#mikey x sister!reader
kryannoy · 2 years
his and his only // sano 'mikey' manjiro
genre: fluff
character: mikey
summary: mikey has an attachment issue ever since losing so many of his siblings (i love to think that mikey has attachment issues>>>)
warnings: contains slight manga spoilers, sister complex, may contain grammar errors, incest ig
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It's normal for a boy to have a certain fixation towards one of their female family members, right? Especially when they have some sort of an attachment issue?
This is what always lingered in Mikey's mind when it comes to you; his twin sister he so dearly loves. He has lost his oldest brother, Shinichiro. Then, his younger sister, Emma, and on the next day, his another older adoptive brother, Izana, which he never gets to bond with him as brothers.
You're all that he has left. Of course, he would never want to ever lose you next. You had promised way before that you will never leave his side and you both will always be "those twins". And most of the time, he has doubts on that promise you guys made ever since they started a sibling losing one by one. Mikey blames himself every day for his siblings death, all because he made a gang. But he loves his gang as much as he loves his family that he couldn't bring the thought of disbanding it. It's like losing another family if Toman is over.
And there, you called. He sets his phone to ring differently from others so that he knows it's you who called. He picked it up before his time for a speech would come.
"Hello, onee-chan~!" A cheery voice greets your tired ears.
"Manjiro, when you get back, if I fell asleep, can you please wake me up?" You requested, pressing the 'please' in your voice like a little kid would beg.
He knew what you were doing just by your simple request. After all, you were in a different world from him. You're smart, hardworking and so many people look up to you. Meanwhile, you had to have a twin brother that is the complete opposite of who you are; lazy, childish and people feared him. Sometimes, because he is in a well-known gang, people tend to immediately judge you as well. He had that one phase where he avoided you for a long time just so you can live your life normally. But when he got scolded by you because that's not what you wanted, he was the happiest man alive. To know that his dear sister actually wanted to be with him is like having your crush accepting your confession.
"But aren't you supposed to just sleep? It's already late once I get home. Besides, you're already a genius! You don't have to study," Mikey answers. Sometimes, you put an all nighter and Mikey doesn't like that because he knows you'll be a bit grumpy the next day for not getting enough sleep.
"It's not studying. I'm only doing my homework. Anyways, can you please wake me up if I fall asleep?" From your tone of voice, Mikey can tell you're batting your eyelashes while giving him those doe eyes he oh-so wants to ruin that innocent little face.
"Fine," he grumbles which earns him a small 'yay' on the other side of his phone. "But if you don't wake up, don't go blaming on me for not waking you up!"
"I know. Thank you, Manjiro!" With that, you end the call and Mikey's name was also called for his speech.
After the Toman meeting, Mikey went straight home on his bike. He makes a bee line to your room but didn't knock. He has that bad habit of not knowing how to knock when entering a girl's room. One time, he accidentally walked in on Emma when she was changing which he felt like he needs to bleach his eyes while getting a bit of beating from Emma. And scolding from Draken.
"Onee-chan?" His voice isn't usually this soft. And there you were, on your study desk with the lights still on and your books open but sleeping.
He walks over to you while calling you out to wake you up however you didn't budge. His hands reaches over to your blonde hair and brushes them behind you ears to get a glimpse of your face that looks exactly like him but more of a feminine touch. His face inches closer and closer to yours until his lips make contact with your temple. He breathes in your scent and immediately he feels at home. He takes another whiff of your scent, almost high from it only.
"Y/N . . ." He breathes out your name.
His heart jumps when you start moving. He quickly moves away from you, retracting his hands while blushing, thinking over the possible risk he just done. He sighs and puts on his brother face, like nothing happened.
"Y/N, wake up. You told me to wake you up when l get home." He continues spitting facts to get you annoyed which works as a way for you to open your eyes.
You grumble in your haze and humming so he can shut up.
"Come on! Wake up." He keeps nudging your shoulder lightly until you raise your head.
"I'm up, I'm up . . . What time is it?"
"11.34 pm. Are you gonna sleep or what?"
You look at your book for a moment before giving up and agreeing that you want to sleep. He raised an eyebrow, confused.
"Didn't you want to finish it?" He asks.
"It's not due for tomorrow anyways," you answer while closing all of your books.
"Then, why did you want to finish it in the first place?"
"I don't like doing it on the last minute."
He notices how tired you are so he offered to put away all your books while you can get to bed. You appreciate that and listen to what he asked of you. Immediately, you plop onto your bed and cover yourself with the duvet. After he finishes cleaning up your desk, he checks up on you to see you're fast asleep.
He also takes off his Toman jacket and slide into your covers to join you sleeping. It's not unusual for them to sleep together. They always do it. This is one of the reasons he doesn't want to lose you. His attachment and fixation towards you is too far to sever it by now. He cannot lose you. He doesn't know what he'll do if you're not by his side anymore. Hell, he doesn't want to think about it. It makes him sad and depressed if he keeps on thinking about losing you.
He holds you close and tight in his arms as if you would disappear suddenly. He moves your bangs out of your face once again and gives a long peck on your forehead. Not caring if you noticed it or not. He does want to let you know some day that you're his and he's yours. And that he loves you more than anything in this cruel world. He loves you way too much than he's supposed to as a brother. He will not let anyone take you away from him or they will meet death immediately.
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popcat69 · 10 months
Rottmnt boys x youngest sibling!reader who is a sweetheart, but moves super quietly and will just disappear and appear at random (regardless of how illogical it may seem).
Rottmnt x sibling!reader (PLATONIC!!)
Notes: i'm gonna imagine that reader is like maybe a few months younger than mikey also love this idea <3
Warnings: giving the boys heart attacks
You always just appear out of nowhere
Your poor brothers are always so confused and worried
“Have you guys seen our sibling?”
And you just appear behind him opening a can of soda and Raph just jumps turning around
I feel like it quite difficult to scare donnie he's like almost desensitised to it at this point
It was 3:34 am and you couldn't sleep and donnie was just working in his lab and you just teleported behind him
“What chu doing?” “AHH-”
He put multiple trackers on you after that incident
There are times where mikey would be trying to teach leo and Raph how to properly cook without burning down the kitchen
You and donnie were just there for the show
Power duo for real
I headcanon that leo is pretty much an insomniac
He's walking into the kitchen at an ungodly hour to get like cola and chips or smoothing like that
Turns to open the fridge and just sees a small pair of legs dangling from the top.
He looks up seeing his little sibling just sitting on the fridge
“I cant get down…” “HOW DID YOU EVEN GET UP THERE?”
Honestly starting to get concerned for you (mans gonna Raph chasm soon)
Raphs always now pestering leo to keep a first aid kit on him now for you
You and mikey together are like an epic duo
Always finding ways to scare the crap out of Raph
You and The guys found a abandoned construction site one time and it basically become your favourite place
When you saw it there were stars in your eyes and you were jumping around excitedly
Thats when they all knew they messed up
One second you where sitting on the floor with them the next your on the highest railing 
“Hey..wheres _____?”
They just start looking around for you frantically. Donnie is still sitting down looking at his phone before looking up
“Found them”
“____!” “OH MI GOSH!!” “GET DOWN!”
They worry so much they might as well start growing grey hair
Their begging you to stop
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mbruben-stein · 2 months
Being Takemichi Hanagaki's twin sister and dating Mikey/Manjiro Sano would include.
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As Takemichi Hanagaki's twin sister, you are just as tough and determined as he is.
Dating Mikey would include late-night rides on his motorcycle, secret kisses in secluded alleyways, and intense battles alongside Toman.
Your stubborn and feisty nature makes you a force to be reckoned with, holding your ground in every fight.
Being the first girl to ever join Toman, you earned the respect of the entire gang with your loyalty and bravery.
Your love language with Mikey is physical touch, always intertwining your fingers with his and resting your head on his shoulder during quiet moments.
Dates with Mikey are never boring, whether it's exploring the streets of Tokyo or simply sitting on a rooftop watching the city lights.
Mikey always falls asleep on your shoulder after a satisfying meal, his peaceful expression making your heart swell with love.
With the ability to time travel just like your twin, you and Takemichi work together to change the course of history for Toman.
Your determination to protect Mikey and your friends knows no bounds, and you will stop at nothing to ensure their safety.
Overall in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, your bond with Mikey remains unwavering, a beacon of light in the darkness.
Together, you and Mikey are unstoppable, facing every challenge head-on with unwavering courage and love.
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You're the best writer i have found on this platform, you're literally Soo wholesome and friendly, i love you SOOO much 😻
I have a request for bayberse turtles, I saw your fic about the turtles lil sis having a boyfriend.
