#michael myers trio
osirisisv · 2 years
Unfinished wip: the stabby trio meets ✨cujo✨
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I make this little comic after posting the drawing of service dog ✨cujo✨
But didn't find it worth sharing, because I didn't want to make the lineart and the color, etc. (I just put the background to post it)
I really miss the Myers trio fanfics 🥺💔
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cherubfae · 3 months
how they cuddle || slashers x reader
With Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Brahms Heelshire, Billy and Stu, Art the Clown, Vincent, Bo, Lester, Sal Fisher, & Thomas Sawyer
tags: AFAB reader (not specified), cuddling, affection, rz!Mikey, art is his own warning lmao, terrifier 2 spoilers, little spoon!slashers, nightmares (Sal), comfort, poly!Ghostface, I low-key rant about art in Vin's lmao
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Exhaustion isn't something he's used to feeling so heavily in his bones. He feels the heavy weight rippling across his broad shoulders and spiraling down his spine in white hot pain. He's not a tame being, but he is a bit more docile in the months before and after Halloween. His knife doesn't thirst for blood quite as much as on the 31st.
Seeing you in your bed is a welcomed sight. Michael doesn't say much more than the soft grunt of acknowledgement as he sheds his coveralls from his dirt-caked skin. He has a lovely warm bath that loosens all the tight muscles of his lower back. You'll have his head later for leaving a ring of grime in the tub; Mikey doesn't care about that right now.
The fresh sheets are so comfortable, accepting them fully as Michael tucks his face into your side. His recently cut hair is still long enough to form a fringe curtain over his grey eyes.
Softly leans his chin to your shoulder. Depending on how far along you two are into your relationship, Jason might feel comfortable enough to have his mask removed. He's aware the material probably doesn't feel too pleasant being pressed to the side of your face or lightly digging into your skin.
His arms wind around your waist, happily sighing as he leans himself against you. Jason also doesn't mind if you switch things up and hold him in return, stroking the top of his head softly.
If there's a way where he can wind his body around yours, Brahms will find it. He definitely likes keeping you away from all of the noise of the world, and while he's not mega happy about it, he knows you need trips into town sometimes. He likes seeing what kind of food items you bring back because the meals you make are simply delicious!
After dinner and bathing, Brahms snuggles beside you, clinging to you like you've been gone for ages. The chill of his porcelain biting into your skin as he happily huffs behind it. He's so glad to have you. <3
Billy and Stu
The pair are constantly together, if not with you, then they're almost always flanking each other's sides. The other is often not far from the first. Adding you into their duo to form a trio didn't change much of their dynamic. Instead of the two boys slinking around, they've got you as their third and final confidant.
Billy isn't the most touchy-feely person-- that's what he likes to claim. He doesn't really know how to ask for the things that he wants. He's different to Stu in the way that he's silent when you press your hand to the brunette's cheek, smiling as his eyelids flutter closed. Subconsciously leaning into your touch, chasing the feeling when you pull away.
Stu likes to be what he calls the mega spoon. It's him behind you, snuggled at your back, and with Billy pressed close to your chest still too proud to say that he enjoys being taken care of as the little spoon. You three make a nice, lovely three-person sandwich. Even when lying down, you're in the center with the boys wrapped around you like snakes. There is no them without you; you are their missing piece.
This man is mostly, if not always, within your personal space. 'It's not yours, it's ours'. Art is rarely a being ever to break character or change out of his damned costume, and his hygiene is quite questionable sometimes; though he does in fact bathe and wash his suit. Just not often.
He's a man of very few words, especially when he's deep into his clown character and doing what he does best. Being immortal has its advantages, but his fight with Sienna really put him through the ringer. Art was decapitated! What a riot.
With his strength slowly returning to him, Art is always almost underfoot. In your bubble, seeing what you're doing. Snuggling up to you in a rare moment where his costume is off, leaning his head into your chest with an exhausted expression. It seemed that Pale Girl was allowing him some respite with you for a bit.
He is a busy man, constantly sculpting and creating. His sketchbooks are filled to the absolute brim of beautiful works of art in all sorts of mediums: charcoal, graphite, watercolor, and ink. You're his muse, his favorite subject of which his art circulates. There's something so breathtaking about you, minute details that only an artist can see within people. An eternal, everlasting beauty.
Vincent is quick to jot down the rough outline of your sleeping form resting against Jonesy. He's smiling behind the wax mask, skilled fingers shading the crease of your eyelids then moving to sketch the curve of your Cupid's bow. When he felt it was finished enough for now, Vincent sets his book aside in favor of crawling into bed beside you.
His broad frame dwarfs yours as he curls his body around yours, his large hands slide beneath your sweater pressing across your tummy. Vincent really adores you, you know?
Not much of a cuddler, but if you get especially pouty about it Bo will roll his eyes and tug you to him. He can be a major asshole but he doesn't like seeing his baby upset.
He tucks you beneath his strong arm, his mechanic's hat resting on top of the back of the sofa. Waiting for you to settle down doesn't take long as you're soon drifting off with your head on his chest, focusing on his hand placed on your knee; gently stroking the skin there. His eyes begin to droop, feeling heavy. Cradling the back of your neck, Bo allows himself to drift off, too.
Long days certainly do get to him sometimes. Tiring him out something awful. He's prepared enough roadkill and deer for his brothers and you, enough to satiate any hunger for the time being until he finds time to run into the nearby town again.
Lester finds you lounging in his bed with Jonesy, Vincent must be working hard and the pup sought out attention where she could. He had no idea where Bo was or whatever the hell he was up to.
Collapsing onto the bed, Lester sighs deeply when you immediately comb your fingers through his messy short hair. He's out like a light soon after.
Sal Fisher
Poor guy has so much going on that sometimes he just wants to crash and sleep for one-thousand years. He doesn't sleep well on the best of days, plagued by frequent nightmares that not even the warmth and comfort of your sleeping form beside him can quell.
Another nightmare yanks Sal out of a fitful sleep. One that has him patting the sheets, searching for you. The heat of your skin against his hands sends a calming peace over him. He's scooping your sleeping form in his arms, his face hidden in your neck. Sal gives a weak smile as you snuggle into him. He focuses on your even breathing, allowing himself to fall asleep soon after.
It's incredibly hot on the best of days in Duller County, the Sawyer family set up several oscillating fans that constantly work overtime without a proper functioning air conditioning unit.
Even the lackluster cool breeze and the sweltering Texan heat aren't enough to have Tommy pulling you into his lap and nuzzling his masked face into your hair.
You're much smaller than him. It gives Tommy a sense of pride knowing that he's your big, strong protector. :)
He is such an enigma, a contradiction. Patrick isn't much of a cuddler or snuggler but he wants to play the role of being a dutiful partner. He is quick to become a jealous lover if you were to find someone else to give you attention while he's fretting over what sort of shade of cream or white Paul Allen's next business card will have.
A prideful, vain being such as himself would never admit how much he truly does enjoy having your curl up next to him. The warmth your body exudes is a comfort, one he finds him seeking out more and more even though your relationship is still within its earlier stages. Patrick hates that he finds himself being so undone by you, but he can't find it within himself to stop either. There's something inside of you that his fervent bloodlust can't be satisfied by.
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slashers x child reader who just LOVES to sleep and just passes out everywhere. Also can the reader have a lil stuffed bunny that would be sooo cute!
It's like everyone is reading my mind, I was thinking about this a few days ago 🫣
I got lazy at the end I'm sorry 🫠
Slashers x child! Reader who loves sleeping
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Would be lowkey concerned for you, are you not having enough sleep?
Despite the man not caring much about his himself he is worried for you.
he sees you sleep like almost every time he sees you and then starts to calm down. But he wonders why you don't get extremely hyper after sleeping all the time.
But he never saw you full out pass out before so when you did he got really scared. He thought you died. 😭
It was a long day, you got yelled at in class by your teacher for sleeping in and you were forced to stay awake which you almost failed after five seconds but you didn't want to be embarrassed in your whole class again.
You wanted to sleep so badly you started yawning so much even the others around you started yawning.
And when class ended you immediately went to the myers house instead of your parents and the sight of the couch made you passed out, unfortunately you missed the couch but fortunately the bunny you were holding saved you from heading head first onto the ground.
Michael who just witnessed all this was quite distraught, what happened? Did you die of exhaustion??
He tried nudging you but that didn't work you didn't move. So now he was getting really perturbed. He holding you now and shaking you a bit and you still didn't wake up and he was almost close to throwing you out the window because you wouldn't wake up. But then he started hardly gripping on you and that's when you shot up to the sudden pain you felt on your shoulder blade.
"Dad what happened-"
He just squished you in his arms and stomach. Which made you pass out again and it became a cycle like a few more times.
