#michelle talks uni
timeisacephalopod · 1 year
I've seen, repeatedly, that every accusation is a confession from the political right and honestly nothing rings more true to that than the claim that university is liberal indoctrination and this is a problem for right wingers for reasons I can't identify when they have the Joshua Generation.
At least libs only indoctrinate adults who are paying thousands of dollars for it instead of literally breeding a billion kids they all homeschool and abuse the fuck out of with the hopes they'll all become Clarence Thomas and fuck America 18 different ways to Sunday. What an odd thing to even bitch about if they're ok with literally doing what they falsely accuse universities of except to literal children from birth to, if they had their way, death while also flailing around about "false accusations" like they aren't throwing them out as fast as they're having kids they force their other kids to raise while treating that abuse like a Funny Little Organization System. Kids are such blessings you know, that's why they don't even bother raising half of them and force their daughters to do all that work for them.
I'm actually surprised I don't see more people who left this lifestyle as adults who were raised into it speaking up about this stuff. There's more of it now, half these things were mentioned in the Shiney Happy People doc and I found out about the Joshua Generation from a podcast called Kitchen Table Cult that is hosted by 2 people who left similar beliefs to the Duggars but I'm honestly surprised it's not like. A huge thing in news everywhere but that's probably because this type of shit isn't even a blip on the map of all the fucked up things the political right does so often it's exhausting to keep up with let alone hold anyone accountable for. Too busy bitching that trans people shit and do so in public bathrooms sometimes. Priorities, you know. Think of the children, but not the ones being bred and abused to further their parents political ends.
#winters ramblings#like BRUH if you want to talk about school and indoctrination clean your OWN mess up before pointing fingers#at least unis are 'blanket training' babies into obedience if you look this up its HORRIFIC child abuse be warned#nor are they irresponsibily having 80 000 children they dont even fucking raise THEMSELVES#while criticising OTHER PEOPLE for habing a bunch of kids!!! like ???!?!#yall motherfuckers will turn women into breeding horses until they DIE or can no longer reproduce and you whine about#PEOPLE OF COLOR who only have like FOUR kids compared to your TWENTY??? okay bud#like yes that last one was a direct duggar callout but they arent alone in these contradictory beliefs that make NO sense#like michelle bitching about trans women taking a piss like shell get raped by her as if she wasnt housing a FUCKINF CHILD MOLESTER#in HER house while blaming the VICTIMS and downplaying their abuse WHAT right does this fuckswizzle have to say SHIT about sex pests#if michelle gave a shit about that she wouldnt be a part of the HORRIFICALLY abusive IBLP so shut your irresponsible child abusing ASS#michelle. and stop calling your kids blessing when you didnt even RAISE most of them your fucking DAUGHTERS did that FOR you#why even HAVE all these kids if THATS what you do to them? shelter them from ANY outside opinion abuse them#force them into your pokitics withthe hopes theyll TAKE OVER THE COUNTRY YOU LIVE IN LMFAO#dont complain about indoctrination when you have MASSIVE swaths of your politicsl party okaying shit like the duggars#or ACTIVELY participating in turning children into politicsl weapons instead of appreciating them as individuals#you know. since theyre allegedly blessings and all that not just convenient and easily controlled political pawns
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keypaa · 7 months
Astrology Observations No.5 🧛🏻‍♀️💋🖤👻
(+ a bit creepy stuff)
I use the whole sign system
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Uranus opposition Ascendant & strangers talking to you all of a sudden in unexpected ways and places
Mars in 8th house get attacked by spirits often (sleep paralysis, seeing shadows, feeling presences) in many places you go to
!Sensitive topic¡
Astroid Medusa (149) in strong aspects (usually squares) with the north node/southnode + pluto indicate r*pe. I saw it in two of my friends chart. The north node can be seen as destiny. Even if you don't have this aspect and still went through this i love you you are never alone ❣︎
Scorpio ascendants attract a whole bunch of creeps trust your gut and keep it safe people always pay attention to what you are doing you just need to look closer
Lilith in the 10th house and females being annoyed of their presence in the work place. Usually also attract a whole bunch of jealousy in school, uni or at work. Michele Avil that was murdered by her best friend because of jealousy had this placement
Moon in Scorpio hate not having control they know how to (atleast try) to get someone to do something. Positive note good investigators who would make great psychologists, detectives and so on
So well if you have a bunch of 1st house, 8th house or 12th house placements in planets like venus, mars, moon or lilith you are more prone to attract stalkers atleast once in your life KEEP IT SAFE and I mean it¡! And by stalkers I also mean people who do a whole bunch of research on you and your life or keep following you obsessively on social media.
Don't leak unnecessary information about you and try to not go to quite places alone where no one could find you if something would happen.
Lilith in leo are feared by females loved by men
Venus in 10th house don't tell anyone about your love life trust me even tho people always find things to say and spread rumors about. You will publicly be known for what is happening in your love life.
Moon in aries need to be feared, if introverted it takes long to see their anger but most aries moons show ther anger explosively nevertheless they cool down rather quickly, loyal to their loved ones tho
Don't fuxk with leo venus friends they take care of them like a lion mother, dedicated
Venus in capricorn always have enemys
Masculines with libra placements always fall for people who don't love them the same way/or for absolutely toxic & crazzzy people
Lilith in the 22nd degree are necrophilists. Just look at Richard Ramirez chart, he loved s*x with the dead.
According to Ian Altosaar the 22nd degree is about murder and I combined this information with liliths nature, hidden desire. 👻Ps: Most necrophilists are men not always but almost all the time https://ijop.net/index.php/mlu/article/download/734/688/1339 or on Wikipedia (not so reliable source but says that about 92% are men)
Virgo placements get underratedly sexualised a whole lot. The biggest p*rn star right now has virgo placements. Also virgo liliths can be se*ualised
Pisces moons had a time of their life where they cried a lot or still are very emotional (nothing bad). Other than that they can be dangerously manipulative if they want to and feel every slight difference in someones behavior
Aquarius ascendants and loving colorful clothing
Juno (3) in aries and rooting for ambitious people that behave masculine in a loving manner (romantically)
Juno (3) in aquarius want a partner that sticks out from the masses
Mercury in sagittarius have a special voice
Pholus (astroid) shows you what transformed you the most in your life:
1st hous/Aries: You yourself/sports caused a transformation in your life
2st house/Taurus: Your financial situation changed you
3rd house/Gemini: The area where you live in (hood) affected you, or off topic your car/drivers license
4rd house/Cancer: Your home life, emotions or femininity
5th house/Leo: Creative skills of yours or recognition transformed you
6th house/Virgo: Routine or your health/hygiene plays/played a crucial role in your life
7th house/Libra: Your love life/ or glow up affected your life view
8th house/Scorpio: Deaths, paranormal stuff, operations, accidents and your sexuality transformed your way of dealing with life
9th house/ Saggitarius: Other cultures, traveling and your ancestors trigger something in you
10th house/Capricorn: Your work, work environment and accomplishments changed you
11th house/Aquarius: Humanitarian topics, technology and friends started your transformation journey
12th house/Pisces: Religion, spirituality & plastic surgerys may have affected your journey of developing your sense of self
Luvvv muah
3:18 PM
© 2024 the content is subject to the copyright and responsibility of the author
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
something silly & self indulgent, set in the verse of 'in that iron ground.'
cw: parental death mention
“Daniel?” His mum says, her voice airy with the echo of laughter. “What a nice surprise.”
There’s no trace of concern in her voice, though it’s 4 AM in Rotterdam right now, something she must know. Or at least have known once upon a time. Too early for a casual catch-up.
