#michael mcchill lore
anggitay · 8 months
What are the mcyt fanservants you made??????
So all the mcyt fanservants I've made are actually based on mcrp, specifically the Dream SMP. This was done moreso as an exploration of the lore, the fandom, and me being silly about it cause that server took over my life during 2020-2022 and kept me sane throughout that time. I've posted so far only one of those, which is Ruler Tommyinnit, which now that I look at it now has really bad effects and could do with a rework really.
Of all those however, the most fleshed out are of TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Philza, Tubbo, TheEret, Ranboo, Nihachu, Fundy, CaptainPuffy, Karl Jacobs, Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo and Skeppy, DropsByPonk, AweSamDude, Quackity, and JSchlatt. Sprry if this wasn't what you had been expecting, lmao.
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appleflavoredkitkats · 2 months
fuck it. ultimate dsmp quiz because i want to hear people deliberate about it again. answer some (or all) of the questions in the tags/reblogs, but do not start fights!
what did l'manberg ultimately mean to each of its members, and why did wilbur blow it up on november 16th?
why did dream pursue the path of villainy?
what was quackity's justification for the creation of las nevadas, and where did those principles originate?
explain how techno views allyship, from his more secure allies in the syndicate, to shorter-lived allies like with dream and tommy
how did sam justify why leaving tommy in the prison was a safer option, even if it meant risking his death?
why did schlatt die, and what did his short-lived arc in manberg represent?
what was wilbur truly aiming for when asking different members of the smp for forgiveness?
what did ranboo mean by his preference of being truly factionless?
define wilbur and fundy's father-son relationship (bonus if you can extend it to phil)
what did eret's betrayal signify for the dream smp's overall theme?
what did the inbetween and the other side really mean?
describe the egg, its powers and its weaknesses
what did tommy's discs signify?
why was memory such a prevalent issue in the dsmp?
what is enderwalking?
how did the community house explode?
how do you revive someone via the revival book?
what is limbo and what were the different states of limbo each dead person experienced?
why did phil kill wilbur?
how did sam have multiple bodies/personas?
what was the importance of outsider perspective, both found in phil and michael mcchill's respective lore?
who was pandora's vault built for?
who is dreamxd?
what is the overall attempted general theme of the dream smp?
how would you have changed the dsmp?
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scheepstep · 2 months
Allowing myself to bitch about the Dream SMP and how the community treated most of the streamers ONCE in 2024. A lot of awesome things came from this SMP, but there was just so much...
it really does suck that if someone's name wasn't TommyInnit or Dream, or their characters weren't connected to them in some way, they got completely ignored
Because they weren't the 'main characters'
So many of them had such fantastic lore, but no. It was cTommy that was the most tragic. It was cDream that was the Bad Guy. It was cBeeDuo that were THE Dynamic. Fuck everyone else, I guess
Don't even get me started on how OBSESSED everyone was with Michael the pig, and how people would demand that others 'check on him :(' as if he wasn't just ones and zeroes and NOT REAL
(I sometimes WISH cSapnap had killed Michael the Pig just so cBeeDuo stans would have shut the fuck up in other people's chats. The amount of obsession and damage that fake virtual pig baby did to fans' brains and etiquette should be studied even today)
The amount of disrespect that 95% of the DSMP members had to go through, ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN, because they weren't the Special Spotlight Characters infuriates me even today
It wasn't all bad. A huge chunk of the general community was so very sweet, and I've made a lot of friends I still have today because of the DSMP. Fuck, it's a huge reason that I wanna put lore in all of my Minecraft characters. But it doesn't make the negatives not have happened
Btw, cMichael McChill and cCallahan SOLO all your faves 😤
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box-architecture · 3 months
Some dsmp fics I would write if it was my full-time job:
----A Sapnap/Techno fic, that explores Sapnap's feelings about BBH as his father becomes distant with him and becomes the head of the Egg cult, being invited to its banquet even. Sapnap angst where he gets to express how awful he feels about being constantly abandoned by the people he loves, over and over. Insecurity where he thinks something might be wrong with him, struggling to maintain a relationship with Karl when Karl doesn't even remember who he is half the time and calls him by a different name.
