#mha discord server prompt
aimfor-theheart · 8 months
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Official announcement for Inkweaver Galaxy, a space themed writing server!
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@lorelune and I are excited to announce that we will be hosting a new discord server! If you're interested, please fill out the interest-check survey below and we'll be in touch!
Before you proceed, here's some more info;
⭐️ This server is 18+ only. Once admitted, we will be asking for proof of age via photo. You may show your license with all personal info blocked out except for your birthday or another form of identification in a similar manner.
⭐️ This server is aimed at writers and creators, specifically in the x-reader side of anime fandoms. It's laid out to have writing resources, a place to sprint with other writers, brainstorming and inspiration channels, beta-reading, and a monthly writing prompt amongst other things!
⭐️ While we are specifically trying to bring fans of Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail together for this server, we're certainly apart of and welcome of many other fandoms such as jjk, bllk, csm, mha, hq, and tristamp!
⭐️ We're looking to keep this server relatively small in numbers; while Lore and I would love to have a ton of people, we both want to make sure we and others are not overwhelmed! We're looking for about twelve people which will be discussed further once we have results from the interest survey. Our dreams are for this to become a tight-knit little community of support and creativity 💕
⭐️ This server allows and welcomes NSFW and dark content. If that is something you're uncomfortable with, perhaps this isn't the server for you!
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If you're still interested, please fill out
-> this survey <-
And if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to either Lore (@lorelune) or me here on tumblr!
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 3 months
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This was my own submission for the event in my mha discord server The prompt was draw your favorite hero!! obviously i had to go with him... but hes EMO because i CAN. if you want to participate in mha themed art contests/events in the future, consider joining the server here! -> https://discord.com/invite/4HPg8UEQPq
by the way ignore that its lowk rushed and i forgot some parts . okay! let us all live in blissful ignorance just this once
k thx bye enjoy hot emo all might
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daddecember · 11 months
DadDecember 2023 Event Announcement
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Welcome to DadDecember 2023!
While this is technically our second year running, we’ve changed purposes a little bit from last year. Last year we were very centric on MHA with DFODecember but this year we are instead multifandom to welcome in everyone!
So, with no further ado, everyone who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone joining this year, welcome in! We cannot wait to see what you create.
Please make sure to read this post carefully, as many questions have been answered here already. We have also answered all the questions that were submitted through our anon voting form already. If you don’t find what you are looking for there, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here. The mod team will get back to you as soon as possible.
This year’s AO3 Collection → HERE
Before we get more into the rules, I’d like to give a special thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt through our discord server back in September and all 85 of you who voted on the prompts these past few weeks. Event Info & Rules
DadDecember is an annual prompt month featuring platonic father and child relationships. We have a collection of prompts for each day meant to inspire works to be created.
*Due to the nature of this event being platonic, do not submit father/child incestual content. That is not the point of this event. This event is strictly platonic. Thank you for understanding.
There are 62 prompts this year with 10 alternative prompts. Each day has two prompts, one situational/trope prompt and one dialogue prompt. You do not need to use both. While we do encourage you to mix and match prompts with different days to fit your specific WIP, we do ask that you tag the prompt you used, not just the day.
This is a prompt month meant to inspire works, so please don’t take any of the prompts too seriously! If you want to get silly with it or really angsty, that’s up to you! How much of the prompt you use and how you use it is all up to you! If you think it fits the prompt, then it does. There is no gatekeeping in DadDecember.
It’s up to the creator how much they want to produce or what media form they want to create in! Anything and everything counts (and if you’re really unsure, you can always ask!). The idea of the event is to create, no matter in the manner you do so. 
As far as “how much do I need to do in order for it to count?” – Well, that’s up to you! All participants, regardless of how many works they put out, will be recognized for their efforts! A google form will be sent out after December ends in which you will be able to say how many works you completed. Works do not need to be published in any way shape or form to count. Participants will be ranked by completion in a tumblr post after the form closes and a custom role will be available for completionists in our discord server.
Should you wish to upload some of your DadDec content to Tumblr, use these tags:
Required tags:
#sfw or #nsfw
Optional Tags (but appreciated if used)
#DadDec No.1, #DadDec No.2, #DadDec No.3, ect.
#fandom or #OC, … (ironman, originalcontent, oc …)
#teeth, #gore tw, #etc …..(trigger warnings and content warnings. Add “tw” or “cw” AFTER the trigger/content warning )
For the sfw/nsfw tag, please use your best judgment. A Mature or Explicit rating (for anything except gore) should be marked as nsfw.
Reblogging Policies:
Due to the nature of the blog and for the safety of all fellow participants, nsfw posts will not be reblogged. - These works are still very much welcome in the AO3 collection.
You MUST tag @daddecember if you wish for your work to be reblogged
If you notice your work has not been reblogged (+ you tagged us) and it has been 2+ days, please send us an ask! It is likely that tumblr ate the notification.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I have to do all 31 days?
Participate as much as you would like! Whether you can get out one piece between now and the end of December or 45, we are here to encourage you all along the way!
Q. Can I post early/late?
Yes, you can post whenever you want. Due to time constraints, we may not reblog posts outside of December (pinging @Mod Addri via discord will always get you reblogged, though, so you can always try that ;) ).
Q. Can I combine DadDecember with other creation challenges?
Yes, as long as the other challenges allow it as well. Please reference their rules.
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes, but it only will count once for your total completion number (unless combined with a different unused prompt).
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s?
Yes, you can post WIPs. Snippets or other forms of WIPs are completely fine and will still count for completion! As long as you started it, feel free to count it!
Q. Is collaborating allowed?
Absolutely, we even encourage it! Collaborations can be an amazing way to get full completion status (especially if you’re competitive) without as much work! It would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you.
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before December?
Absolutely! That’s why we post the prompts a little over a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time” so feel free to start creating early!
Q. Do I have to use your required tags?
If you want your work reblogged, yes.
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
Best of luck,
Mod Addri
Also: A special thanks to @eliserael for creating the prompt images!
Written out Prompt List:
Day 1: Reverse Adoption | "I trusted you." Day 2: Snowed In | "I thought I would never see you again" Day 3: Snuggling | "Midnight fast food run?" Day 4: Forehead Kiss | "I'm going to kill you" Day 5: Little Things | "And what about rocks in snowballs?" Day 6: Prison Visit | "There's no gift better than revenge" Day 7: Blizzard | "I won--- WOAH!" Day 8: Holiday Reunion | "Is it supposed to tilt?" Day 9: Abandonment | "You've never wrapped a present before, have you?" Day 10: Emergency Room Trip | "Say goodbye now." Day 11: Patricide | "It's alright to be afraid" Day 12: Hero & Villain | "Oh, I thought presents weren't a thing." Day 13: Vault | "Close your eyes" Day 14: Tucking Into Bed | "Would you hold my hand?" Day 15: Late Nights | "Why didn't you tell me?" Day 16: Decorating Gone Wrong | "You remembered?" Day 17: Secret Santa | "I swear if you fail---" Day 18: Meet the Parents | "Don't do that again" Day 19: Parent-Teacher Conference | "Who are you?" Day 20: Warm Drink | "Is Santa actually real?" Day 21: Home Alone | "Breath in an--- breath out" Day 22: Overseas | "I don't think that's how snow angels work." Day 23: Adoption | "Did you put in sugar or salt?" Day 24: Glitter Overload | "You made bricks, not gingerbread" Day 25: Holidays | "My snow castle is bigger than yours!" Day 26: Disappearance | "Do you have any idea how much paper this thing took?" Day 27: Snow Angels | "Let me sing you a lullaby" Day 28: Burnout | "You hurt me, you know?" Day 29: Injury | "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this?" Day 30: Parentage Reveal | "I love you" Day 31: A New Year | "Would you rather…"
Alternative Prompts:
"I'm not a fan of pain"
Early Mornings
"It wasn't my fault"
In My Time of Need
"This is what I call a surprise!"
A Scooby-Doo Worthy Mystery
"Could I have some flowers?"
A League of Their Own
"Liar, liar, LIAR"
Family Murder
Discord Server + AO3 links for previewing:
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annaartchu · 2 months
Hi babes! 🥐
I have been putting some time into roleplaying recently but couldn't find a suitable server for it. I made up my mind to start a roleplay server of my own, and included my favorite prompt in it!
So hey, My Hero Academia Zombie Apocalypse AU it is!
It's still completely new so I'd say join before others get your characters! [It's canon and oc friendly]
ALSO IT IS 18+ and literate to novella roleplay server just so yall are informed! Here is our ad so you can get a better overview:
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mamashenanigans · 2 years
Hey guys!
Thanks for liking and reblogging my drunken ramblings about manga/anime characters.
If you’re interested in reading my fics(I have a few NSFW of non-MHA fandoms so tread carefully), you can check out my AO3 right over here.
My current My Hero Academia fics(I need to fix some grammar mistakes in a few I noticed recently while re-reading) Chapter numbers are as of this post.
Alternatives: (AFO & Yoichi centric/6 chapters/ongoing)Canon Yoichi dies and then wakes up in the bodies of alternate universe versions of himself and has to try and navigate each world. This one has a fat!AFO AU that I have people going “I was suspicious of this but holy crap it’s actually good” 🤣
Puurrfect: (AFO & Yoichi, 2nd/Yoichi, multiple modern takes on characters/1 chapter/ongoing)Modern, no Quirks AU where a spoiled, naive Yoichi is able to volunteer at an animal shelter but learns some harsh truths. Possible 2nd user/Yoichi to come. 😉
Dichotomy: (AFO & Yoichi, AFO & Tomura/1 chapter/ Two parter) Right before AFO and All Might’s first fight that left AFO a potato head, Tomura becomes too curious concerning two days out of the year when AFO acts considerably different than normal. Incredibly angsty. Two parter. 😭
Treasure: (AFO & Izuku, AFO & Yoichi/One-shot) Done for a Discord server event where I was able to write a fic of another writer’s AU fic/universe. I got @aimportantdragoncollector and chose their for real-real Demon Lord AFO AU which is probably one of my favorite Yoichi and AFO fics! This is a prime example of me taking an already crazy version of AFO and adding the whipped cream and cherry on the top of the insanity.
