#Gabriel spn fanfic
moosealecki · 4 months
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ okay I haven’t seen very many so I’m curious what people would like to see more of with the archangels. 👀
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winchesterszvonecek · 7 months
Clothes - [ Gabriel ]
Prompt: How he’d react to you wearing his clothes requested
Word Count: 1155
Warnings: female!reader, fluff, suggestive tones
A/N: the prompt was meant to be a headcanon but i decided to make it a little fic instead
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You were always cold in the mornings. No matter how warm the room you were in was or who was sleeping next to you, you couldn’t help but feel a chill. It’s what made getting out of bed that much harder for you most days.
And today was no different as when you woke, your eyes fluttering sleepily open at the sound of rowdy neighbours in the motel room beside yours, you were quick to feel the cold seep into your body. Right down to your bones in a way that had you shaking almost immediately and it was as though someone had you on vibrate.
Normally you’d just pull the covers back up and nestle into the bed until you felt a smidge of warmth beneath your skin. But this morning you really, really needed to pee, therefore you couldn’t wait any longer otherwise you’d burst. So you were left with no other choice but to suck it up, and face the cold of the room.
Before you did that though, you glanced to your side, the early morning sun that crept through the thin curtains casting perfectly over Gabriel’s sleeping face, making you smile softly as you still couldn’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that you were dating an archangel.
If someone had told you back when you first met him, when he was making people believe they were being abducted by aliens and having alligators roam about the sewers, that you’d be here with him now you’d have laughed in their face.
Yet here you were, nestled beside one of God’s first born angels in bed after a night of… Fun. And honestly? If you could go back and do it all over again, you wouldn’t change a thing as there wasn’t anywhere else you’d rather be than right here next to him.
Well actually, there was one place you’d rather be right now and that was the bathroom. You may have stared dreamily towards Gabriel a little too long and now you were on the verge of being unable to control your bladder anymore. You swung your legs out of bed, wincing at the sudden coldness that cascaded over you, erupting your skin in fierce goosebumps that could be seen from a mile away, they were that prominent.
Your feet hit the linoleum floor with a soft thud, sending a chill straight up your legs as they carried you around the bed. You grabbed the first article of clothing you could find on your way across the room, of which most of your clothes had been scattered about last night in yours and Gabriel’s vigorous attempts at speeding things along as it had been a while since you last saw each other.
It didn’t click in your head that you’d picked up Gabriel’s shirt. The dark red button down that the angel favoured so much, which was evident by how often he wore that same outfit as he never had any reason to change. He didn’t sweat, not like humans did. He was able to clean them up with a click of his fingers should they get bloody or dirty, therefore he could wear the same clothes for a lifetime and never once need to change them.
And you were totally not jealous of that at all. (You were.)
But anyway, you didn’t seem to realise that you were wearing it, not until you left the bathroom, feeling much better, and spotted him sitting upright against the headboard, his arms folded over his chest and a rather cheeky grin on his face.
“Look at you…” Gabriel exhaled, trailing his eyes up and down the length of your body, drinking in the sight of you hidden away beneath his shirt. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were purposely trying to turn me on.”
“What are you talking about?” You chuckled, hurrying towards the bed again as even though your top half was covered, your legs were still bare and you always did get incredibly cold feet.
“You’re wearing my shirt.” Gabriel pointed out, watching with amusement as you slowed down on your travels across the room and glanced down at yourself.
He could see that smile itching to rise on your slowly blushing face. The way your hand landed on your stomach telling him it was fluttering beneath the fabric of his shirt and it was only then you both came to realise that even after the years you’d been seeing each other, you’d never once worn an article of his clothing.
“I was cold.” You said shyly, dipping your face to hide it from him.
You didn���t know why it felt so… embarrassing to be caught wearing his shirt given the things you both did together, but perhaps it was because it was seen as a more romantic thing than inherently sexual is what made you a tiny bit nervous as to his reaction.
“There’s no need to be shy, hotstuff.” Gabriel said playfully, cocking his head a little to motion for you to come towards him. “Not when you look far better wearing it than I ever could.”
He held out his hand the closer you got to him, pulling you onto his lap the second your fingers brushed and the moment you landed on him he could feel the goosebumps on your legs as they straddled him. His hands were quick to delve beneath the material, holding you close to him and allowing his own body heat to help warm you as he kissed you.
“Mhm, you like seeing me in your clothes, don’t you?” You teased, your shyness gone instantly as your arms slinked around his neck, fingers threading through his hair. “In nothing but your clothes.”
“You’re damn right I do, baby.” Gabriel whispered, the hotness of his breath puffing out over your lips before he took them in his again, kissing you with enough heat that it was like your entire body went up in flames. “It’s almost better than seeing you without any clothes at all.”
He kissed you once again, his hand trailing its way up your back, his fingers ghosting over the bumps of your spine in a way that had you shiver beneath his touch. Your own hand slipped from his hair, dropping between your bodies as you slowly began to pop open each button, something Gabriel was well aware of given how his lips rose beneath yours as he couldn’t help but smile.
It’s safe to say that what happened after that final button popped open, the way your bodies pressed tightly together; each brush of his lips and graze of his hands over every inch of your skin, was enough to make you forget all about the cold. And enough to make you want to wear his clothes forever as after that, you were pretty sure you’d never feel anything but hot ever again.
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months
Cas doesn’t trust any animals that Gabriel was allowed to make or add to.
His reasoning? He doesn’t need one, there is no doubt in his mind that Gabriel’s brotherly torment will follow him around earth.
Thing is no one believes him, I mean why would they? So when they take him to the zoo they don’t really consider his concerns as, well, concerns.
“I don’t think an anteater can glare at you, I’m sure it’s just hungry.”
“Cas the porcupine wasn’t aiming for you.”
“I’m sure the platypus normally purrs and follows people as they walk past the enclosure.”
“I don’t think a parrot shouting feather brain at you repeatedly means anything, people probably call it that all the time.”
This kept happening until a giraffe straight up licks Cas’ head and not even Dean can give a reasonable explanation because it is odd that all the animals that Gabriel is constantly bragging about are terrorising Cas specifically.
Safe to say that Cas refuses to go to the zoo again and Gabriel finds it absolutely hilarious because he really didn’t have anything to do with it, and it’s probably just the fact Cas is an Angel, but obviously as a trickster he’s gonna take full credit for it.
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slytherins-heir · 1 month
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚: Okay, okay. Supernatural rewatch time and I'm gonna just say it now because I know it's gonna happen eventually. I'm taking requests for Supernatural too! I'm open to writing for any character, x reader, ship fics. (no wincest. that shits weird.) *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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wishfullyeternal · 7 months
Supernatural Masterlist
Dean Winchester-
Dean x Reader- Fluff
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP)
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP) Pt 2
Dean x Reader- Unexpected
Dean x Reader- Mary
Dean x Reader- One Left Shoe
Dean x Reader- Running into the Trees
Dean's Flowers
Sam Winchester-
Sam x Reader- Don't Worry, I'm Used to it
Sam x Reader- I'm Sorry
Castiel x Reader- Advice
Cas x Reader- You Called?
Castiel x Reader- What is Love?
Castiel x Reader- Tired
Gabriel x Reader
Gabriel x Reader- Crushing
Gabriel x Reader- Comfort
Gabriel x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Comfort
Crowley x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Awkward Cuddles
Crowley x Reader- Healing Your Wings My Dear
Crowley x Reader- Never a Hugger
Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
Crowley x Reader- Betrayal
Crowley x Reader- Control
Lucifer x Reader- Lucifer ≠ Love
Chuck x Reader- You're a God Too
Chuck x Reader- Afraid
Chuck x Reader- I'll Love You
Samandriel- Cuddles
Jack x Reader- Confused
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wolfgiselle · 2 months
Cage Wi-fi
"Can I ask, once again, how it's even possible we get wi-fi down here?"
Adam knew he was beating a dead horse, at this point, by getting worked up over this, but he was only human. Even in these trying times of Angels and Demons—of cages in Hell that were supposed to hold the literal Devil but, for some reason, also currently held him and the Archangel Michael—he needed things to make sense. Nothing had been going as it should lately. Not for a long time. Yet, here he was, trying to find logic where it seemed none existed.
