#mentions of Kurt
thegraininessofitall · 5 months
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memzyyy · 3 months
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i hate this story icl. it’s old tho so🫡
i lit had to DIG through my notes to find these fuckers.
i hate this fanfic so much i cannot emphasise this enough
@angelll135444 <3
you had gone to a nightclub with him and a couple of his friends, when you got to a hotel there wasn’t enough rooms so you and your enemy were forced to share a room
little did you know it would end up with you on top of him with his hands on your hips while you ride furiously on his cock, milking him for all he’s worth.
“ah- fuck slow down~!” he hissed as he watched your tits bounce, you don’t listen as you continue to bounce
he grinned wickedly, his hands gripping your hips tightly attempting to halt you just at least a little. He could feel your warmth surrounding him, and he moaned in pleasure as you rode him roughly. His cock throbbed inside you, demanding more of your attention, your walls squeeze his cock in response.
His grip on your hips tightened, encouraging you to take more of him. "That's it," he growled into your ear, “take it all…” as you take all his dick in your cunt.
"Oh fuck!" His body jerked beneath you as you took him in full, his hips bucking up to meet your downward strokes. You could feel him getting harder and hotter inside of you, his fingers digging into your hips.
“shut up!.” you spat, as you wrap your hand around his neck and give a squeeze to his throat.
He groaned and closed his eyes, surrendering to the pleasure you were giving him. His cock pulsed inside of you, leaving you aching for more. "Fuck...so tight! never knew a whore like you could....," he murmured before you leant in to capture his lips with your own.
“shut up, i hate you…” you moaned while squeezing him, his tongue slid into your mouth, tangling with yours in a sensual dance. His other hand found its way to your breast, roughly massaging the soft flesh as you both moaned in the kiss. As you continued to ride him, his thrusts became more forceful, meeting your downward strokes with equal fervor. His moans grew louder, filling the air around you and him.
you’re so close! as your walls tighten around him it fuels his cock more; “Ah!" his entire body tensed, his cock pulsing inside of you as he released his seed. He growled against your lips before pulling away to catch his breath.
“this encounter means nothing, i still despise you.” you pant, giving him the dirtiest look; he chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with dark amusement. "I know you do," he replied, nibbling lightly on your earlobe. "But tell me, sweetheart... does hate feel this good?" he smirked.
“no….” you whispered, pulling him into another kiss
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amygdalae · 5 months
God just told me I'm actually the only person he's ever spoken directly to and it was just now when he told me I should get really baked and paint my nails while listening to music
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nightcrawlersimpblog · 2 months
Am I allowed to say that Meggan fumbled??? Like... Ngl, I fucking hate Captain Britain. He's a huge dick.
Kurt loved her for who she is and that empath should have known that ✋🙄
She makes herself so pretty for Captain Bitch, but even when she shifted to make herself look how she felt (undesirable bc of Captain lil Bitch) Kurt still told her how beautiful she was.
Bc he's constantly been told it's what's on the inside that counts, he can see her light even when she doesn't.
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methylphenidatedreams · 2 months
Had a dream Rogue and Nightcrawler were raised together and when Rogue died Kurt was at the funeral and Mystique sang somewhere over the rainbow?
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Doodles of the boys and @tourettesdog ‘s little baby man
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wmuhummel · 4 months
Well now I'm just offended you wouldn't want my nudes. @smythewmu
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Hey, you liked my answer to blood, which also makes you suspicious. I suspect Finn and you are conspiring together for something now. And I didn't say I didn't want them, I'm just saying it's probably a good thing I haven't received any.
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tuiyla · 1 year
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Gleeful Paintbox Project 2.13: Dance with Somebody ↳ top three moments from the episode
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v-cain · 1 year
"Christmas Morning"
A/N: merry fucking christmas *tears down calendar that says it's June* sorry to everyone who requested fics that i blatantly ignored, i have had an excruciatingly stressful year, and i feel like if i wrote said requests they wouldnt turn out the best they could be. ENJOY!!!!! (also fucking finally got around to writing erik omg yaayyyy)
Fandom: X-men
Warnings: Swearing (probably), Dogs, Brief joke about murder, Mentions of alcohol (let me know if i missed any)
Pairings: (All Platonic) Logan Howlett x gn!teen!reader, Hank McCoy x gn!teen!reader, Scott Summers x gn!teen!reader, Kurt Wagner x gn!teen!reader, Jean Grey x gn!teen!reader, Jubilation Lee x gn!teen!reader, Charles Xavier x gn!teen!reader, Erik Lenhsherr x gn!teen!reader
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It was early on Christmas morning. Scott had woken you up at 6am and dragged you down the stairs to open presents with the rest of your friends. You decided that your present to him this Christmas was not murdering him for this act of treachery (and a small painting of Scott depicted as one of Snow White's dwarves).
