#michael spn fan fic
moosealecki · 4 months
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ okay I haven’t seen very many so I’m curious what people would like to see more of with the archangels. 👀
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queen-of-deans-booty · 2 months
Patch of Happiness
Pairing: John!Michael x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request a archangel Michael x reader where Michael used young John Winchester vessel? Where the brothers find out that Michael have a sweet side that is only with reader despite the fact that she is half witch and half demon but is the most sweet and innocent girl that someone can meet and Michael just want to protect her from everything and the fact that she is pregnant with his baby so the baby would be a tribrid (angel demon witch) something crazy, powerful, and new? Just fluff and cuddling between Michael and reader and happy ending. 
Summary: You're trying to live your life and help others as much as you can while Michael is out doing what he does best. When two hunters fall into your lap, Michael realizes the danger of the situation and comes right home, ready to give up everything for the woman he loves.
Square Filled: nurse au (2020) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“Hi, Gertrude. How are you doing today?” you greet your patient with a smile.
“Oh, just fine, dear. You know I love seeing your face but I hate being back here.”
“I know. You did a great job last time. The cancer has gone down a bit. The treatment is working.”
“Good. I’m glad,” she smiles.
“I am here to take some blood and be on my say. I don’t want to take up too much of your time.”
“You’re never a bother, dear.”
She puts out the same arm you’ve been using for the past year to take blood. She has been battling cancer for a long time and has been seeing you for treatment since the beginning. The best part about being a nurse is seeing patients grow and heal. Gertrude is on her way if she keeps up the treatments.
You grab the blue tourniquet and tighten it around her upper arm to constrict the flow of blood. It makes for an easy vein. You wipe an alcohol pad across her skin to sterilize it before poking at her skin to get her veins to show.
“You’ve been drinking water, right?”
“Eight glasses a day. My daughter makes sure I have it. I forget sometimes.”
“You have good veins. You’re doing everything right.” You grab the butterfly needle and she looks away before you stick her with the needle. She’s been doing this for a long time but seeing the needle enter her skin still makes her squeamish. “Alright, the needle is in, you can look now.”
“How have you and the baby been?” she asks with a smile.
You place your left hand on your growing stomach with a shy smile. When her blood is done filling one tube, you take it out and push in the next so that the second tube can be filled.
“He’s doing so good. Kicking a lot,” you chuckle.
“Awh, that’s good, dear. I’m glad to hear it. I remember having my first child. It seems like she never slept because all she would do is kick me.”
“Yeah, I’m glad he’s not much of a mover, especially when I’m sleeping. He must sense I need a break,” you wink. You get done filling all three tubes before taking the needle out and placing a cotton swab over the wound before tying it down with two pieces of skin tape. “Alright, I will be back in a little bit. You just relax.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” she smiles.
You leave her room and head back to the nurses’ station where you package the blood correctly and have an intern rush this to the labs to get tested.
“So, when is Michael going to come by again?” one of your nurse friends, Jessica, asks. “We miss him.”
“You only miss his cookies,” you smirk.
“Maybe,” she shrugs with a smile. “I can’t help it. His cooking is so good.”
Whenever Michael does have time to come down, he always brings something he cooked for you to share with the other nurses. It’s his way of apologizing for never being around all the time.
“He’s busy with work,” you keep it vague. “I’m not sure when he’s gonna be back. All I know is that it’s soon.” You grab three more empty clean vials to take someone else’s blood who is next on your list. “Gotta go.”
You’re halfway to the patient’s room when you get a searing pain in your stomach. This kind of thing has happened before so you don’t want to alert anyone about premature labor or anything. You walk to the nearest bathroom and make sure it’s empty before leaning over the sink. You take three deep breaths and try to calm down in hopes it will ease your son’s worries.
“Baby, Mommy’s doing fine. I’m okay.”
That doesn’t seem to ease him so you look at your reflection and change the color of your eyes from their natural tint to pitch black. You use some of your magic to calm your son down which works once he feels the comforting aura. As soon as you know he’s not going to cause you any more pain, you turn your eyes back to their normal color and ease up on your magic.
“There you go, baby. See? Mommy’s fine.”
You’re half-demon and half-witch who doesn’t like to use powers unless you really have to. The only time you will is if a patient is in critical condition with no hope of survival. You have some healing abilities and try to help as many people as you can. You’re not as evil as a demon but you’re sweeter than a witch. Maybe that’s why Michael took to you many years ago.
You’re different than the others.
You leave the bathroom and continue with your shift, going from room to room to gather vitals, take blood, and check up on patients to get them anything they need. Once the clock strikes twelve, you take your badge and rush to the time clock.
“I’ll be back in thirty minutes!” you announce to your friends and clock out.
You’re on your way to grab a quick bite from the cafeteria when two men step foot into the hospital.
“Help, he needs help,” the taller one says.
“Are you okay?” you rush over without thinking you’re supposed to be taking your lunch. “What happened?”
“He’s been stabbed. I can’t seem to stop the bleeding.”
“Come here.” You take them to an empty room and lay the shorter one on the examination table to get a better look at what you're working with. You unbutton his shirt and see a deep ash on his abdomen. “Oh, yeah, they got you good. What happened?”
“I walked into a knife.”
“Accident,” the taller one says at the same time as the shorter one.
“He accidentally walked into a knife,” the taller one grounds out, giving the shorter one a weird look.
“Right. Let me get the doctor in here.”
You’re about to leave when the shorter one sits up.
“Sweetheart, I just need some stitches and I’ll be as good as new.”
“This is a stabbing. I need to get the doctor.”
“Alright, then I guess we’ll leave. Come on, Sammy.”
He tries to get off the table but you gently push him back down so he doesn’t go anywhere.
“You’re going to get me in trouble.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” he smirks.
“Wait here,” you sigh and leave the room. You return with a kit that will help you stitch his skin back together. You open his shirt the rest of the way to clean the wound when you notice something on the left side of his chest. An anti-possession tattoo. “You’re hunters.”
“I mean, sure, we like to hunt animals here and there but nothing serious,” the tall one stutters.
“That’s not the kind of hunters I’m talking about, and you know it.” You dab the wound to clean it and the man hisses. “I know an anti-possession symbol when I see one.”
“How do you know about hunting?”
You look at both men and flash your eyes black to show them what you really are. They lean back in shock but you’re quick to ease their concerns.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” You change your eye color back to normal and continue to fix the man. “I’m half-demon anyway. Half-demon and half-witch.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Helping as many people as I can with the curse I’ve been given. I didn’t choose to be this way. I was born a witch, a full-fledged witch who was happy in her coven. My coven was ransacked by a group of demons who took a liking to me. Long story short, I was with them for five tortuous years when they finally put a blade in my heart. Well, I had created a serum I kept in my body, much like the hex bags Rowena kept in her body to keep herself from dying, and I was brought back to life. Only this time, I was half-demon. I don’t know how or why because I never saw those demons again. Now I just keep to myself and help out as many people as I can.”
You don’t tell them about Michael because you know he’d be pissed if you kept telling people about him. He’s very hated in the hunting community, so the more people know about him the more you and your son can be in danger. You’re not sure why because Michael is nothing but sweet, kind, and loving. He’s good but most people don’t see that.
“What about you two? What really happened here?”
“I’m Sam and this is my brother Dean. We were on a demon hunt not far from here when one of them stabbed my brother. I usually do the stitching but this seemed a bit too deep to just patch up.”
“I’ve heard about you two. I never thought we’d meet. I tend to stay away from hunters.” You quickly fix Dean up and place a large cotton pad over the wound, securing it with skin tape. “I was on my way to get something to eat if you two want like to join me?”
“Sure,” Sam smiles.
You clean up the mess you made and escort the two brothers to the cafeteria. You and Dean get a hearty lunch while Sam gets something mild like a salad.
“Not to point out the obvious but I can see you’re pregnant.”
“Your point?” you ask and take a bite of your food.
“We’ve met a half-human, half-demon child before. He was too powerful for his own good.”
“Yeah, well, you haven’t met a witch-demon-angel tribrid before.”
Shit, you weren't supposed to tell them that an angel impregnated you.
“You got pregnant by an angel? Which one?” Dean asks.
“Doesn’t matter. I know what you’re going to say. Every child of an angel ends up motherless. They all die giving birth but not me. I am not going to let my child only know pictures and videos of me. I made a spell so powerful that I can draw from when I give birth. I don’t have to die.”
“Wow, I didn’t know that was possible.”
“Honestly, me either. It might not work. It’s all speculation at this point.” Your phone rings and you smile when you see who is calling. “Sorry, excuse me.” You answer it. “Hi, baby.”
“Darling, I’m sorry but it’s going to take a little bit longer until I can come home.”
“It’s okay, I get you’re busy.”
“I hate leaving you all alone without protection.”
“I don’t think that will be an issue. I met two hunters who I hear are the best. I just met them. Plus, I have my magic to protect me.”
“What hunters?”
“Sam and Dean Winchester.”
Michael’s ears ring at the mention of them. Panic envelops his entire body.
“Change of plans. I’m coming home right now.”
He hangs up abruptly and you pull the phone from your ear in confusion.
“That was weird,” you mutter. Since you stayed and helped Dean, your lunch break was cut down by fifteen minutes. “I have to get back to work. You can stay here and hang out if you want.”
“Sure, thanks,” Sam smiles. You leave the cafeteria to return back to work and Sam turns to his brother. “Are we staying?”
“She’s a demon/witch who got pregnant by an angel. Of course, we’re staying.”
Sam and Dean kept a close eye on you from a distance while you worked until your last break of the day. You don’t have to clock out for this one since it’s only fifteen minutes so you grab a granola bar to snack on and your tablet. You almost run into the brothers because you’re not watching where you’re going.
“Oh, hey! Have you been here the whole day?”
“Yeah, you know, just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Thanks but I’m okay. I have a couple of more hours left before I get to go home. You don’t have to stay here.” You walk around them to find an empty on-call room when you spot your boyfriend standing at the nurse’s desk. “Michael!”
You run into his arms and kiss his cheek but he’s staring at Sam and Dean with a deadly look.
“You alright?”
