#might just watch the movies bc i havent. idk
selcouth2013 · 6 months
speed and genzo doodle! just wanted to mess around with line weight & clothing wrinkles cuz i never draw those :o
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termitesisagrandslam · 8 months
bad headache again 2day. not gone yet. hopefully it is not something bad 😜 i still suspect it's most likely tension but this is draining me having a near constant headache with occasional really horrible migraines and i am not getting things done ive wanted to get done the past couple weeks bc im afraid of doing anything to make it all worse and also im just kinda drained even when the headache is super mild
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ryanwritesfanfiction · 2 months
Random Chase Davenport Headcanons
a/n i havent seen the series in the a rlly long time also idk if there is any demand for this or lab rats in general but im gonna write anyway :P
ps: i might write more of these idk yet
hes really scared of heights
collects and restores vintage tech/ videogames
leaves rlly long reviews in letterboxd (no one reads them)
bc of his super intelligence he's really good at predicting the stock market (has a very diverse porfolio)
secretly likes sitcoms (eg tbbt and community) but tells everyone tv is frivolous
he like to watch telenovelas
he reads fanfiction and eventually writes some bc he thinks he can do it better (he does)
he likes to keep true to his training schedule and stuff but really likes traveling and learning about other cultures from experiencing it first hand and speaks the language of wtv country hes in
avoids caffeine bc he had a redbull once and was up for hours (it prolly messed w his bionics like in ep 1 with the bell)
he didnt like the iron man trilogy bc it reminded him too much of Mr. Davenport
he took the bar exam just bc he could but he doesnt really use it, more just for bragging rights
he is sooo nosy and gossipy hes basically a teenage girl
doesnt really drink anything other than water and like diet coke on special occasions
has go bags hidden ~everywhere~
dyed his hair black once (eveyone made fun of him so he never changed his hair again)
tries to use modern slang and references but is rlly bad at them
bree made him watch all the pitch perfect movies w her and he pretended to not like them but he loved them
he doesn't like driving but he especially doesn't like driving with other people in the car
he wear sunscreen every day bc he's scared of skin cancer
he sends texts in grammatically correct sentences
he doesn't like to drink but when he does its like rlly fruity drinks
he tried to pick up skateboarding once but fell and hurt his knee and didn't do it ever again
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jackasswhre · 1 year
Hiya idk if your requests are open but if they are can I get a jackass image/fic (Platonic) where reader gets dumped by their partner
This is kinda hard to explain
But yk how some people write a fic and there multiple people in that in fic that's kinda what I'm thinking like something with whatever jackass guys you want
hiiiiii, yes they are open, sorry ive been really busy lately so i havent posted
i did headcanons bc i dont really know how to write full fics, also i did johnny, steve-o, ryan, bam and pontious :) hope you like it!!!!
Platonic!Johnny Knoxville/ Steve-o/ Bam Margera/ Ryan Dunn/ Chris Pontious x reader who has just been dumped
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Johnny Knoxville
(im really sorry his is gonna be short bc i have no idea what to write for him)
Ok so i feel like Johnny would definetly hug you and tell you that it's going to be okay
Like some motivational dad talk lmao
Because his way of comforting you is most likely talking about it
And if you don't want to talk about it then he 100% understands and tells you that he's here for you
Probably watches a comedy movie/show with you so you will laugh
Orders takeout or makes food himself
Just like makes sure you feel alright and makes you forget about the person who just dumped you
Does anything you ask him to
In general he's really gentle about it
I feel like Steve-O wouldn't really be into the whole talking thing
I mean like he definetely will listen to you rant if you need to but he just wouldn't really know what to say
It also depends on what era it is
Because if he's sober then he's incredibly sweet and like Johnny probably watches a movie with you
But if he's not sober then he'll 100% suggest going to the bar and getting shit faced after like 10 minutes of hearing you talk about the breakup
And like honestly you two would have so much fun that night
Drinking and laughing
Honestly maybe even crying
If you don't want to go to the bar then he understands and goes by himself
Lmao jk he's not that mean
He might whine a bit but if you really don't want to go then he gets it and you guys probably fall asleep on the couch watching some early 2000s cartoon
Bam Margera
Now here's the deal with Bam
He totally and completely gets it and is there for you
But he will also suggest that you guys go skate to let some anger out
If you can skate it's not even gonna be a suggestion
He'll literally grab you, pull you off of the couch and throw you in the car to go to the skatepark
If you don't know how to skate he says that he'll help you and while you're there he "teaches" you different tricks but in reality he's just having fun and he may have slightly forgotten that you can't skate
Once you guys are done you probably hit up a gas station, buy some snacks and sit on the sidewalk
In the middle of converstation he'll ask if you're okay and if there's anything else he can do
