exbusinessbadger · 2 years
Din and Mer!Luke trick or treating.
"What costume should I wear?"
"You're literally already a merman."
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gummyfang · 8 months
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And here is mer!Luke, a mix between a frilly-tailed bay mer from his father's side and a spikey-tailed deepwater mer from his mother's side. Luke's fins are smaller and less frilly than his peers in the Tatooine bay, but his golden markings make him stand out. (thank u @jellydodger for the advice on the golden spot pattern)
Also made some edits to mer!Anakin. Gave him some scales.
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businessbadger · 1 year
merman luke but it's beared older luke. more of a king triton esque figure. his prosthetic hand is a trident
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having impure thoughts about dilf merman luke skywalker
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comeonpeters · 2 years
back to the important stuff: trans luke patterson
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jennypigalle · 10 months
i'm rewatching season 1 of young royals and in the last episode when it's that first shot of the church for the christmas end of term celebration thing (julavslutning)it always catches me so fucking off guard bc for a first second it looks so much like outside a church where i live, which i know it's not! and if you look more than just a second it's very obviously not, but i can literally imagine the exact spot it would have been filmed from to get that angle and it just. makes me feel so upside down
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bleachswing · 2 years
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your beauty never ever scared me
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numtwleve · 2 years
Oh I am so happy to be able to update this story again! I know that I have kept you all waiting for more...and here it is! We are winding down now, so pay close attention to some detail here!
Next chapter is already written and I am hoping to continue to post these quickly for everyone. Enjoy!
Din pushed closer, his hand bunching Han’s shirt tightly. “Make me understand why you would want my brothers or sisters killed, Han. Make. Me. Understand.” Din bit out every word, his voice low.
“Let me go! I swear I'll tell you all what happened! Please...” Han’s eyes were wide, but they never left Din.
Luke stood and walked over to Din, placing his hand lightly on Din’s arm. “Let him speak.”
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magdaclaire · 9 months
they don't even know (i've been working on the prequel to one of my julie and the phantoms fics for two and a half years)
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panic-flavored · 1 year
All I can picture now is just robotnik sitting in his little egg chair and like the walls are actually tanks and Luke he's sitting center and someone is dragged in by his badniks made to kneel and the fear in them gets stronger as mer Stone like just swims behind robotnik's chair and smiles brightly showing off needle teeth
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pov: you are about to be eaten by a supervillain's pet/boyfriend
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misc-obeyme · 2 hours
Mer!MC Headcanons - Side Characters
Well, one person asked as we know that's all it takes! So here are the side characters. Yes, that includes our three undateables! (But not Luke... I coulda done a platonic one for him I suppose but well... I didn't lol.)
Some of these got a touch lengthy but I still like how they turned out. I hope you all enjoy them!
read the older brothers here and the younger brothers here
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GN!mer!MC x Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, Mephistopheles, Raphael, and Thirteen
Warnings: just a little bit of drowning danger/imagery in Mephisto's
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Diavolo is lingering in the castle gardens after a particularly entertaining tea time with Lucifer and Barbatos. He’s alone - the others have gone inside. He’s walking around the garden when he notices an unusual ripple in the water of the pond there. He stops to watch it and catches a glimpse of your tail, just barely breaking the water’s surface. He is instantly curious and crouches close to the edge. You peer up at him from beneath the still waters, unwilling to surface at first. But his smile lures you out despite yourself.
He wants to know everything about you. How you got there, where you’re from, anything you’re willing to tell him. He’s amazed to find you’re from the human world. How did you manage to end up in the Devildom? Diavolo settles in beside the pond and you talk for hours. Eventually, Barbatos comes looking for him and you hide in the pond plants.
He comes back every day to check on you. He’s working on finding a way to send you home because he thinks you must long to return. He scolds himself when he realizes he secretly hopes he never finds a way. He wants you to stay here, with him. He’s drawn to you. When he isn’t with you, he’s thinking about how you must be lonely there in the pond’s depths without him. He rushes to return to your side as soon as he can.
He can’t help wanting to touch you. Your skin, your scales, your lips - you’re so unusual and he’s captivated by how gorgeous you are. He constantly brings you gifts, little things that remind him of you. He’s thrilled when you bring him things, too. Pretty pebbles you find or a particularly lovely flower you could reach from the water. You only ever reject one gift when he brings you a way to return to the human world. He’s relieved. He wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything if you left him now, MC. He works on finding a spell that will give you legs instead.
He’s in the forest area behind the castle, looking for specific Devildom tea ingredients. He knows the area well, having spent hours foraging there. He makes his way to a lake he knows that is further back in the trees. There is a specific flower that grows here that he likes to include in certain tea blends. But this is the first time he’s ever seen a merperson in the waters. You don’t see him at first, sitting upon a large rock, your tail just barely trailing in the water, your skin glistening in the starlight.
Barbatos watches you for a little while, not wanting to disturb you, but also not able to walk away. You’re mesmerizing and he can tell from a glance that you’re from the human world. He thinks of all the ways you could have ended up here. Likely some spell or possibly a spot in the river where the veil between worlds was too thin. It would be a simple matter to send you back. Too cautious, he leaves you alone. But he can’t stop himself from returning. The flower is an easy excuse to see you again.
