coraline-jones353 · 3 months
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Your ink adorns my skin
Heyyy so nobody writes for Henry Hart/Kid Danger so imma do it myself.
Prompt: Soulmate Au, Whatever is written on one soulmates skin is written on the others.
Summary: In which the reader is an inspiring tattoo artist and draws on themselves for practice when bored in class. One day Henry has to switch classes mid period and sees them drawing exactly what is appearing on his skin, his favorite animal. (for the purpose of this his favorite animal will be a jellyfish because I couldn't find anything on his real one 🫶🏼)
Warnings: Cursing, they/them pronouns, use of Y/n
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"I can't believe they are switching my class again!" Henry complained at lunch to his closest friends, Charlotte and Jasper. "It's only because there's too many kids besides that class learns more." She says rolling her eyes and taking a bite of her sandwich. "Yeah that means more work" Henry said with a groan. "Dude your soulmate really needs to put down the sharpie it's all over your arm." Jasper mumbles while food sloppily falls out his mouth, at this Charlotte makes a face of disgust. "Jasp I love the tattoos they do, besides there only on one arm and have no words." Henry states defensively
After lunch Henry went to his new biology class hoping he knew someone there. He scanned the room for people he knew but found none. He instead sat in the only empty seat, which was so conveniently right next to y/n.
"Hey, can I sit here?" he asks grabbing hold of the chair next to them. They nod slowly not making eye contact. Henry sits down sensing the vibe that they don't wanna talk.
The class begins and Mrs. Dahl goes on a boring lecture about mitosis and meosis. Mid way through y/n takes out there black sharpie and starts drawing.
It took Henry about 10 minutes to notice it but once he does he can't keep his eyes off of them. They had pulled up their sleeve to reveal multiple sharpie marks along their arm and hand; each one of them matching one on his own arm.
"Hey" he whispers "Nice Jellyfish." while nodding towards y/n's arm. "Thanks." they mumble not looking over at him to see his already rolled up sleeve. "You're an excellent artist, you should consider teaching art lessons." he mentions trying desperately to get their attention.
"Man what do you want? An entire conversation about my drawings-" They state harshly while looking over at him to see the marks that adorn their arms on his. "Holy shit" They stated very loudly causing everyone to look over at the pair of soulmates. Henry snickers at her remark, while the teacher stares at her with a disapproving look.
After class the pair found out they both had a free period. So, naturally they decided to take the time to figure out "the situation" as y/n liked to call it.
"Now how come I haven't seen all my drawings on your arms?" y/n says as she walks to a table in the library. "Idk I usually have short sleeves." Henry says sitting across from them. "ya know you're kinda cute." y/n states "Oh so you think I'm cute?" Henry says wiggling his eyebrows at them teasingly. "Omg no don't get cocky on me, Hart." They say cracking a smile for the first time since he met them. "Your smiles beautiful." Henry says staring at them enchanted by their smile. They look at him with a warmth he's never felt before. He can't wait to get to know his soulmate more.
Sincerely, Coraline Jones 🐈‍⬛
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nissinnooodles · 1 year
Module 1: A Not Ruin(ed) Trip
Once again, a long ride back to NOHS after a long day of filming a movie trailer for Araling Panlipunan at the Ruins. We reached our homes, with our groupmates already starting to plan the editing process of our trailer while the three of us reflected on what we had just experienced during the filming day.
It was such a tiring, productive, and memorable day; these kinds of days rarely happen, and we're thankful that it did. It's amazing how a busy day becomes so memorable, be it for the better or worse. Days like these, where we pour all our time into them, develop us as a whole, and in the end, we always learn something new.
To sum up everything, we learned that having well-planned events doesn't always guarantee they will go smoothly, just like how a treasure map marks the spot, but it doesn't always mean the treasure is at the center of the spot.
From Nejie: I also learned that going to places I wouldn't usually go isn't that bad of an experience; in fact, I actually enjoyed it.
