#mike wheeler x reader one shot
froggywritesstuff · 1 year
jerk | mike wheeler
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pairings: Mike Wheeler x g/n!reader
warnings: Mike's a bitch in this cause why not, swearing
request: Hey can I please suggest one where it’s a Mike wheeler x reader and Mike acts like he hates them because he is worried that if he doesn’t hate them he will admit his feelings so one day he walks in on them crying and feels horrible
A/N: 18+ readers DNI.
The cafeteria was buzzing, students laughing and chatting with one another, the teens sitting with Eddie Munson ignoring the disgusted stares from everyone else, being used to it by now. The Party members were talking and laughing with one another as usual, all except for the dark haired Wheeler boy, who sat looking rather blue at the table, his head looking down at his lunch tray, picking at the food with his plastic fork.
"Wheeler, what's going on?" Mike's head shot up at Eddie's familiar voice, "You look all sad. You better not be like that for the campaign tonight." he remarked, receiving a cheer from the rest of the party at the mention of the campaign.
"Nah, it's nothing." he lied, dropping his gaze back down to the mushy food on his tray.
Lucas rolled his eyes, "Someone's just sad that Y/N's not here today."
Mike's cheeks burned bright red, "No I'm not!" he denied.
The teens at the table all snickered and laughed at Mike's flustered expression, Eddie being the exception, who just furrowed his brows together in confusion.
"Y/N? By the way you always glare and roll your eyes at them, I assumed you just hated them."
Mike nodded at Eddie, "That's because I do hate them." he urged, though it seemed like he was just trying to convince himself.
"Sure you do," Dustin mumbled, rolling his eyes, "That's why you keep looking at them with heart eyes, 'oh Y/N, I don't know how to express my feelings around you so I'll just be mean to you instead, but I really really like you.'" he mocked, earning a death glare from Mike.
"That's not funny, Dustin." 
Lucas snickered, "It's kinda funny."
Mike rolled his eyes, standing up from the table, forgetting about the crappy cafeteria slop people called food. It was the last thing on his mind. He ignored the calls from Lucas and Dustin attempting to apologise and exited the cafeteria. Mike made his way outside the building, striding toward the old wall phone in front of the building, mainly used for kids when their parents forget to pick them up or when people are just bored, but Mike had other intentions.
He hastily dialled the number he had engraved in his brain, brought the phone to his ear and listened to it ring. The dial tone ran through the phone for what felt like an eternity, before the beep sounded. 
"Piece of shit," Mike hissed, slamming the phone back in its place. He ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. How was he supposed to go with his day now? He needed to see you. At least hear your voice. It was driving him crazy with you not there.
Mike could barely focus the rest of the school day, his mind racing with thoughts. Make that one thought. After all, he could only bring himself to think about you.
The second the bell rang for home-time, Mike sped out of school, no time to explain to Lucas and Dustin what the hell he was doing. He wasn't even sure what he was doing himself. Though he knew what he wanted to do. See you.
He sped down the streets on his bike, wind flipping in his hair, too pumped up on adrenaline to care about his legs burning from how fast he was going. He almost missed your house he was going so fast, and almost crashed into your mailbox. OR he might've crashed. Again, he was too pumped up to care.
He hurried to your front door, pounding his fist on the wood almost a hundred times, before someone finally answered.
"Who the hell are you and why are you trying to break down our door?!”
”Is Y/N here?” he asked breathlessly, only just realising he could’ve paced himself a bit more. He realised the person at the door was one of your parents and he definitely should’ve made a better first impression, but he didn’t have time to care.
”Is Y/N here?!”
”Yeah. Are you part of their dnd team or something.”
”Party. Dnd party- yes.”
“I bet they’ll probably wanna talk to you then.” they said, opening their further to let Mike in.
”Why? What’s wrong?” he asked, practically sprinting inside.
”I doubt they wanna tell me. You’ll probably have better luck.”
Mike had his doubts about that, but nodded his head nonetheless, “Thanks,” he said, sprinting off to your room.
He hadn’t been to your house in ages; he almost forgot where it was. That thought alone made him feel even worse than he already did.
When he made it to your room he knocked, anxiously waiting for your reply.
”Come in,” you called.
Mike practically burst through the door at your words, but reality hit him like a brick when he saw your confused expression, and he realised he had no idea what he was doing.
”Mike?” he just stood there, not having the slightest clue of what to say, “what are you doing here?”
Mike opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again, trying his best to form words, “I. Uh… you weren’t at school today, I wanted to check if you were ok.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. The Mike Wheeler you thought you knew wouldn’t give a shit about your well-being. You thought he’d be jumping for joy when you weren’t there, “What does that mean?”
Mike took a breath, “I was just worried,” he walked further in your room, before noticing your face shiny with tears, “shit Y/N, have you been crying.”
You resisted the urge to wipe the tears from your face, knowing that’d just confirm his suspicions. “No.” 
“Yes you have. Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
"Nothing." you pressed, not wanting him to know.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I'm not."
"Fuck you."
"What?" Mike heard what you said perfectly fine. He didn't care if you had to curse him out for hours; he just wanted to know what was wrong.
You rolled your eyes, "I said 'fuck you'."
You stared at him in pure disbelief, "Why? Mike, you have been the biggest fucking asshole to me for months!" you continued when Mike stared at you like an idiot, "You're always rolling your eyes whenever I talk, I catch you death staring me, and whenever I try to ask you what I did wrong you just fucking ran away." Hearing you say that, he realised that was probably a dumb move. "A-and now you're here asking me why I'm crying and not going to the campaign tonight? It's fucking confusing."
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a jerk to you. I just..." he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.
You stared blankly at him, "What?"
"I-" he cut himself off with a groan, holding his head in his head, "I don't think of you as my friend, Y/N."
Despite your eye roll, you still felt your heart pang at Mike's words. "You made that clear."
Mike squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. He didn't know why he could never have a normal conversation with you. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I, ugh. I like you." he blurted out, immediately feeling his cheeks go red.
You stared at him, "What?"
"I like you Y/N. Not in a friend way."
You felt your heart rate quicken as you began to realise what he was talking about, "Like in a Max and Lucas way?"
He nodded, "And that's not an excuse for how I was acting, I just didn't know how else to deal with it cause I know you don't like me that way, and being a jerk was the only thing I knew I could do. I don't know how to be a good boyfriend, I know how to be a jerk."
You stared at Mike for a while, gathering up all your thoughts before you spoke, "You're wrong Mike."
"What? I wasn't a jerk?"
"No," you furrowed your brows, "You were definitely a jerk. You're wrong cause you said I don't like you."
Mike froze. "Huh?"
"I like you too Mike. When you're not acting like a jerk though, so fucking stop that."
"Oh." he sighed in relief, cheeks burning bright red. "I was not expecting that."
"Yeah, because you're also an idiot."
buy me a coffee <3
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theapangea · 10 months
Missed You Too
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Missed You Too
Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: You finally kiss Steve.
A/N: Ok this is one that I posted on AO3 after the end of the last season. Obviously I had to write something good for Steve because they do my boy so dirty!! HE IS NOT SOMEONES SECOND CHOICE!! Hope you enjoy my loves <3!!
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The past week was a blur. You didn’t expect your first college spring break to end with you racing back to Hawkins to see the aftermath of what Venca…? One…? Henry…caused. You didn’t want to entirely believe that the Upside Down still existed, that the gate was still open after you all fought so hard to close it time and time again. That’s why you chose to leave Hawkins in the first place, moving across the country to get away from the horrors of that small town. 
But when Jonathan, Will, and Mike show up at your door, pleading for your help to find Eleven, you couldn’t just turn your back on them, not then, not ever.  
You didn’t even know that Joyce, Eleven, and the boys moved to California shortly after you did. No one bothering to stay in touch, mostly you didn’t bother to stay in touch. Almost like you intentionally separated yourself from the people you were closest to. You would never admit it, blaming the lack of communication on school. 
The truth was, you didn’t want to be part of Hawkins anymore. You didn’t want to fear for your life. The scar that Hawkins left on your soul made you paranoid, made it hard for you to live a normal life. Always looking over your shoulder, always ready for a fight. 
The drive back was like riding a bike, you could drive it blind folded if you had to. Everyone thought it would be best if you drove the last bit as Jonathan was barely able to stay awake at this point. The tall, full trees lined the only road in and out of Hawkins. Car after car rushing to escape the town as disaster stuck only nights before. 
Passing shelters, destroyed homes, police and media, all lining the streets trying to make sense of the situation. If only they knew the truth. 
The car swings around the curb, braking suddenly outside of the Wheeler house. You never thought you would be here again, at least not in this lifetime. Pausing, white knuckling the steering wheel as you hear the van door slide open. Mike, Eleven, Will, Argyle and Jonathan exiting the vehicle to be reunited with loved ones again. You take your time getting out of the pizza van, not sure if you wanted to see them, not sure if they wanted to see you .
Finding yourself staying by the van with Argyle. He was new, didn’t know about Hawkins and was thrown into this mess similar to how you all were. How could he continue to want to be part of this? Your gaze drifts down, your chest heaving rapidly. Your feet glued to the ground, unable to move from your spot. 
Closing your eyes, trying to regain a sense of self. It shouldn’t matter that you left then, it should only matter that you are here now . Some relief washing over as you repeat that you are here now, you are here now, you are here now. The held breath releasing as you scan the scene in front of you, the warm breeze picking up making you draw the wild strands of hair behind your ears. 
You watch as Mike hugs his mom, her eyes tender and soft, thanking the gods for him to be returned safely, stating how he is never allowed to leave home again. Her hands never leave his body, afraid that if she lets go then he will disappear without a trace again.
Jonathan approaches Nancy, both unsure of their relationship, both yearning for a solution - but still they hug, the sweet embrace almost made up for the long, angry phone calls and the absence spring break trip. 
Jonathan told you all about his Nancy problems, hoping you would be able to help. He didn’t like your answer of honesty and communication, joking how you were never honest with your true feelings for a certain Hawkins boy. Quietly commenting that you should have made a move a long time ago to get him to move on from Nancy. 
After all this time, you couldn’t believe he was still hung up on her. But maybe he was supposed to move on. Move on to someone who he spent all his time with, to the person he’d drop by at their house unannounced, to the girl who was so tired of the neverending nightmares that she did everything she could to move as far away as possible. Even if it meant breaking the heart of the person she was supposed to end up with.
And there he was…
Boy, was he a sight for sore eyes. The green-blue sweater with the rolled up sleeves to the washed out blue jeans hugging his hips in all the right places. The way his hair was so delicately placed, too messy to be considered neat, too neat to be considered messy. His eyes heartbroken, full of pain and anger. Full of every ounce of love that he is willing to give away in a heartbeat. Your soul aching for him. 
His hand placed on the back of his neck, clearly hurt from the unfolding scene between Nancy and Jonathan. Robin’s hand pressing gently on his back, guiding him away. 
You weren’t surprised that he still had feelings for her. A little annoyed, yes, but not surprised in any way. He would always talk about her, the way she laughed and talked and smiled. And it made you so angry back then. Realizing that the anger never left. 
He hasn’t noticed you yet, his eyes fixated on the ground. Probably hoping to finally disappear. You feel the same. You were two passing ships in the night too afraid to let the other one know you were there, constantly turning off your lights, constantly dropping your sails.
The situation between you both was left pretty rocky. You could never decipher the tension between you both, was it love or indifference? Steve was always there for you and even supported your decision to leave Hawkins, even if that meant never seeing you ever again.
You promised to call each other once a week, which did happen until once a week turned into once a month and once a month turned into dozens of missed calls on both ends. Leaving you both hopeless and alone. Both trying to figure out adulthood without the comfort of a childhood friend.
Before pushing your body away from the car, you look over at Argyle for some sort of friendly relief. After hearing Jonathan complain about you never making a move on Steve, Argyle has been constantly encouraging you since. To not wait for any guy to make the first move, to create your own future. You were surprised at his wisdom.
