#memes ( asking all them questions )
beartitled · 27 days
So if Billy's parents became monsters, what happened to Billy's old Henchmaniacs?
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The dudes found real jobs
Look at them go 🧑‍💼👷🧑‍⚕️
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I gotta be honest if some random guy approached me in the street and asked me to tell him my paranormal trauma I'd literally just tell him? Like he wouldn't have to compel me I'd like to share. Free therapy for me, free story for him! Not my problem if it feeds an otherworldly overlord.
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I briefly have stable WiFi at the vacation rental so quick here's a meme I made in two minutes pls enjoy fellow Clone Simps and Thirsters
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fluentisonus · 2 years
thoughts on Etruscans?
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ratatatastic · 3 months
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Catch (Miami Beach) | 6.26.24 (x)
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
✦ OC Questionnaire Tag 3 ✦
Following tag from @honeybewrites !
Featuring characters from Sun and Shadow: Freya, Crow, Daleira, Valyarus, Soren, and Grimnir! As well as a surprise visit from someone else...
Notes: Valyarus is Daleira's adopted dad, Lynsmouth nobility, and a faerie; Soren is Freya's dad, strongly hinted to be ageless, and worked as a sailor; and Grimnir is Crow's dad, the famous criminal detective of Lynsmouth, and known to work under an alias and masks to hide his identity.
Featured Questions (not all characters will answer): - "Sun or moon?" - "Would you rather drown or be buried alive?" - "How many people have you killed?" from @the-golden-comet - "Do you believe in fate?" kidnapped from the-golden-comet's post
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"Sun or moon?"
Freya, the MC of Sun and Shadow who's explicitly sun-coded: Freya: Well... even before I found out about the whole "my dad gave me a magic restraint from a really young age without telling me and I actually have magic" thing... I'd always liked being out in the sun. I'd feel more refreshed, energized. I thought it was just normal, yknow? Like, who doesn't like being out in the sun? But apparently it's A Normal Magic Thing™ to feel better in your element? Even though I felt awful for a while without the restraint... apparently that's something called "magical sickness" from having too much uncontrolled essence? That's what Daleira said at least... I don't know. Regardless, um, sun, obviously, haha. 😅
Crow, the "shadow" of Sun and Shadow: Crow: Moon. The daytime is too bright and it's a lot harder to blend in. I mean--(*pointedly wiggles the sunglasses they're always wearing*)--I need these to be able to actually see thanks to my damned curse and how bright everything is. Then, like, I need to stick to the shadows at day because I just feel worse under sunlight, you know? So, yeah. Moon, easily.
Daleira, the OTHER, secret "shadow": Daleira: Sun! (gotcha 😉) It's thanks to the sun's energy that our world goes round--well, metaphorically speaking--and it would be almost unrecognizable if the sun didn't exist! 😊 Well, I mean, now that I say that... I guess the same applies to the moon, huh? Like, it's thanks to it that we have the tides and-- (*continues rambling about Science*) --wait what was the question again? Oh, right! "Sun or moon?" I would probably still pick sun, haha! 😊
Valyarus: This is an odd question. I would dare to say sun. Nights tend to be much more dangerous, both in the Faewildes and in this world. Criminals adoring the darkness and all, yes? Besides that, I am also weaker at night. So that should be an easy answer for me, no?
Soren: I'm brought back from the dead and/or a potentially disastrous situation in order to answer arbitrary questions? (*heavy sarcasm*) Interesting. How kind of our all-powerful gods to give me this opportunity. (Look do you want this break or not?) ... fine. Yes. (*Clears throat*) My wife and children all had sun- and light-allegiances. I feel that should speak for itself. However... as a seaman, the stars have always been my best friend, and it would be a nightmare to navigate without them. In spite of that, if you told me to choose between my daughter and the night, I would choose my daughter in a heartbeat. Happy? (*he asks, glaring at the camerawoman* Very, great job, Soren! 😉 *he scoffs*)
"Would you rather drown or be buried alive?"
Freya, who in the first chapter of SaS got traumatized by nearly dying in a shipwreck: Freya: Be buried alive. Next question, please and thank you.