"I assume the computer and its 'wi-fi' are here for entertainment purposes. There's not much else to do down here," Michael murmured. His face was practically hidden behind the screen. It had been for the last few days. At least, Adam thought it was days (Hell time was different, Cage time worse). Adam hoped Michael wasn't becoming addicted—that was all they needed—but there wasn't anything he could do to get it away from him.
Lucifer, at least, seemed to find Michael's newfound fascination and obsession amusing. "The demons snuck one down. I enjoyed the machine last I used it, so I, uh…let's go with 'asked' them to bring one down."
Adam should've guessed Lucifer was behind this. Even when he searched his brain, he couldn't figure out how a simple laptop could cause much, if any, damage. The whole situation seemed harmless. It was because Lucifer was the one who wanted it that he couldn't help but be suspicious.
His relationship with the Devil was mostly cordial. Michael had made it clear early on his vessel was off-limits when it came to torture or harassment. But the warning had ended up being unnecessary. Lucifer had, at first, focused all of his attention on his own vessel, Sam.
Adam had felt a bit bad then that Sam was experiencing such a thing while Adam was getting off scot-free. But, as he'd understood it, it was Sam's fault they were down there. Sam had decided to jump and take Lucifer with him—dragging him and Michael along for the ride. For such reasons, Adam also couldn't help but feel a little vindictive himself after all was said and done. All Adam had wanted was to see his mother and help save the world.
Lucifer did torture Sam for a while, but he must've gotten bored or finally calmed down because one day—for no discernable reason—he stopped. Sam didn't react as though he'd stopped, though. Instead, he kept screaming and tearing into himself, yelling words like "Stop!" or "No!" even though Lucifer was no longer touching him, basically torturing himself.
It almost made him relieved for Sam's sake (as well as his own) when, not long after, they saw Castiel appear. He shot into the cage with as little subtlety as a flaming meteor to snatch him, somehow managing to grab Sam's body but fly off, leaving his soul behind. He hadn't even spared a glance for Adam, despite Michael's (very much appreciated) attempt to get his attention and remind him.
The results of Sam existing in the cage without his body were a trial of their own. If Sam had seemed off or unhinged before, he was an absolute basket-case now. Lucifer even became desperate enough to try and calm him down, to no avail.
Then, once again, they had a visitor. This time 'Death' of all things. (And had Adam mentioned before he wasn't cut out for this?) While Adam was busy trying to fathom the idea of Death having a physical manifestation—on top of still trying to come to terms with Angels, Demons, and… well, everything else he'd ever thought was fantasy being real—Death retrieved Sam's soul.
Death, at least, was polite enough to acknowledge them. Adam included.
"I'm sorry, but the deal was only for one. Dean made his choice," he had said to him.
He'd immediately understood. It hurt, but he wasn't surprised. Their relationship had been short and brief, and for all they'd gone on about family and tried to appeal to him with that argument, he'd meant what he said when they first met. His mom was his family. She was the one he'd been doing all this for.
After Sam was gone, Adam worried Lucifer would get bored and come after him. After a while of showing no such inclination, though, Adam relaxed.
Adam was also surprised when Michael and Lucifer didn't fight each other. He'd been under the impression that had been the whole point of the Apocalypse. Michael had pointed out that neither could kill the other as long as they were down here. The cage kept whatever was in it alive. Fighting would be an exercise in futility.
The two of them still argued. But it was more like your average brotherly back-and-forth (if you considered disagreements over whether God would return and save them, or whether humans deserved to live or were insignificant ants that polluted and destroyed all God's other creations average).
Adam was doing okay. He figured for a guy stuck in Hell (possibly for all eternity), he was holding together pretty well. There was just some confusion over the computer.
"If we can get a signal down here, could we send messages to Earth?" Adam asked.
"And who were you planning on sending messages to?" Lucifer drawled, his human manifestation sprawled out against one of the corner cage walls. That was another thing that confused Adam. This wasn't their 'true' form he was seeing.
When Michael first appeared to him, he had been pure light. His presence had been so bright and heavy it'd felt both like staring directly at the sun and, somehow, being surrounded by it. Michael had later told him it was a miracle he'd been able to look upon him at all. Apparently, it was common for people to burn their eyes out when directly looking at them outside of a vessel. The Winchester blood that'd made it possible for him to be a vessel for Michael period must have saved him.
This meant he'd seen Michael before and had at least an idea of what an Angel could look like through human eyes. He also thought he'd caught a few glimpses of Lucifer when he was still torturing Sam. But he wasn't sure if what he'd seen was accurate after so long. Or if what he'd seen at the time had been distorted by Michael back then, trying to keep him coddled up within his…well, wings in an attempt to keep the awful things happening in front of him from view. As if not seeing Sam's torture made him any less aware of it happening. In some ways, the not seeing, the not knowing, was worse.
Lucifer's image—if his sneaked looks had been accurate—gave off the opposite impression of Michael's. If Michael was the sun, then the Devil was a black and oily hole, primed and ready to suck off or destroy any of the light that wandered near.
Adam wondered if Lucifer stayed in this humanoid form lately (despite his proclaimed hatred for the species) because he hated what had become of his original form or if it would be presumptuous of him to believe he chose to look that way to ease any discomfort Adam might've once shown at his true but now contaminated, visage.
Surely, the Devil would prefer for him to be uncomfortable? No matter how well they seemed to get along, it made little sense for Lucifer to play nice with the vessel of the brother he'd set out to kill. He'd never question such things out loud, though. Or admit to his confusion regarding the…Angel? Archangel? Devil…? Oh—whatever classification he considered himself now. Adam figured as long as he wasn't getting tortured, the status quo was best kept as it was.
"I don't really have anyone to message," he replied, remembering Lucifer's question after way too long a pause.
"Not even the Winchesters? They're your family, after all." Lucifer said it with little inflection, not at all as if he was intending mockery. But Lucifer knew he hated to be reminded of his blood ties to the brothers and how little such a tie had come to mean. Sometimes, Adam thought Lucifer missed Sam, and that was why he always brought them up when they were no longer a necessary topic of conversation.
"You know, very well, I wouldn't wanna talk to them, even if I could. They already know I'm down here. What else am I gonna say to 'em? 'Hey guys, it's your brother—you know, Adam? The guy you left in Hell? Yeah, remember him? That's me.' Nope—not at all interested in having that conversation. I was speaking in hypotheticals. Like, does social media work down here? Could we actually, like… set up a Facebook page or write a blog and call it "The Hell-Cage Experience? That would probably get a lot of page views even if nobody took it seriously."
"Yeah…I didn't understand half of what you said right there, but the computer should be capable of everything it was when it was on Earth. Of course, if you order something, we're obviously not getting it. I learned that lots of humans used that machine or ones like it to acquire food."
"Yeah." Adam brushed his hand through his hair, mentally shaking his head again at the added absurdity to this already mind-breaking situation. What was his life that he was having a casual conversation about computer usage with the Devil? In literal Hell? Adam needed to get over this. He was starting to sound like a broken record.
Music suddenly started playing from the computer for the first time since the device had appeared. Although Michael's human manifestation (an almost duplicate of himself with an added Angel aura) didn't jump or display any sign of startlement, the place where his wings would be visual when displayed distorted and, for a moment, the room became slightly breezy, portraying the Angelic version of the same thing.
Adam didn't recognize the song but could admit it was catchy. What was Michael even watching? He could admit to being a little jealous that he didn't have his own computer down here to whittle the time away—If Lucifer was going to insist on ignoring the laws of reality and physics by having a working computer down here, couldn't he have at least gotten them all one? Why was Lucifer even letting Michael hoard the thing in the first place if Lucifer had it brought here for himself? No way was he about to ask, though. Not for his own computer or about whatever his Angel companion was watching.
Lucifer had no such compunctions, of course. In fact, looking at that human face, which showed his emotions maybe a little too well, Adam would say the Devil looked a little too much like the cat that had captured the canary but wanted to play more with it before he ate it. Adam was instantly suspicious.
"Sooo…what's that you're looking at, Michael?" Lucifer asked, sounding almost like he already knew and just wanted to hear the answer aloud. The whole thing made the human nervous, and he wasn't even sure why.
Adam glanced back at Michael. He didn't seem horrified, angry, or any other emotion the human might've expected if some joke or prank had been pulled on him like he had every other time Lucifer had gotten the better of him while down here. In fact, if he had to guess based on familiarity with his own facial expressions, he would say Michael looked curious.
"It appears to be a live performance of the Winchester Gospel," Michael said. As if that simple sentence alone was self-explanatory.