His kind smile helps ease your nerves as your feet move one in front of the other, your heart beating so loud you can hear it in your ears. The drowning noise of your blood rushing through your body almost makes you want to turn around. Run away like the first time - but you were tired of running. Tired of the ‘what if situation’ that danced between you and Steve. This was your moment and there was no way you were going to turn back. Not this time.
Walking down the driveway, Mrs.Wheeler silently thanks you for helping bring Mike back home safely. Her hand lightly squeezes yours as you pass. Your lips curl, barely a smile forming as your mind is elsewhere.
Nancy watches as you walk by, her body still wrapped in Jonathan’s arms. Her mouth barely parted, maybe she wanted to say something but immediately regretted his decision to make any comment. The strong bond between you both broke when she started to date Steve…then Jonathan. You were civil with one another but you’ve barely spoken a sentence in the past three years. Neither of you wanting to resolve your years-long battle.
Robin’s and Steve’s gaze are on you. Stopping right in front of the pair, realizing you didn’t have a plan once you got to this point. Robin instantly beaming that bright smile that you missed so much. Her hug was intentional, like she was trying to squeeze all the events of this past week out of you. Cleansing you of all the horrors. Your arms wrap around his waist, pulling her deeper, knowing you needed her in that moment. Her comfort washing over you, giving you the strength you so desperately needed. She releases you, arm's length away, her smile inviting and safe. 
Your eyes shifting to Steve. Swearing in that moment that he was smiling but immediately covering it with a cough and a snatch on the nose. 
She squeezes your shoulders before walking away, giving you and Steve a little alone time. Even if that alone time was in front of half your friends.  
“Hey.” You exhale, the tension growing between the two of you. The air suddenly still as his eyes studying your face, his fingers twitching every so slightly. 
In one swift movement, grabbing your wrist, pulling you in for a hug. The instant smell of his cologne filling your head, making you dizzy with the smell of home. No words needed to be spoken between the two of you. He was just glad you were safe, finally in his arms.
You missed him. 
Not just this past week, but for the past 8 months. He pulls you in closer, his body finally relaxing against yours. The breath of fresh air was everything you both needed, everything you have ever wanted, and everything you will ever need. 
In this moment, you were his and he was yours. Everything was right with the world. All the trouble of this past week washes away, your minds clearing, seeing a future with only the two of you. 
You both pull back, speaking in a silent conversation. Neither of you know how to respond in this situation. Both of you felt the buzz, the electricity, the love. 
After all this time, it felt like you never left. The feelings for Steve came crumbling back down. You thought this was your chance, your only chance . Your body makes the decision for you, as your hand wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him down to meet your lips.
Your breath instantly intertwines with his, every inhale pulling him closer and closer. Your other hand balling up into the soft fabric of his sweater as he deepens into you. His hand catching your cheek, his lips soft and warm, gentle yet demanding. The craving of his touch on your skin sends heat waves throughout your body. 
He takes his time, wanting to remember this moment. All the uncertain feelings, all the unfinished conversations, crashing down all around you both. Kissing him was the only way you could tell him everything you had kept in for all these years. 
He pulls back, resting his forehead on yours, pure eyes as he whispers, “I missed you too.” 
I hope you enjoyed!! thank you for reading and supporting me
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ebullient-beauty · 2 years
- - - fuck you dumber - - -
aged up mike wheeler x bimbo cheerleader reader warnings for the series: agedup!mike wheeler, smut, swearing, nsfw warnings for the preview: agedup!mike wheeler, swearing, references of sexual actions, nsfw
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preview: Mike Wheeler, aka Wheeler Boy, was elated. He had recently gotten to be Dungeon Master during a Hellfire meeting, he was doing good in school, but best of all, he had a fucking hot girlfriend. You were one of the most popular girls at Hawkins High, being part of the cheer team helped with that, but that wasn't why. It was because you were… sexy and you fucking knew it. So you dressed like it too. Short skirts, deep V-necks, almost everything being some shade of pink, and every once in a while you wore that dress that was so small you had to wear shorts underneath.
But Mike loved it. He loved seeing you feel at home in the spotlight, he loved overhearing you talk about him to your cheerleader friends, he loved when you called him over to the popular people table, "Wheeler Boy! Get over here!", and loved when he got to sit next to you while you made it obvious to the jocks sitting near that you were off limits. But what he loved a whole lot was that fact that sometimes (most of the time, actually) you would tease him for the full school day and then get him off or let him fuck you the second you guys went home.
You only ever teased Mike for a day, knowing how he got when unfulfilled, but you had decided 3 days ago that you would try to torture him for as long as possible so he would fuck you the way you really wanted. He had only ever done you like that one time before, when he went a full 2 weeks without seeing you because he was in California. When he got back- let's just say you could not walk correctly for a full day. But he had left you craving for it, for that feeling where you knew he held absolutely nothing back from you.
You had your wonderful idea planned to the T and written in your notebook, and tomorrow was the day you would put it into action. You knew to play your cards right, you couldn't make it obvious that you were teasing him relentlessly. So the plan was as follows:
Thursday- Day One: Excuse of not meeting with him after school is that I have cheer practice and after family dinner, then off to bed.
Friday- Day Two: Excuse of not meeting with him after school is that he has Hellfire and by the time it's over, I'm "too tired".
Saturday & Sunday- Days 3 & 4: I'm out of town with my parents for a family gathering at Aunt Rosie's house.
Monday- Day 5: Excuse is that I have cheer practice and after I'm going to Cathy's house to study and sleep over.
Tuesday- Day 6: Basketball game that I'm required to attend, because cheerleader, duh and we leave during last period.
Wednesday- Day 7: Cheer meet after school and then all the girls and I are having a sleepover party at Nicole's house
Thursday- Day 8: Plan for Armageddon Wheeler Boy
And that was all you had. After a week of torturing your poor boyfriend, you didn't know whether it could go on past that. You sighed in exhilaration, opening the drawer on your nightstand, and slipping in the journal before shutting it closed. As you laid in bed, all you could think was that this is gonna be fun.
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part 1 [unavailable atm] part 2 [unavailable atm] part 3 [unavailable atm] part 4 [unavailable atm] part 5 [unavailable atm] part 6 [unavailable atm] part 7 [unavailable atm] part 8 [unavailable atm]
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[mike wheeler] taglist: @riouri @marsneo @clonewifey49 @m1ke-wheeler @madtheivery @b0kutoswaifu @w-wheeler @littletroublegirl444 @agustdeeyaa @smileyswifeyy @im-better-than-your-newborn @vl-p @doingurmom69 @elainavmarie @kingsmanperfecthartwin @lovelycm @joekeeryhoe @dontforgetabtdharms @justbreeisfine
[fuck you dumber] taglist: @riouri @dragonsvelour @morganasimp26 @strawberrykittyv @luv4mike @whitemanswhore101 @shawtyasf1 @lovenotesxo @givemehickeysplease @mikewheelersactualgf @angelar4 @sspikey69 @buckys-slave @sunflower-120 @justmsstuff @tsukishimawhore @tragicdiary @okjaeminn @trashmouth-munson-thingss @grffdbicv @bucket-hat-bestie @runninngyouth @smodgie @uhmislaigs-blog @hdhdhdhdhs-stuff @prom1es @xxxjaexx @nicciekawegosblog @pytbasha888 @yoirfriendlyneigborhoodfairy @dayntplanet @ilovemitskii @riiikaaa @turtleshroooms @smileyswifeyy @sappynappysworld @vl-p @str4nd3d-lull4by @yourleastfavx @ady-hilborn @strxvnge @miiikkeey @raquel12 @mushroomsoup1920 @doingurmom69 @renssonly @viixen01 @irinity @elainavmarie @justlillythinking @kingsmanperfecthartwin @cybergiirl @justbreeisfine @222micah222 @bigwhore4levi
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The Second I Met You - S.Harrington
Summary- Steve is used to being alone for the holidays until he doesn’t have to be anymore. After befriending Dustin’s old babysitter, Y/N becomes an important part of his life, someone he can’t imagine being without, someone he has loved since the second he met her.
Warnings - Mentions of Steve's shitty parents, Female Reader, Use of Y/N, Steve isolates himself to cope, (let me know if I missed any)
Author's Note - Welcome to Day 2 of my 25 days of fics! I hope you enjoy and feel free to let me know about any mistakes in my writing! I want to improve!
Word Count : 1037
my masterlist
25 days of fics masterlist
not my gif
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not my gif
It was known around Hawkins that Steve Harrington had rich parents, said boy taking advantage of that in high school. However, it wasn’t very known that his parents were not the most present in his life. He never had a good childhood or one that was worth remembering. He never had fun on family vacations when they used to do that because his mother was too worried about his father cheating. So holidays were even worse, he usually spent them alone, getting take out and watching shitty television. He never had any holiday traditions, until Y/N.
Y/N was Dustin’s neighbor and old babysitter, he remembered her from high school, graduating the same year together but he never talked to her. Once Steve had befriended the Henderson boy and his band of misfits, he unintentionally befriended the girl. On top of that, he had befriended Eddie Munson, a boy who he never imagined being friends with.
Y/N had a similar situation to Steve, her parents were never home and she was often alone, however her parents weren’t filthy rich like Steve’s were. So every holiday, she would host all of her friends at her house and have a little holiday party or gathering. So this year for Christmas eve, she had invited all of her friends over to her house for a party.
Her house was on the smaller side so it felt a little cramped with everyone there but they all made do. All of the younger kids were hanging out together in the living room, the couches filled with Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Will, Max and El. The older teens were scattered around the house, Eddie and Gareth talking in the kitchen by the snacks, Robin and Nancy were sitting in the small dining room laughing and Steve was sitting in the backyard away from everyone. He was overwhelmed, going from no plans for the holidays to constant get togethers with his friends. Sure he loved his friends but sometimes he just needed to be by himself, to be alone like he was used to.
He was outside for a good 15 minutes before he heard the door open behind him and shut again. “What are you doing out here all by yourself handsome?” Y/N’s voice rang out behind him.
“Just needed some time alone,” He replied.
“Oh, do you want me to leave you alone?”
“No, I like your company.” She took that as an invitation to sit, so she sat right next to him, their thighs touching.
“You wanna tell me what’s on your mind?” Y/N asked him gently, bumping her shoulder into his.
“I don’t really know. A lot, I think I’m just used to being alone so it’s weird to be surrounded by so many people, y’know?”
“I do know. I was so used to being alone especially on the holidays that I became a person I didn’t know. That’s why I started doing these parties. I wanted to be with people I love instead of sinking deeper into my mind and making myself sad,” She explained. 
“That makes sense, so you surround yourself with people you love to make you feel better.” She let out a hum of agreement before resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Stevie, can I ask you something?” She questioned.
“Of course you can.”
“Why do you isolate yourself so much? Don’t get me wrong, I love my alone time but I can’t be alone constantly. Is this an active choice or is it something that just kinda happens?”
“ I think I’m scared of getting hurt, or being used for my parents' money. In a way its both an active choice and something that happens. Like, I love Dustin but sometimes I feel like I’m being used because of my car,” Steve explained, “I feel like I’m being stupid.”
“You’re not being stupid. You have very valid feelings, trust me I get it, these rugrats use me for rides constantly too. It’s part of the whole acting like an older sibling to the kids thing.”
The two of them kept talking for a while outside until it got too cold so they went back inside. All of the younger kids went home, Robin and Nancy too just leaving Gareth, Eddie and Steve. Steve usually spent the night at her house after a party because they would usually sit up and talk until the sun came up. The two of them retreated to her room after she told Gareth and Eddie that they could crash at her house if they wanted to, they knew where everything was. 
Y/N and Steve sat on her bed and continued their conversation. She was happy to get some more information about Steve and why he acted the way he does. She understood him better than she thought, they were more similar than they originally thought. She looked at the alarm clock next to her bed, the time ready 1:06 A.M, “Merry Christmas Stevie,” She smiled sleepily at him.
“Merry Christmas beautiful,” He returned a similar grin before letting out a slightly obnoxious yawn.
“Do you have to yawn like that? Like a dying cat?” She joked with a giggle.
