#midoriya lemon
Kirishima: So tell me...do you like like him!?
Katsuki: Shitty hair - I've been dating Izuku for 4 years, of course I like him.
Kirishima: Yeah! But do you like like him?
Katsuki: We live together. We are parents of a dog. I proposed to him last week.
Kirishima: Oo! Sounds like things are getting ~serious~ between you two!
Katsuki: The hell are you talking about!? YOU'RE MY BEST MAN IN THE WEDDING!!
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Murphy's Law | Alpha! I. Midoriya
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A/N: This has been sitting incomplete in my drafts for months because I lost interest but the beginning was cute and I didn't want it to go to waste so I wrote some shitty smut just cause, yeah. read it if you want I don't really care ☹️
TW! ABO dynamics, ProHero/Aged Up, Alpha!Deku, Omega! Reader, Clumsy Reader, Accident Prone reader, condescending deku, reader is attacked and deku saves her, yandere deku if you squint, strangers to lovers, vaginal fingering, marking, not proof read poorly written 💔
18+ NSFW Content| MDNI
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Murphy’s Law, in its simplest form, claims that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In other words—you were a walking fucking disaster. 
Absolutely accident-prone. Wherever you went, chaos followed. It had been that way your whole life. You’d labeled yourself as a “clutz” thanking God that you were lucky enough to never get seriously hurt from your negligence, but it seemed that your luck was running out.
The chill of the night air did nothing to quell the sweat beading from your flesh. Brisk wind nipped at your skin, exacerbating the potent stench of a frightened omega. Yes, you were clumsy and, at times, forgetful but you always remembered to wear your blockers! 
It was just a crazy morning, and you were running late, and you assumed that it would be fine because you lived so close to the restaurant. But you didn’t expect the place to be so busy, or for your boss to have you stay an extra hour. Then two. Then four. And before you knew it you were doing a double closing shift because you were the only one available. Poor unlucky you.
That lack of luck continued when you begrudgingly passed a rowdy pack of males that were congregating outside of a liquor store. You ignored their whistles and lewd comments, clutching your bag and picking up the pace. Most of the men shrugged it off, calling you a tease or a “stuck up bitch”, but one pair of lustful eyes lingered—the same pair that were getting dangerously close. Just a few more strides and—
“Caught ‘ya!”, he growled. 
The fowl stench of alcohol mixed with the alpha’s licorice like musk made your stomach lurch. You struggled in his grasp, screaming, flailing your arms and kicking wildly until you landed a good hit on your assailant who didn’t appreciate it at all. 
“Stupid bitch” he grunts, wrapping his hands around your strands and bashing your head against the brick wall. Pain blooms in your skull and you feel yourself quickly losing consciousness but before darkness consumed you—you don’t miss the emergence of an earthy aroma soured with anger followed by a blur of green. 
Then nothing. 
A scent reminiscent of lush forest meadows and the sound of light tapping and beeping pulls you from your slumber. It was a welcomed change from the potent odor emitting from that feral alpha last night. The memory overcomes any lingering drowsiness, and you bolt upright. 
The tapping stops.
The sudden movement proved un-advantageous. Bile rose in your throat with dark spots clouding your vision. A figure emerges from the corner of the dimly lit room reaching your side in a fraction of a second. His scarred hand holds a basin to your face, and you ungraciously empty the contents of your stomach. It’s painful and unsightly. You search for something to ground yourself settling for his thick wrist while you sob and dry heave over the container. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” His voice was soft and soothing, but still held confidence. “I am here”.  Soft purrs rumbled from the alpha’s chest, while you retched beside him. Moments later, the alpha placed the basin on the bedside table and brought a damp towel to your face. Gently, he cleaned your face. It wasn’t until the cloth left your skin that your eyes fluttered open settling on the stranger. 
A gorgeous set of gemstone visionaries met your own. Sparkling with warmth and a hint of mischief and slightly covered by forest green strands from his messy undercut. Plush pink lips were pulled a slight smirk, highlighting the trademark dusting of freckles on his nose and cheeks. 
“You’re… You’re— Deku” he finished for you, flashing a close-eyed smile. “And you’re (Y/N) (L/N), recessive omega, correct?” 
You blinked. “I- yes … How did you—
“Well, you dropped your purse during the attack, and I got your name from your ID card. As for your second gender, sweetheart a beta would smell you even with all the suppressants they have you on. What happened to your blockers?”
An inexplicable feeling of shame was brought on by his furrowed brow and sudden condescending tone.
“I didn’t take them this morning… I forgot”, you tried to look anywhere but his face. You could feel the disapproval in his stare.
The alpha shook his head and frowned.
“That was extremely reckless. An unmarked omega with a scent as strong as yours should never leave the house without some form of suppressant.” He paused, leaning forward to sniff your hair. “Do you not have a partner or anyone to check on you?” 
 Your face felt extremely hot as you shook your head “no”.
“I see...” he continued with a smirk, “Do I need to inform the nurse that you lack a babysitter?” 
“A b-babysitter!?!? I don’t need a—I’m not a baby!” you sputtered, gaping at the large man. He brought a finger to your chin and closed your mouth, earning a cute squeak at the contact. “Oh? But big girls wouldn’t forget to take their blockers, especially if they’re going to be out so late. Do you understand what could’ve happened if I wasn’t patrolling the area?”
“Yes but—
“So, you knew better but still didn’t do better. That doesn’t sound like an adult thing to do.” He cooed; lips upturned to mimic your pout.
“No!” you snapped, ignoring the Pro-Hero’s raised brow. “That’s not it! I never usually forget, it was just a busy morning and I live close to my job, so I didn’t think it be a big deal but then my boss kept asking me to stay and it got later and later, and—
“So, what you’re telling me is that you’re not only forgetful but a pushover as well?” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Wha— y-you’re mean”
 Izuku wouldn’t admit it, but he loved the way your bottom lip trembled and your eyes watered due to his words. You looked like a defiant child. Absolutely helpless and in need of a caretaker. A hero. 
“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings, but it’s my job as a hero to make sure that people are safe. Don’t you not want me to do my job?”
More guilt. Here was the number 1 hero trying to ensure your safety, but you were acting like a little brat. Maybe you aren’t a “big girl”.
“m’sorry” your voice was small, but he obviously heard you, humming for you to continue. “I didn’t mean to sound rude. It’s just that I have really bad luck and it’s frustrating that I always get in these positions. Thank you for saving me though, Mr. Deku”.
That’s interesting, he thought, hoping you’d elaborate on what you meant by “bad luck” but when you didn’t continue, he just smiled.
“Just doing my job!”.
A few weeks have passed, and things progressed normally. Izuku found himself thinking of you from time to time but it’s fleeting. He’ll catch himself visualizing those pouty lips upturned into a frown as he scolded you and sometimes, he imagined your deliciously sweet scent. Like right now, as he patrolled the streets his senses were suddenly flooded with your delicate saccharine aroma. It was a welcomed distraction from the repetition of his route since things had been slow today. His inner alpha grew restless from the blossoming scent that seemed to get stronger and stronger.
The observant hero scanned the area but saw no immediate signs of you. It wasn’t until he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply that he realized that you were two streets over in the college district, so he started to head in your direction. Your scent wasn’t as potent as it was during your first encounter, a sign that you’d remembered your blockers, but it would be impossible for him to miss since it was embedded in his mind. 
Turning the corner, he saw you frantically running up the sidewalk towards one of the university buildings. A report folder was clutched in your fingers with your bag propped haphazardly on your shoulder. It was apparent that you were a student and running late. You babbled frantically into the phone that was balanced between your ear and shoulder, so engrossed in the conversation that you didn’t notice a speeding car until it was blaring its horn after you walked into the streets without looking. You stared at the vehicle like a deer in headlights, unable to do anything but accept your doom. But then electricity crackled in the air, and you were whirled to the safety of the university stairs. 
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this”, the hero smirked down at you. It was comical watching the little gears turning in your head realizing that Deku had saved your life yet again. There wasn’t much time to admire him in the hospital but right now you were close enough to count each freckle in the diamond formation on his cheeks. He was so handsome. And it felt so good in his arms. So safe. 
“I— You were interrupted by the ringing of your phone. “Shit!” you cursed, pushing off the hero and running towards the doors. “Thanks, Mr. Deku!
“And then there was one” Deku muttered, slightly pissed at your rudeness. This was the second time he’d saved your life. Where was your gratitude? Entitled brat, he thought. What he wouldn’t give for a chance to correct your behavior. 
A week later, incognito Deku was heading out to enjoy the day. It was his first off day in weeks, and he decided to treat himself to a nice meal. He decided on a western style café/bakery that Kirishima had recommended a few weeks ago. Upon entering, he was immediately met with your confectionary scent. Izuku remembered that you worked at a restaurant and since you weren’t Japanese, he assumed that this was your place of employment. 
Izuku approached the dining counter, waiting to be served, and was pleasantly surprised when you came from the back to take his order. 
“Welcome! What can I get started for you today?” you chirped sweetly. 
“Hmm—a proper thanks would be nice”. You stilled at the familiarity of the voice, squinting at the unknown patron. Izuku pulled his mask down revealing his familiar array of freckles and pretty plump lips. “Its you” you smiled, leaning forward with your elbows against the counter. The action presented your exposed cleavage nicely and Izuku found himself licking his lips. “It’s me” he rasped, eyes traveling between your chest and face. 
The action did not go unnoticed, but you chose not to comment. Probably just a coincidence, you naively thought.
“Well, thanks for saving my life twice, Mr. Deku” you whispered his hero name with a coy smile playing on your glossy lips. It sounded so sweet.  “It was my pleasure, (y/n)” he whispered your name in a similar fashion while taking your hand in his larger one and running his thumb over your wrist, and you visibly shivered at the contact.
“s-so” you stammered, pulling your hand to wipe against your apron, “what would you like?” 
You he wanted to say but you were already flustered. He hummed and tapped his cheek, “I have a taste for something sweet.” His eyes dipped back to your cleavage, and he licked his lips. “Any suggestions?”
Now you definitely weren’t imagining that. 
“U-um well, w-we have lots of desserts, l bake some of them”.
 That piqued his interest. 
“Oh?” he asked, and you nodded. “Mmhmm, it’s a hobby of mines and my boss lets me try out different recipes. Today’s special is Strawberry Rhubarb pie but with a twist!” you declared proudly. “A twist you say?” he mused, leaning over the counter and reveling in your giddiness. You leaned forward and put your lips close to his ear, covering your mouth with your hand. “I add a sprig of mint for freshness” you whisper, tickling the shell of his ear. “It’s my secret ingredient”.
Fuck you were adorable. All excited like a child presenting a new skill to their parent. It took a lot of willpower to stop his cock from straining against his jeans, but he managed. 
Deku leaned back with a smirk, “Well then, it’s settled. I’m gonna have a taste of your little pie”.
Three slices of pie and a pitcher of coffee later Deku had learned that you were an international student at the university’s business school and had dreams of owning a restaurant one day. You’d also disclosed that you didn’t really enjoy your job, but you didn’t have any financial support. Pretty much helpless and alone, forced to work a crappy job so you wouldn’t get kicked out of your even crappier apartment. On a lighter note, you told him some of the things that you were into, and he found that you two had a lot of common interests. It was a pleasant surprise that you were a bit of a “fan girl” and he happened to be your favorite. 
“Like it’s just my luck that I meet my all-time favorite person while I’m moments away from death”.
Midoriya frowned when you told him of all the different mishaps you’d gotten into the past few weeks. He counted 23 times that could’ve resulted in serious bodily injury or worse. The alpha wanted to just put you in a little bubble and keep you safe from yourself. 
“Have you ever thought about— oh shit”! 
Somehow, you’d managed to trip over air and spilled the pitcher of coffee on his hand as you were going for a refill. 
“Oh! Ohmygodimsosorry!” You scrambled to wipe his hands clean but ended up spilling more on his pants. The situation was quickly becoming a spectacle, customers snickering, and passersby pointed through the windows. You were so embarrassed and could feel yourself unraveling. 
The kitchen door slammed open and out walked your supervisor. He was fuming. Throwing out a string of curses before his eyes even landed on you. Tears welled in your eyes as you braced yourself for the routine berating that you’d get every time you messed up during your shift.
“You useless fucking omega!” He seethed, “Can’t do anything right. What are you good for besides laying on your back?”
Midoriya was furious and was itching to use black whip and yank out his weak beta fangs one by one, but he noticed the change in your scent and saw the way your body shook in fear and shame. He was on you in an instant. Pulling you against his chest and releasing calming pheromones. His hood came off in the process making the crowd gasp when they saw his green curls.
Long story short— he broke your ex-supervisor’s hand, told him you quit, and carried you bridal style all the way to his home. He explained that you would never be setting foot in that place again and that he’d be taking care of you from now own. When you tried to protest between sniffles, he just shushed you and pressed your face closer to his chest. 
You were now sitting in the bathtub while Deku rinsed conditioner from your freshly detangled hair. Izuku kneeled behind the tub with his chin resting on your shoulder. He was content. Humming softly as the pads of his fingers traced your skin. Neither of you spoke. His hands felt so good on your skin—it was easy to just “let go” like he suggested when he first undressed you. Your heavy eyes had shut at some point but fluttered open when his hand ventured down to part your thighs.
Izuku nuzzled against your neck just as his fingers slipped through your sticky folds to circle your clit. Soft kisses pressed against your skin left a burning trail down to your scent glands. His tongue rolled against the flesh eliciting needy whimpers and whines. You bared your neck—encouraging his musings, gasping when sharp fangs began to prick your skin. The hero chuckled darkly loving the way you melted for him. So pliant. So perfect. 
“Being so good for me right. So good. Spread those legs a little more, that’s right. So pretty” He cooed sweetly, “Love takin’ care of you like this. You like it too, don’t you baby?” A particularly lewd moan was the only response you could muster given the fact that he’d just slipped a thick digit in your needy hole. “ ‘course y’do, bunny. ooo—you got so t-tight just then. Wanna be my little bunny?” Izuku suckled at your glands sending your omega into a frenzy. She was screaming, crying, desperate for him. You wanted him so bad that you could taste it. “Please ‘zuku. Wan’ it back. Need it, Alpha” you hiccuped, grinding your cunt against the heel of his hand. “Want it all. Wanna cum. Wan’ your cock. Wanna be yours, mark me please al-ahhh~~
Sharp fangs pierced your skin immediately sending you over the edge. Izuku suckled at the mark, prolonging your climax. Your body eventually settled in the pink tinged water, exhausted. Your eyes fluttered shut but you felt something hard prodding at your lips.
“Say ahh, bunny”.
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Taglist| @xogabbiexo , @yo-nn , @plussizeficchick , @m00nchildthings , @mhathotfic , @7inaa , @namjoonswifeyy , @tenyaiidasslut , @urfavsinna , @megumischubbycheeks , @unsatisfiedanddisappointed , @erenyeagerswhore , @tsukihime25 , @endeavours-jockstrap
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ovaova · 2 years
Oki I’ve never wrote on here before but this is just a thought I’ve had. Might have many typos but we’re just gonna ignore that 🤭 also nsfw and Bakugo is in his 30s so don’t come for me
Oki so imagineeeeee…
Airport Pilot Katsuki
Ik it sounds boring at first but just hear me out….
Okay so like imagine him being an airport pilot, cute uniform and all-
He looks so handsome in it too, CANT FORGET ABOUTT THE CAP OR THE WING PIN TOO
The uniform hugs him so tight too, especially in all the right places
Most def the best lookin pilot out of them all
He’s def one of those pilots who stand at the door and does that nod up thing to greet the people- 😩
(I’m bad at explaining but hopefully you get what I mean 🧍🏽‍♀️)
Anyways, he always goes with the navy blue suit with gold accessories and a black tie for his pilot outfits
Kirishima is 100% his co-pilot, you already know
They used to be in the same class during flight school and at first, Katsuki ain’t like him- not one bit
But after being paired up enough, they got along 🤭
And omg lookkkkk, they co-pilots now 💕💕
Anyways, mans take his job VERY seriously. Wants nothing more than a smooth flight too and back or wherever the fuck he’s going- unless it has something to do with turbulence or a storm
OH YEAH- man fuckin hates turbulence…but who doesn’t?
Ofc he knows it’s unavoidable but he finds it more annoying than scary unlike Kirishima who always quakes but at the same time can you blame him??
“Goddamnit red, why are you shaking?? It’s just turbulence! You’re a pilot for fucks sake!”
I’m with Kiri on this one but anyways…
Yeah he takes his job really serious, he really don’t play Fr
But then there’s you 😍
You in your nice lil flight attendant outfit, aww 🥰
Yeah did I mention that you and Katsuki are dating 🧐🤨 yeah he’s your man mhm
And then you have Mina, Froppy, and Denki who are your coworker flight attendants, dream team Fr dealing with all those people
Okay but back to you and Katsuki, OUU you remeber when Janet said “anytime, anyplace” ? - Yeah that’s him 💀
Kirishima already knows that when Katsuki starts to take off his cap and jacket to “relax” , it’s time for him to leave asap
He’s already learned that the hard way 💀
It’s basically routine atp
Once the Passengers and yalls coworkers leave the plane, he’s already there waiting for you in the cockpit 💀
Mans is in his 30s but he will make do with whatever position he’s in
Mans really made you ride him in his seat 💀 WHERE HE CONTROLS THE PLANE????
