#mild storm bringer spoilers
linklethehistorian · 1 year
Hey, you're an expert on Fifteen novel. What do you think about Fifteen manga?
Well, if I had to rate it right now, I’d give it a solid 8/10, but to say something that isn’t just an arbitrary number, I’ll elaborate a little.
Obviously, I’m not yet finished with the final section(s) of my article on the very crucial differences between the Fifteen light novel and the anime, and why those difference mean that the anime adaption loses just about everything that matters most in the story, but when I get finished with all of that and some extra thoughts in light of Storm Bringer’s existence, I plan to cover the manga in full (and then the Stage Play adaptions of Fifteen and Storm Bringer), so I’m not going to sit down and give a blow-by-blow explanation of every difference between the manga and the light novel right now, but I will lay out a few I can mention offhand.
(I’m placing the rest under the cut for Fifteen spoilers (all mediums).)
Really, at least as of this moment while it’s still far from complete, I consider the Fifteen manga to be a pretty faithful adaptation of the light novel, with just a few small elements borrowed here and there from the anime.
Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely things you can’t and won’t be able to transfer over into the manga from the light novel; like any adaption from one medium to another, there are going to be things lost in translation. Manga can’t easily encapsulate all the same subtle narrations of thoughts and feelings and other details like that, no matter how well it’s drawn or written, but all in all I think it captures the spirit of the novel perfectly. I will say that I haven’t had time to read the raws over myself, but as far as I can tell from DarkestJay’s translations (which admittedly are flawed and awkward from time to time; I think she definitely needs to at least uh, redo that one that implies Arahabaki is a servant to leggings, cause as far as I can remember, that’s not what it said in the raw novel at least lmao), the dialogue is almost word for word in most places, which is something I immensely appreciate.
The only reasons I would give it an 8/10 instead of 10/10 is because of two things.
First of all, the fact that it borrows things from the anime, while not bad in and of itself at the moment, does warrant some major concern for what that will mean in future chapters.
Right now, it’s just little things, like the method in which Chuuya is restrained by Arthur after he is taken to the Port Mafia’s headquarters, or Arthur not wearing a blanket or (as far as I’ve heard, tho I’ve not been able to confirm this myself yet) not burning one of his expensive paintings to keep warm in the remains of his half-burned mansion; all in all, these are insignificant in the grand scheme of things and change nothing about the story (and in fact, I kind of prefer the anime’s restraining method as a matter of personal preference anyway, so it’s whatever as long as it doesn’t harm the course or impact of the tale), but that does not necessarily guarantee us that the things which are changed in the future chapters are all going to be that mild.
I would like time to prove me wrong, but while I am enjoying the journey right now, I am also just as deeply afraid that when it comes time for the banquet and battle scenes, the manga creator is going to choose to follow or somehow otherwise incorporate the anime’s absurd, destructive, and quite frankly weak overall lies about those events. (Oh, and let me save you a little bit of your time, if anyone reading this intends to go on about there being one visual Easter egg in the manga referencing that scene…I’ve already expressed my feelings about that here, and until such a time that there is insurmountable, written dialogue within the manga acknowledging it or direct, objective Word of God from Asagiri confirms it as a retcon, those feelings will not change.)
In the end, it’s all going to come down to whether or not the creator of the manga values the truth or the extra bit of service more, because unlike in the Fifteen Stage Play, which was able to have it both ways by portraying the actual story correctly, then also but putting the handholding scene in a credit sequence, there will be no such option in this form of media; they will either have to stick with one or the other. There is no way to still include the handholding scene without fundamentally destroying a major part of what needs to be established; I don’t want to spend too much time explaining this, as I’ll already be going over it in my article eventually, but suffice it to say that even if you present Arthur’s personality and motives correctly, while it may be a step in the right direction, it is not enough. It is necessary for Dazai to be unable to nullify Arthur’s hyperspace around them for so, so many reasons — not just for the sake of Fifteen and its characters and story, but also for the series as a whole. You either do it all true to form and you preserve everything that matters, or you say fuck it and butcher everything; there is no in-between. If you fail to include any of it, you are failing both the individual story and the series as a whole as well.
