#mention: kagamine len
getwonderhoyd · 1 year
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vocaloidsongpoll · 6 months
do you like this vocaloid song?
(composed by Machigerita)
submitted by @manletcaduceus! thank you so much!!!
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zs-firefly · 9 months
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Headspace versions of the Virtual Singers ✨
I drew this weeks ago but whtevs
They're part of 'Dream Sekai', but not part of Akito's Headspace. Dream Sekai is created based on Akito's Headspace with the addition of the Virtual Singers. Everything is identical except for the singers because, ykno, they're new. Akito doesnt mind them tho.
They're stationed on the picnic basket. Pretty much taking on Mari's role n stuff. Temporarily.
I might make a Headspace versions of Nightcord. Bcuz they're important here too. And by they I mean mostly Ena.
Storywise uhh, I only have an idea for Miku atm. She's the protector of Dream Sekai and Akito himself. She's also the one who is actively trying to get help from VBS and Ena, trying to find a way to get them to Dream Sekai. VBS gets there first because plot reasons, Akito's party includes literally those three, and because Dream Sekai belongs to Akito, it has some sort of connection to Street Sekai so its easier for Dream Miku to bring them over.
Also lil fun fact, the singers are super close to each other. Like family. They live in the same house. They do things together. They treat Akito as one of their own because that's one of the few things he desires in the real world. He just wants som love
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maydayfireball · 10 months
Tumblr won’t let me add a video.. to the reblog of the other post.. on mobile..
So here are the prints I’m gonna have at yama con 👉👈
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sleeps-au-bag · 3 months
all permanent* representatives for each alignment in shin megami tensei: apple blossom (including vs!!)
*permanent meaning they don't change alignments as the plot progresses
law -
neutral -
rin and len
chaos -
those who stay out of it -
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Hi! Since you opened an inbox with your Vocaloid headcanons of yours, i have a tiny question - what VOCALOID songs would the Eightloids in your headcanons relate to! (Bonus: if it not necessary a VOCALOID song but another song, that can perfectly represent it) ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ Have a nice day! ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆
Hello Gremlin! I hope you're having a good day too! 💕💕 (even if it took me a while to respond, sorry unu)
It's a good proposal that I've been thinking about for the last few days...and even though they were options from recent searches (a large majority already knew them), I'm sure that the songs I have for the Eightloids fit how I interpret them in my hcs. If I'm misunderstanding one of this wrongly, I apologize for it <\3
— long post warning —
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Miku - Hoshi no Kakera 
The song that started Miku's career, in my universe, this song also identifies a large part of what she was going through her head after entering as a Vocaloid. At first, she believed that she had a perfect life being a very studious and diligent girl in school, hoping to enter a prestigious university where, upon graduating, she would obtain a validly acclaimed profession. However...she didn't realize that by clinging to that single goal, she was being taken away from the world and was being led to a path of loneliness...but...the moment Miku discovered that has good skills in music (mainly in singing) and gained recognition from people, metaphorically speaking, she discovered that life is a starry sky: Even if you have a preferred goal, there are several options with which you are free to choose and you end up enjoying new experiences that did not add up within of your daily life. In short, Miku did not regret becoming the main face of Vocaloid as she enjoyed the company of the loyal friends of hers that she gained, but she will continue to be that nerdy girl, more open to socializing at least.
Rin - I Don’t Care (La La La)
For a very newest Rin song, I have to say that the first thing that came to mind was…this is a good combination of Rin's relationship with Aiko along how I represents herself as a person. It could be interpreted that this is a letter from her to Aiko, having always been a controlling motherly figure, who did not let her do what she wanted and when it revealed was a woman who took Rin away to mistreat her for being daughter of someone she hated, made her more against Aiko. That's why it was a big sigh to have several things that favored Rin’s life: that Len and Ringo since they genuinely loved her without being biologically part of the family, that Vocaloid was for Rin and Len a way out of their depressingly controlled life, and that Ringo took matters into his own hands by divorcing Aiko with the possibility of never seeing that evil woman. Added to the fact that the rhythm and melody of the song represents the personality that characterizes her, a rebellious, energetic girl willing to start a life from scratch in Vocaloid with the company of Len, that is why I said at the beginning that this song adds both factors that I have created for Rin.
