#michael mell headcannons
happyandticklish · 2 years
ahh i hope it’s okay to send a few pairings in one ask for the tickle fight thing!!! if not feel free to pick one or two from these xoxo
jeremy & michael (bmc); elio & oliver (cmbyn); l & light (death note); jd & veronica (heathers); nancy & robin (stranger things)
Luckily for you I happen to love all these ships, so I will be completing each of these~ Thanks for sending some in!
In the future though, I'll probably have people send just one or two at a time though, just because tagging is a bit of a mess lol
Under the cut because it got long yada yada yada
Round Eleven: Jeremy vs Michael
Okay so. Technically Michael was the sole winner of their tickle fights for most of their friendship, however, this was mostly because he would take down Jeremy before the other boy ever got a chance to actually fight back. I feel like Michael would both know about and have The Kink (not necessarily sexually, that's just the only term that doesn't sound stupid for it lol), so he's always nervous about people tickling him because he's worried someone's gonna figure it out. So for a lot of their friendship, Jeremy believed that Michael just wasn't ticklish.
Until one day, around their sophomore year, Jeremy accidentally went for this spot on Michael's knee and the latter let out this shriek-y giggle sound and immediatelly fled the fight in his scramble to get away. And Jeremy's eyes are so wide because wtf you aren't supposed to be ticklish. But of course he has to test this out, which is when he realizes that apparently Michael Mell is unbelievably ticklish everywhere and a mess when tickled. So after that, their fights became more 50/50 (as Jeremy still loses a fuckton of them due to being a ball of ticklish nerves)
Round Twelve: Elio vs Oliver
I feel like Oliver wins most of their tickle fights unless he's purposefully letting himself fail. Elio's definitely the more ticklish of the two, which makes him more likely to lose and more determined to win. Oliver is pretty ticklish himself, but you have to catch him in the right mood or else he's good at resisting it. Early mornings are the best time for this, when he's all soft and sleepy. It'll start with Elio's fingers gently brushing his sides, and then warm, ticklish kisses on his neck and breath in his ear, and all of a sudden Elio is pinching his hips and Oliver is curling up against him and letting out these very un-Oliver like giggles. He won't fight back in the morning either, so most of Elio's wins have come from this. However, the majority of the time, no matter who instigates it, Elio is losing hard.
Round Thirteen: L vs Light
Just to start this off, I don't think that these two would engage in that many tickle fights to begin with. It does occur sometimes, but in general they're not that touchy of people. HOWEVER. When they do occur, Light is almost always the victim. L has detective advantages and can pinpoint his worst spots. He likes to catch Light off guard and wrap their chain around his other wrist before he can notice, and then he'll just casually poke along Light's frame, commenting on all of his reactions. And Light is hissing and struggling to break free and doing everything in his power not to laugh despite how scarily good L is at tickling. Also, Light has this spot on his neck that kills him every time and he cannot fight back at that point, all of his efforts are devoted to blocking off the area. L usually only loses when he hits too ticklish of a spot and Light gets hit with this bolt of energy that allows him to turn the tables.
Round Fourteen: JD vs Veronica
It's almost perfectly even between the two, they're like children about it. Both only siblings, both having never had to deal with tickle fights, both with pretty equal sensitivity. JD is more vicious in his approach, but Veronica is methodical with it and will allow herself to be taken down for a bit if it gives her time to strategize. I'd argue that JD might lose a bit more purely because he not-so-subtly enjoys the affection and will give up the fight just to get wrecked. Not that he'll ever admit to it, of course.
Round Fifteen: Nancy vs Robin
NANCY. Robin cannot hold her own in a tickle fight to save her life. She can win against Steve because he lets her and doesn't mind it, so I feel like she developed this cockiness with it that was quickly disproven when she first tried going up against Nancy. Nancy IS ticklish, don't get me wrong, but she doesn't really enjoy the sensation or the lack of control it gives her. Sometimes she's more okay with it than others, especially when Robin's the one doing it, but she can't help her body's natural fight or flight response to it. She gets mean with tickling to, going for worst spots right away and using her long nails to her advantage. And Robin, who is a mess of nervous energy to begin with, never stands a chance against her. I would argue that while sometimes Nancy will let her tickle her, if she's in the right mood, Robin can never win if it's a genuine tickle fight.
