#mew papaya
aidendh · 1 year
Tokyo Mew Mew New! OC Ver
Redesigned them again
Lemonade and Licorice still exist and the story is similar, just set with their Magic Mi ages
Aidens 18 / Twins 19
The 2ed gen is similar to the magic mi story
Alias: Food (match color)
Animal: Red Data Animal
Color: Must match food
Mew Mark: Must be symmetrical
Weapon: (Food) Pun, (resemble an instrument)
Power: Ribbon (Food) (Descriptive)*
-:Aiden Harris:-
Alias: Cherry
(Team Leader)
Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
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Color: Red
Mew Mark: Right side of his Right-Ankle
(Can be seen behind his Mew Mew shoe)
Weapon: Pru-Pru, Yo-Yo (Mini Drums)
[Genus Prunus]
Power: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a wall of earth to jut out of the ground
*Second Attack*
Pru-Pru Cherry Shock* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a shockwave
[Chimi Cherry Changa]
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Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
Weapon: Pru-Pru (Yo-Yo)
Attack: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade/Shock* Earth Barricade/Shockwave
-:Aiden (Abigail) Harris:-
Alias: Papaya
Animal: Brachmia Infuscatella
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Color: Orange
(Dark Orange)
Mew Mark: Back of her Left-Wrist
(Just poking out of her Mew Mew glove)
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff/Claves)
[Papaya / Rhythm Sticks]
[Her Bo Staff can split in two]
Power: Ribbon Pap Surge* Drumming her Claves in the air, the air glows orange each time as if she is hitting a drum, it builds up orange electricity and after calling her attack, it surges into her target, paralyzing them
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Animal: Brachmia Infuscatella
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff/Claves)
Attack: Ribbon Pap Surge* Paralysis
-:Suke Harris:-
Alias: Mutsu
[A Japanese Apple]
Animal: Red Wolf
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Color: Crimson Red
(Reddish Black)
(Red Wolf hair, Villain / White hair, Hero)
Mew Mark: Left-Palm
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Palm)
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
[Mutsu + Ribbon]
Power: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Spinning with his Ribbon, while it glows it surrounds him in a vale of smoke. Once the attack is called, the smoke becomes a smoke screen that quickly disperses
[This replaces him with a decoy, as he takes the appearance of someone else]
Mutsu (Villain/Hero)
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Animal: Red Wolf
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
Attack: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Bait and Switch
-:Adrik Harris:-
Alias: Слива (Sliva)
[Plum in Russian]
Метаморфоза (Metamorfoza)
[Metamorphosis in Russian]
• Migratory Monarch Butterfly
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• Palm Rat
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Color: Purple
Mew Mark: Back of his Right-Hand
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Back)
Weapon: Каратель (Karatel'), Erhu-Hammer (Erhu)
[Каратель, Punisher in Russian]
Power: The music played from his Erhu has a Hypnotizing effect
*Special Power*
Лента Карающий Мелодия (Lenta Karayushchiy Melodiya)* Playing his Erhu, he starts to speed up  to a painful pitch. Pulling back the strings and calling its name, it let's out a mind shattering sound, exploding the target's Parasite
[Ribbon Punishing Melody]
[Crime and Punishment, if the target has no Parasite or influenced effect, it will instead explode their brain]
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Animal: Migratory Monarch Butterfly + Palm Rat
Weapon: Karatel' (Erhu/Hammer)
Attack: Лента Карающий Мелодия* Soundwave
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kittydoremi · 2 months
Let 👏 Magical 👏 Girls 👏 Keep 👏 Their 👏 Glasses!!!
So often when a girl with glasses transforms into her magical girl form, she loses her glasses. As someone who wears glasses, it bothers me because it's almost like the show is saying you can't be pretty, fashionable or a hero if you're wearing glasses, or it somehow makes you "less cool" or "less beautiful" and I hate it
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the only magical girl character i can think of off the top of my head who still keeps her glasses when she transforms is Hazuki Fujiwara from Ojamajo Doremi
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(If there are other magical girls who keep their glasses, please let me know 🥺💖)
Also, I know she's not technically a magical girl, but special shoutout to Bayonetta who is fighting against the "glasses are ugly/uncool" trope. She really helped me appreciate my glasses, be more confident with them and embrace them more.