Len - For The Better
This was a difficult search...since when I think about Len, the option gives controversial and very strange songs that I understood that I couldn't get something out of them in relation to how he is presented in my hcs, I know that not all of his songs are like that and this is an exception to the rule. As I listened to the song until the end, I understood that it refers more to a story of failed love...but I have to admit that the title, with a large part of the first verse fits well, because it was thanks to Len who gave opportunities for Rin to win her affection again and give her freedom from his oppressive mother. It is understood that in the eyes of a younger Len, he believed lived a happy (although not satisfied) life in his childhood, but after investigating more about how Aiko mistreated Rin and the truth was discovered in the eyes of both, he went through a reality breakdown. Until today, after knowing that they would have the opportunity to audition for Vocaloid, he clearly had it clear "Maybe it's for the better" and make the right decision with the luck of ending up there starting a new life and relationship together, from scratch.
Luka - Yakusoku 
To be one of my favorite Loids and to know a variety of songs...it was difficult to find one that fit with Luka in my hcs. The song can be said to have almost the same meaning as the previous one with Len, but here with the only difference that it is referring to a melancholic farewell to someone she loved...and if it could refer to anyone, in my case, it would be Luka expressing the pain of losing her mother, Alice. The two of them were the inseparable mother and daughter duo, having each other to support and love each other, having all those years in childhood where she knew her mother perfectly, her tastes, her passions, her dreams come true, all of that was transferred to little Luka who, over time and after Alice's death, ended up growing to continue her legacy (a couture designer with a fashion brand company). Clearly, she would have her own identity without being an entire emphasis on her mother, but it would be these data with which, in some way, spiritually speaking, she feel as close as if they were the same being, Luka will have her mother cherish her forever, trying to see her memories with Alice into something that motivates her.
Kaito - Attakaito 
Not every song I choose should be associated with the Eightloids’ stories, right? This being the case, I chose this song more than anything because it perfectly identifies with how I have Kaito in my hcs. Always being a smiling and positive boy who sees the good side of all bad things, but in a certain way also senses them as something everyday normal in life, it is okay to have bad experiences, as long as they do not affect you at all (well, when are serious cases...I wouldn't know how to describe it there...). The point is that: if you feel sad or low spirits, Kaito will be there to give you a smile, engage in a pleasant conversation with you and even give you an innumerable amount of ice cream. There really isn't anything to deeply highlight this song with his past, other than that he learned to enjoy a good life with his loved ones, even if certain things worked against Kaito, not everything, but he does recognize that the Life is full of surprises and alternate directions for anyone, I honestly get lost in what I'm describing, haha.
Meiko - Awaken Lights 
This song could represent several things, in terms of relating it to my Meiko’s hcs, I denote how she feels peacefully about to live happily and proudly being herself. Felt oppressed by how her parents wanted to turn her into something she never wanted, at first Meiko may have a slight habit of being a soft girl who wins prizes for being an “adorable doll” but as time went by she noticed the cost, therefore she was tired of carrying that image before her parents. When it came to revealing in her reckless adolescent stage, she did not feel good about herself either, although, in those years, Meiko managed to meet her first two inseparable mutuals, she understood that the attitude of a poorly behaved girl at school did not make her proud while she was growing up. But it was definitely when she discovered her passion for music that she stayed with, being the Meiko that everyone knows, always willing to fight for what she wants and that no one opposes her, in fact, Meiko was reborn with new identities until the real arrived and bathed her in this “hopeful light” with which she ended up identifying as a person.
Gumi - Difficult Love
Is a curious case, since it barely has to do with Gumi's past, the reason why I chose this song is more due to a slight arc that I have with her: feelings based on a supposed "secret admirer." I have already told it in previous posts in this account, and for the first time it was introduced in this comic I made. But, how can I watch this song with everything that involves Gumi in my hcs? In a way, ever since she started searching for that admirer, she felt so confused and with mixed feelings, did anyone out there really love her? Or was it just a bad joke? This is where her insecurities return, since in her past, Gumi was almost not accepted, because of her freckles and her current concern about her weight and figure, if she had the opportunity to propose to that admirer…He really going to correspond her? I think that's where the idea of ​​what I'm talking about. Add to the fact that Gumi was previously attracted to her best friend from childhood, Yuuma, which left her upset, wondering whether or not she was properly in love with the admirer or him…until the mystery was stirred and from there she left her worries, she always in love with Yuuma, her secret admirer.
