#mico devilman
ribboncrownstower · 1 year
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Happy pride
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imdevilmaaaaaaaaaaan · 5 months
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artthemasquerade · 27 days
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The calm after the storm
Andd I'm back with posting more art, this ship round is Miki x Miko! Here I thought I'd do the ship in two different versions, this one and the next picture are based on the Amon OVA, though sadly Miki and Miko never got to interact in that OVA 😔But they did interact a lot more in the live action movie, in fact one of the few good parts of that godawful movie! XD
I kind of envision the relationship between Miki and Mico as Mico kind of at first admiring Miki from afar, almost idolizing her for how confident and beautiful she is, but in time especially after she's become a devilman, she also comes to love Miki for kind and accepting she is of her new form. And on Miki's end, she has always found Mico's tom-boyishness and quiet strength to be very attractive to her, and was touched by Mico's bravery when she had revealed to Miki she was a Devilman. I feel in time Mico's idolizing of Miki fades into a real love when she sees more of the real Miki, the good and bad and comes to understand her better than some of her other lovers did, or rather actually acknowledging what Miki does actually want verses the idolization of her believes she wants.
In this picture is a little AU where Miki gets saved by Akira and Mico from the mob and now Miki is resting peacefully in Mico's lap, neither of them know what the future might bring but for now they are safe and that's all that matters.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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grirnoires · 3 years
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furthering my mikimico agenda as always
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satogacrank · 4 years
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What if I gave Mico an insect like devilman form, a mix between the amon apocalypse and crybaby designs. I like this idea a lot.
I never was a big fan of Mico’s devilman form in the Amon ova.
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klaw-king · 6 years
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shiddy Devilman t-shirt ideas
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kgblagden · 7 years
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Drew some fan art of Mico (Grimoire) and her stupid hat.
Haven’t drawn in a while but this turned out quite well all things considered.
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maisartworksstuff · 7 years
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Crybaby better to have her in it.
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modern-oedipus · 4 years
Read your Devilman post. Its so good to see you introduced to the wonder that is Ryo. In this house we love and adore Ryo.
This post contains major spoilers for Devilman Crybaby.
I have honestly fallen in love with the way his story was represented throughout the series. In fact, I haven’t even noticed it was his story being told right before my eyes until the last episode. I thought this was about Akira, Miki, Mico or the boys. I thought this was about survivial— or I thought this was just a show that fancies violence and wanted to draw as many gore scenes as possible without putting too much thought into the plot. How wrong I was.
(On a side note, I had known absolutely nothing about this series until I clicked on the first episode, aside from the fact that it had lgbt+ representation. I had zero spoilers. I had no idea of the genre or the ending. I just started watching it without so much thought. Maybe that’s why I’m shocked that it turned out good— because a show has to outsmart me for me to be mesmerized, and I was outsmarted at Ryo’s reveal. I will give full credits to Devilman Crybaby for this reveal.)
I’m not gonna lie, I did realize that some of Ryo’s moves were not making sense as I watched the episodes. All I heard before starting the series was that “the blonde guy liked Akira”, so I couldn’t pinpoint why exactly would Ryo put Akira into an extreme risk by letting him be consumed by the strongest devil in the world. I thought that couldn’t be “love”, and that this wasn’t what I expected at all. As the storyline progressed, I started to think that Ryo might have been a devil/devilman in disguise, because he didn’t show any feelings— or he showed a strong lack of empathy to the fucked up events. But that wouldn’t make sense either, because if Ryo had devil powers, he would have saved Akira— or himself— when they needed back-up help from others.
I thought Ryo died in that explosion, then I didn’t even time to think about it because I was progressing what happened to Miki. Oh but then everything made sense. Then we learnt that everything happened to Ryo, either as a punishment or reward, for the second time, so that the God could make him understand things. (At this point in series, maybe they/them pronouns are better for Ryo. Anyway, Ryo referred himself as “watashi”, which can be interpreted gender-neutral. My first language doesn’t even have gender-specific pronouns so I never noticed which pronoun I was using for him until I typed this. Anyway.)
I still think... It was kind of a happy ending for Ryo. From what I understand, the world is put in an endless cycle of time loop— that has occurred twice by now, if you count the number of moons that are pinpointed. Ryo watches the foundation and destruction of devils and humans over and over again. But he finally sheds tears. He finally understands something. To me, it looks like what “God” wanted him to understand.
To be honest, I’m an atheist, so I thought that the “God” they were talking about (such as Miki’s father praying to God) was just a religious belief (hence not fact-proven, so I overlooked it). I didn’t expect God to be an actually existing thing that fucked Ryo’s life up over and over again with those big bright lights. I wasn’t disappointed at the proofs of God in the anime, though, in fact I was impressed; because then Ryo’s story made sense. I just accepted Devilman Crybaby as a mythical story of Satan’s journey and listen ;; I love him so much and I want a sequel where the world starts over and Ryo is proceeding to learn life and universe with his newly-found feelings. I want him to be able to look at the sky and see the rabbit, I— I love him so much, good god.
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sailorcuba · 4 years
i am vibing, chief. only good vibes in this house tonight!