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We need more magical girls with glasses 😭 If I ever make a magical girl series, I'm giving the main character glasses, and she WILL keep them after she transforms
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maramarabum · 4 months
Gifs from the new newsletter!
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very flowery
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kirakira-yellow · 2 years
Big sorted list of all tags here!!
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
I disagree with your chan headcannon
But I like your other headcannons so can I for macau headcannons if you don't mind
😂 well the good news is that i’m in the fandom minority with my “Chan is loyal to Korn only” camp and rarely ever post about him, so keep asking me about brothers and we'll be delighted together
and yes!!! MACAU MY DARLING BOY!!! i love him SO much, but i will limit myself to only three (3) headcanons for him on this post in a futile attempt to keep it from getting too long
Macau & Kim
his favorite way to piss Kim off is by making club mixes of chinese drama OSTs. he does this with Kim's actual songs too after those start rolling out, but this feud began long before they started posting to social media. Macau also starts off with a larger following for his mixes than Kim does for his covers, and while that eventually plateaus and Kim passes him in their follower counts by the time canon rolls around, Kim is still so fucking bitter. the day Kim starts to let it go is the day Macau posts a video of himself playing hot cross buns on the drama dizi* he stole from Kim years ago.
Macau & Chay
Chay and Macau do Not like each other. i know people like to make them friends, i just don't see it happening without a lot of work first and it's so much funnier to me if they're frenemies. i do love them as online gaming besties tho (before they find out who the other is), because then they both have to live with the mortifying knowledge that Chay once called Macau 'daddy' after he gave him a bunch of turnips in animal crossing, because they are teenagers and teenagers make stupid daddy jokes. any inclinations of trying to be friends because Porsche and Vegas are friends dry up faster than water on a hot pan after that.
Macau & Pete & Vegas
you know what's a great way to bond with brothers and in-laws? movies. you know what's the worst leisure activity to do with Pete and Vegas? WATCH MOVIES. every action scene is scrutinized and criticized and Pete keeps rewinding the same three seconds to mock the character's kick stance. any murder scenes are WORSE. Vegas hates romances and hates ballads. the only things not totally infuriating to watch with him are cooking shows and home improvement shows and the occasional gardening show and yawn. Pete's tastes are much broader thanks to Khun, but he also comes with so many opinions on how to properly watch shows and Macau doesn't actually want to dress up every time they watch a horror film.
so movie nights are almost a bust. they do find some movies they're all into, but it's usually an exercise in frustration. but then, one day while they're queuing up a film they're only 37% sure on, Pete's grandma calls with the hot town gossip--"do you remember Kobb Pete? yes, the nice old man who runs the fruit stand, remember how he gave you a mango on your first day of school and you dripped all down your new uniform? well, you'll never believe what's happened, you know how Kobb passed his stand down to his son Mew and Mew was training up his son Mod to take over one day, except they got into a fight on how to best display the pineapples and papayas and they had a fight, yes, right there in the middle of the road, and Mew fired his son, but Kobb backed Mod, so they opened a rival fruit stand with Mew's wife, but Kobb's wife sided with Mew and got the neighbors involved, and--"
it takes grandma forty minutes to regale the tale of the on-going fruit vendor feud. then she continues to update Pete on the rest of the hometown for another three hours. Macau and Vegas are enthralled. how often does your grandma tell you things Pete, can we be there for the next one, what's the full story behind the thing with Folk's fishing boat, why did you ask grandma if Sine's husband was in the garden--
listen, small town drama is the best drama. and Vegas is having a journey to discover which mafia things are things he likes vs which ones he forced himself to like to survive, and being a nosy cunt sniffing out all the juicy scandals is absolutely something he takes to with glee (he will become grandma's favorite when they visit, they are terrifying together). Macau just loves hearing all the petty drama and neighbors feuds that result in increasingly passive aggressive displays of garden gnomes instead of gunfire. movie night becomes grandma call nights and it's the best family bonding.
*inspired by Jeff buying one of the Wei Wuxian's flutes and the fact that he reportedly learned how to play it because he's a big ol' cql nerd ❤❤❤ this is also a reference to @majestictortoise's fic Middlegame, which everyone should read if they haven't yet and reread if they have
Send an ask, get a headcanon (prev: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
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Botanic Tournament : Fruits Bracket !