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thesnailkiwi · 1 year
1, 2, 8, 12, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25 for traffic life?
1. The character everyone gets wrong
Okay, see, I know people have different ideas and opinions and headcannons, but OH. MY. GOSH. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED.
The MCYT fandom makes me want to scream half the time. I'm gonna say it. Everyone gets BadBoyHalo wrong. Skeppy, Tommyinnit, JSchlatt, Stressmonster, Niki, and a bunch more, too. Half the time I want to explode in this fandom, so I stick with fanart, unless it's flower husbands. Because most FH shippers can read the characters well.
Musical theatre. People always (well, okay, not *always*) get Heather McNamara wrong when acting. I've seen so many awful versions. And Jenna Rolan from Be More Chill, especially when writing fanfic. Though, lemme tell you, all the characters in Be Less Single (BMC dating sim fan game) were spot on. Perfect, I tell you.
2. Compelling argument why my fave would never top or bottom
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
I'm overthinking. This could either mean opinions ABOUT fandom or fandom discourse. I'm assuming the latter.
I dunno man. I don't pay attention much to other people's opinions. I mean, if they badmouth my blorbos, I will have a compelling argument why the are the best being to exist. Headcannon-wise? I mean, okay, I really don't want this taken the wrong way *at all*. But I don't like it when people include [insert character] is trans/queer/pronouns/mental disability if it doesnt have anything to do with the fafic/story that's being told. I understand if you project or write a vent fic or whatever, because those are things to get out of your brain, or if you headcannon this or that, I get it. But if it has no relevance at all to the story, *if it isn't even mentioned*, DONT PUT IT IN THE GODDAMN TAGS.
It's not really a heated opinion, but I needed that out there.
I don't really like to shit on other people's headcannons. But if the opinion is "glup shitto is a bad character", OR FUKIGN WHATEVER THE FUCK THE MCYT SPACE DID TO NIKI, then I will fight you.
12. The unpopular character I like and everyone else hates
Okay. Listen. Purpled. Barely anyone paid attention to that guy because he wasn't a "main character" (there were none in the DSMP, people.) And everyone doesn't like his character after what he did to Slime. But I feel like he's a super deep character that gets overlooked. Quackity literally blew up his house and forced him to go live in Las Nevadas. Quackity also took a lot more from him, too. And when he killed/kidnapped Slime, he was projecting and let all of his grief out on the thing that Quackity cared about, since everything Purpled loved was taken from him.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art
Okay okay okay. But like, guys. Coffee shop au's. It's simple, right? It's one of the most well known. BUT JESUS, BMC FANDOM, THERE ARE LIKE 5 TOTAL ON AO3. SOULMATE ONES, TOO.
Speaking of soulmates, the Hermitcraft/Life series doesn't have that many non-canon function ones. Like, I want to see timers. Or strings. Or the characters see color for the first time. Or the place their soulmate touches them first changes colors. There's not many.
18. It's absolutely criminal the fandom has been sleeping on...
The MCYT fandom has been sleeping on a bunch of damned bricks, don't even get me started.
There's too much to put for the MCYT fandom.
The BMC fandom has been sleeping on the wholeass line of "If Christine likes me in the end, will I be able to pretend I didn't fail my one real friend?" And all of the hidden stuff in the music. Like how in the broadway version, in The Play, the backtrack plays LGW when Jeremy gives Christine the Mtn Dew Red.
19. I'm mad/ashamed/horrified that I like...
I'm not answering this one. I apologize, but these heinous words do not need to be said to the entire world.
22. The favorite part of Canon everyone ignores
MCYT: everyone ignores smaller creators and literally the entire Canon. So all of it.
BMC: okay, listen, the silver hair the squip has is an absolute banger, okay??? And let's talk about that entire couch scene where Christine rejects Jeremy.
23. The ship I'm unwillingly coming around to
Majorwood. Kill me. I hate it so much omg but like, it slaps.
25. Annoying common fandom complaint
Uh, guys, it's okay to like the Era when ranboo and tubbo were friends. It's not taboo. I still go back and watch vods.