We can only hope they choose integrity over the potential for extra cash and favor among a certain subset of the fandom.
And as for the second thing that makes me detract points off, well…it’s simply that, although they seem to at least be attempting it, with all due respect, the manga creator really isn’t that great at capturing the softer sides of Fifteen, and much less the all-important aspect of the inclusion, detraction, and change of light in the character’s eyes, and how that reflects the inner state of the character’s soul, so to speak. In both the main manga and the light novels’ illlustrations, this feature is so incredibly helpful and meaningful when trying to analyze the characters’ thoughts, states of mind, and overall states of being from moment to moment, but although it does appear at times that the creator is trying to emulate it, the manga is nevertheless neither consistent with the main media, nor even particularly good at being consistent with itself about it. It does not seem to fully understand the ways in which it works, nor does, in my opinion, the artsyle lend itself well to any expressions or emotions that aren’t meant to be dark, intimidating, or horrifying. It is a good and unnerving artstyle that is excellent at capturing horror, but rarely much else — at least as far as I am concerned.
It’s certainly not the end of the world, and much better than nothing at all if it means they intend to present Fifteen accurately in the story respect, but it is nevertheless something that makes me detract at least a point off the experience comparatively to the original light novel.
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ikiyou · 2 years
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Storm Bringer Stage Play Impressions
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The stage play was so perfect last night!  With everything going wrong in this country, it really brings back life into life. 💞💞💓💓💖💖 Could not have been timed better.  I have a renewed desire to do everything BSD ^^
I hope everyone can enjoy watching the play!!  Support the foreign fandom by buying a ticket for the sub if you can!  This is truly unprecedented! 💕💕💕  Let's encourage them to keep doing this sort of thing and including us!!!!! 💞💞💞
This will be an impressions post rather than containing detailed spoilers - as the entire play was in Japanese, I was able to follow the main trails, wasn't too lost, but I don't have the fidelity on the detailed whys and wherefores regarding Chuuya yet.  Those will wait until I see the subbed version.
(I haven't yet finished the book - I do my own translations for accuracy and to get my info straight from the source, so I stay away from spoilers.  All translators bring something unique to the fandom and bring different flavors and impressions from works, and I like my experience and what I pass on to be authentic as well ^^)
Ok, to my impressions!!  Mild spoilers if you’ve read English book translations, heavy plot spoilers if you’ve been in the dark until now, but no details regarding Chuuya.
I gotta say - I saw the first stage play live.  Saw the second.  It's amazing to be there and see it live in the crowd, and I highly recommend it if you ever get the opportunity.  But there is NOTHING like being able to see up close and intimate all the characters’ expressions and actions like it was to see this virtually.  The quality was quite good, there was only the very occasional lag/buffer spike (which usually seemed to be at the times when I was leaning in hard to follow the story lolrip).  
All told, the fact that they not only streamed it live for foreign audiences, but will ALSO have an ENGLISH DUBBED VERSION available is not only WILD, it hopefully shows that they're becoming more aware of their expanded fanbase.  I really hope it's indications of good things to come ^^
I have only previously seen them offer occasional virtual showings of the stage plays (seemed to start during COVID), and only available to the Japanese audience (those with the ability to purchase with a Japanese credit card and address).  Only by going through a third party was it ever possible to watch.
Chuuya was amazing to watch!  His interactions with Adam, with Dazai, with Shirase.  All unique and different.  The conflict between Chuuya and Shirase stemming from Shirase's 15 betrayal, and Shirase never forgiving Chuuya and then learning the truth...finally coming to terms with the fact that Chuuya still (bizarrely) cares about him and wants to protect him.
