#mention of genitals
istealdragons · 1 year
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
cadmus respects the mc so much its very refreshing my immortal man <3 i can't believe he managed to make mc horny and scared, appearing confident and simultaneously intimidating while he was shitting buckets afterwards at the thought of dealing with the consequences of his actions... clown behavior but so real of him
the tags about the emperor tho... WHAT THE FUCK EW Im shedding tears i physically cringed??? in a good way, it means your writing is effective but at what cost ayo (no wonder trysten/trista is the way they are if they saw their father mistreating his concubine)
im so intrigued in knowing how the ros would react to his creepy perverted behavior, may we have some snippets perhaps? (especially trysten/trista CAUSE THATS THEIR DAD STOOOOP id die of cringe if i were in their place)(how can the ministries not feel sick with this fucking guy as their ruler thats messed up, cadmus solos)
👀 Cadmus number one priority is the MC comfort. Even if he won't be able to be with the MC in this life, he is content just being by their side.
Actually the reasons why the ministers, turn a blind eye to this is because of the Montholon family was the founding fathers, and the sole ruler of Vathilia. And also Trysten/Trista's father is lustful but he is an SSS rank Phasron. Who would dare to call him out on his behavior.
And trysten/Trista at this point in time doesn't have a problem with this. In the original timeline the MC was given as a "gift" to the emperor. The Emperor is deeply infatuated with the MC. This infatuation actually stems from his desire for Lady Anaya years ago, but alas the heart wants what it wants.
In the original timeline, the original host did marry Trysten/Trista. Every night the original host was forced into the emperors chambers to "serve" him until he was fully sated. And because of that F!MC was impregnated by the emperor. Trysten/Trista used that as the perfect excuse to do away with the MC. So for that question Trysten/Trista feels nothing towards their father's feelings of lust towards the MC.
Trysten/Trista grew up, watching their father punish his concubines because they didn't please him in bed, the previous night. In trysten/Trista's mind a spouse only use is to reproduce/vent.
In fact, as I said in an earlier ask, trysten/Trista is a frequent visitor of their father's backyard. And by that I mean, the emperor shares his women/men with his heir. Male Trysten actually impregnated one of them but that is a story for another day.
As for snippets. 🤔. I don't want to say much on this topic because it will be covered in chapter 2 - 3.
The emperor sat high on his throne, looking down smugly at his ministers kneeling infront of him. His eyes, couldn't help locking onto a certain figure in the corner of the room. The Emperor held back years ago, because this person belonged to his heir, but now he could make his apparent attraction known to others.
He has looked for people that looked just like the mc to sate his desire, but it just wasn't the same. The Emperor wanted to feel the Mc's body convulsed beneath his own, in pleasure. He wanted to kiss those sweet plump lips and make them his person. His teeth sunk into his lips. His cock felt as if, it would burst out from the confinement of his narrow waist trousers.
The emperors fingers tightened around his wine glass. His fevered glances didn't go unnoticed by a certain vermillion eye man, that sat at the far end of the bar. Carmine sparks of light flickered on the man's fingertips. A sharp laugh escaped the man's lips. To think, his spouse would be coveted by others.
"Your cover will be blown, if you use your own hand."
The man craned his neck, to look at his drinking buddy. "Then my dear [REDACTED], what do you propose I should do? Can you truly remain calm when our Bonded, is being lusted after? I can even smell the acidic stench of his arousal." The vermillion eyed man, spat in repugnance.
A pair of light green eyes darkened at those words.
I think that about sums up this ask right? Hmm am I missing anything? Nope. Alright Anon, thank you for the ask.
Also if there's any errors, I'll fix that tomorrow. So tired.
Alright I'll finish clearing out my ask box, tomorrow. Thank you once again and have a wonderful rest of day.
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prokopetz · 2 months
Evil wizard casting testicular torsion on their hated foe, except the hero is a trans man, so all it does is turn their packer upside-down.
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soaplantro · 2 months
cw life and things you know how it is
In a (by no means original) stroke of transfeminine faux-pettiness, I have decided to commit to referring to my clitoris as such, particularly for the provocative corollaries - eg, the forcible removal of my "clitoral hood." This reframing highlights subtly enforced gaps in the widespread discursive sexing of human bodies, dichotomies which serve to naturalize and trivialize the harmful consequences of sex assignment when the severity of harm exceeds normal (expected) limits, thereby prohibiting robust explication of popular leftist ideals such as bodily autonomy, equality, sex/gender liberation, and so on.
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lgbtqtext · 2 months
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shittysawtraps · 5 months
Hello, Carl.
Whenever you come home from driving your car, you open the hood and let it run loudly for several minutes, no matter what time of day or night. Everyone who complains, you tell to eat a dick.
