#mighty med headcanon
icondavenport · 6 months
Mighty Med headcanons!
Note: English is not my native language, so there may be incorrect expressions and mistakes in the text. This is all for fun, don't take the headcanons seriously.
It seems to me that there is not enough such content, so I want to fix that.
Kisses and hugs
All his kisses and hugs are as restrained as possible. For your safety! He will definitely ask permission to kiss and, if you don’t mind, he will do everything to make sure you enjoy it. His kisses are deep and filled with love. It will be ideal if you sit on his lap. He hugs you tenderly, but in a way that makes you feel his affection.
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Horace Dias
He's super romantic person! In public, he prefers to kiss your hand like a gentleman and also pays compliments. Just let him demonstrate all his elegant abilities that he has acquired over the years of his life. When no one can see you, Horace is more romantic. His kisses are delicate, but at the same time very passionate. Prefers a one-arm hug on the couch if you're sitting together. Quite jealous, but doesn't talk about it.
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The Crusher
A self-confident young (no, we know that's a lie) man. He kisses often, sometimes it distracts (he does it on purpose). If he kisses you, he definitely needs to touch you: hand, shoulder, cheek, thigh, it doesn’t matter. It's difficult with hugs because he doesn't always control his powers. Yes, sometimes your bones rate his love 100%.
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Blue Tornado
He can kiss you if he wants, and most often on the cheek. Tornado does not like to take initiative, so everything depends on you. Still, that doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings, he's just... him. But! He will be happy to cuddle with you in bed in the morning on his only day off.
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Prefers lazy hugs and kisses, but this is all due to chronic fatigue. He doesn’t see the point in showing his love for you in front of the public if he can lie on the couch at home cuddling with you. Most often you lie on his chest and he hugs you with his free arm. He may kiss your head or hand, but if you take the initiative and kiss him on the lips, he won't mind.
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Captain Atomic
Like Horace, Captain Atomic is a very romantic person. Before the kiss, he will definitely say a few compliments to your outfit. He usually kisses and strokes your waist. In fact, he also wraps his arms around your waist. Captain Atomic is possessive, so in all your interactions, he prefers to have you nearby.
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Megahertz has two states: a good man (okay, he separates the relationship and his villainy) and a bad boy. If he is in a special mood, his kisses are aggressive and passionate. Just let him be the boss (he's not) in the relationship. Yes, he may bite you or not let go of you for a long time, but he will not harm his partner. This is just an image to maintain the ego. He can be soft and sensitive, but he needs a reason for this.
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wilt3d-r0zes · 2 years
want people to stop looking at kaz and going "he's a lot smarter than he acts he just pretends to be stupid so people dont overestimate him" and shit and want them to keep the fact he can't read or write and doesn't study and yet he's got every single image and word on every single tecton comic book completely memorized along with many, many other comic book details and he starts learning and enjoying science and doctor shit want kaz to struggle to write basic words because they sound different from how they're spelled, want kaz who grew up in a special needs english classroom because he was so far behind all the other kids and only got out of it because he tricked oliver into doing the work for him want kaz to struggle with reading and writing even when he joins the elite force and oliver is there with him to help him figure out what things say or read things aloud for him so he doesn't have to spent ten minutes trying to read three sentences want chase and bree to not *get it* and make fun of him for a while, before bree gets lectured by skylar and chase starts to realize he's not doing it for attention and he just genuinely struggles really bad with it want chase to try and help him with reading and writing in so many ways, using the fact he's so good at remembering comic book details and in the mean time teach him out to use a screen reader and other tools that'll read things out to him if somebody else isn't there to help
as much as i love a good fic/hc list/etc for that first idea, this is what i want more
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lab-trash · 1 year
Zendaya starred in at least one movie as Skylar Storm in universe, and you can fight me on that.