In the aisle too 💀 he really does not care
But no it doesn’t end there, so Y’know how pilots/ attendants get a hotel so that they can get on their next plane/shift yeah?
Yea he always makes sure y’all get a hotel together whenever is possible and Jesus 💀
Man is making his time worth while while he can 💀
There is no use in leaving that hotel room either cause you’re gonna be too hurt to
But at the same time, can you blame him? I mean both of y’all sometimes aren’t able to get the same hotel together, y’all have to catch diff planes, and y’all both can end up super busy so 🤷🏽‍♀️
AND y’all gotta get up early, ya he’s trying to get all his rounds in before y’all separate again-
In the shower, on the bed, IN the bed, on the floor, against the wall, or anywhere else possible 💀
And then he will have the audacity to get room service just to fill up on energy again just for another couple of rounds 🧍🏽‍♀️
Yeah so that’s my take on Airport Pilot Katsuki 🧍🏽‍♀️❤️
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💋How BNHA Couples Kiss💋
✧ Summary: Little head cannons about how I think MHA couples would kiss. Just some lemon and fluff with a few implied adult situations - so if you're uncomfy with that kind of thing, please beware! All characters in these situations are adults + Pro Heros.
✧ Characters: Bakugo x Midoriya, Kaminari x Jiro, Joke x Aizawa, Sero x Anyone
✧18+ | Minors DNI✧
🎇 💚 Bakugo x Midoriya
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These guys are competitive AF, so their kisses usually start out super rough and untamed. As a couple, they have a lot of emotional unpacking to do together.
Izuku loves when Katchan gives him attention (since Katsuki is usually fairly aloof), so he always gets overenthusiastic at the start of a hot and heavy make out session.
Katsuki has a hard time dealing with feelings, so his approach to intimacy can often come off aggressive and even angry.  He’s really frustrated that he has such a hard time being vulnerable! Luckily, Izuku is made of tough stuff and has no problem keeping up with Katsuki’s assertive pace.
After a few months together, Katsuki finally starts to get comfortable opening up about his feelings and his attraction to Izuku, and their make out sessions become lazier and a little sweeter.
Once Izuku realizes he doesn’t have anything to prove to his friend, they both become more comfortable around each other.
Katsuki finds he likes gentle affection – like being kissed on the cheek when he’s up late and bent low over his paperwork. Izuku comes to realize that he likes having his hair pulled during a passionate kiss.
They both work to find ways to settle into a comfortable, healthy relationship together.
⚡️🎶 Kaminari x Jiro
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This pair is goofy and I love them so much. Denki likes to think he has rizz (he, in fact, has zero rizz) and brags to his friends that he’s an amazing kisser. He’s average at best, but Jiro can’t get enough of him – especially when he tries to act suave and lays it on thick. His attempt at being debonair makes her laugh in between kisses.
Some other fun things - Denki loves neck kisses. He goes crazy for them. As soon as Jiro starts moving her lips along his neck, he’s an absolute puddle.
Jiro on the other hand loves to have her ear lobes nibbled during a heated make out (it took a long time for Denki to gain her trust to do this!).
The two need to be careful to communicate consistently, as Denki has been known to accidentally activate his electrification while in the midst of intimate moments.
Denki thinks that Jiro is the hottest person in the entire universe, and he won’t shut up about it when he goes out with the boys. Bakugo is constantly yelling at him to shut the hell up and to have some respect for Jiro’s privacy. But Jiro secretly loves how much Kamanari talks about her when he’s among friends.
🃏💤 Ms.Joke x Eraserhead
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Emi Fukukado and Shota Aizawa have a strong romantic chemistry between them. They initially started hooking up when they were interns at neighboring Hero agencies. They would sneak into each other’s hero agency offices after hours to share what they were learning from their various missions and to make out. After they graduated, they lost touch for a few years before rekindling their romance as teachers at a provisional licensing exam. They’re not an official thing. But also, yeah, they’re kind of a thing.
Shota would never admit this, but he’s truly a romantic. He likes to kiss slow and deep. He loves being held. After a long day of work there’s nothing he looks forward to more than meeting up with Emi for a drink and ending the night locked in her embrace.
Emi likes to kiss vivaciously. She has a strong, fiery spirit, and loves to apply it to quiet moments spent with Shota. When Shota truly lets his guard down, it’s easy to make him laugh (without using her quirk!). Emi feels extremely accomplished when she can crack a joke and make him smirk between kisses.
Their relationship is surprisingly easy, and when they are alone their bodies are drawn to each other. They both understand the unique challenges of being both pro hero and teacher. They care deeply about their work and value that their partner can fully appreciate the challenges of their daily lives.
😬❓ Sero x Anyone who will give him the time of day
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Hanta Sero loves hookups. He thinks that if he met the right person, he’d finally be able to settle down and commit – but he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon. For now, he’s perfectly content with playing the field. He can always be found flirting at the back of crowded house parties, using the bumping bass as an excuse to lean in close to whisper conspiratorially with the most attractive person in the room.
When he kisses, he likes to tease. He keeps his lips just out of reach until his partner pouts and begs for his kiss. Once he gets warmed up, he loves to bite – a lower lip, shoulders, hips…he loves it all and he’s notorious for giving impressive hickies.
Sero is a sucker for muscles. He loves to run his hands along a partner’s toned body as he leans in for a searing kiss.
Despite his tenure as a player, he secretly wants something soft, romantic and sweet. He’s hoping desperately to find it soon.
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nautiscarader · 2 months
"I don’t care about consequences.” Izoucha
"I don't care about the consequences"
At first, Izuku wanted to ask his beloved what did she mean, but as their eyes locked in a long stare, all of his questions have been asked. And the fact she was naked, sliding onto his crotch, has silenced all of his worries.
Worries that have accumulated over their young lives, as their jobs put quite a question to the concept of starting a family.
Which is why Ochaco was so surprised when Deku casually asked: "How many consequences do you want?"
And before she could answer, her body was folded in half, as Izuku prepared to make Ochaco a mom several times over.
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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✦「Katsuki Bakugo x Reader」✦
ɴᴀᴍᴇ║ Katsuki Bakugo
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ/ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ║ Boku no Hero Academia
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║17,325
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴘᴜʙʟɪꜱʜᴇᴅ║June 27th, 2017
ʀᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ║Febuary 27, 2022
「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ━━━➤ 「ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
❝ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ.❞
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
This story deals intensely with grief and trauma. If you are unable to understand the complexity of those emotions, you shouldn't be here.
Don't be so hypocritical; the same thing the reader does are the same thing your favorite villain has committed.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"It's so loud!"
Your daughter's lips couldn't have been any wider. Her pudgy hands grasped yours firmly while she watched the Hero parade.
She rocked on the balls of her feet, her lily-hued skirt swishing past her frame. Nadine loved that skirt so much when you bought it for her most recent birthday, her eighth one.
The child proudly claimed that she looked like a princess and declared that her father was the dragon that protected her from all the 'nonsense extras.
Of course, she quickly followed after with her words by leaping onto your husband's back and tugging on his hair, almost reeling him up like a horse.
Let's just say some family heirlooms were broken and shattered that night.
Nadine tugged on your hand and pointed over at her 'uncle', Izuku. "Look! He looks so cool up there! Wasn't daddy supposed to meet us here to laugh at uncle!"
Before you could answer, you turned to a man who pushed you roughly, which yielded you to almost trip over if you didn't catch yourself.
You gave him a stank face, a sneer on your lips, and a glare in your sharp eyes. "Mom?" The eight-year-old called.
Taking a deep breath, you blew air out of your nose and turned back to your daughter. "It's because your dad's a grump."
"But he promised." She whined, her vermillion-hued optics staring up into yours. The only attribute she gained from her father other than a bit of his personality.
You kneeled down, thankful for the crowd that dispersed outwards, which gave you both more personal space.
"Well, your father said he was really tired and that he'll make it up two us."
What he really said was, 'I'm f*cking exhausted, so just let me sleep, or I'll make you just as drained.'
Of course, you knew he never gave empty threats, and since you didn't want to ruin your child's wish to go out at all, you left him alone in your bedroom.
That didn't mean you weren't upset about his answer. Yes, he had been working a lot lately, leaving early and coming home late.
Wickedness doesn't stop for anyone, so even on days off, he still had to work if a situation arose. Which meant Katsuki missed a lot of important days and broke a lot of his promises.
A lot of his promises to where they always became empty wishes.
You both had begged him to come to watch the parade, you even had something really important to inform him of, but he refused.
He'd rather sleep than at least keep one promise in god knows how long. Your husband definitely has some making-up to do.
Nadine huffed and swatted at her bangs, which were rather long. You reached out and felt her (h/c) bangs between your fingers.
"When we get home, we'll cut them, Okay?"
A smile graced your lips as you stood back to your feet and dusted your knees off. The parade continued, looping around the capital, so you at least noticed your husband's friends a few times.
It was coming to an end, the symphony at their climax that you could feel its lightness in your chest. Yea, you didn't just want to come because Nadine wanted to.
You closed your eyes while holding your daughter's hand tightly. The music, the cheers, and joyful cries fluttered through your head in an almost ethereal manner.
Your (e/c) optics shot opened only for you to gasp at the sight. "Oh my god!"
The platforms the heroes were on had burst into flames and quickly spread across the streets. The lively symphony halted; festive cheers turned into horrified cries.
A vociferous explosion ran through the area; the buildings alongside the road broke from their formation and began to rain down on everyone below.
The lightness in your chest never left as the pleasure you felt before was replaced with terror. Swiftly you yanked Nadine into your chest, a chunk of the building landing in the spot your daughter was just standing in.
"Nadine, we-"
You were cut short when another explosion rang, the statue in the middle of where the parade was driving around combusted, erupting everything into flames.
It was as if the asphalt was soaked with fuel the way it burned so easily. It inched towards the two of you at a threatening rate.
The way your throat closed and sweat dripped down the back of your neck was a feeling like no other. Absolute terror dug its wicked claws into every nerve and punctured your heart with trepidation.
"Let's go!"
You finally found your voice when the screams of pain sounded as if they were on the heels of your feet. Your grip tightened on your daughter's hand as the two of you pushed through the ravaged crowd.
Nadine's smaller frame easily weaved through the smaller spaces between the massive wave of bodies. The eight-year-old lugged you along, using her quirk to blast through some rubble to leave an opening.
However, even with her power, it wasn't enough to rush you both forward, and the two of you were quickly separated.
Your scream was drowned out by all the others. People dressed eccentrically; recognizable figures rained down from above.
Some headed straight for the heroes, howling like rabid animals, while some entered the large crowd of civilians.
The absolute chaos of what was once a beautiful moment was horrifying. Civilians were being burned alive, the stench of scorching flesh almost causing you to gag.
Its putrid scent was enough to make you purge everything that was within your stomach if it wasn't for Nadine's scream breaking through the cries.
You may not have had powers like your husband and daughter, but the adrenaline coursing through your veins was enough for you to find some hidden strength.
The way you rushed forward knocked others over, some immediately becoming trapped underneath the other civilians that attempted to get away.
The guilt would have overtaken your mind, but you were far from sane thinking. Nadine...Where was Nadine? Where was your daughter?
Your voice cracked from your scream, scrapes, and cuts ripping ripped through the fabric of your clothing as you rushed through the burning rubble.
When you finally reached a small area by the blazing buildings, your daughter's figure was being held up in the air by a villain.
Before you could rush forward or even call out the girl's name, your arms were pinned behind your back. The back of your knees was kicked in, causing you to fall forward and hit the asphalt painfully.
"Look at what we have here! The hero's wife and kid!"
The man's guttural voice was clamorous, overtaking the chaos around your figures. "Let me go! I Swear I'll-"
One of the man's hands clasped over your mouth and forced your frame to face your child. She kicked and scratched her hands wildly. She even grasped the person's arms, but its thermal suit kept them protected from her premature blast.
Muffled curses could be heard from your covered mouth as you struggled to free yourself. The flames grew closer, so close that you could feel its tails flickering close to your body.
Suddenly those hands that held your frame down migrated to grasp your neck and squeeze. Pressure rushed through your head, and the force of the man's burly hands felt as if he were crushing the bones in your neck.
Your vision grew blurry through the tears from lack of air but even with your compromised sight, you could make out your daughter's struggling cease and her body appearing limp in the other person's hands.
The hands crushing your throat were removed which led to you violently coughing and inhaling the smoke and pollution.
The sole of his heavy shoes was placed on your left leg that was swiftly brought down upon your limb. You could almost hear the cracking of your bone but every nerve, the sense was shut off from your adrenaline.
You couldn't hear, feel, or even smell. You just felt heavy.
He did the same to your left knee, raising his heavy boot only to slam it down on your bone and obliterate it into pieces.
The person holding your daughter threw her body to the asphalt like she was trash before removing something from their pocket. It erupted in flames and was released onto your child's slumped body.
She burst into flames just as quickly as everything else had. You could see her mouth widening, the veins on her neck throbbing, but she didn't move.
It was as if she couldn't, like all her strength was drained and her limbs nonfunctional.
Your nails dug into the asphalt, dragging your body towards hers. The child vermillions optics looked up at yours, and you could see the absolute despair.
"Baby! Baby, no!" Your voice cracked as you removed your jacket and thrust it onto her frame, attempting to put out the lively flames.
You could barely even move, the adrenaline was starting to fade and the pain began to flush through your system.
"M-Mom..." Her voice was weak, so crackly that you almost didn't understand what she said. "It...h-hurts."
The tender skin of your palms was searing, the flesh almost dripping off your hand. Every single thing hurt, tears ran down your face and evaporated as soon as they trickled onto the girl's frame.
Flames licked at your skin, scorching through your clothes and burning other areas of your body.
"Nadine, no!"
Your voice was the loudest it had ever been, resonating through the whole area as whisp of translucent wind began rushing past your frames.
It circled the two of you in a whirlwind, taking in the flames that surrounded the streets. The wind moved so fast that all the oxygen suddenly vanished.
The fire on the girl's body was extinguished. However, you couldn't breathe. You choked, throat throbbing as your limbs refused to move.
Your vision began to falter, fading in and out while you fell onto your side by your daughter. The sensation of feeling anything was dissipating, the pain numbing into nothingness.
The last thing you could comprehend was the whirlwind slowly evaporating with the fire and bodies flooding toward your frames.
One of them surely had ash-blond hair and the same lively vermillion eyes as your daughter.
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Voices droned on, reverberating everywhere and disrupting you from your deep unconsciousness. That once generous numbness no longer protected you from the pain.
It flooded through your nerves, tingling, and throbbing on your hands, legs, and stomach. A groan sounded from your lips due to the discomfort.
Weakly, only your left eyelid opened as you were met with a dimly lit hospital room. It took more energy than it should have to look around.
The curtains were pulled over its wide windows and all the lights were shut off. Monitors next to you beeped rhythmically, echoing out in the enclosure that felt so cold.
Glancing down you observed the thick white cast around your left leg. It covered your foot and rose all the way up to your pelvis.
Your hands, they laid limply by your side, wrapped in stout cold wrapping that appeared like large unfitting gloves.
Light danced across your lap which compelled you to peek up from your hands. The door to your room was opened and in the doorway stood your husband.
His vermillion optics met your (e/c) ones and he immediately diverted his attention to the ground. It was too slow, like physical dread as he closed the door and made his way to your bed.
Katsuki reached the table next to you and grasped a pitcher of water. He raised it, it hovering over the surface before colliding with the table.
He released all the air from his lungs, his shoulders deflating while his jaw clenched. The man attempted it again, lifting the pitcher which seemed to weigh a ton, and pouring its contents into a glass cup.
Your husband turned to you and held the water just below your chapped lips.
"Here, you need to drink something."
His voice seemed dry as if he had no strength to even speak. As if he had torn the muscles in his throat and still forced the words out.
You didn't move or even attempt to drink, you just stared at his face. You wanted him to look at you but he refused to even let his gaze dance upon your face.
"Where's Nadine?"
Katsuki's voice may have been tense but yours was absolutely broken. Your voice was barely above a whisper but the way it sounded just felt so wrong.
The male didn't speak for a moment, keeping the glass by your lips before slowly retracting it and placing it on the table.
He reached for a chair and brought it to your bed with dreadfully slow movements. He set himself down and you watched as one of the strongest people you had ever known slumped over as if he had been beaten.
"Nadine-" Her beautiful name - the name you picked out almost immediately when you were informed of your pregnancy - made shivers run down your spine.
Katsuki opened his mouth to speak but no words left his cavern. His gaze was on his calloused hands, rough, coarse, and now damp with his tears that began to trickle down his face.
"She uh..." He took a deep breath, swallowing the cry that wanted to leave his lips. "Our daughter didn't make it."
Wetness could be felt on your face, cupping around your chin before dripping down onto your chest.
"And our son...He didn't make it either."
Your body was trembling as if you were cold. Your teeth chattered against each other as if you were freezing.
