#might come and add more later...
syksyntuuli · 3 months
a collection of my favorite kuumaa lyrics
"vaikka tää on loputon moottoritie, mä tuun vaikka juosten jos sun luo se vie"
"kruuna vai klaava tai mikä vaan, kunhan mä pääsen luokses taas uudestaan"
"sä sanoit että sä palaat viel takaisin, mut mä en pysty vaan oottamaan, ja mä oon päättäny että mä löydän sut. mitä se ikinä vaatikaan"
"ku ei oo mitään muuta enää kun sä, mul on hajalla kengät ja palaa sydän, sä oot ainoa merkki mun kartalle, koska sä oot ylivoimainen"
"kun tulee päätökseen tää tie, nii eteisvalssiin mut viel vie"
"mä painan mieleen noi tähtisilmät ku oot siin viel"
"anna mulle anteeks etten ollut tarpeeks vahva, vaikka kuinka haluan"
"voidaan tanssii eteisvalssii, vielä hetki ja sit kadotaan"
"tiedän et ei voida kelata alkuun, kelata alkuun, vaikka me haluttais"
"hei, meidän ei, ei tarvii miettii enää yhtään. kerro mistä tykkäät, niin kai sen teen"
"ei meille tule uutta aamuu ja kynttilät sammuu"
"ei oo sellasta päivää, ettet sä mun mieleen juolahtais"
"vaikka tää tuntuu vaikeelta, enkä osaa sulle soitella. ni haluun et sä tiedät, joka päivä ootan et palaat"
"mä opettelen kestää kaipuuta. äijä sä oot kaikkein kalleinta ja haluun et sä tiedät, joka päivä ootan et palaat"
"lupaa et mе ollaan niinku ollaan aina oltu. se välillä mua painaa mut en sitä saa sanottuu"
"hei älä ota sitä vakavasti, sanotaan hyvästejä ihanasti"
"tietenkin luotiin unelmii suurii, kun me tähtiä kateltiin"
"mä olin haljeta onnesta sun kaa"
"ja niin kauniina aikana tän sun kaa, tuun muistamaan"
"sanotaan hei hei huolella ja päätetään et se on siin"
"vaik oon maalannu muistojen päälle, miks mä vieläki kuullen sun äänen?"
"aamuja, kun sä olit viel siin ja mä luulin että meillä on aikaa"
"vuodenajat vaihtuu, mut edelleen sua. taloja sortuu ja edelleen sua"
"vaan silmänräpäys taaksepäin sä olit lähellä ja jokainen hetki sun kaa tuntu keväältä"
"oliko se tuuli vain, joka muistutti tuttuu melodiaa? mä löydän vielä uuden kai, mut se mitä me oltiin oli ku elokuvaa"
"epätodellisii hetkii pääsin elämään sun kaa, nyt mä yritän vaan ettii jotain mikä niistä muistuttaa"
"mitä jos ei tuu uutta aamuu? en tiiä mihin täältä lähtis, eikö oo ikävä?"
"mitä sit vaik aurinko sammuu? se ei oo ees taivaan kirkkain tähti, enkä oo minäkään"
"mä haluun kokea kerralla kaiken sen huumaavan iskun taas"
"kunhan tuntuu hetken jossain"
"sä oot kaunis ja kummallinen"
"puolenyön jälkeen kun muut on jo menneet, niin meillä on kauniimpaa"
"kuhan tuntuu hetken jossain, anna mulle mitä vaan"
"sä olit tän kaupungin ainoa valo, jonka näin pois katoavan"
"meidän piti olla jotain suurempaa, ei kasvettu erilleen , ei kasvettu ollenkaan"
"meistä tuli tyypillisii taviksii, hyviksii ja pahiksii"
"tän piti olla ihan eri maa, mut sama sade sataa meidänkin ikkunaan"
"opinnot, kihloihin, muistetaan nyt täytyy pitää hauskaa"
"nyt hymyilet vaan jutuille, jotka sai sut aikasemmin nauraa"
"mä mietin miten rakastuisin, suhun uudelleen ennen aamuu"
"mä en kadu sitä et mä kävelin pois, itseasiassa, mä en kadu mitään"
"mitä jos meiän rakkaus muuttuu heti kun sen tunnustaa?"
"mut kauniimpaa, on epävarmuus varmasti"
"jos ollaan näin, ilman lupauksien kahleita"
"vaik lause on jo huulilla. älä sano sitä vielä. mä tunnen sen."
"ja mä oon onnellinen joka hetkestä jonka sä oot mun kaa. mä toivon et sä tiedät. se riittää et mä"
"meil kynttilät poltetaan molemmista päistä, väistä ei kumpikaan"
"parempi ois mennä pihalle jäähtyy, mut kun kerran ollaan vauhtiin päästy"
"jos sun pitää huutaa, huuda sitten luujempaa"
"anna tuulen tuulla ennen ku tyyntyy"
"jos haluat hajottaa, hajotetaan tää sit kokonaan"
"tänään se voi sattuu, ku yö on pimein ennen aamuu"
"ja mä lupaan et tää loppuu huomen"
"mä vannoin etten aio suhun rakastua, mut tulipalo on irti ja mä haluun sua niiku hullu, tuhlaan tulitikkuja"
"sanotaan vaan, et tää oli sattuman kauppaa"
"miten osuttiin samaan paikkaan samaan paikkaan ja aikaan?"
"voi helvetti kuinka oon jäänyt katumaan, sanoja joita en suoriksi saanutkaan"
"ja kun mä sanoin etten odota mitään, mä odotin sua"
"miks en suutani auki mä saanut siinä kun seisoit?"
"kun mä sanoin, että rakastan elämää, tarkotin sua"
"luulin se ois sanomattakin selvää, mut enhän mä voi siitä kun itteeni syyttää"
"kaikki mitä sul on pääl, on ku suunniteltu alunperin sua varten"
"multa lähtee järki, voinko saada kaikki nää mun vinot ajatukset anteeks? anteeks"
"must tuntuu et mä nään, sun mustan takin yhtenään. heijastus mun silmäkulmas, ennen kuin se häviää"
"sä oot kaikkialla. sä oot mun ihon alla"
"tääl mä jäädyn, vaik hies on muut"
"ja se kuinka tanssit mun tajun pois. kyynel kun mietin et mikä sut takas tois?"
"ei me oltu todennäkösii, pelkkii huonoi lopputulemii"
"ei tää oo hyvästi vaa näkemiin, leikitään että tää menee niin"
"ne on nuoren syksyn tuulia tai sit, onkse vaa niin et täs hetkes on kaikki?"
