#merle dixon pre apocalypse
sadslay · 5 months
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- SNOOKER ⋆☆ 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings - pre-apocalypse daryl <3, kinda light nsfw, mentions of smoking and alcohol, merle dixon 💀
typically you declined going out on a week night, but you’re best friend - josephine - was freshly single and needed distracting, and the perfect distraction just walked over. merle dixon.
“couple’a dolls like yourselves know how to play snooker?” a man asked and his hand snaked around your friends shoulder.
josey smiled as you both recognized the man. “yes sir.” she grinned, leaning into his touch. “you got a partner or we playin’ trios?” she asked, looking up into his dilated eyes.
personally you have only interacted with merle dixon a handful of times and all of then involved him dealing some sort of drug or pill to a friend if yours. he was well known around your small town but someone who was a little lesser known was his little brother daryl who was sitting across the pub waiting by the snooker tables.
“see my little brother over there?” merle questioned, his voice drawn out and slurred as he peered over to daryl before looking at your near by friend, giving her a once over. “he’ll be our fourth.” he added.
you gave daryl a little wave only to be met with a almost unnoticeable smile. daryl didn’t look too much older then you and your friend, maybe only by a couple of years, but daryl had always been the quiet brother. he was always the one to pull merle away from a fight or bail him out of the cells. daryl seemed so vastly different to merle, yet freakishly similar.
“he can be your partner sweetheart.” merle chuckled noticing the prolonged eye contact between the two of us.
you looked up at the older man, flashing him a honeyed smile before sliding off your chair. there maybe an inch or two height difference between you and merle making the man step back. letting out a soft giggle you walked towards daryl as he sorted the balls into a wooden triangle.
you leant up again the pool table, your hands on the wooden trim as you asked, “is it alright if i’m your partner?”
daryl looked up at you. he had taken notice of your short pleated skirt. his mouth slightly gaped open in awe as you waited for his response. “yeah.” he stammered. “why wouldn’t it be?”
“s’just i’ve never played pool before.” you shrugged. “not properly anyways, not since i was a kid.” you shyly admitted as a soft smile crept onto your lips from the fond memory of playing pool with your siblings.
it was like he almost forgot how to breath as you played with the rings on your fingers. these gorgeous rings that held colourful gemstones that matched your eyes and freshly painted nails. “i can teach you.” he stuttered, barely able to look at you.
“y’all done? or can we play?” merle snickered from the other end of the table causing your cheeks to blush and daryl’s brows to furrow.
“piss of.” he grumbled, removing the wooden triangle allowing merle to break.
merle let out a bellowing laugh as he made his shot, sending the brightly coloured balls flying across the table. “we’re solids darlin’.” merle murmured, his southern drawl more prominent the more he drank.
once the balls stilled, daryl looked at you, extending the cue stick out. “you wanna go first?” he asked, his eyes barely meeting yours.
“you can go first.” you smiled, entirely too nervous you’d mess up the shot. daryl nodded before looking back at the table. “how do you know which ones to go for?” you asked quietly, just loud enough for only daryls ears to hear.
daryl let out a soft laugh, making your cheeks glow red as he pointed towards the table. “we're tryin’ to hit the ones with the coloured strip.”
you slowly nodded, showing daryl that you understood before he spun back around towards the table. he lined up his shot and with one powerful push the balls scattered across the table, one of them landing in a corner pocket. you let out a squeal of excitement, making daryl's cheeks to blush.
“good shot!” you exclaimed, as daryl turned back to look at you. but your smile quickly faded to a worried frown as daryl handed you the cue stick. “oh no i can’t, i don’t know how.” you stuttered.
he forced the stick into your hand, the brief skin to skin contact with each other making your stomach flutter. you shuffled closer to the table, trying to find a shot that would be easy enough for you to not mess up.
"as long as ya hit that white ball, yer did good." he encouraged, watching you as you leant over the table to begin lining up your shot. for a moment daryl watched you, trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the table. "here." he mumbled.
daryl moved closer to you, his body caging yours against the table while one hand adjusted far end of the cue stick and the other pointed to the ten ball on the far end of the table.
"there's no way i'll hit that." you whispered, unintentionally leaning a little further back into daryl.
he let out a stiff laugh before mumbling, "yes you will. just give it a soft tap."
when the warmth of daryl's body left yours, you took in a deep breath and lined up your shot. you hit the cue ball the best you could but just grazed the ten ball, moving it further a away from the pocket.
"shit." you huffed, your eyebrows furrowing as you stepped back from the table. you heard a snicker from the other end of the table. josey clung to merle like her life depended on it while he laughed at your inability to hit the ball. "somethin' funny?" you snapped.
merle's hands flung up in defense as you handed the cue stick to daryl. "nah, nothin' darlin'." he let out a bellowing laugh causing your friend to giggle.
"don't worry about him." daryl spoke, his southern drawl more apparent then ever as you leant on the wall beside him. "he's even more of an asshole when he drinks." he chuckled.
apparently the more you drank the better at the game you got, and now with the game coming to an end, you were starting to get confused by the rules surrounding the eight ball.
"can't i just hit it into any pocket?" you asked, earning a throaty chuckle from merle and a snicker from your friend. “whats so funny?.” you asked as you looked at daryl who had a soft smile creeping onto his lips.
"ya gotta call it." he chuckled softly, stepping a little bit closer to look at the best pocket for you to aim for. "otherwise we loose the game." he spoke in a low whisper, his hand rising at it pointed to pocket to the left of the eight ball. "call that one."
you let out a sign, now feeling like an idiot at you began to line up your shot. at the other end of the table you saw merle all over josey and she adored his attention. your attention was quickly pulled away when you felt daryl behind you as his arms reached around you to adjust your cue stick.
“jus’ focus on hittin’ that white ball straight.” he whispered, his breath by your ear and cheek making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
you were now ten times for nervous as daryl had himself pressed up against you. “i don’t think i’ll get it in.” you admitted, turning your head to look at the man.
he smiled shyly. “you’ll get it,” before pulling away, giving you the room you needed.
taking in a deep breath you lined up your shot like daryl had taught you and as you exhaled the ball shot straight into the corner pocket. after a brief moment of shock, daryl’s words of encouragement caused you to jump up and down as your celebrated your shot.
“i can’t believe i got it in!” you sang, jumping towards daryl to give him a high five. "does that mean we won?" you questioned in disbelief, looking at merle and your friend as they wallowed in their defeat. looking at daryl you saw him smiling as he nodded his head. “we won!” you squealed running to daryl before pulling him into a hug as you spun around.
as you settled down you looked across at josephine as she dug through her bag. you let out a breath of air before getting a pack of cigarettes from the waistband of your skirt. “lookin’ for these?” you smirked shaking the packet to grab her attention. she smiled before walking towards you, trying to snatch the packet from your hands. “play nice.” you giggled.
wrapping her hand around your waist, josey smiled, “come on sweets,” she slurred before beginning to pull you towards the smoking pit.
“y’all runnin’ out on us?” merle snickered from the booth he had sat down in.
“we’ll be back!” you both sang.
as the pair of you sat in the dimly lit smoke pit, you giggled about your encounter with the dixon brothers, josephine sharing her new found infatuation with merle. as you sat down on the weathered wooden benches you pulled the lighter out from the paper packet before lighting a single cigarette. you took in a few breathes before handing the cigarette to josey.
taking in a deep breath, joseu leant back against the cool concrete wall. “you ‘nd daryl were gettin’ close.” she smirked.
“he’s nice.” you shrugged, taking the cigarette from josey’s hand. “could say the same for you ‘nd merle.” you giggled.
before she could snap back with a comment the heavy glass door swung open. daryl walked out alone with a cigarette hanging between his lips. his eyes instantly drawn to you, you were even more beautiful under the moonlight he thought.
“you’re brother comin’ out?” josey asked him as he stood a few feet away, looking through his pockets for a lighter.
daryl shrugged, “dunno.” he mumbled. “think he’s gettin’ more drinks.” daryl added.
abruptly, josephine stood up with a smug grin plastered on her face. "i'll leave you to it." she sang, skipping towards the door, only to stop as she pulled the door open. "be a good girl sweets!" she let out a laugh that came from her stomach before disappearing inside.
a silence hung between you and daryl. it wasn't awkward or necessarily comfortable but it a much needed moment of stillness. your eyes were drawn back to daryl who was still calmly searching for a lighter. you took the cigarette from between your lips and extended your hand, offering it to daryl.
"yer sure?" only now you had noticed how low and horse his voice was. you nodded as daryl stepped forward and took the cigarette. "thanks." he mumbled, sitting down beside you. “how’d you get the name sweets?” he asked, taking in a deep breath of smoke.
his southern drawl made your heart flutter. you let out a soft giggle as your cheeks warmed. "when josey and i were kids, i always had sweets on me." you explained, noticing the soft smile creeping onto daryls lips. "and i guess the name just stuck." you shrugged.
daryl handed back the cigarette as he spoke in a hushed manner. "s'cute."
while you took in another breath of smoke, daryl admired you up close. she was beautiful, one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen, but her beauty was not like those girls in merles magazines, she was beautiful for that sparkle in her eye whenever she managed to hit a ball while playing snooker. she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her look, daryl thought, she was beautiful deep down to her soul. her hair sat on her shoulders, so close to touching his shoulders he had to fight every urge to lean in closer. your hair smelt like a mix of vanilla and tobacco and it drove daryl crazy.
"what?" you laughed softly, putting the cigarette out in a near by ashtray. "s'my lipstick smeared?" your voice was riddled with concern making daryl chuckle.
something about him had you entirely infatuated with him. it made you want to know every little secret of his and know the little things that make him happy. the music from inside was now a distant echo as the tension between you was palpable. you inched a little closer, now you could feel his body heat radiating off him. it might have been to copious amounts of alcohol talking but-
"i really want to kiss you right now."
you were drunk, you weren’t thinking clearly daryl thought, there was no way-
“m’sorry, i shouldn’t have said,”
“s’okay.” daryl quickly cut in, now realizing he had made you embarrassed which was the last thing he wanted to do right now.
daryl then did something you hadn’t expected. he leant forward, the space between you close to nonexistent as he placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. he couldn’t scare you away, not after everything that had happened tonight, but something about the small amount of contact had ignited something within him. the space between you was quickly closed again as his lips met your again, this time with more depth and erotism then before.
your hands snaked their way up to the base of daryls neck as you pulled him impossibly closer. your breathing had become desperate just like your lust for daryl as his hand connected with your bare thigh. his hand inched up your thigh, his fingers digging into your skin making your back arch.
in a desperate attempt for air you pulled your lips away from his, to your surprise hearing a groan of impatience. “wanna get outta here?” you whispered into his heard, planting a tantalizingly slow kiss behind his ear.
yes! yes! yes! "uh huh." he smiled, trying to manage his breathing as he began to search for his keys.
you pressed another kiss onto the side of his neck before noticing what he was doing. "are you okay to drive?" you asked in a low whisper as he finally fished out his keys.
daryl nodded, standing up and extending his hand. "i've only have one drink." he spoke quietly, taking your hand to help you stand before beginning to pull you towards the door back into the bar. "'nd i had it a few hours ago." daryl added holding the door open as you walked inside.
as you walked by the bar you gave josey a wink before following daryl dixon out the bar door into the dimly lit carpark. your hand held onto daryl's tightly as he led you to his triumph bonneville motorcycle.
"i've never been on a motorcycle before." you admitted as daryl began to mount his bike.
your cheeks warmed as daryl let out a grumbled laugh. "did yer need help gettin' on?" he asked, looking down at your pleather pumps. he stuck out his arm, letting you use him as support as you mounted his bike. "ya good?" he asked as your body molded against his.
you hummed in response and seconds later daryl put the key in the ignition and started the engine. as he began to roll the bike forward your arms quickly wrapped around his waist. you could heard daryls chuckle as he sped up while turning onto the highway that neighbored the bar. the cool night air felt sobering and euphoric. for the first few minutes of the ride your hands were tightly hugging daryls torso but as you grew more comfortable your grip loosened.
sooner then you had wished, daryl began to slow down before turning into the trailer park on the outside of town. the roar of the engine grew quiet as he parked out the front of a trailer on the far end of the park before turning off the ignition. you combed your hair out of your face and just as you went to get off the bike, daryl held out his arm again so you could steady yourself. you grinned as you dismounted the warm humming bike.
"have fun?" he asked, pushing himself off the bike, your hand still holding onto his his as he led you towards the door.
as he fiddled around with his house keys, the jangling of the nickle and silver being the only noise in the cool night air, you stepped a little closer to daryl. "i bet i can have more fun inside." you whispered in his ear, making the man freeze in his tracks.
your breaths filled the air, the quiet night air and it was taking every morsel in his body not to push you up against the cool tin exterior of his trailer. he pushed the door open and placed both his hands on the sides of your hips, guiding you inside while the door swung shut. daryl spun you around making you giggle but you were quickly met with his lips. his breath was warm and bitter, tasting of tobacco.
the intoxication of it all made your head spin. your hands gripped onto the back of his neck to not only keep you close but also upright. daryls hands hoisted you up around his waist making you gasp for air. daryl knew his trailer like the back of his hand, so with no problem he lowered you both onto the small two person couch, letting your legs drape on the sides of his waist. his hands were all over your body, running painfully slow from the tops of your thighs all the way up to your chest.
your lips slowly drifted from his as your body began to slide down until your knees connected with the lino flooring. daryl was in a dazed state of euphoria and he had only noticed your distance once he heard the clattering of his belt. looking up at daryl through your eyelashes made his breathing quicken, and suddenly it all felt so real.
“yer don’t have to.” he breathed, his hands grasping onto the couch.
slowly you peeled open his jeans, looking at daryl as he squirmed under your touch. “do you want me to stop?” you asked, your hands resting on his thighs.
“i should,” daryl began to mumble, finally making you understand.
“i want to.” you cut him off, smiling as you continued to peel away the denim. “i want you daryl.” you leant up and gave him a soft open mouth kiss.
as your lips parted once again, daryls head fell back. the state of euphoria had once again consumed him and his head began to spin. he took a fist full of your hair and gave it a weak tug. the noises alone drove him crazy and there was no way he could last much longer.
“come ‘ere.” he grunted, finally looking down at you.
smiling at his urgency, you stood up and make quick work of removing your skirt, and slowly you sat down on daryls lap. your hands wrapped around daryls neck as your lips pressed together again. daryls hands gripped onto your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“you’re s’beautiful.” daryl mumbled, one of his hands moving from your thigh to your back to support you as you began to roll you hips. “such a good girl.”
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
oh god the first three gifs… dating pre-apocalypse daryl and him waiting everyday for you after your shift 🥺 either takes you home cause you’re tired or rides around cause you’re stressed
pls :') you work at an old diner and he waits by the backdoor cause there's almost no one there, ever. most of the other workers leave through the front door except for one or two others like you, but they don't work the same shifts as you. that means there's no one to watch you as you skip towards daryl and slump yourself against his chest with an exhausted sigh while he leans against the bike.
"hi, handsome," you whisper and leave a sweet little kiss on the base of his neck. if there were people around you know you wouldn't be able to do it, so you take full advantage of the empty street.
"hey." there's the tiniest bit of pink on the tip of his ears that you think is adorable. he flicks the end of the cigarette, ashes falling to the ground. he could see the tiredness on your face the moment you opened the diner door. "shit day?"
"the shittiest," you whine and squeeze his middle tighter.
daryl tangles his free hand in between the strands of your hair and massages your scalp. "somethin' happen?" he asks casually, but you know there's an edge to his question.
you like your job, you really do. but there's been a few times daryl's had to resort to his fists and mean words to get creepy guys to leave you alone. more times than you'd like.
"no, just an entitled old lady and some annoying teenagers." you skip over the part where you could feel the teen boys trying to take a peak under your uniform skirt. daryl looks relaxed for once and you'd like to keep him like that, not give him an aneurysm on a friday afternoon. "just wanna go home and sleep the entire weekend."
"can do tha' for ya." he throws the cigarette away and places the helmet safely over your head. he only has one and he never wears it, only carries it around for you. doesn't matter how many times you tell him to wear one you always got the same scoffed answer: "ain't no pansy, woman. don't need no helmet."
he helps you get on his bike and gives your thighs a good old pat before kicking the kickstand back into resting position and bringing the bike back to life.
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dixons-sunshine · 7 days
If you’re taking requests: I saw an edit on TikTok of Daryl and Merle. It was Merle hitting on the reader and it uses the “would you look at the time, I’ve gotta get home and sleep with your brother” audio, I was wondering if you could do a fic, even a short one, with that kinda vibe / theme.
If your request aren’t open, just stopping by to say I love your page ❤️
The Great Escape | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Merle Dixon made no secret of his interest in you, making you aware of that with his vulgar comments. However, you had no interest in him, and he just couldn’t seem to accept that. Thankfully, Daryl was there to help you out, even if your accidental slip of the tongue could have potentially pissed the older Dixon off.
Genre: I don’t really know.
Era: Pre Apocalypse.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive innuendos towards the end.
Word count: 1.2k.
A/N: I love that sound on TikTok. It’s hilarious to me. I hope this is an okay attempt at that sort of vibe! This was written in under an hour so this could potentially not be that great. And thank you so much, my love 💜.
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The need to escape increased with each second that ticked on the metaphorical clock. You continuously shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you prayed to whatever higher entity was listening that you could flee from the awkward predicament you were unwillingly partaking in. You kept checking the time on your watch, wishing that the small metal object that rested snuggly around your wrist could help you vanish from the comments Merle Dixon was making towards you.
It was no secret to the man in front of you that none of the women in the bar you worked at liked him. Each night, like clockwork, the Dixon brothers rolled into the bar, and as soon as the older one even lays an eye on one of the female bartenders, vulgar comments gets spewed left and right. And at that particular moment in time, you were the target of Merle’s objectification.
“M’tellin’ ya, girl. I ain’t never seen anyone with an ass that bounces like yers. S’enough to make any man hungry to see more,” Merle drunkenly slurred on, leisurely sipping on his beer as he leaned against the counter top. If he leaned any closer, he would be able to peer down your shirt, and that knowledge made you uncomfortable.
“Um... Thank you?” you ‘thanked’ him, your eyes nervously darting around as you hoped to lock eyes with those familiar cerulean ones you had grown to love looking at. Daryl Dixon had been your saviour from Merle countless times before, and you hoped to be able to have his help again. And you would be able to see that beautiful smile of his when he inevitably walks you to your car, so that was a nice plus.
“Yer welcome, sweet cheeks,” Merle laughed, doing what you had feared and leaned closer. However, you managed to back up just in time, preventing him from seeing what you didn’t want him to. You doubted that the man had intentionally wanted to look down your shirt, though, and your suspicions were proven correct when he had reached for the bowl of Doritos you kept behind the counter. Merle Dixon could be a nasty guy, but even he knew there were boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed with permission.
“Tell you what,” Merle began, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you, snapping you from your thoughts. “How ‘bout the two’a us ditch this joint and find a nice motel for the night? I promise ya won’t regret it.”
Your eyes widened at his innuendo. In a last ditch effort to free yourself from his advances, you looked around again to see if you could find Daryl. Thankfully, by some stroke of luck, you managed to find his eyes.
His eyes scanned over your face, and he could instantly read the distress on your features. His eyes darted to Merle, and then back to you, and he instantly realized what you meant. “Dinner?” he mouthed to you, like he always did whenever you needed to escape. Parking at the bar was practically nonexistent, so you always parked your car by this small diner down the street. More often than not, he’d buy you both a burger and fries, saving you the need to make dinner at two in the morning.
With one last glance at your watch, you noticed your shift had ended, just in time, too. “Um... I’m sorry. I can’t,” you told him, grabbing your bag from the floor and slinging it over your shoulder. Then, without even fully realizing what you said next, you began to walk away. “I’ve gotta go and sleep with your brother.”
Eat. You had fully intended to say eat. However, the damage was already done, and you had to stick with it. You scrambled to get away from Merle’s piercing glare, aware of the fact that you had just royally pissed him off.
“Yer gon’ fuckin’ what?!” he bellowed loudly. A few heads turned to look at the commotion, but you had already started making yourself scarce.
You practically sprinted towards Daryl, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you. You missed the way his cheeks flushed bright red at the feeling of your hand in his, too occupied with getting out of that place. Once outside, you let go of Daryl’s hand, though your pace didn’t falter.
Daryl jogged a few steps to fall into pace with you, and only then did he notice the embarrassed look on your face. “What’s wrong? What’d Merle do?”
You shook your head. “Nothing out of the usual. I’m fine.” You turned your head to look at Daryl, a sheepish smile on your face. “Although Merle might be pissed at you when you get home tonight?”
Daryl cocked an eyebrow at that. “Why? What’d I do?”
“It’s not anything you did. It’s what he thinks you did.” With a heavy sigh, you continued. “I might have accidentally told him I was gonna go sleep with you instead of eat...”
Daryl’s eyes widened at your statement, his heart beginning to gallop in his chest. However, he forced himself to appear nonchalant. He scoffed and turned his head away, thanking the night sky for its particular darkness that night, because it meant you wouldn’t be able to see how his cheeks burned with a heat that outranked that of the sun.
“Well, would ya look at that?” he began, his tone adapting a more playful one, both in an attempt to make you feel better and to lessen his own embarrassment. “Looks like Merle ain’t got nothin’ on me after all. I managed to snag a good-lookin’ one, too. M’damn lucky.”
You laughed at him, your pace slowing down when you noticed the diner coming into view. “Be sure to sing my praise to your brother. Let him know what he can’t have. Make him really jealous.” In a surge of confidence, you turned to him with a mischievous smile. “I’ve been told my head game is really good. Be sure to expand on that.”
“Christ almighty, girl,” he muttered to himself, his head ducking as a way to shield his blazing cheeks, and the curiosity in his eyes at your statement. Just how good was good? “Ya sure know how to make a man curious.”
You giggled softly at him. Cleverly sensing that any more teasing would have the man in front of you combusting from sheer embarrassment, you decided to change the topic. “How about I buy dinner tonight? It’s the least I can do to make up for the awkwardness you’re gonna experience once you get home.”
“More like a good yellin’ at,” Daryl told you, but he shrugged his shoulders and sent you a small, lopsided smile. “But sure.”
With that, the two of you walked into the diner. However, instead of getting takeout like you usually would, the two of you opted to take a seat in one of the booths, basking in the privacy that the late hour provided you. The two of you shared your meals over faint laughter, shared jokes, and even some flirting here and there, which was a stark difference from Daryl’s usually shy demeanour.
Daryl ended up going home with you, and he may or may not have gotten to expand on his curiosity at your earlier comment.
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Ok hear me out. Reader and Daryl go on a run for supplies with a few other people. Reader makes a mistakes and almost gets seriously hurt/ near death experience. Daryl gets pissed at reader, maybe yells at her. Reader laughs it off and acts like she doesn’t gaf. Daryl later finds reader all shaken up and crying by herself. Love if you don’t, love if you do!
I Might Change Your Life, I Might Save My World
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (pre/early)
Setting: Alexandria
Warnings: Typical TWD Violence and Gore; Mentions of canonical character death; Some verbal aggression
A/N: I had them on the run alone. I hope that’s okay!
*gif is not mine
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The run had so far been uneventful. You’d even dare say boring. That was a word that wasn’t used carelessly. Life in the apocalypse was rarely boring and usually consisted of running for your life while scrounging up anything possible to ensure you could just survive. At least you were out with Daryl. He was your best friend and could usually keep you at least mildly entertained whether or not it was intentional. 
You were a survivor of the Governor’s insanity at Woodbury. It had seemed safe enough, but he had fooled everyone. Or maybe he had at one point been a kind, reasonable man that was just pushed too far by the cruelty of the end of the world. Regardless, it was there that you had met Merle, the right hand man. You had always teased him about that. Right hand? Get it? To most people, it would have seemed cruel, but not to Merle Dixon. He would ruffle your hair with a gentle shove and tell you to get lost. 
You never did.
When Merle left, you had followed and he had allowed it. He even held your arm and dragged you out behind him. That’s when you actually met Daryl. You had seen him in the fight pit, eyes wide as the Governor revealed he was Merle’s younger brother. He had never mentioned having a brother. Maybe he had thought him dead. Most would say Daryl was everything Merle was not, but they just didn’t know the elder Dixon like you did. Merle was crass, sometimes downright unkind, but below that rough exterior, he had a big heart. He was learning, little by little. You would have liked to take some credit for that.
Daryl had left his group that day, following Merle, just as you did. You remained quiet, watching the younger Dixon watching you. He looked almost wary, but there was a naked curiosity there too. When the two butted heads, you trailed behind while Daryl led the way back to the prison. Where he belonged, he had said. 
You had fit in easily. Merle, not so much. It made your heart ache for him when you could see the poorly hidden love he had for his little brother. He was absolute shit at showing it, sometimes selfish, but it was there. When he proved it by trying to be better, trying to show Daryl that he could do the right thing, it had cost him his life. You blamed Daryl for the longest time. You knew it wasn’t his fault, deep down, but you needed someone to catch the fury of your grief. The archer had taken it willingly.
When the prison fell, you had tried and failed to save Beth. Grieving yet again, right on the heels of losing Merle and then Hershel and then your home, you found a way out with Daryl, leaving the two of you stuck together on the road, alone and with a dense cloud of animosity billowing between you. It wasn’t until one night in a rundown home that Daryl had said reminded him of where he grew up, moonshine was flowing and then so were the emotions. You had both yelled, thrown things, killed the walkers that the fight attracted while continuing the verbal onslaught. In the end, drained and resigned, the two of you had talked. 
And the rest was history.
Alexandria had been a saving grace. It had taken a while to adjust. For Daryl, he had never lived in a community like that. He slept on the porch most nights, fleeing the confined spaces that left his chest heaving and his skin damp with sweat. You felt as if it were Woodbury all over again, destined to crash and burn and leave the group nothing but ashes. So, you slept on the porch with him, if for no other reason than to keep a fellow outsider close. You both knew it was more than that. 
Months had gone by. You had both finally moved inside a house and were even closer now than you had once been to Merle, which was surprising. Rick was confident in sending the two of you out together. You got shit done. That day in particular, things just weren’t moving in your favor.
For one, it was cold. The seasons were changing and you hadn’t adequately prepared for the chill in the air, especially when on the bike. The two of you were scouting for places that could possibly still have necessary supplies. Daryl had—as always—been quick to notice your discomfort. Though he had usually sewn the sleeves of jackets right onto his sleeveless shirts, that day, he had actually worn a leather jacket. 
“Here.” He shoved the article toward you, prompting a raised brow in response.
“What for?” You queried. It was a stupid question, but useless banter always kept things light between the two of you, comfortable even if Daryl would always claim the opposite. The space that lingered was never oppressive, not anymore.
“You’re cold, idiot.”
“Daryl Dixon is being sweet to me. This is one for the record books!” You chuckled while slipping on the jacket. The hunter scowled and bumped you with his elbow.
“Didn’t hear you disagree.” You would have continued to tease if he hadn’t held up a fist just in front of you, the signal to be still and silent. The telltale groans, snarls, and shuffling feet were growing closer, blocking the two of you from the bike. “Aw, crap.”
“Yup.” He agreed, leaning around the corner of the building just enough to see the sizable herd. “Need a plan.” He mumbled, unclipping the sheath of his knife for a quick draw when needed.
“Got one.” 
“What?” When Daryl turned, you were already rounding the opposite corner of the building with a quiet shout of get the bike. “That fuckin’ woman’s gonna be the death’a me.”
There were a great deal more undead than you had anticipated. “Well, hell.” You grumbled. It was too late to turn around, several of the milky yellow eyes already landing on you. As you walked backward, keeping a safe distance but close enough to hold their attention, you could see Daryl peeking out from the corner. You exchanged nods before you began to wave your arms. “Hey! Over here! Keep your eyes on me!!” The noise ensured that Daryl’s already near silent footfalls would go unnoticed. He would get the bike, circle the herd, and you’d jump on. Piece of cake. 
Until you bumped right into a walker that led the other half of aforementioned herd. 
“Oh, fuck!” Quickly grabbing its throat to hold it back, you pivoted, walking backward toward the open area at the edges of the corpses. Daryl was shouting your name, the bike roaring to life. You just happened to choose the wrong time to glance in his direction in an attempt to gauge the distance between you. The next walker had fallen somehow, levering clumsily to its feet just beside the one you were grappling with, your knife having just sank into that one’s skull. There was no time to react. You could only watch the blade slip free as the teeth came together on your arm. It was painful but nothing like you had expected, more pressure than anything. Still, it was too late. You were bit.
“Y/N!!” Daryl shouted, grabbing you away from the dead man, your arm slipping free from its jaws to throw it off balance. That gave you a chance to climb on behind Daryl, the injured arm cradled to your chest while the other wrapped tightly around his abdomen. “Just a minute, just hang on. We’ll take care’a this.” He was rambling anxiously, the cool wind whipping and stinging as the herd grew smaller and smaller in the distance.
“I’m bit. I’m bit. I’m bit.” You chanted against Daryl’s back, only barely holding back your sobs. The bike slowed to a stop, the kickstand lowered roughly before Daryl was scrambling off when you should have been the first to move. 
“Lemme see.” When your teary eyes met his, he growled through the sting at his waterline. “Lemme fuckin’ see!” He wasn’t as gentle as he could have been but he didn’t hurt you. Pulling your arm away from your chest roughly, he grabbed the shoulder of the jacket and yanked it down, ripping one of the seams in the process. You were both greeted with bruising flesh, the slightest indents of where teeth had vehemently pressed, but no broken skin. No blood. No scratches. While you stared in a shocked relief, Daryl wasn’t so graceful. His legs buckled and he went down hard to his knees. “Goddamn it, Y/N!”
“I’m okay.” You blinked, eyes transfixed on your arm. It hurt but it wasn’t a death sentence. You weren’t going to turn. “I’m okay, Daryl.” You smiled through the tears, now falling for an entirely different reason. “Daryl?” He was trembling fiercely, his shoulders moving in a way that suggested he might have been crying. You started to throw your leg over the seat to comfort him when he drew back his arm and planted his fist into the asphalt with a crunch that made your stomach turn.
“You’re so fuckin’ stupid!” He roared, barreling upright to stand with his nose nearly touching yours. You were too shocked to react properly. “Ya couldn’a waited for a actual plan, just had to go balls to the wall an’ run out there like a fuckin’ lunatic!” Your eyes followed anxiously as he started to pace.