There were so many things you were feeling. All of them begging, scratching to rise out of your throat.
Eventually, they all clamored together until it was just a jumbled ball of emotions. Not a single one was dominant because, at the moment, all you felt was numb.
Slowly, almost with jerking movements, did your head move to face his. Finally, he was looking at you. But he was looking at you with her eyes.
Like poison, like deep-rooted hatred, venom left your lips in a frail yet harsh manner. "This is all your fault."
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"(Y/n)...please." His voice was muffled by the door.
You didn't say anything; instead, you tugged the thick comforter over your head and pulled your body into a fetal position.
"Baby, come on. You need to eat."
Again no words left your lips. You just wanted him to leave you alone. That's all you wanted, was to be alone.
His fist knocked on the door, and although it was quiet, it still made something tick inside of you. Your hands flung the comforter off of your body before you reached for your cane.
You limped over to the door, the end of your rod pounding into the floor with great force. Yanking open the door and seeing the sight of your husband made a sneer grow on your lips.
"What do you want? What do you want from me!? Can't you just leave me alone to die!?"
It had been four months since the hero parade incident. You were only discharged a month ago due to how severe the burns were on your body.
Not to mention the surgery you had to undergo on your right eye. They had to remove your iris due to how burnt it was, which left you blind in one.
The cast was removed after two months, but the doctor revealed that you would no longer be able to walk normally. The way the villain broke your leg and knee left you with a permanent limp; you almost couldn't even walk if you weren't using a cane.
You were damaged, no longer able to bare any children. You were scarred, covered in burn marks almost everywhere. You were disabled, an entire limb broken and never to be fixed again.
"What I want... is for you to eat." Your husband stated, towering over your slouching figure. "You haven't been eating, and don't think I don't hear you f*cking retching it all up when you do eat."
Your eyes narrowed, the glare just as strong as the sneer that was on your lips. "I don't want to eat! I want my children back, but you won't let me go to them!"
Katsuki's chest halted, and he visibly stopped breathing. His hands that hung loosely by his sides clenched into fists.
"(Y/n)...you don't think I want them back too? It's all I can think about but starving myself...yourself, is not going to bring them back or you to them."
His voice was low, much more tender than what it usually is. One of his hands extended and reached upwards to your face.
"I miss her, (Y/n). I miss Nadine."
Something had snapped inside of you. Your chest that was building a ball of fury combusted outwards. Wind rushed past your frames, the furniture and decor beginning to rattle.
The explosive quirk hero glanced around before turning back to face you. "Hey, it's okay; I'm here. You can relax."
You didn't listen; instead, the wind encircled your husband's feet before flinging him away from you. His back made solid contact with the walls of your home before he fell down onto one knee.
"Relax?" You laughed for the first time in months, but it was not one of joy. "How can I when you killed my babies!? When you had to break another stupid little promise even though we begged you to come!?"
Another blast of wind shot forward at him, and he once again connected with the wall. He grunted, one of his eyes shutting from the impact.
"How can I...When my body wants to finally manifest its quirk...but only when my daughter is dying...? After my life is taken away from me! When I could have saved them if I had this thing before that happened?"
A whirlwind assembled at your husband's feet before it grew in size and surrounded his entire body. The wind was so strong, everything began to float in a circular motion around it.
"(Y/n), stop!"
Gradually the wind grew in strength, the walls trembling as the oxygen inside the whirlwind slowly began to dissipate.
The man inhaled deeply, grasping his throat as he wheezed out. You stared at him with a blank expression, not a single thing inside of you feeling remorseful.
He deserved this...He deserved this...He deserved this
Abruptly multiple explosions rang in the air, the sound startling you, which caused your whirlwind to disappear.
It reminded you of the parade, of when the act occurred out of nowhere. You can't handle the sound! You can't handle the sight! 
Fire - It was nothing but death, a destroyer of all...and it scared you so much.
The ash-blond inhaled deeply, massaging his throat before slowly training his attention to you. His boots made heavy contact with the ground as he made his way back to your frame.
Your eyes widened and you could feel your heart thumping irregularly from his rapid movement. You expected his hand to come down but instead, he wrapped them around your frame.
He pushed your body against his, hiding his face in your neck as he sniffled. It had been a few months since you let him get so close, you usually refused to even be in his presence.
"It's okay." His voice sounded as if he were to cry. "I'm not mad."
He sucked in a shaky breath with his thumbs caressing your back. "I know it hurts. I know I can't do anything about it so just take your anger out on me."
You stared blankly at the dark ceiling of your room before allowing your cane to fall to the floor and reaching your arms around his.
Your fingers gripped onto the back of his shirt by his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin and drawing blood.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)."
Tears fell from your fame, dampening your skin as your vision blurred.
With a quiet voice, you spoke to him. "I hate you."
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"Why did you do it!?"
You glanced up from the book in your hands and tilted your head to the side. "What? What are you talking about?" You quired.
Your husband stepped forward into your room and threw his phone onto the bed next to your frame. You glanced at it, your lips pursing before you looked back up at the man.
"You think I did it?" A laugh reverberated from your lips as you turned to face your book. "I'm half blind and disabled in one leg. How could I ever kill more than fifty people?"
"(Y/n), they all suffocated to death last night. No foul play was found and no signs of a struggle." He pressed.
A giggle, soft and short echoed into the room. "Whoever did it must have been pretty mad, don't ya think?"
Katsuki stepped forward and knocked the book out of your hand, the hardcover book banging into the wall and falling on open pages.
"Two heroes." He spat, his brows furrowed with his vermillion optics staring at you intensely.
"You killed - slaughtered - fifty villains from that militia organization, and if that wasn't enough, you murdered two heroes the same night!"
You waved your hand dismissively, the scarring from your burn visible for a moment before you clasped your hands together on your lap.
"So what?" You sought. "They were getting in my way."
Your words had your husband stunned. His mouth fell open, and his eyes enlarged. He took a step back, hands frigid by his side before one flew up to cover his face.
"I can't...You can't...(Y/n), what the h*ll!?" He was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "I don't even know who you are anymore."
A smile formed on your lips, wide and nearly sinister. "It's okay, Katsuki. I'm still your wife...well, at least until one of us dies."
The man's hand fell from his face, his expression one of disbelief before he pivoted on the balls of his feet and swiftly left the room.
The door was slammed shut loudly, the force prompting it to rattle against its hinges.
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"I'm giving you a choice. Either kill me right now and save hundreds of lives or-" You wagged a finger teasingly as the cool air from the night rushed past your frames.
"-let me live and find bodies after bodies every day. A villain, a civilian, or a hero? Everybody is fair game."
His face was pained, brows creased, and eyes scrunching tightly.
"You think I can f*cking kill my wife?" He asked atop the factory, standing only a meter or two away from your frame.
Months have passed since your first act of revenge, yet it didn't just stop there. You just couldn't stop.
"Why not?" You challenged almost in a childlike manner. "You killed your daughter and unborn son."
"(Y/n), please..." He begged, hands turning into fists by his side. "I didn't know that was going to happen."
You shrugged your shoulders and lightly tapped your cane on the rooftop. "You made a promise to come with us. You said you weren't going to break this one. It doesn't matter if you didn't know. If you just would have come...you could have protected us, just like you said in your vows."
Gradually, you lifted your hand out and turned it over, so your scarred palm faced the sky. The wind rushed together and formed a ball of a visible white whisp.
"I would have never manifested this dangerous quirk, and I was quite content being a quirkless piece of sh*t too."
You laughed to yourself, your gaze on the ball of whisp that fluctuated between a white hue and translucent.
"I never wanted one anyway since I had you. I didn't need a quirk when I married someone I thought could protect me."
Your husband inhaled a shaky breath, his fingers clenched by his side, and he stepped forward slightly. "I am so sorry for what happened, but blaming it all on me wasn't fair. Nadine was my daughter too, and I am just as devasted as you." He declared.
Your smile sank.
"I had to go back to work every day, and it was as if I could hear her speaking to me again, cheering me on. Everyone gave me their half-a**ed sorry's and looked at me with...Dammit, (Y/n)! It wasn't fair that the world just kept moving on while we mourned!"
The wind dissipated from your hand as you gradually returned your attention back to the ash-blond hero. Your expression was unreadable, stoic, as if it looked like you were contemplating something.
It was a minute or two before you inhaled deeply and tapped your black cane on the rooftop. "You'll never understand the pain of a mother losing her children." You informed him.
Katsuki inched a step closer; his expression would have been just as unreadable if it wasn't for his knitted eyebrows.
"No, I never will. But I know the pain of a father losing his kids and a husband losing his wife."
His words made your heart pulse laboriously; that rapidly growing guilt you tried so hard to suppress was filling your stomach heavily.
And then he spoke again.
"I didn't just f*cking lose my daughter and my son in that attack, (Y/n)." He stepped forward too. "I lost the most loving, brilliant wife anyone could have. And instead of working through it together, you just pushed me away."
By now, he was standing in front of your slouching figure. "I'm hurting too, (Y/n). The guilt of not being there has never left, and I couldn't forgive myself for breaking our promise like that."
The hero slowly grasped your hand that once wore a wedding ring and brought it to his lips. He connected them to your knuckles and shut his eyes.
Deep down, you knew it wasn't his fault. It wasn't anyone but the villains who attacked that day. Katsuki was the best husband and father anyone could be. He would sacrifice anything for his family.
But on that day, your children were not the only ones that parted. Something inside of you just broke, all the love, joy, and happiness; it all just left you.
Everything didn't feel empty, it was all just filled with fury, pain. You couldn't look at things the same, you couldn't love your husband the same as before.
There was no room for it anyway, all there was room for was continuing the cycle of death. Everybody needed to know it. Nobody deserves to live while your daughter lay six feet under.
"I can't help but hate you." The words fell from your lips like a whisper in the wind causing your husband to slowly open his eyes to reveal his vermillion optics.
He lowered your hand gently to your side before raising his once again to caress your cheek. It had been a long time since he had felt your face, you wouldn't let him before.
"I know." His thumb ran over your bottom lip. "Yet I can't help but love you still."
You could feel the tears well up in your eyes, your vision blurring as his figure narrowly distorted. Sometimes he really did have a way with words.
"I miss you...so much, Katsuki." You hadn't said his name in months.
The hero leaned forward, his lips connecting with your forehead to place a lingering kiss. To his surprise, he found your arms banding around his frame and leaning on him for support.
His lips could be felt growing on your skin.
"I miss you so much too. And I would do anything to help you get better. Anything to get my wife back."
You didn't realize you were crying until his shirt felt damp against your face. There were many reasons you married this man, and his nature of not giving up was one of them.
"I can't go back." The words were muffled against his chest. "I've killed too many people, innocence included. All I want to do is bring pain upon others, it's the only that helps."
His hold grew tighter and you could feel his torso shake from his deep exhalation. "It doesn't have to be." Katsuki's head dropped to be in the crook of your neck. "I can help you...if you would stop pushing me away and just let me in."
Nobody spoke after his words; it felt as if both of you couldn't. The embrace was tight, secure as if the two of you were too afraid to let go.
The wind was rushing past your frames atop the towering factory building. You planned for a confrontation after he caught you on a manhunt, but instead, he stopped you with his words.
With hesitant hands, you gripped the side of his waist. "There is only one thing...and I beg of you to do it."
The adult's grip tightened on your body, squeezing you so firmly against himself. "Anything."
"Please kill me. Please, finally, just let me die."
You could feel his chest halt its movement, his breathing ceasing as if he couldn't believe what you had just said to him.
"(Y/n)." His voice sounded so broken saying your name. He pulled back so he could look down at your face with the moon casting its glow on your skin.
"You know I can't do that. I can't kill the woman I love; you're all I have."
Glancing up at his face you could only take a deep breath and nod your head. You removed your arms from his body and strode back to gain distance.
"I see." The words were dry. "Then I expect our paths to cross again in the future, and when it does, I hope you save me this time."
You trekked backward, stopping once you reached the edge where your heels sat on nothing but air.
"(Y/n)-" He never got to finish his sentence as you let your body lean back and fall off the rooftop. The male had never moved so fast as he ran to the edge only to see you hover just a few feet below, multiple translucent wisps of wind surrounding your feet.
"I promise you one thing!" You exclaimed over the swishing winds of your quirk, and a genuine smile formed on your lips. "I will not die unless it's by your hands, so I'll wait until you're ready!"
You rose higher in the air, this time towering over him as you leaned forward and connected your lips on his cheek.
"Stay alive. Live healthily, take care of yourself, and do what you believe is right. I'll be waiting to be reunited with our children, Katuski. I'll be waiting until the day you let me die too."
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"Madam, your face is leaking again."
You blinked; your vision that once played the past now returned to normal and depicted the sunset that cast a golden glow on everything.
Staring at it a little longer, you could feel the fresh air entering your scarred lungs, tasting like earth too. You lay on the pool lounge a little longer before slowly sitting up.
Your body felt as if you hadn't moved it in years, so sluggish and heavy. Your head pulsated, throbbing with a headache that had been lasting weeks.
You had to close your eyes from the blasphemes pounding as you swung your legs around and placed your feet upon the warm tile of your sun terrace.
This always happened when you had moments to just think, you would remember the past all those years ago.
It made you waste a good day not swimming in your lido, the open-air pool that was situated in the back above the hill of your home.
You slowly lifted a hand to your face and felt the wetness upon your cheek. "How vile." You muttered and smeared the fallen tears across your face. "My cane."
The young man complied, reaching for the black cane with a golden handle by his side and handing it to you. You took it with a heavy hand and hauled yourself up to your feet.
Your left leg had been feeling more like a dead weight than a still-working limb. No matter which doctor you threatened to fix it, there was nothing they could do for the growing crudity.
A groan left your lips, the headache only growing stronger now that you moved. You held your forehead with one hand and pressed your digits into your temple.
"Madam, are you alright? Do you need your pain relievers? Should I call for the doctor?"
"Shut up." You lamented under your breath and carefully removed your hand from your head. Esau stepped forward, his hands behind his back as he gazed down at you with his earthy brown optics.
"If you are feeling unwell, then I believe a check-up is in order." He remarked intently.
A frown etched its way onto your lips as you looked at the boy. "Didn't I say to shut up, or do you want to go through more training with Erskine?"
Esau had no reaction to your words, continuing to stare down at you blankly but unwavering. "You did but your health is more important to me than my punishment."
The frown shifted into a sneer.
Esau was once a boy living in the streets, fending for himself like a rabid starving animal. His clothes were nothing but dirty rags, his light brown skin was overlaid in dirt, and his grey hair was knotted in an unsightly manner.
He was only thirteen when you found him, but he had lived in those rotten slums for almost all his life. Because of it, his instincts were heightened, and his quirk was rather effective.
Fending for himself, doing whatever it took to live made him dangerous but also ignorant to others, especially when he targeted you in those streets.
He attempted to steal from you by mimicking the voice and appearance of your late daughter. And he almost got through to you but he was immediately surrounded by a whirlwind that began to deprive him of oxygen.
He reverted back to his original appearance and began to choke on the lack of air. You planned to kill him but when the boy looked at you not with desperate eyes, but a hungry ravenous gaze for life, you let him live.
You took him in, refining his quirks to work for your own selfish reasons. His ability to know of one's deepest love and mimic their exact appearance and voice was useful.
He didn't have a name so you gave him one. Esau, the brother betrayed by both his brother and mother in The Book of Genesis.
It was rather fitting, just like how the firstborn was swindled out of his birthright in the Hebrew Bible, the boy was swindled out of loving care by heroes who let a villain live, only for that villain to murder the boy's parents the same night.
You gave him everything he needed, shelter, food, clothes, and training, but never the one thing he wanted the most.
Your love.
After everything you had gone through, you were not able to provide another person with such a thing. Especially when he could never replace your two children in your broken heart
Five years had passed since you raised him to be a weapon, to be your eyes, your legs, and he doted on you more than anything.
He was cruel, apathetic to everybody, and held no second thoughts when killing a target. But when it came to you, he was vulnerable, desperate for any praise or ounce of affection.
You were his savior and in his eyes, a mother he only wished to make proud.
Esau did everything you ordered, train, kill, and now he was a young man. Built with muscles from Erskine's training but also scarred from your hands when he angered you.
No matter what abuse - verbal or physical - was handed to him he took it like a soldier. He never held any resentment towards you, he couldn't when he knew all you felt was sorrow.
He was obedient like a loyal dog and cared for your well-being more than his own.
"Call for the doctor and inform Erskine's that you will be doing endurance training after dinner for two weeks."
The male leaned forward, bowing his head adequately. "Of course, Madam. Thank you for complying with my wish."
You rolled your eyes and ambled back into your grand home, the cane pounding into the marble flooring loudly.
"It is only because I am in no mood to argue." You replied with the 'adoptive' boy trailing after you.
His lips were blessed with a rare smile on his usually stoic face. "I know."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"Esau, I want to talk to Nadine."
"Of course, Madam."
He inhaled deeply, gazing into your (e/c) and blind back optics. You watched from atop your bed as the male's tall stature shrunk to that of an eight-year-old.