“Only to annoy you,” He chuckled back. She laid herself down on her bed, waiting for Steve to follow suit. When he did, she tucked herself into his side, resting her head on his chest and listened to his heart. “Wanna know something?” He asked, she enjoyed hearing the rumble of his voice from his chest.
“Yeah, tell me anything,” She replied, her voice sounding sleepy to him.
“I have always had a crush on you, since the second I met you in the first grade.” She perked up at the confession, sitting up slightly to look in his eye, a smile on her face.
“Yeah really.”
“I’ve felt the same way since the second I met you.”
The two of them settled back into the bed, both of them falling into a peaceful sleep despite Gareth and Eddie playing loud music and laughing loudly in the living room. They both had admitted their feelings, a huge weight getting lifted from both of their shoulders.
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hellfireslut · 2 years
Could you do an eddie x bimbo gf where she is meeting the gang for the first time and eddie is nervous, they all think she's like him (style/music wise) but when they see her everyone (but I can see mainly steve do this) it's like "WTF HOW!?" And "how did you end up with her!?"
Blue Jeans and Bimbos
paring : eddie munson x fem!bimbo!reader
summary : as requested above!
word count : 1.1k
warnings : light swearing, nothing really just a bunch of tooth rotting fluff!
characters : eddie munson, dustin henderson, mike wheeler, hellfire club members
a/n : these request are so fun omg this is my favorite story i’ve written so far! keep em coming! also i changed it from the gang to the hellfire club bc i didn’t wanna disappoint writing for steve bc i never have before! if you’d like me to change it lmk!
Hellfire Club, 1986
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Y/N skipped down the hallway all bubbly. Her brain squealed in the thrill of meeting her boyfriends’ closest friends. Thoughts of his friends welcoming her with open arms crowded her mind with satisfaction. As she made her way to the basement of the school, the buckle of her pink strapped heel unbuckled. She quickly grasped for the handle of the stairs, catching herself before she tumbled down the stairwell. She bent over to re-buckle her shoe as she heard footsteps from behind her. Y/N stood up, dusting off her bubblegum pink skirt grinning. Eddie placed his hand on her shoulder, rubbing it slightly, signaling her that it was him.
“Someone’s excited, aren’t you sweetheart?” Eddie looked into her eyes, capturing the beauty of the features of her radiating face.
“Yes, Eddie! You have no idea, I mean I’ve heard all the stories of your little group but now I can finally meet them and hear them on my own!” Y/N was so excited she could burst into pink sparkles and perfume. Eddie grinned at her enthusiasm, softly rubbing his hand across her perfectly blushed cheek. He held Y/N’s hand the rest of the way down the stairs.
When the pair reached the doors of the abandoned theatre, a big sign read “HELLFIRE CLUB ENTER IF YOU DARE”. Y/N gripped at the leather material of Eddie’s shoulder, looking into his eyes. Eddie looked down at her apprehensively. Y/N, too naive to realize he was nervous of his friends meeting her, rested her head upon his side.
Thoughts of disappointment and fear consumed Eddie’s brain. Y/N was different from any girl his “gang” had heard him speak about. A bright and eccentric face, pink sparkly shoes, notes of rose and marshmallow perfume wafted the noses of students as she walked past the halls. Y/N was the complete opposite of him and the people he hung with. His tattered blue jeans, shaggy dark brown curls, and the smell of marijuana and cologne. The pair couldn’t be more divergent.
“Eddie, babe, do I look okay?” Y/N said, pulling a tube of lipgloss out of her bra. She applied a thick coat of the clear gloss around her lips, smoothing and puckering them together.
“Beautiful as always, doll.” Eddie scratched the back of his head, glancing down at his shoes. Y/N looked at him upset. “Oh, he thinks I look bad doesn’t he! Maybe it’s all the blush.” she thought.
“Eddie if you don’t want to meet your friends, you can just say so.” Y/N began pouting, tears welling up in her Y/E/C eyes.
“Y/N why are you crying? I want you to meet them, I promise. I’m just nervous of what they’ll think of you…” Eddie let out a depressive sigh, not wanting to hurt her feelings.
“Well, I know I’m a bit different from your crowd, but I don’t see that as a bad thing!” she began to blot the tears from her face. “Maybe they’ll think I’m cool enough to play Dungeons and Demons with you! Ooo and I would get to be a fairy!”
Eddie tried to hold back a chuckle, ultimately failing as he began to snort.
“Why are you laughing at me!” Y/N said playfully hitting his shoulder.
“Sweetheart, it’s Dungeons and Dragons.” Eddie let out another breathy laugh at her reaction.
“Whatever game it is I’m sure they’ll let me be a fairy. Now can we pleaseeeee go see your friends?” Y/N looked up at Eddie, slowly batting her lashes, giving him a look she knew he couldn’t resist.
“Sure thing, babe.” He said, pulling her waist in softly towards his chest.
“Where the hell is he? There’s no way Eddie’s going to be late to his own campaign.” Dustin said agitatedly.
“He’s probably out with his girlfriend, duh. They’re conjoined at the hip along with his guitar.” Mike said laughing.
Dustin laughed, turning around as he heard the club door spring open. In walked Eddie, along side Y/N, holding onto his arm slightly hiding behind his back.
“Eddie, you have to stop trying to convince the cheer team that D&D is cool, they’re just going to bully us more!” Mike said confused how out of place Y/N looked as she walked into the room.
“This isn’t one of the cheerleaders, boys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
The whole tables eyes practically shot out of their heads as the words “girlfriend” and “Y/N” left his mouth in the same sentence.
Y/N began sprinting towards the center table, stopping herself when she stood in front of Dustin. She squealed softly, causing Eddie to let out a sigh and a chuckled from behind her.
“Oh. My. God! You’re Dustin! Eddie talks so much about you! You’re even cuter than I imagined” Y/N said as she fluffed the curls on top of his head.
“Eddie, she smells like a magazine perfume sample.” Dustin said satirically.
“Oh, it’s not a magazine silly, Eddie bought it for me! It’s marshmallows and roses!” she said, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Eddie, there’s no way she’s your girlfriend. Y/N how much did he pay you to do this? Nevermind I don’t want to know.” Dustin said pretending to gag.
Eddie stared at him angrily causing Dustin to turn the other way.
She began to walk to the other side of the table, greeting the other club members, then stopping to talk to Mike.
“Oh my god Eddie, you didn’t tell me Mike Wheeler was in your group!” she said, all giddy. “I used to be like, best friends with your sister, Nancy!”
When Y/N finished greeting the rest of the Hellfire Club, Eddie began walking to his throne, Y/N following behind him after realized where he went. Eddie sat down in his throne. Y/N tried climbing up the side of it, struggling.
“Careful doll, don’t want to break the other heel.” Eddie helped her up onto his lap. She shifted around to become more comfortable, suddenly all eyes were on the couple.
“You guys don’t mind if Y/N stays to watch our campaign, right?” Eddie said, deadpanned at Dustin’s eyes that were wide open at the way she was sitting on his lap. A mix of no not at all’s and sure why not’s floated from the groups lips. Y/N clapped excitedly at their acceptance. Y/N leaned back, whispering into Eddie’s ear.
“See, I told you they’d like me! You were worried for nothing.” she giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Enough staring boys! Who’s ready to take down Lord Vecna!”. The group cheered loudly in amusement.
“Do you think Vecna could be taken down by a fairy?” Y/N said gleeful. The group laughed causing her to pout.
“What! I’m serious!”
Eddie placed a small kiss on her neck, causing her to melt into his lap.
“Only by you, babe.”
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ana8swift · 2 years
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summary: You were eighteen when you left Hawkins. Now it's few years later, and as you struggle with the mess you've left behind, your fears and secrets. Love gives you a second chance, will you take it?
Steve Harrington × reader
Word count: 4,500+
This story is inspired by and named after Lizzy McAlpine's album five seconds flat.
strangers to lovers, second chance romance, angst but also fluff :)
It's cold, how Steve's face turns pale when he sees you. He was laughing, but his smile quickly disappeared.
Of course you'll find him here. At the grocery store. The first place you go to after getting home. He's not alone though.
Robin is next to him, she just awkwardly waves. She whispers something in his ear and heads your way.
She is moving way too fast and you don't have time to think of what to say. What is there left to say?
"Hi" is a good way to start.
"Hey, I- we didn't know you were home". Home. It feels weird to call Hawkins home, when you haven't been here in years. And when Robin says 'we' it feels weird because Steve walks away. Robin notices his absence. But she continues,
"I've missed you. If you called me to tell me that you're back, I would've come to visit you or something" And she says it again, like she wants to emphasize her feelings, the hurt and pain you left behind for her to pick up after, "I've missed you". Simple words. She means them, but they hurt in a way they aren't sure to do.
"I just got here. This morning. I realized the fridge was completely empty so I came to buy something before my family wakes up. Wanted to surprise them" you avoid to look at her eyes, but you smile anyway. A shy smile. Hoping she won't notice how uncomfortable this is for you, you realize the floor is more interesting to look at, then her sad blue eyes.
"Oh. Uhm. How long are you going to stay here for?"
"I'm going back after New Year's"
"That's great! We have you for the whole month. I'm glad you're back" she tells you. And you really want to believe her. For a second you look into her eyes and you almost do.
"I think he's waiting for you. But I'll see you around. I've missed you too" you cut short the conversation. She knows what you mean. She hugs you and mutters a sweet 'goodbye'. And she looks for Steve. He's around. Probably hiding somewhere, avoiding you.
And you don't blame him.
It's cold, the weather outside. But it's the start of December. The start of the new season. Of course it's cold. You're underdressed. With no scarf or gloves or a proper coat. What the hell were you think, leaving the house like this?
But you guess that living in California does that to you. You get used to warm, sunny days and you start to forget what's it like in Hawkins, in the wintertime.
You shouldn't have walked here. The hour is early, and the sun is still down. And you're too far from home.
But a familiar car drives next to you. Windows down. You see him more clearly now. He's older. Of course he is, it's been three years. His eyes seam darker, his hair longer, his lips formed in a frown. Hands on the wheel. Robin sits in the passenger seat.
"Need a ride?" she kindly asks.
"Oh no need. I'll just walk home"
"No way, get in here!" you want to take on her offer, but before you give an answer, you look at the driver, Steve. Wait for his reassurance. After a moment of silence he finally looks up to you, and says:
"Come on, we'll take you home"
You don't need much convincing. You were going to freeze to death if you didn't get in the car. The icy road slows down the drive. It's silent and almost nostalgic. And you have so many things you want to say in that moment. To apologize. But it's not right, not now.
You just stay silent. Or try to, but Robin's here. And she tries to talk to you. Small talk. She hates small talk and now that's all you have left.
"How does it feel to be back?" she breaks the silence.
"Uhm I don't know. Weird"
Steve makes an annoyed expression and Robin shoots him a 'don't do that, don't be an asshole' type of look.
But seating here, in Steve Harrington's car, after all this time it's weird. You don't know how to explain it so you try to change the subject.
"Robin, last I've heard is that you got in Southern Cal. Is that true?"
"Oh yeah! I can't take another gap year. My parents will kill me if I don't leave the house soon"
"That's great"
"And the best part is that I got a full scholarship. So I'm using all the money I've saved in the past few years to buy a small apartment near campus. If you know any cheap two-room apartments near campus or anywhere colse by, it would be great!"
"Two rooms?"
"Steve is going to be my roommate"
"Oh, that's amazing. I can ask some friends if they know some avaliable places around there" you try to sound exited, but you're not sure how you feel about it. Steve Harrington, being so close to you? And living in the same city again?
"Thank you! Isn't this great? Next year, we'll be together. Just like old times!" You can hear real excitement in her voice. But Steve's gaze from the rear view mirror brings you to reality. Nothing ever will be like 'old times'.
When the drive is finally over, you exit the car, you thank Steve, but he stays silent. This silence is killing you. But still you put on a smile, and you wonder how you're going to survive this Friday's party? Because you just made a promise to Robin that you'll be there. And you can't break more promises.