You curled up on the couch with your loving dog Edo, half asleep, as everyone exchanged gifts. A pile of presents and wrapping paper were slowly building up on the floor. So far, you had received a pair of fuzzy socks that Kurt had crocheted, the Twilight book series from Jean, a Snow White colouring book from Scott, and a new glitter-pen stationery set from Jubilee. Among those gifts you also had a thick leather-bound notebook from Professor McCoy, "The Art Of War" by Sun-Tzu from Erik, and a pair of novelty dice from the Professor. You weren't sure why you got that last one but you appreciated it all the same. As the group surrounding you chattered and joked, your gaze drifted towards the door. Logan had gone on a trip a few weeks ago, with the promise of being back before Christmas. So far he had yet to make an appearance, which was worrying you, but you tried to focus your thoughts back to your friends.
As the day went on, you found yourself glancing over to the door every few minutes, hoping Logan would walk in at any minute. You were currently trying to distract yourself by playing with Edo outdoors in the garden, despite the freezing cold. It wasn't working as well as you had hoped, as your mind still wandered and worried about Logan. Plus, your hands were getting numb.
As you throw a ball for Edo to catch, you hear someone walking up behind you. You turn, and are greeted with the site of Erik Lenhsherr, who has a mixture of a kind look and a "What the fuck are you doing out here in the freezing cold on Christmas?" look on his face. You knew Erik pretty well, despite the fact he had only moved into the mansion a few months ago, and the pair of you shared many pleasant conversations (which were all almost entirely about philosophy, western literature and cat memes.) You turn back around and watch as Edo runs up to you, a happy expression adorning his features.
"Might I ask why you aren't inside with everyone else?" Erik asked, watching Edo drop the ball in front of you, before his gaze turns to you. You pick up the slimy ball and pelt it across the yard. You watch Edo sprint after it, then deciding to say "Just thought I should appreciate nature at it's finest, s'all." You hear Erik sigh, and you turn back around to face him. His smile was gone now, instead replaced by creased eyebrows and a downturned mouth.
Erik shifted his shoulders, pondering what he should say, then sighed again. "I know you miss Logan, Y/N." Your gaze turns to the frost tipped grass as Erik continues, "And I know it's hard not having him here with you on Christmas." Erik pauses before saying "But I also know that if Logan were here, he wouldn't want you outside in the freezing cold, especially not alone." He paused again, then simply said with a small bit of worry evident in his voice "Come back inside, Y/N." You watch as Edo drops the ball further away and chases a bird around. You bite your the inside of your cheek, thinking for a moment, before agreeing "Ok." Erik smiled and patted you on the shoulder. "I'll see you inside." He turned and started walking away, then called after him "And put some gloves on!" You huff a small laugh and then whistle for Edo to come over. 
It was now the late evening. Most of the younger kids had gone off to bed a while ago, so the living had the older kids and some of the teachers inside. An old re-run of 'Home Alone' was playing on the crappy TV that looked like it was around longer than Logan. Edo was curled up beside the fireplace, a content look on his face. Jean and Scott were leaning against each other on the couch, talking quietly amongst themselves. Jubilee and Kurt had gone to bed as they both apparently wanted to keep on track with their "sleep schedule", and wouldn't stay up for just another half hour. What a bunch of losers, you thought as you pulled on the socks Kurt crocheted for you.
You walk out of the living room, wandering down the hall towarss the main entrance. As you round the corner, you see the door open and Logan step in, covered in snow and rain. Your once bored expression turns into one of pure glee as you shout "LOGAN!" before barrelling into the man. Logan lets out a small 'oof' as you hug him, you wings wrapped around him. He hugs you back and says in his usual gruff manner "Missed you too, kid." You release him from your death grip and grin up at him, bouncing on the balls of your feet. "I have a present for you!" Logan raises an eyebrow, but before he can question the gift, you grab his hand and start dragging him towards the living room. As you walk, you ask Logan about where he went, and what it was like, and did he see any cute dogs, and did he take any photographs. He tried to keep up with your rapid fire questioning- that he was somewhat used to, after over a year of knowing you- when you arrive in the living room.
