microbihon · 8 months
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Cover 3 for Minakai: Monster Tamer by MightySkrow! This is for the upcoming Volume 3! Consider reading it ^^ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/68520/minakai-monster-tamer
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
Shiga Prefecture is truly an underrated place. It’s located just outside of Kyoto. I went to Hikone on my previous trip instead of heading to the crowded Kyoto one day. It was a nice change of scenery where there’s hardly any tourist around. 
Hikone Castle
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If you want an authentic castle experience that is not as crowded as Osaka Castle, you can visit Hikone Castle. The difference is that Osaka Castle is more like a museum where there are a lot of historical information and displays while Hikone Castle is well, more of a Castle, it’s preserved just the way it was. And you got a view of Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan!
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There’s also a mascot of a Cat called Hikonyan, which I remembered was swarmed by locals for photos. Legend has it that the Castle Lord, Ii Naotaka was saved from a lightning strike when a white cat beckoned him to a nearby shelter at a temple. Since then the Cat became a symbol of good omen for House Ii so the mascot wears the iconic Samurai helmet of House Ii today.
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At the time I wasn’t aware there was a confectionary store nearby but according to this article, there is a western-style confectionery called, Minakai, located at Yumekyobashi Castle Road, which runs beside Hikone Castle. A place where you can chill after walking around the Castle, eating cakes and drinking juice!
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You can find out more hidden gems in Shiga Prefecture like this at the link above or here.
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lovelaetter · 2 years
its my bday soon (on the 23rd, a bitch gonna be 19 😤) and i keep fantasizing of being treated to top tier birthday sex by either soft dom Chaewon or mommy Jihyo i cant choose 😭
happy birthday in advance!
elaborating on mommy jihyo bc why not… anyways, just, best mommy! definitely dom, but i would say neither a top nor a bottom, she likes fucking you the same amount she likes ordering you on how to fuck her, it’s 50/50. that being said, 69 the perfect position, especially you on top of her because she likes playfully spanking you while eating you out. dirty talks a lot during it too, calling you a good girl, how nicely you’re going to make her cum <3
cliché, i know, everyone says this, but i think she really loves when you pay attention to her tits… when you ride her thigh and play with them? god, it’s heaven for her, seeing her pretty girl come undone like that, moaning loudly with you when you cum because you always grop her a bit too hard and it’s so good!
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 8 months
My Little Shadow: Part twelve (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: Kidnapping.
Part eleven Part thirteen
Tag list: @mis-lil-red @bubybubsters @luvmoo @rorel1a @minakay
We sat there for another half an hour, before my patience ran out.  “He apologized.”  I said, shifting uncomfortably.
After getting her answers, Y/N demands to be brought home, and of course something else is wrong.
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“What for?”  Azriel asked, having adjusted so he’s hanging a little less awkwardly in the net.
I cross my arms.  “Why don’t you tell me what other me forgave you for first?”  I say, turning back towards him.  It wasn’t quite winter yet, but it was still cold, and I found myself shivering.
I was surprised as Azriel and my shadows wrapped around me, warming me up.  Azriel bit his lip as he saw it.
“She- it forgave me for not- for what I did with Elain.”  He said, almost too quiet for me to hear.
I scoff.  “It’s more forgiving than I am.”
He’s quiet for a moment, then he says, “I’m sorry.”
I look at him out of the corner of my eye, and his eyes are round and sad, and it’s an effort not to feel bad for him.
I wasn’t done roasting him over the fire yet.
“You have nothing to apologize for.  I mean, it’s not like you told Mor you liked me, only for her to push me to tell you.”  I glare at him.  “Was that all some big joke for you?  Am I your entertainment for the month?”
He flinched as if I struck him.  “Gods no Y/n, I didn’t-”  He swallowed nervously.  It was strange to see him like this, nervous and unsure of himself.  “I didn’t think she would tell you.  Or if she did, that you would want me like that.”
I pause.  “Then why?  Why were you fucking Elain in the kitchen when I came in then?  If you cared about me like-”  My voice cracked and I looked away.
“Because she was there, and she said it was nothing more than just- I knew that you wouldn’t want me, and it was a stupid decision.”
“I do like you, why do you think I was so angry?”  I hiss, and his eyes meet mine, and he finally sees the sorrow and desperation.
“I lived in a place where everyone was horrible and tried to stab you in the back every five seconds.  I’ve loved you for a few weeks now, and I knew, I just knew if I told you it wouldn’t end well.”  I laugh, the sound empty and cold.  “And what do you know, I was right.”