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to get us out there in one piece. I didn’t even see the—”
His uninjured hand grabbed your wrist, tight and firm but not without care. He’d never hurt you. Not intentionally. Not physically, at least. “Ya call this one piece? I woulda had to take your arm, ya fuckin’ useless idiot!” That sent you reeling. Daryl had been angry with you before, but for things like keeping the squirrel over the fire for too long or kneeing him in the groin while trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. But that? That was different.
If Merle Dixon had taught you anything, it was to never show how you really felt. When you began to laugh, Daryl dropped your arm and stepped back, eyes wide and full of disbelief. “My god, you’re dramatic. I’m fine, Dixon. Let’s just chalk this up to a shit day and get the fuck out of here.”
“A shit d—are ya fuckin’ kiddin’ me?”
“Stop it. Get on the bike and let’s go.” You pulled the jacket back onto your arm, your red flannel peering through the tear in the shoulder. Now adjusted once again and ready to go, you looked back to find him still staring at you with the same incredulous expression. You chuckled and shook your head. “Stop being ridiculous. Let’s go.”
“Nah.” He was stepping backwards with his own head twisting back and forth. “Take the bike and go home. M’gonna walk.”
“It’s at least fifteen miles and it’s cold. Now who’s being stupid?” When he turned his back, leaving his crossbow strapped to the motorcycle, you actually began to panic. You could drive the bike, sure. He had taught you a few months back, just in case. Still, leaving him behind with nothing but his knife was not something you would do without a fight. “Daryl! Seriously, please, let’s go.” He ignored you, stalking off into the trees until the wings of his vest disappeared. 
Chasing him wasn’t a good idea. You knew him well enough to know that much. Or did you? It had been a long time since an argument like that, one where both of you had shut down in one way or another. You started the bike, toeing up the kickstand before propelling it forward, your chest constricting tighter and tighter with every mile. 
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It had taken him far longer than necessary to make the walk back to Alexandria’s gates. Granted, he’d stopped for several smokes to calm himself down. He’d slide down the nearest tree and sit there—flexing his throbbing fingers—until he had drawn the cigarette down to the filter or he heard the incoming growls of the walkers that had been tailing him. He had to take an extra half hour to put down the ones he could and lose the ones he couldn’t. By the time Sasha pulled open the gates, Daryl was bone weary and more than a little ashamed of how he’d reacted. 
“Seen Y/N?” He asked in lieu of answering when she questioned where he’d been.
“She came back a while ago. Haven’t seen her since. Sorry.” She patted his shoulder and returned to her post. You were back, so that anxiety was at least remedied. 
Still, he needed to talk to you. The way you had laughed in the face of his anger had unnerved him. It reminded him so much of his brother that it hurt. That type of behavior didn’t suit you. Then again, who was he to tell you how to behave? He had spoken to you so harshly instead of just telling you that you scared the shit out of him. He should have hugged you and been thankful that you didn’t lose your arm, didn’t lose your life. But emotions and Daryl weren’t exactly on speaking terms. When he didn’t understand why or how something made him feel a certain way, he lashed out at it. He was conditioned that way, it was in his blood. He had been trying so hard to be better. He actually thought he was getting better. Boy, he couldn’t have been more wrong. He was still a work in progress. He needed you to know that. He needed to apologize, even if it burned coming out of his mouth to admit he was wrong, to admit to feeling anything at all. 
Damn you for wiggling your way into his useless heart. He thought he had crushed and buried the thing years ago. Then you came tagging along on his brother’s heels and challenged everything he thought he knew about himself. He chose not to acknowledge it, even when people like Carol and Rick did. Often. 
Sighing, he stopped on the porch of the home he shared with you and Carol, lighting up a cigarette and leaning over the railing on his forearms. He would have assumed that you’d already spilled everything to Carol but when she didn’t barrel out of the house with a rolling pin aimed at his head, it was easy to figure out that you hadn’t. Maybe you hadn’t even been home yet. He trampled that worry down quickly, not willing to let it compound into another wave of anger he’d have to answer for eventually.
The streets were quiet with the sun now completely gone, replaced by the waning crescent moon. There was enough light for him to see, of course. His eyes were trained from years of hunting and surviving out in nature. He could hear frogs close to the pond, even hear the paper of his cigarette sizzling with each drag. But then he heard something else. Something that shattered him to his very core because he knew immediately what and who and why it was.
He didn’t bother to keep his steps light. It wouldn’t do to surprise you. You’d just be even more upset without time to even try and compose yourself. Even so, it was possible you still didn’t hear him approaching. Your sobs and sniffles continued, probably barely audible to anyone who didn’t know how to listen and not just hear.
You were perched on the bench beneath the gazebo, knees drawn up to your chest with your face hidden behind them. Even in the dark, he could see your shoulders shaking. He wasn’t sure how long he stood there watching you but once it was clear that you hadn’t noticed him, he cleared his throat. Had it been any other day, any other situation, the way you unfolded and nearly climbed over the back of the bench would have been comical. Maybe it still would be when the two of you looked back on this, but that was only if he could make things right.
“Hey.” He rasped, still rooted to the same spot.
You sniffed, wiping at your face with the sleeve of your flannel. The leather jacket was nowhere to be seen. “Hi.” All the confidence from earlier was gone, leaving your voice but a tiny echo of the woman that had called him dramatic. “I’m glad you made it back safely.”
“Ya alright?” He chanced a step toward you, pausing after one when your eyes darted down to his boots and back up. God, he felt like an asshole. Were you afraid of him now?
“Mhm. I’m okay.” You sniffed again and settled back onto the seat, pulling your knees against you once again. “I hung your jacket on the doorknob of your room. I fixed the sleeve.”
Great. You fixed the thing he tore. Now he felt like a major asshole. “Listen, Y/N, I—”
“It’s okay, Daryl.” You interjected, offering him a small, feigned smile while your eyes betrayed you. “Carol has dinner ready. I put your plate in the oven.” It was just getting better and better. You had still thought of him enough to make sure he had something to eat when he got back. And the award for Asshole of the Year goes to: Daryl Dixon.
You stood so quickly that he nearly flinched. “I should—I have a new job assignment tomorrow. Need to get some sleep.”
That threw him. “New—ya ain’t goin’ out anymore?” You shook your head.
“I’m gonna work in the pantry, dabble in the armory too. Give Olivia a break sometimes.” Your tone wasn’t cold but bordered on emotionless. You’d asked Rick to take you off the run list, and you’d done it because of him.
“Y/N, don’t do that.” He watched as you approached, your head down. If you hadn’t seen his boots when he stepped into your path, you surely would have slammed into him. “Shouldn’a talked to ya the way I did.” Even while you looked off to the side, he could see the way your face screwed up like you were about to cry again, but after a moment, you settled.
“No, you were right. I should have waited. Things could have gone a lot differently. I didn’t stop to think about how you would have felt if I had been bitten.” Daryl deflated at the utter dejection in your voice. “Anyway, goodnight, Daryl.” 
Watching you walk away, your arms wrapped around yourself so tightly, he let himself think about it; allowed himself to think about what he would have felt if you had been bitten. It wasn’t anger then. It was loss, despair, guilt. Whether he’d had to have taken your arm or not, the prospect of possibly losing you was more than he could even think to bear. What was more terrifying was that he realized that your loss would devastate him more than his own brother’s had.
“Y/N, wait!”
He couldn’t let you think he had acted that way out of anger alone. Yes, he had been angry but he had been scared. He couldn’t say you were his closest friend. That spot was taken by Carol. You were something else entirely. Something that he would never get the chance to explore or define, fear and awkwardness be damned, if something happened to you.
His feet were carrying him toward you at a brisk pace, your eyes wide at his approach but you didn’t move. You didn’t flinch or cower, even when he grabbed your shoulder and pulled in against his chest, wrapping both arms around you to hold you there.
“M’sorry.” He whispered into your hair. You weren’t hugging him back but that was most likely because your arms were pinned between the two of you. “Ain’t no reason for me to ever talk to ya like that. Ya ain’t stupid. You’re quick on your feet an’ it ain’t fair’a me to fault ya on that just cause m’too scared to lose ya.” He felt your sharp inhale while his face and neck flushed at the admission. “I—Christ, ain’t no good at this talkin’ an’ shit.” When your shoulders shook, he knew he’d made you cry again and took a step back, his hands sliding up to hold your shoulders. While that was true, the movement was from the laughter bubbling up from your chest instead of the tears falling down your cheeks. “The hell ya laughing at?”
“I like you too, Daryl.” Goddamnit, you had a pretty smile. He’d make a fool of himself ten times over if it meant you’d give him that smile just once.
“Ain’t a thing ‘bout likin’ ya.” He swallowed hard and looked away, the pink hue on his cheeks deepening. “Don’t know what it is, but, uh—well, maybe we can try to figure it out together?” He sounded like a lovesick teenager and was two seconds away from rolling his eyes so hard that they would relocate permanently to the back of his skull.
“I’d like that.” 
“Really?” He straightened, expression embarrassingly hopeful.
“Yeah. Yeah, I would.” 
“Right.” He cleared his throat and stepped back, not feeling like he’d entirely lost the right to call himself a man. “So, uh—Guess we should tell Rick that Olivia can get Spencer to help her. Maybe he’d stop oglin’ ya all the damn time if he’s cooped up in the pantry.” You reached for his hand and he let you take it. “Maybe I could talk her into lockin’ him in there for a while.” The walk back to the house wasn’t a long one and all too quickly, you were climbing the porch steps just in front of him.
“What’s wrong? Don’t want other guys checking out your girl?” 
Daryl almost missed the top step. “My girl?” He didn’t mean for it to come out quite so breathlessly. He was mostly definitely losing his man card that night. You were blinking at him, your smile slowly faltering.
“I—I misunderstood, didn’t I? Jesus, Daryl, I’m—”
“Nah.” He quickly derailed that train of thought. “Just liked hearin’ ya say it s’all.” 
“Are you—”
“Yup.” The smile was back and Daryl could breathe again. Somehow, standing there with you on the porch and him on the top step, just staring at one another was more comfortable than he could have ever imagined. 
“So,” you began, twisting your upper half back and forth, “you walked me home. Are you gonna say goodnight and kiss me now?”
Daryl’s face contorted in confusion, a dark brow arching. “I, uh—I live here too.”
“Does that really matter?” You asked, stepping a little closer. 
“Guess it don’t, really.” When you leaned forward, he didn’t stop you. Found that he didn’t want to. Even as new and undefined as whatever this was, this felt right and he’d be damned if he’d let a chance like that pass him by. 
Inside the house, Carol swirled the wine around in her glass, watching the kiss happen with a sigh of relief. “Finally.” Picking up her book, she took a sip and placed the glass down on the table before opening to the dog-eared page. “Now I don’t have to lock them in the pantry together tomorrow.”
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591 notes · View notes
ashtheketchum · 4 months
●Just one night●
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Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader
Era: Pre apocalypse
Summary: Merle and Daryl went to a bar to have a fun night. But then Merle found out that Daryl was still a virgin and he wanted to change that with a few "whores".
Warnings: +18 CONTENT, FEM.Reader, protected sex, against the wall, oral (f), Merle being Merle, mention of alcohol, mention of smoking, Insults, virgin Daryl, virgin Reader
Words: 3k
PoV Daryl:
I had actually wanted a free evening, but of course Merle put a stop to my plans again. We had worked together all week because of his illegal business and I had to help him with everything. Now I couldn't even enjoy my Friday evening. We sat together in a bar, I had a whiskey while he had a cocktail. With a big grin he drank from his glass before looking after some women who were laughing and chatting at a table. "Well, lil' bro… how's your sex life?" "I don't know why ya should care." I just said coldly.
Merle laughed amusedly before leaning a little closer to me. His breath smelled of alcohol and smoke, it reminded me of the old man, but I constantly ignored this feeling. "Ya´re still a virgin, aren´t ya?" I didn't mind being a virgin, but I still didn't want to tell Merle. So I drank quietly from my glass while looking around the bar. But this only made Merle laugh again before he drank his glass completely empty and stood up. "Don´ worry, lil´ bro… I´ll help ya…" And with these words he walked away from our table.
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes briefly before I looked after him. He slowly walked towards the table where all the women were sitting. I somehow had a really bad feeling about this and when Merle pointed at me, I felt even more uncomfortable. Swallowing hard, I watched as the women looked in my direction, each one looking different from the next. After a few seconds, one nodded slightly and they all stood up. Only then did I see that there were three women. They were wearing very short clothes, you could almost think they were prostitutes. "Heyyyy, are you Daryl?" One then asked. Swallowing hard, I watched the women as they sat down next to me and in front of me. A few stroked my arms or leaned so far forward that I could see their cleavage. "Uh… I guess so?" I just said uncertainly. Damn it, I'm going to kill Merle.
The woman sitting next to me gently stroked my thigh as she moved closer and closer to my ear. Her breath gave me a cold, unpleasant shiver and I immediately backed away. "You're brother told us that you want some fun?" Ok, that question was definitely the reason to kill someone. I took a deep breath before shaking my head. "Nah… 'm good…" I said briefly. The women giggled quietly for a moment before tapping me again. Even though it was stupid, I looked at them again, but this time with an annoyed expression. "It's okay to be a virgin… just… how old are you again?" The woman sitting opposite me asked me.
Strangely, I felt a pressure building up inside me and I bit the inside of my lower lip. A stupid habit of mine. "Why?" I asked. The women looked at each other briefly before pointing behind them to their table. My gaze went there and I saw a woman there, about my age. She was staring at her cell phone and sipping a drink. She wasn't wearing such provocative clothes as the other women and she didn't seem as excited either. "This is (Y/N). She's a virgin too." The woman sitting next to me then said.
My confused look then went to her before I shrugged my shoulders. "'kay? And now?" The woman next to me grinned broadly before she stood up and went to this (Y/N). When (Y/N) sensed the presence of the other woman, she put her cell phone down and looked up at the woman. The woman who had just been sitting next to me pointed at me and made some hand gestures. Within a second, her cheeks turned bright red and she looked grumpily at her drink. "She's shy…" The second woman whispered to me. Grumbling, I looked at her briefly before looking back at (Y/N) and the strange woman. Reluctantly, she let herself be pulled towards us and the strange woman pushed (Y/N) onto the seat next to me.
PoV (Y/N):
Annoyed, but also unsure, I now sat next to this Daryl, who also looked at me annoyed. However, he didn't seem to be annoyed by me, but rather by my friends. We wanted a relaxed evening and suddenly they were talking about sex and relationships, even though they knew full well that I had never experienced either of them. "Hey…" I said quietly. Daryl looked at me closely for a moment before nodding at me and taking a sip from his glass. My friends laughed before nudging me lightly. "Merle, his brother, told us that Daryl wants some fun… this is your chance!"
I just rolled my eyes in annoyance before looking uncertainly at Daryl. His gaze was stubbornly directed at the table and he made no attempt to raise it again. "Merle, how much do we get?" My other friend suddenly asked. Frightened, I looked at all three of them grinning at the other man. This Merle also just grinned before walking towards us and putting his arm around one of my friends. "Well… for me it depen´s on how good ya ladies are in bed." He joked, which only made my friends laugh. I, however, looked at him annoyed and disgusted. Then his gaze went to Daryl and me. "And ma brother will pay her $200." Daryl just looked pissed at his brother before he stood up and grabbed my wrist. He roughly pulled me out of the bar, behind us we could still hear Merle and my friends laughing and talking.
"Where are we going?" I asked him when we were outside. Daryl rummaged around in his jacket pocket before he gave me $200. I looked at him in shock before he walked away. "Jus´ tell them, wha´ ya wan´." That's all he said. I should have been relieved that he just gave me $200 and that I didn't had to sleep with him, but somehow I was angry. I didn't wanted to be paid for sex and I didn't wanted to be paid for nothing. "What the hell? I'm not a whore, like other people." I snapped at him loudly. He stopped immediately and looked back at me, his blue eyes practically looking into my soul. "Wha'? Ya wanna sleep with someone, go an´ ask someone! I don' need this shit." And with these words he went to a motorcycle.
I immediately ran in front of him before he could even get to the motorcycle. My eyes stared stubbornly into his, but his eyes seemed much more intense. My knees went weak and my stomach tingled. "Wha'?" "Can you… at least bring me home…?" I asked quietly. Uncertainly, I pressed the $200 back into his hand, my gaze falling to the ground. Daryl looked at the $200 briefly before snorting loudly and nodding. Relieved, I watched him get on his motorcycle and then look at me impatiently. "Common." I stood quietly next to the motorcycle before climbing on carefully and slowly. Trembling, I held onto his shoulders until I was sitting behind him. Swallowing hard, I looked around briefly. "Don't you have a helmet?" "Nah, don' need tha' shit." And with these words he started the engine and drove off.
Startled, I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and pressed my body against his back. Only now did I notice how broad his upper body was and that his hips were a bit narrower. But I couldn't really concentrate on it, I had my eyes tightly shut the whole time and my whole body was tense. Sometimes Daryl asked me where we had to go and I would lead him to my house with only quiet words. Daryl then stopped in front of my house, but I hadn't noticed that we were already there. With my eyes closed, I just waited for him to drive off again at some point. "Hey… we're here." I then heard him say.
I opened my eyes slowly before looking around. We were standing in front of my house, it was quiet, only the motorcycle engine was still running. I nodded slightly, nervous. "T-thanks… uhm…" Daryl just remained silent before he got off and looked at me impatiently. His blue eyes made me nervous, they made me tremble more and more. So when I wanted to get off the motorcycle, my foot got caught and I felt myself falling to the ground. But before I even touched the ground, I hit Daryl's chest. He had stood in front of me and wrapped his arms around me so that I didn't fall any further. With bright red cheeks I looked up at him, my heart was beating much faster and I couldn't breathe.
Daryl looked down at me, his blue eyes sparkled briefly and I felt his rapid heartbeat against mine. Our hearts were beating in sync, or at least it felt that way. "S-sorry…" After many seconds that felt like hours, I finally managed to say this. Daryl just grumbled quietly, but his grip didn't loosen. He just lifted me slightly so that I was now standing normally on the floor. In front of him. So close. I gently placed my hands on his chest, but I didn't push him away. My eyes looked deep into his and I could have sworn that his eyes became darker and more intense. "You wanna come inside…?"
How the hell could this happen? I wanted to have a nice evening with my friends and suddenly I was standing against my wall, in my bedroom. My pants were off and my panties pushed to the side, with a stranger from a bar between my legs. With one hand he held my panties away and with the other hand he held my leg, which he had put on his shoulder. Breathing heavily, I had buried my fingers in his short hair to push him closer to my throbbing cunt. "Fuck Daryl~…!" I managed to say, breathing heavily, while his nimble tongue quickly flicked over my clit and then sucked greedily on it. His eyes were always focused on my face, which kept twisting with desire. Sometimes I tried to maintain eye contact, but it was very difficult, my eyes kept rolling slightly backwards.
"Ya like tha'?" He purred softly against my pussy. Whimpering, I nodded quickly, his lips were now sucking greedily on my clit again. My breathing was getting faster and a certain pressure was building up in my abdomen. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum…~!" My words only made him suck harder on my clit before he pulled away and bit my inner thigh. Whimpering, I looked down at him as he sucked on my skin until a dark bite mark was visible on my skin. Then he went back to my pussy and let his tongue flick over my clit again. He did this until a huge wave of excitement overcame me and I moaned his name loudly. Besides my rapid breathing, I heard Daryl swallowing and moaning quietly, his vibrating tongue pressed against my clit, which made me tremble. "Fuck~…"
Daryl pulled away from me again, his lips and chin were slightly shiny, they were full of my juice. I was somehow embarrassed, but when he licked his lips clean and wiped the rest from his chin with the back of his hand, my heart started beating faster again. Without another word, he stood up again and pressed me harder against the wall so that my body pressed against his. "Ya got condoms?" He then asked in a rough and deep voice. The tone of his voice gave me goosebumps before I nodded slightly and kissed his lips gently before I pushed myself away from him to go to my closet. From there I pulled out a pack of condoms. "I wonder if they fit?" I teased him, with a slight grin. Behind me I just heard him snort in amusement before I heard his belt. It made me sad that he didn't take off all his clothes like I wanted, but I didn't want to pressure him either.
"'m sure they will." He growled quietly behind me. Humoring, I walked towards him with a condom in my hand. At first I thought we were going to bed, but Daryl had other plans. He grabbed my waist and pushed me back against the wall, his cock pressed against my inner thigh. He ripped the condom out of my hand, grabbed one of my legs and lifted it so that it was wrapped around his hip. He ripped open the package with his teeth before pulling the condom out and putting it on himself. Then he positioned himself in front of my entrance. I wondered how he knew so much about this. "Ya ready…?" Again his voice gave me a pleasant shiver before I nodded and held on to his shoulders. He slowly pushed his cock into my pussy and a loud moan escaped both of us. Daryl laid his head on my shoulder while I clung tightly to his shoulders and laid my head back. It was painful, but at the same time, desire was building up inside me and I was breathing faster and faster. "Fuck, you're so tight…" He growled softly in my ear.
While I got used to this new feeling of fullness, Daryl took off my shirt and covered my skin with kisses. He waited until I gave him a sign that he could move, and I did, after a few minutes. "Please, Daryl…~" These words seemed to be enough for him, because he pulled his hips back slightly before pressing them firmly against mine again. At first he moved slowly inside me so that we could both get used to this friction, this feeling. His shaft rubbed my inner walls while my inner walls rubbed his shaft and sucked greedily on him. Daryl had his face pressed against my shoulder the whole time, his hot breath made me arch my back. "You can move faster…" I whispered softly in his ear.
A quiet grumble escaped him briefly before he lifted my leg a little higher and then thrust into me faster. Luckily his other hand held my waist tightly, otherwise I would probably have collapsed in front of him. I closed my eyes and groaned so that I could feel this feeling better, and a pornographic moan escaped me. Who would have thought that sex could feel so good? And then also for the first time. Daryl's voice also got a little louder, he growled loudly against my skin, sometimes he moaned quietly. "So tigh´~…" His voice made me arch my back further. The movements became faster, our skin slapped together faster, our breathing became faster and my voice became louder.
His tip was constantly pounding against a magical spot that made me see stars. Even though my eyes were closed, they somehow rolled back into my skull, my fingers dug into his shoulders, which were still covered by his shirt. Even though it had bothered me so much just a few seconds ago, I didn't care at all at that moment. I just wanted him on me, inside me. "Daryl~! So good~…!" He only responded to my loud whimpering with another loud growl before moving even faster. Somehow he managed to move his pelvis against mine so that his shaft rubbed deliciously against my clit. A tight knot formed in my abdomen, which made me howl over and over again. "I'm gonna cum~…!"
Daryl moved his pelvis even faster now, if that was even possible. But Daryl was making everything possible at the moment. My voice got louder and louder, I couldn't get any words out and if I did, I shouted them very quickly. "Fuck, yes~! Yes, yes, yes~!" I put my hands on his neck and pressed my lips against his. For a moment I felt Daryl slow down, but he immediately moved at his own pace again while he returned my kiss. His growl against my lips made my inner walls pulsate more strongly around his cock and his cock twitched violently again and again.
"'m gonna cum too~…" He then growled softly against my lips. Daryl had closed his eyes and now leaned his forehead against mine. His lips were slightly open and a loud growl or a quiet whimper escaped him every now and then. "Fuck~! Daryl~!" "Fuckin' god~!" We both moaned at the same time before we came. My head spun and my vision went black for a moment before I hugged him tightly and held onto him, trembling. Daryl had pressed me tightly against his chest while he slowly lowered my leg. He stayed inside me for a while before he slowly pulled out and kissed me gently.
I hadn't expected this gentle kiss, but I returned it briefly before burying my face in his shoulder. "That was good…" Daryl only grumbled once quietly before he picked me up and slowly carried me to my bed. When he laid me down, he took off the condom and went to a trash can, into which he threw the condom. "Are you gonna sleep here?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't really want him to leave, but he had every right to. It was just a one-night stand after all. "Ya wan´ me ta go?" His voice was deep and much rougher. Although I was still sensitive from my previous orgasm, I pressed my legs together.
After just a few seconds I shook my head and looked at him pleadingly. "You can sleep with me…" It sounded more like a request than an offer, but Daryl agreed. He nodded briefly before lying down next to me and staring at the blanket. Swallowing hard, I looked at him before carefully laying my blanket on top of him and then turning away from him. "This was just… a one-night stand… right?" I wanted to hear from him what it was like for him. I hoped we would do it more often, but I would be fine if he never wanted to do it again. "… I dunno… I guess not?" He sounded very unsure, but the fact that he didn't see me as a one-night stand made my heart flutter briefly.
Before I could say anything else, I fell asleep, my eyelids were heavy and my whole body was tingling pleasantly. I could just faintly feel Daryl taking my hand in his and gently kissing my fingertips.
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holdmytesseract · 24 days
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moodboard by the wonderful @chennqingg <3
One Last Chance [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: Can you give Daryl one last chance and let him back into your life? After all, he never left our heart...
Warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol, swear words, angst? fluff-ish ending
Pre-Apocalypse Era!
Word Count: 2k
a/n: I dunno why, but I truly love this story. It's a very important part of the EoH universe. I hope you enjoy it, too! ☺️
EoH Masterlist °☆• Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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And I was there standing outside your door
Waiting for you to show me how to stay
~ 'Ready to Fight' by Roby Fayer & Tom Gefen
"Go home, Dixon," spoke the bartender with dreadlocks, tattooed arms and lip piercings, while she was polishing one of the glasses. Daryl sat on the other side of the bar; fifth glass of Whiskey in hands. "You've had enough, don't ya think?"
The younger Dixon brother shook his head and snuffled. "Nah. Ain't enough. Still gotta numb the pain." Chrissie - the bartender - snorted out an almost sarcastic laugh, before shaking her head as well. "Alcohol won't solve yer problem. Whatever it is."
Now Daryl was the one laughing sarcastically. "Yeah? Well, I learned it from ma old man. Didn't fail ta help him." Chrissie rolled her eyes. "You're not yer father, ya know? Try to be better than him."
Daryl answered nothing for a moment; let her words sink in. The noises around him were so loud... Clinking glasses, loud voices and 'Every Breath You Take' by 'The Police' blaring from the old jukebox in the corner - and yet all he could hear were his own thoughts and Chrissie's words.
He took another sip; swallowing hard. "'S about a girl."
The hint of a smile could be seen on the bartender's face. "Thought so." Her words caused Daryl to frown. "Why?" She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "'Cause it mostly is. Yer not the first man sittin' here with lovesickness and a broken heart."
Once again, Daryl said nothing and just stared at his glass of Whiskey.
"What am I gonna do?"
Chrissie shrugged her shoulders. "Look, I dunno what the problem is, but I can tell ya this..." She threw the rug over her shoulder, leaned in closer to Daryl, "Go talk to 'er. 'S better than drowning yerself in alcohol." and took his almost empty glass away. The redneck shook his head. "Ain't workin'. Already tried. She ain't believin' me." Once more shrugged Chrissie her shoulders. "Then give her a reason to believe ya."
Those words struck Daryl to the core. Give her a reason to believe ya.
He lifted his gaze to meet the bartender's. "Fuckin' hell, yer right..." Chrissie winked at him. "I know. 'M usually right." Daryl stood up from the bar stool, "'S what 'm goin' to do." threw some money on the bar and immediately turned his back to leave for the door. Chrissie smiled; eyes following his figure vanishing in the crowd.
The redneck quickly made his way home. Well, as quick as possible with being definitely tipsy.
He staggered down the few steps, which led to his and his brother Merle's old, shabby basement apartment - if you could even call it an apartment. It was one room with an even tinier room attached, which served as a bathroom.
Daryl closed the door quietly behind him, but almost stumbled over a sleeping Merle, his empty beer bottles and stacks of Playboy and motorbike magazines with hot chicks on the covers. Merle grumbled and grunted in his sleep, but luckily didn't wake up. Daryl hadn't the nerve to argue with him now.
Reaching his little corner of the room, he rummaged through a pile of magazines, bills and other paperwork, until he found what he was looking for. With a victorious smile, he took the slightly crinkled envelope and made his way to the main door again. Why didn't he think of this right away? The possible solution to the situation he was in and the cure to his heartache was right in front of his eyes for days - maybe even weeks! He just had to grab it. And that's what he did now.
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Fifteen minutes later, he sat in a train; heading for Toccoa - your hometown. It took Daryl less than an hour to get to your parental home. He swallowed hard as he set foot on the porch; not exactly great memories flooding his mind.
Running his hand over his face, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell; praying that you'd open the door and not your mom. Or, if Daryl was very unlucky and your dad would open the door, he was pretty much fucked.
Nervously chewing on his thumbnail, he heard footsteps approaching the door, before it swung open.
Life truly hated him.
Fuck, the redneck thought; fighting the urge to close his eyes.
As soon as your father's eyes met his, the older man's expression hardened. "What are you doing here?" The grey haired man spoke in a harsh voice; crossing his arms over his chest. "I told ya that I never wanted to see your fucked up ass on my yard again - and yet here you are..."
Well, let's put it that way... Your father didn't exactly like Daryl. Neither did your mother. They were convinced that he was nothing but a lost cause. A loser. An alcoholic - like his father. A junkie - and certainly very bad company.
In your mom's opinion he was too old for you and your dad said that he'd rather see you die as a single woman than being together with a man like Daryl.
The chestnut brown haired man clenched his jaw; tried to keep himself together.
"I wanna talk to Y/N. She here?" "Yeah, she is - but I won't let ya talk to her. Never again. Now get lost, before I do something I might regret."
Daryl snorted out his breath. "I ain't lettin' ya forbid me to talk to 'er. She's a grown woman. Ain't a lil' girl anymore. You can't tell her what to do!" Now your dad was laughing out loud, "What do you want to do, huh? Break into the house? Strike me down? Or even kill me right away?" before he gestured around. "Please... Do so. The cops are here faster than you can run - or wait... Are you even able to run? I'm sure you've taken a ship loads of drugs since I lastly saw your sorry ass."
Anger started to boil in the redneck's veins - and he had a really hard time controlling it. But, he also knew, that he could not fuck this up now. He was here to fix things... Not to break them even more.
"You ain't know shit 'bout me or what I do. None of yer business anyways." Your father took a threatening step closer to Daryl. "Oh, I know enough, Dixon. And since you try to get your dirty hands on my daughter, it is my business what you do," the older man snarled; raising his voice.
Daryl also took a threatening step closer; causing the both men to stand mere inches away from each other. The tension was literally cuttable with a knife - but not in the good kind of way...
