#merlin gets stabby
wishiwasadruid · 2 years
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
Hi, since I haven't seen anyone mention this on reddit or tumblr, I'd just like to say, as someone whose first language isn't english, Worm's cape names are fucking weird. Are all of them words? Who knows, i read Worm and Ward without knowing Eidolon and Brandish are real words and not made up words. Or they are words i know but idk wich meaning is? Is March like the month or like the organized walking verb? So do all cape names mean something, and say something about the one who chose them? I refuse to google them at this point, but Anelace? Cinereal? Myrrdin? Couldn't they pick more known 2 word combinations? Do parahumans get a discount on thesaurus? Thats all I wanted to say, thanks. PS. Wildbow, the fuck you doing using Califa de Perro as a name, couldn't you ask any Spanish speaker?, i'll kill you.
Eidolon = spectre, phantom, and idolized object/person
Brandish = to flourish and wave about an item, usually a weapon. Also an epitaph for Athena
March = to move in a uniform manner and derivative of the roman god of war, Mars
Anelace = double-sided dagger used by civilians
Cinereal = grey matter of the brain and nervous system
Myrrdin = Too many to count but generally tied to Myrddin Wylt, prophetic folklore bard and a facet of Merlin (genuinely more work than I can ever give on the topic of how insanely intertwined those myths are)
The thing about Wildbow's cape names are two-fold:
In the 80+ years of superhero genre, a LOT of cape names have been chosen and used already. Taylor mentions this to Armsmaster as a meta-joke in the first arc (ironically, DC also has a Skitter, who debuted in 2011.... the same year as Worm), so he has to be creative and sometimes creativity is simplicity.
He loves giving character names multiple meanings.
To go down the list:
Eidolon's name is ironic, because he notably not idolized (and pushed out of the spotlight compared to Legend), and he ends up becoming one of GU's spectres.
Brandish creates weapons, yes, but there's connection to Pallas (brandishing) and Athena accidentally killing him while distracted to Victoria accidentally caving her head in while distracted. (There are several story iterations, including one where they had a parental relationship).
March is about how she organizes her megacluster like an army or marching band, but also reference to her civilian name (May), the Mad March Hare from Alice in Wonderland (which her entire fight with Vista is a huge reference to), and the Ides of March (notorious for the stabby stab stab of Julius Caesar)
Anelace is a master of weapons, but he's notably reluctant about that fact, and is noted to have a healthy civilian life by other characters
Cinereal is the grey matter of the brain. She is the Atlanta Protectorate leader that turns things into grey matter (ash)
Myrddin = See the King Arthur and various clusterfuck of mythos
Even his main characters have this: Taylor tailor makes her outfits and is a silk Weaver, Khepri is an Egyptian god that bring a sunny morning... and she debuted on Gold Morning. Victoria is a Roman Goddess of Victory (Contessa uses her to find "the Path to Victory"), Antares means "Anti-Ares/Rival of Ares/Anti-War" and is the constellation "heart of the scorpion" which is Victoria inside of the wretched forcefield. We can even stretch this to Khepri and Antares: Khepri is a beetle that carries the sun on to a new day. Antares is a binary sun system (with one sun being invisible to the naked eye). In the slaughterhouse 9 fight, Taylor and her beetle (khepri) carry Victoria and the fragile one (antares) to safety (to live another day).
WE CAN EVEN GO FURTHER: Atlas is the man holding up the sky in Greek Mythology, which Taylor names her beetle. Victoria's PHO name is Point_Me_@_The_Sky (which is also a Pink Floyd reference). In Worm, Atlas holds Victoria up in the sky.
Its really fun to analyze.
Califa seems to be a simple goof. Or maybe Taylor just butchered his name.
They can't all be winners.
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regulusrules · 3 months
At that moment, Merlin’s legs entirely gave away.
“Hey, hey, I got you,” Gwaine murmured softly, his remorse immediately replaced with worry, steadying Merlin up with one hand on his shoulder and the other around his waist.
“No, Gwaine, you—” Merlin started hyperventilating, his breaths shortening this time from the fresh image of pain implanted in his mind. “You were nearly gone and I wasn’t there, you – I didn’t get you, I—”
Act 2 of My breaths are run by your compass is out, my loves!
Happy stabby reading 🔪🫶
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yodelerz · 1 year
Merlín finale idea that might make it align more with the whole “Arthur destined to be the greatest king” but the same amount of angst:
* beginning of 2 part battle - dragon or something gives Merlín potion that he tells him will reverse the fate of someone dying, but only if Merlín acts in the moment of the victims last breath
* Merlín makes Arthur drink said potion for “good luck”
* battle
* Merlín becomes himself on battlefield to check in with Arthur, while himself, Morgana tries to attack Arthur and Merlín commands lightening or some shit via Arthur’s blade to kill her. The two of them have to work together and it reveals Merlin’s magic
* Arthur’s like omg bruh you have magic, is so distracted that Mordred goes in for the kill
* stabby stabby, Arthur kills mordred back etc etc
*idk the b plot of this episode I can only do so much
* the woods scenes happen all the same - when Merlín reveals it it’s bc Arthur is like “dude this weird ass thing happened at the battlefield, it seemed like you had magic” and Merlin’s like surprise! I do!