The hilarious relationship between Adam and Chuuya! How Chuuya felt he was a hindrance and an irritation, to grudging cooperation having no other choice, to his shock and horror when Adam died, and then the genuine smile on his face when Adam came back and he went up to interact with him at the end.  I guess that means that Adam is currently alive??  God I would LOVE to see spin-off stories with Chuuya and Adam.  That relationship is so fun!!!
Shirase was hilarious XDD.  It was very interesting to see what had become of him post 15.  His interactions with Adam were also gold ^^
Verlaine was amazing.  He was like an AU version of Chuuya in terms of personality.  The tension between him and Chuuya was sooo goooood.  His ability to completely overwhelm Chuuya again and again 😁😁😁 so good!  The whump feeling OMGGGG.  Chuuya has the best most whump-inducing screams I swear 💗💗😂😂 
The moments when Verlaine decides to help Chuuya out, but then Chuuya takes the moment to turn on him as he’s the actual aggressor instead of the scientist!
And the true haunting aspect of Verlaine's Ability. The stage play has very simple effects, but god are they effective.  I had literal chills down my spine when they showed the horrific, haunting visage.  It was just such a visceral feeling, the haunting, the evil.  Very reminiscent of that moment in 15 where they showed the beast they called Arahabaki, but as if I was actually there to experience it.  Such a good moment.
There was the silly moment of Mori and Dazai's dance introduction together (I love Mori!) they have such a silly relationship here XDDD.
The moment where Mori suggests to Dazai that he and Chuuya commit double suicide when all else seems hopeless, and the look in Dazai's face XDDDD
The actor timing and special effects use for the Abilities!  Especially with Verlain’s Ability, the way he throws people around looks so realistic!  For as simple as it is, leagues and leagues beyond similar things I’ve seen in actual movies.  It was as believable as if one was watching Ability use occur in real life.
And then the 'ending credits' - the dance at the end with all the characters.  It was like Chuuya reliving the moments that had happened.  The happiness with his Mafia friends, chased by his face falling when he remembers they're gone, and the way his mouth twists and he looks up like he's trying not to cry.  The moments where he's surrounded by all the antagonists, how he wants to resist, but then having no other recourse he starts to dance with them, unable to resist fate.
It was just so good!!!
I think that's all I have to brain dump on ^^  I'll have another after I see the English sub ^^  And once I finish translating the novel, it'll be interesting to compare details ^^
See the full post
18 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Chuuya fans!  Just like the Storm Bringer virtual stream, Granrodeo (the band of Chuuya’s Japanese voice actor, Taniyama Kishou, that performed Deadly Drive, Trash Candy, Setsuna no Ai, and Darkness my Sorrow) is doing a stream!  Until Sunday, Sept 18th only, you can buy a ticket to watch the archive stream all this week!
I’ve been in Japan for several of their concerts, and they are amazing!  And to my knowledge, this is a first, and certainly a first for foreign fans!
The only downside is, their site says that streaming is only available to  Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.  They have a test stream that you can navigate to, so I would test that with a vpn if you’re not in one of those regions.
Had no issues purchasing a ticket - they accept only VISA, MasterCard,and Alipay, so unfortunately no paypal or other methods.
Definitely encourage fans to support and check it out if you can!  Let’s hope they will continue to keep their overseas fans in mind!!! 💕💕💕
22 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Bungou Stray Dogs: Stress Relief
God, it’s good to be short.  Chuuya sighed, stretching out the length of the bathtub on the 26th floor of the Ritz Carlton.  He breathed out, the sigh rippling through his muscles, relaxing them after the long day.
The sounds echoed in the cavernous bathroom.  Chuuya stretched up, gazing out the window at the neon lights of the city of Jakarta. He crossed his arms and nestled his chin on them, as he peered out the gap under the automated shutter.  He could see people moving about in the building across.  Steam wafted in the warm air.  His back was still tender from the waterfall shower, aptly named.  Glass walls and inlaid stone floor, he thought about installing one in his home.  Large pellets of water thundering about him, a pelting massage, the soft roar filling his ears.  It was by all means the best shower that he could remember.  
