#miette fics
justkillingthyme · 4 days
I don’t have the time to check individual things that I think I might have stolen it from. Is there something pl-wise with a cat named Miette that Clark talks to.
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mountainashfae · 11 months
The Baron takes a moment to himself to think about the differences between himself and his goddess. He isn't left alone for long, and is joined by a fellow Sarenite to listen to his rarely spoken thoughts.
Earlier today I wrote a small piece about Vio and Tristian, and got encouraged to post it on Ao3 so here's the link too. Our dear aasimar is turning out to be more similar to his goddess than originally anticipated.
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gentrychild · 2 years
I have a question: if in RAADSC the UA staff believes Midoriya is All Might’s biological son, why did they also think he could be a traitor? I mean I’m not saying it should have completely absolved him of suspicion, but still would have made it seem a bit less likely? (Also I felt oddly betrayed when Mic accused him 🤣)
Someone is underestimating the what teenagers will do out of parental rebellion...
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hopecomesbacktolife · 8 months
being a McCoy fan and reading TOS novels is like. excitedly jotting down tiny character details about our country doctor blorbo to remember and incorporate into/base future fics off of
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
Meddling Mar part 10!
1, 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Things were quiet, and even a bit tense between the boys for the rest of the afternoon. Mar was sulking, and Jak was brooding again. Daxter wished his arms were long enough to smack them both upside the head at the same time. If he'd ever had doubts that Mar was Jak’s childhood self, he certainly didn't now. Hopping between beds to keep Mar entertained and check on Jak’s mental state was exhausting when your legs were the approximate length of a four year old's.
As afternoon passed into evening, Daxter noticed that Jak grew more restless. He didn't leave their alcove -- none of them felt like interacting with the two or three men recovering from broken limbs and gunshot wounds in the rest of the ward -- but he paced between the beds often, stopping only to stand on the mattress and peer out the window at the sea. Daxter knew why: someone was supposed to bring them to the Spike King for "evaluation" sometime after sunset. And they'd already had more than their fair share of older folk scrutinizing them to determine their worth.
Daxter bounced up onto Jak’s bed and launched to his shoulder from there. For a moment he said nothing, simply watching the ocean with his best friend. Memories of chasing seagulls and digging for clams washed over him, and Daxter found himself longing to run through the waves.
"Do we have a plan, Jak?" he asked eventually, "What do we think about this place?"
Jak shrugged moodily. "We'll see if they can back up their talk with action. If we don't like it...I dunno. I don't know where we can go, Dax. What options do we really have?"
He leaned on the sill and pushed one hand through the small gap between a sliding screen and the frame. Fingers grasped at open air, feeling the sunlight beating down. Jak inhaled salty air and let it out slowly.
"It's quiet here," he whispered.
Daxter knew what he meant. They hadn’t heard shouting, or megaphones, or gunfire even once since waking in the ward. That had been a daily -- almost hourly -- occurrence in Haven for the last two years. Daxter wanted to interpret that as a good thing. A nice, quiet, place on the coast where maybe they could relax for once. He wouldn't even be afraid of the heat next to this much ocean. Maybe it could even be like home, if he squinted.
Daxter slipped down from Jak's shoulder and dropped to the flattened pillow.
"Okay, so, say we stick around. What's our plan for survival? Look for work like in Haven?"
Jak sighed and pulled his hand back inside the window. "I guess we should figure out whether they use the same currency as Haven. Then again, I don't think a crumpled ration card will get us far even if they did."
He ran a hand through his hair and grimaced at the uneven length. Honestly, that was Petros's fault for leaving him unsupervised with a knife and matted hair. It was lighter, and cooler, certainly. But the random longer parts were driving him crazy. They brushed against his neck just so when he turned his head, and the skin there was beginning to get hypersensitive to it.
"So...maybe if the weather is good I can dive for artifacts to trade," Jak suggested, "Like we did when we were kids."
"Pal. We're still kids," Daxter retorted.
Jak scoffed. "Only according to these people."
He slid down the wall to collapse onto the pillow beside Daxter, and dropped a hand around the ottsel's shoulders.
"I'm...glad you're here, Dax."
Daxter dug an elbow into his side. "Told you I'd never ditch you again."
It was another hour before a stern looking old woman came to take them upstairs. She looked ancient, sunworn skin hardened practically to leather and bone-white hair hanging down her back in an iron-studded braid. The plait alone looked like a weapon.