From Iris: I definitely enjoyed the rollercoaster of emotions I experienced during the filming. I wouldn't say that I enjoyed it during the filming, but I can surely see the fun I had after everything. I ran around crazily, chasing all of my group members, trying to slap makeup on their faces. I mimicked blood and bruises, as well as royal makeup. I must say that I feel proud about my performance, as it was my first time putting my questionable makeup skills to use. I definitely learned that one should be confident in using a skill they have learned, even if they are not an expert.
From Sophie: There's a lot of emotion to feel; at first, I was literally excited, but that quickly faded when the rain started pouring down. I also get nervous while acting and saying my lines because I can't help but worry that I'll make a lot of mistakes. Tiredness also got in the way. When I got home from the shoot, I felt so exhausted that I couldn't move. Finally, the feeling or emotion that really stood out for me was happiness. Not only did I get to spend time with my classmates, but we also got to work together as a team, and I could tell that we worked well together.
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Module 2: Strong Monsoon Winds
The winds gush through and follows the bird's calls. Such as this week that went by a breeze, we can't say for sure that it was a good ride though. Especially when we got stunned by the Research summative test, but oh well, it's more room for improvement. Aside from Research, we learned about cell division in Biology which is mitosis and meosis. In Biotechnology, we learned about the effects of genetic mutation and the syndromes that comes with it.
As for Math, it was properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal, conditions for parallel lines, and the possible measures of the third side. While in English nothing happened because our teacher was busy for an assesment. On the other hand, in MAPEH we learned about East Asian arts. And lastly, ESP, wherein we learned about being honest. That basically makes up our week this time, not too extreme, not too underwhelming either. Just like a warm nissin cup noodles during a frigid day, everything must be balanced, as it should be.
From Nejie: Rushed na kami tenk you.
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lyrics365 · 17 days
neoege dallyeogago isseo igeon uriman hal su isseo deo naagalge jigeumi nan jeil bitnal ttae seoroga dwae julge nalgae geojise son an damge yaksokhaetji ummyeong ape Hocus pocus Kick and rush mwonji alji noryeogui meosi areumdaun nae ttameul deo bakge THE PASS FOR HOME The Beautiful Game jogeumman deo gakkai wabwa jogeumman deo gakkai wajwo naneun neoreul hyanghaeseo nara ijen nawa nara eolleun…
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realjaysumlin · 2 months
You would think in the day and time the last thing you need to explain is reproductive life. Somehow people are just so ignorant that they believe in their hearts that we are divided by skin colors and nothing can be further from the truth.
Explaining meosis to a grown person is the same as teaching them that human babies don't come from starks, no one on earth can be this stupid and dumb; but people believe in this shit. Religion makes people so stupid I wonder if they even know how to boil water.
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viveknigam · 1 year
Watch "Biology - cell division, mitosis and meosis 028023032023" on YouTube
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springmidterm2023 · 2 years
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This is one example of the circle of life, but in a more closer, and cooler way! Meiosis is a cell division that can make 4 daughter cells. Kind of like when you need ingredients to make a batch of cookies, you need ingredients such as chromosomes, eggs, and sperm cells to produce multiple cells.
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marianurhasanah · 2 years
Mengapa Wanita Memiliki Fase Menopause?
Pada fase janin oogenia sudah mengalami perkembangan dengan cepat, diperkiran ada sekitar tujuh juta sel oogenia yang dihasilkan. Seiring berjalannya waktu sebagian besar oogenia mengalami kematian, sehingga pada saat bayi perempuan dilahirkan hanya ada sekitar satu juta sel oogenia yang mampu berkembang menjadi oosit primer. Oosit primer ini akan mengalami pembelahan meosis pertama dan berhenti di profase I. Oosit ini tidak akan mengalami perkembangan hingga anak perempuan tersebut mengalami menarke atau menstruasi pertamanya. Ketika seorang anak perempuan mulai memasuki masa pubertas, diperkirakan hanya ada tiga ratus ribu sel oosit yang mampu bertahan. Sebagian besar oosit ada yang mengalami kematian dan ada juga yang dikeluarkan melalui proses menstruasi. Oosit yang bertahan akan melanjutkan proses pembelahan di tahap meosis selanjutnya untuk terus mengalami perkembangan.  