"Oh yeah?! Well, lemme tell ya this then. I-"
Daryl got cut off by a voice which didn't belong to the man standing opposite him. It was your voice.
"Hey! What the hell is going on here?!" You literally stormed through the door, seeing your (boy)friend and father almost being at each other's throat. "Well, I'm tryin' to tell your junkie ex-lover to move his ass from our property." "I ain't a junkie, you-" "I am a what, huh?! C'mon, say what ya have to say!" Your father immediately cut off Daryl. In return he planted himself straight in front of your dad threateningly; chest puffing.
That was the moment you knew you had to intervene, before something bad would most likely happen. "Stop! Both of you! That's enough!" You yelled and got in between them; pushing Daryl a few steps back - and he let you. Unbeknownst to you, took your sudden touch almost his breath away.
"For fucks sake, we are all adults here! Can we please behave like such, please?!"
Daryl immediately threw you a sorrowful look; while your dad still held his distrustful gaze. You looked both men dead in the eye, "Thanks." before you directed your attention fully on Daryl. "Why are you here, Daryl?"
The redneck swallowed hard. "'M here ta talk. Please." You took a deep breath, but nodded; "Alright." then turned to face your father. "Just a few minutes, okay?" He eyed you critically. "Please, dad?" You added; hoping to get through to him.
Silent second after silent second ticked by until he finally nodded. "Alright. But if he's not gone in ten minutes, 'm calling the cops. Are we clear?" Now you were the one nodding and agreeing to your dad's 'terms'.
With a last threatening look thrown at Daryl, the older man returned inside the house.
Once more, you met the beautiful blue-greyish eyes of the man who had undoubtedly captured your heart. For quite a few moments the both of you just stared at each other, until you cleared your throat. "What do ya want to talk about?" Daryl swallowed hard again; Adam's apple bobbing. "I miss ya..." The man whispered; causing you to immediately inhale deeply. "Daryl..." "No, please... Hear me out." You shook your head; crossing your arms over your chest. "We've had this conversation about a trillion times already..." "I-I know, but..." Daryl stepped closer to you. "Please. This time, 's different." "You say that every time, Daryl. And every time I gave you another chance and every time you fuck it up again," you paused for a moment; already trying to suppress the tears, before you continued. "Look, I really want to choose you, but... You're makin' it difficult."
The chestnut brown haired man squeezed his eyes shut for a moment; feeling the chilly evening breeze brush his bare arms and slip through the holes in his jeans. Chewing on his bottom lip, he nodded. "I know. Shit, I sure know I did. And I also know that I don deserve another chance. Problem is, that I fuckin' love ya, Y/N. 'M life's shit - but it's worse without ya, so please... One more chance. 'M beggin' you."
By now you were really fighting the tears. Still did his words cut deeper than a knife - because you felt the same. "I-I miss you too and you know that I love you more than I can say, but... I don't know how long I can play this game... I don't know if I can trust you over and over again, only for you to break it."
Daryl started to shake his head and took another step closer. "Nah, ain't fuckin' it up this time." He handed you the envelope, which was stowed away in his back pocket. You took it with a frown, "Open it." but did what Daryl told you.
Unfolding the piece of paper, your eyes widened. You certainly didn't expect that. "You... You've got an invitation for a job interview?" He nodded; hope sparkling in his eyes. "I-I- Wow... Didn't expect that, but... It's great for you." The redneck shrugged his shoulders half-heartedly; "Tried ma best, I suppose." giving you the hint of a smile.
"Whatcha sayin', sunshine? One last chance?" You took another deep breath; trying to thoroughly think this through. "I ain't goin' to fuck it up... Please."
What your heart wanted was clear. There was no mistaking, but... Was it the right thing to do?
You closed your eyes for a moment; knowing already that your wit had lost the game. Your heart was stronger. "Alright," you started and reached out your hand to subtly take his in yours. Daryl shuddered at your touch; goosebumps forming on his skin. "One last chance, Mr. Dixon."
Utter relief flooded the man's face - you could tell. He smiled that sweet, crocked smile you loved so much. "Thank ya. I won't disappoint ya. I promise." You lifted your free hand and cupped his cheek; feeling his stubble on your skin. "This was never about disappointment, Daryl..."
Daryl leaned into your touch and moved even closer; his intention clear - but you pulled back. "Not now. Not here. If my dad sees..." You swallowed hard. "We should keep that - us a secret for a while. I dunno what happens if we don't do that..." The redneck took a step back; nodding and lowering his head. "Yeah... Yer right."
You gave his hand a squeeze. "You should go now... Not that my dad really calls the cops. I wouldn't want that."
Daryl knew you were right, so he dropped your hand and walked down the steps leading to your porch. "I'll see ya?" He asked you; voice filled with hope. You smiled; nodding. "Yeah."
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Tags: @angelwings-crossbowstrings @belitoxx @lou12346789 @fictive-sl0th @marvelcasey05 @loz-3 @mischief-dream @whore4romance @bigbaldheadname @stitchintimefan @making-the-most-0f-it @erebus-et-eigengrau @km-ffluv @0-aubrie0 @mikaela-granger @sweetz1919 @secretsicanthideanymore @dilfdixon @txtttttttttttttt @stiveroon @cakesandtom @dixons-sunshine @mayday2007
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pretty-red-garnet · 1 year
Sparkly Blues
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader • Pre-apocalypse/Prison • Fluff/Angst
I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I kept going back and forth about it and deleting parts and then rewriting and blah blah blah. But it took way too long to write, so I’m posting it anyway lol. I hope someone enjoys it. Also! I’m taking requests! So give me some for our love Daryl. <3
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You had met Daryl by bartending. You were new to the town and it was the only shit job you could manage to get. You were staying in the small Georgia town to take care of a sick family member, and all the money you could get was needed. Even if the job sucked.
It was the hot spot for the local bikers. The patrons you were forced to deal with were all seedy, loud, and rude. You had to stop a bar fight at least twice a night, and got groped and flirted with at least a thousand times. You had only been there a few weeks and you were about to quit. If you thought your sick aunt could make it back to your home town, you would've packed her up in a second.
But then Daryl showed up, in toe with his rowdy older brother. They sat at the bar, and one flash of his sparkly blue eyes and you were hooked. Your heart did one hard thump and your knees just nearly buckled. Damn he was cute.
"Hey, give us two pints!" His brother demanded, his eyes also blue but lacking the sparkle the younger man had. Lacking what made his eyes so pretty. His were empty and had blown pupils. His demand broke your daze, and you rushed to give them their beers. You smiled lightly at Daryl, who just avoided your eyes. You could just barely see in the dim lighting his face was a little pink.
At closing, you questioned your coworker about the brothers, mostly to learn more about the cute quiet one. She paused her wiping a table to look at you with confused eyes.
"Merle and Daryl? They've been coming for years, they go on hunting trips a lot though. That's why you haven't met them," she explains.
"Sooo... who's the quiet one?" She gives you a questioning look with a brow raised.
"You mean Daryl? Daryl Dixon?" She had asked.
"Is Daryl the really cute one with pretty blue eyes?" She laughed and rolled her eyes. "What? I'm serious!"
"Y/N, he's a Dixon," she said, like that was all the explanation you needed. You raised your brows at her to keep talking, she rolls her eyes. "They're no good. Believe me."
"He seemed plenty nice to me..." you say with a shrug. "Quiet, shy, he even thanked me! I mean I think it's the first 'thank you' I've gotten since I got hired."
"Daryl isn't bad I guess. He doesn't really talk to anyone." You nod and when she stops talking, you nudge her. "Y/N believe me, maybe he was ok today, but he's gotten in his fair share of fight. He doesn't say much, but when he does, it's usually yelling. And he's Merle's brother, who you should really stay away from."
"Damn," you mumble with a sigh. "He's really cute though." She laughed and slapped your shoulder.
"This isn't the place to find boyfriend material." She sighed dramatically and fumbled with something behind the bar. You looked at her with a puzzled expression. "But it is the place to drink!" She slams a hefty bottle on the bar and you laugh.
     When the weekend rolls around the Dixons come again. You try to snap yourself out of your daze and do your work, but it's a little hard with the handsome stranger sitting there and your coworker snickering whenever you so much as glanced at him. When closing time came around, you grabbed the wet towel you were cleaning with and snapped her behind with it.
     "Can you blame me?! Have you seen his eyes?!" You snapped at her with a red face, but she only laughed even harder.
     This little routine continued for another two weeks. Stealing little glances at the man and your friend laughing and poking at you until you were red as a firetruck.
    One night though, during a busy Friday night, your friend called out. You were all alone managing both the bar and waitressing as she did. You scurried to the bar from the backroom as you heard a loud ruckus and yelling. And to no one's surprise, it was another bar fight.
     This time it was the Dixon brothers against another two biker assholes. Merle against one and Daryl the other. You yelled and shouted at them to stop, but no one was letting up. Daryl was almost underneath the biker he was fighting, and so against your better judgment, you stepped in.
     "Alright, alright! Enough!" You shouted and tried grabbing his arm that was just about to wail on Daryl. He looked back just a split second before breaking his arm from your grasp and slamming it back into your face. You immediately stumbled back and onto the floor clutching your head, where he got you with a big metal ring right in the temple.
     Finally, an older, more respected biker stepped in. He broke up the fight and shoved the two bikers— who you assumed must've started the fight— out the door.
     You reached up a hand and slightly panicked when you pulled your fingers away and saw blood. Your vision was a little blurry and you looked up blearily to who crouched in front of you, only to see the prettiest eyes imaginable.
     "You alright?" Daryl asked. You nodded in a daze, but his brows furrowed in concern still.
     "Y-yeah. I'm ok." He nodded and reached his hands out to help you up. Even in your state, you can see his knuckles are bloodied and busted.
     He helped you to sit on a bar stool before walking off, and you took a quick glance around. It was just about closing time now, so most were gone. All that remained was the older biker that broke up the fight, a few stragglers, and Merle bragging that he won the brawl.
     "Everybody out! Come on," Daryl calls out. The stragglers filter out the doors pretty quick, still probably buzzing from the excitement of the fight.
     Daryl retuned to you with a little first aid kid. He grabbed a clean wet towel and wiped at the blood on your face. If you weren't still seeing stars, you'd probably be having a conniption right now.
"You gonna fix up the girl, baby brother?" Merle asks with a sickening grin. Daryl just hummed a yes. "Don't come home without getting some tail first!"
"Shut up, man!" Daryl yelled, turning to him. He turned back once he was out the door and his checks were a little flushed.
     "You need a hospital?" He asked a moment later, recovered from Merle's obnoxious comment. His tongue was peaking out of his lip in concentration as he puts a little bandage to your cut. Oh boy.
     "No, no," you stammer out. Now that you were beginning to recover from your state, you realize you were completely alone with him, and he was helping you. Being all gentle while he wipes your face softly, close to his face, staring into his eyes... this is heaven. "I'm ok. Thanks."
     He nods, biting the inside of his lip. He closes the first aid kit and stashed it where it belongs behind the bar.
     "'M sorry you got hurt," he mutters. You just give him a small smile.
     "It's ok. I know you didn't start the fight." He shuffled back over to you and hovers awkwardly. "And you cleaned me up. Thank you."
     "My fault anyway," he says with a shrug. He still didn't meet your eyes.
"Well," you start, but hesitate. Daryl looks at you and waits patiently for you to continue. "I know a way you can repay me. If you really want."
"What's that?" He asks.
"Drive me home?"
From that day forward you and Daryl were somewhat inseparable. He always came to the bar if you knew you were working, sometimes even without Merle which you appreciated. He gave you the creeps, even though Daryl had assured you he wouldn't do anything to you. He also might've threatened to knock him out for you if he ever stepped out of line.
Despite your coworkers concerns, Daryl was pretty perfect— even if a little rough around the edges at times. He was sweet, and while Merle and most of the other bikers looked at you as if you were meat, Daryl always looked at you so genuinely. So sweetly.
He even drove you home most nights now ever since that first night you both really talked. He learned your car broke down, and between your aunt's medical bills and your job's shitty pay, you couldn't get it fixed. Daryl had tried to fix it, but the part you needed was way too pricey. He didn't like that you walked home at almost three in the morning, so he drove you after every shift. Even if he didn't hang out at the bar that night.
You were pretty positive Daryl was the greatest guy you had ever met. So kind, and attentive, and always doing his best to help you with whatever you needed. Helpful without expecting something in return.
     When your aunt eventually died, a few months after being close with Daryl, he was the first one you called. You were in hysterics, and he sped over to the hospital as fast as he could just to hug and hold you.
     He stayed with you for days, made your meals, even hunted so you would have fresh meat for him to cook you. But mostly, he stayed by your side like wet on water.
     Daryl wasn't the best with comforting people, or really with emotions at all, but he tried. And you always appreciated it. Even if he didn't know what to say, and he'd just hold you tight and let you cry. Or played with your hair when you couldn't sleep. Daryl was better with actions than with words, and you didn't mind a bit.
     It was during this time that you knew you didn't just care about him as a good friend, or even as a crush, but was in love with him. You loved how caring and loyal he was, how you were completely comfortable with him and knew you could always rely on him.
     "Daryl, I need to tell you something," you murmured, you voice cloudy with tears still. It was only a week after your aunts passing and while you were getting better, you had a really rough day. Memories flashing through your mind and making it nearly impossible to get through your day without breaking down.
     "Hm," Daryl hummed. You felt the vibrations in your chest, as he held you close to him and stroked your hair.
     "I love you," you said, nuzzling your face in his neck, too scared to see his face. To see that he didn't feel for you that way. Or try to push you away. You couldn't look at him.
     Hesitantly, he gently pulled your face away from his neck to look at you. Your eyes were still red and rimmed with tears, which he brushed away with a thumb. You were scared to see rejection, but when you worked up the nerve to look at his face, you saw anything but.
     You saw pure love.
     "Daryl," you called.
     "What?" He said from the other room, shortly before entering the living room where you stood. He was shirtless, wearing only jeans. His hair was still damp from his shower and you took a second to take in the sight before voicing your concerns.
     "I don't think you should go on that hunting trip." You looked back to the news, who was reporting about strange serial killings around the country, now hitting Atlanta. They were eating the bodies.
     He walked up to stand by you. You looked at him in worry. He smiled and brushed a hand down your face gently.
     "That's Atlanta. If anything, me and Merle will be safer from those freaks in the woods," he says and presses his lips to yours to smooth away your worry. "You should come, too."
     "I can't." You level him with a serious look. "My coworker is sick with some flu, I'll be taking care of the bar all by myself."
     Daryl pushes his face into your neck and lays down kisses on your neck, moving down to your shoulders, then chest. You adore the scratchy feeling of his stubble on your delicate skin.
     "Come on," he complains into your chest, and you giggle a little at his whining. "They can close the bar for one goddamn weekend."
     "The money doesn't hurt either, Mr. Dixon," you tease. He pulls away to look you in the eye, hands on your hips and that same soft and genuine look on his face that you fell in love with to begin with. And those eyes. Despite all the years you've been with the man, his sparkly blues were still the prettiest thing you've ever seen.
     "Fine," he obliges, but he still with a little frown. You wipe it away with a firm peck and a caress to his cheek. His eyes close momentarily, soaking in the feeling, before opening them again. He gazes at you with half lidded eyes, so lovingly and tenderly. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Dixon."
     That morning was the last time you'd seen your husband. The flesh eating 'serial killers'—which you now are reanimated corpses— made their way to your small town while he was gone. You tried to stay as long as you could, but soon a herd trying to make their way into your house and you couldn't stay.
     You tried to get to where the Dixons were camping, but was too late. They were already gone for god knows how long. And so you moved around, trying to find him. You had no clue where to look, you weren't a tracker like Daryl, but you tried.
     You moved through the woods and stayed at cabins you found, or made a little camp with cans on wire surrounding it so you can hear anything coming. Daryl had taught you that, when you stayed at a campground with him once where there were larger animals roaming around.
     You missed him.
     You missed how he could always ease your worries and calm you down. His gentle touches and soft kisses. How soft he was with you. The way he always looked at you with love and care. You missed all of him.
     You're ashamed to think that maybe you'll never find him. Or maybe he only lives in your memories now. Maybe the last time you saw him was truly the last time.
     You could still see his eyes in your mind whenever you tried to sleep. You stayed awake most of the time now.
     You move around an abandoned gas station. It was your little camp for the moment. It had four walls and the doors held well enough, for now anyway. It's been almost a year of this now. Of moving around trying to find Daryl, with not even a clue. You needed to hunker down for at least a week, you're growing too weak and exhausted.
     The gas station was littered with dirt and grime, along with some candy and other snacks that weren't scavenged. Some water bottles were still in the coolers, but barren shelves took up most of the space.
     You're moving some of the shelving to the door, hoping that blocking it would keep the monsters out. If they didn't hear or see you, maybe they'll just wander by.
     You set up a blanket in the corner and throw your pack down before laying your head on it. You take a deep breath and try to fight the tears. You can't do this anymore. You can't just survive anymore. Is there even a point? Tears burn at your eyes and you close them shut.
     You must fall asleep at some point, because when your eyes fly open to voices, it's bright out.
     "There's something blocking the door," a woman says, trying in vain to push the doors open. You grab your gun quickly and rush to hide behind some shelving.
     "Hang on, let me try," a man says, before you hear more loud screeching from the metal shelves scraping on the floor. You point your gun in front of you, really hoping you don't have to use it.
     You hear footsteps, and see light streaming in now that the shelves weren't blocking the sun. Your hands shake a little on the gun.
     "Seems clear," the man says. You hold your breath. Maybe they'll just leave. You peak ever so slightly over the shelve to see the two. Ones a Asian guy, and the other is a pretty brunette girl.
     "Glenn," she says, and points over to your blanket and pack. "Someone was here."
     You slink back down, slowly and carefully. You can hear as the two begin to walk cautiously around the tiny store. The guy—Glenn— begins to walk around the shelf you're hiding behind, so you try to move to block yourself from his sight. But you didn't see the empty can by your foot, and kick it, causing it to roll out in the open. Shit.
     "Whoever's back there, come out!" Glenn calls out. "We won't hurt you, just come out slow."
     You weight your options in your head, but decide to walk out. They looked put together and well kept, maybe they had some sort of camp? A stable enough place that they wouldn't kill you for a can a beans and a half empty bottle of water?
     "Put the gun down," the girl says, flanking you from behind while the man is in front. You oblige, and the gun drops to the floor with a metallic thump. Your heart beats a million miles a second.
     "You have a camp?" Glenn asks.
     "This is my camp," you answer. Your hands were raised slightly in front of you, not wanting to startle them in any way and end up with a bullet between your eyes.
     "What about a group? Are you with anyone?" He asks. He eyes your warily, but they seemed kind. The girl walked out in front of you, her gun in hand but not held up. They didn't seem malicious. Maybe this could work out?
"No, just me," you answer. He and the woman give you a long look.
     "We have a camp, answer our questions and we can take you back," the girl says, holstering her weapon. Glenn lowers his but keeps it in his hand. "My names Maggie, and that's Glenn." You nod, and your eyes dance from one to the other. They didn't seem bad, but you can't be too careful nowadays.
     "How many walkers have you killed?" Glenn asks.
     "I don't know," you say with a shrug. "I've been moving around a lot, so a bunch I guess."
     "How many people?" You gulp at his question.
     "I shot a guy trying to rob me, not sure if I killed him." The man nods, and you wonder what's going to happen to you. They have a camp, but is it safe? Even if it is, would you go? Daryl could still be out there...
     "Our camp is a prison not far, you can come back with us," Maggie says, a kind smile gracing her pretty face. "What's your name?"
     "Y/N, Y/N Dixon." The couples eyes fly open, their jaws drop slightly. "What?"
     "You wouldn't happen to know a Daryl Dixon, would you?" She asks, and your heart just about burst right out of your chest.
"Yeah, he's my husband," you say, excitedly. Your heart is thumping almost painfully against your ribs. "You know him?"
"Daryl's married?!" Glenn shouts out. Maggie thumps him once on the shoulder and gives him a stern look. "What?"
The whole trip to the prison you thought you were dreaming. Maybe this isn't happening. I'm asleep still. Daryl is gone.... You still tried to hold onto hope, your chest tight and fingers anxiously drumming against your leg.
Maggie and Glenn were sweet, both with matching grins at the idea of yours and Daryl's reunion. They asked questions along the way, how you'd met him and how long you were married. You answered them all happily, almost to the point of tears.
When the car drove up to the prison fences, you looked around in awe. There were animals and crop gardens, kids running around the fields. It was something you never thought you'd see again.
A man opened the fence for you three, and a grey haired woman followed after seeing you step out of the car. The man had a beard and cowboy boots on, and he smiled warmly when he saw you. The woman had a look just as kind.
"Rick, Carol, you'll never guess who this is," Maggie says, a huge smile plastered on her face as she jumped out of the car. They both give you a second glance and look at her a little confused, and the man— Rick— nodded for her to continue. "Daryl's wife."
"Oh!" Carol gasped, a big smile on her face. "So nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"
"Only good things I hope," you say. You're still buzzing, and your eyes fly across the field in hope of catching a glance of your husband. Your heart flutters, your knees feel weak, and you still feel this may be a dream. A figment of your imagination.
And then you see him.
Your eyes widen, and with one last glance at your four new friends, you book it towards him. Your feet barely touch the grass as you bolt towards your husband.
"Daryl!" He turns sharply at the sound of your voice. He's half bent over his bike, hands full of grease and grime, and still he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. He stops in his tracks for just a second before running to meet you in the middle.
You jump into his arms, his grease caked hands rubbing all over you but you couldn't care less. His fingers tremble where they lay on your back. Your face is shoved into his neck and you relish in the feeling of him.
"I thought I lost you I—" he says, cutting himself off, like he couldn't even think of it. "I looked for you everywhere."
"Me too," you say, voice laced with tears. This has to be a dream, it has to be. Your burrow your face even deeper into him and tighten your hold. "I don't want this to be a dream."
     "Shh, it's not," he murmurs lovingly in your ear. "I promise, I'm right here."
     Tears flow down your face even faster. Negative thoughts still plague your brain. Daryl brushes his hands down your back, up to caress your shoulders, before moving back down to clutch at your hips. His touches become more desperate and clingy. You think he's never going to let you go, you never want him to.
     Finally, you muster up the courage to look at him. You slowly peel your face away from his neck. Daryl presses a kiss to your forehead, resting a hand on your cheek softly. You look at him with matching tear stained faces, smiling. Gently, you push his grown out fringe away from his face.
     He's smiling, probably the happiest you've ever seen him, even with tear tracks down his pretty face. And when you finally lock eyes with those sparkly blues you've only seen in your dreams for so long, you know he's really there.
415 notes · View notes
zirconika · 2 months
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nine lives of a thief
ONE | living in high cotton
This chapter is part of a series entitled 'Nine Lives of a Thief,’ but you may choose to read each part as a oneshot. Click the link to view the series masterlist!
PAIRING: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader WORDS: 4.1k SUMMARY: Years after your first love broke your heart, you’re stunned to see him among the newly welcomed group of survivors in Alexandria, and his return might just be the cure to your heart that’s been malfunctioning ever since he left. Your personal goal to put everything in the past is interrupted by his mission to win you back. WARNINGS: Major angst in progress. Talks of a miscarriage and a former abusive relationship. SETTING: First few weeks in Alexandria and pre-apocalypse flashbacks
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The last time you spoke to each other, the two of you were getting high in your parents’ Chevrolet Cavalier that you stole. On your ring finger rested a bejeweled stone he’d given you, promising you his love. 
I’m gonna marry ‘ya, he had told you. You believed him more than you believed any god in your life. You were going somewhere far away together, ready to leave behind the life both of you had. To him, leaving meant leaving Merle. But to you? It meant leaving everything behind.
And now, there you were. You no longer sported the voluminous curls the eighties deemed fancy, your face was bare, and you were older. He couldn’t take your eyes off you, and he wondered if you could also tell how much he’d changed ever since…
Well, ever since he ditched you. And most of all, he wondered if you were still carrying the same indignation you had when he left.
For the first time, your eyes laid on him from afar. Of all the many survivors you expected to find within the walls of Alexandria, you didn’t expect this damn asshole.
He watched as your face went from bliss to raw recognition, his heart thumping faster and heavier in every passing second you didn’t dare to walk over to him, until you did.
Oh, he didn’t know what to make of the world around him as you came closer. It was just like seeing you for the first time again, but this time he was begging the Earth to swallow him whole. 
By the time you were standing in front of him, the archer was at a loss of things to say, but also the power of saying it. Seconds passed and a look of doubt and uncertainty kept flashing on his face, and yet nothing came out of his mouth. 
You were just as bad. God, you hated the feeling in your bones that wanted to throw your arms over his shoulder. He was alive and breathing. The closest thing you could do was give him a tight smile.
“Hi,” you tell him with a smile. “I—uh, it’s been, what, thirty years?”
The two of you couldn’t help but laugh, and he was grateful to all the saints and gods in the world no matter how much he lacked faith that some force of destiny had brought him here, and that you were still safe. 
The weight in his chest was slowly beginning to lift. Maybe it really is all in the past. 
“Yeah, m’still Daryl, though. You?”
You chuckle. “Still [Y/N], sadly. Y’know, uh, I was actually just about to head out to the porch with a beer. You…wanna come with me?”
Then came the weight. You noticed rigidity returning to Daryl’s stance, and you instantly regretted having asked. 
You chuckle nervously. “You don’t have to, I just… Thought you looked—”
He shook his head to assure you. “Nah, yeah, I wanna come with ‘ya. Let’s go.”
The air was cold, but it didn’t bother you as much in the presence of Daryl Dixon. You wanted to beat yourself over the fact that he had so much control over you all thanks to the scent of his you could recognize anywhere. Heck, you smelled him before you saw him. The moment that you got a whiff of him just a few minutes ago, you knew you were bound to crumble. It’s only thanks to the bottle of beer in your hand that you’re able to comfort yourself.
He leans against the porch’s post as you lean opposite him. He’d changed indeed. You eye him with deliberation: his hair was darker, longer. Wrinkles were present in places where you used to kiss him. You shake the thought away. “Not surprised you’re a survivor.”
An unsaid anguish hung between the two of you. Daryl crossed his arms to gnaw at his thumb. He never seemed to outgrow that habit, and you couldn’t help but feel comfort from the familiarity.
“Have ‘ya been here right from the start?” he asked to break the ice, taking a sip from his bottle so he’d have something to do with his hands when you spoke.
“Yeah, I—uh—bought a lot here when they were still preselling, so I got it for a pretty good deal.” You shrugged. Moving away from the post you were leaning on, Daryl thought you were going to leave with no farewell, but instead you just set the beer down. “Y’know the house you and your folks holed up together in? That was mine.”
You could see heat rush to his face, and you could tell he felt bad over the prospect of you giving up your house for them. Daryl’s shoulders tensed. “They kicked ‘ya outta yer own house?”
You shake your head with a smile. “No, it’s not like that. I volunteered to give it up. I moved to a smaller house. I’ve been dying for an excuse to leave that house, anyway.”
“Why’d ‘ya wanna leave? It’s a big house,” he observed. It is a big house. It catered to the entirety of their group with no problems.
“Because it’s a big house,” you answered as-a-matter-of-factly. Living alone in that shell of a home haunted you in more ways than one. At one point, you felt as if there was a ghost upstairs because you had never bothered to visit it. 
Daryl paused. You had to glance his way to check on him. He seemed to be debating on whether or not he should ask something until he decided on doing so. He needed answers. “What about your…family?”
He’d been trying to forget that the last time he really saw you was years after he’d left you. It was in a grocery store, and you were shopping for baby diapers while caressing your belly. And then he was on the run with Merle again.
That was ten years ago, some time before the turn. Daryl assumed one of the kids he ran into was yours, or maybe you’d tucked him or her to bed. He knew nothing about you.
“Oh, it’s just me.”
It was clear Daryl had more questions, but you figured he deserved to know at least a little bit of your recent history. 
“It’s alright to be curious, y’know. Husband ditched when he knocked up his work wife. Good riddance.” You hated that you were only relieved to find out he’d left. It wasn’t standard for a woman to rejoice upon discovery that she’d been left for another woman, but it meant freedom. 
Daryl nodded slowly, processing it all in his mind. He couldn’t believe it, any of it. He’d been living on the belief that you were better off. That you were happy.
You sipped from your beer again. “I didn’t really mind, and taking care of the divorce papers proved to be a good distraction. Plus, I got the house and the car so I’m not really complaining. He did get our vacation cabin in Vermont, though. But what good is it for now, right?”
“Right,” he scoffed. And he didn’t want to ask, but he decided to maximize your go signal to ask anything. “What about… What about your kid?”
You raised a brow. “You know about that?”
“M’sorry,” he hurriedly said, shaking his head. “Ya don’t have to tell me anythin’ about that.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” You waved a dismissing hand. It surprised you that you were no longer as affected as you were then. It no longer pained you to talk about her. “She died the minute she came into the world.”
“I’m sorry.” The image of you shopping for diapers came to Daryl’s mind. At the time, it seemed that you were happy, and maybe he was right. But the more he knew about you, the more he began to doubt that your life was better the moment he left it. 
All the time you spent apart, Daryl concocted an image of you tending to your sweet and happy family in the suburbs, busy sending your kids to school and celebrating every anniversary with your husband in different countries every single year.
“Nothing to be sorry about,” you said with a smile. You’ve moved on from it, really. “It was for the best. Can you imagine raising a kid in this mess?”
Daryl made no comment whatsoever, but you remembered that his gang had brought a teenager and an infant. 
You sigh. “Sorry. But you get it.”
“S’fine, yer right anyway.” Daryl took a sip from his bottle. “You should meet ‘em sometime.”
You nodded in response, and he watched as you subconsciously and subtly knocked on your chest. It was one of those things he’d gotten used to seeing you do back then, and he never got to ask why you constantly did it. It didn’t feel like a big deal to ask now, so he let it slide, simply grateful for the opportunity of seeing the little parts that made you who you are once more.
“Geez, I think I gotta lay off the beer,” you said, settling it down on the floorboards.
He nodded. “Right, good call.”
“So, how’s my house?” you started. Daryl knew the time for him asking you questions was over, at least for now. He respected that.
“S’good, there’s plenty of space for us all,” Daryl answered. “Though I gotta be honest, ‘ya gotta give us some time to warm up to it.”
You give him a warm smile. “I get that.”
“But it is cozy,” he added. You don’t know what he meant by it, but a playful grin rested on his mischievous lips. “Pretty far from the camper van ‘ya said ‘ya wanted to live in forever.”