COLD: (AFO & Yoichi/horror/OFA October one-shot) Stuck in their remote mansion during a terrible snowstorm due to his big brother’s arrogance, Yoichi sits in front of the heavy oak door to his brother’s study. Locked behind it is a monster. Or is it still his brother? Yoichi isn’t sure anymore. Not after what happened.
I love comments and will consider prompts!
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renon4224 · 1 year
WIP Masterlist
A Deathly Nightmare [FINISHED]
Mental Vampyre [FINISHED]
WIP 42 - Ch. 1
WIP 3 - My Queen: Prologue
WIP 3 - My Queen: Ch. 1
WIP 3 - My Queen: Ch. 2
WIP 19 - Wanderlust Ch. 1
WIP 19 - Wanderlust Ch. 2
Fire On Fire - Information (This series is MHA/BNHA)
Fire On Fire - Ch. 1
Fire On Fire - Ch. 2
Fire On Fire - Ch. 3
Blood Is Fun - Ch. 1 (This series is The Owl House)
Angel Wings - Ch 1 [MHA/BNHA]
Angel Wings - Ch 2
Angel Wings - Ch 3
Angel Wings - Ch 4
Spies Can't Fall In Love - Background Info (SPY X FAMILY)
Can't Decide
Cupid Called
I'm Sorry
Support Others
I Want
You Matter
Be There
Dear Pretty Boy
Name Ideas - 1
Character For Use - 1
Character For Use - 2
Writing Help
Website List 1
Color Symbolism 1
My Tags
RenyWrites - My writing
RenyObsessed - Any fanfictions
RenyWrote - I added to something
RenyInspired - Inspo peices
RenonNo - I did something I shouldn’t
Renonwrites - My writing
Okay guys update!! I've been super active on discord lately and made my own PJO RP Server so... if you guys wanna check it out, click the link!
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chocolate-biscuit · 2 years
It's time to do one anyway.
Contains: colorings, edits, posts I'd like to pin and re-read in the future. My drawings:
Redraw of Alastor's breakdown, Hazbin Hotel ep. 8
Alastor in the asexual flag colors icon
My colorings:
Dabi, Hawks, ch. 266
ch. 267 or sum i forgor
Hawks birdlike expression (creepy) and guilt from 191
old experimental colorings
All For One, ch. 364
All For One, ch. 364 #2
Hawks, ch. 316
"Hawks", Tokoyami, ch. 380
Re-do of the ch. 266 one
Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor, ch. 191
My edits:
Hawks in the anime with initial manga palette
never skip leg day
trying to fix Hawks' face shape in the anime
pink Hawks #1
pink Hawks #2
pink Hawks #3
not pink Hawks #4 but attempt at editing a screencap closer to the manga panel
Memes I'm proud of (shitposts):
"I NEED to serve cunt. There's no other option" - Hawks, probably
Barbie Card Generator (this Barbie is insane man. Oh, there's a weird bird outside)
"Doomed by the narrative, handsome?" "Not for long" - Dabi and Hawks
Hawks prompts MHA fans into reading the manga before posting wild takes on twitter
Hawks manga expressions post-PLF, [ongoing]
Tumblr poll: "what's the funniest thing Hawks has done?" with commentary on results
wip of a oneshot im writing (details in the post)
If you are interested, I created an afohawks server!
Please note that the access is adults-only. Thank you.
Twitter | Instagram
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Still Remember
Pairing: Tenya Iida x Reader, Hinted Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Angst, Angst to Fluff?, Healing
Summary: You still remember how it all happened.
A/N: Hey guys! This is for my MHA & Readers discord server collab! Hope you enjoy, the prompt was rejection;-;
Masterlist for the works coming out tomorrow!
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You still remember how cold it was that evening.
The way your breath made visible as little white puffs, or how the frost clung to the sides of the dorm building. You weren’t wearing the proper jacket to be out in this kind of cold, yet here you were, facing harsh winds instead of being snuggled into your cotton sheets. 
You still remember the scolding he gave you.
The way he pursed his lips at the poor excuses that flew from your mouth, how he scolded you for not taking better care of yourself. He brought his hand up, palm open as he lightly tapped your head, faking a chop with a chuckle leaving his lips at your embarrassed expression. He shrugged his sweater off, and you did all you could to fight him on it, but the words failed you as soon as you saw his smile.
You still remember how the polyester felt upon your skin.
The way it engulfed your frame was comforting, the warmth instantly thawing your frozen features. His smell lingered on the fabric, filling your senses, and instantly soothing all of your worries. Iida had grabbed your wrist gently, rolling up the pooling sleeves so they rested above your hands. You blamed the cold for the roses that bloomed along your face.
You still remember how that was the past and how the past meant nothing. 
That one moment had taken over your mind, thoughts on a constant loop as you laid awake. Even when asleep, your dreams were taken over by soft smiles and warm zip-up sweaters. However, no matter how much it had meant to you, you were sure it was nothing more than a kind gesture to him. 
You still remember every day after.
Iida wasn’t a touchy person, so the little things he did made an impact on you. The way opened your doors, the way he spoke to you with a smile, the way he took it upon himself to make sure you were taken care of, the lingering touches and caring stares had to have meant something to him. It couldn’t have just been a kind gesture, there had to have more meaning behind it.  Right?
You still remember the day you confided to someone about your feelings.
Bringing your crush up to Mina was probably not the best idea, not with the way she schemed. Yet you had to get it off your chest, the dam was threatening to burst at any moment you feared, and you’d rather spill the news on your terms rather than through word vomit. She helped you through it all, pushing you in the right direction to get it off your chest and out into the open. Which was what planned to do, the longing glances and minimal conversations weren’t cutting it anymore. You wanted the late-night talks about everything and anything, the company you could provide each other, the warmth of his sweater again.
You still remember the day you decided to risk it all.
You told Mina it was the day, that enough was enough and you had to let him know no matter the outcome. She was ecstatic of course, wishing you all the luck before practically shoving you off to track him down. You wanted until later that day, when most of your classmates were training or in their rooms before the last meal of the day. Iida was on dinner duty, currently alone in the kitchen as he prepared food. Midoriya, who was supposed to be his partner for the night, nowhere in sight. You greeted him casually, heart fluttering at the sight of his smile. A million thoughts passed through your mind, all regarding the brilliant boy in front of you. 
You still remember the hurt of his rejection. 
As soon as the words slipped from your mouth, the smile you grew to love was instantly gone. As soon as the silence stretched you knew it was all over, and you desperately tried to take back the words you said. 
The way he said your name broke your heart, just that one word and that was it. Any hopes of you together were shattered, all you could do was bow your head and mutter a small apology. His hand came out to you, yet he instinctively took it back, only whispering an apology of his own. You step back, unable to look him in the eyes, before turning around. Stepping out of the kitchen was no better, running straight into a chest. You look up to see emeralds full of pity, belonging to none other than Midoriya himself. You bite your lip harshly at the stare, shoving past him as he makes no effort to stop you. 
You still remember the tears.
Rushing to Mina’s room that night was the only conclusion you came to, not wanting to be alone. You didn’t bother knocking, and slammed the door open, having startled the occupants inside. Your attention locked on the person you needed most, and you ignored the others who watched as you rushed into her arms. Your cries were soft-- no ugly sobs, no breathless hiccups, just burning tears trailing down your cheeks one by one. Her arms surrounded you, rubbing your back in hopes to soothe you. The tension in the room only grew thicker as a gruff voice spoke out;
“Who the fuck made you cry.” 
You still remember her in his sweater.
A week after the incident, you stepped out of the dorms to run. To run from your pain, your feelings, to run from it all. It wasn’t fair he got to walk around as if nothing happened, you were determined to get there too. Just as you finished stretching, you look up and felt yourself freeze. It was spring now, the chilly nights turning more and more comfortable as time went on. A light throw-over was all that was needed, so why was she wearing his sweater now?
The sleeves were rolled up past her hands, just like they were for you. The fabric practically swallowed her frame, just as it did to you. The rubies on her cheeks shone brightly, the pearls of her teeth sparkling just as much. She looked happy.
It hurt, the way the weight on your chest doubled, and you felt the air escape your lungs. She saw you and waved, stopping in front of you to talk. You couldn’t hear the words she spoke, too focused on the way her light brown locks rested along his collar perfectly. Or how the color complimented her large, round eyes. She looked good, in his clothes, and yet all you wanted was to be the one in his sweater. 
You excused yourself, leaving with a light jog before sprinting away, running away from the image of her bringing a crisp sleeve up to her dainty mouth--
A mouth you’re sure he’s explored. 
Finally, for the first time since it happened, loud and painful sobs escaped your lips. 
You still remembered watching them together till the end.
You had finally graduated U.A., going off to an agency had been easy enough. The days were long and challenging, but you lived for the distraction. It was getting better, the pain in your chest growing smaller each day you spent apart from the couple you used to live with. The awkward air between both of you never fully went away, and you lost a once close friend. 
Even so, you were learning how to be happy with yourself.. Feeling proud when you have to work alongside one of them, and the squeeze of your heart dulls with each visit. 
You still remember waking up and he wasn’t the first thing on your mind.
The day had started like any other, and you almost didn’t notice how your thoughts hadn’t drifted towards the hero. A tear of happiness fell from your eye as you realize, and at that moment you knew it was possible. That it was possible to forget, it was possible to move on, it was possible to love someone other than him.
You still remember loving another.
Finally, your thoughts lingered on the man who only thought of you. Your arms wrapped around a man whose embrace was meant for you. Your eyes trained on the man whose fiery red gaze only sought to find your frame. You felt peace, and you were glad it was him who was there with you every step of the way. 
You still remember a lot of things,
and you wish to never forget them. They have made you into who you are today, and without them, you wouldn’t have been able to find the brilliant sun behind the clouds. As you lay in your lover’s warm embrace, you know you would go through the heartbreak all over again just to find him. 
In a way, you suppose you were thankfully for Iida’s rejection. Without that, none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have been with the love of his life, and you wouldn’t have been able to marry yours. 