Crow: Easy! I'd choose to be buried alive! Being encased in a coffin--or even just dirt--would surround me in shadows and I could just teleport out through them, ha! Daleira: Crow, you're supposed to take this at face value. There's no way getting out. If you had to die either way, which would you pick? Crow: (*scowling*) But that doesn't make sense! I could just teleport out! Daleira: Yeah, well that's not the point! It's supposed to, like, find out your personality and stuff! Which you'd, uh... consider to be the least painful death?... hm, that's actually really dark when you think about it... Crow: Exactly! Besides, it doesn't say I have to die through it! Just drown or "be buried alive"--not that I die in the process! (*smug birb.png*) Daleira: Um... actually, "drown" does imply death. Crow: Wait, what? Daleira: It's in the definition! "Drown: verb; to die through submersion in and inhalation of water!" Crow: ... and why do you have the exact definition of "drown" memorized? And where did you get it??? Do you have a dictionary lying around somewhere in your workshop??? Daleira: (*flushed*) Just--answer the question! Crow: I still pick being buried alive. It doesn't mean I can't escape alive, sweetheart. 😘 Daleira: (*groans and puts her face in her hands*)
Daleira: Unlike Crow, I'm actually going to answer this question as intended. 😒 While both are deeply unpleasant ways to die, I'd probably choose to drown just because it's quicker than suffocating in a coffin... or loose dirt. (*shudders*)
Valyarus: (*pleasantly; if not a bit smugly*) I could and would do neither. As a faerie, I could simply teleport out of either situation. Daleira: 😒😒😒 Daleira: (*takes a slow, deep breath... unlike someone in the situations posed in this question!*) Dad, the point of the question is "imagine you don't have any other choice". Like, if you had to pick one, which would you pick? Valyarus: (*quizzical look*) Well that's just incredibly dark, isn't it? Who would pose such a question? Daleira: (*exasperated, throws up her hands*) I don't know! Could you please just answer it, Dad??? Valyarus: (*gives a long, drawn-out sigh... also unlike someone in the situations posed in this question!*) If you insist, dear. I suppose... I would choose being buried alive. In your hypothetical situation, unaware that I was completely doomed, I would likely choose it knowing it took longer and spend a majority of the time I had trying to figure out a way out... only to die. Valyarus: But, Dally, you are aware that even if our bodies die, we do not, yes? Daleira: 😃 (*internal screaming*)
Soren: (*completely unaware of the events of the first chapter of SaS in this case--*) I would choose the sea--or, drowning, that is. I was born by the ocean, was made by the ocean, and lived through the ocean. I see no better way to die. Or a more fitting one.
Grimnir: In those cases, I'd assume I'd be being assassinated by some of my enemies... and so they're planning for it to be as painful as possible. In which case, it would likely look like this: my to-be killers choose to drown me. They repeatedly dunk and pull my head out at intervals maximized for suffering, but just barely below the time my body would force me to inhale. Ideally, none of them would have control over water magic, or they could simply let me breathe it in and draw it from my lungs. Which would likely be doubly as unpleasant as traditional water inhalation. Regardless--they would repeat this process until I finally suffocated or they got bored. And then they would kill me. Alternatively, my captors could've chosen to kill me through burying me alive. In that case, they'd do so without a coffin. That way, I'd be suffocating, buried within whatever material they thought would make me suffer most. Due to the phrasing of this question, I would assume it could not be anything inherently dangerous, otherwise I would die of exsanguination, poisoning, or whatever else. No, instead, I'd suffocate. In this case, it's unlikely my captors could interrupt or pace out my murder--unless they periodically buried, unearthed, and re-buried me, which simply seems like more effort than it's worth and comes with risk of a coma instead. Between the two situations, I would choose to be buried alive. Though, I hope you aren't intending on trying anything... I may be a detective, but I have a lot more tricks up my sleeve.
"How many people have you killed?"
Freya: Nobody??? What???
Crow: What do you mean? I'm a detective, not a murderer! Obviously I haven't killed anyone!
Daleira: (*voice uncharacteristically quiet*) It... depends on what you count as a "person." And... whether you're counting accidents... which you probably are. Regardless?... a lot.