Soo let's make it angsty:
Reader comes back from a date, the boys noticed the reader covering their face and having an odd behavior.
When they talk to them, they discover the reader found her boyfriend cheating on her, the reader got angry and frustrated at them so, her and her boyfriend got into a verbal fight, that's when the boyfriend loses it and punched the reader on the face leaving her with a black eye.
After the reader's finish, she can't stop crying.
I can see fire in the boys eyes after this
If you feel uncomfortable with this you can ignore it.
Remember that we ALL love you and you're the best 💕🤗
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So uh, trigger warning, themes of physical abuse, cheating, angst/comfort.
You walked into the Lair slowly,
God you hope your brothers were sleeping.
Or at least out on patrol.
Then you'd have sone time to cover this bruise.
Your face was soaked with tears as you speed walked to your room,
You cringed when Leo called out to you.
"What, no hug for big brother?" he teased,
You did your best to even out your voice as you faced away from him, "No, uh, not tonight. I don't feel good, don't want you to catch it."
Leo chuckled, walking up to you, "(Name), you know we don't get sick as easily as you."
He put a hand on your shoulder, and you flinched away.
Leo quickly pulled away, and his eyes widened with worry.
"(Name)? Are you ok? What's wrong?"
You sniffled, you couldn't help the tears flowing faster down your face as your hand covered the growing bruise on your face.
"Nothing. I'm f-"
Leo grabbed your shoulders, then spun you around to face him.
He searched your face, then spotted you covering your cheek.
"Show me." he whispered.
You shook your head rapidly, trying to pull away from Leo.
It felt like you physically couldn't speak, you felt so ashamed.
Leo huffed, then grabbed your other wrist and pulled you into the dojo.
There sat your other three brothers and you felt your breathing pick up.
They looked cheerfully up at you until they saw your tear stained face and Leo's worried expression.
"What happened?" Raph asked, standing quickly.
"I dunno, she won't tell me."
Mikey walked up to you, and gently grabbed the hand you used to cover your bruise,
He moved the hand from you face and you felt your tears pick up as your brothers reacted exactly how you expected they would.
Donnie cupped your face, examining the bruise as he fretted over your safety,
Mikey looked on the verge of tears simply at the thought of you getting hurt,
Leo still gripped your hand, and he squeezed it gently,
Raph crossed his arms, his face was stoic and angry.
The only emotion you registered from yourself was shame.
"What happened?" Raph repeated.
You choked back a sob as you spoke, "H-he cheated on me." you said, looking down at your feet, "I- we got into an argument, t-then-" you sobbed, "He hi-hit me. He hit me."
Raph pulled you in for a hug, and you sobbed into his plastron.
The boys shared a look, then nodded.
Raph pulled away, and smiled comfortingly, "Listen, Smalls, how about you hang out with Dad for a little, ok?"
"Where are you guys g-going." you asked, still sniffling.
Mikey patted your head, "Don't worry about it. We're just gonna go pick up afew things, ok?"
"Ok." You muttered, and you followed your brothers into Sensei's room, Donnie went in first, no doubt to explain what was going on.
You sat next to your dad, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Would you like some tea my dear?" he asked gently.
You nodded, and the two of you stood to go to the kitchen.
Your brothers however,
Were on their way to kick your ex's ass.
Not that you needed to know.
No, it's better that you don't.
So when they return to the Lair with gallons of ice cream, and a very worried April,
They don't tell you a thing.
You all pile into the living room, and watch all your favorite movies, eating outrageous amounts of ice cream.
You fell asleep rather quickly, exhaustion was a pretty powerful thing.
But you fell asleep knowing just how much your family cared.
Dude while I was writing this all I could think about is Moral Of The Story by Ashe
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xiefuyu · 8 months
A fool
-- Sano Manjiro x sister reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — angst, hurt/no comfort, mcd, not proofread, manga spoilers
:a/n — it's been a while, i know, but here have some angst hehe. college is keeping me busy, i apologize for not updating the bonten series grr
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Mikey thinks the world is playing with him as he stood in front of yet another funeral of one of his loved ones.
First Shinichiro, then Baji, and now Emma and Izana?
What did he do in his past life to attend too many funerals in such a short lifespan? He thinks it’s such a cruel world for his burning desire to achieve happiness and success alongside his family. He’s tired, lost, confused, and yet, he still felt your hand squeezing his.
Right. You're still there. Another sister, three months younger than Emma. You were still there like a last petal holding onto a single centre of a flower that is him. Will he lose you, too?
And God, if there is still a God out there, he’s starting to see a pattern.
Or maybe a fact.
Everyone around him ended up dying in a certain future according to Takemichi. He ended up killing everyone because of the darkness in him, engulfing them in misery in another future. He’s afraid that he’ll drag you with him.
So slowly, he detaches his hand from you but you didn’t even let him get away an inch or two. He looks at you and sees your tired eyes looking back at him. He wants to think that he’s seeing his own eyes as he does so but he’s mistaken because there’s still some light in your eyes while looking at him.
Why? Why are you looking at him as if he’s the light and not the darkness that caused all of these anger, grief, and losses?
Why are you smiling tiredly at him with those eyes turning a little into crescent moons as you squeeze his hand once more?
“Mikey-nii.” you call out, sounding like a fresh and soft breeze of wind. “Yeah?” he hums.
There, he sees it. Sees the way your lips are wobbling, sees the way your eyes are holding back the tears, and feels the way you're trembling in his hand. He sees and feels it all and it’s suffocating him because why are you trying to keep a strong facade around him?
You also lost people as much as him. You lost Shinichiro, your eldest brother who became your father figure with how he’s not even hiding the fact that you’re his favourite. 
You lost Baji, a rowdy boy with his loudmouth who was like another brother to you, letting you style his hair as much as you want even though you’re pulling out some strands sometimes. 
You lost Emma, God, you lost your older sister who you looked up to, confided in, cried with, and shared almost everything with. 
You lost Izana, another older brother who you met when you were younger, someone you always looked forward to seeing on the weekends, someone you wanted to take home with you and just shower him with affection everyday like you do to your other siblings.
You lost them all and yet here you are, smiling at your Mikey-nii.
“Manjiro-nii.” you called out again and he hums in return once more. “Please…” you whispered, lost in the wind but it reached Mikey’s ear. “What?” he pries. The first roll of teardrops drops on both of your hands that are intertwined. 
“Please don’t leave me, too.” you sobbed out, gripping his hand tightly. “You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” you pleaded and Mikey wondered. He wondered if you somehow read his mind earlier when he decided to slowly let go of your hand. Wondered if you could hear how lost his heart was.
You further sobbed when he didn’t answer. Just empty eyes looking away. They were so empty yet full. 
Longing, anger, grief, sadness, and all other things that were overwhelming.
Were you not enough of a sibling to make him stay? Was…was something wrong with you that you’re currently failing to make him at least a bit happy?
Should you have died instead of Emma?
Granted, you came to their household a tad bit later than Emma and it took Manjiro a while to warm up to you but you like to think that he loved you all the same. 
You feel the same panic as earlier when you feel him pull away because he’s doing it again. He’s slowly detaching himself from you and this time, you were also late to grab him back. “Mikey-n–”
“Y/N.” he cuts you off. The both of you stare at each other before he pats your head, standing up.
“Take care of gramps.”
Ah…there is indeed something wrong with you, isn’t there? Just like how you came into their household, just like how you failed to grab his hand back, this time, you were late once more in keeping him besides you, watching his back disappearing from your sight.
It was the best way to do it, Mikey thinks.
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Everyone is in danger around him because he’s the cause of the harm. He was right to abandon you, to leave you alone because he knows Draken will take care of you. The founding members of Toman will take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
He stood in his office, Kokonoi with him. He frowns, the thing called heart in his chest aching all of a sudden. “Boss, is something wrong?” Kokonoi asked. 
“It’s raining.” he mumbles. You have been afraid of thunder ever since you were a kid. Are you curling into yourself right now because of fear? Is someone with you to tell you that everything will be okay? To tell you that you are safe?
“I have a bad feeling,” he says, turning around to get his KMG coat. There’s something wrong. There’s a hand scratching at the back of his brain as if calling for help. There’s something in his darkness that’s wavering, letting in some bit of light.
There’s the phantom feeling of your hand squeezing his as he walks down the hallway.
Then there’s your voice; pleading to him not to leave you alone because you’re scared, because he’s all you have. Without a second thought, he hops on his motorcycle and drives off, letting his instinct take over to take him somewhere. Somewhere where you are.
