#metal structure
w0lf-in-th3-mud · 24 days
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so yeah, saw this very large metal bear (?) structure
very cool find today!! what will he ponder today, and what will he ponder tomorrow!
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abby118 · 7 months
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sylveryfire · 1 year
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bwconstructionltd · 1 year
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BW Construction Ltd - Building Dreams, Creating Legacies
BW Construction Ltd is a renowned construction company in Singapore, specializing in delivering exceptional construction services tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. With our commitment to excellence, unwavering dedication, and vast industry experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the construction sector.
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Choose BW Construction Ltd for your construction needs in Singapore, and let us turn your dreams into reality. Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and experience the excellence we bring to every construction endeavor.
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swagcasta · 1 year
Top Tips When Sound Proofing Metal Structures
If you’ve ever been in a metal structure when it rains you’ll instantly appreciate the need to soundproof it. Of course, there are many reasons why you may want to soundproof a metal building but keeping the sounds of the weather out is one of the top.Read more
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808impz · 2 years
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dr-iphone · 2 years
【影片】紅色彗星座機降臨!高度 43 公分「METAL STRUCTURE 解體匠機 沙薩比」將於 2022 年 12 月發售
【影片】紅色彗星座機降臨!高度 43 公分「METAL STRUCTURE 解體匠機 沙薩比」將於 2022 年 12 月發售
日本萬代 BANDAI SPIRITS 公司的 TAMASHII NATIONS 收藏玩具事業部在 2019 年推出超級精細的超高階合金模型完成品「METAL STRUCTURE 解体匠機」第一彈 RX-93 ν鋼彈,頗受玩家��評。等了 3 年如今終於有了新作—紅色彗星夏亞座機「SAZABI 沙薩比」,模型高度達 43 公分、預計將於 2022 年 12 月上市發售。 (more…)
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fangrurin · 20 days
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Fashion of the Great Houses of Westeros: House Tully of Riverrun
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sylph--scope · 8 months
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Rain World Ostober day 16 - Stone Heads
STOP pointing STICKS at me!!!! i just want the cheftain passage!!!
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mariophotographies · 3 months
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Zürich by Mario. H. "City" #7
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crystalline-sanders · 8 months
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Hello SQUIP enjoyers, I bring you this River as an offering. He's very important to me personally and I hope you like him :)
Also I refuse to reference off Keanu Reeves for these guys so. uh. sorry
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jefkphotography · 5 months
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Metal structure and the backside of a billboard.
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slugcatmusings · 1 year
Iterators = Colonial Organisms
I’ve been thinking a lot about the iterators lately.  Not any one in particular, nope, I’ve just – been thinking about their biology/structure.  How they might’ve been built, what they’re made of, how the frick the Ancients made them so big that they built entire skyscraper cities on, etc.  First two things are most interesting to me though, how do you build an iterator?  What’s the process there?  How do the metal and organic bits fit together?  Are their metal parts even metal at all, because Pebbles’ robot cancer seems to be mutating directly out of the metal????  
Probably not, honestly.  Because metal can’t get cancer.  It’s probably, I dunno, weird bone or something.
ANYWAY I think iterators are colonial organisms, like siphonophores. Think the Man ‘o War jellyfish – it’s actually not one creature, but a bunch of physically connected creatures, each with a specialized purpose that helps all the other creatures around it survive, and all working together.  You’ve got critters that work as a digestive system, others for respiratory or circulatory, others that act as the outer shell/layer/skin, others that act as a skeletal framework, that kind of thing.  
Iterators are like that, but on a MUCH larger scale, built by human(?) hands, and maybe with some fully mechanical parts mixed in here and there.  I mean, just look at these examples of what all we definitely know they have:
Neuron flies, which store memories and I think carry signals/messages between other neural organisms.
Those weird red squiggly things that grow out of some walls and free-drift in other places – I’ve seen neurons connect to the tendrils coming off those things and give off little electrical flashes so those are more neural organisms.
The small hair-like tendrils that glow blue growing out of the wall are probably another version of the red squiggly things.
Inspectors are DEFINITELY acting as the immune system here.  They attack you if you grab/harm neuron flies, they just throw spears and toss you around instead of eating you alive like OUR immune cells usually do.
Those weird red structures attended to by lil white spidery things in the Memory Conflux of Five Pebbles are probably some kind of long-term memory storage, considering the title of the sub-region.
On top of these, we’ve probably got some sort of circulatory system equivalent – in some places you can hear what sounds a bit like a heartbeat pulsing in the background.  (Just, you know, if you were hearing it from right outside the vessel walls and hearing all the liquid rushing past on every beat.)  There’s probably some sort of specialized system for sucking up and processing the water that the iterators canonically use as coolant, ending in some sort of respiration that lets out all the water vapor from that process. There’s GOT to be some sort of digestive system equivalent because I seriously doubt that the “bio” part of “bio-tech” can survive without SOME sort of nutrients, but Void if I know what that might be.  Maybe they’ve got some of that glowy mold being cultivated somewhere in their structure, that stuff seems to grow on their probably-not-metal framework pretty well.  
Then there’s whatever the rarefaction cell in Rivulet’s campaign is plugged into... it’s called the “Heart” in Moon’s structure, maybe it’s connected to a circulatory system, or maybe that’s a mechanical part versus an organic one, I don’t know.  More food for thought.
About the only thing I think the iterators DON’T have is any kind of reproductive system.  Iterators too close to one another can suck up all the water and leave another high and dry, so too many iterators in the same region would probably cause a drought.  On top of that, lust is one of the earthly urges the Ancients are trying to let go of in order to ascend – no way they’d leave their giant holy supercomputers with the ability to do THAT.  They’d probably have aneurysms even thinking about it.
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irisgoesgardening · 3 months
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Never forget the Chris duel links event where he thought it was cool to have a bootcamp for 13 year olds
His ass really thought he was on like, Full Metal Jacket or something
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🖤👽A L I E N B O I👽🖤
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