Valyarus: I have killed very, very few people. If they even counted as "people" by the time I killed them is a better question. But... if you consider the fact that I, myself, am not human, and that those of us in my position call all of us sentient beings "people"... then I have killed very, very many people. That's why I'm in the position I am today. I am very powerful. And, sometimes, death is necessary to protect those looking up to you as a leader.
It's been a bit since Elvalen has joined Lynsmouth, though. I think I've gotten a bit rusty. 😄
(note: Valyarus has accidentally killed a lot more people in a similar manner to Daleira, but is not counting them due to it being "part of a faerie's nature", unintentional, and frankly unavoidable to an extent. Up his perceived creepiness/danger level as you deem necessary.)
Soren: Depends who's asking. If this has any possibility of reaching my daughter, none whatsoever. Otherwise... more than I wish. But being what I am, death is sometimes inevitable. Other times, it's simply the only correct choice. Would you rather leave a monster alive, or kill it where it stands to save its victims, both present and future? I think there's only one right answer there, and I have a number of people who'd thank me for it. ... even if my daughter would not.
Grimnir: Depends on what you mean by "killed". Does it count to put them in prison, knowing people can and might target them there? If so: I don't know. Definitely more than I can count. Otherwise... only a few. And only when necessary, in self-defense.
"Do you believe in fate?"
Freya: You mean the idea that our lives are predetermined from the beginning, that our decisions are set in stone before we're born, and that nothing we can do will ever change that? Of course not. And even if it did, I'd assume magic itself would interfere with how Fate wanted to make things.
Crow: I'm... not sure. I've never thought of it before to be honest. I'd guess there's probably some god out there capable of it?... though if you think of it that way, wouldn't all gods be Fate in one way or another? Like, they're all always just... sitting in their godly domains or something, watching us, seeing everything and making decisions off of it right? So from our point of view, wouldn't that make them the puppeteers of our fates? So I'd say it depends on what you consider "fate" to be. Is it an active force keeping things to a certain "timeline" or set of events? In which case I'd say no. Or is it a set of actions carried out by beings that can see so much more than we do, that are capable of comprehending things that we can't, and actively try enforcing their wills on us? In which case... I'd say yes.
Daleira: Fate? Like "things are destined to happen a certain way"? I wouldn't know! Haha, there's so many things in this world that it's impossible to know! Like, there's billions of lifeforms breathing, existing!, making decisions all at once! Could there possibly be a reason behind it, some sort of consciousness pulling everything in a certain direction to make sure different events come true? Possibly!
... what do I think of that?... hm. That's a great question. I... don't know honestly. I like the concept of free will, would like to think we all have complete control of our lives and where they go... but that just isn't realistic! Even if fate didn't exist, our lives are all still pushed and pulled in every direction by those of the people around us. And by nature! The world constantly throws things at us, and all we're able to do is react to it! Even if we make our own decisions, they're based on our life experiences and the examples we've seen of others... so it's impossible to say "free will" truly exists, either.
Valyarus: Fate? (*snickers*) Which kind of "Fate", the idea that Grand Destinies follow people, that some people are destined to come together and "complete" one another", or something... Or the cold and merciless goddess known for doing whatever it takes to achieve her goals?
Don't misunderstand me--most gods are "cold, cruel, merciless" and all those good things. But I've heard special things of Fate. She sees everything that has happened, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen at all times. She's able to make decisions with more information than anyone else. She's been able to plan out her actions and puppeteer everyone else from the very beginning of time. She's known for acting irrationally, having her son carry out the most out of place things... for what? What cause? What purpose? We don't know. We can't. What we do know is that she's willing to do anything. She and her son--acting on her behalf as all avatars do--have done some things even the other gods wouldn't dare do. Although, I don't think it's for a lack of willingness so much as it would otherwise get in the way of their goals to actively commit atrocities.
Regardless, oh--I do believe Fate exists. It's very hard not to when you've spoken to her son firsthand and he responds to you before you can even speak. I wouldn't recommend it, by the way. I've met some very disturbing creatures before, but he was... different.