You spot him, finally. Perhaps you’ve always known he was there. Perhaps he deliberately didn’t hide himself as well as he could have. You bring him a handful of flowers from the other side of the lake. You know what he’s there for. He asks for your story and you tell him everything - how you ended up here, how you’ve adapted to your new surroundings.
Barbatos suggests sending you home. You surge up onto the rock he first saw you on so you can take his hands. He’s startled by your boldness, but he finds he can’t pull himself away. You tell him that you would miss him if you left now. You have plenty of time and you know he does, too. Why not spend some of that time together? He smiles - soft, gentle, full of unexpected feeling. He would love nothing more than to stay by your side, MC.
He’s on his way to the local Devildom fish market because he’s looking for ingredients for a dish he’s planning to make. But on his way, he gets a little distracted by the dark waves of the ocean nearby. He takes a detour to appreciate the sound of the water and finds himself squinting at a glimmer in the distance. As he watches, it comes closer and closer until eventually, you’ve washed up on the shore at his feet, glittering with water and brightly colored scales, a net tangled around you.
Simeon falls to his knees in the water, not caring about his clothes getting wet. You're struggling against the net and he can see that it's hurting you. He talks to you gently, calming you enough so that you'll stop thrashing. He works slowly and methodically, doing his best not to hurt you further. He finds a sharp shell to cut through the net, carefully detangling it from around you. When you're free, you swim out a ways, but you come back to him shortly. You're holding several of the exact fish he had just been on his way to purchase. He takes them gratefully.
He can tell right away you're not from here. When he asks you, you answer easily. He's gained your trust and you're not afraid of him at all. So he learns you're from the human world, that you aren’t sure how you ended up here. He knows how it feels to be out of place. He talks to you for some time, hoping to find out if he can help you return to where you belong.
Simeon brings you some of the food he makes with your fish the very next day. You continue to supply him with freshly caught Devildom fish, some of which are admittedly a little concerning. He always suggests finding a way to send you home. You always tell him that he has made the Devildom feel like home for you. Eventually, he stops asking. You find he likes to trace the pattern of the scales on your tail, his soft fingers making you shiver. You're unlike anything he's ever seen in any of the three worlds, MC. He can't help but feel happiness that you're here in this world with him.
He’s experimenting in his laboratory as usual when the magic circle he’s working on suddenly activates. He’s surprised when you appear in the center of it, somehow summoned here from the human world. How did he even manage to do that? He doesn’t have time to figure it out because there’s a merperson glaring at him and flapping their tail angrily on his lab table. He picks you up right away, to prevent all his magical items from being knocked off and smashed.
Fortunately, Solomon has a large tub-like bucket he can put you in. He fills it with water with a simple spell. Then he has to spend several minutes apologizing profusely as you chew him out for summoning you at random. He’s also laughing, though, and you can’t help but start laughing along. It is pretty funny. And he is really cute.
You start asking him what he was trying to do. Your curiosity gets the best of you, but you find Solomon is ready and willing to explain the intricacies of the magic he was trying to perform. His enthusiasm is really adorable. You can’t help but continue to ask questions, if just to keep him talking. But inevitably, he mentions that he now has to find a way to send you back. You’re instantly opposed to this idea. You like it here, you tell him. As a merperson, you have your own natural magic. Maybe you could help him.
Solomon agrees to let you stay for a bit. He gets a large tank that he alters with magic so you have a whole ocean habitat inside of it. You help him with experiments and he finds he lingers near your tank much longer than he really needs to. He can’t stop watching the way your scales glitter in the water. When you’re partway out of the tank, he can’t stop himself from reaching out to touch your skin, leaving his fingertips damp. One day he tells you the truth. He wants you to stay with him always, MC. He teaches you how to use your magic better, how to do spells and make potions. He’s amazed at your abilities, as well as your ethereal beauty. He starts sleeping in his lab to be closer to you. In the end, neither of you bring up the idea of returning you to the human world again. But if you do go back, it will be because you’re going back with him.
As a member of the Devildom elite, Mephistopheles has access to what can only be described as a yacht. He takes it out into a calm bay, simply because it’s a nice day for sailing. Or at least it was until an unexpected thunderstorm closes in. The yacht is tossed about violently and high waves pouring over the deck wash him overboard. He’s sinking and fighting until his vision goes dark. When he comes to, he’s looking up into your eyes. It takes him a moment to realize his head is pillowed on something soft, that he’s still halfway in the water, but mostly on land.
Mephisto sits up and looks at you, realizing that his head was resting on your tail - bright, shimmering scales that sparkle in the moonlight. He’s amazed, staring at you in surprise, but all that registers on your face is concern. He didn’t know there were merpeople out here - he’s never seen one. That’s when you tell him you’re from the human world.
