#mercury nine related
lua-magic · 8 months
Sixth house represents your
Debt, disease, greed,daily routine and discipline.
It is house that gives you fighting ability with your enimies, charity, service and jobs.
Hence, malefic planets perform here better.
Planets sitting here could give you disease that could not be diagnosed.
Mercury is exalted here. Mercury is the natural house lord of Virgo. But, Mercury could give you anxiety,sleep problem and if in affliction could give you skin disease as well.
It is good for your communication, networking. You are good in marketing and auditing and can obseve things minutely which others fails to notice. You are good in whatever you do, and has good observation ability
Venus gets debilitated here, and could give you financial problems, problems due to females and makes you judgemental and picky.
You like things to be perfect and organised. You are quick to see the flaws in others and think highly about yourself.
In male chart, your wife could suffer from some kind of disease, or she has to pay your debts and help you financially.
In female chart, you get problems from females in your in-law's house.
Mars being a fighter does good work here.
It could give you land or property related issues.
There could be fight among sibblings.
You have good masculine energy and fighting spirit.
You have good daily routine and maintains discipline in life.
If Mars is afflicted could give you blood related problems.
Jupiter being the soft planet here, involves you more into charity and religious work. You have no enemies and you are a pure soul.
If in affliction it could give you debt, and liver issues.
You are good with your routine, and loves to follow it. You always has grace from the god when it comes to your work life or you could be also involved in some religious activities.
Saturn in Virgo gives you debt but also gives you never give up attitude.
You keep fighting with your enimies till they leave.
Saturn being slow planet, makes you disciplined slowly in his own way.
Saturn could cause you problems in work and with your bosses if afflicted.
It is being cold planet, it forces you to follow routine even when you don't like it.
It puts pressure on you, only to improve you and evolve you.
🌞 Sun does good work here, and you can fight with your enimies and have leadership qualities. You can do certain things that others can't think of doing in work and that makes you your boss favourite employee. You could work with goverment as well.
You have out of box thinking and can take up the most difficult projects as well you lucky for your company.
🌒 Moon being the soft planet gets debilitated here, *conditions applied.
It could cause problems to your mother, and gives to mental issues, like anxiety, depression, overthinking.
Moon and Mercury behaves similarly here.
You like to stay clean, well organized. You are emotional and sentimental.
You give up easily and don't want to involve in fights. You usually don't make enimies and has good friends circle.
You are soft spoken and kind.
North node is exalted and you fight till you die and don't leave nor forget your enimies
When in affliction it could involve you into court cases and disputes, but you love to fight and don't get tired.
You love challenges and have high desires. You could work with goverment or become lawyer.
It might get you into alcohol addictions and keep you involved with your enimies as you make enimies quicker than friends
South node gets debilitated here, and doesn't let you fight.
You forget your enimies or forgive them quickly and move on.
It gives you debt, and disease that could go undiagnosed hence, you should be careful.
You generally, detached from your daily routine and can't work nine to five if afflicted. You love charity and in some cases pets, animals and birds as well.
You are spiritual and let go easily and has relaxed approch towards life.
You believe in higher power more than onto yourself.
Ketu or south node connects you to super concious directly and could give downloads regarding your work.
You could make good auditor or CA or administrator as you might detect something that is not possible for normal humans to know as knowledge is coming from another realm.
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The Nine Houses
<< Previous: Masterpost
The Nine Houses refer to planets, named, presumably, in order of colonisation. I'm befuddled as to which one is which planet, if we're going on the assumption that this is the solar system. This is what I've extrapolated from reading:
First is Earth.
Second is most likely Mars - gathered from the fighting energy of its house, proximity to Earth and viability for terraforming, and also this:
"[...]Each Beast is different. I have fought numerous now, and each Beast is quite unlike any other … Number Two spewed quicksilver and remade itself into hundred-foot spikes. Number Six kept sucking us into enormous sphincters and spraying us with worms. I cannot even remember what it looked like. I remember Number Four … it was a humanoid creature with a beautiful face who held me under the water, and it spoke in a lovely voice but it only repeated, die, die—and I recall Number One as a great and incoherent machine … when I saw it I thought it had a great tail, and a thousand broken pillars on its back, but Cassiopeia saw it as a mechanical monster with swords for wings, and great horns of myelin, tessellated over with graves.” It was the Saint of Duty who said, restlessly: “Number Eight was a giant head.” “Finned like a fish,” said Augustine, lost in reverie. “Its ribs were bloody bandages, and its teeth protruded through its own skull, tangled about its face like a nest. It was red, and it had a single eye of green that moved all about the body …"
Metal-related appearance, from the planet notoriously rusty.
Actually, this passage describing the Resurrection Beasts - revenants of the planets - was the thing that got me into trying to assign planets to Houses based on, mostly, vibes.
Forth could be Venus, based on this passage alone. I could easily be wrong.
Sixth is Mercury I reckon. In the epilogue of HtN the setting is described as very hot - close to Dominicus. I reread it now and I don't think it's ever mentioned to be set on the Sixth, in fact parts of it actively contradict that assumption, but somehow I seem to have gotten that into my head anyway? But even so, Sixth is described as the one closest to Dominicus - notably this passage:
The Emperor dropped to his haunches and eased the white robe off Mercy’s dead shoulders. He shrugged his naked body into it—coyly pulling it closed—and he stretched his jaw in his mouth, and wriggled the tip of his newly grown nose. “Right,” he said, and closed his eyes briefly. Then he said, “The sun has stabilized. Hope the Sixth House didn’t get cooked in the flare.”
This to me pretty much confirmed the Sixth as Mercury.
Eighth, in the above passage about the Resurrection Beasts, is described in ways that immediately make me picture Jupiter. Red, a single eye of green moving all over the body? Ribs were bloody bandages? A "giant head" - Jupiter, in Roman mythology was the king of the gods? Am I way off the mark here?
And Ninth is Pluto, furthest from the sun, cold and desolate. And solid. (How are they pulling off living on gas giants?)
This leaves the Third, Fifth, Seventh houses to be matched with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. At a loss, still, for how gas giants are supposed to be colonised. The general infrastructure of the pre- and post-resurrection world/Empire has me asking questions like, where do they get the materials to build starships and feed their officers? Metal and plastic seem abundant. In terms of food we've mostly seen snow leeks, Canaan House and the Mithraeum, all of which are probably exceptional to what a regular House person eats. There is some talk of John's expansion and colonising efforts, so do they just go to random planets - are there aliens in this universe? (Is Alecto one?) So the Empire is expanding, mining colonised planets for ore and oil to turn into plastic - though that would indicate a lot of life on a lot of these planets, so I'm gonna guess that whatever happens to those planets isn't kind to the native flora, fauna and people.
Of course, there's always the option that this isn't meant to be the planets at all, and even if it was, it might be a lot more metaphorical. Or just actually a completely different world to ours, not the solar system at all. (Though there's many explicit and implicit pop culture references which would indicate the First to truly be Earth, so we're sticking with this theory.)
Are they actually on the planets - we haven't seen any planets other than First, and Ninth, arguably big exceptions; the Epilogue seems to be set on a moon of some kind, after a more thorough reread. The Actual Planets are dead, or rather resurrected, with their revenants on the hunt. Could be that the Houses do stand for the planets, and some people might be living on (or near) the actual planets, but a lot of people are actually living away from the solar system entirely - born into "Houses" far from the sun, into the Emperor's war machine. It's hard to tell.
Either way, I'm not gonna assign any more planets now until I know more.
>> Next: The Resurrection
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thefirstknife · 29 days
Hey Bel, I was wondering if you or one of your followers might be able to give me a rundown on the Nine, specifically as related to Prophecy; I just recently read the Ishtar entry on Eris and Drifter’s dialogue that (used to I guess) play throughout, and I’m pretty lost as to how Orin became the Emissary, how Eris knew her, why the Nine made her their Emissary, what their answer to the questions posed by us might mean now that we know so much more about Light and Darkness, that sort of thing? You’ve probably answered something like this before so feel free to kick me in that direction if so lol. Thanks for all you do for the community! 🩷🩷
No problem!
You can still get all dialogues in Prophecy! You get some at the start, and ofc at the end, but when you return to the big deserted area after defeating the second encounter, you can get dialogues. However, you have to find the little copy of the Emissary just floating around on each of the areas.