With a disapproving squint, she beckoned them to follow her.
"Alright infants, evaluation time," she barked. Then she twisted her lips to one side, as if the words tasted funny. "Evaluation! Pah! Straight to a nursery, that's where you should be going. Look at you: not even old enough to earn a battle amulet!"
The old woman bore down on them like an omen of death. "Who left you out there, eh? Ought to be trussed up and left in Turquoise Canyon for the metalpedes, they should."
Mar made a sound of alarm and ducked behind Jak, hiding from the wizened woman's piercing stare.
Jak shrugged. "They've got metalheads of their own to deal with," he scoffed.
"Yeah! Only they can't send us to do all their fighting for them anymore!" Daxter added.
He could admit to a little spiteful satisfaction at that.
Jak’s grimace didn't suggest that he felt the same way. While Daxter had learned at an early age to push back against every insult, every unfair blame laid on his young shoulders, Jak had just internalized it. He probably thought it would be his fault if people died in Haven while he wasn't there.
I oughta teach Jak the concept of sleeping in the bed you made...
The scary lady -- Ranger Priya, she told them to call her -- marched them up a winding spiral staircase with the energy of the hummerbird in the patch sewed onto the back of her vest. Daxter gave up walking and let Jak carry him after only twelve steps. Mar would have complained about the pace, but in order to keep from falling behind, he'd had to latch onto Jak’s hand.
"Lady," Jak groaned, "My brother has short legs. Can you slow it down before he yanks my arm out of its socket?"
"You call me Ranger, squirt. Not lady," Priya corrected him, "You think I wear the hummer for decoration?"
Jak blinked. "I...don't know?"
Priya turned around and stared at him as though she couldn't tell whether or not he was being serious. Then she raised her thick eyebrows.
"You really have been gone too long," she muttered enigmatically.
"Uh...what?" Daxter blinked slowly. "You wanna run that by us again?"
"Keep up!"
Groaning, the boys stumbled and scrambled their way up what felt like a mile of stairs behind the ranger. Her pace was relentless, and Jak could grudgingly admit that he was impressed. She reminded him of Uncle Erasmus with that energy.
I wonder how far he's gotten by now? Jak found himself wondering as Priya stopped at a deceptively simple door cut into a metal wall. Poor guy absolutely sucked as a guardian, but at least he never ordered us around.
"Huh. Can't tell if he's in there yet or not." Priya squinted through the door and shrugged.
"Shouldn't matter one way or the other. Alright, toddlers, this is your stop."
She stood back and jerked a thumb towards the open door. "Go play. Just don't break anything you can't fix or blame on somebody else. Damas will be along sooner or later."
Jak bristled at the condescension. Go play? Did he look like he played?
Mar let go of his hand and abandoned him in an instant. He darted into the room with a gasp of delight, and Jak came to the belated realization that Ranger Priya hadn't been condescending, she'd been speaking literally.
The entire room had been constructed to look like an indoor oasis, lined with small date palms and tomango plants leading down to three or four tiered streams that seemed to feed into each other in an endless current.
Jak had barely made it two steps in before Mar had discarded his shoes and jumped into the nearest pool of water. Daxter launched from his shoulder seconds later, scrambling to join their little brother.
"Last one in's a rotten egg!" Daxter hollered. He pinched his nose and made an impressive splash.
With a huff, Jak rolled his eyes and pulled off the flat, cloth shoes the monks made them wear in the ward. He sat down on one of the many boulders surrounding the water and dipped his feet into the gentle current. It was cool, but not cold -- a bit surprising, considering the heat.
"If you guys want to sleep in wet clothes, on a wet bed, with wet sheets, be my guest," Jak drawled. He leaned back on his hands. "I'll stay up here, thanks."
"Boo!" Mar jeered.
"Spoilsport!" Daxter added.
"Just for that, you can walk back down all those stairs yourself," Jak retorted.
Dramatically, Daxter flopped backwards, barely giving Mar enough time to catch him in an impromptu trust fall.
"Oh, such cruelty!" Daxter gasped, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead. "You abandon us? You abandon your poor little brothers to suffer the cruel cruel stairs alone?!"
Unimpressed, Jak pointed out, "Dax, you're older than me."
"But my legs are shorter! O have pity!" Daxter slid from Mar's arms to land in the pool with a wet plop.