Perhaps he would have been unlikely to consider befriending you if you hadn’t saved his life. There was no question that he would have drowned if you hadn’t pulled him out of the agitated ocean. Human world or not, he knows he owes you. He offers to find a way for you to go home and you agree. He spends hours researching to find the best way to send you back. It takes some weeks, but he returns to the bay to give you updates on his progress. He won’t admit that he’s captivated by the way your eyes light up when you see him.
He finally finds the spell and he's about to say the words, but he stops when he looks at you. There's always a been a watery sheen to your eyes, but he can still tell you're about to cry. He stares at you for a moment and then deflates a bit in defeat. He's grown fond of you and at this point he'll say anything to bring back your smile. He can't look at you, though, his eyes on the sky and a blush on his cheeks. Do you want to stay here in the Devildom, MC? If you do, he'll make sure you're comfortable. He peeks at you to find the smile restored and he tries not to be irritated by the way his heart squeezes.
He's returned to the Celestial Realm temporarily for a short visit. There's a long stretch of beach where he likes to practice with his spear, so he goes to see it again only to find you playing in the bright sunshine with a pair of celestial dolphins. When they spot him, the dolphins hide, but he watches as your eyes go wide and you swim a little closer to shore.
Raphael is concerned immediately. There are no merpeople in the Celestial Realm. How did you even get here? He wades out into the water, not worrying about his clothes - they can dry later. He gets as close as you'll let him. You seem to be okay with his presence, even allowing him to reach out and touch you. The soft dampness of your skin makes his gut twinge, but he ignores that feeling. He asks you questions and finds out you're from the human world. How you ended up in the Celestial Realm is a mystery. All he knows is he has to get you out of here.
He realizes quite quickly that his best bet is to simply carry you out of the Celestial Realm himself. But when his visit is over, he has to return to the Devildom. He explains this to you, but you seem unperturbed. You tell him that you don't care what world you're in, as long as you get to be with him. It makes him blush quite prettily.
And so when it's time for Raphael to leave, he picks you up out of the water and walks you out of the gates. He gets some odd looks from a few cherubim, but his threatening glare is more than enough for them to look the other way. He brings you to the Devildom where he finds you a nice lake near Purgatory Hall to live in. You're his responsibility now and he'll be sure to take care of you. But don't misunderstand him, MC. It's your inner light that keeps him coming back to you.
Thirteen's cave is quite large, but she's intimately familiar with every part of it. She's re-enforcing the traps in its various locations one day when she's startled by unexpected ripples on her underground lake. It's a large lake and sometimes there are fish there, but she's never seen ripples like these. And then a pair of eyes are peeking at her from across the water as you rise up just enough to see her.
She's immediately concerned. How did a merperson end up in her cave? And how long have you been there without her noticing!? When she learns you're from the human world, she's irritated. Who sent you here? Is this some kind of prank? She highly suspects a certain sorcerer. But in the end, it doesn't matter. You don't know what happened. And she needs to send you back.
You're reluctant already. You've been in this lake for some time now and it feels like home to you. Thirteen tries to argue with you about it, but she can't help letting you stay on for a while. You're pleading eyes get to her. She brings you food and finds herself sitting with you nearly every day. Sometimes you talk for hours. You have a lot of questions about her life and she's surprised at how easy it is to tell you all about it. She also notices the way your skin shimmers in the dim light of the cavern, the strange and watery look of your eyes and your hair and your scales.
You become a permanent fixture in Thirteen's cave. She builds a trap for that particular location that incorporates you. Any time it catches someone, you tell her all about it in excitement. One day she asks you if you miss your home. You tell her that you do sometimes. But that if you left, you would miss her more than you miss your home now. The blush this produces is the sweetest thing you've ever seen. That's good, MC, because you're part of her set up now! She's not likely to ever let you go.
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older brothers | younger brothers | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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exbusinessbadger · 2 years
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Luke Skywalker - Mermaid AU
i was going to write a fic for this but i never finished. Maybe now is the time?
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niccichi · 6 months
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mer jamie and pirate captain luke doodles 🌟🍶
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targcrazies · 10 months
Moonless, Dark Night. Pt. 1
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC!Strong (half Targaryen) Words: 3.2k+ Warnings: Violence and Graphic Descriptions, Emotional Distress, Mature (ish) themes, Mentions of Self-Harm and Su*cide, Adult Language, Incest.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
NOTE: I have written parts of this story before. However, I faced difficulty with linear storytelling. So, I'm trying something different. It will be shorter than I had originally planned, but better, perhaps. Hope you enjoy this. Let me know of any criticism you may or may not have, and I will surely appreciate knowing if you enjoy it. My Master's degree starts in less than a month, so I'd love to be done with this before that, lmao.
Have fun reading and thanks if you are!!
"Drip, drop, drip, drop.
Sansa listened carefully to ensure that no one had been following her. Her limbs trembled beneath her cape, her fingers frantic in the gloves. She knew well that her hair posed no threat, for it was not the silver of her husband’s. Yet, she had picked up the habit from her cousins, who shielded their silver manes whenever they desired concealment. In her eighteen years, she had never felt more like a Targaryen than she did then.