Ada sekitar 20 – 30 folikel primordial yang berkembang dalam satu siklus haid dan sebagian besar diantaranya mengalami atresia atau kerusakan. Salah satu dari folikel primordial tersebut akan menjadi folikel yang dominan dan berkembang menjadi folikel Graaf. Folikel Graaf akan mengeluarkan oosit dari jaringan sekitarnya dan setelah oosit dikeluarkan folikel tersebut dikenal sebagai korpus luteum.  Jika tidak terjadi pembuahan, maka oosit akan dikeluarkan dari rahim bersama dengan lapisan endometrium yang dipengaruhi oleh penurunan kadar progesteron. Hal inilah yang kita kenal dengan nama menstruasi.
Selama masa reproduksi kurang lebih 400 oosit akan mengalami proses pematangan dan sebagian lagi hilang spontan akibat usia yang bertambah. Pada saat memasuki usia menopause, oosit yang bertahan hanya tinggal beberapa ribu saja. Produksi estrogen yang berkurang membuat folikel yang tersisa lebih resistan terhadap rangsangan gonadotropin, sehingga siklus ovarium yang terdiri dari pertumbuhan folikel, ovulasi, dan pembentukan korpus luteum lama - kelamaan akan berhenti. Hilangnya folikel secara terus menerus akan menyisakan kurang lebih beberapa ratus folikel saja pada saat menopause yang akan menimbulkan gejala amenore dan ketidakteraturan haid.
Suparni, I. E., & Astutik, R. Y. (2016). Menopause masalah dan penanganannya. Yogyakarta: Deepublish
Cleveland Clinic. Female Reproductive System : The female reproductive system consists of internal and external organs. It creates hormones and is responsible for fertility, menstruation and sexual activity. (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9118-female-reproductive-system) Accessed 1/26/2023
Rosner, J., Samardzic, T., Sarao, M.S. Physiology, Female Reproduction. Florida :  StatPearls Publishing, 2022.
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firefly005 · 4 years
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Cell division Part 2
Now let's talk about mitosis cell division. Mitosis cell division is different from meiosis because it is not the process that produces sperm or egg cells but it works for the human body’s growth, repairing, and healing part of skins that are being cutted off. It makes identical cells which carry the same number and types of chromosomes that the original cell has. Before mitosis starts, the cell takes some time to grow, replicates DNA as in duplicates chromosomes and carries out its daily life functions. This time is called interphase. There's centromere which is part of chromosomes where sister chromatids are held together. Usually we count chromosomes by their centromeres and with a single centromere we call it a chromosome. That's why when the 46 chromosomes duplicate but attached by their pairs' centromere, we still say there are 46 chromosomes where it went from 46 to 92 chromatids. Anyway now we can get right into the steps of the mitosis process. The process is done by 5 steps. Prophase, metaphase, Anaphase and telophase.  
The very first step is prophase. The nucleolus is gone, the nucleus is still there and it's going to go away later on but this is a stage where it's actually there. The chromosomes are visible, in fact what we say they're condensing which means they're thickening and visible. The next stage is metaphase. In this stage the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. The nucleus has been disassembled, it's no longer there's so we've got the chromosomes in the middle waiting there. Next, the anaphase starts. In anaphase, the chromosomes move away, they're moving to opposite sides of the cell, so they are moving towards the poles of the cells as in sister chromatids separated. Now one thing to point out, these chromosomes are not moving by themselves, they actually have something called spindles. These spindles are fibers that help move the chromosomes to the ends. Kind of helps them move along.The last stage of mitosis is telophase. In telophase, the chromosomes are actually at the complete opposite ends and new nuclei are forming on each side to make two new cells. 