It’s strange to be faced with the different ways his dad’s death affected them all. His mum can be fearless answering the phone, but Daniel’s palms still sweat whenever he sees his light up with the notification that her or Michelle is calling. Stranger still, maybe, that this is still something he thinks about whenever he speaks to his family on the phone.
“Sorry, you sound busy,” he apologises, but even as he says it, staring out at the inky black night, he hears the noise of background chatter recede. His mum’s muffled voice as she makes her excuses to step outside of whatever room she’s in, all the way across the world.
“No, no, Tim and I just have some friends over for our breakfast club, but I’m never too busy for you,” she says easily enough, back to talking to him now. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah Mama,” he promises, nodding though she can’t see him, “everything is- It’s good. Just wanted to hear your voice.”
There’s a pause, where he thinks she might call him out on the strangeness of the hour, but then-
“Not too long till Christmas now, darling.” 
They fall into the easy routine of catching each other up, their familiar dance perfected through more years spent living apart than together now. It’s mostly her speaking to start with, like she knows he needs it to ease himself in. He hears all about Isaac’s new job, and Izzy’s new baby. Stuff he already knows from Michelle, mostly, that he can just hum along to. The last thing is how the cold is finally ebbing from the earth long enough for her to think she can plant some new bulbs soon in her garden.
“And what’s new with you?” She prompts, enough of a tone in her voice for Daniel to know that if he could see her, he’d be getting that pointed look right about now.
Come on young man, tell your mama.
Time’s up.
“We dropped Milly at uni earlier,” he admits after a moment but then doesn’t say anything else, letting it settle between them.
“Oh,” his mum says, something knowing in her voice, and if Daniel stays as an attuned parent to Emilia, despite the new distance between them, he’ll be happy. “How did Max take it?”
That makes Daniel smile at least, looking over his shoulder towards their bedroom, though he knows he won’t be able to see the shape of Max under their duvet through the blinds covering the balcony’s glass door.
His mum hums sympathetically.
“Well, he only pretended not to cry for half of the car journey back,” Daniel says with a laugh, though at the time he’d ached watching Max try and fail to stop his bottom lip trembling as they pulled away from the University of Amsterdam’s welcome fair. “Then he gave in and asked me to pull the car over to give him a cuddle.”
“He did tell me he was nervous for her go,” she says, and nervous is the understatement of the fucking century, but her words make a thick kind of love fill his chest. The same feeling he gets when Max says, “Remind me to call your mum tomorrow, I haven’t spoken to her for a little while.” When he walks in on the two of them exchanging new recipes over Facetime.
“Yeah, she’s our baby,“ Daniel says simply, laughing just to ease the words from his throat, “he isn’t taking it so well, but- But you know Max.”
He can say that because she does.
“Poor Max,” she says with a sigh. “And how is my baby taking it?”
Daniel breathes out the breath he’s been holding in since they dropped Emilia off at her accommodation. Max pressing one hundred quick kisses to her head, making her promise to call them tomorrow to tell them all about her ‘lovely new friends’, while she tried desperately to back them out of the door so they couldn’t cramp her style any worse. Since Max touched his knee and looked at him with wet eyes in the car ride home and said, “This of course is for the best,” like he hadn’t also been right there with Daniel, agonizing over her moving a two-hour car journey away.
Nothing really, when you compare it to two planes and twenty-four hours of travel.
“I’m okay,” he says because it’s mostly true. “I just- Fuck, mum, I don’t know how you and Dad did it. Packed me up and let me move to Europe, two years younger than Milly is now.”
His mum hadn’t even cried in the airport, he remembers. She’d just kissed his cheek very hard, his dad hovering behind telling her she’d make Daniel miss his flight, then hugging Daniel afterwards for just as hard, just as long.
“Ah, well,” she says, words half gentle laughter. “This is the hard part. Welcome back to the era of sleepless nights, except this time they aren’t in the next room, needing you.”
He has to close his eyes against the harsh truth of it. The pain he put his parents through, the pain he feels now, it’s all born from too much love.
“Yeah but Milly always needs me,” he insists, laughing wetly, trying and failing to cover the way he is the one crying now. “Who else is going to teach her how to bag all the hot Dutch boys?”
His mum snorts, and for a moment the ache in his chest is soothed by giggles they dissolve into together. “Don’t let Max hear you say that.”
They lapse into a comfortable silence again once the laughter has trailed off, but Daniel still hasn’t said the thing that made him pick up the phone and call. He promised himself standing at his father’s graveside that he wouldn’t let important things so unspoken between them again, but it doesn’t make it easy.
“Thank you,” he eventually croaks, his throat aching with the words. “Mum, thank you for- For letting me go. I wish I could say the same to Dad, I- My daughter is off to study law two hours up the road and I’m a mess, and- And you guys let me move two continents away just to give my dream a try.”
His dream that never came true, not all the way at least, but that Daniel still wouldn’t trade the life he has now for.
“Oh, sweetheart.” His mum’s voice is gentle, and he wishes so badly she was here to give him a hug. “I just did what you are doing now, for Milly. It’s all a part of it. Sophie would tell you the same.”
She probably has already, to Max at least.
“Yeah,” Daniel says, wiping at his eyes and sniffing a little. “I just- I’m going to miss her, I think.”
For the last nineteen years, the bedroom opposite his and Max’s has been five different colours, has seen four different ‘best friends,’ and had posters of athletes, pop stars, Max’s maps and most recently Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the wall, but- But it’s always had his baby girl inside, sleeping in the bed every night.
“Of course, you’ll miss her. You’re a good dad, Daniel.” His mum says it like a promise, her voice cracking down the middle too. “I tell your dad all the time when I go to visit him. How proud of you he would be, my darling.”
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chaotic-nick · 1 year
note: Brought to you by a former media student [this is my way of a late graduation celebration on this app. And a gift to you guys because you saw my journey from going back to uni after a gap year and my internships] and now media/ comm practitioner 🥺
warnings: Scandals, unedited, mistakes [im doing this on my phone], toxicity
actor au - modern au
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Actor Yamamoto! would be a veteran actor that pioneered a certain genre or a specific scene that was present in all the movies he stared in when he was younger. Filming Bleach was an unexpected role. Because in his 30-year-career of action/drama/slapstick/mystery movies, he thought that his wrinkled body at an old age wouldn't land him anymore roles.
- Definitely the type who's strict and would throw acting lines in between takes at younger costars
- All of the Captain-lieutenant actors was told that the 'main captain' would be a veteran actor. None of them expected that it would be him.
- Filming was delayed by a day because every actor that walked into the room was starstruck and suddenly forgot how to act
ACTOR Jushiro! Wanted to pursue theatre studies but financial constraints said no. Still wanting to pursue a career in media, he attended an open University and studied Broadcasting Arts instead.
In his first day as an intern, he was put to test and was tasked to write articles. At the end of his first month, he was put in front of the camera.
Jushiro who was happy he was in front of the camera as an Afternoon newscaster, was called to his Boss' office three weeks later.
In front of him was the series' casting director and director, both of them agreeing that his face looked more angelic in real life than the news.
News events didn't suit a face like that anyway, he was fit for a gentle captain.
Actor Jushiro! found his way back home to his initial dream.
His background in Broadcasting helped him give articulate answers at movie premieres and red carpet events.
Always seen with his hair tied low and in a black suit, nodding along to the interviewers question.
one time the interviewer was an old classmate of his, it was then the world saw a more hyper version of himself.
Very much involved with the framing process of scenes
Actor Shunsui! Who's either gone too quiet or has the tabloids running after him. For the most normal things, too. Everything he did was a big deal. After all he came from a well known Business family.