"ollu villi ja vaativa vuosi, mut vieläki hengis"
täs on kaikki mitä mä tarviin, enkä mieti mihin junien täytyy mennä, ku se on tulevaa, mitä sitä suremaan?"
"täs on kaikki mitä mä tarviin, kyllä huomisen jälkeen on päivii vielä, mut se on tulevaa, mitä sitä suremaan?"
"viisaat on koittanu kertoo et kaikki loppuu, haluun uskoa kuitenkin siihen et tää on vast alkuu"
"sä kiskot mua mukanas, sun maailmanlopun maisemiin"
"siks kai mä oon sun"
"sä tuhoat aivan tahallaan, mun mukavuusalueen rakennelmat"
"kun sä lähdet, mä jään, mut tiiät et juosken sun perään"
"kun viereen nukahat, mä jään valvomaan"
"sä tulit ja menit ennen ku tajusin"
"varoittamatta kun radiossa soi se biisi joka saa sut laulamaan, ja kaupungin halki juoksemaan"
"meitä odotetaan, mutta sä tykkäät vaihtaa suuntaa se saa mut seuraamaan"
"sun hulluista runoista, jää vain valoviivoja"
"ollaanko valoviivoja?"
"mut miks on niin vaikeaa, niin kovin vaikeaa pysyy aloillaan?"
"mä irrotan otteen ja liian myöhään tajuan, oot mun ainoa oikea satama"
"miten voi olla, et kaikkein kalleinta satutan?"
"se on vieras ja kaunis, se syleilyynsä mut sulkee"
"ja mä itelleni selitän, et mun piti tehdä juuri näin. mut silti mä vilkuilen taustapeiliin päin"
"sun pää räjähtää jos et saa mun sydäntä"
"tajuutsä et kaivat vääräst paikast kultaa?"
"sä oot niit tyypei, jotka vie mukanaan, antaa ensin taivaan, sit maahan pudottaa"
"oon kokeillut kaikkea, mutten mä vielkää sua pois mun mielest saa"
"onks sun lääkitykset pieles, vai ootsä vaan vajaa?"
"vai mennääks vaa ulos käppäilee?"
"pitäny ei juosta minnekkään"
"huolia ei ollut, meil yhtään"
"elettiin kai kerran, ku viimmestä päivää"
"vaikken yleensä niin tee, taisin onnesta itkee, mut sua vaa nauratti"
"kaukaa kaikki on aina kauniimpaa, jahtaan jotain mitä ei vaan kiinni saa"
"taas silmät kusettaa ja aina uudestaan mun sydän päätyy sitä uskomaan"
*insert juna-asema* *the whole song* *i can't even*
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becauseplot · 6 months
i think it could be really fun to write a crowmonster!philza and warrior!etoiles au for the soul purpose of writing their little "sparring" matches where instead of beating each other with sticks it's just etoiles wrestling his big ol dragon-esque monster friend. etoiles clinging onto phil's back/tail feathers as phil tries to buck him off. phil holding etoiles in his beak and shaking him around like a chew toy. etoiles hooking an arm/rope around phil's throat and phil doing this great big dramatic roaring cry as he stumbles and flops onto his back and "dies", talons in the air, twitching, also crushing etoiles in the process. everyone else looking on with bewildered concern as phil seems to be gnawing etoiles' arm off and etoiles is just lying there declaring deadpan, "ohhh no he is too strong, the monster has defeated me, he is killing me, it is so slow and painful, i am dying, ggs bro, ggs." (<-he is perfectly fine, phil is only play-mauling)
other fun points:
phil tossing etoiles around in the air like he weighs literally nothing
etoiles pinning one of phil's wing-arms behind his back like its no big deal
etoiles ripping out some of phil's feathers during one of their play fights and phil freezing mid-thrash just to shoot him the flattest, most offended look to ever come from a non-human creature
phil accidentally going too far and ripping up etoiles' shoulder and phil just becoming the biggest, most whimpery apologetic mass of feathers and spikes as etoiles pats his beak and tells him it's no problem, it doesn't even hurt that bad (and phil just wails louder)
both of them nudging/bugging/poking each other when they're bored to goad the other into a play fight, with varying degrees of success
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coyoteclan · 4 months
Big TW for pet loss
Hey, clangen tumblr and those who just enjoy the silly cats on this blog. I know it's been a little bit of time since my last update, but unfortunately during the past few months, I have been caring for my closest friend, Comet.
She's been my best friend for 15 whole years, and on February 9th of 2024, I'm sad to say that she has passed. I won't lie when I say that this is one of the hardest posts I've ever made, but I want to continue this blog in her honor. Normally, I have a terrible habit of just letting projects like this slip by me and gather dust; however Comet was meant to play an integral part within the blog to immortalize her, and I refuse to let something meant just for her to go to waste.
I want to thank you all first of all for being such an amazing community. I've genuinely had so much joy come of this blog, and it pains me that I let it go stagnant for as long as I have. There are 568 of you now, which is so extremely wild to me; but I hope that from now on, you can all love Comet as much as I did, even if as a memory.
I hope to return to posting content both here and on my main, @mxssacre , but for now I still need time to grieve and come to terms with the loss of someone that was so incredibly intertwined with everything I've done since I was 9 years old.
Thank you for everything Comet, my heart, my soul, my love.
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More of my favorite photos of her beneath the cut.
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It's hard to choose favorites out of the thousands of photos I've taken of her over the years, but I hope these do her justice to show what an amazing being she was. I hope you're hunting your toy mice in the stars, Comet.
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six-demon-bag · 8 months
Top Gun Fic Recs
some of the fics i really adored on my icemav dive 🩵
if you lead, i will follow by qin_ling (7.5k, M)
Maverick and Iceman stare at each other a lot. Goose despairs. Or; Goose is the best wingman.
who cannot go by susiecarter (1.6k, T)
Maverick felt fine. Completely fine.
Bloom by thecarlysutra (1.7k, T)
Iceman Kazansky is born with chronic Hanahaki Disease. Any time he represses a feeling or hides a secret, he has symptoms. He probably needs therapy, but instead he gets flowers.
Doing It Right by simplecoffee (1k, NR)
Mav kisses Ice on a Saturday night. Two days later, he wakes up in hospital. (- Wait, he could have sworn it made a little more sense than that.)
just to see each other (feel it all) by susiecarter (35k, M)
After Goose's death during a fight with a kaiju, Maverick left the PPDC and didn't look back. But his self-destructive bender gets interrupted by Charlie Blackwood, showing up to invite him to participate in a brand-new weapons development program, codename Top Gun: the first two-pilot jaegers to ever be deployed in the fight to defend humanity. That means Maverick's going to have to get back in a piloting rig again—and he's going to have to do it while drifting with another pilot. Drift compatibility means getting each other, understanding each other, on a level nobody else can beat; so whoever his partner is, at least he's not going to get stuck with the Iceman, who pretty much hates him. Right?