Sometimes fate has a funny way of working; a seemingly never-ending current dragging you to the bottom, trying to drown you in its lies and pain. Only to have you stop struggling and raise you back to the surface, right into the shores of warm beaches and breathtaking sunsets. 
You will live to see another beautiful day, as long as you remind yourself the murky waters won’t last forever.
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Day by Day, Month by Month
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AN: This is a server prompt for MHA & readers server which I own along with @liliesoftherain​ . It’s a soulmate AU with fem reader x mirio
Warning: Explicit sex with Mirio Togata, angst, with a bit of one sided enemies to lovers
Read the rest of the prompts here.
Y/N gritted her teeth as Hado cheerfully loudly greeted Amajiki at 8 AM. All mornings were terrible for her, but Mondays were the worst. The fact that Hado had no consideration for other people’s nerves on an early morning, really, really made Y/N dislike her even more than she already does. And she already disliked her enough to ignore all of Hado’s many attempts to befriend Y/N. Especially when Hado figured that Y/N and her quirk were the same. Which is not true, Y/N’s quirk worked on the fact she could absorb small wavelengths of energy like incandescent bulbs, LEDs, or artificial lights that didn’t generate violet waves. Y/N then used that energy to make whatever she desired from beams to moving at lightspeeds using her absorbed energy.  Nothing at all like Hado’s whatever waves.
Now there was a good reason to hate Hado and that reason was the fact she was friends with her mortal enemy AKA Togata Mirio. He probably didn’t even know she existed, but Y/N hated him since second year. First year, Y/N did the impossible with her difficult to control quirk as she absorbed the LED lights in the stadium to blast her way to 4th place in the Sport’s festival. 2nd year she didn’t even make it to the top 10 because Togata had knocked her out in the 1st round of the last tournament. Ever since then Togata Mirio had exploded onto the scene of U.A., he was praised universally, and all the 3rd years worshipped him like he was a god. Y/N’s grinding of her teeth became even louder as she thought of the blonde idiot. Yes, Y/N didn’t just dislike him, oh no she hated him with every fiber of her being. She might be called a monster for it, but what she wouldn’t do for a chance to wallop his idiotic face. Maybe even strangle him for a minute or two after getting a few hits in.
Y/N watched as the slouched, nervous boy with pointed ear greeted Hado back quietly and sat in his seat. See, she didn’t make a point to be rude to Amajiki. What would be the point of doing that when he was basically a scared rabbit? Even she wasn’t that much of a monster to destroy his badly needed confidence, so she mostly just ignored him.
Finally, the sensei had come in and all the student quieted down for the morning lessons. Y/N stood up and bowed as the class president called out the greetings and they all sat down when the teacher let them. Most of the morning passed by quickly as Y/N actually did pay attention since she had a couple of tests coming up, otherwise she would be sending texts to her best friend in 3B all throughout classes. The bell rang indicating it was time for lunch, sending a quick text to her best friend to save her a seat as Y/N needed to use the restroom. She took her time leisurely to wash her hands and straightened her school uniform and made sure her hair wasn’t mussed. She even reapplied her nude pink lipstick, before taking a quick selfie to send to her friend. Y/N walked out as she used the Line app to edit some cute stickers and added on the hashtag “felt cute”. She didn’t notice until it was too late as she crashed into a wall of muscles. Y/N bounced off their chest, and her phone scattered to the floor. Quickly grabbing the device, she made sure the screen wasn’t broken. A huge sigh left her, and she turned around to give that idiot a piece of her mind.
“You moron, can’t you watc-“ Y/N cut herself as she realized she looked into the eyes of Togota Mirio.
Her whole view disconnected and reconnected as both of their minds melded. Her feelings were no longer just hers, but rather a whole of synergy of emotions as both of their desires, wants, and even fears entangled. Why was she so angry most of the time? So afraid. So anxious. She was no longer alone because he was her-
Those thoughts disconnected as the meld ended, their connection broken. Y/N stepped back in horror. Oh no. Togata was her soulmate. She just found the one person who was supposedly the perfect match for her, and it turned out to the person she hated the most in U.A.
‘Fuck my life.’ Y/N thought. She quickly turned around, ignoring his very loud protests, sprinted all the way back to the 3rd year hallway. She sent a quick text to her friend saying she was feeling sick and was at Recovery girl’s office when in reality, she was currently hiding out in the girl’s restroom. Sitting on top of a covered toilet, she frantically searched the web for a way to get rid of one’s soulmate.
Y/N knew since she hit puberty the science behind soulmates. Basically, a body’s way of finding your perfect mate that will the create the most optimal offspring. When two individuals’ eyes meet, their minds would mesh and basically their souls would connect. Y/N had watched a health video in her junior high year as two soulmates would stand there make eye contact for 5 mins with large creepy smiles and hazy eyes. Basically, looking like two drugged out idiots before regaining their senses. She remembered thinking how dumb the two looked whereas everyone else cooed at how romantic it was.
As for their souls’ connecting, it was another sugarcoated way to say the two soulmates would share emotions. Even now despite being hopefully far away from Togata, she could feel his frantic worry causing her chest to burn. Y/N tried to sooth the pain with one hand and the other one scrolling through articles. Anything that could help get rid of the moron that was her soulmate. She didn’t know how fast the lunch period passed because she was reading articles when she got jerked out of trance by the bell.
Y/N aggravatedly sighed. All the damn articles were no help, they just kept spewing the gospel of soulmates and how 80% of all soulmates would succeed in creating a healthy, loving relationship. She scowled, the only thing she would create with blonde Astro boy will be a lawsuit after she kneed him in the family jewels. As the bell rang once more, Y/N got up and kicked the toilet out of pure frustration before sulking back to her classroom.  She made it to her seat and slumped over her desk. Y/N rested her eyes for a few minutes as she could hear her fellow classmates make it back from lunch. She jerked out of her nap when she heard the familiar voices of Hado and Amajiki. Keeping a close eye on them without being obvious, she noticed how they didn’t acknowledgeable her more than normal.
Letting a sigh of relief, she relaxed knowing that Togata hadn’t let his friends know what happened in the hallway earlier.  The rest of the classes continued as normal except for the occasional bursts of happiness and the need to laugh startling her throughout the day. Y/N scoffed, of course he would be happy whereas he continued to be her source of frustration. The last of the classes were soon over so she headed home on her own. Usually Y/N would walk with her best friend, but she had an appointment with the support department to fix her hero costume.
Y/N walked leisurely down the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sunny day when a voice called underneath her.
“Hey-“ A familiar blonde face appeared in the sidewalk. Y/N screamed and bunched her skirt together so he couldn’t peak at her underwear.
“Pervert! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screamed as she stomped at the face.
“N-no wait! It’s your soulmate, Togata Mirio!” the face yelled desperately as he dodged her stomps.
Y/N paused in her stomps. “Well, that’s even worse than a pervert!” She resumed her stomps before giving up entirely and running away.
  The next morning, Y/N used a baseball cap to keep her face from being visible and hopefully go unnoticed until she arrived in class. She didn’t need a repeat of yesterday. Arriving in class, she took off her the cap and settled in her seat. The morning lectures continued as she halfheartedly took notes and completed her assignments. Everything was going well until Togata walked in during lunch break.
Y/N jerked in her seat and turned away using her long hair as a curtain to hopefully escape his eyes.
She could hear Hado yelled out Togata’s name as the two friends conversed.
“Oh, this time I’m not here to hang out. I’m looking for Y/N. She is in this class, right?” She heard him ask.
Y/N looked up when she heard her name and saw Hado looking in her direction in confusion. She also saw Togata follow Hado and turn in her direction. Her eyes shifted to Togata, noticing the way his face lit up as he waved her over.
Y/N groaned. There was no way she could get out of this. She got up reluctantly and approached Togata, the entire class erupting in whispers and some of the girls were either giggling or shooting her glares. Y/N couldn’t help the flush, she never did like being the center of attention. Togota led her out of the classroom before pulling her aside in a nearby hallway.
“Look, I’m not sure why you are calling me out,” she began.
“I wanted to introduce myself.” Togata held out a hand for her to shake. “I’m Togata Mirio.”
Y/N stared at his hand in disbelief. “Of course, I know who you are,” she spat out.
“You do? I thought you ran away yesterday because you didn’t know who I was,” Mirio sheepishly said.
“No, I know. I ran away because I want nothing to do with you!”
“N-nothing? But I’m your soulmate, we should get to kno-“she interrupted before he could finish.
“No, No! And No! I wouldn’t want to get to know you if you were the last guy on earth. So, you better leave me alone!” she yelled. Seeing the shocked face of Mirio, Y/N felt satisfied that he had gotten the message and marched away to enjoy the rest of her lunch period. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty when she felt the hurt coursing through Togata.
Meanwhile, Mirio shoved the hurt away and looked on in determination at the challenge that was walking away. Next time he wouldn’t let her walk away so easily, he promised as his eyes burned and sparkled.
Y/N drew a makeshift figure of Togata’s face on her notebook before she viciously started stabbing the drawing. ‘Stupid Togata, why can’t he get that he’s not wanted’ she thought. She threw a glare at the pretty arrangement of flowers on her desk. Every morning there was a new bouquet waiting for her on the desk. It attracted a lot of unwanted attention from her fellow classmates. At first, she threw all of them away in the garbage in a fury. But, over time the arrangements became more complicated and more beautiful than the last and her heart couldn’t bear the thought of throwing them away. So, she took it upon herself to donate it to Recovery girl’s office. She knew the older women appreciated them. Y/N saved the scattered chocolates in the bouquet for herself before dropping off the peony flowers at the Pro Hero’s clinic.
As Y/N walked to the lunchroom, she was interrupted when Togata came through the walls and in front of her.
“Y/N! Do you want to eat with me today? I brought a bento," Togata asked.
She looked down on her own bento and wondered how he knew that she was going to bring her own lunch today.
“Are you a psycho? How many times do I have to say no to you before you get it through your head?”
“I’ll keep asking until you say yes. I won’t ever take no for answer,” he cheerfully replied.