Sam and Dean are floored at who you’ve just kissed because they know exactly who this is. Dean met him when he went back in time to meet his father. It’s like he’s staring at someone he used to know but he has to remind himself that the person in front of him isn’t a young John Winchester. It’s Michael, the archangel.
“You know him?” Sam asks.
“This is my boyfriend,” you grin.
“Can I talk to you two alone?” he says and kisses the top of your head. “I’ll be right back, darling.” He takes them to an empty room and allows them to go in first. “I don’t care what you want. You win. Take whatever you want. Just leave her alone.”
“You don’t even know what we want,” Dean says.
“I don’t care. I’ll leave you two alone. I’ll leave Heaven alone. Just don’t bring her into it.”
Sam and Dean look at each other before the younger one nods in agreement. They make some sort of deal where Michael leaves everyone alone and no one will come after you or your son before and after birth. Michael leaves the room twenty minutes later and brings you into his arms.
“What’s going on?”
“We’re leaving.”
“Now? I have two more hours of my shift.”
“Don’t worry about that. We need to go.”
“Where are we going?”
“Home,” he smiles down at you. “I’m not leaving you anymore.”
You’re his entire world and he’d give up everything to make sure you’re safe and sound, even giving up the throne.
“Let’s go home, then,” you smile back.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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annmariethrush · 4 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Michael babysitting Jack and Marie?
“You are aware,” Michael says as he corrects Marie’s grip on the blade he gave her, “that these are dangerous weapons, not fictional, not toys.”
Marie looks up at him, the little braid, twin to the one she’d been putting in Jack’s hair when Michael arrived, that dangles at the side of her face curling and smacking against her cheek with the movement, before she says, “Yeah, but isn’t the world scary enough when we aren’t pretending?”
When they spar, Jack makes swishing noises for each swing of his blade and Marie calls him “Padawan” and they both call Michael “Master” when they’re bobbing on their heels waiting for new instruction, but Michael sees beneath that the careful way they move, like they were soldiers first and children playing second, and it makes his heart ache for how familiar that feels.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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Omen 15
Summary: Takes place in 13x22. You refused to let your brothers, Cas, and Gabriel go into the alternate universe without you. Little did you know what hell was about to hit….
Words: 1,465
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
(A/n: Chapter 14 is listed at Chapter 15. This was made in error when the chapter was published) 
Chapter 14
“Why do you want to help us? I mean, you did give my boyfriend to Evil Colonel Sanders. Why are you so desperate to get involved in the fight?”
Loki shrugged, giving you an innocent smile.
“Maybe the fact that I like to live? Even I know that if that other Michael isn’t stopped shit is going to get worse for all of us. Yes, that means you too, princess.”
You scowled at Loki. As much as you wanted to deck the creep in the face, you decided not to.
“Do me a solid, Loki. Never call me any pet names if you want to live. I can bet you money that Gabriel will not be the least bit happy to see you. If you could not antagonize him, that would be most appreciated.”
Loki scoffed.
“Why am I worried about one archangel?”
You held up the hand that held your engagement ring. Loki’s eyes widened seeing the canary diamond ring.
“Maybe the fact that Gabriel is extremely protective of me…and I think you know what I mean. He also has all of his strength back so he can smite you with a grin on his face. There is also the fact that I have our universe Michael on my side too. He has some strange appreciation of me now. Two archangels against one demigod don’t seem like a fair fight. You can take your pick.”
Loki blinked a few times.
“So, did you say that your name is Y/n?”
You nodded, it was your turn to smirk. The snarky little smile was wiped right off of Loki’s face and you loved it.
“Yes, that is my name. If I wanted to be a total ass, I could make you call me ma’am but I’m not that cruel.”
Loki looked as if he was suddenly regretting his life choices. If he split, you wouldn’t have been entirely shocked. He was quiet a moment before sighing.
“Y/n it is.”
You nodded before motioning back toward the hotel where Michael was waiting.
“Alright. Now that we both understand each other.”
You turned and started in the direction of your hotel. Loki waited a moment before chasing after you. You knew that he was behind you whining about not wanting to deal with archangels. Something told you that both Gabriel and Michael really wouldn’t want to deal with him either…so the feeling was mutual.
Time will have to tell on that one.
You thought as the two of you stepped into the room. Michael still sat on the bed fact-checking his bible documentary. He didn’t look up when you stepped in. You shook your head before turning to Loki who was giving Michael a frown. It was obvious that the demigod was questioning if this was really one of heaven’s most terrifying weapons.
“This is Michael…every house should have one.”
You murmured before going to the TV and turning it off. Michael jumped up, looking totally offended. He still had no idea that you had even been out of the room.
“I was watching that, human!”
You rolled your eyes.
“My name is Y/n, While you have been a fact checker, I found us another helper. Michael this is Loki.”
Michael turned around and looked at Loki as if he were surveying a bug. He knew exactly who this being was and Michael wanted to rip Loki limb from limb.
“So this is the…thing that sold my brother to a prince of hell?”
“Yeah, that would be him.”
You replied, reluctantly. Michael narrowed his eyes and for a moment, you wondered if Loki was going to explode. Nervously, you put a hand on Michael’s arm.
“Michael, can I talk to you over here?”
Michael didn’t take his sneering face off Loki as he followed you to the other side of the room. You reached out and turned Michael to look at you.
“Look, Michael, I don’t like this any more than you do but if we are going to go up against alternate you…we need all of the help that we can get. I don’t like Loki in the slightest. Honestly, I want to stab the man but he’s another body in our fight.”
Loki, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow.
“I feel so welcome.”
You chose to ignore his snide comment and kept your gaze locked on the archangel in front of you. Michael finally relented.
“Very well. I trust your judgment…even though you are wearing black boots.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“What is wrong with my boots?”
Michael pointed to your feet.
“You aren’t supposed to wear black before the American Labor Day holiday.”
Michael smirked when you rolled your eyes at him.
“Michael, no one listens to that, and forget my boots. I’m going to call Sam to let him know where we are. I’m going to need to butter Gabriel up really well. He is going to freak out when he sees this joker.”
Michael made a “hmm” sound before going to sit down on the bed as you took out your phone and texted Sam your address.
Sam was pacing around the living room. He was a nervous wreck! The day had been going from bad to worse. Not only was he mentally dealing with Dean saying yes to Michael but now he was worried about you. From your safety to Gabriel potentially ending the relationship and Sam being the one that would have to deal with the fallout…he was mentally done.
“I’m not going to break up with her.”
Gabriel grumbled from his place on the couch. Sam stopped walking.
“I sure as hell hope not. Y/n doesn’t need your crap, Gabriel. You asked her to marry you and you can’t run now.”
Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the ground in front of him. He wasn’t going to run. Gabriel couldn’t even justify why he even opened his mouth about potentially leaving you. It never would have happened. If he had, Gabriel would be back begging you for forgiveness within days. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay away.
You really were like “Angel Kryptonite.” Gabriel would never be able to tell you no or stay away even if he wanted to. You were the one weakness that he had. All it took was one little look from you and Gabriel was a mess.
Sam freezing and pulling his phone out made Gabriel look up.
“I found her!”
Gabriel and Cas both jumped up as well.
Gabriel asked. Sam held out his phone. He didn’t have the will to consider fighting Gabriel on getting to you. Sam knew that Gabriel would just punch him aside in order to get to you.
“Good enough. Hang on.”
You stood looking between Michael and Loki. Neither had said a word since coming to a joint agreement to “put up” with each other in order to achieve the greater good. Shaking your head, you silently wished that you were able to get your bottle of booze. It was going to take a lot of alcohol to deal with these two.
You said with a smile. At the moment, you didn’t care to pay a few dollars for a can of soda. Glancing over your shoulder, you met Michael’s gaze.
“I’m going to get some ice.”
Michael nodded curtly.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
You shook your head for the millionth time that night and stepped out of the room. As soon as the door was closed a pair of arms went around your waist and you were slammed into a hard body. Coughing, you looked up to see Gabriel wrapped around you.
You barely squeaked his name out before he started kissing you. He was clearly as thrilled to see you as you were him. After not leaving each other on good terms, knowing the other was alive and well meant everything. Neither of you cared that Cas and Sam were watching awkwardly.
Neither Gabriel nor yourself was in the mood to let the other go. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders while Gabriel wrapped one arm around your waist to keep your body against his. Twirling your fingers in Gabriel’s curls, you sighed against his mouth.
Gabriel was the first to break the kiss. He looked down at you with a clearly happy smile.
“Sugar, what were you thinking? I have been so worried.”
You quickly kissed him again, hoping to avoid any arguments that Gabriel could make.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t risk losing Dean to Michael. None of this was to hurt you.”
You suddenly remembered that Loki was sitting on the opposite side of the wall. Wincing, you couldn’t help but wonder if this hotel had decent insurance. Something told you that they were going to need it.
“Gabriel, before we go in there, I want to warn you that we have someone on our side that you aren’t going to like. I need you to trust me, okay.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow as you opened the door.
“Sugar, nothing could bother me now that I am with you…oh my dad is that Loki?”
You sighed and quickly followed Gabriel in. Loki stood up with a smirk on his face.
“Gabriel, I’ve met your little princess. She’s cute.”
You gave Loki a “go to hell” look as Gabriel’s eyes started to glow bright gold. Shoving yourself between the two, you threw your arms around Gabriel’s shoulders hoping to break his concentration.
“Gabriel, stop. Please. There are a lot of innocent people in this hotel that doesn’t deserve to die. Please, I’m with you. I love you.”
Gabriel’s eyes calmed as he wrapped an arm around you possessively. He gave Loki a look that clearly said, “Try me, bitch.”
“What nothing to say?”
Loki questioned. Gabriel turned suddenly and threw Loki into the wall with a flick of his wrist. Michael was on his feet and ready to attack without even being asked. You stood blinking a few times as Sam and Cas moved out of the way. Neither clearly wanted to tangle with either angel.
You reached out for Gabriel again but he wiggled away and was going after Loki.
You snapped. Michael, Loki, and Gabriel all froze and turned to look at you.
“Stop fighting. If we are going to be fighting then we will never be able to take down Michael.”