The last time you were home, in Hawkins was when you were eighteen.
You were fresh out of high-school, you were full of hopes, adrenaline and bad ideas.
And Steve Harrington was next to you, going through all your bad ideas. He wasn't really your boyfriend or something, but he was with you and it was enough. And you liked having Steve Harrington by your side.
You also liked the small town you knew like the back of your hand. The place you grew up in. Hawkins- Indiana.
And it's true. Most people dream to have the chance to leave this town. They crave adventures, new places and faces. Or they are simply afraid. And Hawkins -the perfect town for high school sweethearts to settle in,
has became a living nightmare in the last decade. The kind of nightmare, that makes you feel like you're stuck in your bed. And you can't move. You can't scream. You can only hear whispers. You can see things. And you can't really explain it. If you do or try to explain, you'll most likely end up in a mental institution.
So you never did explain why you left.
And that was your mistake.
So was agreeing to go to this stupid party.
You can't find what to wear, and you're most likely going to be late. You don't even remember the girl who is throwing this party. Robin said her name was Sarah, and that you and her had science together.
This party is set to be the death of you.
But you're still here standing outside Sarah's door. Wearing a nice outfit and a very warm coat. And you're only 20 minutes late.
She opens up, a nice looking redhead and she hugs you tightly.
"Come in. We were waiting for you! I was so happy when Robin mentioned you were coming! How's California? How's everything?"
You get in, walk through the hallway, following Sarah's voice. And she leads you to a dark room filled with smoke and high.
You might not remember Sarah, but you find a lot of familiar faces in the crowd around you.
You see Amanda, the girl you were seated next to in English. But right now, instead of the regular nice and smart girl you once knew, you see her smoking weed and making out with a guy much older then her.
You see the high school sweethearts, James and Taylor. They are still together? But they are arguing and Taylor stroms out.
You see a lot of familiar faces. You wonder how much they've changed since high school. You know you've changed for sure. Near death experience does that to you.
Sarah leaves to greet someone else and you stand there alone. In the middle of the crowd, with a cup of beer in your hand is when you finally see him. You knew he'd be here. You shouldn't be surprised or disappointed. Because he's talking with a girl. You can clearly see he's flirting with her. Because his hand is on her waist and he's smirking, and she laughs at some joke he whispered in her ear.
You remember a time, when you were in that girl's shoes. When you were the one to laugh at Steve's jokes. The one that got to hold him close. The one that got to kiss him even if you were just friends. You miss it. You got to be his friend, and now you're not. You miss your friend.
But to your rescue comes another friend, Robin. You talk with her, talk with everyone really. You drink. You smile and you tell yourself 'it's fine'. Everything is fine, so focus on that. You just need to get out of here. So, you excuse yourself that you need some fresh breath and go outside. It's still crowded around the porch, and all you want is to hide somewhere. From all these people and mixed feelings.
The driveway is a good place for that. Too bad Steve had the exact same thought. You find him, smoking, next to his car. And you can't leave, because he sees you. He moves his eyes from your head to your toes, though your curves and invisible shields. He always knows how to break down the walls around your heart. But you're not surprised. After all, he is known for being a heartbreaker.
"I thought smoking is bad for you" you walk up to him.
"It is"
You stand in front of him now. He's too close. But you don't mind. "So why are you smoking? Since when?"
"Three years ago" he says and by the look in his eyes you can tell what he really wants to say is 'when you left'.
"Can I try?" you don't really want to try. But the way you say it, it comes off as a joke, a distraction from the hurt and Steve notices that too. Because he says a simple,
"No" and he smiles. Beside the pain and anger he's feeling, you made him smile. You almost feel proud. You feel like you've missed his smile.
"Why not?" And you decide to show him yours, just in case he has missed your smile as much as you've missed his.
"It's a bad idea"
"I used to like bad ideas" you don't know what made you say that. Because it feels wrong. You want to clarify 'I'm not regretting my past, I don't regret you. You were the best idea I've had. But it not right, the moment is over and Steve continues,
"Yeah, used to" he mocks and turns his head down to puts out his cigarette.*
"Still want to try" you don't, but you think that you would try anything, everything to make this moment last for while longer. Everything to see Steve Harrington's smile again, to know that you're the reason behind it.
"What are you doing here? Honestly?" Steve obviously doesn't think the same. You can't blame him.
So you try to play dumb. "Robin invited me. You were there, you know that"
"I mean back, in Hawkins. Why now?"
"I missed it" you're not sure if what you say it's true or a lie.
"Bullshit" Steve seams like he knows the answer for your unspoken question. 'You're the answer', you want to scream at him. He walks away. Heading back inside. To the girl he was with. She's probably waiting for him, you think.
"It's not" you yell without turning back.
"Bullshit" he does the same, and he leaves you smiling in a driveway about a simple conversation, in the middle of the night and somehow that is enough.
But four years ago on a similar, cold night, everything changed. It was the winter of 84'. It was simple and innocent. It was the start of the end.
"Did you really had to do that?" you start the conversation as you sit down on the chair that's in front of you. The orange walls, wooden floors and the big dining table make you feel at home. Even though you've never been here before. Steve's presence was enough.
The pictures on the wall covered with dust, a big vase with lilies, an old music player. A slow song fills your ears, but quickly fades as Steve answers.
"Do what?" He's pacing around the kitchen, like a lost child in a grocery store or more like a lost puppy. 'Where is it?' he mumbles to himself. He's looking for his first aid kit, you know that because you're bleeding on his fancy carpet. You're supposed to feel scared or anything really, you never liked blood, especially your own. But Steve's the one who's terrified. Pacing like a ghost, you continue:
"You know-" you hold your open wound and take a deep breath. You can't see it very clearly, it's dark outside. But you're sure it's going to leave a scar on your torso. The light breeze coming from the open window, as well as the sound of dogs barking outside are a distraction to your pain. You release your breath "-be the hero. How do you expect me to not to fall in love with you, when you try to save my life?" you say it off as a joke.
"It's easy, don't resist it. And fall in love with me" he doesn't. He says it with so much ease and confidence. Like he didn't pretend not to know you last year. He's marching to you with hands full of supplies. He leaves them on the table and puts on a light. Your eyes hurt from the sudden brightness and Steve quickly mumbles 'sorry' and takes a sit beside you.
"Maybe I don't want to fall in love with you" you say, and you look down.
"Why not? I'm the perfect guy to fall in love with" he doesn't ask, insted he just lifts your shirt that's covered in blood and dirt and probably more blood and he cleans you wound. "I know, that I don't have the best reputation. But if you give me a chance, I will try everything to make sure that you don't regret it". His touch is gentle, but still it sends a shiver down your back. You look at his hands, and think about how you want to hold them. His eyes are now on you and you think this is a moment to hold on to.
"Yeah, I know. The number one basketball star, biggest playboy, king Steve" you smile even though it's not really funny. You just want him to know that you understand.
That this Steve that is starting at you right now is not the same as the one you see at school. This Steve that helped and is friends with a bunch of twelve year olds is not the same as the one that sits behind you in class. This Steve that saved you from a bunch of demo-dogs or some creatures is not the same you once knew in kindergarten.
You know this but you want to know more about him.
Because he's more than his mighty titles, because you always want to remember the way it feels, to be seen and admired by Steve Harrington.
"So what do you think?" he looks down, and continues to stitch you up. 'When did he learn how to do that?'
"Going on a date with me? And later falling in love with me?" he finally looks up and half smiles, and how could you say 'no' to his gorgeous eyes and smile? You don't. You accept his invitation with a squeeze on his hand, and you hold it throughout the night while he takes care of your recklessness- jump in fire- stupid decision- your bloody wound. And before you leave his house, the next morning, you say
"I would love to go on a date with you"
When you left three years ago, you didn't stay in touch with your friends, the kids, even your family. You tried to erase Hawkins, your past and everyone that comes with that. You also felt like a coward. Being the only one who left. You didn't have it in your heart to talk on the phone with the kids, but they tried. They called you so often, that you memorized their numbers. You didn't answer though, because you were scared to hear the disappointed in their voice.
And now, walking through your neighborhood, looking around, you feel like a stranger and at the same time nostalgia washes over you. You regret doing that, declining their calls. Not visiting Max in the hospital. Not being there for them. To help them, comfort them.
You regret a lot of things that you did, and didn't do.
And now all you have are memories. Like the one you just remembered. Something happened here, at the same playground you just walked past. A memory was made, a heart was broken...
Three years ago...
Summer of 85' left a mark on Dustin's face, countless freckles under his eyes and on his cheeks. His face matured. He was starting high school soon, so of course he looks older.
The sky was changing in shades of gold, orange and pretty pink. And the air was warm, with a kind wind, lifting up your hair and leaving a faint voice in the back of your head. It was around 7 pm and the sun was quickly setting down.
And that meant only one thing,
Summer's end- playground- back to school- deep talks tradition with your favorite kid, who's far more mature than most of the kids your own age or his.
"I don't understand why you're avoiding him now. I mean you went to high-school together, you are friends right? You even fought together, twice now. In the upside down I mean" Dustin changes the conversation, and you know who he's talking about.
You knew that you couldn't avoid him. You still tried to.
"Yeah that's true, we're cool. More than that. You know, I might be in love with him. I don't know. But I can't say that. It's not the right time, you know?" You answer as you swing in the open wind. The sky looks purple now, you can almost taste it. You suddenly crave cotton candy, ice cream or Steve Harrington's lips on yours.
You just wanted the pain to stop.
"Might? You're definitely in love. And he definitely feels the same"- Dustin remembers how Steve acted around you when he saw you, in Scoops Ahoy few weeks ago. Before the mall fire. Before everything went to hell.
He swears that Steve was nervous then and that he was blushing and Steve swears that he was not.
Suddenly Dustin notices you, smiling to the sky and he realizes- "Wait are you high?"
"Yup" you turn to face him. "I saw your new friend. The dealer, what was his name, oh I forgot"
"You mean Eddie?" He sounds surprised. But why? Dustin is the one who introduced you to the weirdo, actually no, Eddie is cool. Your thoughts are spinning around your head. What is Steve doing now? Is he going to hate you? Did you lock your front door before you left? You don't listen to Dustin, as you continue to talk.
"The one with the long hair, always wears a denim vest"
"Yes, yes! That's Eddie. Did you get weed from him?"
"Do you think Steve is going to hate me?" You suddenly stop swinging, and you look down. You almost sound embarrassed by your question. You feel even more embarrassed when you realize that tears are forming in your eyes.
"No, why would he? He could never hate you. No matter what you do" he tries to comfort you. And maybe what he says it's true, but you're still confused, you whisper a soft 'Really' and Dustin continues -"Yeah. It's obvious that he loves you. I know you two are or were seeing each other. It's okay"
"I'm leaving in two days" you say and to be honest, the rest of the day was a blur.
You remember crying, Dustin holding your hand as he walked you home, and you remember the time when the roles were reversed.
The summer before Dustin started middle-school. He was around five, and you were only few years older. Your parents are friends with his mom, and you basically grew along side the young boy.
He was so scared, that he tried to run away from his home, just so he wouldn't go to school the next day. His mom freaked out, almost called the police. But Dustin was quickly found. In the playground, he was softly crying, hiding behind the swings. You saw him, talked to him, gave him some hope 'You'll find friends Dustin. I'm sure you will! And if you don't, you'll always have me, okay?' you remember the words you whispered before you took him home.
And you remember what Dustin said before you walked to your door, 'I understand why you're going. And I'm sure you'll be happier there, you'll find new friends and everything is going to be okay. If not, you'll always have me'
You haven't talked to Dustin, or anyone since Max's coma. So getting a call, at three pm on the third day since you were back was rather unexpected. You didn't think they would want to see you.
But Lucas called, and you didn't recognize his voice. He asked you to meet with them, at Mike's basement for a movie night. And how can you say no? You had to see them, you missed them. When he mentioned Mike's basement, you smiled. Not everything is changed after all.