“We’re gonna run away and we’ll just…I don’t know, steal one of those camper vans and go anywhere together!” you had told him when you let him put the ring on your finger, wearing a smile you were so sure you’d never have to bother removing.
You stared at him a little longer than you intended to. You notice the mole he had just shy above his smirk that slowly faltered. You used to love kissing that very spot. No, don’t think about that.
Fuck. “M’sorry, didn’t mean it that way.”
“No, no, it’s fine!” you laughed, waving your hand in the air to assure him. “I’m just surprised you remember.”
His shoulders relaxed, but the guilt that accompanied him in every journey he’d taken on never left. If anything, he felt its weight more so now that he’s found himself in front of you again. 
“Yeah, well, how could I not?” 
“To be fair, you did drive away in my car while I was getting nachos.” You had to look away this time, bringing your attention to the gates in the distance. 
Daryl froze. He wasn’t stupid, but he might as well have been. He knew what it looked like to you all these years, and for the first time in a long time he thought once more about how you must have felt in the parking lot, searching for half an hour only to realize you were all alone miles away from home.
It was too late to explain himself, but he could at least try. 
“M’sorry about what I did,” he said carefully. “I was an idiot for that. M’just glad to know you’ve been alright all these years.”
He didn’t mention noticing your jaw tightening as you smiled at him, but he also realized how much of a bad choice it was to comment that you’ve been alright. There was a story in that expression of yours somewhere, he knew that. It just wasn’t the time to ask about it more. 
“It’s fine, really,” you told him. “It’s in the past, it’s been decades. We’re adults. And it’s the least of our problems now, I mean, we got the dead walking for fuck’s sake!”
You laugh in disbelief, and so does he. It was so easy, so natural. Suddenly, you were seventeen in the passenger seat right next to Daryl fucking Dixon singing Boys Don’t Cry by The Cure as it played in the car stereo. 
This shouldn’t be real, you thought to yourself. You’d put him in the deepest, darkest pit in your mind and in your heart. Daryl coming back was a blessing and a curse. Though you were grateful to discover that he was a survivor, his presence ached you deeply.
It dug out every single memory from your past you’d tried so hard to bury. Your smile faltered as you felt the past blending with the present. 
Daryl noticed the change, so you spoke before he could. 
“I should get going now,” you announced with a forced smile, a little bit louder than you intended as your mind was preoccupied thinking of an excuse. “I gotta go home!”
“Want me to walk with ‘ya?” You could see a grin growing on his damned lips. It was like being brought back to the past. You knew this scene somewhere, and you hated that you liked it.
“Well, I—it’s fine!” 
“S’fine to walk with ‘ya or s’not fine to walk with ‘ya?” he asked, but it was more of a challenge. Usually, you knew what to say and how to say it. You were just that kind of person, it was even something you were proud of.
“Erm,” you gulped. 
This was not one of those ‘usual’ moments.
You wanted to return to the party, but you couldn’t just say that—you’d already taken one step down, away from the porch! 
You look back at him to explain yourself as you walk a little bit farther every single time. You were going the wrong direction, but you decided that it was too late to go the right way. You’d just have to make a round trip across Alexandria. “I got this…thing. In my stomach. I have to, you know. And I’m tired, so I guess I’ll—!”
“Nah, seriously, I insist.” Daryl had made up his mind the minute he asked. He brought the half empty bottle of beer with him as he walked ahead of you. 
You scoffed. “Fine.”
Though Daryl seemed to have built this wall around himself, you could still see rays of his stubbornness. It used to be something you’d fight over, but also solely for the purpose of kissing and making up.
The first half minute of the walk was silent, and you hated how peaceful and at ease you felt. It should have felt unbearable, uncomfortable. Daryl had a way with his presence you never realized you’d been missing until now that you have it again.
You tell yourself it’s just the severity of being your first love, but it was more than that. You waited for a couple of seconds to pass before deciding that this idiot wasn’t gonna make conversation despite insisting to walk you home.
“So, the outside,” you started. “How long have you and your people been out there?”
“For a while. The longest home we had was a prison.”
“You were…in jail?” you asked hesitantly. You knew of his criminal record, but you didn’t consider for a moment that he’d been behind bars this entire time.
“No,” he answered. “Just found shelter there.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry.”
You didn’t have to look at him to know you’d find a grin on his face. His stupid, stupid, stupid face. “Ya thought I was in prison?”
“No! Just when you mentioned it. Then just now, I thought it made sense why I never heard from you.”
Daryl stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He’d thought you wanted nothing to do with him. “You were expecting to?”
Maybe it was wrong to confess something like that. “A postcard would’ve been nice.”
“Didn’t know where ‘ya lived.” He shrugged, even though he wanted to admit that he assumed you no longer wanted to hear news about his whereabouts. 
“Well, you knew about my kid. What’s that about?” You’d been meaning to ask, but you couldn’t find the opening. 
The archer halted, looking for an escape hatch. 
I heard from a friend? No, he didn’t. The honest answer would’ve been that Daryl wanted to reach out to you but bailed when he discovered the good life you were blessed with. The life Merle said you’d be robbed of having had you run away with Daryl.
But Daryl wasn’t an honest man, at least not tonight.
“I didn’t know, I just guessed.”
And of course, you let him lie. “Right. And you wanted to walk me home because…?”
“I wanted to.” Daryl had not yet toured the entirety of the neighborhood, but it felt like a pretty long walk for a walk home. Just when he’s about to ask, you reach the small apartment buildings just across Deanna’s house. The two of you had just done a round trip of Alexandria. You were just right across the street.
He wanted to ask why you’d taken the long route when you’d seemed so eager to be away from him earlier that night, but he knew exactly why. 
You were never able to make the sane decisions when you were with him. 
You stop in front of your home. “Well, this is me.”
“M’kay, I’ll see ‘ya around.” The archer gave you a tight smile, raising his hand as a wave right before turning around to make his way to the gate. 
“Daryl,” you called. And he’s glad you did. “Have you been well? Ever since?”
He thought of Merle. Beth. Herschel. Everyone they lost. When you were younger, you changed him. That change was undone when he left, ruining everything you’d built together. But this time, the man you built before was slowly returning. 
Has he been well? Daryl knew better than to disagree. 
The archer stared up at you one step away, curious if his eyes were deceiving him by letting him see you again. “Yeah, I’ve been alrigh’.”
“Okay,” you say, half-satisfied. “I had fun. Bye, Daryl.”
And Daryl watched as you hurriedly got inside your home. You didn’t know it yet, but something inside him sparked bright with ambition. This wasn’t the end of it.
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Mornings in Alexandria were particularly slow in the most comfortable way possible. It unnerved Daryl; something about going on his day ‘normally’ felt alien, out of place. Thus, he’d often step out for long hours to ‘hunt,’ when really he could be back anytime he wanted with his stellar skill in the craft. 
He wouldn’t say it, but he just felt suffocated in Alexandria. Some would argue that the apocalypse wired him to be the way he was now, but a part of him would beg to disagree. He would’ve felt smothered had he found himself inside the damn gated community way before the turn. 
And that’s precisely why he’d fallen prey to Merle’s argument about you that fateful day he left.
“What, ‘ya think a girl like [Y/N]’s gonna be fine livin’ off pot? Nah, brother. She’s been livin’ in high cotton her entire life. Girls like her were made for them nice houses with picket fences married to a fancy man who works in a bank. How’s that g’nna work, huh? Hell, yer the kind who robs one!”
Daryl had been so sure he made the right choice then…
“Something bothering you?” Carol asked the archer, just leaving the house in complete uniform looking very much like a sweet, harmless housewife. 
“Nah.” Daryl looked up behind him as he sat on his haunches, cigarette in his loose hand as if it was an extension of himself. “Didn’t feel like goin’ out today, but I didn’t feel like stayin’ here, either.”
“You could take a shower,” said Carol. Daryl grunted, and she only smiled, knowing where to direct the conversation to. “Maybe then you could finally ask out your pretty neighbor.”
“What?” Daryl spun, standing up to meet Carol at eye-level. He didn’t want anyone to know of his past, much less see a part of it. Suddenly, everything felt real. You felt real. You were, but it pained him to admit that he hasn’t yet been able to say everything he’s wanted to say in every single day that haunted him when he left. 
Carol, on the other hand, had thought nothing of it for the past week. Though she wondered if there was more to the story, she resorted to assuming Daryl simply liked the Alexandrian. But Carol wasn’t stupid, she knew now for sure that there was something deeper.
“See, I was making conversation with everybody. I heard from Sally that [Y/N] was supposed to bring cookies, but she burnt them too much.” Carol wanted to laugh at how serious her friend looked, eager to hear more. “So, I wanted to help her out and Sasha said she saw her leave with you.”
“S’that it? All of it?” Daryl asked, his voice grim. 
Carol crossed her arms, raising her brow in question. “That’s all of it for me, what’s all of it for you?”
The archer trudged down the stairs of the porch, tossing the cigar on the floor as he did so. “Nothing.”
“The house we’re staying at,” Carol started, just enough to get Daryl to stop in his tracks. “That house is hers, isn’t it?”
Daryl paused. “Ya heard some of it?”
“I may have heard some of it,” she said. “I might have even heard…all of it? Before you walked her home?”
“Damn it, Carol!” he groaned in exasperation. There was no point in denying it now. Carol knew something, and knowing her, Daryl knew she’d been observing you ever since that night. No lie would slide past that woman no matter how hard he tried.
Daryl looked around him, checking if someone else was listening into their conversation. “The garage,” he said. And so they went.
When they got inside, Carol was surprised to find a brand new motorcycle. She ran to its side, eyeing the shine on the body. “Oh, she’s pretty! Where’d you get her from?”
“I know,” Daryl exclaimed. “Aaron, he… He wants me to look for survivors with him instead of—Ow!”
Carol punched his arm, her eyes wide in defiance and her mouth grinning wide. “You’re trying to change the subject!”
“Am not,” he defended, feeling his arm with his hand. That woman was a nut, and she was getting an answer whether he wanted to or not. “Fine. Just the short version.”
She crossed her arms again, making her outfit look more like a costume than a uniform. “Alright, what’s the story?”
He didn’t want to tell it, but somehow he felt he needed to. Daryl was used to bottling his secrets in the belief that he could carry it all on his own. He couldn’t. It just so happened that it was your history together that had the most effect on him. 
“We’ve known each other since we were kids,” Daryl started. His heart was begging to be released into the wild where it could be free. Telling this part of his life was something he’d never bothered to let out. Heck, he’d never even thought about it to himself in a long time. He treated it like a dream he was starting to forget but couldn’t. “I was trynna win her when we grew up, and I—we dated. For some time. Then we were gonna run away together. She was the one who wanted to; stole her parents’ car ‘n everythin’, brought a wad load of cash. I gave her a ring I saved up for, and we were gonna go far away. We hopped two states. Then I… And… I just—she was one of those kids from a well off family, alrigh’? And I was…intimidated.”
Though Carol found herself smiling for the first half, she didn’t like where this story was going. “What did you do?”
Daryl stilled himself for what was about to come out next, from his mouth and Carol’s.
“I left her while we were two states away from home. She was shoppin’ for groceries while I was in the parkin’ lot. I drove away. With the car. And the cash. Never looked back.”
The next thing he knew, his friend had planted a hard slap across his face. And he knew he deserved it. Heck, he deserved worse than that. Maybe even deserved to die for it, now that he knew the life you were left to live wasn’t exactly paradise.
Daryl Dixon was a coward.
Daryl Dixon was stupid for assuming he could even win you back.
And most of all, you would be just as stupid if you let him.
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i'm still building my blog. so for now, just send me an ask to be added to my taglist :)
DARYL DIXON TAGLIST: @vaniniweenie
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101 notes · View notes
I really love your writing and I was just wondering if you could write something that doesn’t include smut where the reader moves into the trailer park where Daryl and Merle are staying at a friends, Daryl and the reader get close, the reader waits for Daryl but he never makes anything more of their relationship, so the two grow apart, until the reader gets a bf and finally Daryl confesses his feelings
Paring: Daryl Dixon x female reader
Era: Pre-apocalypse
Summary: You move into the trailer park where Daryl is staying.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of violence, creepy men, and kissing.
Word count: 21,136
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Daryl could vividly remember the day he first laid his eyes upon you; the male had been momentarily crashing at an acquaintance's place with Merle, spending his days in a worn trailer, a tiny home placed within a village of copy and paste houses. A trailer park. He had been floating around with his older brother, roaming aimlessly from place to place, couch surfing, before he ended up in the destination he was currently: A paint chipped trailer with holes placed within various walls, ratty furniture retrieved from the depths of a dump inhabiting the home, and old clothes, food, and other objects considered garbage, were littered throughout the domicile. He had lost track of how long he had been staying within the confines of the rotten community, and there was no foreseeable end to his visit. Or at least, not one anytime soon. 
He often spent his days drinking alongside Merle's friends, taking part in fist fights within the front lawn, and nosely observing as other residents did the same. He would waste his days away by rotting in the summer sun, maybe speaking a sentence a day before falling asleep somewhere within the dingy home. The male wasn't too happy with his current situation, he often kept to himself, remaining quiet as he let his mind wander, practically trapped in the fictional world he had created within his own head. 
It was on a day just like any other, he was placed upon the front steps of the small home, legs outstretched as he let a cigarette hang from between his lips, smog surrounding his head as he smoked like a chimney. The hot, summer sun was currently beating down upon his skin, the multiple layers he was supporting proved to add to the sweltering heat as he sat upon the ground, surrounded by his brother and his pals. The group was conversing about some subject that Daryl was unaware of, their voices becoming muffled as he often used their talking as some sort of background noise. 
His vision was pulled from a small bird bathing within the murky water of a puddle placed within a neighbors yard, observing as the tiny critter laced itself in perspiration before the rumble of an oncoming vehicle echoed throughout the small town. The male’s head slowly turned towards the direction the noise had erupted from, eyes scanning over two of Merle’s friends beginning to shove one another angrily before his eyes landed upon the road placed to his right.
There was an unfamiliar truck approaching, dirt and dust flying up from the poorly paved concrete, the light brown cloud caged itself around the vehicle as it slowly made its way down the pavement. Daryl had no recollection of the truck, it was one he had never spotted within the vicinity before, but he wasn't quick to make assumptions about the cars backstory, as an array of vehicles often entered the community before seemingly vanishing the following day, never to be seen again. His eyes watched as the vehicle passed in front of him, heading towards a vacant trailer placed about two or three houses down the street. 
As the car parked within the small driveway carved in front of the home, the male rolled his eyes, uninterested in another pesky civilian who would wake him up within the night with their self indulgent yelling or another community member who would soon rob him of the few belongings he still contained. He observed for a moment longer, about to yank his vision away from the rusting pick up as its engine shut off, the previous rumbling, that had been plaguing the vicinity, dyed away before the driver's side door popped open.
His breath caught within the depths of his throat as his eyes landed upon you: Your legs slipped from the vehicle, feet dangling from the side of the truck momentarily as your fingers curled around the doorframe. Your thighs were glazed in a layer of sweat as the male watched your nails grip at the metal before you eventually pushed your figure from the chambers of the vehicle, finally revealing yourself to the males awaiting eyes.
Your feet landed upon the concrete with a slight thud as the souls of your shoes thrashed against the ground, legs vibrating for a few seconds, threatening to give out before you turned, placing your back towards the biker as you reached for the door. You were supporting a pair of shorts, skin laced in perspiration as the sun rays being cast down upon you were unfaltering, the liquid glued to your flesh caused your skin to glow underneath the burning star placed within the cloudless sky. As you placed your palms upon the door, pushing it shut with force, a loud bang erupting from the truck as you did so, Daryl observed the way your hair hung upon your shoulders, cascading down your neck in thick clumps. Your locks were slightly fluttering as a reaction to your sudden movements, your hair flowed behind your head like a river as you spun around once more, a direct depiction of the waves that would crash down upon the ocean shore.
The bikers eyes stayed magnetized to your hands as you brought your palm up to your forehead, dragging it across your skin as you rid your flesh of the beading sweat rolling down your face before your fingers trailed down the side of your head, digits swiftly tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear before you waltzed towards the side of your pick up. Once you arrived beside the bed of your truck, you lifted yourself onto the toes of your sneakers, leaning upon the side of your vehicle as you dropped your arms into the trunk, reaching for something just out of Daryl’s sight. The male picked up upon the small smile etched upon your lips as you retrieved a box placed within the truck, surprise washing over the biker as he contemplated how you could possibly feel any form of happiness while you unloaded your belongings into the diminishing trailer. Had you not seen the condition of both the homes and the people currently placed all around you?
As Daryl watched you disappear within the depths of your house, observing you like you were a heavenly spirit, as if you were a ghost grazing the Earth right in front of him, he wondered how an angel such as yourself could possibly end up in such a dump. Sure, the trailer park was littered with other females, trashy women who would often beat their kids and cheat on their husbands, but there had never even been a trace of a girl like you in this area. You were practically angelic as you bound from the steps of your tiny home, hair flowing around you as you emerged from within your trailer once more, a wide grin inching across your mouth as you returned to your truck. You appeared fragile, delicate as you fluttered towards your vehicle to retrieve yet another package of your belongings. It was almost as if you were out of place, like a rose amidst a bush full of thorns as you walked, moving swiftly, like a dancer, as you grasped another box.
“Daryl! Lil brother!” Were the words that finally drew the male from the seemingly hypnotic trance you had placed him within.
The redneck reluctantly yanked his eyes from your figure, pupils yearning to view you once more as Merle’s voice echoed through his ears. It was as if heaven and hell had collided as he turned his head, vision landing upon his brother who was now placed within the middle of a fight that had erupted about five feet beside him. Daryl wondered how you could even possibly exist within his vicinity, pondering upon how truly ironic that moment was: One second, he was observing a Goddess as she graced the Earth, but in a matter of seconds, he was rising to his feet as he let out a disheartened huff, tossing himself into yet another aimless fight, just to save his brother’s ass. It was like he was suddenly comparing an angel to the devil.
Over the next couple of days, you proved to be well adjusted to the robust behavior of the males that populated the trailer park, often paying the men no mind as they catcalled you, shamelessly flirting as you walked past. When Merle and his friends did their best to charm you, bestowing pet names upon you or applying their best pick up lines, you often replied to their foul behavior in a teasing manner, responding with a light chuckle before saying something along the lines of “in your dreams” or “you're gonna have to try harder than that.” You even surprised Daryl one afternoon when he observed you throw a pretty good punch at a guy who had attempted to grope you after you had returned in a bathing suit, previously paying a visit to the small river placed behind the civilization. You appeared much more composed compared to the other women who inhabited the trailer park, the females who would aimlessly yell and scream at the unpleasant men, although they often had the right to do so.
The biker adored your competent behavior, proud of your ability to take care of yourself, secretly smirking at the way you effortlessly rebuked the nasty men; the calm and collected manner you displayed while you reciprocated the men’s vile words with a variety of your own always seemed to infuriate the subordinate men, as any sign of yelling and anger is what they had desired. They yearned to antagonize others, and by not giving them what they wished for, you became superior to the inferior men. 
And Daryl had never witnessed anything like it.
The brunette’s behavior had not gone unrecognized by your own, observant eyes; sense you had transferred to your new home, you quickly noticed the way Daryl had never treated you like an object, he never jeered at you or attempted to make a sly pass at you, he had not once allowed his hands to find their way upon your figure in any sort of manner, and he had yet to disrupt your peaceful moments of sleep with loud hollers or yells, unlike the other men within the trailer park. Instead, you picked up upon the fact that he always treated you with the utmost respect: He remained quiet while his acquaintances howled at you, he often simply addressed you with a silent nod of his head or shared a small, polite wave with you. And, although those actions don't seem like much, to you, they meant the world.
You had grown up around men like Merle, males who had been heckling you since you were old enough to understand the seriousness of the situation. You had grown used to the snide remarks and the stares received from inappropriate eyes, you had become accustomed to the flirtatious vocalizations and the creepy advances, so, overtime, you learned how to respond to these actions. You figured out how to handle yourself around trailer park trash without getting your teeth knocked out. 
About a week and a half into your residency within the community, against your better judgment, you advanced upon the rowdy group Daryl had been accompanying one morning; you were experiencing struggles with your shower, questioning if the drain had possibly become clogged as water often pooled within the bottom of your tub after every shower, stubbornly resisting the urge to plunge into the depths of your drain.
You were aware of how capable you were of providing for yourself, not often requesting others' assistance as you had grown strong enough to adjust furniture on your own, you had acquired enough knowledge, when it came to appliances, to restore small problems, and you were obviously tough enough to stand up for yourself. And, you had also grown a strong distaste for many of the men found within the confines of trailer parks such as your own, so you always did your best to stray away from them.
But, this was an inconvenience you couldn't quite solve on your own, one you knew too little about to fix without assistance.
So, at around eleven one morning, after your drain had failed to engulf the water elicited from the pipes of your shower, you collected as much courage as you possibly could before exiting your house. With your hair still sopping wet and your feet bare, you stepped out upon your porch, the unfaltering blaze of the sun above you immediately began pounding against your moist skin, an effect that suddenly made you deeply desire the comforts of your cold shower once more. The air was filled with the sound of chatter amongst the loud civilians: People laughing, talking, and the muffled noise of far away yelling. The warm breeze currently burrowing through your clothes ejected the smell of cigarettes mixed with motor oil into your nostrils as your outfit rippled against the wind, the bright sunlight blinding you as thin stands of your hair began to blow into your vision.
As you brought your fingers up to your eyes, removing your locks from your irises, you quickly spotted Daryl placed among a group of bikers; the male was leaning against his motorcycle, back to you as he fiddled with the pads of his fingers, the other men around him bellowed loudly, cackling like they were the only people in a ten mile radius. The male’s brown hair was fluttering within the wind, short strands fighting against the lukewarm breeze as it crashed against his figure. The nape of his neck was dripping with sweat, skin turning a slight pink as the sun beat down upon him, the bike placed beneath him glimmering underneath the rays of light.
The male supported his typical leather vest, your eyes skimming across the tattered, black material before your vision landed upon the wings engraved within the article of clothing. You observed the aging wings, turning a light brown overtime, loose strings dangling within the wind as the cloth bent and contorted under the control of his shoulder blades. You smiled to yourself, unsure of the symbol's true meaning, but you could concur that the wings fit him quite well, he appeared as an enthralling angel within in the sweltering sun, surrounded by a crowd of demons as he perched himself against his bike.
He was truly angelic, from the way his blue eyes always seemed to glimmer in the sun, matching the rhythmic waves of the ocean or the vast blue of the skyline placed above you, to the way his light locks framed his face when the wind blew through him, thin strands of hair flowing around him like a soft current. He was large and muscular, upper body wide and stocky, but something about him seemed so delicate. Maybe it was the way he walked, carrying himself with ease as the people surrounding him bounded or shuffled, or perhaps it was the way he was always observing his surroundings, watching the trees or wildlife in such a curious and interested manner. He was alluring, enthralling and mysterious, everything about the male made you wonder about him. 
You traipsed towards the cluster of men, feet kicking up the gravel placed beneath your toes, hair beginning to dry underneath the warming sun as the furthest male spotted you, a venomous smirk inching across his lips as he watched you approach. He suddenly nodded his head in your direction, signaling to the other bikers that someone was nearing, an action that caused you to fight back the overpowering urge to roll your eyes out of annoyance. You watched as the group glanced towards you in unison, heads looking lazily over their shoulders in a synchronized manner as they followed the first male’s gaze. Eventually, their vision landed in your vicinity, eyes circling your silhouette as if you were some sort of delicious feast and they hadn't eaten in years: Some licked their lips, others grinned at you, but all of them displayed their very nasty intentions, like they were the predators and you were the prey.
All of them except Daryl; the solemn male was staring down towards his bike, exhibiting none of the same etiquette or manners as the disturbing men surrounding him. The only thing he did that was similar to the others was the fact that he had turned his head as they had. He was shyly gazing upon the gleaming metal of his motorcycle, hair dangling within his face as he continued to dwindle his thumbs. The material upon the bike was casting an array of light upon his features, characteristics that exhibited his feelings of deep embarrassment, eyes frantically darting around and the obvious fact that he was chewing upon the inside of his cheek, ashamed of the actions that were obviously about to unfold. 
You planted your feet upon the warm pavement, finally stopping in front of the pack as you stared at them, eyes scanning each and everyone of the men as you waited for them to unleash their gruesome attack of flirtatious remarks. Your vision skimmed across the various men: Some had long, overgrown hair, while others were balding. A few were supporting leather jackets and other biker equipment, while most were wearing ratty clothing, some still left within their work attire. Some were short while some were tall, and some had sharp features while others had rounder characteristics, but all of them were somehow the same, mushing together into one, giant, intimidating being as they sized you up.
Finally, some unknown man with a receding hairline, a male you had never laid your eyes upon until that moment, began to speak:
“Hey, I think I recognize ya.” He stated in a matter of fact type manner.
As his slurred words entered the chambers of your ears, your lips curled up into a slight smile while you crossed your arms upon your chest, an attempt to shield your cleavage from their desperation filled gazes. And you hated to admit it but, you were kind of excited to receive the disturbing words he was about to place in front of you.
“Mhmm?” You murmured in response, inviting him to continue.
“Yer tha girl of my dreams.” He replied.
His words caused the group to chuckle around him, laughter erupting all around you as many of the men stared down upon your frame, thrilled expressions etched upon their faces, like they perceived you as some sort of helpless, little creature. The men of the trailer park enjoyed antagonizing you, creating some sort of deranged image within their heads that you were more than happy and very willing to be with them, to love them as though they deserved your affection. A thought that couldn't be farther from the truth, from your snide remarks to physical retaliations you had laid upon them, but you weren't exactly surprised by the fact that they had yet to give up, or even consider the fact that you were uninterested, as it had never once crossed their minds that they were epiphany of what most women despised. 
But, your eyes never forgot Daryl, noticing the way he kept his head down in shame, eyes peeking up at you from time to time, watching you through the curtain of hair he had created for himself, as though it was some sort of barrier. He remained motionless, feelings of remorse washing over him as he observed the situation unfold around him.
You allowed the laughter to die down, their chuckles and giggles eventually dissipating before you spoke once more.
“That's kinda funny cause I think you're the guy of my nightmares.” You retorted, giggling at the words that had just tumbled from your lips.
Your sentence caused an uproar of laughter among the men, the idiots just ate your vocalization up, cackling as though it was the funniest thing you had ever said as their friend grew deeply humiliated. The guy, who seriously needed to invest in a toupee, grew embarrassed, face turning a flustered pink as his acquaintances made fun of him, cussing you out from beneath his breath as he practically shrunk underneath your scrutinizing gaze, cowering away into the crowd behind him. You could hear the balding male swearing at you as he disappeared into the group of men, exclaiming something about you being a whore, or something along those lines.
Your eyes momentarily placed themselves upon Daryl, catching a glimpse of a smile tug at the corners of his mouth, lips twitching into a smirk as he remained quiet. You watched as his head slightly rose as he suddenly grew interested in the current conversation when he realized you were more than capable of handling yourself, although his eyes remained hidden behind the wall of brown locks.
Your fierce actions caused Merle to suddenly step forward, the dominating male began to loom over you as he challenged your previous actions. It was becoming increasingly obvious that he thought of himself as a worthy opponent, a contender who would be able to make you cower beneath him, that he would be the male to conquer you. As Daryl’s older brother hovered in front of you, he released a horse laugh, a cackle exiting his lungs while he conceived you as some sort of game, like the prior conversation had just been some kind of show you enjoyed putting on, flaunting yourself in front of the men.
“Hey, come on now, lay off Wade,” he said, words that caused you to come to the conclusion that Wade must have been the male you had just spoken with, the man who was now practically hiding behind Merle, eyes filled to the brim with an embarrassed anger as he glared at you “what's a nice girl like ya doin over here anyways?”
“I was just gonna ask you the same thing.” You spoke with a smile, another statement that caused his pals from behind him to begin to laugh.
As the sound of more obnoxious and vile chuckles entered your ears, you noticed how your comment appeared to just roll right off Merle’s shoulders while he chuckled form above you, seeming much more laid back compared to your previous opponent, Wade. The graying male smiled down upon you, a hint of pride flashing through his eyes, licking his lips as if he was finding joy in your satirizing antics. 
Eventually, your irises finally fell upon Daryl once more, only to have a wave of surprise wash upon you when your vision met his own, his eyes already glued upon you. His blue irises were shimmering, sparkles appearing within his inky, blue eyes, an exact portrayal of the night sky, a dark landscape filled with gleaming stars. The biker bit his lip, entrapping the pink skin between his teeth as he attempted to hold back both a small smile and a light chuckle as he received the words you had just directed towards his older brother. At some point, he had lifted his head, hair pushed from his vision, revealing his entertained features and shy characteristics as he grew much more comfortable within the current situation.
“Anyway,” you spoke, feeling no need to wait for the laughter to diminish before finally drawing the attention back to yourself “Daryl, I was just wondering if you could help me with my shower? I think something is wrong with it.”
The other trailer park residents began to cackle once more upon hearing your words, and other than drink and smoke, it appeared to be the only thing they ever took part in. You mentally slapped yourself due to the way you had phrased your previous sentence as even you could understand that the way you had expressed your problems had been a bit deceiving. But, you were smart enough to understand why the men had begun laughing: They weren't chuckling due to your vague request, they were giggling at the idea that you even thought of soliciting Daryl’s assistance, as if he was unable to execute any of your needs or repair any of your troubles. In their eyes, it was as if the brunette was less of a male due to the fact that he wasn't loud and obnoxious, or the fact that he never attempted to make any vile moves on you, or any other women for that matter.
Daryl obviously thought the same of himself, he perceived himself as an inferior being, he thought of himself as some worthless human who didn't deserve the attention you were currently giving him. The fact that you were even interacting with him, speaking to him, and saying his name, asking for his help, not Merle’s, not Wade’s, not any of the other men, you were requesting for his aid, appeared to surprise him: His eyebrows began to raise slightly, lip escaping from the previous death grip he had bestowed upon it, and his prior fidgeting suddenly came to an end.
“Ya want my baby brother’s help? I could solve any of yer shower problems way better than he could, darlin. Hell, even Wade could.” Merle exclaimed, exhaling a short laugh.