"A live performance of…what?" Why were the Winchesters being mentioned again? And by Michael of all people. His Archangel roommate usually agreed with Adam that it was best they weren't discussed. The topic had negative connotations for them all. It only led to bad moods and tension.
Suddenly unable to hold back his own curiosity, Adam deduced that it was safe enough to leave his claimed corner of the cage to approach. It was only Michael, after all. He'd already spent a lot of time cuddled up within his wings. He'd felt what it was like to have that being inside him: for some moments, what it was like to share all thoughts and feelings with another without walls separating their personhood. There might as well be no more boundaries left between them to break.
Once he was practically on top of Michael—trying to get a good look at the screen he'd become affixed to—the Archangel, still perfectly attuned to him and his needs from their joining, moved the computer from his lap to in front of him and bundled him into the cleared space. Now, nothing stopped him from getting a good view of the computer. He was a lot more comfortable, too.
It only took him a couple of minutes to register what he was seeing. An 'understanding' of what he'd seen didn't end up following close behind.
There on the screen, clear as day, were Sam and Dean. At least he was pretty sure it was Sam and Dean. If not, these people were dead wringers, and…. wait, no…that was their Impala. It was definitely them.
"What the fuck am I even watching right now?"
"Weren't you listening? Michael said it was a live performance of the Winchester Gospel."
Adam jumped slightly at hearing Lucifer's voice suddenly coming from behind him. He hadn't even noticed him move. He'd been too distracted by the video—whatever it was supposed to be. Michael rested his cheek on his forehead and held him tighter as if trying to offer comfort.
"Yes, I heard him," Adam answered, trying not to sound too smart or snappish (just because Lucifer had, so far, respected Michael's demand to leave him alone, that didn't mean he was going to push it by being purposefully rude) "I just don't know what you mean by Winchester Gospel. Do you mean the prophecy that said they were supposed to be your vessels for the Apocalypse? What does a…, um, TV show?—with them in it—have to do with that?"
"The Winchester Gospel isn't the prophecy, exactly. Not in the way that you're thinking, anyway. But I guess you could call it that since it was written by a prophet."
"Prophet?" That was the first he'd heard about them. Adam supposed he shouldn't be surprised that prophets were real, too, since it seemed pretty much every other imaginary thing had turned out to be.
"Prophets are humans born with the ability to read and understand God's word. The Winchester Gospel was the written version of the Winchester's story leading up to the Apocalypse. A prophet would have been able to see it himself for documentation purposes; think of a modern-age Bible with the brothers smack-dab at the center of it."
Adam tried to take in this information while being distracted by the scene of a horrified Sam screaming up at his girlfriend as she burned to death pinned to the ceiling.
He wasn't particularly fond of either Winchester right now, but they did get the shitty end of the stick, didn't they? The people around them, or in any way connected to them, seemed to die in rather gruesome ways.
"Wait," he said, realizing something. "If it's like a new-age Bible written by a human, does that mean it's available for anybody to read the same way the actual Bible is? And if it's about the Winchesters and the Apocalypse, we're all in it, too, right? Even me?"
"I am soooo glad you asked," Lucifer replied. It didn't escape Adam's notice that he sounded practically giddy. He moved to where Adam could see him, shooting him a wide smile (frightening) before he huddled beside them and took control of the computer.
Lucifer exited the TV show—which had continued on to another episode—with a casual, "We can watch the rest of that later," and typed something into the Google search bar. Seeming to find what he was looking for with a satisfied "ah, ha," Lucifer turned the computer back around. "See for yourself."
Adam had been briefly distracted by wondering why Michael hadn't fought for the computer when Lucifer grabbed it but focused again as soon as he processed what he was looking at.
"What on Earth? Are you fucking serious!?"
"Well, we're certainly not on Earth anymore…" Lucifer started, but Adam wasn't listening.
The website the Devil had switched to seemed to be some sorta fan-made page. The background was all black, the continuing image of pentagrams a recurring theme. There was a banner with a picture of the Impala in it and a stylized font spelling out the word 'Supernatural' over the top of it.
There appeared to be books for sale on the site with the same series title. Was this supposed to be the Winchester Gospel? These books looked like cheap drugstore romance-novel-trash… Much like the kind Adam's mother would buy and sneak into the cart and then hide under her mattress when they got home. They were one of the only splurges she made for herself. Kate Milligan never realized that her son snuck into her room when she wasn't home (often) to read those secret books. It was the closest sometimes Adam could get to porn before he'd had his own computer at home. These books couldn't be as important as the Bible: Not looking like this.
He reached out and scrolled over to an icon titled 'characters,' determined to answer his question on whether he was included in this trash.
Did he even want to be?
No, not really.
But the idea of being forgotten, not just by the people who'd claimed him as family but by the entire world, instilled a sudden existential dread.
It took scrolling through tons of names he didn't even recognize to finally find his own, and it was with a strange mixture of relief and trepidation that he clicked on it.
A page with a picture of himself and some general information popped up—which was weird enough, but he could get over it; he was most disturbed by the info section and its accuracy despite the brevity.
"Apparently, I'm only in about four episodes of this show and two books. But one of my main appearances doesn't count because it was a ghoul pretending to be me, and the other doesn't because it was Michael. That's bullshit!"
Adam wasn't even sure why he was mad. It's not like he wanted people to be able to watch his life unfold. As he continued to look through his character page, though, he couldn't help but feel robbed—or like he was being made a mockery of somehow.
"Yawn. This is getting boring now."
Lucifer took control of the computer back, and Adam let him, unsure where else to go and not sure he even wanted to see more. He had the sneaking suspicion that being bombarded with this crap had been Lucifer's intent all along and that he and Michael were just along for the ride. 'Why' Lucifer wanted to watch, read, or interact with any of this was beyond him. Maybe he just wanted to watch himself, but Adam didn't think it would be fun to watch the events of their last year or so re-enacted when it was already such a misery experiencing them.
"It'd take forever to read through these books or watch the show. I'm sure none of us want to spend all our time staring at Sam and Dean's ugly mugs, no matter how limitless it currently is. Sooo…I say we check out some of this fan content first. Music videos, fanfiction, blogs, pairings: I don't even know some of these terms, but they all sound interesting. Humans come up with some of the most depraved—"
"Fanfiction!?" Adam practically yelped, interrupting what was sure to be another 'humans suck' rant from Lucifer he wasn't quite in the mood to withstand. Adam hadn't even given a thought to fanfiction. An old friend of his had been obsessed with Star Trek to near insanity and had introduced him to the concept by forcing him to read a story they'd written using the show's characters. Adam had learned a lot about his friend that day, and he'd never been able to watch an episode of Star Trek with a clean mind again. It had made his mother's erotica seem like child's play.
"Well, that's an interesting reaction," was all Lucifer had to say. Damn it! He should've controlled himself better. Adam could already see the cursor heading towards that 'cursed' word.
"Wait! You really don't want to…see any of that…" Adam trailed off, seeing Lucifer was no longer paying attention to him. Michael's eyes were still glued to the computer, and Adam wondered if he'd glanced away from it even once since it'd appeared down here.
"So 'fanfiction' is 'fan' stories written by fans about certain characters and events. I don't see the problem here. What wouldn't I want to see?"
"Weren't you just saying, 'Humans come up with some of the most depraved—' and so on? You telling me you can't imagine what could be terrible about stories possibly written about 'our' lives?"
Adam knew he shouldn't be saying this even as it came out of his mouth. It'd be smarter to let Lucifer think the topic is dull. Maybe part of him wanted Lucifer to suffer what he'd once had to endure. Then again, the Devil had a strange sense of humor. He was just as likely to find the whole thing amusing. What the fuck did Adam know? He'd almost suspect torturing him, and Michael, with fanfiction, was actually part of his motive here if it weren't for his seemingly ignorant confusion on the topic. If Adam had learned anything, it was that Lucifer was manipulative. But he never lied.
"Depraved?" Lucifer asked with new interest, his face inching closer to the screen.
He wasn't faking that.
Adam resigned himself to the inevitable and braced for impact. Being a minor 'character' might be his only saving grace here.
"I wouldn't get too excited. Don't say I didn't warn you when you find something you don't like," Adam warned. Lucifer getting pissed off would benefit none of them.
