#micron legend starscream
monocle-teacup · 12 days
It's a blink and miss it moment, but Studio Trigger included a shot of Armada/Micron Legend Starscream in the anniversary tribute:
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Also, I realize that he appears earlier in the video during the G1 Starscream shot.
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sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
I find the kids' reactions to Starscream's death in the original Japanese dub to be more impactful than in the English dub. There are no words, but just the incredible music playing while the kids all silently grieve for Starscream.
Sometimes, it's better to show than tell.
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hozcar · 6 months
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A funny story about this drawing is that in the middle of the process I got mad-sick, I had dengue and ended up in the hospital for days because of two seizures. When I came back, I finished this piece, so now that I look at it I always think about that!
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ojamayellow · 2 months
It was about time I tackled this Starscream in an AMV.
Check the YouTube vers. here!!
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beforethestory · 10 months
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I like to disappear for months and then come back with the most unexpected drawings, yes..........
Someday I will learn how to draw transformers, but obviously not in this life..............
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docchloroplast · 18 days
If I had a nickel for every TV show that torpedoed Starscream’s development, I’d have three nickels. That isn’t a lot, but it’s annoying that it’s happened three times :/
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jj-gold-falcon · 1 year
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I drew some Sketches of Armada Starscream, and Slight Redesign Sketches of Superlink (Energon) Hot Shot. Quite pleased with the result. and of course the Hot Shot would lead to another photo I had planned as well.
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aimishix · 1 year
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𝓐𝓵𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓲 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓰 ♥️
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jazzluca · 1 year
STARSCREAM ( Voyager ) *Armada* Generations LEGACY
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In una linea celebrativa come Legacy, sarebbe stato sconfortante l’assenza dei protagonisti del primo capitolo della celebre Trilogia di Unicron, Armada, visto che l'altr'anno ne è pure caduto il 20ennale, ma per fortuna così non è, ed ad aprire le danze ci pensa il caro vecchio STARSCREAM della serie del 2002, un personaggio diverso dallo storico Astrum cui siamo abituati, e per questo entrato nel cuore di una fetta dei fan dell'epoca.
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Oddio, personalmente però no, il suo essere un Dinobot BW dei poverissimi non mi ha mai attratto, devo dirlo, apprezzando di più la versione dei fumetti Dreamwave dov'era semplicemente un gran bastardo, ma ho sempre avuto un debole per la rielaborazione del design del classico G1 in questo suo omaggio, con richiami estetici come le ali sulle spalle, ed il muso del jet al centro del torso del ROBOT, così come cromaticamente tendeva più al rosso che non al grigio, con il nero a moderare il tutto.
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E appunto la somiglianza col G1 era talmente ben citata che già ai tempi del suo precedente aggiornamento per Generations Thrillin 30 nei fumetti IDW passava come un semplice aggiornamento estetico dello Starscream "G1" di quelle storie. Peccato solo che quel giocattolo, per quanto bello, fosse solo un Deluxe, e quindi ben venga questa nuova versione Voyager, anche se come massa un po' impallidisce rispetto a quella del Mega / Voyager originale, che era più semplice e giocattoloso, e con tanto di elettronica, ma ... beh, erano pur sempre altri tempi!
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Già il Deluxe GenT30 migliorava non poco l'originale, grazie all'alta posabilità, compresa quella delle ali, e la possibilità di abbassare lungo la schiena i razzoni sulle spalle, tutte cose che ha pure questo Legacy Voyager, con in più anche la rotazione del bacino ed altre correzioni, come dei pannelli su avambracci e polpacci a coprire quei vuoti che invece avevano i suoi predecessori. Al Legacy qui insomma manca solo la rotazione dei polsi e sarebbe perfetto, ma già così non ci si può lamentare.