His appearance changed to the exact characteristics of your daughter on her birthday, the same young and innocent gaze that was burned into your memory.
"Come here." You cooed and opened your arms widely. Esau, who now bore the appearance of Nadine Bakugo, climbed onto the mattress with small (s/c) colored hands.
He wasted no time plunking himself against your chest and feeling the warmth of your body against his. The pungent scent of alcohol wafted into his nose and burned the inside.
You didn't like to drink often, only on rare occasions, and when you did you would request the same thing every time.
To speak to Nadine.
Esau complied willingly, desperate to use his quirk to appease you. It was the only time you looked at him with such a loving gaze and actually held him in your arms.
It was the only time he could receive even the smallest amount of affection he'd been craving all his life. The adoration may have been superficial but it was enough for his starving heart.
"Mom-" You only allowed him to call you mom when he took the form of your daughter. "-can I have a kiss?"
A hum reverberated off of your chest as you slowly closed your eyes. The young man felt you shift, a hand brushing away his bangs and warm lips connecting with his forehead.
Heat exploded under his skin, his heart thumping audibly in his ears. The warm sensation of affection was so quaint, so rare, that every time he experienced the feeling, it was as if he were falling from a tall height.
His stomach flipped, chest expanding with wide amounts of air, and pressure building up in his head that all took his breath away.
Gradually the boy's eyes fell closed, opening every once in a while as he fought the sleep. But alas, the loving embrace of his mother was too much to fight, and he let himself fall into a deep unconsciousness.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"Don't move."
You cocked your head to the side, your lips pursing while you gazed out at the night sky. A cluster of well-established heroes surrounded your frame behind you.
"You're under arrest, Breathtaker. We're taking you into custody."
Your fingers danced across the golden handle of your cane, tapping it lightly on the ground before gradually pivoting around in the graveyard.
"So rude, you all are~." You hummed, placing a singed hand on your hips. "A mother comes to mourn her departed child, and you all arrive to disturb her."
Your eyes narrowed at their frames, you even recognized a few. "And it's actually rather humiliating that you think you can stop me."
The wind rushed past your frames, circling everyone in a ball of a translucent whisp. What made you so treacherous - one of the most wanted villains - was how you didn't require your hands to utilize your quirk. You didn't need to chant or call out to it like others.
All you needed to do was just think about what you wanted the wind to execute, and it did it without fail.
"We know we can't," Izuku was the first one to speak which drove you to roll your eyes.
"But you won't hurt me."
The group dispersed and to your surprise your husband stepped forward out of the crowd, his stature taller, and broader than it was five years ago.
"Oh, using my old spouse to stop me? How cruel~!" You held out your wrist, leaning on the centerpiece to hold yourself up. "Finally, come to kill me?"
His gloved hands snatched your wrist roughly, your body nearly tumbling forward from your fragmented leg if it wasn't for Katsuki holding up your frame.
"No." His voice was gravelly, tone coarse and raspy. As if he had been downing liquids that caused him more harm than good. "You don't get to have what you want."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"This isn't a prison."
"Of course not." He sneered, hurling your body onto the couch that lay limp from all the bindings. "It took every f*cking connection I knew to keep you out. You're under my watch now."
A pout formed on your lips, your figure squirming from the awkward position of laying on your stomach with your head dangling off of the edge.
Your cane was tossed onto the ground by your frame while you heard the man's heavy boots distancing from the room.
Finally, managing to situate yourself in an upwards sitting position, your one functioning eye takes in the scenery before you.
After five years, Katsuki continued to live in the home you all once shared as a family. He did some work, and the broken walls and ripped furniture you once caused were restored.
He decorated the living room with objects of your favorite colors, and picture frames displaying your family years ago when you were all together.
The sight caused you to frown, a sensation in your stomach fluttering while the front of your head pulsated in a returning headache.
Your sight fell upon your bounded wrist, tracing the scars of your burned palms. "If you were going to keep me out of prison, we could have gone to my villa." You murmured.
There were no words that followed after your sentence, just the sound of running water from the bathroom sink.
A heavy sigh was exhaled from deep within your lungs. "Hey!" You called. "Used to be husband; I'm hungry!"
In response to your words, the door to the bathroom was bashed open with an audible bang, and his footsteps grew louder the closer he reached.
"Then starve."
You watched as the man you used to live with trekked past your frame in the living room and made his way to the bedroom.
Your blind eye was twitching from his words, and you almost found your wind swishing around in the space. "Why?" You whined, a voice in a child-like manner. "Didn't I teach you to be courteous to your guest?"
He didn't respond, and the lack of it had you groaning in your spot on the cushion. Your stomach was churning; your tongue began craving your chef's five-star platters.
You started to drift off in your thoughts, wondering if Esau was informed of your situation.
The young man was most likely enraged at your capture, unable to comprehend why you've let yourself be taken when you could have easily escaped.
It shouldn't be long until he finds your whereabouts, a few hours or so, if he completes his mission in a timely manner. In the meantime, you guess you'll just have to deal with your estranged husband for now.
Small veins on your forearm throbbed from the tight bindings on your wrist, your fingers twitching from the lack of adequate blood flow.
"You know binding me is pointless!" Your voice bellowed through the home, which was followed by an audible huff from you afterward. "I thought you only liked this in the bedroom!?"
"You little sh*t!" He spat from the room and traveled out to be in your view. He was changed from his hero costume into some civilians.
A simple pair of grey cargo pants and a white tank top covering his torso. One of his hands was scratching at his stomach; his top lifted slightly to reveal his thin, ash-blond happy trail.
"You're more annoying than I remember. Can't you just sit down and be quiet?" He huffed, striding into the kitchen.
"No." You snapped, leaning back into the couch and kicking your bound legs onto the coffee table. "I would be on a yacht right now, sipping some Domaine Leroy Chambertin Grand Cru while being fed from a golden platter."
The ash-blond didn't reply, keeping silent as you heard a pan connecting with the stove. Your left leg began to pulsate slightly, the tender bones in your knee and shin beginning to throb in discomfort.
It's been some time since you took your pain relievers, and the ache would only grow stronger from here on. You didn't bring any with you, considering the possibility of being captured didn't really ring in your head.
You'll just have to make do and deal with it until Esau arrives. A grunt left your lips whilst you shifted uncomfortably in your spot.
As the pain from your legs plagued your mind, it didn't help that the familiarity of your home caused an ache in your shrunken heart to grow sharp, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth.
It was hard to look around, every single thing in the living room replaying a memory of the happier times years ago.
How Katsuki has managed to live with these constant reminders is beyond you. He was always the one with a healthier mind, even being as arrogant as he is.
"You've done well." Your voice broke the silence and overtook the sound of butter sizzling in the pan. "Your name is always highly praised in the news."
The ash-blond didn't react for a moment, the sound of a wooden spoon scraping the skillet filling your ears.
"Of course it is." He sneered, which was followed by the fridge opening loudly. "I do my f*cking job."
Your left leg jerked against the bindings around your thighs and ankles, the throbbing sensation overtaking more of your nerves.
"Of course, after all, that's what I told you to do."
A plate collided on the kitchen counter so forcefully you were surprised it didn't shatter. "You didn't tell me sh*t but to kill you."
You shrugged your shoulders, staring at a blank part of the wall to keep your eyes from wandering. "I mean, I did tell you that too."
The hero grunted from the other room, his annoyance bringing about a smile on your lips from his reactions.
It really did use to be the other way around. His teasing remarks had you snapping back at him, threatening to make him sleep on the couch if he angered you any longer.
No matter how hard you try to forget you always remember the way he would snatch your wrist and pull you against his warm body. He would be laughing at your reactions but would always lean down to pepper your skin in kisses.
He loved you with every part of his being and at one point, you did too. Your tummy tingled from the memory, prompting a heavy sigh to echo out.
'Esau, you better arrive quickly or I'm breaking your legs again.'
The sweet aroma of a delicacy wafted into your nose, removing you from your thoughts and diverting your attention to the scent.
Katsuki waltzed out from the Kitchen and set a plate on your lap, a utensil slightly hanging off the edge. You glanced down, your throat tightening slightly from the sight.
"You would feed a criminal their favorite dish?" Your gaze followed the ash-blond who sat on the opposite couch, distancing himself from your figure. "My, you have grown soft. Isn't that right, Dynamight?"
His childish hero name left your lips in a taunting manner. The male's vermillion optics flung to your frame, his jaw clenching with veins arising on the back of his hands from a firm grip on the silverware.
"Keep running your mouth, (Y/n), and I'll make sure they send your a** to prison."
Your lips pursed. "Well, at least in prison, I don't have to eat with my wrist bound. I'm not some maniac, you know." You stated.
"No, you're a cold-blooded killer."
Grasping the utensil awkwardly with the bottom of your palms pressing into each other, you responded. "I prefer a heartbroken mother; oh wait!" You pointed the silverware at the male. "Do I even get to call myself a mother anymore? I don't have any children left!"
There was an obvious aura of tension that rang in the air. Katsuki's frame was unmoving in his seat, his chest barely even rising with his breathing.
It made you bite your bottom lips to suppress a laugh, but you couldn't help it. It bellowed out in the living room, your plate of food almost spilling over.
"Haha! Laugh Hero! I'm absolutely amusing!"
A bead of sweat dripped down the side of your face, your laughter masking the ache that drilled through your veins. The faux joy you were displaying was the best you could do to hide the discomfort, concealing how you were trembling from pain and not laughter.
The coffee table that was holding up your legs was swiftly kicked out from under you. It collided with the wall, an indent clearly visible in the creme-colored panel.
Your feet slammed into the ground, the force bringing about an intense throbbing sensation that had your eyes widening.
An ardent gasp resonated in your old home as you barely managed to save the plate from falling over and decorating the rug in its contents.
You could feel a sudden pressure in the inner corner of your eyes, your vision zoning in and out with the recognizable sensation of tears clouding your corneas.
Hands grasping your head and applying pressure was the best way you could describe how intense your headache felt. Their grip was unwavering and strength diabolical.
Your body was discernibly overwhelmed, visibly freezing in its spot and suspending its breathing. There wasn't anything you could do to hide your distress.
Katsuki's swallowed audibly and his steps could be heard nearing. Your blurry gaze was cast on the cushion next to you, unaware of his frame that stood right in front of you.
His hands grasped the plate to pull it away but your grip on it was far tighter than he thought. One hand dropped to hold your wrist so he could pry the dish away.
The wrangled skin of your palms became visible as he placed the food on a side table. His warm calloused hands touched your bare skin for the first time in years.
Your body betrayed you, yearning for more of the familiar touch. And it grew worse when he removed his grip from your wrist.
There was no use fighting your heavy eyelids that closed as your shoulders slid against the cushion until you were laying on your side, pulling your arms into your chest in a cradle position.
It was embarrassing, to appear even frailer and affected by your old injuries in front of the strong man you used to love.
The facade of a witty vengeful villain quickly dispersed like a burst of air. If it wasn't for the quirk you manifest there was no way you could have gotten away with what you've done.
Without it, you were just a deformed and disabled woman. Blind in one eye, scarred and mangled skin on your body, and a sporadic leg.
You really were pitiful.
Through it all, you didn't even hear his returning footsteps. Your vision cleared with tears leaving the slick home of your eyes and trailing down the side of your face.
One of his fair-skinned hands was holding a glass of water. The ice waged war inside and clicked against the walls of the cup, fighting to float atop.
Condensation permitted minute water droplets to coat the outside of its clear surface.
The other hand cupped three various colored pills that you instinctively recognized.
A heavy breath left your lips, echoing out audibly.
"Giving me pills that are what, almost fives years old?" You sought, attempting to sound unaffected but the raspiness disallowed it.
Your lips pulled upwards into a smile that was woefully twitching. "Trying to poison me?"
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth as he forced the medicine into your hands. "Whenever they expired, I picked up a new prescription just in case-" His speech halted with a heavy exhalation taking the place of his remaining words. "...in case you ever came home."
The smile immediately fell like an angel plunging from grace. With lips parted, you were sure you must have looked ridiculously dumbfounded.
You were sure the only way to describe the sensation in your stomach was sinking, like a regretful action made by an arrogant captain.
Gingerly you parted your lips, tossing in the medicine halfheartedly as Katsuki's hand assisted in setting you up so you could drink.
The liquid chilled your tongue, cooling down your warm esophagus as it aided in the swallowing of your pills.
Its wintriness hastily overtook your brain in a shroud of numbness that disappeared just as brisk as it surfaced.
You didn't realize how thirsty you were until the male removed the glass and more than half of its contents were absent.
"Remember, you need to eat when you take those." His hands had ripped apart the bindings around your wrist with brute strength before he did the same with the ones around your ankles and thighs.
Blood flowed through your limbs, filling your veins with liquid life that it was being deprived of. You flexed your finger a few, a weightless sensation surrounding your hands and feet for a moment until it was felt as if they landed back on earth.
Weight was placed upon your lap, recognizing the hard circular bottom of the plate. The energy to snap and spit a crude remark was no more, and you ate obediently.
His vermillion optics dwelled on your frame; you could feel it. Every area his eyes stayed on seemed to burn like rays of the sun.
You wanted to say something, but thankfully, his footsteps faded into the kitchen, resigning you to dine in silence.
The throbbing in your knee and leg was still aching, only slowly decreasing in its potentness. Listening to the sound of running water from the sink you absentmindedly ate until there was nothing left.
When you placed the utensil on the dish, the sound alerted the male. "Done?" He quired over the water.
The floor creaked as he neared, his cologne emanating into your nose and filling your lungs as he leaned over the back of the couch to reach your plate.
His fingers grazed over the curve of your thighs as he held it in the palm of his hands. Your eyes followed his movements until he returned to the kitchen.
"Do you still ice it?" He suddenly asked, which caused you to click your tongue in annoyance.
"Icing my broken bones?" You sought, your voice a pitch higher in a mocking manner. "What a medical breakthrough!"
"(Y/n)." His voice was firm and unwavering.
He didn't reply, finishing the dishes as you mindlessly examined your hands. The freezer was opened, the suction of the rubber seal echoing in the rooms.
The hero returned shortly after with a clothed ice pack in his hands. His next movement was surprising, setting himself down on the cushion next to you and laying your legs across his lap.
"Hey!" You hissed, attempting to remove your limbs from atop his but found no strength to do so. "W-Who said you could do that!?"
He didn't even look up at you as he placed the frozen ice over your leg, prompting an immediate cry of shock from its frostiness.
"It would be best if you just kept your f*ckin' mouth shut." His tone of voice was surprisingly calm, and the aggression he usually exhibited was absent.
You didn't want to listen to him but the thought of arguing back in itself was already exhausting so you let him be.
The coolness of the ice and the numbing of the medicine was not so much an unpleasant feeling anymore.
Icing your leg would have been enough but your old spouse had other ideas. His firm hand that held nothing relaxed onto your shins/calves and began to massage them softly at first before growing in strength.
A heaviness weighed on your eyelids; the comforting hand that kneaded your muscles had relieved tension that had been building up for years.
Your back glided against the couch until you lay flatly on the cushion. It was a familiar feeling, something he used to do back when you lived together.
When your fragmented leg just pulsed like an aching heart, and there was nothing you could do to quell the pain. You didn't know what to do, and with every painful throb of your injuries, you grew more spiteful every day.
You wouldn't let him touch you for months, even if it was just to help steady your frame that could barely stand on your own two feet.
But one day, you sobbed heavily and wailed due to distress. There was no strength to fight or argue when he diligently grasped your fragmented leg and iced it whilst massaging it too.
It alleviated some of the pain, and you thought you'd only allow him to help that night. But soon, you had grown dependent on his familiar touch and relished in the firmness of his calloused hands.
Just as you were now.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you concealed your eyes behind your forearm.
"How do you do it?"
Katsuki glanced at your face, unable to assess your emotion from your unreadable expression. "Do what?" He responded with perplexity.
You pursed your lips curtly as you stared into the darkness. "I mean, how... how are you still able to live here? With all the memories and-and the reminders. I can barely even look at a picture..." Your voice cracked at the end, and you could feel the glossiness taking over your conjunctiva.
He didn't respond for a moment, the strength in his hands growing faint as he thought to himself.
"It's not easy." He mumbles after a moment of silence. "It hurts all the time, just a dull aching in my chest, but... I don't want to forget the memories of my family as if it never happened."
Gingerly you slid down your arm so you could glance at his face with your one working eye. He was facing across the room, his expression one of someone lost in their thoughts.
The two of you were once childhood sweethearts, so in love. So in love with just the concept of love.
Passion never dwindled between the two of you, and instead, it felt as if it burned brighter with every passing day.
And when you became pregnant with your first child...you remember feeling so stupid for fearing the worse from him.
He took care of you like a man utterly in love would, providing everything he could offer and then some more.
God(s), you had loved him so much that you could never keep your hands off him. Such a turn of events for you to become repulsed after the incident if he even so much as brushed against you.
Your chest ached just thinking about it.
"Do you..." You ceased your words, inhaling profoundly as you questioned yourself why do you even wish to speak. "Do you remember our first kiss?"
The hero huffed, brushing his fingertips just above your knee. "How could I not? You punched me in the jaw and then pulled me down to meet your lips."