"Oh, I see. So, this is where pairings come into play. I wonder…"
Adam caught Lucifer's glance at him out of the corner of his eye and the following smirk. So much for that 'saving grace'. He was clearly Lucifer's first target.
"You were so upset about not having many appearances. About being the unimportant brother—the spare—even here."
"Brother—" Michael finally chipped in again, and Adam recognized his warning tone. Lucifer sure liked to kick below the belt and, not so surprisingly, play with fire.
Adam tried to control his face enough so his scowl wasn't obvious, but had a feeling he'd failed spectacularly. He snuggled further into Michael's arms—his only comfort down here—and felt his body relax when the Angel squeezed him even tighter.
Thankfully, Lucifer only rolled his eyes and mumbled what Adam was sure was 'so sensitive' before continuing with his clicking, undeterred.
"Well, look at that! Most of the 'fanfiction' here involves you and Michael in a sexual or romantic relationship. Wow, big brother! Never thought I'd see you degrade yourself this way. Even if it's only in a piece of fiction written by humans."
Michael's posture straightened, and he could almost imagine the look of contempt he'd be sending Lucifer even with his back to him. Adam rubbed the Angel's arm, attempting to return comfort and calm.
"Not that I can blame the humans for speculating about how you two act. You're way too soft on your vessel, Michael. You might as well glue him to your side and be done with it."
"If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it."
Lucifer hummed and continued messing with the computer.
"Here's an interesting summary: 'Michael has a boner but doesn't know what to do with it. Adam teaches him one of the pleasures of being human.'"
Adam cringes but isn't surprised. Yeah, that was to be expected. Adam supposed it also made sense that any fan-made material would focus on him in conjunction with Michael. He was the 'character' he'd interacted with the most. He'd literally been inside him (yes, he could grasp the erotic implications).
Adam snuck a look at Michael, relieved to see he looked more confused than angry. He thought about what he wanted to say.
"You realize you've probably been paired up with everybody at least once yourself, right? You're too important. You probably had plenty of 'screen time' or 'page-time,' or whatever the fuck we're going with here."
"And why should it bother me what humans write about me?"
"Well, as you've probably gathered, most of it is porn. Here, let me see the computer for a minute?"
Lucifer arched an eyebrow at him but pushed it over. Adam was clearly being humored; he hoped he could find what he had in mind.
It was easier than it should've been to navigate the website. And it took less time than it should've to find something inflammatory.
"Look at this," Adam said, passing the computer back. Adam took a perverse amount of pleasure in the blank expression that came over Lucifer's face as he realized what he was reading. Adam might not agree with most of Lucifer's anti-human dogma. But he could get behind his belief in their depravity. The human imagination could be downright vile.
"Did you want to read the summary of that one out loud? Or maybe you'd like to check out the story itself." Adam hoped Lucifer didn't call his bluff and actually attempt to read what he'd found. Adam had no desire to hear such things and was sure Michael would find it equally traumatizing. It might even have Michael agreeing with Lucifer about humans being disgusting and all deserving to die. Now that he was thinking about it… showing Lucifer such a thing and daring to taunt him might not have been such a good idea.
"We're moving on to something else. There's nothing of value to see here," Lucifer growled. His hands were clenched, and his eyes glowed a burning red. If Lucifer had had laser vision, the computer would be a smoking, charred pile of unworkable parts.
Adam relaxed.
Lucifer was clearly pissed, but it wasn't at him.
"How about some videos, or… Oh, here's a fan song."
The look on Lucifer's face now scared Adam. More than the one he'd given the computer after reading the summary of the story that ‘must not be named or explained.'
A tune started up, and Adam frowned at the almost immediate mention of Sam and Dean. Adam wasn't sure what he was supposed to be waiting for. Lucifer was watching him with what could only be anticipation. It was clearly an Apocalypse song, and he could only assume he'd be getting a mention. It was nearing the chorus when he heard the first hint of himself: a mention of the writers forgetting someone. He just knew that had to mean him.
And then he heard the actual chorus.
"We are never ever saving Adam ever!? Really?"
Someone had written an actual song about how forgettable he was. Sam and Dean's perspective added extra sting to already painful mockery. Was this all he was to anyone who knew his story? An unremarkable, unimportant joke.
It was one thing for Lucifer to tease him: Lucifer was just being Lucifer. And this was obviously his revenge for managing to make him uncomfortable. It was a separate issue to know his fellow humans could think so little of him when he'd only ever tried his best to be respectable. When he'd been willing to give his body over to do what he'd believed to be right. When he'd only wanted to see his mother and now might never be reunited with her again.
Lucifer smiled at his reaction. But Michael, who'd always been so unnaturally attuned to his emotional state, straightened up. He flared his wings in a way that made his presence seem towering and finally put in his two cents.
"While I'm not averse to studying the Gospel—as it may have answers to our current predicament and shine a light on what has been happening among the host since I have been gone—I have to protest this obvious targeting of Adam for your sick entertainment. I've told you time again that my vessel is off limits."
"And you haven't seen me lay a finger on him. Have you?" Lucifer sneered. Adam wondered if this would escalate into another 'bitch-fight-argument.' (Man, was he glad Michael wasn't currently paying attention to his thoughts.) Experiencing more of this Winchester-based crap didn't appeal to him in the slightest: Not with how he'd been depicted. He wasn't much in the mood for listening to them go back and forth, either, for however long they'd decide to have a go.
"Can't we just decide on something that won't make any of us angry? Maybe get started on that learning Michael mentioned. Because he had a point, you know? There's a good chance we could learn about what's been happening while we've been down here. It hardly benefits us to be uninformed."
Some of Michael's tenseness relaxed, and a slight breeze from his wings told Adam they'd also been put away. Adam turned to look at Lucifer again.
"We could get info on what's been happening in Hell too." Adam's careful not to say what he's actually thinking: that Lucifer could see Sam again and learn how he's doing. Lucifer's obsession was one best not spoken of; he'd deny it anyway.
Both Angels agreed with Adam with only a little grumbling and a couple murmured insults from Lucifer that Adam pretended not to hear. Lucifer was just upset they'd managed to ruin his fun.
Now that they had a plan, they just needed to put it into motion. Adam reached towards the computer again slowly, wondering if Lucifer would put up a fight about handing it over, but he shoved it at him instantly. Adam guessed Lucifer didn't want to have to put in the work if he couldn't fuck with them anymore. Adam wasn't about to complain.
Adam settled the computer into a position far enough from him so Lucifer could still see the screen. It'd been paused on the YouTube video for the song he'd been so hurt by. With a quick type of 'Supernatural mvs' in the search bar, it directed him to other options. Lots of options! Man, this show was popular. He hardly knew where to start.
Adam clicked on a couple random vids but got nothing out of them beyond further confirmation of Sam and Dean's life sucking, their codependent relationship, and the strange homoerotic tension between Castiel and Dean which the fans not only noticed but seemingly loved.
"Well, those weren't very helpful. Why don't we look up some videos focusing on the Angels."
Adam did so, and this time hit paydirt. These videos focused a lot more on the Angels and what they'd been up to. Some of it was hard for him to follow without the context, but he was focusing on trying to absorb everything until—
"You killed Gabriel?" Michael didn't yell, but his voice seemed to boom and almost shake the cage from being so powerful. The grip Michael still had around him was equally strong. Adam was grateful he couldn't actually die down here. And that he didn't need to breathe. Otherwise, the hold would have already suffocated him. Adam tried to pay attention to what Michael was actually saying.
Right, Gabriel.
Apparently, Lucifer had killed him.
The video was still going, but nobody was paying it any mind. He reached a hand out to pause it, trying not to attract the attention of either of them. Michael was angrier than Adam had ever seen him. Adam trusted Michael to not want to hurt him, but that didn't mean he couldn't end up collateral damage. His ribs could attest to that.
Would this be the inciting incident? The thing to finally turn them to violence? Adam supposed Lucifer's response might be the determining factor.
Lucifer looked surprised. Adam wondered if he'd forgotten that he'd killed Gabriel or if he simply assumed nobody would ever find out.
"It wasn't Gabriel's place to interfere. He helped Sam and Dean get away, kept waving his Angel Blade around in my face, and seemed very protective of the humans, above all else. He'd clearly been down on Earth too long and became too accustomed to their ways. What else would you have had me do?"