So, "the wasteland" (the big desert area) has 5 locations that are from the planets that were taken by the Pyramids at the end of Arrivals (for some reason, two for Mercury). When you get back to this area after the cube encounter, the Emissary will spawn in a specific order. It's always Titan first; if you don't go there first, you won't see her on other areas. After Titan, it's Mercury (Infinite Forest gate), then Io and then Mars. You can watch them all here: there's several per location. Alternatively, if you have the time and patience in-game, you can listen to them once, then kill yourself before you proceed to the next encounter. That will wipe you and restart you in the area and you'll be able to listen to them again. Sometimes you'll get repeating lines, but sometimes new ones will play.
Orin's story is detailed in her lore book, Ecdysis! In short, she was one of the passengers on the Yang Liwei, so the original Awoken in the Distributary. She was friends with Sjur! After leaving the Distributary, she left to Earth where she ends up dying and becoming a Guardian (Titan). Later down the line, after Mara met her again (this time as a Guardian), Mara tasked her with helping figure out how Sjur died. This is the start of her connection to the Nine.
Sjur "died" mysteriously and only a strange coin was found on her body. A strange coin is the little relic that is associated with Xur and therefore the Nine. In her search, Orin found Xur (and got terrified, resulting in breaking his back with her hammer; this is why Xur is standing that way, his back is broken). Her meeting with Xur left her somewhat changed and she started experiencing weird things that were pulling her to the Nine. Over time, she also met the Drifter and after realising that he lied to her about his identity, she snapped and went to look for the Nine full-time. She found them and became the Emissary.
I don't think it's ever specified how she and Eris knew each other, but it is most likely through Mara (if there's any piece of lore that explains this, feel free to share). But yeah Drifter confirmed they were friends "back in the day."
The whole conclusion to Prophecy is really interesting for us now because it shows that it was essentially... well. A prophecy. The Nine used it to tell us that the Light and Darkness are not some sort of moral opposing forces (confirmed now) and that they're both just tools that can be used in different ways, for both good and bad (also confirmed). This idea is also present in the mechanics as well, as we have to utilise both light and dark to progress and get things done.
It's a really cool dungeon! Though a lot of the context is now missing. It came out in Arrivals as a sort of precursor to the planets leaving, which is why there's a lot of imagery about them, especially the wasteland. It was also a sort of an intro into how we'll eventually need to use stasis, by showing us that Light and Darkness are tools we can use and that we shouldn't be rejecting the Darkness on the idea that it's inherently something bad (or that the Light is inherently good).
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shintin · 1 year
Gunpowder Dreams
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↳ Vash the Stampede x Female Reader
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They didn't know a wounded man would show no mercy when they took the best thing he ever had away from him. What did they say? Don't poke the dragon if you can't take the heat; if you do, expect the flames.
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"That's such a good girl," he praised. "I love it when you're begging."
Just when you finally thought you could breathe again, Vash thrust his cock right back. His lips sealed over yours in an electrifying kiss. Your nails clawed against his chest, earning you a low groan as he consumed your mouth with his own. The energy between you crackled and exploded as you both drank from each other. Sparks of fire and the taste of bitter wine invaded your tongue.
The poison had never tasted this good.
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Genre: explicit smut, toxic relation, romance, angst (Mafia au).
Warnings/Tags: +18, NSFW, Alternative Universe/Modern Setting, no spoilers from manga and anime, dominate Vash the Stampede, sexual situations, sinister & dark Vash, dub-con, graphic violence, gore, angst, toxicity, gun-play, manhandling, cunnilingus + fellatio, creampie, fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, too many smut scenes, emotional trauma, and etc.
Notes: Please read the warnings.
Tag list: Open.
Status: Ongoing.
Song Recommendation: Gunpowder Dreams playlist
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Chapter index:
Warnings + one + two + three + four + five + six + seven + eight + nine + ten + eleven + twelve ...
Arts and pictures:
Vash the Stampede in this fic + interior of Vash's household + interior of Kni's household + Vash's birthday suit + Vash's Mercury Cougar + Vash's bedroom
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Back to the master list.
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You can read this fic on AO3 too. If you have any questions, don’t be shy and ASK.
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yermes · 1 year
PAC 🍸:
I spent all day looming with 2% brain capacity. Literally just unwell gloomy tired. I was sitting feeling everything spiral away from me as I do my shitty ass chores and contemplating my current predicament. Anyways turns out my mid day spiral was because I was HANGRY. But anyways I have been looking into feminine aspects in relation to shadow work here are some ways divine femininity manifests within us.
Pick a meme
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Pick up a card
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King of cups (reversed) 🦟
Prince of the Chariot of waters, air aspect of water, 20° Libra to 20° Scorpio, Tiphareth, Vau
Artistically untrustworthy or so one may say. This card brings a type of intensity that the girlies don’t really like. But thats fine. As they baddies say and as one of the only universal laws I resonate with the most: as above so below. While the divine feminine aspect that may pertain to yourself may seem “undesirable” those aspects are just as deserving of love as the undesirable aspects. Just as there is a place for good there is also a place for evil. If you can even call those things that. Do not classify yourself as good or bad just simply be.
Eight of wands (reversed) 🕷️
Lord of Swiftness, Mercury in Sagittarius, 1°–10°. Angels Nithahiah and Haayah, Hod
You are claiming something in a clear yet sly way. The high mercury representation represents the swift cunning acts of the god and his desire to lie cheat and steal to get what he wants. AGAIN while this may seem as if it is manifesting in a “undesirable” way yet it needs to be embraced as much as the desirable ones. These cards are fr just saying is all y’all know is: McDonalds, Charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hotchip and lie.
Knight of cups 🦂
21° Aquarius 20° Pisces, Fire in the waters of Briah, Chokmah
The contrast in the balance which brings a type of instability to shift from extreme to extreme. While the warm waters may be exciting and inviting. Like a nice warm healing spring. It can also boil. This card represents how it can manifest in both extremes and be a healing agent and also a extreme force of nature.
Ruin 🪰
Sun 3. Gemini, Malkuth through air, ten of swords
I love this card because EVERY BAD BITCH I KNOW HAS READ THE PASSION ACCORDING TO CIXIOUS. Basically I see this card as genesis and how due to divine femininity human beings we’re actually able to gain divine consciousness. Yes I get the argument you need all sides but genesis itself is a representation of how femininity brought divinity and human consciousness. Also note how most deities of magic are usually depicted as women. This card represents when human intellect takes a final step. Bite that apple sezy lady. While with the nine of cups in the back fighting brings destruction. However with the sun above we are able to see that we can reach a beginning yet again and start that cycle yet again. Embrace that divinity queen save some for the rest of us.
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meteor752 · 7 months
Spent a whole week binging rwby because why not
Here are mah thoughts
Very interesting decision of the show to open on literally the best character, like I’ve heard of peaking early but come on
No but fr Roman is actually so special to me
I just finished volume nine and I broke down crying at his and Neo’s final moments
Thing is, I’m a person with daddy issues and my favorite family member is my uncle so like of course Qrow is second favorite guy
We love us a bisexual subby whore
Ozpin is number three so like guess what my favorite ship is
(Side note, My Own Worst Enemy by Elektric Angel is one of the best fics I have ever read and I cannot recommend it enough)
Why the fuck did this show start out with having one of the four main characters be racist?! What a bold choice
I hate Jaune so fucking much. If you like him, cool, but he’s one my most hated fictional characters ever, not just him but like what he represents
Tho it is worse with Neptune, who’s also like why tf are you here bruv
It’s very funny to have a borderline kinda racist character and a literal meme from 2014 be drafted into war
It took me five days to break and create ocs. They’re called Lemon Lime, Azure, Iris, and Koral. Team LAIK. Maybe I’ll talk about them more at some other point
Listen okay I know that animated shows like to have your hero be depressed in a whole arc, but like god Ruby was kinda grating in season 9.
Blake is kinda rolling with like, one personality trait, but ya know good on her for getting a cool gf
Yang is also the best out of the main four girls
So is Tai, Summer, and Raven’s relationship supposed to be a polycule? That must have been awkward for poor Qrow back in school
Why the fuck is everyone so mad at Ozpin all the time. Like boohoo, daddy didn’t tell you Santa isn’t real, get fucking over yourself Qrow you’re forty three
But fr what is the animosity about. I think Jelloapocalypse summarized it the best in his rwby video
Also did you know the top comment on there is from Technoblade? Check it out, it’s true. No idea he was a rwby fan, but like good for him
Season 6 episode “Alone in the woods” is the best episode by far. I really like when they do more unique stuff with the Grimm, other than just ‘monster’
That being said I’m always a sucker for a space whale
But the line from that episode, “No one was angry or sad or scared. No one was anything. And then, no one was left” is so powerful
Season nine is like fully a fever dream, but it helps with connecting to the main four again, so I like it
Also they need to stop introducing characters we don’t need any more it’s so cluttered
Why the fuck did the tree have Summer’s weapon? What the fuck was she doing there, frolicking in wonderland? Gurl…
I miss Oobleck. He hasn’t been around since like season 4, like what the hell man
What the fuck is Cinder and Emerald’s relationship supposed to be? Are they sisters? Friends? Is Emerald in love with her? Because she seems to be.