A ghost of a smile flashed over your face. "I was frustrated that a narcissistic piece of sh*t made me fall so in love with him." You crooned, waving a finger in the air teasingly.
Katsuki shook his head at the memory, fighting the grin that wanted to plaster on his lips. "Nobody made you." He quipped.
"I know." Your gaze shifted to the ceiling; the ache and pain in your leg had dissipated into a slight numbness. "But something just pulled me into you-"
When you flickered your attention to the hero's face, his dazzling vermillion optics staring back at you had felt as if they had taken your breath away.
"-like it was meant to be..."
His gaze deemed intense, it made your stomach flutter with something you believed you could never attain again.
It was difficult to look at him but there was a sense of familiarity you couldn't help but miss.
"I should sock you in the jaw again right now." You mumbled, compelling the man to bite his lips to stifle his laughter.
"Way to go ruining a moment, I thought that was my job."
Your fist flew forward and connected with his shoulder, his firm body barely even flinching from your weak attempt. His muscles were much more conformed than you remembered.
He was always fit, working out and training, but it seemed that he must have kicked it up a notch. Katsuki's body wasn't burly or extremely wide like a weightlifter; instead, everything was more defined and solid.
"Have you moved on?" You suddenly piped up; your gaze shifted to connect with your ex-spouses.
One of his ash-blond brows rose as his massaging hand grew in strength. "Hmm, once." He mumbled under his breath, breaking the intense eye contact to gaze at your leg.
"Well, what happened? I'm ever so curious, you know."
The hero inhaled deeply, his chest expanding whilst his neck muscles flexed. He appeared to be deep in thought, picking at the words carefully before speaking.
"Couldn't look at her face without seeing your sh*tty one...I would catch myself almost calling her your name nearly every time. It didn't last long for obvious reasons." The hero expressed with a gravelly tone.
You hummed at his words and shifted your body so you could be sitting up, your hands supporting yourself on the cushion. "You could have had a new family if you just worked through it. I know you could have done it."
Katsuki huffed aloud and ceased his movements on your leg. His head inclined downwards to face you whilst his jaw clenched. "I don't want a f*cking new family, (Y/n). I was going to wait for you to come back, no matter how long it was gonna f*cking take."
You swallowed thickly, your stomach fluttering for a moment until you scowled at the sensation. It made your throat desire to tighten, and your eyes glaze over with overwhelming emotions.
"What If I never was going to return?" You sought in a low voice. Your head slumped over as you shielded your eyes.
"Then I guess I would have been waiting forever." He responded breathlessly.
Your jaw clenched with teeth grinding against each other. You don't know why his words angered you, why it left your body yearning just to hold him in your arms.
To comfort you like he's done before.
Grasping a pillow behind your frame, you slammed it against his face and used his moment of hesitation to remove your legs from his lap.
You scrambled away, tripping over your fragmented leg as you utilized the tables and other couch to assist in your movement.
"Stop it!" The words were loud and clamorous with a skinny trail of tears flowing down your left eye. "I hate you! I'll always hate you! I became what I am today because of you! I was left to watch my daughter perish before my eyes and feel my own unborn son wither away inside!"
The cool wind began to swirl and wail in the living room, your hair dancing in its path with furniture beginning to tremble.
Katsuki slowly stood to his feet before he began to make his way to your frame. His face was unreadable, his expression dreary with his hands clenched by his side.
The closer he grew the more your wind picked up, your heart beating in your ears with your throat clenching.
"Stay away from me!"
He easily dodged a blast of wind that sent the couch the two of you were once resting on to now collide with the wall.
The hero suddenly ambled towards you with quickened footsteps that had your flight or fight reflex activated.
You were scared. Terrified of his actions in your vulnerable state.
His calloused hands rose in the air, and you braced yourself for some sort of impact, but it never came. Instead, he held your face in his rough palms and connected his lips with yours.
Those familiar warm lips had everything inside of you fluttering.
You wanted to pull away, to just f*cking hurt him, but you couldn't. Rather, your hands grasped his shoulders whilst you kissed back instead.
It was heated, the two of you kissing in a desperate but enraged manner. It was an action that was long overdue but was laced with bouts of fury.
"I hate you." You would huff every time you needed to pull away for air.
"I love you." Was what he would respond when he forced himself to breathe when all he wanted to do was stay connected to you.
Your weight leaned on his body, and the heat of his skin wafted onto yours and warmed your frigid insides.
"Stop touching me." You ordered under your breath when he pulled away and established his place along your neck.
"Then stop holding me." He retorted just as breathlessly.
You didn't realize your hands were grasping onto his body frantically as if you would let go and he would disappear.
Not finding the strength to respond, you remained silent; your ex-spouse's hands reached down to your thighs and hauled your body upwards.
He wrapped your legs around his waist and ambled away out of the living room. His action left you hazy, your mind was fuzzy from his touch, and your tummy was tingling.
The hero's mouth sucked and nipped at the exposed flesh on your neck, the throbbing sensation immediately shooting down to your cl*t.
Your puffs came out long and breathless, the sensation something you hadn't received in so long. The pads of his fingers pressed into the flesh of your thighs whilst the front of his pants began to bulge against your crotch.
Placing your lips against his ear, you lightly grazed your teeth on his lobe. "Getting hard just from kissing?" You taunted, the corner of your lips quirking into a grin.
His response was to grasp you by the waist and fling your body onto a soft surface. Your limbs flailed from the fall, but you quickly recognized the scenery.
The two of you were back in your bedroom; everything appeared to be the same as before, with no differences.
Your ex-spouse wasted no time taking a position above yours, his knees caging your legs whilst his hands slipped under your shirt.
The calloused pads of his fingers pushed your bra upwards and immediately latched themselves onto your nipples.
Your breath became stuck in your throat, the pinching on your body permitting your hips to jerk and jaw to clench.
"Your chest seems to say the same thing." He mocked, his usual cocky grin plastering on his face. "Hard and sensitive just from a little kiss?"
You scowled at him, your hands flying to grasp his wrist to pull him away, but he responded by tweaking your nipples.
The sensation had you bite your tongue to still a cry, but the male could tell by your sudden silence. He released his hold so he could grasp the ends of your long sleeve and pull it over your head.
His grin only grew when you rose your arms to assist him. You scrunched your nose in response and looked away, unable to maintain his smoldering gaze.
However, once your top was removed his breath became stuck in his throat. His vermillion optics narrowed down onto the golden ring attached to a chain around your neck.
He reached towards it with a shaky hand, entrapped by the sight of your wedding ring, the band that displayed to others that you were his wife.
"I thought..." His tongue lacked the strength to continue, his gaze stuck on the words inside the jewelry that he had carved.
My first love & my last
"I-I watched you throw the damn thing into the ocean!"
Your frowned, your hands reaching for his wrist to pull him away, but his strength far surpassed your own.
Huffing, you shifted your gaze to meet his, and the scowl immediately fell upon the sight of his glossy, vibrant, vermillion eyes.
The strongest man you had ever known...was brought to tears upon the sight of your wedding ring. Something so sentimental that you mocked him for when your marriage became sour.
At the time when you had launched the jewelry item into the water, you remember laughing at his expression of turmoil. Even as you declared your love for him to be nonexistent, he still maintained his response of waiting for you, no matter what.
"I faked it." You mumbled. "...I needed to try and move on, and so did you, but I couldn't let it go. It was the one thing that I couldn't get rid of."
The hero inhaled deeply as he slowly reached down and unclasped the necklace. He removed the cold golden band and gazed at it in the palm of his hand.
He swallowed thickly, his adam's apple bobbing before he cast his gaze back onto your face.
"You have never stopped being my wife in my eyes, (Y/n). I married you all those years ago to be there for you through anything. To help when you felt like the world was against you."
Katsuki reached for your left hand and gazed at your ring finger. "I'm sorry if I made it seem like you couldn't confide in me. I'm sorry for putting everything else above you and Nadine before it was too late..."
He rose your hand to his lips and pressed them against your skin. A skinny trail of liquid could be felt trickling onto your fingers.
"I failed as a husband and a father."
Your lips quivered from his words, emotions flooding your system like a dam bursting. You had to swallow down a sob as you reached for his other hand that held your ring.
Guilt entrapped your heart as you came face to face with your issues. You know it wasn't his fault; you know you can't blame him anymore. You've been telling yourself the same thing for years.
Sh*tty things happen to good people for no reason, and it's about working through it.
"Put it back on me." Katsuki's optics flickered open to meet your gaze. "Put the ring back on my finger, please..."
The man hesitated, his body stiff as he contemplated profoundly.
"Put the f*cking ring on my finger and f*ck me, or I'll just do it myself."
"Don't rush me, woman!"
You scrunched your nose in response. Katsuki placed a lingering kiss on your ring finger before carefully sliding on the gold band.
The cool metal was a familiar sensation that made your tummy swirl and tingle. The sight was a bit nostalgic, like the memory years ago when he first placed the engagement ring on your finger and now mashing together.
Flexing your hand, you glanced back at the male and cocked your head to the side on the mattress.
"I'm not gonna say I love you just because we reconciled; I still hate you." You stated, which yielded a minuscule smile to appear on the man's lips.
"I didn't expect you to." He hummed to himself while leaning forward. The hero pressed his lips against your stomach, littering your bare skin with wet kisses until he switched to sucking the soft flesh.
Katsuki's hands migrated to your back, his fingers unclipping your bra, and were quick to remove it from your torso.
You were bare; the moonlight peering in from the windows allowed for the man to view your the way your chest rose and fall with your ragged breathing.
A few patches of skin were scarred and gnarled from the fire all those years ago. Gingerly his hands traveled to the area on the side of your ribs and caressed the sensitive layer.
"Don't touch it." You ordered, your lips quivering in disgust as you grasped his wrist and attempted to pull him away.
He leaned upwards to gaze at your face; however, you refused to meet his eyes. His hold on your body grew tighter, your ribs pressing into his palms while he leaned forward.
You could hear his breathing grow closer as his lips lightly met your cheek. He continued his smooches down to your jawline...around the curve of your throat...his tongue sweeping against your bare collarbone before he reached back upwards and grasped your chin with his hands.
Slowly your glossy (e/c) optics met his, your one working eye taking in his moonlit appearance. "You are so pretty." He breathed as if he were in the presence of an immortal deity.
His face leaned downwards so he could place a single swift kiss on your lips. "And I love everything about you, marked or not."
The hero's words were snatching the air from within your lungs, forcing the inner corner of your eyes to burn with more tears fogging your eyes.
Your hands flew to shield your eyes from his probing gaze whilst a hiccup reverberated into the air. You felt so vulnerable and overwhelmed by the event taking place.
Years you had spent insulting your own self, disgusted by your appearance, revolted by your disabilities.
You've never allowed anyone to get close enough to sway you off your negative thoughts or appreciate your body.
Much less receiving attention from your estranged husband that always had a place in your shrunken heart, even if you always denied it.
You felt like a crybaby for the number of times you've wept this night. It was a weakness, a sore spot that you never wanted to acknowledge.
Distracted by your thoughts, you didn't even realize that your husband removed your shoes and was peeling down your pants.
"W-Wait!" You stuttered, your thighs clenching together in an attempt to stop his movements. "There's...There's more burn's on my legs."
He shook his head lightly, his ash-blond hair glimmering in the moonlight. "And? I love every part of it too."
Your lips pursed curtly as you stayed silent but slowly you relaxed your legs and allowed for your husband to remove your pants and undergarment.
The vulnerability only grew with your complete nudeness, everything on for show. He could see it all now, the small scarred and burn patches along your legs, the imperfections and indents in your left shin from your numerous surgeries.
Embarrassing it all was to appear damaged and wounded but the man above you didn't appear to think the same.
His breathing became audible, his hands gingerly dusting across your legs as if he couldn't believe you were real, as if you were a dream that had finally managed to come true.
Your tummy fluttered whilst your cl*t throbbed from his actions. The mound between your legs felt slick with arousal as your body yearned for sensations you hadn't felt in years.
Leisurely the hero's calloused fingers reached down to your left shin where he rose it off the soft mattress.
Just like how his lips met your neck and he kissed it with fervor, he did the same along the deep scars. He trailed his smooches all over so nothing was left untouched.
He admired your wounds while you were appalled by them.
How could this man love you so much? How could he still kiss you when you had blood on your hands, both innocent and villainous?
Katsuki should know how disgusting your body is, so why was he still able to touch you as if you weren't repulsive?
"Do you love me?" You questioned, barely able to speak with a voice.
The man's vermillion optics flickered up to meet your gaze as he placed one more kiss on the surgical scar under your knee.
"I love you like you love the stars." He murmured along your leg, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You didn't respond. Instead, you laid back silently and allowed him to continue. His warm wet kisses resumed their assault on your skin as he rose up your leg, advancing up your inner thighs that had you already trembling.
By the time he finally reached your c*nt, he could visibly see the strings of slicks attaching to your bottom.
Was it the fact that you hadn't been touched in years that left you so sensitive? Or maybe it was because your estranged husband dipped every kiss with passion, already well-versed in what made you quake and tremble?
It was embarrassing, but the man didn't tantalize or mock you for it; no he simply appeared as a starved beast.
"Pretty girl." He murmured lowly, his breathing hitting your sensitive c*nt which yielded a quick short inhale.
Katsuki gripped your thighs and separated them like smooth butter. Just as how he kissed every inch of your body, his lips smooched on the edges of your sl*ts.
You whimpered aloud, clenching over nothing and desiring for him to kiss that throbbing cl*t. It was as if your heartbeat fell down to the bud, pulsating for attention.
Too proud and stubborn to tell him what you wanted, you let his slow kisses and licks torture you until finally his lips wrapped around your cl*t and sucked.
"A-Ah~!" The wail was louder than you expected. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment whilst your hands flew down to his spiky hair.
You tangled your fingers within his locks and tugged, his lips forming into a coy grin against your skin.
The hero didn't convey any snarky remarks to your reaction. He removed his mouth around your cl*t so he could lick along your entrance that secreted your arousal.
Your slick was hot, practically burning against the flat pad of his tongue but he devoured it like liquor and craving more like an addict.
"F*ck!" You cursed under your breath as your husband greedily consumed your essence.
Sweat coated in your skin on the mattress, your hair stuck to your jaw, and your bruised neck.
His tongue was like heaven with the way passion jolted and spread up your abdomen and legs. You were consumed in a hazy lust, entrapped in intense eros that had your tongue lay heavy in your mouth.
Whatever was transpiring out his intimate licking and sucking was unknown to you. Katsuki knew such facts and used them to his advantage.
Two of his fingers prodded at your hole for a moment before pressing in and sliding inside until he was knuckle deep.
A gasp lay stuck in your throat, your hips bucking upwards with your heated walls clenching around his extremities.
The pressure of a part of himself penetrating into you had your stomach fluttering. Your toes curled, your lone thigh that he had released to enter you had slammed against his head.
He hummed at your reaction, his lidded gaze meeting yours for a moment as he observed the way you could barely even breathe properly.
It was as if his belly was not only becoming full with your juices, but also the sight of your debauched expression.
Words couldn't explain the way your abdomen tingled and spread throughout all of your veins. The tugging on his hair grew harsher the more the ache in your bellow grew.
His fingers felt more of your natural lubrication seeping out of your entrance, indicating to him your growing arousal. Clearly, you were enjoying it, especially with the way you sucked in your abdomen and squeezed around him.
In between licking your bundle of nerves, he placed kisses against your cl*t. His delicate plump lips apply a bit of pressure as he played around, tested spots inside that had you melting beneath him.
You wanted more, the sensation of reaching a peak so close but so far. Slowly you ground your hips up and down across his face, feeling a smirk on his lip.
Katsuki's long nimble fingers began to move, pulling out causing you to clench down even more on his extremities. You didn't want to release any of him at all, even if it was just his fingers.
The hero's fingers gradually began to thrust at a consistent pace. It was slow at first, allowing for him to feel the strength of your clenching velvety walls and witness the way you ground your hips harder for more stimulation.
He pulled back to swallow the slick that accumulated in his mouth before hollowing his cheeks again and swirling his tongue around your sensitive area. The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within your bedroom
The male observed your concupiscence-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your lips stood agape and your eyes became glossy.
He could see your stomach rising and falling with every quick sharp breath you made. Suddenly he hummed, letting the vibrations stimulate the sensorial nerves.
It felt like a tingling sensation that was becoming almost too overwhelming. You tugged on his hair and swallowed whatever saliva was in your mouth strenuously.
Your husband gave your little cl*t another lick before his tongue dragged downwards, circling around slits before letting some of your liquids of arousal pool on his tongue just below your entrance. The action caused you to shudder and contract your stomach.
He wasn't even doing much but he had you dripping. The pace of his fingers was not even fast but he was pressing them against the sensitive areas inside your body.
You knew the man used to have you writhing, unable to walk for long periods of time but this...this was mindboggling. When did he get so skilled?
The mess couldn't have been any hotter for the hero. He pulled his tongue away only for a moment so he could kiss the slick, swallowing it with throaty gulps before returning back to your cl*t.