'Kyoraku son photographed wasted and escorted out of Kyoto bar'
'Sex, Scandals, and guitar strings: Exclusive cover of what Japan's hottest actor does on his nights off'
It's funny how he accumulated a magazine tower of bizarre articles and has gotten used to the lens following him around.
Actor Shunsui would start as a child actor, starring in commercials because of his mother. His father forbidding him to pursue acting and to focus on the family business was acceptable at first.
His father divorcing his mother and telling the board of directors that actresses are good entertainers but not wives, was not.
Shunsui genuinely loved acting. All the things he did on the side, it was to spite his father.
"How serious are you with your craft?" Asked Yamamoto when Shunsui showed up hungover at filming day. It was only through Yamamoto that Shunsui felt a father's care.
Actor Shunsui who can buy his privacy, bit chooses not to and does more things that'll spite his father more. Who even goes as far as saying "He can only see me on paper. He'll have to come to my mother and I if he's genuinely asking for forgiveness"
Actor Unohana comes to me as Michelle Yeoh of the Bleach actor Au-verse
Definitely the type/ cast member whose personality is close to the character she plays. Is composed.
Very much involved in the scriptwriting process of the series and is always seen next to the director with a script rolled up, talking amongst themselves as their eyes scan actor after actor.
Has the most confusing humour on set, would say the most childish things in the sternest tone.
Starred in other big name shows such as FMaB, JJK [pls JUST UNDERSTAND THE VISION]
Is always partnered with Ukitake on red carpets because of her answers.
Actor Byakuya! a nepotism child. He's a distant relative of Unohana but listen. A nepotism child but what's more surprising is that an actor who's a tenured professor in a College of Communications in prestigious universities. It surprises people so much that they forget he's a nepo-beb
- His tone scares alot of new students, but plenty of his former students would laugh about how he just agreed to anything and doesn't seem to give harsh feedback despite trying to.
- Would specialise in Communication Research and Communication theories.
one time he was asked to teach an introduction to film subject for a semester, and took his students to the filming of the bleach episodes.
immediately after the director yelled cut, Professor Byakuya mode entered, saying, "I expect a paper on what shots were used and the importance of it to the story. That is your midterm."
Starred in a number of films and shows. His voice alone made him a host for a number of awarding events.
Has a special place for bleach, would automatically say yes and sign a contract. But with other offers he would immediately tell that he's busy for the semester.
Being an actor-professor would be annoying. Rapid taps of his fingertips on his laptop would ruin so many silent scenes, always has his laptop hidden in the scene and pulls it out just as the director is about yell cut.
Wandered into the wrong studio once after a marathon of teaching classes and was confused why everyone wore uniforms and hung on the ceilings [JJK Reference]
Definitely started wearing Haoris out of habit after many, many seasons on bleach.
Actor Aizen! Who's roots started as an idol trainee but debuted as an actor in romance films. Always the second lead that never received loved. His crying scenes broke the hearts of many and garnered fans.
He wanted to be challenged and not remain the second lead, wowed the casting directors with his monologue.
Almost backed out of the season when he read the tweets that questioned if a romance actor was fit for a show like bleach.
Another actor that received Yamamoto's wisdom. "You can't control many things, your craft is something that you can." Was all he offered when he heard Aizen's sniffle in a cubicle.
Aizen who's seemingly composed on red carpets, but breaks down to kpop idol rely dances in variety shows and is unashamed to dance to any choreo.
Actor Aizen always seen in airports, a Birkin and cardigans. "Look at him and his role" "love the duality" "I stan" "this guy can play god, but can stan harder" are the variations of tweets in everytime a new candid photo of him is released.
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ecologymothering · 3 months
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My uni film club "Lastro" spoke with Professor Huda Fakhreddine about the film "Fertile Memory" by Michel Khleifi 🇵🇸 We talked about incremental genocide, zionist myths and palestinian literature/art as resistance. It's available to watch on facebook
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areseebee · 5 months
i love hearing about the derry girls ‘someday’ fic universe. please can i ask more about your original character faye? how did you come up with the character and also what is her relationship like with the other derry girls besides claire and james? 🤗
yes, you definitely can! so for a quick primer on faye (which i pulled from this maybe-kinda-outdated maybe someday masterlist that i put together in 2023):
- faye appears/is mentioned in this short piece of writing and also this one. i also explain some bits about her in this post and this post. - and here's some lovely faye art by @imstressedx
the character originated in collaboration with @derrygirlstrash when we were talking about the maybe someday fic universe back in july 2022 just as i was finishing smoke break. i had just started to think through what the premise of someday would be and was explaining to derrygirlstrash that i saw james as having less-than-serious relationships after smoke break, while i saw erin having one long, very serious relationship. about 20 minutes later derrygirlstrash offered up the idea of faye as one of james's short-term relationships. i loved the idea of faye immediately as i had already been thinking through how erin would feel about the first person that james dates post-smoke break. from there we developed her into a foil to erin - and therefore someone that erin is insecure about because she can't help but compare herself and see all the ways in which they are very not alike.
i think i talk about this in some of the posts i linked to above, but as faye is the person that james moved onto right after the events of smoke break while also being someone who comes across as effortlessly cool, really affable, and is well-liked by their friends/fits in, erin was initially pretty cold to her and they didn't get off on the right foot. by the time someday starts, all that is really in the past and erin really wants to get on with faye like everyone else does, but their dynamic is a little too entrenched and it's hard to move beyond it. which segues into michelle and orla, who love faye! michelle mostly can't understand how james pulled someone like faye (because she's just so obviously out of his league, just look at her) and both her and orla were sad when james and faye broke up in uni, but happy when faye and clare got together ~5ish years later. i know this is still a little vague about michelle and orla, but with faye finally, properly appearing in the next couple of chapters of someday, it'll be clearer how she functions within the group.
thanks so much for asking! i definitely didn't get into absolutely everything about faye here, but i love getting the chance to talk about my fic and will always answer questions about it. all of this has lived up inside my head for so long and i've talked it through with derrygirlstrash so much that i do sometimes have trouble keeping track of what is or isn't known about this whole world, but i love to share when asked. i really would love to write both a michelle/rafael fic and clare/faye fic, both of which would illuminate more about the characters and about the eight years in between smoke break and someday. it's definitely a goal to get it all "canonized" into proper stories for anyone interested in reading more.
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wiihtigo · 7 months
6 and 7 for casey and also 20 :)c
Ask game
6. What catalyzed their introduction to the plot?
True to her rotten soul, she was summoned to the plot in vp by discourse and disorder in the family. She comes around during a point when Michelle is starting to get sudden positive public attention as goldstar, and since boosters been mostly out of public eye since starting to be the silent protector of the time stream, she’s treated as something of a big new breakout sensation (they’re bored as fuck in metropolis)
Michelle is dealing with some inner turmoil and fighting with booster which she’s been keeping under wraps cuz she’s gods strongest soldier but she sees the attention on goldstar as a way to break away from it all and gain some independence and also as a sort of petty bite back at her brother who is being very annoying at the moment warning her about the dangers of stardom. As if he’s so smart. DIE. She starts spending more time as goldstar the superhero and less as goldstar the time master and is fighting a lot with booster, so she starts looking for her own place and wants to start at university and do all these things for herself (we’re so proud of her. I mean I am. FUCK BOOSTER GOLD) and CUE….. CASEY WILKES
Michelle is enrolled in uni, but she’s still living in the time lab and her brother is driving her fckn crazy every time she’s home. And she’s having trouble adjusting to sxhool life (I imagined she didn’t attend college like booster did, and just kept working out of highschool all the way up till she was dragged into the past) And as if drawn magnetically towards someone else who wants to kill MJ Carter, she and Casey have a chance encounter at a cafe near school and they chat a little. Casey tells Michelle she goes to the university near here too. That’s crazy. We have so much in common! Eventually while talking it turns to venting cuz Michelle was looking a little miserable before they started talking and she accidentally lets boosters name slip in convo. And Casey’s like 🙂 oh thats 🙂 that’s an interesting name. And btw you look. A little familiar? [MR KRAAAAABS I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAA] so from then Casey latches onto her like a leech and eventually gets the confirmation this was destiny and I can’t believe this is BOOSTER GOLDS (I THOUGHT SHE WAS DEAD) TWIN SISTER. AND SHES MAD AT HIM? THIS IS PERFECT
And then.. well that’s more middle of the story stuff. And this was asking about her introduction! (Her relationship with Michelle is interesting to me because aside from the friendship betrayal stuff it’s a rare case of her being weirdly friendly- at least by her standards)
7. What attribute of them (some facet of their personality, their history, their look, or whatever etc) would you find most important to somehow preserve if they were transplanted to an AU fanfic?