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frnkir · 6 months
silly lab rats / mighty med headcanons!!
adam seems like the type of guy to say ‘lmao’ out loud like “L-M-A-O” when he hears something funny
he definitely also says "YOLO" unironically
chase and adam used to race each other up the rock wall in the lab when they were kids, and whoever got to the top first would get first dibs on the xbox
whenever bree gets into a heated rant she starts talking so fast that she ends up being completely incomprehensible. and when she's done with the rant, she'll say, "well, thanks for listening," and chase or adam or leo (or whoever) will just awkwardly nod because they have no idea what she said lmao
adam is inexplicably good at making balloon animals: from a dog to a snail to a phoenix, he can do it all. no one knows how or why, but he just says it's one of his bionic abilities lol
kaz really loves the sound those springy doorstoppers make and always checks behind doors to see if there's one there, and if there is, he'll tap it with his foot and laugh as it goes boioioioioioioioioioioioioioioing (he's very easily amused)
chase was probably too busy with missions and stuff to join a school club in canon but i bet he would've KILLED IT on the high school debate team
jordan would love the bands war on women and destroy boys
bree and leo loved to gossip with each other about their classmates when they were in school
i think skylar would like yoga, it would be a fun hobby for her, especially since she’s so flexible
kaz laughs out loud every time someone says the word "balls" in any context
oliver has a stuffed penguin plushie (he’s had it since he was a kid) on his bed because it helps him fall asleep easier
idk if he would have a name for it or not but if he did it would probably be something boring like “mr. penguin”
bree and leo bond over watching reality tv shows together
skylar and bree go on a run together every morning (not in a competitive way lol but just so they can spend time together)
leo likes to paint his nails fun colors like purple or green
that’s all :) thank you for reading my little thoughts <3
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themoonandtheprincess · 3 months
There's always posts about how shocked regular people would be when they found out the Rats lived in a basement.... but has anyone considered Kaz? The one with 11 siblings. I just imagine one of them telling him and he goes "Oh yeah, I had the same situation. We had to go to the attic so we could get time to ourselves." Anyway, it's my headcanon Kaz grew up in a low income house with no privacy so he understands their situation kinda
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davenweenie · 2 years
Lab Rats HCs!!!
-Chase has nicknames for all of his teammates as well as his siblings. He even had some for some of his students.
-he calls Bree ‘bee’ and it started when they were only just little kids and were called Subject A, B and C. B is bee to him. He also calls her breezy or speedy because that’s what Mr Davenport used to call her before they had names.
-really cliche but he calls Leo 'Lion' because he thinks it’s funny when Leo gets all flustered when he does it. Leo gets embarrassed because he knows he’s not really anything like a lion. He also calls him ‘butter fingers’ and ‘handy man’ and he thinks he’s funny with that one since Leo’s bionic in one arm.
-he calls Adam ‘Atom’ and I love this nickname for Adam. I think I saw it in a fic about how the kids got their names and it was because Mr Davenport called him atom bomb (I think, I might have just imagined it) in the fic. Chase pick up on stuff really easily, that includes nicknames for people. He also calls Adam ‘hulk’ which everyone loves.
-Kaz has many nicknames from Chase, his favourite one is ‘fire boy’ and this one’s actually canon. He also calls him ‘Azzy’ which I have definitely stolen from a Chaz fic. Chase also calls him ‘button’ and nobody is sure why it started.
-he calls Oliver ‘drink dispenser’ and ‘refrigerator’ which he thinks is absolutely hilarious. Everyone calls Oliver ‘Oli’ or ‘Oli-pop’ which Chase has picked up on. He also has take to calling him ‘liver’ which Oliver hates.
-Skylar’s nicknames are ‘E.T’ ‘alien’ and other alien references. Chase also started calling her ‘toes’ after he found out about her weird alien feet. He also makes a lot of Star Wars jokes around her.
-Mr Davenport is ‘Donnie Darko’ or ‘weird man’ which Chase has absolutely no idea why he started.
-Douglas is ‘trash man’ or ‘rat man’ which stems from him being previously homeless.
-Chase has emetophobia (phobia of vomit) and refuses to eat anything sugary after he had hurled after eating loads of cake when he wasn’t used to real food yet.
-Bree can somehow always whip out bars of chocolate or random packaged food whenever people need it. Like she always has food stashed away somewhere on her.
-Chase mothers People a lot. He’s the one that carries around plasters and hydration for people on outings, he for some reason always has a snack on hand like Bree does. His are usually healthy and nobody wants them though.