His plump lips pressed against it once again before he turned his head to the side and began to litter your thighs with kisses as well.
He made sure to pay extra attention to small burnt and scarred patches that yielded your limbs to tingle just as well.
Those wounds were so repulsive, you hated looking at them in the mirror but caressed them with his tender lips.
Katsuki began to suck on your soft supple skin, leaving behind red/purple bruises that stung with pain but tingled with pleasure.
All while at the same time he let the pace of his fingers increase and he brushed against sensitive spots inside.
There was this feeling in your lower abdomen, it was a pulsating sensation that was growing stronger by the second, alerting you of your nearing climax.
The ash-blonde could tell as well by the way you bucked your hips and moaned aloud. You were squeezing so tight around his fingers he knew that your body was approaching an org*sm.
His hand that had been holding your hips moved your left thigh where he was littering them love bites and he began to intimately trail the tips of his fingers against your sensitive skin.
Your thighs clamped tighter against his head as you squeezed your lower body around him. It was overwhelming with how good the man was doing and you hate to say, but damn, did you miss it.
Your throat was dry, your neck muscles hurt from the strain, and you felt exhausted. Your spine had a small divet in it, slightly arched and off the table.
Katsuki pulled back to look at his handiwork on your skin, a part of him enjoyed the sight of the marking he placed on your body. Something he had long overdue for years.
Teasingly slow he breathed in the scent of your arousal and lowered himself back on your sensitive nerves.
He hummed, grazing your cl*t slightly with his teeth before resuming to sucking it. He knew you were close, so close. Your body was notably heated against his face, burning with passion and desire the most out of anywhere in your body.
He hummed joyously and heaved a heavy sigh. "I've missed this taste."
Your hips bucked against his face, your fingers tugging harsher on his spiky hair. You were so close.
The feelings you were experiencing were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulated. You knew you were getting to end, right the edge of the cliff where you'd fall into a pool of blinding satisfaction.
And before you knew it your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body, surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
"A-Ah~! Sh*t!" Your voice was louder than it had before as you cried out.
Your stomach contracted, the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing his fingers so tight you thought you might break them.
Harshly your thighs clasped even more firmly against his head in a death hold that didn't look like it was going to loosen anytime soon.
With your spine arching from your climax, you lied your head back against the bed with your swollen lips parted. The sight itself was astounding for your husband.
The unadulterated ecstasy that displayed on your face was something the male just wish he could eat up. He couldn't have been any prouder of the fact that he had you in such a vulnerable state, shaking, barely even able to breathe because of the intense release he brought you to.
Katsuki leisurely lapped up the liquids of your climax, taking his time as he savored the taste and the texture of it against the soft pads of his tongue.
It had you shaking profoundly beneath him, twitching from your oversensitivity. Your eyes felt so heavy you could barely keep them open, fatigue took over all your limbs leaving you limp and quite feeble.
He pulled away slowly and kissed your cl*t as if it was a delicate flower. The action had you jolt in your spot and pull his head away from in between your legs.
His lips were a coy grin that dripped with your climax. The sight of it should have been embarrassing but there was just something about it that made your desire grow.
Releasing his hair you grasped the back of his neck and pulled him down to connect his lips with yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue that mixed with the taste of himself.
It was er*tic the way your naked sweaty body rested beneath him, greedily sucking on his tongue.
Your knee brushed against his crotch, the painful tent in his cargo pants so obviously in a desire to be plunged in your warmth.
He huffed in between the kiss with one of his hands grasping your cheek in his palms and pushing you deeper into the kiss.
So hungry, so ravenous the both of you were. It was beginning to turn animalistic with the way every thought dispersed from your heads and all there was left was the need to be conjoined.
Frantically the hero removed his wifebeater before doing the same with bottoms and boxers. He grasped your thighs so he could position himself between your legs and rested his heavy appendage on your tummy.
It went well past your navel with the tip dripping its pre-c*m onto your bruised torso.
Your fingers dragged down his firm chest, flicking over his nipple as he heaved a heavy sigh between the kiss.
"Think you can take me again?" He breathed, resting his forehead against yours with his thumb caressing your thighs.
You grinned at his words and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, the skin already slick with sweat. "Unless you're going to take away the sight of my other eye then I think I can."
He laughed in his throat as he released one of your legs to angle his body back and press the tip of his swelling c*ck at your drenched hole.
"Trust me; I'm gonna make you see white." He hummed.
Katsuki flicked the thick heavy head of his c*ck against your cl*t before resuming its place back at your entrance.
His hips pushed forward slowly, easing into you graciously. With every inch he entered in, you could feel the stretch of your body sending jolts all throughout your nerves.
It had been so long since you've been filled with something so warm, so rigid with stimulating veins along its surface.
You pulled his face down into your chest, your legs squeezing around his hips as the both of you sucked in a heavy breath.
The warm tight sensation of your body squeezing, molding around him had his throat tightening and hands gripping onto your thighs firmly.
It was a moment where neither one of you spoke and instead relished in the sensation of finally being together after years of separation.
Something about it just felt so right.
His crotch met yours when his length sheathed its entire self deep inside. There was no space between your bodies, the both of your chests pressing against one another, hands gripping each other's body.
How was it that his hips haven't even begun rocking and the both of you were already out of breath?
Was this just l*st or love?
You didn't know; you didn't care.
The close proximity of your bodies had the room become a feverish sauna. It only aided in arousing you more.
He was so deep inside, kissing your cervix that he could be felt twitching against your velvety walls.
"What? You're gonna c*m already?" You jeered.
The ash-blond huffed and rose his head so he could meet your gaze with his vermillion optics. "I recover fast."
Before you could reply, the hero rocked his hips back, his c*ck slipping from your depths. He could feel the way with every inch that was removed; you tightened as if refusing to let him go.
Answering your body's plea, he rolled himself back in, the tip grazing against those sensorial spots deep and shallow inside.
You found your voice only for a moment to cry out desperately. Only incoherent words were able to leave your lips and reverberate into the room.
Your mouth felt dry, your mind blanked, and the heat of your body increased. You couldn't help but feel a little dizzy from it all.
An intense org*sm already had been flushed through your veins, and he was arousing another so quickly. Your tummy tingled at the feeling of being so full.
It was like eating a large meal that made your stomach feel heavy and tired. Such a remarkable sensation that you could never ever forget.
An arch formed in your spine while you gripped onto his shoulders for dear life, with nails threatening to draw blood.
A lusty shaky moan left your lips that was mixed with his low grunts and groans. Drool dribbled down the corner of your lips as your teeth drove against each other tightly.
His c*ck twitched inside, and if possible, it felt as if he grew a size bigger with the way it swelled. "A-Ah." It came out from you broken, high-pitched.
You clenched down securely, the little butterflies that were felt dancing around in your tummy intensified.
At first, you thought his fingers and tongue were mindboggling inside of you, but clearly, you were wrong.
You had forgotten what he felt like inside of you, and Katsuki Bakugo was going to make sure you never forget again.
Your head was thrown back against the bed, your body jolting in the intimate missionary position. Your hips bucked against him as your tense fingers hurt from how hard you gripped his body.
His hips jerked as he quickly gained momentum and rolled his hips continuously. Katsuki at first attempted to be much more tender and take his time but he too was losing himself in the heat of your body.
He was using every muscle of his body to penetrate you deeply and ripple pleasure through your veins.
The male was being clenched down by your inner walls, sucking him in even deeper. The head of his c*ck just briefly brushing against your cervix.
Your core that was clenching down on his member fitted tighter around him, allowing you to feel every thick vein that protruded against the skin of his c*ck.
You molded so tightly around him as if your body was trying to keep him inside as much as possible. You never wanted to let him go.
The pace of his delightfully rocking hips grew. Every time he rocked his hips forward he pressed the head of his c*ck harder against the entrance to your womb.
Your moans of pleasure grew louder from his actions, your own body writhing and crying out for more. The man could barely make out some of the mumblings he was hearing from you but there were some things he could make out.
He could hear clearly when you begged for more of him. He could hear just how good he was making you feel.
The force he used to rock his hips made your body bounce on the mattress.
Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head and a slight ringing appeared in your ears.
That memorable sensation in your lower abdomen returned. A tight pulsating feeling that could only mean one thing.
Your org*sm was arising, your abdomen clenching while you sucked in your stomach. The pressure of one of his hands pressing down on your tummy added an extra sense of pleasure.
Katsuki grunted aloud and doubled the pace of his thrust as every firm muscle of his tightened and flexed. His crotch met yours with a rhythmic clap as his c*ck began to pulsate at the entrance to your womb.
Your whole body was trembling as your climax grew closer and closer. Your peak was there at the edge. You could feel it once again, waiting to be released.
His rolling hips increased, sloppy but intense as he focused more on reaching deep and hitting your sensitive areas.
Your body that was already as tight as can be held even tighter onto him than before causing another low grunt to leave his lips.
"You take me so well, baby."
With the overwhelming amount of stimulation flooding through your body, the tight tingling sensation in your lower abdomen basically released.
You cursed under your breath, your words slurred and barely audible from biting into the covers. Your toes curled, your thighs pressing against his toned hips and squeezing him as tightly as you could.
He leaned forward for a moment to place a kiss on your marked ribs before doing the same on your swollen lips
"Squeeze me just like that." He hummed. "C*m so I can see your pretty face like before."
Every muscle in your body contracted with your body tensing up while you sucked in your stomach.
A second org*sm raked through your body, and the male couldn't believe how much tighter you could squeeze down on him as you came.
The liquids of your org*sm milked his c*ck, the presence of it being seen on his member every time he had pulled out.
You reached the very peak of your ecstasy as it burst and spread all throughout your body. Pleasure rushed throughout your veins like adrenaline would.
You saw white with your hearing suddenly zoning in and out, the only thing you could catch was the man's muffled grunts and groans in your ears.
"K-Katsuki!" You had called his name for the first time in years and it made all bit of control and constraint diminish from his body.
He was hitting the deepest areas of your body while the heat of his skin wafted off onto yours. His large hands held you so tight as he absolutely dominated your frame.
The creamy white liquid of your org*sm pooled around the base of his c*ck and spread across your folds that were already sopping wet.
As the ash-blond continued to thrust sloppily, the liquids of your arousal and climax smeared all over his crotch and dripped down your bottom cheeks.
Just having another intense climax not even a moment later had made everything extra sensitive. You quivered underneath, unable to hold back the deafening cries of pleasure.
Katsuki could feel you trembling underneath him and knew that it was the perfect time to let himself go.
And not even a moment later did the male suddenly feel that unbearably tight tingling sensation in his abdomen, signifying he reached the peak of his org*sm.
Ecstacy flowed through his veins as his member twitched within your walls. His pace slowed as he came, his c*ck spurting out thick hot jets of c*m that pooled within your womb.
He painted your insides white as he pressed his chest against your own and wrapped his arms around your torso. He pressed himself so hard against your frame it was as if he trying to connect your bodies together forever.
The sensation of his release spilling into you felt ever so warm, like a heating pad atop your abdomen where your womb was.
"F*ck baby, you're sucking me dry." His voice was right in your ear, the deep gutturalness of his tone rattling your bones.
He slowed his hips until he was unmoving and still inside of you. He pumped every bit of what he had inside and drove it as deep as he could inside your body.
You hummed softly, releasing his slightly bleeding shoulders whilst you swallowed the saliva in your mouth. It quenched the itchiness in the back of your throat and subdued the uncomfortableness.
Much like your husband's words from earlier that night, his c*ck swelled healthily inside again, and he was quick to switch you into a different position.
You stared at him with wide eyes that quickly fluttered shut with another thrust of his hips.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
The rising and falling of his bare chest were rhythmical, followings its own tune with every subconscious breath he took.
You don't know how long you've observed his peaceful frame, but you desired to memorize every single attribute that was visible.
The faint scent of his cologne wafted into your lungs which you greedily devoured like it was your last breath. With careful and cautious movements, you used the table next to the bed to stand on your feet.
You limped along the wall as you exited the bedroom and ambled weakly to the living room. Your thighs ached, and so did the back of your knees.
It was odd for your legs to hurt not of pain but fatigue, you kind of liked it.
The cool metal of your cane was a sensation you didn't realize you had missed until now. Using its stability to assist in your walking, you made your way to the patio doors where you opened it.
Stepping out into the backyard in the dead of night, cool wind brushed against your skin. Even with your clothes covering your body, goosebumps still rose across your limbs.
You tapped the cane lightly on the wooden porch before resting against the railing. Your thoughts began to swirl, as you remembered something.
How much longer was Esau going to be?
Even if you had somewhat reconciled with your husband, nothing was going to be the same anymore. You still held love for him within your shrunken heart, but it wasn't like it was before.
It just wasn't the same.
You couldn't kiss him without remembering how your lips spewed hate and war. You couldn't continue to touch him with your tainted hands of blood and crimes.
As ironic as it was, Katsuki was purer than you could ever be, and to even be around him felt wrong. He wasn't part of your world anymore and you could never be part of his.
You made it your life's goal to make everyone else feel your pain, whether it was them disabling too or killing them with no remorse.
How could you stay with Katsuki when he dedicated his life to arresting people like you?
A sigh left your lips, its noise becoming silenced by the howling wind. A creak immediately caught your attention which prompted you to angle your head back to see the source of the bluster.
The sight of his distinguishable ash-blond hair came into view, and you relaxed instantly. "You were snoring fairly loudly; I didn't think you would wake up so soon." You mused, turning the rest of your body, so your back rested against the railing.
Katsuki rolled his vermillion optics with amusement as he stepped forward to your body. His arms wrapped around your waist and held you close to his chest.
You could hear his steady heartbeat and the warmth of his body through your clothes. Your face fell upon the contact, your mind just thinking of how repulsive your body was compared to him.
In the midst of your l*stful and almost drunken haze, you didn't have the ability to stop his tender, intimate touches.
Your hands rested on his chest as you attempted to pull away. "Katsuki-" The rest of your words were replaced with a gasp.
A searing pain spread through your back, every nerve igniting on fire. You glanced down with jerking movements; the tip of something pointed peaked out scarcely from your chest.
The heat of your heavily bleeding wound was slowly starting to dissipate and replace with a numbing coldness.
A trail of the same metallic liquid trickled down from the corner of your lips. Glancing up with the same jerking movements, you gazed into the hero's glimmering vermillion optics.
"Ah." The sound was barely above the howling wind. "Thank you." You grinned at him so brilliantly it rivaled the stars. "Thank you so much for finally letting me go..."
With the last bit of energy you had, you closed your glossy (e/c) eyes and caressed his warm cheek one last time with your tainted hands.
Katsuki carefully lowered your body onto the wooden porch while removing the weapon he used to take away your miserable life.
He laid your arms across your chest, posing you like an angelic angel as his figure began to shimmer. Where you once thought stood your estranged husband now visibly revealed it was the body of another.
Of Esau.
His earthy brown optics gazed upon your face, a trail of blood following the path of his fingers before he stood to his feet.
Without even batting an eye, he twisted his torso to avoid a powerful blast that split a tree in two behind him.
Almost leisurely, he glanced up and met with the enranged face of the Hero Dynamight.
"You, what did you do to (Y/n)!?" He bellowed, hands flaring in color as he readied himself to attack again.
The young man simply directed his attention back down to your frame. "You weren't going to give her what she wanted, so I decided to do it for you." He replied cooly.
Katsuki shot his body forward, his palms blasting explosions. "That wasn't your f*cking decision to make!"
Esau elegantly twisted away with refined movements, and he held his hands out, one of them clutching your black cane.
"This was her wish, to be reunited with Nadine and Zahir by your own hands."
At that very moment, Katsuki Bakugo realized that he had once again lost his first and last love. Only this time, you wouldn't ever come back to him again.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Villain! BNHA AU- Our Little Apprentice: Episode-Todoroki Pt1
Triggers- Fem! Reader, talks of cheating, violence,
Episode-PROLOGUE| Episode-Deku| Episode- Bakugou
Now playing- Episode: Todoroki
O.R.C.H.I.D- Kink Unlocked : Temperature Play
“Y/N please let’s talk about this!”
“Talk about what?!” you snapped. “The fact that I FOUND you with your tongue down some girl’s throat?” your voice wavered. “AND DO NOT TELL ME IT WAS FOR THE CAMERAS.” you held out a threatening finger. “How could you do this to me?”
“Y/N I would never! I didn’t! My agency thinks I should be with her to boost my reputation! They probably fabricated the whole thing with someone who looked like me!”
“What did you say in response?” you asked. “When they said it...what did you say?”
He was silent.
“So this is about your fucking agency.” you laughed harshly. “Forget old quirkless Y/N and her clumsy ass...do you think that excuses what you did?”
“Y/N this isn’t about you being quirkless- Maybe to them but-!”
“I don’t believe you...you were wearing the bracelet I gave you for your birthday that one year...the one you suddenly lost the minute you went mainstream...Remember?”
“Maybe the others are right...you’re probably just insecure but that doesn’t mean-.”
Your face faltered as those words left his lips. “Insecure?” You cut him off. “...M-me being hurt that I saw you or someone I thought willingly kissed someone else for publicity is me being insecure?” you dared to ask. “Me already having to deal with people telling you I’m a charity case...is that it?” you crossed your arms.