"Maybe not kill your brother. You were always Gabriel's favorite: The only one to enjoy his pranks. The only one who could understand his jokes. You taught him to fly. Even during our fights, he never once took sides. He had to know you were in the wrong, but his love and worship for you prevented him from ever truly standing against you. Were you truly incapable of subduing him long enough for you to get away? You couldn't appeal to him… or talk him down—someone who once loved you that much?"
Lucifer, for once, appeared lost for words. (Talk about family drama. And he thought his issues with his own were bad.) Adam suddenly had a lot of questions he'd never thought to ask: What happened to an Angel when they died? Did they stop existing? Did they have their own afterlife? Was it better than here? He supposed it had to be.
There was still no answer from Lucifer. Adam knew better than to dare ask any of his questions now. His mouth would stay firmly shut while letting them sort this out. No way was he getting in the middle of this.
"Your silence might as well be an admission of guilt." Michael was trying his best to sound all-commanding and unemotional. The bond between him and Adam that let Michael perceive what he was feeling, however, worked both ways. Right now, he was feeling a grief Adam hadn't yet felt from him before. Not even their fall into the cage had elicited such an emotional response; he'd mostly just been angry then.
"Like you're squeaky clean being Dad's loyal soldier. You'd have killed him yourself if it'd been an order from God. Just like you threw me down here on his orders. You're the last person who'd have any right to lecture me on betrayal: on family loyalty." Lucifer sneered again as he practically spat the words.
Michael glowered and shot right back: "Your actions led to me striking you down—not just God. If you'd just listened—"
"—Here we go again: 'If you'd only just listened and followed orders like every other Angel, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. If you'd only just listened and been a good puppet soldier, none of this would've happened,'" Lucifer mocked with a roll of his eyes. "Don't take any accountability for your own mistakes. The 'Great and Powerful Archangel Michael' doesn't make mistakes. He's just Daddy's perfect boy. Well, it doesn't seem like he's coming down here to rescue you, does it? God has abandoned you too! Despite your enduring loyalty and stupidity."
"Faith is not stupid," Michael retorted. "And must you insist on talking poorly of our father?"
"He's the reason we're both down here, Mikey. The reason we're all down here. Apparently, he doesn't care about your vessel, either—despite insisting we prioritize these humans above all else. What excuse can you even give for that, huh? Are we meant to believe that he just… what? Didn't notice our Apocalypse: Didn't notice one of his Archangels dying and another falling into the cage? 'He who supposedly sees all'? What's more likely? That he hasn't realized or doesn't care? About any of us."
Adam didn't much appreciate being brought up in this conversation, especially when said conversation was a reminder that nobody seemed to care that he was here (aka: In Hell). Secretly, though, while he'd never tell Michael, he agreed somewhat with Lucifer; God didn't seem invested in any of them. One of the things that had brought him closer to Michael—that had made him sympathetic—had been his…well, 'toxic' relationship with his father. Even easier to empathize with was Lucifer's hatred towards that same father due to a disillusionment Michael had yet to overcome.
"We're down here to pay penance," Michael shot back in defense. "Father is hardly going to reward failure."
"Well, he certainly doesn't reward loyalty. What's your human paying penance for? What did he theoretically do wrong in this scenario? He was just doing what he thought was right, wasn't he? Doing what you and the other Angels told him to?"
Michael seemed to struggle with this, and Adam tried peaking up at him to see if he could catch his expression. Adam was curious what excuse he'd come up with for this one, if any; he wouldn't even be mad at the insinuation that Adam could've done something deserving of spending an eternity down here when he'd managed to make it into Heaven before.
Michael's arms clenched around him again, but softer this time and without the anger. Adam didn't manage to get anything from his expression (Adam admitted to stupidity in hindsight; Michael's face was hardly a display of emotion, and there was no reason for this time to be any different), but Michael let out an almost audible sigh. His Archangel's emotions, unlike the rest of him, were anything but tame. Adam could feel the conflict and confusion as strongly as if they were his own.
Lucifer seemed to grasp from Michael's sudden silence that he'd scored his first point in this back-and-forth because he smirked, suddenly confident from this small but important victory. At any other time, Adam might have been amused and grateful that Lucifer was getting through to Michael on the whole 'God issue.' Right now, though, Lucifer trying to use this to distract from him having killed their brother and then throwing Adam into the argument made Adam furious.
'Screw it,' Adam thought, 'I'm done shutting up.'
"Look, obviously, none of us are having the time of our lives down here, but it doesn't really do to dwell on the whys and hows. We have to make the best of our situation while still being ready to take any chances that turn up to get out of here. This, right here—" Adam shook the laptop to remind them both that it was there. "—this is the closest we've gotten; the only information we have available."
Lucifer stared at him. He could sense he had Michael's attention as well.
"Michael's got a right to be mad. His brother's dead, and he's only just found out. Lucifer, you have a right to be mad too. About being stuck here again, I mean. But that doesn't mean you have to take it out on Michael since it wasn't even his fault this time. You told me, yourself, that fighting down here's pointless, so maybe stop trying to instigate one." Adam glared at Lucifer, trying to look braver than he actually felt. "And stop using me to antagonize Michael. It's hardly very creative of you."
"Your vessel's got bite, Michael. Real Winchester trait."
"Milligan," Adam corrected in further irritation. "Can we please just—" Adam shook the computer again in frustration. "We were really getting somewhere. Do you two wanna keep fighting about something neither of you can do anything about, or do you want to get educated? Cause I'm telling you, right now, if it turns out there was some way outta here we didn't know about that this did and we miss it, I'll find a way to make the both of you regret it…" Adam took another look at the both of them as they stared at him—Lucifer with an arched brow and Michael curiously—and felt his temporary bravery abandon him.
"…somehow," he muttered in a much weaker, lower voice.
For some reason, his outburst seemed to kick the two of them into gear. Michael suddenly arranged the laptop and the both of them so he had better access to the controls while still having a firm grip on him. Adam wondered if it was a good idea for Michael to be in charge—given his previous immersion (more like obsession) with said computer—but Adam figured he'd already said his piece. For now, he just wanted to feel like he was accomplishing something.
Neither Lucifer nor Michael apologized, but Adam assumed by their behavior that it was implied. Lucifer, at least, would never lower himself enough to do so—and Adam knew Michael would never do it in front of Lucifer, who'd no doubt use it as an excuse for further mockery.
Sometimes, seeing the devastation that was their relationship made him happy about never being able to build anything real with his own brothers. If having siblings caused one this much pain and drama, maybe he was better off without them.
Michael continued with the video route since they'd already proven useful. (And Adam's heart did ache for Michael about the Gabriel situation. Of all the stories Michael had told Adam of Heaven, the ones involving the trickster Angel had been his favorite.)
These videos involved more Angel drama: Drama that Adam still lacked some context to entirely understand. He could tell it was bad, though. And not just from the tenseness and feelings Michael was projecting from their bond.
"Raphael is dead too," was Michael's next despondent comment. The hurt practically emanated from him at this point—a dark rolling cloud of misery over his usual sunny brightness.
"Well, you can hardly blame me for that one. I think Castiel might have single-handedly done more damage in these videos than I managed during our entire apocalypse escapade. I'd be in awe if it weren't so insulting." Lucifer certainly didn't look amused.
"Much as I hate to agree with you, there is something seriously wrong with that Angel. He seems incapable of following orders or respecting authority. There's no need to make light of our prophesized battle by referring to it as an escapade, though, Lucifer."
"Sure. Disrespect of authority. That's the problem." Lucifer's eyes rolled back so far in his head that Adam feared they'd get stuck that way. His sarcasm was so thick Adam could drown in it.
The videos kept going and kept getting progressively worse.
"At this point, the question we should be asking is if there are any angels left. Also…what's so special about Castiel that his death never seems to stick."
Neither Michael nor Lucifer appeared to like the implications. They both had to know the most likely reason for Castiel's constant revivals was God's favor. How Castiel could have earned said favor without trying when even Lucifer and Michael's fanatical bids to garner attention had resulted in radio silence, Adam didn't know. It just left the increasing impression of God being that crappy, absentee father Lucifer had painted him as, whether Michael was able to admit to it yet or not.
Purgatory, Soulless Sam, The Trials, The Angels Falling, The Mark of Cain, The Darkness: The hits never stopped. And…wait, was that supposed to be God? The guy writing the Winchester gospel and pretending to be a Prophet? What? When Michael and Lucifer said nothing, Adam decided to do the same. They either hadn't reached the same conclusion (noticed) or didn't want to discuss it and were ignoring it. Adam could get behind that.