Quinn: Well, that's just rude. Valyarus: Quinn: After I helped you and everything. Valyarus: How... how did you get in here? Quinn: Not telling. 😉 Want to apologize? Valyarus: Valyarus: (*indignant!*) I see no reason to. Quinn: Of course. No problem, then. Just... be careful around birds. Valyarus: (*silent, confused panic???*)
Soren: I believe Fate exists, yes. Whether or not that's a good thing depends on the day... and if you're in her way. Thankfully, it does not seem like I've done anything to cross her... at least, not for a very long time.
Grimnir: (*deadpan*) I would assume so. Otherwise, I'd worry who I gave my eyes to.
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Your questions: - What would you do if you watched a starving child steal something expensive without anyone else noticing? - If you could go back in time and say anything to your younger self, what would you say? - What would you sell your soul for? (Metaphorically speaking, doesn't have to be literal. In other words: "What is the most important thing to you, that you would do anything for?")
Tagging (with no pressure) @darkandstormydolls @yourpenpaldee @.honeybewrites @fantasy-things-and-such @themboty @the-letterbox-archives and whoever else wants to join!
Divider from @cafekitsune
#Crow's over here just giving the DEEPEST answer to the fate question I'm ngl.#Like I was just including it for the memes of Grimnir asking who else he gave his eyes to 🤣🤣🤣#But then Crow had to come in and give an actually well-thought-out answer.#I'm ngl I was NOT expecting it#I was actually expecting them to turn it into a joke like usual.#But like... it's not actually that Crow isn't smart btw.#Or is incapable of taking anything seriously.#They just choose not to 99% of the time haha. 😅#Btw Grimnir actually wasn't kidding about giving up his eyes to “Fate” btw.#At the very least#as far as he's aware#he traded his sight to an entity claiming to be the goddess of fate.#Won't tell you whether it actually WAS or not 😉#or what he traded it for#but I feel like the fact that he traded his SIGHT to “Fate” should give some hints. 😉😉😉#Addendum:#I wrote all those tags after writing Freya's/Crow's/Grimnir's in that order#I'm actually quite surprised at how Quality the answers to that question all are haha.#Valyarus over there is giving HELLA worldbuilding and foreshadowing 🤣😉#and ironically showing that Crow was actually right (in-universe) about their theories oops.#Genuinely I wasn't PLANNING on confirming Crow's “theories" haha.#But Valyarus knows quite a bit about the gods for a number of reasons and that's just how he'd answer. 😅😂#Fate in-universe is highly feared due to everything Valyar mentioned if you couldn't imagine.#Though some of his information is false actually.#What?#This is CHARACTER asks#not “author asks”#You ask the characters and you get misinformation misunderstandings and lies 🤣#That's how a majority of those who know of Fate (the goddess)'s existence see her though.#There's a handful of people who like/don't see her as evil tho.
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gunpowdercarousel · 11 months
Anybody else have a character you just sort of irrationally dislike? Like the character hasn't even wronged you in any real way, but every time you think about them you're just like "uuuuuuck that bitch".
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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in my dream job era
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hakuryuu · 21 days
ooohhh for that ask meme, all for dizzy and herona? I love their names…
(How did they meet?): got into a physical fight in elementary school – i think it was probably some kind of contest that turned into a different kind of contest when they couldn’t agree on the winner
(How long have these two characters known each other?):  they’ve been in each other’s orbit basically their whole lives (same school district so same schools, same classes and peer groups, and they’re only 19 or 20, so that’s most of it)
(What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?): dizzy’s first impression of herona: scrawny, interesting, hard to read // herona’s first impression of dizzy: aloof, weirdly earnest, rude. dizzy’s impression now: interesting, easier to read than anyone else, i hate them. herona’s impression now: fascinating, idiotic, hard to stand
(How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?): dizzy -> herona: “about this tall (holding hand up like a foot above his head), stringy, always looks a little on edge.” “they’re completely fucking unlikeable. they’re twitchy all the time and they say whatever they’re thinking as long as it’s the worst thing to say.” // herona -> dizzy: “he’s kind of short and none of his shirts fit well, and he never had braces but he really should have, and he’s always looking around like he can see some cool the thing the rest of us can’t.” “all he fucking does is talk about how things would go if this were a movie!!”