Bam's an amazing friend so he'll help in any way he can
If the person who dumped you was a guy and was a total asshole then he definetely calls Dunn and they "talk" to him
You guys spend the rest of the night listening to HIM and maybe even smoking
Ryan Dunn
Bro when I tell you that Ryan is the best friend anyone could have I mean it
I mean like first of all he would 100% give you an AMAZING hug and tell it's gonna be alright
Then he would probably take you to the store and buy you whatever snacks and/or drinks you wanted
You guys would spend the rest of the afternoon/evening/night/whenever talking and watching tv
He shares some of his stories on how he got dumped and tells you that he knows how you feel and wants to make you as happy as possible
If you want to laugh then he'll put on some show or tell you funny stories
If you want to cry then he will totally cry with you
If you're mad then he will first try to calm you down and if that doesn't work he'll find an abandoned building or something where you guys can break stuff
If the rest of the viva la bam/cky guys hear about what you guys are doing they will 100% join you (and if you don't want them to Ryan tells them to fuck off)
Ryan's the definition of the sweetest friend anyone could have
Chris Pontious
Lets get one thing straight
Chris is the funniest person on the planet
So when you tell him about you getting dumped, his goal is to make you laugh as much as possible
Whether that's while you're crying
Or when you guys are talking about other things
He tries to get your mind off of it and he does anything to do it
Even if he totally embarasses himself in the process
As long as you're laughing he's happy
He's also really good at talking so if you don't want him to make jokes 24/7 he'll 100% listen and talk to you about other things
I feel like he gives really but also kinda stupid advice
Idk how to explain it
Maybe its the fact that normally everything that comes out of this dudes mouth is goofy as fuck
Or maybe its just the fact that he hasn't fully stopped making jokes
Whatever it is the advice is still pretty good
And he is still fully devoted to making you happy
Also please laugh at his jokes
Even if they're kinda bad
It'll boost his ego so much lmao
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meruz · 8 months
another ask post
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i mean i also read it because a friend whos rly into queer SFF fiction circles recced it but she did kinda lead with "the writer used to write hs fanfic...tasmyn..taz...?" to which i replied
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of COURSE I read the locked tomb because i heard taz had written a book. of course. ill consume most any media made by a beloved homestuck bnf. thats also why i played undertale. and read like..snotgirl. and idk... watched the new dub of neon genesis evangelion.
if u made homestuck fanwork 10 years ago and havent even made it since chances are I still remember and I love you for it.
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sdlkfhsg its funny you sensed that because that drawing did in fact start kinda more........ well, I'd be lying if I said my hands never wrought a drawing toeing over the pg-13 line LOL...
NOT to say i have a secret stash of porn or anything. in general im more interested in the implication of sexuality or mature themes over any explicit depiction. like everything i draw is so softcore itd almost feel silly to make a nsfw acc for anything.
but im not rly jumping to post anything on main either bc i get the sense i have a lot of kids in my social media following. it varies from site to site and fandom to fandom but the themes in my work often circle around childhood, coming of age etc and in general i like stories about kids so the fandoms i draw for have a lot of kids in them. even stuff like IT (stephen king) which is about kids but isn't necessarily for kids.. there were a lot of kids in that fandom lol.
actually thats why ive been censoring swears in comics lately because the tmnt fandom comes across to me as a little young...IDK I've had MULTIPLE people ask me what "sodomize" means because of the joke in this post and I'm like... I Cannot be the one to explain this to you. you have to look it up on your own klfsdhsdg like i wouldn't be doing this if i were doing a comic for mgs or even homestuck wherein the characters textually swear constantly LOL but sometimes u gotta change tacks depending on the faces u see in the crowd yknow.
i HAVE been thinking abt drawing nsfw of sunspot/richard rider/kobak from x-men red just because that comic seemed to be really asking for it. who knows.. if the need rly arises maybe my separate account policy will change.
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its rly more a matter of the fact that i havent read/watched much of any other iterations... im sure id like most lol. I like most things related to my interests regardless of quality. i rly like the marvel ultimate alliance games for instance. sometimes seeing my fave guy is enough he doesnt have to be well written LOL. i dont exactly have a wealth of free time tho thats the real impediment.
i did watch the 2007 movie on new years eve and found it quite charming overall. and i have read about 30-40 issues between the mirage and idw comics. still feels like im barely scratching the surface but i liked em. i rly want to read all the sophie campbell stuff bc i think her work is interesting. jason aaron will be a mixed bag i think lmao. i say as the worlds biggest Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) fan.