Even after the older male’s statement, your eyes remained glued upon his younger brother, as though he was the only person in the world at that moment, like the balding man's words hadn't even entered the chambers of your ears. Like Merle, and all the obnoxious men, didn't even exist. You respected the quiet biker too much to even gratify his brother's words with your own, you couldn't even fathom the possibility of perhaps embarrassing the brunette or making him even slightly uncomfortable. But, you strongly believed that the angle of a male was much more of a man then any of the others would even amount to be.
Daryl watched as you smiled at him, a sweet and innocent grin as you nodded your head towards your home placed a few yards behind you, as if you hadn't even heard Merle's word or any of the other men chuckling from behind him. You were displaying a small, polite smile, your lips pulled taunt as your teeth threatened to reveal themselves while you waited patiently upon him to join you. And that was the first moment Daryl learned he would never be able to say no to you.
Eventually, the biker began wiping his palms upon his upper thighs, ridding his hands of the layer of dust they had accumulated before he sheepishly rose from his position upon the bike, standing to his feet before he began to saunter towards you. His actions caused an uproar of hollers and mocking jokes to start erupting from the mouths of the pigs placed behind him, many of the males whooping as the others whistled, their antagonizing behaviors causing Daryl’s cheeks to grow a light pink hue, one that was just barely noticeable to your observant eyes as the two of you began towards your house, continuing to pay no mind to the men left behind you.
“Sorry bout them.” The male stated simply, his Southern drawl extremely evident as the two of you stepped across the concrete, the heat emitting from the road quickly beginning to warm your feet.
Daryl’s voice was quiet, barely audible over the environment surrounding the two of you, speaking just loud enough for your ears to receive. His tone was raspy, voice gravely as his redneck accent shown through his words, his kind sentences causing your smile to grow a bit wider, your teeth quick to reveal themselves. The exposure of your mouth caused you to look towards the ground, growing a bit flustered as you stared upon the floor, watching as the biker’s shoes stomped across the street. That had been the first nice thing someone had said to you in a long while, you were also pretty sure that was the first time you had ever really heard the male speak: His delicate, yet thick, voice shocked you as you arrived upon your dirt laced driveway, not really expecting his voice to be as soothing as it seemed to be.
The aroma currently being emitted from upon his body suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks, the smell of pine mixed with a hint of motor oil fogged your brain. His fragrance was almost intoxicating, your mind momentarily short circuiting as the two of you waltzed underneath the large shadow being casted upon the ground by your home, the sun beating down onto the trailer, an action that caused a dark figure to appear upon your lawn. Your legs suddenly threatened to give out from beneath you while you fought back your giddy smile, occurrences that caused you to wonder upon why you had randomly grown nervous within the presence of the silent male. Maybe it was his striking looks, or possibly his gruff tone, a raspy voice that had just blessed your ears for the first time. But, you just chalked it up to being within the same vicinity as an actually decent man for the first time in a long while.
“Pshh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.” You responded as the two of you began to climb the front steps.
Daryl decided against explaining how no, what had happened wasn’t okay, and the fact that everything you had to grit your teeth and struggle through, almost daily, wasn't alright either, he came to the conclusion that it would be out of line to push the topic further. Although he really desired to; he often wondered how you always appeared to be so okay with the way the other park residents seemed to treat you, pondering upon how someone like you could even be in a place like this while simultaneously tolerating the nasty civilians. But he inevitably decided not to pry or even ask about the situation, as the two of you were practically strangers.
“Don't mind the mess, my maids on vacation.” You teased, drawing the quiet biker from his thoughts as you grasped the door handle, turning it until it grinded open.
As you walked through the front door, the brunette followed close behind you, your words causing his eyes to inevitably scan his surroundings when the two of you finally entered the living room: You owned seemingly spotless furniture, your couch didn't appear to be supporting any cigarette burns, your coffee table was stain free, and you possessed a fully functional recliner. Your furniture appeared to be retrieved from places other than the dump or taken off someone's front lawn. You had managed to patch a lot of the holes that remained upon the walls of the trailer, left by the previous owners, the rug placed below the bikers boots had obviously been cleaned as of recently, vacuum lines still visible upon the mat, and the walls were even decorated. Other than a few half filled, or completely empty, moving boxes and some dirty dishes scattered around your home, your domicile was practically sparkling.
The male felt as if he had just wandered into some foreign land, as your home appeared to be an actual, livable environment compared to the rest of the trashed trailers placed within the area: Cluttered homes filled with garbage or screaming family members, while your home was extremely clean and it remained completely silent, so quiet to the point that Daryl was sure he could hear each blink of his eyelids or the sound of his blood currently pumping beneath his skin. Your house was possibly the nicest home he had ever been invited into, a fact that caused him to wonder how your trailer had not been broken into just yet.
Daryl carefully shut the door behind him, waiting for his ears to receive a slight click noise before he followed you through your home; he was in complete and utter amazement as the two of you ventured through the den, eyes scanning his surroundings as he lumbered behind you, vision skimming across picture frames and small, decorative items until the two of you reached a minuscule hall that branched off from upon the living room. As you both entered the corridor, the smell of lavender cleaning supplies and the summer season wafted into his nose while the sound of the rug crunching beneath his shoes echoed throughout the passageway. 
You inevitably lead him into your bathroom, making your way through the open door before the two of you finally stopped in front of the shower. The biker continued to scrutinize his surroundings, noticing the spotless mirror, the mopped floor, and the fact that the trash can wasn't currently overflowing before pooling out onto the ground. Eventually, the brunette allowed his eyes to land upon the bathtub, noticing the puddle of still water that had collected within the bottom of your shower.
“See,” you lightly gestured towards the appliance “it wont go down.”
The biker stood silently for a moment as he observed the situation, watching as the liquid remained completely motionless, basically refusing to venture down into the maze of pipes. Daryl could feel your vision upon him, eyes burning holes into the side of his head as you patiently observed him, your actions causing him to grow increasingly nervous under pressure. Eventually, the male ended up coming to the conclusion that it was most likely clogged, maybe some sort of small, dead rodent had gotten lodged within the pipes or possibly a snake, but it was probably just a large ball of hair that had accumulated beneath the home. 
“It's probably clogged, do ya have uh plumber’s snake or somethin?” He asked while turning to face you.
In all honesty, you had no idea what he was currently referencing to, your mind immediately resorting to the thought of the thin, reptilian animal, due to the fact that anything to do with plumbing wasn't exactly one of your strong suits. You suddenly spun on your heels, facing the skin behind you before bending down, your random movements causing a light gust of wind to brush against Daryl’s figure. Once you landed upon the floor, you outstretched your hand, fingers grasping at the cabinet placed in front of you before you wrapped your palm around the small, plastic handle. You finally yanked the tiny door open, revealing an array of cleaning supplies and other washroom products. 
“Whatever I have is in there.” You responded, rising to an upright position once more.
Once you had finally given him directions, the biker stepped forward, slowly dropping down into a kneeling position in front of the cabinet, placing one knee upon the cool tile floor while he rested his forearm upon the other, beginning to rummage through the belongings placed within the cupboard; he was starting to lose hope as his fingers brushed passed many cleaning supplies, hands grasping sponges, digits pushing window cleaner to the side, and palms even moving some toilet paper as he braced himself to return empty handed. Until his eyes landed upon a long, white, plastic rod: A plumber’s snake. He quickly retrieved the thin object before standing, grasping the utility within his palm as he rose to his usual height.
Your eyes followed the male as he traipsed towards the shower, pushing the cabinet door closed with the heel of his foot before he made his way across the shower mat until he arrived in front of the bathtub. He lowered himself once more, this time positioning his body upon both calves, knees pressing against the porcelain tub as he leaned over the acrylic appliance.
You scanned his figure as he did so, unable to pull your vision away from the sight of his muscles tensing as he pushed himself forward, exposed biceps bulging while he placed one hand upon the edge of the shower for support, his shoulder blades grinding together from underneath his leather vest. You grew speechless as you admired his large upper body, his wide build causing you to pull your lips into a thin line while you observed him; he appeared to be so strong, so manly, and the way his sweat laced muscles strained under the pressure he applied to them mixed with the image of his fingers splayed out and gripping the rim of the shower, made you grow ashamed: He had been nothing but nice and respectful to you and here you were, watching him like all the other males of the park often observed you, like he was some sort of animal at the zoo. 
Daryl was quite aware of your wandering eyes, due to the fact that the hairs scattered upon his nape began to rise as you assessed him. Although the male couldn't lie, he was kind of enjoying the attention, loving the feeling of your eyes adoring him, vision circling his toned upper arms as the sound of your soft voice entered his ear canals. The biker was almost 100% sure this was the most he had spoken with another human being in a long while, even if all he had said was about two sentences, and he was currently relishing in the fact that it was you he was speaking with, the angle he had been smittenly observing for about a week at that point. 
“Can I get you like, a beer or something?” You offered as the previous realization dawned upon you, face turning a light shade of red as you forced your pupils away from the recent discovery that was his toned upper body.
You distracted yourself with the view of the washer and dryer placed to your left, noticing the large stack of unfolded clothing you had placed lazily upon the appliances, a reminder of the future chores you had in store for you once the biker had successfully finished.
“Ya don't gotta.” He responded, voice low, almost inaudible from where you stood.
You listened to his words reverberate from within the bowl of the ceramic shower, sentence sounding almost programmed as a wave of deep focus and attention washed over him, doing his best to fix the problem you were experiencing within your drain. Your eyes slowly drifted back to the male as you began to engage in conversation, although you were no longer observing him but instead watching as he inserted the plastic rod into the depths of the clear water. Your eyes followed the white stick as it disappeared into the void of the drain, plumbers snake vanishing from your sight as the biker politely declined your offer.
“It's the least I could do. And besides, I was thinking of having one myself.” You admitted.
Upon receiving the sound of your confession, admitting that you were pondering upon the idea of having your own drink, the male caved; in all honesty, he wasn't a big fan of drinking on his own, not exactly fond of the idea due to the fact that it usually put him directly into a shitty mood, making him angry, irritable, and oftentimes: Upset. But, he had a feeling that with you to accompany him, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. And besides, it was only one drink. 
“Alrigh then.” He said once he had finished the mental war he had been participating in within the confines of his own mind.
As he heard you exit the room, feet padding against the cold, tile floor while you wandered behind him, he fought the almost overpowering urge to glance over his shoulder ever so slightly as you left the vicinity, to allow his eyes to trace over your silhouette as you walked through the doorway. 
While you treaded down the hall, you exhaled a large breath that you were unaware you had even been holding as you momentarily passed through the living room. You felt the fabric of the rug placed beneath you card between your toes, the scent of Daryl now permeating your household, glazing itself upon the walls, furniture, and even the floor before entering your nose. You needed to escape the tension filled room, to give yourself a moment to relieve some stress and somehow rid your mind of such impure thoughts before collecting both yourself and the most courage you possibly could before returning to the male. 
Images of his perspiration laced hair and skillful fingers flashed through your head as you entered the kitchen, thoughts that caused you to squeeze your eyes closed as you made your way towards the fridge, doing your best to clear your mind. Once you reached the refrigerator, you wrapped your fingers around the handle, as you had previously done with the cabinet, before practically throwing the door open; your eyes scanned its possessions, in search of some sort of alcohol, vision dancing across a variety of vegetables, disregarding a jug of milk, and ignoring a small container of butter before inevitably landing upon a collection of beers, a discovery that caused you to lean forward, retrieving two of the bottles before removing their caps. You pushed the door closed once more, a slight breeze being ejected from within the confines of the fridge as you leaned against one of the various counters placed around the room.
As your back settled upon the wooden surface, your head immediately began to wander, absentmindedly returning to the male, allowing yourself to reminisce upon the biker. He appeared to be so hard working and obviously good with his hands as he bent over your tub, repairing the appliance. He obviously took part in a lot of manual labor as his muscles were extremely evident, a visual that would most likely cause a problem between him and your undisciplined eyes. You had never once desired to have a man around to take care of your problems before then, you had grown stubborn as you often insisted upon fixing your own belongings and tending to your own manual labor chores, but God, did he look good while doing work around your own home. Once more, your brain promptly remembered the way he had placed a large palm upon the porcelain wall, steadying himself as his hair fell within his vision, thin locks fluttering with each movement as his large upper body muscles flexed and pulsated while he leaned forward, biceps bulging from underneath his tan skin.
As you placed a cool, glass rim upon your mouth, lips wrapping lightly around the bottle, you shook yourself from your trance, quickly realizing the inappropriate zoning out session you had just taken part in, one you were swift to erased by titling the container back, allowing the metallic liquid to splash into the chamber of your mouth. You felt the liquor lace your tongue, the bitter taste coating your cheeks as you pushed yourself from your spot upon the counter, swallowing momentarily before heading back towards the bathroom.
“So,” you spoke as you entered the washroom once more, allowing yourself to receive yet another gulp of your drink “what is there to do around here?” 
Your eyes landed upon the male, frame still placed beside the tub as you walked into the room. When you passed by Daryl, you slightly leaned forward, handing him his beer, an action that caused the perspiration laced bottle to momentarily slip within his outstretched palm before you observed him take a swig. The biker placed the glass within his own mouth, dipping his head backwards a bit, letting his hair brush against his shoulders as he too allowed the liquid to enter his mouth. You watched as he took a few gulps, waiting patiently to receive his response while he placed the glass upon the stone floor beside him.
For once, since you appeared within the trailer park, the brunette grew thankful due to the fact that he was back to you, using this as an opportunity to hide the stern look currently etching itself upon his face, a slight frown to match his grim expression that he was now shielding from your awaiting vision. As he wiggled the snake further into the drenched pipes, it instantaneously dawned upon him that he didn't really do anything; about all the biker ever seemed to do was hang out with his older brother and his rowdy companions while they all drank, smoked, and visited the many bars they often inhabited, basically just reeking havoc around town upon their motorcycles. The question caused the male to be overcome by his many insecurities, the fact that he didn't really amount to much causing him to grow slightly embarrassed, ashamed that he just kinda allowed himself to rot away upon some strangers' front lawn with every day that seemed to pass by. His small amount of self esteem suddenly began to plummet as he did his best to quickly come up with an acceptable answer to your inquiry.
“There's a few bars, some diners, and uhm…” he paused momentarily, attempting to conjure up another example that seemingly didn't exist “the river.”
You frowned slightly at the biker's statement, taking another drink of your beer as you received Daryl’s words, suddenly realizing that the loneliness you had been experiencing for about the last week or so wouldn't slowly dissipate overtime, it was most likely something that was sure to carry on for a long while. You appeared to have no interest in the idea of mingling with or befriending many of the other communities residents, not concerned with becoming closer pals with any of the drunken men or the rude women, and there didn't seem to be many other activities for you to take part in. There were only so many days you could spend at a bar without beginning to morph into another example of common trailer park trash, and you weren't extremely fond of the idea of getting harassed everyday while attempting to take a relaxing swim within the stream.
“Well, where do you go on that motorcycle of yours?’ You asked.
“I dun know, just kinda… Ride round.” He responded, a slight halt appearing within his sentence as he momentarily paused while applying more of his attention upon the drain.
You smiled to yourself, adoring the concentration he was presenting to the task at hand, a small grunt escaping his lips as he forced his fist towards the drain, pushing the flimsy rod further down the pipes. It was as if he was genuinely attempting to help you while simultaneously doing his best to relieve you of your problems, not just aiming towards obliterating another task upon his agenda, not just lazily accomplishing your request by doing a horrible job. He was actually trying his best to help you, and that thought made your heart start to warm.
“I've never ridden on a motorcycle before,” you admitted “you'll have to take me sometime.”
The gesture was innocent, or at least, that's how it was originally intended; you hadn't really applied much thought towards your words before they inevitably began to tumble from your mouth, not exactly picking up upon the suggestive undertones of your sentence as you spoke, due to the fact that it was nothing you had went over within the confines of your head before you began to utter the words. Your statement was just made as an attempt to carry the conversation forward, a simple suggestion as you had also desired to receive the experience of your first motorcycle ride.
But that's not how Daryl comprehended your words.
To the male, your words were taken like a proposition, an offer for your arms to be wrapped tightly around his waist while you placed your head upon his back, transmitting your heat upon his own body as he escorted you from destination to destination. He understood your words as if they were presented like some sort of date. Your sentence was received as sweet, kind, even somewhat flirtatious, words he would later convince himself that you only ejected out of complete pity upon the brunette. And, although your words had been spoken in solely a friendly manner, Daryl would later twist and contort your sentence into a statement only made out of sympathy and compassion for his numerous insecurities, which had not been your original intent.  
Your tone caused the biker to lean over, retrieving his liquor before taking another drink.
“Mhm.” He muttered, too flustered to speak as he mumbled, dropping his glass within its previous placement before continuing the task at hand.
The two of you chatted for a while longer as Daryl pursued his focus upon the pipes, talking about your shared complaints revolving around your neighborhood, specifically relating to the loud and annoying civilians, the way they hollered all throughout the night while trashing the streets. You also conversed about things you had experienced during both of your separate days, Daryl recalling a story about watching a five person fight over a single blunt and you exclaimed the strange phenomenon of finding a loose twenty just laying upon the street, something you perceived as some sort of trap before inevitably swiping the free money you had spotted within the wild. You even asked a few, small questions about Merle, seemingly quizzing the male with simple, basic inquiries, ones the biker responded to with short, blunt replies, causing you to receive the hint about his uninterested in the topic, a discovery that caused you to quickly change the subject.
You were generally enjoying his company, often catching yourself blabbering and rambling while the brunette silently listened, you were practically jumping upon the opportunity to actually converse with someone other than a few words a day to random strangers. Let alone someone who was actually a decent being. You had been growing bored around your solemn home, due to the fact that there was only so much television you could watch, there was only a certain amount of songs you could replay over and over and over again, and there was only a select quantity of chores you could tend to in a single day. You were lonely, plain and simple, and the feeling of laughing and talking with another person was almost heavenly.
The two of you were complaining about a citizen who was placed down the street, an older women who was constantly blasting the most God awful gospel music, no matter what time of the day, morning or night, sun or rain, she always had the volume practically all the way up, when suddenly, Daryl retreated his wrist, an action that caused you to stop mid sentence. Your words fell short when he removed the thin rod from the drain, a large clump of long, white and gray pepper colored hair accompanying the plumber’s snake as it retreated. The drenched hair had wrapped itself around the plastic stick, twirling around the appliance as the water suddenly began to drain, liquid disappearing into the pipes, swirling within the porcelain tub before exiting your vision, a loud slurp noise following in quick pursuit.
Obviously, the locks had not belonged upon your head, most likely left behind by the previous owners, a fact that seemed to spare you from the ton of future embarrassment you had been previously bracing yourself to receive. 
“Thats fucking disgusting.” You exclaimed at the disturbing discovery, completely forgetting the topic you were conversing about prior to the scarring revelation.
The male grunted in response, a sign that signaled to the fact that he agreed with your vulgar statement while his expression echoed around the room. The biker was quick to rise to his feet, desperately desiring to rid of the object placed within his palm as he headed towards the trash can, boots heavy against the thin flooring. Once he arrived in front of the plastic bin, you observed him as he hesitated slightly, unsure of how to disregard the strands without having to come in contact with the locks, obviously not too fond of the idea of touching the drenched hair in an attempt to slide it from the skinny rod.
“Just throw the whole thing away.” You exclaimed once you spotted the expression etched upon his face.
He let out a relieved sigh at your orders, loosening his grasp upon the tool before releasing it, watching as the coated stick floated towards the bottom of your trash bin. Once the biker had rid of the hair, he waltzed towards the shower once more, glancing down upon the now void bathtub before he collected his half finished beer. The two of you finally exited the bathroom, arriving in the den area before starting up a new conversation, chatting for a bit longer while you finished your drinks, standing aimlessly within the silent room as you downed the alcohol. You continued to talk about other small things, topics such as experiences you had witnessed during your time spent at the park and funny things Daryl had observed amongst the residents until you emptied your bottles, your voices slowly dying away before you eventually thanked him for his help.
“Anyway,” you cleared your throat as the room began to emit a thick smog of pure awkwardness “thank you for your help, Daryl. Really.”
He smiled lightly at the sound of his name falling from your lips, a slight wave of confusion falling over him as he ducked his head in embarrassment, quick to notice the fact that he had become slightly fond of you, someone he barely even knew, someone he practically just met. A wave of pride washed over him, feeling fulfilled as you thanked him, praising him for his assistance as his affection deprived mind ate up your grateful statement. It was rare for the biker to receive such flattery, it almost felt foreign as he thought of an acceptable response.
During the time he had spent within your home, the male had come to terms with the fact that this was probably the only opportunity he would have to spend time with you, realizing that soon, he would have to disappear back into the trashed trailer placed down the street. He would have to retreat to his previous life, to return to a seemingly far away world where he would experience the loud yelling of Merle mixed with his acquaintances and the familiar taste of a cigarette placed within his mouth as he placed himself upon the front steps. But nevertheless, he was happy you two had at least shared this experience with one another, grateful that this time spent together had even happened in the first place.
“It's nothin.” He responded, placing his empty glass within your outstretched palm.
“I'll find you if the water doesn't drain again.” You said as you collected the warm bottle.
When your ears received the statement of your own words, you realized that the two of you most likely should have tested the quality of the drainage before the biker inevitably exited your home, making sure the water would continue to enter the pipes as it had done before. But, the previous discovery of the disturbing mound of hair appeared to be good enough evidence for both you and the biker.
Finally, the male nodded slightly in response to your words, taking one last glimpse upon your gorgeous essence before turning towards the exit and stepping out the door. Once the two of you had successfully parted ways, the brunette softly shutting the door behind him before heading home, you both noticed how much you suddenly missed one another, yearning for the casual company each of you had just provided before you returned to your old patterns: Daryl rotting away upon a trashed lawn before getting caught within the middle of a petty fight, while you laid upon your couch, staring up towards the ceiling as you became surrounded by a deafening silence.
When you took a shower the next day, the water sank swiftly down the drain.
At around six in the afternoon the next evening, you ran into another problem you discovered around your home: You had purchased a new bookshelf for your living room, a wooden piece of furniture that the owners of a small antique shop, the one you had bought it from, helped you move into the bed of your truck. You had been planning on placing the object within your den for decorative purposes, a wooden bookshelf you were yearning to place photos and trinkets upon that didn't seem to have their own home up until that point. But, you quickly discovered the fact that the purchase was much too heavy for you to successfully carry from your vehicle into your home all on your own.
You sighed in defeat whilst you stood behind your truck, hand placed upon your hip as you assessed the situation: The flimsy tailgate had flopped down sloppily while attached to the car, sweat dripped down your forehead as you lightly panted, the bookcase still stuck within its original position, slid into the middle of the trunk. You had yanked and pulled upon the edges of the furniture, attempting to make it budge even just the slightest bit, but it appeared to fight against you, practically glued to the metal of your truck while it silently cackled at you, watching as the sun beat down upon your exhausted frame. 
Although Daryl was nice, sweet, and helpful, you didn't wish to bother him with another task, to disrupt him by requesting his assistance once more, but, you were afraid you had no other options; you tried to relieve yourself of some guilt and culpability by arguing the fact that you genuinely seemed to enjoy each others company, you two smiled and laughed together the day prior, a look of joy, that you rarely saw, inhabited Daryl’s face, as the male was often frowning or glaring towards someone. You also declared that you were lonely, bored and isolated, to the point that you were convinced you were going insane, that you needed someone to talk with. And again, what better option did you have besides the cute handy man placed silently across the road.
But little did you know, the biker was currently sitting upon the front steps of the small home placed down the street, observing you adoringly as you struggled with the large item, smirking to himself as you tugged and pulled at the furniture. He watched as you eventually stepped back while the object stayed put, glaring at the bookshelf as if you were attempting to move it with your mind, a deep focus inching across your face as you assessed the situation, as if the object was going to move upon its own, like it was going to get up from the truck and walk away. With your palms placed upon your torso, you swayed slightly in frustration, wiping your brow as you stood in silence, your beauty growing extremely evident within the summer ambiance. 
The male was secretly hoping you'd come over and retrieve him as you had the day before, requesting his assistance once more before disappearing within the depths of your home. He might never admit it but, he too had enjoyed the time you two had spent together the day prior, talking and laughing like average people, chatting about normal topics that did not revolve around drinking or angrily yelling. Everything had just felt so ordinary, extremely customary as he forgot about his life that existed outside of the walls of your trailer, ignoring the hooligans placed within the roads that twisted between the community. 
And eventually, that's exactly what you ended up doing: You strutted towards the biker’s direction, doing your best to shake the annoyance and slight anger that had laced your system before you arrived within the male’s vicinity. Your vision quickly picked up upon the fact that he wasn't currently surrounded by a group of four or five other motorcyclists as he was placed all by his lonesome upon the porch stairs, his bike sitting about six feet to his right. Your eyes scanned across some squirrels as they tussled upon the grass, green blades swaying within the wind as the brunette stared towards his empty palms, head down as you approached him. Other than the male placed near the home and the rapid movements of the fighting mammals, the property was vacant. 
“Hey, Daryl,” you spoke as you approached him, your voice causing his head to rise, eyes peering up at you from behind his curtain of bangs as if he hadn't been watching you only seconds prior “where's everyone else?” 
The male acted as if he hadn't seen you making your way down the street, lifting his vision from his lap to momentarily meet your irises like he hadn't been observing you since the second you pulled into the neighborhood, as if he wasn't just watching you struggle with the shelf about ten seconds prior, and like he hadn't been glancing towards you as you walked down the dust covered road.
“They went to a bar.” The biker stated simply, a response that you punctuated with a nod that displayed your understanding. 
“Well, I was just wondering if you could help me with moving a bookshelf? If you have time, that is.” You said, adding the last words rather quickly, an action that caused your sentence to be spoken in a jumbled manner.
You grew slightly embarrassed as a reaction to your distressed addition; you had made the insertion in a polite manner, doing your best to relieve Daryl of any pressure or stress you had possibly applied to the situation. You didn't want to put the male under the impression that he had to help you, trying to avoid perhaps making him receive feelings of guilt or responsibility, as if he was required to assist you. Suddenly, every word that had just been ejected from the depths of your throat seemed to apply a much heavier pressure upon you, like every sentence you were about to utter had to be the definition of perfect, suddenly beginning to stress over the possibility of messing up in front of the quiet biker.
Although, the male did not appear to take notice of your flustered words as he rose from his place upon the wooden steps, exclaiming zero objections as he joined you. You had just spent about ten minutes yanking and pulling upon the wooden object, exerting all of your energy and strength into removing the shelf from within the confines of your truck, and of course, Daryl had witnessed almost every second of this occurrence as well. So, when the biker waltzed towards the bed of your vehicle before effortlessly pulling the piece of furniture from the car, your jaw practically hit the ground. You were going to offer your assistance, to help carry one end whilst he held the other, but he didn't appear to need it as he wrapped his digits around the frame of the shelf, nails digging at the oak material before dragging the furniture from the truck. You watched as he let the object slip into the grasp of his large arms, practically hugging the bookshelf before beginning his journey towards your home. 
Observing the biker pick up the piece of furniture with ease, sliding it from upon the truck into his tanned arms, wrapping his biceps around the object was an action that caused his muscle to strain under the pressure, tendons flexing and bulging as his limbs grew tense, the setting sun casting a glimmering mix of warm colors and cool tones upon his smooth skin. As the male headed towards the open door, the recent realization caused your mind to begin to wander, pondering upon the idea of his toned arms wrapped tightly around your torso, your body replacing the bookshelf currently occupying his grasp. You did your best to imagine how the warmth of his figure would feel as it radiated upon your own, wondering how your flesh would perceive his soft skin as it rubbed and pressed against you, and finally, you visualize how his hands would appear as they were placed upon your waist or linked around your back.
You suddenly shook your head, doing your best to rid yourself of the previous thoughts occupying the chambers of your mind as you quickly followed within the male's footsteps, traipsing behind him while the two of you crossed your lawn. You were growing excessively confused, and even a bit concerned, due to your sudden magnetism towards the brunette, finding your eyes searching for both the male and his alluring features as if your mind disregarded the fact that he was practically a stranger, someone you had been alone with once before that moment. Although, you just ended up convincing yourself that you were lonely, you had been without the affection of another human being for a long while now and you were becoming slightly attracted to the qualities of the first decent person you had come in contact with. You didn't know him enough, he was sweet, pleasant, and somehow handsome all at the same time, of course you'd develop a small appeal towards the male, but it was nothing more than that.
“Where do ya wan it?” He asked as the two of you started your adventure up the steps of your home.
“Just right there would be perfect.” You responded once you both arrived within the den, pointing towards the corner of the small room.
He was quick to obey your orders once more as he stalked across the living room, carefully placing the shelf upon the rug once he arrived within the object's desired destination. He turned towards you once more as he had successfully accomplished the mission, setting the bookshelf within your home before awkwardly awaiting your next directions. But in all honesty, you had none: Carrying the new furniture had been the only thing you required his strength for, now your need for assistance had come to an end and before you knew it, your time spent together was soon to be over.
You observed the way Daryl stood anxiously while swaying within the depths of your den, clasping his hands together as he stared down upon the floor, appearing so awkward and out of place: His dark clothing were clashing against the light interior of the trailer, his nervous actions were conflicting the calm and relaxed essence of your home, and most of all, a creature, other than yourself, inhabiting the room was almost unheard of. You wracked your brain for anything else you could possibly need him for, something that perhaps required repairing or an object that remained just out of your reach, any reason that could help fend away your loneliness for just a few more moments.
“Uhm, Daryl,” you exclaimed, your sudden vocalization causing the biker to glance upwards towards you “can you bring me on that motorcycle ride now?”
Your request appeared to catch the male off guard; in all honesty, Daryl had assumed you would just forget about your previous proposition, guessing it was just an idea you had thrown out to keep the conversation flowing successfully, not that it was actually an activity you desired to take part in.
The brunette nodded timidly.
You smiled suddenly, a stupid, girlish grin appearing upon your lips as the two of you returned to the outside world, your eyes quickly landing upon the setting sun placed above you: The large star had begun to really disappear behind the horizon at that point, an action that caused an explosion of reds and oranges to paint the sky. The clouds were laced with a neon pink, detailed with a light yellow while the glowing orb coward behind the trees, small, glimmering stars beginning to scatter themselves across the rainbow sky, gleaming dots that freckled their way along the darkening atmosphere. Your eyes widened at the observation of the landscape placed above you, wondering how it had turned this beautiful during the short period of time you had spent inside. 