Your teachers body was also found on the news.
(Ps your parents were later questioning why you smelt like dirt and blood)
But it's a win win for both of you since he won't disturb you when you sleep and you don't disturb him when he goes out killing.
sometimes decides to watch you sleep when he's bored and doesn't have the need to kill. Creepy or cute? You decide although he isn't going to stop whatever your opinion on it is.
Sinclair brothers
Bo doesn't mind it much except when you just fall wherever you feel is sleeping on worthy and also when there are tourists and he has to use you because you are perfect when luring them in especially with your cute little bunny. You make victims want to drop on their knees and beg for you to like them. (not in a weird way 💀) but he also feels the same way too. Don't be fooled if he doesn't show it. He has a smol room with the most comfortable blankets and sheets he can find just for you. 🥹 he also lets you snuggle up to him whenever you want to. His face is a bored annoyed looking expression but inside it's "oh my god, this precious baby oh you gorgeous thing *sobbing*"
Vincent slightly worries at how much you sleep and how fast you do but won't question it much. You are welcome in the basement anytime and he lets you sleep in his room when its cold outside, you three (your lil stuffed bunny too) sometimes end up cuddling. He likes having company occasionally but you don't make your presence known that much except for your slight snoring and breathing but that's okay. Atleast you won't see the naked bodies while he does his sculpting.
Lester doesn't mind at all. Actually encourages you to. His thoughts on it are basically "they're just a baby! They need sleep to grow!" He takes you on a drive around the town and sometimes out of town if you like sleeping in his car with your little bunny. If Bo ever catches him in the act of doing this though he may lose his driving you around privileges. He naps with you along with jonesy too. You three four are the cutest trio there can be it makes anyone wanna cry out of cuteness overload.
Bonus: jonesy! She follows you 24/7 to ensure you're safe because what if you're napping outside and there comes a random pedo Or kidnapper in town and they try anything on you. They wouldn't have lasted long anyways because lester and Bo have their eyes everywhere you are in but just to be safe.
That's one of the many things he immediately noticed about you. Your never ending love for sleep. He lets you sleep all you want yes. But he wonders if you're sleep deprived. But he learns that you just really like sleeping and stop wondering.
Gets disturbed everytime you just fall anywhere though, if you're feeling sleepy just tell him and he'll so generously carry you to your comfy luxurious room.
He sketches you sleeping with your bunny and shows it to you when you wake up and chuckles a bit if you get a little weirded out and sketches you even more if you express your love for it but if you're truly uncomfortable by it then he'll stop.
Also will also watch you sleep from time to time. He just loves you and your sleeping face. If your bunny gets old and worn out he'll buy you a new one but he'll adjust it to look more like your old one because he's thoughtful just like that.
He schedules and learns at what time you mostly sleep at and how it takes for you to wake up so that when you wake up you are greeted with fresh warm food and a smily motherly hannibal.
He may or may not send pictures of you to Will... Will shows up at his house to visit you and just watches you untill you wake up so that you three can play together. Yay 🎊 🎉
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danataiko · 6 months
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Dolly Read - production still from Russ Meyer’s Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
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Russ Meyer
Roger Ebert.
Historia: Russ Meyer, Roger Ebert
Dolly Read, Cynthia Myers, Marcia McBroom, John Lazar, Michael Blodgett, Pam Grier, Edy Williams, David Gurian, Phyllis Davis, Erica Gavin, Lavelle RobyMúsica
Stu Phillips
Fred J. Koenekamp
20th Century Fox, Russ MeyerGéneroComedia. Drama | Sátira. Música. Amistad. Homosexualidad. Historias cruzadas. Melodrama. Serie B. Película de culto
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weclassybouquetfun · 6 months
Variety's Actors on Actors lineup has been announced.
Surprising absolutely no one, BarbenHeimer unites again with a Cillian Murphy and Margot Robbie team-up.
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A Zodiac/Avengers reunion with Robert Downey Jr. (“Oppenheimer”) & Mark Ruffalo (“Poor Things”)
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A THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA reunion with Emily Blunt (“Oppenheimer”) & Anne Hathaway (“Eileen”)
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An ALOHA reunion between Emma Stone (“Poor Things”) & Bradley Cooper (“Maestro”)
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*B-Coop, you may not get an actor nod, but you most definitely deserves Best Director recognition for MAESTRO.
EUPHORIA costars Colman Domingo (“Rustin,” “The Color Purple”) & Jacob Elordi (“Priscilla,” “Saltburn”)
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*While Colman was excellent in RUSTIN, and I would love for him to get nominated for that, THE COLOR PURPLE as the performance for me.
SHAME reunion with Carey Mulligan (“Maestro”) & Michael Fassbender (“The Killer”)
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*Carey is sensational in MAESTRO and I hope she and her team don't push her for Supporting because she is quite frankly the lead. She even has top billing over Bradley Cooper. He has always asserted that the film is more about Lenny and Felicia and it's more her story.
A THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT reunion between Annette Bening (“Nyad”) & Julianne Moore (“May December”)
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*May December wasn't to my liking and surprisingly Charles Melton was wonderful. But I'm all about NYAD and if Bening isn't nominated for Best Actress it will be a crime.
Disney Princesses Halle Bailey (“The Little Mermaid”, “The Color Purple”) & Rachel Zegler (“The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes”)
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*The struggle to hide that pregnancy is real.
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Jeffrey Wright (“American Fiction”) & Taraji P. Henson (“The Color Purple”)
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*He's the lead in AMERICAN FICTION but he gave RUSTIN the punch it needed in his small role.
Greta Lee (“Past Lives”) & Andrew Scott (“All of Us Strangers”)
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*ALL OF US STRANGERS was very affecting. I thought it too navel-gazing at first, but it blossomed over me much later.
Natalie Portman (“May December”) & Paul Mescal (“All of Us Strangers”)
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*Mescal was in the film CARMEN directed by and conceived by Portman's philandering husband Benjamin Millipied. The screening happened before his affair allegations came out, but after the Q&A someone commented to me that Benjamin and his lead Melissa Barrera looked too comfortable with each other and bet they had slept together at least once. I just chalked it up to him being French. But maybe?
Alden Ehrenreich (“Fair Play,” “Oppenheimer”) & Da’Vine Joy Randolph (“The Holdovers”)
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*I've been a fan of Ehrenreich since the wretched BEAUTIFUL CREATURES so I love all the attention and acclaim he's getting. But male voters hate weak male characters (which is why I'm worried that Leonardo DiCaprio will be snubbed for his performance in KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON. Every man I've spoken to about it hated his character - not because of his actions - but because he was weak and stupid. And Leo's character has nothing on Ehrenreich's soppy Luke. There's a meme about people being weak in the knees and needing to stand up. Nah, Luke needed to sit his ass down.).
However, Da'Vine Joy Randolph seems to be a lock. The trio of Randolph, Paul Giamatti and Dominic Sessa in THE HOLDOVERS deserve any nominations they may receive.
My fantasy Best Supporting Actress list is
Da'vine Joy Randolph (THE HOLDOVERS)
Danielle Brooks (THE COLOR PURPLE)
Jodie Foster (NYAD)
Rosamund Pike (SALTBURN)
Penelope Cruz (FERRARI)
*If Apple is running Lily Gladstone as Supporting (which they shouldn't because she's a lead), then I would swap out Foster for Gladstone. If Gladstone isn't in Supporting, then Cara Jade Myers as Anna in KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON would be my swap.
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slasherhoe87 · 1 year
Slashers reaction to s/o who likes bdsm? Preferably Michael, Bo, Hannibal, and Norman Bates
I love your first fanfic! It's so sad and cute 😭
Hey. Thanks for enjoying my previous fic. I'll gladly do your request but I hope you don't mind... I have to skip Norman as I have only watched Psycho once or twice and don't know his character well.
Slightly NSFW / GN!reader
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Michael stared at his bowl of delicious, creamy, homemade, herby tomato soup you had put in front of him a minute ago
This was gonna be good
He was just about to bring a spoonful of the thick, aromatic goodness to his lips when he felt a pair of eyes boring into the side of his unmasked face
Lowering his spoon back down into his bowl he slowly turned his head towards you to return the stare, letting out a grunt in aknowledgement
You looked nervous, uncertain as you sat on the sofa
After a minute of you not being able to get your words out, Michael huffed in annoyance and scooped up the soup again
Just as the red deliciousness was about to finally grace his lips you spoke up
"I want to try something in the bedroom with you" the words came out tentatively
You hoped Michael would be open to the idea of BDSM - he certainly liked it rough enough to begin with... but you never know
Michael dropped his spoon again and bored his eye/s into your own, both curious about your desire and frustrated at him not getting enjoy his damn soup
He tilted his head as a go ahead for you to proceed
"BDSM... it is something I really enjoy aaand I want to experience it with you. But if you don't think you'd enjoy that then its okay, no worries" you smiled at him as your index finger traced absentminded circles on the arm of the sofa
You desperately hoped he would want to try it out with you. You had an itch only a dominant male like Michael could satisfy
Although Michael had never experienced BDSM, he knew what it was about and what it all entailed. And to say he was surprised that his sweet s/o had a penchant for more extreme sex?