"You killed him!" Mar feigned outrage. "Jail for big brother! Jail for a hundred years!"
"A hundred years?" A new voice interrupted, "That seems a little excessive."
Damas strolled casually across the stepping stones leading from the right half of the chamber, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Surely ninety would suffice?"
Jak groaned. "Don't encourage them, they just get worse!"
Then he blinked.
"Wait, how did you know what he said?"
The Wastelander king came to a stop close to where Jak sat and raised a brow. "You expected me not to understand him?"
All three boys glanced at each other briefly, the same confusion evident on all three faces. Mar tossed a whisper to Jak-
"I thought Uncle E said you made our language up?"
"That's what he and Samos always said-?"
Damas snorted and raised his own hands.
"You are using the national language of Spargus. Whoever "Uncle E" and "S Leaf" are, they clearly are not Spargan."
He was using their language.
It wasn't the signing Onin used, the one the Havenites seemed to think was the only sign language. It wasn’t some variation of theirs. The man was using their signs.
Shaken, Jak drew his feet up out of the water and stood. Damas was still taller by a good several inches, but it made him feel at least a little more in control of his situation to be looking the man in the eye.
"What do you mean national language?" he demanded, folding his arms across his chest, "Why would we know a language from a city we've never been to?"
Damas studied him before answering with an uncomfortable, considering gaze.
"Well that's the question, isn't it?" he said quietly.
There was a weight to the king’s words that settled heavily on the boys, stilling even Mar's fidgeting.
When Damas lowered himself to sit cross-legged on one of the stepping stones, they found themselves following suit -- with a bit more effort on Mar's part to hoist himself and Daxter onto another stepping stone.
"I understand you've been through some...trying...circumstances," Damas said, "but nonetheless I expect you to answer me as honestly as you are able. Maintaining privacy is one thing, but understand that I do not tolerate lies."
Jak’s fingers tightened, stiffened into claws against his upper arms. The linen strips they'd wrapped around his old needle scars wrinkled and twisted, and his stomach seemed to twist in answer. It was bad enough that someone had seen the scars. If Damas asked about them-
Shame prickled in Jak’s chest.
No. Nobody needed to know. Especially not Mar.
"Fine," Jak bit out, "But what I say depends on the question. He doesn't need to hear everything."
He jerked his head in Mar’s direction meaningfully.
He couldn't tell if it irritated him or relieved him that Damas accepted this with no more than a nod.
"Very well. Then we will begin with questions of a less personal nature."
Damas steepled his fingers in front of him.
"So. We have Jak, "It's A Secret", and Daxter, ages roughly sixteen, eight-ish, and...unknown. No papers, no guardians, no known reason to be out in the Strider Range alone."
"Sixteen?" Jak interrupted, scowling, "I'm older than sixteen!"
By how much, he wasn't certain, but he wasn't going to say that he'd lost track of time in prison. That would give Mar too many questions to ask.
"Not by much, according to your bone scans," Damas replied calmly. "Seventeen at the oldest."
Well. That was a bit unfortunate. Maybe that explained why he had such a hard time growing facial hair, though? Or maybe he was doomed to just never have a full beard, like Mal the Sculptor back in Sandover.
Jak made a face.
"Only seventeen at the oldest?" he groaned.
"Could've been worse, I guess."
Then he pointed to Daxter.
"He's nineteen. Dax is human. He just looks like an animal."
There was a small but significant flicker of mischief in Jak that enjoyed the absolutely dumbfounded expression on Damas’s face.
"All...right...that's..." Damas blinked, shook his head, and blinked again. "I'm going to...move past that for now."
He cleared his throat.
"Where are your parents?"
Daxter's eyes widened, and he made a slashing motion across his throat, trying to indicate to the king that this was not a welcome topic of discussion. Too late.
Jak’s eyes darkened, and Mar scowled and looked away.
"Don't know," Jak said shortly, "Never met them."
Narrowing his eyes, Damas glanced from Jak to Mar and back again. "You never met your own parents. But you would have been old enough to remember when Seek was born?"
Mar shrugged angrily. "Loghead said he wasn't s'posed to remember I existed."
It was all Damas could do to refrain from pinching the bridge of his nose to stave off an impending headache.
These kids were going to make a lot of paperwork for the monks, he could already tell.