“No.  No Y/N-  I love you.”  He says it, and I freeze.
“You’re just saying that so I let you down.”  I mutter, looking away so he doesn’t see the hope blooming in my eyes.
Goddamn it, I should hate him.
But I didn’t.
I still wasn’t ready to forgive him though.
“Too fucking late Az.  Too late.”  I say, getting up and going over to the net.  I took the dagger I had stabbed the Graile with, and cut the ropes.  I realized that they had been infused with Faebane.
He fell to the ground with a heavy thud, and I fought back the tears that were threatening to spill yet again.  “Take me home Azriel.  I want to go home.”
He doesn’t speak, but he takes my hand, and I try not to flinch away as he pulls me close and his shadows wrap around us.  Right before we’re there, I feel a dark shimmering string go taut in my chest, and I gasp.  Azriel has the same wide eyed look on his face, but before we can discuss it, we’re in my home.
I want to say something, anything, because I knew what this was, this was the bond. Azriel and I were mates.
I opened my mouth to speak, but paused.  Something was wrong.
Azriel apparently doesn’t notice the change in the house, stumbling away and turning to leave in a rush.
“Azriel don-”  I start, but I’m too late.  He opens the front door and I am suddenly blinded.  I blink away the brightness, and when I look back, he is gone.  There are only strange sigils on the ground around the doorway.
“Y/N!”  My sister screams from upstairs, and I waste no time running up the stairwell and searching for Stella.
I throw the doors open until I find the room she's in, tied to a chair at the end of her bed, tears streaking down her eyes.
I rush over to her, undoing her bonds and pulling her into my arms.  She sobs into my chest as I examine her.  No visible injuries.
“Are you okay?”  I ask, and she shakes her head.  “Dad was here.”  She whispers, and I freeze up.
Oh god.
They had been trying to get me, and now they had Azriel.
As I held Stella in my arms, I knew that Azriel could take care of himself.
At least, I hoped so.
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“How did this happen?”  Rhysand asked me frantically.
As soon as I established that they hadn’t done anything to stella besides tie her up, I had rushed to the river house, hoping to find help for Azriel.
“I don’t know!  There was some sort of spell on the front door.  I think it was meant for me, not Azriel.”  I say, rushing off to get weapons.
This time, they were following my lead.
I knew what my father was, and I knew most of his hiding places.  If anyone could find Azriel in the depths of Hewn city, it was me.
I wasn’t going to leave my mate in his hands, I don’t care how angry I was with Azriel.  I’m not that cruel.
He was my mate.
The fact slammed into me once again, and I had to struggle for breath.
My father had kidnapped my mate, and now Azriel could be hurt, or worse.  I didn’t feel anything from the bond, like I’ve been told you should be able to, which only made my panic worse.
“Where would they have taken him?”  Feyre asks, and I hurry to shove yet more weapons onto my person.
Even Nesta’s group was coming.  This was more than just disobeying a highlord, they had kidnapped his friend.
Rhysand was going to bring everything he had.
“Hewn City, other than that, we’re just going to have to check all the hiding places.”  I say, storming back into the main room where Cassian and Rhysand were dressed in pitch black armor, not unlike the stuff the usually wore at Hewn city.  Morrirgan and Amren in another corner, and then Nesta’s circle of friends.
They all turn to me as I enter the room, and I realize they’re waiting for me to tell them what to do.
“We need to go to Hewn City, and we need to keep this as quiet as possible.”  I say, surprised at how steely and commanding my voice comes out.  “If they hear anything about this, they will interfere either in hopes of rewards, or to see us fail.”
I nod to Rhysand.  “Let’s go save our friend.”
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vex91 · 1 year
Ahn Yujin - More than good enough
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: @minakai
Request: hellooooo :) can I request a Yujin X fem! reader where the reader is insecure over how she looks and thus feels she isnt good enough for Yujin? :D
Summary: Yujin starts getting worried after she notices how her girlfriend started acting differently.
Warning(s): Mentions of insecurities
A/N: Man I love Yujin💕 Thanks for requesting for her😄
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3rd's POV
Yujin knew you.
You were together for 2 years now but were friends for 10 so it was safe to say that she knew you like the back of her hand or maybe even better. She knew you better than she knew herself so it wasn't shocking that she quickly noticed your change in behavior.
It started with a few cancelled outside dates and just deciding to stay at your house or her dorm, then it was lessening physical contact with her which meant no kisses and hugs and in the end it was a lack of any contact.