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hmm this is kinda hard bc i feel like i naturally draw very loose and the hard part for me is tightening it up. maybe some suggestions tho...
1) hand excercises. i think its easy to forget this when many artists sit in front of the computer all day but drawing is a physical activity u do with ur actual...bodys...muscles lol. if u feel urself tightening up it might help to strech (any google search for "artist hand excercises" should yield good results) or do a page of loose practice strokes like..big circles. long lines. scribbles. that kinda thing. whatever feels good for ur hand. this is also just good to do as a general warm up before u sit down for any drawing sesh.
2) draw further away from the canvas. as a general rule...when ur painting traditionally you do the big strokes with your whole arm outstreched and a long handled brush. and when you do the details its smaller wrist movements and a shorter handled brush. so it might help to take a step back or push back from ur chair a little.. or hold ur tablet a little further away. and hold your pen further away from the nib.
3) change mediums / brush types. some brushes and mediums are more suited to loose sketching and some more inclined towards detail work. so changing ur tool could help. also! i personally have this problem where sometimes if im using a brush i feel really familiar with the pressure to make a "good" "finished" "perfect" drawing is greater... if i want to force myself to loosen up ill switch to a tool i dont use as often so it feels like the pressure is off. a lot of times for me this is switching from digital to traditional. but sometimes its switching from a small pen to a big marker. or a smooth pen to a textured one. or a nice brush to a shitty dried up marker.
but also every body is different so i dont think these tips will work for everyone. u should listen to what ur body and mind tell u and how drawing feels to you
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bro just sign up and set it up i dont think theres much to it... i dont rly think too much abt my itch.io store because its digital goods so u just upload the file and let it do its thing. no distribution work needed on ur part. youll notice i barely even advertise my itch unless i have smth new on there lol.. its easy. but good luck!!!
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idk if im the best person to ask this im more a comic fan than i am a comic professional... a comic hobbist.
well. scott mcclouds understanding comics and making comics are good books on the craft. i think i had to buy them for a class in art school once.
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other than that idk just keep at it. comics are really laborious i think for a lot of people the hardest part is sitting down and doing it.
i think a lot of people have a very instinctive understanding of how to read comics and what they look like so whatever you think seems like good way to tell the story you have in mind, its probably right. if u get stuck, study comics that have done something similar. most people in comics are relatively self taught and actually it can be problematic bc you can tell when a lot of comic artists are all copying the same like 5 old white guys LMAO. but on the flip side if you make sure to reference and study broadly your comics will almost assuredly feel unique.
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sorry im responding to this anyways. this is just a really nice ask. i like when people reference my older work bc i feel like sometimes theyre subtly implying it wasnt very good LMAOOO. but its true! at least compared to the work i make now ^^ and the fact that im still making art is whats keeping me from being embarassed abt how much of my old art just floats around online lmao im never ashamed to be growing and learning. isnt that a nice thought <3
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hinacu-arts · 2 months
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Version 3's current set up
Just some fun notes
Batman - im most familiar with Wayne Family Adventures. Im working on a close up of Gotham Kingdom with the other batfam members (Kate is a duchess!)
Superman - okay so i know a little bit about Conner bc ive seen like 2 episodes of YJ but WFA includes Jon so now im familiar with him but WFA Kon is different from YJ Conner (is he brothers with Clark?) so afagsgdhdjklflh basically im still working on their fam situation
Aquaman - based on the movies! And by movies i mean #1 and the trailer to #2 bc i still havent gotten around to watching that
Green Lantern - the only GL im familiar with is Hal from Justice League: War and that movie gave me like nothing to work with
Flash - hoo boy okay ive seen the first few episodes of The Flash and i majorly dont vibe with technically-not-incest so i did some research on Comic Flash and then i decided to go way to complicated and included all of Iris' siblings and her kid from The Flash
Green Arrow - i know NOTHING about him. Zilch. He's got a different love interest in his show than the comics which is not helpful. Is Roy his son? Bc sometimes he is sometimes he's adopted and sometimes he's the son-in-law
Supergirl - i watched the first season of her show so i want to include her but idk how yet im looking at a few different options
Wonder Woman - forgot to put her on here but she is based on her movies! So just her and her mom but i might change that
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thisisegregiouuuus · 2 months
i love THE SHINING!!!!!!!!!! literally all week since saturday all ive been thinking abt is watching it again but since school started i made this little tradition that every saturday night id watch the shining on the tv while everyones asleep (im so cool) bc i love watching the shining on the tv (i only watch stuff on my laptop so getting to watch smth i love on the tv is rlly cool to me 😼)
ive come to a point where i dont mind watching the shining every day. like in the beginning it was all just 'oh, i havent watched the shining in a while, i feel like watching it now so im going to' that was like a month and a half ago or smth...ive never rlly had the shining as an actual interest before, but this one by far has lasted the longest, and its kind of different to any other interest i have in a way i cant explain!!!!