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meatmensch · 2 years
thinking about “you are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it” and supernatural. one of the most fucked tricks chuck ever pulled was putting the fate of the world on the winchester's shoulders time and time again and making them truly obligated to complete the work
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atsadi-shenanigans · 6 months
the art for your fic increased exponentially in one night 😆
Oh my god i know and the WAY I SCREAMED. I’m still trying to process it and not just cycle through all of them, stroking the screen and whispering “my preccccciousssssss”.
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fortjester · 2 years
I think Gideon should be allowed to say pog. I think Gideon should be allowed to say pog, and it makes Pyrrha choke on whatever she’s drinking
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sideboot · 1 year
i am working on a jamie tartt sexual trauma character study and PITY ME IN MY MISERY.  two thousand words to get to Amsterdam for the first time.  He still has to go back another two times.  a merciful eight hundred words to get back to england but now there’s another eight hundred and Somehow.  Somehow.  The Lad Is Still Fourteen.
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un-local · 1 year
Hello! Same anon here, I read through your reply and I noticed that you said that she would have either brown or gray eyes. Would her having gray eyes perhaps remind Rogier of Lorens in a future scene?
Ah, nice thinking anon!
Honestly, I was going with another type of imagery all together:
Tumblr media
It might drive Rogier a little crazy, after a certain point. (Post-Radahn... When things don't work out the way he wants them to...)
But that's something I haven't figured out a satisfying resolution to yet, sooooo... I haven't committed to it.
As of right now, her eyes are whatever color you'd like them to be!
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PRIMUS can get 2000 prods.
Whenever I read that I keep adding (as a treat) in my head lol
When I read it my brain instantly went to Miette
"Prods! Prods for Primus! Prods for Primus 2000 times!"
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quatregats · 1 month
You unravel Barbara Wellesley? You unravel her like the yarn ball? Oh, jail for Percy, jail for Percy for 10000 years!
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kirishwima · 11 months
i want y'all to know, anytime an artist or writer follows me i physically recreate the Pikachu face bc. You follow Soph??? you like Soph posts enough to follow??? Love for artist!! Love for artist for a 1000 years!!
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nyunie · 2 years
u like mdzs :D
i do :D
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July LU Write-a-Thon: 351,092 Words in One Day!
On July 1, we hosted our second monthly LU Write-a-thon (organized by @not-freyja and @hotcheetohatredwastaken and joined by their new mods @noorahqar, @a-manicured-lawn, and @winterfen). The purpose of this event was to write as many productive words—words that furthered yourself, the LU writing community at large, or your own stories—within 24 hours as humanly possible. 
We had a whopping 90+ participants as opposed to our previous 16 - none of us expected such a large turnout, and were suitably unprepared 😅 We’ll definitely be making a lot of changes to accommodate that many people during the next Write-a-Thon, occurring August 1st. Thank you all for your patience!
But, until next month, here’s the awards and titles earned by each participant, as voted upon by the Discord server through an anonymous survey. The mods read through all your hundreds of submissions (thank you guys so much!) and picked either the highest voted title or the funniest custom submission for each person, as we found appropriate. First up is the winner’s circle, then the clubs, and then everybody else in alphabetical order right below this readmore!
The Winner’s Circle (5 Most Wordiest)
20,037 “Writer of All Time” and “Most Likely to Make 1K become 100K” (As can be seen in all its glory in your Aspects AU) @tashacee: You took advantage of Freyja and Cheeto’s beefing about who would be first and snapped up the win right from under their noses. Well played! 
20,011 “Writer of Some of the Time” and “Pen and Paper (Scritch... Scratchy?)” @hotcheetohatredwastaken: Missed the mark by juuust a bit, for the second time in a row. Cheeto, you suck. (:3 –Cheeto) (Qar wrote this, for reference!). Also wrote for most of the marathon on pen and paper!
17,491 “Writer of Last Time” (for winning last month and then failing to defend their title) and “The FourShadow-er of all Time” (for the unholy amount of Chekov’s Guns they leave lying around loaded in their docs) @not-freyja: you are the most autistic about Legend. Nerd.
13,203 “Will Make You Cry” and “Captain of the Twilight Angst Tag on Ao3” @somer-writes: Boosting the Twilight economy, and we’re all happy about it. Also the second-funniest person in the server, with the second-most stars!