Drip, drip, drop, drip, drip, drop.
Part of her was relieved that only the droplets of water made the noises. She knew that Aemond kept her under relative scrutiny, especially since she refused him intimacy following the death of Lucerys Velaryon. “If you won’t let me near you, one of my white knights shall be here at all times.” However, he had forgotten her skills with crushed herbs and sedatives. Criston Cole had fallen gently to the ground beneath him. He was curled into a peaceful slumber, his chest heaved against the white that shielded him.
Verasys, her dragon, was kind. He was not impulsive, hot-blooded, or rash. He fed on what was given to him and only blew fire only on command. The beautiful dragon, with scales as violet as Sansa's eyes, breathed heavily in sleep when Sansa found him. Her lip trembled as she took out the keys to his steel chains. When she was done unlocking the beast, quite large for his age of only fifty-nine, she cooed him awake. He put his beak-like mouth under her chin, nuzzling gently.
“Verasys, my dear, you have to leave me behind,” she muttered in High Valyrian, tears making their way down her face like sweat. The dragon roared gently, but she shushed him. “If you stay back, they will make us commit the most heinous of crimes. They will make us kill our kin, our blood.” The dragon breathed out in anger through his nose, turning his face away, refusing to look at her. She walked to the other side, holding his face to hers. “You were born from the same clutch of eggs Syrax had sprouted from. Do you really want to fight your own sister, my dear?”
The dragon groaned in exasperation as Sansa began to weep. She used to rarely weep. “They killed my nephew,” she cried, uttering the word in relation to Lucerys- for what could have been well recognized- for the first time since the boy was born. She and Rhaenyra had made insinuations; her older half-brother, Harwin, would beam in glee whenever she played with Jace, looked after Luke, and tried to lull Joffrey to sleep.
She remembered the one time Jace addressed the abominable rumors of their bastardy to his mother, “I am a Targaryen through and through, like Sansa. Sansa also has black hair; no one calls her a bastard!” Rhaenyra laughed as she realized the concept of illegitimacy was lost on her young sons. She had explained eloquently that the black hair of the brothers was due to their grandmother, Rhaenys, whose mother was a Baratheon. “Sansa,” she gently pulled the girl closer to her, gripping her shoulders, “Has the black hair of the Strongs. She, just like the three of you, did not inherit the silver hair of the Targaryens from her mother.” Sansa’s heart leaped with joy. Many refused to acknowledge her mother’s Targaryen status due to her being a mere accident, something Prince Baelon regretted until his passing. Her grandmother, Viserra Targaryen, had intoxicated the Prince and done her deed when prancing around naked in his bedchamber did not work. Soon enough, she gave birth to their bastard, a pale-haired little girl she affectionately named Visenya as she passed. Visenya grew up in court, her older half-brothers being her only company.
When little Visenya turned seventeen, Widower Lyonel Strong joined the Red Keep with his sons. The man was fifteen years her senior, yet she was besotted by him. On her eighteenth birthday, she threw herself at her brother, the King’s feet, begging him to allow their union. Lord Strong, despite much hesitation, acquiesced, and the two were wed in a homely ceremony. Sansa was born after a stillborn, in 110 AD, a day after the birth of her husband, Aemond. It is said that Lady Strong had held onto her belly with one hand and supported the then Queen with the other as her Grace screamed and cried during her third labor. The moment the little boy’s cries were heard and he was laid onto his mother’s bosom, Lady Strong’s water gave way, and Sansa was born after a long, strenuous labor herself.
Lyonel was overjoyed, to say the least. His dear wife had named the child Sansa, a true name taken from the First Men. The King’s joy, however, was only second to his Hand’s. He held both the children in his arms. “They have the same eyes; it is uncanny,” he mused. “Aemond and Sansa. Must we betroth them, Lyonel?”
“If you insist, your Grace.” If it were some other time, Lyonel would have argued the futility of the said betrothal, how it built no new connections and produced no allies. However, at that moment, he was overcome with joy.
“They will make me kill my dearest Jace and my loveliest Joff, too, if we do not part. One day, perhaps, you will find your way to me again. Only when this has been dealt with. Until then, Verasys, you must be away. Fly, my boy, fly away.”
Verasys was not only her dragon; he also belonged to her mother. Her mother had passed shortly after the burning of Harrenhal, her frail health unable to bear the loss of her stepson, who was a dear friend, and her husband. Verasys was also one of the few belongings of her mother that had found their way to her.
She walked backward from the dragon. “Leave, my boy, fly away. This is your chance. Aegon has lost Riverlands entirely. What will follow next is the dance of the dragons. I want no part in it, and neither do you.”
The dragon looked at Sansa, his eyes glossing over her form. She shushed him again as he walked toward her, his mouth against her cheek. Verasys wiped away her tears, backed away from her, and gently flapped his wings. He was so gentle, so quiet, so sweet. Sansa knew that there would never be a dragon so calm, so very docile. Verasys isn’t one for war anyway, she told herself as she broke the chains with the dragonbone dagger that she received as a present on her wedding day from Aemond, despite knowing that Verasys could be resourceful upon need, could decimate anyone who could pose a threat to him or his Sansa. His protectiveness of even Aemond drew short, fluttered fires from Vhagar. It was Sansa who was not built for war.