Yujin was getting more and more worried and countless possibilities for your current behavior swarmed her head, for example the ones that she didn't even wanted to think about like you stopping having feelings for her and being scared to tell her. She prayed that it wasn't that.
After many ignored calls and silence from your end, Yujin used her day off to visit you at your house. When she got there, she wasn't surprised that you didn't opened the door. You were avoiding her after all. Yujin used a spare key that you gave her in case of any emergencies and immediately went to your bedroom.
The door were open so it gave Yujin a clear view of inside and what she saw broke her heart. You stood in front of the mirror while frowning at your own reflection. It looked like you could see so many ugly things about yourself while Yujin couldn't see it, you were the most beautiful person for her.
Yujin came up to you from behind quietly and swiftly pulled you into her, pressing your back into her chest while hugging you tightly. You tried to escape but her comforting embrace calmed you down and you let her hug you. Your girlfriend started leaving gentle kisses on your shoulder while keeping eye contact with you through the mirror.
"You're beautiful" Was all Yujin said and before you could look away and deny, she turned your head to the side and looked you directly in the eyes before continuing "I love you for who you are. I fell in love with you for your personality and your looks. No matter how many times you will say or think that you're ugly, I will tell you otherwise many times more because for me you couldn't be more beautiful than you are right now" At the end of her speech you had tears in your eyes.
You looked down and whispered "Do you really think that I'm good enough to be with you?" Yujin cracked a sad but sincere smile at that and said "You're more than good enough baby" before kissing you sweetly. Your lips moved together and you could feel everything that she wanted to tell you through that kiss.
She knew that it'll take some time before both of you get through it but she was going to be there to assure you of her love through it all.
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witchofhimring · 2 months
Loyalty teaser (chapter 13)
True to his word, Lady Jenna entered, alone. "My dear Y/n. It must have been a long journey." She gave you a hug and then looked down at Owen. "He is a very handsome boy. You named him after your father?" "Yes, My Lady." A door opened and a maid entered holding a tray. She placed it on the writing desk and departed. Lady Jenna waited till she left before telling out to sit. "It is good to see you after so long. And you have been a wonderful source of information." This felt more than slightly demeaning. You felt no more than a prop used by Lady Jenna. In return for all your service she had situated you here. "When will I have my ladies?" Lady Jenna took a sip of wine. "I will have Lady Cerilla attend you." She might as well have poured a bucket of cold water over your head. 'P....pardon my Lady Jenna. Lady Cerilla." You prayed that it was a mistake, perhaps there was another Lady Cerilla. But that hope was quickly dashed when a familiar red headed girl slunk in, a sneer upon her pale face.
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misataba · 3 years
so ive been binging tsurune today and,,,,, i expected wayyyy more people to ship minato x kaito. like i get why the popular pairings from this show are popular but like cmon... CMON. they have so much,,,,, chemistry !!!!! like there were only FIVE fics for them on ao3... its gonna be six after i write one, but im still hurt that people arent on the same wavelength as me. :((((((((((
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enbyboiwonder · 3 years
Could Minato even be called Kaito’s significant annoyance if he doesn’t annoy him on purpose? I’ve been thinking about this because apparently one of my favorite ship dynamics is “tsundere and their significant annoyance” - “significant” being the same as the “significant” in “significant other” lol
The only one who purposely annoys Kaito is Nanao, but in his case, he’d be his significant annoyance as in he annoys him significantly
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professorpski · 4 years
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Interweave Knits, Spring 2020
Spring is upon us and the spring knitting patterns are coming out. Since I knit so slowly as a beginner, I figure I should really be working on fall patterns right now, but here goes.
This issue spotlights different fibers which makes sense as spring needs it. So you see at top made of Icelandic lambswool in natural shades of white, black, brown, and greys, the Islenska Shawl by Jennifer Miller Comstock which is only marked 2 out of 4 on the difficulty scale. Look close and you will notice that the Old Shale stitch, aka Feather and Fan stitch, is used along the multi colors. Yes, the same pattern that I muffed in my scarf that I posted yesterday.
Then there is a yellow Gilt Lace Cardigan by Susanna Ic which also used lace stitches and is more difficult because it involves shaping. That is a linen cotton from KnitPicks. More exotic is the Arctic Headband by Kate Scalzo made from Musk Ox Farm Qiviut, yes, musk ox, those big, dark brown, furry creatures with horns. You don’t shear them, you comb out their downy winter undercoats according to the accompanying article by Sophia Minakais. Extremely warm and soft. Last is the Heartwood Cardigan on the cover is made of linen yarn in the perfect spring green and designed by Donna Estin.