* they get to the final scene of Arthur like hold me, I love you, thank you, etc. and then on his final breath merlin whispers some magic and BAM they swap places. So now Merlín is dead, taken Arthur’s final breath for him, and Arthur wakes up just fine and is like ! Merlin you did it!! Merlin? Merlin!! And then realizes his manservant aka true love just died for him — which idk to me seems to fulfill Merlin’s destiny a bit stronger, I’m all for eternal pining but I feel like Arthur being able to be a king for more than 3 years and restore camelots magic is really what Merlin’s objective has been set up to be
Final scenes:
* merlin gets knighted posthumously, and given a whole warriors funeral (and here’s the important part) a little trail of smoke goes up to the sky and becomes a star. And Arthur is the only one who sees it because he’s the only one that stays that late
* Arthur immediately allows magic in the kingdom and the people rejoice while Arthur mourns, and then we see him again many many years later on his deathbed. His last request, to go back out to the lake where they had Merlin’s burial
* he dies staring at little star-Merlin
* his funeral happens, at the end after everyone’s gone home, we watch a little spark rise up and become a star right next to Merlin’s for them to be together for eternity patrocles/Achilles style
Bam. Finale fixed
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nerdgatehobbit · 3 months
I hope everyone’s enjoying the stabby day! And yes, I had apple pie yesterday.
Leverage & The Librarians are both great so far. The interesting thing is that the disc order is different from the airing order for the former’s season 1 DVD set. Though I have seen that info about how season 1 of The Librarians was aired out of intended order, so I’m guessing there’s something similar going on. FYI, Cadman’s actress Jaime Ray Newman played Aimee in the latest episode I saw, so that was fun. While I recognized her, I did have to look her up to remember where from. I’m early in the 2nd season of The Librarians; I’ve gathered that Flynn might have some moments of falling short, but I can respect the writers not wanting him to overshadow the others, so I’m liable to be chill about it. Not 100% sure, given his Blorbo status in my eyes, but more sure than not.
… I’ll try to get better about making posts about them. I did snag a screencap of Leverage using one of The Librarian movies as an in-flight movie. That was a cute reference! I’m also appreciative of how there are Star Trek people on & off camera in them.
Once I make/schedule the posts for “They’re Playing My Song”, I can move on to watching the last episode on Static Shock’s first disc. It’s held up pretty well so far (ruefully so in some cases).
Thus far I’m still lukewarm about Star Trek TNG and I’m feeling kinda bad about it. Hopefully I’ll enjoy it more as I keep watching season 2. I’ve caught a few episodes of the Sister Boniface Mysteries when Mom was watching and I enjoyed them.
Last month, I did see & enjoy TLM 2023, but I’m holding off until Mermay to post a lot about it. I did get around to getting screenshots from BATB 2022; I’m debating on if I’ll add onto the previous posts with the phone photos or if they should get their own posts.
Pokémon Masters has stayed fun. I got the free Riley & Lucario, and I picked Lucas & Dialga out of the three half-anniversary options (I already had Gloria & Zacian, and since I have Anabel & Snorlax I wasn’t pressed to get Red & Snorlax). Seeing Adaman & Irida in modern garb in the latest event was a bit odd. Since, I’m hoping that eventually Warden Ingo will become available.
… I ought to get back to the anime. Also the Pokémon TV app is going away soon, so I feel justified in having obtained DVD sets.
Sooner rather than later I’m going to end up screencapping BBC Merlin to get more Gwen content, but not quite yet.
Edit: I almost forgot, I got Warehouse 13 at the library for $10 on my latest visit. That’s on the back burner, but at that price I could justify my curiosity.
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obsessed with the idea of Mordred just never being Arthur's doom
Think about it
Like what if the battle at Camalan still happened, but instead of Mordred doing the stabby stabby it's someone else in the heat of the moment, just fighting to survive. Imagine that Merlin and Arthur make it to Avalon, and Arthur is saved. Imagine Mordred returning to Camelot, an apology locked and loaded because as mad as he was about his childhood lover dying, he realized that his actions were wrong. Imagine the Mordred redemption arc. IMAGINE MERLIN'S HATRED FOR HIM SEEMINGLY TURNING ON A DIME TO LITERALLY EVERYONE AND THEY FINALLY GET THE BACKSTORY
Imagine them all hanging about the castle (the knights and Arthur and Gwen and redeemed Morgana) and Merlin's just like "yeah mordred was destined to kill you sire, but the prophesy was practically fulfilled so I'm cool with him now" and everyone is just silently going *what the fuck* because Merlin has said some concerning stuff over the years after the magic reveal and the can never tell if he's joking
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goldinthemtharhills · 2 years
Intro & List
Hello hello! I’m TheSunshineDragon on Ao3! I also occasionally write non-kpop works under WoodElfJedi and post High & Low fics under YukensHairtie. 