“That’s not what I said-”
“THAT’S HOW IT SOUNDS...I watched you kiss her like you kiss me...without so much as a hitch!”
“Y/N you’re emotional right now. Let’s please talk about this! How can I prove to you-”
(Flashback end)
“Y/N? Y/N!” Izuku waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of your daze. “Did you hear me?”
“Huh?” you raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I didn’t. What did you say?”
“I said you did a good job on the heist.” he repeated himself. “In both regards.” he winked. You felt your face heat up. “How did everything go?”
You all had returned to the warehouse. You had been zoning in and out since everyone was talking about...shit- who cared.
“A few troublemakers but I made short work of them.” you replied. “They weren’t well armed at all.”
“Well thanks to your device, we were able to successfully extort that asshole and get what we wanted, what was it’s name again?” Tenya asked.
“O.R.C.H.I.D. Short for Operative Really Cool Hyper Intelligent Device....I was 16 when I thought of it don’t judge me. She’s the most powerful super computer in the world.” 
“What made you build her?” asked Izuku. 
“I was build as a homework helper for Y/N while she was still in school. Then she gave me hyper intel to allow me to interact as humans do...along with this totally fabulous style.” the silver haired avatar gloated. 
“Aren’t you scared she’d turned against you?” Shoto asked, making you roll your eyes.
“Y/N is my creator...I’d never turn against her...you on the other hand. One command and you’re all dust.”
“She’s kidding.” you shook your head. “O.R.C.H.I.D, behave.”
“They all have muscles, they shouldn’t be scared.” your A.I rolled her eyes.
“Okay, you’re being muted.” you pressed a button that completely folded up your super computer back into a laptop sized disk.
“That still impresses me no matter how many times I see it.” Izuku shook his head.
“T-thanks.” you stared down at your fingers. “Not that I’m grateful to be here but, do I actually have a place to sleep or am I just gonna stay here with a blow up mattress.” you half joked. 
“Oh we all have our own bedrooms. I’ll show you yours now if you want.”
“That’d be great.” you nervously smile.
“G’night Y/N~” Denki sang as you passed him. “Feel free to come to my room any time.”
“No one is gonna let me live this down are they?” you whispered to yourself.
You got your answer in the form of a smack to your ass, courtesy of Katsuki who hadn’t stopped smirking since all you to the warehouse. Of course. “Y/N is easily the best piece of ass I’ve ever had.” he boasted, not caring if you could hear.
“God the things I’d do to her-”
“You and me both dude.”
“I can’t wait to bed her over and-”
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Go die, Shoto.” you spat in response as you and Izuku left the board room.
“Dude what did you do to make her hate you so much?” Kirishima asked as you walked farther down the hall. You and Izuku stopped outside a door with your name written on it in black permanent marker.
“It’s not much, but-”
“It’s perfect.” you waved him off. It was twice as big as the shoebox bedroom you used to live in. “A paint job is all it needs.” you nodded.
“Great. Um...I’ll leave you to it then...Hey Y/N?” 
“Yeah Izu-” he cut you off with a very quick peck on the lips.
“I’m really glad you’re here...really.” he grabbed your hand. “I really did miss my best friend.”
“I missed you too Izu.” your faced heated intensely like it did did when he gave you a heart-shaped cookie with your name on it for Valentines day once. “Just don’t make me regret this, okay?”
“I won’t. I promise.” he whispered. “...Night.”
“....Have nice dreams.” you called quietly as the door closed. “ORCHID, set up.”
“Setting up!”
You grabbed your handheld keyboard as you sat on the cute little twin bed they had picked out for you. “Why am I doing this?” you sighed. “I’ve always fought for the greater good.”
“...Well, and I’m sorry to say this...the greater good hasn’t treated you well since you were a child and I was only as big as a cellphone helping you with your homework. I know I’ve been against this...but maybe you should be making the world pay.”
“Weren’t you just reprimanding me for doing this like 12 hours ago? anyways...That’s what I’m afraid of. What if I have to fight the people I call my friends.”
“According to my data, no one in your graduating class has taken up hero work. All of them are imprisoned...or doing the devil’s work.”
‘Really?” you raised an eyebrow. “So it was only me and my naivety. I guess I thought since I finally got a quirk of my own, I owed it to God or whoever else was listening...cuz I thought it was a blessing.” you began undressing yourself from your day clothes.
“When you built me, you promised to use my data to help people. But you never said which side you’d fight on...you’re allowed to change your mind at any time...remember that. I just want you to be happy.”  
You nodded as your AI companion assured you. You missed your friends and Izuku was right. Humanity sucked ass. “Okay then.” you pulled your shirt over your head.  “Fine.”
“Y/N, someone’s outside your door.”
“Huh?” you looked up at your screen. 
“Not outside anymore.” a new voice grabbed your attention 
“DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!” you sent a power blast at Shoto who had barged in.
“Too slow.” he smirked, stopping it with an ice shield. “To think I can encapsulate your quirk in my palms...much like I’ve encapsulated your heart, Y/N.” he hummed as he shut the door.
“GET OUT!” you yelled, not caring if the whole damn compound could hear. You hid behind your discarded clothes. “WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!”
“I assumed you were hungry so I was told to bring you dinner.”
“And you couldn’t knock like a regular FUCKING PERSON!” you seethed. You ran behind the bed and bent down grabbing a bunch of random clothes out of your duffel. “Or leave it outside the damn door!”
“I’ve been acquainted with your body on more than one occasion Y/N.” 
You grumpily put of a pair of pajama shorts and the first shirt you saw sticking out. “Fuck off.”
“You kept my shirt?”
“Huh?” you looked down. It was a plain black button-up that you instantly recognized to be his. You stole it from him when you slept over at his place one night. “Whatever-”
“Y/N...” Shoto began. “Can we talk?”
“About what?” you crossed your arms. “I have nothing to say to you!”
“I never cheated on you...”
“This again!” you seethed. “Shoto, I am NOT worried about that right now.” You noticed he was holding a plate. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks...your favorite midnight snack as I remember.” he smiled as he set it on the table. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between us, and you hated it. 
“Remember when we first met?” he broke the silence.
“How could I forget...” you huffed.
“Need help with that?”
Your body froze as the helping hand came out of nowhere. The book you had been trying to reach was put in your hand with ease.
“Um...thanks!” you smiled nervously. You had already heard rumors from some of the girls around, but at the same time they told you not to get your hopes up.
“I’ve never seen you around here, I can only assume you’re new?”
“Mhm? Y/N L/N..I’m that quirkless girl you may have heard about.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t hear th-”
“Don’t lie. Please, it will make it easier for us to get along.” you laughed stiffly.
“S-sorry, I just didn’t think you wanted to talk about it.” he smiled. “If it’s any consolation, I also heard you were quite beautiful...”
“From who?”
“My conscious.”
“What?” you went wide eyed.
“I ...I don’t know why I said that....” he froze. “I’m sorry.” he rasped. 
“N-no, that’s okay.” you giggled. “Um....I liked it.”
(End Flashback)
“To think we’ve come so far since then.” he mused. 
“Well, things change.”
“To think something as trivial as a mistaken kiss-”
“Is that what you call it, you were practically dry humping the girl.”
“Oh, now you’re being dramatic on purpose.” he glared. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t think the ‘unce unce’ music affected your brain too” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “Seriously, it’s like you don’t even remember!”
“Y/N...are we talking about the same instance?” he raised an eyebrow. “I am very lost right now.”
“Well you shouldn’t be! You’d think you’d remember your own birthday party!”
“Birthday party?...You’re not talking about the kiss?”
“Of course I’m not talking about the kiss! I’m talking about the club!”
For some odd reason he looked hella confused. “Y/N, what on Earth are you-”
“You don’t remember walking out of a club on your 18th birthday like 7 years ago? Before graduation?”
“Y/N, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
“You are so unbelievable!” You seethed. “You don’t remember being at The King of Hearts Club in Tokyo.”
“Of course I do, it was my birthday, but Y/N...I left like 3 hours after I got there to go to your place!”
“Oh really, because I went there after Bakugou called my phone saying you were drunk as hell and needed to be picked up.” you scoffed. 
Now YOU were confused. How did he not remember?! “I wonder-....”
“Wonder what?” he asked.
“ORCHID can access video feeds...if she can get the footage- or at least coordinates”
“Already on it!” your AI companion spoke. “Shoto Todoroki entered The King of Hearts club at 8PM and left at 11:15PM”
Now you were even more confused. “But I got there at arounf 11:30...I SAW him!...Show me the camera feed! The Red Room is where I saw him.”
“Showing camera footage of The Red Room of the King of Hearts club Jan. 11th, 7 years ago.”
You watched in complete shock. The screen showed someone who very much looked like Shoto from the back, but what really killed you was the fact that the person you thought was Shoto morphed into someone else. You saw yourself on camera stomping off 45 seconds before he morphed back into someone completely different.
“My files show that the person in question has a quirk that allows them to take on the form of another.” O.R.C.H.I.D spoke. “They were arrested 3 years ago for attempting to impersonate the U.S president and is currently in the Los Angeles State Prison.”
You didn’t know how to feel, what to do, but you knew one thing....
Shoto was telling the truth...
“Oh my god.” you covered your mouth with your hands.
“I never cheated on you Y/N...I swear on my life.”
“I...I blamed you...I said I never wanted to see you again.” you whimpered. “I said those awful things to you.”
You felt your soul start to ache. 
“No- don’t do what I think you’re about to do.” he ushered up to you and held the sides of your face. “Don’t say what I think you’re about to say.”
“Shoto I spent the last 7 years of my life hating you-”
“And I sent the last 7 waiting for the day I could redeem myself.” he replied. “It’s not your fault, What you saw was your reality in that moment...whether you knew it or not. When you told me what you saw I knew something was wrong but I knew your trust in me was so fucked from the whole agency thing, that I couldn’t get you to believe me.”
You telling Izuku who also kicked his ass the next week wasn’t any help either....
“I- I...” you felt the tears sting your eyes. 
“Shh, don’t cry...please don’t cry.” he began pecking your lips. “Shhhh.” He rested his forehead against yours, and you were full on crying now. He wrapped his arms around your, holding you close for the first time in years. He always wanted to do it, he just didn’t think it would be under this circumstance. 
“I am so sorry.” you sobbed into his shoulder. “Shoto I-”
“Shh, it’s okay.” he laughed. “Please don’t cry...” 
Shoto tightened his hold on you, but you couldn’t see him clenching his fists. Watching that footage sent a chill up his spine that could curdle blood. He spent years wondering what he did only to be framed...this wouldn’t go without a little visit to the states...but for a...courtesy visit...but first-
“Y/N...” he made you look at him. “Look at me.” he held your gaze. “Oh, I missed you so much baby~ Did you miss me?”
“Um....mhm.” you sheepishly nodded.
“Then...why don’t we celebrate a little...hm?”
“What do you mean by that?” you had completely forgotten your hunger at this point.
“Let me show you~”
... To be continued (Coming Soon)
I just wanted to say....um...thanks for being patient with me...um...I haven’t been okay...but I will be..I promise. 
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kayforpay · 9 months
BKDK shower sex
Although over the years the dorms had gone from feeling strangely vast to crushingly small, the locker room at night still held that magic. Katsuki closed his eyes as he leaned against the door, breathing out sharply. The tile was cold against his feet, and the room was chilled; it was almost two in the morning, so that made sense.
He hated being awake this late, but he had woken up in a cold sweat anyway, and this was as close as he could get to running outside somewhere for space. The worst part of the dorms was constantly being around everyone. All his classmates. The teachers always nearby enough to check in. Like Katsuki needed anything but fucking space.
Just as Katsuki was tossing his clothes into his laundry basket, he heard the water turn on, and nearly jumped. Instead, he peered around the corner, and frowned. Izuku. Of course.
He didn't wanna kill Izuku anymore, sure, but that didn't mean he wanted to spend time with the bastard, either. Not that he had a choice. The sweat on his back was dry and tacky-feeling, and he wasn't about to ruin his fresh sheets with it.
Izuku yelped when Katsuki turned the water on at his end, and then laughed awkwardly. "Kacchan! You, uh, sorry. You were so quiet, you surprised me." He mumbled, hands folded over his chest like he was covering himself up.
"Am I supposed to announce myself to you, Izuku?" His voice didn't have any venom. Dreaming about his brushes with death tended to make him less concerned with arguing, after all. "Why aren't you asleep?"
While Katsuki leaned his forehead against the tile wall, Izuku huffed a sigh. "Am I supposed to justify my schedule to you? I just couldn't sleep, so I was doing some exercises in my room." The pout was so obvious in his voice, Katsuki almost laughed. A second passed in silence, and then Izuku spoke again. "It's just not like you to have trouble sleeping. You're never up this late."
Katsuki turned to face him, letting the hot water roll down his shoulders. "What do you know? I just don't usually come down here. You shouldn't be working out so much, either. I'll get out soon so you can jerk off or whatever, so stop acting so fucking weird." He rolled his shoulders, hissing at the tightness that never fully went away.
"K-Kacchan, I wasn't-- I wouldn't do something li-like that in the showers." Izuku spun, and slipped a little on the tiles, only just managing to catch himself on the wall. His face was bright red, and he seemed like he was trying desperately to avoid looking at Katsuki at all. "Just, just because you might have come down here for that doesn't mean I did!"
After a second, Katsuki's eyes slid down Izuku's chest, his stomach, and then stopped. "Wow. You're really getting worked up just because I said jerk off? Fucking nerd." He looked away from Izuku's half-hard dick, and then back.
"N-no! No, that isn't it, I wasn't--"
He didn't think when he moved forward, stepping into Izuku's space and his much cooler stream of water. He forced Izuku to back up, and caged him in with his arms. Black whip flicked little warnings around Izuku's shoulders, but didn't grab him. "What? You were thinking about me jacking off? Is that something you wanted to see, Izuku?" Katsuki's cheek brushed Izuku's when he leaned down, into his space. He felt like he was burning from how flushed he was.
"Th-that's not, that isn't it, Kacchan, I didn't think that." Izuku's voice was so low, Katsuki almost couldn't hear it. He slid a leg forward to press his thigh against Izuku's cock, and pretended not to feel himself reacting. "Kacchan-- Kacchan, don't joke-- don't joke around."
Katsuki swallowed, and put a hand on Izuku's hip. "Tell me to stop, De-- Izuku." He rubbed his thigh against Izuku's cock, and dug his fingers into Izuku's hip.
Izuku didn't say anything, didn't push Katsuki away. When Katsuki leaned down and wrapped his hands around the backs of his thighs, Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki's shoulders and let himself be lifted up. It was awkward, and the water wasn't as good of lubrication as porn had made it seem, but when Katsuki pressed Izuku's back to the wall and wrapped a hand around them both, it felt good.
He leaned his forehead on Izuku's shoulder, hips moving in short thrusts into his own fist, one of Izuku's hands curled into the hair just at the back of Katsuki's neck, but the other wrapped inexpertly around their dicks, and Katsuki swore he could feel Izuku's pulse in each ridge of scarred skin. In his ear, and just against it, Izuku was panting, barely cutting off little moans, his lips occasionally touching Katsuki's skin.
"Close your hand tighter." He huffed, letting his lips drag over Izuku's shoulder for just a second as he did. If he turned his head now, when Izuku was tucking himself into his neck so tightly Katsuki was sure he'd have a face-shaped bruise, he would probably end up kissing the green fucker. He turned his head away, rubbing his thumb over the heads of their cocks. "Don't get fucking lazy."
Izuku nodded, and Katsuki tried not to think about feeling his eyelashes against his neck, or the fact that Izuku's hand was cupping the back of his head. He focused on working himself up, which was embarrassingly easy, because Izuku's hand was different and it felt good, and not at all, he told himself, because Izuku's shampoo smelled like it always did and he sounded like he always did and he was there against him.
He came with a grunt, shoving Izuku harder into the wall, and turned his head again, to Izuku's shoulder. It only took a few more moments for Izuku to get off, and then they just stayed still for a few more minutes, gasping the damp air and, at least for Katsuki, trying not to let his legs go out from under himself.
At least now he would be able to sleep, he thought, letting Izuku down. They didn't look at each other, and when Katsuki was scrubbing himself with body wash, he acted like glancing over his shoulder at Izuku leaving was unrelated to anything else. He just needed to get to sleep, and not think about this too much.
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madmanwonder · 9 months
When Cathleen shakes hands with Yagi and says his name... she makes it clear that he can't stop thinking about her in a sexual way everytime they say her name or her hero name around him. She wants him to desire her as much as she desires him. For example later on when Izuku goes to him and talks about his team up with Cathleen... Yagi pictures her in something sexy and acting that way as well. This will be tough for him to deal with.
Cathleen: Hello [All-Might]. I am Cathleen Bate, aka Star and Stripe, The No. 1 Pro Hero of the United States of America.
Yagi: Nice to meet you, Bate-San...
The beautiful, well-muscled American woman shook the huge, strong hand of the towering, muscle-bound Japanese who grinned with his signature grin as he shook the beautiful woman who look so stunning and sensual in her skintight bodysuit...