Gakupo - Eternal Feel
As with Gumi's case, this song fuses what Gakupo went through in his past along with the feelings he has for his lover, Luka. In this song, he poetically portrays the thoughts he has with life and the environment that surrounds him...yeah, Gaku is very depressed and lonely soul...considering that he grew up in a toxic environment due to the relationship he had with his father and letting was trampled at school, it was until Gakupo was the one who threatened, plus discovering the reality that Ronin was hiding from him, made his mind close up and his heart grow cold. But it was the day he met Luka that everything would change, even if it was just a simple meeting one afternoon, having the company of that sweet girl marked him for life, forced to admit it, but of course, she was his first friend, nothing wrong with that. And when they were now reunited with both of them already grown up, she transformed into a true lady who wanted to see him again, the time in which they lived together continued to pass and it reached a certain point in which Gakupo fell in love with Luka, always wanting to have her company as she longed for it with him.
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digitalvenusss · 6 months
i had a dream where i had this portable tv that was for some reason touchscreen it was the size of a tissue box and the layout of the tv looked like a gameboy and there was a channel called “len kagamine” which im assuming just aired songs with len in them so i clicked the channel and the tv started playing gigantic otn by giga also there were channels that aired ghost and pals songs but they were really glitchy so the channels names just looked like “distortionist” “appetite” i thought i would share this with you guys
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istealdragons · 1 year
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metiredlr · 1 year
Vocaloid is so funny cuz you have Hatsune Miku singing about how the world is hers and about drinking veggie juice then suddenly you find her singing about murder, MANY kinds of abuse, depression, the fucked up school system and death. Also Len fucking dies
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griimbones · 2 years
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haiiii *goes through a vocaloid obsession*
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personally i think project mirai dx is a great game
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vocaloidsongpoll · 7 months
do you like this vocaloid song?
(composed by Neru)
submitted by an anonymous user! thank you so much!!!
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 2 years
Five injured White Knights laid on the forest floor while an automaton pilot struggled to get out of her damaged suit. An alchemist stood on the long hair of the oldest knight. "Fufu, how hilarious," Rui chuckled, "it seems that even though with all your talk about defeating us, you just simply can't do that. Saki was right in joining us instead."
The eldest knight simply coughed and let out a soft 'fuck you'.
"Well, as fun as this was, I simply cannot let you live, my dear Tsukasa-kun. Maybe in another life things could have played out differently. Goodbye, my dear Tsukasa-kun."
The other knights could only watched in horror as Rui raised his staff while the pilot only struggled harder in getting out.
"I would step away from the young one, if I were you." Rui's body involuntarily stepped away from Tsukasa. His eyes were wide as he looked around. Soon enough his eyes settled on an older woman walking out of the woods.
She had short brown hair with silver streaks coming to her neck. Her light brown eyes looked at him with a hardened expression but also... disinterest? She wore a long red dress with a white collar, her sleeves rolled up and an apron tied around her waist. She had black gloves on her hands and brown boots on her feet. Around her neck was a pendant with a crest that was familiar to Rui.
She continued forward until she was standing in front of the White Knights. "It's quite rude of you to call someone your 'dear' when you don't mean it, isn't it? Hasn't your caretaker taught you anything about manners?"
Rui growled. How dare she. How dare she say such things! "You-"
"Meh, it doesn't matter. What matters is this." She took out a small rubber ball from a pocket Rui didn't notice. "Take out all your anger on him, won't you?"
The ball seemingly came to life and immediately targeted Rui. It pelted him with attack after attack, leaving him no room to defend himself. Seemingly satisfied, the woman turned to the injured White Knights.
All of them tensed, ready to defend themselves if she attacked even if they were injured. It broke her heart seeing these young teenagers act like that. "Please don't worry, I'm here to help. I saw what happened and I just couldn't let it happen any longer." She knelt down to their level.
Tsukasa didn't know whether to feel relief or terror. She singlehandedly beat Rui. Rui! The strongest Alchemist and one of the elites of the enemy! She could easily kill them off! Not that he would let her, of course! His juniors were much too precious to him and he didn't want anything bad happening to him. It wasn't until her pendant caught his eye that he made his decision.
That familiar dragon head looking to side with its emerald eye was very familiar. Now that he thought about it, the woman looked very familiar too. A faint memory locked under a haze surfaced for a bit before disappearing. "Alright, I'll trust you for now. But if you even dare lay a hand on them..."
"You have my word that I won't, darling. Now, allow me to pick you up." The woman did so with ease. She held Tsukasa like a prince would hold his princess after he saved her from the villain. Such a strange thing to think about. Like a troupe from a fairy tale.
The woman walked over to Minori who had the least injuries as she was in her automaton. She was still struggling to open it up. "Let her out, please." The makeshift doors opened with ease and Minori clumsily got out.