“You all should listen to Gabriel’s little Ms. Pretty.”
Everyone turned around to see Lucifer sitting at the table with a shit-eating grin on his face. Your mouth dropped as Sam scowled. This was the last thing that you expected.
Michael said calmly. Lucifer grinned.
“It's so good to see you all. I’m glad I got your message, Mikey. It warms my heart to see everyone that I hate in the same room.”
Gabriel moved back to his place beside you. He protectively wrapped his arms around your waist holding you again close to him. Lucifer stood up.
“You two are breaking my heart. Is that a diamond on a certain little finger, Y/n? What have you done to my brother?”
You scowled at Lucifer. Deep down you wouldn’t be too upset if he exploded. Your hatred of Loki and Lucifer rivaled each other. One moment you hated one and the next you hated the other.
“Don’t talk to her.”
Gabriel snapped. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. He considered making a “must be some good pussy” comment but decided not to. Something on his younger brother’s face told him that Gabriel wasn’t up to play.
You, meanwhile, looked around the beyond tense atmosphere of the room. You stepped away from Gabriel and looked at all of the faces in the room. Michael was still scowling at Loki. Gabriel was glaring at Loki then turning to glare at Lucifer. Lucifer, meanwhile, was grinning like a damned fool.
“It's safe to say that no one likes being in this room but it's for good reason. If we don’t do something about the other Michael…we may not be here much longer. He also has my brother and I can not accept that. If the lot of you can’t get along for Dean’s sake then do it to save your own skin. In the mean time, we have to find some way to get along. Let's get through this next little bit then we can all get back to killing each other.”
You watched with a satisfied sigh as everyone appeared to nod reluctantly. Michael put Loki down while Lucifer moved to sit down in front of the TV. Gabriel came back to you, looking apologetic.
“Sorry, sugar plum.”
You reached out to cup his cheek.
“Want to come outside with me?”
You asked. Gabriel was totally relived to have any excuse to get out of the room and have some alone time with you.
“Gladly, those pretty lips need some attention…”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @knreidy1 @jessyballet @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @coffeeaddictednymph @millies0bsimp @fific7 @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsval @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @stelleduarte @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @lostarc @un-lovesherself @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @yousmellllikecaca @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @bennyberry @rubyroscoe1 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @criminalyetminimal @ad-astra-again @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic
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spnfanficpond · 2 months
New Member Spotlight - April 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@elf-punk -
Other SM names? - Discord: crumblemoon, AO3: queen_karnilla
OTP? - Destiel all the way
Other fandoms? - Doctor who, Dune, Harry Potter, Marvel (Loki specifically), Sandman
Looking for in the Pond? - Mainly to meet and hang out with other SPN fans, and share/read fanfic and headcanons! Nothing super specific.
Pairings you read? - Reader inserts/OC mainly involving spn angels (michael and cas are my favourites!)
Genres you read? - Romance, friends/enemies to lovers, angst with a resolution, all things fluffy! Will read smut as part of a longer romantic narrative, but not for the sake of it.
What do you like to write? - Reader-inserts/OC, introspectives and character studies
@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis -
Other SM names? - Discord: jackiefour, AO3: jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
OTP? - Wincest (Sam/Dean)
Looking for in the Pond? - Just looking to strengthen ties with the general fandom community and it's always nice to have other writers/readers to talk with.
Pairings you read? - SamDean in all its variations, either of the brothers/reader together or separate is good too.
Genres you read? - Angst, smut, crackfics are my preferred, although some fluff is nice and appreciated too. The trope doesn't matter as much to me as the overall quality of the writing.
Favorite writer(s)? - Gah, too many amazing writers to narrow it down to a favorite, but @applecrumbledore, @dyed-red, leonidaslion, candle_beck, deadlybride immediately spring to mind.
What do you like to write? - Currently been writing wincest (SamDean) but I used to write reader inserts for both of the boys.
Most underappreciated fic? - Probably this one because it's a body swap/gender bend with low key non-con elements to it (so I get why it doesn't get as much love as some of the others): Make A Wish
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I am currently working on my first long fic, just getting going on it and am a little intimidated by the scope, but I don't deal with deadlines or anything like that well, so I'm hoping that just being around other people writing and talking about writing will help keep me motivated to finish it. Basically, I'm just looking for passive motivation and community.
@i-already-know-im-going-2-hell / @aceing-on-the-cake -
Other SM names? - AO3: i_already_know_im_going_to_hell
OTP? - Honestly I think Wincestiel can't be beat when it's done well, best of both worlds
Other fandoms? - I enjoy a lot of fandoms but to be honest I'm really only making content (writing and drawing) for supernatural.
Looking for in the Pond? - Honestly I'm just looking to hang around, meet fellow writers and artists, and pick up tips and tricks along the way. I find I'm motivated so much more when I have others around me who are just as into the things I'm into.
Something to signal boost? - Honestly the only thing I'm currently working on bigger project wise is a supernatural au I'm doing a lot of drawings for. This is the original post --Guineanatural-- and it has all the links in it towards currently running polls or completed artworks.
Pairings you read? - I'm a multishipper, I will read almost any pairing that's not parent/child honestly.
Genres you read? - Angst and Hurt/Comfort are my jam. Smut, fluff and crack are great if they're included, but I'm truly there for pain of angst and then the comfort that comes after.
Favorite writer(s)? - @applecrumbledore on AO3, is the author of one of my all-time favorite Dean/Sam fics I've ever read, Acid
What do you like to write? - Angst/Comfort with a whole lot of character analysis thrown in
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Unfortunately, my bane in life is to house more fic ideas in my head than I actually ever have a reasonable amount of time to write and to have crippling adhd caused executive dysfunction, which can truly only be fixed by Earth changing to a day cycle longer than 24 hours and absolutely using body doubles in any form I can take those. The first problem truly can't be fixed by mortal men unfortunately, but for the second honestly me just hanging around with other writers or seeing other writers work on things too helps to work as a body double for my brain a lot of the time. So honestly, just hanging in the server itself and following the tumblr should be plenty of help.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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avalonsilver · 1 year
These are my favorite SPN ships. I'm curious to see the breakdown of who likes what from those who visit my blog or any SPN fan who comes across this poll.
Midam is really the only canon ship on here (helped by Jake Abel confirming lol). And maybe Megstiel too (when she was alive--mostly thanks to episode 8x17).
For Sam/Jimmy-- it's a small ship, but AU headcanons are welcome. I've enjoyed the Sam/Jimmy fics I've read even if there is a small pool of stories to choose from in the first place. 💙
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vaicomcas · 1 year
The spn writers are so self-aware about Dean. I want to yell at them for knowing they made a fucked up character without giving him any character growth
Some examples of this are:
Sam saying so free will is only for you
AU Kaia saying Dean is like Michael
They know Dean is abusive, and they just left him like that? Character development????
Yeah, when I was making those S13 gifsets you keep seeing people (Sam, Jodie) around him looking at his action with disapproval, but then they always go along with whatever he does.
I think they consider Dean's bad behavior to be what gives Dean's character complexity. The narrative is Dean had SOOOO MUUCH trauma in his life (they even made Castiel say these words when he and Sam goes in Dean's mind-- talking about heavy handed), his bad behaviors was presented as evidence of his damage, his injury. They made "AU Kaia" say, "your anger, your impatience... it's fear." This is all supposed to earn him sympathy. It goes like this-- Dean lashes out because he internalized his trauma and thinks he is broken and bad. It's all to add a poignant edge to his glorification.
Most of the fandom embraces it wholeheartedly. Fan fics are always about "Dean Winchester has self-worth issues". (probably half of them has this tag).
The thing is, if people want to relate to someone with self-worth issues, there are far better options.
(Then there is the part that I actually don't understand. The show was on for a long time, and large cultural changes took place during that time. Yet Dean never changed with the times. Misogyny, xenophobia, entitlement of the priviledged, these were all things that become less tolerable in recent years, yet Dean's embodiment of such traits never waivered. I guess he needs to be true to his character. )
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aliveafterparadise · 6 months
Hello, I hope it doesn't come across as rude because I love your fics and your versions of Michael and Lucifer! I was just wondering if you could maybe make up your own ship name/tag for the Michael/Lucifer ship of your verse..? See, this ship has different tags based on the fandom; ineffable rivals (good omens), obey Michael x lucifer, dominion & legion Michael/Lucifer, abm Lucifer x michael, Michael Demiurgos/Lucifer Morningstar.... but Michifer was intended to be about Michael and Lucifer from spn specifically
Good afternoon and happy belated New Year!
I received this from you about a week ago but didn't know how to approach it for a second because this is a very unique situation I find myself in.
But now I've had time to kind of think about this and I want to respond (first by saying thank you, very kind of you that you enjoy my work),
Second, thanks for sending this in and letting me know #michifer is a specific tag for specific fandoms,
but third, and I'm posing this to the fandom folk by tagging it because I need help understanding something: when is it or is it not okay to tag something within your fandom? For example, I try pretty hard not to tag ANYTHING of mine as #spn or #obeyme UNLESS I think it would appeal to you. For me, creating a 'hivemind' means I kind of want the SPN and Obey Me and (insert fandom here) who likes Michael/Lucifer to jump in on this because I'm hoping that encourages talkback and other creative responses.
A more concrete example that I ran into recently is that I cross-tag the most with the Lucifer Netflix fandom. I have been tagging that one in particular BECAUSE the work I'm doing is riffing some off of its theory, so in this sense, I want talkback from fans about the lore I'm utilizing.
Either way, thanks for opening up some dialogue for me. I haven't used Tumblr in some time but even when I did, I was never in this part of the fandom so hearing there's at least 6 different tags for one ship kind of blows my mind.
(P.S. if you DO happen to see something of mine land in the michifer tag again going forward than it was something that published from my website and I autotag. I can fix it going forward.)
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hoboal87 · 2 years
Fool Us Twice Writing Challenge
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@synmorite and I are hosting a Challenge! Starting this month, which happens to be our birthday month (plus the bebe currently growing inside @hoboal87) and with no end date.