List of Works:
Stray Kids
Domestic Doses (Perpetually Incomplete, Platonic Fluff, Slice of Life, General Shenanigans)
The Wind Under Your Wings (Complete, Danceracha with Wings, Platonic, Wingfics, Sickfics, Hurt/Comfort)
I’ve Got An AU For That (Incomplete, AUs, Platonic Relationships, Little Bit of Everything)
Tell The Wolves I’m Home (Complete, Werewolf/Wolves AU, Platonic Pack Dynamics, Wolf!Minho, Angst, Sickfic, Hurt/Comfort)
Ash & Oak & Thorn (Incomplete, Magic AU, Platonic Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Let Be What Is, And Be What Isn’t (Incomplete, AUs, Platonic HyunLix)
Yours & Mine (Incomplete, Platonic Soulmate AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Introspection)
Chan the Zookeeper (Incomplete, Shifter AU, Humour/Crack, Hurt/Comfort, Wholesome Vibes Coming Your Way)
The Saga of Chan & His Dragon Menaces (Incomplete, Dragons, Humour/Crack, Magic, Fluff)
The Heart of a Summer Child Born in Spring (Complete, MCD, Terminal Illnesses, Magic AU, Hyunjin-centric, Two versions)
Non-seried Fics:
Threads (One-shot, Based on the I’ll Be Your Man Kingdom Stage, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Magic, Brotherhood)
Let’s All Die Naturally In A Healthy Way (One-shot, MinChan Fic Fest, Platonic Relationships, Androids, Post-Apocalyptic, Hurt/Comfort)
Broken Glass, Pieced Back (One-shot, Rated M, Platonic MinSung, Vampires, Heavy Angst, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Whump)
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider (Incomplete, Spiderverse AU, Hurt/Comfort, Angst)
Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine (One-shot, Jisung-centric, Sea Monsters, Burn Out, Introspection)
You’re Not A Bet I Care To Take (But I’m Going To Anyways) (One-shot, Platonic ChanLix, Assassins & Hitmen AU, Angst, Found Family)
Attachments Have Consequences (One-shot, Spies & Secret Agents, Inspired by District Nine MV, Light Angst, Found Family)
Stabby Stabby (One-shot, Angst, Jeongin Being an Idiot, Hurt/Comfort) 
Ficlet Collection (2023) (Incomplete)
You May Be Idiots, But You’re My Idiots (Complete, Sickfic, Assassins & Hitmen AU, Minho is a Good Hyung)
The 100-Point Children (Complete, Based on a Tumblr Post, Adoption, Found Family, Hyung-line as Single Parents, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
An Objective Reply To A Subjective Question (One-shot, Minho & Seungmin-centric, Canon Compliant, Platonic Relationships, Character Study, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff)
I’ll Stand Until I Can’t (One-shot, Gang AU, Minho-centric, Miscommunications, Bang Chan Being an Idiot, Heavy Angst)
Into The Thick Of It (One-shot, Magic AU, Toddler!Jilix, Witch Minho, Fluff, Slight Crack)
Blooming Death In These Lungs (One-shot, Platonic Hanahaki, Angst, Minho-centric, Angst With A Happy Ending)
Drowning Without Water (Deadpool AU, MinChan, Platonic Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD)
The Ferryman (One-shot, Vague Allegory for Death, AU, Grim Reapers, Kid Fic, Angst, Magic, Non-Linear Narrative)
To The Wind I Go (Incomplete, Magic AU, Wendigos, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Found Family, Winter VibesTM)
Money Can’t Buy Class (One-shot, Hyunjin/Yeji, College/University AU, Complicated Relationships, Ambiguous/Open Ending) 
Affectionate (One-shot, Doyoung & Taeyong are Best Friends, College/University AU, Emotional Support Best Friends)
Lord of the Rings
Tiny Legolas Causing Chaos ft. Thranduil The Tired Single Dad (Incomplete series, Family Fluff, Kid!Legolas)
Another Pillow Fight (One-shot, Slight Crack, Aragorn and Legolas being idiots)
The 68 Rules of Middle-earth (List-fic, Crack Treated Seriously)
Quit Snoring Already (Slight crack, Dwarves Causing Sleep Problems)
Transformers: Prime
Transformers Prime: Communications (Complete, Crack, slight OOC-ness)
The Field Medic & The Doctor (Complete, Grief/Mourning, PTSD)
Star Wars: Rebels
The Rebels Prank War (Incomplete, Prank Wars, Slight Crack, Humour)
A Nice Thing To Have (One-shot, Fluff, Merlin Gets A Hug)
Cotton Candy Spun Clouds (One-shot, PTSD, Light Angst)
High & Low
We’re All A Little Fragile (One-shot, PTSD, Fluff, Light Angst)
Fireworks (One-shot, Fluff, Injuries, Light Angst)
Crashing Down (One-shot, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort)
Brother Bear (Little Bear Cub) (One-shot, Modern AU, Angst, Accidental Baby Acquisition) 
Don’t Shoot The Messenger [SVT x High & Low] (Gang AU, Child Abandonment, Mild Hurt/Comfort)
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tawaifeddiediaz · 10 months
Which Merlin episode has the stabbing and the touch you think would = butterflies 👀
i think it was 2x02. arthur gets stabby-stabbed by the guy with the hidden knife, and he still participates in the jousting tournament. but at the end he needs help getting off the horse and merlin just. puts his hands on his slooty lil waist to help him down.
like i know arthur was barking inside, i just know it.
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strangefellows · 1 year
Yknow what. Gil, Cu, Roman, and Komadori
favorite thing about them
Gil: How absolutely human he is, despite how inhuman he is at the same time. He's an egotistical arrogant childish petty loudmouth obnoxious bastard, but he's noble and brave and loves kids and was a legitimately good king, and despite every single reason you could name it should be otherwise he's Chaotic Good. Not even neutral, straight up GOOD. He's terrible, he's amazing, he's a hero and a tyrant and he's so, so very human, good and bad.
Cu: He just...there's this vibe about him that's so warm and gentle despite his fighty battle-loving attitude. He can be quiet and soft and warm and introspective, and there's hints around him that he's sadder than he lets on -- and god, looking at his myth, of course he is. That quiet depth beyond stabby fighty Lancer is so much worth exploring.
Roman: HE'S SO SWEET. HE'S SO GOOD AND SWEET. He tried so hard and desperately wanted to save the world, and even if he got his wish he willingly gave it up to save people, because no matter how he'd changed or what he became as a human his soul, his core, never stopped being someone who wanted to help. He gave everything he'd wanted up because he just...couldn't let go of his selflessness and he's so human, I just aaah.