Round 2 Poll 2
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Ichigo : strawberry
Momo : peach
Paya -> papaya
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Okay main ten or dealers choice, S/o comes running, it's like a fcking thunderstorm and of course they're wet but covering something
When skeleton asks what do they have, they show a newborn, a baby that was alone and getting wet from the rain
Dunno if this is too sad?
Mango: she squawks in alarm and scoops up the baby holding it close to her chest. The baby kitten monster mews and snuggles closer. She hurries SO and the little one inside, asking a million questions an hour. Where did they find the baby?? Do they know how long it was out?? Did they call anyone yet?
Papaya: when his SO practically busts down the door coming into his home, he was expecting them to be hurt. He rushes down and grabs their face checking for injuries but freezes when the little human baby cries. He jumps almost a foot in surprise lol. Thankfully he’s quick to recover and is soon helping his SO dry off and warm up the baby.
Orion: he is rather confused to be straight up handed a baby when his SO comes home. While they take off their wet clothes, Orion awkwardly rocks the baby hoping that would stop its cries. It doesn’t. This baby hates him and keeps reaching back for SO. Help!!
Atlas: a lot of his college students have kids and some bring them to class on occasion. Things happen, and atlas is pretty lax about it. He’s even held the kids sometimes and walked around with them while giving lectures. Basically in short, he’s good at quieting babies. While his SO gets dried off, he dries off the baby, wraps it in a blanket, and soon it’s fast asleep in his arms.
G: oh heck no. The baby human is thrust into his arms as his SO basically stutters out how they found it. The baby stops crying, takes one look in G’s eyes and promptly spits up all over his nice work shirt. He lets out a long sigh, then tells SO to get cleaned up while he phones the police. He can handle the kid till then
Green: oh that poor thing. Green scoops the baby monster from his SOs arms and does his best to calm it. A little magic goes a long way at lulling the baby to sleep. While SO gets dried, he lays the baby (safely) down so he can call the police to report finding a missing infant.
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giallogatta · 8 months
Ok, so I bought an ita bag at Youmacon...
and I've been looking for things to put in it. I'm thinking of doing a magical girl theme, and so I've bought a few things for Tokyo Mew Mew and even Assault Lily already, but today I was looking for Precure stuff in particular. Even more particularly, Cure Grace merch.
I found Custard and Papaya stuff pretty easily (my second and third favorite Cures) , BUT DANG do people apparently love Nodoka. Everyone else from Healin' Good was readily available (I almost bought a Guariwaru pin for the memes) but all I could find for my homegirl was doujins. *Adult* ones. Bruh.
I was about to give up. My queen was too stannable. But, fear not, I eventually found a cute, AGE APPROPRIATE keychain, but along the way, I found some other... interesting things. SFW tho, thankfully.
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This terrifying mask... (Ok technically this picture is taken from the back/face side, but I still think it's funny)
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...Latte after pissing off the Yakuza...
...And technically this is from a while back, and is from Zenmarket, not Mandarake (did I say I was on Mandarake already?) but hey, how could I leave out...
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Oh they did my girls dirty.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this pointless post as much as I am going to enjoy my mahou shoujo swag. Sayonara!
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paulinhadcn · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 💙 𝟻/$𝟸𝟻 💙 Papaya pink dress.
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neptunefairytales · 3 years
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The pastel tones are so pretty!
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Would you be interested in doing a fan class/combo class? If so I have an oc who is a Mimic of heart (mimics copy stuff form other people and use it/ combine it to make something for themselves. They’re a maid/theif combo class ). If not a thief of heart who uses canekind and is interested in maggyks, clowns, art, and being all the aesthetics
I do think I'll stick to regular classes - mostly because I'm not familiar enough with fan or combo classes and I'd rather write for something I'm more confident than doing something badly. Sorry about that...
Canekind && Clown Wig: Mohawk Tube
Its softness and malleability sort of hinder its strength and it's not very useful as an actual cane (though a skilled Thief could easily trap their Aspect within the curls with a single, comical swipe), but it does make for a very stylish hairdo always at the ready!