Lots more of course, and you can find it on your newsstand, your local bookstore or here online: https://www.interweave.com/interweave-knits-magazine/
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minakaiindustries · 6 years
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“Oh hey, I think we have met before, but under completely different circumstances, but I think I can finally introduce myself with no form of issue or interruption.”
She extends a hand, smiling kindly.
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“Minako Kaiba, at your service. Welcome to MinaKai Industries, I’m so happy to a speak with you in person.”
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microbihon · 9 months
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Cover 2 for Minakai: Monster Tamer by MightySkrow! Go give it a read ^^ https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/68520/minakai-monster-tamer
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nanamikeento · 3 years
i’m sad and need some left frankie in my life this print from your prompt list just screams nervous frankie. could you please write anything with it!!! “I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… it reminded me of you.” p.s. i love u and your writing
a welcome surprise
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gif by @pcdrospascals
Pairing: Frankie Morales x female!reader
Summary: Frankie comes home with a surprise, but ends up getting caught off guard by you.
a/n:  hey anon, I hope you’re doing okay!!! Sorry this took too long to answer ): but I wrote something very sweet (or at least I tried to) for you! hope you like it!
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
The house is quiet when Frankie makes himself in, the lights are off save from the dim one coming from the TV. He figures you’re in the living room, watching your favorite show as you wait for him to return from his night out with his friends. Like you always do.
He silently closes the door, takes off his jacket and places his keys in the ceramic bowl next to the door. His shoes come off next, trying to be as quiet as possible, Frankie walks to the kitchen and notices a pamphlet on the dining table. Curious, he takes a look to find it’s about an animal adoption fair that’ll happen in the next weekend at the park just next corner to where you both live. A smile tugs the corner of his lips as he remembers you telling him about it the day before. Your enthusiasm made him laugh at the time, as you reminded him that you’ve always wanted a cat but never was able to when living with your parents, due to your father being allergic to cat hair.
While Frankie is grateful for the small apartment you both just recently moved in, the idea of already adopting an animal doesn’t really please him. But he can tell you won’t give up easily.
With a sigh, he walks to the living room where he finds you asleep on the couch. Carefully, he leans in and presses his lips on your forehead making you suck a breath and mumble his name. His hands automatically tug on the soft blanket covering you as he says softly,
“Got space for one more?”
You scoot over so he can lay next to you and, even with the tight space from the couch, he curls himself on you, pulling your warm body on his.
“How was it?” You ask in a sleepy voice, referring to his night out with the boys as you bury your face on his neck.
“The same,” he answers, shrugging a little, “I missed you a lot.”
Frankie feels you smile on his skin, “It’s been like three hours.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence, save for the commercial playing on the TV in the background, and Frankie is almost asleep when you speak.
“Did you see the pamphlet?”
“What pamphlet?” He plays dumb for a moment, but you know him like the back of your hand.
“You saw it.” A soft laugh escapes your lips and your breath fan over his neck, “I think we should get a cat.”
It’s Frankie’s turn to laugh, “Oh, you think?”
“Yeah…” He can hear the smile in your voice, “I know you’re more of a dog person, but I…” You trail off, letting out a soft sigh.
You’re right. Frankie was never someone who likes cats, preferring dogs much more. But lately, you’ve been talking about it a lot, looking for animal shelters on the internet, giving him hints about getting one. Tonight, you’re bolder, actually asking him about it.
Frankie notices the sleep in your voice and smiles softly, he gently presses his lips against yours before climbing off the couch and taking your hand.
“I’ll think about it, sweetheart,” he says, “For now, let’s just go to bed.”
You let him pull you off the couch and guide you to the bedroom, unaware of his plans already set for the weekend.
Days later, Frankie steps inside the apartment with a smile on his face and his heart thumping inside his chest with excitement. He calls your name as he toes off his shoes and shrugs his jacket off. You come to him running, a worried look on your face. A look that faded away when you saw he was okay, closing the door with a box in hands.
“I have something for you.” He beams at you, walking to the dining table and setting the box on it, pushing towards you.
“I need to tell–”
“First.” He interrupts you by pressing a kiss to your lips and cupping your cheek, “Please open it. Whatever you have to tell me can wait.”
A sigh left your lips and you nodded, turning to open the box. Your movements freeze and your jaw drops when you see what’s inside.