I think it should have Sapnap end up needing to take arms against the Eggpire and try to get his father back, and he ends up joining with Techno instead of the Techno/Quackity team-up. Techno and Sapnap should have a lot of moments that explore what it means to be a person, to have friends, and how much it hurts to be abandoned when you're a naturally devoted person. If apologies for any past lore between them need to happen, they happen. I think there should be a lot of parallels between Philza/Techno and Sapnap/Dream, but Dream isn't treated negatively in this scenario or shown to have Secretly Been A Bad Friend All Along, and there's actually potential for a reconciliation as Sapnap realizes that he and Dream stopped communicating the way they should have been, and a resolution to go back to the prison after he finishes with the Eggpire.
(which would eventually lead to him discovering the torture and abuse which would lead to him freeing Dream and-)
And this should end with Sapnap defeating the Egg with Techno, and freeing Bad, who's obviously not doing too great, and they hug, and Sapnap gets to say I missed you and Bad gets to say I'm sorry with something like reconciliation that could become more secure in the future (if the Dream stuff doesn't end up destroying it). Sapnap and Techno get to be close and protect each other in battle and Techno invites Sapnap to the arctic sometime, and Maybe Even. Feelings. Mayhaps. Maybe even the future promise of Sapnap joining the Syndicate when he goes to get Dream and realizes he can only go to one person he trusts more than anyone to have his back.
----A Wilbur/Michael McChill fic that explores Revivebur not entirely knowing what to do with himself post-revival, hearing the radio talking about Serenity, an interesting metaphor and concept for a man like Wilbur who has never known that kind of peace a day in his fucking life, and deciding that Yes He Would Definitely Go To This Country. And then he shows up the the Radio Station That Is,,,, Not A Country, or particularly serene. He's positively miffed but he's here now, and he is going to make himself McChill's problem now.
So now Wilbur is crashing on McChill's couch and no matter how much McChill tries to explain that Serenity Was A Metaphor, Wilbur isn't hearing it. And really, McChill did want to know about the true history of the DSMP and its stories, and look! He's got the original artifact in the form of a dead man who started it all. Yeah, he's pretty sure that every other word out of Wilbur's mouth is bullshit or a very deeply twisted truth, but this is his first real visitor, the only real answers to things he has. If the fanfic is from his POV, its an interesting, mysterious thing, the idea of Wilbur Soot.
But also I think that they could be a really interesting dynamic in the form of McChill being able to call bullshit on Wilbur's stories the way his CC called bullshit on the disc finale before it was revealed it was staged. I think that McChill would set some ground rules and force Wilbur to take a shower. Wilbur can play his guitar and McChill can snark that somethings out of key, and Wilbur can snark back, but their relationship will never explode or set anything on fire. Wilbur wants everything to be about him, needs to be the center focus, and he gets that to some degree by controlling the narrative of his past! But also McChill is someone who is unaffected by that past and has nothing to do with it. Wilbur can't pull on the past as a way to maneuver this relationship, so he's forced to just... be whatever he is in the present.
And I think Wilbur struggles a lot to figure out what he is in the present, but even if he bullshits and backslides, McChill is never going to enable his past behavior or be too traumatized to push back. If Wilbur is going to come all this way and steal his couch, McChill is going to tell him he needs to eat something other than sand. This isn't therapy, but it is Wilbur coming home to Philza with his very exasperated boyfriend and insisting that He Is So Good At Healing And Being Normal.
---- A Tina/Hannah fic that Explores their developing relationship and Hannah falling to the Egg. I want this Slow Burn from when they first meet on the SMP to maybe-possibly being very close to being romantically involved, that sort of deep tethering pull and dates-that-are-not-dates that could also have the fun background effect of letting us see how other characters we don't normally get a lot of focus on are doing in their day to day lives. It feels very light-hearted at first, almost slice of life-esque, tooth rotting fluff.
But as time goes on, clearly something is wrong on Hannah's end. The reds in her outfit have always been a lovely rosy shade, but lately they've become more dappled with crimson and mahogany. Its not something most people would notice, but Tina does. Tina notices every little shift in her behavior, the way her dearest friend withdraws more and more.
And Tina wants to help, of course, as she always does, but Hannah has realized both that she's being taken over by the Egg, and that the Egg wants to take Tina too, coaxing Hannah to try and infect her as well. Not acceptable. Hannah's goal is to attempt to keep Tina safe from whats happening at all costs. She'd leave a trail of blood behind her if it meant that she'd see Tina, whole and happy, on the other side.
Tina isn't really happy to be told "I'm doing this for you!" as the love of her life starts going a little ax-murder-y in a sacrificial cult. She thinks that taking away a bit of her agency, low-key. She doesn't want Hannah to destroy the world for her, she just wants Hannah, safe and happy and in her arms.