Sorry that one genuinely pisses me off whenever I see people like, "I wish that never happened". Like, guys, don't ignore important parts of what got ranboo to who he is and where he is today. Educate the young boobers. It's not wrong to like when two people are friends.
Then I hate it when people complain about shipping convex and are like "they're brothers!" No, they're not. That's your headcannon, not mine. Same with Grian and Jimmy. They aren't brothers. You can ship them if you want, just don't make it weird.
Anyway, thank you as per usual for sending me the ask, trash the beloved
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soursaiki · 6 years
Moments I thought were important in the new bmc
• They changed the words to “so Jenna Roland said that Jake totally did it with Madeline- I mean what does he even see in her?” “Oh she’s french” “she is not French she just pretends to be for atTeNtIoN” “that’s what I meant to say!”
• “Jakey D! What’s the story with Madeline?” “All I can say is that she’s definitely French!”
• “I think someone wrote ‘boyf on your backpack” “I... eugh?!”
• Whenever Christine shows up on stage the lights turn from regular to pink
• When Michael came on stage they had to pause a bit cause everyone wouldn’t stop clapping
• Speaking of Michael the tempo in his part in more than survive is slower
• “Boyf? What does that even mean?” “My mothers would be proud!” So Michael has two moms :D
• When Christine sings “i LOVE PLAY REHEARSAL” right before “it’s just so universal” she says it in a really deep voice like the koolaid man and punches the air in front of her
• “There’s also a part of me that wants to do this” she leans in to kiss him then runs around him making car noises
• Mr Reyes’s part changes. Instead of working at home depo he works in the cafeteria
• When rich flips out in the bathroom before the squip song Jeremy says “oh I just remembered I don’t have to pee after all, bye!”
• As he’s singing “then then then then then then then then then then then” he’s like skipping to Jeremy very slowly it was really funny
• Michael tried to kiss Jeremy during two player game
• when the squip enters Jeremy says “you look like Keanu Reeves” then squip says “my default mode. You can also set me for Sean Connorey, Jack Nicholson, sExY aNiMe FeMaLe”
• before Michael in the bathroom Jenna knocks on the door and says “some of us have to pee!” and Michael panics and says “IM HAVING MY PERIOD” and Jenna goes “Take your time, honey”
• Chloe and Brooke held hands during the play
• Christine said her squip looked like Hillary Clinton
• rich tried to hold Michael’s hand during voices in my head but then Michael swatted it away
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3mbryz · 3 years
headcannon that rich is horrible at spelling because of this specific picture from the two river production and also because i said so
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froyo-reblogaroos · 4 years
Dude I know this is principally a hp blog BUT I have this head cannon since days of Michael (from be more chill) and I have to write it down.
So the headcannon is Michael asking in Yahoo questions something like "My mothers think I'm straight, What should I do?" And this annon answer him something really specific like "you should tell your bestie/whole life crush that you love him casue he sure loves you back, then tell your mothers and you see how excited they will get" of course this scared Michael cause, come on, a random guy in the internet knows 'bout Jeremy and his crush on him, so he erase the question. But turns out Cristine was the annon after all this time and she just ships boyf riends and knows that Jeremy likes Michael back (in this head cannon).
The End
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cecelianonymous22 · 4 years
bmc orientation hcs :)
for personal use or if anyone’s curious. btw DMs are open if anyone wants to ask about anything
Jeremy - Biromantic/sexual, Cis
Michael - Homoromantic/sexual, Cis
Rich - Homoromantic, Bisexual, FTM
Jake - Panromantic/sexual, Gender Fluid
Christine - Panromantic, Asexual, Cis
Brooke - Panromantic, Homosexual, Cis
Jenna - Aromantic, Homosexual, Cis
Chloe - Biromantic, Heterosexual, Cis
Dustin - Homoromantic/sexual, Non-Binary (he/they)
Madeline - Biromantic/sexual, Cis
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halorocks1214 · 6 years
Michael: So that’s pretty much the long and short of it. Now we’re here
Christine: Uh huh, this makes sense, mostly... but why Keanu Reaves?
Michael: What?
Christine: Jeremy told you his SQUIP looked like Keanu Reaves, why?