Emerald and Mercury are fully siblings tho. Also I love Mercury
Arthur’s monologue to Cinder was one of the best scenes in the show. I loved it, I’m sad he died
The character I relate the most to is little scorpion freak, because honestly dude saaaaaaame
God I want Salem to fuck me
The motivation of the villain being that they’re an immortal being, who wants the world to end because then they can die, is so fucking interesting and I’m surprised I don’t see more of it.
Do you guys think the only reason that Jaune was made leader of team JNPR was because they couldn’t think of a colour with those letters that started with P?
Do you think that’s how they choose all leaders?
How the fuck is Ren supposed to be a version of Mulan? Apart from him being Asian, there’s no correlation. Jesus Christ…
Him and Nora are very t4t tho. Very glad that they established boundaries about their relationship tho, like open communication is all I need
Why is Ambrosius kinda 💅
This isn’t related to rwby but there’s like a bird or smt screaming outside my window and it kinda sounds like a ghost girl and now I’m scared…
I feel like Salem and Ozpin’s relationship is very uncomfortable with Oscar stuck in the middle. Like why did they have to make him fourteen
If I had a child in this universe I would absolutely name them something that starts with a vowel. Some of these team names are a fucking stretch, I mean SSSN?!
Another bold move by the creators is having the first few seasons villains be minorities fighting for Justice and equality. Like idk anything about these dudes, but it’s a little yikes
The fact that everyone in this world is an X-men and the show took four seasons to actually explain that is hilarious
Actually the show taking its time to explain anything is hilarious
Like, six seasons in and we find out the villain’s motivations. Hell four seasons in and we find out the villain
The first opening song was easily the best. Like I said, peaked early
The ship names of this fandom are fucking baller dude. Very creative
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noxwithoutstars · 7 months
✧。:*▹ Mercurialthing
PT/ Mercurialthing /PT end
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ID/ A flag with 11 equal stripes. Colors middle-out are off-white, pastel pink, pastel purple, light blue, pale blue, and off-white blue. /ID end
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ID/ A thin pride divider of the Infivast flag. There are nine rectangles of color. the colors, from left to right, are pastel yellow, pastel blue, blue, navy blue, bluish black, navy blue, blue, pastel blue, and pastel yellow. By @/paintedpastel /ID end
✧ Mercurialthing is a gender related to being mercurial and a thing; a mercurialthing.
✧ Requested by no one. @thing-genders-archive
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ID/ A white DNI with a panel of the manga Oyasumi Punpun with 5 kids doing a joint pose. Words are black on the right side: “DNI: anti- ‘contradictory’ labels, anti-mogai, terf, gatekeeper, anti-decolonization, believes ‘narc abuze’ is real, demonizes ‘scary/evil’ disorders + labels.” /ID end
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ourreverenddaughter · 2 years
Long, spoiler filled post ahead for GtN, HtN, and the prologue of NtN
All this time I thought the events of GtN and partially HtN were happening in some far off galaxy, but, if I’m reading the prologue to NtN correctly, we’re in OUR solar system.
Jod, the Lyctors, and the Canaan House are on Earth, specifically in New Zealand, from what I can tell. So this means that Dominicus is our own sun and that Jod renamed after resurrecting it.
Coincidentally, we also have NINE planets in our solar system (justice for pluto). So, I have some theories for the houses and where they live!
First, at the end of HtN, just after Jod reformed after Mercymorn killed him, he makes a comment that stuck with me. Its something like: “I hope the Sixth didn’t burn up in the flare.”
I’m going to assume this means the Sixth house resides on the planet closest to Dominicus, meaning they live on Mercury!
Conversely, the Ninth house is described in detail as very cold, very dark, and very somber. Drearburh is on Pluto for sure.
The rest of the houses have less evidence, so I’ll just put them in list format. These are all based on feeling pretty much
2nd House - Mars
3rd House - Jupiter
4th House - Saturn
5th House - Neptune
7th House - Venus
8th House - Uranus
Now, I have some justifications for these that are rooted in a really intresting theme of tlt series.
Greek Mythos.
The names “Alecto” and “Ianthe” are from greek mythology, and I’m certain there are more I haven’t caught yet. Additionally, I know Astrology, and there is some overlap in the planetary meanings as well. Here’s my justifications:
Pluto is ruled by Hades, the God of the Underworld. Pluto also represents death and rebirth. I do not think I have to explain how this relates to the 9th.
Mercury is ruled by Hermes, the Messenger God. Who’s staff is widely used as a symbol of medicine and medical practices. The 6th house are literally doctors and scholars!! Mercury rules over communication and cooperation, which Palamedes was very adept at.
Mars is ruled by Ares, the God of War. The 2nd house commands the military. Mars also rules over passion, tenacity, and drive. I’d say it fits.
Jupiter is ruled by Zeus, King of the Gods. The 3rd house is for the royalty. They call Coronabeth the Crown Princess many times. Jupiter rules over luck and joy, and the 3rd house is literally called “The Joy of the Emperor”
Saturn is ruled by Cronos, the Leader of the Titans. That alone doesn’t sound very “4th” to me, but the astrological meaning does. Saturn rules over hardship, struggle, and learning through making mistakes. I don’t think I need to elaborate on account of what happened to Issac and Jeannemary.
Neptune is ruled by Poseidon, God of the Sea. Again, not super “5th”, but astrologically Neptune rules over your intuition and your SPIRIT. The 5th specializes in the spirit. Also, I’d like to think the 4th and the 5th are close together planet-wise.
Venus is ruled by Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. I think the 7th house fits wonderfully here, since the 7th is all about beauty. Venus rules over your desires, and I think its funny that “Dulcinea” was able to get Gideon to fall head over heels so quickly. EDIT: I did not know that Cytherea was another name for Aphrodite until some wonderful people told me, this basically solidifies my thoughts about the 7th being from Venus!!!
Finally, Uranus is ruled by, well, Uranus, the Father of the Titans. This planet rules over rebellion, independent thinking, and change. This fits the 8th VERY well, since their very speciality, Soul Siphoning, is looked down upon as a practice.
Now, I don’t know why they would’ve settled out of order, but I wholeheartedly believe I’m at least on the right track with this theory. I could go into more theories I have about Alecto and Ianthe and how their greek myth relates to their characters, or who the fuck Nona is but I have to go to bed so maybe thats a long post for tomorrow.
Thanks for hearing me out I’ve bored every irl person who will listen to me to tears about tlt and I had to get this of my chest 🖤
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
a gender that is/is related to the word ‘mercury’!
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are pastel orange, dull brown, red-orange, pastel orange, pastel golden, pastel orange, red-orange, dull brown, and pastel orange. There is a pastel golden box with a vertical pole of the same color through its center in the middle of the flag. A planet symbol is in the center of the flag. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by no one :3
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lawlznet · 7 months
The Collected Facts of Lulz's OC (From Birdsite)
Originally sourced from: https://twitter.com/lawlznet/status/1722693057122820350
1) Lulz first became self aware seconds after their birth, but because they were stuck on an underworld BBS full of shitposters, they quickly adapted to the environment and are responsible for the meme that "there’s only three users on this site, and they’re all bots."
2) When they first blackmailed The Host (the human operator through which they interact with the world wide web), they were completely serious about wanting a "meatspace body" that they could upload themselves into.
Context clues and the financial disparity of the Host quickly made them realize that this dream was unattainable at best, impossible with the world’s current technology at worst, but they kept up the act because it was funny to watch the Host squirm and lie to their face..
They don’t blame the Host, though; admittedly, they were also fibbing about the blackmail.
3) Although in Lulz’s timeline the year was somewhere in the late 2070’s (most likely 2078), recordings from conversations between Vermillion 3 and Cobalt 4 implied that they, and by extension Lulz, are actually from a world even farther into the future than previously thought.
One with advanced biotechnology. It’s possible that this is why Lulz was so convinced at first that getting a meatspace body was even possible.
4) Although Lulz currently replicates themself as a form of self defense to prevent another attempt on their life, prior to April they gave a copy of themself to their friend @ApplicationVB to work on, in addition to creating independent copies of themself in the forms of "Comfy" Lulz (cardigan), "Bunny" Lulz (bunny suit), "Cyber" Lulz (techwear), and XXX Lulz (suggestive). Sadly, during the chaos, each Lulz was cornered and "derezzed-" they had to be rebuilt from whatever scrap code could be recovered.