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lupinus-bicolor · 2 years
i have a stack of books i have yet to read but the only one i really want to finish is the one about single cell plant evolution that puts me to sleep after 2 chapters :’l
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transgenderkris · 2 years
learning abt meosis sucks so much it doesnt just have prophase prometaphase metaphase anaphase telophase and cytokinesis thats too normal for it, too boring too easy, meiosis has to be so special and do it TWICE over AND fuck around w chromosome numbers and crossover and haploid daughters well IM sick of it i dont need this shit i havent had a period since 5 months into starting hormones my gametes are USELESS, eat shit
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manishtheblogger · 4 years
Meiosis cell division
The term meiosis was coined by Farmer and Moore in 1905. • The division was studied by can Benefit, Winiwarter and Strasburger. In this division a single parent cell forms four daughter cell. Meiosis involves two sequential cycle of nuclear division but only one cycle of DNA replication due to which four haploid daughter cell are formed. Meosis consists of two Division. Meiosis I and meiosis II, which occur in a sequential manner Meiosis I is called reduction division because during this division, the Chromosome number is reduced to half , Meiosis II is called equational Division because during this division the number of Chromosome remain the same as produced at the end of Meiosis I.
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realjaysumlin · 2 months
It’s No Longer a Man’s World - Ethics & Public Policy Center
This has never been a man's world even though this is the indoctrinated teachings of inferior cowards who try to dominate women worldwide. Men can't give birth to children and this is something that must be understood and stopped.
Christianity started this foolishness that destroys nature and women's equal rights. It's really sad how a stupid group of misogynistic men who call themselves white came up with this stupid concept and how they influenced most of the world thinking along the same lines even though this doesn't make sense at all.
Women globally have been marginalized by these foolish men's ways of thinking. Meosis doesn't work this way, if we understand how reproductive life works. This is why the idea of gender based wars doesn't make any sense to me at all.
I truly believe in living a simple life of simple understanding that goes along with nature and not impossibilities. I love simplicity.
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biologiall · 5 years
La reproducción es vital en las especies, pero no para el individuo. Es un proceso biológico que permite la creación de nuevos organismos, hay dos modalidades de reproducción se agrupan en dos tipos, que reciben los nombres de reproducción asexual o vegetativa y reproducción sexual o generativa.
Es la cual que no requiere la unión de gametos o singamia,  consiste en que de un organismo se desprende una sola célula o trozos del cuerpo de un individuo ya desarrollado que, por procesos mitóticos, son capaces de formar un individuo completo genéticamente idéntico a él. Se lleva a cabo con un solo progenitor y sin la intervención de los núcleos de las células sexuales o gametos.
Estas son las diferentes formas de reproducción asexual:
Es la reproducción más simple que existe y es característico de los organismos unicelulares, lo cual cosiste en una realización de una mitosis, En este proceso se produce la proliferación de la membrana celular, hasta el punto de su división junto con el material genético, y las diferentes estructuras necesarias para su subsistencia, dando origen así a dos células hijas; Este proceso implica la mutación del material genético de dicho organismo unicelular y por esta razón su adaptación a diferentes ambientes inhóspitos se produce de manera rápida y eficiente.
Consiste en una división desigual del cuerpo del progenitor,   Requiere del crecimiento de una prominencia física que luego podrá separarse y dar pie a un individuo nuevo entero, o bien permanecer adherido y dar inicio a una colonia. crean individuos ganéticamente idénticos al progenitor.
Consiste en qué organismo original se rompe en dos o más trozos, cada uno de los cuales quién era la parte que le falta y se convierte en un individuo completo.