We want you to write a fic whose purpose is to trick us into believing something that isn’t true. As some of you know, Syn and I love to theorize the hell out of fics, and we're quite good at it. Throw us for a loop! We want you to trick us. 
For example: Make us believe someone is a villain but turns out they’re the good guy, or vice-versa! Or maybe the reader thinks he/she/they are being cheated on, but it’s really that the s/o is shopping for engagement rings (or go for the opposite and bring on the angst).
Bend the rules however you see fit, but it should still make sense once the twist is revealed. Distract us with other details. Is there a large time jump? Was something revealed about a character and they haven’t been heard from since? Does a character have a mysterious past? Make us focus on the why, even though it might be irrelevant to the story itself. The point is: make us believe the lie. You can use any type of literary device; unreliable narrator, red herrings, Chekhov's gun, flashbacks/flashforwards, in medias res, framing devices, ect. 
Interested? Check out the rules below!
Some Rules:
18+ participants only please
No minimum word count, max 3k per part. 
Any genre - Angst, smut, fluff, crack are all welcome. Please tag/warn your fic accordingly
If you choose to write smut, no scat or piss play. We both are pretty much open to anything outside of that, but if you're not sure you can send either of us a DM
Fandoms: Supernatural (Sam, Dean, John), Walker, The Boys, and any iteration (soulless!Sam, Demon!Dean, ect.) of those characters as well as RPF for those fandoms. Crossovers are more than welcome and encouraged! 
RIs, OCs, and Ships. We respectfully ask for no Destiel smut as neither of us are particular fans.
Need an idea for a pairing? Sastiel, Saileen, Denny, Dean/Cordell, Dean/SB, Sam/Jess, SB/Cordell, SB/Stella, Butcher/Liam, Cordell/Liam, Cordell/Stella. Think your pairing is unusual? Please write it!
If you write any RPF, wife-hate is not acceptable. 
We do ask if you decide to stay compliant or adjacent to the SPN canon, no mentions of the Barn or Dean’s death.
Post in at least two parts with the twist in the second part so we can theorize!
You can pick from either option one or two, or both, it's completely up to you!
Sign ups are not required, but if you'd like to let us know you can DM either @synmorite or @hoboal87
Please tag both of us as well as use the hashtag #trick and treat hobosyn in the first 5 tags
if one or both of us don't reblog within 48 hours please send us a DM
First option: pick a song or movie from 1987. Use this as the inspiration for your fic. Multiple authors may choose the same song/movie.
Bad by Michael Jackson
Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
With or Without You by U2
Here I Go Again by Whitesnake 
Don't Dream it's Over by Crowded House
I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffani
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2
Didn’t We Almost Have it All? by Whitney Houston
The Next Time I Fall by Peter Cetera and Amy Grant
Alone by Heart
Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi
U Got the Look by Prince
(I Just) Died in Your Arms by Cutting Crew
Lean on Me by Club Nouveau
(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party) by Beastie Boys
Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac
Notorious by Duran Duran
The Way It Is by Bruce Hornsby and the Range
Three Men and a Baby
Fatal Attraction
Flowers in the Attic
The Princess Bride
Dirty Dancing
The Lost Boys
Throw Momma From the Train
Lethal Weapon
Some Kind of Wonderful
The Untouchables
Adventures in Babysitting
Full Metal Jacket
Second option: Below is our Wish List of Tropes that we love to read. We have a wide variety of favorite tropes and once again, we aren’t here to judge.
Have Fun! We can't wait to read and theorize your fics!
A/B/O breeding farm
Dark Winchesters
Hand/Size Kink
Fuck or Die
A/B/O True Mates
Rough sex
Serial Killer AU
Breeding Kink
Knife Kink
Chef AU
Inappropriate Relationships
Dark J3
Medical AU
Age Gaps
Historic AU
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troglobite · 1 year
again pls let me be w the shows i watch lol
more Thoughts
okay also watching episode 2 again of this season and the tinhat is fully fucking on
WHY does ted care SO MUCH abt trent?
he says yes against everyone's wishes
trent just keeps staring at ted the whole time waiting patiently for his answer he HAS to know everyone is trying to get ted to say no to this idea
ted's SO excited to see him
he mentions a baggie of his hair ties in lost and found?! either it's true and for some reason ted made note of it, or he's poking fun at trent for having an incredible head of hair. lol
then beyond that
the thing that got me and made me wanna think out loud
was the exchange w roy in the locker room
"your ego is abt to jeopardize a lot more than one football game, okay?"
my god the tinhat it fits so snugly i love it
trent waits patiently awkwardly in the locker room for him and roy to come back out like my god
also i'm just.
okay he also--this is SO tinhat.
in rebecca's office
they mention handfuls
ted's like "never a handful of skittles, though, the dye gets all over your hands and it's sticky. and you CAN print that."
[the tinfoil hat turns rainbow]
we need another way to refer to ppl who are having fun w crackships or batshit fan theories etc. even THAT needs a different name. alas, it's almost 5 am and i'm way too tired to think of any.
then my favorite little bit
trent's whole thing yada yada yada you're doing this bc of rupert mannion
"yeah basically"
"love that"
that man has NO wedding ring and a YOUNG daughter.
he has that beautiful hair and a silly swaggering way of walking
his style is ridiculous
he uses and carries RAINBOW MUGS
he simply raises his eyebrows and keeps walking, A Change Man, after seeing colin making out w michael
also interesting that everybody's in fic and stuff being like "oh he calls him coach lasso"
no he doesn't he literally says "goodnight, ted"
he literally says ted
also just those LOOKS in that conversation
my god mmmmmm i have never been so tinhatty.
except for spn and tbh i Was A Fool. this time i'm just having fun.
they made/confirmed two characters as canonically queer! I AM SIMPLY HAVING A GRAND OL TIME WAITING TO FIND OUT WHO ELSE IN THE SHOW MIGHT BE!!!!! WHO WILL JOIN THEIR RANKS?!
mayhaps the "fancy" man who ted complimented as their first interaction who has a young daughter, no wedding ring, and no evidence of an ex, who reacted w the aplomb of a seasoned homosexual upon seeing colin and michael?
i could watch episode 2 over and over and over again
jamie and dani being friends is the best thing and jamie being rightfully irritated AND a bit jealous abt zava? excellent nuance.
he's right! they don't need him! but that comes from a place of awareness abt the team and caring for them, AND a place of jealousy bc HE wants to be the star player on the team. (along w dani and sam, of course, as much as he rags on them)
loved that bit.
trent crimm, homosexual. love it. that man? he's queer.
i had forgotten abt keeley bc i was just like "yeah, yeah, plausible deniability, a lot of straight women talk like that"
i had brushed off colin bc it was one or two throwaway comments or camera framing and he was sort of the butt of a few jokes, an unserious guy.
but now?
my god.
and TRENT?!
i'm just.
the snowglobe in barbara's office that the camera most closely focuses on is AMSTERDAM. IT'S FROM AMSTERDAM.
like holy fucking shit this next episode is going to explode us all, isn't it?
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
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[Image Description: A black banner outlined in a red blood splatter with the text, Whumpmas In July 2023 in red text. Underneath is two separate strings of Christmas light with alternating yellow, red, and green bulbs]
-> Day 7 - "Post a link to your favorite whump fic fan-media(s) of all time"
Gotta love all the fan-made things right! For @whumpmasinjuly-archive
Fanfic: I haven't been doing much reading so here's the ones I listed last year
In The Stables by Onehelluvapilot
Lancelot shows up at Camelot's stables, bedraggled and clearly exhausted, riding a horse that isn't his own. His friend Tyr worries and fusses over him when he's able.
Post-Asmodeus Sabriel Feels by UnityGhost
30+ one-shots of sabriel feels ❤️
Merlin & Arthur - BBC Merlin
Merlin & Gwaine - BBC Merlin
Mordred - BBC Merlin
Balthazar - Supernatural
Fan edit:
Michael & Anna - Supernatural
Michael & Adam - Supernatural
Samandriel - Supernatural
Abigail Hobbs - Hannibal
Video edits:
Midam - Supernatural
Freya & Lancelot & Arthur - BBC Merlin
Fan video's:
Spn angels + Born to die by Halsey
Mergana - BBC Merlin + Arcade
BBC Merlin + Jupiter by SAL
Minor characters from BBC Merlin
Michael & Alex - Dominion
Phillipe D'orleans - Versailles
Silas & Chacrow - Jamestown
Ragnar - Vikings
Honestly any Gifset with the angels from spn always have so much sadness to them
Krissy & Kate - Supernatural
OC's from emeraldwhump
Bloody Hands by poetry-in-blood-and-brain-matter
Mordred & Morgana & Arthur - BBC Merlin
Wow that took a bit to do. I would do more stuff like poetry, animations, comic's because you all are so fricken talented but I am very tired of copying and pasting links right now so I'll leave it at that 😊 check them all out thought and remember to reblog!!
Wij 2022 Masterlist | Wij 2023 Masterlist [Prev <- • -> Next]
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Unexpected Visitor
Pairing: No Pairing
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: minor violence
Request by anon: Hey can i request a imagine Michael, like the reader is Dean and Sam best friends and Bobby daughter but in the apocalypse world she was Michael’s wife and she had died and when the got to the apocalypse world Michael attack everyone except her?
Summary: You didn’t know what to expect about the Apocalypse World, but you surely didn’t know that you would mean something to the big bad--the archangel Michael. Can you be enough to tame him?
Square Filled: “That tingling sensation running up your spine... inevitability. And the bit running down your leg? Fear.” (2022) for @spnquotebingo​
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Before you go into any battle, you always make sure you have weapons stashed up just in case you might need them later on. You have two thigh holsters, a strap you put across your chest, jackets with enough pockets to hold small weapons and ammo, and two hands to carry them.
You’re going into a world you know nothing about, so you have to be prepared for anything. Mary is trapped inside this other world with Lucifer, and you’re going there to rescue her. Rescue and escape--that’s it. Still, you know there will be a fight coming from someone, which is why everyone is gearing up for it.
Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack, Crowley, and yourself are the only ones going inside in the hopes you’ll bring only one back.
“Are you ready?” Dean asks you.