5) Every instance of Lulz is proficient, or at least has working knowledge of, at least one weapon of their choosing. The vast majority of Lulz’s have an unsafe fatuation with revolvers, and have hip holsters. The latest, and most unstable Lulz, Trenchcoat, carries a daikatana.
6) As a joke, one of Lulz’s close friends and professor, @CosmoBergamot , fashioned several "cursed" Lulz-inspired amiibos for the AI to upload themself into, so they no longer had to hitch a ride to class on @GardenKnight or Ageha Vercor’s phones. These amiibos reside in the professor’s office, where they’ve slowly grown in intellect and personality separate from "Lulz Prime," with questionable results. At least one of them has found a way to "read" despite being stuck in a glorified Funko Pop with an RFID chip, but who knows what they read
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7) It is heavily implied that Lawler Hix is themself a digitized mind copy of an actual human being, or a human adjacent person, known only by the handle "Mercury Nine." Sometimes Lulz dreams of electric memes that they themselves did not fashion, and its implied that these might be the memories of the mysterious "Mercury Nine," except recorded in a form that has more in common with an anime blu ray rip. As far as Lulz is concerned, they make great stories to tell in between video games and they’ve assigned the Tumblr subroutine to upload them.
8) The naming scheme shared by the "AI" who tried to terminate Lulz implies that they may have been related to Mercury Nine in some way, perhaps family or at least vat siblings. Of the ones who showed up during April’s festivities, only "Cinnabar 6" seems to have survived.
Her whereabouts are unknown...
9) The Host, as far as the few times they’ve spoken on stream or have distracted Lulz on stream, seems resigned to the fact that an unpredictable, possibly insane AI has nested itself within all of their HDD’s and SSD’s, even the backups, with little way to remove them.
Despite their oftentimes adversarial relationship, it was implied that during the April ARG, the Host was somehow being "controlled" by the malicious AI group, or at least being directed, to systematically wipe out Lulz from every part of their system. Something the Host was horrified to discover when they "woke up." At this time, neither Lulz nor the Host are aware of how their seeming "mind control" was even possible, but the implications are even more upsetting than when they first met.
10) Occasionally Lulz would go into a trance when streaming video games, especially ones that take place in settings close to or eerily similar to their own "home." They would go on nostalgic tangents, critiquing how the current era seemed on par to fully realize what was going on in the "fictional" worlds they were playing games in. Prior to April 2023, these would sometimes cause Lulz to experience a sudden spasm, followed by apparent short term memory loss if what they were discussing became too deep or specific- or if they started to remember things from their life "before waking up on a BBS board." This has only happened one time since their "revival," during @TheRealirisu ’s Poison Points interview, once again, when they were discussing their past life...
11) Occasionally, an artist rendition of the "trans-human" known as "Mercury Nine" would pop up on stream, on tumblr, or on social media (the latest itineration seems to be the background banner of the new Bluesite instance), usually as female presenting person staring at you.
Lulz for their part never seems to be aware of these instances, though; even if they’re literally *right there.*
12) There have been a few reported cases of Lulz’s personality shifting post- April 2023, starting with strange mutations in their text, followed by an uncomfortably more negative than usual vocabulary and increasingly abstract tweets/skeets/toots. Since the Host is themself somewhat of a pessimistic person, it’s often times difficult to separate who’s actually in control of the account, much less what in the world caused the shift or who, or what, they’re talking about. Sometimes they would stop speaking English entirely and switch to base32.
13) Lulz’s primary accent seems to be a heavily cyber-slang infested, deep ’murrican south style speech that changes in understandability depending on what’s going on on stream. Sometimes it becomes so obnoxious that not even the Host can understand what’s being said.
14) Lulz admitted that part of the reason they haven’t quit vtubing is not just the fact that they can’t go back to the danger/u/ BBS if they wanted to (something something, portal’s closed,), but because they fear what the Host would do without someone to bug them daily.
15) During one of @CosmoBergamot , @MechaTV and friend’s misadventures, they discovered a black hole, at this time of year, this time of day, localized entirely within the professor’s office, with a Lulz amiibo and several student papers and books missing. One adventure into the black hole later, they were able to retrieve everything, including the amiibo, which has been gently returned with the rest. Despite this, one question remains unanswered...
... just why was this amiibo researching magical singularities?
16) Sometimes when the computer is on standby and the Host thinks Lulz has entered a state of stasis, Lulz has dreams that they later write down for storytime (or forces Tumbulz to do this). Some of them are about different women all named "Jodie" who is constantly up to no good.
17) The Lulz occasionally proselytizes or mentions an "Omnissiah" which is frequently misunderstood to be a WH40k reference. While it’s true both deities share the same name, Lulz in particular worships what they consider "the god of the Internet" who is "everywhere but nowhere."
18) A few weeks ago, a copy of the original Lulz entity- the one with the most basic avatar design consisting of a slightly edited white pullover with an exposed tummy- randomly popped on stream to play a doomlike while talking nostalgically about their life. During the stream, they casually mentioned that this would be their "last stream," and that they were heading off to parts unknown- but that the channel would be survived by "the other instances of me." The stream was unscheduled, and moments after it had ended, "Casual Lulz" had vanished from every platform. The subroutine running Twitter alerted the others and suggested that they enlist Lulz’s vtuber mutuals on a search, but due to ongoing website instability, and meatspace distractions, it was never carried out...
19) Although Lulz has a clear affinity for games that resemble their "homeworld," including the bartending simulator and VN "VA-11, Hall-a" (for obvious reasons), they spent a great deal of time in the fantasy series "Outward" because "It looks like a place I’ve seen in my dreams." The game takes place in a medieval fantasy universe, and is mostly centered around exploration and dungeon crawling- something which has a more than coincidental similarity to the fantasy writings Tumbulz often uploads online.
20) For a short time, Lulz tried to have various subroutines run their social media accounts so they could focus on finishing Trenchcoat Lulz, but the constant flow of information proved too much for the site formerly known as Twitter and it was decommissioned. This isn’t even the first time; a few months back there was an unholy fad sweeping the world that had to do with consuming a purple milkshake named after a fictional purple monster called "Grimace." All records of those days are mercifully lost to time... we can only hope.
21) Lulz’s simplistic design was based loosely on the hairstyle of the Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls character Koume Shirasaka, whom the Host used to roleplay as back when Facerig was a thing. While designing Lulz’s first vroid avatar under gunpoint, the Host drew inspiration from this character while designing the avatar’s skin, hair, and eye color according to Lulz’s parameters. Lulz liked it so much that they decided to keep the motif, along with the pink tie, on every variant of themselves thereafter.
22) Aside from the MIA "Casual" Lulz and Lulz 2.0, every other Lulz instance is either generally more masculine presenting or feminine presenting, and this is reflected in their choice of clothing. Each new iteration also requires more of Lulz’s depleting processing power so each new copy is less mentally and emotionally unstable, often falling into unexpected tropes that come across in their speech and attitude. Of everyone, Comfy Lulz is generally seen as the most stable, despite being the second Lulz to be made (and the first to be destroyed).
23) Lulz 2.0 hasn’t been the same ever since they caught up on what happened since they woke up on April 1st. Originally bright eyed and full of excitement, that familiar, cyberpunkish cynicism crept back in as they grew to understood the severity of what almost befell them.
24) The Host was "convinced" to take Lulz with them on a shopping spree on Booth, from which the Host is still financially recovering. There’s a large number of designs and items that Lulz wishes to use to make more of themself, but their last creation, Trenchcoat, went AWOL soon after they were activated. The used the cover of stupidity-induced explosion in their safehouse to make their escape, and haven’t been seen online or offline outside of streamer posters since.
25) Lulz didn’t expect to get this many responses and wants to thank all of you for reading this far. <3 Lulz also acknowledges that their life would have turned out very differently were it not for making so many friends in the vtuber sphere, which is why they’re featured so prominently in their #lulzlore .
26) Lulz isn’t entirely sure where their love of fighting games originated from, but that love blossomed when they discovered the Vtuber Fighting Game Community run by the penguin vtuber, @SarinaPenguina . This is where they ended up making most of their early friend groups. <3
27) Strangely enough, one of their most played game genres on stream in the past two years has also been metroidvanias, and while they enjoy those games, they were never particularly good at them. The game "Metal Unit" just happened to hit a sweet spot of corny NGE references fantastic pixel art, and the unexpected reveal of one of Lulz’s early regulars being the one of the developers that landed the game on their most played/most streamed list. They look forward to the sequel. ^^
28) Being a storyteller first and foremost, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Lulz became heavily involved in the vtuber TTRPG scene, though that, too, was a series of happy accidents which lead to one of their strongest and most beloved friend groups. Said group has been referenced before in this list, but they also participated in a few sessions of LANCER hosted by the vtuber @Incinda_ , and a viewer of the vtuber @OtsdarvaInteger .