As the rest of the room greet Logan and make conversation with him, you walk over to the far corner of the room where you stashed your present for him during the morning. You fished out the present from behind a few books, which was brightly wrapped in pink wrapping paper, and had a pink bow stuck on top. As you turned around (nearly knocking over a vase with your tail due to your enthusiasm) you caught Erik throwing a questioning look at the present. In return you stuck your tongue out at him, to which he rolled his eyes and turned back around to Charles. You walked back over to Logan, who was standing near the fireplace, and stood in front of him. Logan looked down at you and raised an eyebrow when he spotted the present.
You thrust the present into his hands before holding your own behind your back. You smiled, slightly nervous, and said cheerfully "Open it!". Logan carefully unwrapped it, to reveal a mug. He turned the mug around and read the print on it, and laughed heartily. You grinned and laughed a bit yourself. "I'll use it everyday." Logan said, smiling down at the mug. The mug in question read; 'May contain Whiskey, Vodka and/or Beer' You had found it in a novelty gift shop a few months prior and thought it was perfect for Logan.
As you two talked, Logan thought about how grateful he was to have a little brat like you in his life. Sure, you could be a pain in the ass- especially when he was trying to teach you Maths- but you were a sweet kid. He didn't know where he'd be without you, his reminder to keep going and stick around. Meanwhile, you thought about how your life had been tipped upside down like a glass of water when you first entered the school, and then how quickly it was refilled. Your life had become so much better as you built your new home, your new family, that you loved so dearly. You were eternally grateful for your family, and hoped it would stay this way forever- filled with hugs, dogs, jokes, happiness and cat memes. Though, as you were surrounded by your loved ones chattering away, you had the dreading sense of feeling it wouldn't.
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memzyyy · 6 months
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at this point im just posting my old works
BTW to the people who have given me requests i have seen them!!! i’m gonna need a bit more time to plan what’s gonna happen
laying in bed with him while he’s playing with your puffy clit with the head of his cock, you’re mewling and begging through glossed eyes for him to stick it in and fuck you dumb just for him to press his finger to your lips to shut you up, telling you to sit still and let him use you as a cumdump and cum onto your pretty pussy :(
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jamesbutnotreally · 1 month
Glee Furt Bros Fanfic
Does anyone have a fanfic where Kurt and Finns brotherhood is the main plot. A fic that explore their daily house life and interections.
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a-roguish-gambit · 22 days
So, here comes a little history of Kurt Wagner and his relationship to sex, romance and priesthood:
When Kurt was created by Marvel and joined the X-Men in the mid 1970s, there were some small appearances of his catholic faith sprinkled around, but not necessarily referencing a vocation for priesthood. He was just a guy who prayed.
And he was the more open to flirting, sex and romance, with female characters frequently remarking how they found him cute while a lot of people feared him.
His longest romance in comics was with flight attendant Amanda Sefton, who was later revealed to be a fake identity for powerful sorceress and Kurt's adoptive sister Jimaine Szardos (because Comics Are Convoluted Like That).
By the 80s, when he joined the London based team Excalibur, Kurt had a fling with Shiar princess Cerise and a romantic tension with teamate shapeshifter Megan Pucceanu aka Gloriana (who ended up married to her long time boyfriend and Excalibur teamate Brian Braddock, aka Captain Britain).
Then came the 90s comic writers bringing the decision to make Kurt a priest, and since the Animated Series was mainly influenced by what was going on in the 90s, Kurt the Ordained Priest was what they choosed to focus on.
Then the came the comic writers in the 2000s and uncollared Kurt... by making up a plot where he NEVER WAS ORDAINED AT ALL and instead it was all a conspiracy by a group of villains to frame him as the Antichrist (because again, comics are convoluted like that).