anyway, that little 'i wanna watch the shining tonight!" like 2 months ago sent me down a rabbit hole of youtube videos talking abt the making of the shining, theories abt the shining, and a bunch of other stuff, plus reading the actual book (which i love as much as the movie) and now here i am! when this silly little interest first started i was like 'oh i wanna pace myself, i dont want to watch the shining every night' bc i jsut didnt feel like it, but now i dont mind watching it every night or so, but i gotta wait until saturday now. at least it keeps me looking forward to smth!
dude i dont wanna sound crazy or anything, and i dont mean it in a crazy way, like i think im pretty normal abt my interest in the shining, but most of the time in my mind im just thinking abt the shining and waiting for someone to ask me if i know the shining or for someone to merely mention it bc the second they do i can just explode and finally tell SOMEONE how much i love the shining. like i kid u not i was having dinner today and while i was eating i was begging for my family to just ask me 'so are u watching any movies rn?' bc YES. YES I AM!!! and i have a lot to say abt it.... also at dinner i was thinking of all the lines from the shining i knew off by heart, reciting them to myself, i wanna quote them to someone so bad and i would to my closest friend but she wouldnt get it or find it funny, she doesnt like the shining and we kinda only quote things we find funny </3 so idk who to talk to abt the shining. thats why im on here writing abt it!
anyway thats all! im gonna post this publicly, just to try it out--i never post anything publicly but i wanna see what its like, ive been on tumblr for like a year or smth but i still dont rlly know it too well lol, so im still learning. if i like posting publicly i might post more, or ill just take this down. anyway sorry if theres any spelling mistakes or anything, this isnt proofread! :3
(also the title is a quote from the movie evan almighty in case u dont get it 😻)
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haemosexuality · 11 months
my thoughts on the movie UwU
ok first of i LOVED what they did with mike's character???? its different from the games canon (or different from the most popular theories??? i can never remember what is actually canon and whats accepted fanon) but its sooooo interesting. making him the brother of one of the victims was SO unexpected but it worked really really well. tho going into the movie with preconceived notions ab the story fucked me up somewhat bc i took so long to accept he wasnt michael afton 😣 tho i feel the movie mightve been setting fans up that way lol
on that note his brother confused me somewhat? cuz he was one of the missing children but he wasnt one of the 5 spirits was he??? maybe he was and i just didnt notice KSBSKDBSKD ill look out for it on my second watch
WILLIAM. MOTHER FUCKING AFTON. OH MY GODDDDDDD THAT WAS FUCKING INSANE and honestly seeing everyones reaction to it was SO cool. when springtrap appeared everyone screamed and clapped. when he started dying everyone screamed and clapped even louder. and when he said "I ALWAYS COME BACK" everyone LOST THEIR FUCKING MIND SCREAMING CRYING YELLING CLAPPING WHOOPING IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
AND THE VANESSA REVEAL????? i think thats completely different from game vanessa lore mostly bc william aftons daughter in the game was elizabeth/baby and shes fucking dead but idk vanessa lore so who knows. all i know is that it WORKED MAN i did NOT see that coming but i HONESTLY REALLY LIKED IT AND AGAIN EVERYONE IN THE THEATER LOST THEIR MINDS WE WERE ALL LIKE "WHAT?????" (edit: i saw an youtuber point out that this cant be the same vanessa from sb bc this is set in like the 90s and sb's in the future. maybe this is something like, they put two vanessas so we know that sometimes different characters just have the same name and dont get too hang up on mike smith vs michael afton lol)
i also like how they did williams character. i usually dont like purely evil 2d villains but i feel that fits afton way more than "sad scientist goes insane cuz he lost his kid oh no :(". like it just fits fnaf!!!!!!!
another thing that was completely different from the game was the animatronics. like in the game theyre "like animals" but in the movie they all seemed very, aware??? msking decisions? they def had a mind and it was cheesy sure but i also liked it. i just loved this movie. and everything about it. i went into it knowing it was absolutely not going to be 1:1 with the game so i dont mind im just so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not gonna remember all of them but I WANT THE MIDNIGHT MOTORIST HOODIE
max did NOT deserve to die that upset me. she was fine!!!!!!!