Komadori: YOU MEAN MY OC OH MY GOD UH. I love how much she loves people, stories, everyone she meets she just loves them so so much and she's so loud and insistent and unapologetic in how much she adores everyone around her, how much she loves being around them. Every Servant, even the scary ones even the monsters even the Evil ones she loves them all so aggressively and stubbornly and LOUDLY that they can't help but love her back.
least favorite thing about them
Gil: Looks at UBW. Looks at Fate Route. Looks at Villain Gilgamesh. MMMMPH. Honey let's not.
Cu: Less about him and more god I'm so tired of how he's treated in some fan circles. But also I hate how little good screentime he gets in everything. My poor guy dies so fast.
Roman: I HATE THAT HE'S GONE SO MUCH. Also the 'he's really obtuse and kind of dumb and tone deaf and says stupid shit just to be bullied about it' running joke in the dialogue got old.
Komadori: Honey baby can we maybe perhaps NOT be so tied up in issues the thought of leaving Chaldea is the most terrifying thing on Earth, scarier even than ORT?
favorite line
Gil: It's really hard to pick just one because Tomokazu Seki goes the FUCK OFF in every appearance, but I think either his chant for Enuma Elish, or the way he fucking purrs his 4th Ascension and Bond 5 lines.
Cu: I can't remember the exact dialogue, but there's something he says to Emiya in UBW that slapped extremely hard. That and his dying fuck you to Kirei.
Romani: You're asking what you should be aiming for then? Haha, sounds like you alright, Komadori. That's a good question. That's an easy one. You don't want to stop the game, but finish the game instead. The end comes for both you and me. Accomplish lots by then. Whether it's joy or sadness, success or setbacks, as long as it's something new. You still have plenty of those, don't you? Live life with no regrets. I believe, above all else, that this is what it means to be moral for an individual-- and if you can do that, that would make me very proud.
Komadori: Sadly she's my OC who's a VN protagonist so she doesn't get much actual dialogue, but her speech in LB6 when she DOES extremely fucks hard.
Gil: Cu and Emiya, absolutely. Three idiots having chaos disaster fun times together because they're all varying levels of stupid and overly competitive and secretly lonely.
Cu: See above, Emiya and Gil! Though I also love writing his best friends relationship with my Master OC Komadori. They're such good friends it makes me happy.
Romani: Da Vinci for absolute sure. They're adorable as friends, it's incredible, I love it.
Komadori: I have a list. Cu, Robin, Emiya, Merlin, Ushiwaka, Mordred, Mandri, Kintoki, Saito, Osakabe and Jinako, Sanson, Jalter, Drake, Enkidu, Grandpa Moriarty...
Gil: Gil and Enkidu, Gil and Hakuno (F) somewhat, Gil and Cu, Gil and my Master OC...
Cu: Either Cu and Gil or Cu and Robin Hood :)
Romani: Either him and my Master OC or him and Merlin. Or both! He has two hands.
Komadori: Gil, Roman, Dantes, Musashi, Oberon.
Gil: Frankly, Koto*Gil, no thanks, I just don't like it at all.
Cu: While I don't HATE it, I just don't ship him with Emiya, but a REAL NOTP is Cu and Medb oh god no.
Roman: Man IDK what other ships does he even have? EDIT I HAVE BEEN TOLD SOME PEOPLE SHIP HIM WITH DAVID NO WHY
Komadori: I don't like shipping my Master OC with Mash @_@ that's her baby sister!
random headcanon
Gil: He's an absolute lightweight when it comes to hard liquor, as he's used to mainly drinking beer and wine.
Cu: His Riastrad/warp spasm turns him into a wolfman. He's just a werewolf. Fight me.
Roman: He is a frecklebeast, he burns like a shellfish in the sun, don't do that to him, he almost misses being unaffected :(
Komadori: She had a stuffed wolf before Chaldea that she probably brought with her, she loves it, its name is Little Cu.
unpopular opinion
Gil: I think this man should be allowed to be vulnerable and insecure sometimes as a treat.
Cu: I HATE the "lol Cu died so funny" running joke Fate does with him so much.
Roman: Uhhhhhh. Not sure lmao, everyone loves him?
song i associate with them
Gil: Quite frankly, this is a good one; it reminds me of Uruk.
Cu: I gotta admit, this one is a good one to blast during him fighting.
Roman: It's not his POV, necessarily, but this song always makes me think of him
Komadori: This one is a fucking fantastic Lostbelt Arc song for her.
favorite picture of them
Gil: Not gonna paste the pics into the post because length, but this CE is one of my favorite things in the entire game.
Cu: Not gonna lie, everything Wada Arco has drawn of him fucks.
Romani: This one absolutely, it makes me cry.
Komadori: This image is one of my favorites I ascended the first time I saw it, but also this one too.
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arielmagicesi · 2 years
it’s one of those days where I have to post every thought in my head. anyway my “types” of character definitely include hot sad gendery hot repressed fighter stabby hot people (Jim, Guillermo, Scorpia, Brienne) (bonus points if they are Little Shits. Merlin gets honorary placement for his little-shit-ness) and absolute idiots who swing wildly between extremely depressed existential dread/silly goose wacky hyper behavior (Niles, Ronan, Nandor, Pierre, Yang could go in either of these categories actually). also included are “characters that are infinitely cooler than I am and would treat me with disdain if I met them and I’ve made my peace with that” (Nadja, Adam, little bit Garnet from back in the day- she’d try to be nice but judge me like she did with that mailman). and those are my thoughts
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pencildragons · 4 years
Arthur: Merlin why is mordred lying on the floor
Merlin: lol idk
Arthur: why is there shattered wood around him
Merlin: a mystery, to be sure
Arthur: why are we missing one chair from the round table
Arthur: did you hit Mordred with the chair
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Harry Hart x Reader Warnings: N/A Word Count: 940 A/N: I've read stories about Harry Hart feeling insecure with regards to his relationship with someone significantly younger. Here's a sort-of take on that the other way around
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"Some of that was completely unnecessary, Lancelot." Merlin commented after you stabbed another hostile about 10 times. 