"I can't believe I'm about to say this—feel free to slap me if I'm being ridiculous, 'cause I'm probably way out of line here—but…do you think maybe…we might actually be safer down here? Everyone up there seems to be cursed or something."
Apropos of nothing, without the slightest warning, Lucifer disappeared.
Adam stared at the now empty space. Gone. Just like that. Adam tensed and grasped onto Michael's arm around him, worried he or Michael might be next. Michael held on just as tight, also wary. Only after a few minutes of neither of them going anywhere did he lower his guard.
"Was it something I said?" Adam asked, suddenly feeling the need to whisper. "Did I jinx it?"
"Of course not. Lucifer must have been summoned."
"Who would or could summon Lucifer out of the cage?" He asked, then almost knocked himself out from the force of his own palm meeting face at his stupidity.
"Winchesters," both Adam and Michael ended up saying simultaneously.
"But why?" Adam asked.
"They must need an Archangel for something." And, boy, was Michael mad; the increased thunder and lightning noises from outside the cage evidence (representation) of his vast displeasure.
"They needed an Archangel, and they chose Lucifer?" That was dubious. Lucifer might help—especially if Sam was doing the asking—but he'd hardly do it for free. God knows what other mischief he'd get into while up there.
Given how they'd just been talking about a curse, there was also a good chance Lucifer would be killed. Adam felt weird thinking about it. Lucifer drove him crazy, and he was hardly a pinnacle of moral righteousness. But Adam would miss him. Adam had gotten used to thinking of Michael and Lucifer as his eternal companions. Now, one of them was gone. He couldn't help but grip Michael harder again, still slightly scared that he'd vanish, too, and Adam would be alone. That would be the end of his sanity right then.
"If the darkness destroyed the world…or whatever it is she does, would it affect us, too? Could Lucifer even defeat it?"
"Everything would be affected. The last time the darkness had to be shut away, it took the combined power of God and all four of his Archangels. Even then, it was still difficult and resulted in grievous injuries. I don't see how it could be accomplished unless God has returned to fight and decides to bring us all back."
Michael didn't even look hopeful while saying it, proof this new information and situation had him out of sorts. Adam just had to hope that if Michael was summoned, Adam would be taken as well. The Angel would still need a vessel, after all. Adam doubted Dean had suddenly changed his views on possession. Adam could also admit to jealousy at the idea of Dean taking his place in this instance. Dean hadn't wanted to be Michael's vessel, but Adam had been filling that role for so long now he no longer knew any other way to be.
"So what are we supposed to do now?"
"There's nothing we can do," Michael admitted reluctantly. Adam knew Michael hated feeling helpless and not being able to do anything. Michael hadn't known a day of idleness until he found himself here. Adam had promised himself if they ever escaped, he'd insist on a vacation. They both deserved one, and there were so many places Adam had never gotten to see while alive that he thought Michael might get some pleasure from now.
"We should be on our guard, though, I'm guessing?"
Michael nodded against his back.
For a moment, Adam wanted to say, 'screw this,' and hide again in his angel companion's wings as he had so long ago. To forget everything and make that feathery embrace his entire world. It was strange, almost, how that seemed like a simpler time. It certainly hadn't seemed simple at the time.
"You just wanna watch some more of this Supernatural crap? It won't take our mind off anything, but I'm sure there's still much to learn. Why don't we look up some videos about ourselves? I'm sure we must have at least a few. Oh, and your brothers! We could find some about them too. See what they'd been up to before…well, just before. I hope this computer doesn't run out of power. Now that I'm thinking about it, it already should've run out if it was going to. You'd been messing with it for days before we'd even commented. I'm not even going to ask what had you so engrossed." Adam knew he was babbling but also knew Michael wouldn't mind. He'd told Adam before that he liked knowing what Adam was thinking but had difficulty figuring it out.
Adam rearranged himself again until he was comfy and brought YouTube back up. He was determined not to think about their imminent demise, the possibility of Michael disappearing, Lucifer being dead, or the Winchesters (despite them being prominent in everything and, therefore, impossible to ignore).
None of those things existed right now. Adam and Michael were watching fiction. Pieces of a TV show. It had nothing to do with their lives at all. If he thought of it that way…maybe it would make these viewings easier to bear? Put less of a strain on his heart and his mind.
Adam took a deep breath, ready to start the next set of videos.
"You ready?" He asked Michael.
"It's only pragmatic to learn all we can. You said something similar yourself."
"Okay, what have I said about using my own words against me?"
"To not do so. Though I'm slightly confused about whose I should be using if not yours."
Adam sighed and shook his head.
All of them.
"Let's just get watching."
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mothgardens · 5 months
Gabriel was created as an archangel of the Lord. He was created with the responsibility of helping God trap Amara. He was never created to just exist in bliss, he always had a greater purpose. Gabriel never wanted that. He hated having that duty which he was made to account for. He left heaven and took on Loki’s persona as The Trickster to escape. He got out of the life.
Likewise, Sam Winchester was cursed to his destiny ten years before he was conceived. Then he was born with a responsibility of being Lucifer’s vessel. He never got to live a normal life; he always had to hunt and work. Sam hated the hunting lifestyle. He was persistent on getting his full-ride scholarship to Stanford; he was persistent on escaping. He got out of the life.
They were both brought back into the life by Dean Winchester telling them that they had to take back their responsibility.
{I’m going to shit myself.}
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cha0ticlesbian · 2 months
I need fics where ALL the characters are alive and together and I mean EVERYONE
Pls give me recs🫶
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ssanovak · 1 year
His Favourite Little Human
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@skievers‘ request; Bestie can you write me a Gabriel x Fem reader who is Sam & Dean’s sister and is currently kidnapped as a hostage and Gabriel has to find her? Thanks! 🥰
“Y/N! Breakfast! Bacon’s a bit crispy, hope that’s okay! Cas decided to help” Dean yelled down the bunker hallway.
“Hey!” Cas glared at Dean, “It’s better crispier, Y/N told me that once”
“Sure buddy, she probably only told you that so she didn’t hurt your feelings” Dean said laughing.
Cas crossed his arms over his chest and frowned.
“Y/N! Where are you?” Dean walked down the hallway to your room, he knocked on the door loudly, “Y/N! Wake up sleepyhead!”.
Silence followed Dean’s words, he leant against the wall to the left of the door and rapped his knuckles hard against the wood again. Still nothing.
“Y/N you better be decent, cause I’m coming in!” Dean turned the door handle, pushing the door open slowly. He glanced around the room before him and then stepped in. Your bed had evidently been left untouched since you made it yesterday morning, and you were nowhere to be seen. It was Dean’s turn to frown now and he checked your bedside table to see if your purse and keys were still there. When he didn’t find any evidence that you’d even come home last night he shrugged, expecting you to be with Gabriel, or one of their friends, you didn’t drink so it wasn’t likely that you’d been out all night, so he wasn’t especially worried.
He walked back to the kitchen, finding Sam sat at the table ignoring the tray of bacon in the centre and choosing instead to drink what Dean affectionately referred to as a ‘rabbit food smoothie’, he nodded to his brother as Dean walked back into the room.
“Where’s Y/N?” He said, looking back down to the newspaper he’d been combing for a new case.
“Not been home, I’m willing to bet she’s with Gabriel.”
“Oh yeah, how much are you willing to wager?” Sam smirked.
“Okay Cas, you want in?” Dean turned to the angel.
“Dean, I have no use for money, why would I partake in an effort to win any?”
“For fun, I don’t know, do Angels do ‘Fun’?” He teased and Cas looked up at him quizzically, “Don’t answer that, it’s too early in the morning for that conversation.”
Dean grabbed some ketchup and sat at the table across from Sam and pulled the tray of bacon towards him, squirting the ketchup straight onto the tray. Sam rolled his eyes and sighed, and Dean indignantly said “Y/N’s not gonna have any, Mr Molecules over there doesn’t eat, and you’ve got your blended rabbit food, what’s the point using a plate?”
“I didn’t actually say anything,” Sam replied, dryly.
“No, but you were thinking, same thing.”
“Okay, Dean,” Sam rolled his eyes again, which his brother missed as he stood up to grab the pot of coffee he’d been brewing, sitting back down he sighed contentedly and dug into his food.
A loud banging on the front door was the only noise to disturb the peace and quiet.