also the violence wasnt anything super crazy but it was def more than i expected. also they swore
also golden freddy wasnt a girl in the movie. F cassidy
i like mikes character sooooo much ive said so before and im saying it again. vanessa too
this one is only for the brazilians in here but i actually liked the dub? this sentiment might change after i watch the og version but it wasnt terrible. williams voice was 10/10
balloon boy was funny every single time. fuck this bitch. also the cupcake
THE ITS MEEEEEEEEEEE i wish they did more its mes BUT I SAW THAT!!!
the scene were mike calls abby to the kitchen so they could 'talk' and the aunt was there.... actually broke my heart how dare you
i missed phone guy 😭
i thought i wouldnt like it but i love how expressive freddy is its so funny. chica bonnie n foxy too but him especially
ok i those were all my immediate thoughts!!! i wrote this a few hours ago when id JUST gotten back from the theater and now im gonna go watch it again so bye <3
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estcsy · 1 year
hiii so i’m actually obsessed with you currently, i haven’t been the most motivated about shifting and it’s been a year since i like last attempted to shift but i write scripts and your avatar stories give me so much motivation to shift so if you don’t mind could you talk more about the sibling bond with the sullys (i wanna shift as a sully but i also wanna shift as tonowari and ronal’s kid too bc i wanna know what that would be like) and how tsireya and ao’nung are and just like mundane things idk your stories just motivate me sm and there’s not a lot of avatar shifters who share their stories and i’m just really excited rn <33
there’s tears in my eyes this is why I do what I do IM SO GLAD I CAN HELP MOTIVATE YOU :(( 🤍
I think tsireya and aonung are a lot more civilized then the sully kids are 💀 ofc they are still siblings and all but the way jake saw how they acted with each other and then looked at us and said ��y’all need to be more like them” makes me laugh to this day maybe it’s just because there’s two of them so all of us just make chaos everywhere we go
the sully sibling bond is you’re always worried about one another (at least that’s how I feel) and I think neteyam thinks the same thing because he’ll like wake up and look around to see if we’re all still there
loak is aging that boy out istg
something that jake and neytiri do is they make us walking in a single file line to keep track of us 😭 he’ll also like count how much kids he’s got and if one of us is missing he’ll put his hand on his head and be like “holy cow i’m missing one” then once he finds the one that’s missing he’s like “you cannot tell your mother that happened okay”
so you see that little doll thing tuktuk is playing with in the beginning of the movie is an example of stuff we make together. it doesn’t have to be toys tho there’s all sorts of things you can make, my favorite thing to make (other then dolls) are something that are called nahria which is like this little trinket that brings you good luck (i’m sorry this is just a bad explanation but I hope you get what I mean)
but you see being a sully sibling you’re gonna be harassed by them every day like I have never gotten slapped by anyone more then them and neteyam is heavy handed as hell shit hurts he’ll leave a mark on you
also the endless scaring which I take part of shamelessly but all of them are so good at it especially since being able to move quickly and quietly is a very valuable skill when you’re a navi so yk watch out you might just have a big ass blue alien jump out at you and your heart will sink into your ass
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omegawolverine · 9 months
Bestie bestie gimme all ur favourite horror movies i wanna binge them since i havent watched any of them as a kid (consequence of me only watching 2 movies on repeat)
tbf im not a huge horror guy despite the Everything about me and my blog (a lot of horror doesnt scare me so it just makes me bored unless its horror comedy or there is homoeroticism) BUT
-scream 1996 (u can watch the others if u want but there is a severe lack of faggotry and they arent funny enough to make that acceptable)
-IT 2017 + 2019 (read the book first if u have the time/patience bc the movies are leaving out so much detail but theyre still good)
-seed of chucky (watch bride of chucky too if youd like, you honestly dont need to watch any other childs play movies to enjoy seed tho)
-army of the dead (not rly horror but its zombies so im listing it. watch army of thieves if you want too but that's not horror at all since its a prequel where zombies are unimportant)
-saltburn? does that count? idk its like thriller comedy but a lot of people die so im putting it on the list
-the voices (horror comedy AGAIN im so sorry)
-renfield (okay just assume everything on this list is horror comedy unless i say otherwise)
-missing (not comedy!! this movie had me feeling insane with the plot twist but apparently my mom expected it so maybe i was just being dumb)
-donnie darko (i think its a lil funny but i dont think its supposed to be comedy)
-coraline (this is the only animated movie im mentioning but its like. so fucking good)
-barbarian (this is like if the naked gramma scene in IT chapter 2 was extended and also somehow worse)
-pearl/x (cunty campy fun horror but also. insane. watch pearl first then x if you want extra context but pearl is technically a prequel)
-ready or not (i only saw this once but ive been wanting to see it again ever since but its not on any of the streaming sites i use so i gotta get creative with my searches iykyk)
okay everything after this point is like honorable mentions that i dont rly care about a whole lot but are like good watches anyways even if they arent my faves if that makes sense? like i like them but im not crazy about them
-saw (ive seen 1-3 and theyre pretty good but 1 is the only one ive rewatched and if u dont pay attention to it itll feel like a flop bc youll miss all the important stuff)
-midsommar (i dont even rly like this one but sometimes i watch it again anyways just bc it makes me feel normal)
-the exorcist (this is literally the only horror movie that has ever like. gave me actual genuine fear. but that might be bc i was raised christian and watched this for the first time at 9 years old)
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pteropods · 7 months
whats ur fav anime . atm
OHHH hard to choose. Ive been rewatching Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War (and watching s3 for the first time) lately and its def one of my faves. It's a comedy but it has a kot of serious parts fit into it really well (Sometimes in comedies rhe serious bits are totally ruined bt sticking a joke in the middle, or theyre just inserted into it reslly weirdly- I think love is war does it really well tho)
OH !!! Mononoke is also rlly good its probably my all time fav in its genre (Like I wouldnt pit a comedy against mononoke bcs you gotta judge them on different things yk?). Its also the onky dubbed anime that I watch the sub with. The dub aint bad but I thi jnk the sub is just rlly good.