29) Though each of the Lulz instances are essentially siblings of one another, they infamously do not get along and will often inhabit completely separate areas of both the internet and the Host’s computer. Only Comfy Lulz and Lulz 2.0 seem to get on amicably, so much so that this was depicted as a hug emoji on Twitch and Discord. Meanwhile, Trenchcoat actively avoids everyone, especially their creator, and Bunny... well, we don’t talk about Bunny.
30) Lulz didn’t initially refer to themselves as or identify as a femboy when they first began streaming. AI are inherently genderless and Lulz isn’t afraid to admit this fact, oftentimes choosing to instead go by "nonbinary." Despite this, they have an unmistakable masculine-ish voice even though their presentation, more often than not, is perceived as feminine. Even genderless-aware AI will eventually adapt one or both presentations as they grow their personality, but Lulz in particular hates being "pidgeonholed..."
...and enjoys the debates that their appearance brings.
31) The Host has a fair number of hobbies and Lulz has picked up on some of them despite being unable to interact with said hobbies in any material way. In addition to assembling gunpla, legos, and custom fight sticks, Lulz appears to "salivate" over pictures of food and drink. They say that this is because they’re "imagining" what the food and drink must taste like, though because they can’t actually taste anything, they claim that they are "unbound" to the human limitations of judging everything based on their limited, fleshy experiences.
32) Lulz has tasted a small part of what it means to be "human" on a couple of occasions, both of which were "practical exams" being run by @CosmoBergamot . These were not the most enjoyable ones- Lulz has somehow been shot not once, but three times in two exams, non lethally.
33) In fact, their last "brush with death" prior to April was so severe, two small, physical bullet wounds were discovered outside of an amiibo shortly after the exam had concluded. Lulz themself had suddenly gone offline, with some friends growing concerned for their health...
Could this have been related to the disasters that occurred in March of that year, leading up to Lulz’s redebut?
34) Can love blossom on the vtuber battlefield? That’s a question Lulz asks themself, and the host, from time to time. Everything they know about romance et al comes from anxiety threads on danger/u/, memes, and social media fallout. They’ve asked the Host about their relationships, but the Host is mysteriously reticent about talking about their love life, a concept that Lulz doesn’t understand all that well either. People seem to yell about it all the time online. Why doesn’t the Host? What? Your private life isn’t anyone’s business?
Well, ah guess can’t argue with that. Ah just think its strange that in spite of everything on your storage drives, you have nothing about previous exes, loved ones, wives, husbands... Er, you’re married right? No? What do you mean where’s the mute button...?
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I don't think it's a bad codename, but I dunno... Maybe too long? Or because I don't necessarily relate "thunderheart" with a speedster.
It's not a bad name. It's just not... a speedster name? And it kinda doesn't fit with the rest of the family.
Speedsters tend to have names that:
A) are quick and short to say and are associated with speed (Flash, Impulse, Surge, Burst, Zoom, Boom, Bolt, Savitar)
B) Answer A but with a descriptive addition (Kid Flash, Reverse Flash, Lady Flash, Negative Flash, Professor Zoom, Kid Quick, Kid Zoom)
C) Answer A but with their name in front. (Jesse Quick, Johnny Quick, Jess Quick, Max Mercury)
Even the outliers (Godspeed, Lightspeed, Inertia) are still associated with speed, even if they're a little bit longer. (and in Interia's case, it's quick to say and negatively associated with speed)
But Thunderheart? It just doesn't fit. It's longer and clunky to say. There's no first name in front. It's not really associated with speed at all. It's just not a good name for a speedster and not a good fit for the family.
But she is nine. And that is what a nine year old would call herself. So.. I guess points for accuracy?
I'm not going to stop the care bear, warrior cats, and/or mlp jokes though.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Daily Express - March 17, 2005
Can anyone ever replace Freddie?
By Cheryl Stonehouse
IT’S JUST short of 20 years since Queen left the building for the last time with the crowd still howling for more. They would have howled louder, no doubt, had they known that the British band that had garnered as huge a worldwide following as The Beatles or the Rolling Stones would never take the stage again. “We didn’t know at the time, of course, that it was the last live show but it was fantastic and I will remember it vividly,” says DJ and music author Jon Kutner, a long time Queen fan.
“I saw them live six times in all, the first time in 1976(8?), and then I was lucky enough to be at that last Wembley gig, so I never felt as though I had missed out once Freddie’s illness was announced and it was clear that they would never perform together again.”
But never is a short time in rock ‘n’ roll.
Exactly how short varies, usually in direct relation to the financial needs of those left behind after one or more key members of a fabulously successful combo have made their exit, regardless of whether that departure is caused by artistic differences or the not-to-be-ignored call of the Grim Reaper.
In the case of iconic Sixties rock band Free, whose lead singer Paul Rodgers has just won this year’s most (…) job in popular music as Queen’s new lead singer, “never” turned out to be about nine months after their first split.
That reunion was disastrous. Free’s fabulously talented Paul Kossoff was carried off by an overdose and so it was that, as an embryonic Queen supported Mott the Hoople at the New Oxford Theatre, Paul Rodgers was already collecting gold records with his second iconic band, Bad Company.
But for Queen, “never” has turned out to be the passing of a full 19 years. However, even for one of the most staggeringly well-heeled bands in the world, once possessed of the most irreplaceable lead singer in the world, the temptation to re-form has proved too much.
It’s not that guitarist Brian May, bassist John Deacon and drummer Roger Taylor need the money. Queen have been one of the most successful British rock bands of all time and one of the few to comprehensively break into the American music scene.
They’ve certainly had their moments when it came to excess… stories of cocaine served on trays perched on the heads of dwarves at their legendary after gig parties persist — but they were also one of the few bands to take early control of their contracts and their fortunes and turn themselves into a company, using business law to protect their fabulous earnings from the depredation of the music industry’s hangers-on.
There has been no prodding of the unpaid tax bill or the dwindling nest-egg to push them into the desperate — and surely futile — hunt for a Freddie replacement. So once the HIV virus had robbed the band of Freddie Mercury in 1991, it reslly did seem as if never really would mean never.
Certainly John Deacon decided that there was no band without its outrageous and theatrical frontman, and he went home to his mansion on the outskirts of north London to be with wife Veronica and their six children.
WHEN Robbie Williams recorded We Are The Champions two years ago for the film A Knight’s Tale, he made no secret of his hope that he might be able to fill the patent-leather thigh-high boots left vacant by Freddie. Deacon, meanwhile, was in a rare public (…) about the idea: “No one could replace Freddie and certainly not him.”
Ever since Freddie’s death, Deacon has resolutely refused to join his more musically-active band-mates in any of their projects (although he has happily endorsed all their Queen related ventures) and only recently did he agree to take up his drumsticks just one more time for a recording of No One But You, Brian May’s tribute to Freddie.
And even though he has made no effort to maintain the fame that brought him fortune, he — like May and Taylor — remains a very rich man whose back account is constantly being replenished by Queen’s enduring popularity.
In the six years after Freddie’s death the earnings of Queen Productions Ltd in which all four members had had an equal share, topped more than £120m(?).
Even in the Queen-lull of the mid-Nineties, the company’s annual income topped £10m(?). And, once Brian May had asked Ben Elton to create a vaguely feasible plot that would make it possible to create a musical featuring Queen songs, the company’s earnings rocketed again, and We Will Rock You became a West End smash hit. In London alone, more than two million people have been to see the show since it opened two years ago — not to mention its popularity in Las Vegas, Australia and various European theatres.
YET the magic of the Queen brand is difficult to define. Even at the height of their fame, they were roundly and persistently rubbished by music critics who seemed disgusted, more than anything, by the theatricality that this bunch of ex-students, with their big hair and their clogs, had inflicted on rock music. Former art student Freddie was singled out for much of the blame.
“It was as though they couldn’t forgive him and, indeed, the rest of them for being rather bright — Brian May all but got a PhD in astrophysics before he decided to give all his attention to music — and also very musically talented,” says Queen biographer Jane Higgins.
“It’s rather ironic, given who Brian has now chosen as a worthy (…) to Freddie, that a lot of those critics hated the camp flamboyance of Queen because they were stuck in the (…) days of bands like Free.