“There’s this future where you…you ended up killing everyone, Mikey-kun.” Takemichi informs him, sobbing.
Mikey frowns because it was such a random memory passing through his mind. Why would he even remember that? Didn’t he already distance himself for everyone’s safety? Didn’t he already push everyone, even you, his little sister, away just so you could become happy?
So why?
Why was Draken’s fist connecting with his face at the moment and he’s letting him? 
“Why, Mikey?! WHY DID YOU LEFT HER?! You are all she had! Even though we told her we’re here, she only wanted you! Her brother!” Every word was ringing in his ear, every punch felt like a brick in his gut.
It was such a simple question, wasn’t it?
“Because it was for the best.” he thinks. It was supposed to be for the best. So why is he watching your body getting taken away in an ambulance? Why is he watching Takemichi apologising over and over again as he holds Draken back from beating him up more?
“She…” Draken starts, voice cracking. “She only wanted to stay beside her brother, Mikey, why couldn’t you give your sister that?” 
In a drowning state, he hears Sanzu informing him of what happened. Sanzu. Right, Haruchiyo, who’s holding his tears back because you were his little sister, too. You were also all sunshine and flowers for him. The path of carnage wasn’t supposed, wasn't meant, to be opened by your cold and dead body, he thinks. It was all wrong.
Wrong at how they targeted you. You, who’s Mikey’s sole light. You, who’s the last bit of your brother’s sanity.
Three gun wounds. That’s all Mikey heard amongst the clashing of Sanzu’s words.
Take care of Mikey-nii and yourself, okay? Tell him…tell him that it’s okay. That was you and your last words to Takemichi as you took your last breath with a small smile.
It’s okay.
What was? He wants to ask. What was okay? Nothing was okay. He wants to say.
“Everyone was killed…by you.” He didn’t think everyone included you. As a matter of fact, you weren’t included. Why?
What a fool. Him pushing you away was what triggered that future.
It was supposed to be for the best. You were safe from him. You had Toman to take care of you.
What a fool. That was his job, wasn’t it?
You were supposed to be happy.
“You-you’re all I have now, Mikey-nii, so please…please don’t leave me, I’m scared.” 
What a fool. You were also all he had left so why didn’t he stay?
A/N; we love angst don't we
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lesbianpepsi · 11 months
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pairing: Amber Freeman x Carpenter!Reader, Tara Carpenter x Carpenter!Reader (platonic), Sam Carpenter x Carpenter!reader (platonic)
request: reader misses her ex girlfriend who turned out to be ghostface
words: 1.928k
warnings: mentions of murders, betrayal, longing, mentions of guns, mentions of knifes, angst, basically the events of Scream 5, bad writing
Grief; intense sorrow, especially caused by someone's death. 
Everyone in their life has to tackle grief at least once or more. Some are lucky and don’t come across the emotion very often, others are not as lucky. You and your sisters are the unlucky ones.
Throughout your life you’ve experienced a handful of moments that have brought you to grief. Your and Tara’s dad leaving the family after learning the truth about Sam’s father, Sam abandoning you and Tara for five years without any goodbye, your mother never truly present in your life and your love ex girlfriend betraying you and dying that very night. 
The last one is still the most painful one for you. 
After the entire Ghostface incident in Woodsboro that almost killed Tara, Sam and you, the three of you took off to New York along with Chad and Mindy. 
In the beginning it was fine. 
You kept yourself occupied with enrolling in college, finding a job and moving into the apartment with your sister. That took you a few weeks until you were fully settled in, your bedroom was decorated and everywhere else was also as perfect. 
But then the nightmares started. 
Seeing that god awful mask glowering down at you as Ghostface stabbed you in your stomach slowly, chuckling at every cry and plead you made. Every time you remembered that moment you could feel the horrific pain in your stomach as if he was stabbing you again. 
You didn’t tell Sam nor Tara about the horrors that haunted you every night, you didn’t tell them either that you began to refuse to sleep, dreading seeing that mask again, dreading seeing her. 
Months slowly passed and the nightmares stayed with you as did the longing for your Amber. Not the one you saw on her final day, but the one you went on dates with, the one you told secrets to, the one you loved. 
You saw Amber everywhere. 
In the mirror whenever you notice that jagged scar on your cheek or the nasty scar on your stomach. Whenever you heard her favourite song being played you could hear her singing some of the lyrics in your mind. The photos on your phone of the old Amber, the ones you refused to delete. 
You still kept some of the stuff Amber had given you throughout your relationship. A custom made CD with your and hers favourite song on, a framed picture of the two of you on your first date and even Amber’s favourite hoodie that you “borrowed” from her. 
You know it’s not healthy and probably even damaging but whenever you try to throw them out or even burn them you always end up backing out every time. 
Months passed as the three of you lived your life together in New York. 
Tara refuses to acknowledge the past.
Sam is trying to heal from the past. 
You keep thinking of the past. 
Tara seemingly moved on and even made new friends, Mindy got herself a new girlfriend, Chad has made so many friends you’ve lost count, Sam has been going to therapy and even started dating again. 
Meanwhile you can’t tear your mind away from Woodsboro. 
All you can do is think about her. Her and her creep of a boyfriend she cheated on you with, her with that gun, her with that knife. It’s just her. 
Why can’t you just move on? 
On the one year anniversary of the Woodsboro attack you didn’t leave your bedroom until two in the evening, your starving stomach begging you to. You sighed as you slowly rolled out of bed, instantly you got a hit of a cold breeze, you shivered at the feeling. 
Walking over like a zombie towards your wardrobe you pulled at the first hoodie you could grab, your heart clenched violently as you noticed who’s hoodie it was. 
The hoodie itself was quite basic, a black hoodie with no particular design on it. Just the way Amber liked it. You could only tell it was Amber’s since it had a long bleach stain on it’s right shoulder, something she did by accident when trying to clean the hoodie. 
You smiled weakly to yourself as you recalled the day Amber called you in a panic asking you how to get rid of a bleach stain. Tears swelled up in your dead eyes as you stiffly put the hoodie on. 
It didn’t smell like her anymore. 
You sighed dramatically as you walked over to your bedroom door, slowly pulling it open. Your eyes narrowed as light shined into your face from the opened windows. Lowering your head you made your way to the kitchen without even bothering to look to see if your sisters were in the apartment. 
Making a beeline to the fridge you opened it as your eyes glanced over the items inside, you grabbed a container of cranberry juice before you shut it quietly. You could feel your sister's eyes staring at you but you didn’t have the courage to turn towards them. 
As you began pouring the scarlet red juice into the glass you couldn’t help but notice it looked identical to the blood Amber’s hands had. You felt bile coming up your throat to which you swallowed back down forcefully, shutting your eyes tightly. 
The grip you had on the glasses tightened as you tried thinking of anything else, you only released your grip when you felt a wet substance trickle down onto your hand. You snapped your eyes back open as you stared at the overflowing mess. 
“Shit.” You mumbled in a raspy voice as you stopped filling the glass with cranberry juice, placing it on the counter as you grabbed the glass again as you slowly lifted it to your lips to take a sip of it. 
You didn’t even bother cleaning your hand as you turned around planning on returning to your room but you got stopped by Sam’s voice. 
“That’s her hoodie isn’t it.” 
You froze as you felt your entire body stiffen at her words. You don’t know how she knew. Turning around slowly you saw Sam sat on the couch looking tired herself. 
You nodded silently as you swallowed the emotions rising up in your throat. “It was her favourite.” Sam didn’t say anything as she stared at you with her dark eyes. 
You didn’t say anything as you walked towards her, dropping your drink on the coffee table on the coffee table as you sat next to her. You didn’t look at Sam in the beginning as your eyes stayed focused on your blood red cold drink.  
“You miss her, don’t you?” Sam whispered as she broke the silence. Your jaw clenched as tears began spilling from your eyes against your will, you wiped them away furiously as you let out a bitter laugh. “How fucked is that, I still miss the person who killed my friends and tried to kill my family.” 
Sam stayed silent as her hand slithered into yours, giving it a squeeze. Your eyes never left the glass of cranberry as you spoke. 
“I hate her so fucking much, Sam.” Your voice cracked as you let out a sob. “But I miss her so much. Why did she do that to us, Sam? Why did she betray me, Sam? Why?” Sam wrapped her long arms around you as she pulled you closer to her, you sobbed into her chest as you clutched at her back with an impeccably strong grip. 
“Why?” You repeated over and over like a prayer as you sobbed uncontrollably into Sam, your heart hurting as badly as it did this an exact year ago. 