Y/N felt the fury inside of her build up and her face became tomato red. “Time to die, Togata.” She stepped towards him before tripping on her foot and her entire bento fell on the ground. She watched in shock at the hard work that had gone wasted and she turned towards Togata and sent him a death glare. Togata fearing for his life, slipped his bento into her hands before bolting out of the hallway. He activated his quirk and vanished through the walls.
Y/N panted as sweat dripped down her face. She’s never felt so tired in her life yet so energized. The roar of the crowd helping her forget the aches and pains of the fight. Togata wasn’t even winded as he stood across from her.  This was the revenge she wanted. The second round of the battle tournament of the Sports Festival.
 “Come on, Togata. Give me everything you have. Otherwise, I swear I won’t ever forgive you. I’ve given everything to be here. So, extend that courtesy to me,” Y/N said.
She knew he wasn’t taking her seriously. Though, she landed a few hits and gave 100% percentage to her energy attacks. She couldn’t say the same for him. His punches and his overall speed were too slow. She knew he was capable of being faster than what he was displaying right now. Her words affected him, as his face lost the pensive look and a look of concentration overcame it.
She remembered the humiliating defeat by him in second year. A blonde blur, a scream of “Poweeeerrr!” and Y/N was knocked out of the ring. She wasn’t even able to display her growth or how much she improved from the 1st year.
However, this year Y/N showcased everything she learned in U.A. and she showed everyone in Japan that Y/N was ready to be a Pro Hero. When she would lose to Mirio and she knew she was going to, Y/N had no regrets.
Y/N raised her hands to gather the energy from the LED lights in the arena as they blew out one by one overwhelmed by her quirk. She felt the energy rush through her body and readied herself for a charge at Mirio. This time she would lose on her own terms.
Y/N sat nervously on Mirio’s dorm room bed and watched as he scrambled around his room to get her birthday gift. She had gone home last weekend to spend her birthday with her family, so this was the only time Mirio had to give it to her. His relationship with her was still pensive. Y/N didn’t scream at him to leave her alone and she stopped calling him Togata. Most of all that bitterness dissolved after the Sports Festival, there was no reason to keep him at arm’s length anymore. Still, there was a degree of unsureness, Mirio being too afraid to set her off again and she too unexperienced on how to properly convey her feelings.
Mirio came back with a small gift bag that he held out for her. Y/N took and peered into it to see an assortment of chocolate.
“Remember how I would send you those bouquets and you never kept them except for the chocolate in it? I thought this time I would give you something you would want to keep.”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle. Mirio smiled goofily in return, satisfied that he had made her happy. She wanted to do something in return to show him how happy she was. Y/N leaned forward to kiss him on his cheeks, while at the same time Mirio purposely turned his face so she could kiss his lips instead.
The touch of his soft lips quickly made Y/N break contact. She turned her blushing face away and was about to quickly run out of his room in embarrassment, when Mirio grabbed her and mashed his face into hers. Their teeth clanged together, and it was soon clear neither had any idea on how to kiss.
Y/N pushed Mirio away and clutched her lips and teeth.
“Mirio! Why did you do that?!” She could feel embarrassment surging within him and a small ounce of shame for hurting her. Feeling bad for her overreaction, Y/N grabbed his hands and pulled him close.
“I-I think we should try again and maybe a little bit slower. Like how they do on TV dramas,” she said as she coaxed him into trying again.
Mirio gave her a small peck, withdrawing to see Y/N’s reaction. She nodded in encouragement, excited he continued to slowly give her kisses that caused her to chase him and eagerly respond to his ministrations. He caressed her cheeks and snaked his hand down to her waist to pull her close. Licking her lips and asking for permission to enter, Mirio entangled his tongue with hers as it sensuously made contact and cajoled her to respond. Following Mirio’s lead she responded back to each lick, feeling her body get hotter and hotter. Wanting to get closer to his body, she sat on top him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to slowly kiss; Y/N liked this attempt immensely compared to their first one. Mirio wanting to feel her, grabbed Y/N’s hand and placed it on his member. Y/N curiously touched it, wondering what she was touching that was so hard and warm. She broke contact from his lips and looked down at her hand. ‘OH MY GOD. I’M Touching A MAN’s PENIS!’ she thought hysterically. She poked it a couple times, finding it rock solid and admiring the length of it. Her tiny hands couldn’t even fit most of it. Mirio startled her out of thoughts when he placed his hands onto hers and started moving them along with him.
“Like this, Y/N, ok?”
Y/N short-circuited realizing what Mirio was asking from her. ‘Oh god, we are doing this now? Are we going to have sex!! That thing is going to fit inside of me? I’m going to die!!’ her thoughts spiraled and made Y/N panic. She quickly disentangled herself from Mirio, ignoring his grunt and his confused call of her name. Y/N grabbed her gift, not forgetting to say a quick thank you to Mirio before hightailing it out of his room and back to the sanctity of her own dorm.  
Y/N waited anxiously outside in the cold, windy afternoon. Yesterday’s snowfall had already covered the entirety of the park, most kids were playing in the snow. Either making snowman or trying to hit their friends with snowballs. She huffed out a few breaths, watching as her warm exhales became smoke. She overheard footsteps and saw Mirio heading her way. Y/N sighed, relieved that he had showed up. Ever since a month ago Mirio had lost his quirk and Sir Nighteye, he had been avoiding her. She wasn’t the best person when it came to comfort, so she figured he needed time on his own. But as weeks went by without any sight of his blond hair or blue eyes, she couldn’t help but worry. So, Y/N had tracked him down and called him out during lunchtime just like he did so many months ago and made him promise to meet at the local park so they could talk things out.
She stood up to greet him, but he just motioned for her to sit back down and took a seat besides her on the park bench.
“Hey, Mirio. How have you been? We haven’t talked in a while,” Y/N cautiously began.
“Well, you are my soulmate. You probably know better than me how I’ve been this past month,” Mirio said quietly.
It was true, she felt his sorrow and loss like an aching pain in her chest. Y/N knew he went around school acting happy go lucky, but she knew he couldn’t fool her or himself.
“That’s true and its probably why I was so worried-“ Y/N began.
Mirio interrupted, “Worried? Why? You must be happy that I lost my quirk. No more competition!” He let out a weak chuckle.
Y/N couldn’t help the hurt that rose in her despite it being a fair assessment. She had treated him terribly, the fact he was lashing out at her now just showed how much patience Mirio really had. She swallowed the lump that had arose from her needing to cry because this wasn’t about her or her feelings now.
She turned to him, watching as his face twisted with guilt and he opened his mouth. Y/N cut him off.
“I know. You can throw everything at me, Mirio. I will take it if that’s what it takes for you to feel better. I don’t know what to do or what to say to make you feel like your old self again. I’m not good at any of this. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to be alone. Don’t shut me out,” she pleaded.
Y/N saw the way the shine returned to his dull eyes and the soft blush that made its way to his face. He was looking at her like he had never seen her before. She could feel her own cheeks heat up due to the unnerving way he was looking at her. Mirio leaned forward as if to kiss her when Y/N put a hand to his chest to stop him and turned her face away.
“We can’t we’re in a park. There’s too many people,” she whispered.
Mirio let out a boyish giggle. “Right, sorry.”
She toyed with her fingers as a thought occurred to her. “Do you wanna go to my house instead? It’s nearby, we can warm up and get some hot chocolate.”
Mirio at the thought of seeing the place where Y/N had grown up shyly agreed. They both got up and walked for 15 minutes before coming to a modest house. She unlocked the outdoor gate and let them both in. They went up the steps before Y/N unlocked the door.
“No one’s home it’s just me,” she said as she turned the house’s light on and started to prepare some hot chocolate for them both.
Mirio made himself home in the living room as he snooped around and looked at the various pictures of a younger Y/N. She came back with 2 hot chocolates. Mirio thanked her and steadily drank the hot chocolate. Y/N sat next to him and observed him as she finished hers. Though, her earlier words lifted his mood, she could tell that her distraction was only temporary.
“Mirio,” she began as he looked up at her, “I wish I could do more for you. I feel everything, all your pain and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I wish I can take it away even just for a while.”
Mirio looked at her seriously and put his drink on coffee table. He grabbed Y/N’s drink and put that on the table as well. She just looked at him in confusion as she hadn’t finished yet. Mirio grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. Y/N blushed at their proximity as her breasts were squished against his firm chest.
“I know what you can do for me, Y/N..,” he trailed off as he leaned in close to kiss her. She closed her eyes as his soft lips connected. She could taste the remnants of the hot chocolate on his lips as she desperately responded back. She clutched him tightly as she couldn’t remember the last time he held and kissed her. Y/N didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much who wasn’t her immediate family let alone someone she used to hate. Her fingers dug into his soft hair as she tightened her hold and pulled. Mirio let out a groan in response and rolled his hips into hers. He disengaged from her and quickly kissed her cheeks, forehead, and nose in succession.
Mirio panted. “Y/N, please I need you.” She blushed as she knew what he was asking from her. “I-I’ve never…,” she trailed off.
“Neither have I, we’ll go slow. I promise I won’t hurt you,” he said. Y/N nodded, giving him consent. Mirio pushed back one of the curls on her face and brought her close enough for him to kiss. Giving a nip to her lips, he explored the inside of her mouth, still tasting the chocolate. She moaned into the kiss and messed with the hoody he was wearing, trying to get to the smooth skin underneath. He tried to help her take off while still kissing her hard. He broke away in frustration when the hoody wouldn’t budge.
“Wait maybe we should take this to my room,” she suggested. He liked the idea at least they would know beforehand if they were about to get interrupted.
Mirio tried to get Y/N to let him carry her bridal style up the stairs like in the movies, but she adamantly refused. She led them to a very pink and feminine room unlike the fierce Y/N he had gotten to know. Y/N stood in awkward silence not knowing what to do when they had arrived in the room. Mirio taking the lead, took off his hoody and his jeans. He immediately went over to Y/N to help her take off her clothes. She tried to protest but it got muffled by a kiss.