-Kaz and Oliver are the only ones on the team that know how to human properly. Skylar is an alien, Bree and Chase grew up in a basement so they struggle to function like normal humans in society. They don’t understand certain aspects of being people. They didn’t know what Easter was until Kaz and Oliver came along. They still didn’t understand what Santa was and what his purpose is supposed to be. They don’t understand things that are normally natural to do for humans. Chase couldn’t understand the concept of homophobia because it was so normalised in the basement.
- (TW for homophobia and hate crimes) Chase and Kaz were almost hate crimed coming home from a date once. Six guys had started following them and yelling at them. They (Kaz and Chase) didn’t say anything and carried on walking. One of them grabbed Chase and Kaz went ballistic. He got so mad that even his hair lit on fire.
-adding to that, Kaz’s hair can ignite like a match if he’s mad enough. So far he hasn’t figured out how to do it on command.
-they have meals together almost every night. Kaz almost always cooks and man can cook really good food. Having 11(?) siblings means he taught himself to cook so that he could feed his siblings when their parents couldn’t be bothered to.
And to finish off I want to say how happy I am to see all the likes and reblogs on my posts. A couple have had hashtags talking about how much they love these HCs and how they imagine the same things as me and it makes me so incredibly happy. Thanks to everyone who actually likes these!
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imasimpcentral · 1 month
If one of the lab rats/Mighty med "men" were to be headcanoned as transfem who would you choose?
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lrmmef hcs
- all of them are super physically affectionate, tending to squish on the same couch or stand shoulder to shoulder (all pretty touchstarved)
- adam leaves flowers everywhere, whenever he visits ef headquarters he makes fresh bouquets, and replaces the ones in mission creek weekly
- kaz and skylar bicker constantly but are super protective of each other and also platonically hold hands all the time
- speaking of skylar when she came out to bree bree got her a little lesbian pin and skylar started collecting them, amassing a large collection (for her bday one year bree got them a button maker. it’s skylars favorite present to this day)
- kaz loves giving people nicknames, it’s his way of showing he trusts them
- bree superspeeds to mission creek weekly so she and leo can keep up their gossip and nail painting sesh
- leo chase (and occasionally kaz) build robots for the annual robot fighting ring (kaz and leo always come up with flashy ideas that chase adds reluctantly)
- adam teaches chase how to make a bouquet for kaz for their first date and kaz pressed and saved one of each type so he never forgot (that was the date where adam gave the shovel talk, and also the one where he realized maybe he didn’t need too)
- all of them added personalized features to their mission suits (both elite force and lab rats suits) to better match skill sets and personal aesthetics
- chase absolutely adores romcoms, he and tasha will watch them together and cry (at ef chase and oliver watch them together)
- leo taylor and logan have their own official bionic team which the president calls on every so often. leo unofficially calls it leo and the heartbreakers (he also wanted them to start a band but taylor said no)
- kaz has the best music taste (according to him) and has so many playlists and djs whenever the team does road-trips or hangouts
- megahertz and tecton are kazs father figures and when kaz introduces chase to them megahertz loves him while tecton is skeptical (techertz and chaz are mirrors fight me)
- chase and bree get mistaken for being twins all the time, that one time for halloween bree made them go as the shining twins
- kaz and oliver have had a secret handshake since they were six
- kaz and chase got mistaken for being a couple long before they ever got together
- leo is douglass favorite (with chase in second) not that he’d ever say
- leo uses a mobility aid to get around on most days since it takes the pressure off his bionic leg
- leo and janelle are in a qpr and were childhood best friends turned acquaintances turned friends to qpr
- for the longest time in middle school people thought oliver and kaz were dating bc they only hung out with each other and they were super physically affectionate (they always discouraged the rumor but allos are on something else)
- douglas fidgets with his jewelry constantly
- when bree and chase were working at tech town adam and leo would come in all the time to annoy them
- kaz has tried multiple times to get a job at the domain but wallace and clyde do not trust him to work there and not slack off
- jordan and skylar still meet for the monthly gng game and the two meet up outside of that to work on characters and play with the rest of the mighty mice
- chase has been collecting books since he left the basement and keeps them stashed over his room at ef the academy and his room back at mission creek
- chase has had so many breakdowns about being not human enough and being called robot and unfeeling (not to project onto him more-)
- the rats and the mice love to watch shows together (their favorite is doctor who)
- douglas and horace watch reality shows together and spend the entire time throwing popcorn at the screen and yelling at characters for being dumb (donald banned baking shows from his the ef hqs and his house since tvs kept getting broke from either the rats or douglas or tasha getting angry and throwing something. the house almost burned down once since adam tried to prove a point and failed)
pt. 2 will probably be coming since i cant stop thinking about these shows
tagging the gang: @blueskiesandstarrynights @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @lab-trash @tronagon
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random kaz headcanons cause s2 kaz owns my heart
he can have full blown conversations in spanish (or french cause of the parapluie scene in mighty med) but for some reason, can't recognize that he's not speaking english
^it takes chase playing back a recording from his hard drive for him to realize
^then he'll playfully make fun of chase (for funsies) for having a hard drive
he really likes dying his hair and it either looks terrible and he'll cover it up or it will look amazing and people fall in love (he 100% had frosted tips once in his life and immediately regretted it)
^he covers all of the bad dye jobs with black dye and it shocks everyone when they find out that his supposedly natural hair color isn't actually natural
he can do a backflip (he just gives that vibe okay??)