You don’t know how long you stayed in that position for. You sobbing into Sam as she rubbed at your back, whispering sweet reassurances into your ears. When you eventually pulled away from Sam your eyes were burned as they burnt slightly from how much you cried. 
You swallowed harshly as you looked down in shame. Sam was in the exact same position as you, her ex boyfriend turned out to be a psychotic killer who also went on a killing spree with Amber, but she wasn’t sobbing over how much she missed him. 
Sam had moved on. 
“You should get rid of the hoodie.” Sam suggested warmly to which you shook your head at, wrapping your arms around your figure as you gripped at the hoodie. “I can’t.” You whispered back as your eyes stayed glued to your legs, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at Sam. 
“That was the first thing I did with Richie’s clothes.” Sam opened up as her eyes stared into your side profile, you picked up your head as you turned to listen to her. “Although I loathed him every single fibre in my body, I still loved him for a bit.” 
“How did you get over him?” You asked in an almost pleading tone as you rubbed at the texture of the hoodie. Sam’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she smiled at you. “I got rid of everything that made me think of him, and if I did think of him I just reminded myself of what he did to me, what he did to the innocent people of Woodsboro, what he did to my family. Eventually I began thinking less and less of him until the point I stopped loving him. Therapy also really helped me.” 
You swallowed as you nodded to yourself, trying to allow Sam’s words to truly sink into you. “She was your first love, Y/n. Those are always the hardest ones to get over.” You smiled weakly as you glanced at Sam. 
Suddenly the front door opened revealing Tara who instantly looked over at you and Sam. The shortest Carpenter sister shut the door as she cautiously walked over to the two of you, the second her eyes landed on the bleach stain on the hoodie you were wearing her eyes hardened. 
 “You still have her clothes?” Tara asked bewildered, her eyes softened as they flicked over the tear marks on your eyes. “Y/n.” She whispered slightly disappointed which instantaneously crushed your heart even further. 
“You need to get over her, Y/n. It’s seriously not good for you to cling onto her like that.” You closed your eyes momentarily to stop more tears from escaping your eyes as you dropped your head back down from shame. “Don’t you think I want to get over her?” 
Tara scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re clearly not trying hard enough if you still have her clothes.” 
“Tara.” Sam warned instantly as she glared at her younger sister. 
Tara threw her arms into the air as she glared back at Sam just as harshly. “What? It’s the truth.” She declared as her eyes gazed back at you, who wasn’t saying anything as you glared down at the floor. 
“Tara, stop.” She warned again to which Tara ignored once again.
“Look, I’m really sorry you still miss her and shit, Y/n, but you weren’t the only one betrayed. Sam got betrayed by Richie and Amber betrayed me and you. But I’ve gotten over it, even Sam has gotten over it more than you. But you’re stuck in the past because you’re not willing to move on from it.” 
“I know.” Was all you could whisper back as your fingers played with the end of the sleeve of the hoodie. 
It hurt you to still love her, but you still loved her.
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gatitties · 1 year
hellaur! can I request some HCs for Mikey's reaction to reader when someone revealed that reader is a illegal car racer? So the scenario is reader is Draken's younger sister, and when Draken got stabbed, ofc no one gonna pay the bills (but reader actually has money, she plans to send Draken to college (bcs she sees potential to him) that's why she's been winning the illegal race over and over again. she's known for being a champion there.) and when Draken was hospitalized, the money that reader saved wasn't enough to cover it up all that's why she's been on a race in straight 6 days just to earn money. and when it's the 7th day of winning car race again, someone tipped Draken and the gang that his sister is in that illegal shi and when they got there they saw reader celebrating her win but they also noticed the tired and drained look in her eyes, and ofc reader saw them and ykyk Draken and reader fought in the back of that place (away from people). I just wanted to see Mikey's reaction because he is romantically interested to reader 🫶🏻 sorry if this is long, thank u so much!!
—Mikey x reader
─Summary: Mikey discovers a new side of you and helps with a sibling argument
─Warnings: none
(Draken's part)
There you go!! 🫶🏻
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— Your brother shouldn't be there (although neither should you).
— You tried to be as careful about the places where you moved and competed because you could meet certain gangs.
— You were even twice as careful with your steps now that you signed up for practically daily illegal competitions.
— Despite being in a state of euphoria and semi-consciousness from the exhaustion of staying up late, you knew that Draken's expression was not a good thing.
— Your celebration was cut short when you were dragged into a nearby alley, Mikey silently watching everything from a distance.
— Screams were launched from one side to the other, taking the discussion to the minimally physical end with a couple of shoves.
— It was clear that you were both stubborn and despite the fact that Draken was right that you were too young to enter the world of illegal racing, you stood up for your position to give him as much money as possible for a good study, or now, to be able to pay his recent bills.
— That same night you didn't reach any middle point between the two of you, he left kicking hard because he needed to think while you decided to stay in the alley letting everything settle in your mind.
— Mikey appeared after hearing everything from behind the corner, honestly he didn't have much to say about your life decisions because he was clear that if someone messed with you they would be indirectly involving Toman.
— He admired your perseverance in raising the money and supporting your brother in something that even Draken himself didn't think of.
— You thanked him for not saying much, your mind was at the point of collapse between exhaustion and the recent fight.
— Mikey is very attentive to his loved ones and he knew when you enjoyed silence instead of a conversation so he offered you his shoulder to rest.
— No doubt his romantic interest will increase, he already likes everything about you, knowing that you were an almost undefeated competitor made you more incredible in his eyes.
— Definitely Mikey sides with you in a second argument with Draken (Takemichi probably cried thinking that this would be the event that would split Toman in two).
— And it's thanks to him that your brother is less angry or 'accepts' that you compete. Mikey is just playing to please both of you to earn your love and (if possible) more respect from Draken.
— He is just paving the way to tell your brother that he's interested in you, but Draken already knows because he can tell how stupid Mikey gets when you're next to him.
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
TR; Yin and Yang:
Summary: What would happen of there was another child of the sano family that no one knew about, not even mikey. A secret sibling who seemingly came from no where. One who looked alot like a ghost of the past long dead and buried.
Warnings; Slight manga spoilers?, Tense: You/Your, She/her pronouns, slight swearing, Plantonic/sfw - duh, Reader has a resembalance to mikeys mom and shinichiro
Part 2 •Part 3
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He remembered it vividly.
Those moments.
He remebered them all.
The image of his mother in a hospital bed.
His mother, the one who birthed him and his beloved older brother. The one who loved the two as well as their younger half sister emma.
His mother had loved his father very much. So much so that he was almost the only thing they ever talked about when he would go to visit her in the hospital. So much so that she loved his child who wasnt even her own.
Who wasnt her blood nor from her own womb but that didnt matter to her. She loved emma like she did her biological children.
Her children.
They were her children.
They were all her children.
You wondered if that included you.
If it had ever included you.
But you never knew and you never would know now that you stood in the freezing cold air with only one black umbrella held high above your head to keep the pelting rain from drenching your small frame.
Now that you stood at the back of your biological mothers funeral while you watched people walk up to pay their respects.
He nudged you forward, the man who held the umbrella above you, pushing you to start your journey up to the front.
Mabey it was weird that instead of focusing on the sadness of being headed to the place where you would say your final goodbyes to your mother you felt like you were walking the plank of a pirate ship.
You felt weird.
You felt exposed.
You felt like all the eyes in the room bore into you, like they could see who you were and what you were hiding.
You had inched your way about halfways up the aisle in the middle of the rows where people sat to the right and left of you when you felt a familiar hand on the top of your small back.
One that was familar to you but now felt slightly diffrent.
A strong hand that once held yours. Lifted you high and patted your head a million times. One you felt was reliable. One you could entrust everything to like the whole world revolved around this one hand that was held out just for you that you could fall back on anytime no matter what.
That hand now felt diffrent. It was weaker than it was before, it was tired, it was sad. There was no strength to its grip where it was placed on your back, like all the fight in it had finally run its course and had been washed away by the same rain that threatened to grow heavier outside the establishment.
The one who this hand belonged to guided you up to the place where your mothers picture was displayed in the center of seemingly a thousand white flowers.
You hesitated.
The lone flower in your small hands felt meager in comparison.
Noticing your reluctance the man cupped your hands in his and guided them to the place where your flower would rest by your mothers picture, his black hair falling in front of his face to hide his pained eyes in the process.
This was the last time you would see your mother, the only send off you could give her.
He was the same.
This time you both could do nothing more than accept defeat and cut your losses.
Because this had just about been the greatest loss either of you had faced yet.
You had lingered up there for too long. Lost in the few memories you had. All your thoughts swirled seeming to have too many and none at the same time.