"I'm feeling stabby today.” You replied sharply.
"Ooh. Harry Hart, what did you do?” Merlin asked him over the comms. 
Harry just huffed.
Earlier that day, you decided to grab coffee with Harry. It has been a few months since the two of you finally started dating. 
You were waiting by the counter to pick-up the coffees when a lady approached Harry.
“Harry? I haven't seen you in years! Last I heard, you were in the military.” You overhead the lady say. She looked about to be Harry’s age. She has short, puffy, blonde hair, with arched eyebrows, pointed nose, and high cheekbones. She is wearing a dress that complements her tall, slender figure.
“Yes, I was. How are you?" Harry replied with a smile. "I am well and very pleased to run into you after all these years. So, what are you doing now?" You could see Harry was about to open his mouth to reply when she complimented his suit.
“Thank you. I’m working as a tailor.” Harry replied. "Military to tailoring, that's odd. Well, but that explains the impeccable suit." She placed a hand on his shoulder. By the looks of it, she’s clearly trying to flirt with your man.
You made it back to your table with the drinks and thought you'd save Harry from this conversation. "Oh! I didn’t know you have a daughter!" She looked at you from head to toe before looking back at Harry. "I didn’t know you were married? So, is it 'bring your child to work' day?" She laughed dryly. “Isn’t she a little old for that?” 
You just stood there, staring at the back of her head. As if your eyes could bore a hole on her puffy hair straight through her head. 
Harry looked taken aback by the string of questions. "No, no. I wasn’t, she is —“ he was interrupted, yet again. 
"Oh! I see. Well, that��s a shame. I know a lot of women who would've killed just to marry you." Her phone rang, but she didn't pick it up. "I'm afraid I have to go, but here’s my number.” She gave him a calling card. You rolled your eyes. Who does that these days? “Call me! I’d love to hear from you. Let’s catch-up sometime! Tell me about this beautiful daughter of yours, I'd love to get to know her!" She ran her hand at Harry’s arms up to his shoulders when she left the cafe.
You remained standing there in disbelief, looking at Harry, who didn't even try to correct that woman. 
With the age difference, Harry could've been your father. But age didn't matter, not to you anyway. Yet seeing a woman close to Harry's age blatantly flirting at him made you feel insecure. What if he realizes you're not mature enough for him? What if he wants to be in a relationship with someone living a normal life, someone who isn’t a spy like him. What if he realizes that you’re not enough and he’s better off with someone else?
‘I'll head off to work now’ was all you said between the silence, leaving Harry sitting there wondering what he'd done wrong.
You continued to be very aggressive throughout the mission, at some point Merlin felt terrified for his friend.
When the mission was over, none of you still had spoken with each other. But when you noticed that Harry’s usually perfect hair fell a bit out of place, it made him very irresistible. "Just kiss and make-up already!” Merlin caught you staring at Harry through your glasses. 
But no one kissed, or made-up.
Upon arriving at the Kingsman Estate, Harry asked if the two of you could talk. You agreed and he led you to your room in the estate. He opened and held the door for you. On your bed was a bouquet and a box of your favorite chocolates.
“I,” he sighed, “bought that after you left me at the cafe.” You nodded and took a seat. "Thank you.” You said silently and patted the space on the bed beside you. Harry sat and took your hand in his. “I think I know why you're upset, but please tell me what's wrong.” 
You hesitated. But eventually decided to tell him what you felt, to tell him about your fears. Somewhere in between, tears had started falling from your eyes.
There was a brief silence before Harry wiped the tears off your cheek with his thumb. "Darling?" You were still staring straight ahead, anxious of his response. "Please look at me." He moved his hand from your cheek to your chin.
"Darling, you don't need to apologize for what you felt." You turned to look at him. "I want you to know that you're more than enough for me. And I wouldn't change anything, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you, (Y/N)." 
It was the first time Harry said he loves you. With tear-filled eyes, you wrapped your arms around him. "I love you too, Harry Hart." 
He pulled away to give you a kiss on the forehead.
Harry wrapped one arm around you, and you leaned against his chest. "You know that I, too, get mad when people mistake you for my daughter. She barely even gave me a chance to speak." He paused. "And you see, between the two of us, I always thought I'd be the jealous one, because of the men your age." You laughed lightly and playfully hit him on his chest.
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officialleehadan · 4 years
Wizard Games
Hello darlings and Happy Monday! The sun is out here in Seattle, and I’m delighting in this perfect Fall day!
Today’s story was brought to you by CJessie! Thank you so much for all your support!
Prompt: Knights of the Round, with Merlin being a brat.
Lancelot whirled, a snarl between his teeth and hos sword in hand. The enchanted steel cut through the air with a sound that was half-whistle, half-scream.
Unfortunately, all it caught was air.
The Wizard had been shadowing him all morning, ever since their meeting at The Round Table. He and the rest of the knights were staying at the nearby manor house that they mostly left to the historical people. Now and again, however, it served the function its foundations originally held, and housed Arthur’s Knights. 
