#mike wheeler x gender neutral reader fanfiction
froggywritesstuff · 2 years
jerk | mike wheeler
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pairings: Mike Wheeler x g/n!reader
warnings: Mike's a bitch in this cause why not, swearing
request: Hey can I please suggest one where it’s a Mike wheeler x reader and Mike acts like he hates them because he is worried that if he doesn’t hate them he will admit his feelings so one day he walks in on them crying and feels horrible
A/N: 18+ readers DNI.
The cafeteria was buzzing, students laughing and chatting with one another, the teens sitting with Eddie Munson ignoring the disgusted stares from everyone else, being used to it by now. The Party members were talking and laughing with one another as usual, all except for the dark haired Wheeler boy, who sat looking rather blue at the table, his head looking down at his lunch tray, picking at the food with his plastic fork.
"Wheeler, what's going on?" Mike's head shot up at Eddie's familiar voice, "You look all sad. You better not be like that for the campaign tonight." he remarked, receiving a cheer from the rest of the party at the mention of the campaign.
"Nah, it's nothing." he lied, dropping his gaze back down to the mushy food on his tray.
Lucas rolled his eyes, "Someone's just sad that Y/N's not here today."
Mike's cheeks burned bright red, "No I'm not!" he denied.
The teens at the table all snickered and laughed at Mike's flustered expression, Eddie being the exception, who just furrowed his brows together in confusion.
"Y/N? By the way you always glare and roll your eyes at them, I assumed you just hated them."
Mike nodded at Eddie, "That's because I do hate them." he urged, though it seemed like he was just trying to convince himself.
"Sure you do," Dustin mumbled, rolling his eyes, "That's why you keep looking at them with heart eyes, 'oh Y/N, I don't know how to express my feelings around you so I'll just be mean to you instead, but I really really like you.'" he mocked, earning a death glare from Mike.
"That's not funny, Dustin." 
Lucas snickered, "It's kinda funny."
Mike rolled his eyes, standing up from the table, forgetting about the crappy cafeteria slop people called food. It was the last thing on his mind. He ignored the calls from Lucas and Dustin attempting to apologise and exited the cafeteria. Mike made his way outside the building, striding toward the old wall phone in front of the building, mainly used for kids when their parents forget to pick them up or when people are just bored, but Mike had other intentions.
He hastily dialled the number he had engraved in his brain, brought the phone to his ear and listened to it ring. The dial tone ran through the phone for what felt like an eternity, before the beep sounded. 
"Piece of shit," Mike hissed, slamming the phone back in its place. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. How was he supposed to go with his day now? He needed to see you. At least hear your voice. It was driving him crazy with you not there.
Mike could barely focus the rest of the school day, his mind racing with thoughts. Make that one thought. After all, he could only bring himself to think about you.
The second the bell rang for home-time, Mike sped out of school, no time to explain to Lucas and Dustin what the hell he was doing. He wasn't even sure what he was doing himself. Though he knew what he wanted to do. See you.
He sped down the streets on his bike, wind flipping in his hair, too pumped up on adrenaline to care about his legs burning from how fast he was going. He almost missed your house he was going so fast, and almost crashed into your mailbox. OR he might've crashed. Again, he was too pumped up to care.
He hurried to your front door, pounding his fist on the wood almost a hundred times, before someone finally answered.
"Who the hell are you and why are you trying to break down our door?!”
”Is Y/N here?” he asked breathlessly, only just realising he could’ve paced himself a bit more. He realised the person at the door was one of your parents and he definitely should’ve made a better first impression, but he didn’t have time to care.
”Is Y/N here?!”
”Yeah. Are you part of their dnd team or something.”
”Party. Dnd party- yes.”
“I bet they’ll probably wanna talk to you then.” they said, opening their further to let Mike in.
”Why? What’s wrong?” he asked, practically sprinting inside.
”I doubt they wanna tell me. You’ll probably have better luck.”
Mike had his doubts about that, but nodded his head nonetheless, “Thanks,” he said, sprinting off to your room.
He hadn’t been to your house in ages; he almost forgot where it was. That thought alone made him feel even worse than he already did.
When he made it to your room he knocked, anxiously waiting for your reply.
”Come in,” you called.
Mike practically burst through the door at your words, but reality hit him like a brick when he saw your confused expression, and he realised he had no idea what he was doing.
”Mike?” he just stood there, not having the slightest clue of what to say, “what are you doing here?”
Mike opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again, trying his best to form words, “I. Uh… you weren’t at school today, I wanted to check if you were ok.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. The Mike Wheeler you thought you knew wouldn’t give a shit about your well-being. You thought he’d be jumping for joy when you weren’t there, “What does that mean?”
Mike took a breath, “I was just worried,” he walked further in your room, before noticing your face shiny with tears, “shit Y/N, have you been crying.”