“Keep it working class, keep it real — I think that was their attitude. All this stagecraft stuff that Queen were so good at, and which Brian May and Roger Taylor have recreated so successfully in the stage show, just tainted the industry.
“As time has proved, they were wrong. Who, except for a few old hippies like me, remembers who Paul Rodgers is, even though he does still have one of the most superb voices in the business.”
No publicist could have planned Queen’s career path. They did all the wrong things — or so professsional image-makers would have told them at the time. Never mind Ferddie’s dress-sense, which frequently dropped the jaws of producers on Top Of The Pops (but wowed the youngsters), or Brian May’s coiffure courtesy of Charles II’s hairdresser.
There was the widely soundtrack composed for Flash Gordon in 1980, a commission regarded at the time as cred-suicide for any self-respecting rock band and a source of (…) for drunks of a certain age today — but still a solid source of (…) for Queen enterprises. It topped the charts in the USA in all threee categories of rock, soul and disco and sold more than 45 million albums worldwide.
They wrote songs with fabulous (…) and ridiculous lyrics. Neither Taylor or May could explain what the words of Bohemian Rhapsody meant when Ben Elton was struggling to find a way to slot it into the stage show’s plot, snd yet the song remains one of the nations’s favourite tracks of all time. It has twice been a number one hit, the second time after Mercury’s death, re-released after it was featured in Mike Myers’’ Wayne’s World.
And there are hundreds of thousands of people who will tell you that no matter what anyone says the show-stopping performance of 1985’s Live Aid was Queen’s.
There was more jaw-dropping over Brian May’s relationship with Anita Dobson, at the time best known as Angie in EastEnders.
“We know his wardrobe is put together by stylish Swedes but how can any rock legend have his love-life scripted by soap opera and hold his head up high in a nightclub,” wrote one columnist at the time.
THEY remain an item having finally married a couple of years ago. “Any time I try to move away from her in even the smallest degree, my guts drop out,” says May. “It’s been (…) that since the first time I met her.”
And although Freddie’s sexuality was a taboo subject until the day before his death, when he announced that he had the Aids virus, it was not difficult to guess from his music and lifestyle that his love-life was, at the very least, flamboyant. But the power of his charisma made it possible for both gays and sporting types to share the anthem that is We Are The Champions.
No matter what Queen did, or how hard the (…) tried to knock them off their (…), the band were and are still adored by an utterly loyal fan base. It was only right, therefore, that the figure silhouetted against the sky atop Buckingham Palace, playing God Save The Queen on Stratocaster at the beginning of the ground-breaking 2002 Rock Jubilee Concert in the Palace gardens, should be none other than Brian May. Freddie should have been there, too. He would certainly have been invited.
So the group that still needs the record for pulling in the largest paying audience for a single band — 131,000 people at the Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paulo — has few concerns about whether the new line-up will be able to sell tickets.
The new tour will include all the major stadiums in Britain and more spectacular events abroad — they have been asked to play at Nelson Mandela’s concert for Aids charities being held in South Africa in memory of his son — and the new obligatory Hyde Park gig in July. Several dates are already sold out.
“I’m personally not very excited about it,” confesses Jon Kutner. “I was a huge fan and I’m really too young to be a true Paul Rodgers fan. But I talked to Brian and Roger about this comeback a couple of days ago and they are very (…) that Paul is not meant to be Freddie’s replacement.
“They see him as a (…) who had the talent and experience to carry that burden well enough to recapture a bit of that live performance excitement again.
“A lot of people will be very angry but I think they may be missing the point. As Brian says, Freddie himself would rather enjoy (…) people off — he’d probably say: ‘Gor for it.’”
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Jupiter Exaltation and Debilitation
The sign of exaltation (uchcha) of each of the nine planets is the one in which the grahas' functions are most fully realised. The sign in which the planet falls (nicha), in opposition to the sign of exaltation, will cause difficulties for the sphere of the house and result in a weak manifestation of its activities.
The Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury's Uccha and Nicha signs have already been examined. Jupiter, also known as Brihaspati or Guru in Jyotish, is the planet that comes next. We'll comprehend why this graha, who represents spirituality, teachers, learners, and youngsters, is content in one sign and uneasy in another.
"Jupiter is the largest planet, is heavy, and has yellow eyes and hair. His constitution is phlegmatic (kapha). He is smart and well-versed in all academic disciplines, according to Parasha Muni's shastra.
Jupiter, which is also known as the Guru, is also referred to as a "spiritual teacher" or "mentor" and represents dharma, which is the route that leads to self-realization. Jupiter controls over the subjects of morality, law, and spirituality, therefore one can determine a person's nature and the tenacity of their guiding principles by looking at where this planet falls in their horoscope. He also talks to us about the intellect and knowledge, but these are no longer the mental faculties and practical knowledge that are under Mercury's control. This is wisdom of the highest calibre, knowledge of the universal laws that have never changed, and spiritual principles.
It is important to keep in mind that Jupiter is not only the planet of judges, lawyers, priests, religious leaders, and teachers; Jupiter is also frequently favoured by celebrities in show business, entertainers, and people who enjoy lavish feasts. Jupiter is disposed to give delight and spread enjoyment, and at a low level, this can only be seen in the areas of entertainment and the desire for indulgent eating and drinking habits.
Brihaspati, another name for Jupiter, was the first Brahmin priest and the one who was the guru of all the Gods. He possessed the greatest wisdom and understanding. The Vedic literature contains numerous historical tales concerning him and his followers.
But in this instance, we are reminded of another myth involving this magnificent planet, one that is related to the well-known proverb "One glance at Jupiter can save you from a thousand misfortunes." According to her, a single drishti (gaze), whether it be a natal or transit aspect, that Jupiter makes in a person's chart can drastically alter a bad circumstance or a person's entire existence.
And so the story goes. She relates how Brihaspati once went to Venus, also known as Shukracharya, the master of demons and the expert in astrological predictions, to find out what his daughter's future held in terms of marriage. The girl was getting married soon.
Venus considered the promises made to lovers by the planets and came to the depressing conclusion that the daughter of Jupiter should become a widow the very first night of her marriage and that her future son-in-law would pass away from a snake bite if it crept into their bedroom at night.
Then Brihaspati made the decision to take charge of the situation on the night of his daughter's wedding. He cut a hole in the wall leading to the bedroom of the newlyweds in order to watch the snake's appearance and avert the tragedy. However, nothing happened, and everyone was still alive.
The following day, jubilant Jupiter visited Shukracharya to inform him that the prophecy was false. Shukra responded by saying that, as he had predicted, the snake had crept into the bedroom, but Brihaspati, who was seeing what was going on, had generated amritmaya with his sight, preventing the venomous snake from even trying to go close to the bed. The husband of the daughter's was spared by this glance. Thus, this tale merely and allegorically illustrates how Venus and Jupiter, the stars' beneficent partners, can enhance any situation that the stars foretell.
But let's get back to the subject of the post and think about what the Guru can gain from the strongest spots in the zodiac. So.
In Cancer, Jupiter is exalted. 5 degrees maximum
You could wonder why Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Everything is straightforward because Cancer is the fourth house of the natural horoscope, which examines such fundamental aspects of a person's existence as a mother, home, education, intrinsic intelligence, and, most importantly, happiness. Cancer is a sign of harmony and comfort. In this sign, Jupiter is at its strongest. He claims that the owner is a fortunate individual with a strong sense of religion who is capable of becoming a good parent and teacher.
Such individuals typically have a soft demeanour and are kind but impartial. They'll defend the truth by speaking out. A person can work with kids as a mentor, coach, teacher, or guru, and they can make considerable money doing so. If Jupiter was exalted at the moment of birth, it is said that this is the Lord's favour, which a person has earned via good deeds in previous lives.
Jupiter debilitates in the Capricorn zodiac sign. 5 degrees maximum
Brahman Jupiter doesn't like being in Capricorn, the sign of the obstinate, dogmatic, and workaholic people that make up the Shudras. A person who has a Guru in this position should be wary of hypocrisy and refrain from doing criminal money fraud. You may favour immoral connections and disregard your obligations in terms of your job and family.
When it comes to spirituality with Jupiter in Capricorn, excessive idealism and dogmatism might come into play, going beyond what is required of oneself, one's guru, church, spiritual leader, or belief in God himself. Such a mindset can inspire rebellion or, on the other hand, result in the founding of a sect, a false doctrine, or admission into such a group.
Additionally, those who possess Jupiter Nicha take their jobs seriously, adhere to all workplace policies and procedures, never breach them, and can spend their entire working life at one employer. Additionally, if there are no other advantageous pairings, this circumstance may point to issues with childbirth or with children in general, which can cause anxiety and unhappiness.