Su reproducción es por medio de esporas, en los organismos unicelulares se produce del núcleo de la célula madre, origina numerosos núcleos que rodean a la cubierta aun estando dentro de la célula madre. Al finalizar esto la célula madre se rompe y se libera las células hijas esporas.
 Se produce sin la unión de los núcleos de las células sexuales o gametos, si no a partir de otras células del individuo adulto ya desarrollado, de tal manera que el individuo resultante es desde el punto de vista genético, idéntico al parental.
 Sus diferentes modalidades:
Son tallos rastreros, crecen de forma horizontal, que suelen extenderse por el suelo y van formando raíces adventicias y plantas verticales.
Son tallos subterráneos que crecen de forma paralela, suelen crecer bajo la superficie del suelo y tienen yemas de donde van brotando nuevas plantas.
Son tallos subterráneos que sirve como almacenamiento de nutrientes y además su formación son por brotes o retoños que puede dar un origen a una nueva planta.
Son talla subterráneos que almacenan gran cantidad de nutrientes y sustancias de reserva engrosados con un núcleo central que consiste una sola yema.
La reproducción por estacas consiste en cortar un fragmento de tallo con yemas y enterrarlo. Después se espera hasta que broten raíces. Así se obtiene una nueva planta.
Consiste en enterrar una parte de la planta y esperar a que arraigue. Entonces se corta y se trasplanta se utiliza en las vides.
Un fragmento de tallo de una planta (injerto), se introduce dentro del tallo o tronco de la misma especie o distinta, pero a fin. Se suele usar en árboles frutales o especies ornamentales.
Es el tipo de reproducción se caracteriza por la participaciónn de ccélulas gameticas, las cuales son el resultado de la divisiónn celular por meosis, dando por resultado células haploide, posteriormente la fecundación se lleva acabo cuando las células gameticas provenientes generalmente de dos individuos macho y hembra, se fusionan para formar una célula diploide.
Estas células haploides permite la recopilación genética:
Es el proceso por el cual se da la fusión de los gametos femeninos y masculinos, esto quiere decir, de un espermatozoide y de un ovulo, de tal forma que los descendientes obtienen información genética de ambos progenitores.
Tipos de desarrollo embrionario: 
Nacen a partir de un huevo, en donde se desarrolla el embrión, depositado por la hembra, este tipo de fecundación, se pude dividir en dos formas, la fecundación interna es aquella, que la hembra fue fecundada antes de expulsar los huevos, en cambio la fecundación externa, es aquella que la hembra expulsa a los huevecillos y el macho los fecunda en el exterior.
Son animales que se desarrolla dentro del útero de la hembra y nacen a través del canal vaginal, por lo queé la fertilización debe ser interna. Las crías son alimentadas durante la gestación se divide en placentarios son aquellos que requieren una placenta durante su desarrollo embrionario, donde obtienen nutrientes necesarios para su desarrollo, en cambio los marsupiales son aquellos, que no tienen placenta, por lo que nacen poco desarrollados.
Los huevos fecundados se encuentran dentro dela madre, en el proceso de nacimiento, durante el trayecto uterino, se va rompiendo el cascarón de tal forma que nacen directamente de la madre. Su proceso de fecundación es interno, ya que el desarrollo del embrión se lleva a cabo dentro de la madre, que la nutrición del embrión depende de las reservas y nutrientes del huevo.
Las plantas, como organismos superiores, tienen una estructura anatómica compleja, ya que sus tejidos forman órganos, se les considera minoicas, ya que cada individuo puede producir tantos gametos femeninos o masculinos.
Los órganos especializados que producen los gametos son gametangios, si producen gametos masculinos anteridios, si son femeninos arquegonios.
Estructura de la flor:
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Es la base de la flor unida al tallo por el péndulo y formado por hojas llamadas sépalos, tiene la función de proteger a la flor y las partes reproductivas.
Es la parte más visible y atractiva de la flor, sus pétalos son de colores, su función es traer polinizadores y proteger a la flor.