I want Tina to put on very cute, purple/pink armor and pick up a sword and maybe even join the Syndicate in taking down the Egg. I think Tina should go up against Hannah and the vines and the sacrificial cult and win after nearly losing, because Hannah has her hanging by a vine and insists that they could be Happy Like This, that Tina could be her beloved treasure, safe from the wars and conflicts of the SMP that she's seen through her hivemind connection- only for Tina to cut herself free and insist that she doesn't want to be safe. Not like this. If being safe means never being free, then she'd rather live a life full of danger. And she wants to live that life with Hannah as herself, not the facade the Egg insists she is.
I think, after the Egg is defeated, Tina is cradling her love very gently in her arms. I think they should kiss, blood still on their lips.
(I think they should get married, but its probably too soon for that.)
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a1sart · 2 months
assigning dsmp characters magnus archives entities <3 are these the entities they're avatars of or the entities they would get killed by? you decide <3 (def not all the characters just whichever pop into my head it's almost midnight gimme a break)
Tommy- Lonely or Vast whichever is more heartwrenchingly terrible in the moment. Lonely bc exile and Vast bc of the tower
Ranboo- Eye!!!!! silly haha reason: eyes of ender and heterochromia, ACTUAL reason: he just wants to know what's going on with the enderwalk man he wants to know and they've got the experiments they're gaining knowledge but at the cost of themself he's so Eye coded ouadfgiahgf (could also be Stranger bc he is a mystery even to himself and also they are half mystery creature)
Tubbo- Desolation. Nukes. making sure he and his loved ones stay safe by destroying literally anything that comes near them <3 also like the cold war vibes of snowchester and the constant overhanging threat of annihilation <3
Technoblade- Slaughter, i kinda feel like this needs no explanation
Phil- End, again no explanation needed that's literally his wife
Wilbur- End, Desolation, Slaughter, Spiral? idk take ur pick I think Spiral is especially fun but not exactly in character. End and Desolation are probably the most in character. Slaughter bc music symbolism
Dream- Web, this one also feels obvious. Could also be Stranger but that's just cuz that iconic smiley face feels kinda Stranger-y
Badboyhalo- CORRUPTION!!!!! ouughghg eggpire arc my beloved <3
Fundy- Spiral? mayhaps? anyone else remember his nightmares those were sick as fuck and like he could tell the future or something and that was passed down to him from Sally anyone remember that?
Sapnap- Desolation. He's a fire dude
George- Corruption. cuz of the mushrooms I think. Maybe Spiral cuz he couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake during that whole XD thing
Quackity- Flesh, he ate that heart that one time that was freaky also I'm still thinkin about the butcher arc sorry las nevadas fans. But also dude was so scared of being prey to someone else's whims and plans that he became the hunter so maybe he's the Hunt or the Web
Karl- Spiral bc of the forgetting <3 maybe there's another one that fits better but the aesthetic of Spiral fits him so well
Literally everyone in the Eggpire- Corruption!!! i can't remember all of em but Hannah and Antfrost were definitely there
Foolish- End. cuz he's a totem of undying and also he was like super afraid of dying
Sam- Buried. Put his ass in the prison lmao
Schlatt- Corruption. There's probably one that fits better but when you think about his declining health and also that it's a joke about him being a corrupt politician I think it works
Niki and Jack- Hunt because they were trying to kill Tommy lol there are probably better ones for both of them. Niki could be Lonely or Desolation and Jack could also be Desolation
Michael McChill- Eye. I didn't pay that close attention to his lore but. Didn't he try to make a record of the entire dmsp lore or try to understand it or something. C!McChill fans what was he doing
Eret- Hunt or Slaughter for the final control room but then she gets kinda Eye coded when she makes the museum. End would be sick as hell but I cannot think of a single basis in the story for this. Maybe Buried for the final control room thing too bc it was a small space but that feels like a stretch
i definitely missed a few characters in there so if anyone has ideas for them feel free to voice them. What did I learn from this? No one on the dsmp was afraid of the dark that's what I fucking learned not a single Dark avatar on there.