Chuuya reached for the hand towel hanging off of the bar below the sink.  With dry hands, he picked up his phone, laying the towel on the ledge of the tub.  
Slug!  Fancy a drink?
Chuuya’s mouth twisted into a smile.  It was no surprise his former partner had ended up at the same hotel.  They’d grown similar tastes for ostentatious finery over the years.  Or at least, Dazai had grown familiar enough with Chuuya’s tastes.  
Chuuya gripped the edges of the tub to hoist himself up.  Maybe he would even bring the man back to his room for some even deeper relaxation.
22 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
BSD FANS!  Storm Bringer will be STREAMING LIVE ONLINE!!  You can easily get your tickets here!  And another great part is, that later on, there will be an archive stream with ENGLISH SUBTITLES!  So for all you BSD fans who aren’t fluent yet in Japanese (maybe that’s me >.>) you can get allllll the goodness later on too!!!
36 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I really think the fandom is missing out on Adam/Chuuya fanfics.  That relationship (platonic or otherwise) is GOLD.  Would love to see more of that.  Android - human friendship?  Lends itself really well to cyberpunk or scifi or dystopian AUs as well!  Hope it picks up steam after the English stageplay drop.  Heck, I’m eager to write it myself after I get more of Adam’s character after the English sub. Totally unrelated to the robot-human Chuuya fic I’m currently writing, but you know, there could be some similarities there XD
38 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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so I've read SB and you know that scene at the end? where Chuuya finally became executive and he goes to see his parents and encounters Akutagawa and Higuchi on the way? yeah so uh. when did Higuchi join the mafia exactly?? like Chuuya is ~16 in that scene right? so Higuchi would be ~14? I mean her exact age isn't known but I assume she's around Akutagawa's age. so like. she was Akutagawa's driver even at 14? she's been around the mafia for that long? what even is her backstory? how did she get there? ASAGIRI-SENSEI I NEED ANSWERS
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lethalcrown · 8 years
Brannon of the Wildfire and Mala Fire-Bringer
So, I was re-reading empire of storms for the, idk, 7500 gazillionth time(spoiler alert, btw) and just getting so weepy at the witch mirror scene with Brannon and Elena, b/c it’s gotta be so hard for the sort of honorable, devoted, and protective Fae male that we all know Brannon would be to lose his mate, lose Athril(though I think that happened a while before), and then have what he considered to be his burden cast off on some unknowing descendant of his. Anyway, I just kind of needed to write some plotless fluff in which Brannon is being King of Terrasen happily mated to Mala who gets to totally terrify the court of Terrasen, Erawan hasn’t come back to bite them yet, and his biggest concern is if his precious daughter is ever gonna dump that Havilliard loser. Any feedback would be much appreciated, and I’ll totally continue this if people like it. I just think he deserves a little happiness, b/c we all know what sort of happiness he got in cannon. Enjoy!
“You scared away all the servants again.”
Brannon leaned against the chiseled stone doorway, his tone laced with amusement. For all that he was imposing, broad and muscled, armored and armed even in his finer clothes, his eyes were warm and expression soft as he beheld his mate sitting before her vanity.
Mala exhaled a frustrated huff of air and threw her hands up, spinning on her stool to face him. “They hover, and fuss, and look at me as if I’m about to smite them at any given moment.” She lowered her hands back to her hair, continuing to work on weaving it into the intricate crown festooned with kingsflame blossoms. “Anyway, I don’t need them. I’m perfectly capable of doing my own hair and clothes.”
He tilted his head to her, his long, loose red-gold hair brushing past his shoulders. “Well, I can’t argue with you there.” A smile curved across his lips as he took in her stunning appearance.
The flowers in her hair emphasized the brighter natural colors – red, orange, and gold – while contrasting with the darker sable and ebony streaks. She wore no cosmetics, as any would have detracted from that radiant, otherworldly allure that emanated from her. Her angular, proud features and large eyes of dancing, living blue wildfire with gold and red flecks swimming in them were captivating and wild.