In generalllll I'd say The Disasterous Life of Saiki K bcs its so rewatchable imo (I'm the worlds #1 rewatfher ever).
OH JAPAN SINKS 202O THATS ONW OF MY FAVES 100% i'm Science Saru's #1 dickrider but I really enjoy it in general for a lot of reasons. Bcs its SciSaru the animation has a really unique feel- When you get to watching so many anime you can lose interest in an otherwise good one if it has the standard, boring style every time yk? SciSaru tho has a lot of influence from western animation as well as eastern- The chief of animation is actually Spanish and worked in Ireland and France before going to Japan for SciSaru !! France is actually where one of the founders met Góngora (chief animator) and when he started his own abimation studio w/ Eunyoung Choi (other founder) he invited Góngora to join. Sorry I rlly like taljing abt SciSaru.
Anyway the studios animation is of itself is a amazing. I lije to describe it often as a more western feel with the actual animation, but a very Anime-y framing and bloxking if that makes sense? I could go on abt this for hours. anyway
As I said Japan Sinks 2020 is super good, so's a lot of SciSaru's other stuff. Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken is also an AMAZING one done by them. iirc it was the first of their anime that I watched.
Sarazanmai and Stars Align are also great ones !! Yk how when you finish one rlly good media you immediately want The Exact Same Thing but Slightly Different? I like to rec those rwo together bcs it feels like that sorta vibe. Weathering With You also ig. If you were to watxh both of them I'd say go for Stars Align first tho, or else the wildness of Sarazanmai might make Stars Align seen like a bit of a letdown. idk
If I had to go for movies I'm always a sucker for Makoto Shinkai ones, and if you like his stuff then Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop might be down your alley too. I've been watching the Satoshi Kon fest and Tokyo Godfathers is AMAZING as well. Pretty different from the ones I just mentioned tho
Last years fall season releases had some gems too!! Hells Paradise, My Home Hero, and Heavenly Delusion were amazing. I havent finished those last two yet tho haha
Kotaro Lives Alone also came out last year I think? or maybe 2020-2022 idrr. Its a luttle sad but its rlly good. So sad that theres no more ToT
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ttimecode · 1 year
milo pspsp I got a game for you: rank your top 5 lupin opening theme OST (visuals not included, only the song) - movies AND episode series EHSHEGSHEGHSHEE and maybe we'll debate which is better /lh
theres a lot so ill put a cut here
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not sure if sexy adventure counts but its an opening so. idk BDJAVFHS
1. cagliostro (ofc its so sweet how could i not)
2. the first (the animation is AMAZING but lets ignore the.... yeahh)
3. voyage to danger
4. tokyo crisis
5. farewell to nostradamus
ok for episodes. i havent watched part 3 and havent finished part 2 and 6 yet so
1. part 5, ep. 23 - just then, an old buddy said something
2. part 5, ep. 19 - a 7.62mm mirage
3. part 4, ep. 17 - the murdering marionette
4. part 4, ep. 16 - lupins day off
5. part 2, ep. 57 - getting jigen with it
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starofhisheart · 9 months
Some updates~
I keep forgetting abt tumblr cause idk I got too used to the ease of twitter after migrating there after the porn ban so even tho im "back" and created whole new acc's here I just havent got into the habit of using them,, so if i have periods of activity and then loads of inactivity thats why lol. Also not currently in a hyperfixation so im just chillin~
Anyway trekkies look what I bought myself for my birthday last month!!!