A Shared Cup by susiecarter (7k, M) 
It was only a training exercise. It was only supposed to be a training exercise.
Summer Rain by TunaSupremacy (29k, T)
Mav isn’t entirely sure how he ended up dating Captain Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, but to his understanding it had something to with bad press, low recruitment numbers, and Admiral Cain.
and gamble for the sun by susiecarter (4k, M)
It's like this: Maverick and the Iceman make bets, sometimes.
Flowers for Sale by Owner by aelibia (2.5k, T)
Most people would do anything to stop the flowers from coming. Maverick is not most people.
i would love you ‘til it hurt by stardustsunflower (3k, T) 
Ice looks at Maverick like something he can’t have. He knows Maverick won’t ever look at him back. Or at least, so he thinks.
and sings the tune without the words by susiecarter (10k, M)
Four times Maverick and Iceman didn't have to talk to each other to know the score—plus the time they did.
wingspan by aelibia (4k, M)
Iceman is in love. Maverick is oblivious. And the only thing in the world that can bring them together is locked up in a bathroom.
fire in the sky tonight by susiecarter (4.5k, E)
Graduation from TOPGUN was one thing. It was great, no question, but it was just the warm-up. You hadn't made it, really made it, until you got hitched.
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troperrific · 8 months
/ekuoto chapter 50 spoilers/
warning: discussion of very sensitive topics, usual ekuoto stuff
You know, I can’t stop thinking about how the whole situation with Sarah technically is almost all Asmodeus’ fault.
Let me explain.
Make the Exorcist Fall in Love has an interesting approach to how the 7 Deadly Sins are portrayed. It’s not simply about going into harmful excess, a sin becomes a sin when it crosses into violence.
Greed is not simply about wanting and hoarding wealth, it’s about trampling others to get what you want.
Gluttony is not just about gorging yourself, it’s about the slaughter that comes with feeding yourself.
Envy doesn’t limit itself to coveting what others have, it’s also about destroying them when you can’t have what they have.
Lust then, isn’t just about drowning in sexual pleasure. It’s about forcing your wants upon the other.
But it doesn’t stop there. Because the way the manga chooses to talk about these different kinds of violence isn’t in a vacuum. No, it shows them through the lens of systemic violences.
(which makes perfect sense to me, as the Demon Lords of Sin would be the original "corrupters" of humanity)
Greed talks about systemic racism, xenophobia, slavery and, more prominently, sexism and toxic masculinity, through both Mammon’s view on women and his peculiar relationship with Tachibana.
Gluttony talks about the inherent violence in living/surviving/eating, through the slaughter of animal and overconsumption of meat, and also discusses about veganism and food crisis.
Envy discusses general power imbalances in relationships and systems. And this one, I’d argue, actually focuses on the burdens and responsibilities of the people on the top, and the inevitable consequences of power gone unchecked.
Lust, if it wasn’t obvious before, through Asmodeus’ relationship with Sarah, talks about systemic rape, including child brides, forced marriages (upon both heterosexual and, as with the case shown with Sarah, non-cishet women) and sex as a duty.
The thing is, these are systems that benefit the Demon Lords. These are systems that they endorse, that they encourage, even when they call out the atrocities of humanity. These are systems that they likely helped create in the first place, what with our introduction to Mammon saying that he “taught humans how to excavate gold”.
Similarly, going back to the very first chapter, Asmodeus was seen collecting “lust” by proxy, through a succubus subordinate of hers, specifically by said subordinate posing as a prostitute. The brothels, and other establishments that sexually exploit women, then are a source of energy for her.
It’s worth noting that Asmodeus herself either collects energy by proxy or through roles that inspire adoration, such as Aria, the diva, which maintain her in a position of power. Even as Aria, a teenage singer, she’s the one calling the shots and making outrageous demands of her staff.
So, the system that harmed Sarah, was a system that Asmodeus helped create, or at very least, one that gave her power. Of course, Asmodeus did love Sarah, she could not rape her as she did others, nor did she want Sarah to suffer, but even at the end, Asmodeus could not part with her unhealthy, twisted mindset, with the way she views sex.
It’s sort of a pattern at this point, I think. The Demon Lords get attached to a human, becomes violently protective of said human, make said human their “exception”, who eventually gets harmed directly or indirectly by the Demon Lord’s mindset/sin.
Like… Mammon also got attached to Tachibana, who, according to the extras, got saved by Mammon from workplace abuse.
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Credits to translation group Pastel Clouds for scans and translation.
It’s heavily implied she worked in a very sexist environment, and outright stated that she was chosen to be eye-candy. Mammon treats her differently: in his own words, “she may be a woman, but she’s his subordinate/friend”. She’s spared from his sexism. She has his protection. The organization who hurt her was slain by his hand.
But she also remains trapped within the same system that hurt her. She has to harm other women. She still has to work under a toxic, sexist man. She now has to perpetuate the violence she suffered. Even some of Mammon’s final words to Mr. Priest mirror the things she apparently complained about in a letter, in the volume two extra, particularly about women and wombs:
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Again, Mammon does seem to genuinely care about her. Even at the end, when he’s turned into kid form and is naming every single one of his subordinates in apology for losing to Mr. Priest, the forlorn expression when he says Tachibana’s name… it’s telling.
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But it's not enough to make him question his own toxic views, and how the systems he's endorsed hurt Tachibana. How this will affect their relationship in the future remains to be seen, as Tachibana seems hellbent on supporting him still.
Beelzebub, whose feelings towards Leah remain ambiguous and unknown to the readers (although it’s likely his affection for her was/is genuine, regardless if Leah and/or Beelzebub themselves are aware or not) also follows this pattern.
He kills everyone in the village (composed of livestock farms), except for her. Leah is not food, but a companion, a “flower needed for a pleasant meal”. The extra with Daniel’s report on her also mentions that, other than being emancipated and malnourished, she was unharmed and showed no signs of black magic contamination.
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Credits to translation group Pastel Clouds for scans and translation.
The ones who receive the most brutal deaths, incidentally, were Leah’s family, who she complained to him about, as she was feeling neglected at the time.
Of course, like Tachibana, just because she was an exception, doesn’t mean she’s free from Beelzebub’s twisted philosophy. He actually takes it upon himself to teach her that “to live is to kill”. Only, Leah gets to sit at the top of the food chain, so to speak, with him.
