake of the trailer that's hit 1.5 million views...
El Shaddai eventually launched the following year in 2011. However, despite its early meme status, the game flew criminally under the radar. While it wasn't exactly a flop, and reviewed reasonably well, it just didn't quite leave the impact it probably should've.
Which is a shame, because it was one of the few genuinely ~artfully crafted~ big-shelf games for the big-boy consoles of the era. It donned a painterly style, using pseudo-cel-shading with pastel colors and a watercolor look. The story is esoteric, the environments are abstract. And it even dared to be a bit flamboyant! Wow.
It was essentially the polar opposite of where gaming culture was at the time. And as someone who was completely disillusioned with the direction games were going in that generation, it was one of the few games I really wished I could play. But unfortunately I couldn't...
In 2021, a strange miracle happened. A surprise remaster of the game launched on Steam. It too seems to have flown under the radar. But it's still there, still buyable, still playable. And the port seems to be good.
A Switch version also exists if you're so inclined.
So do y'wanna talk about "hidden gems"?? Here's your PS3/360 hidden gem!! And it's available right now, on modern platforms, running well, with no strings attached!
Did I mention it was directed by a character designer who worked on Okami and Devil May Cry? Does that pique your interest yet??
Let's right the wrongs of the past!! It's finally El Shaddai's time to shine!! MONDAI NAI!!!
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fzkr-sndr049 · 7 months
The fukuoka trip joke song... meme refs aside, love other parts where it literally resembles few frames from the isotope manga like this one
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and also this one
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I first thought the placement of rime's clip was a mistake from the illustrator, not knowing the hint of a foreshadowing sequel of minaminominami's joke song, literally her clip resembles the emblem of the city lol
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the illustrator was too eager to draw rime and making rime as a fukuoka fangirl (the illustrator is also from fukuoka) when knowing rim is from fukuoka and speaks hakata dialect
some scenes from the mv includes real footage or povs of going to fukuoka airport, anything from fukuoka hahahaha
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it became natural for rime holding a signpost ever since slavevvr's bus stop song, never thought they would include this
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til you realized it's not just a joke song, but that seemed a funny character song for rime 🤣🤣🤣, like it screams "no one leaves fukuoka" or "fukuoka's the best place", cuz she's literally a fukuoka fangirl here
surprisingly, unlike kafu who loves curry udon, rime loves anything that comes from fukuoka--- rime likes fukuoka ramen 😯
Right, here's the song:
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to-myalphonse · 1 year
(100 Follower Event) Crush exchange event!
"Welcome to Rene's express how can I help you Traveler?"
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During this event, I'll be doing match up letters this time round. (Everyone thank @bluu-m0on she came up with the idea.)
What are match ups?
Match ups is when you giving me information about your self and me matching you with who I think fits best with what you described yourself.
Please provide the following to receive a response:
Name or nickname you like to be called.
Brief information about yourself
Personality traits
Likes/ Dislikes or Ambitions
If you want to use a picrew for this, I can provide some links down below~ or you can describe it.
The Letters should come within 2-4 business days, so look out for it!
⚠️Also please send your information to my inbox and not comment below
I look forward to receiving your letters Travelers~
Now Closed
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dinersaturn · 5 months
Just another reason to like this series
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jellydishes · 1 year
a list of some of the pictures i've been using lately while i've had covid to help stage off the cabin fever, all or almost all of which have varied skin tones. this is not an exhaustive list of those that do, just my faves
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runner5anna · 1 year
Jumping on the Barbie meme with my precious 5 <3
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Barbie maker - https://www.barbieselfie.ai/uk/step/3-adjust/
Picrew - https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/332600
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garzagatos · 7 months
Happy Monday, friends - Zelda says....