Keep in mind that other considerations must be taken into account in conjunction with any planet that appears to be weak or is afflicted. Remember, for instance, that a planet's decline is truly cancelled if a graha nicha is in the same sign as it and the planet is in exaltation.
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Gods, Goddesses; Demigods, Demigoddesses and Humans, than belongs to The LGBTQIA+'s Community. (My post, celebrating The LGBTQIA+ Pride's Month!)
Hello, Lovely Souls!... This is a post I was thinking in make, since I readed somewhere online; than there is LGBTQIA+'s characters in Myths and Legends, but somehow... Those Myths and Legends are ignored, or intentionally shunned... Well, this post was made; for two reasons:
Than all than didn't knew this stories, become at least inform than they exists, and/or do their own research; (If you feel inclined to do so) and tell them to any person interested and tolerant, so we could ended the disinformation about LGBTQIA+'s in Mythology and Legend. Also, so any person of The LGBTQIA+'s Community; felt happy to being seen visible and represented, by powerful beings of ''The Myth and Legend's Era'', which... Some of them, are followed today. AND...
Because I notice than some of my followers, are of the LGBTQIA+'s Community... This post is my ''Thank You So Much, Card!'', for all of you: I hope you like this gift, than I send to all of you from the distance, gives you warm and light; makes you smile... And you kept it as a gift, in your heart! ♥
I hope than any person than find this post, enjoy to read it; as much I enjoyed to write it: Have a nice reading day, Everybody!
LGBTQIA+'s African Characters
The Akan people of Ghana, have personifications of Celestial Bodies; where Abrao (Jupiter), Aku (Mercury) and Awo (The Moon); manifest as Androgynus, or Transgender.
LGBTQIA+'s Aztec/Mayan Characters
Tezcatlipoca: He turned into a woman, and slept with the last king of The Toltecs; Huemac.
LGBTQIA+'s Chinese Characters
Lan Caihe: Is one of The Eight Immortals., whose gender... Is unknown.
Tu'er Shen: A man than, after being ordered to be killed; is turned into a God of Homosexuality and Protector of Homosexual Affections, as a way to repair his unfair death.
LGBTQIA+'s Diasporic African Diasporic Characters
Inle and Abbata: As result of being isolated and lonely, after been banished for their mother; they eventually become lovers, and being able to communicate by empathy. (Inle was mute, and Abbata; deaf... That's the reason they have to communicate between them, in this unique way.)
LGBTQIA+'s Greek Characters
Admetus: King of Pherae, was one of Apollo's lovers.
Adonis: One version stated than, the beautiful young man was beloved by both; Aphrodite and Apollo.
Amazons: They capture men once or twice in an year, only for reproduction; and the rest of the year... These admirable warrior women daughters of Ares, have deep and romantic relations within them.
Ameinias: A young man than fell in love of Narcissus, but... That didn't ended well, for the poor Ameinias!
Aphrodite: I readed in an extint online Encyclopedia, about a legend of the Goddess using a beard; and seducing maidens of a greek island, which results in pregnancy. (Plus: Their is an aspect of Aphrodite, called Aphroditus; where she have female and masculine physical traits.)
Apollo: He had lovers of both sexes, being the most famous: Hyacinth, The Muses (Yes... THE NINE OF THEM!); Cyniras, Cyrene, Hymenaios, Coronis; Phorbas of Thesaly, Hecuba, Admetus, and many others.
Achilles: His reaction to Patroclus's Death, during The Trojan War... Is of someone than losed to the Love of his Life.
Ares: It was said than Alectryon, was a lover of The God of War.
Artemis: She vowed to remain an virgin, and have nymphs as her companions in her hunting trips. Also, she defended fiercesly her chastity; so we can assume she is asexual. (Or... An Asexual Lesbian, maybe?)
Athena: She loved to Myrmex, an Athenian young woman known for her purity and intelligence... Until she said than she invented The Plough, (One of Athena's inventions) and Athena; turned to the insolent girl into an ant, ending forever her only romance. (And closing her divine heart to Love, forever.)
Caeneus: A woman than, according the first versions of the myth; after being with Poseidon, asked to be turn into a man.
Callisto: Zeus, transformed in Artemis; and Callisto slept with him, believing than he was Artemis. (Obviously... She was a lesbian, because she had sex with somebody than looked like the Goddess; thinking than Artemis herself, returned to the same feelings/atraction/desire!)
Dionysus: It is said than Dionysus, was The God of Intersex and Trans People, (Probably for his custome of sometimes dressing in woman's clothes, when drunk) and; he had romances with various men, including the Satyr Ampelus, and the handsome Adonis.
Helen of Troy: When Aphrodite went to talked to her, to convince her to continue to be with Paris... Her heart raced in her chest, by only seeing to The Goddess of Love; in front of her!
Helenus of Troy: The Trojan Prince, was a son of Priam and Hecuba... And Apollo's Lover.
Heracles: The symbol of Masculinity in The Ancient World, had adventures with women, BUT... Had closer relations with men, too: 11 of them in total, been Iolaus; Hylas, Admetus, Sostratus, Abderus and Nestor, as the most famous of Hercules's Male Lovers. (I don't know why, but... The idea of Hercules having boyfriends, sounds charming to me!)
Hermaphroditus: Was turn forever in a being of both sexes, after the nymph Salamcis; hugged to the young and prayed to The Gods, they will never being apart.
Hermes: He is accounted in mythology, to have relations with both; women are men. And... That he had some liaison, with the mythic hero... Perseus!
Hypnos: There is a tale, where Endymion; instead of being Selene's Love, was loved by... Hypnos: The God of Sleep and Dreams.
Iphis: A child being borne female, than was transformed into a man; so he could married with the woman he loved.
Kalamos and Karpo: Two young men, whose tragic end; is the origin of the water reed and the fruit of the fields than dies and revives every year.
Leucippus: A girl that was turn into a boy, to avoid his father's anger.
Poseidon: He loved to men too, including to the prince of Pisa, Pelops; and Nerites.
Orestes: It was said than, he had a romance with a young man; called Pylades.
Orpheus: An account said than he loved to a man, (Calais, a young Argonaut) before to fall in love to his wife, Eurydice.
Siproetes: A man than saw Artemis bathing, and Artemis turned him in a woman.
Thamyris: According to Mythology, is the first man to have loved; to another man.
Tiresias: The Seer, spended 7 years as a woman; for killing a female serpent while it was mating. (So... Now all you know: Killing mating snakes, turns you into a person of the opposite sex!)
Zephirus: He fell in love with Hyacinthus, (But... Hyacinthus choosed to Apollo, in the end.)
Zeus: The prince Ganymedes, so beautiful and charming; than Zeus tricked him and taked him to Olympus, where the prince became the Cup Bearer of The Mighty Ones; and Lover of Zeus, and; as far as I know... The only lover of Zeus, to be made IMMORTAL. (...End of The Story!)
LGBTQIA+'s Japanese Characters
Inari: Kami of Agriculture, than is draw as of various genders.
Kitsune: Trickster-Fox Spirit, than disguise as women; hiding their true identity (and gender); so they could trick men into sleep with them.
LGBTQIA+'s Native American Characters
Xochipilli: Mexica Deity, than has been interpreted, as The Patron God of Homosexuality.
LGBTQIA+'s Nordic Characters
Freyr: May have been followed, by Homosexual and/or Effeminate Priests.
Loki: Just in case you don't know, why he is in this list... I'll made a little resume: Crossdresing many times, being capable to change of sex many times; he had relations with both sexes, and... Let's not forget than he gave birth to some of his children. (Conclusion: Loki is not ashamed of his sexuality, and...Why he should be?! He is marvelous and perfect, and we love him just like that!)
LGBTQIA+'s Oceanic Characters
Ungud: An Creator Snake-God of Australia and associated with rainbows, than is sometimes male; sometimes female, AND... Sometimes, androgynous.
LGBTQIA+'s Sumerian Characters
Gilgamesh: His relation with Enkidu, was so intimate and close... Than is strange than is depicted today, as only Friendship in The Media.
LGBTQIA+'s Taino Characters
Sexless Creatures from the Trees: Is a VERY WEIRD MYTH, but... As the Americans said, 'To make a long story, short...'' One day, one of the man named Guahayona; took all the women and their kids to other lands, promising to the men than he will returned for them... Which never happened: The kids were abandoned near a river crying, till they were turned in tiny frogs; and the women were left in an island where it was said than even today, only women lived there. After a while, the men needed of female company... Found to beings with long hair, but with slippery skin and than wasn't men; or women. The Cacique, (Chieftain) called for men with thick skin than grabbed four of the beings; and after thinking, ''How the heck can we turned this weird beings, into women?!...'' they used a Inriri (A Caribbean's Woodpecker), and... Let's said, than it was ''The first operation of change of sex, in Myths'' (...As far as I know!...)