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cdroloisms · 9 months
dsmp hot take: MICHAEL MCCHILL LORE COULDVE BEEN THE BEST THING WE EVER HAD IF PEOPLE ACTUALLY CARED ABT THE SMALLER STREAMERS ON THE SERVER. every day i mourn what we couldve had. possible c!dream dynamics. syndicate michael maybe? his radio shit was COOL and i miss it sm
strongly agree / agree / ambivalent / disagree / strongly disagree / don’t care whatsoever
id say that michael lore was p cool for sure but i don't remember it really going in any significant directions unfortunately 😞 then again i could literally never catch one of his streams bc he exclusively streamed when it was like 4 am for me
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Sometimes I wonder if a hermit was outed out for something terrible like Wilbur Soot bad I wonder how the fandom would react.
Cause while Wilbur had a lot to do with the Dream smp there was plenty of things that didn’t involve him. (Eg manburg side, egg lore, solo lore of characters like Michael McChill, Eret and Foolish’s connection, literally anything with Karl Jacobs) Hell there’s lots of ways to avoid writing him in fics for stuff he was in! Just write from a different perspective or have him mentioned but not seen.
But hermitcraft? They’re not playing characters the same way the Dream smp players did. They’re more themselves.
Like I dunno if Grian or Doc was outed to be a bad person they have so so so much more connected to the hermitcraft server then Wilbur with the Dream smp.
Plus I just wanna see the faces of people who said shit like “well at least I know the hermits won’t do that”
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marshmeleesstuff · 2 years
Looking back 2021 and early 2022 there's so many things that didn't happen when things are planned for dsmp
Ponk and Alyssa Lore
Dream and Sam Pandora prison backstory lore
Michael Mcchill Radio channel lore
Captain puffy's pirate puzzle lore
Some of Boomer, Hannah and Sam Bank lore
Aimsey's lore and Ranboo's
(We know about Techno's plan before that didn't happen. Bless your soul Techno)
I guess, a server that was for hanging out with improved lore and a fanbase that can be rabid when some are disturbed or break or too busy to make it with the pandemic coming to an end and personal projects they want to make
Made them scrap it
really wished we know about the lore before they all scrap it
wishing for dsmp s2 be more chill than their prev server that it won't become like a museum
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awesamcozy · 2 years
bad is talking about lore rn on his stream and like someone said that bad could like help michael with his lore or whatever and poor bad is like “I’m sure he could do it himself-“ BOY THATS NOT BAD’S PROBLEM LEAVE HIM ALONE !!!! THE STREAMERS CAN DO THEIR OWN SHIT !!!!!!!
this is so fucking funny like michael mcchill just needs to jump ship more than he already has
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respiteresponse · 2 years
do you think the michael mcchill lore will finally get off the ground in season 2
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
12 for the ask thing
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them Okay so for DSMP I guess it would be c!Michael Mcchill? The radio lore was cool.
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daggryet · 2 years
Is Michael mcchill and sapnap together funny? /genq
maybe? i only watch michaelmcchill when he talks about lore, so i can transcribe it, and he always says the most assholery stuff, so i don't watch him otherwise
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
♫+mister c!michael mcchill
city of tears from hollow knight!! i heavily associate the hollow knight soundtrack w him in general. which i think makes no sense to anyone other than me and the literal pages of serenity lore and backstory i've made up in my head
[send me a ♫+character/ship and i'll respond with a song that reminds me of them!]
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saturnparker · 2 years
okay so we definitely need to transition into a season 2 (or just straight up let it die but not everyone’s ready for that convo) but like imagine if we maybe get a couple of streams from like the nuke survivors because i want a post-apocalyptic style lore stream so bad you have no idea.
Like Niki in her underground city, maybe Quackity with the bunker, I could see Foolish surviving, i vaguely remember Michael McChill having a bunker way out in the middle of nowhere, our favourite time traveler Karl, maybe Phil would survive idk, Wilbur visiting from Utah…
idk i’ve been loving post-apocalyptic stories so much recently so brain go brrrrr
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karlnapity · 3 years
My least favorite discourse is related to how the lore has changed over time and that is especially coming to a head with Michael's stream.
The beauty of DSMP is the way the different creators are allowed to nurture their own lore, their own characters, their own storylines. The way they interact with the very idea of lore is entirely separate from one another and that's something that is so enticing to me.
And it's frustrating to consistently see it shut down as though that's not the very thing that attracts us to it. Michael especially has said that he's been intimidated by the expectations of fans and it's the least we can do to appreciate his art, because that's what it is.
Everyone will do different things. And dare I say that's the entire point.
Anyways. Michael has perhaps done my favorite lore stream yet
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honking-mcyt · 3 years
Do yall think Michael is gonna help Techno break Dream out of prison in search for more answers (pieces if you will) because I think so
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