And her dress was a true masterpiece, although Brannon supposed many of his court would think it scandalous. Sewn from a thin, gossamer, dark red fabric, the gown was practically sleeveless and strapless, with only small bands of fabric gathered around her upper arms to hold it up. There were long vertical oval cutouts on either side of her waist, revealing expanses of her glowing toffee-bronze skin that he longed to brush his fingers over. Strands of golden beads were strung side to side across the openings. A gilded leather belt, intricately tooled into complex Terrasen knots, emphasized her slim waist, and her belt buckle, earrings, and pendants were all fine golden suns.
Mala met his eyes and smiled almost shyly, softly. Even after so long in the mortal world, with him, she was uncertain in situations with less familiar individuals. Not that anyone would ever have guessed it from her haughty, confrontational manner that was her most common mask. There were few who even saw past that, only Brannon, their children, and their closest friends. And these shy smiles were his and his alone.
She stood, and went to dig shoes out from under the dresser, where they often ended up after being kicked aside. “Remind me again what we’re supposed to be doing tonight?”
Brannon rolled his eyes at her. “It’s Beltane, sweetheart. Bonfires and dancing and music and food.” At the wicked glimmer he caught in her eye, he amended his first statement. “Controlled bonfires, love. We cannot torch our courtiers, no matter how much you feel they may deserve it at the time.”
Mala huffed an annoyed breath, sounding almost petulant as she slipped on the gilded leather sandals. “It’s not my fault, the way they look at me. You’d think it was unusual, to be a god reborn in a mortal form.”
“Not mortal to them,” Brannon corrected, reaching out to clasp her delicate yet tough hand and run a calloused finger over the fine golden ring that adorned it. His other hand raised to the side of her face, brushing over Mala’s silken hair and tracing that delicate point before pulling her into an embrace. “To them, blind as they are, you are one of the Fae. As immortal and glorious as I am to them, as you are even now to me.”
Her eyes half closed, she gave a rumbling hum of pleasure at their physical contact, the noise resonating through the both of them. He bent his head to her throat, nipping and tracing her flawless skin with his pointed canines. Mala tipped her head back, purring throatily at the contact, and Brannon loosed a deep, guttural growl in response.
He was certain they would have been there far longer, and been much later than he’d intended, were it not for the pounding on the door to their chamber, pulling them out of the haze they’d fallen into. So quickly and easily, gods, would the intensity ever lessen between them?
“Father, I swear if you’re doing anything in there, stop it immediately!” The demand caused Mala to pull half away from him reluctantly, softly snarling at the interruption.
“Come in!” Brannon called back, leaving the space between them, but not relinquishing his hold on her arm.
The door opened and Zhaelr stepped in, obviously prepared to cover his eyes should there be anything less than appropriate going on. Obvious relief crossed his face at the almost decent space between Brannon and Mala, although his brows rose at her attire. “Gods above, mother, do you make it your personal goal to scandalize everyone who crosses your path tonight?”
She halfheartedly hissed at him. “I do as I please.”
“A thoroughly undiplomatic attitude,” Zhaelr commented. “Honestly, I don’t know where I got my civilized attitudes and negotiation skills from, as both of you have your intensely politically useless points.”
“I’m assuming you came to fetch us because we were going to be late?” Brannon queried, not bothering to correct his son’s quip. Neither he nor Mala were known for being mild or agreeable, and their political sense combined was certainly far less than Zhaelr’s. Brannon actually considered it a small miracle that they weren’t at war more often, considering that his upbringing had certainly not prepared him for ruling a court and Mala tended towards the incinerate first, negotiate later side of things.
Zhaelr grimaced. “I came to fetch you early enough so you wouldn’t have time to get into anything that would make you late.” He spoke through gritted teeth, trying his best to delicately address the fact that Mala and Brannon were notorious for showing up to any event that required finery very late, if at all.