So here you are, standing in front of the Wheeler's hause, the next day. You ring the bell, and Holly answers. She doesn't remember you, but Mike lets you in. Everyone is there, Lucas, Dustin, Max, Will, El . They were all grown up, almost as tall as you, thriving in high school, almost unrecognizable to you.
They all hugged you tightly. And it's weird, but good weird. You missed this, you missed them.
"How is high school treating you? I can't believe how tall you all are!" you say as you take a seat on the empty couch.
"It's good. We're good. How's college?" says Mike and quickly everyone takes a sit beside you.
"It's good" it comes off as a lie, but it's not. College is not what you expected. But mean girls and asshole guys are better then fighting demons or whatever in the upside down. But you can't be thinking about this right now. 'Focus on the good' you tell yourself.
-"I mean, you're almost seniors, do you have some ideas of what you want to study?"
"Well not me. I'm staying behind for another year. I have so much to learn" El sends a sweet smile to your way and finds a seat on the floor.
"That's allright. I remember Eddie Munson fell behind for two years back in high school and he's fine now. I saw him at his gig in June" you change the subject. Focusing on the good.
"Yeah he mentioned that. Dustin has weakly phone calls with him" Lucas says, as he looks over at his curly headed friend.
"I do. He always has the most amazing stories from tour. Last month he was chased from the police. He swears that he ran for half an hour and got away in the end" Dustin says, proudly.
"That's not surprising. But you, tell us, how are you? How long are you staying?" Max asks. Her voice is stronger now. You remember the first phone call you had with her, when she woke up. You felt the hurt though her voice. But, let's focus on the good. She's good. Everything is fine.
"Till New Year's" and smile, that's good.
"Do you have a boyfriend? Back in California? Do you know Will has- El starts saying something but is quickly interrupted.
"Hey, El!" Will yells.
"Mhm no I don't. I had. But"- you try to explain. But how can you? The last boyfriend you had cheated on you. And the worst thing was, that you didn't feel anything. You didn't care.
"But what?" the redhead curiously asks.
"I broke up with him, four months ago. I don't think I'm that good at relationships" you say.
"Look, I got goosebumps" Dustin shows his arm to Mike. With a big smile on his face. -"I swear Steve said the same thing to me last week" Dustin laughs, but everyone else stays silent. And he quickly realizes what be said.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned him. I ruined the mood" his smile falls, and cracks a piece of your heart. You never wanted this. To break the group. To leave. But you did, now you must face the consequences. The hurt you caused. It's your fault.
"Please, don't apologize. Steve and I, we're cool. He knows I'm back. Everything that happened, it's in the past. We're both civil right now" you explain and everyone looks shocked. It's not that shocking, that Steve talked to you, right?
"You are?" Will asks.
"Wait, why didn't he say anything to us! I found out that you are back from my mom. Because she saw you at the bakery. But I mean he could have told us that you're here. The last time we saw him, it was like what?"-
"Monday morning" Max continues her boyfriend's sentence.
"I guess he forgot to mention that. It's not a big deal" you say.
"Did you talk?" quietly asks El.
"Kinda. I don't think he wants to talk to me that much. And I don't blame him"
"Well I do. You're finally back, the whole group is whole and now he's being petty about it?" Dustin says annoyed.
"Let's just watch the movie" focus on the good.
"Is that why Steve was in a bad mood?" El whispers to her boyfriend.
"Shhh!" Mike finally sits down, and the movie starts.
At the same, few blocks away was Steve. Taking his break, standing in front of the chief's office. With a payphone in his hand, and a cigarette in his other.
"Why is she back?" He whispers to the person on the other line.
"This is her home. She has a right to come back, whenever she wants to" says Robin. Because, who else would Steve call, if not his best friend?
"I know but- he takes a drag and exhales- She's acting like a saint, coming back here, like nothing happened. Like she didn't just leave without saying goodbye" he complains.
"I know you're hurt, but can you give her a chance? I'm not asking you to get back together, just be civil. I know you've missed her too" she whispers back.
"Look, I've got to go. Hopper is going to kill me if I don't finish his paper work. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"You know it"
The following week, the weather got colder, and you spent your time catching up with some old friends and with your family. You were preparing for Christmas, decorating the tree, baking. You filled your room with bright colored lights and it felt nice. It felt like before.
The first week of 'dating' Steve Harrington was magical, and it felt right, and you remember it really well. You played every moment back in your head, replaying it over and over, so you don't forget it.
It was the start of winter and it was snowing all the time. School got canceled because of snow, icy roads and coldness but you were happy, free and you were slowly falling in love.
You kissed Steve Harrington, and you felt free.
He kissed you back, and you promised to always remember how freedom tastes. To remember what happiness means.
Hot chocolate, cinnamon cookies, icy lips, red checks.
Everything was right and good. And you want to focus on that. To remember that.
But you can't focus on the good, and forget the bad parts, the nightmares, the heartbreak, the horrors.
You're in your room. And everything starts to move. The lights lose their color. Everything darkens. Everything spins. Voices fill your head and you can feel the walls around your neck. You're losing your breath. Is that 'Vecna' thing back? Or is this your mind playing tricks on you again? You're not sure.
In your life you've memorized a lot of numbers, historical years, important dates but right now the only number you know is Steve's. And you call it. And you wait. You're sure that he'll answer this time.
Notes: I've already started working on part 2 (the last part) and I want to give credits to everyone who has written a similar story/ one-shot in the past. This is not my idea, but it's my version and I hope you like it!
Also english is not my first language, so please correct me if I've made some mistakes. And tell me what you think, I would love to know your thoughts on this!!
Have a nice day, love Ana <3
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redroses07 · 2 years
Lazy Summer Days//Mike Wheeler
Mike Wheeler x Fem!reader fluff (with a dash of spice)
Content warning: Biting. Nothing extreme, it's just used to describe how he's kissing her.
Word count: 435 (This is really short)
A/N: Just a short little thing I wrote! Very fluffy (Do you expect anything less from me?) Anyways, Enjoy! And have a lovely weekend, remember to drink water, eat something, and take a couple moments to relax! Love y'all ❤
You awoke with your head pressed against your warm pillow, and your boyfriend, Mike's, arm slung comfortably over your waist. The morning light from your bedroom window pulls you out of your hazy state.
The sun warms your bare shoulders, a reminder that summer was in its prime. You hear the faint sound of birds chirping outside your window, as well as your boyfriends light snores.
You roll over to face him, admiring the way the sunlight accentuates his features. His soft pink lips, which held a slight smile even in his sleep. How peaceful he looked when in a deep sleep. His dark brown hair, and the way his bangs rested on his forehead. He really was the most beautiful person you had ever laid your eyes on.
You brushed his hair away from his eyes, your fingertips brushing against his soft skin. You traced your fingers against his cheek, and then over his lips. He let out a soft sigh, his eyes fluttering open.
"Good morning," you say as you rest your hand under his jaw.
"Morning, darling." Mike replied in his husky morning voice. His cheeks were flushed, and his smile was wide. His eyes studied you with great fascination.
"What?" you giggle, wondering why he was staring at you so intently.
"No, it's nothing, you're just so..." You didn't have the time to process the rest of his words, because before you knew it his lips were against yours. Your back was pressed against the mattress, and both of his hands were entangled in yours.
What was at first many short, sweet pecks, became one enthralling, passionate kiss.
When the two of you finally broke apart, Mike hovered above you with a love-struck expression.
"You should do that more often." you say, breathing heavily.
"Noted." Mike said as his face broke into a grin. He buried his face in the crook of your neck to hide his laughter. After a moment he began roughly kissing your neck. You let out a dazed sigh as he lightly nipped at the skin around your collarbones.
"Mike, as much as I'm loving this, don't you think we should get out of bed sometime today?" You mumble, forcing him to stop.
"No, it's summer, we don't have to do anything." Mike replied, running his fingers through your hair.
"I guess you're right." you smirk, rolling your eyes playfully.
"Good, now where was I?" Mike said as he leaned in for another kiss.
Your heart was full of love, and your head was free of worries, lazy summer days really were the best.
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lovely--lover · 2 years
Hellfire Halloween
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I forgot to post this yesterday oops! Just some headcanons of the different members enjoy!
🔥Writes a one-shot D&D campaign the Friday before Halloween. It’s filled with ghosts, monsters, and maybe even a vampire….and yes costumes are required
🔥Eddie dresses up like Ozzy Osbourne and gets annoyed when no one gets it. “Why are you carrying around a bat?” “Are you seriously asking me that Henderson!? I thought I taught you better!”
🔥Forces Dustin to go trick or treating so he can have some of the candy “Eddie I’m in high school now I-” “Shut up Henderson and just go”
🔥Wayne makes him sit on the porch and pass out candy to the trailer park kids. He secretly loves it and compliments all the costumes. When a young girl dresses as a princess walks up Eddie bows dramatically “For you my lady” dropping a handful of candy into the giggling girls' basket.
🔥When some of the basketball players stop by his doorstep for Halloween drugs Eddie tells them to “Get lost there are kids around” while throwing candy at them.
🔥When the kids start coming by Eddie goes inside and joins Wayne on the couch watching some scary movie on the TV. Eddie holds out the almost empty bowl of candy to Wayne “Nah you're a good boy 🔥you have the rest”
Eddie falls asleep on the couch with a bowl full of candy wrappers and Wayne just laughs draping a spare blanket over him. “Scariest night of the year and you look like a big baby”
Favorite Candy: Hershey’s 
Favorite Scary Movie: Young Frankenstein
🔥Gareth loves Halloween! The colder weather gives him an excuse to layer up! Scary movies on the tv all the time. And his mom is constantly baking!
🔥Everyone makes fun of his costume! He complains because his mom wouldn't let him get a scary one. “What if it traumatizes your sister Gare?!”
🔥He ends up being a knight because his sister picked out a pretty princess costume and begged her big brother to match. Gareth pretends to be annoyed but secretly would do anything for his sister.
🔥He carries her on his back when her legs get tired and holds her basket full of candy as they make the way back home. 
🔥When they get home Gareth dumps out the candy to “go through” for his share! But it's secretly an excuse to check her candy and make sure she wasn't given anything sketchy. There are some freaks in Hawkins!!
🔥Stays up all night watching cartoon Halloween movies with his sister on the couch sharing candy until she falls asleep and Gareth follows. When his mom comes down to check on her kids she gasps and takes a picture of the rare moment. It's printed and hung on the fridge by the next week!
Favorite Candy: Sour Gummy Worms
Favorite Scary Movie: Halloween
🔥His mom makes goodie bags for Hellfire Club. They are little pumpkin bags filled with candy for “All the growing boys!” 
🔥Dustin loves Halloween but starts to feel conflicted now that he is in high school if he should go trick r treating and dress up.
🔥Calls Suzie late on Halloween night to tell her about all the different candies he got. They stay on the phone watching a Halloween movie ‘together’. Not too scary though because Suzie doesn't like scary movies.
🔥Ask his mom to make him a Frodo costume! Eddie is so proud of his boy wearing the costume he makes someone take a picture.
🔥He picks out all the really good candy and full-size bars and lets his mom go through the candy before he lets Eddie get his share
Favorite Candy: 3 Musketeers
Favorite Scary Movie: Psycho
🔥Doesn't dress up because he ‘forgot’ mainly because he was lazy and didn't want to. When the other members ask him what his costume is (his everyday look) he just says “Oh I’m a……loser!”
🔥Thinks he’s too cool for Halloween now. Doesn't go trick or treating with Holly or Dustin he just sits at home and watches tv….not even scary movies!!
Favorite Candy: Twizzlers
Favorite Scary Movie: Alien
🔥Dresses up as a famous basketball player and all the members get annoyed because they thought he didn't dress up “Sinclair! I said costumes were required!”
🔥His mom forces him to go trick-or-treating with Erica. He stands back and complains the entire time. Mainly because when he gets too close Erica and all her friends start making fun of him
Favorite Candy: Skittles
Favorite Scary Movie: Halloween (its Max’s favorite)
🔥Loves Halloween! Candy? And all she has to do is knock on some doors…..she’s in! 
