#meteor impact too
reisakumaproducer · 1 year
I love the five oddballs and I feel like an underrated part of their character is how they comment upon how society treats talented beings and the dangers of placing someone so talented on a pedestal. The isolation the Oddballs felt from others, especially the OG three oddballs, and their arcs relating to humanity is one of the most intriguing aspects of this game’s writing
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cometrose · 6 months
i’ve got two zhongli origin theories
1. he’s a fallen star or a piece of the sun that fell in teyvat or a sun god/solar chariot
2. hes a servant of celestia but was banished/demoted for disobedience
theory 1 is an old theory but i always feel he’s an astral body of some sorts “planet befall” is his burst name “stars dim light fades” is his namecard description “gold is the tears of the sun” this is what the melusines say after being handed a piece of cor lapis the fact the solar chariot crashed when rex lapis was young and then zhongli is always symbolized by the sun with gold as his signature item. All the other archons (ei, rukkha, nahida, furina etc) are represented by the moon as are many other deities or divinities (azhdaha, guizhong, xiao and ganyu) zhongli is one of the few immortals to fully embody the sun
theory 2 has more to do with his connections to celestia. while super subject to change and not at all reliable i always think about one of zhongli’s beta lines is about celestia and he speaks very fondly of it stating he hasn’t been there is a long time next is the mora he produces with the triquetra symbol associated with celestia
then in chinese it states zhongli was demoted 6000 years ago when he arrived in teyvat as opposed to the eng version of ‘descended’.
In his 5th character story prior to rukkha getting erased it stated that barbatos and morax were the only original members of the seven and now it states that they were the only two in positions of leadership but isn’t that the same thing? not to mention barbatos fell asleep the same time nahida was born so in reality of the original 7 only rex lapis was in a position of leadership and then in the same text later down it still says that “The seven seats changed and again were changed, till five of the seven at the table were all departed” but if he really forgot rukkha shouldn’t it be four not five? this section of text is the same pre and post sumeru so long story short i think he remembers rukkha to some extent so he didn’t come straight from tevyat
and then even though he states he’s eroding he is very confident in his memories likely due to his contracts so i think erosion effects him differently and then their is his connection to the heavenly principles he specifically states erosion was imposed on him by them and then he praises furina for deceiving them and then there is his contract with them that stops him from talking about the cataclysm all in all i believe he’s familiar with the heavenly principles on a deeper level like he’s playing both sides
bonus: i think it’s neat zhongli is always associated with life and creation much like celestia (and the sun), he gave azhdaha eyes and created the archaic petra flower he created whales and eagles and beasts made of stone granted the adepti illumination and a mastery over alchemy
bonus bonus: morax was alive during the age of the 3 moon sisters and there are few stories were it’s implied he mentions them directly anyway this just means he’s far older than 6000 and has lived through numerous tevyat societies so he’s got a very long lifespan not as much as an elemental being but he knows far more about this world
bonus bonus bonus: zhongli’s 6th constellation is “Chrysos, Bounty of Dominator”. Chrysos is latin but is borrowed from ancient greek meaning Gold (Khrysos). Khrysos is a daimon which are lesser divinities in greek mythology and often a personification of abstract concepts. Daimons were great and powerful figures who after their death were granted divinity and some were transformed by Zeus to guide humanity. Khrysos is son of Zeus and the personification of gold and wealth ‘that cannot be devoured by moth or rust’. Son of Zeus? Free of impurities? Tasked with guiding humanity? Very similar to the relationship to the archons and celestia and could mean zhongli has very divine origins.
anyway that’s what i got, as to what he *is* maybe he’s a celestial dragon that got demoted.
or i think about heavenly chinese immortals who, when they commit crimes, or want to grow as a person, may be sent to the human realm to go through trials and suffering that comes with living and guess what zhongli does in his free time.
May he’s a piece of the sun that crashed down in teyvat and got assigned godhood hence his dedication to the future and seeing a new day
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raelyn-dreams · 7 months
Sometimes I feel like people will read one (1) story and base all their perceptions of a unit/character off of that which. Just doesn't really work imo, ESPECIALLY in the Reminisce stories.
Of course you won't like Shu if you only read Marionette. Of course you won't like Keito if you only read Meteor Impact. Of course you won't like Eichi if you only read Three Magicians (or literally any other reminisce story). Because they all play an antagonistic role.
You're seeing the absolute worst parts of them, their lowest points, when they're at their most desperate and ruthless. And that can be a good thing!!! I would not have the same understanding of any of these characters if I had NOT read those stories, and I'm grateful that I can fully know them better now! But I feel like sometimes, people run with it way too far, and refuse to acknowledge any change from them, even when all three of these examples have apologized and genuinely attempted to better themselves.