You hated to think to much, it never did you any good.
But you couldnt stop yourself most of the time.
You hated to be seen.
You hated when you felt like people could see through you and into your heart and soul.
Like they could see past the barriers you put around them.
Thats why you probably felt more embarrassed than sad at your own mothers funeral.
Because she was someone who no one knew had any relation to you at all.
All except one person.
That one person who you could rely on.
Whos hands cupped yours, patted your head and guided you back down the middle of the aisle and out of the building.
Only a few moments had passed since you had been lead out of the establishment but you heard the two male voices not too far from you gradually rising.
'Those two are fighting arent they?' you thought flatly
The one who had brought you here, the one who held the umbrella, the one in the suit was fighting with the one who you relied upon, the one who rested a hand on your back in a comforting gesture, who was donned in a funeral garb and whos wet black hair stuck to his angered face because of the pelting rain.
The rain was belting down and you could still hear them shouting at each other through it.
Mabey they were shouting to be heard because the rain was so loud or mabey it was just the perfect cover. The perfect excuse for people to think that was the reason why they were shouting so angrily.
Trying to be heard.
It was something every person wanted.
But whether people then decided to listen in return was another matter and one you might never have the privilege of.
And you definitely would not if they were fighting about what you thought they were fighting about.
The rain splattered against the window on the car, where you had been sat, sheltered from the rain outside. You drew various shapes in the condensation that formed along it. You paused your drawing to watch two raindrops seemingly race each other to the bottom of the window.
You tried to guess which one would win. And you watched as they slowly made their way down, seeing the one you chose lose to the other.
"Hmn?" you made an interested sound having formed a thought on the matter
A bad sign?
Could that tell you something about what choice the two men outside were going to come to.
Make for you.
Make for your future.
'Thats dumb' you thought.
It wasnt a bad sign. It wasnt a sign at all. They were just bad feelings. It was just the bad feelings from your whole ordeal right now.
Your mothers death which in turn also ment the re-examination of your future. Of you and what to do with you.
Thats what they were disscusing, or rather, fighting about right now.
Where would you go? Who would you stay with? Grow up with?
It would shape your future, your life.
The choice had to be the correct one and even if it wasnt you, yourself, had no choice in the matter.
You who was still a child had no choice in the matter at all.
You had no choice and therefore you were forced to rely on the adults around you to make the correct choices for you.
The best ones. The ones that would give you the best future possible. The ones that wouldnt fuck you up the most.
But you specifically only relied on one person to do that for you after your mothers death.
Not the man in the suit but the one who donned the funeral garb. The only other person you could remember who was always kind to you and had always been by your side other than your mother.
Thats when you were pried from your thoughts as your eyes shifted to a blurry figure through the foggy window who seemed to be approching the car you were in.
It was that very same man.
The one in the funeral garb.
The only other person you could rely on, who was kind to you, who loved you, other than your mother.
Your older brother.
"Shin" you murmured in greeting and recognition, in a soft quiet voice, a voice that seemed unsure in itself of how it was feeling, that of a child who was lost and looking in this moment for something to cling onto for some solidarity and something in her life that would finally be permanent.
The only thing you had ever had close to that was your mother but even then you knew that someday your mother would leave you. Your mother who was always so sickly and frail looking, which couldnt be hidden even by her immense beauty.
Your mother was not something who would be permanent in your life, she was not someone who you could rely on to stay by your side and never leave you. To take care of you and not cause you any pain.
In fact it was quite the opposite.
It might sound cruel but you would be lying if you said you didnt feel the slightest bit realieved when she finally died.
Always being kept on the edge of your seat. Always being on the edge of that plank which you had started walking a long time ago, which now you could finally step off of to take the plunge into that despair, into that cold darkness that was almost like a refuge at this stage.
You didnt have to stay strong for her any longer. You could finally let go. Let go of your own emotions and despair and cry until you were comforted.
Comforted by a strong hand. One that could be relied upon, one that could protect you, one that you didnt have to be strong in front of.
That was why you felt even a slight bit of realief no matter how selfish that sounded.
The car door had been pried open and the soaking wet man in front of you made a gesture with his hand for you to scooch over.
You both sat there like that for a while in silence. You waited expectantly for his first words but you wouldnt push. You had learned not to push for more than you needed to survive at a young age.
And he was the only person you had every truly, fully relied on. You had no doubt that even if he made you wait years that the first words to come out of his mouth would reasure you of your future.
Yes. That was it.
He was just taking it all in as well.
He already has two younger siblings, even if they have their grandfather it would be hard to take you in as well.
But you were family.
You shared the same mother.
The same mother who was now a corpse that lay stone cold in a casket.
You had another older brother who you shared the same mother with as well, although you had never met him.
He was Shin's younger brother. Shin and your mother had told you about him. He was about ten years younger than shin, close enough to your age actually.
You wanted to live with Shin. You would be lying if you said you werent the slightest bit curious when he had told you about his younger siblings, your other siblings. You were even more intrigued when Shin had told you about his younger half sister.
Even if you and her were not related by blood, since you shared the same mother with your brothers while she shared the same father, that didnt matter. You thought having a sister would be fun and a younger one would be super cute.
So just say the word.
Say those words and im ready to start my new life. I'll try really hard to get along with them. I wont be bothersome. I wont take more than i need. I just need a palce to belong. Where i dont have to be strong all the time. To finally be able to rest.
When you live a life of uncertainty you never get to rest and when you have been living a life like that from a young age you never truly learn how to rest in the first place.
Constantly worried, constantly anxious.
Constant thoughts.
Ones you cant shut out or shut up.
Thoughts of a million diffrent scenario's. About everything. About life. About your future. About death.
But have somewhere you could finally belong, finally rest, and those thoughts might become quite, be silenced, be put at ease for the first time in your short but hard life.
Its not that you didnt love your mother, you loved her more than anything in this world. She was everything to you. Having Shinichiro made everything slightly more bareable though. With the help of your mothers reasurance you felt like even if she really did end up leaving you that you wouldnt be completely lost without her.
Before, you always had constant anxiety about what would happen to you if your mother ever did pass. It never really went away even after she reassured you but as you saw your mothers health declining when you were completely alone you started to spiral yourself.
Shin was your stabilizer.
Honestly, you knew your mother had other kids but you never thought about them much before Shinichiro made a point to tell you about them. And even when your mother would tell you tid-bits about them from time to time you only nodded along while doing something else and gave out the occasional response to show that you were listening to your mother.
You had always known Shinichiro though. He had always been just there. He had always been in your life. He was your constant. He had always been your big brother. Shinichiro really was a natural big brother. He was so easy to get along with, he was reliable and you felt like he understood you.
Understood you who had no one else in your life who you could talk to apart from your mother never mind confide in about your worries and mothers illness and how that might be affecting you and your mental well being.
You didnt really think much about your mothers other kids until one day your older brother asked you a certain question.
"What would you think about having other siblings?"
"Are you talking about moms other children?" You replied
"Yeah, my siblings. Yours too..." He continued "If you want them to be. Im sure they would love to have you as their sibling. Emma especially, she would go crazy for an older sister, im sure of it."
You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw Shinichiros attention finally shift to you. He had been looking straight ahead ever since he got in the car as if in thought.
To be honest it hadnt even been that long since he had gotten in. It definitely had only been about a minute or two but the pounding of your heart in your chest blasted in your ears as if intensifying every second that passed by tenfold.
When his gaze shifted over to look at your small form you didnt miss the way his expression darkened slightly. He might have had a slight hesitance to look at you now and you could take a good guess as to why.
Even so, he continued to look you straight in the eye as he started to speak and never once did his eyes leave yours until the conversation between the two of you had ended.
You felt your heartbeat quicken in your ears as if your heart was trying to push more blood into them as you strained to hear the words that would be next to fall out of your older brothers mouth.
Your every hope and dream for your future relied on them, on him and you were just waiting to take your chance and run with it.
And run with it you would.
Well, you would have.
If the words that came out of his mouth were the ones you had expected to hear.
But you should have known by now. That there really was not a single soul you could truly rely on but yourself.
Oh...how hard it is to trust someone.
And how easy it is to have that trust betrayed.
Months and months of building up trust, mabey even longer depending on the person and then just like that, in a split second everything is thrown out the window.
Every hope. Every dream. And possibly every spec of trust you had left in your person.
That hand that you had relied upon, the one that had felt strong, well you were right earlier, it had grown weak.
Not in physical strength so to say, but in the capacity that the only words the man could muster while looking deep into your eyes as if also being able to see into your heart and soul in the process were...
