#men and women who are friends
scribefindegil · 11 months
saw a deeply rancid take this morning about how amatonormativity isn’t real (especially in slash fandom contexts, lol) because all mainstream media focuses on platonic relationships so what do we even want. and was tempted to write a big thing breaking down the various prejudices at play in the way society (and thus the media reflecting it) refuses to treat women and queer people and other minorities as Real People deserving of stories, and how this leads to all this media focused on men whose only meaningful relationships are with other men in a way that does nothing but support amatonormativity along with every other status-quo bigotry. but actually i think this sums it up:
Mainstream Media to Aros (& those who believe in their beliefs): You’re platonic because you value friendship. I’m platonic because I hate everyone who isn’t a cishet white man. We are not the same.
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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My favourite thing about Alastor is his hoard of gal pals!
He’s just a cool and charming dude that women feel comfortable around…And is also a power hungry eldritch horror.👌👌👌
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filmnoirsbian · 8 months
If homophobic weirdos don't stop ruining the absolute beauty and solidarity of love and friendship between gay men and lesbians by pushing for us to fuck each other as if that isn't what cishet homophobes have been pushing for since the dawn of time I'm gonna start car bombing
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femmesandhoney · 2 months
male socialization is wild to me because when men deviate it by generally being nice to women and then get womens attention by being friendly and normal to us other men get mad and punish them for it bc they're actually meant to be domineering, rude, and misogynistic to us and if a man doesn't do that they're either gay or trying to unassumingly get with one of the women. like it blows mens minds that they can actually try and be normal and nice to women for no sexual gain, and then they punish men for deviating from it. they're like we see you're getting female attention without abusing the women?? thats wrong and also we hate u for it. like jesus men are so fucked up as a whole.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Oh did that trans woman present femininely in a way you find corny?Did that autistic kid annoy you by being passionate about their interests?Did that traumatized person cope by being a therian so you think they're stupid?Did that black person act in a way you found offputting?Thank you SO much for making a whole post to make fun of them because it was completely necessary to announce your most important feelings ever because weird people are vewy scawy.Should we throw a party to cheer you up?Should we invite JK Rowling?
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yall know i love my ronance content but a part of me is also really happy for nancy for finally having a platonic girl friend her age. i imagine ever since barb, shes had a lot of walls she had to put up, and maybe robin practically tearing it down and letting herself in is just what she needed and wanted, so nancy just.. let her. idk im looking forward to more of them in the next season. nancy deserves that
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naturecalls111 · 9 months
I think I love Sanji so extra much because he’d acknowledge my ‘girl-ness’ in a way that I feel like has not ever been acknowledged in a way I wanted it to be wails
The chivalry intended not with hopeful reciprocation but with admiration. WAILS.
#nc111 talks#like growing up the whole concept of ‘being one of the boys’ was so stupid to me#mostly because I had so many guy friends and I was not appreciative of their treatment of me at all#there were definitely times where I wanted to tell them like. hm. I wish you would respect my girlhood a bit more#I love being a woman. I really do#my girlhood is something I keep very close to me. I was very jealous of other girls in my school who exuded that type of femininity#speaking purely from personal experience - just to make that clear#but I like being and being associated with traits that are quite literally stereotypically aligned with Girl-ness#so hard to explain!! but at its core I just love chivalry though lol#one of my friends was like ugh no I’d never want a guy to hold a door open for me just because I’m a girl#‘I’d want them to hold it open because it’s just a kind thing to do’#and like. yes. core sentiment I totally agree with#but also I Do want to be acknowledged as a girl I spent all of my childhood and teen years having my Girl-ness barely recognised and#it sucked seing the disparity in the treatment#but it also sucked seeing the intent with which these guys treated women chivalrously#which is why Sanji appeals to me. his chivalry is not ill intended or manipulative. ever. and it acknowledges womanhood all the same#OK RAMBLINGGGG#lost the plot. point is I love Sanji because I see him do his little dance while giving Robin a dessert she never had to ask for and I sigh#WISH THAT WERE ME.#edit: none of this matters mostly because I don’t care to date men#but I suppose it’s like. even in my friendships with other girls I feel like there was an inherent establishment that ok so I act as the Guy#And She acts as the girl#when we go out their arms would wrap around mine#and mine never wrapped around theirs. does that make sense#hold their hand as they walked down the stairs in heels. helped them out of cars. you get the image#SANJI WOULD HOLD MY HAND OUT OF A CAR EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him#I’d never have to ask! ah. love chivalry.