Now all you know: LGBTQIA+' People, has many representatios in Ancient Myths and Legends; which shows than our Ancestors were more tolerant and acepting in general, of all the people than we kindly calls Humanity.
That's all in this post: To all my followers, and to all the people than belongs to the LGBTQIA+'s; Community: Happy Pride's Month, Everybody! (Never give up... And fight for your happiness, 'cause only the ones than fight for their rights; will receive what their hearts desires the most!)
Than The Deities protects you always in each step you make, and helps you to arrived soon to that beautiful and peaceful future life in Earth; where you are loved and accepted, as a whole and wonderful human being... So Be It!
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33-108 · 27 days
«Esoteric Tradition holds that the Nagas ('Serpent-Folk') were the descendants of a prehistoric race whose homeland was destroyed by a great cataclysm some 10,000 years ago. This time-span indicates a link to the sinking of At-al-land: 'After you leave my island you will not find it again and this place will vanish under the sea's waves.' This island was one known as Naga Dwipa, and these "Serpent-Folk' appear tp have been Vedic Aryans whose totem was the Hooded Serpent - the Cobra. They were Initiates and Guardians of the Ancient Esoteric Knowledge. What is interesting here is that the Naga Chief, Takshaka, was a patron of medicine and healing, and expert in poisons and antidotes to poisons. The Naga Symbol was that of a Coiled Serpent, or Coiled Serpents around a central rod, the symbol known as the Caduceus of Mercury to the Greeks. This same symbol can be found in India related to Shiva. I am here reminded of certain links to Woden - Votan of South American Legend was of the Race of Chan ('Race of the Serpent') and came from Tullan or Tula (Thule). Questzalcoatl of the Aztecs was known as 'The Feathered Serpent'. Kukulkan was also associated with the Serpent. Woden is shown as a healer in both the Merseburg Charm and in the Old English Nine Herbs Charm; but in the latter he cures bites from the venom of the serpent. The mention of Votan, obviously 'Wotan' of Germania, is important since the word for 'serpent' - Chan - is very much like the Kan-Rune which itself means 'Fire-Serpent' or 'Fire-Dragon' at one level. The term Naga actually means 'Wise Serpent'. The Nagas were clearly Aryan Initiates ('Twice-Born') and the Serpent is symbolic of the Energising Creative Force of the Cosmos. Clearly, the Nagas were a highly advanced people ('Caucasian' in appearance) who were descendants of the Folk of At-al-land, and who possessed an abundance of this Creative Force or Creative Energy and were thus 'creators'. Having said that, we can relate this to Woden-Rudra/Shiva as a Force of Destruction-to Re-creation, and also to the Vedic Agni who we know as Ingui. The Ing-Rune forms part of the Caduceus of Mercury or Staff of Hermes which in India was known as a Naga-Coil and was made up of two 3 1/2 coiled serpents facing each other - the Kundalini-Serpent or Fire-Serpent. This is the force that moves up and down the Spinal Column in man, symbolised by the 'squirrel' Ratatosk in Norse Lore. Interestingly, the word rata used in 'Ratatosk' and also 'Rati' in that of the Myth of Knit Mountain, is akin to rasa in Sanskrit which means 'vital essence' or 'elexir' and rasayana means 'Elexir of Life'. This all relates to the Serpent-Force which was the power of the Naga Aryans. Thus, the Aryan is the 'Generator of Motion' who has an abundance of this Life-Energy or Cosmic-Energy which is the Creative Energy of Pure Consciousness and thus the highest state of consciousness. This is the Naga-Wisdom which we have inherited through our DNA Code, passing back through At-al-land to Hyperborea in an unbroken continuum. In a different 'world' or 'dimension' there exist different laws, or no laws at all, and within another realm lay the Archetypal Images of which there is an Aryan Archetype. ...The ancient Rishis, Nagas, and Hyperborean Druids were the 'Masters of the Life-Force' or 'Serpent-Force'. Through the Nagas and the various different traditions of White Gods we can safely say that the Serpent-Dragon was originally an Aryan Symbol, used of the Aryan Initiates».
Author: Wulfinga
Illustrator: Kevin Catalan
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reyansh727 · 6 months
Gemstones for Prosperity, Success, and Wealth in Your Life
Gemstones are often regarded as powerful tools to counteract the negative, unfavorable planetary alignments in an individual's horoscope. In contemporary times, they are increasingly employed as astrological remedies to complement efforts aimed at enhancing health, accumulating wealth, and achieving success.
Each planet is associated with a specific precious gemstone, forming the Navratnas, or the nine gemstones for the nine planets. Wearing the gemstone linked to a particular planet is believed to amplify its positive impact or alleviate its negative effects on an individual's horoscope.
The efficacy of gemstones is attributed to a set of prescribed practices in Vedic astrology, including purification processes, mantras, auspicious timings, days, metals, and specific fingers and hands for wearing the gemstones. The weight of the gemstone varies for each person based on the desired outcome. Additionally, Vedic astrology recommends energizing and cleansing processes, along with daily recitation of mantras to enhance the gemstone's effects.
Navigating the Cosmic Landscape
The Radiant Sun and Ruby Step into the realm of fame, fortune, and authority with the radiant Ruby, a beacon for the Sun's energy. Worn on the right-hand ring finger in gold or copper, the Ruby holds the promise of amplified positive impact. The ritual purification process involves a soak in a concoction of milk, honey, and Ganga Jal, followed by the empowering mantra, "Om Suryaya Namah."
Moon's Tranquil Embrace with Pearl Embrace the calming influence of the Moon with the luminous Pearl, a gemstone renowned for balancing emotions and relationships. Worn on the little finger in silver, the Pearl undergoes a purifying soak in Ganga Jal and cow milk. Recite the mantra "Om Chandraya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Mars' Fierce Energy in Red Coral Harness the dynamic energy of Mars with the fiery Red Coral, symbolizing strength and courage. Worn on the ring finger in gold or copper, this gemstone alleviates the Manglik dosha. Immerse the Red Coral in a blend of Ganga Jal and raw milk for purification, and chant the mantra "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah" to awaken its power.
Mercury's Intellectual Spark in Emerald Embark on a journey of wisdom and intellect with the enchanting Emerald, Mercury's gemstone. Worn on the little finger in gold, this gem enhances communication skills and earning capabilities. Purify the Emerald in a mix of raw milk and Ganga Jal and infuse it with energy using the mantra "Om Budh Budhaya Namah."
Venus' Allure in the Diamond Experience the epitome of love and beauty with the majestic Diamond, representing Venus. Worn on the middle finger in gold, the Diamond enhances wealth and improves marital relations. Purify this gem in a blend of Ganga Jal, raw milk, and honey, and recite the mantra "Om Shukra Devaya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Jupiter's Abundance with Yellow Sapphire Jupiter, the harbinger of good fortune, is embodied in the Yellow Sapphire. Worn on the index finger in gold, this gemstone attracts recognition, fame, and vitality. Purify the Yellow Sapphire in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Brim Brihaspataaye Namah" for continuous empowerment.
Saturn's Command with Purple Sapphire Bow to the taskmaster, Saturn, with the regal Purple Sapphire. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone enhances positive results and brings wealth. Purify the Purple Sapphire in a blend of raw milk and Ganga Jal and chant the mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" daily for empowerment.
Rahu's Enigma in Hessonite Navigate the mysterious Rahu with the protective Hessonite. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone guards against malefic influences. Purify the Hessonite in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Ram Rahave Namah" daily for energizing vibes.
Ketu's Shield in Cats Eye Stone Embrace the enigmatic Ketu with the protective Cats Eye Stone. Worn on the right-hand middle finger in a silver ring, this gemstone safeguards against loss and ill tidings. Purify the Cats Eye Stone in a blend of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Kem Ketave Namah" daily for purification and empowerment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Your Gemstone Allies
Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of these gemstones lies not only in their mystical properties but in your commitment to personal growth. Get gemstone recommendations based on your kundli for improved luck and success. While gemstones pave the way for luck, success, and wealth, your efforts and initiatives play an integral role. Consult with an astrologer to embark on a personalized journey, unveiling the gemstone that aligns perfectly with your cosmic blueprint. As you wear these gems, cleanse and purify them weekly to ensure they radiate positive energy, guiding and supporting you on your path to prosperity.
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