Even after she’s rescued from him, Leah seems to have internalized what he said, as she admits to herself that veganism doesn’t exempt her from this.
Still, the harm was done, and Leah not only struggles with the guilt she feels over the incident, but also with a heavy shame over the very want and action of eating/living/wanting to be alive.
Leviathan is an interesting case in that she precisely chose Mr. Priest to be her friend because she thought he could be her "exception", in that he'd be strong enough to survive her, instead of him naturally becoming that because she cared for him.
She also doesn't harm people who harmed Mr. Priest. Instead, she harms innocents to give herself an alibi and a reason to approach and befriend him.
Still, it's important to note that this sort of harmful, abnormal behavior and monstrous strength is exactly why the Church relies on him so much. Despite wanting to be his friend, Leviathan is part of the reason why Mr. Priest suffers, and this odd mindset of being strong, and therefore, dangerous and harmful is so ingrained in her, that, instead of going away after Mr. Priest comforts her ("I'm not afraid of you and you don't need my acceptance"), she still decides to fight him (something he hates and often leaves him traumatized).
And so, we have Asmodeus and Sarah. When she considers making Sarah hers, as she wants the girl, she can’t stomach the thought of raping her like the others. She never touches Sarah herself, actually. Asmodeus can’t even kiss Sarah back, as she seems unable to separate all matters of sexual intimacy from sexual violence.
Nevertheless, Sarah is her exception. Those who Asmodeus perceived as harming Sarah received brutal deaths. And yet, it’s Asmodeus’ twisted views on sex, and the harmful systems she endorsed that hurt Sarah in the first place.
I just… really find these dynamics so, so interesting. I love how intense the Demon Lords love, I love how they end up harming their “special ones” despite trying to help them (and perhaps they harm their “exceptions” the most), I love how they keep shooting themselves on the foot.
It’s their own fault that they’re so lonely!! I love how it’s obvious that, if they don’t try to change their mindsets, if they keep denying responsibility, they’ll never have a successful relationship with a human and they’ll never be happy.
(of course, we gotta consider humanity’s free will and such and they’re also accountable for their own actions, yada yada, but my point still stands)
On a side note, it’s pretty interesting to note that women seem to get more… relevance, I guess? when it comes to the Demon Lords actions/issues (like, Mammon’s sexism, the pains of growing into a woman with Asmodeus/Sarah, Leviathan throwing a rather misogynistic remark at Leah “women’s worst enemies are women” and the whole “the kanji for envy has the character for ‘women’ appear twice", Beelzebub mildly objectifying Leah as a “flower to make his meals more pleasant” and most of his notable rivalries being with women- Mother Rosa, the ancient witch, Leah)
That along with the fact that harmful systems are very present within the narrative…. I think it makes sense, that we’re introduced with a subplot regarding the two divisions of the Church, and that Leah seems to be a central player within the division that seeks to make changes within the system. But that’s a whole other post.
Anyway!! This was just me rambling, but there are some last things I want to point out:
The Demon Lords are essentially a bunch of lonely, love-starved menchildren/womenchildren with daddy issues who got majorly traumatized by the events surrounding the rebellion against Heaven/God and the fall from Heaven (except Leviathan who is the only Sin who isn't a fallen angel, and thus her issues are centered mostly on her isolation);
The past and current relationships between the Demon Lords and the girls they love/loved/"possessed"/haunted are important to understanding what Imuri and Mr. Priest need to do in order to be happy together;
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 3 months
Hornet x Quirrel stuff
• Quirrel telling Hornet stories about the lands outside Hallownest and teaching her more about the world outside. And Hornet telling Quirrel stories of Hallownest and helping him to remember his old home.
• The two of them practice sparing with each other And of course Quirrel teases Hornet about the first time they met.
• Hornet easily relaxing around Quirrel but being upset about it later, after she's realized.
• Quirrel writing about her and sketching pictures of her. (He just finds her so intriguing!)
• Hornet loves dancing, she learned how to dance in the hive and she feels so relaxed and free when she does it. Quirrel would absolutely enjoy dancing with her, and learning from her. And he's a quick learner!
• Quirrel and Hornet doing tasks together and Quirrel gets so easily distracted. Hornet keeps him focused and he helps her to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
• Both of them love water, and swim very well. They spend lots of time at the blue lake, or dancing in the rain in the city.
• Hornet making Quirrel silk bandanas, he loves to wear.
• The two of them visiting the dreamers memorial in the resting grounds. Placing flowers by their stone.
• Herrah and Monomon watching over them, absolutely adoring how close the two have become.
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burntblueberrywaffles · 6 months
23 for the drawing ask
23 on my spotify wrapped was... Push from the Barbie Movie! I just had to draw out the scene and immediately got WAY too into it and dropped everything to make this LOL
for how quickly I made it I think it turned out great :3
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Spotify ask game!!!! tell me the number of the song and i will draw a silly little digital drawing (stick figures even) based on the name of the song or one of its lyrics !! please mention it's for the drawing ask game!
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ithappensoffstage · 3 months
r&g report
I had the privilege of seeing rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead with billy boyd and dominic monaghan on march 5! a few people asked for my thoughts after, so here's a sort of stream of consciousness report that may or may not be comprehensive depending on what you're looking for out of said theatre report
anyway I do genuinely believe boydmonaghan are literally the only people who can and should ever play r&g
to start off I will say that this was my first time seeing r&g staged -- I've previously just read it A LOT -- so I can't make comparisons to other productions. I am also a lifetime fan of theatre and have been somewhat involved, but do lack some technical knowledge, so apologies if I can't cover some aspects accurately!
most important of course, boydmonaghan were stellar. their comfort and familiarity with one another is amazing to witness. of course it's staged, but none of their movements come across as anything other than two old friends. they move together like dance partners; there's really no other way to put it. when you put on a show with someone you're so intimate with, it just comes through in the physicality in ways that aren't replicable with people meeting just for one production. watching them as r&g just feels like you're watching them hanging out. they anticipate each other's movements beautifully, lean into each other naturally, play off each other with such comfortable rapport that you feel like you're watching childhood friends goofing off from your corner of the party.
and the RAPPORT I mean wow. damn. if you're familiar with r&g -- the question game scene? holy shit. breathtaking quickness. they are rapid-fire, on each other's heels in the vein of the best comedies. for everyone who knows my tastes of course, they have * the * hawkbeej dynamic. (I almost cried watching because I kept thinking of my beloved url namesake fic.)
great pacing, great chemistry. even when they're sitting still you can still feel the intimacy between them in just how they arrange themselves. lots of staging to reflect mirroring, lots of staging to reflect the thematic element of identity (sorry, I'm rosencrantz; he's guildenstern), etc. great costuming choice -- billy wears green except his blue waistcoat; dom wear blue but for his green waistcoat.
