#mental models
younes-ben-amara · 1 year
ما الذي يحتاجه المستقل (الفريلانسر) من مجال التنمية الذاتية، من مهاراتٍ وتعلُّمٍ ومناهج؟
ما الذي يحتاجه المستقل (الفريلانسر) من مجال التنمية الذاتية، من مهاراتٍ وتعلُّمٍ ومناهج؟
مساء الرحمات المتنزلة علينا وعليكم، اقترحت عليّ الأستاذة دينا الهوارى هذا الموضوع فشَكَر الله لها، دينا مشتركة في رديف فاشترك أنت أيضًا في رديف 👇 نمِّ ذاتك على أمثل وجهٍ – اشترك في رديف صباح الرقي والدعم 🌼ما الذي يحتاجه الفري لانسر من مجال التنمية الذاتية، أي من مهارات وتعلم ومنهج— دينا الهوارى| كاتبة محتوى✍️📚 (@Dina_writer) December 8, 2022 تغريدة دينا الهوارى جدول المحتويات جدول…
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This is a friendly reminder that none disabled people often do benefit from the same accommodations disabled people benefit from.
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artur · 2 months
[Deliberate 108] Avoid negative-sum games
Winning wealth and happiness takes effort, skill, and luck. But there is a shortcut: deciding which games to play - and what is even easier - deciding which ones not to play. Negative-sum games are particularly easy to spot and always toxic.
Winning wealth and happiness takes effort, skill, and luck. But there is a shortcut: deciding which games to play – and what is even easier – deciding which ones not to play. Negative-sum games are particularly easy to spot and always toxic. People (especially competitive ones) tend to put a lot of effort, preparation, and attention into winning real-life games: getting that promotion, getting a…
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macdougdoug · 2 months
Once upon a time..
Why do similar stories exist all over the world in totally different cultures? How does our relationship with narrative affect our experience of reality. (3 short chapters based on the work of historian Dr. Julien d'Huy)
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shivamchhuneja · 4 months
Are you overcomplicating your own life?
Imagine your phone is running quite slow all of a sudden. You open Instagram and it takes 5 seconds for it to open, 7 seconds for Whatsapp and god forbid 8-10 seconds for Gmail app to open. What are your first thoughts as to why this might be happening? Virus? Hackers? Webcam compromised, financial details leaked? What will you do now? Will they empty all your savings that you took 5 years…
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usunezukoinezu · 5 months
''We are a shortsighted species. We think only one step ahead in terms of consequences, and then we typically only limit it to our own consequences. We need to engage in second-order thinking and visualize all the dominos that could be falling. Without this, it can’t be said that you are making a well-informed decision.''
-Peter Hollins, Mental Models
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convivialdave · 6 months
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Don't ascribe to malevolence what can easily be explained by incompetence...or as the ancients used to say..."all evil is based on ignorance"
It is better to be on your own way than think the entire world is against you...
It is a dangerous thing to ascribe to others, especially strangers, any level of motivation.
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scottdclary · 7 months
Expanding Inputs for Expansive Outputs
Hi All,
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Leonardo da Vinci didn't just paint. He wasn't just an engineer. He was a renaissance man in the truest sense.
But what does a 15th-century polymath have to do with today's entrepreneurial landscape?
Leonardo didn’t just absorb facts. He collected puzzle pieces.
Art. Engineering. Anatomy. Astronomy. Botany. Geology.
Each, a different domain. Each, a piece of the puzzle. Together, they formed masterpieces like the Mona Lisa or the Vitruvian Man.
In our hyper-specialized world, this might seem counterintuitive.
We are often told: "Focus on one thing. Be the best at it."
But here's a thought: What if expanding our inputs is the key to expanding our impact?
Think about a puzzle. With more pieces, the picture gets more complex, more intricate, more fascinating.
That’s how creativity works.
It’s not a limited resource. It’s not just a series of facts. It's an ecosystem of ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
When we silo ourselves, we limit our pieces. When we broaden our horizons, we collect more.
A tech entrepreneur understanding behavioral psychology. A marketer delving into data science. An artist exploring technology.
Unexpected combinations. Unanticipated solutions.
Steve Jobs once said, "Creativity is just connecting things."
He connected calligraphy with computing. The result? The Mac's revolutionary typography.
So, here’s the modern-day challenge:
Don't just be a specialist. Be a polymath in training.