Hoisting Y/N in his arms, he dropped her delicately onto her bed. It was medium size just enough room for both. Mirio couldn’t help himself as he let his hands roam the entirety of her soft skin. Her heaving breasts caught his attention as she looked at him with dilated eyes. He tugged the cups of the bra just a tiny bit for her cleavage to spill over, He bit and sucked them, leaving red marks all over. Y/N let out a whimper as he continued his ministration on the other breast. Mirio moved her legs aside, allowing his body to settle in nicely between her thighs. Slipping his fingers into her panties, he immaturely explored her.
“Like this,” she said as she showed him what she liked best. Wanting to see all of her, he slipped off her panties and snapped off her bra with ease, tossing them somewhere in the room. The two teens continued to explore every inch of their soulmate. From the beginning they were connected by their minds and hearts, now they were crossing the final threshold of their bodies. Preparing Y/N had paid off as he inspected his fingers that were wet with her essence. Curious he tasted the wetness and discovered he liked the tangy flavor. He wanted to lick up all of it, to savor the taste, but that was something he wanted to try out in the future. Mirio shimmied out of his boxers as he lined up his member with her center. He felt her tense, so he whispered reassurances as he stroked her face.
Y/N felt his member slip a few times before he finally got it into her. The initial pinch startled her before she forced herself to breath and relax. Mirio didn’t lie, he went slow prioritizing her needs over his own. Y/N hardly felt a pinch when he broke through her membrane and filled her up to the brim. She raked her short nails down his back, causing him to buck into her. She gasped at the sudden movement.
“Y/N, don’t do that, love,” he panted into her neck.  Y/N flushed at the impromptu nickname Mirio had bestowed upon her.
He waited a few minutes before trying out short, shallow thrusts to see if she flinched in pain and seeing her writhe and moan gave him the signal to move.
Mirio tried out different rhythms to see what she liked first, matching his thrusts to her reactions. When he lifted up her hips a bit and hit a particular spot that had her gasping and tightening her hold on the bedsheets, he hit that spot over and over in a frenzy. It wasn’t long before Y/N became a babbling mess as she came all over his penetrating member.
Mirio lifted his head up in confusion when he heard the slam of a door and muffled talking.
“Y/N! Is that you? Okasan and Otousan are home. Come downstairs we brought food!” Y/N’s mother called out.
Y/N looked at Mirio in panic. She tried to push him off so she could get dressed and go downstairs to greet her parents.
Instead he held her hips tight as he slammed into her over and over, muffling his moans by biting onto her shoulder.
“Mirio! Ahh, what are you doing? We’ll get caught,” she said.
Letting her shoulder go, he whispered back, “just a little more I’m so close.”
When she didn’t say anything else, Mirio took as a sign to keep going so he chased his own pleasure. It wasn’t too long before he pulled out and came in the junction of her thighs.
Luckily for the teens, they were both able to get dressed and downstairs in time for Y/N to introduce Mirio as her soulmate. Her parents were delighted to meet him, and Y/N flushed with happiness knowing that her parents approved of him. Though, she didn’t notice how her mother kept sending them suspicious glances when she noticed the bite mark on Y/N’s neck.
Mirio’s tousan watched in absolute happiness as his son graduated from U.A. Who knew his son would one day graduate from the most prestigious hero school in Japan?
He looked around for his tall, blonde son as many graduates filled in from the auditorium outside in the sun to find their parents.
He finally found his wayward son and was about to call out to him when he noticed his son holding and teasing a girl. She seemed very frustrated, gesturing wildly and pointing at him in anger. Mirio just laughed and hugged her. What was even more astonishing was that Mirio kissed her forehead and the girl blushed and yelled at him some more before she stomped away. So that was his soulmate.
He remembered how his son came home one day in jubilation and explained everything in one breath. Though, Mirio seem to be disheartened when he explained how his soulmate didn’t seem to like him. Mirio’s tousan just laughed in glee and Mirio watched him in confusion.
He went on to explain how Mirio’s okasan hated him at first glance and threw a glass of water at him when she discovered her soulmate. He remembered how each day he would do everything to win her heart over and he encouraged Mirio to do the same. He smiled now knowing that Mirio had won his soulmate over just like he did his.
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fizzypunks · 4 years
its a date but its not a date
fandom: My Hero Academia/ Boku No Hero Academia word count: 3.8k/oneshot rating: t summary: hizashi takes shouta to a little festival and insists its not a date... just pure fluff bc <3
ship: Aizawa Shouta/ Hizashi Yamada | Erasermic
note: this reads better in AO3 because it keeps formatting for italics, which tumblr does not!
Yamada Hizashi wasn’t a timid person – it wasn’t even a quirk thing, it was just his nature, and it was something he was proud of. Sure, he’d been called loud and obnoxious, and some have been less than kind about his quirk when it’s gotten out of control. His quirk control wasn’t great for a very long time, but none of what he’d been called or heard had really changed the way he carries himself, and that  includes  his extroverted nature.
 He was, however, a panicked person, when it came to matters of  interest .
  Whatever .
 And, because love was the one thing that made him think twice about what he says, what he does or doesn’t do, that has landed him in the exact predicament that he’s facing right now.
 Hizashi tapped his pen against his essay, the half filled pages of his stationary blurring together into a mass of lines and half-assed penmanship. He’d been staring at it for the past five minutes, when he’d given up on trying to ignore his annoying problem.
  Shouta .
 It’s been getting harder to ignore the stupid pull of something he’s recently identified as  yearning  that comes every time he thinks of his best friend. Stronger than any hurricane gale, it pulls in every thought he has until there are no more to be had. Just Shouta, and his messy hair, and the eyes he thinks are pretty despite always being so blood-shot.
 Hizashi groans, faintly feeling heat spill across his cheeks. “God, why must I be so fucked?”
It’s not like he’s even asking him out on a  date  – no, he’s not bold enough to do that in their last year  and semester of school– there’s no need for distractions like that right now, whatever outcome may or may not come from it…. no, he’s just asking to take Shouta to the Autumn festival at the park, because Shouta should do something fun and get out of his room and not explode from stress.
 The poor guy has been spending all his time studying and stressing and sleeping even  less , so of course Hizashi would want to help his friend out and get him to relax.
 Yeah, that’s what it was – one friend asking another friend out because stress is bad.
 That doesn’t change the nervous skip in his heart right now, as he sits at his desk and thinks about…
 Hizashi groans again, tipping back in his chair and hooking his foot against the back of his desk so that he’s less likely to tumble. Theoretically, at least.
 Why does it feel so  significant  right now? He’d asked Shouta to do countless things with him! He’d gotten him to agree to go to the movies a bunch of times, and to a party or two, and, most recently, he’d even been able to rope him into going to a karaoke club! He didn’t sing, they left earlier than he’d planned, but Shouta had fun!
 Hizashi narrowed his eyes at the white ceiling and the ceiling fan that whirled past his vision, playing with the very edge of the wooden panel that kept him from tumbling onto his carpet.
 This wasn’t supposed to mean anything, but somehow it did.
 It felt like a declaration, no matter how he phrased it in his head, and he doesn’t understand the logic behind it.
  Fine. Whatever! I’ll just ask, and be blunt, and do it right before I leave so there’s no room for thinking, and it’ll be okay! 
 Something like,  “Hey, Shouta, let’s go to this festival! It’ll be so much fun! PLUS, I think you’ll look cute sharing cocoa with me!”
 Hizashi’s eyes widened, his foot slipped in that one moment of lost focus, and he fell –
 “ Fuck!”
 It was a little too loud, bordering on quirk use, but he had other problems to think about beside  that .
 He rubbed the back of his head.
 If he can’t even imagine it the right way… how was he supposed to  actually  ask? It would be pretty stupid to try when he knew he could act a little too carelessly and, potentially, damage the good friendship they had going on.It was probably better left un-asked.
 Unsaid, un-asked, and out of mind.
 It was most certainly not out of mind, that is clear.
 Shouta is sitting across from him, half-mast eyes scanning the copy of his English text book in a way that looked a lot more performative than informative. Their booth was tucked more toward the back of the cafe, and it would normally be a bit more secluded and quiet, but midterms brought students from the woodwork and into any coffee-scented establishment, which their happened to be.
  What great luck.
 All around them was the sound of machines grinding coffee, books being shifted around, and light conversation in between bouts of half-silences – and a heavy vale of constant movement that proved to be less than ideal for studying, despite all the students trying to do  just that .
 It was to be expected this time of year, but it was still enough to bother Shouta. He concentrated better with silence, and he happened to be struggling a lot more on English than he does on his other subjects.
 Hizashi, thankfully, understood the material enough for the both of them and then some, and already finished his homework – the papers in front of him were notes, ready to be explained the moment Shouta needed it, with hand-writing that was still pretty bad but…
 For Shouta, he’d made an effort. The result was somewhat-legible scribbles lining the papers, and when he referenced it, Shouta didn’t have to ask too many questions about,  “what is this right here?”
 “I’m not going to pass.”
 Hizashi turned his eyes to Shouta, like he hadn’t been trying to find a reason to look at him longer. He was wearing a big, thick red scarf, which his hair was somewhat tucked into. He didn’t look up, he just kept his eyes on his text book. His irises weren’t moving on the page.
 “Oh man, don’t say that! How’d you think you’re gonna pass if you don’t believe in yourself?”
 “It’s because I don’t believe in myself.”
 Hizashi grabbed his warm cocoa and took a sip, if only to busy his hands with  something . “Shouta! I don’t like this type of negativity!”
 “Well, you’ve chosen the wrong friendship then.”
 “Or, maybe, the  right one!”
 Shouta looked up, and Hizashi held his gaze. His eyes had been given a break over the past few days of written work, so the redness that often lined them was almost completely gone.
 His skin looked soft too…
 His hair, it was fluffy and cute, also..
 He’d been staring and not talking and he leaned back into his seat like a magnet to metal. He started laughing, holding his drink up to his face. “Well, maybe I can cheer you up! What are friends for, right? And maybe it will turn that attitude around, ya think?”
 “You’re not making any sense?”
 Hizashi hated that it was true but there’s no going back now – his mouth was ten steps ahead of him anyway, and not even  he  could stop it.