Daryl quickly took notice of the effect the sky had upon you: Your skin was glazed in a light orange, flesh glistening like the sparkling stars as you were placed beneath the neon hues blazing within the skyline. Your dazzled eyes were shimmering, irises twinkling underneath the lighting, pupils sparkling with little glints of yellow and orange. The aura surrounding your entire frame was almost hypnotizing, your body seemed to be outlined by a light pinkish static, your hair laced with a vermillion type of gloss, an effect that caused the top of your head to begin to almost shine. The environment caused you to glow, your entire being was glimmering as if you were an angel who had just recently landed upon Earth, with amazed features to match, ones that made you look as though this was your first time witnessing a sun set. 
“M sorry,” Daryl began to speak, a random apology that caused you to glance towards him as you advanced upon his bike “I dun really own any helmets.” 
You responded with a silent nod, his admission a bit unnerving, your anxiety beginning to heighten at the idea of taking part in your first motorcycle ride without any form of protection, head void of any sort of headgear was a risk factor. But, oddly enough, you somewhat trusted the male, strongly believing that he would never put you in any sort of danger, certain that he wouldn't drive too fast nor too dangerously while supporting you, and you were convinced that he wouldn't take any risky turns or become involved with any form of threat. For some odd reason, he presence alone somewhat relieved you, as if he was some sort of guardian angel sent down to protect you as every interaction you two shared had been an example of him purely helping you: First, with the clogged drain, assisting you with clearing it, next with the shelf, helping you decorate your home, and now, he was supplying you with a completely new experience. You also couldn't forget how genuine he had been, unable to put you within an uncomfortable situation by possibly flirting with you or perhaps making any other, nasty advances.
This realization caused you to observe the biker in a new lighting, features soft as you gazed upon him, tan skin glazed with a layer of sheen under the orange lighting, rustic characteristics becoming subdued as he too admired the setting sun, blue eyes relaxed as he blinked in slow phases. The way he carried himself within that moment was swift, movements appearing almost programmed as his hair bounced with every movement, shadows currently being casted down upon his large muscles. He was so rough yet so mellow, as if he really was a pure spirit wearing the disguise of a belligerent individual. 
Daryl helped you upon his bike, generously offering you a hand, palms connecting softly before he showed you how to straddle the seat and where to place your feet, presenting directions that would be the most helpful before he eventually mounted the vehicle as well. You instinctually wrapped your arms around his torso, limbs snaking around his waist before your fingers laced together upon his chest. He was warm, a comforting heat was being transmitted from the dark leather onto your stomach, a relaxing discovery that caused you to resist the seemingly overpowering urge to place your cheek upon his back. His frame was thick within your grasp, structure wide enough to cause your upper arms to stretch and pull taunt as you did your best to twist your limbs all the way around the male. He felt homely as well, so much so to the point where you desired to cuddle into him further, to allow your eyes to become heavy before you inevitably fell into a deep, comfortable sleep. 
The male swallowed harshly, it was an unfamiliar feeling to have another person wrapped tightly around him, to receive the motion closest to a hug from another being, although he had no objections. The biker enjoyed the physical touch, to have your small figure pressed against his own as you held onto him for protection just felt so correct. He liked the feeling of your arms placed around him tightly, squeezing his sides before your hands clasped together upon his upper abdomen, he appreciated the feeling of your plush body pinned against his own. Your frame was warm, figure melding with his own as your flexible skin invited him further, holding him against you as you awaited his next movements.
The brunette had not exactly expected for you to do what you had just done, to wrap yourself around him as though he was some sort of large teddy bear, although it had made sense as to why you had: Safety. Perhaps, if this had not been your first bike ride, you wouldn't need to rely upon the support of the male, possibly just allowing your arms to fall limp as your body began to roll with each bump upon the road, moving simultaneously with the gyrations of the bike. But instead, you were fearful of flying off the motorcycle, being launched from your place upon the vehicle if the biker possibly hit a turn too hard or drove very fast.
“Alrigh. Ya ready?” He asked.
“Mhm.” You grumbled, scared that if you had actually spoken a correct word, the audible shaking within your words would become evident.
Your heart was pounding so loud you were sure Daryl was able to hear it from his spot upon the bike as it rattled around within your rib cage, banging against your skeleton. You were positive the biker was receiving the movements of your organ thrashing against his back, heart pumping so violently that he was able to feel its rapid activities pressed upon him. Your face was growing warm due to a mix of fear and embarrassment, nervous that he would turn to ask if you were alright, as a result of your overactive heart, just for his vision to land upon your flustered face. You were growing humiliated as you became inevitably nervous, although you knew your reasonings were illogical. 
The roar of the bike suddenly coming alive began to drown out the thumping within your ears, a rumbling that began to echo around the alleys and pathways placed throughout the neighborhood, one you were extremely acquainted with as it often woke you during the late hours of the night. The slight trembling within your palms became also hidden by the violent vibrations being admitted from the metal vehicle placed below you.
After both of you finally exited the park, entering the street placed outside the entrance of the community, the two of you coasted for a while; you didn't exactly have a desired destination in mind, remaining silent as you took in all the views that surrounded you, watching as trees and homes flew past your vision like a blurry photo while you ventured through the heavily wooded area. You observed the setting sun for a while, noticing the way the bright colors slowly began to morph into much darker ones, starting from warm yellows and mellow oranges before ending upon a dark blue after mixing with a light purple. Dust was quickly trailing behind the motorcycle as you rode, rocks being expelled from beneath the rough tires and dirt ejecting itself beside the bike. The heavy wind that had began to flow through your hair felt celestial, a breeze roaming within your locks that seemed to cool your entire system, relieving the previous heat that had appeared upon your cheeks, the red that had traveled upon the tips of your ears and the bridge of your nose slowly disappeared as the lukewarm air washed it away. You barely took notice of the civilians roaming the concrete when you began to enter more populated areas, the motorcycle drowning out your thoughts as you became relaxed, easing all of your previous fears, doubts, nerves, everything as you just observed the multiple areas you drifted through.
You picked up upon the fact that the male began to magnetize towards a much more desolate area, merging upon a dirt covered street, a much heavier set of trees guarding the road, shrubs that began to block the illumination of the moon placed above you, an observation that caused you to grow tense. You remained mute, not uttering a word about the off putting situation as you allowed the biker to lure you further into the woodland area, grip upon him growing tighter until he finally came to a stop.
Daryl allowed the motorcycle to come to halt within a small opening, trees parting upon what you believed was one of the highest points in town. The tiny expanse, that didn't seem to support any sort of greenery, allowed your eyes to land upon a dazzling view, vision quickly placing itself upon the land below you: There was an array of glimmering lights speckling the night fallen civilization built beneath you, windows glowing and lamp posts shimmering as if they were small stars littering the inky town. You began to spot the many homes, shops, and other buildings as your pupils adjusted to the dark landscape underneath you, your position caused the structures to morph into tiny, ant sized versions of their previous selves as the sound of a bark released from a far away dog began to echo into your ears, howl muffled and almost inaudible. The mountains and hills placed far behind the homes rolled and rose within the background, remains of the previous sunset still barely evident as a light glow danced its way across the peaks of the elevations, crowning the dark mounds with a light yellow. The sky placed above you was almost a direct depiction of the land beneath it, twinkling stars dotting the inky sky just as the lamps and windows did to the dark area below you, and the atmosphere was seemingly void of color, a deep black supporting a dark, navy blue just as the town appeared underneath you. The landscape placed beneath your vision seemed to perfectly mirror the one held above you. 
“Woah,” you exclaimed, almost in a breathless manner “it's beautiful… How did you find this?”
The male was unresponsive for a moment, picking up upon the way your grasp had fallen from his body, palms landing upon your thighs before you spun upon the bike, turning yourself so you were placed towards the landscape, wishing to diminish the pain that was beginning to appear within your straining neck. Daryl would never admit it, but he secretly missed the warmth of your body; the male did not often receive any form of physical affection, not really experiencing many hugs, kisses, or simple pats upon the back throughout his lifetime, and although your actions were far from fitting the definition of “physical affection,” any sort of touch he received often had him flinching. But not with you, it seemed different. Almost instinctual or natural. It felt normal.
The brunette shrugged as the wind continued to clash against his frame, the air howling, leaves upon the trees quivering and rattling from above you, shaking and trembling within the breeze. It was quiet for a while after Daryl’s response, the two of you just remained within a comfort laced silence as the male observed you; you were watching the view with wide eyes, vision darting across the landscape, attempting to witness every possible view due to the fact that it was your first moment witnessing the sight. He smiled, pleased with himself as he noticed the look etched upon your features, one of pure amazement and bliss as you admired the miniature town placed below you. 
“Why did ya move here?” He asked suddenly.
The biker was placed back to you as he spoke, taking away the opportunity for you to observe his features, for you to assess the situation and concur exactly why he would ask such a thing, seemingly out of nowhere. If you had access to his face, you might be able to read the emotions etched upon his characteristics: Maybe he would have had his eyebrows furrowed, indicating that he was genuinely confused, or perhaps he would have a lip drawn upwards, supporting a look of disgust and judgment. But instead, all you could spot was his fluttering hair and the dark outline of his nose as he stared into the horizon. 
The wind suddenly grew stronger from the incline you were placed upon, a gust that pulled your hair backwards, locks dancing within the breeze as you stared upon the back of the male's head, an action that caused your hand to rise, palm successfully pushing the strands from your face.
“Crazy ex.” You replied simply, a wave of awkwardness washing over you, crashing down upon you like a ton of bricks as you brought your hands together, suddenly lacing your sweaty fingers between one another. 
You had contemplated lying to the biker, exclaiming that you had wished to escape to a new area or run away to start a new life, but two complications clashed with these fleeting ideas: The first being that the story was strongly unbelievable, why would someone possibly run away to a place like this in the hopes of become a new version of themselves, and the second being the fact that the little voice within the confines of your head strongly advised you not to lie to the brunette. And because of this, the truth came out rather unexpectedly, a confession that caused your system to suddenly flood with anxiety, frame stiffening and breath growing erratic under the intense pressure. A slight change in your demeanor that didn't go unnoticed by the male placed only a few inches in front of you.
Guilt began to plague Daryl’s mind, feeling extremely terrible for the transformation he had put you through, assuming that his inquiry had possibly ruined the experience, and the friendship that was seeming to spark between the two of you. He felt horrible for putting you in such an uncomfortable situation, perhaps causing you to want to grow further from the biker, and because of this, he didn't pry. The brunette didn't ask any further inquiries about the previously mentioned “crazy ex,” not assessing you upon what he had done or how you were recovering. Instead, he asked one more, minuscule question: 
“No. Why did ya move here?” He spoke, repeating himself softly.
The brunette added a bit more emphasis to the word “here” the second time around, making it much clearer that he had wondered why you picked this specific area, not what had caused you to move in the first place. You sat with his sentence for a moment, allowing yourself to ponder upon his question while you grew increasingly embarrassed. As you fiddled with his words, you mentally face palmed, scolding yourself for admitting to an occurrence that you initially hadn't needed to confess. You felt that familiar warmth rising to your face once more, a heat that radiated across both your cheeks and nose, a discovery that caused you to turn back towards the outlook, an attempt at shielding your features while you began to scream within the confines of your mind. You had most likely made the situation awkward by misreading his tone and the context within the circumstance, an intense confession that you had planned upon keeping to yourself for a while.
“I-” your sentence momentarily stopped short before you continued “don’t know.”
What you had said was technically true, you didn't exactly know why you had moved into the trailer park, you had taken the low pricing into account, a realization that the living costs were cheap played a large role within why you had moved. Although, so were the living conditions, inexpensive and poor, but you had always lived within places such as the one you were currently calling your abode, you had always inhabited the confines of trashed trailer parks or rundown, tiny homes, quickly becoming used to the below par lifestyle and the constant struggles you had to face, whether that be with the utilities or other civilians. Perhaps you had morphed into a creature of habit, resorting back to the only environment you had ever known, but your reasoning for why you had chosen this specific trailer park was practically a mystery to you. It wasn't in your dream town, desired city, or even the state you had aimed for.
Although Daryl had just replied with a simple nod of his head to your stuttered words, his mind was currently racing: You appeared to belong nowhere near trailer parks, or even close to the type of town you two were currently venturing through, so much so that if the biker had spotted you upon the streets, he would have assumed you belonged in some fancy home or upscale neighborhood. You were extremely attractive in the eyes of the brunette, you obviously took care of your appearance, with your pristine hair and smooth skin, whilst you were also very kind; you had good manners, you were sweet, and you seemed very compassionate, nothing compared to the obnoxious and immoral women he had grown used to. So in his mind, he was still stuck upon the unanswered question that was why you had even chosen a trailer park in the first place.
But, once again, he didn't pry, he remained silent as he allowed you to observe the view for a while longer before starting his motorcycle once more.
After that experience, the two of you quickly grew much closer; in the beginning, Daryl was often much too shy to ask for your company, too nervous to possibly disrupt you or overstep your unspoken boundaries, he couldn't possibly risk coming off as creepy or being perceived as annoying. But, he quickly came to the conclusion that you were quite the opposite, often bounding at the opportunity to request the bikers companionship, a fact that the brunette was surprised and happy with; it wasn't often that someone desired to hang out with the male, and because of this, he was not really used to the idea that another being could possibly enjoy his presence, but just knowing you were very willing to be around him was a thought that made his stomach do a summersault, a revelation that warmed his heart.
At first, the two of you would maybe go on a short motorcycle ride, like the one you had that night, or perhaps he would help you with more tasks around your home, often chores you were very capable of completely on your own, like moving the couch or reaching something placed high upon the wall, but you genuinely just wanted someone to converse with, and the biker never seemed to object. Then, it escalated into a more comfortable, relaxed environment as you began just sitting around and watching television whilst sharing a few beers, or possibly finding your way to a bar in the hopes of playing pool, the two of you would even take a trip down to the river placed behind the small community when you desired a swim, an activity Daryl rarely joined you in, often remaining upon the embankment whilst chatting with you. As the two of you formed a tighter bond, you practically became attached at the hip; you began appearing within Daryl’s current living situation, maintaining your composure when his brother and the older male’s acquaintances licked their lips and flirted with you. Although, the brunette preferred disappearing to someplace different, enjoying the minimal time he spent away from his brother and his boisterous pals. 
It was as if you were some form of escape for the biker, a chance for him to erase the memories of the environment he would eventually have to return to. From the way you looked and the way you behaved, to your home and your ideals, everything about you appeared to be the exact opposite of what he had to deal with on a daily basis. During the amount of time he would spend with you, he no longer had to manage his brother and his obnoxious antics, he wasn't constantly berated by the neighbors and their idiotic statements, instead, he was surrounded by the sound of your lovely voice, allowing himself to take part in enjoyable, and sometimes intellectual, conversations as the two of you shared your opinions and stories. He would no longer be engulfed within the disheveled structure his brother called their house or surrounded by constant bickering and violent brawls, instead, he could escape within the walls of your beautiful home, receiving the opportunity for the two of to attend a cute diner or take a walk within the desolate woods. You were like his own, personal paradise. His heaven.
With this forming friendship, overtime, you began to notice how you were beginning to grow different types of feelings towards the biker; you often found yourself daydreaming about the brunette, whether you were placed within the confines of your bed, unable to drift off to sleep as the thought of the male began to creep within your head, or when you were tending to some chores around your home, the thought of him always seemed to be lingering within your mind. But, how could you not become fond of him? 
The male was sweet, nice, and very helpful, always offering you a hand around your trailer, more than willing to repair multiple appliances or tend to any problems you were experiencing. Other than your previously listed struggles, Daryl had assisted you in getting your vehicle fixed, helped you repair your sink, and he had even painted your bedroom walls. The biker was also very respectful, he had never once made you feel uncomfortable as he was extremely careful when it came to valuing your boundaries. The brunette had never made an uncomfortable joke, he had never attempted to touch you or use you in any inappropriate manner, and he had even beat the shit out of another man who had slapped your ass while the two of you were partaking in a walk. And somehow, the biker was very attractive as well, his sharp features mixed with his mysterious aura was very alluring. His bright, blue eyes seemed to stand out against his dark hair, irises that portray his every emotion as he often remained silent, pupils lively, displaying all of his feelings and opinions as he stared upon you with them. His chiseled jawline and light stubble were also huge factors that played into your attraction towards the man. He was also so manly, you often spent your free time adoring him as he worked upon his bike or fixed appliances around your trailer, growing smitten over the way his muscles strained and tensed underneath the pressure he applied upon them, large upper body bulging as he repaired your utilities. Images of his muscular arms wrapped around you while the two of you held one another, or as he embraced you after you returned from a stressful day, often plagued your dreams. 
You were very aware of the fact that you most likely shouldn't have been receiving those sort of feelings towards Daryl, due to the reality that he was one of your only friends and you most certainly were not fond of the idea of possibly losing him. You didn't enjoy the thought of frightening or disgusting him with a rash confession of your feelings, an admission that you were 100% certain would scare him away. The biker had also been very humble, as mentioned previously; you had never caught him ogling you, not for one moment had he objectified you or fetishized you by announcing any form of nasty pick up lines or gross ideals, in no way shape or form had he ever made any inappropriate advances upon you, and, most importantly, he had always remained extremely helpful and accommodating. So, you decided that you'd just keep your feelings to yourself until you were no longer able to, staying consistent with your previous pattern of daydreaming of the biker and taking part in friendly conversations and socializations with the male.
But little did you know, Daryl felt no differently; as time went on, the male had grown smitten with you as well, jumping at any opportunity to spend time with you, even if it wasn't one on one. He adored making you laugh and giggle, and he would never miss the chance to observe your wide grin as the two of you approached one another. Your presence alone made the brunette's stomach do summersaults within his abdomen, your striking features, intoxicating aroma, and admirable personality never failed to cause the biker’s knees to grow weak. He adored how confident you were, poised enough to wear the clothing you desired to, amplified assurance to behave the way you often did, even within the confines of an environment such as a trashy trailer park, and sufficiently assertive to approach Daryl the way you had about a week into your stay, even after taking into consideration who he had been surrounded by. He also admired your ability to take care of yourself, standing up to the vulgar men as they treated you like a possession, an animal, an object, anything but human. You were so capable of repairing your problems and struggles on your own, even if you often asked the brunette to reconstruct various tasks, chores he was aware you knew how to mend with your own strength and knowledge. But, he could never bring himself to deny your requests, although he had never desired to do so.
However, what had kept the male from admitting his pleasant feelings for you was a mix of fear, terrified of the notion of you slipping from his grasp, the only thing that had made him feel true happiness in a long while, and his extremely low self esteem; Daryl had never thought much of himself, always imagining himself as a lowlife, unattractive, inferior, criminal, ideals that had always been repeated from the mouth of his older brother, two participants that constantly lowered his self image. And, due to these bombarding beliefs, the biker had continued to patronize himself, reminding himself of all the things he had yet to accomplish, convincing himself that he had done so much wrong that he was just a waste of space, someone who didn't deserve to have an angel such as yourself to call his significant other. The biker viewed you as a celestial being, a superior human who he was lucky enough to have graced his vision, someone who would never consider a being such as himself. He believed he wasn't good enough for you, and he couldn't risk the embarrassment of being rejected by a human such as yourself.
One night, around ten o'clock, about a month or two after the both of you had taken part in your first motorcycle ride, you and Daryl had placed yourselves around a small fire. You had built the blaze within your front yard, one that would give you the ability to view the glimmering stars above you without the overcasting shadow of the trees mixed with the shielding structure that was your own trailer. The two of you were currently sitting around the fire, you were placed comfortably within a lawn chair while the brunette had plopped himself down upon a tree stump placed about half a foot to your right, one you often used to chop and cut wood. You were quietly observing the flames as they licked up around the logs of the campfire, successfully projecting small sparks into the night sky, tiny, glowing chunks that joined the glistening stars littered above you as the blaze groaned and crackled. 
At some point, you had begun watching the biker from within the corner of your eyes, noticing the way an orange glow had glazed his face, illuminating his solemn features as he stared into the fire, as if he was contemplating something. You quickly recognized the look etched upon his characteristics, it was one he often supported whilst he sat upon the front steps of the tiny home placed down the street: His lips were drawn into a thin line as his eyes remained glued to one, specific object, the item that had fallen victim to his scrutinizing gaze this time was the lively flames. His hair was currently dangling in front of his features, bangs that casted a light shadow onto his face, a grayish silhouette that outlined his smooth forehead, the bridge of his nose, and a portion of his right eye, pupils that were glimmering within the lighting. His blue irises had transformed into a light teal mixed with a layer of yellow as he sat in silence, fire contorting his face in small segments, pieces that had only revealed themselves to your attentive eyes.
The two of you had remained quiet for quite some time, a silence that was no longer awkward compared to the way it used to be. At some point, the tranquility had morphed into a comforting aura, one that engulfed you as the, oftentimes mute, biker accompanied your surroundings. You both had resorted to listening to the sound of the laughter echoing itself down the populated streets as community members wandered the roads, talking and laughing amongst one another. You also allowed your ears to receive the slight tremble of the nature that seemed to guard the backside of your home, bushes rustling as the flames hissed in front of you. A mosquito had also begun buzzing within the shell of your ear, one you were quick to raise a hand and smack. Merle had even stopped by momentarily, chatting you up for a bit before eventually disappearing into the night, allowing you and the biker to remain alone once more. The two of you had permitted yourselves to enjoy each other's company for a while, not being pestered or harassed by other civilians as you alternatively became relaxed within one another's presence.
You knew exactly why you had invited Daryl over, you were aware of the actions about to unfold when you skipped across the road around eight that night, in search of the handsome biker. You could no longer hide your feelings, plain and simple; you were finding it much harder to fight back the overpowering urge to reach out and grasp at the males hand while the two of you walked side by side, or from kissing his cheek every time he repaired one of your appliances, and you were even receiving the impulse to refer to him as “hun” or “sweetie” whenever the two of you greeted one another. The male was beginning to take up every second of your being, you made it a priority to visit the biker at least one a day, spend time with him whilst chatting and laughing amongst each other, and when you weren't lingering around the brunette, you were thinking of him, following little storylines within the confines of your imagination or reminiscing upon a moment the two of you had shared together, and when you were not reflecting upon the male, you were sleeping. Slumber that was plagued with dreams of the handyman. 
Your heart yearned for him, that was obvious, it just about hurt how much you desired him at that point. It was as if there was an emptiness within your chest, a hole in the shape of a quiet and adorable biker. You had to tell him, you had reached the point of impending implosion, the secret was eating you alive.
“I want you to kiss me.” You blurted out.
In all honesty, that probably had not been the best way to approach the situation, even you could admit that, but it was as if the words began to tumble from your lips before you could even ponder upon your course of action. You were screaming within the confines of your mind, face beginning to turn a light shade of pink as your own sentence entered the chambers of your ears. You quickly came to terms with your previous action, a small voice speaking loudly over the continuous, frantic yelling, exclaiming that what had been said was done, there was no going back, so you embarrassingly allowed your head to turn in his direction. 
You observed as Daryl did the same, neck spinning as he faced you; his features were blank, eyes void of emotion, eyebrows placed comfortably upon his brow bone, skin remaining its previous tan color, and his lips continued to lay in a tight line as he gazed upon you. Your vision was darting around his face in a delirious manner, searching for any sign of a response as he remained frozen in time, even his hands were motionless upon his knees, not even a slight twitch had been emitted from his legs.
“Daryl,” you sighed, feeling a much stronger wave of embarrassment wash over you as a response to his concerning reaction, eyes quickly falling from his face and landing upon your lap “I really like you, and I-uh, I don’t exactly know how to say this, but I don't think we can continue being just friends anymore.” 
As the biker remained silent, staring at you as if the words that had just tumbled from your lips had not even reached him yet, you grew even more nervous, anxiety nipping at your stomach. The male remained quiet, eyes glued to your own as no sign of emotion appeared to wash over him: His eyebrows hadn't drawn themselves into a confused knot, his face never turned a deep, flustered red, nor had his hands began to nervously fidget, as they often had when he was placed within an awkward experience. After a while of this, the brunette remaining mute as you became nauseous, you finally exhaled a large huff, defeat crashing down upon you as you rose from your spot upon the lawn, wiping your dirt laced palms upon your jean covered thighs.
“I'm sorry, really. I'm sorry.” You spoke as you stood, repeating yourself like some sort of broken record before you made your way towards the front steps, disappearing within the walls of your home.
In all honesty, Daryl had not remained silent out of disgust or some form of protest, which was the way you perceived his actions. You received the biker's quiet behavior as a pure sign of distaste, his mute gestures a clear indication that he was in fact very against your suggestions. But, that could not have been further from the truth: The male had remained silent as he was much too nervous to mess up the bond the two of you had formed, a delicate structure both of you had spent carefully building over the last couple months, and the brunette was scared of the idea of possibly losing you. A little known fact about the biker was that he had never really had a girlfriend before, he had been with women and experienced a few dates, but he had never really dated a female he truly had feelings for, a verity you were very unaware of. Therefore, because of this, the male was almost positive that if the two of you were to carry on down that sort of path, he was certain to mess up and ruin things between you two; he didn't know the first thing about a genuine, loving relationship, he was unsure when to kiss you, where to hold you, how to act during dates, or even how to act as a boyfriend. So, consequently, he couldn't bring himself to accept your offer, although it had been everything he had ever wished for, he was just too fearful of losing you.
However, little did the biker know, that was exactly what had happened right then: You were slipping from his grasp.
After that night, you slowly began to distance yourself, too embarrassed to face the biker following the eventful evening, nervous that he was disgusted with you and no longer desired to spend time with you. So you took it upon yourself to reject yourself: You stopped approaching him, cheeks burning as they grew a rosie red whenever you happened to spot him, you gave up upon spending time around both him and even he buddies, and worst of all, you stopped requesting his help, often resorting to the assistance of another male down the road, a lengthy man named Adam.
Daryl noticed the change in your demeanor very early on, picking up upon the fact that you rarely came to visit and you completely stopped talking to him, only rewarding the male with a polite wave mixed with a small smile. Naturally, this revelation irked him, a sudden pit forming within the depths of his stomach due to this discovery, a finding that inevitably made him realize that he would be forced to return to the front steps of his current living situation. He had resorted back to dissolving upon the stares of the ratty trailer, rotting away in the summer sun as he sipped upon a beer, occasionally jumping within the depths of a fight that his brother had somehow started. The only source of happiness he had received, practically since birth, had escaped his life, but nothing could have prepared him for what would conspire about three weeks after the incident, when Daryl began to spot another male entering your home, the previously mentioned Adam.
Adam was a blond, 5 '11, salesman who lived down the street, he owned a nice, silver car alongside an all black motorcycle, one he often took upon joy rides. Admittedly, the blond was a fairly nice guy; during the few conversations the brunette had shared with him, Adam had remained very polite, respectful, and kind with the biker. The blond was practically the epiphany of a woman's dream man: He was tall, nice, blond, and supported a striking pair of blue eyes, facts that lead the brunette to conclude that you were most likely pining after Adam, a realization that caused Daryl to grow ill. The brunette’s constant obsessing over the thought of you and Adam together didn't do wonders for his self image.
Daryl would observe the two of you as you entered your home, giggling amongst yourselves before disappearing within the doorway of your trailer while the biker remained placed upon the rotting front steps of his current house. The sight made him become sick, his heart shattering into a million pieces as he silently let you go, keeping to himself as you appeared to replace him with the blond. The male would often reminisce upon the moments you had shared together beforehand, the motorcycle rides you had spent pushed against his frame and the long conversations you shared late at night within the darkly lit confines of your living room, he had even began to miss the way you insisted upon washing his worn clothing and tending to his deserted hair, slight habits that often annoyed the solemn male at the time, but that was the most he had technically interacted with you: Through memory. 
His breaking point creeped up upon him when the sound of a bike roaring to life entered his ears around nine one night, a familiar rumble that caused the male to sit up from within his spot upon the couch; in any other circumstance, the amicable noise would have been one the brunette wouldn't have thought twice about, due to the fact that many of his acquaintances were motorcyclists, he would have just concluded that the abrupt sound had been one of the lousy fools he often surrounded himself with. If it weren't for the fact that the large pack was currently engulfing the biker, a sea of motionless bodies littered the room as the group had passed out much earlier than expected, a result from their full itinerary of drinking and smoking that day. That piece of evidence was what led Daryl to rise up from his slumber, sitting up upon the couch before pushing himself to an upright position, quick to carefully creep towards the windowsill. Once the male had arrived at his desired destination, he allowed his fingers to trail up the curtain, parting the shades with his digits before peaking through the glass.
His eyes surveillance the area, blue irises scrutinizing his surroundings, skimming across the discarded pile of black trash bags that had been deserted at the end of the short driveway, vision dancing across the motionless landscape, the moon shining high within the sky, atmosphere dark as minuscule stars dotted the skyline, before his eyes landed upon your property. The biker quickly spotted you, your shoulders jolting as you tossed your hair upon your back before eventually straddling an unfamiliar bike. He allowed his pupils to trail up the vehicle, vision grazing past your dark silhouette and up the black frame of the motorcycle before he finally spotted the outline of another person's body: Adam. The brunette observed as you placed yourself upon the blond’s bike, arms wrapping themselves around his torso as you settled into your position before taking off, disappearing into a cloud of dust down the vacant road.
The sight caused his breath to hitch within the back of his throat, the heart-rending sight resulted in his eyes growing weak, glazing themselves in a layer of moisture as the perspiration threatened to spill from the barriers that were his eyelids. That had been the activity the two of you shared, the first real bonding experience you both took part in, not an occurrence Adam and you should have been experiencing. This thought caused the brunette to huff, a shaky breath that expelled itself from the chamber of his mouth as he brought his hands up to his face, rubbing his palms in small circles onto his closed eyes in an attempt to dry them.
The feeling of his eyes growing wet was not something he was used to, it was some sort of foreign sensation to the male, unable to remember the last time he received that sort of feeling. As he dried his eyes, he grew confused, due to the fact that crying wasn't exactly in his nature: He could get punched in the face and have his nose become broken, or witness the same occurrence happening to another being, and he most likely wouldn't have shed a tear. So why then? It didn't take a genius to figure it out, Daryl was losing the one thing he truly cared about, he was being deprived of the place he called home, the person that helped him escape his treacherous life, even just for a bit. The one form of light and happiness in his life was disappearing forever, and it dawned upon him right then that he needed to make his final decision: Would he let you go, let you escape this world with another male, or would he make one last attempt to patch things up? 