Tumblr media
I've been getting back into collecting dvds bc the state of streaming atm is awful and I am a Collector at heart and just like having physical copies of media i love. I dont really use my tv much cause its a bit broken so I've just been using my computer to watch em for the time being. Also bought the gay skating anime (yoi) which I've been meaning to buy since 2016 when it graced our screens for the first time lol.
Also I didn't talk abt the ofmd finale bc as an izzy fan I was crushed and even as a fan of the other characters and couples I was just generally disappointed in it. Such a good season and then to end it...like that. Well, lets just say my hyperfixation died with izzy's last breaths. I've moved on from grief and anger to just apathy. Not really interested in a season 3 anymore but still love the cast and crew and what the show inspired in me.
Speaking of s3's gomens amiright?!!!!!!! Cant believe that announcement didnt bring me back to tumblr.
Been trying to watch Neil's Sandman but finding it a bit hard to get thru. Ep 4 picked up tho and I love Gwen as Lucifer. God I'm gay. Also may have fallen for another anti-hero in dark glasses w a chip on his shoulder for his creator....curse u Gaiman!!!
I had a short but intense interest in Top Gun 86 when I stumbled across the movie and fell in love w the chemistry between Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer. I even got back into editing for them...should I post it here? Hmm, might make a post abt it after this.
Tryna go thru tos to screen record some clips for some trek edits but only on ep4 😭 so an edit is a long way away unless i get my act together. My edits r very basic and I like clipping them myself but I enjoy making them so thats what matters.
Anyway not makin any promises but I might be around more...maybe lol.
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liquidstar · 2 years
do you have any anime recs that don't have the Ick Factor? 🤔
Idk if the pun is intentional but “the ick factor” sounds like a version of the x factor where contestants sing as badly as possible to win. 
Anyway i can think of a couple but PLEASE keep in mind these are all off the top of my head so i might not remember every single scene in the show… These are pretty much the most “clean” ones i can think of but depending on your tolerance there are more that might just have a few “meh” jokes here and there that you can mostly ignore.
a place further than the universe, its about four highschool girls that are friends and go to antarctica.
For something more action-packed, vivy: fluorite eye’s song didnt have anything weird or gross in it from what i remember. This could also be attributed to the fact that most of the characters are adults (or, rather, robots programed to be adults). I think the absolute most that happens still is that vivy fights in a sports bra once or twice
Theres also heaven’s design team, its really cute and its just about a team of angels making animals. Some of the girls wear revealing clothes but again theyre all adults. 
Also cells at work for another edutainment type show. But not code:black lol
For more obvert comedy i dont think nozaki-kun had anything creepy in it at all, especially for a highschool romcom series lmao
Also ive been watching the anne of green gables anime adaptation and anything like that is completely lacking, but idk if that “counts” since its an adaptation of a book. still think its sweet though, very ghibli feel (bc theres staff overlap including miyazaki)
Little witch academia didnt have anything creepy in it from what i remember either especially for a trigger series. also very very gay :thumbsup: same goes for BNA but idk if id recomend that one lol
Zombieland saga is also pretty good, as long as they dont do anything weird w sakura and kotaro in season 3. theres a part in season 2 where a teen character has a crush on an adult but he tells her shes too young so :thumbsup:
Otherside picnic is also pretty good so far, both the characters are adults and also just dress like Normal Women which i find refreshing
For movies there’s a silent voice, I think theres just like once scene where two girls talk about boobs for a second and the main guy gets flustered and leaves and thats it. (edit: be warned this one will make you feel so many emotions tho)
anyway i tried to avoid putting stuff thats blatant kids shows on the list, aside from maybe anne of green gables but come on thats a classic lol.
and im sure theres plenty more that just didnt come to my mind so i dont mind ppl replying w others. sadly its a bit hard to recall Every Show Ive Ever Seen, not to mention ones i havent!
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
14 + 20 + 22 + 25?
14.) whats your favorite part of this story/project?
if I’m being real ok this is the most horrible and shallow answer but honestly like. The aesthetics of everything. Most of which only exist in my mind but idk I like the colors I like the time period + clothing and the character designs. It’s really fun for me to think abt + to work on personally. Not that I don’t like the other aspects as well but that’s what stands out the most to me ig 😋 also some of the characters due to my insane favoritism. Like I only ever have one favorite at a time it’s rocio right now but literally everyone has had their turn. So they could all have been considered my favorite part of the story at one time or another for sure.
20.) your ocverse just got a movie trilogy a la hunger games style. how have they horribly mangled your message/theme so that the movies are now a showcase of what the original was condemning?