That's definitely not to say you have to read all the stories for a unit/character before forming any opinion on them (I freely admit that I could tell you almost nothing about Eden or current fine's development). However, be aware that your opinion may be influenced by certain stories, and that it is very likely you are missing some context for why a certain character acts the way they do.
Therefore, please stay open-minded, or at the very least, honest and polite!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
(Spoilers for windblume alert!!! Also this is meant to be platonic, I see collie as a little sister 🥺)
Dear Collei,
Hello! Are you enjoying the windblume event? I just wanted to say that I’ve heard what you said about yourself and I think your personality is great as it is! I know what you’ve been through and I think you’re so strong and brave - if I had gone through the same things, I don’t think I could keep smiling like you do. Moreover, I’m actually shy too. I tend to overthink things because I’m scared of saying the wrong thing or offending people, and I’ve always been a bit weird I suppose. I get how you feel and seeing you struggle made me want to give you a big hug. Finally, I wanted to give you this windblume! It’s a yellow tulip and it means “sunshine in your smile”, because I wish you lots of happiness!
[attached to the letter is a yellow tulip]
From the creator
collei sat at one of the empty tables outside of good hunter, pulling her small cloak tighter around her shoulders at the breeze. it’s a bit chilly, but not enough to warrant sitting inside.
she’d already given tighnari her order, and with her task of saving a table complete… she looks around the city. across the street, to marjorie’s shop, or further up where timaeus is speaking with ying’er. she’d picked a table close to the building, nearer to the alley and more out of the way, so she feels a little more comfortable than she normally would looking up at the sky.
it’s so easy to see the stars in mondstat. in sumeru, the tall trees tend to make the sky a faraway reach, saved for the more open plains or the desert. but here, even with the lights of the city, she could see them clearly. a treat, since there’d been a meteor shower all day.
she kept her eyes on a particularly bright star, her smile only twisting into a frown when she realized it seemed to be getting bigger as time passed. she took in a breath, ready to call and alert somebody, but then she blinked and suddenly it wasn’t a star, but a spiky ball floating in the air in front of her.
collei stared. the ball floated low enough it bumped her nose, and by the time she’d moved her chair away and blinked away her shock, all that remained of it was a a bright gold trickle of dust, gently dropping a flower and a piece of paper into her lap.
the flower was bright yellow, but the letter did little to help clear her confusion. who would hear what her wish was for the prophecy that hadn’t already given her a windblume? surely it would be easier to gift in person, right? but how was the flower even still alive, considering how it got to her- and to further that, why would you send your message like that? wasn’t there an easier way than a…
collei hid her face in her hands, slightly embarrassed it had taken her you literally signing it with your title for her to realize.
“now, what would use would a musician have for a flower… i don’t think there’s bass-is for carrying one.”
“cyno, please.” despite the bitterness in tighnari’s tone, he did little more than roll his eyes and set down the plates he was holding on the table. “is this really necessary?”
cyno smiled, taking his seat. “what? oh, do you not get the joke? i could explain it to you if-“
collei moved her chair back up to the table, seting aside the flower and your letter. unfortunately, it didn’t go as unrecognized as she hoped, with tighnari tilting his head at it as he sat. “what’s that?”
“a letter,” she said. “for windblume.”
“didn’t you already exchange windblumes with everybody you knew in mondstat? who would have something else to give you?”
“come on, tighnari. i cyno problem with it.”
and even in the ‘argument’ that followed, collei was smiling.
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
Putting the Event summary for each one under the cut for people who don't play Enstars to get an idea of what each one is.
Requiem * Sword of Oaths and the Repayment Festival, released February 28th, 2019. 46 episodes. "Tsukasa does not approve of how leadership is being passed on. Leo, who saw this, declares that he will hold the third duel, 'Requiem'!"
Sacrifice◆Resurrection Sunday of the Undying, released March 31st, 2018. 20 episodes. "The DDD is over, and the hustle and bustle of the school has settled down. Kaoru, who goes to the band club's club room on a whim, is told by Rei he wants Kaoru to 'let him drink blood'..."
Moment * The Repayment Festival of Moving Towards the Future, released February 28th, 2018. 26 episodes. "The Repayment Festival is the 3rd years' last stage. With all kinds of thoughts, they move along in their preparations, but Kuro comes to Ra*bits looking for Mika, who has gone missing..."