he's actually a great cook but he's messy and doesn't want to use the elite force compound's kitchen because he's too used to his kitchen's layout back at home
he likes having people sit in his lap (like not in a sexual way, just like in general, it's comforting)
^there will be times when the elite force members will just sit on him (either cause they didn't notice or think they'll get a reaction out of him) and he won't even flinch, he'll just sit there, scrolling on his phone or having a conversation
he 100% makes "that's what she/he said jokes" (im right!! this is so right it's basically canon)
he owns thousands of hoodies but only wears the same 4-5
he wears vans (you can't convince me otherwise)
he had a klepto phase as a kid (literally in canon he steals pens a lot so im basically right)
he used to have a true crime podcast but made himself too scared to sleep so he stopped
^he's thinking of starting it up again now that he's less jumpy
he 100% just jumps and/or latches onto people for the fun of it
^chase will just be at his work station and suddenly there's a kaz hanging on his back. oliver will try to make a sandwich, and suddenly there's a kaz now attached to his torso and sandwich ingredients on the floor
getting dressed to go see movies was one of his favorite things as a kid (like how people wore pink for barbie and suits for the gru movie)
he can sleep standing up and even though the rats also technically sleep standing up it still freaks them out
^it also freaks skylar out (even though she's an alien)
he used to make fun of chase for owning sound-proof headphones (bc he wasn't using them for music) but after stealing chase's when he was out one day, he now owns a pair and loves them very dearly
he hates documentaries with a passion and will dramatically turn one off if someone dares watching one (even if he's in a different room)
okay it's getting lengthy so im gonna stop here
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nikkiruncks · 10 months
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my lg(b)tqiap+ headcanon of the day: Bree Davenport from Lab Rats!
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 113
Oswald: Why would you put an alarm on that?!
Ed: The weird thing is, I didn't!
Oswald: Well then who did?
Mr. Scarface: *winks*
Oswald & Ed: *slowly back away together*
Ed: The whole criminal underworld was mad at me for killing you, and you're not dead.
Oswald: Well, maybe you shouldn't have killed me, huh?
Ed, holding up Edward the dog: Stinky.
Oswald: No! Don’t be mean!
Ed, swaying Edward back and forth in the air: Stinky bastard man.
Oswald: No!
Martin, without looking up: *holds up paper* "Naughty boy. Brat dog."
Oswald, distraught: Nooo!