Gathering the little amount of courage and confidence still left within his system, he tiptoed towards the door, making sure to step over limp bodies and not to activate any noisy floorboards before reaching the exit. He was careful whilst utilizing the door knob, turning it in a manner that was most effective, reaching his fingers around the metal circle and twisting it in a certain fashion that was guaranteed to silence the object. Once the door finally popped open, the biker was quick to exit the crowded home, feet mute upon the small, front landing before he turned back towards the entrance, repeating the previous cycle. Finally, he placed himself upon the stairs, awaiting your return whilst he busied himself with the objects surrounding him: 
Understanding that he could be waiting for a long time, he lifted his head, observing the sky placed above him for a while, trying to create shapes and objects with the flickering stars or attempting to spot the darker splotches upon the glowing moon. Eventually, when he found himself growing bored of his previous activities, he moved onto his next target, which happened to be the open window of the trailer placed across the street; the male allowed his eyes to focus upon the glass, shades pushed to the side as his vision circled the interior. He could spot a few brown framed pictures placed upon the yellow stained walls, although his irises were practically completely obscured by the fighting couple placed in front of the window. The male and women were obviously arguing, their screaming voices slightly muffled by the exterior of their home, but he could still hear the faint yelling of the two as a few hits were placed upon one another. The brunette watched them for a long while, observing as they hollered and hit one another, attempting to make out their words and sentences, doing his best to decipher what their fight had been about until a far away rumble began to present itself within the warm breeze. The quiet roar being carried through the wind was a familiar one, the intimate grumble was one of a revving motorcycle, a sound that caused the bikers ears to perk up.
Daryl did his best not to let his impatience get the best of him, due to the fact that the bike could have belonged to practically any resident within the neighborhood, but he couldn't hide his growing restlessness when he began to fiddle with his hands, rubbing his palms together as the noise neared. As the, previously unknown, bike turned into the community, an action that caused the male to begin to fidget with his fingers with much more intensity, his vision finally focused upon the jet black motorcycle, a vehicle that was currently holding two passengers. The brunette momentarily stayed put, eyes following the bike as it came to a halt at the end of your driveway, the blond allowing you to hop off the motorcycle, exclaiming an obvious farewell with the wave of his hand, his lips moving as his words remained silenced under the intense rumble of his vehicle, before he eventually drove off, disappearing towards the direction of his own home.
Once Adam was finally a good distance away, not paying any mind to the women he had just dropped off, the brunette rose from his place upon the wooden steps, practically stomping across the lawn. As Daryl made his way across the street, he observed you as you walked up your driveway, a slight thump noise being emitted from your feet as the souls of your shoes slapped against the pavement. It was evident that you were unsuspecting of the male advancing across the road, until he called out to you:
“(Y/N).” the biker exclaimed, his words echoing throughout the vicinity as the sound of the blond’s bike died down, erasing its previous roar from the area.
The brunette’s voices caused you to swing around, spinning upon your heels before you spotted his figure as he crossed the threshold of your lawn, boots stamping upon the split between the cold concrete and brown dirt. The male was supporting a stern look, eyebrows pulled together, a sign of determination, his irises steady as he gazed upon you, and his lips pulled taunt into a tight line, as if he was in some sort of deep thought. His shoulders were drawn jointly, muscles dense in a stressful manner, fist clenched and knuckles white as he made his way towards you, knowing that deep down, if he didn't do what he was about to, he might never attempt again. His sudden appearance caused your eyes to grow wide, not exactly expecting him to return to your property that night. Or ever for that matter.
“Dar-” You attempted to respond as he finally placed himself in front of you, although your vocalization was cut short by his lips landing upon your own.
You were quite taken aback by his actions, his mouth pressed plush against your own as his large hand snaked its way around your back, firm palm settling upon the small of your spine as he pulled you closer to his figure. You couldn't lie, you momentarily allowed your body to practically liquify into his grasp, mind reeling as you were finally introduced to the way his strong, muscly arms felt as they caged you between his wide chest and his large biceps. The hold the male had upon you was comforting, your figure relaxing into his own as the heat of his limbs radiated upon your own, his body soft and pillow-like as you cuddled further into his warm and safe grip. 
You practically felt relieved as his lips pushed themselves against your own, mouths slotting together as if they were pieces of a puzzle, like your lips had been made for the others' usage. His mouth was soft, lips plump as they pressed upon your own, smushing together as the tips of your noses collided. He tasted of cigarettes and metallic beer as he mouthed further into you, a flavor you had never expected to find as delicious as you did right then, mouth practically lapping at the tang being ejected from him. You tilted your head, allowing the male to deepen the kiss as the features of your faces were no longer in the way, permitting the male to pull you further into his lips, soft mouth that practically put you within a trance, hypnotizing you as you allowed him to pepper your lips with long, affectionate kisses.
Daryl began to smile into the depths of your shared kiss, lips curling up into a small grin as he relished within the grasp of your junction. He would have never dreamed of kissing an angel, but here he was, the taste of mint and sugar flooding into the cave of his throat as he held you, small body pinned against his own as the warmth of your figure radiated into his own. Until, suddenly, you began to push him away, a slight irritation rushing through your system that the biker quickly picked up upon, frantic hands prodding at him as you separated.
“You-” you paused while untangling yourself from his grasp, sighing in a mix of defeat and exhaustion, a result of your previous activities, as you did so “You can't just do this to me, Daryl.”
The male gazed down upon you, face an exasperated red, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and lips covered in a sheen of saliva as he grew disoriented. He observed the look etched upon your face, cheeks a pinkish hue, eyes fluttering up towards him, and a slight frown inching across your lips as a breeze blew through you, strands of your hair trailing behind your dimly illuminated silhouette. He could have sworn you had been enjoying yourself just moments prior, from the way you had kissed him back, to the way you allowed your body to mold into his own.
“I really like you, Daryl, and you broke my heart. And now, I'm trying to move on, and now you come back?” You huffed in a slight anger, although your previous irritation began to simmer.
While you were still annoyed, you could never actually remain frustrated with the sweet biker, it was as if you had grown some sort of soft spot for the male, one that had refused to disappear over time. You had not become frustrated due to his actions, you had quite enjoyed his unanticipated behavior, instead, you were angry with his timing. Why now? Why did it take seeing you with another man for him to suddenly magnetize back towards you, after all that heart break, days spent crying within the depths of your bed as you became overloaded with a wave of overwhelming emotions.
You crossed your arms, tempted to turn back towards him before vanishing into your home, but once your vision landed upon the concerned look written across his characteristics, you couldn't bear to resist him: His eyebrows were now completely pulled together, this time furrowed in a look of confusion rather than determination as he stared down at you, vision darting all across your face as he observed you in deep uncertainty, a look of sadness hidden far within his inky pupils. His mouth was drawn into a thin line as he obviously began to chew upon the inside of his cheek, worry coursing through his veins, fear washing over him as he became terrified of the idea that he had just possibly ruined his last chance with you.
The male had never been one with words, maybe that was why he had remained quiet when you had confessed to him, or possibly why he had just sat there for a few seconds, silently searching for the correct words to use and the right tone to utilize that would make you wish to stay. The biker had always been worried of disrespecting you whilst he spoke, scared of perhaps exclaiming the incorrect words and in turn, ruining a moment with his vocalization, so he often remained mute in situations such as these. Although he remained unaware of the harmful effects his silence often had upon others.
“I like ya too, but,” he paused, momentarily drawing a blank once more before inevitably just allowing himself to continue, permitting the words to flow “I didn't wanna ruin what we had, but… Thas what ended up happenin anyway.”
You quickly spotted the deep, red hue beginning to spread across the male’s face while he spoke, tears of embarrassment mixed with an overwhelming sadness threatening to spill over his eyelids and leak down his cheeks at his confession. You had never witnessed the biker this close to sobbing before, so the genuine sincerity in his words, strong enough to perhaps make him cry, was enough to repair your previously damaged heart.
In all honesty, you had grown fond of Adam, he had made you smile, laugh, and he had been great company, but you desired him in nothing more than a friendly manner, never allowing your relationship to become anything more than that. A friendship. Yes, you and the blond had taken part in some of the same activities as you had with Daryl, occasions such as walks, conversations, and he had even assisted you with some of your maintenance problems, but it had all remained in a friendly manner. Your heart had always belonged to the mysterious, quiet male, memories of him often keeping you up within the late hours of the night, mind yearning for his company throughout the days, and you continued to allow your eyes to take quick glances in his direction whenever you had passed by his abode. You missed him, plain and simple; you often caught yourself calling out to the brunette while you remained alone within the depths of your home, you yearned for your previous chats, and you deeply desired his presence within your life. It had become obvious, during your growing friendship, that he had been made for you, that the two of you were practically perfect for one another: You had supplied each other with a happiness you had not received in such a long while, a joy that caused the two of you to grow unable to envision a future without one another.
Your sudden giggles caught Daryl off guard, erratic chuckles that echoed against the structures surrounding you as you began to support a wide grin paired with squinted eyes, features that only confused the male further while you brought a hand up to your face, placing it over your revealed teeth before you began to shake your head, almost as a display of disbelief.
“I could never stay mad at you, Daryl. You didn't ruin anything, I did. I shouldn't have pushed you away.” You admitted.
The biker had heard what you said, allowing your genuine sentence to enter the canals of his ears, but your words had not clarified anything for him. Perhaps it was the mixture of your abrupt laughter and vague vocalization, but your actions only caused him to wonder if you had been giggling at him, towards his embarrassing confession and you still desired to remain distanced from him. 
You glanced up towards the brunette once more whilst removing your hand from upon your lips, laughter dying away as you perceived the look plastered upon his face: He was still supporting his previous expression, one that made you concur that he had remained confused, eyebrows still furrowed and his mouth drawn into a thin line. 
At this discovery, you smiled softly at the awkward male before raising yourself upon the toes of your shoes, lifting your face to his lips before placing your mouth gently upon his own. You were quick to allow yourself to melt into his touch, as this time, you had expected the connection and were more than willing to savor it. Your movements remained still as you felt the brunette's hands shakily placed themselves upon your torso, fingers gripping at your skin as the pads of his digits began to carefully rub at your flesh. It was relaxing to receive the feeling of his plush lips once more, mouth soft and inviting as you returned to his protective grasp, the whole world disappearing around the two of you as a feeling of true safety washed over you.
The biker's eyes fell heavy under the control of your passionate mouth, lids clamping shut as he leaned further into your lips, deepening the kiss as you pressed your faces together much harsher. The kiss was deep and passionate, everything the two of you had ever dreamed of as your connection was evidently heavenly, movements angelic as you breathed brutally through your nose. You felt perfect placed beneath the brunette, the male allowing his face to nuzzle into your grip when he received the feeling of your palm upon his cheek, hand grasping at his warm skin as your lips moved in sync. 
“Wanna go on a ride?” You asked the biker once the two of you eventually parted.
The male smiled down at you, a completely adoring smirk, breath lagging as he panted, nodding quickly before you grasped at his hand, sweaty fingers lacing together as you practically dragged him towards his motorcycle.
That time, and during the many yet to come, you didn't hesitate to allow your head to rest upon his leather covered back while he drove.
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thatwriterchaotic · 1 year
Here it is. My first ever smut with none other than Daryl Dixon. For celebrating 100 followers, this is a gift from me to you. I hope you enjoy it. It is so damn long.
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What Are We?...
Summary: Daryl had always been slow and careful with your relationship. Always wanting to treat you right. Make you the happiest person on the planet. But he also kept thinking about you in other ways. Maybe it was time to be a little bit more intimate with you.
Pairing: Pre apocalypse!Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: [18+], first time together, soft!daryl, man handling, fingering, oral, some hair pulling just very smutty jesus- be nice it's my first time writing like this 😂 this is honestly the longest thing I have written.
The first time Daryl laid his eyes on you was when you brought your car in. You needed your breaks checked and something was wrong with the engine. Daryl only had this mechanic job was because of Merle. Even though it wasn't Daryl's favorite thing to do. He had to make money some how. Damn idiot got himself back into jail again for another bar fight.
Daryl was distracted by you the whole time as he fixed your car. Just something about you had him mesmerized. The next time he saw you was at his friend Maggie's house party. Daryl only agreed to go because Glenn wouldn't stop bothering him. Not wanting to be the only guy at that party. Which wasn't true at all. He had gotten your name and number at that party.
You two had gone on several dates after that. Enjoying spending time with the other. Daryl would tell you about his days and the cars he fixed. You tried to following along as best you could with what little knowledge you had. Happy to see him open up and talk about the things he liked. You would respond back and talk about the things you liked, bonding over your similarities.
You both mostly kept to yourself. Not wanting to go out and do extravagant things. You both where the happiest staying inside. Watching movies together, cuddled up on Daryl's couch. His arms wrapped around your body. You always felt so safe with him around. Laying on top of him. Your head laying on his chest. Feeling his hand move up to play with your hair.
If you could stay like this all the time you would. But you both also enjoyed going out on rides on Daryl's motorcycle. Daryl loved the feeling of you sitting behind him. Arms wrapped around his torso like he was your life line. Nothing could separate the two of you. Always wanting to be together.
But Daryl secretly wanted to go further with you. Craving the feeling of your touch. The feeling of your skin against his. But he didn't want to cross a line if you weren't ready for it. Daryl was always very respectful towards you. Unlike his brother. He adored and loved everything about you. But what he didn't know was that you craved him too. Always catching him staring at you in that almost mischievous way. His bottom lip in between his teeth. That hungry stare in those dark blue eyes. Oh you thought it was the sexiest thing ever. Especially when he had his sleeves rolled up, showing off his forearms. A few buttons undone at the top of his button up, showing just a little bit of chest hair.
Feeling Daryl move under you made you jump out of your thoughts. Glancing up at him, smiling softly. “Need me to move?” You asked wanting Daryl to be as comfortable as possible. Daryl shoke his head. “Nah, yer alright sweetheart. Just stay like that, all pretty for me” Daryl said sweetly to you brushing your hair out of your face. You felt yourself flush. Your man was such a flirt. Making yourself feel weak in the knees almost everyday. You smiled softly and leaned up to peck his lips
Feeling him kiss you back, with his soft lips. You loved the feeling of being so close to him. He radiated warmth and comfort. But it was only when you where alone together. Out in public, you mostly just held hands and light kisses. You understood that Daryl was more shy about it. And that's okay, whatever made your man comfortable and happy. You would wait for him no matter how long it took.
That's when you felt his hands go a little lower. The kiss turning more intimate. His tongue slipping into your mouth. Your hands starting to wonder as well. Moving from his stomach and up towards his chest. And finally towards those brawd shoulders, you loved so much. Gripping onto his shirt. Wanting to be even closer to him. Daryl eventually sat up again, you sitting down in his lap. Legs wrapped around his waist. Holding you so close, your chests touching each other.
Having to break for air, you slowly pulled away from Daryl's intense kissing. Stopping him before he leaned in for more. Having this adorable pout on his lips. “Did I do something wrong?” Daryl asked you with a concerned look in his eyes. You smiled and cupped his cheek. “No no you didn't do anything wrong, just- What are we Daryl?” You asked him looking into his eyes. Hoping you didn't scare him off for asking. “What ya mean? Yer my woman” Daryl said softly to you taking your hand and placed soft kisses on your palm.
You thought it was sweet, hearing him call you his. But you pulled your hand away. “Seriously Daryl, what are we? Am I really your woman if you can't even kiss me infront of our friends?” You said pushing this a little further. Wanting an answer from him. Daryl sighed softly and took your hands in his. “Alright, alright” He started looking into your eyes. A serious look on his face.
“I get nervous when we are out in public. You know how much I respect ya. Always wanting to make sure yer happy. I never want to over step or rush us into anything. I want us both to feel comfortable. Look I promise I'll start be more affectionate towards ya. Since I haven't been able to get you outta my head” Daryl said to you. Noticing his lip going in between his teeth. Gently biting down on his bottom lip. Oh, he was thinking of you. In all kinds of ways.
Feeling a bit flustered from Daryl's confession, you took your hand and caressed his jaw. Going down his neck and to the front of his chest. Fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. Popping open the first two buttons. “You've been thinking about me?” You asked so innocently looking up at your man.
Daryl nodded and leaned closer towards you. Your noses almost touching.
“I think about you every night. The feeling of your skin against mine-” Daryl moved his hands to your waist, sliding you over to one of his legs. “How soft it feels against my calloused fingers, the sweet noises I could pull from you just from my touch” He guided you to start slowly grinding down on his thigh. Your hips going back and forth in a slow rhythm, making the most amazing friction between your legs.
You grabbed onto his shoulders for stability as you rocked on his thigh. God hearing him talk like that and the way your jeans rubbed up against your clit. It felt like heaven. You whimpered softly and never looked away from Daryl. Stuck in a trance from how good he was making you feel. “Ya like that sweetheart? Huh? Ya like how it feels to grind on my thigh” Daryl said to you pulling you in even closer. His hands never left your hips. Encouraging you to move them faster.
“F-Fuck Daryl, feels so good” You managed to whimper out. Speeding up the pace of your hips slightly. Daryl smirked and kissed your jaw, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck and to your chest. You whined and wrapped your arms around his neck. Loving all the attention he was giving to you. He moved one of his hands from your hip and to the front of your jeans. “I'm gonna touch ya now, is that alright?” Daryl asked you first before popping open the button on your jeans. You quickly nodded your head yes. You felt his hand slowly slide down into your jeans and under your underwear.
You gasped when he gently touched your clit with his fingers. Circling it in just the perfect way. You kept rocking your hips against his thigh. Loving the combination between the two. You moaned and reached up, your fingers going through Daryl's short brown hair. Pushing him further into your neck. Daryl left several marks on your neck, claim you as his and no one else's. “Yer doing so well for me sweetheart, prettiest thing I've ever seen” He grunted as he decided to push you back against the couch. You whined when he took his hand away from you. “Don't whine now babygirl, I'll take care of you. Just gotta get undressed first” Daryl said softly to you.
Between harsh kisses, Daryl managed to get your pants off. Along with his shirt that you demanded he take off. Wanting to see more of his chest. That left you in your shirt and panties. It was a normal pair, just a lacey black thong. But Daryl loved it. He thought you looked sexy as hell. He got on top of you. Reconnecting your lips again with another passionate kiss.
You cupped his face and kissed him back. His tongue shoving into your mouth. But eventually he made his way down your body. Leaving trails of kisses down your stomach, to your thigh. Getting right in between your legs. Daryl propped your legs on his shoulders as he kissed your thighs. Leaving soft bite marks and hickeys that would definitely stay until morning. Until he got right where he wanted to be.”Tell me what you want me to do sweetheart, want me to eat this pussy huh? So wet for me aren't you” Daryl said looking up at you. His pupils where blown wide with lust.
You blushed and looked down at Daryl, loving the way he looked between your legs. “Please Daryl.. Please I want you so badly” you begged for him. Daryl slid your thong to the side and swiped his tongue from your slit up to your clit. Making a electrifying feeling shoot up your spine. You moaned and arched your back, Daryl's hold on your hips not letting you go anywhere. Your hands instantly going to his hair gently pulling his hair making him grunt into your pussy.
God he was really good at this. You couldn't stop moaning his name over and over again. He slurped at your clit flicking his tongue back and forth. That's when Daryl moved his hand down and slowly slipped his finger into you. Curling it just right. “Such a needy little thing for me, making such a mess” Daryl grunted as he kept going, loving the noises you made. Soon he slipped in another finger into you. Moving them at the same pace as his tongue. You felt a tight sensation start to build in your stomach. You tried to warn Daryl but it felt too good. Not wanting him to stop pleasuring you. You felt the snap in your abdomen, feeling yourself come undone. You moaned Daryl's name loudly tugging at his hair. Daryl continued, helping you ride out your high.
Panting heavily you laid back down on the couch. Trying to catch your breath from that intense orgasm. Daryl had a huge grin on his face. He gently laid your legs down and sat up. Licking his lips, he slipped his two fingers into his mouth sucking them clean. “You taste so sweet sweetheart, gonna make me want to stay in between your legs forever” Daryl said as he looked at you. Your hair was a mess and you had a coat of sweat cling to your body. Daryl gently rubbed your leg and fixed your panties.
“Just relax for me baby, we can go get cleaned up in a bit okay” Daryl said softly. Always wanting to take care of you. You noticed his jeans look rather tight. Wanting to help him feel good too. “But what about you love? Let me take care of you” You said almost begging him. He shook his head and smirked. “We can have round two in the shower just rest” He said as he laid down on top of you wrapping his arms around your waist. You gently ran your hands through his hair. God you where so lucky to have this man in your life.
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twigg96 · 1 year
Daryl X Reader
Thank You for the Music
Time frame: Pre-Season 1 (The Quarry)
Warnings: Fluff
Summary: Dale's record player brings life back to the little community. Dancing with Dale then Daryl you enjoy yourself for the first time since the apocalypse started.
Pronouns: She/Her, You
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The soft beat of Dale’s ancient record player swept softly across the fields of the quarry. The twittering piano keys, background band, and string guitar had you swaying rhythmically as you hemmed the edges of a dress you scavenged for your daughter. Although the little tike could hardly walk she was growing faster than a weed and was in desperate need of new clothes. “You like oldies shit?” Shane asked curiously catching your attention. You huffed rolling your eyes at the wanna be hard ass. “Yeah… music like this played at the dinner I waitressed in all the time.” You muttered nonchalantly. You caught sight of the beaming smile Dale sent you and smiled back. The older man always seemed to feel like a guardian to you, Daryl, and a foster grandfather to Phoenix. You truly appreciated him for it. “I knew you had taste, Y/N.” Dale prided, walking over to stand next to Shane making his presence known to the other. You giggled setting your sewing down on the stand next to you carefully. “Thank you, hun.” You muttered sending the older man a wink just as a new song started. A bright smile graced your features as a new bright and bouncing song started. "This is one of my favorites." You whispered your smile growing as the older man laughed. "Well a pretty lady like you can't go without at least one dance during her favorite song. C'mon, Y/N." Dale offered holding his hand out for you to take.
Taking Dale's larger, calloused hand in your own you giggled as he pulled you gently to your feet completely ignoring Shane's sudden protests that you should be dancing with him instead. Dale held you at a respectable distance. "Enough room for Jesus, Y/N... We also don't want your husband's brother to give me what for." He muttered making you laugh and pat him on he chest. His hand was just a ghost on your waist as he took your hand in his own swaying with you to the beat of the music, pretending as if he were limber enough to dip you to the big crescendos and twirling you like a little girl. "You know." He muttered during a lower point in the song. "My wife loved to dance." He whispered sadly. The pain in his voice caught your eye and you couldn't help the frown that crossed your face. "If we had been blessed with a daughter I would have loved to have danced with her at her wedding..." Dale continued, either pretending not to notice your concern or not noticing in the first place. "This will just simply have to do..." He smiled nodding affirmatively, a single tear gracing the corner of his eye. His kindness and warmth washed over you. You couldn't help the tears the pricked the corners of your own eyes as you stopped dancing, pulling the older man in for a tight hug. "It most certainly will Dale. Thank you." You whispered, continuing to dance.
Turning to the feeling of a slight tap on your shoulder you smiled seeing Daryl, Merle not far behind him holding your daughter to his chest. Your brother in law paid you no mind, his loving eyes turned to the little girl currently trying to grab at his nose as he swayed and sang along to the sweet love song that played. "Mind if I step in?" Daryl asked looking to the dirt, his face flushed, hands wringing with a sweet nervousness you knew came from the deepest most loving parts of his soul. Dale nodded squeezing your hand before stepping away. "Thank you so much for the dance." You said sweetly, squeezing Dale's hand back before wrapping your arms around Daryl's neck. Dale patted Daryl's shoulder on his way passed. "You're a lucky man, Daryl Dixon." He muttered smiling earnestly at your husband as he walked back to his seat. You could still see the nervousness on Daryl's face. "Daryl." You whispered sweetly, catching his attention. Laying a tender kiss to your husband's lips to help him relax you felt Daryl lay his hands gently on your hips beginning to sway in time with the music with you. "Never knew you liked to dance." Daryl hummed tensely against your lips between kisses. Gently shrugging you murmured. "Me either... guess I just started to like it." You whispered, laying your head against Daryl's chest and snuggling under his chin. Listening to your husband's heartbeat you smiled closing your eyes. You felt so content and loved in his gentle and loving embrace. Opening your eyes you watched your brother in law dance so sweetly with your daughter. His gentle nature only on display around her, he pressed a tender kiss to her forehead sending a wave of lovely giggles from the baby. Thanking Dale mentally for the music that brought life back to a little normalcy to everyone at least for tiny bit. Because without a song or a dance what would life be? Turning to Daryl you kissed him once more as the song came to a close. "I love you more than anything." You whispered making the archer chuckle. "I love ya more."
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Georgia, Georgia - Chapter 1 - Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Pre-apocalypse!Daryl Dixon x fem!reader - Floating!AU
Summary: Highly inspired by the movie Floating that Norman Reedus was in when he was young. Y/N and Daryl are two young adults living in their hometown in Georgia. In their childhood, a lot opposed them, but now, as Y/N's life plans are put to a stop by tragedy, their lives intertwine.
A/N: Here is the first chapter! I rewatched Floating for this and it got me sad again. I guess I picture Daryl as he Norman looks in the movie since they're pretty young Daryl's like 20/21 and reader 19. But obvi you can picture him however you want. I don't mention anything particular about his looks in this chapter.
Warnings: none
You entered the diner, the cool air saving you from the Georgian summer heat. You greeted your colleagues, walking through the kitchen, before setting your bag underneath the counter. 
“ -Oh my, is Y/N Y/L/N late?
-Hello to you too, Rachel.
-Late by ten full minutes nonetheless!” You chuckled at Rachel’s teasing
“ -I had a late start this morning. I picked up an extra shift at the bar last night.
- Ever the hard worker, Y/N.
- Well, it’s not like I have much choice.”
You’d been working full-time at the diner and had started working at the bar part-time for the last six months. You needed as much money as you could to support yourself and your father. It was still early, and the diner was fairly quiet, but when the lunch rush started you didn't have a minute to catch your breath.
" -Hello, what can I get for you today?
  -Hi Y/N,” You looked up from your notepad to be met by Mark and his friends. God, they were the last people you wanted to see right now.
“ -Hi Mark, what can I get for you guys?
  -We’ll have four cheeseburgers, two cokes, and two iced teas.
  -Sure, it’ll be ready in a minute.” You were about to leave when Mark spoke again.
“ -So, you work at the diner, uh?” You gestured around yourself, pointing out the obvious,
-Yeah, I do.
-It's been a while since we’ve seen each other, we should party sometime.
-I don't know, I’m kinda busy right now.” Mark chuckled, 
“ -Well, I don’t mean right now, of course, but someday. While we’re all here on summer vacation.” Not wanting to waste more of your time you gave Mark a small smile paired with a non-committal response.
Mark always acted like you were friends. Growing up in a small town like that, everybody knew everybody else. There was only one school, making it hard to avoid somebody you didn’t like.
You had gotten used to not seeing anybody that you knew from school, now that they’d all gone off to college, but with the summer holiday starting they were all trickling back in and you had already been confronted with all the awkward small talk and catching up. You weren’t embarrassed that you hadn’t been able to go to college, disappointed, sure. But not embarrassed. However, you knew that your old classmates didn’t see it that way. You didn’t care, you did what you had to.
It was already well past noon when Daryl woke up. His head was hurting from the strong Georgia sun that filtered through his thin, tattered curtains. Daryl groaned as he got up to the bathroom. He took a shower and brushed his teeth, cleaning off yesterday’s sweat, dirt, and alcohol. In the living room, Merle was sprawled out on the couch, beer bottles and drugs littered the ground, the TV still on. Daryl walked past the mess and headed out.
The heat beat down on him as he rode to the diner. Luckily for him, at this time of day the diner was nearly empty. He walked in and sat at his usual booth. Looking over to the counter he saw you chatting with Rachel, when you took notice of him you shot him a quick smile, picking up the coffee pot and a mug before walking over to him.
“- Hey, Daryl” You greeted him, setting the mug down and pouring him some coffee, “The usual?
 -Ya. Please.” You nodded and walked away, calling out his order to the kitchen before resuming your chat with Rachel.
Daryl and you knew each other, in the same way, that everybody else knew everybody in this town. Despite Daryl being a year older, since he’d gotten held back you'd ended up in the same classes a couple of times in middle school and high school. However, since you didn’t have any friends in common you hadn’t ever really gotten to know each other. But now, ever since you’d started working at the bar, you’d gotten to see Daryl and his brother Merle a lot more since they were regulars. Daryl had even started coming by the diner a lot more.
“ - There you go,” You set down the plate of food in front of Daryl,
“ - Thanks, 
- How are you feeling after last night?” You quipped and Daryl blushed, embarrassed that you’d also noted his excessive drinking the night prior.
“ - Head hurts, mostly.
  - Yeah, I’m not surprised.” You chuckled, “Well, if you’re gonna go to the bar tonight try to take it easy, alright?”
Since seeing Daryl regularly in your work life, you’d gotten used to chatting with him whenever you could. He was more reserved than his brother, but you knew he could be just as reckless and brazen, having witnessed a few bar brawls that confirmed the hot temper often attributed to the brothers. Still, you quite enjoyed his presence and the little chats you shared.
For the past year, your life could be resumed as work, eat, sleep. During the day you worked at the diner, and every other night you worked at the bar, picking up extra shifts here and there whenever you could. When you weren’t working, you relaxed at home and spent time with your dad. However, now was not the time for relaxation. You had just gotten back from the diner and were getting ready for the bar.
“ -Okay dad, I’m leaving. There’s dinner ready for you in the fridge, all you have to do is heat it up.” Your father was at the table, concentrating on his figurines, he only let out a grunt acknowledging you. 
You walked out into the evening air and got into your car, driving to the bar. Beery’s was an old run-down bar where all the town's bad apples conglomerated for alcohol, pool, football, and fights. Despite its reputation, it wasn’t the worst place to work at. Your boss was nice and if you didn’t count the catcall and unwelcome comments the clientele wasn’t that bad. A few hours into your shift, Daryl and Merle walked in, taking their usual seats at the bar.
“ -Hey beautiful, 
 -Hi, Merle. Hi Daryl," You shot a quick smile at the younger brother.
“ -When am I gonna have the chance to take you home, huh, sweetheart?
  -I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.
  -Don’t know, 'bout that. Think I’ll wear you out.”
Merle was a shameless flirt and you’d gotten used to his regular advances. You served them their drinks before resuming your work, unknowing of Daryl’s eyes following you. However, his stare did not go unnoticed by his brother who nudged him with his elbow.
“ -Ya gonna sit and stare or ya gonna take her home, brotha?” Daryl looked back down at his beer, lightly shoving Merle.