13,000 “AU Collector” and “Four Enjoyer” @zarvasace: Whether they're heroes with disabilities, space rangers, or vampires, if Mina wrote it, the boys will be written well.
Now while everyone’s accomplishments as individuals were nothing to sneeze at, teamwork does in fact make the dream work. A few lovely people made a couple of equally lovely groups, either by their own choice or as assigned by peer review.
Aimed for the Funny Numbers Club
“Literally Satan” @allwayswildchild: with exactly 6666 words, you deserve every bit of this cursed title. 
“Lawn Blart Mall Cop” and “Qar's Mom in a Moment of Weakness Apparently (And Then Qar’s Sister in a Moment of Un-Weakness)” @a-manicured-lawn: The latter explains itself. Apparently, the vision of Lawn segwaying around is amusing. [Some people just can’t appreciate the beauty of a white shirt, tie, and glorious moped… ~Lawn]
“The Reincarnated” @defenestration13: Hadn't written in six months but then reappeared to write multiple thousand words. Good job.
“Multimedia Powerhouse” @passerinesoncaffeine: The art, the writing, Raven's got it all! Painting, analyzing music, commenting, whatever you touch it turns to gold.
“Dark Miette” goes to @rebornofstars: An inside joke that I don’t understand. Also thought you should know that you got [insert bee pun].
“The Memer” and “Literally Wind” @savimatteo2810: These are related.
“The Quoter” @whatvioletdoes-blog: For spending the event harvesting quotable quotes for their chat-fic.
(freyja overshot all potential funny numbers, but is a member at heart)
Most Likely to Get Fangirled (Gender Neutral) Over Club
“Literally Hyrule” @across-violet-skies: Also called the Spunky Sidekick and a calming jasmine tea type person. Hopefully your ghost pepper recovery goes well. 
“The Snippeter” @imperialkatwala: For sharing so many snippets to us hungry folk. Thank you kindly.
“Friend Shaped” @polynomialpandemic: A friend to all. Also a “Snippeter” - thank you for feeding the masses!
“Four Tormentor” @undertheopensky: For really obvious reasons. Also managed to make Freyja scream for 10 minutes with your mere presence alone!
Other Friend Groups
“Sad Wet Cat Club” @cinis0 and @lunaopus, you two seem to have nominated one another, so you get this club all to yourselves! However, I would love to know what the talk of forgetting that the Queen died was about…. (Qar has requested to be an honorary member of this club)
@awildsilver and @four-eyed-nerd, you two get to come together as “Four-Eyed-Nerd’s Rat” and “AWildSilver’s Cat,” which is I think our favorite group of all in this month’s running. I do have some additional questions for you two, however, about a mention of the bee movie as an original work (allowed as long as it’s not copy pasted and also hilarious) for you Wild and the title “Honey I shrunk the Links” for you, Four. 
The Community Support Team
“The Commentator of All Time” @1-renegade: To directly quote, “Ain't NOBODY give better feedback and comments than lawlessland.” 
“Will Make You Cry” @artsyanonymity: Anonymity is the sweetest and kindest commenter in existence! SHE. WILL. MAKE. YOU. CRy. Writes the nicest comments and they make me (and apparently several others) cry
“The Encouragement Itself” @cat-at-a-writing-desk: For encouraging others to reach their goals. We appreciate you!
“Drill Sergeant” @gintrinsic-writing: Made Qar get 5k and scared everyone else into writing. (You did it! I got 5k! The fear (with funny intonation) dragged me over the finish line -Qar)
“Drawer of A Thousand Words” @la-sera: Ruler of the Legend and Hyrule brotherhood, inspirer of writers, and the spreader of so much love with your art this Fan Joy July with the art you spent the marathon working on. Can’t wait to see it all as the month goes on.
“The Reader of all Time” @life-in-winter: Or as you all probably know her, passerine44, the writer of the best ao3 comments of all time. Thea, you walk into a digital room and every writer there makes heart eyes at you. Cannot wait to read the writing you’ve been working on (and leave a comment) to return the favor.
“The Respondent of All Time” @silvrash-797: Silvrash had over four months of unanswered ao3 comments that she caught up with, congrats!
“Lives up to the Screen Name” @sunny-porridge: To quote: “Sunny is 100% a ray of sunshine and anyone who says otherwise can FIGHT ME” and I think we all agree.
