#mentally speaking
big-meows · 22 days
It is so so so immeasurably fucked up that severe anxiety shares so many symptoms with heart problems because nothing is guaranteed to spike your anxiety like thinking you might have heart problems and also do you know what is bad for you if you have heart problems? Stress and anxiety!!! FUCK YOU!!!
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pennyserenade · 1 year
every time i read for a whole uninterrupted hour i feel closer to sanity than i’ve been in years and i know that says a lot about my use of technology at the moment. like perhaps more than i’m even ready to consider today. maybe tomorrow i’ll consider that but for now i will be putting this into my daily routine
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vakarians-babe · 2 years
it’s next to impossible to filter out all the goncharov posting from my dash so please PLEASE tag it as unreality. I know it seems harmless and can be really fun even! and I’m glad people are having fun! but as someone who logged on with no context and having forgotten about the original meme it was like. weirdly alarming. I know no one is obligated to protect anyone else, we protect ourselves, but paranoia and delusion and detachment from reality are kinda a bitch and very hard to protect yourself from when things don’t filter properly and/or aren’t tagged correctly.
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valdotjpg · 1 year
who up experiencing the horrors
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lilacartsmadsion · 4 days
Eventually all the gods are gonna realise ‘yeah, this guys a dick’ especially after he purpousefully took the potion because he just couldnt help himself and ended up killing someone. And refuses to take accountability and blames black liquorice for it
Wizard and Gingerdozer over here with the W.
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agnesandhilda · 7 months
yeah this is a self-evident biological hierarchy. that's why we have to enforce it with violence
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lokorum · 2 months
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jon needs a door and i need a fucking break from this weather uhhh
music from the..floor?? ♪┏(・o・)┛♪
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sincerity--extreme · 9 months
I hate this idea Disney puts on little girl's heads that they should wait and believe a prince will come and "rescue" them one day or whatever, since I was little I've always thought that was stupid and disgusting and grown ups always said I'd understand and love that idea once I was a little older, that one day I'd hope for the idea of a prince coming for me, never did (ew, same thing I've said since before I even knew I was gay), BUT to be fair something did change with time, today o honestly wish I could be rescued like a stupid Disney princess, just would be a bit more picky than them cause I want another princess
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uncanny-tranny · 15 days
Honestly, there is a certain type of fetishizing of violence that occurs when you are the victim of abuse - wherein people talk directly to you about how much they fantasize about your abuser/s dying and being killed - "all abusers must be killed!" they say.
As a victim of prolonged abuse, I never felt cared for when people indulged that information to me. It often feels like my abuse is being exploited for others to enact their own violent fantasies and secret desires - my abuse means nothing to them in the same way that I didn't matter to my abusers. It's not support - it's just another cycle of violence.
I'm begging people to care more about victims and survivors than they do about retribution of abusers. Nowhere along the way should your focus on the abuser outweigh the people affected by their abuse. If you truly want to support abuse victims and survivors, start with us
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inkskinned · 1 year
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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bloodysparklez · 2 months
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"b-but if akechi is every member of the friend group, what about the rest of the thieves-" homosexual supporting cast. next question
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free-my-mindd · 7 days
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not-terezi-pyrope · 4 months
"Don't use terms that refer to specific mental illnesses as quirky personality trait metaphors or insults" is something I strongly agree with in every case, except probably the word "narcissist", which did not originally refer to a disorder but has been a descriptor meaning self-centered since the early 1800s, taken from the allegorical character from Greek myth.
It was only coined as a term for a psychiatric diagnosis in the late 1960s, in what was I think we can all agree an incredibly short-sighted and judgemental move typical of the field at the time, and the correct response should probably be to rename the personality disorder to something that isn't a long-established negative descriptor, rather than push to re-define the word to exclusively refer to the disorder (largely impossible, unless we want to collectively forget the several-millenia-old character of Narcissus, or pretend that he somehow has nothing to do with the word that clearly derives from him).
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fioreose · 3 months
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myfandomrealitea · 3 months
I know there's a lot of advice for handling things like depression and its so fucking easy for people to say "just do this and you'll feel better!" and I hate that, I fucking despise it, but I'm also gonna throw in my two cents about what is personally helping me get out of bed some days and genuinely, not kill myself.
Its taking care of nature.
Seriously. It sounds stupid and some days it feels stupid, but I put up bird feeders because I live in a semi-rural area where human activity is decimating the local bird population and options for safe feeding. So I put up bird feeders. And now I have like 83 different birds flocking to my garden on the daily and screaming at my window if the feeders are empty. And I've seen generations of baby birds brought to my garden by their parents because this is where the food is.
And I researched what plants and flowers were native to my area and I spent like $5 on a few different seed packets and sprinkled them around the grass and the sad empty flowerbeds and the lawn because the bees have nothing to eat and that's awful and it turns out wildflowers will fucking GROW the moment you look away, but now every spring and summer my lawn is a pretty little multi-colored bug haven.
And I've even gotten the chance to save a few little bug lives because of it. I've taken in cold-shocked bees and given them a warm little tupperware to recover in. I've fed bugs sugar water to get their energy back to take their food home. I've given dying bugs a sheltered, safe place to spend their last moments.
I planted a veggie garden. And I know I'm very lucky in that I have the space to do that, but also, you can grow a lot of things indoors. My friend has literally the smallest apartment you can imagine but she grows chives in her bathroom and grows five radishes at a time in a pot in the kitchen. Literally five. But it makes her so happy every single time she pulls them up or trots off to the bathroom to snip some chives.
I pick trash up every two weeks. The pick stick was like $4 online and I just put the bag out with my bi-weekly trash pick-up and its disgusting but but nobody else is gonna do it and I've only got finite time on this earth. If nobody else is going to pick up that can, I will. Because some innocent wild animal doesn't deserve to get hurt by human ignorance, and I deserve to walk home and see pretty flourishing nature instead of depressing discarded trash like I feel like most days.
I've left water out for the wildlife and watched hedgehogs, local dogs on their walks, squirrels and all sorts stop by to take a drink, because humans are fucking selfish and we're making something as basic as water so hard to access for anyone but ourselves, but I can fix a little bit of that just by putting out a bowl. Sometimes I don't even have to remember to fill it because the rain will fill it for me, and its kind of like nature's way of saying "you're helping me so I'm going to help you out too." Which is neat.
Like most days I do not want to be living on this earth but my god earth did not get a choice about us living here, and we're ruining it, and it actually feels so good to help stop and un-do a little bit of that destruction.
And you don't even have to try everything I do. If the only thing you've got the spoons to do is buy one bird feeder and you only remember to fill it once a month, its still something. That once a month could mean the difference between starvation and a full belly to a bird.
Again, none of this is obligatory and I'm not saying at all this is some magical cure for depression, but personally these things are things which are helping me slowly find things to keep getting out of bed for and things to feel a sense of self worth and satisfaction over. I feel better both in and about myself when I feed the birds, when I see the bugs in the garden, when I pick up the trash.
If its something you haven't considered yet, it might be worth a try.
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Being disabled and a person of color is so different to being disabled and white. There's so much extra stigma and prejudice and just shit that us PoC have to go through with doctors and friends and just the world to get what we need and want.
Idk, I just don't see a lot of posts talking about what it's like being a person of color and disabled (especially when you're more dependent upon others) so, feel free to share you stories.
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