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bee-in-a-box · 2 years
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Some lazy drawings of masc demigirl Reese Wilkerson<3
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secretsandlabrats · 8 months
ʟᴀʙ ʀᴀᴛꜱ x ᴘᴇʀᴄʏ ᴊᴀᴄᴋꜱᴏɴ ᴄᴀʙɪɴꜱ ʜᴄ’ꜱ
ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴀᴛꜱ:
Adam Davenport
Cabin Three (Poseidon’s cabin)
Bree Davenport
Cabin One (Zeus’s cabin)
Chase Davenport
Cabin Ten (Aphrodite‘s cabin) 
Leo Dooley
Cabin One (Zeus’s cabin)
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴅꜱ:
Kazimeras “Kaz” Wagner
Cabin Three (Poseidon’s cabin)
Oliver Stewart
Cabin One (Zeus’s cabin)
Skylar Storm
Cabin Three (Poseidon’s cabin)
For a mutual/friend of mine (*ahem* @yeehawthethird *ahem*) after the fact I made the version of this with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters so here it is. It’s okay to disagree with me on these but these are just headcanons, especially for the last names for Oliver and Kaz, and that’s all for what I’m going to share! :3
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lab-trash · 1 year
A Few Hot Takes About Elite Force
Bree did not deserve to go to Centium City, nor does it make sense plot-wise
In season four it's jokingly established that Bree is becoming sort of a mom-friend, mom-mentor sort of figure. There is no way in hell that she would've allowed fucking Adam and Leo to run the bionic island. She knows those two knuckle-heads would get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love when Adam takes control of the situation and when he takes responsibility for Bob in that one episode, but let's face it: he is not ready for such a large role when it comes to that many kids. Dude is not equipped to be a babysitter. When it comes to Leo, while he is more equipped for the situation, he is very well established to make shit go wrong on fucking accident. We see it time and time and time again, not only in season one, but in season four (read: the whole business card fiasco). She would've known that they would've be able to handle it alone, especially when taking into account that their chaperones would've been fucking Terry Cherry Perry and goddamn Douglas Davenport! Excuse me???? No! She would have not allowed that.
Edit- Also, she just got a sister! I know that she said that the excitement was gone after having to change diapers, but you're telling me that Bree wouldn't want to be a part of her life????
Leo did deserve to go to Centium City, and it would've made more sense plot-wise (especially if they kept it mostly the same story-wise)
Leo, as we all know, gets along great with Kaz. Not only that, but he's a superhero nerd. I guarantee that if Leo just knew wtf the 'secret project' was, he would've been on board faster than the train to Downtown Welkerville. It would've been epic to see him interact with not just Kaz, but Oliver too? Skylar probably would've felt like she fit in more too, because she's definitely one of the boys (not in a pick-me way, in a nonbinary way). It would've been really fun seeing Chase trying to battle Kaz, Oliver and Leo down from playing Topple Tower and whatever other various games. Such as, for example, Leo jumping off the building for Kaz and/or Oliver to catch him before he fucking dies. I know this was more of an Adam and Chase thing, but I still think we should've gotten a prank wars episode, and since it's decidedly canon that Bree is, at best, mid when it comes to pranks, it could've gotten real fucking intense. I love the idea of Oliver and Kaz warning Chase and Leo about Skylar being really amazing at pranks, and then when they don't really notice her being weird or suspicious, they just think it was to mess with their heads (which does or does not work, depending on if you want a Sicillian situation on your hands or not) so they brush it off, only to be bested by the prank master. But I'm getting off topic. The biggest reason that I think that Leo should've gone to Centium City instead of Bree is because of Episode 9 and Episode 10. In episode 9, The Intruder,we are introduced to a character named AJ, who finds Chase and Douglas in the Mission Command (aka, the basement) by mistake. And I know that they often draw comparisons from AJ to Chase, but I think that it would work way better with Leo— Better yet, Leo and Chase. Like Chase, AJ is autistic coded, socially inept, and a tech nerd. But like Leo, he means well. He wants to be a part of the team, even though objectively that maybe shouldn't be allowed. He snuck his way into this family by running into them when he didn't mean to, when he was just exploring where he lived. AJ should've gotten bonding time with Leo. Maybe then, the common headcannon that AJ will/would become Mission Specialist like Leo once was, would be cannon. Next is Episode 10, The Rock. In The Rock, AJ makes a list ranking the most useful/gifted in the Elite Force, to the least. This causes Bree to become insecure when she's placed in the middle, leading her to attempt getting more powers by touching the Arcturian. I will always stand by the fact that this was a fucking stupid idea. But when it's Leo? This idea becomes nearly fucking genius. Leo would likely be placed in a similar place, if not lower, given that only part of him has powers. He is not bionic, he has bionics. And, y'know, he's a superhero nerd; why would he not want superpowers. He also is reckless, which would make sense why he would touch the Arcturian without really thinking about it as much as he probably should. And best of all, this could be a personal secret, instead of a secret between him and someone else, like it was with Bree and Skylar. After all, Leo already has a buffer. His arm. Leo wouldn't need to be endangered to get these powers, he already paid that tax years ago. Leo would finally have powers. Not just partial powers; real, true powers. It makes sense that he would be the first bionic superhero. Leo deserves to be the first bionic superhero.