Michael: All I know is that he’s really into the ‘John Wick’ series for some reason
Jeremy, from down the hall: THEY KILLED HIS DOG OK THEY DESERVED IT
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zikasmops-blog · 6 years
“do you wanna be my valentine?(teacher! michael mell X teacher! reader headcannons)
- michael is a music teacher (can’t you tell) and you’re an art teacher
- your classes are often before his and whenever the kids “forgot” their stuff (the older kids mostly do this so they get to see you and michael in the same room) 
- michael brings the things and he’ll sing, “Michael makes an entrance!!!” when he enters, which make the kids and you laugh (even though he does this all the time)
- the kids obviously love how funny michael oops no Mr. Mell is and so do you... secretly
- jeremy (who teaches science) bets with the older kids when you guys would start dating
- whenever you and michael had free periods you guys would chill out in one of your classes and geek out about art (visual and performance)
- most of the kids ship you two together
- one time on valentine’s day, during one of the periods, michael brought a bouquet of flowers to class to give to you and asked you out 
- the whole class went, “awwwwww” when he did that
- “do you wanna be my valentine?”
- you blushed AND said yes, michael was also stuttering the whole time
- it was the beginning of what would blossom into a major relationship
- jeremy loses the bets and has to pay the kids 
- when you and michael found out about jeremy and the kids betting, michael totally killed jeremy
- like when you guys found out during the end of school, you could hear michael chasing jeremy
- “nO! micHAeL!”
should i do a part 2??
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fanficnstuuff · 6 years
Wait for it.
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sadceliac · 5 years
michael juuls
he definitely has a zero nic that’s slushy flavord to balance out the smell of pot
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generallyclumsy · 5 years
Can I get a DEH and BMC ship? I'm a straight girl, about average height (5"6). I have green eyes and brown hair, but I dye it pretty often. I'm really into horror movies, fantasy/historical literature, and video games. I'm pretty introverted and socially anxious, but I love performing on stage (mainly theatre and chorus). I also have a weirdly mixed style of gothic and preppy--clothing, music-taste, etc. And that's all I can think of--thanks!
I’m here and I’m going to write it. I’m so sorry to you and everyone waiting for a matchup. I didn’t proof it, but like I didn’t even put on my tennis shoes this morning so I’m winning ok.
For DEH I ship you with... Jared.
You have compatible personalities.
He also probably likes horror movies and video games.
So like imagine sleepovers but you’re just seeing you can watch the movie longer without flinching and trying to eat Doritos between matches/ rounds of the game you’re playing.
He loves it when you dye your hair, and sometimes will see a color and hecking text you like “hey, this here color, would look good with your skin tone”
He’s hella supportive, even if he doesn’t always seem like it.
I’m taking, at all of your shows, holding you when you’re anxious (if that helps you) and just all in all being top notch.
Ironic niche memes just because he thinks they’re stupid.
That one has very little to do with you but it seemed relevant.
He tries to help you practice your lines and stuff and reads all of the characters in different, progressively weirder accents.
He’s a lad.
And you’re pretty close in height so that’s fun !
I’m out of ideas but I stan this cute, beautiful relationship.
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For BMC I ship you with... uh... this is hard hold up... Michael!
That works.
I hc that he actually reads a lot, so like, imagine book swaps! Like you leave each other cute little annotations and it’s just, so pure.
Also the video games! Did somebody say three player games because I did!!
Ah, Jeremy loves you because like, you make Michael happy and you’ll play apocalypse of the damned with them and he appreciates that.
Michael is a scardy cat and horror movies spook him. But you guys watch them a lot so, you just like laugh because he does the jump thing.
He spends nine years trying to convince you to dye your hair red so you guys could coordinate.
That’s up to you?
You both have done anxieties, so you understand each other. You don’t have to explain yourselves to each other.
Mutual support.
I love it. Sorry this is so short, as I’ve mentioned, motivation is low. I hope you like it!
Below is Michael watching horror films lmao.
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soursaiki · 6 years
Double Trouble AU
Requested: eh kinda it was an idea by @bloodynailbat that Jared Kleinman and Jeremy Heere are brothers so I thought it would be cool to do a twin au. (I think we’re the first people to think of this au so if you use it in something credit us!) also she helped with some of the headcannons too! Her hcs are in bold.