Yagi blinked as he shakes his head at the strange erotic thought in mind. Wondering why he was thinking something so bizzare about the admittedly beautiful and sexy woman.
Yagi: *Thinking* It probably nothing...
Cathleen: *Lean Close and Whisper* When you hear my name. Either Cathleen Bate or Star-&-Stripe...You will think sexual thoughts~
Several Hours Later
Izuku: Excuse me, All-Might. Are you going to team up with Star-&-Stripe for your future team-up?
All-Might was about to answer until a thought of Star-&-Stripe posing like a swimsuit model in a scandalous swimsuit a size too small revealing her well-muscled, curvaceous body to him...
All-Might: *Thinking* Kami-Sami...help me....
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 11 months
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tinypalm · 2 years
She updated (ch. 9)! I really liked this chapter more 🥹. The smut in the chapter was needed.
Blurb of story:
Human life has its seasons and cycles because no one's personal chaos is permanent...
It’s been three years since your husband Bakugo passed. Everything seems empty, devoid of color and barren of life as you remain frozen in the same place. Worried from watching you tread the same, never ending cycle, Izuku proposes an idea to break it. And you start to think maybe winter might change into spring.
Reader/ Izuku Midoriya
Reader/ Katsuki Bakugo
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angelsdevils · 2 years
𝕄𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 𝔸𝕔𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕞𝕚𝕒 𝕞.𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
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key:  ♡ sfw //  ☆ nsfw //  ♤ suggestive //  ☁ angst //🖤depression mentions
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© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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angels4 · 2 years
Ik denk dat het verhaal " Deku x Uraraka " door Tobylover19 op Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/319199339?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=Tobylover19&wp_originator=U2d5sKZ0LuKyJDHLPPEOi8XGxyWBRIP%2F8EIRRRIIAWo7OVaPiWhLCjdmNHWeqWHho9so4OQF1I0OzwI4BYQFuZ%2Fq5YBUBPNPpb7KRM8k4OfP8wiWa5P3BGehuuJZMDB%2B echt iets voor jou is
Mine first Deku xUraraka is finised
It's a One shot and it's 16+ because of lemon.
Please check it out
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Anger Management
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summary: after discovering that Izuku has gotten into U.A, Katsuki decides to take out his frustrations on you.
tags: NSFW, explicit, non-con, fem!reader
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Katsuki can’t believe what he’s hearing.  
“It’s just incredible!” the principal gushes. “To think that not only one, but two of our students managed to get into U.A! And your acceptance in particular is a miracle among miracles, Midoriya!”  
Izuku chuckles sheepishly, and beside him, Katsuki stands perfectly still. Surely, his ears must be deceiving him. Otherwise, how in the fuck did a Quirkless piece of shit manage to pass the most difficult entrance exam in the entire country?  
He must have cheated. There’s no other explanation. Katsuki grits his teeth, having to suffer through the rest of the principal’s spiel, even though he wants nothing more than to unleash a few explosions and completely blow up the room.  
But against all odds, Katsuki manages to hold himself back.  
At least, until he’s away from the teachers’ discerning eyes.  
“Deku, you fucking asshole!” Katsuki roars, grabbing Izuku by the collar of his shirt and screaming unabashed. “What kind of tricks did you pull to get into U.A? How in the hell did you cheat your way through the exam? I told you from the start to go somewhere else!”  
God, how badly Katsuki wants to beat the shit out of him right now. He has no qualms about doing it. Who does this bastard think he is, constantly undermining him and acting like he’s the hottest shit to walk the Earth? At the end of the day, he’s nothing but a Quirkless, spineless wimp. Any moment now and he’ll start crying like a little bitch, just like he always does.  
But much to Katsuki’s horror, for the first time ever, Izuku stands his ground.  
“Someone told me... that I can become a hero,” Izuku grits out, swallowing his tears before they can overflow. “I’ve worked hard... and I’ve earned the right to do this. So, no matter what you say, I’m going!”  
With a hasty gasp, Izuku pushes away from him and breaks free. Once again, Katsuki finds himself standing still with a blank, disbelieving expression.  
Deku got into U.A. That loser Deku... he seriously got into the same school as me?  
Katsuki feels sick to his stomach, and the rage bubbling up to the surface is so overwhelming that it threatens to swallow him whole.  
You have the misfortune of crossing his path at the worst possible moment.  
“Katsuki?” you call out with a frown. “What’s going on? Why are you just standing there? I’m pretty sure you didn’t have cleaning duty today.”  
It takes a few moments, but he eventually turns towards you.  
Quite frankly, he’s in no mood to be dealing with anyone, let alone one of the most talkative people in his entire class. You’re a social butterfly in every sense of the word, which is probably why you’re almost never alone. Really, seeing you all by yourself like this is an oddity.  
“By the way, I heard you got into U.A,” you beam. “That’s awesome. You said you were gonna do it, and then you really pulled it off. I’m happy for you.”  
Katsuki narrows his eyes. He has no use for words of empty praise. It makes him feel needy, and he knows he’s better than anyone else, so why should their opinions of him matter? Normally, he would’ve probably told you to piss off and get lost, but right now, he’s so angry that it’s actually making him stay rather quiet. 
Suddenly, he has a thought.  
You’re incredibly popular. Not just because you’re so friendly with everyone, but it’s common knowledge that a lot of people in the class have a crush on you. And as much as it pains Katsuki to admit, he can understand why. He’s always thought you’re very pretty—not that he would ever consider wasting his time with dating someone, but still. Based off appearance alone, you’re quite easy on the eyes.  
So, even though Katsuki doesn’t have a crush on you, he knows that Izuku does.  
Izuku’s never been good at hiding his embarrassment. It's clear as day how he feels about you, based on how quickly he turns red whenever you spare him a few words in class. Granted, Izuku is shy around most girls in general, but Katsuki can tell that you hold a special place in his heart.  
Izuku likes you. Izuku wants you.  
If Katsuki takes you for himself, then maybe, just maybe, some of this anger will dissipate.  
“Come here,” Katsuki mutters. He grabs you by the arm and starts pulling you back inside the school, much to your bewilderment.  
“What’s up?” you blink. “Where are we going?”  
He doesn’t respond. Instead, he leads you through the hallways, up until he finally reaches his destination. 
The boys’ washroom.  
“Um, I can’t go in there,” you protest, but Katsuki pulls you inside anyways, and he doesn’t let go until you’re locked inside one of the stalls with him.  
You glance around nervously. “Katsuki, seriously. I get being rebellious and all that, but if I get caught in here, the teachers are probably gonna give me detention.”  
God. You’re so hot, but you just never shut the fuck up.  
Katsuki decides to shut you up himself.  
He slams his lips against yours, and he can feel the way you flinch in surprise. You try to pull away, flustered beyond measure, but he grips the back of your head and holds you in place, deepening the kiss as much as possible.  
Finally, you manage to push him back. 
“Fucking hell!” you gasp, cheeks burning. “Katsuki, you... what the hell was that about? You scared the shit out of me!”  
Katsuki runs a finger across his lips. That kiss was a lot more enjoyable than he’d been expecting. It was also his first kiss, but he’s not the type to place any importance on that kind of stuff. Besides, this won’t end with just a kiss. 
No, if he really wants to stick it to Izuku and steal something from him, he’s going to need a lot more.  
Before you can say anything else, Katsuki grabs you by the shoulders and forces you down until you collapse to the ground on your knees. You splutter, caught off-guard once again, but he doesn’t let you rise to your feet. He stands above you, holding you in place, and then, much to your horror, removes his belt and pulls out his stiff, throbbing cock.  
Your eyes are completely wide. “Wh-What the hell are you doing? Stop that. Katsuki, I’m serious. You’re scaring me.”  
Katsuki wishes he could say that he cared, but in this moment, nothing matters other than his hatred for Izuku.  
You part your lips as if you’re about to scream, but Katsuki thrusts his cock into your mouth before you have the chance.  
“Suck it,” he demands, and he resists the urge to shudder, because holy hell does your mouth feel amazing. To think that he’s having his first kiss and his first blowjob all in one day. It’s funny how things work out.  
Tears well up in your eyes, both from fear and shock, as well as the unwelcome intrusion in your mouth. Since Katsuki isn’t an idiot and he knows that you could very well rat him out for doing this, he quickly pulls out his phone and snaps a lovely picture to commemorate the moment.  
“Look,” he chuckles cruelly. “What a great shot. I’m warning you, but if you dare to use your teeth or go around telling people about this, I’m spreading this picture everywhere, and you can kiss your future goodbye.”  
Realization flashes through your misty eyes, and instead of attempting to fight back, you whimper as a few tears roll down your cheeks.  
Katsuki doesn't want to admit it, but the sight of you crying really turns him on. 
“Now, suck,” he says again.  
It’s clear that you don’t have a choice. Swallowing yet another sob, you squeeze your eyes shut out of sheer mortification, then start guiding your lips up and down his cock, licking and sucking to the best of your ability.  
Katsuki lets out a deep, content sigh. Fuck, this feels so good. He wonders why he didn’t ever try it until now. He’s really been missing out.  
Get a load of this. Deku’s bitch is choking on my dick right now. If he knew what I was doing with her... he’d probably lose his mind.  
A devilish sneer cuts across his lips, and he doesn’t stop to think for even a moment that what he’s doing right now—taking advantage of an innocent girl— is the furthest thing possible from being a hero.  
Instead, he steadies his hand more firmly against the back of your head, then pushes down hard, forcing you to deepthroat him. 
“Oh, shit,” Katsuki moans. He swears he’s seeing stars right now. It feels like he’s melting inside your mouth. It’s so, so hot. Already, he can tell that he’s getting addicted.  
You gag violently, thrashing in protest as his cock bottoms out against the back of your throat. You’re sobbing without pause now, and Katsuki never thought that someone could still look so good while crying. Pretty bitches like you definitely have it made. Even if you don’t end up becoming a hero or finding a reputable career, he’s sure you could still make a nice dime from selling your body.  
“You’re so hot, [Name],” Katsuki says, praising you one moment, and laughing at you the next. He’s outright fucking your face now, no longer holding anything back. His thrusts are sloppy and erratic, and the hand he’s using to hold onto your head is mainly just so that he won’t lose his pace.  
Perhaps he’s going a bit too hard, because your eyes are glassy and unfocused, as if you’re on the verge of passing out.  
“Hey. Come on.” Katsuki lightly slaps your cheek a few times. “Stay with me. I’m close. Keep sucking until the very end.”  
You stifle yet another sob, having to choke it down so that you can take a proper breath. Katsuki grins crudely, cheeks flushed in delight as you continue to endure his cock being brutally rammed down your throat.  
The sight of your pretty face choking on his cock is already good enough, but when Katsuki imagines Izuku crying if he were to walk into this scene, all of a sudden, his arousal spikes a hundredfold.  
“Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum,” Katsuki pants, fucking your face harder and harder. “Shit, I’m really gonna—swallow it! Make sure to swallow all of my cum...!”  
He comes the very next second, making no attempt to be quiet as he lets out a deep, guttural groan. He holds your head in place and doesn’t dare to loosen his grip, not until he’s positive that most of his thick, milky essence has gone down your throat.  
Finally, he pulls away and allows you to breathe.  
You gasp, assaulted by a sudden influx of air. A few droplets of his cum spill from your lips and splatter onto the bathroom tiles. It’s so overwhelming that you keel over, dizzy from asphyxiation. You lay on the ground, helpless and weak, and your tears soon mix with the leftover cum that’s dripping down your chin.  
Katsuki takes one last look at you, then decides to snap yet another picture, just so he can look back on this moment and recount it in graphic detail. Perhaps he’ll have to solicit your company again some other time. This was actually pretty fun. 
He leaves you on the bathroom floor and walks out. There isn’t the slightest twinge of guilt in his chest. There’s no shame or remorse over what he’s just done.  
Instead, the anger from earlier has almost completely cleared, and his shoulders feel lighter.  
I win, Deku.  
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Red Riot Unbreakable Heart Master List
Started: 5/18/24
Last Updated: 9/14/24
Total Works: 29
Note: My Blog is A18+ ONLY. MDNI.
My Hero Academia
Fluff/Lemon 🍋
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Shinsou x Reader | Headcannon: How Hitoshi Shinsou Kisses 💋
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
🦈❤️Boyfriend!Kirishima ❤️🦈
5 Times You Stole Eijiro Kirishima’s Hoodie | Part 1: The Convenience Store
Katsuki Bakugo x Eijiro Kirishima
Headcannon: Kirishima LOVES wearing Bakugo's clothes.
Katsuki Bakugo x Izuku Midoriya
BakuDeku | A Rainy Day Together ☔️💚💥
Pining Katsuki | BKDK Headcannon 💚💥
BakuDeku Secret Love Codes | Secret Relationship Head Cannon
BakuDeku First Kiss in the Tunnel of Love 💋
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Izuku x Reader | Headcannon: How Izuku Kisses 💋
Dabi x Hawks
And then he meets Keigo.
DabiHawks Rainy Day Together ☔️
Hawks x Reader
Hawks x Reader Imagine
Aizawa x Shirakumo
Aizawa's First Kiss | Shota Aizawa x Oboro Shirakumo
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Smut 💋🌶
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Kirishima gives Todoroki S*x Tips | Todoroki x Reader Fic
Shoto Discovers He Has A Daddy Kink | Shoto x Reader
Shoto's First Kiss Series:
Part 1: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋
Part 2: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 2
Part 3: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 3
Part 4: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 4
Part 5: Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 5
Related Post: Shoto's First Kiss Timeline Brainstorm
Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo
BakuDeku Smut: Hooking Up At A Pro Hero Gala
Beneath the Bookshelves | BakuDeku
Katsuki Bakugo x Eijiro Kirishima
How to Suck Your Best Friend’s D*ck 🍆💋
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
Never Too Tired To Love You💜
Eijiro Kirishima x Reader
A Long, *Hard* Night with Eijiro Kirishima
Red Riot: Unbreakable Baby Daddy
Endeavor x Hawks
Endeavor x Hawks | Steamy in the Shower | Part One 💋
Endeavor x Hawks | Steamy in the Shower | Part Two 💋
Dabi x Reader
Unexpected Flames | Dabi/Touya x Reader
MHA Guys x Reader
How The MHA Guys Act When They Realize They Don't Have a Condom 💋
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
"Imoto" -Inlove!Bakugo Katsuki x Oblivious!Reader
A/n: hope this doesn't suck lol, I was exhausted while writing this.
General info:
Genre: pure angst (with an alt ending) \\ wc: 400+ \\ female reader \\ posted: 04/08/24
Bakugo, your best friend, helps you score the boy you've been crushing on.. little do you know that he's tearing his heart apart in the process.
Tags: @lemon-lav
Warnings!: pure angst, unreciprocated love, jealousy, anger, hatred, Bakugo loves reader, reader is unaware, reader loves Izuku, reader thinks of Bakugo as an older brother, Bakugo stays quiet and pretends. Idk what else, pls let me know if I miss any. <33
Onii-san: older brother; imoto: little sister
Alt. Ending
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“Are you sure this is going to work?” You whisper nervously, staring at the green-haired boy in the next room. He was talking to Shoto, smiling shyly as he rambled about some new pro hero.  
“Of course it will, now go.” Bakugo grunted, gently pushing you forward. You glance back at him hesitantly. He gives you a small smile, giving you the courage to proceed. You take a deep breath before walking into the next room.  
You feel Bakugo’s crimson eyes boring into your back as you walk over to your childhood crush, Midoriya Izuku. Shoto’s mismatched eyes see your approaching form, opening his mouth to speak, he’s pulled away by Mina before he can say anything, too oblivious to realize what’s happening.  
Izuku turns around to see you walking over, his emerald eyes lighting up at the sight as a rosy blush invades his cheeks. “O-oh y/n san!”  
Bakugo’s pov:  
Bakguo scoffed as he watched the two of you converse, jealousy burning in his chest as he watched you flush from Deku’s honey-covered, idiotic, and pointless words. Bakugo couldn’t help but feel a burning sense of hatred, jealousy, and hurt as he watched you succeed, knowing he lost his chance.  
He wanted to kick and scream, to throw a fit that he had lost the one that had meant the world to him, he wanted to show you how better he was- how much he cared. He wanted to go over there and show you and that idiotic nerd how he would treat you like a queen- his queen.  
But he didn’t- couldn’t. Deku is what would make you happy. Deku is who you wanted- who you pined for. So, he stayed quiet, watching your eyes light up with joy as you hit it off with the boy he despised the most.  
A large smile on your face appears, and he knows he’s lost. After a few moments you start walking back to him, causing him to straighten his posture and put on a fake smile.
As you reach him, he reaches down to put a hand on your shoulder. “You got him?” 
You nodded in excitement, your eyes shining as you looked up at him. “He’s taking me out to dinner this weekend. Thank you so much, onii-san!”  
Your words tear apart his heart. Onii-san? You thought of him as an older brother..
“Don’t mention it, imoto..” He scoffed, ruffling your hair. He’ll just have to pretend. For you.
Alt. Ending
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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