(Do they get along? Why or why not?): they get along in the way that two people who grew up in unending proximity to each other get along, which is to say they understand each other very well and they have a common history, but they’re always picking at each other, and they’re not either one’s closest friend. despite this they often still fall back on each other. something something if you have to move your best friend’s body you’re on your own, unless you have this guy around
(Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?): they both like(d) video games, although dizzy was more of an arcade guy and herona went more for handhelds. they’re constantly arguing about dizzy’s janky laptop hooked up precariously to their solar-powered space heater, because it has some pc games but all dizzy ever wants to do is cut and recut footage on it. they’ll often have shooting competitions, but herona sucks at long range because they’re so tense and dizzy has shit aim after about 3 yards. they also both took up smoking even though neither of them enjoys it and they’re both kind of bad at it, so they’ll sometimes smoke together
(How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?): they see each other constantly since they’re living in a bombed-out tower with a handful of their surviving friends and it’s hard to avoid each other. there’s a little place near the top where they can sit on a ledge and look out on everything, and they both go up there to smoke, so that’s probably their most common ‘meeting’ spot
(How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?): endless sniping, snipping, insults, arguments, etc (herona has a sharp temper and dizzy is stubborn and persistent), but they also know each other so well that they’ll finish and interrupt each other’s sentences and have a whole conversation that’s just like “what about—” “no we tried that” “okay maybe—” “that could work if—” “there’s no way we—” etc. deeply baffling to their friends. DEFINITELY will be recurring phrases or gestures (long term relationship wise but also teehee time loop wise) but i don’t know what they are yet
(What is one quality they have in common?): scared
(What is one major difference between them?): hmmmm how best to say it...dizzy clings to the familiar (the city, his friends, footage he’s seen a thousand times, how it used to be, how to stop something bad from happening) while herona clings to escape (we have to get out of here, we can start fresh somewhere new, the more we carry with us the more we have weighing us down)
(Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?): yes. sort of. yeah
(Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?): WHAT! IF! WE! KISSED! IN! THE! TIME! LOOP! i won’t let you die you’re the only one who fucking understands me
(Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?): i won’t let you die, motherfucker, you’re not getting out of this so easily!!
(Do they share the same goals in life?): broadly no; dizzy wanted to be a director or a cinematographer and herona wanted to be a pastry chef. narrowly, yes: survive. keep everyone alive. win
(Do they trust each other? Why or why not?): soooo deeply and implicitly, on like a really core level – day-to-day either one will probably lie to the other, or do something the other doesn’t like or said not to do, anything that might make you mistrust someone. but they’ll still turn to each other without thinking
(Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?): i haven’t ironed out time loop shenanigans yet but yes
(Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?): i haven’t ironed out time loop shenanigans yet but yes and theyre not thrilled about it
(Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?): permanent (derogatory)
(Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?): hard to categorize...obviously they wish they weren’t so stuck together in everything, it’s a lot harder to handle now that they’re all living in each other’s pockets, but also it’s hard to imagine what that would look like, not being around each other all the time
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
The school of rock scene where Dewey is going through bands, asking if the class have ever heard of them ‘don’t tell me you’ve never gotten the Led out!’ But it’s Eddie with the kids
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scarredresolve · 6 months
💭 + stories/fairytales or folklore
Did Nimbra believe in any stories/mythical creatures in the past? Does she have any favorite stories?
(I love Nimbra and I love finding out about her softer lore ;-; feel free to skip this one if you don't like it)
She hated talking about her past. But it was.. exceedingly difficult to brush Pearls off, considering what she had gone through as of late. Really, it was hard for Nimbra to lie to anyone her age-- remembering multiple times where she had brought up moments of her past to Kay in an attempt to soothe her during the worst of times.
.. she wouldn't do that for anyone else. Not that easily, at least.