A black kitty mewls inside, curiously looking at its surroundings. Frankie notices your reaction isn’t the one he’s been waiting for. His own smile drops from his face as he starts to get nervous, saying your name in a question. When you don’t respond, he starts rambling.
“I’m sorry. I should have asked first, just… I saw it in a petshop window and it-it reminded me of you.”
“Frankie–” You whisper and then start laughing, reaching to pet the curious kitty.
“What? What’s wrong? I thought you’d–”
“Nothing is wrong.” You turn to face him with tears in your eyes, “Just– Wait here.”
You take a deep breath and leave for the bedroom. When you come back you have a cat in your arms. Not a kitty, a grown gray haired cat and when Frankie sees it, he starts laughing too.
“I went to the animal shelter after work just to look,” you explain, letting the cat sit on the table along with the kitty on the box, “But I couldn’t resist. It reminded me of you too.”
Frankie smiles reaching to pet the senior cat as you scoop the smaller one in your arms. It meows quietly and you smile at that, while he tugs at the gray cat collar, looking to the nametag.
“Really?” He says, giving you a stern look, but a smile tugs the corner of his lips.
“I told you it reminded me of you.” You shrug, laughing at his expression, “Besides, I didn’t name him. His old owner named him Catfish.”
“Right.” He narrows his eyes at you, “Then, I’m calling this one Little Liar.” He scratches under the kitten chin, making you laugh and beam at him.
“Thank you, Frankie,” you murmur, “Really.”
He leans in to press his lips against yours, the hair of his moustache tickling your upper lip, “I’d do anything for you.”
You melt at his words, smiling and cupping his cheek with your free hand.
“I love you.” He says.
Your response was interrupted by the sound of a meow from Catfish – the cat. You both laugh as he tries to rub his face on Frankie’s hand.
“Not you!”
“Frankie!” You scold him, laughing, “He loves you already. And I do too.”
Frankie gives you a warm smile and a wink. You both sigh content with your growing family, and Frankie thinks this might be not too bad.
Not if he has you by his side.
please, fill this form if you want to be tagged in any of my stuff!!
Permanent taglist: @huliabitch @mistermiraclee @gooddaykate @forever-rogue @bestintheparsec @hiscyarika @haildoodles-writing @aerynwrites @xserenax-13 @hayley-the-comet @manuphantom @giselatropicana @wonderfulfluffer @justanotherblonde23 @hereforthesunrise @mitchi-c @crossfitjesusinblackskinnyjeans @marvgrrl @nominbalnebula @theocatkov @opheliaelysia @buckysalefty @din-damn-djarin @the-wishmonger @spacenerdpascal @adikaofmandalore @goldafterglow @phoenixhalliwell @heythere80sbaby @petersunderoos96 @dinsbeskar @aerolanya @artsymaddie @rebelliouscat @lou-la-lou @notabotiswear @tatiadventures @aerolanya @missstef23 @eternallyvenus @strangelittlenobody @pedritomando @ajeff855 @phoenixhalliwell
Pedro Pascal characters: @murdermewithbooks @greeneyedblondie44 @stacyc808  @cheekygeek05  @eveandthestars @imnotinlove-thisisnotyoursong @jenrebloggingfics @mandocrest @jeeperky @lou-la-lou @hugmekenobi @minakay @obsessivelysearching @wifeofdindjarin @freeshavocadoooo @mssbridgerton
Frankie taglist:   @kingpascals  @jedi-mando   @azem-thefourteenth @cyaredindjarin @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @mrsparknuts @autumnleaves1991-blog @astroboots @hugmekenobi @rosiefridayrogersunday @computeringturtle @amethystlily @emzd34 @thedevilwearsbeskar @littlebopper96 @sarahjkl82-blog  @kennedywxlsh @dybalalover10 @terrormonster55
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lovelaetter · 2 years
bro first i just wanna say i love ur writing so much ❣️
second... i just want Chaewon to soft dom me IM SO WEAK IN THE KNEES FOR HER
like having her praise me and call me beautiful during sex UFF ID NEVER FEEL INSECURE AGAIN
thank you, love 🥺🤍
i perceive chaewon as more submissive but i’ve said it already, she’s definitely a switch! and you’re right because she’s a soft dom and her main focus is to make you feel good. it’s all about soft praises and encouragements, very intimate, caressing your body as you ride her, playing with your clit and saying things like “you can do it, baby, c’mon” or “you look so pretty like this”… the softest :(
she can be rougher too but only if you ask nicely and she will be stopping all the time to ask how it feels, if you’re comfortable.