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Se il GenT30 un po' aggiornava il look, con i razzi / lanciamissili e le ali più... "stilose", il nostro Legacy  è più fedele all'originale come forme, ma a modo suo risulta un ibrido fra il personaggio del cartone ed il Deluxe, a livello cromatico, dato che da una parte copia alcune cose viste nello Starscream in tv, tipo le ali senza le strisce nere sui timoni o con le strisce rosse sui polsi, dall'altro la parte superiore del torso è tutta rossa e le gambe tutte nere, senza parti grigie in più... vabbe dai, diciamo che ci hanno provato, almeno. ^^'
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Interessante il dettaglio delle alette ai lati della cabina di pilotaggio che si possono piegare verso l'interno, così come il modulo sulla schiena che sorregge i lanciamissili, che come dicevo può rimanere a riposo lungo la schiena, ma per somigliare all'originale del 2002 si possono alzare e posizionare fra testa e spalle, con il pannello rosso del retro dell'aereo che può ritornare ad adagiarsi lungo la schiena, fissandovisi e rivelando un foro per armi. Certo a questo punto, potevano fare davvero il classico 31 dopo il 30, e permettere ai cannoni che rimangono rivolti all'indietro di ripiegarsi a metà verso la schiena, per togliere del tutto l'ingombro che provocano, ma vabbè, se non li si vuole fra i piedi si abbassa tutto il modulo e amen.
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Niente male anche la scultura della faccia, che pare davvero ben ricalcata su quella del personaggio dei cartoni, mentre ovviamente i lanciamissili non sparano missili a molla come le precedenti incarnazioni ( ma vi si possono mettere i soliti effetti di spari ed esplosioni ), ma è omessa pure la gimmick dell'ala sinistra che diventava una spada, dispiegandosi... ma poco male, che senza dover rovinare l'estetica del robot, la spada con quella forma c'è di suo come accessorio, anche se è un pezzo unico non trasformabile.
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E l'altro accessorio del nostro è un'altra spada, ma non una qualsiasi, dato che è ricalcata nella forma della mitica Star Saber, l'arma formata originariamente dai 3 Minicon dell'Air Defense Team: davvero carina come citazione, però fa sentire la mancanza del vero accessorio degno di questo nome di tutti giocattoli che si fregiano del suffisso Armada, ovvero un Minicon!
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Capisco che l'avessero omesso nel Deluxe ( anche se l'HotShot del 25ennale l'aveva... ), ma è un peccato non vedere la piccola auto da F1 Swindle, e sopratutto non è neanche il massimo che questo modello non abbia spine per Minicon: visto che comunque hanno fatto recentemente i Micromaster in stile Targetmaster durante le prime due linee di War for Cybertron, speriamo che recuperino i Minicon degli Armada in un'altra maniera, insomma, che sarebbe davvero un'occasione mancata non celebrarli degnamente nelle loro forme complete.
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La TRASFORMAZIONE è uguale a quella del modello originale del 2002, con il muso del jet che si alza dal torso, le gambe che si ripiegano lateralmente spostandosi all'indietro col bacino, e le braccia che si accovacciano sotto le ali. Da sottolineare i due pannelli che coprono le ginocchia che vanno a richiudersi dando massa al retro  del velivolo.
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Il JET anche qui è assai fedele all'iconico classico, con un design più aerodinamico e meno goffo del giocattolo originale, anche se però non ha neanche i carrelli d'atterraggio retrattili come invece aveva il GenT30. Per quanto il robot sia alto quanto un Voyager medio, e uguale per altezza al suo omonimo G1nesco di Earthrise, come velivolo invece non regge tanto il confronto, risultando più piccolo, anche se va detto che la trasformazione è più compatta rispetto all'Astrum classico.
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Le spade accessori possono sistermarsi sotto le ali, e grazie alle else sembrare quasi dei laser aggiuntivi. Ovviamente anche nell’aereo funziona la “gimmick” dei razzi che si ribaltano in avanti diventando lanciamissili, ma ribadendo senza meccanismi a molla, o magari altri fori in più magari ai lati per potervi sistemare altre armi o che.
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Per il resto poco da dire, dato che l'aero è bello, la trasormazione niente male e sopratutto il robot un'ottima versione moderna dello Starscream della serie del 2002, anche se monco del Minicon, restando quindi nell'attesa e nella speranza che ripeschino i piccoli robot da accomunare ai loro compagni più grandi per celebrare al meglio questa serie che a modo suo ha fatto la storia del brand.