His cock grew as hard as a rock instantly
To have you bound, restrained, helpless and so at his mercy and whims - bringing your quivering body to orgasm with pleasure and pain... he was practically salivating at the mouth
Michael turned back to his bowl of soup and finally started eating, his mind delving deep into dark, sinister sexual thoughts about you
Before he focused back on his soup you saw the dark, heavy and heated look in his eye/s. You smiled to yourself - the seed had been planted and now it need only take root
Little did you know that later that night Michael did not leave the house to kill, he instead stalked towards the direction of Doug's Hardware Store which conveniently sat right next to Kinkdom Adult Toy shop - two places which housed everything he would need
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When you had told Bo that you wanted to be restrained and at his mercy, bound in the now unused and dusty chair that sat in his little lair beneath the shop his eyebrows skyrocketed to his hairline
You? His innocent, sweet little y/n?
His body instantly responded - white-hot heat bloomed and pooled to the pit of his stomach and groin
His gaze darkened and he pinned you with his heavy stare
But he had to be sure you meant it, because if you did then you had to know what you'd be getting yourself into with him
Bo leaned back against the kitchen counter as he looked directly into your big doe eyes. "Shit, baby... you sure? Really sure? Don't be teasing me with the prospect if you ain't 100% sure about this"
You assured him that you indulged in BDSM regularly before you had become a part of the Sinclair trio and that you craved his ruthless touch. Craved his fingers and tools that would drag you to both heaven and hell
Bo stepped towards you and firmly grasped your jaw in his big hand, his aura of dominance engulfing your eager form
"Well then darlin', let's go to our lair and fix it up some - don't want our playtime ruined by dust and dirt"
As you swept the floor of his 'play room' and the two of you discussed your safe word and what you would and wouldn't feel comfortable with your nethers clenched in anticipation for tonight's blissful torment
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You were both spent, laying draped in one another's arms in his king sized bed, luxuriating in post-coital bliss when you brought up the topic of BDSM and how you wanted to indulge in it with Hannibal
Hannibal was only somewhat surprised by this revelation as you had already shown him you enjoyed more extreme sexual escapades in the bedroom next to vanilla love-making
Initially he thought that it would be him to bring up the topic but it mattered not anymore as he was most pleased by your admission
The following evening Hannibal took you by your hand down to his somewhat forbidden basement
He did not forbid you from entering the basement as you knew of his "meat" eating tendecies - he only asked you to use caution as there was dangerous equipment and machinery about
Your curiosity turned to intrigue when he stopped the both of you before a previously hidden black metal door
"Are you ready to see what awaits you behind this door, love?" He asks with a subtle cheeky smirk
You eagerly nod, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet. Your eyes widen to saucers and you gasp as Hannibal pushes open the heavy door and flicks on a light switch that envelops the dark room in sinister red lighting
You trace your fingers along the well-made heavy BDSM furniture which no doubt cost thousands to have made. Every contraption, tool, toy and furniture piece fit for the darkest of carnal pleasures sat proudly in the room
Hell's pleasure room indeed
Hannibal stood back, hands in the pockets of his well-tailored trousers, a pleased smile gracing his elegant features
Hannibal's dungeon was everything you could've hoped for and more
Your body grew taut, your nipples hardening and your nethers moistening as your imagination ran wild with the thoughts of what painful delights Hannibal would inflict on your bound, submissive body
Walking back over to Hannibal you pulled him down for a searing kiss before the two of you stepped back further in to the room to discuss the what your body would be enduring by Hannibal's unforgiving hands
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yowyowyaoi · 8 months
The Akatsuki’s Favorite Halloween Movies
Deidara, Hidan and Tobi: Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981)
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The iconic theme song. The silent killer stalking his victims in the chill of the night. The way he never says any words, never gives any warning sign of his presence until it’s too late. There are a thousand different reasons why these two movies are the favorite of this particular trio. They like to camp out in the living room and watch them back to back. Sometimes they’ll eat snacks, sometimes they’ll style each others hair, a couple of times they’ve carved pumpkins like the characters in the movie. Deidara and Tobi love the first Halloween the most, and neither felt like such a perfection in storytelling really needed a sequel. Tobi especially likes to argue on how Michael Myers is scary not because of the mask (while touching his own) but because you as the viewer don’t know the motivations behind why he targets this particular group of people. Hidan got them into Halloween II and insists that it’s still scary even knowing (some) of Myer’s thought processes. And Deidara has to admit the lab explosion scene at the end is “an artistic masterpiece, hm!”
Konan: Hocus Pocus (1993)
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Konan doesn’t really like scary movies, exactly. She likes things that are light and childlike, and films that evoke a sense of nostalgia. No Halloween movie gives her that sense of fulfillment quite like Hocus Pocus. The story of the boy who was turned into a cat trying to save his sister  resonates with Konan, as she would have done anything to save her “family” (Yahiko and Nagato). The sweet teen love story between Max and Allison really moves her, and she has a soft spot for Max’s quirky little sister Dani. And speaking of sisters, The Sanderson Sisters holds a place on Konan’s heart as some of the greatest “villains” of all time. She’s made Deidara and Itachi sing “I Put A Spell On You “ with her more times than they care to admit, with her as the lead witch of Winnie. They’ve even dressed up as the sisters one Halloween, with Konan as Winnie, Deidara as Sarah, and Itachi as Mary. They looked fabulous but of course Hidan never lets Deidara or Itachi forget that they “dressed up like chicks”.
Nagato and Kisame: Halloweentown (1998)
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Another nostalgic movie that isn’t really scary so much as it’s fun. For both of them, the notion of an entire town where “freaks” aren’t only welcome but are the norm, is very appealing to them. Kisame knows his shark-like appearance would fit right in to this mythical place, and Nagato imagines that he and his Pein bodies could really find their niche there. Kisame in general is a big fan of classic movies, and has long since been a fan of the work of Debbie Reynolds. When he found out that she played the lovable witch grandmother to Marnie in this movie, well, he was hooked. The two like to eat a lot of candy while watching this movie (it’s the only time of year that either of them truly indulges in sweets) and discuss ways they could improve the government of this fabled town.
Kakuzu: Beetlejuice 1988
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Kakuzu admires the character of Beetlejuice. The man is long dead yet he’s managed to use his talent of being repulsive as a means to earn income by scaring living people out of ghosts’ former homes. Kakuzu’s always says that “Hell runs on money”, and this movie gives credibility to the idea that he’s right. He hopes that if and when he finally dies, he will be able to use his talents of bounty hunting in the afterlife to keep on earning money. Maybe wrangling up wayward spirits that don’t accept that they’ve passed on? Or souls that don’t follow whatever the rules of the afterlife are? Kakuzu sees the possibilities as being endless. Kakuzu has also always had an eye for architecture and especially buildings or structures that are way outside of the norm. He’s fascinated by the remodeling that Delia Deetz does to Maitland’s house, and secretly would love such a bizarrely constructed house to live in himself one day. 
Itachi: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
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Itachi despises Freddy Krueger. In his mind, the man being burned alive was too light a punishment for the atrocious acts he committed against children. BUT the Uchiha was understandably drawn in by the concept of being able to control and manipulate someone through their dreams. Very similar to gengetsu, and some of the nightmares that Freddy gives to people have become inspiration for visions that Itachi’s given to his enemies. Konan likes to watch this movie with him, as she likes the character of Nancy Thompson; but she gets so scared during the movie that she has to hold on to Itachi’s arm for support the whole time. Itachi often comes away with deep fingerprints imbedded into his skin the next day.
Zetsu: Little Shop Of Horrors (1986)
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It should be no big surprise that a movie about a sentient plant with a rapidly developing lust for human flesh would be Zetsu’s favorite Halloween film. He loves how manipulative the plant Audrey II is with Seymour, and how easily he’s able to convince him to “feed” him. Zetsu also loves how campy this movie is, with the overzealous acting and the constant musical numbers. He’s tried to convince the entire Akatsuki to put this on as a play, and invite people from neighboring villages to come and watch. When Nagato questioned what they would do after the viewers realized they were all Akatsuki members, Zetsu’s solution was to invite them backstage to “meet” Audrey II … and never emerge again. Of course his idea was shot down, but he still loves the movie and watches it at least 10 times every October.