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laughinghyenasss · 4 years
Devilman (for the ask thing)
My favorite female character
SIRENE/SILENE i lov the bird lady :)))
My favorite male character
Ryo by a longshot. He's very epic 😔👊
My favorite book/season/etc
Uhh if we're talking about devilman here imma say the original manga. Nothing will ever top it.
My favorite episode
Uhh if we're talking about episodes then imma have to talk about crybaby which was ehh for me tbh. I havent seen it in a while so... i cant really say haha (i should rewatch it sometime)
My favorite cast member
Idk what this means like voice actor or character???
My favorite ship
Obviously ryokira
A character I'd die defending
Well i suppose i'd say ryo. Idk but ive seen some people hate on him for some reason and i think thats odd cuz hes a character with grey motivations. Like its fine if u dont like him but saying hes straight up terrible is like?????
A character I just can't sympathize with
I haven't thought about it. Most characters in devilman are understandable for the most part. God maybe? Lmao
A character I grew to love
Mico. I know that they treat her weirdly but i think she looks cute (yknow, when shes not sexualized)
My anti otp
Uhhh i dont really have any in devilman lol
But yea!! There's that
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ribboncrownstower · 1 year
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Drew the gang lol
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teratobf · 5 years
i’m gonna write bullets about my devilman s/i au now thank u *kisses*
before anyone smelly asks YES ryo is dead in this AU, YES akira loved him, BUT he got sniped before he could do his big message inciting a stake into humanity. even if that’s not possible because he is satan i’m gonna override go nagai and say that it is in fact, possible
jenny idk about but sirene might be as well idk
a lot of crybaby lore is prevalent in my AU (makimuras are mixed, mikimiki is canon, and they got a funny cat demon)
akira is a NEET because hoisting the Most Powerful Demon Powers in his body doesn’t seem to cater to a 40-hour work week. i would be working a job to help out our apartment while he’s out saving humanity from Bad Demons
here’s a bunch of jargon with secondary characters/plots
the mikis have a similar situation; however miko has been able to remain more stable with her powers to still have a part-time job (i’m thinking like a school coach or something seasonal) 
miki is a university student (and still lives with her folks) but intends to go into a social justice field and use her voice to help with protest
the mikis ALSO have a popular instagram account documenting their dates together and their fun holiday parties they host (AGAIN, at the parents’ place with permission)
there’s probably some secret devilmen anonymous group... like to Cope with having a bastard in your body 
mico adopted yumi and they are part of said support group. also the wiki isn’t telling me who else in crybaby are devilmen so THEM TOO
amon mostly isn’t allowed out the house. he was seperated from akira and unless he can act humanoid he’s just s
just sittin there
mikis love amon. akira pretends to hate amon but he honest to god loves him. I LOVE him. he’s like the bastard cat who will eat the leftovers in the garbage u still keep them around because u can pet him once in a while
akira has the 6th sense to make sure no one else outside of us 4 sees him. just like as a precaution
amon sexe hehe
okay that’s it that’s the thread
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ryostrenchcoat · 6 years
Which of the unholy trinity do you think would wear the most flannel?
ooooh a very intriguing and complicated question
akira immediately comes to mind since he’s a bicon but he also has an uncontrollable urge to only wear t-shirts with the sleeves ripped off so he’s wearing the occasional flannel vest at best
ryo is a turtleneck and collared-shirt gay but they’re rarely if ever flannels
miki is very femme and usually goes for dresses 
so trick question: the real flannel gay in devilman isn’t in the unholy trinity at all. it’s actually miko/mico
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zombietango · 6 years
Hey dudeski did you ever get to reading the ending of Grimoire? I really wanna know if the ending is good or not, spoilers totally welcome
how far did you get in?
the ending is pretty strong, i like it, more so for being one of the few optimistic Devilman comics in a sea of pessimism.  
With the final volume, Coulcure, Wilfre and Sirene launch a mass attack across the world, much of humanity gets wiped out, Amon is attacked psychically and looses his senses, killing Aoi Kurosaki, Manjiro and Tetsuya in the process. Amon decides to take the fight to the trio of villains but is defeated and humiliated.
At that point, while you would expect humanity to be wiped out, it instead manages to stay strong. Many becoming Devilmen and fighting against the demons, in some cases demon and humanity began to coexist with one another (I think, could be wrong on that point). Shortly before a Devilman army led by Ryo Utsugi, his assistant, Miki and Himura storm Coulcure’s fortress, Amon is freed by Coco, Coulcure assistant and they flee into the mountains together. Meanwhile Coulcure is decapitated in her human form, WIlfre is burnt alive and Sirene fuses with Kaim after a change of heart. 
With the threat over, Utsugi decides that Amon too needs to die, so he, his assistant, Miki and Mico trace Amon, Coco and Dorango (Who had joined them off panel) to their hut in the mountains and challenge them. Utsugi and his girl fuse together and its revealed that he was in fact Solomon, who planned to wipe out the demon race since the beginning. Amon and Zennon/Ryo Utsugi/Solomon battle it out, though eventually their titanic battle is stopped by Miki Makimura, who slaps them both, bringing them to calm. Solomon see’s error and decides to finally die after so many centuries of life. Miki and Amon stay together as the world rebuilds itself in a human/demon coexistence. The last page is really heartwarming.
Well, thats it yo, Grimoire’s a good series, happy to see it finally coming out. 
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satogacrank · 4 years
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Awkward silence. 
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