🔥Erica is the reason they didn't do the Halloween campaign on Halloween night. Erica has to go trick or treating and stay the night at Tina's. They need Lady Applejack to save the day!
🔥Definitely, the one to suggest a candy trade-off when they get to Tina “I’ll give you these M&M's for 3 suckers…..What do you mean of course it’s a good deal!”
🔥Dresses up as a My Little Pony character while making fun of Lucas’s costume
Favorite Candy: Lollipops especially cotton candy and cherry-flavored ones
Favorite Scary Movies: Erica doesn't do scary moves
🔥Does not like scary movies or anything scary at all! You thought Eddie got scared easily? Nope, Jeff is the biggest scardey cat of the Hellfire members. Poor guy just wants it to b Thanksgiving so he can cook
🔥He dresses up as a cat or something basic for Halloween. None of the members question it (they have Gareth to make fun of)
🔥Definitely complains about having a tummy ache when he eats too much candy
Favorite Candy: Paydays
Favorite Scary Movie: Does It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown count?
Freak 1
🔥I feel like he would dress up as a pro wrestler or try to dress up as Eddie as a joke and makes Eddie mad
🔥Stays inside and watches scary movies all night on Halloween he just leaves a bowl of candy on the porch
🔥 He invites Jeff over to watch movies and laughs every time Jeff gets scared which is basically the entire time.
Favorite Candy: Snickers
Favorite Scary movie: Jaws
It's been a while so I hope I still got it 😊
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eddiexbnshd · 2 years
let me eat you out until you’re crying because you’re so overstimulated. but lets be honest, you love it, dont you baby? you love being my good little girl and giving your body to me, you love being my little slut, is that right angel? <3
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dyhlanobrien · 2 years
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Mike Wheeler x F!Reader Warning : ST S4 redo, Injuries, that's all really, Plot: Fluff, Comfort, very mild, S4 Vol. 2
She’s the first to climb the sheet ladder, helped by Mike, who follows her up. She hits the mattress and rolls out of his way. He hits next, the two sharing a quick giggle and a smile. She holds her hand out, which he quickly takes, and she pulls him up to her. Dustin hits next. Once Dustin lands, they all look up to Eddie, who hasn’t started climbing yet. He’s looking from them and back outside. 
Y/N realizes what he’s going to do before the rest do. They all shout, scream, asking him to stop what he’s doing, but it’s no use. He’s cut the sheet and moved the mattress before they can change his mind. They frantically try to think of something, when it hits her. 
“Mike, put me on your shoulders. I can reach and go through.” 
“Absolutely not Y/N! You are not going back through there alone.” 
“I won’t be alone. I’ll be with Eddie. I’ll stop him, but it needs to be done now.” 
Mike and Dustin share a look, Dustin shrugging his shoulders cause he doesn’t know what else to do. Dustin holds his hands out, Y/N using them as a step to climb onto Mike's shoulders. She knows it might hurt him, but she’ll apologize later. She uses all her force to jump from his shoulders, just barely grabbing the edge of the portal. She uses her upper strength to pull herself up and manages to land similar to Steve earlier. Thank god for gymnastics. 
She grabs her weapon, as well as Eddie’s, from earlier and dashes out the door. 
“Eddie! Eddie, where are you?” She doesn’t hear anything from him but she does hear the demo-bats. She rubs towards the noise, finally finding Eddie. He’s only got a shield and is surrounded. 
He’s finally heard her and he doesn’t look happy. She runs into the fray, throwing him his saber or whatever they had decided to call it. They stand back to back, swinging at anything that comes near them. They don’t hit every one, and some get a bite in here and there. 
“What the hell are you doing Y/N? This was supposed to be my moment of glory!” 
“If you think we were just gonna let you sacrifice yourself for this shit town, you’re very wrong,” she says, hissing as a bat gets her upper arm. 
“Should’ve known you’d never let me have the spotlight,” he says, a bat getting him on the back. As it bites his back, his tail swings, slashing across her face. She can feel it slash through her skin, the blood rolling into her eye. 
“We’re gonna get out of this, and we’re gonna clear your name. Your year, remember?” 
“You gonna be there to watch me cross the stage, Little Harrington?” 
“We all will. Front row, cheering as you flip off the principal.” 
Suddenly, they are swarmed, the bats getting several bites in. As quickly as they came, they all fell to the ground. They both droop onto each other, looking around. Was it over? Had they won? 
Y/N looks down at herself, seeing multiple spots where blood is oozing through her clothes. Looking over at Eddie, he doesn’t look much better. 
They hear shouting, looking up to see Mike and Dustin running towards them. 
Mike falls to his knees, sliding to his girlfriend's side. “Shit shit shit, Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?” 
“She couldn’t let me have the glory man, she’s my hero. Saved my life, for sure,” Eddie says as Dustin helps him up. Mike puts an arm under Y/Ns legs and around her shoulders, holding her closely to his chest. 
“We need to get them both out of here, and get medical attention immediately.”
They all start to walk to the trailer, quick and unable to wait for the other three. They all manage to get through and as Mike goes to carry Y/N out of the trailer, the ground starts to shake. The four move away from the trailer, the shaking causing them all to fall to the ground. Mike softens Y/N’s fall, holding her tightly to his chest. They watch in shocked silence as Eddie’s trailer is swallowed by the huge portal opening up in its place. 
“What the fuck? How much blood have I lost, cause I think I’m seeing things,” Y/N says, clutching onto Mike's arm that’s wrapped around her chest. 
“Vecna's curse, the four chimes. We heard them,” Robin says, walking up from behind them. 
“We need to go, now,” Y/N says, attempting to stand up. She quickly falls back into Mike, everything spinning. She has so many questions, but they’re going to have to wait.
“No, you need medical attention. We’ll split up, the four of us will go get your wounds cleaned, you three go find the other three. Drop us off at the Harrington house,” Mike orders, scooping Y/N up and starting towards where they left the vehicle. No one argues, just follows. 
Once they’re dropped off, Mike carries Y/N up to her room and lays her on her bed. 
“Man, I just washed my bedding, and now I’m gonna have to throw it out,” she jokes, seeing the blood already making a mess. Mike doesn’t laugh, just goes to her bathroom, grabbing the things he thinks he’ll need to tend to her wounds. 
He returns, dropping everything on the bed beside her. The first thing he does is help her sit up and remove her shirt. These bites look the worst. He doesn’t move, causing Y/N to look up at him. He's in a daze, looking down at her wounds. She brings her hand up, caressing his cheek. 
“I’m ok. I’m here.” 
He shakes himself out of his moment, looking back to Y/N with sad eyes. “I thought I’d lost you.” 
She sits up, hissing at the pain caused by her movements, and wraps her arms around his neck. “I know. I know you did. But you didn’t. I’m here. We made it. We’re together. I’m right here and I'm not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me Wheeler.” 
He holds her gently, not wanting to cause her anymore pain, then leans back, looking down at her big green eyes. He places a hand on each side of her face, staring at the face he loves so much. He places a gentle kiss on her lips, pulling away much to fast for her liking. Her lips turn into a pout, so he kisses them again, turning the pout into a smile. 
“I love you Y/N Harrington.” 
“I love you too Michael Wheeler,” she replies as she lays back down. 
“This is going to hurt Y/N,” he says as a warning. She grabs her pillow, stuffing it into her face, and gives him a thumbs up. She screams as he pours the peroxide on the wounds, quick to cover them with gauze and tape. “This isn’t going to be perfect, but it’ll work for now.” She doesn’t respond, so he pulls the pillow from her face, and sees she’s passed out from the pain. He cleans the rest of her body wounds, saving her face for last. 
He gently cleans it with cotton balls and peroxide, careful to to get anything near her eyes. He puts neosporin on it, unsure of what else to do. He brushes her hair back, staring down at her face. He had thought for a moment earlier, that he may never see her again, alive at least. It had taken Dustin and him far too long to figure out how they could get through the portal and by the time he had, he’d expected the worst. But when he saw them both sitting up, alive, he’d been beyond relieved. He couldn’t imagine if anything else had happened. If he’d had to look at Steve and tell him he’d let her go back without him and she didn’t make it. 
He cleans up the mess he made, and lays down beside the sleeping girl. As soon as he wraps an arm around her, instinct kicks in and she grabs at his chest, holding his shirt in her hands. 
He kisses her on her forehead, and before he knows it, falls asleep. 
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julesclues · 1 year
Falling In Love - Headcannons
Warnings: none
Word count: 383 words
Pairing: Eddie Munson x afab!reader
Summary: Eddie Munson realizing he’s in love with y/n and one day confessing
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Eddie Munson had always thought of y/n as just a friend. They had grown up together in Hawkins, playing games and exploring the town's many secrets. But as they got older, Eddie began to see y/n in a different light.
It started with little things, like the way she laughed at his jokes or the way her hair shone in the sunlight. He found himself wanting to spend more time with her, to make her smile and hear her voice.
At first, Eddie didn't know what to make of these feelings. He had never thought of y/n as anything more than a friend, and he didn't want to risk ruining their relationship.
But as he spent more time with her, he began to realize that his feelings were more than just a passing crush. He was in love with y/n, and he couldn't ignore it any longer.
It hit him one night, as they were sitting on the roof of her house, looking up at the stars. Eddie was struck by the beauty of the moment, the way the sky seemed to go on forever and the peace of being with y/n. He knew in his heart that he wanted to be with her, to make her happy and be by her side no matter what.
It was a scary realization, but Eddie knew that he couldn't keep it to himself any longer. He turned to y/n, his heart pounding in his chest, and told her everything.
"I don't know when it happened, but I've fallen in love with you, y/n. I want to be with you, to make you happy and share my life with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/n looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise. For a moment, Eddie feared that he had made a mistake, that he had ruined their friendship forever. But then she smiled, a soft and beautiful smile that lit up her face.
“Yes, Eddie," she said, taking his hand. "I'll be your girlfriend."
Eddie felt like he was walking on air as he hugged y/n, his heart soaring with happiness. He knew that they had a lot to figure out, a lot of new territory to navigate, but he was ready for anything as long as he had y/n by his side.
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hes-a-rainbow · 2 years
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Every purchase goes towards Eddie’s survival to season 5 
🕯We’re Manifesting it here live folks🕯
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ebullient-beauty · 2 years
hard times
agedup mike wheeler x female reader warnings: [1k words] nsfw, swearing, smut, lmk if i missed smthg note: should i make a part two?
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Mike had knocked on y/n’s front door before she could get fully dressed after her shower so when the door opened to reveal her wearing only a bra and a towel around her waist, Wheeler knew he was in for a tough night.
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“So… we both agree this project is stupid as fuck, right?” You looked over to Mike, who was staring blankly at the notebook laying in front of him
“Babe?” He looked up. “…Yeah? Oh- um, yeah. Totally dumb.” Mike looked down almost immediately and cleared his throat, hoping you didn’t notice how his voice was strained.
He just couldn’t stop seeing you in his thoughts. His mind kept replaying the moment you opened the big, wooden front door to reveal yourself, barely decent, to him and anyone passing by your house. He had sworn that he would control himself, that he really needed to get a good grade on this history project, and that he could control himself. But seeing you wearing one of your fancier bras that hugged your tits in the most perfect way, and the towel barely tied around your waist that seemed to slide down your hips with every breath you took, it was too much.
So there he was, sitting on the chair at your desk, spinning it so he was sitting diagonal from you, and trying to will his boner to go away, like a fucking kid. But no matter how hard he tried, everything about you at the moment seemed to make him even harder. You opening the door dressed like that. You wearing his Hellfire shirt and the shortest skirt you could possibly own. You putting your hair up. Your lips pursing as you glared at the paper in front of you.
Everything about you was just… sexy. And perhaps it was his hormones speaking, but you seemed to have the slightest idea what was going on in between his legs.
Mike was right. You didn’t know for sure, but you suspected that after two weeks of not hanging out, (caused by back-to-back final exams and such), opening the door in just a bra was too much for your poor boyfriend’s brain to handle.