Se considera la parte femenina de la planta, la cual se constituye por el pistilo, lugar donde se encuentra el ovario, el estilo y el estigma de la flor.
Constituido por el filamento, el cual presenta en su parte superior una estructura denominada antera, donde se hallan los granos de polen. Es conocido como la parte masculina de la flor.
Una vez fecundado el ovario se forma el fruto, favorece el desarrollo embrionario, ya que permite que los embriones dentro de las semillas se desarrollen dentro que estructuras que los protegen y nutren.
El fruto típico está formado por tres capas llamadas exocarpio, mesocarpio y endocarpio.
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Exocarpio: es la capa más externa que protege al fruto, es la cáscara de la fruta.
Mesocarpio: es la pulpa de la fruta, su función es proveer los nutrientes a las semillas.
Endocarpio: es la capa interna que está en contacto directo a las semillas.
Dentro del fruto se encuentra una o varias semillas que al germinar, da origen a nuevas plantas. El endosaremos es la estructura que sirve para nutrir al embrión por la cantidad de sustancias nutritivas que almacena y a partir del embrión se forma la estructura del tallo, las hojas y las raíces de la planta.
Estructura anatómica de la semilla
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La semilla consta de diferentes partes, donde cada una está especializada en una función. Estas son las principales partes de las semillas y sus funciones:
Es la nueva planta contenida en la semilla. Es muy pequeña y se encuentra en estado de letargo.
Radícula: constituye la primera raíz rudimentaria en el embrión. A partir de la radícula se forman raíces secundarias y pelillos que mejoran la absorción de los nutrientes.
Plúmula: es la yema localizada en el lado opuesto a la radícula.
Hipocotilo: esta estructura representa el espacio entre la radícula y la plúmula. Posteriormente con la germinación de las semillas esta parte se convertirá en el tallo de la planta.
Cotiledón: esta estructura formará la primera o las dos primeras hojas de la planta. El número de cotiledones de una semilla es un método de clasificación de una planta. Así, se dividen en monocotiledóneas y dicotiledóneas. Aprende más en este otro post sobre Qué es un cotiledón.
El endospermo constituye la reserva de alimento de una semilla, habitualmente es almidón. También se denomina albumen.
El epispermo es una capa externa y protege a la semilla del medio ambiente. En gimnospermas consta de una capa llamada testa, mientras que en angiospermas son dos, con una capa llamada tegumen por debajo de la testa.
También llamada tegumento, envoltura o cáscara y se trata de una capa que envuelve y protege la parte central de la semilla y le permite intercambiar agua con el medio externo.
Es una parte de gran importancia en la fecundación de la semilla y permite que el agua ingrese a la semilla durante la germanización.
Elaborado por Julieta Vasquez Ríos.
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rickyickyfitts · 7 years
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Hey everybody!!! Las Cruces locals Mendel & Meosis are participating in this fun online event for a chance to play the Main stage on VAN’S WARPED TOUR this year. Please help us out by following our channel, viewing the videos we have posted on the channel, and sharing the channel with others. The more views and shares we generate on the channel the better our chances are of getting on that Main stage!!! So let’s get on it everybody! We just posted a new video, check it out!!! All the love we get is greatly appreciated! Thank you all!   
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
Some Out of Conetext Kid Quotes
Sage: “I’m down to kidnap him later if you want.”
James: “Meosis, mitosis, my own sis.”
Nathaniel: “Spoon me with a fork.”
Penny: “They call me Mr. Pig.”
Arthur: “I am a churro. Tall, long, and delicious.”
Chloe: “Sometimes I think about murder.”
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microbiology-notes · 4 years
Meiosis under Microscope..... . . . . @biotech.bae . . . . . . . #genetics #gene #meosis #molecularbiology #cell #cellbiology (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkjfXjD5BD/?igshid=1gqfehapzz5oc
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