... || Infinite Handkerchief: 75-And-A-Half Foot Pole
With a mere slight of the hand, the cane slips out of your sleeve! And it keeps on slipping! If you let it, it might go on forever! A useful tool for unexpected situations, from sudden ambushes to impromptu pole-vaulting to evade towering obstacles.
... || Flat Paintrbrush: Crutch Of The Arts
A very, very, very long and hard paintbrush with a special handle. Smack the hell out of your enemies for free paint!
... && Plastic Pink Tiara: Cute Princess Mew Mew Rainbow Papaya Cane Of Incomprehensible Violence And Friendship (only 29.99!)
It’s cute! It’s pink! It’s dangerous for 2-year-olds and whoever stands in your path! Now you too can save the world with the power of love and bodily harm!
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aidendh · 2 years
Tokyo Mew Mew New! OCs|P1
My OCs as Mew Mews 2020
(Updated Prune after figuring out the rules)
[Both Mew Lemonade(Abalynn) and Mew Licorice belong to my friend, so I will not be posting their information or images]
Alias: Food (match color)
Animal: Red Data Animal
Color: Must match food
Mew Mark: Must be symmetrical
Weapon: (Food) Pun, (resemble an instrument)
Power: Ribbon (Food) (Descriptive)*
-:Abigail Harris:-
Alias: Papaya
Animal: Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
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Color: Orange
Mew Mark: Back of her Left-Wrist
(Just poking out of her Mew Mew glove)
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff/Claves)
[Papaya / Rhythm Sticks]
[Her Bo Staff can split in two]
Power: Ribbon Pap Surge* Drumming her Claves in the air, the air glows orange each time as if she is hitting a drum, it builds up orange electricity and after calling her attack, it surges into her target, paralyzing them
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Animal: Uncompahgre Fritillary Butterfly
Weapon: Papstick(s) (Bo Staff)
Attack: Ribbon Pap Surge* Paralysis
-:Aiden Harris:-
Alias: Cherry
Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
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Color: Red
Mew Mark: Right side of his Right-Ankle
(Can be seen behind his Mew Mew shoe)
Weapon: Pru-Pru, Yo-Yo (Mini Drums)
[Genus Prunus]
Power: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a wall of earth to jut out of the ground
*Second Attack*
Pru-Pru Cherry Shock* Aligning the heart pattern of the Yo-Yo, it shines and starts spinning, he builds up momentum by swinging it around until banging it against the ground causing a shockwave
[Chimi Cherry Changa]
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Animal: Pacific Pocket Mouse
Weapon: Pru-Pru (Yo-Yo)
Attack: Pru-Pru Cherry Barricade/Shock* Earth Barricade/Shockwave
-:Suke Harris:-
Alias: Mutsu
[A Japanese Apple] (Team Leader)
Animal: Red Wolf
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Color: Red
(His appearance varies from Antagonist to Hero)
Mew Mark: Left-Palm
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Palm)
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
[Mutsu + Ribbon]
Power: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Spinning with his Ribbon, while it glows it surrounds him in a vale of smoke. Once the attack is called, the smoke becomes a smoke screen that quickly disperses
[This replaces him with a decoy, as he takes the appearance of someone else]
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Animal: Red Wolf
Weapon: Mutsuribon (Dance Ribbon)
Attack: Ribbon Mutsu Screen* Bait and Switch
-:Adrik Harris:-
Alias: Слива (Sliva)
[Plum in Russian]
Метаморфоза (Metamorfoza)
[Metamorphosis in Russian]
• Migratory Monarch Butterfly
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• Palm Rat
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Color: Purple
Mew Mark: Back of his Right-Hand
(His Mew Mew Gloves are Open-Back)
Weapon: Кара (Kara), Hammer-Bow (Erhu)
[Punishment in Russian]
Power: The music played from his Erhu has a Hypnotizing effect
*Special Power*
Лента Карающий Мелодия (Lenta Karayushchiy Melodiya)* Playing his Erhu, he starts to speed up  to a painful pitch. Pulling back the strings and calling its name, it let's out a mind shattering sound, exploding the target's Parasite
[Ribbon Punishing Melody]
[Crime and Punishment, if the target has no Parasite or influenced effect, it will instead explode their brain]
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Animal: Migratory Monarch Butterfly + Palm Rat