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scarlettaagni · 8 days
watched all of Legends of the Microns, and compared the last episode to Armada's version
and lemme tell you, I'm shocked at myself that I actually like Armada's ending better
Legends is absolutely the definitive experience if you want a story and script that actually make sense (plus improved animation) but Armada's story deviation like RIGHT at the end hits so good
like it was a worry of mine during watching that the fight between Megatron and Optimus would reawaken Unicron. but in Legends it seems that when deactivated, Unicron curls up and then teleports elsewhere as a defense mechanism, regardless of their actions. in Armada, they have it so that the hatred stemming from Galvatron's insistence on continuing the fight + Optimus giving into Sideways' words is what causes Unicron to start moving again
maybe it's too cerebral for me/I'm just dumb but I don't really get Legends Megatron's motivation for cutting himself from Optimus' grasp.
Armada Galvatron is self-aware enough to know he can't stop himself, that he'll just keep the war going unless he's dead, and this will only empower Unicron more, so he finishes himself off since Optimus hadn't yet/wouldn't/couldn't. This also fits earlier since both versions had him start wanting to concede the fight. He had already lost, in his mind, so why not just finish him off? Finishing himself off doesn't make much of a difference to him, now does it?
Both versions of the character were greatly affected by Starscream's sacrifice and death. So while he let himself fall in both versions, I think Galvatron's choice to do it for the greater good like Starscream is a strong callback and reinforces the impact of his death on him.
The TFwiki notes that Legends' take on the ending is more in-character for Megatron, and that may be true, but idk. I think Armada has stronger theming and somehow feels less confused/confusing than Legends of the Microns
Maybe one could say being nothing more than a source of energy of Unicron hurt Galvatron's pride, and the thought of that motivated him to sacrifice himself so Unicron couldn't use him anymore.
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siphersaysstuff · 4 months
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So for May's Patreon-backed @tfwiki toy picture batch, I got a wild hair. After last month's Exdimensions update, I realized that the wiki was missing Legend of the Microns (Armada) Exdimensions Twist (Makeshift), the only XD Emergency Team toy I hadn't done. So I did him up. Hooray!
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Then the next day I was staring at the raw photos I took of Retro Hot Rod, which were in my Patreon "working" folder because I didn't have a "Retro" repository folder because I am almost certainly not going to get any others in this line, so I did his pic up... besides, it's the "flagship" toy of the line, it should get unique imagery. God he's gorgeous.
At that point I went " to hell with it" and decided that for each weekday in May, I'd do one toy pic from a random, whatever-I-felt-like selection. No overarching theme, and trying to hit a pretty broad swath of toylines and timeframes. Thus...
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Not sure why I picked Universe Magna Stampede next. I actually had to dig him up to take these pics. I think I'd just chanced upon his stock imagery, which was craptastic and also showed the axe split in two, which I'm certain the toy is not supposed to do, and went "no, I'm'a fix this.
And this last week's updates...
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I picked up Decoy Smokescreen for cheap at TFCon, and really, the wiki's Decoy coverage has been... lacking. Mostly in that they were sold in so many colors and different ways in Japan that the wiki barely touches on. Smokescreen's page is now the template for how Decoys should be, so I'll get to those in time.
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There's not much story here with Animated Lugnut. Most of the wiki's Animated toy imagery is stock, and while stock quality had improved since 2003 (it'd almost have to), it's still not great. Taking pics of the real, final-release toy will almost always be preferable for a number of reasons.
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Takara's Mega Super Collection Figure Starscream was part of the big early-2000s burst of G1 merch in Japan. A 5-inch fairly-posable soft-plastic figure with swappable parts, he and a handful of other big-name characters were made, plus several Legends of the Microns headliners.
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Power Up VT6 is from the "Real Gear Robots" subline of the 2007 Transformers movie series, one of a large range of 1:1-scale toys that transform from personal electronic devices into robots. He's also one of the few whose altmode is not almost totally outdated. The Cybertron-based stickers on the early Real Gears led to the belief that these were canceled /re-assigned Cybertron toys, but nope! They were made specifically for the movie line, it's just that in order to get them into production, they had to get those decals out fast.