You grab the knife your dad made for you specifically. If only he were here. Bobby has been a big part in Sam and Dean’s lives as well, so it’s hard for him not to be here with you. You take the knife and slide it into your thigh holster.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go get your mom.”
Rowena and Gabriel will open the portal inside the library so that they can contain it from their end, and you’ll hurry to find Mary before the spell ends. You don’t want to be stuck over there with no way out of it.
“Ready?” Rowena asks everyone.
“Yeah. Open it,” Sam nods.
Along with Gabriel’s grace, she casts the spell to open the portal. A golden line forms in the middle of the room as if the dimension you’re on has ripped open.
“Be careful. The spell will only last twenty-four hours.”
“Ideally, we should only need half of that,” Dean says confidently.
“Only us can return. You see anyone else, turn them away or turn them to dust,” you instruct.
With that in mind, all six of you step through the portal and into the other world. You’ve never been to this place, and now you know why. The entire planet is covered in a thick dust cloud, it’s in shambles, and there is destruction everywhere. A war clearly happened or is happening here. Whoever had the power to cause this much damage must be around here somewhere, so along with rescuing Mary, you need to avoid whoever that is.
“How do we know where Mom is? She could be anywhere,” Sam says.
“We start walking. We’re about to hit civilization soon. Then we can ask around,” Dean says before addressing the crowd. “Be on alert. We don’t know who or what is out there.”
You head toward the thick, black smoke in the area, but pause when you see a shadow. It’s getting bigger, which means whoever is there is walking toward you. You, Sam, and Dean get ready for a fight, but when the person comes into the light, you freeze.
“Dad?” you ask and take one step toward him.
“Who the hell are you guys?”
It’s such a long story, but one that he is willing to hear. Sam and Dean tell the entire story from start to finish, and the best part is Alternate!Bobby doesn’t seem so surprised.
“So much shit has happened here that I’m not surprised people from a different world are here.” He looks over at you to see you staring at him. “What’s her problem?”
You quickly look away in embarrassment.
“You’re a splitting image of her dad from our world who died six years ago.”
“Right, well, I’ve been fighting in this war for years. I know the ins and out of this place, and if one of your guys is stuck here, then I know exactly where she would be. Follow me back to base camp.”
Alternate!Bobby leads the way back to his home of operations where the only survivors are huddled. Whoever is hunting them clearly doesn’t know where this is, otherwise, they would all be dead.
While on the way over there, you encounter some no-so-friendly creatures who want nothing but to eat you. This is where Jack comes in handy since he can use his powers to easily kill them.
“Whoa! Whoa! What the hell are you doing?” Alternate!Bobby gets pissed.
“What are you? Are you an angel?”
“No, I’m a half-angel. He’s the full angel,” Jack says, pointing to Castiel.
“You idiot. Michael will find us if he senses your power.”
“Michael? As in, the archangel Michael?” you ask.
“No, Michael Myers.” You roll your eyes, but let him continue. “He will kill us all if he finds us. Do not use your powers. This is the safe zone. I will not put my people in danger for you.”
“Understood,” Dean nods once.
The second Alternate!Bobby stops talking, it’s when Michael attacks. He shows up out of the blue, and because your team isn’t quite at the camp, those people will be safe. You’re no match for an archangel, so this falls on Jack, Castiel, and Crowley to help defeat him. You, Sam, and Dean are knocked out of the way, and you hit a nearby tree.
Something snaps, but you’re too focused on not dying that you don’t really feel it. Michael uses his powers to blast all three away from him, and he stalks toward the group with fire in his eyes.
“That tingling sensation running up your spine... inevitability. And the bit running down your leg? Fear.”
Michael turns to Sam and Dean who clearly can’t move, and you know without a doubt, he will kill them. Despite your leg screaming at you, you force yourself up and hobble over to your best friends.
“Stop! Please!” you cry out.
Michael turns to you expecting an easy kill, but as soon as he locks eyes with you, his entire body goes rigid. His eyes go wide as if he knows who you are. There is a sense of familiarity in his eyes, but you don’t know who he is. You’ve never met him or his counterpart from your Earth.
“Y/N?” he says with emotion.
“Please don’t hurt them,” you beg and move closer to your friends.
Michael is distracted, and Jack takes this opportunity to get a few hits in. Michael comes back to reality and turn to Jack with the same fire in his eyes. No one on your team is dying today, so you run over to them as fast as you can. Michael raises his hand to strike down on Jack, but you slide yourself in between the two men.
“Please stop!” you shout.
Michael looks from Jack to you, and his eyes went from having fire in them to having conflicting emotions in them. He never thought he would ever see you again, not after you died in his arms. The last time he saw those eyes staring back at him was when his wife was alive.
Michael looks down at your busted leg, and he reaches out to touch you. You flinch back from the thought of him hurting you, and that causes him pain you’ll never know about. Still, he touches your shoulder, and in the next second, your leg is healed.
Michael doesn’t give you an explanation because he steps back and vanishes before your eyes. You wiggle your leg expecting pain, but it’s completely normal.
“What the hell was that?” Dean groans and sits up.
“I don’t know,” you whisper. You and Jack gather everyone together to do a head count, and luckily, no one is badly hurt. “We need to find Mary and get out of here quickly before Lucifer or Michael show up again.”
The way Michael treated you compared to everyone else is stuck inside your head. Did you mean something to him? Was there another you in this world that was close to him?
If you can figure that out, you might be the key to disarming him.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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smellingofpoetry · 2 years
Of secrets and sacrifices
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: "Dean remembered how calm it made him feel watching over her during his restless nights. Now, though, it was so painful. Everything he could see when he looked at her was blood."
Square/s Filled: Quote F: "Don't look me like that." "Like what?" "Like you still love me." (TMAS Bingo - @supernatural-jackles)
Warnings: angst, so much angst, some fluff too, implied smut
Words count: 2611
A/N: Hi there! It has been quite some time since the last time I posted a new story. This last month has been crazy, and I don't have much time anymore. I just hope to be able to write and post more often. Now, that being said, I've written this story for the challenges of two lovely people: @libre1rose8 and @roonyxx. For @libre1rose8 the prompts were: "Dean's green Hanley", "I have a secret to tell you" and "into the woods". For @roonyxx I had: "I have always been alone". You'll find the prompt in bold. Girls, I'm so terribly sorry for the delay, I just hope you're gonna like what I came up with. Before I leave you to the story, I wanted to thank the sweet @snowlovespie. Thank you so much for the love, support, and help with this one-shot, I appreciated it more than I can say.🖤 Let me know what you guys think. ;)
Dean Winchester Masterlist - Masterlist
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It has been months since the last time they shared a room. Since then, many things had changed, while others had seemed to remain the same.
She still slept with his green Hanley.
He still spent his night looking at her.
Dean remembered how calm it made him feel watching over her during his restless nights. Now, though, it was so painful. Everything he could see when he looked at her was blood.
Blood was on his hands while he was cutting through the soft skin of her abdomen. Her screams still resonated in his ears.
He could already feel the panic starting to creep on him at that memory.
No, wait.
That wasn't…
… that didn't happen.
Did it?
Then why could he still feel her warm blood between his damn fingers?
Dean sat up fast, feeling the air getting shorter with each breath. The cold under his feet was the only thing able to, somehow, ground him, while his hand wouldn't stop trembling. Those images, still stuck in the back of his head, were ready to torture him.
He scratched at his stubbled cheek, dragging his fingers to his eyes and rubbing them. He shouldn't have taken this hunt. He knew something was up the moment Sam had told him about the hunt, insisting for Dean to go help some random hunter asking for backup. He should have known it was about her. To be honest, though, it wasn't Sam's fault, not entirely. Dean was to blame too because he should have left as soon as his suspicions were confirmed. At the end of the day, though, he was a weak mean.
So, here he was in the middle of the night, in a cabin in the woods. So far away from home, trying to deal with something that he thought had been already dealt with.
Dean had never been so wrong in his whole life.
He realized it as soon as he saw her in the empty parking lot, leaning against her green olive car months after Michael. She was more beautiful than he remembered, and the mere sight of her was enough to overwhelm him with a new wave of pain.
He sighed, glancing at the woman sleeping in the bed next to him. Y/N – the woman he had loved once.
The woman he still loved.
The same woman Michael was threatening him with. The one Dean had tortured to death over and over again. And it didn't matter if that was only a simple mind game to keep him in line. It had felt real to him.
She was the one he had to push away, and, damn, if that hadn't hurt.
"Another nightmare?"
Dean froze at the sound of her voice. He could hear her shuffling between the sheets but kept his back to her.
"Something like that."
He cleared his throat, glancing over his shoulder, trying to follow her every move. Dean watched as she adjusted against the headboard, patting the free space next to her. He turned a bit more in her direction while deciding if moving closer as she asked him to was a good idea. Dean shifted his gaze from her to the space between them a couple of times. He knew it was a bad idea when he felt his body move of its accord, taking the seat next to her. Dean leaned against the headboard, arms crossed over his chest. He left as much space between them as possible, too worried about what would happen if he got too close to her. Instead, Y/N had to bite her lip to hold back a smile as she remembered herself to keep her hopes low.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"No, not really."
Y/N nodded, not that surprised by his response. She sank more into the pillow behind her back, crossing her ankles. Her hands tucked under her legs to warm them up. She let the silent washed over them. She stole a glance in his direction from time to time until she found the courage to speak again.
"I've been missing this… you."
She could feel the warmth surging from her neck to her cheeks as soon as her words were out. Dean swallowed hard - eyes squeezed shut, and head turned - trying to keep his emotion in check. She dared to glance his way when it was clear that no response would come from him. Her heart quickened its pace.
"I hope you've missed me sometimes too."
Dean got up from the bed at that, a painful smile on his lips, rubbing at his forehead with the tips of his fingers. He kept his back to her, trying to come up with something to say. It seemed like his brain wasn't cooperating because, of course, he had missed her. He had missed her more than he should have. He had missed her more than it was possible.
He missed her like air, and he didn't give a crap if it was too cheesy.
"I didn't, and you shouldn't have either."