You resisted the urge to wipe the tears from your face, knowing that’d just confirm his suspicions. “No.” 
“Yes you have. Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
"Nothing." you pressed, not wanting him to know.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I'm not."
"Fuck you."
"What?" Mike heard what you said perfectly fine. He didn't care if you had to curse him out for hours; he just wanted to know what was wrong.
You rolled your eyes, "I said 'fuck you'."
You stared at him in pure disbelief, "Why? Mike, you have been the biggest fucking asshole to me for months!" you continued when Mike stared at you like an idiot, "You're always rolling your eyes whenever I talk, I catch you death staring me, and whenever I try to ask you what I did wrong you just fucking ran away." Hearing you say that, he realised that was probably a dumb move. "A-and now you're here asking me why I'm crying and not going to the campaign tonight? It's fucking confusing."
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a jerk to you. I just..." he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.
You stared blankly at him, "What?"
"I-" he cut himself off with a groan, holding his head in his head, "I don't think of you as my friend, Y/N."
Despite your eye roll, you still felt your heart pang at Mike's words. "You made that clear."
Mike squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. He didn't know why he could never have a normal conversation with you. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I, ugh. I like you." he blurted out, immediately feeling his cheeks go red.
You stared at him, "What?"
"I like you Y/N. Not in a friend way."
You felt your heart rate quicken as you began to realise what he was talking about, "Like in a Max and Lucas way?"
He nodded, "And that's not an excuse for how I was acting, I just didn't know how else to deal with it cause I know you don't like me that way, and being a jerk was the only thing I knew I could do. I don't know how to be a good boyfriend, I know how to be a jerk."
You stared at Mike for a while, gathering up all your thoughts before you spoke, "You're wrong Mike."
"What? I wasn't a jerk?"
"No," you furrowed your brows, "You were definitely a jerk. You're wrong cause you said I don't like you."
Mike froze. "Huh?"
"I like you too Mike. When you're not acting like a jerk though, so fucking stop that."
"Oh." he sighed in relief, cheeks burning bright red. "I was not expecting that."
"Yeah, because you're also an idiot."
buy me a coffee <3
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mydearzero · 2 years
hiya! i was the anon that requested the chubby reader, and since you said that you're a chubby person yourself, i feel more ✨ comfortable ✨ with requesting this stuff here rather than any other account :>
idk if you would be okay with taking an another request from me, but this time could i request (again) gender neutral chubby reader, but when the reader sits on eddie's lap (for example while he waits for the rest of hellfire club to show up), and mike makes an unnecessary comment in lines of 'aren't they going to crush you?', and eddie defends the reader? this would be mostly fluff and angst if you're okay with that :D
I'm so glad you feel comfy requesting from me! 🥰 Thanks for another request!! it's a bit short, but I hope you like it :)
You're Out | E.M. x Chubby!GN!Reader
Summary: Mike makes an unwanted comment about readers weight. Eddie quickly steps in.
Angst + fluff
No warnings, just a comment about reader's weight being made.
874 words
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You were comfortable in your relationship with Eddie. He loved you and all your flaws, no matter what they might be. People questioned you both on your relationship. Wasn't Eddie a freak? Didn't you have a bit much meat on your bones for a skinny guy like him? Why were you even together? You loved Eddie, Eddie loved you and that was that. 
You accompanied him often to Hellfire, even when you didn't participate. You didn't always stay for the entire thing, having a life of your own to live. But you did often help Eddie set up and make the room dark to set the mood. 
Which was what you were currently doing. You strained as you pushed the curtains against the windows and taped them down to let the least amount of light possible pass through. 
Eddie sat down after he finished placing the last figurines, admiring his work. He clapped and rubbed his hands together. "You're the best, babe. Everything's ready, right on time. The boys should be coming any minute." He smacked his lap a couple times to signal for you to take a seat. 
You draped your legs over his sideways and sat with him for a moment taking in the insane campaign laid out in front of you. "You've outdone yourself with this one, Eds." 
"I know, isn't it amazing? I can't wait to see their reactions." Eddie's eyes lit up with a childlike glimmer. You heard the excited chatter of the rest of Hellfire come down the hallway. You were about to get up, but Eddie held you down by the waist. "You're staying for the introduction, right?" 
Eddie had worked so hard on this campaign for weeks. He at least wanted you to see a bit of it in action. You'd helped him work out the details, after all. 
"Of course, I'm staying. Wouldn't miss it for the world" you pushed your forehead against his and quickly pecked him on his nose. You made yourself comfortable on his lap, waiting for the boys to fill the seats around the table. 
They fawned over Eddie's new figurines, excited hollers erupting through the room over the new campaign. Dustin noticed you and waved. "You're staying?" He asked with a grin. "Yeah, not the entire evening, though. Have some things I need to do before next week." 