THE NEXT MORNING was torturous. Aemond’s voice blasted through the entire Red Keep, his anger having scared away even the faultless birds. She stayed rooted in her chair, refusing to respond to his outburst. She refused to dignify his anger, she had done it enough before and had tired of it then.
“WHERE IS VERASYS? WHERE IS MY WIFE’S DRAGON? WHAT KIND OF TREACHERY IS THIS?” He refused to believe that the dragon left on his own accord, convinced that someone wilfully let him escape. “Why ask me? I am heartbroken by Verasys’s absence. How am I to know where he’s gone without me?” She spoke whenever inquired about the dragon’s absence. The Dowager Queen’s eyes shone like steel as she stared Sansa down. “Sansa, my sweet child, you mustn’t do anything that may put us at grave risk.”
“Your Grace, I do not know what you mean. Rather, I believe that what happened was for the best. Verasys wasn’t one for war. He’d have forfeited the moment Syrax would have flown near him. It is for the best, your Grace, that he left on his own accord.”
Aemond waited for his mother to depart before locking the gate of the chamber from the inside. “I do not know where your loyalties lie, my dear.”
“You accuse me of treason, my dear husband. That is unseemly and harsh of you.” Sansa trained her eyes on his, refusing to yield for fear of showing some weakness.
“I shan’t use that word, for what I assume to be treason is what you might consider loyalty.” He said, “I know of your regular consumption, Sansa. Or, I knew, I suppose.”
She knew what he meant, “I have never made a point for it to be discreet, dear husband. I am not giving birth to a child until this war has been dealt with.”
“War,” he spat, “This isn’t war; this is a defense against treason.” He sat down, facing her, knowing that another debate would ensue.
Her lips lifted in what he often called a “bitter smile.” Her anger and her sardonicism reflected in her gaze at once. “What’s defense and what’s treason here varies on perspective.”
“Aegon is the first-born son of my Father, your own uncle; he is the rightful heir.”
“The boy Uncle never once even mentioned as his heir? I won’t argue with you on who the rightful heir is. I just want you to remember that no “faction” is truly in the right here. None.” She hated herself for the partial lie she told, but she had to stay safe. Rhaenyra was her rightful Queen; she will always be. Her nephews, acknowledged by Laenor Velaryon, are her trueborn sons and her rightful successors. Her heart broke at the memory of Lucerys, at the thought of his beautiful face eaten in half.
“Why must you speak like a…” he lowered his voice and leaned closer to her face, “…a traitor?”
“You accuse me of treason again, my husband.”
“I only note the precarious implication of your rebuttals. This is no game, Sansa; this is-”
“Oh, yes, this is war. What do I, a woman, know of war? What an irony, given it is a woman you all are fighting against!”
Aemond sat back, his lips sealed tight. “I never said that dirty thing; you know it was Cole who said so.”
“And you associate yourself so closely with him, disregarding the harmful notions he poses.” She posited, “Being a freethinker, as you claim to be–”
“Oh dear wife, I believe we both can agree that you and I do not see eye to eye on something this grave. Yet, we choose to stay together, love each other. He is only a servant, as his duty is to serve.” His hand on the table had closed in a tight fist, “Let’s not argue the futility of unmatched opinions when you and I have plenty.” He mentioned 'love' in hopes of seeing her eyes soften, in hopes of irking something in her heart that once held his gaze in utmost adoration. The warmth had gone, the love was nowhere. When he looked into her eyes, he only felt cold, so unloved that it scared him.
“We do not.” Sansa was gritting her teeth by then, “You had once told me that were you to become King, you would want your eldest child to inherit the throne, be it a girl or a boy. That is a belief that could threaten Aegon and his lackeys against your support toward the throne, against me. We were never as shortsighted as our family here.”
“Sansa, my dear, do you not realize that Rhaenyra is not one of us?”
“She was never meant to be the enemy,” Sansa spoke quietly, almost under her breath, her hand covering her mouth coyly, “This is pure conspiracy succeeding over conciliation.”
There was a time, Aemond thought, when debates would lead them to bed and they’d make love. Things had changed. Lucerys’s death had left her incapacitated to feel any love toward him, even though he had emphatically repeated– like a prayer– that he never meant to kill him.
Every time he recalled having, tearfully and apologetically, informed her of the accident at the Rook's Nest; his body broke down to his knees.
“It matters little what you intended. What does matter here is what you have caused. Husband, you have waged war against Rhaenyra, against Uncle Daemon. May the Seven protect us all.” She spoke through venomous, angry tears, spitting all over him, “Uncle will never forgive this.” She had shaken her head with untenable vigour, walking away from him in pure dread, “And why should he? Would YOU have forgiven this? We deserve to burn. Poor Luke, oh poor, poor Luke. My dear ne- my Luke!”