Sasori and Orochimaru: Child’s Play (1988)
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This one almost seems too obvious, but Sasori really, REALLY loves the character of Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky. Finding a way to beat death by transferring his soul into a body that could never be hurt, or age, or die? Sasori was sold from the first time his grandmother let him watch this film as a little boy. Of course Chucky’s body isn’t without flaws; in fact carefully studying Chucky’s design is what’s driven Sasori to make so many improvements on his own body. When Orochimaru was still in the Akatsuki these two would watch Child’s Play and it’s sequels, and argue on whether Chucky had found the best path to immortality. One thing that Sasori can’t relate to, however, is Chucky’s desire to transfer his soul back out of a doll and into another human body. Sasori prefers to stay in his doll body for eternity. Orochimaru, however, was very, very intrigued at the idea of putting one’s essence into different bodies, and this movie opened up his mind to hours of research (and eventually trial and error) on the subject.
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sl4sh3rsub · 2 months
HEADCANONS - asa emory - rz michael myers - art the clown - brahms heelshire - billy lenz - patrick bateman
every headcanon is written with sections (unless specified otherwise) - general, AFAB, AMAB, FtM, MtF in the drafts: brahms heelshire drabble, sinclair trio hcs, tcm headcanons
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ghostybat00 · 10 months
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Vlog Yandere 🔪!:Hello, soo, idk how start this, but hey, call me Ghosty, any pronoun is enough for me. I'm going to write one shots, fanfics, and all that. I'm a slashers fucker, so my content will be based on, slashers, horror and action games.I'm going to start with the basics, which is a list of the fandoms and characters that I'll write, that I won't write etc. (English is not my first language so I apologize if there are any spelling mistakes).
Devil may cry:
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•Nero •Dante •Vergil •Lady •V
Resident evil:
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•Luis sera •Leon S Kennedy •Carlos Oliveira •Claire Redfield •Chris Redfield •Jill Valentine •Wesker •Heisenberg •Lady Dimitrescu •Ethan Winters •Rebecca Chamber •Nemesis.
Dead by daylight:
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•Kazan Yamaoka (oni) •Wraith •Legion •the trapper •Knight •Pinhead •Amanda •The huntress •the singularity •The spirit. •trickster.
•Any survivors. (Bill clearly not.)
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•Jason Voorhees •Thomas Hewitt •Bubba sawyer •Ghostface •Vincent Sinclair •Bo Sinclair •Billy lenz •Michael Myers •Bramhs •Harry warden •Asa emory •Jennifer body. •Pyramid Head.•Alien •Predator.
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•Venom •Carnage •Eddie
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•Alejandro Vargas •Ghost •Konig •Price •Rudy •Valeria •Nikto •Gaz •Soap •Kaegan •Horangi
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•Doom Slayer.
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•Genji •Hanzo •Ramattra •Tracer •Mercy •Kiriko •Cassidy •Baptiste •Ashe •Pharah •Mei •Reaper •Sombra •Moira •Mercy •Soldier 76.
These are some fandoms and characters that I will write for now, there will be more later.
What I will NOT write:
•Death of animals or pets.
•Agnst (infidelity, death of the reader,etc).
•Those disgusting things.
•Homophobia, racism, hate any minority.
YES I will write:
•things like self harm or mental health. (So that it ends positive).
•Age diference. (Not much).
•Poly love affairs or s/o shared . (Harem, trio, etc. As long as the characters are of the same content.)
S/o or Reader will make it gender neutral, obviously except that the request specifies something like gender, subculture, profession etc.
Emojis that I will use to represent the plot:
🔪:Violence, blood, sensitive topics etc.
I do scenarios, one shots, etc yandere only!, obviously as long as what I will write and what I won't write is respected, since apart from stories this is a safe place for me. For now I will be writing requests, it is my first time writing here <3
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 1 month
Welcome to today’s “Special Interest Brainrot”; today, here’s a list of Halloween costumes I think the Ben 10 trio would wear.
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- Muscular slasher horror villains (e.g. Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface)
- Gomez Addams*
- Gerard Way in Black Parade
- Laughing Jack
- Nemesis (Resident Evil)
- The Terminator
- The Predator (from the horror franchise of the same name)
- 80s Glam Hair Metal
- A werewolf (just a cheap mask he got from the dollar stores, some wolf gloves and his normal clothes)
- Trevor from GTA 5 (including recreating some of Trevor’s spawn in animations)
- The Phantom (from the Phantom of the Opera)*
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- Morticia Addams*
- Badass heroines from Kevin’s favourite movies (e.g. Laurie Straude, Ripley (Alien))
- Christine from Phantom of the Opera*
- Sabrina Spellman
- Winifred from Hocus Pocus
- Generic witch costume
- Raven from Teen Titans
- Generic elf costume (maybe to reference her voice actor’s Critical Role character?)
* = couple costume
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- He literally has the Omnitrix, of course he’s using it even on Halloween
- A normal ass guy
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cypaira-the-skeleton · 8 months
Horror Trio
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For a long time I wanted to draw the three of them in this known pose, and I've finally done it!
Originally it was going to be on paper with their usual clothing, but since Halloween is close approaching I've decided to draw them in their Halloween costumes
Victor as Michael Myers (I theorized that none of the masks he found fit him so he resorted to face paint)
Roger as Freddy Krueger (the burns are make-up as well)
And Raven as Annabelle (she's really into her part)
And keeping size differences in mind I can now see how miniscule Raven looks like xD (No regrets)
Victor Bellman and Roger Willington belong to @horrorartist23
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69potatowaffles · 2 years
THE PIRATE | Eddie x fem!oc
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Summary: Theia Hargrove decides to go to a Halloween party with her friends disguised as Michael Myers. She ends up getting drunk and finding herself in a tiny bathroom with an equally as drunk super hot pirate that she totally doesn’t know…
W/c - 2.7k
Warnings: involves drunk making out so if that bothers you consent-wise don’t read please :) I mean nothing explicit but pretty heavy makeout so… be warned i guess??? (My first time posting stuff like this so lmk if I should add something/get something wrong)
ALSO want to say this is the prologue from a fanfic im currently writing so any advice/criticisms would be greatly appreciated :) this is also why it’s an oc and not a y/n!!!
It had taken weeks to persuade Steve Harrington to take Cynthia Hargrove and Robin Buckley to a Halloween party. They had managed to get him to agree after promising to give him all the hot female customers that walked through the door at Family Video, which was tough for Robin, but she eventually caved.
Theia couldn't sit still in the backseat of Steve's car as they drove to the house party, intently listening to Robin's nervous speech about some girl she was hoping to talk to. Her head bobbed up and down enthusiastically to Rob's story despite the mask encasing her head with a stuffy smell.
"Are you even listening Theia?" Robin said as her eyes rolled.
"Of course I am!" She said indignantly crossing her arms.
"You've had that stupid mask on since we picked you up, you could be a stranger for all I know! Oh my god. Has Steve accidentally kidnapped a random kid dressed up as Michael Myers?" Robin exclaimed as she turned in her seat to a shocked Steve.
"Come on guys, you saw me walk out of my house," Theia groaned. The mask still firmly covered her face as Robin side-eyed her apprehensively.
"I dunno, you could be Max for all we know." Steve shrugged as he turned his attention back to the darkened road.
"Are you serious? You really think Max would pretend to be me to go to a high school party?"
"Hey Woah Woah, let's not call it a 'high school' party, it's a... Halloween party for adults," Steve interjected, he was still sensitive to the fact that his two friends were seniors and he wasn't.
"Yeah yeah whatever, dingus," Robin sighed as she rolled her eyes again.
Theia smiled under the mask at her friend's antics even though she could barely make out her face through the poorly cut eyeholes of the mask. She could feel her face already collecting a disgusting amount of sweat as her hot breaths got trapped.
The brunette girl was just excited to get out of the house and in a disguise where no one would know it was her. It had been difficult for her ever since her brother had died that summer, it was all the school gossiped about. Theia was the centre of attention every time she stepped foot in there and she hated every second of it. So dressing up meant no desperate guys harassing her all night, no strangers giving her pitying looks and no exaggerated rumours spread about her social life.
It was an odd feeling in her stomach, the mix of nervousness and excitement. They were so similar on paper but they clashed in her body so disgustingly that it made her feel like she would throw up. Robin reassured her once she had enough alcohol in her system she'd be fine.
Theia hopped out of the car as soon as it came to a standstill, brushing invisible dust off the navy coveralls. She could already hear the thumping music blasting out from the house as her gaze flickered over people dotted on the lawn, the majority heavily making out or throwing up.
They walked into the house as a trio, with Robin dressed as Bowie complete with the red lightning bolt across her face, and Steve going as some generic cool guy from a film. He used any excuse to wear his sunglasses.