So here’s some random headcannons
Jared and Jeremy are identical twins (obvi)
When Michael comes over he has to put a sticker on Jeremy’s forehead because when he comes over Jeremy and Jared like to dress alike to mess with him
Sometimes they switch stickers and Jared carries a conversation with Michael while Mikey doesn’t even realize it
Evan thinks that it’s cool that they’re twins and that it’s funny because they’re polar opposites
Jared and Jeremy steal eachother’s clothes
When they were younger they would try to convince people that one is the other behind each other’s backs and mess around. Nothing major like grades but like, telling embarrassing stories and stuff
They stopped doing it when people started to be able to tell them apart more clearly, However people still mess up so when Michael goes up to Jared or Evan goes up to Jeremy and they start talking like one is the other the brothers just go along with it until Evan or Michael realizes
They changed all their classes to have the same ones to confuse the teachers
Zoe thought she smacked Jared but she smacked Jeremy and she cried for a day and a half cause she felt so bad
The Connor Project and The Squipcident happened at the exact same time. Afterwards they both confessed to everything that happened to each other and tried to help each other fix things
Rich calls them “double trouble”
Christine thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
Jared packs a lunch while Jeremy buys at school
Jeremy is like. Amazing at giving gifts but Jared’s shit at it, so every gift-giving holiday is consisted of Jared trying not to cry and Jeremy trying to make him
They hack each others snapchats and say false information about each other (ex: “Hey, it’s Jeremy and I’ll suck your butt for $5”)
They share a room and they have bunk beds (Jared on the top, Jeremy on the bottom)
Jared has his driver’s license, but Jeremy doesn’t. And Jared being the dick he is, he makes Jeremy pay him when they drive to school. Jeremy just ends up buying Jared sushi every Friday instead of giving him money
Michael’s moms adore the twins
And they obvi ship jeremy with Michael
Jared usually initiates fights between the two of them, Jared being physical and Jeremy using his words.
Alana gets mad when Jared and Jeremy pair up in group projects cause she likes Jared, and Jeremy keeps stealing her mans ;0
Jeremy is a cat person while Jared is a dog person. They compromised and got a bird
Jared taught it cuss words while Jeremy taught it quotes from video games
They named it Pablo (from the backyardigans)(but Jared likes Kanye West so he likes the name Pablo even more)
they both kind of knew what was going on with the other one during the events of their respective musicals, but Jeremy didn’t know how to help. Jared was the one that went over to Michael’s and talked him into forgiving Jeremy and getting him the Mountain Dew Red. Jared convincing Michael was kind of heartfelt and gave off major protective brother vibes but Jared told Michael as soon as he left that “You tell anyone that I did this, I’ll kick your ass”
Jeremy has a bunch of plants in his window and Jared got mad at him one time and poured bleach in most of their pots and they died and then Jeremy cried and he felt bad for a month (and maybe still feels bad)
But the friend group thought it was funny
Both boys had the favorite color blue but it was hard to determine who’s was who’s because of that, so before Mom left she would buy Jeremy light blue and Jared deep blue so they could differentiate, but after mom left, Jared hated anything mom got him and the color blue, so he threw out everything of his and deco died that grey was his new favorite. Jeremy was the opposite, he held onto everything mom gave him and embraced a lot more blue
Jared and Jeremy love Michael’s moms!!! They like to think of them as the moms they “never” had
Evan and Jared bond about their parents. One of their parents left and they understand and respect each other deeply because of that
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Hi, I would love a ship please! Either for BMC, DEH, or Hamilton. You can choose. I have short hair that I dye whenever I get the chance. I’m bisexual so boy or girl works for me. I love to sing, read, ride my bike, walk all over my town, draw, write, and I have an addiction to reading fanfiction. I haven’t had the best past, but I’m very positive. I’m extremely smart, funny, and I’m very nice according to others. My friends say I’m gorgeous but I don’t believe them that much. Thank you so much!
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting! This is my first request ever so I’m sorry if it isn’t what you hoped for ;-;.
Anyway, I thought I’d do all three for you because why not 😅!
Also, I don’t know much about the character personalities for DEH, I’m just obsessed with it, so I’m sorry if the characters are ridiculously OC ;-;.