"Thank you so much, miss!"
"Huhu, it's alright dear." A large, fluffy dog with white fur jumped out of the automaton too and into his owner. Akito jumped up and hid behind Mizuki who was shaky on their legs. Len was helping Shiho up.
"Oi, senpai, why are we trusting this powerful forest lady?" Akito questioned. Mizuki could tell he wouldn't be getting an answer from how their senior looked. "Look on the bright side, Lil' Bro! She isn't attacking us like a certain someone."
"I know, but..."
"I know I'm just a stranger to you all but I will gladly help all of you out. Please, follow me." The woman turned to look at the automaton and rubber ball who was still attacking Rui. "Both of you, please follow us. As for you, alchemist, I suggest running far from here and not following us." They all did as told.
The automaton hovered without its pilot and the rubber ball bounced over. Rui's legs started running off into a random direction. The group went into the same direction as the woman had came from. Minori allowed Shiho and Len to climb up on her automaton with her as Samo-chan guarded the woman and Tsukasa. Akito had Mizuki's arm around his shoulder as he half-carried them along.
Soon they reach a clearing where a large castle was. Well, it was more accurately described as an off-balanced mesh of buildings, canons, and disparate pieces of junk hanging onto one another. It was also on creaky legs. A scarecrow with a top hat on its head, a pipe in a crudely drawn mouth, and wearing some more sophisticated clothes came up to the group.
"My sun! You're home!" A voice called. The group looked up to see the faint shape of another woman high up on the castle. The other woman jumped down to join them. Well, specifically to be with the other woman.
The other woman's pink hair was done up in butterfly locs as they cascaded down her back. Some locs went over her shoulder. Her blue eyes looked over at the woman carrying Tsukasa with so much love in them. She wore a form fitting off-white button up. Some deliberately left unbuttoned. It was tucked into some black dress pants and covered by a pink and blue diamond patterned jacket with gold trim. Her jewelry was eye-catching. Beautiful emerald earring dangled from her ears as a gold necklace with a diamond sat snugly on her neck. Rings covered her painted fingers.
The knights recognised her immediately. "Y-you're-!"
"Oh! We have some guests! Hello there, you all are now in the presence of Luka Megurine-Pendragon! It seems you have already met my wife, Meiko. Allow us to help you in your troubles."
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lenchi05 · 19 days
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Doodles ✨✨
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ma-mariarie243 · 9 months
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i hate hands 🤕
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RinLen Headcanon 💕💕
(Clarification: As happened with KaiMiku's HC, at the end of the descriptions it will be detailed how they carried out their relationship in a TimeScip in my usual HCs world, with the difference that it doesn't take long, Rin and Len become a couple at the 15 years. I also recommend reading the past of the Kagamine so that you are aware of the lore of both in my Headcanons)
Since that day they started as Vocaloids, the new goal that Rin and Len had was to be the duo of inseparable friends when they found out years ago that they were never siblings. Len, until now, hated the idea of falling in love and living a romantic life in a relationship...but we know what happens in 14-year-olds, no matter how much they deny it, their hormones will contradict it at every moment that comes along. Time within Vocaloid progressed and with it he began to feel another feeling towards Rin, he was still willing to protect her and worry about her past every time he touched himself, even if she is not a young lady vibe, Len fell in love with her every time that they spent time together as usual, from having fun as a friendly couple to daring to propose to Rin that they go on dates. When they 15th birthday came around, something was very clear about what to give her...his statement...he thought the worst of being rejected by Rin's mocking attitude...but in return he received a "I love you too Len" with tears and a big true smile on her part, Len felt very pleased and happy that special day for both.
Meanwhile with Rin, she was satisfied both with her friendly relationship with Len and with her life of being a Vocaloid...but something was still tormenting her. Everyone knows her for being that rude, daring and sarcastic girl who could most likely commit a public crime because of Rin's wildness...but she has that sensitive side that breaks her every time she remembers the subject...her past and status as an orphan.... Even if Len and Ringo were there for her, she couldn't get rid of Aiko's cruel mistreatment, knowing that she was an innocent victim of kidnapping by that woman and that she could never have traces of her real family plus the letters she found from her parents. Len clearly knew this loss of his friend and whenever she is in that situation he will never leave her aside and he promised himself that no one else would dare to hurt her...and it was for that very reason, Rin fell in love with Len, he always made her laugh with his jokes and sweet words to calm her down when she gets upset, and he worried with her state and that is why when he declared his love for her, she did not hesitate to accept it with all the satisfaction in the world.
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