And Merlin too, damn the man.
Generally speaking, Lancelot hated magic on principal, hated magic being used on him in particulate, and hated Merlin personally.
So naturally, clad in a shirt that changed color ever few minutes, but only when no one was looking, Merlin had been sneaking after him, tugging on his hair, and vanishing so that Lance only caught the slightest glimpse of him as he spun around. 
He was, unfortunately for anyone actually trying to talk to him, on hiss very last nerve and completely inclined to stab first and ask questions later. After a near slice towards Bors, and a slash that would have taken Tristan’s head off, they were giving him some space.
Stabbing the wizard never did any good. In a thousand years, Lancelot had never managed to connect a single blow to the Wizard’s obnoxious head.
“What do you want?” Lancelot snapped at the empty air. He could smell dragon scales and bat guano. Merlin was somewhere in that empty air. “Is it to annoy me? You’ve succeeded. Is it because you want me to do something? Tell me what it is and go away!”
“Shouting at thin air. To think, that sword could split a hair. Or an heir, if you’re feeling bored.”
Verse. Damn him. Merlin was still speaking in verse.
Lancelot tried, unsuccessfully, to stab him again.
It didn’t work. It never did. The attempt did, at least, make him feel marginally better.
“How stabby you are,” Merlin observed, still invisible. His voice came from right behind Lancelot’s left ear, and lance drove his sword back, hoping for the best. “But ever so far. Can you drive a car?”
“Can you drive me insane?” Lancelot demanded, and thrust his sword into the scabbard on his hip. “What do you want, Merlin?”
“A favor, of sorts. The sort of favor that’s just your flavor.”
“Spit it out or I’m going to find out how long it will take to regenerate from a self-inflicted beheading.”
Just over an hour, depending on whether or not he needed to reattach his head, or grow a new one. If he did it up on the tower, he might be able to follow it with a five-story drop, which would buy him another hour or two.
The thought of two hours of peace, even if it was the dead sort of peace, was very appealing, honestly. 
“Ever so dramatic,” Merlin pouted as he appeared, just out of range of Lancelot’s sword, not that it would do any good. His shirt was an eye-searing combination of neon pink squares against an almost-as-neon sapphire blue background. Lancelot winced and tried not to look at him. “I suppose it’s thematic. Find the Lady. You’re her kind of shady.”
“Yeah I hate you too. How am I supposed to do that?” Finding the lady when she didn’t want to be found was impossible. Finding the Lady when she did want to be found was only easy if you were Arthur, and Lancelot distinctly wasn’t. “She’s as difficult as you most of the time.”
“Drown and down and down and drown.”
“Why me?”
“A Lake for Du Lac.”
Hatred or no, Lancelot had to admit that was probably reasonable. The Lady didn’t hold grudges like age-old wizards. He had seen her, always from a distance, once or twice since Arthur died. He probably had the best chance of finding her now, and she definitely had the sword. That or she had already found a new stone to leave it in. 
If she had a new Stone already, Arthur would probably find the Sword before they found him, which would definitely make him a target. Mordred would very happily kill him to get Excalibur. He was still Arthur’s son, and there was a distinct possibility that he could use the Sword.
Lancelot really didn’t want to deal with Mordred and the Sword at the same time, thanks.
“Fine,” he sighed, and scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Are you going to give me a heading or do I get to do this the hard way?”
“Forgo bedding, and a heading you’re dreading may be less upsetting.”
Lancelot looked at Merlin incredulously. “Forgo bedding? Oh no. Don’t tell me the Lady found Guinevere’s reincarnation and left the Sword with her.”
“A lady for a Lady,” Merlin agreed cheerfully, but with the glint of a great deal of still-hot anger in his eyes. Lancelot might try to stab him occasionally, but there were some things Merlin wouldn’t take lightly. Screwing everything up again, literally or metaphorically, wouldn’t go well for him. “Keep your piece in it’s sheath.”
“There are no words for how much I hate you,” Lancelot muttered. “I’m taking Tristan, Bors, and Hector with me. Am I allowed to sleep with anyone or is it only Guinevere I’m forbidden from this time around?”
“Slow learner. Quick burner.”
“You’ll light me on fire if I sleep with anyone?”
Merlin only smiled, which usually meant that yes indeed he would light Lance on fire, and nobody would have a good day. 
“I hate you,” Lancelot said once more for good measure, and glared at Merlin, who only smiled serenely. “Fine. Which direction do I go?”
Knights of the Round:
King Arthur, the king of legend, died in ancient times. His Knights, however, drank from the Grail and became immortal. But the Sword in the Stone has gone missing, and the Lady of the Lake has once more been seen.
Sword and Beast (Subscriber Only!)
Cousins in Arms (Subscriber Only!)
Do Not Microwave
Four Knights and a Beast (Free on Patreon!)
The Lion of Lyonesse
The Stone Table (Free on Patreon!)
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the-astro-ace · 3 years
WIP Reveal
Tagged by @spiritofcamelot!  Thank you, friend!