This is something Marty and I entertain ourselves with a lot actually wondering what fandom perception of Casey and nell would be… in a series bible id include things like… she’s genuinely not insecure. Like at all. Her attitude isn’t masking a tortured soul inside she’s just like that, she’s selfish and thoughtless and delusional. Her childhood was objectively difficult but she really has no complaints about the way she was raised or with her mother. She has her problems sure but they’re in other areas.. you’re looking in the wrong place! She also doesn’t really get .. sad? Often or at all? She’s more likely to feel anger than sadness. And also o feel it’s important to realize how monumentally difficult it is to form a relationship with her IF THATS SOMETHING YOU WANTED FOR SOME REASON. Literallt every relationship she has has been based on her thinking she could manipulate the other for something and then it either morphed into Ok I don’t hate seeing you even without anything to gain or morphed into attempted homicide. The illusion of free choice
20. Free Space #2: Which of your OCs would you most like to meet in person, if they could become real (or you could visit them) for a day?
Oh god. Not Casey. All my ocs are kind of annoying in some way.
Maybe Cain cuz he’s a normal polite boy. I’d ask him to show me his pop two extra arms out of his ribs trick and then id go ewwww lol and ask him to leave
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uncloseted · 21 days
Just watching skins again and in glad to see that tony got back to way he used to be. I didnt remember that he got back to normal, so sad that he left :( what do you think it would have been if tony stayed instead of leaving. Would michelle and tony still be togerher and sid and michelle not fucking. Sooo many questions but do you think that tony really loved michelle?
Do you mean like, stayed in Bristol or stayed as the person he used to be? To answer the first question, I don't think there's really anything in Bristol for him after graduating from Roundview. Michelle leaves to go to York and Sid leaves to go find Cassie, so he wouldn't really have any friends there. And I think Tony is someone who is ambitious and likes to push the envelope, so he wants to go to the most challenging uni he can get into and do the best work anyone has ever done. I don't think staying in Bristol could do that for him, although if he had to I think he'd make the best of it and be like, the best student that the University of Bristol has ever seen.
If you mean more in the sense of, what would have happened if Tony hadn't been forced to change because of his accident, I'm not totally sure. Right before he got hit by the bus, he tells Michelle, "I want to talk to you...I need to tell you something. I'm a twat. I don't know why I'm like this. Maybe I can change. I can change. You're the only one. The truth is... The truth is, I love you." And at the end of Effy's episode, Tony kind of apologizes to Sid in his own way, and it seems like their relationship is making progress. But I think that without getting hit by the bus and being at the mercy of the people around him to take care of him as he recovers, it would be too tempting for him to fall back into his own habits and he might end up losing all of his friends for good. And so I think Michelle and Sid probably would have started sleeping together anyway.
As far as whether or not Tony loved Michelle, I don't think he does for most of series 1. He likes having her around when it's convenient for him, but he doesn't respect her and he doesn't seem to like her as a person all that much. But once he loses her towards the end of series 1, I think he realizes how much he actually enjoys her company and appreciates her for who she is, and he starts to fall in love with her for real. By the end of series 2, I think he does really love her, but I actually don't know if I think she feels the same way by that point.
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bitchineering · 9 months
You don't know me... but let's work on that
Okay so like, I'm never active anymore. Really just gave up being active on tumblr because who the f is active here. Also I have a funny name now so it's fine- don't hate me for it.
Anyway, I thought, wow I really hate some stuff with teaching and no one having resources to free educational things so I thought to myself, why don't I just post items on here?!
Yea so that's what this is. You have classes you want to take, you don't have the ability to learn almost everything you ever wanted? Your teacher sucks ass? Well hopefully this helps makes everything better.
Mostly, all resources I know are about science and math (🫢wow surprised?!), and they can be tailored for whatever you need in long run. This became much longer than I thought it would be lol!
Topics Included:
Computer Science
Math (HS Algebra and up)
Computer Science
https://github.com/ossu/computer-science: this literally builds so much for coding and getting someone into programming. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for some classes (I don't know how much it would help with AP Computer Science or Principles, but it has so much information, anyone really wanting to learn about code could get started with this.
https://www.freecodecamp.org/: another win website, I'd def say a little more chaotic (?). It depends how you want to learn you know. Love the web design bs, not really into it, but their tuts and videos were helpful enough for myself.
https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/: Another beauty, these lectures really give so much for programming. Classes are held where you can even attend without being a harvard student. Lectures are intense imo, as it is a lot of content all in your face but just love the guy.
https://www.youtube.com/@alexlorenlee: Java. If you need any help in starting Java, I love these videos. He got me through a horrible class in my uni. Love him fr fr.
https://www.youtube.com/@crr0ww: Learning about any sorta malware, educational resources to get started with understanding your network, overall, just a really smart and funny guy. Love his videos. Really good at explaining basic contents.
https://www.youtube.com/@ColinGalen: Recommend his learning videos and how to think almost like a chess grandmaster. My own cs professor talks about drawing out code and being able to actually write what is going on in code.
(sorry, I'm not mechanical engineer 🙈)
Electrical Engineering: Youtuber Michel Van Biezen is AMAZING. Also, dude as a sick ass drip and I love the bow tie. His circuits and physics lectures are so entertaining and helpful to understand. I really really really loved his videos as they helped me pull my grades up. His explanations are top tear, I really feel like he's so good at this.
GaTech Coursera Circuits: There are two of these classes here.
DC Circuit Analysis: First course. Helps you learn almost everything you should have learned in Physics Two and if not, don't worry they explain it somewhat well. Videos are condensed and good enough for someone to watch. Just know they don't do calculations on screen, and those can be pretty lengthy to solve.
AC Circuit Analysis: Same as above, they don't have as many items for this course, but def know it is a good course and necessary for understanding more modern circuit applications.
Every engineer wants to be him -> Michael Reeves , if you've never heard of him, please. This man will make you want to recreate his robots. He's a genius. He's everything every engineer wishes they could be.
NileRed : Do you want to be a fake chemist because Ochem made you want to die?? Well actually I just took chem 1 and changed my major, but NileRed it literally so fun. His chem videos are so fun and cool.
Thought Emporium -> mad biology scientists? Love this guy too! He's trying to be Spider-man and I love him for that. I hope he recreates those spiderwebs, I've been watching it for so long. Love this dude.
Robotics Engineering: Done by a youtuber who love for the anime reps!!! This guy focuses more on VR/AR, but loves carrying the same vibes as Michael Reeves, a Russian youtuber I know, and just overall very fun.
Mechatronics: Things to know for going into the field of Mechatronics (basically this is Robotics, just the more machine side). They recommend having that backbone in the core classes.