The music hit her ears like a deafening wall as she stepped over the threshold, despite the mask muffling most of it, the stench of beer and cigarettes invaded her nose. She forced her lungs to exhale, taking a few moments to adjust to the harsh environment.
There were bodies pressing up against her instantly due to the sheer volume of teenagers inside, but no one even cast her a second glance. Relief washed through her, she was invisible from prying eyes for once.
She wandered around with Robin and Steve for a while, steadily drinking her way through the mystery punch as the night went on. Theia felt the alcohol thrum in her veins, spreading a warm buzz throughout her as her body subconsciously swayed to the music. The music dulled, her head melting into peaceful oblivion as she smiled lazily with Robin.
Some girl had approached Steve, which she was more than happy about, the last thing she wanted was to deal with Lonely Steve. It did get boring listening to her friend's shameless flirting for hours, so the two girls slipped away to find the punch bowl whilst he was distracted.
After a lot of stumbling through the huge house, she found the alcoholic drink she was looking for, having lost Robin somehow in the process. The brunette didn't hesitate to refill her cup, taking a huge swig of the drink. She felt the liquid sear the back of her throat, but it was quickly replaced with the warm tingle enveloping her in foggy bliss.
Her eyes floated over the heads synchronously bobbing to the beat of the music, like an ocean of costumes, weaving and melding into one. It didn't take long to find Robin in the crowd passionately dancing like no one was watching. Theia found herself giggling at her odd friend, the sound escaping her lips disjointedly. It felt weird to laugh, or have fun at all after what happened, her brother would be so mad if he knew what she was doing.
She shivered, ridding herself of the chilling thoughts crawling into her mind and downing the rest of the cup. The harsh taste was masked by the fruity mixer, spreading throughout her body in what she hoped would help her forget for the night.
Suddenly the numbing effects of the drink wrapped around her, squeezing her brain as the floor swayed beneath her feet. The earth shifted as the girl stumbled across the floor in a desperate search for an escape. The warmth was crawling up her neck as people jostled her to the music, the blue fabric coveralls she was drowning in became too scratchy, too big, too tight.
It was too much.
Her heart lurched out of her chest as she staggered through the enormous house, beating so furiously it seemed to phase into one continuous pulse.
Theia twisted the handle on the nearest door, practically falling towards the tiled floor beneath her as her legs gave out. She felt a pair of strong arms break her fall, her face hovering inches above the ground as her stomach lurched.
The room was instantly quieter than outside in the corridor. She could still feel the steady thump of the music vibrating through the walls and floor, but it felt like a distant memory.
The girl released a breath as she was lifted up and returned to a standing position. Her legs felt like jelly as she put her weight back on them, but all Theia could think about was the tingle in her bones erupting where his hands were holding her before. She melted into the wall behind her, instantly sending cold shivers up her spine.
The room was small and cramped and cold, but it was a welcome retreat from the barbaric environment beyond the door. She squeezed her eyes shut as she got her breathing under control, the back of her head resting against the icy tiles as the cold seeped into her skin. Her muscles relaxed as her shoulders sagged, inhaling the smoky aromas wafting around her.
"You good?" His voice was deep and smooth. Her eyes flickered open as she felt a spark erupt in her chest, fizzling out as the silence stretched between them.
"Yeah," She sighed, dragging her unfocused eyes from the floor and up to his.
Her vision was a hazy mess thanks to the alcohol sluggishly pulsing in her blood, but the dark pools of his eyes drew her in like a moth to a flame. They swallowed her up into oblivion as she became trapped in them, ripples of darkness underlined with warm amber shades the same depth as his pupils. Everything before that moment was blurred into an unreadable mess.
The eyes in question were wide with concern as he took in the drunken girl in front of him. She was leaning heavily against the wall behind her, both still frozen in place in the small bathroom.
"What are you doing in here?" She mumbled out, just as surprised at her own voice as the guy before her.
He blinked, trying to rid the same foggy feeling from his own mind. The effects of weed still had a firm grasp on his mind, clouding his head. He reluctantly came to this party because business called, but he'd managed to set up shop in the secluded bathroom before this girl quite literally fell into his arms.
His pink lips stretched out into a cheeky smile as one of his hands came up and scratched the back of his neck. "Waiting for a pretty girl to fall on me."
His eyes bored into hers unabashedly, heat rose into her cheeks as her heart skipped a beat from the pure confidence rippling off him. She was glad for the mask.
"I'm Michael Myers." She bluntly replied, swallowing the lump in her throat.
His head rolled back as he chuckled, "I can see that."
Warmth spread throughout his body, he couldn't move his eyes away from her vibrant green ones even if he wanted to, he was stuck there like a fly to honey.
"Then how do you know I'm a girl?" Theia asked, folding her arms in front of herself defensively. The alcohol had really messed with her common sense.
"Your voice, mainly, but you're also way too short for a guy." He shrugged, imitating her folding her arms as he smirked, his eyes alight with something the girl couldn't describe.
"I could still be a guy." Theia puffed up her chest in response, lifting her chin up as she pushed herself off the wall.
She was never one for confrontation or egos, but something about this strange boy intrigued her. Maybe it was his lopsided smile or his demanding eyes or his arrogant stance. He invited challenge, seeing through the innocent shield Theia constantly wore as she swapped it out for a weapon of drunken courage.
"Well, why don't you take off your mask and we can find out?" He stepped towards her, their bodies inches apart due to the cramped bathroom they were in.
The smell of weed and pine invaded her senses as he edged closer to her. It was addicting, forcing her to lean just a bit closer to him. He was a magnetic force drawing everything towards him, his movements were slow and clumsy, yet he radiated a sort of calm that settled perfectly into the cracks in her heart.
She hadn't realised how tall he was until that moment, her eyes were practically looking up to the ceiling to match his daring gaze. She would've been intimidated by his presence if she wasn't bolstered by the copious amount of alcohol swimming in her blood.
"I'm in disguise tonight, you can't know my true identity," She giggled at the absurdity of it, her thoughts ebbing back and forth in her head.
He cocked his head to the side, "Why?"
"Because it's Halloween, stupid," She snorted, glancing down at his outfit.
"What are you meant to be, a theatre nerd?" The girl tugged the white blouse he wore, the ruffles along the cuffs fluttering at her action.
He blinked. His eyes trailed down to where her fingers lingered on his shirt, floating just above his skin. Electricity zapped his body, his heart hammered in his chest as a warmth bloomed throughout him.
"A pirate, actually." His voice had a rougher note to it. He grabbed a pirate hat from behind him, planting it on his head haphazardly as he flourished his hands.
"And I'm pretty sure it's past midnight now, so technically it's no longer Halloween," He murmured, his hand trailing the collar of the coveralls where the ends of the mask poked through.
His eyes seemed to darken, or maybe it was his pupils dilating, but Theia felt a shift in the world as he peered almost longingly at her. The air surrounding them fell silent, their racing heartbeats hammering in their ears as they slowly drew closer.
Her breath caught in her throat as his tongue darted out over his lips, his brown eyes staring at her intently.
Theia traced her hand up his sleeve, feeling his muscles tense under the thin fabric with her touch. As if on instinct he curled his hands under the mask, silently asking with his eyes if it was okay.
He pulled the mask up enough to reveal her lips, before Theia's other hand latched onto his wrist, stopping him from taking the mask completely off. His pupils were blown out as his eyes dropped down to her mouth hanging slightly open.
Theia's skin was on fire where his fingertips delicately graced her neck, leaving goosebumps forming along her skin. Her hand tightened around the collar of his shirt as she delicately pulled him down towards her.
His lips landed on hers, the tension fracturing as jolts of electricity sparked between them. Her lips moved in rhythm with his soft ones, the heat of the moment and alcohol overpowering their other senses as they became hypnotised by the other.
Her hand twisted the fabric of his shirt tighter as he pulled her flush against him, their pace quickening as his hands held her face delicately, something cold tracing her jawline. Her whole body felt like it was alight with pleasure as it shot down to her core, erupting inside like fireworks.
He dragged a hand down her neck, sending shivers of ecstasy down her spine between fleeting gasps. She was entranced by him as he stumbled forwards in an effort to get closer to her, the kiss becoming hungry as he inhaled her scent.
Her back hit the wall of the bathroom as he pressed his hips into hers, causing her to gasp into his mouth at the persistent pressure. He slipped his tongue in as she opened her mouth, his breathing becoming ragged as he lead the kiss.
His leg softly pushed between Theia's, slowly parting them as his thigh pressed against her clit. She moaned into his mouth at the action, feeling him smile into her lips as he gripped her neck harder. Her chest seemed to combust under his tightening grip as she dug her nails into his skin.
He groaned against her, his hand previously cupping her face migrated into her hair, tugging just enough for her to feel her core pool with wetness.