their deliveries were nothing short of spectacular. that of course wraps into pacing and chemistry as mentioned above. but I do feel it's worth mentioning again that they're both so good at speaking their lines. they have such rhythm with each other. and of course that's going to happen--they have a podcast, theyre incredibly close friends, but it's so great to see in a setting with predetermined script, predetermined runtime. again, youre watching two friends who are off their minds at a party really Go Through It.
boydmonaghan aside, I had some general issues with the production. they had quite regular sound errors, and made some sound design choices with music and vocal warping/autotune that were not to my taste. there was a cool echo element utilized that I liked a lot. as I mentioned I don't know other productions so I don't know if this is standard practice, but for this one it was quite fun. coin echoing, echoing around the stage when they shouted into the wings to give you that sense of being trapped. when they spoke to the audience space, it felt enormous, and as if they were speaking to you specifically. I just got so distracted by the mic problems and weird autotune.
the autotune moments were exclusive to the hamlet scenes. that brings me to the other actors. the player himself was magnetic. phenomenal. so much presence. emcee cabaret presence. great stuff. hamlet? so lacking imo. he played hamlet very angry and masculine, which is a choice I guess, but not how I like to see hamlet done. it did make some of the intersectional scenes a little jarring; which, I know is not entirely without reason, but it just wasn't my ideal way to play it.
other than the question scene, one of my favorite scenes in the original text of r&g is when they're talking about leaving the stage, and they continue to make excuses not to. "i think he went this way / maybe that way / why don't you come with me it'll be safer / we should try this direction / oh we should actually wait in case he comes back here." the director did skip this dialogue, which I think gives the indication of less agency for r&g. a little less participation, a little more of things happening to them. which is fine. I have no feelings either way of a better way to do it, but that is just the sense I got of it.
the stage is very small, the set is very cramped. lots of overt use of trapped imagery. theyre often crowded into specific space, sitting very close. when they make space, they make SPACE, indicating periods of disagreement. pretty basic staging for this, I'd assume.
outside staging, very cool lighting, although I am generally against scenes with "party lighting." again, not sure what typical lighting is the scenes with the players that got that, but I could have left it out. similarly, we got a scene with "rock" lighting, and I just thought it was too on the nose / in bad taste. arguable how meta you need meta/absurdist work to be ofc but that decision wasn't for me.
the other lighting choices were great. it starts SO dark. I had lower balcony seating and have great vision, but the start spotlight was so soft the two of them were damn fuzzy for me at the beginning. they gradually get more light in the spotlight, and then it expands. there was a great sunrise moment where they turned the Big Warm Light on the audience and it truly felt like a sunrise over me. the final "rosenc--? guilden--? now you see me / now you don't" from billy was beautifully performed. the lights split the stage into two distinct chambers, truly separating r&g for the first time despite any previous physical distance. I did get a little choked up.
(the final hamlet scene that follows jarred me from the emotion a bit because the horatio actor didn't even try at an accent ToT and it was just weirdly red-lit and they came in with the autotune for the Big End of Speech). and I wish they hadn't made it so Intense and Dramatic because they of course we get our time loop / back to the start / they start on "heads!" and it's such a hold-your-breath type moment. boydmonaghan are good enough that it brought me back but damn. (horatio actor please don't skip vocal lessons again.)
and yeah then I skipped stage door because it made me a little uncomfortable and I went home!
I was very lucky to go and I took my lovely wife (who liked it very much despite only having seen hamlet the day before lol). anyway if you can go I highly recommend! I am even considering pulling a @thealogie and going to see if I can scoop some last-minute box office tickets one of my remaining days here.
ask box is of course open for any questions <3
quick edit: I will say, sincerely, the r&g audience was one of the worst audiences I’ve been in. none of these people knew what the fuck was going on. I wanted to eject them all from their seats into the city skyline and have the theatre to myself (+ wife). literally constantly “what” “what is going on” “huh” from around us. go away. mutuals please come see this show so I can sit with you and not next to someone trying to have a y/n when they look at the audience.
edit 2: I think I mentioned but I did have lower balcony seating. I could see well! I think I might have preferred to be a bit closer just for the microexpressions I probably missed, but I would echo others in saying there really were no *bad * seats at all.
edit 3: stage door is out front to the left of the main doors if you're interested. I personally was not (I already have something signed by billy/have met him multiple times, and would prefer to meet dom at a comic con setting because that makes me more comfortable than stage door).
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fuckwhatyouknow · 1 year
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william beckett and tom conrad doing… that on stage compilation
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wink-1-8-2 · 1 year
Semi-Canon Timeline of the Danger Days Universe
(it’s not completely canon, cuz I made a lot of things up for my new fic and ppl have different opinions to me. Also, danger days canon is like, impossible to make sense of)
1973 - The idea of Better Living Industries is proposed and Mom and Dad, it doesn't go very far, however, Marquez persists, gaining support until the Helium Wars 
1978 - The First Helium War starts, leading to the destruction and death of several millions. This war goes on for several years
1983 - after 5 long years, the First Helium War ends, the plans for Better Living Industries are put aside, and the company is founded to produce ammunition and weapons for the next war; early Industry workers see profit. 
1987 - The next couple of years lead to more bloodshed and death, during the Second Helium War. Bombs are dropped, leaving Europe and Asia in near-complete ruin. Some historians debate against whether there were several wars instead of just two, due to long periods of peace through the years.
1989 - Mom and Dad rise in the US, becoming the main governmental entities, promoting peace.
1990 - The Helium Wars are officially over. Better Living Industries provide relief for victims of war, creating a name for themselves, after profit increase from weapon manufacturing (something which is covered up quickly). The original Battery City is based in San Francisco, one of the few American States left completely standing. However, Battery City remains mostly unpopular, due to standards and the fear of new technology (first versions of droids, headphones, etc, etc.). People don't believe the promises made by the city. 
1998 - The Analogue Wars begin. These wars are less bloody and severe, dubbed the Clean Wars, however, Australia is sunk and the rest of the world is ruined. Several people band together to create crews and gangs (The A.K.A.s), like Los Angeles-based Mike Milligram and The Original Fabulous Killjoys + Dennis and the Books on Tape during the Wars, and fight for a chance of freedom. The Zones are introduced after the Wars. 
2003 - Battery City finally grows into the modern city populous that it is. Pills are introduced and further developed. Mom and Dad are corrupted by the Books on Tape. 
2004 - Mike Milligram (personally affected by Mom and Dad as a child) combats the corruptification of mom and dad + this new version of Battery City in Los Angeles.