Also, so sorry for the wait - but thank you for being so nice and supportive and talking with me while I’ve been writing this :). It means a lot!
Be More Chill:
I ship you with Michael Mell!
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Classic friends-to-lovers with Michael pining for you for years
He thought you were so amazingly talented like, holy crap like this level of creativity is unprecedented
He lives for seeing you die your hair, and later one when you guys are together he’s 100% helping you out with the process
His moms fricken love you
Like, you’re such a good influence!!
He studies more these days - he kinda wants to impress you
He really admires you - especially for your positivity
It rubbed off on him a lot!
You helped him with his anxiety a lot, since whenever you’re around, he feels a lot calmer and more peaceful
When he finds out that you haven’t had the best past, he doesn’t pressure you into telling him about it but he’s totally there for you if you ever want to talk about it
Loves to read your writing. Like, he doesn’t read that much but theres something about seeing his girlfriend’s works of art that just makes him so proud
Totally shows you off 24/7
Like, he will show people videos of you dancing and singing (how did he even get those lolol)
“She’s the fucking bomb”
If you’re into it, you guys would get high together some nights and just talk
For hours
He’s super cuddly when you guys are alone
So doting
He cherishes you so much omg
Definitely has a photo of you in his locker. And taped to the inside of his closet
Is actually really happy when he finds out you’re bisexual - he felt kinda nervous about telling you his own sexuality but now that you both know it’s like you’re even closer
You guys are the cutest power couple of the school, hands down
He’s a flustered, blushing mess if you do something even remotely adorable or flirty or anything literally
Getting kicked out of 7/11 because you guys were laughing too loudly too much and kinda making a mess because Michael can’t use the slushie machine properly
Which is why that girl had to pour his for him lololol
When the whole SQUIP thing happens, his anxiety gets really bad, but he ends up loving you even more after it all because you were so supportive and kind and there for him through it all
Ends up getting really high one night soon afterwards and tells you that he really wants to be with you forever
He basically thinks you’re fucking perfect and how did he end up with someone this fricken amazing in his life???
I ship you with Angelica Schuyler!
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You guys were inseparable the moment you both met
Like, you both finally found someone who could relate
It’s a tough time for girls
But you both confided in each other - your love for the creative arts and her love for knowledge
You were both basically pushing over the patriarchy
Kinda upset a lot of people but who the f cares? You guys had each other
Went on walks together, sang, wrote and shared a lot of the same hobbies
Everyone was s h o o k e t h when you guys rode bikes together
Her dad was kinda upset but not really because he always knew Angelica wouldn’t want to conform she was too rebellious plus he just wanted his daughters to be happy
And you both made each other happy
When you guys are separated, letters every day omg
Loves how smart you are
Really deep conversations - especially at night and while you both snuck away from whatever party you were at
Secret kisses and snuggles - not so secret hand holding
Wants to help you focus on the present and the future, tries to make sure it’s as amazing as possible because she knows how tough its been for you
Thinks you’re really strong
Loves to touch your hair - she does it a lot when she’s stressed and you guys are alone
Loves the colours you choose
You guys are totally the leaders of the fe~ma~le~ revolution together
Since you guys can’t really go out on dates that much, you guys spend a lot of time together
Reading (like that one scene in Up!!!!)
Or just talking
Dear Evan Hansen:
I ship you with Connor Murphy! I’M HONESTLY REALLY SORRY IF IT’S A BIT OC ;-;
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Can really relate when you tell him about your past
Really admires how strong you are for getting through it
You actually motivate him to get better, with your support of course
He slowly gets sober from the drugs he’d been involved with and although its a bit harder with the mental illnesses, he tries to talk to the school counsellors a bit more
Tbh, he didn’t think he had any chance with you at first
You were so nice and smart and gorgeous…
And you were so sweet and patient with him - so supportive!