The kiss became sloppier, hunger overriding any politeness before as she dragged a hand down his chest, sinking lower with each shudder or noise that escaped him. His skin was on fire at her touch, begging for more; his mind encompassed her, memorising the way she felt against him. He tugged harder on her hair, causing her hips to roll into his as they both moaned at the heat erupting between their legs.
Suddenly, the door slammed open and he ripped himself away from her as loud music flooded the bathroom. Theia shivered at the loss of contact, his face hovering just above hers, taunting her as he glared angrily towards interruption.
Steve appeared at the door, his wild eyes landing on the half-masked girl. His shoulders dropped slightly when he realised she wasn't hurt, not giving any notice to the position the pair before him were in.
"Oh. Hey Steve," Theia breathed out as her chest rapidly rose and fell, glancing quickly over to the pirate who was now staring intently at the floor, an arm planted into the wall beside her head.
She hastily pulled the mask back over her face, shakily ducking under the mystery guy's unmoving arm as she reluctantly stumbled over to her friend.
"Jesus, I've been looking for you for ages! We're leaving," He scolded the girl as he grabbed her wrist, yanking her out of there before she could protest.
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halloweendailynews · 1 year
Three Different Leatherface Animatronics Cutting Into Halloween 2023
Three Different 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre' Leatherface Animatronics Cutting Into Halloween 2023
If you thought seeing two different Michael Myers life-size animatronics made by two different companies sold at two competing retailers and both licensed from the same movie (1981’s Halloween II) was wild last year, get ready for triple the Leatherface ani-madness, with no less than three different animatronics officially licensed from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre cutting into a trio of stores…
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inkyquince · 2 years
i am so so sorry for spamming your inbox quince. but the idea of a brahms! kylar has me thinking about other horror movie characters and which dol character could totally fit. (also if you did horror au posts i’d love to read them all!!!)
sydney the fallen — pazuzu because i think demon sydney would be super hot
sydney the faithful — nina from black swan, even if the movie isn’t exactly horror. pc could totally be mila kunis in this au, “guiding” sydney down a path of corruption.
jordan — valak aka. the nun demon from the conjuring universe. i’d also think he’d be a member of the hårga from midsommar. maybe similar to pelle, leading people to their deaths via sacrifice.
whitney — pinhead. i’d think he’d delight in torturing souls. but also an incubus/succubus like from jennifer’s body. he would totally accidentally get sacrificed to the devil when he lied about being a virgin.
eden — as you mentioned before, jason voorhees. the man that stalks the woods would be exactly like the slasher who stalks the woods. i’d also throw in michael myers. eden in game acts like a pseudo boogeyman already. he will hunt you in town (it’s unfortunate that he comes during times where i can’t go with him smh). plus i imagine eden to just be this big hulking man like both of them.
bailey — pennywise and bughuul from sinister. he runs the orphanage and definitely feels like child snatcher vibes. funny enough, i think remy would also fit here too. i think bailey would also fit jack torrence. imagine a hopeful bailey with a bit of a rough past but he tries to get better only to be eroded away at until he’s only the douchebag we know (and love).
harper — someone from the facility from the cabin in the woods. they definitely uses the hair dye thing where they used hair dye to make one of the characters think less. i can see them doing this in game.
briar — lestat de lioncourt. idk if interview with a vampire counts as horror but regardless, briar as a vampire? someone who stalks his prey at night and seduces them before biting into them? shivers.
robin — ghostface!! your sweet childhood friend who you hold dear to your heart turns out to be the person killing off your friends and even your significant other!! he’s so desperately in love with you and wants you. and he has the perfect plan to stage you two making it out alive with the help of someone else (whitney maybe? sydney? kylar?). i’m kind of itching to write a fic about this ngl-
— brahms anon
i'd acc make Bailey Pinhead. Unnecessary torture and pain? Main stone faced, haunting you? Yes, please. That or Pyramid Head, ngl.
BUT YES WHITNEY AS JENNIFER FROM JENNIFER'S BODY, PRETENDS TO BE A VIRGIN TO FUCK SOMEONE AND GETS SACRIFICED AND FUCKED UP... Thought Sydney the fallen could also be Jennifer, lying to Jordan about still being a virgin despite fucking the PC and it goes wrong as FUCK. Sydney the faithful AS NINA YES YES ABSOLUTELY, BEING A PERFECTIONIST AND FALLING SO BADLY.
Whitney is always gonna be Billy as Ghostface for me. Unoriginal I know, but GOD.
Robin acc feels like... Alice Sweet Alice, with an old bat framing him for her crimes.
Harper would be that old couple from Rosemary's Baby, drugging you and gaslighting the absolute FUCK out of you when he's done something terrible to you.
Kylar as Billy Lenz/Brahms is of course, the best, but he also makes a good Stu for the other Ghostface lad. OR THE GUY FROM MY BLODDY VALENTINE. ALSO MONIKA FROM DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB
Leighton as that old fuck from Dont Breathe? Maybe?
Wren is Pelle from Midsommar because yeah sure, he's sweet but NOT TO BE FUCKING TRUSTED
Honestly? Get Harper, Bailey, Remy, Leighton, Wren, Briar, Niki, Landry and make them the family from Ready or Not with Ivory Wraith being the spirit they sacrifice the PC to.
Alex, Remy and Wren being the trio brothers from House of Wax.
Or yknow.
Get Bailey, Eden and Wren and make them the killers from You're Next. Just so we get three hot men in masks that I would smash
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agentnico · 2 years
Amsterdam (2022) Review
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Kind of weird seeing Chris Rock in something after, well, you know. At least he’s not on a stage. Poor fella. 
Plot: In the 1930s, three friends witness a murder, are framed for it, and uncover one of the most outrageous plots in American history. The events are inspired by a 1933 political conspiracy in which wealthy American businessmen and bankers plotted a military coup d'état to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt and replace him with a fascist veterans' organization headed by U.S. Marine Corps Major General.
More like AmsterDAMN look at this cast! Like literally everyone is in this movie. Here’s the roll call *deep breath* Christian Bale, Margot Robbie, John David Washington, Chris Rock, Rami Malek, Anya Taylor-Joy, Andrea Riseborough, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Shannon, Mike Myers, Zoe Saldana, Timothy Olyphant, Robert de Niro and Taylor Swift (though the latter is in the film, dare I say, very swiftly). It’s a ridiculously stacked cast, and might as well point out the main positive of this movie - its the cast. Christian Bale is wonderfully quirky and provides one of the more likeable and innocent personas in his filmography. Rami Malek is as eloquent as always, Chris Rock throws around one-liners that really slapped (still too soon?), Mike Myers basically brings back his Inglorious Basterds character, Robert de Niro is smoothly cool... Everyone is great in this, no matter how major or small their roles are. And the movie itself is very muddled and messy, so the one thing that really engages the viewer here are all these actors evidently having a great time. Well I say that, however recently the allegations have resurfaced about director David O. Russell bullying his actors on set of his films, so maybe they aren’t having that great of a time, but their performances are solid sauce.
As for the movie itself, yep, its a mess. There’s like 20 different plot-lines and all the possible genres all mixed in one. It’s a whole lotta movie! From one point it tries to be a political commentary on the idea of history repeating itself, as here we had WW1 end, which was supposed to be the war to end all wars. And evidently that wasn’t the case, as history is repeated by those who forget it. Some deep stuff, however on the other side the movie is this slapstick over-the-top comedy with caricatured characters, then it’s also about friendship of the central trio, and then there’s the title of Amsterdam, which a reference to the one good place where the trio found true happiness. And how everyone in their hearts has a place like Amsterdam. And again brings us the the idea of history repeating itself, there are good parts and bad, war and peace and all that jazz. Oh, and then there is also a murder mystery too. And also the progression of medicine and painkillers. The movie just keeps jumping from tragedy to comedy to history to politics to satire to Chris Rock popping in for a one-liner to a little action....again, it’s a whole lotta movie. Does it all work? Nope, as the movie ends up being overly convoluted, especially in the way it mixes flashbacks with present day events, yet also the movie evidently thinks it’s cleverer than it actually is. Let’s take the murder mystery aspect. The reveal is pretty obvious, yet the movie evidently doesn’t think the audience is clever, as the end of the movie we spend a good 10 minutes just being walked through every single step as if we’re children, with every smallest detail explained, and I’m just there like “listen movie, I got it 30 minutes ago”. And overall as I said, the movie is over bloated with stuff, and as such it does drag with pacing issues and a lot of unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. 