Weapon: Kara (Erhu/Hammer-Bow)
Attack: Lenta Karayushchiy Melodiya* Soundwave
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skwonkk · 3 years
Angelina Ballerina
Angry birds
An inconvenient truth
Barbara Kruger
Beanie babies
Bill Nye
Bobbit worm
Club penguin
Delhi Safari
Doc Mcstuffins
Ergo proxy
Euphorbia trigona
Fairly oddparents
Franz Ferdinand
Fr-ooze pop
Fruit ninja
Infinity blade
Jacob Two two
Jeff Bezos
Monkey island
Moshi monsters
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Ni hao Kailan
Oak Island
Pee Cola
Pretty rhythm
Real drive
Rob the robot
Shining stars
Soul eater
Strawberry shortcake
Sun chips
Supersize me
Third and bird
Thunder tornado
Tokyo Mew Mew
Winx club
Wonder pets
Yoohoo and friends
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18 questions – get to know me
good morning and happy Halloween 🌶🎃 because I love talking about myself, I wanted to do one of those mini questionnaire things. I Frankenstein-ed this together out of three similar posts going around tumblr
Name? Gigi
Nicknames? Gigi already is a nickname but I honestly love being called honey, hun, sweet pea, sweet corn, darling, king, sweet boy, malewife, po po, mew mew… if we’re close you may also call me kitten. in a non-sexual way!! just like as a fun nickname
Favourite color? yellow
Favourite flower? Sunflower, Baby’s Breath, Nasturtium and, of course, Bliss (so either Moonflower, white Brugmansia or Datura)
Currently reading? Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates and The Book of Joseph
Last song? Honey, Honey by ABBA, but the Mamma Mia! version
Last series? The Simpsons
Last movie? Borat [don’t judge me pls, I have the worst taste in comfort movies and I am in fact a w a r e™]
Last thing I googled? degrees of lewdity [don’t judge me pls I was curious]
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? hot choccy 🥺🍫☕️💕
Sweet, spicy or savory? savoury
Three favourite foods? french fries… but really everything with potatoes! green papaya salad and tofu + veggies stir fry with rice
Number of blankets you sleep with? usually a duvet and an optional blanket but in winter I put two duvets in one cover and sleep with another extra duvet
Song stuck in your head? Bloodthirsty by Lowell
Relationship status? single/open to date but not pushing it
Dream trip? first to the city! can be any city as long as you can get there without flying or long boat rides and it has cool museums. going to said museums, getting lots of nice vegan food, maybe even going on a food tour and leaving some street art. staying in for at least an evening and ordering food to the hotel room/air bnb. going to nice markets, maybe on a guided tour of the place (I like walking tours) and thrift shopping a little if that’s an option. taking lots of great analog fotos and getting to practice my skills. sitting on a bench with fun local lemonade, fries and local fast food for some people watching. then to the countryside! enjoying nature and some quiet, possibly by the seaside. just watching the tide come and go while listening to music. or escaping to a cabin in a luscious peaceful forest. going geocaching and trying to spot animals. visiting animals and feeding them (I miss chilling with the geese and ducks and other critters at the local water reservoire… They enjoyed their birdseeds and I enjoyed my temporary pop-star status.) Going for loooong wonderful rides and getting to connect with the horses.
Currently working? I‘m mainly a student, currently doing my bachelor‘s, but I have a job at uni mentoring freshers + I am also slowly easing back into the entertainment industry (acting, singing, modelling)
Anything you really want? a loooong hot make out session, for this godforsaken pandem*c to never have happened and a microphone for song recording
not tagging anyone in this because I know you all like your privacy and I do not want anyone to feel pressured to share anything but if you’d like to please go ahead and use this template ♡
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vulpiximisa · 3 years
I was hoping more from Cure Papaya since everyone seemed to love her from her intro but I find the disconnect between quiet and serious Minori and bubbly cutesy Cure Papaya pretty jarring. Like maybe Minori actually wants to be cute and bubbly but we haven’t seen it yet? The fact that she’s a bookworm senpai doesn’t make it seem so. It’s not like with Itsuki where she actually harbors secret feelings.