“The Wildest Supporter.” @twilightangel83: Supported people and sent a lot of Wild emojis, so much so that we started picturing you as Wild!
“Poet” and “Master of the Shrimp Check” @winterfen: Writes good poetry, and also made sure that everyone was appropriately fed, hydrated, and rested for this event. 
Transfer Students
“I don’t work here, Lady” goes to bArk who neither has a tumblr nor writes for this fandom, but showed up and had fun anyways. Thanks for joining us!
“He Who Finished His Book” goes to jr_for_potus44 (not on Tumblr). Congrats!
“Split Screen” goes to @straight-outta-hobbiton for writing two fics on two screens at the same time, neither of which were LU. Frightening.
The Silent Ones
@pelicanpig, @mmelete, @wayfayrr, @raeofsky, @summaryscar @sunkissedkales: You guys came, you wrote, you did not elaborate. How mysterious your aura is (positive, deeply positive.)
"The Almost Silent One" @the-au-collector: Talked before and after, but not during the event. Probably too busy writing, or busy in general - good job either way!
Everybody else!
“Frequent Flier (WPM)” @anime-obsessed: For participating in so many sprints. Also earned “vocaloid enjoyer.”
“Keyboard Warrior” @august-the-friend: You fought autocorrect and lost 3-0, but it was a valiant fight nonetheless. You did great.
“Artist turned Writer” @aurora-boreas-borealis: Took a break from streaming to write—a huge shout out for all your hard work and your help with colors! (~the actual pigments, not the Links ~Lawn) 
“Literally Sun” @beesandhoney1219: Warmer than sunlight, sweeter than sugar, and absolutely obsessed with Sky’s girlfriend.
“Most Likely to Include Raccoons in their Fic” @bittirsweeteer: They Who Has Given Legend Espresso (thank you for your service).
“Last Minute Vidow” @deleetrix: Something that should always be encouraged. Thank you for feeding us.
“Stargiver” @emberlylion: For starring in a lot of posts, especially cat pics. Thank you for your service.
Move over Time, @estelian-01 “Will Fight Majora and Win” and then go back to studying.
“Studious Student Who (has not) Studied” @gerudoevernight: Self nominated for “Studious Student who Studied” for hitting their goal while in school. The mod team disagreed with the accuracy of that title and affectionately chose this one instead. Good job hitting your goal!
“The Outliner” @gia-d: Accidentally wrote a first draft. Also think it should be noted that everyone is convinced you either could kill a god or that you carry one around in your pocket.
“Onomatopoeia Outrage” @haloburns: Who debated the word “ow” so hard they inflicted it on the people around them.
“The Scholar” @irenkaferalkitty: For her extensive collection of well-researched data, presented in charts, documents and yes, excel sheets. We appreciate you.
“Most Improved” @labyrinthdancer: Their writing has improved a lot since they started posting! also they write really dark twilight & the chain fics. Being a new writer is scary, but they kept at it and are doing so well!
“Writer of Most Cursed Victorian Child” aka their take on Ravio, is @lele5429 with their first ever fic, which is as gorgeous in words as your art is in ink.
“The Hype Man (gender neutral)/Moral Support” @lemoncatssss: For all the encouragement that you gave others. Also the cat photos. Especially the cat photos.
“The accidental friend acquirer” @lennsart: For somehow befriending literally every single person you talk to.
“Severe Case of Clacking” @lerikwrites: You know why. Pennies in a washing machine my friend.
“Hyrule Hurter” goes to @linkiscool333: We all have the blorbo we love to put in the blender, but no one blends Rulie like you do.
“Marcus Actually Writes!?” @marcusdoodlesalot: For a second month in a row, some of us are still befuddled that Marcus is actually a writer, and not just an artist. Hard to believe that someone can have that much talent in both fields.
“Soup Soup Soup Soup Soup (Soup Soup Soup Soup Soup)” @marsnoodlesoup: I... do not know what this means. Congrats, it seems you’re soup.
“The Veteran” @musical-chan: For sharing stories of the early days of fandom. Back in my day but the most positive way possible
“Artist Turned Writer” @mysticstars105: Came out and wrote a whopping 400 words, which is so many words especially when you’re new. Gold Star!
“Art Fight Pre-Gaming” @nebulapaws: For their talk of Art Fight. Hope you have fun participating this month!