And, of course, he had to go and say the worst possible thing because going back now wasn't an option. Little did it matter if his heart was cracking, words afterwords. One more scar and he wouldn't have survived all that pain. He could feel it in his bones, and turning to face her, sitting in the middle of the bed, with her eyes on him, didn't help. It just made things worse.
"Don't look me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like you still love me."
"But I do. Nothing can change that."
Dean licked his lips, biting them right back. Head down, he rested his hands on his hips, already regretting what he was about to say.
"Me cheating on you should have had."
He was being a dick. Dean was well aware of that, but that was the only defense he had left to protect her. Y/N nodded her head, looking down at her hands. She trailed the movements of her fingers playing with the hem of her – his – green shirt. All it took was a glimpse at her sad smile for the guilt to come back in full force. She faced him again a few moments later, and Dean braced himself for what was coming next. He knew very well he deserved whatever she was throwing at him.
"I have a secret to tell you."
He frowned in confusion because it wasn't quite what he had expected. He didn't even know what it was. So, he kept silent for once, giving her a chance to say something more, to make him understand.
"I know you didn't cheat on me."
Her voice was a whisper, and Dean could have sworn he'd heard her wrong if it wasn't for the look in her eyes. He was ready to deny it when a simple gesture of her hand stopped him.
"I knew you were lying, and I let you."
He didn't know if it was that small revelation or her watering eyes, but the fight inside him started to fade away. He walked towards the bed, seating on the edge; his mind going a mile a minute trying to elaborate on what Y/N had told him.
She knew all along.
Dean had thought it was a smart move. He thought that lying and hurting her that way would be enough to make sure she would leave the bunker – him – behind. It was the only way to protect her from Michael – from himself.
"To give you a better chance at fighting Michael."
Dean turned around, searching for Y/N's eyes, founding her closer than he thought. One more movement and he could have touched her and, damn, if he wanted to.
"You had a nightmare the first night you were back. You were saying things… you were begging someone to stop, and then you said my name. Since then, you pulled away from me. So, I started to have more and more suspicion even though I didn't say anything about it."
Dean never looked away from her, not once. Not even to blink.
"He was keeping you in line by threatening me, wasn't it?"
He didn't even need to nod for her to know it was the truth. She had known since that night but had kept quiet because too scared, even more than she would have liked to admit. She had been holding on until she couldn't take it anymore.
"That night, the night you said those things to me... I figured it all out, and I thought with me out of the picture, you'd have a better chance of beating him. Giving you an advantage by letting him think you hurt me so bad that I was going to leave and never come back, then…"
She could feel her cheeks getting wetter and wetter while she got rid of the tears with the back of her hand.
"And I was kinda right until I wasn't anymore, and you decided to go suicidal with that damn Ma'lak box."
"How do you know about that?"
"I was there every step of the way, even if you couldn't see me. Do you think I could ever give up on you?"
Y/N tilted her head to one side, trying to study him up as best she could. Dean blinked a few times at her question.
Did he think she could give up on him?
Dean wouldn't blame her if she did it. He knew that being with him came at a cost, and he would have never asked her to pay the price, not for him. He wasn't worth the trouble; at least that was what he thought.
"Sam kept me updated among hunts. I've helped your mom with a couple of hunts. I was at her house when you got there."
Dean narrowed his eyes, remembering what happened when sleeping on his mother's couch. An amused smile appeared on his face.
"So, it was your shirt, the one I found."
Y/N nibbled at her lower lip, a small smile confirming his suspicions. She got closer to him. Their hands almost touched until she felt one of his fingers brushing her warm skin.
"You told my mom to call Sam."
"No, it was me. I called Sam."
"What? No, Sam said…"
"…that your mom was worried, which was true, but I was the one who called him. I did it the moment I found the box."
"You were still there?"
"I wanted to be sure everything was okay before leaving."
"All right, you got me!"
As much as he tried, Dean couldn't keep the pride out of his voice. His girl got him back just right. He should have been mad because his plan backfired. Yet, he couldn't deny that he was so damn impressed and quite turned on if he had to be honest. Y/N lowered her eyes, feeling redness rise on her already warm cheeks under Dean's gaze.
"I'm blaming Michael for that. In no other circumstance, I would've been able to pull it off."
Dean raised his hand, capturing a stray lock of her hair between his fingers. He turned the strand around his index a few times before bringing it behind her ear. Y/N lifted her gaze, meeting his green eyes halfway. The smile on his face caught her off guard. So, she took a few more seconds studying him until she couldn't take it anymore.
"Say something, please."
"You're becoming one hell of a hunter."
She felt his hands on her middle, guiding her to sit on his lap. She had to fight hard to stop the grin that was trying to slip past her lips. Once he had her in his arms, he took his time to look at her. Dean traced every line of her features, realizing at that very moment how much he had missed her.
"All this time, I thought I was protecting you while you were the one protecting me."
"Are you mad?"
"I wish you wouldn't have put yourself in danger because of me? Hell yes, but no, I'm not angry."
Y/N could feel her heart quickening its pace in her chest as a shy little smile showed up on her rose lips. She let her hands wander along his arms, stopping as they reached his shoulders. She touched the collar of his shirt with her fingertips, playing with the soft fabric. Dean stared at her mesmerized, shivering at the feeling of her nails scratching his skin.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Everything? I shouldn't have…"
Dean turned away, shaking his head. He felt disappointed with himself for not being able to find the right words to apologize to her. Y/N cupped his face in her slender hands, caressing his stubbled cheeks with her thumbs.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, Y/N."
She let go of his face, wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning her forehead against his, a small smile on her lips.
"Michael was the one trying to hurt me – us – not you."
"But I've let him."
"That's not possible, and you know why?"
Dean shook his head, tightening the hold around her center, pulling her even closer. She let her finger trail through his hair, massaging his scalp.
"Because of that look in your eyes whenever you're willing to sacrifice yourself for someone you love. I still remember the first time I saw it; I was so jealous at how damn lucky Sam was to have you as his keeper. I'm not proud to admit it, but seeing that kind of love…"
Y/N swallowed hard, struggling to hold back the tears that were threatening to roll down from her already red and puffy eyes.
"The night you said those things to me, you had that same look in your eyes, I saw it, and it was from me then, only me. You were looking at me that way, and it just broke my heart because I knew what that meant, and I couldn't let that happen. I have always been alone, you know, so knowing I was going to be once again shouldn't have scared me that much, but it did. It did because Michael had been trying to take away that one person who has ever cared about me, and I couldn't let him."
She closed her eyes, feeling the tears warming her cheeks. Dean cupped her cheeks with his hands, wiping her tear-stained skin with his thumb. Y/N leaned into his palm. Her eyes fluttered open when his lips found their way to her forehead. They traveled down her temple, leaving a trail of soft kisses.
"You wouldn't have believed me no matter what I'd said, did you?"
Y/N shook her head, a teary smile on her face. She leaned forward, searching for his mouth. She brushed her lips against his warm ones, as Dean stood still, watching her every move.
One glance later, she was kissing him, and it was like being alive again.
It was like every single fiber of his being was on fire. He had experimented with that kind of feeling before. This one, though, was something quite different and sweeter. He was willing to be consumed by her kisses, and that's what he did.
In that shared bed, with trembling fingers and short breaths, they found their way back together. And it wasn't until they were lying in the rumpled sheets that she dared ask him.
"Is it okay for me to come back home now?"
Dean smiled, pulling her closer to his chest before kissing the crown of her head.
"You never really left."
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nikadd · 3 years
show the world (the thunder)
(also on ao3)
It is going to be the day of days of jubilation. An air of celebration will rise across thousands of miles, in homes and out in the streets, in some parts quiet and barely felt, in others - emboldened to be bearing witness to the return for the ages. The entire host of angels watches as the turn of history shifts, as humanity makes the first steps towards reassessing its proximity to divinity since the wise king had ordered the building of the First Temple.
An angel they call Castiel gazes down upon a lone shepherd dozing against an olive tree. In awe of the lightness of the man’s slumber and the rise of his chest, Castiel wonders then if he should let a goat shake the man awake so he does not sleep through the culmination of the promised word.
Conflicted with the idea of involvement, Castiel searches for the rest of his garrison. Somewhere not too far away, Balthazar and Ishim speak to each other in quiet tones; not in secret, but in a comfortable kind of confidence. Benjamin is resting, his wings relaxed, his being hazy. Anna, Uriel, Hester, and Bartholomew are nowhere to be seen, as they are out on watch at their intended stations.
Figuring no one is going to miss him with a few hours left before the Sun rises, Castiel flies down and perturbs the goat. The animal jumps in the sense of angelic presence and kicks the sleeping shepherd awake. The man groans in pain, and Castiel watches as he rubs the memory of dreaming from his eyes.
Castiel has never been above looking closer into his Father’s handiwork, and this is no exception. The man’s soul is bright, his face clear and open, only barely slighted by the evidence of age. This man, Castiel allows himself to conjecture, must lead a happy and honest life. He has fifty more years to live, seven children to father, two homes to build (for one will be lost to a fire), and hundreds of Shabbats to celebrate.
There’s something else Castiel sees in this man. Something he can’t quite understand, as if it’s hidden on purpose. Whether it’s the will of his Father or someone else entirely, Castiel does not know, but his curiosity refuses to dwindle the longer he watches.
Uncertain yet unafraid, Castiel approaches the man as close as he possibly can on an earthly plane. Up close, the soul is even more brilliant, a true testament to the intersection of the holy and the mundane. Transfixed, Castiel lets out a song of gratitude towards his Father for bestowing the ability to perceive the glory of his creations.
The man looks up and straight at the angel’s center. In sweet horror, Castiel blinks and floats even closer. The man swallows.
You can see me, the angel speaks, letting his wings out of where he kept them folded unto themselves. The man, who was already sitting on the ground, rises to his knees and lowers his head in reverence, his eyes still on the angel’s form. 
(This simple gesture makes Castiel feel something unrecognizable. Much later he would learn that it is shame, and a giddy one at that, born out of a deep desire coagulating in his very being. It won’t be too long until another man kneels before him, and Castiel learns the true price for waiting for the end of the world.)
What is your name? The angel asks.