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".. my mother liked to tell stories through song. It's how we passed the time when we travelled." She could remember watching the clouds soar by as the caravan rolled along, the sound of her mother's voice, the gentle strings of her violin ringing clear as day in her ears. "A lot of them were retellings of her and my father's adventures before they had me. What treasures they found, what mystical places they came across-- but some were about our heritage as tieflings, too. How we came to be. How not all of us are the devils that humans perceive us as."
She thought for a moment, falling silent; as if chasing after a lingering feeling long forgotten in her mind.
"I think she even.. she sang of the Raven Queen. Once, maybe.. I don't remember." The tone of her voice fell, unable to look Pearls in the eye. Perhaps for more than just the obvious reason. ".. I stopped believing in stories like those as I grew older. I had no faith in the Gods-- not until I met a handful of them, and saw how they treated your father. Perhaps my faith lingers still, despite knowing that they exist now.. but the lessons my mother taught me still remain. To follow your own beliefs, take hold of them no matter what the world tells you; carve your fate in the way you want it to lead."
"That may not be as fantastical of a tale as you may have been looking for.. but when I feel myself lost, I remember what she told me. That I must always do what I feel is right." Even when I've done things neither of them would be proud of. I kept going. I pushed myself to survive. I wonder if that's what they would have wanted for me.
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Me poking my manager with a stick: Sir do you have Tumblr?
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yeonban · 3 months
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Send me ✔ and I’ll bold what my muse would do with/for yours.
@effigist asked: ✔ ash for tobias 💪
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hold the door for them | help them carry something | let them borrow something | let them use their (primary) phone (that has all of Tobias' important contacts in it) | smile at them when passing in the streets | shake hands with them | flirt with them in a bar | share a taxi with them | give them a ride home | lend them money | sit next to them on public transportation | offer them some food | help them find something they lost
let them stay the night | listen to them complain at 4 am | help them get over a break up | go out shopping with them | pet sit for them (or alternatively, babysit Ash's gang/allies) | help them move houses | help them find a lost pet | go on vacation with them | stay up all night with them | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | take their side in a break up | talk about their future plans | be maid of honour/best man/etc. at their wedding (Tobias just laughed at this one I'm sorryadhyuasgdsahd) | share food with them
let them stay after sex | gentle sex | rough sex | experiment | handcuffs | bdsm | whips | orgasm denial | aftercare | cuddles after sex | tea/coffee/etc. after sex | gentle kisses | rough kisses | passionate kisses | sloppy kisses | lazy kisses | hang out without sex | hide their relationship | cheat on them | cheat on someone else with them | dirty talk | loving talk | gentle touches | rough touches | nervous/shy touches | say “I love you”
take them on expensive dates | pay for dates | make them pay for dates | go to the movies | put out on the first date | get an arranged marriage | stay at home most nights | cuddle in front of the tv | propose first | drop hints until they propose | give a big/expensive/elaborate proposal | have a quiet proposal | say yes to a proposal from them | have a big wedding | have a small wedding | elope | get married in Vegas | go on an expensive honeymoon | go on a cheap honeymoon | have kids | get a pet | move in together (Tobias with his dozen houses: :) ADHASDHSAJD 😭) | laugh during kisses | laugh during sex | tickle fights | fight over who’s cuter | make them sleep on the couch after fights | make up sex | angry sex | no sex | let their parents/siblings stay over | let their family visit often | tell them “I love you” every day
fight (SPAR! SPAR! SPAR!) | hug (Tobias isn't against properly hugging him but boy does he think it'd be so awkward the first few times he'd do it. so typically Ash would instead get those half-hugs/half-lounging on the other's shoulder kind of embraces that men always love to give each other) | laugh at them when they get hurt (for the minor/stupid injuries) | help them hide a dead body | provide an alibi for them | tell them they’re annoying at least once a day | share food with them | help them move houses | walk them down the isle | try to sell them online | set up an online dating account for them | set them up on blind dates | try to set them up with your friends | listen to their problems | help them cook | cook them food | make them watch shows they don’t like with them | tell them they’re an idiot/loser/dork/nerd affectionately