“Resident Audiophile” @needfantasticstories: Not just for writing with speech-to-text all day, but for your constant enthusiastic screaming about Epic the musical.
“Most likely to fight God and Win” and “The Modderrrrrr” @noorahqar: Who is actually Sky. Not with the sleepy part though. She actually wrote so much about Sky that he stole all her sleepy. Number one on the starboard, with the proud title of MVM (Most Valuable Mod) for sticking the landing as midnight hit. Also the one with “The Most Sigmas to Grindset” whatever… whatever that means. (Please help what does that mean?) 
“Picture Perfect Exhaustion” @nyastri: Their PFP (Four Doubled Over, hands on knees) combined with the announcement they'd reached their writing goal at the end of the marathon really just sold the picture for me. Well done.
“The Sleepy One” @ocha-blue: who justifiably went to bed as soon as they finished. (Hope you're recovered by now.)
“First Time Fic Writer” @peepthatbish: for breaking into the fic scene and boosting morale for our mod team, especially Lawn. We appreciate you!
“Slow And Steady (WPM)” @pokegeek151: Who was chugging away all day long.
“Doomed by the Narrative” @ra-archives: Google docs acting up, cat sitting on lap, and yet you persisted. Good job.
“My Little Friend Who I Love (This Is Qar Btw) (This Is Part Of The Title)” and “Wordsmith” @rosehipandroots: This is a direct copy paste from your submissions, Rose. Hope you enjoy it. But your amazing descriptions really make you a wordsmith. “The SkyBoy Enjoyer of All Time” @sapphicseasapphire: for your lovely art and writing of the boy!
“Task Succeeded Successfully” @screaming-but-i-have-four-swords: was an artist turned writer that tried to write words, and did! Good job.
“Artist Turned… More Artist” @seaotter-17: We were told you write descriptions like a poet, but in this event, you were most recognizable by your drawings of Nina the cat. Thank you for sharing. 
The “Person with a Passion for Pudding” (which is definitely an inside joke I do not understand, so I hope it makes you laugh) @somanyfanficssolittletime: Thanks for participating!
“The Fic Reccer of all Time” @staring-at-a-blank-page: For recommending so many fics, their own and others, up to read. Thank you!
“The Drabbler” @tenderleavesbob: For their lovely drabbles, of which they wrote around 10k of. The title is appropriate - it seems your drabbles have taken Tumblr (and the participants in this survey) by storm!
“100% Bunny Accurate Fiction”  @toyouhellohowareyou: writer of the most rabbit-fact-checked fics of all time by our own Bunny Lord [Beloved Pet and Bunny Boy (Legend) Himself]
“The Podficcer of All Time” @unexpectedstormy: For podfic making, promoting, and educating. And if that wasn’t enough fae is also our very own “Dragon Tamer” who spent the event working on their HTTYD WIP!
“The Dashshunder” @vivalaplutothedachshund: For sharing your lovely menace of a dog Pluto with us all. We also appreciate you both in the chats and in our rampage to give PolynomialPandemic 109 hugs. 
“Mod Emotional Support. We love you” @wanderlustmagician: You know what you did, and Cheeto’s firstborn deservedly belongs to you.
“Word Weaver” and “Fanfiction Foul---was writing at work instead of working” @weavingstarlight: Your words sparkle as bright as you do, glitter jar.
“Literally First (also shared cat pics)” @witchdoctor39 : Even Hylia can’t hold a candle to how much you love that poor poor man!
Thank all of you for participating, we appreciate each and every one of you so so so much! Please note that we had 90+ participants, and as such, there is probably guaranteed to be some mistakes on the list above. If you find any typos or pronoun goofs or anyone that was put on the list twice or missing or under the wrong name or put under the wrong name or any error that comes with having different discord and tumblr names or if you were left off the list in error or if you want to request a different name than the one you received or you want to be put into or removed from one club or another or anything else that could have gone wrong—please feel free to contact @hotcheetohatredwastaken or @not-freyja with your concerns here on tumblr!
Again, a big thank you to everyone for coming to the event from all of us on the mod team! Can’t wait to see you guys next month! And stay tuned---there will be another post with more information about the next event within the next couple of weeks!
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
I think non writers underestimate how much a little compliment inspires writers. We just go full Miette for the right one. You like how author writes this ship? You think it cute?!? FICS FOR THE READER!! FICS FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!! And then scurry off to write more.
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