A Knight’s Duty
Arwen Matchmaking Merwaine
By Moonlight and By Falling Snow
Chamber of Erised Except Not
Count of Monte Cristallo
Deity AU
Dragon Sanctuary
Dragonlord Gwaine
Fairy Kidnapping AU
Gwaine & Aithusa
Merlin Bingo 2021 (This is technically ten or so WIPs but they’re all in a file together)
Merwaine and Injured Aithusa
Merwaine Mind Meld
Pottery AU
Spymaster Merlin
Tangled AU
The Immortal and the Ghost
[Star] Trek AU
Wasteland Baby
Wrangling Writers Block Beauty and the Beast
ACBB 2018 [aka, Hercules AU]
Angstier Coma
Arwen Daughter Sleeping Beauty AU
Arwen Imprisoned Alternate First Meeting
Cuddling for Warmth V2
Drunk Arthur
Freylin Injured Freya
Freylin Lost Future
Freylin True Love’s Kiss
Gwaine and the Evil Green Knight V2
Gwaine Emrys
Hermit Merwaine
Lamia and Servant of Two Masters
Lancelot X Mithian
Lancewaine Crack Fic
Leave the Past Behind
Magic Leon [And the two sequels - this one’s going to be a three-parter/trilogy]
Matchmaking Aithusa
Merlin Brainwashed 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
(Merlin waking from nightmare possibly for) Time Travel Mess
Merwaine Hueco Mundo AU
My Dearest Gwaine [the sequel to My Dearest Merlin]
Other Freylin True Love’s Kiss
Percival’s Nightmare
Post S4 Finale HurtComfort
Split Morgana
Stabby Dream
Stolen Season
Suitor Armor Inspired AU
The Knight or Your Freedom
The Veil of Time
Weird Sleeping Beauty AU I guess
Gwaine gets Merlin a Cat
Idk but some Gwaine whump I guess
Post-Canon Mercival
Selkie Gwaine
Elyan and Gwaine Confession Conversation
Lot Ransom
Immortal Merlin Kidnapping Angst I GUESS
PercyElyan S4 Finale
Arthur Tries Out a Beard
Attempting Fic Gone With the Wind Style
Merlin’s Soul is Stolen
Build-A-Bear Revamp
Forest Spirits and Knights
Broken Bed Prompt
Body Swap
And uhhhhhhhhh yeah I think that’s all of them alksdjf.  I have more, but these are all the ones that I still say to myself “I PROMISE I’LL FINISH YOU EVENTUALLY” so
(All of these are BBC Merlin, but all but 14 of these are Merwaine lmao.  And then like half of those are Merlin & Gwaine focused alskdjflkjadsfjklasdfljkasdjklf)
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You got any spicy Green Cu- I mean Achilles headcanons?
My friend, Achilles will forever be known as Green Cú, he cannot escape his fate -
Achilles Headcanons (FGO)
Yes, he has stolen Proto Cú's AND Fsn Cú's spears before (numerous times, too)
And yes, they would have beaten his ass for it if he wasn't so quick on his feet
He usually wakes up early, or hasn't even gone to bed in the first place. Whoever the chef of the day is (usually EMIYA), in the quiet mornings of Chaldea he'll sit down and ask anything that comes to mind while watching them cook
"Can our feet just be regarded as another pair of hands, just on the ground? Ground hands??"
"Achilles, for the love of god - "
"I didn't hear a no!"
If he's ever adventured on his own to places he thinks are good spots for picnics (read: romantic outings), he'll never tell another soul
He usually just takes the Servants who look like they want the day to just not exist in the first place there, whether they want to or not
"Yo! I found this place the other day and I think you'd like it - What? You don't want to go? Too late, you're going!"
Has a massive soft spot for Atalanta and the children Servants
Nursery Rhyme wants him to read out loud? You bet he's dropping whatever he's doing to go read
Jack is feeling a little stabby? Sparring session in T-Minus 30 seconds, with the added bonus of tips to improve fighting styles
Atalanta is questioning her capabilities? Movie marathon in her room, coupled with reassuring pats and hugs that she is doing just fine
"Y'know I look up to you, Ane-san. You're more than enough."
Will also deny that he has a soft spot for them
"What? Me? Never." (Proceeds to learn how to cook foods foreign to him so that he can make them their favorite dishes whenever they feel down)
It's kind of obvious at this point, but a favorite hc of mine is that Achilles has a high EQ. He just...knows when someone is feeling even a little bit off, and will do what he can to help
Yes, he still challenges Chiron to sparring sessions whenever he can
(Chiron usually beats him, but there are some notable times when Achilles one-ups him using skill alone and not pure strength)
Merlin gives him the worst ideas, like stealing Cascú's staff next
Green Cú only has one braincell and prefers to go with the flow, so you betcha he took that staff
"Hm? Where did- ACHILLES!!!"
Achilles usually hands the stolen goods to Merlin and is off like a whirlwind, the mage just smiling in amusement when the Servant Achilles stole from barges into the room a minute later
Stealing from Cascú was a bad idea because then Merlin plants the idea of stealing from Alter Cú next
...Achilles did not show up to dinner that night
Atalanta and Chiron are the first to notice. Admittedly, if it weren't for Jack and Nursery Rhyme asking for her to get Achilles to tell them another story from his past (which, yes, he does censor his swearing for them), she wouldn't have noticed
"Where's Achilles?"
Alter Cú chose that moment to walk by, a red substance that suspiciously looked like blood splattered on his front
"He's not coming."
...And that was that
Surprisingly, though, Achilles comes to be friends with even the most unapproachable of Servants
(Yes this includes Alter Cú)
King Hassan says that he's going somewhere alone? Achilles is volunteering to go with him, even giving him a friendly pat on the arm as they walk together
Can somehow decipher Hercules' roars
*Roar of the damned* "Oh, you want some lemonade? Coming right up, my man!"