Learning for Engineering Students: Love that someone who was an actual engineer made some sort of engineering studying help. Would totally recommend watching, along with some other youtubers,
Tamer Shaheen (Mechanical Engineer) notes and exam recitation guides
British Engineer Loved her video, really similar to my own method of doing repeated practice problems.
My own study method!!! Create a google docs with Three columns:
Topic -> Usually this is how I'd organize the question. I did docs like these for each class, so I instead would put this as some topic within my class OR I would organize it by assignment it correlated to. I.E. alternating circuits or homework
Question -> really self explanatory, make sure to give details, dates, who you think you should ask, etc etc. There are no dumb questions, I'd really recommended these for computer science and would totally give my notes out for that shit.
Answers -> another self explanatory category, however, would recommend doing something a lil different with this box. Don't overwrite explanations. Also, don't take explanations. Write your own understanding of the solution, and a link/cite/provide some evidence for you or someone to turn back to.
Organic Chemistry Tutor: Just, this man is everything. He has so many videos not only for chemistry but for other classes. I put him in math mostly because I used him for calculus I and II.
Khan Academy : Tbh, I loved their calculus course material. I'm not the biggest fan of them overall with some other provided materials (Like their SAT prep, really is only effective for helping students take it online and grading fast, but I'm pretty sure I have another post explaining how I found online materials for that bs and got a passing grade).
3 Blue 1 Brown (Math/ Calculus) : I feel like everyone knows him, he's so good at visualizing concepts. Great but still very complex videos, please understand that before going in. You might not be able to understand everything on first try, but always draw them out.
Studying Pure Math : Once you finished calculus and would enjoy some rigorous applications/learn about higher levels of math, this youtuber has linked a multitude of resources for those mathematical desires lol.
Small ideas of what is mathematics but this is such a beautiful video in explaining how mathematics is built up from each other. I think it changes your idea of how to study math (however, he does say you shouldn't memorize this stuff, but in the next bullet point, I wanted to show how I studied for math which did involve memorizing methods).
Studying thing I learned from youtuber but had sorta done myself, just think showing off this youtuber who's in oxford is fun!!!!
(Okay so I didn't find it, but the youtuber I thought who said the idea was Lucy Wang, still linking channel for the woman in math!!!).
So, in class you should be writing down examples, writing questions to the side, and looking for a pattern. When you find this pattern, you can organize your notes and your test answers. So like when doing an optimization problem in calculus, you have to draw the system, set up equations, ask what are you solving for, and the show the methods you used to solve. I would also recommend this for any numerical questions (for me, this included circuits, physics, and other math classes I've taken for a long time).
Professor Leonard: This man saved my calculus III grade. I love him. Please, he has almost all calculus classes, I don't think he has finished Differential equations and possibly one of his algebra courses, but his information is just great. His method of teaching is also phenomenal. And in the last video of his multivariable calculus playlist, he had the best quote ever. His wife and him were expecting a child, and he stated (this is horribly paraphrased but this was all I was thinking during my own calc III final):
"I'm pregnant- wait no- my wife's pregnant... But damn, I bet you I'd look good pregnant."
https://www.youtube.com/@Chommang: Beautiful art, really enjoyed drawing alongside. Implores you to find your own style, but helps with anatomy, reference drawing, I literally knew nothing about this bs. But I really enjoy the videos.
Puppet History : Okay. So I know what you'll say if you saw these videos. But really, just if you want to start with history, it's such a good introduction, such a fun cast, and the lore is also something that I really think makes characters funny, long lasting, god. It's just so good and well written for some youtube puppet fever dream.
Reading Analysis: Literally just came up on my rec on youtube. Really nice in explaining the actual analysis of the text.
Japanese: I used it for practicing listening to Japanese, mostly just me trying to recognized sounds and words. I'm still a beginner in Japanese, cannot actually hold conversations, but this has helped me listen to others better.
Geography Now!: Learning anything about countries/ needing to learn about countries relationships, just enjoy knowing much trivia. I'd recommend this for those items. Also like, learning about other countries are so much fun! I would def say, there are countries he doesn't examine as in depth, ie, India. But if you're just getting into geography boom, here you go.
Some other recommendations for history, look up on coursera, edx, I mostly learn alot of these topics on youtube with video essays. Ngl, your own political beliefs will heavily affect how you learn these topics. There's no way around this. I hope for the sake of whomever, just please, learn both sides actual arguments. And if debates ever turn to arguments/yelling matches, leave. You need to have a strong sense of self- and in the end, if the other person doesn't understand or want to, there's nothing you can do about it. You can keep thinking your own beliefs, or feel inclined to research the topic later. If anyone gives you shit for believe in something that turns out to be factually incorrect, accept how you were wrong, why you were wrong, and understand that being wrong is a path of knowledge. If someone else believes you are wrong, however, they can't factual cite this, that is just a disagreement over some topic.
A thing I've said to others, is that everyone interprets the bible differently. You interpret His messages in a way I can never understand. And I the same. Since I cannot tell you how to interpret the bible, you cannot tell me. Something I truly believe is everyone has their own connection with God (not saved to Christianity, I know this is from an idiot in the bible belt in the USA but we'll deal with that later), and that connection guides them through life.
So for building this mindset, some books/videos I'd recommend:
*Please know, these books may contain triggering/unpleasant topics that readers should look into before selecting a book to read.*
The Myth Of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
Everyone's favorite psychopath, No Longer Human Osamu Dazai
Capitalism Realism Mark Fisher
Ecrits Jacques Lacan
Make It Stick Science of Successful Learning
Absurdism: A video similar to topic above, less academia-y language.
Classics Worth Reading: love love love Emmie! Her videos are pretty fun and I really enjoyed her classics recommendation.
Small amount of topics to go look up, search what you love, stay away from what you don't like. In the end, help yourself become a well rounded person by building up those ideas.
If yall wanna add more, please please please! Education is something I'll never get enough of. I believe it should be free, nonpolitical, and inspiring for all. Everyone deserves education because it makes us smart, capable, and healthy individuals. It builds our future. Good luck in your educational future. Hopefully I have spur of the moment to post my small study ideas, or resources for studying, so that others can focus being more time efficient. Just remember, control f (windows <3) or command f (mac users) to find whatever you need.
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WTNV quick rundown - 115 - Council Member Flynn, Part 2
View the rest of the rundowns here!
Paint a picture. It'll last longer. Welcome to Night Vale.
Tamika's new 8pm curfew does seem to have stopped the robberies and there have been no more murders but it's causing an infrastructure problem due to everything being empty and unused after that time. When two fellow book-lovers (Lisa and Marsha Robinson) are attacked by a Librarian (called Dan McDowell) due to nobody being there to maintain the cages or feed the librarians, Tamika revises the cufew to 6pm insisting that this will work despite Dana's protests.
Tamika is also turning 17 soon and bought a 'Pomeranian' called Lucky from the 'NV animal shelter and discount tire shop'. Cecil describes Lucky as a light brown dust bunny with hollow yellow eyes and a shreiking little laugh of a bark. She's been taking Lucky around as she personally assures all business owners that they are safe.
The police still have no suspects about the deaths of Tristan and Camila Cortez nor a cause of death.
Weather: "TMI" by Josey
Tamika's father, D'Angelo Flynn, is constantly talking about a robot uprising.
Janice's basketball team lost their pre-season game despite Janice scoring a record number of assists and she's pretty upset about it.
Michelle Nyugen says she was also robbed but doesn't really care as music is dead. Her current preferred currency is #4 bank-run gravel.
Megan Wallaby, despite being born 4 years ago, is now 17 and will graduate high school with honours soon. She enjoys athletics and biology classes and hopes to run her own clinic one day, wanting also to go to uni and major in physical therapy. She used to be on Janice's basketball team but has decided to quit and join Tamika's patrol force. This is mostly because she needs to raise money to fund any possible higher education.