“I’ll get it” Sam said, picking up his smoothie and taking it with him. Sam walked towards the front of the bunker as the knocking got louder and more frantic.
He opened the door slowly and was surprised to see a rather dishevelled Gabriel standing in the doorway.
“Sam” the angel said.
“Gabriel, uh, come in I guess.” Sam stood to the side to let the man walk past him and then shut and relocked the door behind him.
“No time for pleasantries, have you seen Y/N?”
“No, actually, Dean thought she was with you, why?”
“Haven’t seen her in a couple of days actually, and we were meant to meet up yesterday.”
“Maybe she forgot?”
“Why thank you Sam, I hadn’t possibly considered that scenario, and I felt like walking here from half a mile away just for you to tell me the obvious” Gabriel rolled his eyes.
“Sorry, I, uh, don’t have any other suggestions, let me get Dean to help call around.”
“Thank you.”
The two walked back to the kitchen and Dean mumbled “Who is it?” with a mouthful of food.
“Hello Deano” Gabriel greeted the older Winchester brother.
Dean turned to the doorway, swallowing the mouthful he’d finished chewing. “Sammy who gets the 20 bucks?”
“Not you”
“Son of a bitch!”
“So where is Y/N?” Cas tilted his head into the question and looked to Gabriel for an answer.
“Was hoping she was here.”
“Dean, I said we’d call around and ask if Y/N is with any of our friends, I’ll call Charlie and Garth, can you call Jody and Donna?” Sam pulled out his phone and began dialling as he spoke.
“On it”
A few tense minutes passed as the brothers tried to locate their sister, and when they ended each call with no luck, the atmosphere was thick enough to be cut with a knife.
“Gabriel, you’ve heard nothing for how long?” Dean looked up at the angel.
“Nothing since this time yesterday, Y/N sent me a text telling me she’d see me later on, if you didn’t carve that damned Enochian into her bones I could’ve found her by now!” Gabriel’s final words an accusation directed at Castiel.
“Providing she’s not also being hidden by extra sigils, no need to play the blame game here Gabriel” Dean replied, keen to prevent an argument and focus on finding his little sister.
“Dean, I’m going to call Rowena, hopefully she can help.” Sam said, once again dialling as he spoke.
“Hello Samuel, how can I help you?” came the redheads Scottish drawl through the phone.
“Rowena, hi, we need your help, Y/N is missing, do you know of any way we can locate her?”
“Of course dear, let me just find the spell, are you able to obtain ingredients?”
“Yes, we’re in the bunker, I’ll be able to use the Men of Letters stock.”
“Good, okay, I’ve got the spell here, are you ready?”
“Hold on, I’ll write it down.”
With that Sam left the kitchen, Gabriel and Castiel in tow, heading to the library. Dean looked down at his half finished breakfast and decided it would take Sam a while to locate the ingredients, so he probably had time to finish eating. He scarfed the last of the bacon and then downed the rest of his coffee before heading up to the library himself. By the time he got there, Sam and Gabriel had begun to lay out the ingredients as Rowena explained the steps for they needed to take. Once they’d finished the setup, she told Sam the Latin he would have to repeat in order to complete the spell, and Sam scribbled it down in a notebook. He looked up at Dean who nodded and he started the spell. As he finished repeating the lines Rowena had given him the piece of paper in the centre of the pentagram burned a bright red and Dean looked away as the light threatened to blind him. When he looked back the paper had returned to it’s original state bar two lines of numbers that glistened in the light from the lamps. He stepped closer but Gabriel grabbed the piece of paper first.
“Co-ordinates?” He looked up at Sam for confirmation.
“Looks like, okay, thanks Rowena, I’ll let you know what happens.”
“Not a problem Samuel, I hope you find Y/N safe. Bye for now.” The call disconnected.
Sam and Dean grabbed their gear whilst Castiel and Gabriel stood waiting, Dean checked his guns and Sam grabbed the salt and lighter amongst other weapons and items of protection.
“Ready?” Gabriel questioned, “I’m assuming you want me to get as close to these co-ordinates as possible without being in the building, don’t know what kind of surprises might be in there.”
“I guess so,” Dean said, sighing, “I’m not happy with this method of transportation though, last time he zapped me someplace I didn’t poop for a week.” He pointed at Castiel who’s brow furrowed and he tilted his head to one side.
“That was more information than I wanted, let’s go”, Gabriel clicked his fingers and the four of them were outside a disused factory building.
Dean shuddered, gripping his gun tighter.
“Hold on,” Gabriel held his hand up and his eyes glowed brilliant blue as he searched the building for sigils. Only once he was satisfied they weren’t walking into a trap he motioned for Castiel and Dean to take the left side of the building whilst he and Sam took the right.
The four split off towards their designated search areas and Castiel and Gabriel both drew their Angel Blades. As they crept around the outskirts of the building a yell of pain came from somewhere deep within. Gabriel’s footsteps quickened as he recognised the voice. He and Sam found the nearest entrance and Sam gripped the door handle as Gabriel counted down with one hand. When he hit 0 Sam opened the door, the two slid through the open entryway and they were met with a corridor, off of which 5 more doors stood. Gabriel used his free hand to point to Sam and the rightmost door and then walked to the leftmost himself. They cleared each room with ease, meeting in the middle at the fifth door. Sam nodded as Gabriel reached towards the handle. As he did so another shout indicated that they were in fact at the correct door and Gabriel flung it open, holding his blade ready.
As he took in the scene before him his eyes met yours. You relaxed slightly against the chair you were sat upon and sighed with relief. Blood dripped down your face from your probably broken nose and you bit back a wince as you took in a deep breath.
Gabriel took a step towards you as Sam raised his gun to point it at the single assailant.
“How’s my favourite little human doing?”
“Been better to be honest, I’m a little tied up right now,” You replied, sarcasm dripping from your words. You looked down and made a point to indicate the ropes that bound you to the chair and tied your hands and feet.
He laughed, the sound music to your ears.
“Don’t come any closer!” Your assailant grabbed your head pulling you backwards in the chair and pinning a knife to your throat. You coughed in discomfort, and your eyes widened as you realised the danger wasn’t over yet. You assessed the situation you found yourself in, realising the way your head was positioned wasn’t to your attackers advantage at all. If you ducked to one side you’d be free of the blade and Gabriel realised this too, he caught your eye and mouthed ‘Sleeping Lions’, then he opened his fingers against his weapon, counting down 3, 2, 1, you threw yourself sideways and as soon as his final finger hit the handle you were folded practically in half against your own legs. A startled yelp came from your captor and you turned to see the Angel Blade sticking out of the demon’s chest as his soul stuttered out of existence and an orange glow emitted from every orifice. The now empty vessel fell backwards to the floor and you sat up straight again.
“Nice shot” Sam noted, Gabriel had thrown the blade across 15 feet and hit the demon square in the chest.
“Of course” Gabriel smirked.
“Look, save your ego boost for later and get these dang restraints off me please” You grumbled.
Gabriel laughed again and the pair of your saviours crossed the room towards you. Sam worked on the rope at your feet as Gabriel untied your hands and then your body. You slumped forwards slightly as he released the rope and he caught you, exhaustion setting in as the adrenalin wore off. He turned around to Sam, who grabbed your hand and squeezed it before he left the room in search of his other sibling and their best friend. Gabriel knelt on the floor in front of you and pulled you into a hug.
“Don’t scare me like that again Winchester”
“Can’t make any promises, sorry, I’m just too kidnappable” you mumbled against his chest.
He laughed again, leaning you back against the chair, gently sitting you upright. He put his hand against your face, cupping your cheek tenderly and you looked up at him as his eyes glowed Arctic blue. You felt the warmth of his grace healing you and you relaxed into his touch. When he was done he pulled you back into another hug. Kissing the top of your head as he held you. You wrapped your arms around him and revelled in the safety he brought with him.
“Y/N!” Dean exclaimed and you let go of your angel. You stood up from the chair, feeling as if you could run a few marathons and ran to your brother, who wrapped his arms around you crushing you in his embrace. When he let go it was Sam’s turn, although he was more gentle than Dean. Then you turned to Castiel who looked at you curiously until you pulled him into a hug too. He patted your arm awkwardly before you retreated to Gabriel’s side.
“Let’s get you home”, Gabriel smiled at you, clicking his fingers and you were half a mile up the road from the bunker. “You know this is as close as I can get before I have to walk!” He exclaimed as you looked at him incredulously.