“Well, I applaud your devotion to protocol, even if I do wish you hadn’t shown up,” Brannon inclined his head to Zhaelr as he headed for the door. Zhaelr looked almost sick at that comment, glaring at Mala as she smirked at him and followed Brannon to the door. He followed them reluctantly out into the halls.
“So as an official protocol advisor,” Mala said with a wicked grin on her face, “what, precisely, is expected of us this Beltane?”
Zhaelr glared at her, his flaming blue eyes sparking with gold and red, identical to her own. “Well, you know what event this is, which is more than I even expected from you.”
“Any important guests tonight?” Brannon cut in before she could quip back, earning him a sharp look from his mate. But Zhaelr and Mala could bicker for hours. Zhaelr was far milder than either of his parents, despite bearing the gift of fire, his mother’s eyes, and his father’s hair, but Mala did so love to antagonize him upon occasion, particularly as he had interrupted them earlier.
Zhaelr straightened and turned his gaze back to Brannon. “There’s an envoy from Melisande who got here yesterday. They were nervous and strained—an effect that you two seem to have on far too many people—but we are at peace with them. And the Eyllwe Queen arrived this morning-,”
“Oh, her,” Mala purred. “I like her.”
Brannon smiled at that. The fierce warrior-queen Navayha was good friends with both of them, but was also one of the few females Mala considered her friends. “Anyone else?”
“Rhalyn should be coming, but he hasn’t arrived yet from his cabin.” Zhaelr’s eyes flashed with that mix of affection and annoyance that was always present when he spoke of his older brother, Brannon and Mala’s firstborn child. With his father’s brandy eyes and sable hair that came from his mother, Rhalyn out of all their children was the most like Brannon at heart. He had immense fire magic, and his wild temper, passion, and good humor combined made him both a fearsome warrior, and a prince beloved by Terrasen. He had mated five years ago, to a male who had fled from Maeve’s court, a powerful water-wielder and healer. Orozir’s gentleness and compassion tempered the mighty warrior’s fiery spirit. Brannon was pleased that his son had found such a mate, had found such love, and had immediately accepted the young male into his family and inner circle.
“They’ll get here in time,” Brannon said.
Zhaelr snorted at that. “Not on time, I’m sure. They’re even worse than you, from the perspective of punctuality.” He eyed his father, his expression faltering into a slightly more nervous state.
Brannon frowned. “So who else is coming? Who could possibly make you nervous?”
“I’m nervous of you, not him.” Zhaelr locked eyes with him. “Because Elena invited her Havilliard prince. Gavin Havilliard is here.”
Brannon stopped dead in his tracks, Mala beside him, an involuntary guttural growl rumbling in his chest, his elongated canines bared at the thought. That damned prince that his daughter was so enamored with…
“And this is why I didn’t want to tell you,” Zhaelr said, eyeing his father as Brannon struggled to regain his self-control. “But I figured it would be even worse to not tell you, and have you do something stupid enough to cause not only a war we do not need with Adarlan, but an irreparable rift with El. Such as incinerating him. Or tearing him limb from limb with your bare hands.”
“In other words, such things as a father is entitled to do when his daughter becomes interested in a male.” Brannon pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on.
If he was not allowed to incinerate this Gavin, it would be a long night.
So, that’s what I have so far. If anyone is interested, please let me know. It was really fun to write, as I’ve always found myself really fascinated by the tiny, tiny bits we get about Brannon, or Athril, or Mala. I’ve thought a lot about writing something about Brannon and Athril’s friendship, or the beginning of Mala and Brannon’s relationship, so if anyone is interested in anything like that, I might write something along those lines.
All the original characters are my own invention. If you recognize it, it belongs to Sarah j Maas. Sorry about the names of the OCs. I literally make up names by coming up with something that I think sounds cool and putting in a few of what I personally think of as the Uniquifying letters. (generally y, h, k, z, or x)
Thank you so much for reading. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, as it’s been a while since I’ve written any fanfiction at all, and I haven’t done any yet in the Throne of Glass series.
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