Cecil mentions that for entertainment at home after curfew he has an Xbox, a VR helmet, 'some vegetation that's totally legal' and Susan Willman's HBO GO password which Steve cribbed for him.
Stay tuned next for the sound of two men cuddled up in bed watching the new season of Insecure. And Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
Proverb: Pull this lever. Don't worry, you will never know the result. There will be a result.
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sodascherrycola · 7 months
Instagram Intros (Noel Gallagher's Kids)
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Malcolm Flynn Gallagher (@colmgallagher)
DOB: September 2nd 1985 Age: 39 years old Hometown: Manchester, England Nicknames: Mal, Malc, Mac, and Colm S/O: Claire Durney Kids: Kayleigh and Riley Best Friend(s): Cristofer Hensley, Shelby Bennett, & August Webster Aesthetic: Malcolm grew up with a strong relationship with both his teenage parents and his grandmother, Peggy. He was often babysat by his nana while both her parents worked to afford housing and food for the three of them. He loved hanging out with his Uncle Liam and spent most of his time with him. Liam introduced him to football, and eventually became obsessed. His father ended up working doubles to make enough for Colm to join a local team. This is something that he would try to bond with his younger brother over, though James didn't seem as interested with this. Colm ended up playing football for 14 years, going to uni on a scholarship.
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James Conrad Gallagher (@jamesconradgallg)
DOB: May 18th 1990 Age: 34 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Jamie, Jay, JJ, Con, Connie S/O: Michelle Michaels Kids: None Best Friend(s): Kiersten Krause Aesthetic: James was a very shy child, always seeming to like being alone. He wasn't always this way, before being extremely talkative and expressive. When James was around 5 years old he was one of 4 James' in his kindergarten class, and a note was sent home to his parents explaining that he needed to have some sort of nicknames so the 4 don't get mixed up. He started getting referred to as his middle name, Conrad, or Connie for short. Kids were not kind to him afterwards and he got heavily made fun of for this. He became very quiet and introverted to a point that he wouldn't even speak to his parents. Noel slowly started to introduce him to the music industry, in hopes that it might be a good outlet for his young son. Luckily for him, James took to this and actually became a producer as he got older.
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Molly Quinn Gallagher (@mollywally)
DOB: February 19th 1997 Age: 27 years old Hometown: Camden, England Nicknames: Molls, Wally S/O: Darren Maguire Kids: Sophia, Leon, and Elliot Best Friend(s): Teagan Hale, Jordyn Conley, and Caitlin Cunningham Aesthetic: Molly was always Noel's quiet favourite. He would never admit it, but she was. She knew it as well. The minute she flashed her big blue puppy dog eyes, she got whatever her heart desired from Noel. Mary was not a fool for this trick however and has had to have multiple talks to Noel about toughening up and being a bit more strict with her, but he can't help it. Molly looks just like her mother and Noel can't seem to see through it. She was a very expressive young girl, always doing some sort of art or sport. She took a liking to her mother's song-writing and has helped her on many occasions writing tunes for her father or other famous celebrities. Molly was named after her mother's maiden name, Quinn, being Mary's previous surname. This was because her mother and father had recently gotten married after finding out they were pregnant with their daughter. Mary was devastated to say the least, when she realised that Quinn wasn't going to be her last name, and that it was now Gallagher. Of course, it was her decision to change her name but it still upset her nonetheless. So Noel went to the nurse while Mary was feeding their wee one, and gave her the name. The rest was history.
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Beckham Eoin Gallagher (@bekywitdagoodhair)
DOB: July 25th 2000 Age: 24 years old Hometown: Camden, England Nicknames: Beck, Bex, Becky S/O: Natalia Brooks Kids: None Best Friend(s): Justus Rush, Jayden Reyes, and Finley Holt Aesthetic: Where to even begin with THE Beckham Gallagher? For starters, he was born prematurely and scared the life out of his parents. He almost died, something about his lungs not breathing properly. Noel was trying to see what was wrong with his son but the nurses wouldn't let him even hold Beckham. He eventually decided to just pick him up, ignoring the words from the nurses, and held him against his bare chest like he had done with his other 3 children. Like a miracle, Beck started breathing normally, matching his breaths to his fathers. As he grew up he became more and more rambunctious, only ever having the energy of a mosh-pit at all times. The amount of times he's woken his parents up is too many to count on a hand, the amount of times he's gotten in trouble for not staying still in class is too many to count on a hand. Beckham never got any smack from his parents though, of course not, he's their miracle baby. Noel and Mary are just happy that their little boy has the lung capacity for all the gleeful screaming and running around he does all the time. When he was a teenager he stopped all the girl's hearts too. No one was every pined after more than Beckham Eoin Gallagher in his high school. So much so in fact, he had 3 dates to the prom because he was too nice to say no. He switched them out every little bit, and never got caught surprisingly. His future wife, Natalia, was the school's prom photographer and has photos of him with all 3 dates and will never fail to use it to her advantage.
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Kieran Connor Gallagher (@kier_gallagher)
DOB: October 11th 2003 Age: 21 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Kier S/O: Janey Moore Kids: None Best Friend(s): Jackson Hughes and Leah Olsen Aesthetic: Kieran was well mannered and polite. He had a strong relationship with his twin sister, Cecilia, and they were stuck together like glue. They had gotten split apart in year 2 at school, and it was such a mess Mary had to go in there and try to negotiate with the principal to put them back together. They had been in the same classes up until high school, this is when they wanted to be as far apart from each other as ever. Kieran ended up befriending Jackson Hughes, Mary didn't like him too much. He was kind of a bad influence on Kieran, introducing him to alcohol and drugs at the beginning of year 9. This is when Noel had to have a conversation with him, sit him down and have a proper talk about his behaviour. He was just acting out in ways Noel didn't think he would have to worry about with his youngest son. Kieran had always been an easy-going kid, so what was he going on about? He was struggling with school, a cocaine addiction, and his best friend Leah, had quietly chosen to be friends with Cecilia when the two decided to split ways. Kieran was diagnosed with depression when he was 15, after he had attempted to… Noel had held him so damn close that night, fearing that he almost lost his little boy. He had gotten better after his mother started him up at therapy, he started gaining his relationship back with Cecilia, and is all together better now.
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Cecilia Bridget Gallagher (@ceciliagallagher)
DOB: October 11th 2003 Age: 21 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Cece, Celia, Sicily S/O: Nathaniel Carson Kids: None Best Friend(s): Jamie York, Leyla Watts, and Leah Olsen Aesthetic: Cecilia was a simple kid, never wanted anything, never asking for anything, even though she knew her dad would give her anything her heart desires at the snap of her tiny little finger. She was very smart, excelling farther than her twin brother, which did put a bit of a strain on their relationship. The two were never not in the same classes and were constantly being compared to one another, mainly Kieran to Cecilia. She never understood why he was so angry, he was cool, had loads of friends, and people liked him. Why would he be so upset about not being like her. Cecilia just made him feel dumb. This was the cause of their fallout. She went off to be a proper student with their friend Leah. She ended up having a good social group and superior grades. She had many times offered to help tutor Kieran, but gave up when she could feel the glare he gave her from across the dinner table. Celia couldn't stand being so distanced from her built in best friend. When Kieran had nearly died, she stayed by his side the whole time in the hospital, not even leaving to go to school. The two eventually reconnected and became closer than ever. She became a journalist in The Sunday Times when she was 19 years old and is quite well-known in England.