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murderballadeer · 2 months
will never get over the phenomenon of men online going "ugh female friendships are so fragile and full of drama and ups and downs [describes women having a legitimate fight over something serious but then working it out], unlike my super strong drama free male friendships [describes men having an extremely surface level friendship where they don't have a strong emotional bond and therefore can't have any emotional issues with each other]"
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kingkunigami · 10 months
I love that we collectively agree that these men exude so much power and confidence but the moment they’re in front of a pretty woman they’re terrified and have no idea what to do.
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pisshandkerchief · 3 months
the obvious double standard with which we as a society treat amab nonbinary people and trans women who don't fit the level of feminity that they're expected to is actually disgusting.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Saw somebody once saying that people's arguments to say Nami is a lesbian are always about her negative traits and focusing on her not liking men and... Why do we have to have any arguments when it comes to a sexuality headcanon? Why can't I just say that she doesn't like men, and that's all? But even if you needed arguments, "not liking men" isn't a bad trait or something negative at all. She just is uninterested in them, imo, both romantically and sexually, and that's quite literally the definition of being a lesbian. Yes, obviously we can focus on her appreciation of other female characters and how the way she reacts around them is way different from how she reacts with the men of the show, but saying "she likes women" isn't an argument to prove she's a lesbian because bisexual girls exist. Or really, just any other sexuality regarding women. It's beautiful to focus on her love for girls, but if we're looking for arguments here, I think the best one of all is saying that she doesn't like men. And that isn't a bad thing at all and it is quite literally the only argument you need for your headcanon to work. And yes, I do agree that a lot of people use negative traits of her to call her a lesbian (a "mean lesbian". A term that I personally despise. When it's a joke about a character who's actually mean it's okay and funny, but lesbians are already demonized enough, and Nami isn't even mean. People just hate that she has a personality and stands up for herself) but I've never seen somebody say "she's a lesbian because she's mean". I just see people saying she's a lesbian because she doesn't like men, and, again, that's not bad as long as you don't stereotype her and say she hates men and put her in a little box of "being the mature one" because she's a lot of the time as silly and careless as the men of the crew. Not liking men is not a negative trait. It's literally just being a lesbian. Like we could talk for hours about her relationship with women and womanhood in the show, how her character behaves around them, and the way they portray her. Because yes, I don't know if I'd say she's queercoded but she definitely is way more fond of girls than she is of men and her relationships with them seem way more genuine and organic than the one she has with men. But... Again, the core point of all of this is that she doesn't like men. Easy as that.
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filmnoirsbian · 10 months
Straight men really will treat every kindness towards a woman they find attractive as transactional. My local vape guy asked me out after weeks of us having fun chats whenever I showed up and after I (GENTLY) turned him down I found out that he'd apparently been giving me a discount (which he stopped after my rejection). Bro I didn't even know you were taking off $5 in hopes of getting laid 😭 I just thought that store was cheaper...
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nonokoko13 · 5 months
Watch me make a shrine for a character we have only seen in bubble speeches and flashbacks
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Jeeves I don't know you but you seem the only stable person in this wicked household. Thank you for being in Damian's life, unlike certain man
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millidew · 11 days
rip lucy and mina you would’ve loved farcille. rip marcille you would’ve loved westenray (falin lost interest and fell asleep before finishing the book)
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celluloidbroomcloset · 6 months
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I don't even know what to do anymore.
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 5 months
I don't know what you straight women are on but your man not having a single close female friend is a not a good thing or something to brag about.
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