"I'm sorry." He murmured in a voice that sounded so defeated, so heartbroken it would have tore at your own heart for him if you had not been in a situation where those words might as well be sentencing you
You stared at him blankly.
"I'm so, so sorry" he repeated
You blanked out for a second after hearing those words, trying not to believe that you knew the meaning behind them.
But you knew that this time you couldnt run from them, you were cornered and there was no way out.
You felt frozen and then all at once you felt a rush jolt though your body, through every vein, every nerve.
A rush of panic.
One so strong it could have winded you as all the emotions you had been bottling up over the years, almost the whole span of your short fleeting life, burst out.
"It's because i look like her isnt it!"
You hadnt missed the way his expression had slightly darkened earlier when he had turned to look at you.
You were well aware of, even if you were many years younger, just how much you resembled your mother in many diffrent aspects.
"...what...No! Of course thats not w-" Shinichiro sounded as if he had been caught off guard and wasnt expecting such a question but let himself be cut off by the shear panic in your voice
"If its because i look like mother i can fix it! I can just cut and dye my hair! I can wear glasses and even get contacts, it'll be no problem really!" The surge of emotions making anything you thought in that moment that would help the situation go back in the right direction spilled out.
Of course that was not the true reason for the cause of Shinichiros words but the panic inducing thoughts of a child left no room for a proper explaination or interpretation of the meaning of his words or why they were being said.
Outside the car a streak of lightning flashed and soon after a loud crack of thunder was heard as the sky grew darker and the rain continued to poor even heavier.
Although, the two inside the car seemed as if they had not noticed anything that could call for even a split second break in their concentration over their current conversation.
That was until the man in the suit strode over to the car where you both were. He who had been standing just outside the funeral venue under the roof while holding his umbrella seemed to have thought that enough time had been had between the two of you for your older brother, to clear things up.
Not that he cared.
He didnt care if shinichiro had the time of day or not. Who was the one who had to take his annoying little sister away with him?
Shinichiro and his grandfather could fight for custody of you all they wanted but it was certain to say that at least now they were no where near going to be granted that.
His grandfather was far too elderly by now to take in another kid after already having custody of three. Shinichiro could try for custody but he had only just become an adult and was already helping his grandfather in keeping his two child siblings together with them so it was not likely to be granted.
CPS had not been keen on the idea of pushing two children onto their elderly guardian either.
This ment shinichiros younger brother and sister probably could have come close to being rehomed or sent to an orphanage as well if shinichiro hadnt become an adult recently and was working and earning money in a motorcycle shop. And also if theyre grandfather wasnt in good health and still earning money by working in his dojo.
The man with the umbrella didnt want to take you away from them, it really just ment more work for him so your presence really was just entirely bothersome for everyone involved.
And you knew that.
He was sure you knew that.
As long as you were alone with any other person besides your mother or shinchiro you wouldnt speak a word.
Not one.
No matter who talked to you or tried to get you to talk, be it adult or child.
Either you knew you were a nuscance or you were just trying to piss everyone who had to help you off.
Mabey it was both.
It probably was.
Well, he wondered if you would start talking to others now that you would be taken away from the only other person who you would respond to.
Though he didnt care about that either at least it would make his job the slightest bit easier, although he didnt know if it would make you any less annoying than you already were. Worst case scenario it could make you even more so.
All of this really just ment more paper work. More work. More time. More energy. More money.
Nothing that you had but everything that needed to be put in by other people just to raise you.
This you knew.
This was something that you were prevy to from a young age. Something you had often observed.
How everyone would be better off if you had never been born. How much easier life would have been for everyone.
Why were you born?
You didnt know.
Perhaps you would never know the answer to that question.
Well that was the last you saw of your older brother that awful day.
A fleeting and blurry image of his drenched form standing in the rain in the rear view mirror. Donned in his funaral garb watching you go as the black car pulled away with you in the back seat.
Did you get a proper goodbye?
When would you see him again?
You didnt know.
Do you remember what the last thing he said to you was.
Also no.
You had basically blanked out almost straight after those first words he had uttered to you in that car left his lips.
But you did remember one thing.
The way his eyes never left yours.
The way tears pooled in them before they began to fall as you had yet to see him do at his own mothers funeral.
The way he clutched your shoulders as if holding on tighter ment he wouldnt have to let you go.
He was there through his mothers pregnancy and birth of you, his younger sister, like he was for his younger brothers.
He was the first to hold you aside from his mother and imagined what it would be like for you and manjiro to grow up beside each other.
But of course that never happened.
He didnt really remember how everything went to shit. How you ended up being separated from the rest of them. Just passing flashes here and there.
Neither did you. That was one thing you both had in common.
Blocking things out, wheather it was subconsciously or not.
And soon enough you found yourself walking up that aisle again.
The aisle where no one knew you.
Only this time you were saying a final goodbye to your older brother instead.
Sometimes i surprise myself by my own writing, i literally basically zone out and then somehow iv gotten from A to B 🤨😟
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
Baji x Draken's Lil Sis x Draken x Mikey
A/n: Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: gang stuffs, violence
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A beautiful day wasn't supposed to end like that, was it? A scene like this when everything was going well...
You hated it. Today was your 1st anniversary with Keisuke. Even though your brother pretended not to know, you knew he did. But you still weren't ready to tell him. You couldn't have known Ken Ryuguji's reaction.
You were walking holding Kei's hand. Your floral blouse, denim shorts and colorful bracelets...
No matter how tough your brother was, you were his most precious and he would not neglect to buy you the bracelets you loved so much at every opportunity. He was someone who showed his love like this.
"It really upsets me to meet in secret with you babe. But it's also very reactionary to meet him. What am I going to do?" You laughed at what Kei said nervously. And you took his hand and turned him towards you. You stood on tiptoe to caress his face and smiled.
"Then let's tell him today. He already knows. I know that. I'm sure he'll laugh it off."
Kei laughed and shook his head. But right after, he suddenly let go of your hand, and you turned to him in surprise and looked at that hateful expression on his face. Then you looked where he was looking.
Dozens of gang members were right in front of you. You were not afraid of anyone, your brother raised you to protect myself. But what if something happened to Kei?
Kei quickly took you behind him and told you to run. When you said you wasn't going to run, he turned to you and smiled.
"Darling, I'll just make them look bad and come to you okay? Please go and hide now. Don't come out until you hear my voice, okay?"
You didn't even get a chance to shake your head. When someone suddenly wanted to hit Kei, he kicked him and knocked him down. And he turned to you and shouted.
"Stay back y/n!"
The fight was going on. You were watching them from a distance. But it was clear that they weren't playing fair.
He cried out in anger as he grabbed his head and fell to his knees.
"Y/n! Run and don't look back! Don't show up until ı come for you! I beg you, go!"
You wanted to cry when you saw how helpless his voice was. But he wanted you to hide.he said he was coming to you. You quickly ran into one of the alleys and hid and looked for your brother.  one, two and he answered
"Y/n, I have some business with Mikey right now-" "Nii-san, help me!"
Draken froze when he heard your cry. He dropped the key on the ground in fear.
"What's going on my angel? Y/n, are you okay?" You tried to speak by crying
"Nii-san... Keisuke... They blocked our way-" Draken raised his voice in fear.
"Where are you? Are you okay y/n? Where's baji?" It was so hard to talk through your hiccups
"He told me to hide, he said he's coming, but I'm afraid Nii-san. They attacked with sticks, Kei was injured."
Although Draken was somewhat relieved to hear that you was fine, the danger was still not over. "I'm coming my angel, calm down okay?"
After a while, you heard someone enter the street. When you peeked behind the container and saw that 2 people were dragging Baji and looking for you, you covered your mouth with your hand to avoid screaming.
"Y/n! Where are you? I won't hurt you so much if you listen now and be a good girl!"
You were trying so hard to keep your crying voice from being heard and you wanted to sob even more with that helpless voice you heard.
"Y/n! Don't go out, beautiful! I'm fine, don't worry!" And one more punch....
You had to do something, you had to save him, you had to stall.
You couldn't hide any longer, as you stepped out from behind the container in fear, Baji looked at you in fear.
"Y/n! Get out of here, now!" You smiled at him and walked towards the leader. After a few steps you stopped in front of the leader.
"Leave him alone."
Everyone was surprised by your cold voice. Your voice resembled your older brother. The boy across from you frowned and laughed out loud. "Why should I leave?" You smiled and nodded "You call yourself a man? He would have killed you all if you hadn't attacked him with sticks." The leader laughed and slapped you angrily. While Baji shouted in anger, you smiled and squeezed the piece of glass you hid in your hand.