That being said, I actually enjoyed Amsterdam for what it was. As I said the cast are all very game, and in fact the chances of you enjoying this movie is sorely reliable on if you like these actors or not. I for one do, so I enjoyed watching them get up to their debauchery and shenanigans. There’s also an easy vibe to the whole thing. For all the high political concepts its actually a pretty light watch, and weren’t it for the long run-time this movie would have zoomed by as swiftly as Taylor Swift’s appearance. Yep, don’t could on much from her here, she does get the brunt of the deal. But overall the movie is very forgettable. Enjoyable for what it is, some good moments are funny ones too, but not something I’ll remember in a week’s time.
Overall score: 5/10
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masterofd1saster · 9 months
CJ current events 21sep23
Hunter Biden indictment
Case is United States v. Biden, 23 cr 61 (D. Del.). The indictment is at https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23977706/hunter-indcitment.pdf
There are three counts. The first two are for lying on the ATF Form 4473 you must complete and sign in order to buy a firearms from a licensed dealer. You can download a 4473 from https://www.atf.gov/firearms/atf-form-4473-firearms-transaction-record-revisions
The third count is for possession of a firearm by a crackhead.
speaking of tax evasion
Two Florida businessmen, David Aaron and Russell Ultes, were sentenced today to 18 months and nine months in prison, respectively, for a scheme to evade over $1.1 million in income taxes. ***  https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/fort-myers-roofing-contractors-sentenced-prison-evading-over-11-million-taxes
excellent 54 sec video
DALLAS - A man police believe was involved in a dramatic shootout while attempting to break into an Oak Cliff apartment has been arrested and charged. The incident, which happened on Saturday, August 19th around 6 p.m., was captured by a doorbell camera. A man claiming to be a maintenance worker shows up outside the apartment door at a complex off of Gannon Lane. In the video, Ethan Rodriguez can be heard talking to the man through his doorbell camera.*** maintenance worker as 30-year-old Aaron Contreras.*** Dallas County Sheriff's Office records show Contreras' criminal history dates back to 2013.*** https://www.fox4news.com/news/video-oak-cliff-apartment-shootout
Maybe able to use dad's VISA for your next high
A key Senate committee is planning to vote on a bipartisan bill to expand banking services for legal marijuana businesses by the end of September, sources familiar with the plans, confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Friday. The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee intends to hold a markup session for the bill during the last week of September, which was first reported by NBC News. The legislation is intended to give federally regulated banks and credit unions legal cover to take cannabis dispensaries and growers as customers. Currently, banks and credit unions still face federal prosecution and penalties if they provide services to legal cannabis businesses because it is still considered a Schedule I substance, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and has a high potential for abuse, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. As a result of not having access to financial services, many state-legal cannabis businesses are forced to operate their businesses only using cash.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/senate/cannabis-banking-bill-end-of-month
Gov Whitmer kidnapping plot
Three men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 were acquitted Friday.  William Null, twin brother Michael Null, and Eric Molitor were found not guilty of providing support for a terrorist act and a weapon charge. Deliberations began Thursday.  "You gentlemen are free to leave," Judge Charles Hamlyn said. The trio is the last of 14 men to face charges in state or federal court. Nine were convicted and now five have been cleared.*** A juror approached Molitor outside the courthouse and "said he was very sorry for all he had gone through," defense attorney William Barnett told The Associated Press. "The man shook his hand and gave him a hug." "They went after three peoples’ lives and destroyed them for three years," Barnett said of the attorney general’s office. "I’m just lost for words. This is an emotional moment."*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-jury-acquits-three-men-in-plot-to-kidnap-gov-gretchen-whitmer
other CJ systems
Last year, Mahsa Jina Amini, a 22-year-old woman from the town of Saqqez in northwestern Iran, came to visit family in Tehran—a stranger in a strange land.  On September 13, she was exiting a subway station with her brother when she was stopped by the morality police for wearing an “inappropriate hijab.” It’s unclear what she was actually wearing that day—her mother says it was a “long, loose robe”—but she was locked up and beaten for this so-called crime. Three days later, on September 16, Mahsa Amini was dead.  At first, photographs circulated showing her lying in a coma in a hospital bed with tubes in her mouth and nose. Security forces claimed that Mahsa had suddenly collapsed in detention and suffered a heart attack. But a doctor from the hospital told me via encrypted message that Mahsa had died before she ever arrived. Leaked medical scans revealed that her skull had been fractured. The hospital photos, it turned out, were part of a regime cover-up—a fact that spread like wildfire throughout the country thanks to the reporting of fearless Iranian journalists.*** [protests] The regime sent in troops to crush the revolt. During the crackdown, more than 500 protesters have been killed, a quarter of them women. Another 20,000 have been jailed. At least seven were executed after brief show trials. UN experts estimate that at least 5,000 children have been poisoned in what they describe as “targeted chemical attacks against girls’ schools” that have been reported in “91 schools located in 20 provinces across Iran.” ***
Take the case of Zeinab Kazemi, who removed her hijab in February at an engineers’ gathering in Tehran. This month she was sentenced to 74 lashes. After she was sentenced, she wrote on Instagram, “I have never regretted raising my voice for justice and against oppression, and I still don’t.” Iranian journalist Nazila Maroufian was thrown in jail for interviewing Mahsa Amini’s father last year. After she was released, she posted a photo of herself without a headscarf and the message, “Don’t accept slavery, you deserve the best!” She is currently detained in an Iranian jail, and is now on a hunger strike, in protest against the sexual assault she has reportedly endured behind bars. ***
quick thinking
***Five people were about to enter a home on the 8900 block of Pebble Beach Circle in Westminster, California, when four masked men forced their way inside with them. The victims included an older woman, a 14-year-old boy, a seven-year-old girl, an adult man, plus the woman who was able to hide in the closet. It was about a quarter to 11 p.m. on Sept. 11 when police received a call. "Officers arrived at the residence in under three minutes and observed four males running out of the front door. All of the male suspects were observed wearing masks and armed with handguns as they ran from the residence," the Westminster Police Department said in a statement. "A male suspect pushed the adult male victim to the ground and used a stun gun to gain compliance. Four of the victims were tied up in the living room as the suspects demanded to know where the valuables were kept." Police arrived within three minutes of receiving the call, but by the time they arrived, the four suspects were already running out of the house. Officers on the scene could see they still wore masks and had handguns. One of the suspected burglars, Danny Sommay, 29, was apprehended and arrested on charges of kidnapping, robbery, conspiracy to commit a felony, and armed criminal action. Sommay's 9mm handgun was revealed to have been stolen, so he was also charged with possession of a loaded stolen firearm. He is currently being held at the Orange County Jail on $1,000,000 bail. The other three suspects are still at large. *** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/crime/california-woman-home-invasion-hiding-closet-call-9-11
don't do the crime if you can't do the time
Three pro-life activists who took part in an October 2022 “rescue” in a Washington, D.C., abortion facility were each found guilty of felonies that could land them up to 11 years in prison and fines as much as $350,000. The verdict follows a separate trial in which five other pro-life activists were also found guilty. The activists — 74-year-old Joan Bell, 73-year-old Jean Marshall, and 41-year-old Jonathan Darnel — were indicted on felony conspiracy against rights and violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, also known as the FACE Act. The FACE Act increased penalties for people who accost or obstruct women who are seeking abortion at clinics or pregnancy resource centers.*** https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/255394/three-more-pro-lifers-guilty-on-face-act-charges-face-up-to-11-years-in-prison
earned every second
A Pennsylvania man was sentenced today to 25 years in prison for manufacturing and attempting to manufacture child sexual abuse material (CSAM). According to court documents, David Dunn, 57, of Red Hill, used the mobile applications Snapchat and Likee to coerce and entice a 10-year-old female to engage in sexually explicit conduct. Dunn told the victim he was 11 years old and sent the minor female CSAM depicting minor boys, which he had downloaded from the Dark Web. Dunn captured the CSAM he coerced the victim to create and sent it to another individual via Telegram. Two cell phones seized from Dunn’s home contained thousands of images and videos of CSAM. Dunn pleaded guilty to one count of sexual exploitation of children. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-sentenced-sexual-exploitation-child
really must think there are no consequences A laughing teenager appears to deliberately plow a stolen car into a retired police chief, Andreas Probst, in a fatal Las Vegas hit-and-run that has left his widow furious, according to a now-viral video of the collision.*** Probst, 64, was on his morning bike ride when the teenager struck him Aug. 14 about 6:04 a.m. on North Tenaya Way near West Centennial Parkway, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said in a statement.*** In the footage, the driver asks, "Ready?" as the giggling passenger records the collision on his iPhone. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, hit his a--," he tells the driver, who then veers the Hyundai Elantra into the bike lane behind Probst, who is wearing a red shirt and shorts as he pedals. The driver can be heard honking three times before he rams into Probst's back wheel, sending him flying over the hood of the car. The passenger turns, points his iPhone out the window and records Probst roll to a stop on the side of the road. "Damn, that n---- got knocked out!" the passenger says in the 31-second clip.   "Oh, sh--, we need to get out of here," the panicked driver replies as he steps on the gas. Police tracked down the driver, who has not been named due to his age, and booked him into Clark County Juvenile Hall on charges related to the hit-and-run.*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/teen-driver-appears-intentionally-hit-kill-retired-police-chief-viral-video
"You’re going to have to kill me." "Bang."