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Penelope Niamh Gallagher (@whos_pennygallagher)
DOB: September 10th 2010 Age: 14 years old Hometown: London, England Nicknames: Pen, Penny, Elle, Ellie S/O: No One Kids: None Best Friend(s): Malik Rhodes, Skyla Garrison, and Kole Cross Aesthetic: Penelope is the definition of youngest daughter. She's absolutely spoiled in every way, and she likes to get what she wants. She is in no way though, a brat about it. Penny, being the youngest and by a good amount of years, had a lot of her parents attention. Mary always dotes on her because it's her last baby and she just wants to cherish it as much as she can. Noel just can't say no to a little girl her wants a pretty pink dress and princess shoes. Yes, her parents were getting old, and yes, that sucked for her, but her siblings always stepped in when her parents couldn't. In fact, Penelope was the closest with her oldest sister Molly and older brother Beckham. They adored her. She was born to be a princess and every one knows it. She became really into fashion at a young age, and she is now her own little fashion icon. Gen Z took a liking to her unique outfits and she blew up on tiktok. She often got Noel to join in on her tiktoks too, which people loved! He was very gentle with her, he didn't mind being goofy if it meant Pen would giggle away. Everyone thought it was precious. Penelope is also known for tricking people into thinking Oasis was getting back together, showing her Uncle Liam and Aunt Sarah whenever she could in videos just to make her father mad. Mary did put an end to this if you were wondering.
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
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posting this wrap up super late because i can. i am struggling™ and reading is probably one of the only things keeping me afloat right now; consuming any other type of media is currently not working for me. also, i am rereading the hp books for uni and i haven’t read any of them since 2007. i can’t say i absolutely hate them but some things are very icky, and you know, fuck jkr.
2023 goal: 24/100 books
as alway, feel free to drop book recs, questions, or opinions in my inbox; i am always happy to talk to you about books!
* –> newly added to my favorites shelf
follow my goodreads | follow my storygraph | previous wrap ups
An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helen Trusten | 2.5★ | review
Bastard by Max de Radiguès | 5★
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg | 3.5★ | review
Not Here to Be Liked by Michelle Quach | 3.75★ 
The Story of Art without Men by Kate Hessel | 4.5★ | review
I'm the Girl by Courtney Summers | 4.75★ | review
The Waves by Virginia Woolf | 5★ | review
Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung | 4★
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala | 4.75★ | review
On Beauty by Zadie Smith | 4★ | review
Zaïda by Anne Cuneo | 2.25★ | review
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher | 4★
Außer sich by Sasha Marianna Salzmann | no rating | review
We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry | 4.75★ | review
Vladimir by Julia May Jonas | 3.75★ | review
* Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood | 5★
Stancliffe's Hotel by Charlotte Brontë | 4★
The Many Daughters of Afong Moy by Jamie Ford | 3.5★
The Book of Night Women by James Marlon | 4.75★ | review
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center | 3.5★
The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale | 3.75★ | review
Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake | 4.25★ | review
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling | no rating
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny by Kate Manne | 4.5★
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fanartbyherd · 1 year
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What you going to say to your door man?
-Not a joke but not serious either.
Anyways poor attempts at humor aside we have some more Mundane Horror Au art.
I probably should call it something else but hay I don’t know.
So plot: Gerry and Michel Meet in uni, and eventually become friends and more. It’s mostly a slice of life story, with stuff happening in the background, until it affects them.
World wise I’ve mentioned that the powers are common knowledge, also that powers can either take over a person or they can become a part of a person. Also mentioned that there are other powers besides fear, and that they can affect places, animals and artifacts too.
Note: the other two powers are knowledge and “love”
This time around for my not trying to rant but probably will be a rant regardless: I will talk about that and how things come to be affected in the first place.
In regards to people, as it’s the easiest to explain, there are two ways to get the powers. The first and easiest is to be born with it. This occurs when one or more of your parents have a power themselves. This is the case for Gerry. So it’s always just kind of been in his life. The second way is having a power some way affect you embryonic. Though this is very rare, and more often than not just result in certain powers being more drawn too a person. Though you also get things like the “common twin thing” that occurs. (I’ll explain that in a bit)
The second and far more prevolent way of getting a power attached to yourself (being marked or touched by a power) is too somehow stumble across a source of power in the world, and either through repeated exposure or by a single extreme event having it leave a “mark” (marks are normally invisible though not always the case)
This is the method of how Michel got his alignment to start off with.
Sum.: you can either be born with it or you can get it later on in life.
Places and occurrences:
Places are often infected with a power or another, especially if a place is gaining and retaining the energy of a power. Other times one large tragic or extraordinary event seeped into the space itself. These places rarely become domains as they stay entirely on the surface, often fading away with time. These places are often the home of smaller phenomena. Like a house with a bad vibe or a door that leads to unexpected places, normally these places are called haunted and might have echos of past events replay or have people see strange things every now and again. This will fade and this explains why there are no (or at least very few ) places haunted by dinosaurs.
Domains are small pockets of space time that are claimed by one power or an other. How large and how active any individual domain is varies, domains are a bit like gardens. They’ll probably have a “gardener” who is a resident entity up keeping a domain. Most people will not notice when they pass through a domain. Only those with their own alignment are likely to notice, those who live in it will be aware of it, and those who somehow get trapped by its limbo version.
Domains are relatively rare, with the exception three domains all known as the otherworld.
The otherworld: also called the backspace, the dreamland, or limbo. These are all technically different versions of the same thing.
- backspace: the space of the spiral, consists of all that space between spaces. Liminal in nature, natural wild and ever changing if not formed into a maze by some entity or another. It’s basically the backrooms on steroids. Things will slip into this place all the time and with ever changing hallways and wild spaces it is difficult if not impossible to get out. Not to mention there are a lot of dangerous creatures that get stuck here. Or perhaps come from here. Distortions are the masterminds of mazes. Building new ones and abandoning old ones. Sometimes domains of other powers will form in abandoned mazes, allowing people to accidentally slip into them and become stuck.
-dream land: a land of the unconscious. It’s spectacular and in most way not real. That dose not mean it is not dangerous. It has a constantly shifting landscape. And the impression of dreams and those dreaming is found here. It’s a place a few people can enter at will, and also access people’s thoughts through in some ways. It is also a place rife for spawning monsters that make their ways into the mazes and mirror plane and sometimes jumping in to the real world. It’s a place guarded over by the dreamers, mare and sandmen and the land of dreams has a strange and close relationship with the power of the end. With a smaller more distant relationship to the beholder and the knower. The land of dreams is not just a place of dreams but also of nightmares.
The land of dreams are “deeper” than the backspaces, collecting and interlocking old mazes and domains connected them into a hellish underworld for the unconscious.
-limbo: a place where lost things go. The mirror world. A shrouded empty reflection to the real world. It is not entirely as physical a space as the backspace is but it’s not as intangible as the dreamland. It is filled with echoes and can often be infiltrated by other powers, echoing what they influence in the real world. It is primarily the realm of the lonely and the navigator (a knowledge domain) ghosts are it’s only true inhabitants (ghosts = lonely avatars) as the travelers from the navigator only use it to jump through (they also use backspace like this.) this is where earth bound domains reflect what their true form is and trap it’s fuel. A domain is hard to enter inside of limbo.
Outside of the domains there are Phenomena or Occurrences. These are things that occur on occasion. I would best compare it to the weather. The way most people are familiar with any kind of power is through these phenomenon. There are seasonal ones or ones that occure every few years or so. There is even a field of study tracking the movement patterns of the different phenomena so that people do not get caught up in them.
There are phenomena like the wild hunt, that is a combination of the hunt and the slaughter and you really do not want to get caught outside in. There are waking dreams that walk streets at night. So on and so forth.
Like In TMA proper human fears (love and knowing) are not the only things that affect the powers. But the other creatures become affected too. This can often result in monsters but just as often it dose not affect the normal life of animals.