 He smiled widely at Shouta. “I mean, maybe I’m here to make sure you don’t stress yourself out so much! You always do so much but never  check  yourself, and I’m here to fix that!”
 Shouta huffed, head bobbing just a bit. Then he smirked and Hizashi had to concentrate on his breathing. “And how do you propose you’d do that?”
 Oh, it was so easy – this was the opportunity the  gods  gave him after seeing him fall on his ass just a few days before.
 Hizashi leaned forward, and set his elbows down on his notes, a hot cocoa between them. “One word.  Festival .”
 Shouta’s eyebrows quirked down just a bit, and he tilted his head to the side, his hair tilting with him. “Festival?”
 “What do ya say? The park next to my neighborhood has one this weekend, and it’s free, and there’s food, and I really wanna go!”
 Hizashi grew pink at the admission, fought against the urge to cover his mouth, but Shouta didn’t comment. 
 Then, a little surprisingly, instead of arguing or finding reasons why it wasn’t logical to take time away from studies so close to exams, he gave him a smile.
 A small, intentional,  Shouta  smile. “Sure.”
 Hizashi tried to not sound over-enthused – just nodded his head and almost squeezed his cup too hard. “Yes! I finally got you to agree to do something!”
 “You always get me to do things.”
 “Yes, and I did it again!”
 Shouta rolled his eyes, and turned his attention back down to the English he’d never really understand.
 Hizashi was certain he looked fine. He wasn’t sure if it was  great  , but it was probably fine, and  whatever.
 Beside, had many other things to worry about, that were a lot more important than whether or not his shirt matched his shoes. Like, for one, how he still couldn’t quite shake the feeling of  significance .
 It was back, that nagging intrusion into his thoughts that insisted that something was supposed to be different this time. As he looked over his outfit in his body mirror, pulling over his heavy, long jacket, he had to remind himself that there was nothing different about today. Even if he really, in his heart,  wanted  there to be something different. 
 So maybe the difference was the  amount of yearning – Hizashi sighed, thinking about his feelings last year and comparing them to now. 
 He huffed, a huge sigh finally making itself known.
 Yeah, the feelings he had now were bigger and grander than they’d been last year and they threatened to take over his life if he let them…
 Hizashi sighed, rubbed his hands over his face, and pushed his hair back only to reveal his pink, flustered expression to its fullest.
 “Sweet lord, have mercy on me! I am an idiot with a crush!”
 He collapsed onto his bed and waited out the last of the thirty minutes before Shouta was going to arrive at his door.
 Shouta knocked, and Hizashi was already ready – his heart doing flips like he’d never experienced, but oddly enough, it didn’t feel bad. It felt exciting, and loving, and when he opened the door to the crisp autumn air, it felt like  home .
  Stop that!
 Shouta, for all his questionable outfits, looked  nice . And he always looked nice, but now he was wearing black boots, and brown khakis that somehow sort of matched Hizashi’s own, and a black tee underneath a black jacket.
 He never went anywhere in the cold without a scarf, either, and today was no exception. A red variety  was ceremoniously draped around his neck, loose enough to not be covering his face.
 Hizashi tried not to beam, but felt the shape his eyes took at the other and knew it wasn’t working. “Ready?!” He asked, a little too loud.
 “Yes… you said it was close, right? At the park?”
 Hizashi nodded, stepping out and slipping his hand into a pocket to make sure he had his keys and wallet. Confirming quickly, he shut the door behind him, again, with a little too much enthusiasm.
 He was  buzzing . Some type of energy that he normally had built up in him, that he normally kept pretty good reins on, was taking over –
 He was so excited, but, even more – he was just  happy .
 He looked to Shouta, and smiled, and then led the way down his steps and onto the quiet street. The sky was clear, save for some cloud further down on the horizon. The trees were starting to make themselves barren, and the smell of wood burning fires started to break out as soon as the sun hit its peak.
 The neighborhood, secluded and at peace, was quiet, and Shouta walked beside him in comfort.
 Hizashi never struggled to say anything, and now is no different – except it is, when he thinks he’ll say something dumb like  “hey i like you so much, you make my world right, also I love you. ”
 He can’t say that. 
 But he really,  really wants to.
 He’s wanted to for years, and he’s almost said it more than once, and now he’s let the silence build around them…
 Shouta often takes mercy on him, and so he did it again this time. Their pace was slow and there was a little bit of space between them, and he sighs. “This is really nice.”
 Hizashi smiles, keeps his eyes on the road as it winds forward. “I’m glad you think so! We’ve stressed so much, it’s a good weekend getaway, don’t you think?”
 Shouta laughs – it’s more of a chuckle, but it’s a laugh where Shouta is concerned. “Yeah, you’re right. I needed this, a lot, I think…”
 They reach the corner, looking for cars that weren’t coming. The crest of trees a few blocks ahead could be seen above rooftops, and that’s where Hizashi fixes his gaze. “Me too,” he says softly, and leaves it at that because he’s always on the verge of  too  many words.
 “You seem really… energized.”
 Hizashi fumbles with his hands, pretending to warm them up and not like he’s nervous. “When am I not!”
 Shouta hums, and it’s so deep and close that it makes Hizashi wish he could just…
 But then Shouta reaches out, and grabs at the hands Hizashi is cradling in front of him, blunt and to the point. He takes Hizashi’s left hand and slots their fingers together in his right, and Hizashi knows he can feel the clamminess…
 He looks back, sputtering, his heart erratic, “Shou – wha– I’m –”
  Does he know this is messing with me?
 And Shouta, in that calm, stupid way he always carries himself, smiles. “Maybe that’s what I’m here for.”
 He squeezes their hands, and Hizashi must look confused because Shouta laughs.
 “You always try to bring me up, so I think I can help bring you calm… You seem nervous, so,” he looked at their hands, swung them just a bit for emphasis. “Calm.”
 Hizashi feels every bit of himself crumble, falls away like a cliff against a storm, and smiles because it’s all he can do. He blushes and he can feel how it spreads, and he doesn’t say anything because every sentence ends in  I love you .
 The festival was a pleasant and home-y affair, and after they’d gotten there, they’d learned that it was quite bigger than either of them anticipated. Though it was still a neighborhood one, hosted by the local families and park itself, it was still filled to every corner.
 They’d gotten there during the peak of the sun, but it quickly descended as they wove in and out of the scattered foot traffic. The air was crisper where the lake sat in the center of the park, and the trees casted half shadows around the food and merchant vendors.
 They were walking around for less than an hour before the lanterns and torches were starting to light around them.
 Shouta still held Hizashi’s hand, and once he’d accepted the lovely fact, he’d loosened up enough to feel like his mouth wasn’t going to get him into trouble.
 “Wow! Shou! Look!” He pointed out, across the deep blue lake, to the hovering lights that surrounded it. 
 Shouta hummed warmly. “It looks very nice.”
 Hizashi was still smiling, still enamored by the lights as they floated out across his vision – the way the cool air from the dipping sun brushed against his skin and somehow made all the warmth in him  that  much warmer.
 He quickly cast his eyes down to Shouta, and found him looking at him.
 Hizashi’s ears burned and he looked away really fast, heart thumping deep in the cage of his chest.
  Oh don’t you dare say it. Don’t you DARE.
 “Um…” He said softly, intentionally because otherwise his quirk might get the best of him – he didn’t know if he was embarrassed by his enthusiasm, or by the way Shouta was watching him, but it all went away when Shouta tugged them along the side of the lake.
 It’s a few more moments before Hizashi gathers up the right words to say – the ones that aren’t gushy and filled with emotions he’s certain Shouta wouldn’t reflect. 
 “So!” He starts, looking around now that they were near the cluster of food stands. The air was filled with burning wood, meat, sauce, alive with the sound of simmering and laughter. “Want food? My treat! We can’t walk away without trying everything at  least once!”
 “I didn’t know you were rich enough to do that.”
 Hizashi chuckled. “I’m serious, though. Whatever you want!”
 Hizashi ignored the eyes tilted his way, right before leading off to Hizashi’s right. Hizashi turns around enough to look at the little stand and it’s cloth menu.
 It was a takoyaki shop, with different bao, and there was no line. 
 Hizashi smiled, and it was his turn to tug Shouta forward. He couldn’t really  look  at him, not just yet any way, but he could hear the light lilt in his voice when he ordered from the kind eyed older man at the register. Hizashi made his order quickly, and paid, and they walked away with various stacks of food.
 It wasn’t even a question where they’d go, and they found a spot under a tree to sit with their food. 
 The grass was cut, and the little hill they sat on overlooked a great deal of the sprawling festival that surrounded them. Up here, the voices that surrounded them, the chatter, the laughter that Hizashi was not interested in, was duller – muted, and when Shouta hummed in hungry appreciation at his bao, it made his heart ache all the more.
 He snuck a look to his right, graced by the mercy of Shouta closing his eyes. He’d just taken a bite, had unravelled most of his scarf to do so, and was now enjoying it for all it’s worth.
 Hizashi’s eyes softened at the sight.
 And Shouta opened his eyes, in his direction like he just knew.
 Hizashi looked down and took his bao. “This looks good! I should eat like this more.”
 “You should take me to more festivals, too.”
 Hizashi choked a bit – he recovered fast, and cast a glance toward Shouta. “Sure thing!”
  This feeling... 
 Maybe this is what he had been feeling – the lead up to whatever moment this was. The way Shouta really took the time to look at him, not through him. Like he was paying attention.
 Hizashi held his oversized bao in both hands and looked forward. It suddenly didn’t feel like such a bad idea to speak. To say whatever it was that he was going to say, because for Shouta, it would always be okay…
 Didn’t make him feel any more at ease, not with the stupid thought in his head that maybe he was misreading whatever today was. Who knows, maybe Shouta always paid attention to him like this? And sure, the hands thing… that was new, but maybe Shouta just really likes holding hands but he needs to be comfortable with the person, and now after three years he’s  finally comfortable with Hizashi?
  If you’re gonna say something…
 “Hey,” he started. 
  Say it now.
 “I’m having a really good time.”