You heard a laughing scoff coming from Mike. "I mean, not like Eddie's legs would survive if you did stay." You knew by Mike's tone it was meant as a joke, but you could feel your heart sink to your stomach. You tried to laugh it off, but the tears had already reached your cheeks. 
"You're fucking pathetic, Wheeler. You're out." Eddie spat. His grip on your waist tightened as you tried to get up. "Stop, Eddie. I'll just go." 
"No, you're staying. Wheeler's leaving. Aren't you, Michael? Why're you still standing there? I'm pretty sure I just told you you were out." At first, some of the boys laughed, but Eddie was dead serious. 
"You're kidding, right? It was just a joke." Mike looked at Eddie with a perplexed expression. Dustin gave a disapproving glare. "I think he's being serious, Mike." 
"You too? What'd I do? It was just a fucking joke, jeez." Mike raised his hands in surrender like he was being attacked. 
"What'd you do? What'd you do? You see this?" Eddie pointed at your face. "Tears. Thanks to your stupid 'joke', Wheeler. I understand you're an insecure little piss boy, but keep your ridiculous jokes to yourself next time, or there won't fucking be a next time. Understood?" 
Mike gaped at his club leader. 
"Did I make myself fucking clear, Mike?" 
"Y-yes. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Mike sputtered as he took a seat. 
"No, you don't apologise to me. And sit over there. I don't want to fucking see your face right now." Eddie waved to the seat furthest away from the head of the table. 
Mike turned to your tear-stained face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." It didn't sound the most genuine, you knew he was just scared of Eddie's wrath. 
"It's okay." You muttered and turned to look at Eddie, who was obviously still fuming. "It's not fucking okay, Wheeler. If I ever hear you making comments like that again, about anyone, you're dead." 
Mike nodded and adorned the seat far, far away from your boyfriend. 
"Calm down, baby. I'm okay." You whispered as you stroked the hair at the back of his neck. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you down into a quick kiss. "You're gorgeous, you know that, right?" He pleaded. "Yeah, Eds. I know. I love you." You smiled. "I love you too, babe. So much." How did you deserve someone like him? Willing to threaten his friends over a stupid joke that just made you a little insecure? 
"Now, enough pre-game drama. Time for the real deal." You sat in the chair next to Eddie's as he threw his whole body into the storytelling of the new campaign. He might call you gorgeous, but he was a beauty of his own. Passionate in life, vigorous in love, devoted to you. 
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ohwowimlonley · 2 years
*> AU Tuesdays <*
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Au tuesdays masterlist
Hey! So I’ve noticed a lot of people doing blurb days on tumblr so I thought I would start one! AU Tuesdays will happen every Tuesday unless I say otherwise and any asks I don’t answer one week will probably be answered the next week!
This is meant exclusively for alternate universe ideas so please don’t ask for normal canon stuff!
Here are most of the characters I write for, but if you want one that’s not on there then there’s no harm in asking! That’s the same with au tropes that you don’t see a lot.
Some of my favourite aus to write are: ghostface (bc @n0agranger has corrupted me), modern, roommate, soulmates, a/b/o, royalty, bodyguard, vampire, p-star and tattoo shop au’s! But that isn’t all I’ll write for!
Here are my rules!
You can send prompts before Tuesday but please make sure you add in ‘for au Tuesday’ or something along those lines
Please ask nicely for a blurb, especially if you’re asking for a character I haven’t written before or you’re on anon because I can’t tell if you’re joking or not!
I’ll write for nsfw or sfw but please specify which one you want
I’ll write for the same au and character more than once, but please check that I haven’t gotten the exact same prompt before
Tagging sum moots to get the ball rolling! @n0agranger @pi3rcedk1tty @my-my-only-angel @actuallydarling @hellfiresangel @gillybear17 @bunny-nonnie @amesstilinski @padfootswife @amourrs @goldenjo @morwap @billys-bitchh @wannabestarkeysgirl @valeriiecameron @natti-ice @dionysus-drabbles @urlmeeks @angelzone @moonspiritlane @fluffiest-dreams
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hexelio · 3 years
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nothing yet :(
nothing yet :(
nothing yet :(
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aetherisntemo · 2 years
Hiya! I'm Aether! I'm the owner of this account and I'm taking requests now! I'm genuinely excited about this! I've practiced a little and I feel confident in my writing skill to bring you some nice fanfiction about your favorite people! Before you request, here are the people and fandoms I write for as well as some stuff I will not write for.
Fandoms and the characters I write for!