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Remember Attacktix? No? Not shocking. Hasbro had an admittedly cool idea for an action tabletop game, started the line with Star Wars, and moved on to Transformers. Yes, officially, you could have Optimus Prime fight Darth Vader. Battle Ravage was one of the booster-pack common pieces (laughably officially "Rare"). You rolled his base forward a set number of "tix" (a clicky-thing in the base counted them off), then could use his spring-loaded waist to swing the mace-ball in the hopes of knocking over your opponent's pieces. There's other rules but that's the jist of it. Each booster-pack piece commonly came with a black base, but there was a roughly 1-in-8 chance of getting a silver-chrome base one, which had no gameplay differences but it was shiny. Sadly, the whole Attacktix line was cancelled after only one series of Transformers pieces were released, with several more based on Generation 1 shown off but doomed to never see release.
Next Saturday, I'll update with the pics done over the course of this coming week!
And remember, if you like these big pic jaunts, you can help make this bigger and better by tossing a tip via Patreon. Just look up "gregstfwikipics" at that site! You can even help pick a monthly theme!
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monocle-teacup · 6 months
Hello! Well, I just found this blog.
Nice to meet you
I have an ask for the crossovers (nothing serious): what would be the reaction of bots and cons to the fact that tfe starscream has blue eyes?
I always interpreted it as the Decepticons' red eyes not being such a severe requirement in Earthspark.
Or Star refused to change the color of the optics, whichever is better
Hi and nice to meet you as well!
Hmm... I honestly don't think most would give much thought to it except an initial, "Oh, his optics are blue" kind of thing. I mean, depending on the series, there's more optic colors than just red and blue. In Armada/Micron Legends, Starscream's optics are orange.
If we're talking human reactions though... Miko for sure would say something.
"Hey, that other Starscream sounds like our Starscream, but he looks different and his eyes are blue! I thought all Cons had red eyes cause of being evil?"
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sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
Starscream in Micron Legend/Armada was absolutely the best character in the whole series. He's my my son now.
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polyhexian · 2 years
Armada/micron legends really is good btw. Don't watch the English version. Watch it in Japanese. Trust me. I cannot possibly describe how much worse the English version is. They don't go a single episode without getting at least one characters name wrong. It's so bad there's actually like two characters I still am not entirely certain the names of they are so frequently called different names. Sometimes they even use names from characters that aren't even in this show???? Optimus calls hot shot hot rod once and I had to pause the show I couldn't stop laughing. The plot is incomprehensible. The mixing is bad. Love yourself
But also it's WILD how the show constantly pivots from "nothing interesting is happening" to "the starscream show, about starscream." And they went ham with this starscream. He's an admitted war child who was born a Decepticon and never given a choice of sides or a choice not to fight at all. He never betrays megaton until he's been basically tormented past the point of madness. I've never seen a show more explicitly make it clear Megatron is abusive. I think cyberverse has the most brutal starscream beatdown but Armada?? Good lord Jesus Christmas. It's mostly off screen but like. He's dragged into another room while another character bangs on the door and begs him to stop and leave him alone it's fucking horrific. It's so genuinely upsetting. He actually honest to God switches sides and joins the Autobots for awhile. He is so goddamn sad. He??? Is the only one who treats the minicons like fully legitimate people??? What the actual fuck??? He even acts like he can fully understand them basically all the time hello??? He is so close with the minicons that when he leaves the Autobots they fucking GO WITH HIM!!! the shot of one of them hugging his leg in the doorway like... Silently staring back like leave him alone.... Oh my goddddd. Oh my goddd. He has a fucking emotional breakdown in the rain and his Japanese voice actor goes so unbelievably hard. His performance is out of this world. He's wailing into the fucking night with hacking sobs. Is he actually crying??? Maybe. And then he fucking DIES
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ojamayellow · 8 months
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Transformers Funnies [Unicron Trilogy Style]
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / ?
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beforethestory · 8 months
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I reappear with sudden humanizations, everything is as we love (me and 1.5 of my subscribers, I love you all by the way) and also a fanfiction is attached to this drawing, but I did not have time to finish it before the required date
аnd also!! here you can see my humanization of Swindle for the first time, he is in the foreground, yes
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