Collect puzzle pieces from everywhere. A book on philosophy. A course in coding. A podcast on ancient history.
You might find that the solution to a complex problem lies in the knowledge gleaned from a seemingly unrelated field.
And remember, it’s not just about hoarding these pieces. It's about seeing the connections, making the links.
Leonardo da Vinci didn't just accumulate knowledge; He wove it together into a tapestry of brilliance.
That’s your task.
Expand your inputs. Interconnect your knowledge. Watch as your outputs — your ideas, your solutions, your impact — grow exponentially.
Be like da Vinci. Your Mona Lisa awaits.
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nrpin · 8 months
Mental Models from Multiple Disciplines
Mental models are deeply ingrained assumptions, generalizations, or even pictures of images that influence how we understand the world and how we take action. – Peter Senge Mental models are the ways of understanding the world around us. We have to make sense of things happening. Some are simple to understand but many are complex to comprehend. Hence, we need to visualize and picturized. We do…
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candlebel · 4 months
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Amo al robopayaso. xd
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ritik3630a · 1 year
What to care when taking tough decisions?
Taking tough decisions in life can be a daunting task for most of us. Whether it’s about making a career change, ending a relationship, or starting a new business, making a decision that could have a significant impact on your life can be overwhelming. It’s natural to feel anxious and uncertain about the outcome of your decision. However, using the right mental model can help you overcome your…
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sparrownimbus2000 · 1 year
On Puzzling
It took me two hours to complete a simple cuboid puzzle yesterday. My 9 year old sister in law took it apart and asked me to put it back together, and it stumped me. I told her not to tell me the answer, and just sat there for two hours trying to figure it out. My inlaws were playing with my kids so I had no parental responsibilities – just me and this cloud of despair. What’s wrong with my…
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freddykuno · 1 year
Is everything marketing?
The more I browse the web, the more I feel like everything has become a subgenre of marketing.
Wasn't marketing just a function of business? Why does it seem like everything must be infused with marketing if it wants to exist?
It’s like marketing your whatever has become more important than whatever it is you’re marketing.
Even worse: some things only exist in marketing but have no body beyond its representation.
This might just be a theatric effect of social media blasting advertisement-soaked content into our faces 24/7.
Even though it feels like online marketing is rather ephemeral, it wouldn’t be fair to say it’s all thin air.
There are all kinds of schemes and scams from multilevel marketing to bullshit coaching but it’s not like every online business falls into one of these schemes.
These scams are, however, the absolute low point of marketing: empty business models that sell no real product, just manipulative communications exploiting the feelings of greed and need of vulnerable people.
The problem I see is not that scams exist but that anything that doesn't do marketing falls into obscurity because there is such a fierce battle for visibility out there.
If you’re not visible on the internet, you don’t exist.
Thus, anyone who wants to be seen must engage in marketing to ascend from the shadows.
I guess that wouldn’t feel so bizarre if I thought of it as just „communicating or connecting with the world“ rather than „marketing yourself.“
Self-marketing is essentially the same thing framed in a business perspective: you create a supply of yourself on the attention market by shouting louder and more often, hoping to attract and bind people with the things you say, creating a demand for yourself.
It’s appalling for me to think this way.
The imperative to be loud, visible, and consistent runs counter to my introverted nature.
Yet I am attentive because it seems that if you ever want to be free by running your own business, you have to play in the theatre of the attention economy.
Maybe I can help myself by reframing this marketing as connecting with the world and those in it who care.
After all, we speak to emotions or reason or morals and someone out there has the ones that resonate.
Everything is connection, communication, correspondence. Making it marketing is a choice - one that I don’t have to make, but I might.
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thedeerestdoll · 1 month
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literally everyday
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sixoclockuty · 1 month
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the nuances of being alive when you aren’t meant to be
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usunezukoinezu · 5 months
''...most of us are split into two categories of decision-makers: satisficers and maximizers. The maximizer is someone you might be familiar with. They want everything possible, and they’ll try and try until they get it. They’re picky to the point of being frustrating, and take all of their allotted time to make a decision, every time. Even then, they’ll still second-guess themselves and regret their decision. The satisficer, on the other hand, can more accurately determine what really matters and focuses on those things. They get in and get out, and happily move on with their day.''
-Peter Hollins, Mental Models
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