The man blinks - a moment of moments - and answers, “Yochanan.”
Castiel smiles and tries the name out in his mouth. Yochanan shakes with the sound, his entire body trembling against the ground.
I am Castiel, the angel continues. Yochanan opens his mouth, but closes before a sound could come out. Castiel frowns. You can say it. Say my name, Yochanan.
Yochanan shuts his eyes and drops lower, his nails digging into the soft soil. He lifts his head, then, and faces Castiel with a resurgence of life and energy.
“Castiel,” Yochanan speaks. Castiel. Castiel. Castiel. Castiel.
Overwhelmed, the angel inverts his form. The holy spark electrifies the ground surrounding the two of them, and a tremor runs down to the depths of the earth’s mantle. Yochanan, still shaking, covered in a layer of sweat and dirt, attempts to stand up, not looking anywhere but the divine entity before him.
A thought strikes Castiel. Here stands a son of Adam, and one with the sight of the holy at that. Such men come one in ten thousand, and Castiel feels a strange sense of pride in finding one. Under that pride, there’s something else. Something personal. Intimate, even. He knows nothing of the future that will befall either of them, and with every second passing in quiet, Castiel’s resolve to take this chance grows stronger.
Are you a devout man, Yochanan?
Castiel has walked among the humans before, but never as one of them. The sensations are strange. He’s still very much aware of his angelic form, but the physical dimensions of his vessel offer a new stream of sensory information. The earth under his feet is warm, the air dry, and the slight breeze blowing through Yochanan’s dark curls a welcome feeling.
The first thing he does is make sure the goats stay in place, fulfilling the one promise Yochanan asked him to make. Satisfied with that, Castiel moves towards the city.
He moves through the streets mostly unbothered by the surroundings. He remembers Anna telling the garrison about what to expect if they were to ever find themselves here: the souls, the rips in the veil between worlds, the architecture. Castiel stands upon a rock that just in under two millennia will be a location of Jerusalem's first McDonald's restaurant. He feels its power.
Castiel stops in front of the Temple. From the human perspective, it is a palace, a vision of the wealth of the Kingdom of Judea. He wonders if Father cares what stone a place of worship is made of, or how high the walls reach.
A pair of Roman soldiers with torches appear at the end of the street and start walking towards him. Castiel does not move from his spot, still gazing at the temple. When they get closer, he turns to look at them. The two move faster, for whatever reason.
Before they can reach him, Castiel is pulled by some unimaginable force into a nook just off the street. With wings flapping in the in-between space, Castiel grounds himself in the vessel before looking at the face of his unlikely companion.
“Long time no see, o brother of mine.”
The archangel leans against the wall and fixes the sleeves of his tunic. Castiel does not recognize his vessel as exactly human, but that’s no surprise. His brother has always shared in their Father’s penchant for arts and crafts.
“Congrats on your first mortal ride. How’s it? Fitting you right?”
“His name is Yochanan. He is a devout man.”
“Aren’t all of them always? Michael knows what he’s doing, spreading the old man’s word. Now you can ride any of Yochanan’s descendants, as they will carry a part of your grace within. Nifty little trick, don’t you think?”
Castiel, being in a taller body than Gabriel’s one, stares him down.
“What are you doing here, Gabriel? We haven’t seen you since Lucifer-”
“Pshh, what? I’m not allowed to pass through? I was the one to run away. I’m the one in control of where I wanna go.”
Gabriel’s tone is light, but Castiel denotes a note of offense.
“Gabriel. Are you here to witness the resurrection in person?”
The archangel pulls out a golden comb out the folds in his tunic and runs it through his hair. “Always been a front seat kind of angel. You have an issue with that?”
He puts the comb away and starts walking down the street, away from the Temple. Castiel follows.
“No. Does anyone else know?“
“Michael might have some idea. He’s a nosy son of a bitch.”
“We don’t have a mother, Gabriel.”
“It’s the first century, Castiel. Dads can be bitches too.”
Castiel only rolls his eyes. The physical action is strangely pleasant, and so he does it again.
“If you do that too much, you’re gonna get stuck like that,” Gabriel warns with a gentle spike of mirth.
“That's not true,” Castiel says, but unsure, which makes Gabriel laugh even harder.
Castiel smiles and looks down at his feet. Yochanan’s sandals are worn but sturdy, cared for. There is a scar on his right calf, probably made by a butcher’s knife miscast against a lamb.
“What have you been doing all these years?”
“Nothing anyone would approve of, that’s for sure.”
“We’ve missed you.”
The two stop in front of a house with a low entrance, as if it’s digging itself into the earth below. Gabriel puts his hand on Castiel’s shoulder. The younger angel leans into the touch, exhales in a rush of air he never felt before.
“I know,” Gabriel smiles, a sadness clouding his features. He lets himself take pause before deciding to speak again. “Come. Let me tell you something.”
Castiel finds himself on a hill overlooking the city. Gabriel stands just ahead of him, grand and still.
“Spoke to Dad recently?”
“Joshua says -”
Gabriel chuckles. “Right. Joshua. Of course.”
He snaps his fingers and a roll of tobacco appears in his hand, one end already in smoke. Gabriel takes a long drag from the cigar and, after a long second, offers it to Castiel, who shakes his head.
Gabriel shrugs, “Suit yourself.”
He takes another drag and looks down.
“You’ve been here awhile?”
“A few hundred human years. Naomi put me in Anna’s garrison. They needed a tactician.”
Gabriel nods and pulls from the cigar again.
“You know what’s going to happen today?”
“Yes,” Castiel says, but then amends: “As much as they have told me.”
Gabriel blows a smoke ring. “Thought so.”
“Do you know?”
The moment strikes Castiel to think that his brother, once radiant and shimmering in all of his glory, has lived entire lifetimes away from home. No divine face to see in all the years he’d spent hiking through the universe, but still surrounded by everything the holy word had made. The burden of time lies heavy on Gabriel’s wings, but, somehow, it only makes his visage more grandiose; a testament of strength and endurance.
“There’s probably nothing else our siblings like more than fixing someone else’s messes, don’t you think?”
Castiel tips his head slightly to the side in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I’d never claimed to be a perfect angel, Castiel. Far from a perfect son or brother, too.”
Gabriel sits down on the ground and motions Castiel to follow suit. Seated, Gabriel wraps an arm around one of his knees and takes another drag.
“But I could always solve my own problems without having to get everyone else involved. It was the one thing I could still say about myself and know it to be true.”
Gabriel laughs unkindly.
“Whatever you have left, you’re always left to lose. I’ve spent a millennium with the pagans. Orgies, raids - the whole shebang. One thing about them old gods, they love the spectacle. Mind you, Castiel, I appreciate it greatly, but at some point, it can all build upon itself to a halt. At the last bacchanalia, I guess I got so fucked up that I felt homesick for the first time ever since I cut myself out. Going home was never the option, I knew that, but I knew of the place on Earth that was the closest to what I was looking for.
“So I came here and took a young Jewish man’s face to fit. Granted, I flew right out of Pan’s lodging, so I was still not in the state of mind to do anything inoffensive to Father’s name. What’s worse is that the more I sobered, the more resolute I became in my desire to do something to get his attention. It didn’t take me long. A lovely girl found me by a well near her house and offered to sneak me dinner. She was the most gracious being you could ever find. I put my plan in motion before I could stop and consider the consequences. She did nothing wrong bar trusting me.
“I revealed Father’s name unto her, and she spoke it at the edge of happiness. Between the two of us, four commandments had been broken, but neither of us was counting. On that dark Shabbat night, I felt the closest to Heaven I ever could before.
“Unfortunately, I achieved my goal. Michael came down from his post to discipline me in person, but then he saw that she was with child, and, for the lack of a better term, flipped his shit. Scared the girl. I had to put her to sleep just so she doesn’t kill both herself and the baby out of pure shock.”
“Did you kill the nephil child?”
“No,” Gabriel turns to his brother. “No, we called for Dad’s guidance instead.”
“And he gave it to you?” Castiel lets his mouth gape.
“Came down himself to see what was going on. I felt almost jealous, but that was before I remembered that the whole situation was my fault anyways. He acted like he was not surprised by my behavior whatsoever.”
Gabriel puts the cigar out against his shoe, throws it out of existence, and takes a deep breath before continuing.
“So Dad did what he does best: use the situation for his benefit. He chose to keep the child alive, and instructed me to erase the girl’s memory of the night. I was to speak to her upon her waking to tell her that she will carry God’s own child. She was to marry her betrothed and give birth to a savior. Good PR is worth a fortune in gold nowadays. I wanted to protest, of course, but we ended up cutting a deal instead.”
“You bargained with Father?”
“Neither of us have ever been above it.”
“What did you get?”
“Insurance. I do as he says this once, and he commands the angels to not bother me about the Apocalypse.”
Castiel hums his understanding.
“You think it is a fitting condition?” Gabriel asks.
“It’s… charitable.”
“Certainly one way to call it.”
A dawn-time bird lands not too far away from where the angels are sitting. It digs into the ground for a lone worm, its day turning out for the better already. Castiel smiles at the little creature. Gabriel watches his brother in fascination.
“You know what I think is so special about you, Castiel?”
“No, I do not know. Please tell me.”
“Out of all angels, you have probably the singular greatest capacity to love all of Dad’s creations. Whenever an angel gives you shit, that’s why. They can’t measure up, and they all know it.”
Castiel averts his gaze from the kindness bestowed. “You exaggerate.”
“Not at this time. I don’t know what the future holds for any of us, but I know that you are going to be a blessing upon humanity.”
“How do you know that?”
“I just do.”
The two angels smile at each other. Castiel lets his wings embrace his brother in a tight hug. He knows that once he returns to his garrison, Gabriel will be long gone, and it won’t be until much later that they will see each other again.
“There is still one thing I do not understand, but I do not think it is my place to ask it.”
“No thing like that. Ask away.”
“Alright. If Father wanted the nephil child to live, why let the humans kill him just to bring him back three days later?”
“Well,” Gabriel chuckles. “You have to remember something about Father, Castiel. He’s an old god too.”