“You’re lucky you’re cute”, you say, starting to walk towards your home.
“You’re lucky she thinks you’re cute”, Dean grumbled and followed after you.
Gabriel hurried forwards and reached into his pocket, handing you one of your favourite candies. You look around at him, smiling and take his hand in yours after you’ve removed the candy from his grasp. You hum contentedly as you continue walking home.
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winchesterszvonecek · 7 months
Can’t really think of anything specific with Gabriel but just the idea of cuddly Gabriel makes me cry (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Like clingy and cuddly Gabriel?? Shot me now (lovingly)
Nothing Better - [ Gabriel ]
Summary: After a rough day you find yourself needing nothing more than a cuddle from Gabriel
Word Count: 886 short but hopefully sweet
Warnings: female!reader, sex references
A/N: it wasn’t really clingy gabriel but hopefully it was cuddly enough for you as it kind of went in a different direction than i meant it to
Masterlist | Gabriel Masterlist
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You should have known he’d be waiting for you the moment you got back to the bunker. Should have known that the second you walked into your room you’d see him there, already under the sheets with that signature grin on his face. The one you’d normally love to see.
But tonight you just weren’t feeling it. You’d had a bad case. The worst case in a long time and you really weren’t feeling up to spending half the night with an archangel between your legs, no matter how fun and pleasurable it was.
Tiredly, you stepped into your bedroom that, low and behold, Gabriel was already occupying. You closed the door, glancing towards him just in time to catch that playful smile on his face, the sheets barely covering him as he waited for you to greet him like you normally did. Which was to throw yourself on him as you never were one to waste time. Not when it came to this anyway.
Only, tonight you didn’t. Tonight you didn’t even acknowledge him with anything more than a half assed smile that you had to force out as you peeled off your blood stained jacket, dumping it straight onto the floor instead of your laundry hamper.
“Baby?” Gabriel sat up a little, brow furrowing over your distant behaviour as this wasn’t like you at all. You hated mess so for you to leave your clothes lying messily about? Well that was the first sign that you weren’t exactly feeling like your usual self.
“Not now, Gabriel.” You sighed breathily, pulling off your t-shirt which quickly joined your jacket in a heap on the floor. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Everything okay?” He asked, growing worried when he got nothing but silence in response as you continued to undress.
The further you moved into the light the more he could see it. That faint redness to your otherwise glistening eyes and the deep, dark circles beneath them that were the starting point for the stains that ran down your cheeks.
Even as you rummaged through your drawer he could still see the way your lip never fully settled, trembling lightly with every quiet breath that parted them and it was clear that you’d more than likely only just finished crying.
“Come here.” He said softly, patting the bed next to him which had another quiet sigh escape your mouth as you misread his intentions.
“I said I’m not in the mood.” You mumbled, clumsily throwing your night shirt over your head and ending up with your arm in the wrong hole, which might have pushed you to the brink had Gabriel not shuffled towards you to help you into it properly.
The second the material sat right on your shoulders his hands moved up, brushing your hair from your face before gently cupping it. His thumbs ghosted lightly across the blackened marks beneath your eyes, watching as they began to shimmer faintly in the dim light of the room.
“Rough day?” Gabriel said quietly, barely a nod of your head answering him as you couldn’t quite find the words to. He moved back across the bed, pulling the cover down and motioning for you to join him.
You were quick to do so, feeling that warmth seep into your body as you nestled yourself next to him, his arm draping around you the instant you settled. His chin landed atop your head, his other arm wrapping tightly around you as you buried your face against his chest, allowing the comfort he brought to fully engulf you.
It was a little strange for you to be like this as Gabriel never was one for cuddles, at least not like this as he happened to like the after sex cuddles you both shared, but that was mainly due to his likeness to see your reaction afterwards.
You weren’t exactly “exclusive” either, given what he was and nothing ever seemed normal with him. But in this moment, as you did nothing but lay in his arms where you could feel the rise and fall of his chest, it felt more normal to you than anything ever had. Only at the same time, you couldn’t help but worry that you were bothering him by being so down.
“You don’t have to stay with me, you know.” You whispered, your voice barely audible for even yourself to hear but luckily for you Gabriel had celestial hearing which meant he heard you perfectly. “If you have better things to do.”
“There isn’t anything better than this, sweetheart.” He said sincerely, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head before his cheek came to rest atop it.
You nuzzled your own over his chest, where you could make out the gentle rhythm of his heart beneath your ear. Every quiet beat only brought you more and more comfort. Made you forget the day as the tension slowly faded from your body with every minute you lay there, neither of you saying a word as you simply enjoyed each other's company.
You didn’t know when you’d have this again. This moment. This peace. And so for as long as you were able, you’d be making sure to cherish each moment, as Gabriel was right… There truly was nothing better than this.
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oops-i-write · 2 months
When Sam is furious and tries to supress it as always, Gabriel wants to help him.
"Lash out on me, love," he says softly, and says something along the lines of perks of dating an archangel.
Sam Winchester is an explosion trapped in an impressive strong male body, and Gabriel can take him in all ways possible. Yet Sam hesitates, tries to supress it, because even a mere thought about hurting his beloved makes him sick.
Gabriel doesn't provoke him further as one could expect. He is surprisingly gentle. Sam loves this side of him, which has been hidden for a long time. He doesn't feel weak when eventually his anger becomes tears and he cries his heart out while curling against Gabriel, and Gabriel strokes his back and plays with his hair until Sam gets better.
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months
Gabriel and Dean being dragged out of the bar after causing a right scene when trying to do karaoke.
Gabriel trips and falls because he’s giggling so hard and Sam barely has time to catch him, so he now has to give his extremely drunk and injured boyfriend a piggyback because that was the only way to keep a close eye on him. (Sure it was, Sam.)
Dean is basically just hanging off of Cas and professing his love every chance he gets, as if him and his angel haven’t been dating for over a year at this point.
Cas is positively beaming, whilst Sam is trying to grumble at Gabriel and act grumpy but it’s really hard when Gabe is literally an adorable giggling mess and covering Sam’s face and neck in soft kisses that leave Sam blushing and utterly smitten.
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azrael08 · 9 months
Idea for any Sabriel fic writers out there, Gabriel can make clones of himself. We know this people, so why can’t I find any fics fluff or smut or otherwise about Sam dealing with Gabriel’s clones. They can ‘entertain’ or annoy him idc I just thought of this and now I want it. idk if the fic exists already or not but if it doesn’t can someone please write it???
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babyjackdaniels · 1 month
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lanevra · 4 months
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Whatever the pink pills were, they seemed to take effect before they came within sight of the pastry shop. Beta became even more affectionate than before. She literally stomped on Alpha Gabriel like a vine, purring and giggling, and her pupils were like dinner plates. Dean wondered for a moment if she would even be able to get out of the limo, but strangely enough, she did. Not only that, she managed to put on a short black coat and grab a small gold purse that had been hidden somewhere between the seats. And she didn't have much trouble walking in high heels either, although she leaned against the Alphaa Gabriel the whole way to the entrance.
Dean walked at Castiel's side, his arm around his shoulders, turning from time to time to look at Sammy, who walked about a step behind them. Quiet and unassuming, as always, though he kept his head up and his shoulders straight, his chin jutting out with a determination that he showed the rest of the limo ride. And he managed to keep his pride and composure even when Gabriel laughingly asked him if he'd gotten 'it' going, and Dean was proud of him for that, even though he'd rather the oldest of the Alphas had kept his mouth shut.
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waywardseraph · 4 months
I’d like to thank all the supernatural fanfiction writers on AO3 and Tumblr. They’ll never know how much their stories have impacted me. How their stories have given me comfort through times of hardship. How their stories became a light in the dark and pulled me from places that I never thought I would be able to escape from. I will never be able to express how thankful I am, but I just want you to know that your stories aren’t just words on a screen.
And to the SPN community, you all deserve a thank you as well. I was raised in a Christian household where I could never express myself, or my passions, or my interests. I have always had to pretend to be someone that I am not to avoid judgement or disappointment from my family. And at 21 years old, I still do.
But here I can be myself with a whole community of people that doesn’t judge; an entire community of strangers that supports and encourages me more than my family ever has and for that I will always be grateful.
So to all the supernatural fandom. Thank you. I love you all so much. Each and every one of you. 💙
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