fight them | take petty revenge | kill them (thank GOD Ash isn't the type to betray him for no reason so this will never come to pass 🙏) | try to smother them in their sleep | hire an assassin | work harder to beat them at something | follow their social media just to get mad about it | make passive aggressive remarks towards them | spread rumours about them | laugh at them when they get hurt | take pleasure from them being upset | ruin their life
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#◜✧ . ❪ muse. tobias. ❫#◜✧ . ❪ tobias ; musings. ❫#effigist#They have such a fun dynamic to me like What is ever going on here. ADJIASDHASUIDHSADJSADSHDSAKD#That Awkwarddd (!) moment when you and your homie are 2 teenage guys with understandable trust issues which always make you#question the homie's real intentions only for you to slowly become proper friends but still find it hard to believe him 🙄🙄🙄#even WORSE that due to your age and past experiences you cannot for the love of god be open and vulnerable on main w him or you'll Die#I have to say tho it's fascinating to watch Tobias give Ash so much (from money to help to his phone bc he'd rather khs than offer his#primary phone to sb he doesn't trust considering he has stuff like Wammy's network & the Presidents' phone numbers in there)#and then ask for nothing bc Ash is simply THAT amusing to him! Ash earned all this by breathing and being himself I can't even ADAHSAJSAHDK#I guess it does help that Ash reminds Tobias of himself just a little 🤏 bit bc of the similar situations they've found themselves in#(both forced by circumstances into a life of crime; both groomed by adults looking to use them if for different purposes; both Hating that)#except Tobias has at least landed himself in Wammy's House & has the means to stand up for himself AND others nowadays#whereas Ash's life is... many a struggle since he refuses to use Dino's assets to get back at him (which is what Tobias' doing to Watari)#Tobias might not be a nice guy but he Does want to get Ash out of the hellhole he's fallen into even if it's risky & has no visible upside#but it'd be WAY too much of a shame to let Ash die. much less to some random old man's obsessive whims 🙄#Saying this made me remember the 'I'll get you out of there' cat meme and now I can't stop laughing HELP ADJIASHDISADSADJSADSHAD#But yk thinking about it more deeply I realized Ash might be the first friend Tobias' ever made outside of Wammy's (besides fake friends)#It's hard times out here in the friendship economy when you never step out of the GODDAMN underground where all the backstabbers are at!#Frankly I could probably write an essay about their dynamic and they haven't even DONE much together yet. So what if I jumped instead /j
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angeltannis · 4 months
Frey Forspoken and Asha Wish are frolicking happily in my brain, becoming friends, mastering their magic together, helping each other shoulder the shared responsibility of everyone in their kingdoms suddenly looking to them for all their magic needs. They have no idea I’m about to drop a homicidal robotic white girl on them
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Hello, I've been thinking about your actors au. Are you doing anything about Rei and Mikio being the only side characters with faces in the first trial? Because I do have a theory about that which I haven't posted but I always thought that was really interesting. Even Yamanaka pointed it out in the first anniversary stream.
Ah, I definitely want to!! Mikio is the man in Harrow, right? (There's also maybe-Rumerie in Bring it On who drives me crazy to this day asdfsd) I'm hoping once the project ends and we get the bigger picture, I can really highlight their relationships more. I'll touch on some of my ideas real quick, but I'd love to hear your theory if you ever end up posting it 👀
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My problem is, I originally thought the faces show the prisoners' love towards them, and not necessarily mutual relationship -- which causes some hiccups with including them as characters in the au... (Including t2 faces), Haruka hungers for his mother's love, but given her abuse, they couldn't in good conscience have her on set with him. Rumerie may have been some sort of friend, but he didn't seem so close that he'd be okay seeing Fuuta again and being implicated in his crime. Muu cares very deeply for Rei, but even if the murders never occurred, I can't picture a young girl would feel safe filming her own death at the hands of her bully... I ran into a similar issue with Mahiru and Kazui's partners, but as adults I felt like it was easier and safer for them to consent to the situation.
However! The fact that Kotoko's victim has a clear face really interests me, because that's the only one that (seemingly) has no established relationship or love between them. What could Muu's realtionship with her classmate have in common with Kotoko's and the victim she hunted down from a distance? So I'd love to compare with your thoughts and reevaluate my theory as the new mvs come out...
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