2005 - Mike Milligram is finally successful in destroying Mom and Dad, and bringing the downfall of Battery City, however, this is not the end.
2008 - the next couple of years are spent covering up the mess Mike Milligram left behind - he and his allies are 'terminated'; they do not get to grow old. A new science is invented for the pill, citizens grow artificial and 'ideal'. 
2010 - The Director is introduced into the city - she will become a leader of the Industry. She successfully covers the story about the A.K.A.s, landing her in a much higher position. The world goes on, however, the city is still redeveloping after the major chaos of Mike Milligram. The term 'killjoy' lives on in the desert, for all rebels.
2011 - Rumours of DESTROYA and the Phoenix Witch gain popularity for stray rebels in the Zones and abandoned droids.
2012 - The Great Fires of 2012 take place, causing tragedy for the rest of the known world. The causes of the Fires are still disputed over, though B.L.I seems to have something to do with it. The Industry rises as a 'saviour', promising a better future for civilians, provided they take the pills offered - 'Have a better day' - and follow rules and guidelines. Memories are wiped, headphones are introduced to keep the bad thoughts away, pill dosages are increased for some.
2013 - Ranks are introduced in Battery City - proper Exterminators were introduced to the Zones; citizens of the city are unaware of this military strength, and of the Zones as a whole. The artificial 'slums' of Battery City are created (dubbed 'the Lobby'), to give citizens a false belief of control - modern Droids are introduced as well.
2013 - Jet Star (aged 16) loses her family and crew in a firefight between early Draculoids. These Dracs are not as developed as the modern ones, and tend to malfunction.
2013 - the new Party Poison (aged 17) and the Kobra Kid (aged 15) escape into the Zones and begin to make a name for themselves.
2013 - Fun Ghoul's first crew disappears mysteriously at 16. The cause is unknown.
2014 - Modern Draculoids are introduced, these are much more effective and easy to control; they're more deadly. 
2014 - Korse runs into Party Poison and the Kobra Kid; Poison finds a mortal enemy.
2015 - Jet Star, Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, and the Kobra Kid form the next Fabulous Killjoys (the Fabulous Four) (they are unaware of Mike Milligram and his killjoys). 
2015 - Korse is assigned to the Four
2017 - The Four stumble across the Girl
2019 - The Killjoys 'die' in their 20s trying to save the Girl (aged 8) (this doesn't work with some canon, she might be much younger).
2028 - The Girl manages to destroy Better Living with the help of DESTROYA. Rumours of the Four finally seem to die down. Show Pony disappears after the deaths of the DJs. 
2032 - History repeats itself. The Director may be gone, but her late followers find themselves the catalyst in Better Living's next rise. Mom and Dad are plugged back in by an unsuspecting ex-citizen, who remains unknown. The Girl is forced to flee back into the desert. She disappears again. 
2033 - Dante, aged 35, wakes up. Jet Star is sighted near the previous Nevada
2034 - Party Poison and the Kobra Kid are sighted. 
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evilratfag · 1 year
here’s all the useful/random things i’ve found on the internet in one place (i’ll also be updating this from time to time to add new stuff)
(btw make sure to AT LEAST have a few ad blockers before u start pirating and if u can get a vpn)
nikfilecabinet — their entire account has a lot of useful shit ive just mostly used their piracy section
does the dog die — u can look up triggers that are in movies/tv shows (not directly related to piracy but though id throw it in here anyway)
communist manifesto — it like 50 pages just read it
stone butch blues —
it is frequently discussed as a difficult yet essential work for LGBT communities, as it "never shies away from portraying the anti-Semitism, classism, homophobia, anti-butch animus, and trans-phobia that protagonist Jess Goldberg faced on a daily basis—but it also shows the healing power of love and political activism."
fucking trans women — (cw for lots of nudity obviously)
a zine by trans women, about the sex lives of trans women. It is an educational and instructional tool as much as it is a creative exploration of how we have sex.
all animorphs books — kids are able to morph into animals and have to save the planet or something idk i haven’t finished the first book yet
spanish for beginners — speaks for itself
an indigenous peoples history of the us —
it describes and analyzes a four-hundred-year span of complex Indigenous struggles against the colonization of the Americas
electronic furby manual — a l l h a i l f u r b y s
native languages — they have lots of reliable info on native things and links to tribal sites
scarleteen — they have articles on tons of important things relating to sex ed, including things on queer sex, stuff relating to being trans/intersex, having sex while disabled/having a disabled partner, safe sex, consent, u get the picture
mending/fixing/taking care of clothes — they also have stuff about “upgrading” clothes (remaking, resizing, etc.) (also i got this from this twt thread that has other stuff too if u wanna check it out)
breast cancer self exam patient education for post mastectomy trans patients — just in case twitter finally blows up here’s the pdf
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silliebones · 11 months
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sploon attacks so far
in order: @bloodiehyena, @splatoonlink, @buttercupart
my artfight
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ohno-the-sun · 1 year
I have lots of thoughts on how the animatronics minds work (especially Sun and Moon) and idk where to put this since it’s not fanfic worthy but I feel the need to put it all down somewhere
Sorta just a brain dump don’t mind me
(just some preface I have very little programming experience and while some of this alludes to real psychology, this is not scientifically accurate at all, just my headcannons)
Now first to establish how the AI work it’s essentially a learning system that compiles multiple directives and inputs to make a decision.
Basically there are multiple learning modules that each receive the same sensory input, but each module has a different directive that it codes for. For example pretty much every animatronic has a “safety” directive that prioritizes human safety and the Glamrocks have a “showtime” directive that helps them perform on stage. Each animatronic can have hundreds to thousands of directives running at any given point. Each directive essentially works by taking the sensory input given to it and spitting out a suggested “action” that should take place given its directive. These actions are then sent to the core processor where there the taken action is chosen. For example, if an animatronic sees a fallen child, an action suggested by the “showtime” directive would be to sing to the child, but a directive from the “safety” directive would be scanning for wounds. Both actions would be sent to the core processor, and based upon probability algorithms (where each action is assigned a probability of 0-100% of being chosen, based on a variety of factors), it would likely choose the safety protocol action. So like the singing option would be assigned a probability of 2% and the scan for wounds suggestion would be assigned a probability of 98%. (Staff consider the “choosing” of a particular action to be completely random, but to the animatronics it’s sorta their free will) This process happens multiple times every second, allowing for adaptability and additions to the behavior. Very basic robots, like the staff bots, only work on one or two directives, making them much less adaptable and sentient compared to the others. It should be noted that not all suggested actions are actual “physical” actions, some could be replaying a memory, changing the probability of another directive being chosen, or simply stating a fact/opinion that a particular directive emphasizes. For an example for the last one, the safety directive could point out “there is snow outside, it will be cold” which could lead to a change in probability for another directive, like the “proper attire” directive.