 He doesn’t take his wide, blown-out eyes from the festival. It was dark enough that every lantern stood out like little stars, and the breeze was so nice…
 “If you want… we can, um, do this again. I’ll find another festival, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be free this time, but I’ll try! And I’ll see if I can sneak in some home made food too so we can spend more money on like, cute stuff from the merchants. I saw this plush down there, actually, and it was a  cat , so maybe –”
 No, Hizashi wasn’t a timid person – but,  still , it was probably for the best that Shouta was the first one to move. He grabbed Hizashi’s hand, urging it away from the bao so that he could hold it again. 
 He’d pulled his attention to the forefront, and his eyes to finally meet his, and he realized that Shouta had moved so much closer…
 The dark of his eyes was so close, and he was  smiling …
 “You talk a lot when you’re nervous.”
 There wasn’t a way to hide the flush, so Hizashi looked down, feeling too open. “I’m sorry…”
 He couldn’t see his eyes, but he could see his smile. “I like it, though.”
 “What about if I say I like you...  Will you still like it?”
 Shouta didn’t leave him any time to doubt.
 “It makes it a lot easier… for me to say I like you, too… yeah, I’d like it…”
 Hizashi’s entire body was fireworks – explosions and exclamations and that same buzzing energy that gripped him every time he thought of Shouta. He grinned, and looked up to see Shouta was just as embarrassed and flustered as he was.
 He’d normally have to look away, but he assumed he had permission now, and…
  God you’re so pretty…
 His eyes, his eyelashes, the way his eyes bend against his smile and how he’d never seen him smile like this before… 
 Hizashi abandoned the bao in his lap and pushed away the hair that framed his face, slowly, not sure if it was too much to hold his face – 
 “I’m – I’m sorry, can I?”
 Shouta nodded. “And you can kiss me too, in case you weren’t sure…”
 That was all the reason he needed.
 He’d had so many reasons, so many countless reasons he  loved him...
 He cupped his jaw, still acutely aware of the way Shouta was still holding on to his hand in the grass – 
 It was cold, that was true, but right now he was warm with nerves and excitement and  love , and he leaned in –
 His breath, so warm –
 His lips, so soft –
 And neither of them were particularly experienced or daring, so after a few seconds when he finally parted their lips just a bit, they pulled away, just enough to speak.
 “Mmm, you taste like bao,” he said, and then wished someone was there in his brain to stop whatever dumb shit was trying to get out.
 Shouta just laughed. “So do you.”
 The rest of their night was spent on that hill, kissing and talking and, eventually, finishing their food. When they finally left, Hizashi found that plush cat at the vendor near the entrance of the park and gave it to Shouta. Shouta blushed, and Hizashi glowed with comfortable warmth, glad that he can now get cute things for his boyfriend.
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allerasermic-week · 6 years
Allerasermic week 2019 will be held between March 24-31st!  The same general ideas apply.  Please tag your work with #AEM19 or #allerasermicweek2019 and @ this blog!  I’ll do my best to reblog everyone’s hard work.  The AO3 page is still open and it has the prompts and dates as well.  If you have stopped using tumblr to post your work, we also now have a discord server!
Day 1) Human/robot/“were all just cogs in the machine” Day 2) Accomplishments/regrets/“was it worth it?” Day 3) Flying/falling/“come and fly away with me” Day 4) Lost/found/“Look around, my whole world is turned upside down” Day 5) Rags/riches/“I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love” Day 6) Happiness/sadness/ “I just wanted to see you smile” Day 7) Bitter/frenemies/ “I think you fucked me up” Day 8) Free Day
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lorific-arts · 7 years
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From a prompt I got from the Shinson and Dadzawa discord server I'm in!
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xxxemogrrlxxx · 4 months
hey gang im doing a art event in omgnamhas (my mha discord server) consider joining if you want to participate!! https://discord.com/invite/4HPg8UEQPq
im going to start doing events hopefully fairly regularly so if this weeks prompt is too simple for you keep an eye out for later prompts!!
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twisted-salt · 2 years
𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒕
𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘞𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦- 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶...
About this blog:
Twisted Salt is just a safe space for me to allow my TWST brain rot to flow freely. Of course for now, I'm keeping all content PG-13. If you are 18+ and would like to take a walk on the spicy side, check out my NSFW page {COMING SOON}
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#🧂Salted Headcanons- You guessed it.
#🧂Salt Works- Fics, drabbles, AO3 links of my own
Request Status: OPEN - 4/10 slots taken.
Below you'll find a quick about me, including the rules for requests and my do's & don'ts.
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₊꒷꒦˚‧✿ — — General Info — — ഒ : ⊹˚₊
⿻✧﹒Hobbies: Writing, tumbler/drinkware designs ⿻✧﹒Other fandoms: MHA, BSD, Sailor Moon, Haikyuu, Obey Me ⿻✧﹒Meet my TWST OCs!- Sakura, Shinju, and Damien ⿻✧﹒Favorite Dorm: Octavinelle (couldn't you tell?) ⿻✧﹒Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising ⿻✧﹒INTP-A ⿻✧﹒Night Raven College (NOW OPEN!)- a discord server for all things Twisted Wonderland. Hang out, share gameplay, economy (aka buying those pesky birthday cards you maybe couldn't pull), roleplay, and so much more!
₊꒷꒦˚‧✿ — — Writing — — ഒ : ⊹˚₊
⿻✎・Do's ─✓✦ Romantic Scenarios (except for Ortho, I'm sorry I just can't) ─✓✦ Headcanons, scenarios, short stories/drabbles, & imagines ─✓✦ Any gender MC/Yuu/Reader ─✓✦ Age appropriate ships between characters ─✓✦ Character Letters
⿻✎﹒Don'ts ─𝘹 ✦ NSFW (on this blog, eventually I will open a second for 18+) ─𝘹 ✦ Darker themes that may be triggering (if you don't know, feel free to ask. I will allow them on the aforementioned NSFW/18+ Blog when I get around to making it) ─𝘹 ✦ Student ships with Professor ships
₊꒷꒦˚‧✿ — — Interested in request? — — ഒ : ⊹˚₊
₊˚✎﹕Include which character(s)-- up to 3 per request. ₊˚✎﹕Give me the prompt/scenario/headcanon/etc ₊˚✎﹕Feel free to add the details you want mentioned (i.e. gender, species of reader, dorm, etc-- however this is not necessarily required) ₊˚✎﹕Have patience. I am not always the fastest at answering/writing (working full time + family things takes a lot out of me some days), however, I will keep my currently writing section (↓) of this post updated frequently.
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𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔, 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔, 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔, 𝒆𝒕𝒄.
ᴏᴄ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇs (Link coming soon)
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𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔
Undisonus - Floyd x OC!Sakura
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- Coming soon!
༻𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 ~ a Fem!Azul One Shot
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₊˚✎﹕Udisonus - Ch 3
₊˚✎﹕𝑻𝑾𝑺𝑻 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆 - Whoops. You kissed them.
Requests for "mini-event"
₊˚✎﹕4AV with Ruggie x Azul
₊˚✎﹕7JZ with Jamil and Azul
₊˚✎﹕1HQ + Epel
₊˚✎﹕7, J and V with Jade, Floyd and Azul
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shoutouts: bnha/mha
october is done, and, boy oh boy did i have fun getting into this series!! i hope you guys enjoyed the ride as well. keep in mind that not all blogs are spoiler-free.
this is another long shoutouts post but i felt that everyone here should be featured! i’m gonna put everything under a read more just so i don’t take up too much real estate on your dash! (but please click on to check out all the blogs!)
in no particular order, onward! (do not be surprised at the amount of bakudeku blogs i have listed)
bnhasource: fansite for all your general bnha needs. you probably follow them already.
katsugou: sideblog that’ll definitely cover your bases for content.
lazyspider16: there are spoilers on this blog, and what looks like a lot of official art as well!
angryrantsofdomesticity: meme/shitposting blog
fyeahlov: blog dedicated to the great villains we all love
bnha-fashion: “fashion for the characters of bnha”
fymyheroacademia: fansite for the series!
thesamepictureofallmight: because consistency is key
thelovandnatsutodoroki: lives up to their url
izukutodo: lots and lots of izukutodo/tododeku content, plus some other series
all-horikoshi-sketches: a blog that has sketches by horikoshi himself, with links to his twitter and the bnha twitter in the description
cryeyelashes: has sourced art, mainly bakudeku but there are others as well!
fgkween: has a shiragaki bias, and also does some good fanart! also has jjk
fi-nn: does fanart as well. this piece is beautiful
bun4all: focuses on izuku and bakudeku, but i thought has enough other content to put here
dekuskacchan: definitely not spoiler-free! has a bias for izuku and bakudeku, but their enthusiasm is for the whole series
cittsah: posts about their ‘human is a space orc au’ and it’s really interesting! so have fun scrolling through!
todoscript: blog’s fave character is shouto! they also write and make gifs!
a-hobit: does fanart as well! their pinned post is honestly so good. also ships bakudeku, but has plenty of other content
bnhafandomcalendar: “This blog is a place to archive and promote BNHA fandom events and activities”
welovethecloudboytoomuch: a blog dedicated mostly to mha vigilantes!
mhabirthdays: a blog listing all the characters’ birthdays
hoodbnha: pretty sure this is the same guy who did hoodnaruto. definitely some funny stuff here.
dailyallmight: a blog dedicated to all might!
pr3zentmic: a blog dedicated to present mic!
dailyhawksonly: a blog dedicated to hawks!
daily-izuku: a blog dedicated to izuku!
i-love-oboro-shirakumo: a blog dedicated to oboro shirakumo!
dabisdaily: a blog dedicated to dabi!
shoutosdaily: a blog dedicated to todoroki shouto!
headempty-kaccahnonly: a blog dedicated to bakugou!
awkwardbakugou: a blog dedicatted to bakugou!
awkwardizuku: a blog dedicated to izuku!
kaminari-loving-hours: a blog dedicated to kaminari!
bakudekuao3feed: automated blog; the amount of bkdk fics i’ve read because of seeing this blog on my dash...