“ -Shut up.
 -If ya ain’t gonna, I will. S’all I’m saying.” Daryl scoffed,
“ -As if.”
The rest of the night passed calmly. It was past one am when you finished your shift. You got into the car, it felt good to have some peace and quiet after being in the loud bar for so long. You were exhausted and your feet were hurting from standing all day, you couldn’t wait to just get into your bed. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be so lucky, halfway home your car started letting out white smoke before abruptly stopping. Cursing, you got out of the car, looking for any visible damages. You thought about looking under the hood but considering you had no knowledge of mechanics that would be useless. That left you stranded in the middle of the road.
You contemplated your options, your father was a no-go, maybe you could call Rachel. And of course, as luck would have it your phone was dead. Fuck, you’d forgotten to charge it while you were at the bar. The only option left was for you to walk home. You just hoped you wouldn’t run into any trouble. Just as you started walking you heard the roar of a motorcycle approaching. Fuck, you thought. The motorcycle stooped.
“ -Y/N?” You stopped and turned, recognizing the voice,
“ -Daryl? Hey,
- What’re you doing?
 -My car broke down.” You gestured to your car a few feet away. “My phone’s down. I was about to walk home.
-Well you ain't afraid of anythin, huh?” You chuckled, “I can take a look if you want?
- Yeah, thanks.” Daryl set the crutch of his bike down and you walked over to your car. You popped the hood and Daryl turned on his phone’s flashlight, inspecting your car’s engine. “Yeah, your engine’s overheated.
-Is there anything we can do?
-I mean I could fix it. But I don’t suppose you have a tool kit with ya, d’ya?
-Yeah, no.” You both stood there staring at your failing engine. Daryl was wringing his hands.
“ -I could give you a ride back. Come back tomorrow and fix it." Daryl looked at you, your eyes burning into his he found himself fumbling. "Or you know you could call someone from m’phone.” He rushed out, scratching at the back of his head.
“ -A ride would be great. Thanks, Daryl, but you don’t have to fix it. I could just call a mechanic.
  -Don’t, you’d be wasting money. I’ll do it. S’no problem.
  -Well, okay then. Thanks a lot, Daryl.” Daryl nodded, closing the hood of your car. You locked it back up and walked over to his bike.
“ -So, no helmet, huh? Isn’t that dangerous?” you quipped, and Daryl snorted.
“ -There ain’t much to protect in there” he joked knocking on his head,
“ -Bullshit. Who’s gonna fix my car if you get your brain mushed in an accident?” You got on the bike. Wrapping your arms around Daryl's sturdy frame. And Daryl was glad you couldn't see the red that rushed to his cheeks.
“ -Y’good?
  - Yeah.
  - Hang tight.”
The bike died down in front of your house, your tight grip around Daryl loosening as you climbed off the bike.
“ -Thanks a lot Daryl, you really saved me.
 -S’nothing.” Daryl shrugged, looking down at his hands. “Listen, I-I could pick you up. Tomorrow. Ride to the car fix it, y’could drive it home.
 -Yeah, that’d be great. I finish at five if that’s good with you?
 -Ya. S'good.
-Alright. Have a good night, Daryl. Drive safe!”
You walked back into your house, Daryl watching you. It’s only once you got in and the door closed behind you that he drove off.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't hesitate to let me know what you think! Any feedback is appreciated!
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dixonsgirl93 · 8 months
You’re getting intimate with TWD men, would they care if you hadn’t shaved (anywhere)?
(Because duh, your main priority is staying alive, not being well groomed)
Daryl Dixon
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He doesn’t care. He doesn’t even notice tbh. All he sees is your body in front of him, clothes peeling away, revealing all of your precious curves.
He’ll kiss the hair on your thighs before going down on you, not caring about the hair between your legs.
He’ll pin your arms above your head and not care about your hairy pits.
He understands it’s about survival and as long as you’re clean enough, he’s happy to be naked with you.
Rick Grimes
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He doesn’t care. He also understands it’s primarily about survival. Even in a safe place with water like Alexandria or Commonwealth, he respects if you don’t want to shave. For whatever reason you have.
Before the apocalypse, he loved his women smooth as butter. He wouldn’t judge or be grossed out if you didn’t shave though. But since the outbreak, his tastes have changed, he has changed.
He would put your hairy legs over his shoulders while he fucked you good, even pressing his lips against your leg.
He might prefer if you were trimmed between your legs, but again he’ll deep dive regardless, savouring your taste.
Negan Smith
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Pre-defeat/Sanctuary Negan would have teased you about it. He wouldn’t be mean about it, more like, “we have the resources, so why haven’t you?”
Post-defeat Negan wouldn’t care. He’d soak up your attention and give just as much, if not more, back.
He’d kiss you all over, murmuring how beautiful and sexy you are.
He’d put you in all sorts of positions, not caring about your hair at all.
Merle Dixon
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He’d definitely make some comments about it, teasing you about becoming a wolf or something. When you’d tease back about not only being hairy like an animal, he’d smirk and get right back to kissing you.
He wouldn’t care that much, maybe preferring you to be a little trimmed at least. (Which is cheeky of him to say but unsurprising)
He’d put you in whatever position he wanted and fuck you senseless anyway.
He wouldn’t bring any attention to your hair afterwards but would definitely be surprised if next time you’d put some effort in, teasing you about looking good for him.
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Thinkin’ about a lil fluffy blurb of the young!daryl au about the morning after their first time. I just think he’d be so nervous but inside so happy, like he just feels so loved🥺
I wanna give him a hug and a smooch
The Morning After | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: The morning after you had your first time with Daryl, you could clearly see the apprehension and fear in his eyes, the self deprecating thoughts that you would regret it. Not about to have the perfect man think that you regretted him, you took it upon yourself to reassure him how much you loved him, even if those words weren't spoken yet.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre apocalypse.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of Daryl's scars, suggestive themes.
Word count: 1.3k.
A/n: Don't know how to feel about this, to be totally honest with you. I feel like my writing has really been lacking lately, but maybe working on that series idea will help me out a little. Anyways, I hope you like this!
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The morning sun was shining brightly through the curtains in your small room. The birds were chirping merrily outside your window and the sound of the children's bright laughter could be heard clearly, the weekend brightening every school goer's moods. The sound of people conversing with each other could also distinctly be heard, and for once, it seemed as if the world's troubles melted away, and everyone was at peace, even if only for a little while.
Daryl Dixon would describe peace as the feeling of having you pressed tightly against his side, your head resting on his bare chest as you slept peacefully. Daryl listened to the steady rhythm of your breathing, the rise and fall of your chest bringing a sense of calm to the young man. He felt a sense of pride knowing that you trusted him enough to sleep so peacefully, completely unaware of your surroundings. You trusted him to keep you safe while you were in your most vulnerable state, and that made a small smile spread across his face.
Although your relationship was relatively new, just recently surpassing the six month mark, Daryl felt more at peace than he ever had when the two of you were merely best friends. And after the night prior, when the two of you had finally crossed the threshold and given your most sacred parts of yourselves to one another, your relationship had taken a turn—for the better or for the worse, Daryl couldn't be sure of until you woke up.
Daryl sighed as he caressed your bare arm softly, his fingers following an invisible path that only his eyes could see. Although Daryl had no regrets for what happened the night before, he had no idea whether or not you'd share that same sentiment. He knew that he was inexperienced and that he hadn't performed as well as someone knowledgeable about it, but he hoped he did okay.
You seemed to have enjoyed it, but Merle had told him before that women could fake it enough to convince the man that they had finished, so he couldn't be sure. And if you did fake it, what would he do about it? He couldn't be mad, but he would be a little hurt. Would he confront you about it? Would he just go home and try to play it cool? He didn't know.
Daryl was startled when he felt the press of something warm against his chest. Gazing down, he locked eyes with you, and he was relatively surprised to be met with that warm, beautiful smile of yours.
You laughed quietly and continued to press soft, gentle kisses all along his chest, being extra gentle whenever you came across one of his scars. Your kisses soon trailed all the way up to his neck, up to his jaw, his cheek, before you stopped right when you got to his mouth. You let your mouth hover slightly above his, your lips barely grazing against each other, giving him the chance to back away if he didn't want to share a kiss with you.
Daryl slowly leaned forward until his lips pressed against yours fully, his hand trailing up your arm and to the back of your neck. The kiss ended too soon for his liking, with you pulling away first to lean your forehead against his.
You smiled fondly at him. “Good morning, handsome.”
Daryl chuckled. “G'mornin', beautiful,” Daryl greeted you, his morning voice raspy and hotter than he knew, making your breath hitch at the seductive sound. “Ya sleep okay?”
Pulling yourself together, you shook the intrusive thoughts from your mind and nodded. “Better than I have in a long time,” you confirmed, letting your fingers gently trail down his chest. “I didn't know that having sex could tire someone out that much.”
Daryl hummed in agreement. “Yeah,” he mumbled, his mind wandering back to his previous thoughts before you woke up. Did you regret it? Would you kick him to the curb after that one night?
Perceptive as ever, you instantly noticed the shift in his mood. Why didn't he look as relaxed as you felt? Then, as if being struck by lightning, you remembered what had happened once before. You were transported back to the day when the two of you had originally almost slept together, and you remembered what Daryl had told you. You remembered his insecurities, and it all made sense.
Not wanting to scare him off by addressing his insecurities head on, knowing that he'd feel uncomfortable if you did that, you instead took his face into your hands and pressed your lips against his for a firm kiss. Your thumbs gently caressed his cheeks, and you smiled against his lips when you felt Daryl's arms wrap around your waist, subconsciously helping you straddle his lap while he moved into a seated position.
You pulled away from the kiss, gazing deeply into his ocean coloured eyes. “Last night was incredible,” you began, smiling at him fondly. “You were incredible.”
Daryl blushed and tried to duck his head in embarrassment, but your hands on his face stopped him. He looked at you, a shy smile spreading across his face. “Yeah?” he whispered.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding for emphasis. “It was amazing. I've never felt that good in my life. You were like a Greek god last night. I don't think you've ever looked hotter, and that's saying a lot, because your sleeveless shirts make you look hot as fuck.”
“Stop,” Daryl mumbled, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips at your words.
“I'm serious!” you laughed lightly. “Seriously, Dar, you were amazing last night. I have absolutely no complaints.”
“Yer sure?” Daryl questioned, looking at you unsurely. “Ya dun' have any regrets or anythin'?”
You shook your head. “No. If anything, I regret not doing this sooner.”
Daryl chuckled, leaning forward to press a tender kiss against your forehead. “Yer too nice to me. If ya have any regrets—”
“I don't,” you cut him off, cupping his face in your hands again. “Daryl Dixon, we've been over this once before. When it comes to you, I regret nothing. I don't regret becoming your friend all those years ago, I don't regret agreeing to be your girlfriend, and I certainly don't regret last night. It was amazing, you were amazing, and I'll definitely be doing this again. That is, if you want to, of course. I'd never force you to do anything you don't want to.”
“Are ya kiddin'?” Daryl asked rhetorically. “'Course I wanna do this again. Las' nigh' was amazin' to me.”
“Then it's settled,” you told him with a sense of finality in your voice. “You never have to worry when it comes to me. If you do anything that makes me uncomfortable, you know I'd tell you. Now tell those voices in your head to fuck off.”
Daryl chuckled and nodded. “Yes, ma'am.”
“Good.” You leaned forward and pressed another kiss to his lips before getting off his lap, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching down to grab your shirt. “I'm gonna make us some breakfast. Get dressed and join me, handsome.”
“Ya gon' make bacon?” Daryl questioned, silently mourning the loss of the sight of your bare body as it disappeared beneath your shirt.
“Of course,” you confirmed.
“Then I'll be righ' there, sunshine.”
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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ashtheketchum · 5 months
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
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A new family Story:
A new family Part 1
A new family Part 2
A new family Part 3
A new family Part 4
A new family Part 5
A new family Part 6
A new family Part 7
A new family Part 8
A new family Part 9
A new family Part 10
Requests are open!
A new family scenarios:
A new family: (Y/N), (D/N) and Daryl during the winter How would the first winter be for the three of them? There is a lot of snow on the ground and there is a strong storm, but (D/N) is still having fun and wants to build a snowman with Daryl.
A new family member Daryl and (Y/N) are expecting a child and (Y/N) gives birth in Alexandria. The whole group is happy for the couple, but (D/N) is confused and a new question is on the tip of her tongue.
A new family: How do (Y/N) and (D/N) react to Daryl's long hair? In the apocalypse you can't always cut your hair, which is why Daryl decided to grow his hair long. How does his new family react to this? {Will come after the story}
A new family: (D/N) accidentally calls Daryl "Dad" Daryl had taught (D/N) how to hunt and while he was showing her a few tricks in the forest, (D/N) was so grateful to him that she accidentally called him Dad. {Will come after the story}
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+18 Content:
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Some revenge Era: Commonwealth (S11) The neighbors in your new home are way too loud. So you and Daryl wanted revenge.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Night swimm Era: Quarry (S1) Daryl has a crush on you since he saw you. Merle kept teasing him that Daryl should finally talk to you, but the archer never had the courage. One day you were taking a bath at night and Daryl saw you.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Just one night Era: Pre apocalypse Merle had invited Daryl to go drinking together and have fun. Merle learned that Daryl is still a virgin and the older Dixon wants to change that. That's why he and Daryl get a few whores.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Miss you Era: Farm (S2) The group rests at Hershel's farm and Daryl searches for Sophia all day. You, his girlfriend, think it's great that he cares so much about the little girl, but you also want a little attention from him.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Old times Era: Alexandria (S5) The group has just arrived in Alexandria and Daryl sees a familiar face in this small town. He was happy but also afraid.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Little cheater Era: Alexandria (S5) You and your partner live together in Alexandria and you seem very happy. You are also very happy with your partner, but you miss that certain… charm. Daryl provides that for you and you can never get enough of him.
Daryl Dixon X GN.Reader: Let me help you Era: Bridge camp Daryl had to look after the prisoners all day to make sure they worked properly on the bridge and didn't attack anyone. Sometimes he had to intervene brutally to keep things calm. You, his partner, wanted to help him relax a little.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Bad girl Era: farm Daryl had been badly injured while searching for Sophia and your daddy had ordered Daryl to stay overnight in your house. The archer had his own room with a bed and you took care of his wounds. But one time you had sneaked a peek into his room while he was jerking off and he caught you.
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Lovely night Era: Alexandria You and Daryl spend a passionate night together in bed.
Daryl Dixon NSFW alphabet! Era: Whatever you want- Just the typicall nsfw alphabet with Daryl, have fun!
Daryl Dixon X fem.Reader: Tied to bed Era: Farm Daryl was tied to the bed after being found wounded. You and Carol took care of him, but you noticed that Daryl was becoming more and more impatient. Since he had to stay in bed, it also meant that he couldn't go to your tent with you and you couldn't have sex. But you found a way.
Daryl Dixon X GN.Reader: Quick ride Era: Whatever you want You and Daryl were on your way to get new resources when you suddenly had a strange desire. And what better way to express it than to touch Daryl?
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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Time To Get A Grip [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: After returning home from a nightshift and finding your boyfriend stoned on the sofa, you lose it. Given the fact that he becomes a father soon, it's time for him to finally get a grip.
Warnings: Major trigger warning here! swear words, mentions of alcohol, drugs and smoking, drug consumption, pregnancy things, drama, a fight, angst, bit of blood, fluff, age gap
Gotta rate this story 18+, just in case!
Pre-Apocalypse Era!
Word Count: 3,2k
a/n: You chose and I am here to deliver! 😁 Well... I had this idea - and wrote it. It fitted perfectly into Daryl's, Y/N's and Teddy's story, so... But it's also quite a bit heavy. I never wrote something like this before.
Special thanks to @fictive-sl0th for encouraging me and loving my Daryl fics! Love ya, friend! 💕
Also, I apologise to all the Merle fans. Sorry, guys! 🙈
Tagging: @km-ffluv @stitchintimefan @sweetpeapod @loz-3 @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @fuseburner @hotgirlsshareaccounts @in-this-minute @eddiemunsonsupremecy @mrbrownstne
Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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Releasing a big yawn; you closed the locker with the number thirteen painted on, and slipped the key - which was attached to a key ring, inside the pocket of your jeans. With a sigh you grabbed your bag and made your way towards the exit of the changing room. "By girls, see you on Monday!" You said goodbye to your coworkers; smiling. They bid their goodbyes as well; waving and smiling.
Taking a deep breath, you left the room and the big building behind yourself and stepped out on the streets of Gainesville; the bright morning sun almost blinding you.
Working as a nurse in a hospital wasn't always easy. Especially the night shift. But working as a nurse in a hospital at night, being almost eighteen weeks pregnant was even less easy - and so very exhausting. As soon as I'm five months in, I'm quitting this shit, you told yourself. Only day shifts from then on. The thing was, you told yourself that already from the start. From the very day you found out you were pregnant. It was a lie which repeated itself month after month. You knew that it wasn't good to work night shift after night shift. Not for you, nor for the baby. But you practically had no other chance. Being alive was expensive. Food was expensive. Having a roof over your head was expensive. Even if it was just a small apartment in one of the endless, old and quite ragged apartment blocks in downtown Gainesville. It was even more expensive, when you are the only one earning the needed money. And soon, you were going to have not only two mouths to feed, but three. Every day you hoped for a change to come - but it wasn't easy. Oh no.
You shook your head slightly and took another deep breath, in order to get yourself out of your thoughts and your sleepy brain to focus.
After you checked your surroundings, you crossed the front yard of the hospital and made your way to the bus station. All you wanted to do now was going home, crash on your bed and sleep at least until late afternoon. Your body wanted that as well. You knew that, of course. Hence, you had almost slept in on the bus and missed your stop! Luckily, your hazy brain reminded you to stand up in the last second.
Waiting until the bus rolled past you, you crossed the street and walked the last meters to the building in which your apartment was. It was just a few blocks down the road. At least the weather is nice today, you thought; looking up into the sky.
You unlocked the old main door, which led into the big staircase and started to climb the steps, leading up to the third floor. On your way, you met a familiar face - unfortunately. "Oh, good morning, Mrs. Jefferson."
Elsie Jefferson. The typical, critical bitter old lady next door, who everybody knew. Husband long dead and owner of at least ten cats. She was utterly nosy and curious about anything and everything. You couldn't stand her since the day she decided to interfere in your affairs. It was your life, not hers - but Mrs. Jefferson didn't care of course. And sometimes, you had the feeling that she did this all on purpose, because she liked you just as little.
"Ah, good morning, Y/N." She had just left her apartment; wearing those old slippers she always wore. A trash bag was in her hand. Apparently, she was just on her way to take out the trash - and you had the perfect timing to run straight into her. Great.
"Coming home from a night shift?" "Mhm, yep." You had absolutely no intention to talk to her, but you also couldn't be so rude to just walk away. The older woman shook her head. "Young lady, young lady... You should stop doing that. Now that you are pregnant." Not that again. "I know, but it's my decision. I'm okay with it. I'm used to it." Mrs. Jefferson shook her head again; rebukingly. You already wanted to walk past her; thinking that the conversation was over - but for her, it wasn't. You should've known. "Does your chaotic mess of a boyfriend still has no job?" You clenched your jaw. You hated it - absolutely hated it, when she brought Daryl up in those stupid conversations. All she wanted was to sting you and throw mud at him - just because he was how he was.
Gritting your jaw, you tried to smile at her. "He's at it." You didn't reveal more. While should you? "So no." She concluded, before stepping closer to you. "Chit... You should get rid of him." "I don't think so, ma'am. He's the father of my child." You tried to argue, but Mrs. Jefferson didn't even listen to you, just continued to speak ill of Daryl. "That man is not good for you and brings nothing but trouble. Just look at his messed-up family! His abusive, alcoholic father! His mother, who was a chain-smoker! And don't get me even started on his brother! Violence, alcohol, drugs... Wasn't he even in the prison only a few years back?" She exclaimed. "Daryl Dixon is toxic, Y/N - and way too old for you... Do you really think he's better than the rest of his family? Do you really think he can change? Turn into a better person?"
Hearing all those foul and judgemental words leaving the older lady's mouth, caused anger and sadness to flow your veins. How dare she? How dare? You had a hard time to keep yourself calm and not snap at her. The raging pregnancy hormones within your body didn't quite help the situation. Closing your eyes for a moment, you took a deep breath. "Yes, I believe exactly that. I love this man - and that's all that matters. Have a nice day, Mrs. Jefferson." With those words you walked past her; continuing to climb the stairs. But of course, she had one more bombshell to drop on you... "You should've never let him get yourself pregnant. Dixon isn't made to be a father." You ignored her and moved on; mumbling under your breath: "That's what mum said as well..."
You tried to calm yourself down on the rest of the way and erase what just happened from your memories. You didn't have the nerves to deal with that woman. Not today. Not after an exhausting night shift and three times of throwing up in the staff toilets - no.
You climbed the last few steps and headed straight for the quite rickety door, which led into yours - and somehow Daryl's apartment.
Relieved, you closed the door behind yourself. Finally at home. Thank god. Throwing your keys on the small shelf beside the main door, you took off your shoes and jacket. You didn't anticipated Daryl to be home. Not after he had told you Wednesday morning, that he'd go out with his brother. You knew exactly what 'go out' meant. But who were you to stop him? God knows you had tried. Several times. But well... Blood is thicker than water.
Given that fact, you were quite surprised, when you found him in the living room; passed out onto the couch. A smile crossed your face; knowing that he was here - but it faded quickly, when you noticed the condition he was in. Daryl was laying on his stomach; one arm dangling over the edge of the sofa. One sleeve of his yellow-black checkered shirt was ripped off, while the other was still intact. When you squatted down beside him, a wave of cold smoke hit you; coming undoubtedly from his clothes. Daryl's breathing was heavy; sweat dotted his face and presumably his whole body as you noticed further. Some dried, crusty blood was smeared across the skin underneath his nose - and you knew. You knew. You weren't blind. And a nurse. You could tell when somebody was stoned - or well, had been stoned.
It didn't happen often - luckily. It was already enough that Merle made him to consume alcohol way too often. Making him to take drugs was an entirely different story. And you hated Merle for it. Yes, he was strictly spoken family, but the impact he had on his little brother was way too big. The worst part of it was, that Daryl didn't even defend himself.
Seeing your boyfriend in this condition caused the anger, sadness and frustration you had just swallowed down to come up again. Twice as hard. You stood up and crossed your arms; looking down on him.
"Daryl. Wake up." No reaction. "Daryl." You nudged him softly with your knee, earning a low growl. Like already said... You didn't have the nerves to deal with shit like that today. "Daryl fucking Dixon!" You yelled then, causing the man to flinch and immediately wake up. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?!" He groaned again and moved to sit up; pinching the bridge of his nose. His sweat soaked shirt on full display; short blonde-brown hair as messed up as it could be. "What'd ya mean, hon?" He slurred; still trying to wake up properly. "Oh no no, don't pull that card, Daryl. Don't 'hon' me. You know exactly what I'm talking about!"
Your boyfriend rubbed his face and ran a hand through his hair, before reddened eyes looked up to meet your Y/E/C ones. "Merle, uh, Merle's got this new, uh, dealer and-" "Forced you to try the 'good stuff', I know." You finished his sentence. "What was it." He didn't answer, just looked at the ground. "That wasn't a question, Daryl. It was a demand. Tell me." He still didn't talk. You stepped closer and rather harshly pushed his left shoulder. "Tell me! What did you snort?!" Daryl swallowed visibly; once again avoiding eye contact. "Jus' a bit Crystal Meth."
You gasped audibly; jaw dropping. "Crystal Meth? Crystal Meth?! Fucking hell, Daryl! That's one of the most dangerous drugs!" Sure, he wasn't stoned anymore, but undoubtedly dealing with the aftermath. And the drug caused his already quite short fuse to be even shorter. He was more irritable. You noticed. Therefore, he was quickly losing it. "Goddamn, woman! Calm down! It was jus' a little bit! I won't do it again!" He snapped - and you swallowed hard; already needing to suppress the tears. The drugs influenced Daryl and the hormones influenced you.
"I don't care if it was just a tiny bit! I don't care if you say you won't do it again, because you always break this promise! You'll do it again - and we both know it! You'll drink again. You'll smoke again. You'll toke again - and you'll take drugs again. Merle is bad for you! When do you finally realise that?!" "Nah, he's family, Y/N! He's the only one I got left!" You shook your head. He didn't even listen to a word you just said, did he? "That may be true, yes! But he's so far off track - and he's dragging you right with him! You could be so much, more, Daryl... But for that, you need to finally break free!" Your boyfriend clenched his hands into fists; was visibly angered as well. "I won't jus' leave Merle! Ya can't ask me to do tha'!" You frustratingly rolled your eyes. He really didn't understand. "I am not asking you to leave your brother! I told you again and again... I'm asking you to keep a healthy distance! Separate your life and his life! Stop acting so headless!" "'M not actin' headless!" You laughed almost maniacally at his ridiculous words. "Oh hell yes, you do! And you know it! Stop this! I need you to quit acting this way, because-" The anger coursing through your veins got suddenly replaced by fear and desperation.
"'Cause wha'?! Huh?! 'Cause what?!" Daryl's already not properly thinking brain thought even less logical as he spat out that question. "I don't know if it already slipped your notice, but..." You pulled the baggy t-shirt you wore aggressively down, causing the visible outlines of your baby bump to appear. "I'm fucking pregnant, Daryl! With your kid! You're going to be a father in not even six months! Do you even know what that means?! A child comes with great responsibilities! We are talking about a human being we need to look after! A baby isn't like a dog or a cat! I can't have you hanging somewhere around, drunk or stoned! That's reckless - and I thought you were aware of that. Apparently, I was wrong."
Daryl was unfortunately way too deep in his rage to understand. All he saw was red. Literally jumping up from the couch - his symptoms of the drug consumption forgotten for a moment, he took a few threatening steps closer, until he was hovering dangerously over you. "Well... Guess ya shoulda have listened to yer parents, girl... 'N dump me when ya still had the chance to. I told ya from the very beginnin' that this wouldn't work out. Us. This relationship was meant ta fail... But now's too late. Like ya said... Already knocked ya up with that bastard child."
You and Daryl had already quite a few fights in your relationship. That was normal and common. Hurtful and ugly words were sometimes exchanged - but he had never said something like this. It really hurt you. Deep. Despite the fact, that you knew that he probably didn't mean what he had just said. You knew that he was actually happy about this baby. Scared to death, but happy. But it hurt. So freaking much.
You were exhausted. So utterly exhausted - and yet sleep didn't find you. You laid awake, hour after hour; thinking about what had happened - and the possible consequences of it. Your brain just couldn't shut up and so you spent the rest of the day and even night with just staring at the wall or ceiling and crying. Sure, you could sleep a few hours, but it was not peaceful and certainly not restful. Anyways... It was way too less sleep, given the fact that you had a night shift behind yourself and were pregnant. Needless to say, you couldn't be any happier about the fact that Sunday was your day off.
You just stared at him, while tears started to trickle down your cheeks. "Go." Your voice was merely above a whisper, but your eyes told Daryl enough to realise, what he had just done. "Y/N, I-" "Leave." "Y/N-" "I told you to go!" You yelled, pushing him away from you. "Get out of my sight, before I do something I might regret!" Daryl grunted and ripped the other sleeve of his shirt off, before he walked to the door; "Fine! If ya want me ta go, I'll go!" and slammed it shut behind himself. Mere seconds later, you broke down crying.
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In the early morning hours, you heard the sound of your doorbell ringing. Cursing under your breath, you stood up and walked to the door. You had just been on the verge of dozing off again...
You already suspected that it was Mrs. Jefferson, one of your neighbours - or hence, even the postman, but you certainly didn't expect Daryl to stand in front of your door. Honestly, you expected anyone, but him. He never came back that fast after a fight. Never.
Well... Until now.
"Daryl?" You asked; totally stunned and also a bit confused. "What are you doing here?" He had both his hands stuffed into the pockets of his slightly ripped, grey jeans. A fresh tank top covered his body; not that ragged shirt anymore - and he had visibly showered. The man leaned against the door frame; biting his bottom lip nervously - a habit.
"I really fucked it up, didn't I?" "Yes. Yes, you did," you confirmed without even blinking. Daryl swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "'M sorry." You looked him in the eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. "You always say that. I always believe you. And you always fuck it up again." You paused; trying to find the right words. "I love you, Daryl - but honestly, I don't know how long I am able to play this game."  He swallowed hard; the harsh realisation of the possibility to lose you - and with that his child hitting him full force. "Y/N, I... I know. 'M an asshole. Always was. Most likely always going ta be. I don deserve you. And certainly not yer love - but please... Give me one last chance. Us." He sighed; desperately. Words weren't his strengths. "Fuck's sake, I can't live without ya. I need ya. You know that."
Now you were the one who had to swallow hard. Tears stung in your eyes; as you tried to figure out what to say. Yes, you were still angry at him for what he did - for what he said, but on the other hand... You loved this idiot so fucking much. Perhaps even too much for your own good. Not that you cared, though.
"Yes. And I need you, Daryl..." Your raging hormones caused your walls to break. "You're all I've got. I chose you above my family. I gave up my entire life for you. Please don't let this be for nothing. Please hold your promise this time." You choked out; tears staining the fabric of your sleep shirt. "Look for a job; get some distance between your life and Merle's life - and, for our child's sake, get a grip. There's not much time left for you to turn the tide." You took a shaky breath and cupped your baby bump. "I can't do this without you..."
Daryl nodded; his expression soft and full of love - and regret. "I know. I know." He stepped inside your apartment; closed the door and approached you, before he shyly - almost hesitantly placed his bigger hands on top of yours. "'M sorry. 'M so sorry. For what I did - 'n especially for what I said. I didn't mean it. I love that kid. Ya know I do. 'N I promise I'll try ta be a better man. For you and the baby."
You only nodded; unable to speak because of all the tears you shed. He leaned forward; pressed a kiss onto your forehead - and that was the moment you entirely caved. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged his body. Daryl accepted the hug, of course; placed both his hands on your hips and held you.
After a while, Daryl bent his knees and quickly swept you off your feet - much to your surprise, before he carried you into your bedroom. He set you down on the bed, quickly stripped off his top and jeans and joined you; wrapping you up in the tightest snuggle possible. It was almost like he sensed how tired and worn out you were. "Sleep, hon. 'M here. I won't go anywhere." You smiled tiredly up at him and couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. So, you did. "I love you." "I love ya, too."
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