It is worth noting that the majority of monsters are usually things that crawl out of the world of dreams or where once animals. Though generally it is from the former. Certain creatures have a very strong affinity for one power over an other and some powers are noticeable to be human exclusive (abstract thought and all of that)
Plants can also be affected by the powers.
Artifacts: now here is the most common kind of thing touched by power. Because unlike all the other things, that occurs naturally or by chance, (or by a very manipulative elderich boss) artifacts can be made.
Shure artifacts can also occur by accident, in a similar way a place gains a power. But making them with meaning only takes a good craftsman.
The most common kind of artifact are charms. They are made to keep away powers of certain kinds. Cultures all over the world make their own charms. But in order to do so they use a different power to do so. Dream catchers for example use the power of the web to keep the power of dreams and the dark away, trapping monsters or preventing them from forming in the first place. Evil eyes use the power of the beholder to keep others from knowing and keep envy and hatred away. It’s a sort of uno reverse card. And there’s a great number of talismans that seal or ward off things. Charm making is actually big business.
Other artifacts have more specific uses. A good deal of information on how to make some artifacts has been lost over the centuries, not to mention that most artifacts are made with somewhat strict regulations after the 1800s
Things like lithners are not unusual and certainly items will have certain properties. Though results are unpredictable.
Powerful entities can make artifacts. Either on purpose or by accident. in fact gerry makes one at one point, to his own distress. most of these items made by entities that are not the craftsmen, will often fly under the radar.
there are a lot of collectors of these sort of artifacts, bit of a black market for them, not always a black market. but these sort of items are a bit iffy. after all some of these can and will just kill you.
I did mention key charms in an earlier, they prevent a person from being taken while making their power stronger. it is temporary and sort of separates a person from their powers. keycharms are tenderly not accessible to the general public.
So most people don’t have them.
I guess if I had to categorize. The difference items I would diffienturate them between, what power(s) they belong too. how harmful they are (ie if they are safe or will mark a person), why they where made/who/what made them. and then how rare they are. I need to do some more work on this, but its fan fix so im kinda just going with the flow.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Yes, Michelle Williams was just in 1/3 of The Fabelmans https://www.worldofreel.com/blog/2022/12/6ycnvvyft04zfsp71swqatjx3pjp1z
There was a lot of talk about her nomination being category fraud
Well... she was practically the only woman in a movie full of mostly males... So... I guess it is what it is. Even Viola Davis was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for an Oscar in the film "Doubt" opposite Meryl Streep, and Viola barely had 10 mins of screen time lol.
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captainjunglegym · 17 days
I know I'm a bit late for the book talk but did you say you read non-fiction too? Can you recommend any non-fiction because I am sometimes in the mood for reading something different! If not that's ok :)
Oh ho ho book talk anon. Never too late for book talk. I could talk about books for hours. Books are the reason I'm 100 grand in debt with student loans but i love them nonetheless!
As for non fiction it depends what your interest is in.
My focus at uni a lot was American History, especially American foreign policy and the Vietnam War so these books were ace:
Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam by Nick Turse 
Vietnam by Max Hastings
The Massacre At El Mozote by Mark Danner (just to warn you this is about a VERY brutal massacre in El Salvador that the US denied happened bc they were funding the people who perpetrated the massacre)
The People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn (a bit old now but this was my bible for my american history classes)
There was also a really great one about the atomic bomb and the decision to drop it on Japan but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was haha.
Other topics:
The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom by Slavomir Rawicz. INCREDIBLE STORY my god. A polish pow escapes a gulag and walks from siberia to india.
Sapiens is always a classic
Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage to the Antarctic by Alfred Lansing
Operation Mincemeat by Ben Macintyre (about ww2 and british intellegence)
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Wave: A Memoir of Life After the Tsunami by Sonali Deraniyagala (about the 2004 tsunami)
Oh and so many more like Orientalism, Notes of a Native Son, Goodbye to All That, The Souls of Black Folk, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, A vindication of the Rights of Women, Midnight in Chernobyl
I could very much go on but i hope this ramble helps! Sorry this took so long lmao asjdhka
EDIT Also: Attachments to War by Jennifer Terry and The Right to Maim by Jasbir Puar (very relevant rn)
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areseebee · 2 years
someday timeline and masterlist
i’ve compiled the backstory details and the timeline of the derry girls james/erin fic i'm currently writing, someday, into this one post. under the cut is info about the 8 years between smoke break and someday, related bits of writing, character info, links to art, and other little fun things. i'll continue to add to it as there's more to add!
the timeline:
summer 1999: smoke break
fall 1999: james meets faye in a class at uni when he's back in london, they begin dating; erin meets liam the same term, but she's not interested because she's convinced herself that when she sees james again at christmas, she's gonna just say "let's go for it." if he wants to. she only waits so long because things feel very precarious right after the summer is over; james doesn't return her calls for weeks until, one day, he does.
christmas 1999: everyone's back in derry/NI for the holidays. erin learns about james and faye. she returns to belfast for new years when she kisses liam at midnight. they start dating soon after.
2000-2001: james and faye date seriously, they share a flat together, but once they graduate they decide the relationship has come to a natural end especially as james has decided to pursue filmmaking (specifically documentary filmmaking). they remain dear friends.
2001-2002: james is in new york city. there he dates diana, an actress. they break up when he moves again. they remain friends.
2002-2003: james meets miles on a shoot (he's also crew). they break up when james moves again. they remain friends (it's a pattern).
2003-2005: james is in california. he's, for once, not dating anyone; 3 back-to-back relationships, varying in seriousness, which have ended because he's left and gone somewhere else, have worn on him. erin visits in june 2004.
2000-2004: erin and liam date through university. everyone thinks they're going to get married. erin thinks they're going to get married, except that she feels weirdly anxious every time they talk about, every time she thinks about it. they break up shortly after erin visits james in california, where he's living at the time for work.
2004: erin moves into her someday flat, her and michelle meet rafael. she sees rafael for around a month, then it's over. she doesn't date anyone - seriously or not - spending most of her time with michelle, rafael (who has a young daughter, sienna, from a previous relationship), and clare and orla when they're around. she feels like she just messes things up and should probably focus on not. she is beginning to write her book at this time.
2004: after erin visits, james jumps into two very short, not at all serious situationships with first isadora and then nathaniel.
2005: erin sells her book.
2005-late summer 2006: james dates willow. it could be very serious, it sort of is - james could see himself being perfectly happy, if he'd let himself - but in the end it's just not quite right. they break up. somewhere in here, clare and faye start dating.
october 2006: erin and james meet briefly - like 12 hours - in nyc where he's about to leave for brisbane and she's in town for a publisher meeting.
february 2007: someday begins.
the exes:
[thanks @derrygirlstrash for your thought partnership around these characters. i've had the best times talking with you about them!]
- faye art by @imstressedx - appears/is mentioned in this short piece of writing and in this post. also this one!
2. diana
- diana art by @derrygirlstrash
3. miles
- is mentioned in this post
4. isadora
- isa art by @imstressedx
- appears in this short piece of writing. - mentioned in this post and this one
2. rafael
- rafael art by @imstressedx
other art:
smoke break art by @derrygirlstrash
maybe someday series cover art by @imstressedx
someday erin art by @imstressedx
more someday erin art by @imstressedx
someday james art by @imstressedx
someday erin and james art by @imstressedx
other bonus content:
here are a couple of smoke break-era scenes that were written for tumblr after the fic was completed
a james/erin focused scene set during the christmas after smoke break.
someday mood board
maybe someday spotify playlist - includes both smoke break and someday songs in a rough order from smoke break, through the intervening years, through someday.
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