-Michael Myers
-Jason Voorhees
-Bubba Sawyer
-Thomas Hewitt
-Ghost face (Billy & Stu only)
-Billy Lenz
-Brahms Heelshire
-Jesse Chromeans (Jesse Chromeskull)
-Asa Emory (The collector)
-Bo Sinclair
-Vincent Sinclair
-Lester Sinclair 
-Norman Bates
-Hannibal Lecter (NBC version)
-Will Graham
-Tiffany Valentine
-Harry Warden
~Stranger Things~
-Eddie Munson
-Steve Harrington
-Robin Buckley (X Female reader only)
-Dustin Henderson
-Mike Wheeler
-Will Byers 
-Lucas Sinclair
-Max Mayfield
-Nancy Wheeler
-Johnathan Byers
All characters are from the 2019 version. Meaning they are adults.
-Richie Tozier
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Ben Hanscom
-Beverly Marsh
-Mike Hanlon
-Stan Uris
-Eyeless Jack
-Laughing Jack
-Ticci Toby
-Ben drowned 
-Slender Man
-Jeff the killer
-Everyone besides Primo and Nihil :D
I will be doing more later on but as for right now, it's only these I hope you understand!
What I write!
~Head Canons~
What I refuse to write/do not request
~Animal x Human~ (I will only do a human AUs)
~R@ pe~
~Child! reader~
~Sēxual Abūse~
You can request male, female, or gender-neutral readers! I write for all of them but I mainly do male readers because I am male myself so I work better with that but don't let that stop you from requesting Fem!readers! You can request platonic or romantic! Although I don't like writing smut that much anymore if you request it I'll write it but it might take longer than other fics.
Disclaimer! All child characters I write for are platonic only. I'm 19 and I don't feel comfortable writing romantic fics for children.
Requests are currently: Open!
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graveincarnate · 2 years
WELCOME! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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As of right now, this page is dedicated to all sorts of fanfiction! I write x readers, canon ship fics, etc! I have five main fandoms that I stick to, but odds are if you request something else I’ll give it a shot too; if i’ve seen the source material of course.
Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover (Little Miss Sunshine) ~ NO NSFW!
Edward Nashton (The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields (Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox (Fast Food Nation)
Martin Blythe (The Emperor’s Club) ~ NO NSFW!
Thaddius (The Ballad of Jack and Rose)
Paul Sandow (The King)
Don/Light (Light and the Sufferer)
Eli Brooks (The Girl Next Door)
Klitz & Eli
Riddlebat (Bruce and Edward)
I’ve seen all of Paul’s filmography so if there’s a character not listed here that you’re looking for, I’m still open to writing them! These are just the ones that I feel most comfortable writing.
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley ~ WLW ONLY
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Mike Wheeler ~ NO NSFW
Will Byers ~ NO NSFW, MLM ONLY
Max Mayfield ~ NO NSFW
Jim Hopper
Fred Benson
Chrissy Cunningham
Jancy (Jonathan and Nancy)
Stancy (Steve and Nancy)
Mileven (Mike and Eleven)
Byler (Will and Mike)
Lumax (Max and Lucas)
Steddie (Steve and Eddie)
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Beverly Marsh
Stanley Uris
Reddie (Richie and Eddie)
Benverly (Ben and Beverly)
Stenbrough (Stan and Bill)
Stanlon (Stan and Mike)
No nsfw for when they’re kids, obviously, but I am flexible with high school and college settings if that’s what you’re after. Regarding adult era, obviously nsfw is okay! Just please specify which era you want when requesting.
Dylan (MLM ONLY)
Dylan and Ryan
Abigail and Emma
Jacob and Emma
Requests will always be open, here’s a short list of things I will write and won’t write. I hope it’ll be helpful when requesting!
Headcanons, fics, drabbles, oneshots, etc.
Fluff, platonic, nsfw/nsft, and anything else in-between.
Things involving drugs, preferably just marijuana, but I’ll consider harder substances if asked.
Any sort of kink, I have a few exceptions which will be featured in the ‘won’t write’ section. Anything else is free reign.
I’ll consider topics including self harm or other things of that matter, but if I feel the request is romanticizing or glamorizing mental illness it won’t be accepted. It’s important to me that depictions like that are accurate.
Female, male, and non-binary/gender neutral readers. I normally keep everything gender neutral just for more inclusivity, but if asked specifically I’ll accommodate. When requesting please specify afab or amab! If not specified I’ll try to keep it ambiguous, or offer both.
Kinks including: Any sort of non-con, pee, scat, or snuff. Really anything involving bodily fluids or intense violence.
Requests with names or anything specific, I want to be as inclusive as possible so anything that’s specific to a single person will be denied!
Things involving abuse of any kind (sexual, physical, emotional)
Any sort of fic about real people, this is non-negotiable!
Incest or any other taboo subject.
Please don’t be afraid to request something! I’m always itching to write and will be more than happy to write something for you!
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