When Aemond stepped closer to her, despite her backing away, wringing his hands, “I did not kill any of his children; they’re untouched, unharmed.” Her laughter echoed as a shriek, “You know him so little, it is dangerous to not know the man you have waged war against. You foolish, foolish man.”
He tried to hold her, fall to her feet, cry his apologies if that could calm her. She refused to even touch him, almost throwing herself out the window to evade him. He had a feeling, an instinctual irk, that she would deal with the news worse than anybody at the Red Keep. The Dowager Queen and the Hand chastised him for having murdered kin; Aegon had little to say but how conflicts such as these- almost always and without fail- produced corpses, and Helaena had blamed Aemond for procuring the most ominous out of thin air. Sansa, however, was ardently, hopelessly, fiercely grieving.
She, unlike her husband, remembered their days during childhood as happier times. Joffrey was too little and Helaena was always consumed in her own interests. The five of them used to play, practice sword-fighting, and have lessons together. After Rhaenyra left for Dragonstone, Sansa visited them on dragonback, every once in a while. She attended tourneys and had been beside Rhaenyra in all her birthings, except for the one where she had lost her little girl, her little Visenya. Sansa had grieved the death of a child not even half alive, crying and praying for the wellbeing of the soul in silence. Luke was so real; he was fourteen, a boy with his own likes and dislikes, his own quirks.
Before he knew it, she had begun to yell out the window, “Verasys, Verasys, come to me, Verasys. Take me away from this warmongering, foolish beast!” Aemond could have ripped his heart open, and it would have hurt less.
“Sansa, my love, what are you doing-” he could hear the dragon flapping his wings hard against the air; the dragon had broken the chains off himself to fly to Sansa, to respond to her cries.
“If you step any closer, I will JUMP from here, I will.” The Dowager Queen and the Hand were banging on their gate, pleading Aemond and Sansa to let them in. “I want to see none of you. I want to apologize to Rhaenyra, if my DEATH shall appease her, I will let her have it. Don’t you dare come closer, for I WILL JUMP!” Aemond did not dare stop her when she mounted the dragon and took off, barely secured in her place. The thought of her jumping to her death at his touch made his skin crawl, he found himself within he could hurt himself so bad that she'd love him again.
She returned two days later, having calmed down significantly. She handed them a treaty Rhaenyra had sent with her. They had the following demands:
Aemond the Kinslayer shall be excommunicated to Essos. Whether his wife, Lady Sansa Strong, decides to stay at the Red Keep or leave with him is up to her.
Ser Otto Hightower, Dowager Queen Alicent Hightower, Prince Aegon, and Princess Helaena, alongside Lord Jaehaerys, Lord Maelor, and Lady Jaehaera, shall depart for Oldtown within a fortnight.
The Red Keep, the Crown of Iron and Rubies of Aegon the Conqueror, and Blackfyre should all be returned to the rightful Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm.
Refusing any of these claims, the scroll dictated, would lead to war. Aegon laughed, instructing that the scroll be thrown in the hearth.
The Dowager Queen had turned red upon reading the clauses, the Hand looked betrayed. “Have they reduced you to a raven?” Aegon asked, staring at his sisters-in-law, his cousin, in sheer disbelief.
“I did what I could for a mother who has lost her son. This is the least I could do. I have not agreed to these clauses, I only brought the scroll here.”
“Were you aware of the content of the scroll?” The Hand enquired, his voice and face both frightfully calm and cold.
“No, I was not. I was merely requested to hand this scroll to the Hand of the King.” Her eyes were transfixed straight ahead, staring nowhere, yet focused.
“How did you spend the last two days on Dragonstone?” Aemond was sitting on one of the steps to the Iron Throne, closer to the ground. Aegon now sat on the throne, Sansa grimaced at the thought of it alone. Aemond, on the other hand, had worried himself to death, having been advised against flying to Dragonstone himself, especially after word arrived right away that she was alright and needed time to sort out the demise of Lucerys Velaryon. That his arrival at Dragonstone will be equivalent to his waging direct warfare. Thus, when he finally spoke, his question sounded more like concern than an interrogation, so unlike the rest.
“We grieved, your Grace.” Her lilac eyes stared dead into his, her face contorting, ever so slightly, in disgust. Anyone who doesn’t know her well would not even notice. He was not one of them, unfortunately. He could have wept; he almost did. He felt like he had lost her forever. However much love, respect, and admiration she once had for him was gone.
It had been a week since, and she had somehow regained normalcy. While she was still cold, biting, uninviting; she was calmer, considerate even. She allowed no intimacy– something he hadn’t let his mother and grandsire know– because if it weren’t for the origin of her birth and her status as his wife, she’d have long been beheaded as a traitor. Her dragon having left did little to acquit her to his family. It was odd that she barely attempted to clear herself of any suspicion. It was almost as if she took the special treatment for granted. He’d have to remind himself every time he felt angry at her indifference that she was only half a Strong. Her grandparents were children of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, and she was just as much a Targaryen as he was, if only not for her hair. The futility of such comparison was jarring, for she looked like a Targaryen through and through. She and Rhaenys Targaryen were similar in that sense; both fiery dragonriders with hair as dark as a cloudy, moonless night and eyes startlingly lilac.