In front of you is a bull penis we got from the butcher shop. It was the most uncomfortable conversation any of us has had in a long time.
If you wish to leave this room alive, you have to eat the whole thing. The room you are in is filthy. The meat is raw. If you don't hurry, it might make you sick.
Should you give up, you'll simply die here. Or, you can swallow your words and live.
Make your choice.
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I feel really disconnected from a lot of transmasc fandom content. It all centers around top surgery and binders, and all of that is great. I wholeheartedly support it and will thrash the haters around like a rabid dog. But i just don't fit that mold. I like my chest. The most dysphoria i get is bottom dysphoria. But anytime i read anything that's like x transmasc reader, or transmasc imagine, it's always about top dysphoria, 'x character would help you get binders', 'x character loves feeling your top surgery scars' and like. That's great. But where's the 'x character will help you get a packer', 'x character loves your phallo scars'. Where's the love for the bottom half of my body? Why is everything about my tits?
you are absolutely correct
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nexttoflowers · 3 months
The fact that the discord bingo board had Jennifer/Russel Gender Dysphoria Moment on it and then Izzy and Rekha had this amazing moment is more and more proof this season was made for me, in specific
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fishy-moirails · 4 months
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Bearer of forbidden knowledge
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just-antithings · 6 months
Just anti things: claiming that writing a character having a penis and a vagina is fetishizing intersex people, even if the author is a nonbinary person who specifically said they wrote the character that way to get gender euphoria
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prokopetz · 10 months
If you've seen trivia posts going around, may have seen ones about the baculum, a bone in the penis whose purpose is to help support erections which is present in most placental mammals, including non-human apes, but which is conspicuously absent in humans.
Those posts typically don't go into why this is the case, which is fair enough, since the question is far from settled. However, there are a lot of hypotheses about it, and some of them are pretty fucking wild.
I think my personal favourite is the recently proposed idea that, since soft tissue injuries tend to heal more rapidly and completely than broken bones, a flexible and resilient boneless penis constitutes a reproductive advantage in situations where genital trauma is common, possibly as a result of the development of upright posture rendering the penis more prone to blunt encounters.
Like, imagine humanity's proto-hominid ancestors going "actually, bipedalism is great" and promptly getting whacked in the ding so much that it exerted evolutionary pressure on the morphology of the penis.
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like on the topic of barbie: it’s very important to me that they had a canonically genital-less woman doll experience misogyny and genital-less man dolls become enforcers of the patriachy because it shows that those things aren’t just tied to genitals.
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that plush training potty seat 😭 silly littles pulling their pants down to go pee-pee in the potty and sitting teddy on the real training potty...or littles with a thingie standing up to use it like a training urinal. the opportunities for silly littles to make a mess thinking they're being really grown-up is endless
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littles who don't like the cold plastic of their potty, so they use teddy's soft, cozy potty
littles who think their dolly's potty is so so pretty, so why can't they use it?
littles who are too little to be potty training, but their cg wants to get them comfortable with the idea of it - except, it's worked too well, and the little wants to try potty training right now, not understanding that it's not an actual potty
littles who are currently potty training, except their potty chair is in the bathroom, not where they're playing, but the plush chair is right here and they really have to go......
and then, bc it has a lid, when the little is all done they can shut it and their cg will be none the wiser... at least, for a bit
if padding is dry, the actual potty chair is empty, or a small puddle is slowly making it's way underneath the plush potty tho, it won't take long for the cg to put one and two together 😅
if it all gets absorbed though....... then that's just the little's silly, soggy little secret ❤
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coinandcandle · 1 year
“Inclusive” spell books be like
“Shove this herb in ur VAGINA u lovely woman witch who def has a UTERUS then pray to APHRODITE goddess of CIS SEX and thank the gods you were born with BREASTS
This spell is for everyone !!! 😌”
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It is totally fine to want surgery to give yourself alternate sex characteristics. It's okay to want surgery to have atypical genitals. That's fine. But we cannot "want to be intersex" or to wish for a body that "looks intersex". Intersex includes a number of chromosomal traits that don't always look like a combination of primary and secondary sex characteristics. In fact, you can't always tell by looking that someone is intersex and a lot of intersex traits can't simply be obtained through physical transitioning. It's not possible.
We need to be better allies to intersex people and listen to them when they say that you can't just change your body to be intersex, because it's something you are born with and not something you can just choose to be. Let's have some better compassion and understanding for intersex people.
- Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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daloy-politsey · 2 months
You know what? Let's force everyone to get genetic testing, not just athletes. I would love to see the reaction of a conservative straight man when his wife, who was born with a vagina, was raised as a girl, and never identified as anything other than a girl/woman, tells him that she has xy chromosomes. Would he demand to get a divorce or would he start calling himself a gay man?
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