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It's rude to stare! 🙀
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Virtual Drip ft. Ed & Yoonee @everyone #動画 #animtion #fashiontiktok #foryou #fyp #ガチで可愛い #模因 #trendingnow
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mintkoko · 1 year
Picrew 40
Picrew Masterlist
1. ballbyk (9 Picrew)
2. 엑스트라A Extra A (3 Picrew)
8-bit maKer
3. baydews
[BAYDEWS' avatar maker!!] V2
4. ぱちゃ Pacha
빠챠밥토큰 / Pachapap Token
5. のびです It's Nobi (2 Picrew)
(のんの) / (Nonno)
6. sknn (2 Picrew)
胸の大きさをカスタムできるメーカー / Manufacturers that allow you to customize your breast size
7. lunevani
Ultimate friend's face maker
8. あるまるしかく A whole circle (2 Picrew)
9. kureihii
10. __Luscinia (2 Picrew)
ミナメーカー / mina maker
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thegoddessprose · 1 year
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Couldn't find a good meme and have a staunch lack of artistic talent, so here are some picrews with Chiasa :D Also featuring the first Chiasa/Plutarch pic that I'm posting on Tumblr. (Hopefully he turned out okay... There weren't any freckle options)
If anyone wants to make their own, here are the links:
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notasingleclue20 · 1 year
・SFM? Source FilmmakerというValveが公開してる映像作成ソフト(?)の略。Youtubeとかで[SFM]と入っているのは、このソフトを使って作られたファンアニメーションの総称らしい。 TF2、Valve作品以外でも3Dモデルが存在するゲームのキャラクターをアニメーションする際に使っている人は多い。エッチなのも多いらしい。 とても使いづらいと聞くけど、それでもものすごい数の作品がある。
・TF2って… Team Fortress 2というFree to Playな所謂ヒーローシューターゲーム。Steamでなんと無料です。宣伝。 古いゲームでもうあんまり更新されてないけど未だにアクティブプレーヤー人数は多く、コミュニティが活気。
Meet the Team
公式の全9クラス(+サンドヴィッチ)の紹介動画のプレイリスト、クオリティ高く、ともかく印象に残る。 正直ゲームを知らなくても何度か見た記憶があり、ともかく知名度がすごいし、無意味にScoutのセリフを覚えてしまう。 全部見たらExpiration Date(賞味期限切れ/時間切れ)を見るとみんなに愛着が益々湧く。そしてこれにはなんと日本語字幕がある…。
Emesis Blue
切って離せない、というかこの作品を見てTF2をはじめた。ファン制作のホラーSFM映画。 Twitterで延々と呟いているのですが、元々死生観の感じられる作品がすごく好きで、あんなにカオスで命の軽い世界観の作品を基に、その命の軽さ・リスポンというゲームメカニック、Mann兄弟の(言っちゃえば)自分勝手な理由で戦争を続ける為にMercたちを雇用しているという設定を逆手にとって、ここまでホラーとして秀逸な切り口を入れられているのが本当にすごいし、TF2を知らない自分がのめりこんでしまったくらい映像としてよくできてました。 ここからloreを学んだ後に見直してデモソルの関係性とか、パイロに焼かれるスパイとか、殺し合う赤ヘビメディとかに大きな感情を抱いたという結果です
Lil' Guardian Pyro
Emesis Blue見た後ゲームをインストールしてbot相手にトレーニングしてるときに見て、は~カワイイんだけど…ってなった。ともかくカワイイし、Pyro/Engieの関係性がやっぱとても良い。みんなちっちゃいね。
Team Fortress Guilty Gear OP Parody
TF2: Revenge
Demoman's Dilemma 
この方(The Wingletさん)のSFMは全部クオリティが高いのだけれど、これは私欲で入れてます。デモマンがマジで呂律ゼロになるのがいつ聞いても笑えるので好きです。
Hiking Trip [SFM]
こちらもWingletさんの作品。短いほのぼの(?)ハイキングするよ♪という中でハプニングが起きて、Mercy Killing(「安らかに逝かせてやろう…」)をするかしないかみたいな話なんですが、それに加えてOuter Wildsの音楽が流れるのが好きです。
Story of a Sentry
EngieとSentry Gunのお話。二人が親子みたいなのが素直に可愛い。EngieをやってSentryカンカンやってると、このSFMのエンジの気持ちはすごくよく分かる。俺のセントリーに手を出さんでくれ。
Lil’ Pootis - Season 1 [Episodes 1-7]
こちらはSFMではなく手描きアニメーションなのですが、ともかくみんなカワイイし愛を感じる…。 Heavyの”Put this dispenser here!”(「ディスペンサーここに置いてくれ!」)というセリフが英語だとPootisに聞こえるのでmeme化しているのが、Heavyの鳥頭Cosmeticをベースに鳥のキャラクターにした…アニメーション……?(説明が難しい) Pootis以外にもSpy Crub、MedicのArchimedesなども出てきていて、ワイヤワイヤしていてほっこりする。 手描きアニメーションだとMeet the Amazing Teamシリーズも好き。
・End of the Line すごく有名所…?そうなのだけれど、クオリティが高く、最初から最後まで画がとてもキレイ。それぞれのMercたちの描かれ方も丁寧で、1映像作品として起承転結していてキレイに終わる。ヘビメディがかっこよい。
・Mann Swap HeavyとScoutが入れ替わっちゃった☆?!みたいな短いストーリーで起承転結がキレイで、モデルはとくに変更ないのに表情と動きでそれぞれのキャラクターが入れ替わってることを描くアニメーション能力がすごい…
・Pootis Engage //EXTREME 海外memeだらけで勢いがすごい、中々テンションが高くて置いてかれそうになる、けど好きです。使われてるのはSFMではなくて別のソフトなのかな…。
・Keep Going, Buddy [SFM] なんだかうまくいかない…なScoutの描かれ方にすごい親近感。お父さんみたいなEngieも大好きで、最後の終わり方もすごく良かったです。
・Creation of Mimi-Sentry [SFM] Engieのセントリーガンを女の子に擬人化したMimi-SentryとEngieのお話。Mimi自体は賛否両論だったらしいけど、エンジとミミが親子的な描かれ方がしているのは個人的にすごくすき。アクションシーンもかっこよい。
・Jolly Rancher こちらはGMod(SFMではない)アニメーションなのだけれど、この方の作品はなんか好きで見ちゃうしGMod特有の謎の……フィーバードリーム的な…癖になる感じというか……混沌とした安寧……
・Buff Fortress 2 [SFM] サムネからしてアレなんですけど大好きなので何回もみてます
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