Edit cont.- I do think that Leo would want to be in Naomi's life too, I understand that. Especially with his dad having been absent in his life, he might want Naomi to grow up with her family around. But at the same time, I really like the idea of him letting Bree have that honour. Like a bit of an emotional moment as they debate who goes to Centium City and who stays on the island/in Mission Creek, and in the end, Leo knows how much Bree's always wanted a sister and decides that she should be allowed to have that.
I have way more, but I can't remember, so this is probably the last one. Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing should've been in Elite Force
They couldn't have invited Auggie Issac back for one episode just to make it feel more like Caldera? Seriously? She is definitely one of the highlights that we get when we visit Caldera in Mighty Med, and without her, it feels disingenuous. Hell, start the episode with a quick video chat with Gus talking about how things are going in Philly and with The Domain, make the universe feel more coherent and put together. And then, if Chase and Leo/Bree see the call, they could later mention how she looks like Gus. And, not only that, but she could help save Skylar. Like, instead of Scarlett just being like 'hey muthafuckas, lemme bring you to ya girl,' it could've had this semi-dramatic, semi-emotional moment with Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing where she explains that she saw Scarlett taking Skylar away. She could've explained the whole rebellion thing to Oliver and his accompaniment. They could've had one of those cross cut scenes where it cuts between Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing and Scarlett explaining what's going on, instead of getting weird feeling, one dimensional exposition from just Scarlett talking to Skylar through an oddly shaped TV. I would've loved to see her and Skylar reunite, even for a little bit. Hell, y'know what, Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing is basically not a pet, which is implied through the numerous jokes of her not responding to things that a normal pet do, and the fact that she speaks english. It would've been epic as fuck if she was like... leading a rebellion army. That would've been so fucking awesome. But that would've been far more difficult to do, and I understand that. But the first part? Cmon, she is the heart and soul of Caldera. She should've been there.
Sorry for the super long post that was basically about nothing, but I was ranting to my friend who knows nothing about the lref universe and I wanted to share these. They're definitely the ones I'm most passionate about— not including how I think that Douglas definitely should've been indited more as their father instead of Donald, especially in Elite Force where Douglas showed up more than Donald did. And that Tasha deserves someone better (and I wouldn't exactly mind if that person were Douglas, but I've been over how I think that Douglas deserves a nice twunk)
Let me know if I should make a part two, and I might rant about a few more things they could've done to make Elite Force better.
Anyway, all in all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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14muffinz · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
oh for sure
i'll start with the TMNT stuff first because of your PFP, but we gonna be here a while.
[lab rats stuff at the bottom]
warning: fic spoilers galore
In WIBE, one of the characters we meet is Yuichi Usagi, who works at the human ROTM. He also works in the original ROTM. He was robbed while on a trip to the Hidden City, and is originally from a different city entirely. Hueso is doing his best to help him out, but it'll likely be a long time before Yuichi gets to go home.
Some other WIBE background characters in WIBE include: MM!Kendra, MM!Robyn O'Neil, MM!Irma, & MM!Casey Jones. I don't have a lot to say abt Kendra and Irma, since it's been a long time since I wrote any of it down, but I can give it my best shot with Robyn and Casey.
Robyn has been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety disorder for a few years pre-fic. She's in her first year of college which is out-of-state, and does her best to check up on her family via phone call at least every other week. She's also sort of invested in all of April's new drama, but she won't admit it.