Now one thing about these directives is that each animatronic has differing levels of awareness of them. Awareness of directives manifests as sorta being able to hear one’s thoughts, like being aware of your own decision making process or hearing thoughts that you otherwise would not act on. Ranking the more complex animatronics in order of least to most aware of their directives we have, Monty, DJ, Chica, Freddy, Roxy, and the DCA (my beloved).
Starting with Monty, even though he’s the least aware of his directives, this doesn’t mean he’s the least sentient. Simply put, he’s a action man first think later kinda guy. He doesn’t like dwelling too long on thoughts or feelings that aren’t important to the present situation. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have them though. This ends up messing with his core processor probability mechanism, making him far more impulsive than any other animatronic. When he starts getting errant inputs from a virulent directive (cough cough the peepaw virus) this causes him to act out more violently. He also has a bit of an issue straight up ignoring thoughts that are “bad” to him, like anything to do with a certain rabbit animatronic. 
DJ simply vibes man. He has fewer directives compared to the other complex animatronics, mainly because he rarely directly interacts with humans and tends to stay in one place. This however makes him unstable when a new set of directives are put in place that entail security (the bouncer mode). But he’s overall less impulsive than Monty and is self aware of what directives are running at any given point. He rarely has any conflicts with any of the thoughts he receives, so he doesn’t dwell on them. He is the second most stable animatronic emotionally.
Chica is sorta similar to Monty in that she tends to avoid her thoughts and feelings. She’s a far more self aware of them, and purposely takes actions to avoid hearing them (ie overeating) but other than thoughts that depress her, she’s relatively in tune with them. She ends up being very extroverted as she becomes less aware of her directives when shes with others. This makes her seem kinda airheaded, but when she is alone she does tends to get more contemplative. However when a virus starts to isolate her and increase the number of directives/thoughts that upset her, she goes fully into her bad habits.
Freddy is probably the most stable out of all the animatronics (other than maybe DJ). Even before the virus started to effect everyone, Freddy was always the most dependable and strong. In terms of his headspace, this is mainly because he has a good balance of aware and unaware directives. As seen with those previous, having too little awareness of one’s directives can cause impulsiveness, and we will see later what over awareness can do. Even when Freddy has unwanted thoughts/directives, he is able to reason and process them in a healthy way. Some directives relating to Bonnie do mess with his processor though, but other than those, he is relatively stable.
Roxy tries to seem like she doesn’t care, or hear her own thoughts, but that is a fat lie. She has a lot of errant directives that greatly affect the probability calculations of her core processor. This mainly stems from a lot of her directives being related to her appearance, giving her a lot of input she can’t do anything directly about unless she calls staff. This has given her a lot of self image issues. She makes up for this by continually choosing the most “cool” options, even if it’s not the best action for the situation. This leads to her being pretty mean to the other animatronics, staff, and kids. She’s closest to Chica, as she’s the only one who also has a lot of appearance directives (ayo sexism?), but as mentioned before she has more methods to quiet those thoughts.
Last but not least the daycare attendant. The daycare attendant is unique in that it has two main “modes” Sun and Moon. Each mode has the same directives and core processor, but the probabilities of suggested actions being chosen are changed greatly between the two. For example, the probability of naptime and security directive actions being chosen are reduced greatly in Sun mode, and playtime and crafting directives are reduced in Moon mode. Meaning if the situation calls for it, the other mode can still access its counterparts directives, but in daily use the likelihood of those options being taken are so low they basically never happen. This was meant to be the only difference between the two modes, as with only one processor, there would essentially be only one animatronic in the body. But there was a bug that lead to the memories of the daycare attendant to be split. Now one thing to clarify, memories are considered sensory input, so they go directly to directive modules to aid in learning, but don’t necessarily need to pass through the main processor. However, the only way animatronics are able to consciously recall a memory is if a directive  suggests playing it to the main processor, and that can change its probability calculations. Now the bug Sun and Moon have prevents directives from replaying memories from their counterparts database, essentially preventing recall from an event that happens to them in the other mode. But, the individual directives still processed the memories as they happened regardless of mode (for psychology nerds Sun and Moon basically share implicit memories but don’t share explicit). Now if the daycare attendant were any other animatronic, they would probably be okay. Maybe have some memory issues but their directives are in sync so they would still be one animatronic, except both Sun and Moon are hyper aware of their individual thoughts/directives. Moon sometimes gets thoughts to yell and wake all the children he spent an hour trying to get to bed. Sun wakes up to suddenly have multiple thoughts about certain children needing punishment, except for Sun that child was fine for him. For both, the others memories and directives creates intrusive thoughts for the other, making it difficult to discern which thoughts and feelings belong to them, and which belong to the other. This made both start to develop distinct identities, to the point they consider the other a completely different AI (even though again, they only have one processor). Moon’s directives are far more dangerous compared to Sun’s so for him this has created massive anxiety and frustration. He is not only receiving thoughts and input that are not safe for when children are around, but he is also constantly second guessing himself, not knowing whether or not an action will cause unwanted harm. This makes Sun the incredibly nervous person we see. Moon in general is less scared of his counterpart’s interference, but the constant barrage of both his own and Sun’s thoughts is a lot to deal with. This leads to him being kind of a recluse and really quiet, earning the reputation as the plex cryptid from the other animatronics. He also has a major complex when it comes to comparing himself to Sun, being overly self deprecating and having a skewed viewpoint as to how Sun is like (since they don’t really ‘know’ each other very well). His overthinking is somewhat lessened when he becomes friends with Monty and forms a line of communication with Sun (essentially writing notes to each other constantly), but once Monty joins the main band and the virus starts affecting Moon, everything starts to go south. The virus is a directive, so technically it affects both Sun and Moon, however, the probability of “virus” directives being chosen is far higher for Moon than Sun (since it’s categorized as a security directive). Therefore we have both Sun constantly receiving these extremely distressing thoughts and Moon acting on these thoughts. Tldr, both Sun and Moon are extreme overthinkers who have intrusive thoughts, for Sun this causes anxiety, for Moon this causes depression.
Extra stuff:
Sun and Moon tend to get overwhelmed when they are in situations that activate their counterparts directives. For example darkness and conflict for Sun and bright lights and loud noises for Moon. This leads to them both avoiding these situations as often as possible (Sun being conflict avoidant and Moon preferring a nice dark quiet space to hide away in).
Staff are not sure what determines how aware an animatronic is of their own directives and write it off as a bug.