“Babe? Is something wrong?” You leaned forward a bit, trying to look past the back of the chair in an attempt to see Mike’s face. Mike swerved the chair more to the right and sighed. “Nuh-nope. Nothing’s wrong. Let’s just focus,” he groaned, “on this stupid project.”
You smirked and ever so quickly and sneakily, grabbed the chair and turned it so Mike was now facing you. He gasped and scrambled to throw his hands over his groin but he was too slow for your eyes. Judging by the size of the tent in his pants, he was very hard. You batted your lashes at Mike as you ever so gracefully sat yourself down on his thighs. He groaned through his teeth and stared up at you. “Aw, is my poor boyfriend hard for me?” He nodded vigorously.
“Do you want me to take care of you, babe?” He wrapped his long arms around your waist and tried to pull you onto his crotch, but you leaned back and slid off his lap. “We can’t do too much now, I mean, we still have to work on our project. Right, Mikey?” You asked as you sat on your knees and began to fumble with his belt. “Ye-hmm,” he moaned as his hips bucked up to hit your hands while you unclasped his belt.
When you finally slid his pants and boxers down, his cock sprung up and hit his stomach, making him whimper. It was red and throbbing and Mike wasted no time putting his bony fingers around yours and bringing them to his length, wrapping them around himself and helping you stroke him. You began to pump your hands faster so he let go, but the second he did, you released his dick from your hold and stood to your knees, causing Mike to whimper. “Doll- please, don’t stop…” You spat on his tip, “Impatient, are we?” He groaned, this time out of frustration. “Baby, I really need y-“ he was cut off by you licking his tip.
You looked up at him through your lashes and his eyes were practically rolling in the back of his head. You sank your head lower, gagging a bit as he grabbed for your head and pushed it down further. “Doll can I fuck your- your mouth,” he moaned, and his hands pressed against your head harder. You released him from your mouth with a pop noise, standing on your knees to bend over and kiss Mike.
He pushed your head back, “Babe, I love this and all, but I really need to cum.” You chuckled and sat back down as he pushed himself back into your mouth. “Fuck yes, just like that doll… Look so- fuck- pretty for me, sucking my dick like that.” You looked up at him as he began thrusting harder into your mouth, making you gag on him.
You removed your hand from where it was grabbing Mike’s thigh and slipped it under the fabric of your skirt and underwear. Mike watched you as you rubbed your fingers over your clit, his thrusts getting sloppier as you moaned onto his cock. “Shit- babe ‘m gonna cum,” he groaned out, moaning again as you hummed your approval, sending vibrations down his length. You slipped a finger inside your soaking wet hole, then two more as you bobbed your head faster on Mike’s dick. Mike’s hands on your head started fidgeting as he moaned, followed by the sensation of thick ropes of cum hitting the back of your throat.
He started to pull out as you both locked eyes and you swallowed his load. At the same time, your pussy clenched around your fingers, filling the room with the wet sounds of you reaching your orgasm. You started to shake, feeling a pleasure overload after not being with your boyfriend for a while.
Mike’s hands moved toward your jaw, helping to stabilize you as he pulled you up toward him to kiss you. He smirked against your lips, mumbling, “Round two?” as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him with you as you stood on shaky legs. He chuckled, “I’ll take that as a yes,” as pushed the both of you towards your bed.
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[mike wheeler] taglist: @riouri @marsneo @clonewifey49 @m1ke-wheeler @madtheivery @b0kutoswaifu @w-wheeler @littletroublegirl444 @agustdeeyaa @smileyswifeyy @im-better-than-your-newborn @vl-p @doingurmom69 @elainavmarie @kingsmanperfecthartwin @lovelycm @joekeeryhoe @dontforgetabtdharms @justbreeisfine@strxvnge
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tatoda · 2 years
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so you’re telling me they had him try on the flannel and DIDNT HAVE HIM EVEN WEAR IT I HATE THIS HE LOOKS SO GOOD WITH IT ON
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narcissisticmf · 2 years
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discourse | billy hargrove x fem!reader
description: y/n and billy have been stumbling throughout their relationship. when billy stops by at y/n's house one even to have a chat, things spiral.
trigger warnings: angst, foul language, smoking, mentions of abuse, some yelling, seductive behavior, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: 2k
The night had fallen over Hawkins and the temperature dropped, nearly below zero. In a pair of old slippers, you walked out the door of your house, with the overloaded trash bag clutched between your clammy fingers. You released a soft breath and found that the warmth from the inside of your body frozen in under the dim street lights. Your eyes were glassy as your wet lips parted softly.
You reached the end of the curb and tossed the trash bag into it with an emptiness that seemed to grow in the pit of your stomach. You glanced up to see headlights appearing from down the street. Your heart sank into your stomach as the familiar car pulled up under the flickering street lights.
Shoving your fists into the pockets of your jacket, you stood at the curb and watched as the car pulled up before your driveway. You sucked in a short breath and watched as Billy climbed out of the car, walking around the hood to stand before you as his back leaned against the passenger door.
The scene ran still; an uncomfortable stillness.
"What are you doing here?" You broke the silence, feeling your palms begin to sweat more.
"We need to talk, sweetheart," Billy stated in a soft grumble as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, as it rested between his lips. You watched him for a moment and waited as a way to give him permission to keep speaking. "What's goin' on with you? You seem kind of out of it, not like yourself," He took in a drag of the cigarette and released the smoke from his lips.
"Me?" You scoffed and pulled your hands out of your pockets, crossing them over your chest.
"Yeah, you. Did I stutter?" Billy raised his brows as he stared at you.
"You could've just called," You rolled your eyes gently.
"Yeah? And if I did, would you have picked up?" He pushed his bum up and off against the car and stood a fair distance from you.
"It's not me who's out of it, Billy," You started to turn away and walk up the driveway.
"That's typical of you," He called out, making you stop in your tracks as you turned to look back at him with teary eyes.
"Typical?" You clenched your jaw and walked towards him with your hands balled into fists lowered down at your sides. "This coming from the man who can't express himself without getting lost in a box of cigarettes," You raised your hand and swiftly pulled the tab from between his lips and tossing it onto the pavement.
Billy stared at you for a moment, unmoved by your mannerisms as you stepped onto the cigarette butt, putting it out with the bottom of your slipper. You looked back towards him and parted your lips, feeling tears burn in your eyes.
"Stop.." Billy whispered, lowering his head as he spoke more intimately to you.
"Stop what?" You shakily asked, feeling your lips tremble. "Billy, what are we doing?" He lifted his head to look at you as you continued speaking. "I'm doing my best here not to lose it right now," You released a soft breath through your parted lips, "I've confided in you how many times? How many times have I came to you crying my eyes out about something traumatic that happened to me in my past or present? You've held me, you've let me let go of the pain, but you.." You gently pressed your fingertips against his chest as he stared at you with watering eyes, "You push down so much. I can feel it.."
"No," Billy clenched his jaw and shook his head, a tear slipped from his right eye, leaving a stain down his cheek.
"Yes," Your eyes burned with hot tears as they left a thin line against your face. "You bottle so much up and I want to help you, I do. But you have to let me in, the same way that I let you in. If you don't do that, then that tells me that you don't trust me," You stepped closer to him as he looked down at you, still emotional.
"I.. can't," Billy shook his head, his earring dangled against his left ear.
You sucked in a breath and swallowed the thick lump that built up in your throat. You stepped back from him and felt tears streaming down your cheeks, meeting beneath your chin. You took your hands and rubbed your eyes, feeling the tears soak in your palms.
"I've given you space.. and.. time," You shakily spoke, not wanting the tears to interrupt your words. "The least you could give me is your vulnerability and trust. And if you.. can't give me that, then.." You lowered your hands and looked ahead to see his cheeks were rosy and his eyes were bloodshot with tears. "Maybe you should go," Your bottom lips trembled.
"Y/N/N.." Billy started and stepped closer to you, but you stepped back and shook your head.
"Please.. go," You whimpered, feeling your body weaken at the sight of him so emotional, yet so closed off. He turned on his heels and hesitantly walked around the hood of his car, climbing into the driver's side. You watched as he sped off, the tires squeaked against the paved road as your vision blurred with tears.
"Fuck.." You whispered, breathing out softly as you clutched your chest, falling to your knees against the ground. You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face into your jeans, staining them with your tears.
Sat in the living room of your house, a blanket was draped over your lap as your nose was stuck in a thrilling Stephen King book. You enjoyed the quiet as the house was yours for the day.
There was a knock on the front door that pulled you from your attention on the opened book in your lap. You released a sigh and pushed yourself up off the couch, tossing your book onto the coffee table.
Walking towards the door, you opened it and parted your glossy lips to see Billy standing there with his eyes puffy and bags underneath his eyes. You opened the door wider and stared at him as your lips gently connected, erasing the part between them.
"Are you okay?" You asked, concerned.
There was a stillness that filled the space between you and him.
"Can I come in?" Billy questioned in a gravely tone.
You nodded softly and stepped to the side to let him enter your house. You'd been alone for the day, everyone else was gone; out and about during the beautiful illuminated day. You watched as Billy walked into your house before you closed the door behind him.
You felt your breathing quicken as you rested your back against it. You watched as he removed his leather jacket and tossed it onto the sofa chair in the living room, beside the door. His back was to you for a few minutes before he turned to look at you.
"You said last night.. that you don't think I trust you," Billy breathed out, in a low tone. You fiddled with your hand against the cold doorknob and gnawed on the inside of your lower lip. "I do trust you, sweetheart," He spoke softly.
Pushing your back off the door, you made your way towards him and cupped his face with your clammy hands. His eyes closed for a moment as more tears slipped down along his cheeks.
"Show me," You breathed out and slowly leaned up to brush your nose against his. Your lips were inches from his, feeling his breath fan against your mouth. Billy's hand slowly rested against your bicep, slowly pulling his head back.
"Not like this," He whispered and swallowed a soft lump in his throat.
You placed a mug of tea down against the coffee table as you took a seat beside Billy, closely. He stared off into the carpet floor of your living room, unable to look away from it. You took your own mug and held it in your lap, the warmth spread from your legs to every other inch of your body.
"It's just black tea, I hope that's okay," You whispered.
Billy wiped his tears from his nose with the back of his hand and nodded gently, breaking his gaze from the floor. You stared down into the dark colored tea, seeing your reflection.
"I've never told anyone about this," Billy's knee begun to bounce as his nerves were running high. You gently took your free hand and rested it against his thigh, as a way to keep him calm. "My old man.. he's a fucking dickbag," He took in a soft breath and fumbled to grab his box of cigarettes from his pocket. You watched him as he pulled out his lighter with it. He rested the tab in between his lips and lit the end of it, taking in a drag of it. He slowly blew the smoke out and continued staring ahead for a few moments. You stared at his profile as he continued.
"He had it out with my mom when I was a kid.. tried to get in the middle of it," Billy explained in a few breaths. "Worst mistake I ever made," He took another drag from his cigarette before blowing the smoke into the air. "He thought she was seeing some other douchebag.. I tried to help her, but I.. couldn't," He shakily spoke. Billy's fingers gently rubbed his eyes, wiping the tears that spilled down his cheeks. "They split, obviously.. but when we moved here, to Hawkins, he kept making me watch over Max.. and if she wasn't taken care of, it'd be on me," He finished and finally turned to look at you with bloodshot eyes and tears running down his cheeks.
You released a soft breath and reached over to grab the cigarette from his lips, putting it out in the ashtray against the coffee table.
"If you keep doing that, I'm going to make you start paying for that shit," Billy spoke in a soft, playful whisper as tears continued to fall from his eyes. Your lips formed a soft smile as his did in return.
"Stay with me tonight," You whispered, leaning in intimately.
"I gotta go pick up Max from the arcade later.." He shakily replied.
"Stop," You reached your hand up to caress his cheek as he leaned into your touch. You slowly rested your forehead against his and closed your eyes, "You take on so much that you don't have to. I can feel it.. I can feel how scared you are." You could feel his breathing quicken, but he tried his best to control it. "For one minute, just focus on yourself. What is it that you want?" You slowly pulled back, but still close enough to brush your nose against his as the two of you leaned into the couch further.