Reminiscence * End of the Marionette's Strings, released March 15th, 2016. 21 episodes. "Nazuna starts thinking about the reason for Valkyrie's departure—and fine. The story of the Five Eccentrics' past begins..."
Reminiscence * The Crossroads of Each One, released July 31st, 2017. 27 episodes. "Keito makes an effort to reform the school… Starting with a live at an underground live house that he visited with Rei, Keito's surroundings start to change."
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monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
There's something delightfully fucked up about somehow binding people's consciousness to animatronics and then taking that a step further to turn part of your spirit or whatever into code to gain another form of immortality. I also Really dig the idea of Glitchtrap killing OG Afton - almost something poetic about the shift of power from Afton being killed by his own OpenAi-Powered fursona for me. But I guess he probably canonically died in Pizza Sim.
I like Help Wanted+SB era FNAF a lot more than the older games, but there's so many interesting things to carry forward from the old stuff too. My city now.
Oh that would be a hell of a narrative play for him to die like that ngl
But yeah. Our city now lmao
#yeah there's some fun stuff back there#it's time to apply what has come from there to the new stuff though#for me anyway#literally every time someone 'solves' fnaf something comes along and butchers it we should know the cadence by now#that's just not fun for me. I like to make sense of what I can see and with the narratives I can form from the threads#i feel like I have actual characters to play around with now whereas before it was just.#OCs in the shape of the old animatronics because they didn't HAVE characters#it had an impact on me of course but it was the concepts of animal animatronics#of hiding things in plain sight and of arcades and play places with mascot characters that were always there to entertain#the themes of mystery and murders was fun too but it's. not a mystery we can solve anymore#i believe that's intentional#if people are forever trying to solve the lore then the game never dies.#that's just how the rehashing feels to me now :/#but that's just it isn't it?#that's what the story has become to me.#a story of a company making decisions for money and reputation over safety and common fucking sense#and it's fascinating to me to look at the characters caught in the crossfire#that can do NOTHING because of this giant fictional Disney holding the strings to their entire lives#maybe I've just been thinking about justice in Meteors and the elaborate cover ups too much recently#but SB and Ruin feel like the extreme results of a company that Does Not Care.#well there's still Glitchyboy and Vanny but even then...#I dunno. i like the story being the result of a company that couldn't care less#i like it being about what came from a generation they tried to move on from but chose to drag with them#i like the idea of them scrambling to solve problems CHEAPLY and not necessarily EFFICIENTLY#the true reality of a CEO that's never set foot into the world of the layperson or the world that they've created#a true group of fools in a board meeting discussing the shares of a covered up murder machine#those within this machine can only control their response. some of them don't even have that.#and yet somehow#SOMEHOW they're clinging on.#SOMEHOW they're still here.
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Putting the eccentrics in everyday 'just some guy' situations is something that can be so therapeutic actually
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
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interesting to me how eichi is one of the people that created the legend of the five eccentrics in the first place, thus leading people to view them as inhuman geniuses and monsters, and yet he seems to be one of the people most aware of their humanity and the fact that they are still human
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chiisana-lion · 8 months
knightsP not knowing who knights killers are......... augh.........
they don't know abt war. or leo going a lil feral and being like "actually knights u suck" and trying to murder them (paraphrased. heavily.) and then realizing. oh shit these r my friends and i love them and they love me what am i doing. they don't even get it i bet
yeah like i am no gatekeeper but come on. at least know a little about the actual stories and development between the characters you like its a bit sad to see
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vampacidic · 1 year
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this is like me at 13 years old goi ng on furry twitter and changing myself as a person forever
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astranne · 2 years
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i‘m passing away-
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
im gonna get to hear subaru be a bitch this is gonna be so fun
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honeybeekao · 2 years
think it's amusing when people are like "enstars has so many characters!!!" because . so does every other idol themed game..? and franchises in general
granted 50 is more than like 36 or however many bandori has BUT STILL
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twowink · 2 years
heyheyyyy briefly online againnn how are u all !!
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
god shaped hole but diluven
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
do you have any recs of enstars stories to read? :0
Well Tempest is always on the rec list it's such a fun story the fine found family is so good in that one!! And Dead End Land is also so good!!! It's been some time since I read it but ik I've really enjoyed it. Jingle Bells and Magnolia are also so <3333 (Magnolia was never fully translated on the Wiki though :') )
And of course Ep:Link story of all time (aka the thing that made the wataei brainrot sit even more in my brain that it already did) and Hot Limit is ver fun too Rinne is such a menace it's so good!!! Oh and the Diner Live one as well that one's so fun!!! OH AND ALSO THE TEA CLUB ONE!!!! Almost forgot about that
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