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 8 months
My Little Shadow: Epilogue/ Part fifteen (Azriel x Reader) Final Part
Warnings: OOF, jealous Elain, smut, smut AND MORE SMUT- Oral, F-receiving, fingering, shadow bondage play, and Y/N losing her virginity to her mate!
Part fourteen (I will be starting another series once the vote I started ends, you can find it here
Tag list: @mis-lil-red @bubybubsters @luvmoo @rorel1a @minakay @foreverrandomwritings Note! If any of you want to be on my Azriel tag list for *any* stories involving him, please message me! I'm still new to tag lists 😅
After healing, you and Azriel find some alone time, and talk about the future a little bit.
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I couldn’t help but laugh as I felt cool hands wrap around my midsection, hugging me from behind.
Azriel pulled me into a hug, nuzzling my neck and breathing in my scent.  “Hello, what have you been up to?”  He asked in a pleased tone of voice.
I was told Rhys had found us in the hall, the both of us passed out from our injuries.
Apparently, the collapse had killed all those people following Meave, and of course Meave herself.
With Madja’s help, we had healed extraordinarily fast, almost none of my injuries had scarred over, healed over as if they had never been there in the first place.
Except for my hands, which now matched Azriel’s.
“Not much, just reading.”  I say with a grin, putting down the book I had been so invested in.
He chuckled, and I sighed sadly as he pulled away, taking his warmth with him.
“I’m going to have to go again, I’m needed at the townhouse.”  He said, petting my hair comfortingly.
I couldn’t help but to whirl around, biting my lip in worry.  “Will Elain be there?”  I ask, trying to seem less worried about it than I am, even though it’s a lost cause.
He frowns a bit, worry crinkling his brow.  “I promise you Y/N, there is nothing there.  I love you, and only you.”
I looked away, crossing my arms, I knew I looked pouty, but I didn’t care.  “It’s not you I’m worried about.”
Elain had been strange to me since Azriel and I announced the bond, and if I didn’t know any better she was purposely trying to make my life hard at times.
“I’m sorry my little shadow, but you know that you’re the only one I want, right?”  He said, smiling down softly at me.
I don’t know what spurs me, but I say with the utmost confidence, “Why don’t you show me then?”
His eyes go wide, and I immediately think I’ve gone too far, getting ready to run off and hide.
He pulls me forward and traps my mouth in his, kissing me deeply and exploring my mouth with his tongue.
I shiver as he pulls away, his eyes darkened with lust.  “When I get back shadow, I’ll show you exactly how much I want you.”
And with that he disappears, leaving me with my legs snapped shut tightly and hands shaking.
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I make an effort to not think about Azriel while he's gone, one so I don’t worry about Elian, and two, so I don’t look flustered all evening.
I head down to the library, helping Nesta and Gwen with random chores.
“So what’s it like being mated to Azriel?”  Nesta asked as I lifted a particularly heavy set of books.
I tried not to blush as I flashed back to that look he had given me earlier, the way my breath had caught in my chest when he did.
“It’s nice.  I love him a lot.”  I said, hoping to quickly change the subject to something else.
“So you two have a plan to make the mating bond official then?”  She raised a brow, as if to ask me why I’d been holding out on her.
I blink in surprise.  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”
Nesta smiles comfortingly.  “That’s fine, but you’re inviting me, no matter what you plan.”
I giggle, “Of course I will, I wouldn’t dream of leaving you out of something so important.”
Something so important that neither Azriel or I have brought up.
I was quiet after that, thinking of ways to bring it up to Azriel.  That I wanted to be his mate, for the rest of our immortal lives.
The edge of my mouth quirked up at the thought.  I think I would like that.
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I had spent hours in the library with Nesta, and as I made my way back to the river house, I saw something in a storefront that made me stop in my tracks.
It was a lingerie shop.
Azriel and I hadn’t done anything of this sort yet, after everything that happened, I don’t think Azriel wanted to push me into something I wasn’t ready for.
Biting my lip, I look at the dark lacy set on the mannequin.
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I made it back to the little place Azriel and I were calling home.  I paused in the doorway when I caught a fresh wave of his scent.
I grinned, sending my shadows out to look for him.
We had this game, him and I.  We would see who would hide from the other the best.
So while my shadows searched, as did I.  Though, I quickly realized he wasn’t in any of the main rooms.
“Az?”  I called out, giving up for today.
I just wanted him to hold me in his arms, tell me how much he loved me.
One of his shadows found me, gently wrapping around my wrist and tugging me upstairs.  Toward the bedroom.