Rocio dramatic final sacrifice or something probably… they die forever and everyone is like wow… this was the right decision to make… there was no other way… this truly was our [working title pending]. It’s like part of the point of the story is looking for alternative ways to solve problems that aren’t self destruction + being able to change your mind so this ending would be like validating her preconcieved notions of despair + only listening to her own convictions as correct and necessary. 
22.) you have been given unlimited funds to make two adaptations of some sort, however you cannot make any other adaptations of any other sort. which two formats do you choose?
Easy ok 1) long ass novel series 2) comic book. The impulse is to say arcane style animated series but tbh I think the comic format would work better I think it’d be better at conveying a lot of the emotions in a more subtle + muted yet efficient way. Idk I like animation a lot ofc but IMO comics with really nice illustrations + that are well made and well written ofc can hit really hard they stick with you a lot I think. Bc there’s an interesting balance between seeing what’s on the page and having to imagine the details like the movement and how everything sounds yourself. Whereas with reading regular books the reader has to put in more effort + with watching tv they have to put in less. Long novel series self explanatory it’s long it fleshes everything out the pacing might not be great objectively but there’s just a lot of it there which would be fun for me :3
25.) best scene you havent yet written, but have an idea for?
😞😞😞 I used to have more specific ideas but ever since I dismantled it for parts and got rid of a solid 2/3 of the story now there’s just like scenes that have been there for years that I don’t want to talk abt bc I’d be repeating myself. And vibes. And things I have mediocre WIPs of. I’ll try to come up with something. I do have a couple of really vague general ideas. Lucia + Cirillo arguing over whether they should kill Rocio kind of funny. A little too darkly comedic (or if taken 100% seriously then very depressing but I feel like it is inherently a little funny) compared to what I was going for initially but whatever times change. I like the idea of conflict between 2 characters that start out with such a close relationship + both care deeply abt other people but their specific motivations make it so that’s what tears them apart or whatever idk it’s interesting. Cirillo defending Rocio + Lucia trying to protect everyone would be kind of sweet I feel like idk it’s not a very fleshed out idea but I do think it’s interesting :3
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slowtraincumming · 29 days
hello how r u today? just read ur intro n wow weve very similar music taste! ^^
r yellowjackets wasps? omg hope ur alright now
don't reckon if i answered to the other ask, sorry, so ill answer now
st is an alternative story of b&j from trhps (always by richard o brien). while in trhps they get married and go tell dr scott but they end up at fnf's castle instead, here it is implied they made it, they never met fnf, they got married n live together but theyre not so close anymore so they take part in a tv show where a group of neurosurgeons has to perform a shock treatment on brad to make him feel luv 4 janet again, while she becomes a self-centred spoiled diva bc.. idk.. -.-'' but in reality its all fake, the docs r just actors n the shock treatment is just the flash of a camera, n in the end we find out its brads evil twin bro (a showbiz magnate, names fay farley sth like that) who planned everything, he wanted to marry j instead so with a strategy he made b his prisoner, paid actors to act as docs n made a diva out of j cos he wanted her all 4 himself (like biff n lorraine from bttf1-2)
then cant reckon theres bert the tv host who is said to be blind but hes not, just uses shades as filter bc tv n spotlights f*k ur mind, actors crew n audience always stay there never go out, its like the truman show n he uses glasses for not to be blinded, n if I'm not wrong he wants to help j escape, he remember he goes to tell her but one if the docs (pat queen my deeear pretty sure it was she!) "catches him red-handed". But then they break berts shades during the main performance (best performance best part n best scene imo) n blind him with a flashlight they say to cure his blindness but after that i guess hes englobed in the falsity of tv shows in fact in the end b&j n find a way to escape n save themselves n Bert remains there :'c i ship bert n janet since day one bc there's chemistry theyre always together touching smiling dancing hugging theyre a very nice duo ^^ i guess the actress actually liked him but he didn't care bc he was depressed bc his then wife wanted to divorce, read somewhere he phoned her between the takes to tell her to think about it but cant remember where its been a long time i was in high school now i finished university havent watched the movie in a lifetime ^^' it was on yt now idk
st is a nice movie but trhps is way better is pure perfection 1 of my fave musicals ^^
sorry 4 the long mex luv talk w u + when im anxious n stuff i talk talk talk -.-'' sorry hope i didnt bother u
HIIIII I'm doing good how are you :D yayyyy that makes me very happy !!! Yes they are thank you
Wow that's really interesting I might watch it sometime I had no idea they were connected thats so cool thank you for telling me about it
Thays alright I love talking !!! And I do the same when I'm anxious. You're not bothering me in the slightest I really enjoyed getting this message !!!
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