Usually has nicknames for people he cares about (which is nearly everybody)
Proto Cú? "Yo, Bolt!" (He watched Bolt with the kids and thought it fit, he knew how much Proto hated being called "Kid" and plus, both of then were, well...dogs)
Fsn Cú? "Oi, Blue!" (Yes he stole Robin's nickname for Cú), sometimes "Blue Me" even though we all know he's the Green Cú
Cascú? "Mage-san, come take a look at this." Also calls him Grandpa whenever he wants to annoy him (gets whacked on the head with a staff for that one without fail)
Alter Cú? "You doin' alright, Big Guy?" (Overtime, Alter Cú just accepts the name because once Achilles likes you, you're stuck with him and his antics)
King Hassan? He's just called Grandpa outright. "Hey Jiji, how've you been?"
Nope nope nope, does not like Archer Gil or Ozy
They both rub him the wrong way, and he tries to not be stuck with them for long periods of time
He just...doesn't understand Mephistopheles
Oh, Mordred got summoned? It's Bro Time
To be honest, he was a little hesitant about Mordred, but once he saw that Mordred frankly didn't give a damn what side you were on before, the two became fast friends
What better way to hang out than to spar?
...Achilles likes fighting, it's why he gets along so well with the Cús
Pranks? He's in, as long as nobody gets to hurt in the process
(He's secretly a worrywart because he's all-too-familiar with how he was nearly invincible, save for his heel)
Despite that tendency, he's very laidback with everyone and is a honest as he can be
"Honesty's the best policy, don'tcha think?"
Asterios has a big spot in Achilles' heart
Achilles is just...soft for him, Asterios is so pure and innocent and fills Achilles with the need to protect him (despite Asterios being perfectly capable, he can take a hit and dish it out just as well)
This friendship is one of the purest things to ever occur in Chaldea
It started out when Asterios was fretting over breaking one of Master's glass animals. It had been a collective gift to show their appreciation for Humanity's Last Master, and they had exchanged tearful hugs with everyone (it took hours, there were a lot of Servants)
Achilles happened to come across him first, unafraid to approach and calming him down with reassuring words that "No, Master won't hate ya or kick ya out; they care about you too much. Let's hurry and buy another one, alright?"
Achilles also calls Asterios "Big Guy", it just...fits
They've become such close friends that whenever they see each other in the halls, Asterios gives him a wide happy smile while opening his arms to catch the sudden green blur that was close to moving at Mach speeds
And, finally, the nickname everyone has decided for Achilles is Carrot Top; Green Cú is what the Cú's call him
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I’m about to start watching The Witcher! I’ve read that you enjoy it best when you don’t expect it to be Good(TM) but when you expect it to be a weird, wild ride, so that’s what I’m expecting. I have no idea what the plot is except, you know, ~magic stuff~ so I’m guessing the bastard child of half a concept behind Merlin, what half the writing room of Game of Thrones wanted to do but ended up not doing, Xena, and the vibe of some Japanese anime from the 90s. All I know is that the main character wears tight clothing.
Alright, let’s do this. (I’ve actually never done this kind of watching notes thing, I’ll probably just get absorbed by the show and forget about this. Whatever. I’ll try.)
Before even clicking play, the Netflix preview thingie gives me a screen-wide close-up of the guy’s ass. I suppose it’s an important plot point.
I’m sorry the show starts with a deer in a forest?? I can’t take this seriously, it makes me think of the Twilight movie.
Ominous. Please don’t kill the baby deer.
Okay, the monster looks like what Shadowhunters wanted to do but with a smaller budget and/or a less competent special effect crew... is it just me...?
Yeah, I wasn’t optimistic for the fate of the baby deer.
I’m digging the aesthetic, Lord of the Rings movie trilogy meets early Supernatural seasons if they weren’t set in present day US of A but in mud-and-swords-fantasy-land. Or, whatever. Just watch the thing, Marghe.
Dude is a We Don’t Want The Likes Of You Here kind of person, we immediately all root for him. He’s our child now. Here’s the adoption papers.
Cool lady is cool and also cute. The actress looks familiar, I check the imdb page and no, she’s not. I am face blind and it shows.
Everyone stop telling him to buy new clothes, he’s got an Aesthetic to keep.
So witchers don’t supposedly feel anything! It’s going to be fun seeing any witcher we meet in the show feel 47593 emotions at the same time every 2 minutes.
Oh, okay, the plot of this show is People Being 100% Done(TM) With Other People.
There’s a battle but I have no idea who the two sides are and what the attackers want except, like, war. Also that’s why you don’t keep your helm off to have conversations during a battle, but okay. Why are the queen and her husband both on a battlefield when the next in line is apparently too young to be ready to rule? That seems dangerous.
Geralt and Renfri have a Moment(TM) and I suppose that "near the horse” is the equivalent of “near the car” in terms of that’s where characters have emotional conversations or moments of sorts.
Oh, that looks bad. It is.
Oh, so the princess has literal magic powers. And that’s why they’re attacking. The plot thickens. Sorry but the problem with pilots is that they try to be Intense(TM) but you’re literally like, I have no idea who these people are and why I should care, except for how the director, cameraman and editor frame things, so I’m not really taking things very seriously right now.
The princess’ day has been a very shitty “that escalated quickly” situation.
Stabby time. (Also emotional dilemma time.)
So this was enjoyable in a first episode of a thing way, it sets the general idea of the thing waiting for the juicy parts of the thing to arrive, there’s a chatty girl who gets in danger, a shady magic user guy, an opponent who gets killed because it’s them or the main character but the main character is not happy about it because of some kind of emotional connection... yeah.
“Destiny” was uttered 38503 times so let’s see if this is the kind of narrative that fulfills destiny or subverts it.
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