My thighs clench together, and I take a deep breath, concentrating on getting up the stairs and finding Azriel.
The shadows tugged me toward my bedroom, the door already cracked.
Leaving me, they slid back into the room.  My shadows follow them in, and I’m standing there, biting my lip.
I finally step forward, opening the door to see Azriel lounging in my bed, book in hand.
He didn’t look up as I entered, and I realized he was reading one of the romance novels I had told him was my favorite.
“Hello Little Shadow, what took you so long?”  He asked, his voice low and seductive.
I opened my mouth, then closed it again, fussing with the end of my shirt.  “I was helping out at the library in the house of wind.  You’re not usually home this early.”
He stood, stalking over to me.  “After your request?  How could I leave you waiting?”  He asked, his breath hitting the shell of my ear, making me shiver.
His hands went to my waist, bringing me closer until we were touching.  “What do you want Y/N?”  He asked, his pupils wide with love as he brought a hand up to brush away a strand of hair.
“This.”  I gasped as his other hand grazed my side.  He must have smelled my arousal that was now pooling in my panties, because he grew taught, as if he was holding himself back.
“Hmmmm.”  He said, leaning down to nuzzle my neck.  I moved, granting him access as he planted kisses and little nips there, making me pant.
“I love you so much Y/N.”  He whispered into my skin, making my eyes roll into the back of my head, pressing my thighs together.
He went to move one of his beautiful hands down my pants, and one of my shadows wrapped around his wrist as I gasped, “Stop-”
Suddenly, he took his hand back, and stopped kissing my neck, his eyes wide in worry.  “Are you alright?  I’m so sorry- I-”
I shake my head.  “No- no.  That’s not it.”  I say, still breathing heavily.  “It’s just… I’ve never done… this, before.”
I swallow thickly, expecting him to look disappointed.  But instead, his eyes gain a predatory glint, which has me struggling to stay standing.
“If anything gets to be too much, you tell me, okay?”  He asks, half growling, and I nod.
He picked me up, and I straddled his waist, whimpering as I felt the hardness of him through the layers of clothes separating us.
I make a little noise of protest as he lifts me away, but he quickly places me on the bed, and I love the way he looks, towering over me with eyes only for me, tracing my form.
“Let's get these clothes off, hmm?”  He said, running his calloused thumb along my jaw and tipping my chin up.
I can’t help the sly smile on my face as I peel my shirt off, revealing the top part of the beautiful black lacy set I had bought on impulse.
The decision was a good one, I decide as I see Azriels face as he growls with desire.
I shimmy out of my pants, and Azriel helps, and he just stares at me for a minute afterward, taking it all in.
My cheeks turn red, and I realize he can see all me scars, ever single one.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen the ones littering my arms and legs, but this was different, I was more… vulnerable.
I go to sit up, but he leans forward, kissing me passionately as he runs his hands up the planes of my stomach.
“You’re so beautiful shadow, and I’m never going to let anyone else lay their hands on you again.”  He says after pulling back, and then he goes over and starts kissing where the tattoo from our bargain curls over my shoulder bone.
He undoes the latch on the bra, whipping it off and I gasp, melting into a moan as he lowers his mouth to my breast, taking my nipple into his mouth and rolling it gently with his tongue, teasing the other one with his hand.
He stayed there for a while, building me up until I just couldn’t stand it anymore, reaching for him.
I gasp as both my and his shadows wrap around my wrists, pinning them above my head.
Azriel looks up at me, grinning before he nips at my breast in reprimand.
“I’m gonna take my time with you baby, I’ma make you feel real good.”  He said at my whimper, trailing down and planting kisses as he reached the panties, taking his thumb and pressing lightly through the fabric, making me gasp as he hit that bundle of nerves.
Shadows slither around to my breasts, teasing me and leaving a cold trail in their wake.
Az pulls the panties off, and I have no time to react as he places his mouth on my wet heat, tasting me with little licks.
I moan, hips bucking as his thumb comes up to rub tight circles around my clit.
Even though I had never done this before, I knew that no one else would have ever been able to make me feel this good.
He pulled back, looking up at me as he licked his lips.  “Enjoying the show, shadow?”
Before I can respond, my eyes are rolling into the back of my head as he stuck a finger in me, pumping slowly.
He growled in pure satisfaction as he listened to the noises of pleasure I was making.
After a minute, he stuck another finger in, stretching me out blissfully as he placed his mouth on my clit, licking it teasingly before pulling it fully into his mouth, moaning around me in a way that made me see stars.