Meanwhile in the animation front, we had the series X Men Evolution where Kurt was deaged to a high schooler and had a romance with a version with Amanda Sefton that WASN'T secretly his adoptive sister Jimaine, but instead an everyday half black half romani teenage girl who studied with Kurt in the same high school and was accepting and supportive of the fact he was a mutant, and Wolverine and The X-Men, where Kurt is an adult, but with the swashbuckler aspect of his character more emphasized, giving him a romantic interest in the Scarlet Witch that find obstacle that they are in oposite sides of the ideological battle of mutant rights (Kurt as an X Men, Wanda as Magneto's daughter and right hand person in ruling Genosha).
In more recent comics, Kurt rejoined the X-Men, received the mantle of Uncanny Spider Man, and had a few more romances, the longest being with alternate timeline adult daughter of Jean and Scott and his Excalibur teamate Rachel Summers, and he also met his alternate dimension/timeline teenager daughter with the Scarlet Witch, Talia Josephine Wagner, more known as TJ, who hops ocasionally to the main comics timeline.
Besides, he declared having a crush on Ororo, and artists have implied a romance between Nightcrawler and Wolverine.
So in the comics, the priesthood was a more recent development that got cut short, and a lot of the time Nightcrawler was open to flirting, casual sex and romance.
In adaptations, we get the second movie portraying him as catholic but not ordained as a priest, two cartoons where he is not a priest and not explicitly devout, and the Animated Series/97 where is the only series that shows him as a ordained priest.
Also, I made a poll months ago asking which portrayal of Kurt people prefered: Flirty and Romantic Swashbuckler or Pious and Chaste Priest.
The first option won, but there were coments suggesting that there could be some fusion of those two aspects of the character ...
Hey thanks for all the context!
I appreciate this, as the animated series was my first introduction to x men proper and there he is ordained. Again i have no problem with other people shipping him however they like so long as kurt is happy, whether hes canonically a priest or not in any canon they are using. People leave the priesthood for this reason, its chill with me, and a lot of fans are not catholic and may not relate as heavily to that side of him and thus wish to ignore it, or because its a newer thing, prefer older canons where hes not. thats ok.
Seriously whatever other people do i got no issue with at all. It’s a personal hang up. I don’t want to get too much into this but as an aroace catholic, it was personally always very uncomfortable seeing people sexualize clergy and holy objects I hold dear. Theres….a lot of porn out there of nuns being raped to “fix them” or the idea that all clergy secretly are dying to have sex. And this isn’t even considering a lot of the genuinely horrible sexual scandals within the church that are used to inspire specific religious themed pornography. Thats is why I personally have some discomfort shipping him at times. Some days im chill with it and want to pair him up with people who would make him happy, but some days my own personal trauma relating to seeing stuff either glorifying rape and sex crimes in the church, seeing things have very specific sacred meaning used in really twisted ways, or justifying rape or sexual harassment of clergy in order to “fix them” make me want nothing to do with shipping nightcrawler.
Some days I want him to kiss like five people, especially logan, but somedays the thought of shipping my clergy boy personally sends me into a sex/romance repulsed mood.
And to make sure I’m clear on this THIS IS NOT TO SHAME ANYONE WHO ENJOYS SHIPPING HIM OR RELIGIOUS THEMED PORNOGRAPHY. yall are hella valid and a lot of ex christians use it cope. And even for those who never were christian and maybe even hate christian religious groups for past crimes and current, believe me I get it, I at least appreciate ya’ll enjoying the catholic aesthetic and one of my fav characters. Pls keep taking what ya like from my religious culture and enjoying it. Ya’ll are valid af. This is a me thing and not condemnation of anyone else.
Anyways this was more indepth than i wanted. I love Kurt, hes one of my favs, there are just some days I feel he should stay single and some days I don’t. And thats not anyones problem, just my own mind dealing with shit thats happened in the world I’ve been exposed to, not an issue of shipping morality or offensiveness or anything.
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spacephobos · 2 years
Hehehehe :3
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daisyishedwig · 10 months
An excerpt from the season 2 au I'm currently taking extensive notes for. But this snippet had to be written when it came into my brain.
TW: mention of Karofsky kissing Kurt
“Bro, what is your deal? Are you just gonna look down on me now, like I’m some coward because I didn’t want to do your stupid dance?”
Sam slammed his locker shut. “No,” he said simply, “I’m actually glad you chickened out. Kurt would have never felt safe on that field with you there.”
Karofsky scoffed. “All of the football players bully him, why do you think I’m so much worse?”