I know it’s because the color yellow is meant for something energetic and cutesy (Onoda Sakamichi) but if we were going to do that, just stick with the cute yellow character. (Urara, Yayoi, Buki) Even Himari as Custard felt a little off to me, with her cutesy side ponytail
I was also expecting to like tough tomboy Asuka but she turned out to be more on the cool loner Mew Zakuro side so I’m a little disappointed. I’m glad she hadn’t said “oh I’m too good for make up” though because even though I like “tomboy characters” I don’t like when they reject their femininity. I mean, if you want to HC them as trans then that’s fine for you I guess.
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Mixing it up a bit: what are some of the unique flower names, where only one character has been submitted with it?
I love your question. I picked the ones refering to real plants (and mushrooms they got a pass for this tournament) who were only used once (Ex : if 2 characters are named after the same plant, even if their names are different, none of them will be in this list - think Ran, Dendrobium and Orchid) because the list's already taking me forever
Disclaimer : I didn't include names such as Bulbasaur, Chloris, Myoudouin Itsuki (Cure Sunshine) and Ianthe/Iolanthe refering to non specific plants. Or imaginary plants for the matter (Mare, Elanor etc.)
Acerola, Shirona/Cynthia, Diantha, Gardenia, Grusha, Guzma, Hop, Kukui, Nemona, Plumeria, Elm, Magnolia, Sycamore from Pokémon
Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII (justification by a submitter : Irit is Hebrew for asphodel flower and FF7 has Jewish related themes)
Althea from The Lightless Trilogy
Amanita Nightshade from Monster High (other submitted characters are named Nightshade but there's no other Amanita so far)
Aspen Leger from The Selection
Amaryllis "Rilla" of Exile from The Penumbra Podcast
Arsène Lupin III from Lupin III
Artemisia of Naimes from Vespertine
Asami Sato from Legend of Korra
Ashfur, Brackenfur, Gorse Fur from Warrior Cats
Black Dahlia from Skullgirls
Blackberry from Watership Down
Bluebear, Coco, Broccolo, Pecan, Tangy from Animal Crossing
Boa Hancock from One Piece
Cagney Carnation from Cuphead
Clementine from The Walking Dead
Cornflower from Redwall
Crocus from Greek Mythology
Cure Papaya and Cure Passion from Precure
Fennel Marlborough from Camp Here and There
Flox Pollimon from Fairy Oak
Foxglove from The Sandman
Fujiwara Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew
Geranium from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
Goldenrod from The Mapmakers Trilogy
Hisagi Shuhei from Bleach
Hortensia from Fire Emblem
Ivy Muscade from Leif & Thorn
Jambu, Pineapple, Tamarin from Wings of Fire
Katniss from The Hunger Games
Kobayashi Matcha, Masaoka Azuki from Vocaloid
Kurosaki Karin and Yuzu from Bleach
Lady Fuschia Groan from Gormenghast
Leuke, Myrrah from Greek Mythology
Midorikawa Lettuce from Tokyo Mew Mew
Mercury from RWBY
Mimosa Vermillon from Black Clover
Nepeta Lejion from Homestuck
Nettle from Seafire
Ogion and Vetch from Earthsea
Papyrus from Undertale
Potpourri from Heartcatch ! Precure
Prince Peasley from Super Mario
Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) from Marvel's Fantastic Four
Natsume Ryuu from Paradox Live
Sash Lilac from Freedom Planet
Solanum from Outer Wilds
Sorrel from The Darkest Part of the Forest
Strelitzia from Kingdom Hearts
Tamar Kir-Bataar from the Grishaverse books
Tech-Acquisitor Scaevola from Warhammer 40,000 : Mechanicus
Thorn Estragon from Leif & Thorn
Honda Thoru from Fruits Basket
Twenty-Fifth Bam from Tower of God
Venus McFlytrap from Monster High
Viney from The Owl House
Yorigami Joon from Touhou Project
Zinnia from Pokemon (well now I have other Zinnias and probably a few other characters with the same names that the ones here but I nearly have 1400 submissions and it takes time to go through them and explanations for the ones I don't know the language of.
Ah and special mention to The Cabbage Man from Avatar : The Last Airbender. Look, I've never seen ATLA (I'm not into anime and not much into animation generally speaking) and neither has the submitter but I have to accept this one. I mean everyone knows this guy.
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