He couldn’t really help falling in love with you
Feels really guilty when he lashes out at you
Loves hearing you sing, it’s like an angel’s lullaby to him
When either one of you are having a really tough day or just want to get away from your families, you’ll go for a walk around town or just sit in the park
A little bit jealous when he sees you with other guys, slightly possessive
But everyone knows you guys are together - a little bit of a weird couple at first, but as they get used to it, they find you guys adorable
People start talking to Connor more because he’s changed a lot since he met you
He honestly cherishes you. He thinks you’re God’s gift to the world
Insecure about whether or not you really want to be with him
Loves your hair
Kinda obsessed with it - will give you suggestions lolol
He isn’t really one for reading and writing, but he’ll read your stuff because it’s yours and he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna support your hobbies
Plus you were really good
Like really good
Loves getting to spend time with you, just the two of you
Takes you to this spot in the park that’s secluded that he goes to sometimes to get off steam
Now it’s ‘your’ spot
He’s actually a huge tsundere
Lots of blushing when you guys are cuddling
But he loves it
You’re the first person to make him laugh so much and so quickly after he’s had a panic attack or breakdown
You guys support each other through thick and thin
Nothing can really get between you both
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3mbryz · 3 years
christine, rich, and michael all have adhd
you are absolutely correct tumblr user @ kp1ka !! i fully agree with these, especially christine and michael
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wine-anon · 6 years
BMC boys reacting to the reader whoms an avenger?
Jeremy: goes really red because he’s overwhelmed by how cool that is but also imagining you in spandex
Michael: yells about how excited he is, he loves the Avengers and totally fanboys at you
Rich: is super shook but totally acts nonchalant, because he ‘totally knew’
Jake: is so impressed, he loves that you’re saving the world but still have time for him
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mell-odramatic · 6 years
christine headcannons!
-bc poor girl is shoved aside so much so baby is getting a whole post
-FIRST OF ALL. there is so much talk in the bmc fandom abt trans boys which is great ofc!!! but consider this : trans girls.
-let christine be trans you cowards
-christine who listens to mumford & sons and musical soundtracks on repeat
-also really loves hayley kiyoko and girli
-i think she comes from a huge family and is a middle child (an older brother and sister and a younger brother)
-if you look at "i love play rehearsal" she talks abt not being the 'center of attention' and honestly?? i feel like it reflects in her school and home life
-i also think she doesn't drink caffeine bc it makes her too jittery
-herbal tea queen christine (hibiscus & mint are her favorite)
-loves shakespeare (exit stage left pursued by a bear makes her giggle even though she's read the scene a million times)
-will violently vouge for him in any and every situation
-has a fear of thunder but never has to deal with it alone!! her sister breaks out the noise cancelling headphones and fuzzy blankets
-it used to be her older brothers job (im not naming them so u guys can if you want) but he went to college last year
-christine's sister is a year above her and they're pretty close
-she's graduating soon and going off to med school
-Anyway, christine and jeremy do date throughout highschool
-they're together for a few months and it's really good
-jeremy is attentive, he listens to her rambling, brings her tea every morning after he finally gets his own car
-(he also brings michael a new concoction and tries to have him see if he can guess what flavor it is - michael has won everytime)
-he's a really good boyfriend actually
-but then senior year comes and christine gets to take two weeks off in the beginning of january to go to a theatre workshop in new york
-her and jeremy don't do good far apart
-christine always forgets to text back and neither of them can stay up late to video chat, both drowning in work
-they dont break up while she's gone but they both see it coming
-christine cries on the phone to her sister because she does like jeremy but.. they aren't even looking at schools in the same city and if being a few hours apart for two weeks was that bad then she isn't sure they can do college
-they hardly even spoke and christine can't do that, turns out jeremy feels the same
-christine wants to go to a school in new york and has gotten in to a few schools and jeremy is looking at colleges all over
-but he doesnt want to move to the city or go to a theatre centered college and christine isnt ever gonna ask that of him
-so they end it! on good terms too although the breakup isn't easy for either of them
-go to junior prom together but senior prom apart
-they both have more fun at senior prom honestly
-christine gets really close to brook, jenna and chloe
-they have sleepovers all the time, and they have all confided in christine at one point or another
-i genuinely dont see christine as the mom friend im SORRY
-i think she'd be very scattered and like "THAT WAS TODAY. OH NO"
-im honestly projecting and i know that everyone with attention disorders isnt the same but
-let me have this
-she's only organized about stuff she's passionate about but that doesnt mean she doesnt try!
-i have so much for her so i WILL continue but i have to do stuff today :(
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