The virus very specifically targets instabilities in the animatronics programming, taking directives from the base processor and twisting them to be more violent and bad. Basically taking their worst personality traits and turning them against the animatronic. For example, for Moon it amplifies his negative thoughts about Sun, the other animatronics and himself, and suggests violent ways to deal with it. This is how they are able to amplify the probability of these violent actions from being chosen. 
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aamaranthiine · 5 months
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Graceful, elusive and indeed the most beautiful creature to exist, there is too some whimsy to Amalthea as a unicorn. I really enjoy the notion that whilst being sentient, she still has animal-like behaviors and tendencies.
She will roll around in grass, especially in the early morning when its dewy. It's a way to not only expel excess energy but it feels good too.
Has a sweet tooth; she will accept the occasional treat from friends in the form of apples, sugar cubes, watermelon chunks, and berries of any sort.
Will absolutely shove her nose into your pocket to look for snacks, or just poke and nudge at you to be a bother for attention. (Only applicable to people she trusts implicitly.)
Rubs against trees to scratch itches on her shoulders or flanks.
Again, if she trusts you enough, she will try to steal any accessory of clothing that's loose to be playful. Hats, scarves, mittens, coats. It's all free real estate to play 'keep away.'
Loves to be scratched and to receive pets; her withers, along her back and behind her ears are the sweet spots she enjoys most.
Her tail is used to convey her mood, similar to a cat's. It has a slight curl when she's feeling neutral or just content. It'll twitch when agitated or lift up slightly higher and twist in on itself when curious.
She will show affection by nuzzling, nibbling and leaning against whoever she's fond of.
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death2you · 6 months
dbd released a trailer for their new game, the casting of frank stone
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livehexmoments · 11 months
I am going to write entire hc lists for the main hex characters and none of you can stop me >:)
I’m thinking about doing most of the characters as individual posts just to keep it separate and not to make anyone read 20 pages. 
Starting with Weasel Kid!! My boy <3 (it’s under keep reading cause its a very long list DWADWEG)
ADHD AF!! Constantly has to be doing something or he will be miserable. Which is why he constantly pesters his fellow game characters
ESPECIALLY FPP. Because FPP can’t talk back or tell Weasel to shut up, they’re the perfect person to just sit down and talk at. Although, it’s not like FPP minds too much (at least Weasel lets them talk back).
I am in full support of the FPP and Weasel friendship. Literally these two probably get into some type of situation at least twice a week.
When it comes to the other characters, well… He gets along with Lazarus pretty well. Weasel does come to him asking about stories of Vicious Galaxy and maybe advice but the poor guy looks constantly stressed out, Weasel tends to back off when Lazarus finally tells him to leave him alone.
Chandrelle and Weasel have this “bitchy older sister/annoying younger brother” vibes that I just keep thinking about. He LOVES to mess with her and call her out on stuff for fun. She constantly gets annoyed at him and one of these days she’s gonna cast a curse on him.
But she also manipulates him into dumb shit because he is very insecure and has a fragile ego like any young teen would so it’s kind of balanced.
Weasel likes Bryce just fine! Really enjoy his cooking/baking very much. So much so that he’s banned from the kitchen because he keeps stealing the food and hoarding it (Also he can’t cook and no one trusts him around the knives).
I remember seeing someone else made this hc but I love the idea of Rust being a father figure for Weasel. Both of them had experienced a great loss to their son/father so bonding and being like “You’ll never be him but I don’t need you to be, I just want to experience something similar again” means so much to me.
Weasel’s relationship with Reginald is a bit complicated due to how his game is technically part of the reason why Rootbeer Tender was hidden away and Reggie was…well y'know
Weasel blames himself a bit for the whole incident even though Reggie has reassured him that it had nothing to do with him
I do think that their relationship does in some way mirror a younger Lionel’s relationship with his grandpa, meaning it’s pretty wholesome even with some complicated aspects involved
I mean c'mon, Reggie literally told Weasel “You’re the only one I trust here”. I know it could just be part of the script but really?? I think he meant it a little.
I honestly think that Weasel does help Reggie out at times because of how old he looks and due to him being crippled. The line “You should take better care of Mr. Shrewd. He’s getting older.” really did stick with him and is one of his biggest regrets. 
For that reason, he’s not the biggest fan of Jeremiah. Sure, Jeremiah ultimately did warn him about what’s to come but the fact that he knew and didn’t do anything to stop it pisses him off (not realizing there was nothing Jeremiah could have done)
Also Jeremiah did antagonize and stalked him a lot so it does make Weasel uncomfortable knowing that he has to share a living space with the “freak” who supposedly does not like him very much
Weasel Kid is a dumbass angsty teen who looks like he’s super cocky and only cares about looking good, is actually someone who cares too much about people’s opinions and is very insecure
He constantly looks for validation and attention from everyone because he can’t handle being left alone again
Even moreso, he really does care for everyone at the inn. Even if he can be an ass to them or pretend not to care, he does and if anything were to happen, he will defend them (or cry, depending on the scenario)
Constantly hides his emotions under his sunglasses btw
He’s the classic case study of child star syndrome and how it can fuck up even a video game character’s life 
Moving away from the fucked up hcs, Weasel is a skater kid!! He does know how to skate with a skateboard and is pretty good at it!! Unfortunately, this kid thinks he’s Tony Hawk a lot and will try to pull off impossible tricks that result in him breaking an arm or leg
Weasel doesn’t have a room in the inn (lmao), instead he sleeps in the alcove in the hallway that they made into a little home for him (shoutouts to one fanfic Scoverva wrote for inspiring that idea). 
He’s a little prankster. Because his “room” is the alcove, he found a way to get into everyone’s rooms and sometimes steals their stuff for fun (ESPECIALLY Chandrelle’s). Sometimes he’ll set up a prank for them, but avoids doing so with Rust and Lazarus. Those two are apparently fucking terrifying when they’re angry.
Even when he was a young kid, he was a bit mischievous but was still generally naive and outgoing. He used to follow Mr. Shrewd a lot when he wasn’t active in the game and loved to run around in the fields and be a kid with a lot of energy (it didn't last ofc :pensiveemoji:) 
One of the few characters that actually held no grudge against Irving. It wasn’t that he didn’t know Irving, he actually knew him pretty well. All of his interactions were actually nice and Irving did treat him with some respect and decency. Irving gave him the sunglasses actually.
Not to say he feels super bad for him, he definitely got what was coming. Still, Weasel sometimes feels bad for Irving but ultimately doesn’t think about too hard and thinks Lazarus was justified in killing him (especially hearing about what he did to Reggie and stuff)
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