"You," Billy replied with a lazy smirk.
"You want me?" You smiled through your whisper.
"Yeah," Billy mumbled with a soft grin still attached to his lips.
"Okay," You replied softly. You kept a grin to your lips as Billy leaned over to press his plump lips against yours. You hummed in response and softly wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He tasted of cigarettes and beer, mixed with bubblegum. You felt your back gently falling into the cushions as Billy moved atop you.
"Stay with me," You pulled back from the kiss and cupped his face, laying underneath him. He nodded softly and felt a few more tears trickle down the bridge of his nose. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him down onto you, hugging him tightly. His face buried into your neck and collarbone, finding comfort in your embrace.
a/n: HI BESTIES!! so i just started watching stranger things because i've been seeing it literally everywhere and i felt like i was missing out on all the fun, so i decided to write something between billy and y/n and i think it turned out really good! i hope that this was not in any way, shape or form discomforting to read and that if you are struggling with any form of domestic abuse to please call or text this number; 1-800-799-7233. i love you all very dearly. please be kind to yourself and those you adore. much love, my darlings. — angelina.
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Steve Harrington, Elf Dad
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Requested by Anon!
Fandom: Stranger Things
Prompt: “I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
Summary: Steve and Y/N have been dating for a few months, after they ran into each other through their mutual semi-adopted children, the members of The Party. Y/N works at a game shop and is a true D&D expert, and after a lot of convincing an cajoling, she and the boys have finally convinced Steve to come to comicon with them.
Word Count: 2,336
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: First of all, I haven't seen season 4, but it sounds like it's pretty D&D heavy, so if this seems like a weird mix of on and off topic for season 4 it's because I'm just a D&D nerd writing what I know lol. Second, all the D&D stuff I mention is definitely around in 5e, but I'm not sure about earlier editions, so just pretend with me that it's always existed. Finally, I made up Steve's middle name because he doesn't have a canon one.
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"I can't believe you dragged me into this."
I turned around with a grin to find my boyfriend, Steve Harrington, squirming uncomfortably at the edge of the room. The kids had gone up ahead, practically in heaven, but it was taking a little more convincing to get Steve out and about.
See, I'd first met Steve through Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Will. They came into the game shop where I worked fairly often, either as a change of scenery for their D&D games or to talk to me about different modules, dice, and characters I had experience with. I'd gotten to know the four of them well enough that I couldn't really avoid meeting Steve Harrington.
We hadn't exactly gotten along when we'd first met, mostly because Steve was completely jealous that I had such a good relationship with the boys. He eventually got over it, however, especially as the boys started calling us mom and dad and his friend Robin helped knock some sense into him.
Now, we'd been dating for a few months and largely co-parented the group. Steve still pretended he was too cool for D&D most of the time, but today, the boys and I had talked him into something I hadn't really thought possible.
Steve had come to comicon with us. And he'd even dressed up.
"C'mon, Harrington, we're gonna lose the boys!" I said, moving forward to grab his hand. He pulled away from me, trying to blend in with the wall again.
"I look like a complete idiot, Y/N!" he said. I sighed and put my hands on my hips.
"Steve. You look great." I should know, since I'd been the one to make our matching elf costumes. "Besides, it's not like you're gonna know anybody in here."
Steve snorted. "That's for sure."
"So let's go! Come on, it's fun! You just have to give it a chance." Steve still looked hesitant, so I sidled up next to him and wrapped my arm around his. "If I don't have my better elf half with me, I might have to find a handsome dwarf or tiefling to help me watch the boys instead."
Steve scoffed as he pushed off the wall, pulling me with him into the crowd.
"For the record, I know you wouldn't do that," he said. I just hummed in response as we made our way through the crowd. He was right, I wouldn't, but I didn't want him running back to the wall or the exit again.
After a few minutes of looking, we found the boys wandering excitedly between booths. They'd dressed as their current characters in Mike's latest campaign, and I'd helped put their costumes together, too.
"Hey, you finally managed to get him more than three steps into the room!" said Dustin excitedly as soon as he noticed us, turning to give me a high-five.
"Believe me, it wasn't easy," I said. We shared a laugh, ignoring Steve's indignant look next to me. "So, what have you guys seen so far since we came in? Anything good?"
"Yeah, there's lots of really cool booths around here. And Gary Gygax is speaking at a panel later!"
"What? No way!"
"Who the fuck is Gary Gygax?"
We both ignored Steve as Dustin continued.
"Oh, and I signed us all up for a costume contest."
"You WHAT?"
We couldn't ignore Steve this time, and neither could anyone around us as he cried out. The kids and I all turned to give him looks that said "seriously?", but he didn't look any less outraged.
"I'm not doing any costume contest, no way," he said, holding up his hands and taking a few steps backward. I sighed.
"C'mon, Steve, I worked really hard on these costumes," I said, taking a few steps towards him and away from the kids. Dustin turned back to the booth they were at, trusting me to handle this, as I took Steve's hands in mine and pulled him close. "Besides, don't you want everyone to see how good we look together?"
He closed his eyes and sighed through his nose, clearly struggling between letting my flirting work and standing on his anti-nerd hill. After a second, he shook his head softly but without opening his eyes.
"Y/N, I just don't think I can go up on some stage in public looking like this..."
I dropped his hands and took a step back, frowning at him. His eyes snapped open as he looked at me curiously.
"Steven Joe Harrington. You spend all day for the majority of the week interacting with the public in your Scoops Ahoy outfit. My fantastic elf costume is absolutely nothing compared to that."
Steve paused, looking thoughtful as he cocked his head. After a few beats, he looked back at me, a lot of the discomfort gone.
"That's actually a pretty good point."
I nodded. "I know. And at Scoops Ahoy, you see a lot of people you know. Here, odds are, nobody's going to recognize you."
Steve sighed heavily, but held out his arm to me. I took it, and he pulled me closer to his side as he took the first few steps deeper into the con, where the boys had wandered off again.
"Alright, what the hell? We're going full nerd, for one day and one day only."
We spent hours trailing after the boys, and slowly, Steve seemed to realize that here, looking like a full-emersion D&D nerd actually made him cool. He started puffing up as he got compliments for his outfit, even nodding confidently, smiling, and winking at anyone who stared at us for too long.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were starting to enjoy this," I muttered to him as we stood backstage for the costume contest, our last event of the day. He shrugged.
"This outfit gets the reaction I wish the Scoops Ahoy outfit did," he said. "Seriously, I'm just lucky you met me for the first time outside of work."
I smiled, then leaned up to give Steve a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm sure I would've fallen for you even if you were being a dork behind the counter in your Scoops outfit."
He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist before pulling me to him, and I leaned into his chest. We stayed like that for a few beats, elf ears and all, and I would've been happy to spend the rest of the day right there in his arms if we hadn't been called onto stage next.
"Alright, you ready for this, elf queen?" asked Steve, leaning in to whisper in my ear.
"Actually I'm an criminal elf wizard-"
"Just go with it, alright?"
I gave Steve a smile as he took my hand and pulled me towards the stage, all of the boys shooting us thumbs up as we went. Steve, now fully aware of how much credibility his costume got him here, strutted out on stage, pulling me into a twirl of an entrance. The crowd erupted in cheers as we strutted down the runway together, and I absolutely beamed as we hit the end of the runway and posed.
Steve spun me around again, then pulled me to his chest and kissed me, hard. We broke apart pretty quickly, but it was enough to have the audience losing their minds cheering. I had to admit, I was pretty breathless as Steve took my hand and led me back down the runway again.
We strutted off and backstage, the crowd still cheering behind us and now, the boys cheering in front of us. I tried not to let on just how flustered I was as Dustin clapped a grinning Steve on the back.
"That was great!" cried Dustin.
"Yeah! Keep up that stuff and maybe we'll even let you join one of our games!" agreed Mike.
"No way in hell I'm ever playing your dumb game," said Steve, still grinning. The boys just rolled their eyes as I leaned into my wonderful, absurd boyfriend.
"What if we set up a system where everyone applauds you every time you do something cool?" I asked. Steve just rolled his eyes, but the smile never left his face.
"Hey, everybody shut up! They're about to announce the winners!" called Lucas, leaning just behind the curtain with Will. We all gathered with them as the contest's announcer got everyone excited, strutting back and forth on the stage with a microphone in-hand.
"All right all right! Without further ado, in third place, we have... the Misadventures!"
A group of people a little older than Steve and I let up a cheer and ran onstage. They celebrated and accepted their prize (a few sets of some INSANELY cool dice), then wandered backstage again before the announcer continued.
"And in second place... The Party!"
Lucas, Will, Dustin, and Mike screamed as they ran on stage, all four of them absolutely elated. I beamed as they went on stage too, happy to see them happy and happy to see my costumes in the top three.
The boys all got dice sets of their own, and I barely held back a gleeful cackle as I realized the prize winners would all be getting dice, at least. I hoarded cool dice like a dragon.
"Alright, and without further ado, our winners," continued the MC, pausing for dramatic effect as the boys made it backstage. Steve and I ruffled their hair and gave them congratulatory pats on the back, then refocused all our attention on the man onstage. "...Mom and Dad!"
I shouted, jumped up, and punched the air when our team name was announced. Steve gave the kids an eye roll, since they were the ones who'd given our signup name, but grinned all the same as he took my hand and pulled me onstage. People cheered as we went up to accept our prizes, and I clutched my new dice set like precious jewels.
"Congratulations, you two!" said the announcer. "And congratulations on winning our grand prize, a new campaign book that doesn't hit stores until next week!"
I lit up, taking the book excitedly and quickly surveying the cover. Steve thanked the guy, and I quickly nodded my thanks too before following Steve offstage. He had to lead me, since I quite literally had my nose in the book.
"Let me see!" cried Mike, the rest of the boys right behind him as they crowded around my new game book.
"No way!" I cried, laughing as I held it over all their heads. "If you read it, I can't run it!"
"Fair point," said Will with a smile as all four boys gave me a little space. I quickly double checked what I thought I'd seen on the first page, then grinned at all five of the boys (Steve included) when it turned out I'd remembered right.
"Steve, I have great news for you," I said, giving him a gigantic grin. He looked appropriately nervous as he responded.
"What's that?"
"This game can be run for five players."
"Well then I'm glad there's five of you."
I grinned as I took a few steps closer to Steve, tucking the book under my arm and invading his space. He didn't back down.
"I don't count as a player, Steve. The boys make four..."
"No. No, no, no way in hell," he said, holding up his hands and now backing away a step. "I came to comicon, I did the costume contest, I'm dressed up as a damn elf, but I am not playing D&D."
I just shrugged, pretending to drop it as I took Steve's hand and looped his arm around my shoulders. He relaxed, even as I winked at the boys to let them know I was far from giving up.
"Alright, is that it for the day, or do we have more nerd shit to do?" asked Steve, casually pulling me closer to him as he leaned forward and surveyed the boys.
"The costume contest was the last part of the con," said Lucas. "Congratulations, you survived a day doing easy, fun activities."
Steve rolled his eyes and I gave Lucas a sneaky high-five as the six of us started heading for the exit. We joined the general flow of the crowd out of the convention center, and as we left, some people recognized us for our costumes and gave us high-fives and congratulations. He tried to hide it, but I could tell Steve absolutely loved it.
As we stepped into the cool evening air with the boys, Steve's grip tightened around my shoulders. The kids all ran ahead to his car, and we strolled comfortably behind them, enjoying the end of the day. Steve would deny it to his dying day, but I knew he'd had a blast today. One step at a time, the Party and I were unlocking Steve Harrington's inner nerd.
We climbed into the car and Steve pulled out of the parking lot. Unlike this morning, when he'd been ducking and hiding at every traffic light, he seemed to forget he was even wearing the costume as we headed out onto the city streets and towards home. Steve used one hand to steer and took mine in his free hand, and I sighed, resting my head on the seat after a long, wonderful day.
I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend and partner than him, and without even trying, he reminded me of it every single day.
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