Casey's been playing hockey for as long as he can remember, and intends to keep at it for as long as he's physically able. He's also got a knack for engineering, and I'd gamble that sometime not long after the ending of WIBE, he'd start up the Casey Jones vigilante batshittery. His parents are divorced, but he spends most of his time with his Jewish mother, and while he's never been actually taught much about his religion he accepts it as a part of his identity, and if people don't like that then they shouldn't be around him in the first place. He finds the existence of the turtles to be one of the coolest things ever, but after actually getting to know Raph and the others, it doesn't impress him as much as it used to. (If I had time, I'd add in a tiny crush on Raph, but I'm an aro with WAY too many ideas for this tiny fic)
Then there's experienced fighters, where the main thing is me ALWAYS knowing what song is playing in the background. I really love how much music is in MM, and I love being able to say hey! here's the musical vibes of the environment!
sort of on that topic, i've got a hc that any song with even small references to space are songs that rise, 2k12, and MM leo are more likely to enjoy. they don't realize these patterns, but they sure are there.
and to end off the music rant, one of these days i'm gonna make a playlist of songs that I think the rise crew all collectively agree are good enough (this is what space feels like, goodie bag, punk tactics, etc. etc.)
there's also two in one, which is based off an au by @blackfire-fanfiction. I have to be real cautious abt what I put in there, because a lot of people are looking at it instead of the extended context of the real thing, not to mention how many Thoughts that aren't really canon I have about it. For instance: today I had a good 30 minute daydreaming session abt the concept of rise!Donnie reading leonardo's notebook while he's comatose post-rise movie and finding out about the switching
in dimension desync, I poke a bit at my head canons about peni parker's movie universe and her mental health at home, and have expanded on this even further in an abandoned draft. this is going to be LONG, so here we go: Gwen Stacy and Richard Parker were around in Peni's universe before she herself was, each piloting a mech of their own [Ven#m and Sp//DR]. A few months after Peni's mother is pregnant with her, Richard dies in action, and a few months later, Ven#m sort of devours Gwen (go read the comics because it's really fucked up but idk how to describe it) So then the role of SP//DR is forcefully thrust upon Peni at the age of eleven, and her connection with SP//DR isn't exactly... perfect.
in my team blue universe, I'm fleshing the hell out of Sam-13 and Shadowcat (both from earth 65). Sam was created by corrupt parts of SHIELD (that have yet to have been identified as corrupt) but now is just a regular agent. Cap returned to their dimension when he was 14 and has been in charge of training him ever since. Cap is stubborn to a fault and is def being manipulated by the corrupt agents, but none of the kids have gotten close to that bigger picture yet. Meanwhile, Kitty was inducted into the weapon x program (or 65's equivalent of it, I don't remember much of the wolverine origin story) at the age of 8, and despite odds survived. Wolverine took her in, and she's been helping him bounty hunt since about 13, even though he's trying to stop her.
team blue is also starting to extend to universes that the spider-verse movies don't really deal with through plants that have yet to be explained. but miguel's spite at e-199999 has definitely transferred, which means that, if they were ever to interact, not many of the main team would like the mcu-vengers
in my very obscure mech-x4 series, Olivia (who is only referenced by name once in the show) is veracity's little sister, who is 7 years old. This series is more of a set of vaguely connected oneshots, but still.
i could go ON AND ON about Oliver in all of my mighty med/lab rats fics, but in short: arcturion made his hair start growing in blonde, which he hates. Horace is his adopted dad and so it sucks ass when he dies. Oliver also comes with built in hypothermia! This is also definitely a headcanon, but I think that in EF once the rats have the upgraded chips, Chase's laser bō is green instead of blue, and his super senses are togglerable (to a degree) I also like to imagine Kaz's lil bro Kyle is his number one fan and nobody in his family listens to him when he claims that Kaz is one of the bionic guys on the news.
... yeah I think that's enough for now
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themoonandtheprincess · 5 months
More Chase/Kaz headcanons
•Kaz is very much into alternative music, albeit more popular bands like Fall Out Boy and Rise Against. Spike is into it too but leaning more metalcore and screamo.
°It freaks Adam the fuck out when he goes down to the lab and finds Spike jamming out to some Ice Nine Kills while training.
°Although Adam and Kaz do find it funny because in "Communion of the Cursed" one of their lyrics is literally "Get on your knees and prove your worth."
°Speaking of Spike, Chase learns to control him a lot better when they're older so he doesn't come out as much anymore, but that leaves the times Spike does come out into full blown tantrums.
°Chase would never admit it out loud but that part of him does need attention too and really only comes out when Spike doesn't feel like he's getting enough.
°Kaz has learned that the only way to get through to Spike is to talk calmly to him and as he would to Chase. Which he just sees Spike as a part of his boyfriend, no different.