He snapped himself out of his derailed trail of thoughts to find his wife by the window, watering the plant that she had brought back with her from Dragonstone. “Will you never admit, out loud, that I accidentally killed your nephew?”
She did not pause, did not look back, “You will not entrap me in your web of deceits, husband.” She could have scratched his other eye out, to avenge her nephew, but she chose not to. Oftentimes, those days, she’d have the urge to tell him that he was a petty, shallow half-man for never having gotten over the loss of an eye. People get through so much worse. But, she stopped herself. Every single time.
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avonne-writes · 2 years
Merman AU HC Masterpost
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Tail colours
Luke and Aemond's first meeting
Reproduction (1, 2)
Storyline (so far):
Merman king Viserys fell in love with human Aemma and had Rhaenyra, who's half-mer. She can grow gills and some scales on her legs, but no tail.
Rhaenyra turned away from the sea when Viserys didn’t let her marry Daemon and because she wasn't accepted as future queen due to not having a tail.
She moved to the nearby fishing town and married Harwin, never telling him about her heritage. But she couldn’t keep her sons away from the sea, especially Luke - he carries too much of her in his blood to be separated from the water.
Luke became a fisherman, while Jace is learning to take over Harwin's and Rhaenyra's family business (not specified yet).
One day, while Jace is taking a stroll on a more secluded beach, he finds a naked man on a rock, who looks drunk off his ass.
It's actually mer!Aegon, who ran away from home a few days ago because he hates his prince duties. Then he got high on puffer fish and sunbathed on that rock so long that he got dry and shifted into human form. He's crying because the transformation hurts.
Jace takes the guy to his place to help him, trying to sober him up under the shower. After a few minutes, Aegon shifts again, moaning in pain pitifully. Then he gets a good look at Jace and forgets all about that because Jace is cute. And freckled. No one has freckles among the merfolk.
Sitting on the bottom of Jace's tub and shamelessly flapping his pink tail fins, Aegon tries to flirt. Jace just gapes, questioning his own sanity.
Aegon knows a few human words, so he tries using them, asking for fish. In a daze, Jace brings him some - and Aegon flashes him a row of razor sharp teeth as he wolfs the whole thing down in one second flat. Then he goes back to batting his tail fins at Jace.
Meanwhile, Luke is out on the sea, pulling one of his larger fishing nets out of the water. It's not only fish that he pulls out though, but a trashing, panicked mer.
It's Aemond - he's been dutifully searching for his brother upon his mum's request. Normally, he wouldn’t come this close to humans, since he lost his eye because of them when he was a child, but he also knows that Aegon wants to escape to the land so he's more likely to be found by the shore.
Aemond thinks he's fighting for his life while the human's ridiculously warm hands slide over his skin to hold him down, but he can't escape the ropes.
When Luke approaches him with a knife, he's ready to bite him, to fight in any way necessary, but then it turns out that Luke just wants to cut his bonds. Mumbling human words that Aemond doesn't understand ("Shh, it's okay.")
Aemond wants to go back to the water immediately, but he sprained his tail with his writhing and he tired himself out. He knows he wouldn’t make it far. Vhagar can't come help him either because there are too many ships nearby.
But this human doesn't seem threatening, upon second glance. He has very interesting tan skin and he smells nice. Aemond decides to hang around until some of his energy replenishes. He and Luke sit across from each other in almost complete silence while he slowly, warily munches on a fish from the pile around him, never taking his eye off Luke.
Luke is already in love.
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hollythius · 1 year
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quick a/n: this event is inspired by the art challenge mer-may, and that is why it’s named after a terrible pun i came up with. so, onto the event!
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so, how does this work? i’m glad you asked! simply pick a character from the fandoms i’ve listed below, a mythical creature (this is a very loose term), and a prompt! also, please specify which character you want to be the mythical creature. then, send it in an ask so i can write it :3
what are the rules for requesting? another great question! please only send one character per request. also, please do not send characters that are explicitly children! this includes characters like klee, diona, luke, etc. this event is completely sfw!! if you have a question on my boundaries, feel free to ask! i promise i don’t bite, hehe.
how should i format my request? anything along these lines are fine: hi! can i get diluc with a mermaid!reader, with the prompt “ “ ? tysm!
which fandoms can i request for? one piece, obey me, bungou stray dogs, and genshin impact!
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admiring them from afar
brushing their hair
grabbing a flower/leaf out of their hair
complete infatuation
meeting in secret
patching them up
sharing a wash/bathing together
lap pillow
reading together in bed
being fiercely protective
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
General Info + F.A.Q
General Info
This is is a blog for all things about Krow.
This is an 18+ blog so minors DO NOT INTERACT Any blogs that do not have their age listed in their bio or haven’t DMed me their age proving they're 18+ WILL be blocked! I'm serious, please PLEASE have your age in your bio OR DM me it.