You were waiting for the right move. When the leader wanted to hit you again, you caught his hand and with a sudden movement, you cut his face with the glass in your hand and kicked his stomach.
While everyone was staring at you in shock, others were coming towards you to stop you. At that moment, you heard the sound of an engine and you smiled at the familiar engine sound. Yes, it was the sound of your brother's engine.
As he got off the engine, he angrily turned to those around him. He was knocking everyone down.
When he saw that you was fine, he lifted the Baji from the ground and supported him. But there was something that neither of you expected.
The leader you just knocked down suddenly pulled you to him and wrapped his arm around your throat.
"Don't come near, Draken, or I'll break the princess's little neck." Baji was looking at you in fear, but your brother was quite calm. Within seconds, you heard a voice and there was no one holding you anymore. You coughed a little when your throat was released and looked back.
Mikey looked at you with a big smile and slowly came towards you. He hugged you as you tried to restrain your breathing and smiled.
"I'm glad you're okay y/n-chan!" You hugged him and you started crying. You were scared. You were scared for yourself and for Kei. Mikey stroked your hair and whispered in your ear.
"Is there anyone else you want to hug, y/n-chan?" You chuckled and you broke away from him and ran to Kei. He slipped out of Draken's grip and hugged you tightly and smiled when he saw you started to cry again.
"Okay, I'm fine... don't be afraid... we're both fine. Besides, they can't do anything to me, okay?" You smiled and looked at his face and chuckled "They can't do anything to me either, do you know my brother?" You both chuckled and looked at Draken as he shook his head with a laugh and called out to Baji.
"If you upset my sister, I will kill you, Baji!"
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Question time (feel free to answer! Like fr, pls answer this lol)
Do you guys have any character (this is more related to TMNT) that instead of feeling good by seeing yourself in them, you feel the opposite?
I’m a twin (and we were also color coded! I’m the red / warm colors twin, and my sister is the blue / cool colors twin - although I call dibs on purple) and surprise surprise, I kinda have some resemblances with Raph (personality wise, not that I’m a LOT like him, ctrl c ctrl v, but some stuff is there, and funny enough some of leos personality traits shows in my sister’s personality) Usually what Raph struggles the most on the TMNT media or Headcanons is what I struggle or have struggled in the past, I’ve learned to keep it in or cool down along the years, but yeah, deep down we have a lot in common, ldk why instead of feeling comfortable with him, i feel the opposite. I feel if I could actually meet him, we would fight / argue a lot lolz. But don’t get me wrong, I love him and adore his… complexity. But idk, out of all x reader content, hes the last one I read, I don’t “dare” to dive in too much in his stories, cuz I see more myself in him than at reader sometimes, and the amount of angst this boys goes is just oof (I adore rottmnt Raph tho, he has my whole heart)
Do you guys feel that towards other turtles or characters? Don’t consume some content because it can rub you off or make you a bit uncomfy?
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popcat69 · 10 months
i can't sleep
i need requests for sibling!reader. i don't know why but i just do!!! i love reading them so much i wanna write them. they make me wanna cry. fluff, angst anything i don't care pleaseee
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rdiowx · 11 months
My mom: we know you love My Chemical Romance thats all you talk about
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Tis I, 💜
I think my request got eaten maybe? But I just wanted to request the 2012 turtles with an adoptive human!older sister reader, who is very good at being a sister to each of the brothers unique needs. Example :
Skateboarding /being silly with Mikey (but not so much the others, baby brother privilege lmao)
Sparring /rough housing with Raph
Serious training / meditation with Leo
And actually helping Donnie or listening to him when he goes on his rants? Instead of making fun of him she gives him encouragement ?
And of coarse a cute lil bit with splinter wouldn’t upset me :) but whatever you can do with this! I don’t wanna ask too much. Hope you are doing well, love ya 💜
OMG hi Purple! Haven't heard from you in forever friend! Love the prompt, this is gonna be great!
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When Splinter took you in, he was still a new father, the boys were still just tots and you were only around 4.
He'd found you lost and alone in the sewers, how you had even gotten there, he had no clue, but after discovering a note in your coat pocket asking for someone to care for you, he decided he would.
He raised alongside the boys, and there was never an issue.
You got along well with each of them and all four looked up to you as much as they did to him.
Splinter trained you in ninja arts, and you were patroling by fifteen.
By around that time, the boys had started their training, and Splinter often had you help him teach the boys.
You were Ane-chan to the boys, (Older sister, if it's wrong feel free to tell me.), And you always made sure to spend time with all of them growing up.
You'd make sure Donnie slept, and sit with him while he worked, and he appreciated how much you cared.
You'd let Raph vent to you, and you would rough house around alot, obviously he's a bit stronger than you naturally, so even if you won, it was usually sporting a few new bruises. He would always feel bad about it, but don't worry Red, Ane-chan can handle a few bruises.
You meditated often with Leo, and always listened when he info dumped about Space Heros. He always went to you if he struggled in training since he knew you'd do your best to actually help him.
You reserved all that pent up silly for Mikey, prank wars, staying up late with video games and moutain dew.
Honestly, I thinked you would have a moment like Po, where you find out you're adopted, and your just like,
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Then you're talking to April and Casey about it like, "So, I just found my dad isn't really my dad."
Casey: "Your dad... the rat?"
Casey: "Are you-"
April: "That must have been quite difficult."
Moving back abit, when the Foot and Kraang start borderline harrassing the boys,
You're just about go kick Shredder's ass yourself,
Ain't nobody gonna mess with your Kyoudai. (Little brothers).
Obviously Splinter tells you to cool it,
But after that you go with the boys everywhere you can.
You never take away Leo's role as the leader but rather offer yourself up as the voice of reason and peace among the team.
You do your best to make sure arguments are settled in a healthy way,
While also trying to keep those idiots from getting themselves killed.
The first time you faced Shredder he was like, "Wtf how the hell did Yoshi aquire you? And why?"
You almost succeded in kicking his ass,
Emphasis on almost,
You got your fucking leg fractured.
You had to stay in a hospital up top for a while.
Obviously it would have been hard for Splinter to send you to school,
So growing up he just homeschooled you to the best of his ability, and you actually homeschooled the boys.
So when April and Casey show up, April let's you know it's possible to get a highschool diploma online.
You're all like, "Hell yeah, let's do this."
But then, ya know,
Splinter taught you how to cook, and you were the designated chef of the household, (Even if it was just algea)
Eventually, you taugh Mikey, so now you guys share the kitchen.
Now about that wholesome moment with Splinter,
I have a little drabble thought.
So, imagine you're around 13, and your job is to watch the boys and make sure they don't hurt themselves or anything.
For some more context the boys are around 9.
So, anyway,
Splinter is out, and you're babysitting.
The boys are wrestling, which isn't too unusual, they do that alot ya know?
But, someone's foot lands were it shouldn't, and now Donnie's wrist is swelling and all four of them are crying.
You panic, you pick up Donnie and bring him to the kitchen and put some ice in his wrist.
After that, you move back to the living room, and do your best to calm evryone down.
Now, Splinter knew he could hear anything happening for quite a distance, so when he hears crying and your panicked voice, he instantly made his way home.
He ran in, expecting the worst, and was relieved to find no one was mortaly injured.
After you told him what happened, he calmed you and the boys, and after checking Donnie's wrist, he put the boys to bed.
The entire time, you sat on the couch, waiting for Splinter to come and scold you. You felt guilty and ashamed.
After all, Donnie got hurt on your watch.
It was your fault.
Splinter sat next to you, and you curled into yourself with tears running down your face, "Is Donnie gonna be ok?" you sniffled.
Splinter put a gentle hand on your shoulder, "He'll be fine, my dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve, "I'm sorry, Father. I- I messed up, and then Donnie got hurt and I didn't know what do to-"
"Hey, hey. It was not your fault. Accidents happen. What is important is to learn how to prevent the same accident from happening again."
"Ah, ah. No buts. It was not your fault. Now go tell your brothers goodnight. And then we can read stories." You nodded, smiling softly as Splinter pulled you in for a hug.
You wiped your eyes and entered the boys' shared room.
Mikey shot up from his bed, "(Name)!"
You shushed him, tucking him back in, and giving him a kiss on the forhead, "Quiet down, Angelo. It's bedtime."
He huffed, and you moved around the room, making sure each of your brother was tuckes in nice and warm.
As you moved to leave, there was a soft chorus of, "Goodnight, Ane-Chan."
You turned and smiled, "Goodnight little brothers."
Whoops, got a little carried away with this one lol!