Sam rounded on him, his eyes dark. “You know, Kurt’s a good person. A wonderful person, and he thinks its your right to come out on your own time.” Karofsky paled. “And I will continue to honor that opinion, but I want you to know that he told me what you did. And if you ever come near him again, I will personally make you regret it.”
“Why the fuck do you care so much about him?”
Sam laughed, a mischievious glint in his eye. “Because, some of us can have a sexuality crisis caused by Kurt Hummel without sexually assaulting him.”
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bnt0 · 1 year
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silk pillowcases, fendi socks, nepo babies. none of these words were in the bible. or maybe they were i didn't read it
a long time ago, @glammoose asked to see an oc of my choice in their sleep attire :3 another two-for-one, this time featuring bao and kurt. you WILL ignore that kurt is doing the same pose lol i couldn't choose
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i would love to see a fic where Kurt kind of confronts jude out of jealousy for Summer and also some of the shit he did to her in the past
Dead Girl
Summary: Kurt confronts Jude while also reflecting on her relationship with Summer
TW: Mentions of sex, drug use, going to jail, mentions of abusive relationships and being forced to convert, being comphet, mentions of cheating
I looked at Summer in the crowd as I performed the song about our relationship: I knew she knew it was about us by the way she grimaced before kissing Jude, possibly trying to distract him from the lyrics. I was shocked when I saw her hooking up in the van with Jude and even more shocked when she told me they had been dating for 6 months. A little over a year ago, Summer and I started whatever it was we had going on. She had been the one to initiate the hook-up after she kissed me in my bedroom and almost begged me to touch her. Summer didn’t even have to beg, I would’ve done anything she wanted. It had been going on for almost 4 months: I wanted to be with her so badly but maybe it was my own fear and her compulsory heterosexuality that ruined us. We both knew she was bisexual but she’d rather be dead than admit that.
It was past 12 and the club was about to close after I performed. I stood there packing up when Jude came backstage, he looked furious. I don’t know why I was friends with him after all the shit he did: I still can’t believe that the same person who had been arrested 3 times, lied like his life depended on it and tried to snort coke off his fucking skateboard is the same person dating the “good little Catholic girl” and trying so hard to impress her parents and all her friends. I still don’t buy his act.
“What the fuck, Kurt!!” He yelled across the room. 
“What’s your problem?”
“That petty ass song you performed in front of everyone!! I’m not fucking stupid! I know it’s about Summer! Whatever crush or obsession you have with her needs to stop. I can’t help she didn’t like you back, I can’t help it you never said anything to her, you have to live with that decision now!!” 
I wondered if Jude knew we had way more in common than anyone thought: we both knew the way Summer always smelled like vanilla, the way she only wore Victoria’s Secret for special occasions, her lipgloss or liquid lipstick always stained your face after being kissed, we both knew the side of Summer no one else did. I got my chance with Summer, long before he did.
“It’s just a fucking song, Jude!! No one bitches at you for the songs you or Kai write: Kai writes secretly blasts Aria in all of his songs and you don’t say shit to him!”
“Aria isn’t my girlfriend! You don’t care that this could be fucking embarrassing if anyone else finds out it’s about Summmer!!”
“You didn’t care that you were embarrassing your parents, your sister, me, Kai, or Mindy!! I’ll never understand why Summer trusts you but you’re just an insecure, piece of shit little boy. That’s all you’ve ever been and that’s all you ever will be!!” I screamed. I almost hurt my throat yelling at him so hard. 
“Whatever Kurt!! Fuck off!! If you wanna be a petty little bitch for the rest of your life, be my fucking guest!!”
Jude stormed off. If I was as petty as he claimed: I would’ve told him all the times Summer snuck into my room, barely able to get her words out because she wanted me so badly. How she’d get drunk and tell me she wished I was a boy and that she thought we were soulmates. I wasn’t a saint either while I was hooking up with Summer but I never claimed to be: I was on and off with Caleb at the time but she knew that and I don’t think I nor Summer cared. Caleb treated me like shit, he abused me, made me convert when I didn’t want to, I knew he cheated on me too so it wasn’t like he didn’t deserve it. She wasn’t perfect either but she knew that. 
Maybe neither I nor Jude deserved to be with Summer but I didn’t care. If I was bad, he was worse.
@sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl @blowflygrls
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