I’ll be posting art, musings and the like. Share fan creations from others, answer asks and questions. May or may not do some sort of project with this nasty gremlin, in which case I’ll use this space to document the journey.
Be sure to check down below and read the FAQ too! Your question could be answered there already!
If you enjoy my work here on the blog, and wanna support me, you can donate at my Ko-Fi! Please DON’T feel pressured to do so. It’s completely optional!
TO NOTE: Update (as of 1/26/2023) So I’ve had Krow for a few months now. Not nearly as long as my other OC’s but decent length of time for me to have figured out some things. However, even so, this blog is mainly for fun, just a means of me writing and drawing for this goofy boy, so some answers may just be silly. Don’t take EVERYTHING I say as the end all be all canon of Krow. I may change my mind on things (and I have before, a number of times).
Below is my old To Note but I’ll keep it up anyway ndfgbl.szf
Krow is a very new character for me, which is to say; until/unless I say otherwise, do NOT take everything said here for absolute canon, lore and fact. You’re basically seeing and experiencing the messy process that is... creating a character, and in many ways, helping me develop him further. Things can and will change with him. Design, lore, bits of personality and so on. Just so you’re aware. (: 
(Anon asks are OFF because I am simply not comfortable with having them on. Apologies.)
Krow’s Ref(s): Main Ref Krow’s Eyes and Teeth Krow’s Back Tattoo Krow Ship Chart (Blank) Mer!Krow Untraumatized Krow
Gabby Ref(s): Doodle
Eliyah Ref(s): Doodle
Luke Ref(s): Doodle
Mary Ref(s): Doodle
Naila Ref(s): Doodle
Tag List (will probably update as more tags become relevant):
#about krow #krow art #krow asked and answered #krow in character #the krow’s nest #naughty krow #krow fluff #krow angst #krow stories #dove aviary #winndy talks #krow fanart #krow’s murder flock #silly krow #bird call #about gabby #gabby asked and answered #LT asked and answered #LT in character #the krow’s nest verse #about eliyah #eliyah asked and answered #eliyah in character #eliyah art #luke asked and answered #about luke #luke in character #luke art #about mary #mary art #mary asked and answered #mary in character #about naila #naila asked and answered #naila in character #naila art
(Probably put more here later)
Does Krow have a VN? When is he getting one? I’ve gotten a number of asks and questions about this from numerous people since I first started this blog and the answer is still the same: I don’t know.  I created Krow mainly as just a way to entertain myself and because games like 14DWY and RH inspired me to. Krow happened to strike a chord with the community, I was asked by a few friends to make a blog so they could send in goofy asks. Now Krow has a decent following (which I am grateful for!) and so I’ve been getting asked this more and more. If I were to seriously consider a VN though, I would have to do a LOT of work. When I made Krow, I created him “in a vacuum” as I like to put it, by which I mean... he doesn’t HAVE a story. There aren’t other defined characters, a setting or such besides him and Dove. So if I were to make a VN, I would need to think of other characters, the setting and so on. While I am not settled on the idea of a VN yet, I HAVE been muddling on expanding the “Krow Verse” as it were. I hope to introduce some other characters to you all soon!
How old is Krow? So *I* personally headcanon Krow at 25, HOWEVER, generally speaking, he can be whatever you headcanon him at as long as he’s 18+. My other headcanon is that he is always a year older than you/Dove. How tall is Krow? Similar to his age, you can headcanon him at various heights. However, his MAX height (and what I headcanon him as) is 5′1″, but he is always at least one inch shorter than you.  Krow is absolutely fine with Dove being much taller than him. 
What ethnicity is Krow? Krow is Indian + Bengali, though he was born in America! And this will ALWAYS be canon.
What’s Krow’s job? He works as a crime scene/forensics cleaner! He works for a very small (as in about five people including him) licensed company to go around and clean up the scenes of murders, not so wellness checks and the like.  He also does some black market organ selling as a side hustle, which come from his own murders. He is also sometimes commissioned to do art! (In particular his other yandere friends go to him for art pieces.)
So Krow’s an artist, what kind of art does he do? The answer is... a bit of everything lmao. Mostly draws and paints, since that’s the easiest and most portable. But he also sculpts (as in using clay but he also buys blocks of marble or such to literally carve into when he can afford it), wood carving and widdling, has done metal working, sometimes writes poetry, customizes and even builds dolls. Pretty much any (traditional) visual art medium there is, Krow has done/does. 
Does Krow have a speech impediment? He does! He’s had his stutter for many years, but has never gotten any kind of correctional therapy for... spoilery reasons.
How did Dove meet Krow? There isn’t really a “canon” way (as of now) that Dove meets Krow, just that it was purely coincidental. So you can headcanon pretty much almost anything of how Dove and Krow meet. Examples I’ve listed before have been at the park, out just walking in public, the grocery store, maybe even your work. To Dove, it may have just been some run of the mill encounter. For Krow however, it was life changing.
FOR ALL THAT IS HOLY WHERE IS THE NSFW ABC’S??!!! I finally got you bae’s. It is right here
Okay what about his SFW ABC's? They are right here!
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