An Ohio man wanted for the murder of a 77-year-old woman was shot by a man defending his family during a home invasion on Thursday, according to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office. Michael James Brooks II, of Columbus, Ohio, was hospitalized Friday for injuries sustained during the home invasion. When he is released from medical care, he will face charges for burglary, home invasion and theft by receiving in Georgia and murder charges in Ohio, police said.  Investigators said Brooks has an extensive criminal history. He is wanted in connection with the fatal stabbing of Emily Foster, which occurred on September 9, 2023, in Columbus, Ohio, and also for the carjacking of a red Ford F-150 truck in Kettering, Ohio, which was later found outside the burglarized home in Georgia.*** the homeowner was armed with a gun and confronted the intruder, who was wielding a knife, in his basement.  The homeowner reportedly warned the suspect before shooting him. Police said the homeowner then left the basement and took up a defensive position on the second-floor staircase to protect his family. "There, he took his stand as the subject made his way up to the second floor. [He] made the comment, something to the effect of, ‘You’re going to have to kill me,’ when the resident fired a second shot. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-murder-suspect-breaks-georgia-home-meets-family-man-firearm
Something wrong w/ tweaking?
A Florida woman was arrested after she allegedly left her 11-year-old son in a hotel room with a dead man following her drug-filled sexual encounter with two men. Amy Kemper, 32, admitted to authorities last week that she used drugs and had a ménage à trois in a room at the Hammock Beach resort in Palm Coast, Florida, before she decided to leave her son there with the 60-year-old man while she left with the other man overnight Sept. 9, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office said in a release.  She told deputies she thought the man was snoring strangely and when they returned they found him unresponsive. He was later pronounced dead in the room by medical personnel after CPR was attempted. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-woman-arrested-leaving-son-11-hotel-room-dead-man-following-menage-a-trois-2-men
***after tues
If you're looking for the worst person in West Virginia....
Hardy Carroll Lloyd, 45, of Follansbee, West Virginia, pleaded guilty today to obstruction of the due administration of justice.*** “It is absolutely reprehensible that the defendant threatened witnesses and jurors in the Tree of Life case, a tragedy that claimed innocent lives and emotionally scarred many in the Jewish community,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “The FBI will not tolerate the intimidation of citizens participating in our criminal justice system, and we will work with our partners to hold legally accountable anyone who threatens or carries out acts of violence against them.” According to court documents and statements made in court, Lloyd admitted to making online threats to jurors and witnesses involved in the federal hate crimes trial in Pittsburgh of Robert Bowers, the Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooter. Lloyd, a self-proclaimed “reverend” of a white supremacy movement, distributed threatening social media posts, website comments, and emails during the trial. As part of his plea agreement, Lloyd stipulated that he intentionally selected the jury and government witnesses in the Bowers trial as the targets of his offense due to the actual or perceived Jewish religion of the witnesses and the Bowers victims. *** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/west-virginia-man-admits-obstructing-tree-life-trial
What's wrong w/ you????
A criminal complaint was unsealed today in Manhattan, New York, federal court charging Grei Mendez, 36, and Carlisto Acevedo Brito, 41, both of the Bronx, New York, with narcotics possession with intent to distribute resulting in death and conspiracy to distribute narcotics resulting in death in connection with the poisoning of four children under the age of three, one of whom died, at a daycare facility in the Bronx. Mendez and Acevedo Brito are both in custody and will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jennifer E. Willis.   *** As alleged in the complaint, from at least in or about July 2023 through at least in or about September 2023, Mendez and Acevedo Brito and others conspired to distribute fentanyl, including at a children’s daycare center in the Bronx (the Daycare). There, despite the daily presence of young children, the defendants maintained large quantities of fentanyl, including a kilogram of fentanyl stored on top of children’s playmats. In addition, the defendants maintained in the Daycare items purpose-built for the distribution of large quantities of narcotics, including three so-called “kilo presses,” which are designed for the recompression of drugs in powder form commonly used by narcotics traffickers at “mills” or other locations where narcotic drugs are broken down, combined with fillers, and portioned for sale. The narcotics and one of the kilo presses recovered are pictured below.*** As a consequence of the defendants’ drug conspiracy, on or about Sept. 15, at the Daycare, four children, who were all under three years of age, appear to have experienced the effects of poisoning from exposure to fentanyl.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-charged-federal-narcotics-offenses-resulting-death-connection-poisoning-four-children
Presumed innocent, etc....
about that anti-social personality disorder thing...
Really, FBI?
The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers. At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureau’s Washington field office. D’Antuono has testified behind closed doors to the House Judiciary Committee that his office was aware before the riot that some of their informants would attend a “Stop the Steal” rally thrown by former President Donald Trump but he only learned after the fact that informants run by other field offices also were present, along with others who had participated of their own accord.*** Defense lawyers at the trial of five “Proud Boys” recently asserted that the FBI had as many as eight informants spying on the organization and that at least one was with them at the Capitol that day. Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has said that, in addition to the paid informants, the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.
the road to hell is paved is paved with what?
Attorneys are expected to give opening statements Wednesday in the jury trial for the first two Aurora police officers criminally charged in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain.
Aurora officer Randy Roedema, 41, and former officer Jason Rosenblatt, 34, each are charged with reckless manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide and assault in connection with McClain’s death.
They are the first to stand trial of the five people indicted in the 2019 killing. Jury selection began Friday and is expected to be completed on Wednesday, Shelly Bradbury reports.
All eyes on Aurora courtroom as first of three trials begins in Elijah McClain’s death.
Elijah McClain died of ketamine toxicity, updated autopsy report says.
Elijah McClain’s mother says Biden’s police-reform order doesn’t do enough, urges Congress to go further.
IJ's work on civil forfeiture is cool & important
More than three years ago, the FBI aimed a dragnet raid at a Los Angeles private vault company. In the process, the FBI took more than $100 million from customer safe deposit boxes—including $40,200 from Linda Martin. The FBI had no idea who Linda was when it seized the cash. It didn’t know that Linda and her husband, Reggie, were saving to buy a home. And when the FBI decided to forfeit and keep her life savings, the agency never told Linda what it thought she had done wrong. So, earlier this year, IJ launched our second class-action lawsuit against the FBI—this time for keeping Linda and other property owners in the dark during so-called administrative forfeiture proceedings. Barely a month after Linda and IJ filed suit, the FBI decided to return the money (with a modest amount of interest).   This is a tremendous win and long-awaited relief for Linda. But the FBI didn’t do it out of the goodness of its heart; its motives were much less wholesome. When it decided to return Linda’s savings, the FBI asked the court to dismiss her claims, arguing there’s no longer a dispute for the court to resolve. As Liberty & Law readers likely suspect, the FBI is wrong about that. IJ filed Linda’s case as a class action so that we could obtain justice not only for Linda but also for potentially thousands more like her.*** https://ij.org/ll/fbi-returns-life-savings-in-bid-to-get-out-of-lawsuit
When a dad calls you about his 11 y/o daughter being groomed, don't blame the girl
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safer in Iraq? kill someone for a 2012 Hyundai?
A refugee family who had been in the U.S. for less than a year is “utterly heartbroken” after their son and brother was shot and killed in a carjacking Tuesday night. Ahmed Zainuldeen, 23, identified Wednesday by his employment caseworker, Anna Hanel, with refugee resettlement organization African Community Center, was a refugee from Iraq who had been living in Egypt before coming to the U.S. with his parents and younger brother in November 2022. He was killed in the parking lot of his family’s apartment complex overnight Tuesday in the 7400 block of East Harvard Avenue, according to the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies are still searching for four suspects, who may be teenagers, in connection to the shooting and carjacking.*** “His parents have seen plenty of violence in their lives,” she said. “Now they had to see it here in the United States, where you’re supposed to feel safe. That’s what you came here for.” Zainuldeen and his younger brother were working to provide for their family, who fled Iraq due to persecution, Hanel said, and Zainuldeen had only saved up enough money to buy the car that was stolen, a 2012 Hyundai Sonata, a few months ago.*** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/victim-in-fatal-arapahoe-county-carjacking-was-iraqi-refugee-in-u-s-less-than-a-year/ar-AA1h14Va
excellent column about democracy at https://www.thefp.com/p/laurie-schlegel-stood-up-to-porn
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