Gabriel stays on the hill for a little longer after Castiel has already left. Watching the Sun rise over the horizon, he barely moves when he senses his older brother appear behind him.
“I don’t understand why you chose to tell Castiel about the child being yours.”
“Don’t blame me for being a better storyteller than you are.”
Michael, dressed in an old man’s garb, steps in front of Gabriel.
“You know how he gets. You’re only creating more work for Naomi.”
Gabriel stands up. Michael towers over every angel in the host, but now, on this Earth, his vessel is a smaller man. This makes Gabriel smile.
“Nothing she’s never done before. Castiel is strong; he can take it.”
Both archangels turn to look over the city.
“You know what your problem is, Gabriel?”
“Please, Michael. Tell me what you think it is.”
“You’ve never known what your place is.”
“You may be right on that front, except that that problem is typically never mine.”
“Right, because you’re such a bother to everyone else.”
“Sheesh. You sound just like Lucifer.”
Gabriel does not need to look to feel Michael’s glare.
“Sorry. A rough spot, huh?”
Michael looks up above, somewhere he can sense the others preparing for the great reveal.
“Both he and I agree on the plan. It is inevitable.”
“Right. The Plan. The Grand Showdown. It’s Heaven versus Hell, so get your tickets early! You guys got the date picked out already?”
“Two thousand years or so from now.”
“Oh. You actually have one. I was only joking.”
“There is still a number of uncertainties that have to be worked out, and I don’t trust Lucifer to do everything exactly as we have planned…”
“But it is written, and so it shall be. Have you ever thought that Dad might be trying to roleplay his conflict with Amara through the two of you? I’m not going to be the last person to say this, but he should deal with his trauma in a healthier way than that.”
“I think you’ve spent too much time among the humans.”
“Right, because that’s such a bad thing.”
“That’s why you’re here, aren’t you? Father never said anything about you being here for this part.”
Gabriel does not say anything to that.
“Gabriel.” Michael watches his brother with something not unlike pity, even if in angelic terms. “For whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thought you loved all of Dad’s decisions.”
“I love Father, yes. But I love you, too.”
Michael flies away in a snap, not giving Gabriel even the slightest chance to respond, but it’s not like Gabriel does not know where his brother went. In just a few minutes, Michael will tell the people of Jerusalem that the Son of God has risen. 
The Messenger of God takes one last look at the city and flies somewhere he can mourn in peace.
Yehoshua stands tall, both feet on land, his face towards the heavens. Great books will speak of a Holy Spirit inhabiting his blood vessels, shimmering through his skin. It is his second first day alive, and there’s nothing quite like it.
He stands on the edge of a cliff, only mere moments ago having been inside a tomb. Beside him stands Archangel Michael, or so the man has introduced himself as.
“Is there something we are waiting for?” Yehoshua asks.
Michael looks at him, looks through him, and turns away, without saying anything.
I dare say we are, Yehoshua thinks, but is unable to voice any other questions before a bright light appears before him.
The light shifts, swirls, and dances, and Yehoshua knows he’s in the presence of God himself.
The man does not see Michael leave, but after a few moments, he is all alone with his Father.
“I love you,” Yehoshua speaks, as that is the greatest truth he’s ever known.
I know you do, the light reflects, shimmers. I need you to do something for me.
“Anything,” the man says. “Anything at all.”
God smiles on a Sunday morning.
Castiel brings Yochanan back to where he found him. He looks around the pasture: the hills in the far edges of what a human eye may see, the rivers, the cities that are not yet set ablaze by the merciless sunlight.
Maybe there is some truth to what Gabriel has said about him. Maybe there is a route Castiel can take to learn to love every single grain of sand and every single newborn mouse that shall ever be. There lies a certain pride in being able to do what your parents have told you to the best out of everyone else.
“Hello, Castiel.”
The angel turns and sees his Father stand next to him as a man - tall, beautiful, and incandescent.
“How are you, dear son?”
“I am… I am good.”
“That’s good. Are you happy?”
Castiel only shrugs. God nods in solemn understanding.
“You can speak to me freely, Castiel. I know you’ve talked to Gabriel.”
“Am I to be punished for it?”
“Do you think you should be?”
“I know I won’t remember my conversation with Gabriel upon my return to Heaven. And I think you’ll make me forget I’ve met you as well.”
“You are correct. You’re not afraid of me?”
“I love you. Must it come from fear?”
God looks upon his son in a recognition of spirit. “I’ve made human souls to be the beacons of my power. You know there is not a single entity in all existence that is purer. When it comes in contact with divinity, such as Gabriel allowed in his caprice, it may become unstable. I am simply containing the power within this body.”
“Would Gabriel not have been able to do so?”
God laughs. “Gabriel likes playing gods and monsters, but he won’t ever be either. This man, this child will be a symbol of my love for all humanity.”
Castiel thinks of the tallest tower, of the golden bull, and of the stone thrown at a giant. “Symbols have caused pain in the past.”
“And so they have.”
“What will be of the man after you leave him behind?”
“I shall welcome him in Heaven.”
“Will you tell him about Gabriel then?”
God shakes his head and smiles.
Castiel understands. At least he thinks he does.
God watches as Castiel leaves his human vessel and returns home. He knows what is to be written. He sees Castiel in the flames of hell, reaching for the Righteous Man. For whatever reason, he cannot see much further than that.
He lets Yehoshua take the wheel. Gabriel's spark is not diminished by another holy presence, and the man shines in his pleasure to see the evidence of divine love all around him. There's purity within him that God craves. He knows he will miss this, even if its creation was born out of an imperfect union.
He misses the time when his children stood together. When his sister knew what she wanted. Now, all there is left is a canvas he keeps covering in new layers of paint.
He misses Lucifer the most. The brightest star of them all, even now, even in the darkest of corners, until a sequence of events leads to his freedom. Of course, he'll blame his Father for everything, but God can live with that.
Moreso, he shall learn from this experience and give his favorite son a child, too. The world will have a new hope, Lucifer will have a reflection of his brightness, and himself - a failsafe existence for when the meek inherit the Earth.
Yochanan the shepherd stands up and faces God. What's in a name? the Holy Father thinks, and sends the man home. What a good name.
God pulls out a notepad and a pen and writes it down: Yochanan. Jonathan. Jack.
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spnfanficpond · 5 months
New Member Spotlight - January 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@thebejeweledwatercat -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord and AO3
OTP? - Samwena bit it varies
Other fandoms? - Chicago Med, fire, & PD, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf
Looking for in the Pond? - Community
Pairings you read? - OC's and Poly fics
Genres you read? - Hurt/comfort
Favorite writer(s)? - winterfire22 on AO3
What do you like to write? - Hurt/comfort, Poly, What if, AU's
Most underappreciated fic? - Chicago Med - Sunshine, Moonlight, and Shadow
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - A lot actually. Mostly because I’m not good with the follow-through.
.@hello-starlingfics -
Other SM names? - HelloStarlingFics on AO3, HelloStarling on Discord, and hello-starling.bsky.social on BlueSky
OTP? - Sam/Dean. They're just too compelling!
Other fandoms? - Right now it's just SPN
Looking for in the Pond? - Connect with other writers and fans. Writing can be a lonely thing.
Pairings you read? - I mainly stick to Wincest, but will dabble in Wincestiel, Destiel, and Dean/John.
Genres you read? - I read a range of styles and tropes. Whump is probably my favourite, with the comfort optional.
What do you like to write? - I like to write a range of things! I have hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, crack where Sam and Dean are catboys, erotica, and even some gen.
Most underappreciated fic? - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - This year I hope to write some darker stuff including Major Character Death. Balancing making it emotionally affecting while avoiding being heavy-handed will be a challenge.
.@michaelmilligan -
Other SM names? - QuicksilverCastiel on AO3, alexanderlewis on Discord
OTP? - Midam
Other fandoms? - Star Trek and Yu-Gi-Oh! (specifically JouKai as a ship - the resurgence of an old fandom for me)
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to connect with other writers and share insights and hopefully bounce story ideas off each other.
Pairings you read? - Midam, Midamoul (Michael/Adam/Ghoul), I'm trying to branch out with Samifer and Sam in poly relationships (preferably with Gabriel, Eileen, Rowena and/or Lucifer)
Genres you read? - Fluff and Smut mostly, though some angst is good now and then. I enjoy AUs (especially fantasy and sci-fi) and won't say not to fake dating.
Favorite writer(s)? - I go absolutely feral about most (all?) of the Midam fics by saintmichael on AO3
What do you like to write? - Smut, fluff, AUs, fix-its, and lately I've been dabbling in dark(er) fic
Most underappreciated fic? - That would probably be this dark(-ish) Nickifer fic: Blind Trust
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I've never written a case fic, which seems criminal in the SPN fandom! So far I'm not confident I could pull off the suspense aspect of the search for what monster is involved, and resolve the whole thing competently. Some suggestions on how to structure/plan a case fic would be appreciated.
@kazsrm67 -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - I would have to go with Sam x Eileen I suppose.
Other fandoms? - Not much really although I occasionally read Stargate or NCIS fics.
Looking for in the Pond? - I was invited by a friend on Tumblr to be honest I'm super introverted and I can't really answer this. But I was told its a good way to "meet" other writers and get help when stuck on an idea.
Pairings you read? - I mostly read Dean x reader or Dean x OFC (this is what I mostly write as well), I do read some Sam fics and dabble in some poly fics but only with specific characters.
Genres you read? - I'll read all of these (angst, fluff, smut, crack) but I spend a lot of time between angst and smut fics. I do love a good soulmate au.
Favorite writer(s)? - So hard to pick a favorite but @spnexploration and @jawritter on Tumblr are two of my top writers.
What do you like to write? - I write a lot of soulmate fics, but I try to write many different types.
Most underappreciated fic? - My Omega
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have a rockstar!Dean fic in mind, it would be very angsty and discuss domestic violence against men, I haven't tried writing it yet mostly because time. I work full time and am a mom but it's definitely something I am looking at diving into sooner rather than later. I think the help I could use is someone to edit and bounce ideas off. I have a good friend I do this with but sometimes I wonder if it would help to have someone else to bounce ideas off (I get shy and don't reach out tho).
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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