Pumping harder, he brought me over the edge, and I cried out his name in bliss, revealing in this new feeling.
He was softer as he pleasured me through the waves of pleasure crashing into me.
I was panting when he pulled away, his shadows freeing me.  He pulled me up against his chest, and looked down at me longingly.  “May I, shadow?”
I whimpered and nodded, and he took a step back, making quick work of undressing. 
My mouth went dry at the size of him.  I wondered if it would even fit, but I knew that I would make it.
He had beautiful tattoos on his chest, and when he stepped closer again, I traces them with my fingers lightly.
His wings flared slightly before they settled behind his back.
I smiled at the dark, beautiful male I could call my own.
“I want to make the bond official.”  I said, looking to his face to gauge his reaction.
His expression softened into something soft, and he smiled a little bit.  “Then we will.”  He said, gently nudging my legs open.
“I would do anything for you Y/N.  Anything to make you happy.”
I glow in his praise, and he slowly nudges at my entrance.  I gasp, wincing a little as he enters me slowly, stretching me out in all the right ways.
“Move.”  I beg, and he chuckles.
“I have to go slow, shadow.  Hold onto me.”  He says, and I wrap my arms around his neck as he slowly pulled out, and then pushed in all the way, making me moan lewdly.
He grinned against me neck as he did it again, and again, going just a little bit faster with each stroke.
I moaned as the shadows came back to my chest again, and azriel used his fingers on my clit as he shifted, hitting me even deeper than before.
“Azriel- Azriel, I’m gonna cum-”  I said through moans, barely able to think straight.
“Good.”  He growled, thrusting harder, if not a little less smooth as he neared his release too.
I spotted his wings, and I remember something Feyre had told me and grinned mischievously.  I reached a hand out, grazing his wings lightly until he gasped, groaning as he thrust into me hard, and we both toppled over into bliss together.
After we rode it out, I shivered and let out another moan as he pulled me off, carrying me into the bathroom to get us cleaned up.
He set me on the counter and started a bath running, and I couldn’t help but admire the way his muscles shifted under his beautiful skin.
He noticed and chuckled, coming back over to place a kiss on my forehead.  “What type of mating celebrations would you like, darling?”  He asked, and I grinned.
I really did have him wrapped around my finger, didn’t I?
“I’m not sure yet, but Nesta sort of invited herself, so I guess we’ll have to invite your brothers and her sisters too.”
He huffed a laugh, pressing a feather light kiss onto my puffy lips.  “We have all the time to decide my little shadow, and I’ll love whatever you decide.”
“Because I love you.”
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ALBO taglist
@satellitespidey @marianas-studyblr @annoylinglyaries @britishspidey @all-art-is-quite-useless @wolfieellsworld @weallhaveadestiny @safetyhtom @justmesadgirl @madamnouiselle @itsarandomsparkle @hobodolly @mxmtoon @t3arsricochet @luana-9 @itsarandomsparkle @aleksanderblack @cobrakai1971 @gabbien @confuscita @minakay @fanfictioncafe @jn-wolf @voidamy @blackst0nes7077 @bruxa0007 @paula-lkr @tranquilitymoon @secretsthathauntus @addriaenne @notyourfuckingbusinesss @fictionalcharactersworld @falcvns @fefethecoffeeaddict @a-bath11 @navs-bhat @supermassiveblackhope @navs-bhat @mrs-salvawhore @myalupinblack @itsmentalillness @siriusblackswife24 @vissidarte213 @supermassiveblackhope @mizelophsun11 @cantchoosebetweentheblacks @margotmon @iwritesiriusly
Sirius Black taglist
@aleksanderblack @voidamy @blackst0nes7077 @bruxa0007 @fictionalcharactersworld @falcvns @iwritesiriusly @navs-bhat @aleksanderwh0r3 @myalupinblack
Ben Barnes taglist
Caspian taglist
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ao3feed-minakai · 6 years
Tsurune AO3Feeds
Hello all!! I’m here to promo some ao3feeds I made for Tsurune! 
They all have the default theme for the moment but I’ll be working on them in the next few days! Currently only this one has the auto-poster set up due to no fics being tagged for the other ships on ao3 yet (which is necessary to get the RSS feed link for the auto-poster) but I have hope that there will be more soon! 
@ao3feed-minakai - Narumiya Minato/Onogi Kaito
@ao3feed-ryonao - Yamanouchi Ryouhei/Kisaragi Nanao
@ao3feed-ryokai - Yamanouchi Ryouhei/Onogi Kaito
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