•Adam is big into country music but he's not elitist about it. In fact, he would love the "This ain't Texas" Beyoncé song.
•There isn't an Elite Force for long. Mighty Med eventually gets rebuilt and Kaz realizes he can't save the heroes if he's being one.
°It might stem from insecurity about not being sure he can 100 percent control his powers or that he's just more comfortable doing the background work.
°Either way, it's all a group decision to split the Elite Force, although Skylar with join Bree on missions sometimes.
°Kaz would be lying if he didn't admit he missed being a part of a team, but being part of Mighty Med soon became a team to him and even a family.
•Somehow, I'm not sure how, they are connected to the Henry Danger universe.
•Kaz "proposed" to Chase with a RingPop like all cringe babygays.
•Their actual wedding had A-list superheroes and company owners, much to Chase chagrin who wanted a small wedding.
•But Kaz made it up to him by flying him across the city and to the Bionic Island.
°Which, it was the thought that counts because Chase is terrified of heights.
•So I don't know if this is obvious, buy the Davenport kids aren't robots. They're humans just with bionic abilities. So I'm guessing in the way I'm seeing things their chips are sorta like a prosthetic if that make sense. I don't know. Feel free to correct me.
°If we're going by that sense of logic, then having bionic chips for super speed or what have you would become more common in the future, albeit for rich people.
°It definitely would make Chase insecure that there are more bionic people but also feel more welcomed into the world then standing on the outside. As for Adam and Bree too.
°But these newer bionics have upgraded systems and overall better functioning for them. They don't glitch as often, rarely with this new tech rolling out, and it embrasses all three of them when they glitch in public because of how old their chips are getting.
°Speaking of glitching, although Kaz isn't an engineer, anytime any one of the glitches he will take them back to the mansion to help Davenport and combine engineering with his medical knowledge. And as they get older it only gets worse.
°Once on a mission, all three of them simultaneously glitched and Kaz could hear it on his radio to them. He immediately called an ambulance to Mighty Med. Although Skylar yelled at him for not just flying over there.
•Kaz is CONVINCED Tony Stark once came in for his reactor messing up.
•When they're in their early 20's, Kaz shoots up taller than Chase to around Adam's height but he likes to joke he's secretly Elastic-Man and be any height he wants.
•Kaz refuses to take a side on the DC/Marvel debate although he will talk for HOURS about how the MCU is deteriorating.
•Skylar and Bree have some pretty sick cosplays of Vision and Wanda though while Kaz goes as Captain America and Chase goes as Bucky Barnes.
°Leo goes as Loki and tries to convince Adam to go as Thor but he goes as Groot instead. And of course, Donald goes a millionaire Playboy Tony Stark.
•Kaz is, of course, everyone's personal heater but he can not stand any of the eighty blankets Chase keeps around him to sleep.
°So they made a deal, only, like, two blankets but to keep them on Chase's side, that way Kaz can still be his personal heater.
•Kaz hates summer but he loves the pool... just not what it does to his powers. (Not to mention it takes an hour or two to come back.)
•Once, to piss Kaz off on his birthday, Chase individually wrapped each page of a comic book.
°But it was better than the time he used actual comic book pages as wrapping paper.
•Chase and Adam have autism while Kaz has ADHD.
•All three of the Davenkids can NOT sleep in darkness. Probably because they grew up sleeping in capsule, but neither can Kaz or Skylar. Kaz because obviously his powers are fire ability and it would scare him shitless if he woke up randomly in the middle of the night and couldn't summon a flame. And Skylar because it's just how she grew up on her planet.
°Chase figured out a way he wouldn't need to sleep in his capsule anymore but still sometimes does one for familiarity, two for when he's mad at Kaz.
•Also, all Davenkids have done animal therapy at least once (including Leo) and actually got it integrated into Mighty Med. That's how most of the superheroes ended up with their animal sidekicks.
•As he gets older Kaz accepts he's not going to be on the frontlines as a superhero but begins to get comfortable with that as he becomes more concerned with being a doctor.
•Kaz sometimes gets full on Will Solace from Percy Jackson mode. "Doctor's orders" and literally having to drag Chase away from his projects to go to sleep.
Let me know if you guys want more of these!
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