bkdkkinktober: “Official home of the BKDK Kinktober 2021 prompt list. Owned by the "Chaos is a Moodboard" Discord server.“
bkdkweek: happened december 12-18, with a bonus of dec20! prompt list
rb-sketches: does fanart
procrartist: does fanart. this piece is so good! but honestly their work is just amazing
kawaiikrisschan: does fanart. this piece is just great and i hope thhey expand on their vampire au!
spicy-sakura: fanartist, started blogging recently! posted for bddkkintober
kiisaes: fanartist
mathematicats: fanartist
ll0v0lle: in love with the way they draw bakudeku
todobakusource: “a fanblog dedicated to the relationship between Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto“
class1akids: a blog dedicated to the class 1-A kids!
commonsensekings: blog focused on class 1-B, but has some others
2toplibrary: “a todobaku fanfic rec hub”
kiku-ojou: a kaccahko blog!
shinkami-events: “a blog dedicated to any ShinKami related events, both modded by us or promoted for others!”
kiri--baku: dedicated to kiribaku, but has other posts. currently working on a necklace that looks like it’ll come out nicely!
pebsan: does incorrect quotes, but also has other fun kiribaku content
vamtres: fanart!
alythekitten: this made me follow
ao3feed-tododeku: again, the amount of fics i’ve read just because i’ve seen this on my dash...
tsukk1: their fanart is quite nice
bnha-tododeku: “A BNHA blog with a focus on Tododeku”
pawsandbarrens-tdiz: a tododeku animal au that’s honestly really good. the art’s fantastic and while the whole blog is 11 posts, a good read since it leaves you wanting more.
tododekubigbang: currently in progress! can’t wait to see what everyone creates!
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bnhaikyuuwritings · 4 years
I tried something new and a little out of my comfort zone! I’m on a MHA X Readers Discord and participated in a server wide prompt with wonderful writers like @liliesoftherain !!! It’s not my best piece, and I’ll probably further change it down the road!
This is an Aizawa x Reader Soumate AU where they share pain. Warnings: descriptions of pain!
"We should probably get up." You said quietly. Aizawa gave you no response as he furrowed into the blankets.
Your hand slowly ran through his hair. He must've enjoyed the methodical detangling, because he seemed to relax further into your side. You found yourself dozing off again mere minutes later, draw in by the lure of sleep.
When the alarm went off, it was so loud. As if it was right next to your ear rather than across the room. You tried to sit up, but his arms stayed firm around your waist.
"Sho, let's get going." You mumbled, trying to wiggle from his grasp.
"I don't have to go in until eleven, I can make you breakfast and coffee to go." You said softly, leaning to place a kiss on his forehead. His response was almost immediate as he let you. You chuckled softly to yourself, sitting up and placing your feet softly on the ground. It was cold.
When you finally stood, you made your way to the bedroom door. Halfway through, you started to yawn, stretching backwards and stumbling slightly.
You were now completely awake, thanks to the pain of stubbing your toe which shot up your leg. You hopped one foot as tears sprung to your eyes.
"Watch where you're going." A grumble came from behind you. Shouta's languid body was emerging from the covers. You smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, Sho."
When your soulmate bond emerged, it was the second year of high school. You were at the mall with your mother. You had collapsed, screaming as a fiery pain ripped through your abdomen. You mother nearly had a conniption when she had taken you to the ER only for them to say it was 'only her soulmate, ma'am.' You had learned he had gotten stabbed while working as a sidekick for a hero during that time. You had gotten feint scarring from it, just like the time you had split you head open on the sink. There was a feint scar barely visible on his hairline.
"This is the first time we've had breakfast together in a while, hasn't it?" You asked, setting the two plates of eggs and toast down on the table. He entered the room in complete hero gear, a stack of graded tests under his arm. He looked tired, but he had definitely been in worse states before.
"This smells good." He said, sitting down in the chair across from you. You watched with a smile as he leaned close to the meal subconsciously. His eyes were hooded as the steam from the eggs wafted to his face.
"Here's the coffee." You said with a smile, setting it carefully front of you. He murmured a 'thank you' as he began to eat.
The two of you relished in each other's company for a moment. You stifled a yawn between bites, and he broke the silence.
"I'll be home late today. I'm behind on paperwork and need to stay a little bit longer than normal. You shrugged.
“I’ll stay a little later too then. Then we can have dinner together. “
He smirked softly, nodding as he ate. He took a drink of his coffee, and you flinched as your tongue burned. You scoffed.
“Why do you drink it when it’s still so hot?!” You exclaimed with a laugh. He just laughed, gathering his things as he got ready to leave. You cleaned his plate off for him.
“I love you, Sho!” You called as he headed out the door. He waved.
“I know.”
You arrived to the office, coffee in hand. Your supervisor immediately greeted you with a smile.
"I have two possible commissions in line for you. I was emailed this morning. Before you start on anything else, could you check on those and give them a reply?"
It started right then. Though strain on the body was a different type of pain, it was pain nonetheless. You could usually tell when Aizawa was fighting, or putting himself through a form of exercise.
You furrowed your brows. Why was he fighting? He's at school. He didn't say anything about sparring with the students today.
"Can you do that for me, (Y/n)?"
You turned to your supervisor and smiled.
"Ah, sorry, of course I can." You said happily. She smiled.
"I appreciate that, it helps me out a lot." She said, and you headed to your desk.
The persistent feeling that he was fighting didn't leave. And it only seemed to go on. After about ten minutes of the continuous strain, you were beginning to get worried.
Shouldn't he be done, if it's only a sparring match? Surely a student couldn't match with him for this long....
You pulled out your phone, dialing Hizashi's number. Worry was getting to you.
"Well look who it is! What can I do for ya, listener?!" He exclaimed. You chuckled at his enthusiasm, always expecting it from him.
Before you could speak, your elbow alit with a searing pain. It happened suddenly, causing you to audibly react. Your desk mates raised their brows at you as you phone clattered on the desk.
The pain radiated from your elbow, and started creeping upwards. Your hand clenched into a fist as you struggled to stay quiet. Despite the pain, you were worried. You arm was hanging limp to your side now. Your elbow was unusable. This meant Aizawa was going through the same. Something was happening. Something bad.
You grappled for your phone.
"H-Hizashi." You murmured weakly. "Is everything alright? Is Shouta alright?"
"What do you mean, doll? He's alright. I talked to him this morning! I should be asking you if you're okay."
He seemed confused, and you were vaguely aware of your desk mates attempts to comfort you. One placed a hand on your shoulder as another called for your supervisor.
"He's in pain. I can feel it. Hizashi it hurts." You pressed.
There was a moment of silence.
"I'll go check. Would that be okay." He said seriously.
Suddenly, your legs gave out as a piercing pain ripped through your skull. You screamed, truly starting to cry. Not only for your pain, but Shouta's. Someone was causing him this pain.
The pain was indescribable. You've gotten a concussion from a car accident before. That was nothing compared to this. It was as if you were being slammed into a wall.
"Someone call an ambulance!" You supervisor called. She hovered nervously over you.
"Can you breathe? You need to tell me what's going on!" She said anxiously. You couldn't focus, not as you felt the tendons in your arms alight. You screeched, attempting to stand as someone held you back.
"If you're hurt miss, you need to stay sitting."
At this point, you were delirious, struggling to stand. Your fight or flight was activated when there was nothing you needed to run from.
Finally, you passed out as the paramedics arrived, the last thing you remember was the pressure in your head becoming too hard to handle.
Hizashi met you at the gates of UA as the sun began to set. You has spent nearly seven hours in the hospital, four of those hours unconscious.
The golden hue would've been beautiful, hadn't it been for circumstances. Hizashi greeted you with a nimble hug. He noticed the slight bruising around your eyes, and how dark purple shades were ebbing from under the collar of your shirt. He noticed how red your eyes were, and how hoarse your voice was.
"How's he doing?" You asked softly. He held his arm out, and you linked yours in it so he could lead the way.
"This is the worst shape I've seen him in. I'm thankful we have one of the best healers in the country at this school." Was all he said.
The halls of the school were empty, and it was harrowing to walk through them.
"He'll probably stay here overnight. That's what Recovery Girl wants."
You managed a dry laugh.
"That's definitely what Sho doesn't want." You said with a chuckle. Finally, the walk ended in front of a door with the nurse's plaque glued to it. You gulped.
"Will he be alright?" You asked wistfully. "He-he was in so much pain. I've never felt anything like it."
Hizashi just sighed.
"He fractured his skull, tore and broke nearly everything in one arm. The tendons of his elbow on the other arm were almost completely disintegrated. There may be permanent nerve damage."
He looked to you with a somber smile.
"But he's alive, and that's what matters."
You nodded, and he motioned to the door.
"I've been in there enough today. I'm just outside if you need me."
He walked down the hall a little ways, leaving you to stand in front of the door alone. You opened it quietly.
Aizawa was sitting up. That would've been the first good sign he he not had his entire face wrapped in bandages, and both arms in casts.
"Why hello there dearie!"
A small woman approached you with a cheery smile.
"You must be the little soulmate. Come, come, sit down. You've been through a lot today as well."
She ushered you into the seat next to Shouta's bed.
"I'll go get you some tea, my dear. I'll be right back."
When the door snapped close, there was a suffering silence.
"You look like shit." Was all you managed to say to him. You cursed your voice for cracking. He had warned you about this. He was a hero. He would get hurt.
"It's alright. It's okay to cry." He said softly. That triggered the water works. You wished you could hold him, or grab his hand, but it was impossible. You resorted to placing your face in your palms and breaking down.
"Sho, I could feel it. I could feel it all. You were in so much pain. And it just kept getting worse. I thought, I thought I was going to feel it." You sobbed.
'It' hung like an omen. It was unspoken, but he knew what you were referring to.
He sighed.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this." He said quietly. You frowned, reaching a hand to gently cup his cheek.
"You're a hero. It's your job. We've talked about this. What matters right now is that you're alive. I'm alright. Those kids are alright." You said. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired. But, I'm glad you're okay." He said softly. His face was wrapped in bandages, but you knew he was okay.
You leaned over, placed a kiss on his bandaged cheek, he was okay. He would be okay.
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