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
carmen 'carmy' berzatto masterlist
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Thee Carmy x Reader 'Make My Heart Surrender' Universe (In Chronological Order):
comfort & chaos (prequel to make my heart surrender)
a series of vignettes: the five times carmen berzatto fell in love with you a little and the one time he finally told you. (completed)
october 2019 | covid & carbonara | heat waves | 2/22/22** | called you again | home**
the phone call (blurb - the phone call that gets reader to chicago in the first place)
make my heart surrender
after quitting your job at the restaurant you both used to work at, carmy asks you to come in and work with his pastry chef at his new spot, the bear. only, the longer you stick around, it becomes clear that you have unfinished business. will one week in chicago change your life, and his, forever? (completed)
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday (**18+ for smut) | saturday/sunday | monday | tuesday, again | the playlist
home (final chapter from comfort & chaos - **smut)
try a little tenderness (fluff & angst blurb)
cigarettes & coffee (fluffy blurb)
strawberries & cigarettes (fluffy blurb)
j is for james beard... and for jealousy (**smut oneshot | 18+ only)
your past and mine are parallel lines (fluff oneshot)
pov: carmy makes people magazine's sexiest chef alive list (fluff blurb)
bad moon rising (what if/angst-shot -- guest starring mikey berzatto)
sister-in-law (fluff oneshot -- guest starring natalie berzatto)
still into you (sequel to make my heart surrender)
you, syd, marcus, and carmy return to where it all began: new york city, prompting you and carmy to think a lot about your past... and your future together. (completed)
thursday | **bonus smut scene | friday | saturday | sunday | it's perfect, chef (**bonus smut scene)
don't want to walk alone
the long awaited wedding fic for carmy x reader in the make my heart surrender universe. this six part series chronicles the wedding planning, your (not) bachelorette party, the wedding, and the honeymoon as you build a life with your husband-to-be. (completed)
june/july | august | september | the honeymoon pt 1 | the honeymoon pt 2 | epilogue: november
granola blurb
carmy as your baby daddy
a social media au & headcanon series detailing your first pregnancy with carmy. created for the make my heart surrender universe, but can be read as a standalone work. this has been created in collaboration with @carmensberzattos & @allthefandomstogether , the graphic goddess. (completed)
part one | part two | part three | part four | give you my wild, give you a child (**smut-shot) | part five | part six | part seven
the social media au
scenes from the relationship & this story depicted as social media posts. won't always align with my other social media/moodboards.
part one | part two: first year of dating | part three
your life as a pastry chef in chicago while dating carmy (moodboard & headcanon)
meeting mikey in another lifetime (headcanon)
pov: you're marrying carmen berzatto (moodboard)
honeymoon lingerie moodboard
christmas with carmy moodboard & blurb
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The Bear: Unrelated to Make My Heart Surrender:
(nothing here YET but working on it)
so my darling | sydney adamu x male!chef oc
jealous!carmy & jealous!luca headcanon
stargazing with marcus brooks (blurb)
sneaking around with carmy (blurb)
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reallyromealone · 2 months
This isn't a request but I'm brain rotting rn about imagining Emma is once again at a toman meeting with another 'girl' and Draken of course scolds her and is like "Don't go bringing your schoolmates to a gang meeting," but it's actually reader crossdressing and Mikey's new bf
Thank you, bye bye I had to tell somebody and I thought you would like it. 🤧
Title: cross dressing
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Pairing: Mikey x reader
Warnings: slight au, male reader, cross dressing, fluff
Notes: made some slight alterations for the sake of hahas
Mikey was slightly annoyed as he heard his younger sister brought someone to a Toman meeting, the girl making friends at university and he often saw her friends when he got home from gang stuff or helping shinichiro with his shop on occasion.
What he wasn't expecting was (name) to be dressed in cute feminine clothes and a mini skirt, tucked flat-- Mikey chuckled silently to himself as he knew (name) probably regretted letting Emma get into drag racing shows. Draken scolded the girl as (name) glanced around and saw Mikey leaned back on his chair with his legs spread, slicked back blond hair showing off his tattoos as he winked before blowing out smoke from his cigarette.
(Name) And Mikey had recently begun dating, the blond initially hesitant when he learned Emma had a male friend and Draken nearly hostile at his girlfriend being so close to the cute boy but they quickly realized that (name) was not interested in Emma or any other girl.
What Draken didn't know was that Mikey immediately went on the hunt, practically popping up anywhere (name) was to flirt with him and eventually begin dating him.
So when the twenty-one year old saw his boyfriends bare thighs swished slightly by stockings and that cute skirt, (name) looked nervous at the look he gave him though... The Toman underlings who stood in position in the back garden of Toman headquarters didn't see the look as their boss being a horny bastard but instead saw it as annoyed.
To be fair, Mikey was incredibly hard to read.
"She can stay but she has to stay out of the way, we aren't responsible if she gets hurt" Draken sighed and kissed Emma's forehead as the blond girl beamed up at the tattooed man "thanks Kenny!" She said sweetly and the giant of a man grumbled but didn't say anything.
(Name) Sat with Emma quietly as they started their meeting, Emma and (name) chatting amongst themselves and working on a project, (name) explaining his half and what he was doing.
They didn't even notice the meeting end until Mikey wandered to them "oi" he said passively as (name) looked up confused and Mikey raised his hand, many members holding their breaths only for Mikey to grip (name)s neck and kiss him softly "what" Baji said confused, he was fully ready to get the cute girls number but seems Mikey got to her first.
"What's with the clothes? They look weird" he asked confused and mitsuya looked up from his laptop, working on business expenses that he will be sending to Koko later "Mikey! Don't tell a girl her clothes look weird! That's rude!"
"But (name) isn't a girl" Mikey said bluntly as he plopped beside (name) and draped himself over the other "I just made (name) wear girl clothes, he owed me a favor" Emma said sweetly "besides he looks cute! Don't judge my fashion Mikey!"
"Wait, she's a dude?" Pah said confused and (name) nodded "yeah "
"Wait why did Mikey kiss you?" Chifuyu was also confused, a group of grown ass men who ran a notorious gang and made illegal millions couldn't figure out was a relationship for the life of them.
"(Name)s my boyfriend" Mikey said bluntly, Draken connecting the dots fast.
That would explain why Mikey went to a specific apartment often.
And based on how he played with (name)s skirt...
He would be going back pretty damn soon.
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gatitties · 10 months
hello love!! I saw your recent post here abt the anon who asked for the illegal car racer!reader x mikey. can I request HCs for the same thing BUT mikey is not involve at all because I wanted to see Draken's point of view in all of this. especially I wanted to see how they fight over reader being a car racer 🤸🏻‍♀️ thank you s much!
—Draken x sister!reader
—Summary: your brother is not happy with the illegal races in which you participate and this time Mikey can't calm the atmosphere
—Warnings: none
(Mikey's part)
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— Get ready for the longest, most boring conversation ever from Draken.
— He'll use the card that he's older than you to try to stop competing because 'an older brother knows better.'
— All the people who stayed after your victory and some of the Toman boys who had come could clearly hear your shouting match.
— Mikey decided to stay out of it this time because he thought the two of you would come to a middle point.
— You did not get to anything more than an anger, at least for now, you left there running to your motorcycle.
— Of course, this only pissed off your brother more and he went after you without a second thought.
— You were faster maneuvering, accustomed to speed and risk from racing, you made him lose your track.
— He stayed up all night waiting for you to show up to give you another lecture, even though he appreciated your gesture for collecting money for him, there were much better ways than illegal things, Draken was already into gang shit, he don't wanted his little sister to be drawn into the underworld.
— You arrived the next day, you didn't have enough money to pay for a hotel for so many days and you didn't want to spend what you earned, so you came back trying not to meet your brother.
— Unfortunately, as soon as you set foot in your 'home', he was sitting in the reception room, nodding from sleep, but awake enough to recognize you.
— Neither of you was in the mood to argue, at least not as strongly as the night before, so you sat quietly in your room until he started the same conversation from yesterday.
— You ignored most of what he said, no matter how much he insisted, it was your life and you could decide.
— Even if he was right on some points, your pride didn't allow you to accept that he was right on some things.
— For the moment, you decided not to comment anything else about it, Draken practically forbade you to use the motorcycle, but you let it happen so that his anger would go away.
— It couldn't be said that you were somewhere in between, but you needed to calm things down before participating again.
— Draken knew that you would not listen to him so easily because he knew you, he just needed some time to clarify his thoughts about your hobby, he should look for something similar and if possible, legal, there's no way he wants to see you behind bars, not his little sister.
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